directory of associate and service members
directory of associate and service members
PA P U A N E W G U I N E A CHAMBER OF MINES AND PETROLEUM Bulletin Bulletin 2007 VOL 12 Contents Contents CHAMBER UPDATE.................................................................................. 2-19 Chamber's Viewpoint Valuer General Compensation Schedule and Chamber Compensation Schedule 2007 Seminar Series Chamber Supports BAHA Self Reliance Programmes for Women in Mining and Petroleum Communities Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada Convention and Tradeshow, 2008 Tenth PNG Mining and Petroleum Investment Conference, 2008 Conference Announcement Flyer Profile Advertisement Directory of Associate and Service Members MINING NEWS ....................................................................................... 20-23 Highlights of the Mining Seminar Mineral Resources Authority World Bank PNG Mining Sector Support Programme MSSP Update PETROLEUM NEWS..................................................................................... 24 LNG in PNG Government Supports LNG Projects Published by the PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum. PO Box 1032, Port Moresby 121, Papua New Guinea. Telephone: (675) 321 2988 Facsimile: (675) 321 7107 Email: Website: Location: First Floor, The Lodge, Bampton Street, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. VOL 12 PNG CHAMBER OF MINES AND PETROLEUM CHAMBER VIEWPOINT BUDGET Unfortunately another opportunity has been lost for serious structural reform in the 2008 Budget. This would have been an opportune time for such reforms when the economy is in a relative strong position and government revenues are robust. The Treasurer acknowledged the impact of the mobile phone revolution on the economy in his Budget speech. He noted that it had contributed 0.7 to GDP growth in 2007 and is expected to do the same next year. Yet the Government has failed to take heed of this and seize on the further opportunities that are very apparent to the private sector. For example, deregulation of other sectors of the telecommunications sector, particularly V-Sat, would lead to another revolution in the rural sector that would support what the Government is trying to achieve with the District Services Improvement Program. It is very apparent that the competition in the mobile phone market is providing the only real gain in services that the rural communities have experienced on a nationwide basis since Independence. If we do not learn from this experience then one has to ask “what will it take to make the Government understand the value of deregulation and competition”. Further deregulation would lead to fantastic changes in the lifestyle of the rural communities. Broadband internet access could be made available to government centres, health facilities and schools. This would revolutionise education across the country and would save countless lives by providing ready access to medical and health information. Similarly, the opportunities for electronic extension services in areas such as agriculture, community development, community welfare, and government administration are endless. With this level of structural reform it could be possible for PNG to experience double digit GDP growth in a short time provided commodity prices remain fairly robust. The current situation with power in the major urban centres is a serious impediment to business. The Government is locked into a 1970's style approach to management of public enterprises and recent experiences show that some public sector unions are still living in the same era with their constant threats, intimidation and “its all your fault” attitude. The latest round, crippling the nation over the right to determine who should be the CEO of PNG Power, was a national disgrace. District Services Improvement Program (DSIP) The DSIP is the boldest move by Government in many years to reinstate services to the rural areas. The October 2007 Supplementary Budget provided K4 million for each of the 89 Districts in the country and specified that the funds must be used for health, water supply, law and justice, or education. The 2008 Budget added another K6 million for each District being K1 million for each of the 2 Improvement Programs, namely transport, health, education, water, law and justice, and agriculture Implementing these programs in the Districts will be an enormous challenge. The Budget documents make it clear that expenditure is expected to occur over time “to allow for multi-year expenditure plans” and that allocations will be spent “strictly in accordance with Finance Instructions”. It is expected that expenditure plans will be established by the Joint District Planning and Budget Priorities Committees which are chaired by the Open Electorate Members of Parliament. The key issue is compliance, whether due process will be adhered to or will it be compromised like so many other policies and laws. Poor compliance will lead to massive misuse of the funds at the National Government level and/or at the District level. The major role that the Open Members of Parliament will have in the process raises further concerns as this can lead to politicisation of the process and wastage of funds on pet projects rather than community preferred developments. Successive governments are getting weaker and weaker on public service compliance in general. The recent media comments by the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) Chairman say it all. In relation to the Department of National Planning and the Office of Rural Development which are the key agencies responsible for managing the Development Budget, the PAC Chairman stated that there is “poor morale, corruption and almost total loss of command and control by management”. This does not engender any confidence that the DSIP funds will be well managed. Industry Specific Budget Issues In relation to industry specific issues, there were some wins in the Budget and some disappointments. The Customs Act was amended to change the period of temporary import exemption from three months to twelve months which reflects the IRC's previous practice. This is a very welcome change and is a very tangible contribution to the construction and development process where there is a need for specialised equipment that is not available in-country. Similarly, with exploration, technical equipment not available domestically can be required for specific programs and three months is often inadequate. Unfortunately, the Highlands Highway Tax Credit Scheme was not renewed on the basis that the “Highlands Highway ranks in the top 'very high priority' national roads under the Government's Transport Development Plan (2006-2010)”. This fails to recognise that the Highway TCS provides an efficient method of implementing emergency repairs required periodically on sections of the Highway even when routine maintenance is at a high level. Industry had also sought tax relief for bona fide retrenchment payouts similar to the public sector but this C H A M B E R U P D AT E VOL 12 PNG CHAMBER OF MINES AND PETROLEUM was also denied. This is disappointing as closure or partial closure of any long life project is a serious disruption to the lives of the employees, especially those that have worked at the site for extended periods. Treasury and IRC have indicated that they will continue the dialogue with industry on tax issues during 2008 and this is most welcome. Thus, there is an opportunity for further discussion on outstanding matters and to introduce new issues that arise. ELECTIONS It is widely acknowledged that there were irregularities in the last National General Election particularly in certain electorates. This is apparent from the numerous accounts of serious discrepancies in the Electoral Rolls, the number of ballot papers utilised compared to the number of eligible voters, and the anomalous numbers of informal votes recorded for some electorates. In addition, there were numerous allegations of collusion between electoral officials and certain candidates. Most of the irregularities will never come to light because of the enormous cost and time involved for any unsuccessful candidate to challenge in the Court of Disputed Returns. Whilst the logistics problems in the counting process are formidable and must be recognised when making any criticisms of the process, there were numerous reports of discrepancies from many counting centres. Some candidates reported that questions from their scrutineers as to the validity of a particular ballot or ballot paper or a certain procedure were ignored and they were simply told to take it to the Court of Disputed Returns. The Court of Disputed Returns is a well established process but is expensive and time consuming for a losing candidate to make a challenge and most do not have the resources after a lengthy campaign to undertake such a challenge. It has been proposed in a number of quarters that one of the ways to improve confidence in the Electoral System is to adopt an electronic form of voting using fingerprinting or retina scanning technology and a computer network based on a V-Sat communications system at each polling station. There would then be no need for an Electoral Roll as a voter could vote in the electorate of his or her choosing but if a voter was to vote more than once then all his votes would be automatically discounted. It would then be in the interest of all candidates to ensure supporters voted correctly rather than risk forfeiture of multiple votes. This system would greatly simplify the process and logistics of the Elections and reduce the cost enormously. Polling time could be increased and the number of polling booths reduced as people would have more time to get to a particular booth. Even if there was a technological failure at a particular booth then this booth could be reopened after the fault was fixed as no voter could vote twice. C H A M B E R The Chamber recommends that government should commence investigating the options for electronic voting immediately so that a new system can be selected, trialed and implemented well before the next National General Elections. INDUSTRY SPECIFIC TERTIARY EDUCATION The mining and petroleum industry in PNG is experiencing a serious shortage of experienced professionals. This has resulted from the strong growth in the PNG mining and petroleum industry in recent years and the exodus overseas of a substantial number of national mining engineers, geologists and other industry professionals. The exodus of PNG national professionals is indicative of the worldwide shortage resulting from the current commodities boom and is also testimony to the high standard of training and experience embodied in our domestic industry. Our industry has taken on large numbers of graduate engineers and geologists in recent years to overcome this problem and many more graduates will be needed in the immediate future. We are extremely concerned about the critical state of the universities which have seriously rundown over the last ten years because of severe funding cuts. We are particularly concerned about the parlous state of the Mining Engineering Department at Unitech and the Geology Department at UPNG. The Chamber and the industry have supported these Departments in various ways over the years but they are now in a desperate situation because for many years there has been no basic government funding for maintenance of facilities, repair and replacement of laboratory, computer and teaching equipment, or to increase staff salaries. The Unitech Department of Mining Engineering currently receives a recurrent budget (not including salaries) of about K50,000 a year which is ludicrous. Staffing levels at these departments are around 60% of the prescribed level and we have been advised that a number of staff will be leaving at the end of 2007 which will place them in a dire situation. It is difficult to retain or recruit national staff at the present levels of remuneration as they are attracted to the much higher rates of pay in the industry. Similarly, expatriate