Sedimentary processes and origin of sediment
Sedimentary processes and origin of sediment
Marine and Petroleum Geology 26 (2009) 695–710 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Marine and Petroleum Geology journal homepage: Sedimentary processes and origin of sediment gravity-flow deposits on the western Algerian margin during late Pleistocene and Holocene Pierre Giresse a, *, Henri Pauc a, Jacques Déverchère b, c, the Maradja Shipboard Scientific Party a IMAGES EA4218, Laboratoire d’Études des Géo-Environnements Marins, Université de Perpignan, 52 Avenue Paul Alduy, 66860 Perpignan Cedex, France Université Européenne de Bretagne, France c Université de Brest; CNRS, UMR 6538 Domaines Océaniques, Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer, Place Copernic, 29280 Plouzané, France b a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Article history: Received 20 October 2006 Received in revised form 29 February 2008 Accepted 24 March 2008 Available online 22 July 2008 Seven piston cores retrieved from the Algerian margin from Oran to 80 km east of Algiers were studied to identify sediment gravity-flow deposits and their sources. At the foot of the slope, five sediment cores indicate a decreasing frequency of turbidite sequences from the transgressive systems tract to the highstand systems tract resulting in lower off-shelf sediment fluxes during the last highstand episode. There is an approximately log-normal frequency distribution of bed thickness that increases for larger grain-size class, but this relationship is frequently altered by truncation of the top of the turbidite sequence. In the deep basin off Algeria, two sediment cores indicate that turbidite sequences are both thicker and more preserved than at the foot of the slope and are observed through the entire sediment core implying various origin of the gravity flow (eustatic change, seismicity). Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Turbidites Debris flow Algerian margin Late Quaternary Sediment cores Benthic foraminifera 1. Introduction In various studies of ancient turbidite systems (Johnson et al., 2001), sandy growth packages are interpreted as mostly belonging to lowstand system tracts with intervening fines representing transgressive and highstand systems tracts (Van Wagoner et al., 1988). This concept derives from the extension of classical sequence-stratigraphic models to deep-water clastic systems implying all important turbidite successions are fans or leveedchannel complexes deposited during or shortly after an episode of relative low sea-level (Mitchum, 1985; Mutti, 1985; Pickering et al., 1995; Den Hartog Jager et al., 1993). However, this concept has been questioned because there are active deep-sea fans around the world today coinciding with a highstand condition: the Var Fan represents a Mediterranean example (Piper and Savoye, 1993). Similarly, in the deep basin of the Gulf of Lions, sand beds were deposited between 15.1 and 4.4 ka BP (radiocarbon ages) and are believed to be related to the erosion of sand banks at the canyon heads of the shelf breaks (Dennielou et al., 2003; Bonnel et al., 2005; Carvajal and Steel, 2006). Seismic activity in the western Mediterranean is concentrated in northern Africa and especially in northern Algeria, where recent destructive earthquakes have occurred. In a recent study (Rothwell * Corresponding author. Tel.: þ33 4 68 66 88 48. E-mail address: (P. Giresse). 0264-8172/$ – see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2008.03.011 et al., 2006) on the southern Balearic Abyssal Plain, it was indicated a little evidence for large-scale seismogenic turbidites, despite proximity to the seismically active Algerian margin, 100 km to the south. This suggested to the authors that seismogenic turbidites must largely bypass this part of the plain. The current paper reports a new high-resolution sedimentological study of seven piston cores from the Algerian margin from Oran to 80 km east of Algiers with the main target to identify the sedimentary record related to sediment gravity flows offshore Algeria. The same general dynamic governs all turbidites: a waning turbulent sediment gravity flow, but the resulting sedimentary depositional structures do not yield direct clues about the triggering force. In spite of the seismogenic character of this margin, the occurrence of seismo-turbidites such as those described from the eastern margin of Japan Sea (Nakajima and Kanai, 2000) is only a working hypothesis. The term turbidite as used here is restricted to a deposit which displays the vertical sequence (partial or complete) of Ta to Te divisions (as defined by Bouma, 1962) plus at least a minimal amount of upward-fining, graded bedding. There is usually a sharp basal contact with the underlying muddy layer and less welldefined upper contact with the overlying muddy layer. Recurrence, frequency distribution of bed thickness, and composition of turbidite sequences are analysed according to distance from the slope (foot of slope and deep basin) and according to the chronostratigraphy (transgressive systems tracts or highstand systems tracts). 