September 2007 - Alberta Angus Association


September 2007 - Alberta Angus Association
Canadian Publications Mail Product Agreement No.1836404
682 days & counting
Alberta Angus Association 2007 Photo Contest – 1st Place – Sadie Hofstra
Rob Smith
(403) 507-2255 (P); (403) 507-8583 (F) Email:
R.R. #2, Site 16, Box 8, Olds T4H 1P3
Vice President:
Bill Dietrich
(780) 889-2259 (P); (780) 889-2348 (F) Email:
Box 30, Forestburg T0B 1N0
Doug Reid
(403) 932-6648 (P&F); Email:
Box 9, Site 7, R.R. #2, Cochrane, T4C 1A2
Directors on the Executive:
Bev Kelly
Gail Wildman
(403) 227-5121 (P); (403) 227-3129 (F); Email:
R.R. #3, Innisfail T4G 1T8
(780) 785-2091 (P); (780) 785-3403 (F) Email:
Box 444, Sangudo T0E 2A0
Dwayne Congdon (780) 372-2070 (P); (780) 372-2095 (F); Email:
R.R. #1, Site 3, Box 7, Bashaw T0B 0H0
Neil Gano
(403) 728-3798 (P&F); Email:
Box 35, Spruceview, T0M 1V0
Colton Hamilton (403) 224-2353 (P); 403-224-2380 (F); Email:
Box 6134, Innisfail T4G 1S8
Carol High
(403) 553-3524 (P); (403) 553-4931 (F); Email:
Box 2585, Fort Macleod T0L 0Z0
Darren Hipkin
(780) 467-5954 (P); (780) 467-5969 (F)
23232 Twp. Rd. 521A, Sherwood Park T8B 1G8
Kent Holowath
(403) 368-3733 (P); (403) 368-3801 (F)
Box 127, Rumsey T0J 2Y0
Laurie Hunter
(403) 335-9112 (T&F); Email:
R.R. #2, Didsbury T0M 0W0
Meghan Jenkins (403) 227-0472 (T); (403) 227-6081 (F); Email:
5251 – 41st Crescent, Innisfail T4G 1W5
Jade Mackenzie (403) 653-2539 (P); (403) 653-1927 (F); Email:
Box 88, Mountain View T0K 1N0
Doug Newton
(403) 946-5752 (T); (403) 946-5754; Email:
Box 799, Crossfield T0M 0S0
Val Buttimer (780) 877-0118 (P); (780) 877-0119 (F);
Box 8, Edberg, T0B 1J0
Canada Post Canadian Publication Mail
Product Agreement No. 1836404.
Please return any undelivered newsletters
to the Alberta Angus Association.
Alberta Angus Association
Box 8, Edberg, Alberta T0B 1J0
Telephone: 780-877-0118 Fax: 780-877-0119
Circulation approximately 1800
4 Issues per year
February deadline – December 22
June deadline – April 22
September deadline – July 22
November deadline – September 22
President’s Message… Rob Smith
Hello, folks!
I was cruising the countryside yesterday, selecting our fall
show and sale animals with my nephew and just marvel and how
great everything looks. Here in the County of Mountainview in
South Central Alberta we have had plenty of moisture but the breaks
have now been long enough for people to get hay up in pretty good
shape and I'm not sure I've ever seen pastures in much better
condition. Concurrently, the cows and calves are very shiny and it
seems like this is the case for most of the province over, save for the
few areas where the July sun burned too hard. As a result, I hope
everyone is having a banner year for feed production and that your
calf crops are among your best ever.
To that end, we were discussing what we want to take to
various sales and shows this fall, with an ever-mindful eye toward
WAF 2009 at Spruce Meadows in July. Every decision we make
now and preceding discussions centre around this milestone event
and I hope you are all of a similar mindset. It is going to be so
much fun to be part of the 2009 festivities; for those of us that
weren't involved in 1985 this will be our first turn at hosting the
Angus world in Canada and those seasoned veterans who
participated in Edmonton 22 years ago, will want to 'catch
lightening in a bottle' for the second time in their Canadian Angus
I've spent time with our Junior Angus enthusiasts this
month at the Alberta Junior Angus Show, Calgary Stampede and
Provincial 4-H Beef Heifer Show. It has been said before and it will
be said many times in the future, by myself and most everyone else,
what a great job these young rural folks do helping us promote the
Angus breed. They are so very good at it they inspire the older
generations around them to stay involved if only to secure a future
in agriculture and the cattle business for our kids. I judged the
Junior marketing at the Alberta Junior Angus Show, and was
bowled over by the confidence and intelligence of our youth as they
tried to convince me to not only purchase Angus beef, but THEIR
Angus beef. They were able to differentiate themselves from one
another in a graceful manner using ideas like purchasing from a
multi-generational family-based operation... now who can argue
with that? Hats off to our Juniors... they certainly keep us young!
Alberta Angus Leadership Retreat
The Alberta Angus Association held its annual retreat at
the Alberta 4-H Centre on Battle Lake in mid June. This year, we
invited Alberta representatives to the Canadian Angus Association,
Canadian Junior Angus Association and Canadian Red Angus
Promotional Society to attend the retreat as well and everyone felt
this was a powerful and proper addition that will continue. We have
been trying to facilitate increased communication and involvement
with all formal Angus partners, and our retreat was another big part
of that. I will let you know the outcomes of our retreat in the
following paragraphs.
Communication with Membership
When you get your renewal form for Alberta Angus
Association membership this fall, you will find a couple of added
spots for information. We will be asking you for an e-mail address
as well as your contact preference. Your AAA Board wants to
engage our membership more often and more effectively, and we
feel the best means of doing so is through e-mail 'blasts' of
information. We fully realize, however, that not everyone either has
this means of communication or prefers it, and if you would like us
to fax or mail these 'blasts', we are prepared to do so. So... please
provide us your e-mail address on your membership form, and also
let us know how you prefer to be alerted as to news and information,
by e-mail, website posting, fax or mail.
Increased involvement with Fall Sale run...
My fellow Director Bill Dietrich has further information
about this initiative elsewhere in the Angle, but I just want to let you
know the intensity of this focus for your Alberta Board. Our
objective, in the coming five years, is to have every single CACP
sale in Alberta with a hardcore Angus breeder connection and
involvement, and we will work tirelessly until this has happened.
Please 'step up' like so many in the southern part of our province
have in recent years during their Angus Advantage Week and make
these CACP sales the best possible customer appreciation
opportunity of any breed influence anywhere in Alberta.
Autumn Angus Legacy weekend: September 21 - 23, 2007
We are very excited about this upcoming event, with the
intent to make it an annual opportunity for Angus and industry
fellowship as well as a fundraising opportunity for the Alberta
Angus Association. Our plan for this fall is to put funds raised
toward next year's CAA AGM, WAF Year 2 Futurity and Alberta
Summer Gold Show (and quite possibly Showdown as well...
making this a great run up to the 2009 WAF!) at Spruce Meadows
from Thursday, July 17 to Sunday, July 20, 2008. In the long run,
the AAA Board would like to establish a Legacy Fund for special
events, projects and initiatives so that will be the primary focus. For
the next two years, however, All Roads Lead to WAF 2009 so that
will be our target.
'Royal Flush' Poker Tournament
We have determined that cash prizes will be given out in
the following manner:
5th Place - $400
4th Place - $500
3rd Place - $600
Reserve Champion - $750
Poker Champion - $1000
This means a total cash payout of $3250 for the Top 5 in the 'Royal
Flush' Poker Tournament. And remember... all you need to ante up
is a single purebred Angus embryo. If you want to be included,
please let Darren Hipkin (780/467-5954) or myself know as quickly
as you can so we can get proper signage, et al to promote your
embryo donation. We would like to know everyone who is going to
be included by September 20th if possible, earlier is better, but we
will certainly accept drop-ins and assure post-Legacy weekend
promotion of your involvement and contribution.
Golf Tournament
We have determined a tournament size of 72 golfers with a
registration fee of $150. We will have lots of prizes and draws so
please let us know as quickly as you can if you want to participate.
The form and more detailed information is found in this Angle.
Further, we need a number of sponsors for the tournament, so if you
would like to be part of this component, or know of a business or
individual that would like to support, please
let Gail Wildman (780/785-2091) know as quickly as you can.
President’s Message… Rob Smith continued
Donation Heifer and Poker-Package Embryo Auction
So how are we going to pay-out the Poker Tournament
prize money as indicated above? Welcome to the Saturday night
post-Golf tournament barbecue and party at the Olds Golf Club!
We are auctioning $10 chances on one of two heifer calves (one red
and one black) that ƇT Cattle Co. is donating. Additionally, we will
auction off the opportunity to build a package of three, four or
five from the embryos collected as buy-in to the 'Royal Flush' Poker
Tournament. We may not sell all the embryos at this Angus party
and hold some for other events (our AAA AGM in December, the
CAA AGM next July, etc.) but certainly some will sell. So please
be prepared to support this Auction on Saturday, September 22nd at
the Olds Golf Club. You could take home a veritable genetic
powerhouse of embryos as well as a sexy little Red or Black Angus
heifer calf!
WAF Year 1 Futurity and Alberta 'Summer' Gold Show
We have decided that the Red and Black Angus cattle will
show separately, so red and black heifer calves will lead off on
Saturday morning, September 22nd in the WAF Year 1 Futurity
followed by Bull calves in an alternating fashion. The Gold Show
on Sunday morning will also alternate between Black and Red cattle
and will start at 10:00 p.m., not 11:00 p.m. as previously advertised.
Entry information is elsewhere in the Angle, and please feel free to
contact Bev Kelly (403/227-5121) for more information.
2008 CAA AGM & other events - July 17-20
We selected Director Carol High as Chairman and
established a number of sub-committees to 'lead our charge' into the
Spruce Meadows activities of next summer, and are looking forward
to hosting the nation at such a premier facility. The dates are
Thursday, July 17 to Sunday, July 20, 2008 for the Canadian Angus
Association Annual General Meeting, World Angus Forum Year 2
Futurity and Alberta Summer Gold Show (with the hopes that the
Canadian Junior Angus Association annual Showdown will be there
as well). It will prove a beneficial 'dry run' for the 2009 World
Angus Forum at the same site. We will be sharing further
information about July, 2008 in the coming months.
Board Member recruitment - we need at least one more...
We are looking for at least one more Board member for our
Saturday, December 1st, 2007 AAA elections. Four Directors (Gail
Wildman, Bill Dietrich, Darren Hipkin and myself) are eligible and
willing to run again but Kent Holowath, who is completing his
second consecutive term, is not eligible so we need at least one new
face on our Board of 15. If you are interested, please let us know.
And just as an aside, the recent Alberta Angus Leadership Retreat
illustrated to us that we have not a single Director who is a 'detailsoriented' personality. So, if you are interested and are a "details"
person... all the better because it appears we not only want you... we
need you!
Closing comments
If I can ever be of any assistance to you, please contact
me at 403/507-2255. I am very proud of the direction your AAA
Board is working and I hope you all come out to the Autumn Angus
Legacy weekend September 21 - 23 in Olds to see a new event that
we are all very excited about. Further, I hope you help 'shore up'
breeder involvement in the CACP sales in your local area this fall.