academics are not attracted to PNG because of the low salary levels, the deterioration in the teaching facilities, the lack of any research funds and the law and order issues. It is our considered view that if major funding is not injected immediately into the UPNG Department of Geology and the Unitech Department of Mining Engineering then there is every likelihood that these faculties will collapse completely. Even now the standard of education being received by students presently studying in these departments is questionable. This situation is reflected in other faculties, particularly at Unitech. This university is in a critically rundown state which if not addressed immediately could result in the breakdown of the entire institution. There are serious U P D AT E 3 VOL 12 PNG CHAMBER OF MINES AND PETROLEUM CHAMBER VIEWPOINT ongoing issues that are not being addressed by the management or the Department of Higher Education and the university is steadily deteriorating. The recent student strike is probably a manifestation of this situation as the students are actually reacting to the deteriorating levels of education. There are acute staffing problems and major issues with maintenance of buildings and teaching equipment neglected for many years, and a number of faculties are already struggling to survive. The 2008 Budget includes an item of K30 million for “Tertiary Infrastructure Maintenance”. This is in addition to the K50 million allocated for rehabilitation of universities included in the Supplementary Appropriation (Priority Expenditure 2007) Bill 2006 handed down with the 2007 (continued) Budget. Whilst we applaud the Government for providing this additional funding, it seems that the system is preventing the universities from accessing the funds. UPNG and Unitech advise that none of the 2007 allocation has flowed through to the institutions to get on with the job despite submitting detailed proposals and costings. The 2008 Budget documents concur with this as they show that none of the K50million has been committed, indicating that nothing has been achieved in twelve months. Why are the universities being blocked from accessing these funds? There seems to be absolutely no appreciation (or concern) in certain quarters of Government of the problems facing tertiary students at the nation's oldest and most important universities. VALUER GENERAL COMPENSATION SCHEDULE AND CHAMBER COMPENSATION SCHEDULE Valuer General's Compensation Schedule for Trees and Plants, All Regions, 2008 Edition The VG's Schedule has been revised and updated. The new 2008 edition is now available from the Chamber's office for a small fee. Members K5, non-members K10. PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum Compensation Schedule for Land Use and Land Damage, and Man Made Structures in the Mining and Petroleum Sectors, 2008 Edition The Chamber has developed the above schedule to compliment the VG's compensation schedule to assist our members. Copies can be obtained from the Chamber office, Members free, non-members K5.00. ERAL'S VALUER-GEN TS, S AND PLAN LE FOR TREE ION SCHEDU AT NS PE M CO S ALL REGION JANUARY 2008 PNG CHAMB ER OF MINES AND PETROLEUM COMPENSAT AND LAND DA ION SCHEDULE FOR LAND MAGE, AND USE MAN MADE IN THE MIN STRUCTURES ING AND PE TROLEUM SE CTORS JANUARY 2008 Endorsed by the Supported and roleum of Mines and Pet PNG Chamber 4 C H A M B E R U P D AT E VOL 12 PNG CHAMBER OF MINES AND PETROLEUM 2007 SEMINAR SERIES The Chamber with the support of members and sponsors, hosted the annual mining and petroleum update Seminars. This year for the first time the Chamber hosted three seminars back to back over one week - a Mining Seminar on the 29 - 30 October, a Community Affairs Seminar from October 31 - November 1, and a Petroleum Seminar on the 2 - 3 November. Also for the first time the Chamber held an associated Trade Fair to support the seminars. The entire event was held in the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Port Moresby The Mining and Petroleum Seminars provided a comprehensive update of the projects, new developments and proposals for development, advanced prospects, new discoveries and exploration. The Community Affairs Seminar highlighted current issues, challenges and initiatives experienced by practitioners in the profession. The Trade Fair contained 18 exhibition booths and sixteen companies exhibited their services and products or showcased their exploration activities to the delegates. As well as providing a comprehensive technical update, the seminars also offered an excellent opportunity to meet all the players in the PNG mining and petroleum industry, including government, and provided a forum for joint venture discussions, networking, and promotion. Besides representatives from the mining and petroleum sectors, the Series attracted delegates from the wider business community, government, NGOs, international agencies and aid organisations, foreign delegations and interested members of the public. The Chamber sees the seminars as an important service to members and to the general public. It is important that information on the activities of the mining and petroleum sectors are freely available to all and for this reason the Chamber endeavours to keep the registration fees for the events to a minimum. The Mining Seminar was opened by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Lands and Physical Planning and Mining, the Hon. Puka Temu, MP and his keynote address was followed by a presentation from the Managing Director of the newly established Mineral Resources Authority which is now administering the mining industry in the country. The programme for this seminar presented a comprehensive coverage of current activities and clearly showed the growth that has occurred in recent years in development, project appraisal and exploration. The Mining Seminar ended on a high note with new players Neptune and Nautilus Minerals presenting on their deep sea exploration activities. The Petroleum Seminar was opened by the Minister for Petroleum and Energy, Hon William Duma, MP and showcased the PNG petroleum industry including exploration activities, the current state of play in the oilfields, and the proposals for gas development, particularly LNG. The programme also included papers on the newly formed state owned company, Petromin, and an update on the proposal for establishment of the Konebada Petroleum Park Project. The Community Affairs Seminar was designed to share experiences in dealing with community issues and focused on new initiatives including partnerships with other organisations working with communities that range from government, NGOs, universities, and aid organisations to consulting and service companies. The programme for this seminar reflected the increasing diversification and growing responsibilities of “community affairs” sections at the resource projects. This is evident in the growing number of shared programmes and partnerships in areas such as health, community development, business development, food security, law and order, environment, and women and youth. A total of over 1000 delegates attended the three seminars including many visitors from around the country and overseas and most of the major hotels were fully booked. C H A M B E R U P D AT E 5 VOL 12 PNG CHAMBER OF MINES AND PETROLEUM 2007 SEMINAR SERIES CD’S On Sale from the Chamber Members - K50 each Non-Members - K70 each CHAMBER SUPPORTS BAHA The Chamber managed a Private Sector HIV/AIDS Project supported by AusAID for 2.5 years but in March 2007 this was merged with the PNG Business Coalition Against HIV/AIDS or simply BAHA. The Chamber's project was designed to spread awareness and to prompt companies to institute preventative measures to halt the spread of HIV and AIDS in the work force and surrounding communities. The project delivered the message to businesses of all sizes and types throughout the provinces including remote project sites such as logging camps, oil palm plantations and mining and petroleum projects. Over 300 organisations were accessed and each of them was introduced to the concept of a workplace policy and assisted to implement in-house preventative programs. The Chamber also developed a generic HIV/AIDS Code of Practice and HIV/AIDS Management and Prevention Policy for the mining and petroleum industry within PNG. 6 The establishment of BAHA extensively widened the involvement of the private sector in the fight against the epidemic and the Board of the organisation has representatives from the leading business associations. BAHA has developed an extensive database of business houses across the country and is encouraging and facilitating employers to develop and implement workplace policies on HIV and AIDS. BAHA has also developed an interactive website and a hotline that can be accessed for basic information on all aspects of the disease. BAHA advises that, to date, approximately 40 companies have developed their HIV and AIDS workplace policies to safe guard their workforce. The Chamber continues its advocacy and commitment to fighting the epidemic through its membership on the BAHA Board. C H A M B E R U P D AT E VOL 12 PNG CHAMBER OF MINES AND PETROLEUM SELF-RELIANCE PROGRAMS FOR WOMEN IN MINING AND PETROLEUM COMMUNITIES • Executive management and adopting a constitution • Business management, planning and budgeting • Communications and networking • Administration and accounting procedures In recent years, the Chamber and the industry have been focusing on the role of women in community development and decision making at the resource projects. The Chamber is currently facilitating a project entitled “Self-Reliance Programs for Women in Mining and Petroleum Communities” which commenced in July 2007. Funded by a grant from the Japan Social Development Fund (JSDF) the objective of the project is to improve the impacts of extractive industries developments on women from remote areas of PNG by providing skills, mechanisms and equipment that empower women to be more able to participate in and contribute to community growth. To achieve this goal, the project has three components: 1) Women's education and outreach programs which will include training in: • • • • Literacy and numeracy Life skills such as sewing, cooking and baking Women's health including sanitation and hygiene Awareness of the importance of early childhood/birth records • Nutrition • Promoting family health 2) Governance and institutional capacity building of women's associations in project areas. Training and workshops will be conducted for members and executives of women's associations in: 3) Income generation skills development which will include training in: • • • • Innovative agriculture technology Microfinance Small business and cottage industries Agriculture and cash crop practices Site visits were conducted by the project manager between August and September 2007. During the visits she met with company employees, the executive and members of the women's associations and their affiliates and other stakeholders such as government, church groups, NGOs and the private sector. The site visits were generously supported by the mining projects and Oil Search in the oil and gas sector. The Self Reliance project came about as a result of two international conferences for Women in Mining held in Madang in 2003 and 2005, co-organised by the PNG Department of Mining and the World Bank. The project has three staff who are housed within the Chamber's office. Training in literacy/numeracy and life skills is scheduled to commence in early 2008. Project Manager Lesley Bennett (front-right) discussing the project with women from Watarais, around the HKL project area. C H A M B E R U P D AT E 7 VOL 12 PNG CHAMBER OF MINES AND PETROLEUM PROSPECTORS AND DEVELOPERS ASSOCIATION OF CANADA CONVENTION AND TRADE SHOW, 2008 The Prospectors And Developers Association Of Canada (PDAC) International Convention, Trade Show and Investors Exchange is the most important mineral exploration and development convention in the world attracting around 18,000 delegates from over 100 countries