696 P. Giresse et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 26 (2009) 695–710 Other gravity-induced processes as debris flows and density cascading are also considered. An improved understanding of the sources of the different sediment fluxes should help interpreting the sedimentary record. In this way, various indicators of the erosion of the last lowstand deposits lying on the edge of the shelf are identified and semiquantified. From a statistical point of view, frequency distribution of entire turbidite sequences and of sandy-bed thicknesses and the relationship between grain-size and bed thickness according to the work of Talling (2001) should help (1) interpreting the rheologic changes of settling, and (2) distinguish preserved depositional sequence from truncated sequences. This paper attempts to discuss the eustatic or seismogenic or random causes of the initiation of sediment gravity-flow processes on the western Algerian margin. 2. Background 2.1. Geological and tectonic setting Northern Algeria is mainly a segment of the Alpine belt called Maghrebides (Durand-Delga and Fonboté, 1980; Wildi, 1983). In the south, the External zones (Tellian zones) are characterised by Miocene folds and thrusts and overthrust the less deformed Atlasic foreland. Further north, two other successive domains are overthrusting the External zones from South to North: (1) the flysch units of the Maghrebian Tethys and (2) the Internal zone, made of an old Hercynian basement. Seismic activity of the area is related to the w5 mm yr1 oblique convergence between the African and European plates (see Domzig et al., 2009). This seismicity is distributed over a broad area, from the Atlas front to the offshore margin. The active seismogenic fault system is attested by the 1980, Ms 7.3 El Asnam and 2003, Mw 6.9 Boumerdes destructive earthquakes (CRAAG, 1994). The shelf is generally narrow, width values ranging from 8 km (east of Algiers) to 30 km in the western part (Fig. 1). The new accurate bathymetric map indicates that the continental slope is strongly irregular with an intermediate bench of varied width (Domzig et al., 2006). In the Algiers zone (Fig. 2A), there are numerous canyons. The two main ones are the Algiers canyon, formerly draining the Isser River, and the Dellys canyon, probably draining the Sebaou River. The slope is steep, especially next to the Algiers massif, where it is as much as 15%. East of Algiers, two major E-W slope breaks were identified resulting mostly from the Plio-Quaternary tectonic activity (Déverchère et al., 2005). The Chenoua–Tenes zone (Fig. 1) is characterised by an E-W linear continental slope which is quite steep (10%). In Cape Tenes, the cliffs almost overhang the abyssal plain. West to the Kair Al Din block, the numerous canyons strike generally N-S and depict linear and narrow paths. The crests between the canyons are sharp suggesting evidence for a resistant lithology NW of El Marsa, where a large deep-sea fan with sediment waves marks the western end of this part of the margin. In the Oran zone, there are two distinct geomorphic areas. From Oran to El Marsa, there is a change of structural direction from E-W to NE-SW. The shelf appears to deepen continuously from Arzew (2500 m deep) to north of Mostaganem, where it reaches 800 m depth, on its edge. Because of the smooth topography of the slope and the mature drainage pattern, it is suggested that this part of the margin is made of the same lithological units found nearby on land, i.e. soft marls and flysch nappes of the Tellian units. West of Oran, the margin trends generally E-W. Variations in the slope morphology might indicate the presence of volcanic material, as it was previously described onshore and recovered in some offshore outcrops (Leclaire, 1972; Duggen et al., 2004). 