See you down the road... Cheers.
The email address for the office has changed effective immediately.
Please use:
November 2007 is the next issue of the “Angus Angle”.
Cut-off date for news & ads is the 22nd of September.
Year 2007 Membership Fees are due. If you have not already
renewed your membership the cost is $26.50 ($25 for the
membership & $1.50 for GST). THE ALBERTA ANGUS
2007 Tattoo Letter is “T”
The Red & Black Angus shows at Farmfair are scheduled for
Friday, November 9 with the Red & Black Angus shows running
concurrently. The Angus Showcase Sale at Farmfair is scheduled for
Thursday, November 8. The Alberta Angus Association as in the
past years have blocks of rooms available at the following:
Travelodge Edmonton South (780-436-9770) or the Argyll Plaza
Hotel (780-438-5876). YOU must make your own reservations &
when you do make sure you get the Alberta Association room rate.
These rooms will only be held until October 1st.
Future Angus Breeder… SURE BET!!!
Chase Misek & Jesse
Photo taken by Grace Misek
Son of Frank & Heather (Past AAA Director) Misek
Grandson to AAA/CAA Honorary Presidents
Don & Dawn Atkinson
In order to recognize those individuals and breeding units that have made significant contributions to the Angus fraternity and industry, the
AAA Is proud to announce the third year of the Alberta Hall of Fame.
Each year, between two and three Contemporary Angus Breeders and Angus Breed Builders are inducted to the Hall of Fame at a ceremony
in conjunction with the Annual General Meeting. These two selection categories are defined as follows:
Contemporary Angus Breeders
This group is currently active and breeding/promoting Angus cattle in Alberta, and have been doing so under their current name or breeding
operation/unit for a minimum of 25 years as determined by CAA records. They must have maintained membership in the
AAA for the majority of their years as an Angus operator, including membership for the past five (5) years consecutively.
Angus Breed Builders
This group is made up of twofold Angus stakeholders:
1) Those individuals, groups or families who have had tremendous impact on the growth, promotion and development of Angus cattle in
Alberta, but have not necessarily ever been an active breeder themselves. Examples of this type of inductee would be
magazine publishers, sales managers, breed employees, stud stations.
2) Those individuals, groups, businesses or breeding operations/units that made a truly significant contribution to the breed and Association
while they were active, even though they are not now and maybe have not been for some time.
The Contemporary Angus Breeder(s) and the Angus Breed Builder(s) will be honoured each year at the AAA banquet following the AGM.
Final inductees will be determined by the Hall of Fame Selection Committee. There are never more than three inductees each
year. The Selection Committee is not comprised of Angus breeders, but external industry stakeholders who determine the Hall of Fame
worthiness of the applications put forward on behalf of the nominees. Subsequently, completeness and quality of the
application is very important.
Nominations will be accepted from the general membership until Sunday, September 30th, 2007. Please submit all nominations to
Secretary/Treasurer Val Buttimer or President Rob Smith. Nominations must included all information found on the next
The Hall of Fame inductions will be held Saturday, December 1st, 2007 at the AAA “Hall of Fame Banquet”. AGM details to tba.
Photographs of the inductees will reside on a wall the Canadian Angus Association office. Plaques listing the inductees will also be
found in the foyer of the CAA office.
Previous Inductees:
Towaw Cattle Co.: Wildman Family – Contemporary Breeder
Belvin Angus: Hamilton Family – Contemporary Breeder
Frank Slezina – Breed Builder
Geis Angus Farm: Geis Family - Contemporary Breeder
Dick Turner – Breed Builder
Mackenzie Brothers Red Angus - Breed Builder
Please consider the information required on the following page, and nominate someone for the Alberta Angus Association Hall of Fame in
Alberta Angus Association Hall of Fame
Nomination Form
Please print and complete this form.
To the nominating committee or individual:
Clearly outline the nominee's contributions to the Angus breed without allowing the submission to become repetitive and lengthy. Please do
not include pictures or newspaper articles.
A complete nomination should contain:
Part 1: A completed nomination application form.
Part 2: A maximum of one page introduction to the nominee.
Part 3: A summary, may be point form, of the nominee's involvement in the Angus breed. This can include volunteer commitments, show
results, sale information, et al.
Part 4: A letter of support for the nominee from the nominator.
An incomplete submission will not be considered by the selection committee.
Part 1 : Nomination Application Form
Please print.
Information about the nominee
Operation/Business/Breeding Unit Name: _______________________________________________________________________________
Last Name(s) (please include all you wish to recognize): ____________________________________________________________________
First Name(s) (please include all you wish to recognize): ___________________________________________________________________
Mailing address: ___________________________________________________________________
Town or city: _____________________Postal code: ________ Province: AB Email: _______________________________
Home phone: _______________________ Fax: ________________________
Information about the nominator(s)
We submit the above candidate to be considered by the selections committee, for admission into the Alberta Angus Association Hall of Fame.
This nomination form must be signed by one person other than members of the nominee's immediate familv.
Operation Name: _______________________________________________________
Last Name: _________________________________________________________
First Name: _________________________________________________________
Mailing address: _____________________________________________________
Town or city: _______________________________Postal code: __________ Province: AB E-mail: _______________________________
Home phone: __________________________________ Fax: __________________________
Please answer these questions separately and attach the information to this form.
Part 2 : Introduction to the Nominee
Part 3 : Nominee's Angus Involvement
Describe the nominee's involvement, impact, initiatives and achievements in and with the Angus breed at the local, provincial, national and
international level. Include approximate time period if possible.
Part 4: A letter of support
Please outline the nominee's leadership, participation and impact in Angus involvements and organizations. Include dates and responsibilities
if you can.
Return completed nomination form to:
Alberta Angus Association Hall of Fame
Box 8
Edberg, AB T0B 1J0
Deadline: Sunday, September 30th, 2007
Personal information on this form is used to determine awards and for administration of the Alberta
Angus Association mandate and programs under the authority of the Government Organization Act.
lnformation provided is protected under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.
Did you know that the Alberta Angus Association has a website? We will link your website to ours for FREE!
The Alberta Angus Association has a website that is up & running, is the address.
Free links to the Alberta Angus Association website will be provided to our Alberta Angus Association members who have their own home
pages. The more people around the world who see your product, the better.
Please link our Angus Herd to Alberta Angus Association’s website.
Herd or Farm
Home Page Contact
Home page
Please send requests to: c/o Bev Kelly, R.R. #3, Innisfail, AB T4G 1T8
(P): 403-227-5121; (F) 403-227-3129
The Website Committee is at work trying to keep the website updated. We’re adding things that will be a benefit to the Alberta Angus
member. If you have any thoughts that you would like to see on the site please contact Bev. We would like to
link all our Alberta Angus members that have a website. So please fill out the form & you can either email the information or fax it.
Gold Show Program
For almost 20 years, the Canadian Angus Association has sponsored the Gold Show Program, with the main objective being to encourage
breeders to move between regions to show cattle. At the end of the year a show bull and show female of the year are designated based on the
number of points awarded at the three best shows across Canada that the animal participated in. For specific details look on pages 83-85 of
your new member handbook. Regions can collect grants for up to $4,000 per year based on the number of registered animals exhibited in the
region’s two gold shows. There is no grant and no points given for unregistered animals. In fact, regions are encouraged to NOT allow
unregistered animals to show. This would seem to be reasonable because why would anyone want to exhibit an unregistered animal? Alberta
has not enforced this requirement as diligently as other provinces and the omission has resulted in frustration for the organizing committee
and confusion in tabulating results. Because no grant is paid for animals without a registration number, there could also be lost revenue to the
provincial associations. Show people are encouraged to identify your show animals and be sure to have your registration application in long
before you start out on the road.
Some candid shots from the 32nd Annual Canadian National Junior Angus Heifer Show held in Olds July 6-8
Photo credits: Brian Good
The ring looked beautiful
Janet Kerr hard at work
Posing!! Val Buttimer,
Cecilie Fleming & Adrianna Bolduc
Yes…I’m paying attention.
Honestly…we really are having a fun time!
2007 Alberta Commercial Breeder of the Year
Nominations for Commercial Breeder of the Year must be received by the Alberta Angus Association on or before Sunday, September 30th.
These nominations must be submitted via mail, fax, e-mail or delivered to Secretary/Treasurer Val Buttimer.
Each of the Regional Clubs will be responsible for submitting names for Commercial Breeder of the Year.
“We want to assure a strong selection each year for Commercial Breeder of the Year, so nominations from the Regional Clubs will bring a
geographical cross section of choices,” says Past-President Cecilie Fleming.
The Commercial Breeder of the Year will be formally presented during the AAA Annual General Meeting on Saturday, December 1st, 2007
(details tba).
For more information, contact President Rob Smith at 403-507-2255 or Val Buttimer.
Nomination Form
Commercial Breeder of the Year
Name of
Name of Nominator: ____________________________________________________________
Please list, or attach, the reasons why you believe this individual/operation is worthy of consideration for this award:
Please fax, mail, e-mail or deliver to Val Buttimer on or before Sunday, September 30th, 2007.
Commercial Development…Bill Dietrich
Many of you are aware of a very successful Angus Advantage Week that has been ongoing in Southern Alberta for many years. My
hats off to the Southern Angus Club and fellow breeders in that part of the province who organize and sponsor an event where at five fall
angus calf sales they provide a meal and hospitality to commercial breeders, buyers, auction mart staff and everyone in attendance to promote
our great Angus breed.
As chairman of the AAA commercial development committee and an Angus breeder I think it is time we take a page from their book
and implement an event of this nature in the Central part of Alberta. In discussion with other AAA directors we would like to propose that
we provide a steak lunch at three CACP fall calf sales this year. If we deem this a success we will add more sales next year. Several packers
are looking to source Angus tagged and age-verified (The CAA will do this for you free of charge if they are Angus tagged)cattle and
although nobody can guarantee a premium for these cattle , in situations where quality, proper fleshing, etc. is all in order premium prices are
becoming a common reality. As Angus breeders we need to promote Angus tags, age verify, CACP sales with our commercial bull
customers to help them reap these rewards and at the same time keep our Angus breed strong. When you become involved as a breeder you
promote Angus and will have an opportunity to be there the day your commercial customers market their years production.
We will need thirty plus breeders from Central Alberta to sponsor $250.00/each to make this work. If you become a sponsor we will
need someone from your farm or ranch to cook steaks at one or more of these CACP sales (an excellent opportunity to mingle with
commercial customers) and you will receive advertising in the form of an ad in a booklet to be distributed at all these sales to each person
receiving a meal.
The AAA board of directors feels this is a tremendous opportunity for central Alberta Angus breeders to promote their operation. If
you would like the opportunity to become involved or need more information contact Bill Dietrich @ 780-889-2259 or email cattleboy28
2007 Canadian Angus Certification Program Sales
Alan Deacon - Breed Development – C.A.A.