and nearly 1,000 exhibitors. It is housed in the enormous Metro Toronto Convention Centre in Toronto, Canada and is convened on an annual basis in early March. The Chamber and various members have been exhibiting in the PDAC Trade Show for nine years in partnership with the Department of Mining as a Papua New Guinea country exhibit. The Chamber arranges the trade fair booths on behalf of members and then invites mining members to participate on a first come first served basis with each member occupying half a booth. The Chamber has six booths booked in PDAC 2008 and two of these will be occupied by the Mineral Resources Authority and the Department of Mineral Policy and Geohazards Management, which replace the former Department of Mining, and the European Union Sysmin project. The Sysmin Mining Sector Support Programme is supporting the MRA with a range of technical initiatives and the results generated so far will be featured in the exhibit. Eight mining companies will occupy the four remaining booths namely: Frontier Resources, Highlands Pacific, Lihir Gold, Marengo Mining, Mining Associates, Niuminco, Papuan Precious Metals, and Petromin PNG Holdings. The Chamber rates the PDAC Convention and Trade Show very highly. It is a successful and cost effective forum for promoting our overall mineral exploration potential, individual joint venture opportunities and the overall image of the country. We have had a number of direct successes from our exhibits in the past when companies that have never been involved in PNG have invested in our industry after discussions with our exhibitors. TENTH PNG MINING AND PETROLEUM INVESTMENT CONFERENCE, 2008 The Chamber will be hosting the Tenth PNG Mining and Petroleum Investment Conference and Technical Seminar at the Sydney Hilton Hotel, on Monday 1st to Wednesday 3rd December, 2008. This Tenth Conference follows on from the successful 2006 Conference, New Technical Initiatives Seminar and Trade Exhibition where delegate numbers exceeded all expectations. It is anticipated that the 2008 Conference will be even bigger and better. The Conference will present a comprehensive overview of the major mining and petroleum projects, new developments and proposed developments including the LNG and deep sea mining projects, significant feasibility studies, advanced prospects and new discoveries, as well as a snapshot of the extensive exploration programmes undertaken in recent years. It will also highlight issues and events affecting the industry and present a political and economic overview of the country with an independent review of the current investment climate. The Prime Minister, Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare, will be invited to open the Conference and a number of senior Ministers are expected to give keynote presentations. The biennial Investment Conference is designed to stimulate investment in the resources sector in PNG and to achieve this the event is convened in Sydney to access the major banks, investment funds, financial advisers, analysts and broking houses that operate in the region. The event has become firmly established as a prestigious forum showcasing our mining and petroleum industry and providing the only comprehensive analysis of the major projects, achievements, issues and future plans of the industry. The direct participation of the Government of PNG, at the political and senior departmental level, ensures 8 a full and balanced review of all significant policy issues. The mining and petroleum industry is a global business. It is imperative that we promote internationally the progress and growth being achieved in PNG exploration and resource development, and the potential and opportunities for further success, to ensure that we maintain the support of investors, bankers and fund managers in the region. The conference provides the venue for these people to network with senior people in the industry, as well as Ministers and senior public servants who administer the industry. Previous events have been very successful, attracting over 500 delegates, and have made significant contributions to successful fundraising ventures and corporate promotions undertaken by our resource companies. Registration fees will remain much lower than other conferences of similar stature so that attendance remains affordable and the tenth event is expected to break all previous attendance records. A Trade Exhibition will support the Conference which will provide an exclusive opportunity for exhibitors to individually interact with the most influential government and business representatives from PNG's mining and petroleum industry. There are also many sponsorship opportunities for those companies wishing to establish a high profile at the conference. The prestigious conference magazine, Profile, will also be produced to support the event. To book a trade booth, reserve one of the sponsorships, or to obtain further details on the Conference contact Margaret Reid at or Jacinta Towamwesi at the Chamber on telephone: (675) 3212988, facsimile: (675) 3217107 or email: or the conference website: C H A M B E R U P D AT E Tenth Papua New Guinea Mining & Petroleum Investment Conference and Technical Seminar 1-3 December 2008 Sydney Hilton Hotel w w Following on from the extremely successful conference in 2006, the PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum is hosting its 10th Conference at the Sydney Hilton Hotel from 1-3 December 2008. Investment Papua New Guinea Enquiries to: PNG CHAMBER OF MINES & PETROLEUM PO Box 1032 Port Moresby NCD 121 Papua New Guinea Phone (675) 321 2988 Fax (675) 321 7107 Email or Conference Organiser Margaret Reid Margaret Reid Pty Ltd Phone 61 (02) 9882 2688 Fax 61 (02) 9882 2648 Mob 0412 092 005 Email MINING The Conference and Seminar will feature producers, emerging producers, advanced prospects and exploration including the offshore deepwater exploration for sea floor massive sulphides (SMS) deposits where PNG is leading the world. Over 90 offshore tenements have been granted in PNG's Exclusive Economic Zone for SMS exploration. PETROLEUM Features the exciting progress on proposals for Papua New Guinea's first LNG development, new discoveries, and exploration which has surged in recent years particularly in the Papuan Foreland and Platform areas and the North New Guinea Basin. Projects to be highlighted include: MINING Ok Tedi Ramu Lihir Hidden Valley Porgera Wafi/Golpu Simberi Solwara Kainantu Yandera Tolukuma Frieda PETROLEUM Kutubu, Gobe, Moran & SE Mananda Oilfields Hides Gas LNG Proposals PLAN EARLY! 10th PNG M&P Conference 2008 ...expected to break all previous attendance records VOL 12 PNG CHAMBER OF MINES AND PETROLEUM PROFILE Papua New Guinea’s most sought after Mining and Petroleum magazine TENTH EDITION 2008/2009 Advertising Space Now Available Papua New Guinea Chamber of Mines and Petroleum Tenth PNG Mining and Petroleum Investment Conference Sydney 1-3 December 2008 PROFILE MAGAZINE Tenth Edition 2008-2009 This prestigious magazine will again be published to support the Conference and will focus on issues and events, challenges and future directions concerning the PNG mining and petroleum industry. The magazine will be over 148 pages in size and in line with previous editions, it will conform to a very high standard of editorial content and advertising. With a circulation of 6000 copies, it is widely distributed over a twenty-four month period, to individuals and companies seeking information on mining and petroleum in Papua New Guinea. The Chamber invites you to advertise in the 2008-2009 edition of Profile and showcase your company in this leading resource publication. ADVERTISING SPACE IS NOW AVAILABLE For advertising rates and further information, please contact: PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum Email: Phone (675) 3212988 Fax (675) 3217107 10 C H A M B E R U P D AT E VOL 12 PNG CHAMBER OF MINES AND PETROLEUM DIRECTORY OF ASSOCIATE AND SERVICE MEMBERS 1. 100 HEALTH CONSULTANTS Principal Consultant, Dr. Susanna Khobu Phone: (675) 681 5636 Fax: (675) 323 0095 P. O. Box 454 Boroko 111 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Medical consultancy and services. 2. AGILITY PROJECT LOGISTICS Branch Manager, Brendan Schultz Phone: (675) 320 2622 Fax: (675) 320 2484 P. O. Box 1702 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Project & logistics, freight forwarding and customs clearance. 3. AGR MATTHEY Chief Executive Officer, Andrew Strelein Phone: (61) 8 9479 9999 Fax: (61) 8 9479 9909 P. O. Box 957 Cloverdale WA 6985 AUSTRALIA Website: Gold refiner and supplier of value-added gold, silver products, fabricated gold, treasury services for trading and risk management of precious metals. 8. ALLENS ARTHUR ROBINSON LAWYERS Managing Partner, Vincent Bull Phone: (675) 320 2000 Fax: (675) 320 0588 P. O. Box 1178 Port Moresby National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Full service law firm advising in resources law, finance, property, environment and litigation. 9. AMERICAN HOME ASSURANCE COMPANY General Manager, Allan Brown Phone: (675) 321 2611 Fax: (675) 321 7034 P. O. Box 99 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Insurance underwriters 10. ANZ BANKING GROUP (PNG) Managing Director, Garry Tunstall Phone: (675) 322 3338 Fax: (675) 322 3253 P. O. Box 1152 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Financial services 4. AIR NIUGINI Chief Executive Officer, Wasantha Kumarasiri, OBE Phone: (675) 327 3424 Fax: (675) 327 3597 P. O. Box 7186 Boroko 111 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Commercial Airline with airports throughout Papua New Guinea. 11. ARMAN LARMER SURVEY Chairman, Michael Larmer Phone: (675) 325 8322 Fax: (675) 325 8813 P. O. Box 372 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Consultant surveyors and planners. Cadastral, engineering, mining, hydrographic, topograhic geodetic, GPS and photogrammetric surveys. 5. AIRLINES OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA General Manager, John Fitzgerald Phone: (675) 325 2011 Fax: (675) 325 2219 P. O. Box 170 Boroko 111 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Providers of air transport services, regular public transport, charter, medivac, aircraft maintenance, contract logistics and groundhandling. 12. ASIA PACIFIC SURVEYS Director, Brian McLennan Phone: (675) 325 6756 Fax: (675) 325 6732 P. O. Box 1271 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Engineering and cadastral surveyors, mapping, geographical information system and town planning. 6. AISI BISHMAN CONTRACTORS Managing Director, Colin Hunter Phone: (675) 325 3944 Fax: (675) 325 0005 P. O. Box 1516 Boroko 111 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Electrical, mechanical & instrumentation contractors. Suppliers of Allen Bradley control products. Aggreko Generator rentals and AND testing services 13. AUSTRALIAN MUD COMPANY General Manager, Gary Weston Phone: (61) 8 9445 4000 Fax: (61) 8 9445 4040 5 Pitino Court Osborne Park WA 6017 AUSTRALIA Website: Supply drilling fluids and products for mining and waterwell drilling; technical services for mining and waterwell drilling; drilling fluids and technical services to oilfield drilling. 7. AKZO NOBEL Business Manager, Mikael Ruben Phone: (675) 325 3139 Fax: (675) 325 7093 P. O. Box 1060 Boroko 111 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Manufacturing and distribution of paints and hardware. C H A M B E R 14. AUSTRALIAN TRADE COMMISSION Senior Trade Comissioner, John Brand Phone: (675) 325 9517 Fax: (675) 325 9727 Locked Bag 129 WAIGANI 131 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Trade facilitation organization of the Australian Government. U P D AT E 11 VOL 12 PNG CHAMBER OF MINES AND PETROLEUM DIRECTORY OF ASSOCIATE AND SERVICE MEMBERS 15. BANK OF SOUTH PACIFIC Managing Director, Garth McIlwain, CBE Phone: (675) 322 9700 Fax: (675) 321 3428 P. O. Box 78 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Banking services 16. BISHOP BROTHERS ENGINEERING General Manager, Mark Hird Phone: (675) 325 1088 Fax: (675) 325 0083 P. O. Box 81 Waigani 131 PAPUA NEW GUINEA Engineering workshop, equipment & machinery hire and industrial retail. 