2.2. Oceanography and sediment supply The oceanographic regime in the western Mediterranean upper water layer is dominated by the input of Modified Atlantic Water (MAW) which extends from the surface to 100–200 m depth and spreads over the Levantine Intermediate Water. The main MAW flow generally leaves the Spanish coast near Almeria and forms the Algerian Current (AC) that moves eastward along the Algerian margin. This AC is markedly unstable and commonly gives rise to clockwise and counter-clockwise coastal eddies, 50–100 km in diameter and to upwelling (Millot, 1999; Millot et al., 1990). The sea-surface swell is characterised by two main directions: WNW and NNE. The NNW ones are the most efficient and mainly (80%) are acting during the winter. The highest particulate supply is from the Cheliff River (0.6 106 t yr1), because the highest suspended matter concentration, followed by the others, Sebaou (0.27 106 t yr1), Mazafran (0.13 106 t yr1) and Isser (0.1 106 t yr1) rivers (Leclaire, 1972; Pauc et al., 1997). 3. Sampling and methods The Maradja (‘‘MARge Active DJAzaı̂r’’) oceanographic campaign was aimed at identifying active faults and sedimentary instabilities offshore Algeria, from Oran (0 400 W) to Dellys, w80 km east of Algiers (Fig. 1). During the cruise (21 August–18 September 2003), Ifremer R/V Le Suroit obtained continuous seafloor multibeam imagery, very-high to high-resolution profiling, and sediment Fig. 1. Study area, bathymetric data were obtained using a Konsgberg EM300 Simrad multibeam echosounder. Boxes show locations of Fig. 2A and 2B. P. Giresse et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 26 (2009) 695–710 697 Fig. 2. (A). Detailed maps of the Algiers area locating position of analysed sediment cores. (B). Detailed maps of the Chenoua–Tenes area locating position of analysed sediment cores. samples using a Kullenberg corer (Domzig et al., 2006; Dan et al., 2008). In this paper, we provide the first detailed sedimentological overview of the offshore area. Seven cores (Table 1) were taken on the deep basin off Algiers (Fig. 2A) and off the Cheliff River mouth (Fig. 2B). Before opening, the cores were logged for magnetic susceptibility using an MSCL (Multi-Sensor Core Logger) based in IFREMER Brest Laboratories. Samples were collected with an average sampling interval of 1 sample/5 cm, but this interval was reduced to 0.5 or 1 cm according to colour and texture changes of the units of the turbidite sequences. Samples were dried in the laboratory at 50 C until constant weight and water content were achieved. After wetand sieving, the two coarser fractions (d > 315 mm 40 mm < d < 315 mm) were dried at 40 C, then examined with a binocular microscope. Sediment gravity-driven inputs were recognized through concentration of various tracers of relict lowstand deposits originating from the shelf edge: altered or preserved tests of coastal benthic foraminifers (Elphidium crispum, Ammonia beccarii, Quinqueloculina seminulum), iron-stained Mollusc debris, black debris 698 P. Giresse et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 26 (2009) 695–710 Table 1 Overview over the cores used in this study Core number KMDJ01 KMDJ02 KMDJ03 KMDJ04 KMDJ06 KMDJ07 KMDJ08 Latitude N 0 00 37 02 76 36 570 8300 36 560 8800 37 150 6900 36 170 6400 36 320 4200 36 2109700 Longitude E 0 00 03 43 01 03 3104900 03 170 1900 03 420 5300 00 080 1200 00 070 6000 00 020 7700 Water Depth (m) Core length (cm) Geologic setting Mean sed. acc. rate (mm yr1) 2400 1619 2341 2711 2651 2631 2631 785 637 337 729 818 636 764 Base of slope Bench on the slope Base of slope Deep basin Base of slope Distal deep-sea fan Base of slope 0.51 0.49 0.35 0.50 0.64 0.51 0.56 In the particular case of KMDJ01, the 230-cm thick debris flow deposit was not included in the calculation of the mean sediment accumulation rate. from lagoonal deposit, pieces of calcareous sandstone or slaty flysch debris. Glauconitic grains, especially cracked and dark-green in colour, originate from the outer shelf or the upper slope where the relict sediment remains unburied, implying cationic exchanges with the sea-water reservoir (Giresse and Odin, 1973; Odin, 1988). Such glauconitization processes were recently described in the outer shelf of Gulf of Lions (Giresse et al., 2004). These markers were previously used in various Mediterranean slope or basin deposits (Giresse et al., 2001, 2003). It was proceeded to the counting of these particles, the amount is plotted on a 10-g sand fraction reference. The time control is based