With fall approaching it is a good time to check in with your commercial customers and let them know that there will be an Angus
feeder calf sale in their area. It's also a good idea to finish that age verification on any remaining calves. Remember, any Angus
tagged calves can be age verified through the Canadian Angus office. It is recommended that you send our age verification information
several weeks ahead of your marketing date. Try to attend these upcoming sales and take the time to compliment your bull customers on
their good Angus-influenced calves.
Balog Auction (Lethbridge) 403-320-1980
Beaver Hill Auction (Tofield) 780-662-9384
Bow Slope Shipping Assoc. (Brooks) 403-362-5521
Burnt Lake Livestock (Red Deer) 403-347-6100
Calgary Stockyards (Strathmore) 403-934-3344
Canadian Satellite Livestock Auction 403-783-5561
Fort Macleod Auction 403-553-3315
Grande Prairie Livestock 780-532-3949
Highwood Auction (High River) 403-652-3343
Innisfail Auction 403-227-3166
Killam Livestock 780-385-3746
Medicine Hat Feeding Co. 403-526-3129
Nilsson Bros. Livestock
Clyde 780-348-5893
Vermilion 780-853-5372
Olds Auction 403-556-3655
Perlich Bros Auction (Lethbridge) 403-329-3101
Picture Butte Auction 403-732-4400
Provost Livestock Exchange 780-753-2369
Rimbey Auction 403-843-2439
Sekura Auction (Drayton Valley) 780-542-4337
Stettler Auction 403-742-2368
TEAM Electronic Sale 403-519-8916
Triple J Livestock (Westlock) 780-349-3153
Viking Auction Market 780-336-2209
VJV Foothills Livestock (Stavely) 403-549-2120
Vold-Jones&Vold (Ponoka) 403-783-5561
October 16, 23, November 6
October 17, November 7, November 28
October 27, October 29, 30
October 11, November 1
October 13, 27, November 24
October 26
October 18, 26, Dec.1 bred Angus, Dec. 6
preconditioned sale
October 24
November 2, November 30.
October 1, 15, November 5, 19
September 27, October 11, 25, November 8, 22, December 6
presorts October 15,17, 22, 26, 31, November 2, 9
October 11
October 27, November 3
October 12
September 24, October 15, 17, 22, 24, 29, November 5
October 18
October 29, November 12
October 26, November 23
October 22, November 12, 26, December 10
October 19, November 2
October 12, 26, November 16
October 15, November 22
October 16, November 6, December 11
October 22
September 29, October 27
Saturday, September 22, 2007
12 Noon
Olds Central Highlands Golf Club
To book your golf spot, or become a SPONSOR,
Please call (780) 785-2091 or fax (780) 785-3403
Texas Scramble…Steak Supper…
18 Holes Golf…Great Prizes
Tournament Fee: $150.00 per person
For more information, contact:
Gail Wildman 780-785-2091
Alberta Angus Association
“Autumn Angus Legacy Golf Tournament”
Welcome to our 1st Annual Autumn Angus Legacy Golf Tournament. The purpose of the tournament is to
support a “Legacy Fund,” based on the Community Foundation principles, where the principal is never spent, and
the interest generated is used for specific projects. The fund itself carries on in to perpetuity. We hope to put a
Legacy in place to ensure the sustainability of the Association.
There are several ways that you can become involved. Come golf with us; sponsor a golfer (perhaps a Junior;)
become a sponsor; or just make a donation if you are unable to be there. We plan to make this an annual event,
so come join us for the kick-off!!
This year, the tournament will be held in conjunction with the first year World Angus Forum Futurity, and the
Alberta Summer Gold show. This will be an important Angus weekend, and one you should not miss. There will
be lots of activities for everyone.
The target for this year will be 72 golfers. The first 72 fully PAID UP golfers will get the spots. Everyone will
need to complete a registration form, so get those forms in early. Don’t miss this very important ALBERTA
Please consider coming, as it will be an exceptionally FUN TIME and definitely for a GREAT CAUSE! We know
you will not be disappointed! We plan to order up GREAT weather for the weekend!
We look forward to having you spend the day with us…thank you for your support! See you on September 22!
Gail Wildman
Golf Planning Chairman
Saturday, September 22nd.
ENTRY FEE: $150.00 per person
Note: Cheque MUST accompany form. You are NOT confirmed until you have paid.
Please make cheques payable to : Alberta Angus Association.
Golf Handicap: ______or 18 hole average score ________
NOTE: Teams will be made up of 4 individuals, and Texas Scramble format will be followed.
YES, I would like to donate an item for a Door Prize _____OR for the Silent Auction _____
Do you require extra supper tickets _____ X $20 each.
Golf Entry Fee
_____ X $150 per person
SHIRT OR VEST SIZE: __________
Accommodations available for the tournament:
Best Western – (403) 556-900
Sportsman – (403)556-3315
Circle 5 – (403)556-7755
Siesta – (403)556-3376
Didsbury Country Inn – (403)335-8088
Return this form with total payment to:
Alberta Angus Association
C/O Gail Wildman
Box 444
Sangudo, AB T0E 2A0
Cowboy boots not acceptable.
Running shoes are permitted.
Appropriate golf attire is required.
Shirts must be worn at all times.
Men’s shirts must have sleeves.
Ladies shirts may be sleeveless; no halters
no strapless tops.
Short shorts and cutoffs not permitted.
Neat and tidy jeans are acceptable.
Golf Tournament Sponsorship 2007
SUPREME CHAMPION: $5000+_________
Company Name on Golfers’ Shirts, signage, advertising,
and programs.
GRAND CHAMPION: $1000 ________
Company name on advertising, signage, and programs.
RESERVE CHAMPION: $500 _______
BENEFITS: Company name on advertising, and signage.
DIVISION WINNER: $300 _______
BENEFITS: Name on signage, programs.
(auction & door prize items, golfer sponsors, cash up to $299)
BENEFITS: Name on signage, programs.
We Welcome and Appreciate Your Support!
“Ed Boake Memorial Award”
2007 Alberta Purebred Breeder of the Year
Nominations for Purebred Breeder of the Year must be received by the Alberta Angus Association on or before Sunday, September 30th.
These nominations must be submitted via mail, fax, e-mail or delivered to Secretary/Treasurer Val Buttimer or President Rob Smith.
Additionally, each of the Regional Clubs will be responsible for submitting names for both Purebred as well as Commercial Breeder of the
Year. Individual submissions accepted as well.
Nominees for “Ed Boake Memorial” Purebred Breeder of the Year will be published complete with a brief profile in the November issue of
the Angus Angle. Alberta Association member will have until Monday, November 26th, 2007 to vote their selection via mail, fax or e-mail to
Secretary/Treasurer Val Buttimer.
The “Ed Boake Memorial Award”, along with the Commercial Breeder of the Year will be formally presented during the AAA Annual
General Meeting on Saturday, December 1st , 2007 (details tba).
For more information, contact President Rob Smith at 403-507-2255 or Val Buttimer.
Nomination Form
“Ed Boake Memorial Award” Purebred Breeder of the Year
Name of
Name of Nominator: ____________________________________________________________
Please list, or attach, the reasons why you believe this individual/operation is worthy of consideration for this award:
Please fax, mail, e-mail or deliver to Val Buttimer on or before Sunday, September 30th, 2007.
1986 Gavin & Mabel Hamilton, Belvin Angus, Innisfail
1987 Jim & Rita Round, KBJ Round Farms, Clyde
1988 Dennis & Shelly Ericson, Get-A-Long Stock Farm, Wetaskiwin
1989 Don & Erika, Brian & Kim Geis, Geis Angus, Barrhead
1990 Ed & Lori Goodrich, Lorwin Angus Farm, Hardisty
1991 Howard & Wendy Schneider, Northline Angus, Bruderheim
1992 Steve & Hazel Toftland, Double A Stock Farm, Valhalla
1993 Rob & Gail Hamilton, Hamilton Farms, Calgary
1994 Jim & Iva Graham, Western Blend Angus, Rimbey
1995 Lee & Dawn Wilson, Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw
1996 Doug & Joyce Allen, Allencroft Angus, Taber
1997 Roger & Jo Hillestad, Ebon Hill Angus, Bow Island
1998 Lauris & Marilyn Beck, Rainbow Hills Ranch, Delburne
1999 Gerald & Louise Oxtoby, Southern Ox Angus, Innisfail
2000 Ken & Verny Cox, Lorrust Stock Farm, Armena
2001 Bryan & Sherry Mackenzie, Brylor Ranch, Pincher Creek
2002 Frank & Gary Slezina, Southolm Angus, Coaldale
2003 Dale & Cindy Bosch, Border Butte Angus, Coutts
2004 Jason & Bev Kelly, Prime Time Cattle, Innisfail
2005 Dwayne & Joanne Emery, Dwajo Angus, Camp Creek
2006 Latimer Family, Remitall Cattle Co., Olds
Submitted by Tom Spady
I would like to thank Val Buttimer for inviting me to
write up a short article of history of the Spady cattle.
The original Rivercrest Angus originated from
Valleymere Angus which was the herd founded by my late Dad,
Jack Spady. Valleymere is where the story of the Spady families
had it’s beginning. Along with Rivercrest. there is Valleymere
HPS which was the herd of my brother, the late Harold Spady
which is now maintained by his wife, Verleen and sons Travis &
Brian. Their older brother, Jack works with Jiro Enterprises. Also
my brother Roger, who is a lawyer, has a small select herd of
Angus cattle as well. Youngest brother Lorne, maintained a small
herd for a few years too.
My dad Jack, moved to the Alliance area in 1937 and it
was during this time that a drover appeared at our place with some
black registered cattle he wished to sell. They consisted of one
bull and two cows. Dad paid two cents a pound for these cattle. I
believed one cow weighed 1400 lbs. and the other weighed 1600
lbs. and the bull weighed 2400 lbs. For the next four decades, Dad
bred big, practical and functional cattle. The original cows
belonged to the Pride of Aberdeen family. I purchased a few
select females from my dad, Jack in the 1950’s, so I have been in
the purebred Angus business for over 50 years. I ran my few
select females with my fathers herd at Valleymere and for quite a
few years I used the herd initials, Valleymere TJS. In 1960, I
married my wife, Margaret, and in 1963 decided we would use the
herd name, “Rivercrest”, since we lived close to the Battle River.
Our two daughters, Debby and Sherri arrived in 1961 and 1962
and in 1968, Craig was born. The kids were active in 4-H and
showed at the Bashaw Heifer show for several years. Craig also
runs a purebred Angus herd under the Rivercrest name as well. I
served a a Director of the Alberta Angus Association for one term
quite a awhile back.
The fourth generation, which is Cody Innocent, our
grandson, has a small select Angus herd which was started by a
heifer given to him for a 4-H project by “Grandpa Tom”.
During the 70’s, Spady Ranches held production sales in
the fall at Rivercrest Ranch and a strong set of bulls have been
taken to the Calgary Bull Sale for a number of years. The
influence of cattle that went through those fall production sales,
resulted in the Champion Bull and Female at Agribition. The last
four years, myself and Craig have had our own bull sale at the
Killam Auction Mart and this year we are being joined by Travis
and Brian of Valleymere.