17. BLAKE DAWSON WALDRON Managing Partner, Tim Glenn Phone: (675) 309 2000 Fax: (675) 309 2099 P. O. Box 850 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Legal services 18. BOC PNG Southern Regional Manager, Shannon Smith Phone: (675) 325 3866 Fax: (675) 325 3615 P. O. Box 1636 Boroko 111 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Manufacturer of medical & industrial gases, supplier of welding equipment & consumables and safety equipment. 19. BOROKO MOTORS General Manager, Geoff Lang Phone: (675) 325 5111 Fax: (675) 325 5301 P. O. Box 1259 Boroko 111 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Sales, service and spare parts for nissan, isuzu, mitsubishi, nissan diesel, ford new holland, honda, johnson, kenworth, TCM, mercedes benz and freightliners. (continued) Private sector liaison to Government and other associated bodies to frame policy, engage in debate and support initiatives that generate economic growth for Papua New Guinea; provides a unified voice for the Private Sector. 22. C&M ENGINEERS Director, Richard Fothergill Phone: (675) 325 1707 Fax (675) 325 6707 P. O. Box 2079 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Civil construction and construction management Horizontal/Verticial. 23. CADDEN CROWE - PACIFIC Principal - Pacific Region, Scott Roberts Phone (61) 7 3003 0466 Fax: (61) 7 3003 0499 Level 10 Suite 15 320 Adelaide St QLD 4000 AUSTRALIA Website: Executive search, Database/Network search, bulk recruitment, psychological assessment, contracting, market mapping. 24. CARDNO ACIL Regional Manager PNG/Pacific, Mark Johnston Phone: (675) 321 6278 Fax: (675) 325 0987 P. O. Box 1826 Boroko 111 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Engineering and development consultants in civil & structural, water supply & sewerage, marine & environmental and feasibility studies. Specialists in mine & resource support and road infrastructure, planning, design, delivery and contact management. 25. CARSON PRATT SERVICES Managing Director, Greg Bill Phone: (675) 549 1278 Fax: (675) 549 1490 P. O. Box 189 Mendi 251 Southern Highlands Province PAPUA NEW GUINEA Rigsite, road and camp construction, quarry operations and blast hole drilling, landowner negotiations, logistics, line cutting and survey. 20. BRIAN BELL & CO. Managing Director, Sir Brian Bell, KBE.C.St.J. Phone: (675) 325 5411 Fax: (675) 325 0167 P. O. Box 1228 Boroko 111 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Brian Bell & Co-suppliers of general merchandise, domestic/commercial; Esco - electrical products; Belltek - chemical, scientific and health products. 26. COFFEY NATURAL SYSTEMS Principal, Regional Manager SA & NT, Adelaide Office, David Brown Phone: (61) 3 9418 0600 Fax: (61) 3 9418 0560 126 Trenerry Crescent Abbotsford VIC 3067 AUSTRALIA Website: Environmental and social impact assessments and technical investigations. 21. BUSINESS COUNCIL OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA President, Henry Kila Phone: (675) 320 0700 Fax: (675) 320 0701 P. O. Box 404 Konedobu National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Webiste: 27. COLUMBIA HELICOPTERS Project Manager PNG, Doug Clyde Phone: (675) 325 2274 Fax: (675) 325 2395 P. O. Box 1021 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: 12 C H A M B E R U P D AT E VOL 12 PNG CHAMBER OF MINES AND PETROLEUM DIRECTORY OF ASSOCIATE AND SERVICE MEMBERS Specialists in heavy lift external cargo helicopter operations using the Boeing Vertol 107 & 234 Chinook helicopter supporting the heli-logging, oil exploration and power lines construction industries worldwide. 28. CORAL SEAS MINING SERVICES PNG General Manager, Tony Brennan Phone: (675) 323 4941 Fax: (675) 325 1566 P. O. Box 1568 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Controlled blasting and all drill & blast services. 29. CURTAIN BROS PAPUA NEW GUINEA Managing Director, Sir Michael Curtain, KBE Phone: (675) 321 2300 Fax: (675) 320 0450 P. O. Box 441 Boroko 111 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Design, construction and engineering; contract mining services; shipping, marine and logistic support services, Papua New Guinea dockyard; Motukea island industrial estate, property development. 30. DALTRON General Manager, Bruce Mead Phone: (675) 302 2200 Fax: (675) 325 6538 P. O. Box 1711 Boroko 111 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: HP Business Partner and largest PNG supplier, Fugi Xerox Authorised Reseller etc. Supplier of HP and Niulogic computers, laptops, servers, photocopiers and service & repair. 31. DATEC (PNG) General Manager, Tony Westaway Phone: (675) 303 1333 Fax: (675) 325 9066 P. O. Box 504 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Computers, internet services, project management, networking & communication, building management services, PABX and cabling services 32. DELOITTE TOUCHE TOHMATSU Managing Partner-Audit & Risk Management, Paul Barber Phone: (675) 308 7000 Fax: (675) 308 7001 P. O. Box 1275 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Auditing, taxation, liquidation/receiverships, corporate finance, accounting services, human resources, business training and risk consultants. 33. DHL EXPRESS (PNG) General Manager, Mark Schell Phone: (675) 325 9866 Fax: (675) 323 0142 C H A M B E R (continued) P. O. Box 1775 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: World's leading express and logistics company. DHL's international network links more than 220 countries and continues to be forefront of technology, guaranting fast and reliable services. 34. DYNO NOBEL ASIA PACIFIC Operations Manager Indonesia/PNG, Gary Seebeck Phone: (61) 2 9968 9400 Fax: (61) 2 9968 9280 GPO Box 2283 Brisbane QLD 4000 AUSTRALIA Website: Bulk emulsion explosives & delivery systems, nonel initiation systems, boosters, blasting accessories and technical advice through DynoConsult. 35. ELA MOTORS Managing Director/General Manager, Wally Haydok Phone: (675) 322 9400 Fax: (675) 321 7268 P. O. Box 74 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Sales - service & supplier of spare parts for toyota, yamaha, hino trucks, mack trucks, daihatsu, renault trucks, massey ferguson tractors, implements and palfinger cranes. 36. ENERGY POWER SYSTEMS PNG Operations Manager, Stuart Honey Phone: (675) 300 8358 Fax: (675) 323 5324 P. O. Box 6308 Boroko 111 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Suppy caterpilla engines and power generation. 37. EUREST (PNG) General Manager, Ken Younger Phone: (675) 320 1100 Fax: (675) 320 1007 P. O. Box 459 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Catering, maintenance and janitorial services. 38. EXPLORATION PNG Managing Director, Neil Ryan Phone: (675) 542 1099 Fax: (675) 542 2059/1059 P. O. Box 525 Mount Hagen 281 Western Highlands Province PAPUA NEW GUINEA Field support services including seismic & geological surveys, consultancy services & engineering studies, community relations & landowner liaison, camp construction, management & catering, expediting and logistics services. 39. EXPRESS FREIGHT MANAGEMENT Managing Director, Robert Howden Phone: (675) 472 3822 Fax: (675) 472 5193 P. O. Box 3398 Lae 411 Morobe Province PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: U P D AT E 13 VOL 12 PNG CHAMBER OF MINES AND PETROLEUM DIRECTORY OF ASSOCIATE AND SERVICE MEMBERS Port and liner shipping agents, international freight forwarding, personal effects removables, international air freight, customs brokerage, transport services, warehousing & distribution and project management. 40. FUGRO HOLDINGS (AUSTRALIA) Managing Director, Grey Roughan Phone: (61) 8 9481 2966 Fax: (61) 8 9486 8675 Level 2 69 Outram St West Perth WA 6005 AUSTRALIA Website: Geoscience, survey and geotechnical services. 41. GADENS LAWYERS Managing Partner, Steve Patrick Phone: (675) 321 1033 Fax: (675) 321 1885 P. O. Box 1042 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Legal services 42. GIGIRA DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION General Manager, Mika Talwat Phone: (675) 278 6031/(05872) 764343164 Fax: (05872) 764343165 (Sat.) P. O. Box 322 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Personnel hire, recruitment & logistics, trucking and fuel distributors (Diesel & NAPTHA), wholesale and construction. 43. GLOBAL CONSTRUCTIONS General Manager, Ian Jepson Phone: (675) 321 0930 Fax: (675) 321 0793 P. O. Box 1453 Boroko 111 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Civil construction contractors, plant hire, bitumen sealing, crushing operations and heavy earthmoving. 44. GULF INVESTMENT TRUST FUND General Manager, Fred Lavaki Phone: (675) 325 6275 Fax: (675) 325 4364 P. O. Box 8955 Boroko 111 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Shipping Service within Southern Region and fisheries program for Gulf Provincial and Local Level Government 45. GURE KULE KONSULTANTS Managing Director, Pae Gure Phone: (675) 325 6544 Fax: (675) 325 9533 P. O. Box 1720 Boroko 111 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Engineering services such as structural, geotechnical. Bridges, highway studies and project management. 14 (continued) 46. HASTINGS DEERING (PNG) PNG & SI Area Manager, Ray Ninnes Phone: (675) 300 8300 Fax: (675) 325 0774 P. O. Box 6308 Boroko 111 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Caterpillar - Parts, Service and Equipment sales. 47. HEBOU CONSTRUCTIONS (PNG) General Manager, Joseph Hamylton Phone: (675) 325 3077 Fax: (675) 325 3441 P. O. Box 6207 Boroko 111 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Civil works, building constructions, quarry products, plant hire. 48. HELI NIUGINI Chief Executive Officer, Grant Smith Phone: (675) 852 2422/521 Fax: (675) 852 2520 P. O. Box 914 Madang 511 Madang Province PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Helicopter Charter and Support Services 49. HEVI LIFT LIMITED PNG Manager, Dave Glover Phone: (675) 323 6761/545 1430 Fax: (675) 323 5050 P. O. Box 240 Waigani 131 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Chartered aviation company with 30 aircraft namely Bell 206 long ranger helicopters, Bell 212 helicopters, 83 squirrel helicopter, Mil 8 helicopters, internal/external helicopter operations, Twinotter (18 pax) and Kingair (7 pax) charter operators. 50. HIGH ARCTIC ENERGY SERVICES PNG Operations Managers, Graham McIvor/Joop de Haas Phone: (675) 323 3809/432 Fax: (675) 323 1407 P. O. Box 593 Waigani 131 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Oil and gas well drilling; underbalanced drilling; hydraulic workovers. 51. HORNIBROOK NGI Managing Director, Mal Lewis Phone: (675) 472 3599 Fax: (675) 472 5083 P. O. Box 1812 Lae 411 Morobe Province PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Steel fabricators, equipment and manpower hire, painting & blasting services, building construction, motor transport body building & repair, bridge manufacture and repair/reinforcement. 52. INCHCAPE SHIPPING SERVICES PNG LTD General Manager PNG, Jeff Evennett Phone: (675) 321 2599 Fax: (675) 321 2295/0313 P. O. Box 922 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: C H A M B E R U P D AT E VOL 12 PNG CHAMBER OF MINES AND PETROLEUM DIRECTORY OF ASSOCIATE AND SERVICE MEMBERS Shipping Agency specializing in providing container liner shipping and tramping services in PNG; local transport, warehousing and customs clearance. 53. INSTITUTE OF NATIONAL AFFAIRS Director, Paul Barker Phone: (675) 321 1044 Fax: (675) 321 7223 P. O. Box 1530 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Social and Economic Policy-related Research and organising government-private sector-civil society consultations (through CIMC). 54. INTERNATIONAL SOS Head of Department, Martin Dennett Phone: (61) 2 9372 2400 Fax: (61) 2 9372 2494 Level 5 Challis House 4 Martin Place Sydney 2000 AUSTRALIA Medical evacuation and repatriation, medical consultancy and project medical services including medical staffing, medical equipment supply etc. Basic health training and programs. 55. INTEROIL PRODUCTS General Manager, Peter Diezmann Phone: (675) 322 8700 Fax: (675) 322 8767/321 1842 P. O. Box 169 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Distributors of InterOil petroleum products and BP lubricants. 56. IPI GROUP OF COMPANIES Chief Executive Officer, Scott O'Reilly Phone: (675) 475 1400 Fax: (675) 475 1417 P. O. Box 795 Lae 411 Morobe Province PAPUA NEW GUINEA Specialist fuel distribution, general dry goods transport, industrial catering, container storage, transport, customs, import, export, truck maintenance and retail & wholesale outlets. 57. ISLANDS NATIONAIR Acting Chief Executive Officer, Vanessa Chan-Pelgen Phone: (675) 325 4055 Fax: (675) 325 5059 P. O. Box 488 Boroko 111 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Provide helicopter charter services. 58. ISLANDS PETROLEUM General Manager, Paul Bluett Phone: (675) 982 1016/1015 Fax: (675) 982 1017 P. O. Box 226 New Rabaul 611 East New Britain Province PAPUA NEW GUINEA PNG wide distributors of Mobil oils and lubricants; fuel distributors - Islands Region, Milne Bay and Oro Province; fuel cartage and mining provider. C H A M B E R (continued) 59. ITS (PNG) General Manager, Stephen Southern Phone: (675) 472 8113 Fax: (675) 472 8112 P. O. Box 2464 Voco Point 411 Morobe Province PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Fire assay, cyanide extraction gold, multi-element ICP, hydrate and cold vapour techniques, X-Ray fluorescence, atomic absorption analysis, quantitative wet chemical assays etc. 60. JAPAN OIL, GAS & METALS NATIONAL CORPORATION Assistant General Manager, Hiroshi Kubota Phone: (612) 9264 2493 Fax: (612) 9264 4914 Suite 3 Level 23 BT Tower 1 Market St Sydney 2000 NSW AUSTRALIA Website: Assistance to Japanese companies in exploration, development and production of oil, natural gas and non-ferrous minerals; management of natural stockpiling programme for oil, LPG and rare metals; support mine pollution control works. 61. JOHN DAVIDSON & ASSOCIATES Chief Executive Officer, David Byrnes Phone: (61) 7 3120 0900 Fax: (61) 7 3120 0999 P. O. Box 1433 Eagle Farm QLD 4009 AUSTRALIA Website: Comprehensive recruitment services throughout the Asia Pacific region, from description and evaluation through to travel, immigration and logistics. 62. JTA INTERNATIONAL Chief Executive Officer, Jane Thomason Phone: (61) 7 3114 4600/ (675) 303 2205 Fax: (61) 7 3114 461 GPO Box 1080 Brisbane QLD 4001 AUSTRALIA Health services including facilitation of PublicPrivate partnerships, health risk assessments etc and HIV and AIDS support. 63. KIKORI OIL INVESTMENT General Manager, Ken Webb Phone: (675) 278 6948 Fax: (675) 278 6947 P. O. Box 1167 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Support services for Oil Search facilities-Gulf Province; oil spill response team, camp operation & management, building & maintenance, earthworks & road building, logistics supply, in field transportation & material handling, community affairs and support. 64. KINA SECURITIES Chief Executive Officer & Executive Director, Syd Yates, MBE Phone: (675) 308 3888 Fax: (675) 308 3899 P. O. Box 1141 Port Moresby 121 National Capital U P D AT E 15 VOL 12 PNG CHAMBER OF MINES AND PETROLEUM DIRECTORY OF ASSOCIATE AND SERVICE MEMBERS District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Corporate advice, financial services, stockbroking, fund management & administration, superannuation, lending and money market facilities. 65. KLOHN CRIPPEN BERGER Manager Australia, Chris Dickinson Phone: (61) 7 3004 0244 Fax: (61) 7 3230 0299 GPO Box 5217 Brisbane QLD 4001 AUSTRALIA Website: Technical engineering expertise to clients in mining industries, such as mine geotechnical, hydrological, civil geotechnical, hydrogeological, environmental assessment, planning and permitting. 66. KPMG Partner, David Wardley Phone: (675) 321 2022 Fax: (675) 321 2780 P. O. Box 507 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Chartered Accountants 67. KUTUBU TRANSPORT Group General Manager, Stephen Drennan/Terry Barrett Phone: (675) 472 1922 Fax: (675) 472 6171 P. O. Box 4271 Lae 411 Morobe Province PAPUA NEW GUINEA Transportation of cargos to and from the highlands, stevedoring services and shipping agents at Oro bay. 68. LAKAKA CIVIL & CONSTRUCTION Managing Director & Executive Director of Group of Companies, David Kelso Phone: (675) 986 4187 Fax: (675) 986 4188 P. O. Box 108, Londolovit, Lihir Island 631 New Ireland Province PAPUA NEW GUINEA Support equipment to Lihir Mine and maintenance of all roads on the island. 69. LNG JAPAN CORPORATION Manager - LNG Business Department, Shigeyuki Miyake Phone: (81) 3 6229 3426 Fax (81) 3 3586 1097 Roppong, First bldg, 14th Floor 1-9-9 Roppong Minato-Ku Tokyo 106-0032 JAPAN An energy trading house taking strategic initiatives in the LNG business, aiming to be one of the leading companies in the rapidly evolving LNG industry. Established by Sumitomo Corp. and Sojitz Corp. in 2001. 70. MARKHAM CULVERTS General Manager, Robert Higgs Phone: (675) 472 2666 Fax: (675) 472 5640 16 (continued) P. O. Box 845 Lae 411 Morobe Province PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Manufacturer & supplier of civil engineering products including galvanized steel, culverts, drainage structures, bridges, conveyors etc. 71. MARSH Chief Executive Officer, Lloyd Aila Phone: (675) 309 8000 Fax: (675) 321 1324 P. O. Box 920 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Insurance brokers and risk consulting services. 72. METALS REFINING OPERATIONS Chief Executive Officer, Alois Tanguri (Acting) Phone: (675) 325 2647 Fax: (675) 325 2959 P. O. Box 3980 Boroko 111 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Toll refining, bullion melt, sample and assaying, gold & silver refiners, metal accounts, alluvial gold buyers, technical advise and information to small scale miners, sale of small mining equipment, bullion and jewellery products. 73. MINING ASSOCIATES Managing Director, Andrew Vigar Phone: (61) 7 3831 9154 Fax: (61) 7 3831 6754 P. O. Box 161 Spring Hill QLD 4004 AUSTRALIA Technical reviews, audits and feasibility studies. Geological modeling, exploration targeting and resource estimation. Mine geology, operations audits and advice, due deligence and grade control and ore production control. 74. MORAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Operations Manager, Sid White Phone: (675) 278 6224 Fax: (675) 275 5715 P. O. Box 32 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Civil construction contractor, with a plant fleet engaged in general earthworks project, well pad construction, road construction and maintenance as well as civil building construction expertise. 75. MOTOR VEHICLE INSURANCE Chairman & Executive Officer, John Mua Phone: (675) 325 9666 Fax: (675) 325 3155 P. O. Box 1157 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Compulsory Third Party Insurance (CTP). 76. NAMBAWAN SUPER Managing Director, Leon Buskens Phone: (675) 309 5200 Fax: (675) 321 7606 P. O. Box 483 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Superannuation Fund for public and private sector. C H A M B E R U P D AT E VOL 12 PNG CHAMBER OF MINES AND PETROLEUM DIRECTORY OF ASSOCIATE AND SERVICE MEMBERS 77. NATIONAL DRILLING General Manager, Ron Western Phone: (675) 472 3099 Fax: (675) 472 5635 P. O. Box 1538 Lae 411 Morobe Province PAPUA NEW GUINEA Diamond and geotechnical drillers, project managers and consulting. Manufacturers of Portable drill rigs and suppliers of drilling consumables. 78. NATIONAL SUPERANNUATION FUND Joint Chief Executive Officers, Rod Mitchell/Ian Tarutia Phone: (675) 325 9522/9402 Fax: (675) 325 9738 P. O. Box 5791 Boroko 111 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Superannuation and savings & loans. 79. NCS HOLDINGS Group General Manager, Marcus Gosling Phone: (675) 986 5105/321 5577 Fax: (675) 986 5112/321 0458 P. O. Box 36 Lihir 631 New Ireland Province PAPUA NEW GUINEA Mining and Petroleum and institutional industrial catering and camp services, including management, warehousing, messing, janitorial and clubs. 80. NGF General Manager, Phil Ho Phone: (675) 323 9001 Fax: (675) 325 3875 P. O. Box 778 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Supplier of safety and mining industrial products such as OHES products, industrial footwear & clothing like King Gee and Brady, height safety and rigging products etc. 81. NIUGINI OIL COMPANY Managing Director, Denis Brennan Phone: (675) 472 5033 Fax: (675) 472 3268 P. O. Box 3722 Lae 411 Morobe Province PAPUA NEW GUINEA Import and distributers of petroleum products (diesel, petrol, kerosene & castrol lubricants). 82. NO. 1 HIRE CAR General Manager, Sam Eremas Phone: (675) 479 1546 Fax: (675) 472 2798 P. O. Box 1651 Lae 411 Morobe Province PAPUA NEW GUINEA Car rental, airport transfers and chauffeur drives. 83. OILMIN FIELD SERVICES Managing Director, George Leahy Phone: (675) 542 1221 Fax: (675) 542 1547 C H A M B E R (continued) P. O. Box 858 Mt Hagen 281 Western Highlands Province PAPUA NEW GUINEA Field support services to gas and oil exploration companies. 84. P & O MARITIME SERVICES (PNG) Country Manager, John Hulse Phone: (675) 322 9200 Fax: (675) 322 9251 P. O. Box 1403 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Ship ownership and mangement in remote locations including mini bulk carriers, environmental research, navigational aid support and river ferry services. Ship management & crewing and maritime logistics. 85. P&H MINEPRO SERVICES Business Development Manager SEA, Steve Butters Phone: (61) 7 3240 4600 Fax: (61) 7 3240 4666 P. O. Box 507 Morningside Queensland 4170 AUSTRALIA Website: Heavy mining equipment manufacture; P&H : shovels, drill and drag; Joy - Stamler: sizers, feeders/breakers; TowHaul: low loaders; Briden: mining ropes; Philippi-Hagenbuch: truck bodies; Berkely Forge: ground engaging tools; Electrical motor rewind & rebuild services; GE: Motors. 86. PACIFIC FOAM Director, Aarish Shah Phone: (675) 325 9500 Fax: (675) 325 7609 P. O. Box 7071 Boroko 111 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Manufacturers of foam & innerspring mattresses etc and extruded plastic packaging products. Traders of catering and other packaging products. 87. PACIFICA MARINE Managing Director, Captain John Bennett Phone: (675) 320 3095 Fax: (675) 320 3093 P. O. Box 480 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Petroleum inspectors, registered ship surveyors, certified marine surveyors, FOSFA superintendents, marine insurance claim & average consultants, assayers & laboratory services, calibration, foreign trade supervision. Associated company: Pacifica HRrecruitment, casual staffing, salary surveys, payroll, HR administration, foreign entities representation, change management and on-line employment. 88. PARKER DRILLING COMPANY OF NEW GUINEA Operations Manager, Jerry Fladeland Phone: (675) 321 3322 Fax: (675) 321 3213 P. O. Box 478 Port Moresby 121 National Capital U P D AT E 17 VOL 12 PNG CHAMBER OF MINES AND PETROLEUM DIRECTORY OF ASSOCIATE AND SERVICE MEMBERS District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Oil and gas extraction. 89. PNG AIR FREIGHT General Manager, Doug Maskelyne Phone: (675) 325 2411 Fax: (675) 325 4738 P. O. Box 6645 Boroko 111 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Domestic & international courier services, consolidated door to door domestic and international cargo, import and export cargo and customs brokerage. 90. PNG RESOURCES MAGAZINE Advertising Manager, Greg Brimble Phone: (61) 8 9443 3400 Fax: (61) 8 9242 1811 Website: 103 Scarborough Beach Road Mt Hawthorn WA 6016 AUSTRALIA A quarterly magazine which covers the mining and petroleum industry in Papua New Guinea. 91. PNG SUSTAINABLE ENERGY Chief Executive Officer, Peter Martin Phone: (675) 321 2222 Fax: (675) 321 0864 P. O. Box 503 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Energy solutions and communications associated with power projects in Papua New Guinea. 92. POSMAN KUA AISI LAWYERS The Executive Partner, Kisakiu Posman Phone: (675) 320 0127 Fax: (675) 320 0361 P. O. Box 228 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Legal services. 93. PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS Territory Senior Partner PNG, Stephen Humphries Phone: (675) 321 1500 Fax: (675) 321 1428 P. O. Box 484 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Assurance & business advisory, tax & legal services, corporate finance & recovery, transaction, accounting advice and assistance services. 94. PROSEC SECURITY & COMMUNICATIONS General Manager, Peter Jackson Phone: (675) 325 6377 Fax: (675) 325 1098 P. O. Box 5392 Boroko 111 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Security systems & services, communication systems, static guards & guard dogs, security surveys and assessments. 18 (continued) 95. SCHLUMBERGER OILFIELD SERVICES GeoMarket Manager APG, Pia Francini Phone: (61) 8 9420 4800 Fax: (61) 8 9322 3080 Level 5, Capital Centre 256 St Georges Terrace Perth WA 6000 AUSTRALIA Website: Artificial lift; completions; data & consulting services; drilling & measurements; schlumberger information solutions; well services - wireline, subsea, testing services. 96. SGS PNG General Manager, Bruce Telfer Phone: (675) 323 1433 Fax: (675) 323 1697 P. O. Box 1260 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Inspection, testing and verification services including petroleum industry, agriculture industry, minerals, quality management and government services. 97. SHELL DIRECT SUNGOLD Key Account Manager - Mining, Chris Darwin Phone: (61) 7 33641 5263 Fax: (61) 7 3364 5566 385 Eagle Farm Rd Pinkenba AUSTRALIA Suppliers of fuel, lubricants, bitumen and greases, oil dispensing equipment. Technical services to the mining and manufacturing Industry. 98. SMEC PNG Manager Geotechnical Pacific, Mark Ernest Phone: (675) 325 1822 Fax: (675) 325 3780 P. O. Box 4468 Boroko 111 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Materials testing laboratory, geotechnical and civil engineering. 99. STARWEST CONSTRUCTIONS General Manager, Wayne Clark Phone: (675) 548 9077 Fax: (675) 548 9208 P. O. Box 46 Tabubil 332 Western Province PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Services such as mining & excavation, civil construction, project management, drill & blast, design & fabrication and heavy haulage. 100. STEAMSHIPS SHIPPING General Manager, Darren Young Phone: (675) 322 0400 Fax: (675) 321 2815 P. O. Box 634 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Agents for Swire Shipping. Provider of port & stevedoring services, domestic and international liner services, ship yard, short & long term charter of vessels, line & tug boats and part of Steamships Trading Group. C H A M B E R U P D AT E VOL 12 PNG CHAMBER OF MINES AND PETROLEUM DIRECTORY OF ASSOCIATE AND SERVICE MEMBERS 101. STEELES LAWYERS Managing Director, Rimbink Pato Phone: (675) 323 044 Fax: (675) 323 0555 P. O. Box 662, Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Legal services. 102. TELIKOM PNG Managing Director, Peter Loko Phone: (675) 300 5135 Fax: (675) 325 4425 P. O. Box 351 Waigani 131 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Communication Services; telephone & data lines, mobile services, Internet Gateway services and VSAT Satellite. 103. THEODIST Managing Director, Kevin Pini Phone: (675) 325 6500 Fax: (675) 325 0302 P. O. Box 1618 Boroko 111 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA General office supplies & consumables, office furniture, printing/copy centre, education & library books, art supplies and survey drafting equipment. 104. UMW NIUGINI General Manager, Peter Leece Phone: (675) 325 5766 Fax: (675) 323 2084 P. O. Box 5243 Boroko 111 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Heavy equipment suppliers, spare parts and service. Distributors of Komatsu earthmoving & road equipment, mining systems, forklifts, Atlas Copco drills & compressors and FG Wilson generators. 105. UNITED PACIFIC DRILLING PNG General Manager/Managing Director, Bill Hughes Phone: (675) 852 2411 Fax: (675) 852 2830 P. O. Box 108 Madang 511 Madang Province PAPUA NEW GUINEA Contract drilling services for mineral exploration to mine site drilling. Drill and blast services (civil & quarry) and engineering. 106. URS AUSTRALIA Manager - Community Relations & Social Investment, Steven Baker Phone: (61) 8 8836 1000 Fax: (61) 8 8836 1001 Level 4 70 Light Square Addelaide South Australia 5000 AUSTRALIA Website: Community consultation; environmental management; geotechnical, mining and infrastructure engineering; risk management; strategic planning; tailings and waste management and water resources. C H A M B E R (continued) 107. WARNER SHAND LAWYERS Manager (Projects), Peter Donigi Phone: (675) 321 5025 Fax: (675) 321 5079 P. O. Box 5243 Boroko 111 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Legal Services 108. WARTSILA AUSTRALIA Managing Director, John Sydney Phone: (61) 2 9672 8200 Fax: (61) 2 9672 8585 48 Huntingwood Ave Huntingwood NSW 2148 AUSTRALIA Product range includes diesel engines, fixed & controllable pitch propellers, thrusters, waterjets & control systems, shaft coupling etc and general marine engineering, consultants for ship propulsion system, repairs and maintenance to power generation equipment & systems. 109. WESTLINK LOGISTICS Director of Projects, Mike Maxwell Phone: (61) 7 3262 6243 Fax: (61) 7 3262 6825 Suite 32 14 Argyle Street Albion QLD 4010 AUSTRALIA Project logistics, shipping, customs & quarantine formalisation, overdimensional transport and sea & air forwarding. 110. WESTPAC BANK - PNG Managing Director, Ross Hammond Phone: (675) 322 0900 Fax: (675) 3220636 P. O. Box 706 Port Moresby 121 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Corporate banking facilities, treasury function, international products for importers and exporters, internet banking and electronic payroll service and low fee employee accounts. 111. WOKMAN LIMITED General Manager, Peter Turner, BEM Phone: (675) 321 0800 Fax: (675) 321 0806 P. O. Box 2530 Boroko 111 National Capital District PAPUA NEW GUINEA Website: Recruitment, human resources and business consultancy services including executive recruitment (PNG citizen & expatriate), professional staff recruitment (PNG citizen & expatriate), trades & technical staff recruitment, business & HR systems consulting, contract labour (short & long term, technical, production and professional staff, PNG citizen & expatriate contractors), visa & work permit processing, travel assistance services, business introductions and payroll bureau service. A detailed Directory is available at the Chamber for Members K25.00 and Non-Members K35.00 U P D AT E 19 VOL 12 PNG CHAMBER OF MINES AND PETROLEUM HIGHLIGHTS OF THE MINING SEMINAR The successes and challenges in the PNG mining sector were presented at the recent 2007 Mining Seminar attended by a record crowd of more than 400 people. Below are the highlights of some of the presentations. By building an additional grinding circuit and a flotation plant capable of processing 3 - 4 million tonnes a year Lihir mine recently increased its production capacity by 20%. In addition, the mine now has 56MW of geothermal power in place that produces power at about US1c/KWhr. Lihir's General Manager for Corporate Development, Graham Folland said expenditure of another US$500 to US$550 million would be needed if production is further upgraded to one million ounces per annum. A feasibility study on this proposal is currently underway and if this leads to a positive outcome then construction is expected in begin in 2008 with first production in 2010. This involves an additional grinding circuit with direct feed of run of mine ore, an additional autoclave with double the capacity of those presently installed, and additional oxygen capacity of 70 tonnes per hour. Ok Tedi mine is currently generating export revenue at a rate of K130,000 every 15 minutes (K4.6 billion per annum)and last year it paid K1.5 billion in taxes and royalties. Although mining of the present open cut is anticipated to cease by 2013, Ok Tedi Mining Managing Director, Alan Breen disclosed that a pre-feasibility study had begun on a seven million tonnes a year underground operation. This centres on three small orebodies containing about 100 million tonnes that lie below the Mt Fubilan open pit. The flotation circuit to remove pyrite from the tailings at Ok Tedi will be completed by the middle of next year at a cost of USD153 million. The flotation will remove about 3 million tonnes of pyrite per annum which will be piped as slurry to Bige for burial in large dredged pits below the watertable. The system will recover about 90% of the sulphide in the tailings. The newly commissioned small Sinivit mine in East New Britain commenced commercial gold production in October 2007 and is expected to be a very low cost producer at around AU$160 an ounce. It is a vat leach operation and annual production should be 35,000 ozs with a head grade of 5 g/t Au and a mine life of 2 years. Project owner Niugini Gold is looking to start up a second gold mine in Normanby Island, Milne Bay, in 2009. Allied Gold's mine at Simberi Island, 60km northwest of the giant Lihir mine; will have its first gold pour before the end of the year. The mine is scheduled to produce 84,000 ounces per year for 8-9 years but the company anticipates that production will rise to 100,000 ounces if the oxide reserves can be increased to over 1 million ounces. Ramu Nickel's Chief Technical Director, James Wang disclosed that project costs had soared from just over US$800 million to US$1 billion for the Ramu nickel/cobalt project. Similar cost overruns are also evident in other 20 projects in the region. Ramu is a technically challenging project which requires considerable infrastructure including a 130km slurry pipeline. Full construction will start in February 2008 with commissioning anticipated at end of third quarter, 2009 followed by a ramp up period of 2 years. In the five years since Harmony first entered PNG, it has built up a resource base of 15.1 million ounces of gold and a total gold equivalent resource of 30 million ounces. Although the company has no PNG production at present, the Hidden Valley mine currently under construction is expected to start producing at around 300,000 ounces gold equivalent in March 2009. Harmony is presently trying to attract a development partner for its Wafi gold and Golpu copper-gold projects, which could begin production of 65,000 tonnes of copper and 110,000 ounces of gold annually by 2012. The company is also looking to establish a third mine in a ten year time frame on the basis of its extensive exploration programme in the Morobe Province. Marengo Mining has begun a full-scale feasibility study at Yandera copper-molybdenum project which is scheduled for completion by the end of 2009. Managing Director, Les Emery stated that he hopes to bring the project on stream by 2011. One of the most exciting new features of the PNG mineral exploration sector is the work that is progressing on the submarine massive sulphide (SMS) deposits in the Manus Basin that underlies part of the Bismarck Sea. To date, Nautilus Minerals has discovered eight very high grade polymetallic deposits that are gold, silver, copper and zinc rich. At the Solwara 1 discovery, Nautilus is already proving up a JORC compliant resource with the aim of commencing mining by 2010. During 2007, Nautilus drilled 111 holes in this deposit using a purpose-built rig designed and built for deep sea drilling that is the first of its kind. Trial mining has been completed using a conventional land based rotary cutter on an excavator boom. Nautilus has already raised the US$300 million required to fund the mining system. This involves deploying a mining machine with a cutting head to disaggregate the material M I N I N G N E W S VOL 12 PNG CHAMBER OF MINES AND PETROLEUM HIGHLIGHTS OF THE MINING SEMINAR which is then pumped to a riser and lifting system incorporating multiple pumping units to pump the slurry up a 300mm pipe to the surface vessel where it is dewatered. The water extracted is returned to below the oxygen minimum zone. The dewatered material is either direct shipped or barged to shore where