A great succession of stock bulls used on a strong cow
herd produced cattle that will never be forgotten. Cattle have been
sold to Scotland, Japan, the Argintine, Mexico, U.S.A. and
Russia. It is difficult to explain an era when black cattle seemed to
grow smaller, but my dad Jack, did not bow down to the fashion
of the time and kept breeding his kind of cattle, which we
maintain today.
In November 2006, Rivercrest decided to disperse their
mature cow herd but kept back some select heifers and their 2007
calf crop. It seemed like a good time to start slowing down. It was
a tough decision, but those who bought cattle gained a top group
of cattle at a very modest price. My son Craig and his wife Jody
and kids plan to eventually maintain a smaller herd of 60.
We feel Jack Spady improved the breed and we aim to maintain
that in the future.
I must close by saying there is nothing more rewarding than
getting on my horse and going for a ride through our Battle River hills
and seeing a select herd of black cattle grazing.
Harold & Verleen
Tom & Marg
Brian, Tammy, Kara, Logan & Evan
Craig, Jody, Cayden & Jamie-Lee
Travis, Halley, Tanner & Ty
Tom & Craig
4-H & Youth Programs
As the newly elected AJAA President, it is my privilege
to update you on the junior activities. Our show held in Olds on
July 6-8th was another huge success. We had a great turn out with
lots of first time participants. It was a fun-filled weekend with
scarecrow building contests and the famous ‘Angus Idol’
competition. The conformation classes were judged by a former
junior member, Colton Hamilton, with the winner of the owned
purebred division being Red Mtn Ash Kaptons Rebella 1S
exhibited by Jade-Ann Schneider. The commercial division
winner was Sally The Wonder Cow exhibited by Jill Davidson.
A huge thank-you goes out to our three major sponsors,
Alberta Angus Association, UFA and Black Magic sale group.
Also, thanks to all the Angus breeders that make our show
possible. The support we receive is greatly appreciated. The
parents who donate their time at the show and help out cannot be
thanked enough as well.
This year we had about 80 members at the time of the
show. If you aren’t a member of the Alberta Junior Angus and
would like to be, it is only ten dollars and you can contact any of
the board members to join.
The Alberta Angus Association is looking for Alberta
juniors who are available Saturday, September 22nd in Olds to
look after cattle while breeders attend the golf tournament at the
WAF futurity. If you are interested and available, please contact
myself at 403-507-9142 or Amanda High at 403-553-3524. Have
a great summer and see you next year at the show!
Quinn Hamilton
AJAA President
Justin Fox (l) & Mat Bolduc (r) presenting to Quinn
“Allan Benkie Spirit of Youth” Award
(this is not paid or included in your Canadian Junior Membership)
Make cheques payable to & mail memberships to:
Alberta Junior Angus Association
c/o Amanda High
Box 2585 Fort Macleod, Alberta T0L 0Z0
Cut Along Line & Mail To Above Address
Membership expires December 31, 2007
Please use a separate form for each member
$10.00 - New membership:_______$10.00 - Renewal membership:_______
Birth Date: Day:__________ Month:_____________ Year:_____________
Address: _____________________________________________________
Postal Code: _________ Phone: _____________ Fax: _________________
(Very handy for quick communication)
4-H & Youth Report… Carol High
CAA Angus Ambassador
Another successful run of 4-H T-Shirts is winding down.
We sent out 1,119 T-Shirts to 135 of approximately 160 4-H
Clubs having Angus Influence Beef projects. It is great seeing so
many 4-H members choose “Angus”!
Congratulations to the Alberta Junior Angus Association
for putting on another successful show. It is great to see the
Angus future is so strong in Alberta! We are proud to sponsor
such a great event!
Photo contest winners – at the Alberta Junior Show in
Olds the photographs submitted were judged and it was not an
easy decision…anyone who had the opportunity to see the work
of these juniors was amazing! First place was awarded to Sadie
Hofstra and second place went to Travis Hunter. You will see the
winning photos in upcoming issues of the Angus Angle!
**NEW** “Design the next 4-H T-shirt” – here is your
opportunity to show your creative side! On a 4” x 6” sheet of
white paper do a pencil sketch and then add a slogan. On a
separate sheet of paper provide your name, address & phone
number. This is open to any Alberta resident and entries become
property of the Alberta Angus Association and therefore not
returned. The winner will have their artwork on the next 4-H tshirts and acknowledgement in the Alberta Angus Angle.
Winners agree to have their names published. Mail entries to the
Alberta Angus Association, address at the bottom of this page.
Entries must be post marked by September 1, 2007.
Dorothy Banks Memorial Scholarship: The Alberta
Angus Association is sponsoring a scholarship for any farm youth
pursuing post secondary education who has been involved in any
activity using Angus influenced cattle. Application forms can be
obtained off the Alberta Angus website
Deadline date is September 15, 2007. For more information
contact the Alberta Angus Association office.
Lybrook Miller Memorial Scholarship: The Alberta
Angus Association is sponsoring a scholarship for any farm youth
pursuing post secondary education who has been involved in any
activity using Angus influenced cattle. They or their family must
be a current year Alberta Angus Association member. Application
forms can be obtained off the Alberta Angus web site Deadline: September 1, 2007. For more
information contact the Alberta Angus Association office.
Hi, my name is Ricki Fleming. I am 20years old, currently
working on our family farm at Granum, Alberta. We are located one
hour south of Calgary along the picturesque Porcupine Hills. We run a
mixed grain operation and run 100 head of registered Black Angus
cows as well as a commercial herd. I am an active partner in all
segments of Fleming Stock Farms.
I have recently graduated from Lethbridge Community College
with a diploma in Agriculture Technology – Animal Science.
I have been involved with the cattle industry all my life and it is a
passion of mine. I encourage youth with a passion for agriculture to
stay actively involved in the industry. Follow your dreams, if you
enjoy what you are doing, it is never work. I strongly believe that
today’s youth are the future of tomorrow, especially in the Angus
fraternity. The development of today’s eager Angus enthusiasts is
crucial to the sustainability of the breed. Welcome their new
innovative ideas, their use of technologies, and their uplifting passion
for Angus.
I am pleased to serve as the 2007 CAA Angus Ambassador. I look
forward to representing and promoting the Canadian Angus
Foundation and the Canadian Angus Association and their programs.
Since being named the CAA Ambassador, I have attended the
Canadian National Junior Angus Heifer Show in Olds, AB July 6-8,
Showdown 2007 and the Canadian Red Angus Promotion Society’s
Tour at Howe Angus in Moose Jaw, SK July 19-21. My next venue is
Athens, Georgia for the National Junior Angus Association LEAD
(Leaders Engaged in Angus Development) Conference August 2-5.
then I’m off to have an experience of Irish hospitality from August 1118, 2007 at the World Angus Secretariat hosted by the Irish Angus
Cattle Society. After the tours and events in Ireland I head to tour
around Scotland and England. Along my journey, I am eager to meet
Angus breeders from the Purebred sector, as well as commercial cattle
producers who use our Angus genetics.
If you would like to me attend a function in your area please feel
free to contact me. I look forward to meeting you and many more
Angus enthusiasts.
See you in the fall,
Ricki Fleming
Robert C. McHaffie Junior Ambassador
Alberta Angus Association
c/o Val Buttimer
Tel: 780.877.0118
Fax: 780.877.0119
Ricki (c) presenting awards in Olds
2007/2008 AJAA Executive
President - Quinn Hamilton
Vice President - Adam Schierman
Secretary - Courtney Congdon
Treasurer - Amanda High
Directors - Risa Iwasiuk, Ryan Davidson, Justin Fox,
Kevin Bolduc, Mat Bolduc
Risa Iwasiuk receiving “Toner
Memorial” Award from Justin Fox
32nd Annual Canadian National Junior Angus Heifer Show
Judge: Colton Hamilton – Innisfail, Alberta
Class 1
1) Sandy - Austin Fisk 2) Wilp/Har Ruby Rose 107S - Taylor Iwasiuk 3)
Classic Blackbird 658S - Risa Iwasiuk 4) Soder Ms Lead On 6011S Braden Durie 5) Lilac Lane Black Rose 40S - Dustin Coleman 6) Soder
Ms Lead On 6007S – Bailey Durie 7) Black Pearl H or H 12T - Greg
Schierman / Ben Schierman
Class 2
1) Prime Time's 29L Eileen 634'06 - Prime Time / Colby Macquarrie 2)
4DJ Sensational Blackbird 45S - Rhianna Congdon 3) Red Vikse TA
Dana 6101S - Kristen Goad 4) MJLC Lady 8S - Avelyn Angus / Jordie
McIlvride 5) Red Vikse TA Design 642S - Ryan Davidson 6) KBJ
Burgess 520S - Cassie Davidson 7) Young Dale Pride 44S - Charlie
Sharpley 8) FAQ Erica 21M 221S - Brian Miller / Brett Miller
Class 3
1) PTC Bamm 29J Saltie Eileen 212 - Nicki Ross 2) Prime Time's 212L
Elsie 625'06 - Christopher Hargrave / Raymond Gonnet 3) Sally The
Wonder Cow - Jill Davidson 4) Red KBJ Lana 951S - Cole Goad 5) Red
Lazy MC Bess 6S - Lane Turnbull 6) Geis Ruby Laura 8'06 - Reid
Davidson 7) Sharp Golden Revolution 162R - David & Petra Sharpley /
Megan Sharpley
Champion Freshman: Austin Fisk
Reserve Champion Freshman: Nicki Ross
Class 1
1) Red Redrich Misty 214S - Redrich Farms / Ty Dietrich 2) FT
Stockman Pride 172'06 - Kendra Hofstra 3) Prime Time's She's All That
515'07 - Andie Hadway 4) Foxtail Eba 254'06 - Avelyn Angus / Beth
Hofstra 5) Lorenz Caroline Lorenz Angus / Jenna Donnelly 6) Red
Dreamtime Miss Cherokee - Christina Benedict
Class 2
1) Border Butte Rosebud 35'05 - Emily Puch 2) Red WBR Cherovian
17'04 - Mathew Benedict 3) Foxtail Babe 55'05 - Wyatt Hofstra 4)
Foxtail Pride 272'05 - Sadie Hofstra
Champion Sophomore: Ty Dietrich
Reserve Champion Sophomore: Kendra Hofstra
Tiny Mites
Tiny Mite Calves
1) Prime Time's She's All That 515'07 - Kyla Kelly 2) CLLC New
Beauty 706T - Bethany Clark
Pee Wees
Pee Wee Heifer Calf
1) Red Lazy MC Star 5T - Laurie Morasch 2) LFE BA Jestress 186T Grace Misek 3) Twister - Wyatt Matile
Pee Wee Yearling Heifers
1) Red Lazy MC Bess 12S - Laurie Morasch 2) PTC Bamm 29J Sexy
Eileen 510 - Tyler Bullick / Carter Ross 3) Chloe of Tierra Sol 38S Haylea Jones 4) Red Redrich Sugarland 66S - Redrich Farms / Baily
Dietrich 5) Prime Time's 457 Ruby 605'06 - Kodie Doetzel
Pee Wee Cows
1) Chico Keepsake 30R - Mack Clark
Champion Pee Wee: Laurie Morasch - Red Lazy MC Bess 12S
Reserve Champion Pee Wee: Carter Ross - PTC Bamm 29J Sexy Eileen
Open Bull Calf
1) Red Advancer Of Cudlobe 1T - Steven Bolduc/Kaitlyn Bolduc
Champion Open Bull Calf: Kaitlynn Bolduc - Red Advancer of Cudlobe
Open Heifer Calf
1) Black Pearl H or H 12T - Greg Schierman / Ben Schierman 2) Sharp
Golden Daffidal 306T - David & Petra Sharpley / Megan Sharpley
Champion Open Heifer Calf: Ben Schierman - Black Pearl H or H 12T
Reserve Champion Open Heifer Calf: Megan Sharpley - Sharp Golden
Daffidal 306T
Open Yearling Heifers
Class 1
1) Red Redrich Misty 214S - Redrich Farms / Ty Dietrich 2) Lorenz Caroline
30S - Lorenz Angus / Chad Lorenz 3) Red Redrich Joan 191S - Redrich Farms
/ Katie Dietrich 4) Justamere 1118 Fionna 628S - Justamere / Sam Schierman
5) Lorenz Caroline 60S - Lorenz Angus / Jenna Donnelly 6) FAQ Erica 21M
221S - Brian Miller / Brett Miller
Class 2
1) FT Mystical 86'06 - Foxtail / Justin Fox 2) Cudlobe Enchantress 51S
Dyce Bolduc / Kaitlynn Bolduc 3) Prime Time's 29L Eileen 634'06 - Prime
Time / Colby Macquarrie 4) MJLC Lady 8S - Avelyn Angus / Jordie
Mcilvride 5) Prime Time's 212L Elsie 625'06 - Christopher Hargrave /
Raymond Gonnet 6) Foxtail Eba 254'06 - Avelyn Angus / Beth Hofstra 7) Red
Lazy MC Bess 6S - Lane Turnbull
Champion Open Yearling: Ty Dietrich - Red Redrich Misty 214S
Reserve Champion Open Yearling: Chad Lorenz - Lorenz Caroline 30S
Open Two Year Old Cow & Calf
1) Sharp Golden Revolution 162R - David & Petra Sharpley / Megan Sharpley
Champion Open Two Year Old: Megan Sharpley - Sharp Golden Revolution
Overall Champion Open Female: Ty Dietrich - Red Redrich Misty 214S
Overall Reserve Open Female: Chad Lorenz - Lorenz Caroline 30S
Bred & Owned Yearling Heifer
1) MMG Favorite 36S - Mathilda Gabert 2) Red Lauron JRA Showtime 3S Jared Hunter 3) Cudlobe Eugenie 7S - Kevin Bolduc 4) Cudlobe Janessa 3S Mat Bolduc 5) Classic Blackbird 658S - Risa Iwasiuk 6) Red Dreamtime Miss
Cherokee - Christina Benedict
Champion Bred & Owned Heifer: Mathilda Gabert - MMG Favorite 36S
Reserve Champion Bred & Owned Heifer: Jared Hunter - Red Lauron JRA
Showtime 3S
Owned Junior Yearling Heifer
Class 1
1) Red Diamond T Lakme 63M 180'06 - Amanda High 2) LLB Nitchie 527S Jake High 3) Wilp/Har Ruby Rose 107S - Taylor Iwasiuk 4) Soder Ms Lead
On 6011S - Braden Durie
Class 2
1) Red D C Knight Countess 16S - Courtney Congdon 2) HF Tibbie 199S Valentina Gabert 3) Diamond T Erica 3P-NH 172'06 - Justin Fox 4) Soder Ms
Lead On 6007S - Bailey Durie 5) Young Dale Pride 44S - Charlie Sharpley
Champion Owned Jr Yearling Heifer: Courtney Congdon - Red D C Knight
Countess 16S
Reserve Owned Jr Yearling Heifer: Amanda High - Red Diamond T Lakme
63M 180'06
Owned Intermediate Yearling Heifer
Class 1
1) KBJ Beauty Lass 815S - Kaitlynn Bolduc 2) Red Lauron Rosette 55S Ryan Hunter 3) Fleming 668 Blackcap - Ricki Fleming 4) KBJ Burgess 520S
- Cassie Davidson 5) Red WBR Kara 20'06 - Mathew Benedict
Class 2
1) BJ's Lady 26S - Kevin Bolduc 2) Red Viske TA Dana 6101S - Kristen
Goad 3) Red Vikse TA Design 642S - Ryan Davidson 4) Red Lauron VC
Blackbird 7S - Travis Hunter 5) Lazy MC Beauty 21S - Jerri Schweighardt
Champion Owned Intermediate Yearling Heifer: Kevin Bolduc - BJ`s
Lady 26S
Reserve Owned Intermediate Yearling Heifer: Kaitlynn Bolduc - KBJ
Beauty Lass 815S
Owned Senior Yearling Heifer
Class 1
1) Red Mtn Ash Kaptons Rebella 1S - Jade-Ann Schneider 2) FT
Stockman Pride 172'06 - Kendra Hofstra 3) Red KBJ Lana 951S - Cole
Goad 4) 4DJ Sensational Blackbird 45S - Rhianna Congdon 5) Lazy MC
Lass 5S - Bobbi Schweighardt
Class 2
1) PTC BAMM 29J Eileen 528'06 - Alec Drury 2) PTC Bamm 29J Saltie
Eileen 212 - Nicki Ross 3) HF Echo 2S - Valentina Gabert 4) Geis Ruby
Laura 8'06 - Reid Davidson
Champion Owned Senior Yearling Heifer: Jade-Ann Schneider - Red
Mtn Ash Kaptons Rebella 1S
Reserve Owned Senior Yearling Heifer: Alec Drury - PTC BAMM 29J
Eileen 528'06
Owned Two Year Old Cow & Calf
Class 1
1) Red Redrich Redwing 241R - Ty Dietrich 2) Foxtail Babe 55'05 Wyatt Hofstra 3) Classic Laura 5125R - Risa Iwasiuk 4) Red Lauron
Missy 68R - Travis Hunter 5) Soder Ms VRD 5000R - Braden Durie
Class 2
1) Red DC Heavenly Hawk 2R - Courtney Congdon 2) Cudlobe Delia
38R - Mat Bolduc 3) HF Echo 112R - Blake Schierman 4) Prime Time's
104M Tinge 556 - Alec Drury 5) Foxtail Pride 272'05 - Sadie Hofstra 6)
Border Butte Rosebud 35'05 - Emily Puch
Champion Owned Two Year Old: Courtney Congdon - Red DC
Heavenly Hawk 2R
Reserve Champion Owned Two Year Old: Mat Bolduc - Cudlobe Delia
Owned Mature Cow & Calf
Class 1
1) Red Running Bar Ms Preview 1P - Jared Hunter 2) Fisher Dixie Erica
3P - Valentina Gabert 3) Red WBR Cherovian 16'04 - Christina Benedict
Class 2
1) DMM Diamond Mist 8F - Dakota Wilson/Jaelayne Wilson 2) Lorenz
Caroline 46P - Chad Lorenz 3) Fleming 334 Naomi Blackcap - Ricki
Fleming 4) Red WBR Cherovian 17'04 - Mathew Benedict
Champion Owned Mature Cow: Dakota Wilson & Jaelayne Wilson DMM Diamond Mist 8F
Reserve Champion Owned Mature Cow: Ryan Hunter - Red Running Bar
Ms Preview 1P
Owned Heifer Calf
1) Cudlobe Delia 2T - Mat Bolduc 2) Red CGC Heavenly Whisper 1T Courtney Congdon 3) Red Redrich Tess 278T - Ty Dietrich 4) Lorenz
Caroline 40T - Chad Lorenz 5) Classic Laura 742T - Risa Iwasiuk 6)
BRDU Ms Lucy 1T - Braden Durie 7) Red EMBEE C.T. 01'07 - Mathew
Champion Owned Heifer Calf: Mat Bolduc - Cudlobe Delia 2T
Reserve Champion Owned Heifer Calf: Courtney Congdon - Red CGC
Heavenly Whisper 1T
Supreme Champion Female: Jade-Ann Schneider - Red Mtn Ash Kaptons
Rebella 1S
Supreme Reserve Champion Female: Courtney Congdon - Red CGC
Heavenly Whisper 1T
Junior Owned Bull Calf
Class 1
1) Red Lauron Tanker 33T - Jared Hunter 2) Hills of Home Titanium
82'07 - Blake Schierman 3) Red Lauron Tragdor 79T - Travis Hunter 4)
Red Dreamtime Mr C 01'07 - Christina Benedict
Class 2
1) Avelyn Ripper 55'07 - Wyatt Hofstra 2) Tombstone of Alf 73'07 - Adam
Schierman 3) Avelyn Steel 272'07 - Sadie Hofstra
4) Arete 556R Rocket 707'07 - Alec Drury
Champion Owned Bull Calf: Wyatt Hofstra - Avelyn Ripper 55`07
Reserve Champion Owned Bull Calf: Adam Schierman - Tombstone of Alf
Commercial Show
Commercial Yearling Heifer
1) Sammy - Jake High 2) Snowflake - Laurie Morasch 3) Sandy - Austin Fisk
4) Gaby - Amanda High 5) Lilac Lane Black Rose 40S - Dustin Coleman 6)
Princess - Justin Matile 7) Calberta's Who's Jacked Up 4732S - Raymond
Champion Commercial Yearling Heifer: Jake High - Sammy
Reserve Champion Commercial Yearling Heifer: Laurie Morasch - Snowflake
Commercial Mature Cow & Calf
1) Sally The Wonder Cow - Jill Davidson 2) Tess - Amanda High 3) Star Justin Matile 4) Seirra - Emily Puch
Champion Commercial Mature Cow: Jill Davidson - Sally The Wonder Cow
Reserve Champion Commercial Mature Cow: Amanda High - Tess
Commercial Calf
Class 1
1) TJ - Amanda High 2) Ellie - Jill Davidson 3) Twister - Justin Matile
Champion Commercial Calf: Amanda High - TJ
Reserve Champion Commercial Calf: Jill Davidson - Ellie
Champion Commercial Female: Jill Davidson - Sally The Wonder Cow
Reserve Champion Commercial Female: Jake High - Sammy
Pee Wee Champion: Carter Ross
Pee Wee Reserve: Bailey Dietrich
Junior Champion: Jill Davidson
Junior Reserve: Jaelayne Wilson
Senior Champion: Risa Iwasiuk
Senior Reserve: Justin Fox
Pee Wee Champion: Bailey Dietrich
Pee Wee Reserve: Laurie Morasch
Junior Champion: Ty Dietrich
Junior Reserve: Andie Hadway
Senior Champion: Raymond Gonnet
Senior Reserve: Dakota Wilson
Junior Champion: Jaelayne Wilson
Junior Reserve: Ty Dietrich
Senior Champion: Raymond Gonnet
Senior Reserve: Justin Fox
Print Marketing
Pee Champion: Ben Schierman
Pee Wee Reserve: Haylea Jones
Junior Champion: Jerri Schweighardt
Junior Reserve: Andie Hadway
Senior Champion: Amanda High
Senior Reserve: Risa Iwasiuk
Sales Talk
Pee Wee Champion: Bethany Clark
Pee Wee Reserve: Kyla Kelly
Junior Champion: Katilynn Bolduc
Junior Reserve: Chad Lorenz
Senior Champion: Risa Iwasiuk
Senior Reserve: Ryan Davidson
Pee Wee Champion: Bailey Dietrich
Pee Wee Reserve: Laurie Morasch
Junior Champion: Wyatt Schierman
Junior Reserve: Jerri Schweighardt