it will be concentrated in a processing facility and the small quantity of tailings produced stored in a permitted storage facility. The footprint of the proposed mining operation is significantly smaller than a land based operation (continued) producing the same amount of metal. The sub-sea mine will not have any waste dumps, as the only material mined and transported to surface will be high grade ore. Tailings production will be significantly reduced relative to landbased mines due once again to the high grade nature of the ore and the relatively small tonnage mined annually. Nautilus has mapped out a challenging plan to move the Solwara 1 project into production. The plan involves the continued use of recognised world experts in sub-sea engineering, environment, and material processing and handling. MINERAL RESOURCES AUTHORITY The Mineral Resources Authority (MRA) was officially launched when the inaugural Board meeting was convened in January 2007. The Board of Directors of MRA consists of nine members - four Government Departmental Heads, four from the private sector comprised of two from the PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum and two from the PNG Business Council, and the Managing Director. The Managing Director, Mr Kepas Wali, was appointed by NEC in March 2007. The MRA is charged with the responsibility of managing, maintaining and promoting a responsible, safe and effective minerals industry in the country guided by the MRA Act, the Mining Act 1992, and the Mining Safety Act. At full strength the Authority will have a staff of 118 and to date about 90 positions have been filled. The organisation is structured into five divisions as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Development Coordination Information and Marketing Regulatory Operations Geological Survey Corporate Services The Authority is funded through an annual production levy of 0.25% of accessible income generated from mining leases, as well as from licence and tenement fees, and sale of publications, maps and services. The MRA will not be a recipient of any government recurrent budget allocations. At the recent Mining Seminar convened by the Chamber in Port Moresby, Mr Wali acknowledged the EU Mining Sector Support Programme for the construction of the Mining Haus which now accommodates the MRA and its special support projects. The Mining Haus is the beautiful new building adjacent to the old Department of Mining headquarters on the Freeway at Konedobu The MRA and the Department of Mineral Policy and Geohazards Management (DMPGM), which is currently being established, replace the Department of Mining (DoM). Funding for the DoM ceases at the end of 2007. The DMPGM retains responsibility for the development and maintenance of the policy and regulatory environment within which the mining industry operates, and which is to be implemented by the MRA. It will also M I N I N G provide the public service function relating to the monitoring and management of volcanic and earthquake hazards throughout the country carried out by the Rabaul Volcanological Observatory and the Geophysical Observatory located in Port Moresby. MRA Board and the Mining Advisory Council The MRA Board has strictly limited powers relating to issues of a mining regulatory nature and is not involved in the issuing, renewing, variation or cancelling of any mining or exploration tenements. Thus there is no conflict of interest for private sector members of the Board whose role is to ensure high levels of corporate governance and transparency within the institution and to ensure that it runs efficiently and effectively. This arrangement ensures that the management of the State's mineral estate stays in the hands of the Minister for Mining under the Mining Act 1992. All decisions related to mining tenements are made by the Minister following recommendations and advice from the Mining Advisory Council (previously called the Mining Advisory Board) which is constituted under the Mining Act. The membership of the Mining Advisory Council remains totally Government officials representing the MRA (not Board), DMPGM, and Departments of Treasury, Provincial Affairs, and Environment and Conservation. This structure and separation of powers makes the MRA a new model for economic sector management and is different from either the Fisheries or Forestry models for regulatory statutory authorities. The Chamber has welcomed the introduction of the MRA and expects the organisation to be fully staffed and operationalised by early next year. Unfortunately, because of delays in establishing the MRA and the growth in exploration in the country there is a considerable backlog of matters to be dealt with by the MAC. Even though meetings have been held regularly it has been difficult to clear the backlog because of the steady flow of new applications and delays in recruitment of some key staff in the Regulatory Operations Division resulting from a shortage of suitably skilled persons in the marketplace. N E W S 21 VOL 12 PNG CHAMBER OF MINES AND PETROLEUM WORLD BANK PNG MINING SECTOR SUPPORT PROGRAM The World Bank has committed US$16 million to build capacity in government organisations involved in Papua New Guinea's minerals sector to assist them to fully benefit from the commodities boom being experienced globally. The funding which is allocated under the second phase of the PNG Mining Sector Support Program will be used to build capacity in the Mineral Resources Authority (MRA), the Department of Mineral Policy and Geohazard Management, the Internal Revenue Commission (IRC) and the Autonomous Bougainville Government (ABG). project. The new program also incorporates extensive staff training and development for the MRA. Dr Graeme Hancock from the World Bank's Oil, Gas and Mining Policy Division told participants at the 2007 PNG Mining Seminar in Port Moresby that the Bank's support would mainly concentrate on capacity building within these State institutions and the ABG. He noted that the project is in the final planning stage and is yet to be approved by the National Executive Council which is expected in the first quarter of 2008. The IRC will benefit from a program that will implement changes to the Income Tax Act and regulations relating to tax treatment of mine closure and rehabilitation costs and community development expenditures, enhance mining and petroleum audit capacity, and provide staff development and training. Support for the MRA includes implementation of: best practice corporate governance systems, internal information management systems, an e-commerce system for receipt of payments, and an on-line application system for licence applications and processing. In addition, the MRA will benefit from the establishment of a small scale miners registration and identity card system, and a gold assay laboratory, as well as a program to complete the digitisation of the geological data base commenced under the first phase of the World Bank The World Bank support for the Department of Mineral Policy and Geohazard Management includes proposals to finalise the Mine Closure Policy, the Sustainable Development Policy Paper, and the review of the Mining Act and the Mining Safety Act. Preparation of a SmallScale Mining Safety Act, Sea-Bed Mining Policy and an Offshore Mining Act are also envisaged. For the Autonomous Bougainville Government, the World Bank program will develop transitional arrangements to allow for lifting of the exploration moratorium and granting of exploration licences before transfer of mining powers from the National Government to the ABG. It also proposes the preparation of a Bougainville Sustainable Mining Policy, Bougainville Mining Act and Mining Safety Act as well as enabling regulations and institutional development. In addition, the project will provide for the setting up of an ABG Dept of Mining including an office building, vehicles and equipment, and on the job training for staff. MINING SECTOR SUPPORT PROGRAMME UPDATE Progress during the 3rd quarter 2007 The Programme's Objectives The objectives of the Mining Sector Support Programme are to sustain PNG's economic performance through mineral production and exports, to increase employment opportunities, to alleviate poverty, and to mitigate environmental impacts of mining. To achieve the objectives, the following ten projects are being implemented. A) B) C) D) E) F) G) H) I) J) Develop waste management guidelines, Investigate deep sea tailings placement, Construct a new 'Mining Haus', Construct three training centres to train small-scale gold miners, and construct a Womens Development Centre Airborne geophysical survey, Geological mapping and mineral potential assessment of the Highlands, Develop a geoscientific information management and retrieval system, Procure hardware for the Mining Haus, Investment promotion, and Programme Management Unit 22 Project A - Waste Management Policy The tender procedure had to be cancelled as no valid offers were received by the deadline. The project will be re-tendered in 2008, with a most likely project start in quarter IV/2008. Project B - Deep Sea Mine Tailings Placement Investigation The consultant completed the desk top study on DSTP. Two experts visited Misima Island for an awareness campaign in preparation for the offshore sampling campaign to be undertaken during November and December 2007. This is designed to fill in gaps identified during the desk top study. In November 2008, the consultant will organize an international conference on Deep Sea Tailings Placement in Port Moresby. Project C - Mining Haus The new Mining Haus was opened by the Prime Minster of PNG on Europe Day - 9th May 2007. The Mineral Resources Authority took possession of the building on 1st June 2007, and since then has been operational. M I N I N G N E W S VOL 12 PNG CHAMBER OF MINES AND PETROLEUM MINING SECTOR SUPPORT PROGRAMME UPDATE (continued) Project D - Small-scale Mining Project D will construct three small-scale mining training centres (at Wau, Paiam and Wewak), and kick-start these training centres. In addition a Womens Training and Development Centre (WTDC) will be built for the Porgera District Womens Association at Paiam in Enga Province. Construction at Wau started on 22nd January 2007. Weather hazards causing road closure have delayed the project, whose completion is now scheduled for January 2008. The tender dossiers for the Paiam training centre and WTDC are being finalized. A consultant has been contracted to develop a curriculum and start the training at Wau early in 2008. Project E - Airborne Geophysical Survey The helicopter-borne magnetic and radiometric survey of the PNG Highlands and Papuan Peninsula aims at providing pre-competitive information to attract exploration investments and eventually result in new mine developments. It is planned to fly a total of 210,000 line-kms. Fugro started data acquisition in February 2006. The 2007 flying season started early in March 2007, and lasted until 26th October 2007. Area 1 has been completed, and Area 2 (Papuan Peninsula) has commenced. Construction site at Wau SSM-TC complete all data acquisition during the 2008 dry season. Project F - Geological Mapping and Mineral Potential Assessment of the PNG Highlands This project is aimed at providing pre-competitive information by undertaking the ground follow-up survey of the Highlands provinces covered by the airborne geophysical survey. The project commenced on 1st April 2006. The 2007 field campaign started in May 2007. During this year's field season geological mapping concentrated on the 1:100k sheets Aiome, Goroka, Minj and Hagen. Draft digital maps will be compiled during the last quarter of 2007. In May 2007, geochemical stream sediment sampling commenced, and to date 1776 samples have been taken on the Hagen, Minj, Bundi, Goroka and Kubor sheets. Project G - Geological and Mineral Resources Information System The MapInfo-based Geological and Mineral Resources Information System (GMRIS) development has been completed, and the system will be installed in the new Mining Haus starting on 19th November 2007. During