Senior Champion: Emily Puch
Senior Reserve: Raymond Gonnet
Team Judging
Pee Wee Champion: Bailey Dietrich & Kodie Doetzel
Pee Wee Reserve: Haylea & Laurie Morasch
Junior Champion: Ty Dietrich & Andie Hadway
Junior Reserve: Katelyn Dietrich & Jaelayne Wilson
Senior Champion: Jade-Ann Schneider & Dakota Wlson
Senior Reserve: Risa Iwasiuk & Taylor Iwasiuk
Public Speaking
Pee Wee Champion: Bethany Clark
Pee Wee Reserve: Bailey Dietrich
Junior Champion: Reid Davidson
Junior Reserve: Bobbi Schweighardt
Senior Champion: Courtney Congdon
Senior Reserve: Ryan Davidson
Pee Wee Champion: Laurie Morasch
Pee Wee Reserve: Kyla Kelly
Junior Champion: Cassie Davidson
Junior Reserve: Travis Hunter
Senior Champion: Amanda High
Senior Reserve: Mathilda Gabert
Art - 3D & Flatwork
Pee Wee Champion: Carter Ross
Pee Wee Reserve: Kodie Doetzel
Junior Champion: Jerri Schweighardt
Junior Reserve: Kaitlynn Dietrich
Senior Champion: Justin Fox
Senior Reserve: Raymond Gonnet
Pee Wee Champion: Mack Clark
Pee Wee Reserve: Josie Hadway
Junior Champion: Katelyn Dietrich
Junior Reserve: Travis Hunter
Senior Champion: Mathew Benedict
Pee Wee Champion: Grace Misek
Pee Wee Reserve: Mack Clark
Junior Champion: Jaelayne Wilson
Junior Reserve: Katelyn Dietrich
Junior Reserve: Sadie Hofstra
Senior Champion: Kendra Hofstra
Senior Reserve: Mathilda Gabert
Special Awards
Stall Award: Congdon Crew
Herdsman Award: Lorenz Crew
Premier Exhibitor:Mat Bolduc & Amanda High
Allan Benkie Spirit of Youth: Quinn Hamilton
Toner Memorial Award: Risa Iwasiuk
Aggregate Awards
Pee Wee Champion: Bailey Dietrich
Pee Wee Reserve: Carter Ross
Junior Champion: Ty Dietrich
Junior Reserve: Travis Hunter
Senior Champion: Amanda High
Senior Reserve: Risa Iwasiuk
Supreme Champion Purebred Female: Jade-Ann Schneider
Supreme Reserve Purebred Champion Female: Courtney Congdon
Singing “O Canada” at the Opening Ceremonies
AJAA Scholarship Winners
Mathilda Gabert (l) & Amanda High (r) with Mat Bolduc
AJAA Photo credits: G & G Photos & Designs
A huge Thank You to our sponsors for their commitment and financial support
of the
Canadian National Junior Angus Heifer Show!
Herd Sire Level
Alberta Angus Association
Black Magic Sales Group
Elite Female Level
Angus World
Two W Livestock, Nanton
HI Diamond Angus Farm, Okotoks
Jr. Herd Sire Level
Alta Embryo, Calgary
Bauer Meats, Torrington
Showtime Promotions, Bowden
Belvin Angus, Innisfail
Cudlobe Farms - David Bolduc Family, Claresholm
Fleming Stock Farms, Granum
Lone Star Angus, Sylvan Lake
Southern Alberta Angus Club
Stauffer Ranches, Pincher Creek
Show Heifer Level
A.J. Pearson, Airdrie
Get-A-Long Stock Farm, Wetaskiwin
Allencroft Angus, Taber
Grant & Jackie Northey, Bashaw
Arklow Angus, Camrose
Hamilton Farms, Cochrane
Atlasta Angus Sylvan Lake
Hills of Home Angus, Innisfail
Bar Heart Cattle, Crossfield
J.C. High Ranching, Fort Macleod
Bar WL Angus, Killam
KBJ Round Farms, Clyde
Blades Angus, Nanton
Lakeford Angus, Killam
Blind Creek Angus, Mossleigh
Lazy RC Angus, Cochrane
Border Butte Angus, Coutts
LLB Angus, Erskine
Braemar Angus, Bashaw
Lorenz Angus, Markerville
Brylor Ranch, Pincher Creek
Miller Cattle Co, Bashaw
Cajun Angus, Bon Accord
Miller Wilson Angus, Bashaw
Canadian Angus Association
Northline Angus, Ardrossen
Canadian Red Angus Promotion Society
OBI, Red Deer
Carey Auction Service, Stavely
Pahl Livestock, Medicine Hat
Chalco Angus, Innisfail
Prime Time Cattle Co., Innisfail
Chickadee Farm, Innisfail
Reata Cattle Co., Bashaw
Chico Ranches, Airdrie
Red Top Angus, Markerville
Cinder Angus, Barrhead
Redrich Farm, Forestburg
Coldstream Angus, Airdrie
Remington Cattle Co., Del Bonita
Cudlobe Farms - Dyce Bolduc Family, Stavely
Remitall Cattle Co., Olds
Dalrene Farms, New Norway
Ringstead Ranch, Millarville
Diamond T Cattle Co, Olds
Rockyview Management-Steve Dorran, Airdrie
Diamond Willow Ranch, Airdrie
South Shadow Angus & Paints, Robsart, SK
Dinant Red Angus, Camrose
Southern Ox Angus, Innisfail
DJH & Associates, Lacombe
Southolm Angus, Coaldale
Don, Linda, Jade & Amber Mackenzie, Mountain View
Spruce View Angus Ranch, Killam
Ebon Hill Angus, Bow Island
SSS Red Angus, Calgary
FBC-Farm Business Consultants, Calgary T7 Stock Farms, Bassano
Foxtail Angus, Hay Lakes
Thistle Ridge Ranch, Taber
Frank & Heather Misek, Spruce Grove
Toner Angus Farm, Kelfield, SK
Geis Angus, Barrhead
Towaw Cattle Co, Sangudo
G & G Photos
Trailview Farm, Lacombe
What a wonderfully looking group!!
Mr. Lybrook Miller was born and raised at Redvers, Saskatchewan. He received his degree in Agriculture from the University of
Saskatchewan. After working for one of the top Angus herds in Alberta, Mr. Miller moved to Red Deer to start farming on his own. He
farmed until 1983 retiring to Red Deer. His cattle were of high quality and always given the best of care.
Mr. Miller made numerous charitable donations and had a love for children. With his donation to the Alberta Angus Association it was
decided to establish a scholarship in his honor.
The person applying for the scholarship or immediate family must be a member of the Alberta Angus Association.
The applicants must be enrolled in a post-secondary institution.
A person can only receive the scholarship once but may apply more than once.
ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________
TOWN OR CITY: _____________________________________POSTAL CODE: ___________
PHONE NUMBER: (_______)___________________________________________________
In point form summarize your 4-H/Junior involvement beyond the basic member expectations.
Examples: leadership roles you have taken, projects or activities you have organized or other
ways you have enhanced your 4-H/Junior experience. Use an additional sheet if required.
Summarize your involvement in school and community activities. Indicate office or positions
held, awards achieved, or work activities carried out (in point form).
What post-secondary institution do you plan to attend or are attending? ______________________________
What program? ________________________________________________________________
Degree or diploma sought? ______________________________________________________
Photograph Must Be Included With This Application
If you are selected for a scholarship your photograph will be used for advertising purposes. A
head and shoulders shot 1 1/4" wide x 2" long or a wallet size graduation picture is acceptable.
Please include your name on the back of the photo. Do not otherwise write on, paper clip or
staple photos. Please note photos will not be returned.
Have you made a copy of the application form for your records?
This form must be received into the Alberta Angus Association Office by September 15th
of the application year.
Send to:
Lybrook Miller Memorial Scholarship
c/o Alberta Angus Association
Box 8, Edberg, AB
T0B 1J0
__________________________________________ _____________________________
World Angus Forum Futurity
Fellow Breeders
As Chairman, along with the 2009 World Angus Forum Futurity
Committee it is our distinct pleasure to launch the “World Angus
Forum Futurities” program.
“The Canadian Angus Challenge – Where Legends Are Made”
“The Goal of the WAF Futurities” is to create awareness and
excitement for the “2009 World Angus Forum”, to engage
breeders from across Canada, to encourage breeders to exhibit
cattle at Spruce Meadows in 2009 at the World Angus Forum and
keep Angus in the forefront. Detailed information is included in
detail with the enclosed documents. As an overview the “WAF
Futurity” is a Canadian program and is open to members of the
Canadian Angus Association and the cattle participating must be
registered in the Canadian Angus Herdbook. The vision is that
“WAF Futurity” shows will be held in the Provinces or Regions
designated as British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan,
Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes. The final leg of the
“2009 WAF Futurity” will crown a Red Angus and Black Angus
female and bull champion. In the years 2007 & 2008 we are
leaving it open to the Provinces or Regions to decide if they wish
to run a separate Red & Black division or a combined Red &
Black show based on numbers participating.
Futurity Plans
2007 – Heifer Calves & Bull Calves
2008 –Yearling Heifers & Yearling Bulls that were shown as
calves in the 2007 “WAF Futurity” ” in any one of the Provincial
or Regional WAF designated shows.
2009 – Two Year Old with Natural Calf at side & Two Year Old
Bulls that were shown as calves in the 2007 “WAF Futurity” in
any one of the Provincial or Regional WAF designated shows &
as yearlings in the 2008 “WAF Futurity” in any one of the
We now have our Provincial & Regional Chairpersons in place &
the dates are set for 2007 for the 1st leg of “The Canadian Angus
Challenge – Where Legends Are Made” . We ask that you
promote the Futurity Program in your area. The Futurity
Chairpersons will be the direct contact point and all official
communications would travel between me (Brian Geis) as
chairman of the “WAF Futurity” and the designated provincial or
regional chairpersons.
In order to make this a truly Canadian event, we encourage your
Province or Region along with your breeders to get involved and
make plans to attend the final leg of the WAF Futurity in 2009 at
Spruce Meadows.
“The Canadian Angus Challenge – Where Legends Are Made”
If you have any questions please give any of us a call at anytime.
Brian Geis 780-674-4225 or email at
Don Mackenzie 403-653-2539 or email at
Cecilie Fleming 403-687-2288 or email at
Looking forward to your involvement,
Brian Geis - “2009 WAF Futurity Chairman”
“The Canadian Angus Challenge – Where Legends Are Made”
Terms of Reference
- National “WAF Futurity” Committee - Chairperson – Brian Geis,
Don Mackenzie & Cecilie Fleming
- The official marketing name of the “WAF Futurity” will be launched
by March 1, 2007.
- Regions are designated as British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan,
Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes
- Each Province or Region, is to have a Chairperson – To report to
Brian Geis, to ensure their Provincial Designated Show follows the
“WAF Futurity” protocols and to send their data to the Central Data
Collection Point.
- Designated “WAF Futurity” shows or events within a show for year
one need to be declared by March 1, 2007, in order to promote the
“WAF Futurity” program on a National basis.
- That the “WAF Futurity” program at the WAF 09 be separate Black
Angus & Red Angus Finales. In years 2007 & 2008 depending on the
Province or Region may show them separate or combined What ever
decision is made by the region, as to being split Red & Black for 2007
or 2008, we ask that the promotion & prizes be equal for both colors.
- The Central Data Collection Point – Canadian Angus Office – To
ensure breed purity and continuity of information.
Futurity Grants
- The WAF Committee has included an expense item in their budget to
assist with the organizing of the “WAF Futurity” show in each region.
A grant of $25.00 per head for each show in 2007 & 2008 will be
given to each region. The 2009 leg of the “WAF Futurity” journey will
be part of the World Angus Forum program and will have no impact
on the regions. The $25.00 per head/per year grant can be used to
offset event costs, create prize money or purchase prizes. It is hoped
that each province or region will sweeten the prize packages in order
to create excitement. Prizes for 2007 & 2008 are the responsibility of
each region.
- The $25.00 per head grant will be held each year until all the results
are sent to the Central Data Collection Point by Provincial Chairperson
and verified that the animals exhibited have complied with the
protocol and signed off by the Chairman Brian Geis. The grant will
only be paid on those animals who have complied with the “WAF
Futurity” protocols.
“The Goal of the WAF Futurities”
To create awareness and excitement for the “2009 World Angus
Forum”, to engage breeders from across Canada, to encourage
breeders to exhibit cattle at Spruce Meadows in 2009 and keep Angus
in the forefront.
Futurity Plans
2007 – All registered 2007 Heifer Calves & Bull Calves are eligible be
shown at any one of the 2007 designated “WAF Futurity” Shows.
2008 –All Yearling Heifers & Yearling Bulls that were shown as
calves in the 2007 “WAF Futurity” in any one of the Provincial or
Regional WAF designated shows and can to be shown at any one of
the 2008 designated “WAF Futurity” Shows
2009 – All Two Year Old with Natural Calf at side & Two Year Old
Bulls that were shown as calves in the 2007 “WAF Futurity” in any
one of the Provincial or Regional WAF designated shows & as
yearlings in the 2008 “WAF Futurity” in any one of the Provincial or
Regional WAF designated shows are eligible to
show in the Grand Finale Futurity at Spruce Meadows in 2009.
World Angus Forum Futurity… continued
Rules & Regulations
1. The “WAF Futurity” is a Canadian program and is open to
members of the Canadian Angus Association and the cattle
participating must be registered in the Canadian Angus Herdbook.
2. All animals exhibited must be registered with the Canadian
Angus Association at the time of entry for the 2007 Show and
must have a DNA profile with the Canadian Angus Association
prior to January 1, 2008 in order to show as a yearling.
3. All animals participating are subject to random DNA testing at
anytime throughout the “WAF Futurity” program.
4. The Champion Cow and her natural born 2009 calf &
Champion Bull in both the Red Angus & Black Angus divisions
will be DNAed at the committee’s expense & obtained by a
designated third party with the owners consent and the owner
must be in attendance when the sample is obtained.
5. A “WAF Futurity” animal may only show at one futurity show
per year at any designated show. If an exhibitor breeches this rule
the animal will be eliminated from further competition.
6. The “WAF Futurity” entry follows the animal not the exhibitor.
A “WAF Futurity” animal may be sold and shown in a different
Province in 2007 & 2008 and at the World Angus Forum in 2009
under new ownership. As long as that animal was entered by the
2007 entry deadline.
7. All animals will be inspected for tattoos and paperwork each
year at each event. It is the breeder’s responsibility to make sure
the tattoos are very legible and the paperwork is in order.
8. The 2007 & 2008 portions of the Futurities are the
responsibilities of the Province or Region.
9. The 2009 final portion of the Futurity will be the responsibility
of the WAF Futurity Committee.
10. In 2007 each Province or Region will designate a stand alone
show or run a separate show with in a show for the heifer calves
& bull calves in the first leg of the “WAF Futurity”. A champion
& reserve will be crowned. Champions will have bragging rights,
but there will be no point structure to make one futurity entrant
superior over another. We hope to maximize participation in 2007
to ensure we have a tremendous showing for the world to view at
the “WAF Futurity” at Spruce Meadows in “2009”.
11. In 2008 each Province or Region will designate a stand alone
show or run a separate show with in a show for only the yearling
heifers that showed in the heifer calf portion of the futurity & only
the yearling bulls that showed in the bull calf portion of the
futurity. A champion & reserve will be crowned. Champions will
have bragging rights, but there will be no point structure to make
one futurity entrant superior over another.
12. In 2009 all animals which were originally entered in the
“WAF Futurity” program in 2007 and exhibited in years 2007 &
2008 are eligible to show. In 2009 the third and final leg of the
“WAF Futurity” will be held at Spruce Meadows as a highlight of
the World Angus Forum.
13. Two Year Old cows must have their natural born 2009 calf at
side to be eligible. A Champion Two Year Old Bull & Champion
Two Year Old Female with natural 2009 calf at side will be
crowned in each the Red Angus & the Black Angus and will have
the distinct honor of being the “WAF Futurity” Champions.
14. In order to enhance the image of show all WAF Futurity
exhibitors of all Two Year Old Cow/Calf Pairs & Two Year Old
Bulls at the finale at Spruce Meadows, will be given apparel to be
worn in the ring.
15. The 2009 Grand Prizes are still open for embellishment. We are
seeking sponsorship to put together an exciting prize package.
2007 - Can be individual or a panel
2008 - Can be individual or a panel
2009 – Will be a panel and will be kept silent until the day of the
An inventory of judges will be kept by the WAF Committee Chairman
and it is the goal that no judge, will ever judges more than once in the
3 year program. The final panel of judges in 2009 will not have judged
any of the cattle previously in the 2007 or 2008 “WAF Futurity”
competitions. These judges will be decided in collaboration with the
WAF Futurity Committee and the WAF Show Committee.
- All “WAF Futurity” Entries to be listed in the Angus World by
Province or Region in 2007 with follow up listings of yearlings in
2008 and the Grand Finale in 2009. It would be best if we could have
pictures of each regions champion & reserve in 2007 & 2008 as well
as a big splash of the Grand Champions in 2009.
Entry Fees
- The entry fees collected for the “WAF Futurity” program will stay
with the World Angus Forum Committee to be used for the “WAF
Futurity” Program. The regional grants and final “WAF Futurity”
finale will come from this fund.
- Entry Fee moneys from each animal will follow each animal through
out the 3 year program.
Option 1 – 2007 – 50.00 per head
2008/2009 – 150.00 per head
Option 2 – 2007 – 50.00 per head
2008 – 100.00 per head
2009 – 100.00 per head
- Entry Fees to be collected by the Province or Region in year 2007 &
2008 and forwarded on to the WAF Committee. The Province or
Region will in turn receive a $25.00 per head grant in 2007 & 2008
when all fees are turned in and the detailed entry information and
results are filed with the WAF Futurity Committee at the Canadian
Angus Office.
- Payments of “Futurity” entry fee are due upon entry fee deadlines set
out by each Province or Region in years 2007 & 2008. Entry fees for
year 2009 are due by May 1, 2009 and payable to the WAF
Committee’s Central Data Collection Point to be confirmed in future
Show Dates and Contacts:
Maritimes Futurity Show Sussex, New Brunswick - Sept 22, 2007
Contact: Bob Higgins 506-847-8265
Quebec Futurity Show Victoriaville, Quebec – Oct 5, 2007
Held in conjunction with Expo Beouf
Contact: Ryan Currie 450-522-1742
Ontario Futurity Show Brampton, Ontario - Sept 16, 2007
Gold Show held in conjunction with the Brampton Fair
Contact: Richard Tanner 519-289-5446
Manitoba Futurity Show - Nov 1 – 3, 2007
Manitoba Livestock Exhibition
World Angus Forum Futurity… continued
Contacts: Shannon Carvey 250-752-2285
Alana Van Steelandt 204-665-2448
Saskatchewan Futurity Show Weyburn, Saskatchewan - Sept
14 – 16, 2007
Show held in conjunction with Saskatchewan Junior Angus Show
Sept 14 – Move In
Sept 15 – Saskatchewan Junior Angus - Annual Meeting,
Grooming, Marketing
- 2:00 pm Golf Tournament & 7:00 pm Barbaque
Sept 16 – 9:00 am Saskatchewan Junior Angus Show
- 11:00 am World Angus Forum Futurity Show
Contact: Shane Castle 306-741-7485
Alberta Futurity Show Olds, Alberta - Sept 21 – 23, 2007
Show held in conjunction with the Gold Show
Judge: Scott Anderson
Sept 21 - Move In - Evening – 9:00 p.m. - Royal “Flush Poker
Tournament and Social.
Sept 22 - 9 am - World Angus Forum Futurity Show
12 noon - Tee off of 1st Annual Autumn Angus Legacy Golf
Tournament & BBQ; AAA Donation Fundraiser Heifer Auction
Sept 23 - 10 am - Alberta Angus Gold Show
Contact Bev Kelly 403-227-5121
BC Futurity Show - - Prince George, BC - Sept 22, 2007
Northern Highlights Female Sale
Contact: Scott Brady 250-457-9319
World Angus Forum Futurity Committee:
Brian Geis – 780-674-4225 - Don Mackenzie - 403-653-2539 Cecilie Fleming - 403-687-2288
Tips for Successful Scholarship Applications
I have asked an expert in this field to give some helpful
tips on this subject. We hope you will find it helpful. In the past,
we have noticed some trends in the applications we receive for
Angus scholarships that either render your application invalid, or
really decrease your chances of consideration. Before filling out
the scholarship application form(s), please take a few moments to
read the list below:
Applications must be legible! If the selection
committee can't read your writing... your application won't be
considered. We recommend that you type your application or do
it on the computer, however handwritten is acceptable provided it
is clear and easy to read.
Please pay attention to the stated criteria! If you don't
meet the criteria, you don't qualify for the scholarship. For
example, if you are currently in Grade 9, you are not yet eligible
to apply.
Adhere to the deadlines! Although we live in a world
where it seems that deadlines tend to be considered more often
than not as 'guidelines', there are some deadlines that truly are!
When you are applying for admission to Colleges or Universities,
you will find that the deadlines are strictly enforced.