the remainder of the project period the consultant will provide training in the use and administration of the GMRIS to the staff of the MRA. Cumulative geophysical line-kms flown to 31st October 2007 Project I - Investment Promotion With 72% of the planned line-kms completed, progress to date is ahead of schedule. The contractor expects to The project was successfully tendered and contracted. Project commencement will be on 1st November 2007 and the project will run for 5 years. M I N I N G N E W S 23 VOL 12 PNG CHAMBER OF MINES AND PETROLEUM LNG IN PNG What is LNG? Liquefied natural gas, or LNG, is natural gas that has been converted to liquid form for ease of storage or transport. LNG is a clear, colourless, odourless liquid that is neither corrosive nor toxic. The liquefaction process involves removal of impurities such as water, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygen, sulphur compounds and the heavy hydrocarbons from natural gas before condensing it into a liquid at close to atmospheric pressure by cooling it to approximately minus 163 degrees Celsius. Although the process is expensive and complex, LNG is about 1/614th the volume of natural gas at standard temperature and pressure, making it much more cost-efficient to transport over long distances where pipelines do not exist. LNG is transported in specially designed cryogenic sea vessels or cryogenic road tankers. LNG typically contains more than 90% methane as it may also contain small amounts of ethane, propane, butane and some heavier alkanes. The purification process can be designed to produce LNG containing almost 100% methane. Proposed PNG LNG Projects Two LNG projects are currently in pre-FEED (front end engineering and design) stage in PNG - one proposed by PNG LNG and the other by a joint venture group headed by ExxonMobil. PNG LNG is owned equally by InterOil, Merrill Lynch and Pacific LNG. At the recent Petroleum Seminar in Port Moresby, InterOil disclosed that the proposed project would consist of a two-train liquefaction plant targeting first production in 2012. It would be sited adjacent to InterOil's refinery in Port Moresby Harbour to utilise the existing infrastructure and become part of the proposed Konebada Petroleum Park. The LNG plant is expected to cost US$ 5-7 billion and would be supplied from gas based on InterOil's Elk/Antelope discovery in the Gulf Province. The joint venture lead by ExxonMobil includes Oil Search, Santos, AGL Petroleum, JPP and the landowners and is based on gas from the Hides, Angore, Juha, Kutubu, Agogo, Moran and Gobe fields. This group proposes to have the pre-FEED work completed by early 2008, which will form the basis for a decision on the full FEED study. The project is scheduled for completion in 2013. At the recent Petroleum Seminar, the ExxonMobil-led group disclosed that after studying 11 potential coastal sites along the east side of the Gulf of Papua, a site near Port Moresby (Portion 152) was favoured. This will also be included in the proposed Konebada Petroleum Park. The pre-FEED study is assessing the commercial viability of a project that will produce 6.3 million tonnes annually of LNG either in a single large facility or in two separate LNG trains. A large camp would be required for the construction phase, which would involve some 7,500 workers. The infrastructure would include an offshore loading terminal where tanker ships will berth and load the LNG, and an offloading facility for transfer of equipment and materials during construction and operations. Once operational, the plant would be run by about 500 people. A massive construction effort would be needed in Port Moresby in about three years time if one or both of these LNG projects proceed as planned. GOVERNMENT SUPPORTS LNG PROJECTS In his opening address at the recent Petroleum Seminar in Port Moresby, Petroleum and Energy Minister, Hon. William Duma called on gas developers to get an LNG project started while prices and other factors were favourable. He said that the Government is committed to getting an LNG project off the ground, and to that end has allocated K500 million in the National Supplementary Budgets to fund State equity in a development (increased to K600 million in the 2008 National Budget). The Minister stated that the Government would like to see an LNG project commence by 2011. The Government is moving to promote the downstream processing of gas with the establishment of the Konebada Petroleum Park (KPP) just outside the city of Port Moresby. Minister Duma disclosed at the Petroleum Seminar that a draft White Paper outlining the country's downstream petroleum policy will soon be presented to the Government for endorsement. The Petroleum Park and other similar parks proposed for Oriomo in Western Province and Wewak in East Sepik Province are to become industrial centres essential to the success of the downstream processing policy. They will 24 operate as special economic zones with a dedicated regulatory regime. Minister Duma said that under the downstream policy, the Government was confident of eventually attracting investments in liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), methanol, dimethyl ether, fertilisers, and possibly gas-to-liquids. The Minister also commented on retention licences. He noted that “the Government is concerned that retention licences have been an excuse in some instances for licensees to warehouse gas. All past and future gas discoveries will now be under the radar to ensure that all gas fields are given the necessary support and incentives to bring them to early production”. P E T R O L E U M N E W S VOL 12 PNG CHAMBER OF MINES AND PETROLEUM PNG CHAMBER OF MINES AND PETROLEUM First Floor, The Lodge, Bampton Street, Port Moresby P O Box 1032, Port Moresby, NCD. 121 Phone: (675) 321 2988 Fax: (675) 321 7107 Email: Website: MEMBERSHIP FORM 2008 FULL MEMBER – Major Explorer AUD 12,570.00 FULL MEMBER – Junior Explorer AUD 3,150.00 FULL MEMBER – Holder of a SML/PDL (Special Mining Lease/Petroleum Development Licence) AUD 12,570.00 FULL MEMBER – Holder of a ML (Mining Lease) AUD 6,300.00 FULL MEMBER – Holder of a PL/PPFL (Pipeline Licence/Petroleum Processing Facility Licence) AUD 6,300.00 ASSOCIATE MEMBER K 2,268.00 (incl. of 10% GST) SERVICE MEMBER K 1,700.00 (incl. of 10% GST) Production Levy All full members who are participating in the production of oil, gas or minerals within Papua New Guinea are requested to pay a levy of K1 per K8000 of gross revenue, capped at USD 30,000 (approximately K100,000.00) per annum, in addition to the membership fee. Payment can be made in PNG Kina or in Australian Dollars. Company or Organisation: _______________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ Telephone: _______________________________________________________ Fax: _______________________________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________________ Website: _______________________________________________________ Representative or Contact: _______________________________________________________ Position: _______________________________________________________ 25 VOL 12 PNG CHAMBER OF MINES AND PETROLEUM CHAMBER PUBLICATIONS ORDER FORM COMMUNITY AFFAIRS PUBLICATIONS MEMBER NON-MEMBER Community Relations Manual Volume 1 K 40.00 K 50.00 Community Relations Manual Volume 2 K 40.00 K 50.00 Landowner Compensation in PNG's Mining & Petroleum Sector K 45.00 K 60.00 Valuer Generals Compensation Schedule for Trees & Plants, all regions 2008 K5.00 K 10.00 Compensation Schedule for Land Use and Land Damage, and Man made Structures in Mining and Petroleum Sectors. Free K 5.00 CD's MEMBER NON-MEMBER 1999 Mining and Petroleum Investment Conference, Sydney K 40.00 K 50.00 2000 Mining and Petroleum Investment Conference, Sydney K 50.00 K 70.00 2001 Community Affairs Conference, Lae K 35.00 K 40.00 2002 Mining and Community II Conference, Madang K 40.00 K 45.00 2004 Mining and Petroleum Investment Conference, Sydney K 50.00 K 70.00 2005 PNG Geology Exploration and Mining Conference, Lae K 30.00 K 50.00 2006 PNG Mining Seminar K 25.00 K 30.00 2007 Seminar Series - Mining K 50.00 K 70.00 2007 Seminar Series - Community Affairs K 50.00 K 70.00 2007 Seminar Series - Petroleum K 50.00 K 70.00 STUDENTS BOOKS MEMBER NON-MEMBER The Oilfield K 5.00 K 5.00 Hunting for Minerals and Oil in Papua New Guinea K 5.00 K 5.00 It's a Goldmine K 5.00 K 5.00 What is Gold? FREE FREE Starting a Business K 8.00 K 8.00 Starting a Business, Teacher's Guide FREE FREE Careers Handbook K 15.00 K 20.00 TECHNICAL CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS MEMBER NON-MEMBER 1st PNG Petroleum Convention Proceedings Volume 1 K 60.00 K 60.00 2nd PNG Petroleum Convention Proceedings Volume 2 K 70.00 K 70.00 3rd PNG Petroleum Convention Proceedings Volume 3 K110.00 K110.00 4th PNG Petroleum Convention Proceedings Volume 4 K260.00 K260.00 Set of 4 Volumes- 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th K450.00 K450.00 PNG Geology Exploration and Mining Conference Proceedings 1997 K 55.00 K 55.00 PNG Geology Exploration and Mining Conference Proceedings 2001 K130.00 K130.00 26 QTY QTY QTY QTY VOL 12 PNG CHAMBER OF MINES AND PETROLEUM CHAMBER PUBLICATIONS ORDER FORM (continued) OTHER BOOKS MEMBER NON-MEMBER Earth Tok K 40.00 K 50.00 Introduction to Mechanised Small Scale Gold Mining (English version) K 5.00 K 7.00 Soim Wei Bilong Yusim Ol Masin Long LikLik Wok Gol. (Pidgin version) K 5.00 K 7.00 Mercury-Safe Uses in Small Scale Alluvial Gold Mining (English version) K 5.00 K 7.00 Mekuri-Lukautim Yu Yet Taim Yu Wok Gol. (Pidgin version) K 5.00 K 7.00 Introduction to Small Scale Gold Mining Techniques (English version) K 5.00 K 7.00 Sampela Ol Isipela Wei Bilong wok Gol (Pidgin version) K 5.00 K 7.00 Wei Bilong Ronim Gut LikLik Wok Gol Bisnis K 5.00 K 7.00 Occupational Health and Safety in Small Scale Alluvial Gold Mining K 5.00 K 7.00 Helt Na Sefti Long LikLik Wok Gol K 5.00 K 7.00 Gold - From Gold Pans and Sluice Boxes to Bars and Jewellery K 5.00 K 7.00 Gol - Wok Gol Igo Inap Long Kukim na Wokim KainKain Samting K 5.00 K 7.00 Restoration of the Landscape and the Environment K 5.00 K 7.00 Lukautim Wara, Bus Na Graun Bihain Long Yu wok gol Na Pinisim Wok Gol K 5.00 K 7.00 Mastamak (Standard) K160.00 K160.00 Mastamak (Deluxe) K260.00 K260.00 Mastamak (Deluxe Numbered) K450.00 K450.00 Oil & Gas Act, No 49 of 1998. Consolidated to No. 3 of 2006 K 40.00 K 50.00 Directory of Associate and Services Members K 25.00 K 35.00 VIDEO TAPES - English and Pidgin Version MEMBER NON- MEMBER Small Scale Mining - Mercury use in Small Scale Mining (English) K 50.00 K 60.00 Small Scale Mining - Mercury use in Small Scale Mining (Pigin) K 50.00 K 60.00 Small Scale Mining - Introduction to Small Alluvial Gold Mining K 50.00 K 60.00 Small Scale Mining - Small Scale Mechanised Alluvial Gold Mining K 50.00 K 60.00 QTY QTY THE ABOVE PRICES ARE EXCLUSIVE OF THE 10% VAT AND AIR FREIGHT COSTS. PLEASE ADD 10% VAT UNLESS YOU ARE EXEMPT FROM VAT. FREIGHT COSTS WILL BE CHARGED WHERE APPLICABLE. NAME:_______________________________________________________________________________________________ ORGANISATION: _______________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ PHONE: _______________________FAX: _________________________EMAIL: ___________________________________ For more information contact the Chamber on the below address. P.O. Box 1032, Port Moresby, NCD. 121, Papua New Guinea Phone: (675) 321 2988 Fax: (675) 321 7107 Email: Website: 27 PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum P.O. Box 1032, Port Moresby, PAPUA NEW GUINEA Telephone: (675) 321 2988 Facsimile: (675) 321 7107 Email: Website: CHAMBER COUNCIL Peter Botten - President Ila Temu - Snr Vice President Gary Morony - Vice President Borone Isana - Councillor Robin Moaina - Councillor Jenni Lean - Councillor Christian Vinson - Councillor Paul Coleman - Councillor Ian Trevitt - Councillor Graham Briggs - Councillor Lutz Heim - Councillor Ray Ninnes - Councillor SECRETARIAT Greg Anderson - Executive Director PNG Chamber of Mines and Petroleum Office Location Map POSTAGE PAID