A 'rule of thumb' is that, if you are applying for money,
you must stick to the deadline and scholarships are very much
about applying for money! Your application must be submitted or
postmarked on or before the following dates... there are no
Lybrook Miller Memorial Scholarship - Application deadline:
September 15th
Dorothy Banks Memorial Scholarship - Application deadline:
September 15th
Include everything that is asked for. When we ask for
pictures, please provide a recent one from either school or some
other occasion. The Dorothy Banks Memorial Scholarship
requires 3 written references, so please assure your reference
responds to the proper questions and that you have identified
whether they are a school, community or leader contact.
Use proper grammar, including spelling and
punctuation! Everyone who is applying for a scholarship is
planning to continue their education and/or training in some
developmental form. Please assure, when hoping to achieve
assistance to this end, that you do not make careless spelling and
grammatical errors in your application. We have received
applications that spelled "Angus" wrong! A proofread or having a
friend or family member edit is a quick method for avoiding this
all-too-common mistake.
Please consider your scholarship application like it is a job
application. Only those that are professional will
be considered.
Dorothy Banks was a former school teacher who believed that education could be learned throughout all your life which she proved by
attending University in her eighties to learn Spanish because she was going to Argentina for the World Angus Forum. She was a great
supporter of young people and encouraged them to live life to the best that they could. Dorothy was a great
supporter of Angus cattle which she proved because she volunteered to be the Alberta Angus Association secretary for twenty-five years. In
her memory the Alberta Angus Association is sponsoring a scholarship for any Alberta youth who is pursuing post secondary education and
is open to all Alberta farm youth who have ever been involved in any activity (either 4-H or junior activities) using Angus influenced cattle.
Preference will be given to high school graduates in the year of graduation or persons already enrolled in further educational study.
ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________
TOWN OR CITY: _____________________________________POSTAL CODE: ___________
PHONE NUMBER: (_______)___________________________________________________
In point form summarize your 4-H/Junior involvement beyond the basic member expectations.
Examples: leadership roles you have taken, projects or activities you have organized or other
ways you have enhanced your 4-H/Junior experience. Use an additional sheet if required.
Summarize your involvement in school and community activities. Indicate office or positions
held, awards achieved, or work activities carried out (in point form).
What post-secondary institution do you plan to attend or are attending? _________________
What program? ________________________________________________________________
Degree or diploma sought? ______________________________________________________
List the Grade 12 courses or the 6 most recent post secondary courses that you have completed and marks received. Attach a copy of your
transcript if available.
Please contact three references. Have each reference complete and return the attached reference form. Possible references could be:
• Your school principle or teacher
• Community member
• 4-H Leader or Youth Group Leader
Provide each reference with an envelope and include each sealed reference with your application.
Photograph Must Be Included With This Application.
If you are selected for a scholarship your photograph will be used for advertising purposes. A head and shoulders shot 1 1/4" wide x
2" long or a wallet size graduation picture is acceptable. Please include your name on the back of the photo. Do not otherwise write on, paper
clip or staple photos. Please note photos will not be returned.
Have you made a copy of the application form for your records?
This form must be received into the Alberta Angus Association Office by September 15th
of the application year.
Send to:
Dorothy Banks Memorial Scholarship, c/o Alberta Angus Association
Box 8, Edberg, AB T0B 1J0
______________________________________ _____________________________
Information to be filled in by applicant.
TOWN OR CITY: _____________________________________POSTAL CODE: ___________
Information to be submitted by reference person.
Please mark X in one box. [ ] school reference [ ] community reference [ ] leader reference
Please comment briefly on the above applicant.
1. How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity?
2. What types of behaviour has the applicant exhibited during this time you have known him or her? Example: leadership qualities,
communication abilities, community involvement and outstanding achievements.
Your name:_________________________________________________________
Your address:_______________________________________________________
Your occupation or position:__________________________________________
Telephone number: _________________________________________________
Benefits of the Alberta Angus Association
The Alberta Angus Association (AAA) is a non-profit organization that encourages to the fullest cooperation between breeders & other
persons interested in Angus cattle by uniting, fostering & protecting the interests of the breed in Alberta. Membership is available to both the
commercial & seed stock producers of Angus cattle in Alberta. The cost is $26.50 annually.
What exactly does the Alberta Angus Association do? Your Membership money supports the following:
Promotion of the Angus Breed through the Booth
Sales of Angus Promotional Items
Annual Meeting:
x Commercial Breeder of the Year
x Purebred Breeder of the Year
x Honourary President
x Hall of Fame
x Comradary of Angus Breeders
x Voting rights at the Annual Meeting
x Eligibility to run for the Board of Directors
Angus Angle Newsletter
Advertising of Angus cattle in General, Bull Sales, Summer Activities, Fall Shows & Sales
Fund Raising to support our Programs
Financial or Award Support
Field Days or Angus Tours
• Black & Red Angus Shows at various venues
• Junior Livestock Shows
• Alberta Junior Angus Programs
• Junior Photo Contest
• 4-H Support: T-shirts
Annual Angus Sale at Farmfair
Alberta Angus Breeders Maps - preparation & distribution
Relations with International Countries
I don’t know about you but I’ve spent $26.50 a lot more foolishly in the past. Why not support yourself and the Angus Breed in Alberta become an Alberta Angus Association Member today!
NAME:______________________________________FARM NAME:______________________________
EMAIL: ________________________________________________
WEB SITE: _____________________________________________
Alberta Angus Association, Box 8, Edberg, Alberta T0B 1J0
Please send: $26.50 (GST incl.)
Autumn Angus Legacy Weekend
September 21-23 - Olds, AB
Entries close September 1
, 2007
For more information, please contact Show & Sale Committee Chairman Bev Kelly at 403/227-5121
Show Rules
1. All animals shown in the Alberta Gold Show and or Futurity must have Canadian Angus Association Registration
Numbers including ALL calendar year calves no exceptions!!
2. All animals entered in the World Angus Form Futurity must follow all rules set out by that committee, and
discrepancies will be dealt with by the WAF committee.
3. Calves may be shown with their mothers and in single classes but the $50 Entry Fee must be paid for both classes
entered by the entry closing date.
4. We will follow the general rules set out by every fair, and anything not covered will be at the discretion of the
Alberta Angus Directors and the WAF Futurity Committee.
Cattle must be stalled by 10:00 p.m. Friday and will be released at the completion of the Gold Show.
Classes will be split once entries are received, and all classes will be split at 8 head.
Alberta Angus Gold Show
Class 1 - Heifer Calves Born in 2007
Class 2 - Yearling Heifers Born in 2006
Class 3 - Two Year Old - with natural calendar year calf at foot
Class 4 - Mature Cow - with natural calendar year calf at foot
Class 5 - Bull Calves Born in 2007
Class 6 - Yearling Bulls Born in 2006
Class 7 - Two Year Old Bulls
Class 8 - Breeders Herd - No entry fee
Class 9 - Junior Get of Sire - No entry fee
Class 10 - Senior Get of Sire - No entry fee
Class 11 - Progeny of Dam - No entry fee
WAF Futurity Year One
F1 - Heifer Calves Born in 2007
F2 - Bull Calves Born in 2007
Royal “FLUSH” Poker Tournament
This event will take place Friday Evening – 9:00 p.m. You will need an Angus Embryo of your choice to buy in to
the game (or the value of one). This is a fun tournament with GREAT prizes, the biggest prize being named the 2007
Royal “FLUSH” Poker Tournament Champion.
Sept 1
Sept 15
Sept 15
Sept 22
Deadline for Olds Gold Show & WAF #1 Futurity Entries: Autumn Angus Legacy Weekend (403-227-5121)
Deadline for Lybrook Miller Memorial Scholarship Applications
Deadline for Dorothy Banks Memorial Scholarship Applications
Deadline for November Issue “Angus Angle” (780-877-0118)
Autumn Angus Legacy Weekend – Olds, AB: Royal Flush Poker Tournament (780-893-6702); Golf Tournament & BBQ
(780-785-2091); WAF Futurity #1 & Gold Show (403-227-5121)
Sept. 23 Fall Female Classic Sale – 5:00 pm. – Lacombe, AB (403-782-3888)
Sept. 29 Brylor Ranch 36th Annual ‘Tradition With A Vision’ Female Sale with Abraham Land & Cattle COMPLETE Dispersal
Fort Macleod Auction Market – Fort Macleod, AB (403-627-5676)
Sept 30 Deadline for Hall of Fame Nominations
Sept 30 Deadline for Commercial Breeder of the Year 2007 Nominations
Sept 30 Deadline for Purebred Breeder of the Year 2007 Nominations
Oct. 20 35th Annual Canadian Red Round up Sale - Westerner Grounds – Red Deer, AB (403-627-5676)
Oct. 22 Fine Line Red Angus complete Herd Dispersal New Facility @ Olds Ag Grounds – Olds, AB (403-627-5676)
Oct. 28 Sask. Senoritas All AI Influence Sale – 6 pm Heartland Livestock Auction Market – Swift Current, SK (403-627-5676)
Oct. 29 Lamb’s Red Angus complete Herd Dispersal Heartland Livestock Auction Market – Swift Current, SK (403-627-5676)
Nov. 8 Angus Showcase Sale - 3:00 pm - Farmfair, Edmonton, AB (403-341-5098 or 403-227-5121)
Nov. 9 Black & Red Angus Gold Shows - Farmfair - Edmonton, AB (403-227-5121)
Nov. 14 The Final Gathering – 1:00 pm - Penosky Farms – Stettler, AB (403-742-3904 or 403-782-3888)
Nov. 14 Brylor Semen Sales 10th Annual All AI Influence Female Sale – 6 pm Cow Palace – Olds, AB (403-627-5676)
Nov. 17 Northern Select Sale – C.R.E. – Camrose, AB (780-341-5098)
Nov 29 6th Annual Ringstead Ranch Bull Sale with ‘No Surprises’ Bred Red COMMERCIAL Female Sale Fort Macleod Auction
Market – Fort Macleod, AB (403-627-5676)
Dec . 1 AAA Annual General Meeting - details tba
Dec.2 6th Annual ‘Manitoba Magic’ All AI Influence Sale with Bar M Stock Farm Mature Cow Herd Dispersal Keystone Center Brandon, MB (403-627-5676)
Dec. 18 Remington Cattle Co. Annual Bull & Commercial Heifer Sale – at the ranch Del Bonita, AB (403-758-6105)
* For listings of Alta. CACP Sales see ad elsewhere in this issue of the Angus Angle*
REMEMBER: You must be a paid up current Alberta Angus Association member to
have your event included on the “Coming Events Calendar.” It is your responsibility to get your event dates into the office.
Year 2007 memberships are due. If you have not already renewed your membership, the cost is $26.50.
($25 for the membership & $1.50 GST).
November 2007 will be the next issue
of the “Angus Angle”.
Cut-off date for news & ads is September 22nd.
Angus Angle Issues are: February, June, September, November
The email address for the office has changed effective immediately.
Please use:
The “new” breeder maps are in. If you would like to receive one or some contact Val.