on AMS 14C analyses (Radiocarbon Laboratory of Posnan) of selected planktonic foraminifers collected in the hemipelagic intervals. However, when it was impossible to collect sufficient sample weight of mono-specific test samples, depending on the amount of material available, datings were made on bi-specific or on mixed planctonic foraminifers for some samples. Calibration into calendar scales was calculated using the northern hemisphere calibration curve (software Calib 5.0.2) (Stuiver and Reimer, 1993). Calendar ages are given with 1 standard deviation (Table 2). Calcium carbonate content was measured with a Bernard calcimetre. Lastly, in some intervals, the mineral composition was studied by means of X-ray diffraction using Co Ka1 radiation and heavy minerals optic determination following heavy liquid separation, but for reasons of volume these analyses are generally not reported in this study. 4. Lithostratigraphic analysis of the sediment cores 4.1. Eastern area (Algiers) 4.1.1. Core KMDJ01 This 7.85-m long KMDJ01 core was collected at 2400 m water depth, on the lower continental slope. This site is located seaward of two submarine valleys in apparent prolongation of Sebaou and Isser mouths (Fig. 2A). Chirp profile shows a transparent to chaotic sedimentary body overlying a typical bedded echo-type (Fig. 3). The transparent unit at the surface may correspond to mass deposits such as a debris flow deposit, when they are located at the foot of a slope, as evidenced in the Oran–Tenes area (Domzig et al., 2009). A Holocene succession of hemipelagite and turbidite deposits is overlain by a recent debris flow at 2.30–0.06 m below seafloor (mbsf). Four radiocarbon ages were obtained: 12,708 cal yr BP at 7.85 mbsf, 5498 cal yr BP at 4.98–4.89 mbsf, 1359 cal yr BP at 3.37–3.77 mbsf (Table 2). The 11,836 cal yr BP age at 2.79–2.69 mbsf is related to the deposit immediately underlayering the debris flow, indicating that a part of the hand-picked planktonic foraminifers are probably old and reworked during the movement of the debris flow. Between 7.85 m (base of the sediment core) and 2.30 mbsf, 17 thin-bedded turbidites of mm-scale were observed (Fig. 4a). These turbidites correspond to peaks of 20–40 wt% fine sand, and at times of 5 wt% coarse sands. Where the thickness is rather important, one Table 2 Chronology of the seven cores 14 Core number Depth core (cm) Lab. no. Conventional Mean Standard deviation KMDJ01 269–279 337–347 489–498 785 Poz-9092 Poz-11977 Poz-9094 Poz-9093 10,160 50 1480 30 4750 40 10,790 60 11,836 1359 5498 12,708 111 27 70 58 KMDJ02 180–190 390–400 817–827 Poz-9095 Poz-10991 Poz-9096 2280 35 7330 40 12,860 60 2301 8149 14,983 66 47 111 KMDJ03 333–337 Poz-10992 9690 50 11,134 82 KMDJ04 255–265 715–724 Poz-9101 Poz-9104 9860 50 14,340 70 11,249 16,864 37 143 KMDJ06 201–212 551–559 791–800 Poz-10997 Poz-10998 Poz-10999 10,120 50 12,380 60 12,780 80 11,748 14,232 14,891 124 129 107 KMDJ07 102–103 391–397 586–589 Poz-9097 Poz-11000 Poz-9099 3950 40 12,960 50 12,290 70 4410 15,098 14,094 48 110 110 KMDJ08 141–151 735–740 Poz-9100 Poz-9103 4480 40 13,470 70 5094 15,681 108 134 C age (yr BP) Calendar age (cal yr BP) In the first row, italics characters indicate the apparent age of the last bed below the debris flow accumulation. Calibration into calendar scales was calculated using the northern hemisphere calibration curve (software Calib 5.0.2) (Stuiver and Reimer, 1993). Calendar ages are given with 1 standard deviation and include a 400 years Reservoir age correction. On the Algerian Margin, there are only four measures radiocarbon reservoir age data. But they are all located in the same zone close to the Bay of Algiers and, nevertheless, present values scattered enough going from 376 to 516 (Butzin et al., 2005). P. Giresse et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 26 (2009) 695–710 Fig. 3. Examples of Chirp sections at the location of cores KMDJ01, KMDJ02, KMDJ03, KMDJ04, KMDJ06, KMDJ07 and KMDJ08. 699 700 P. Giresse et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 26 (2009) 695–710 Fig. 4. Vertical profiles of sediment cores from the Algiers area: KMDJ01 (a), KMDJ02 (b), KMDJ03 (c), KMDJ04 (d). Basic sedimentological parameters, magnetic susceptibility, are shown with relative abundance of bio- and geo-indicators of sediment’s provenance. Ages are calendar 14C ages. P. Giresse et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 26 (2009) 695–710 can note a normal fining-upward, especially at 7.25, 6.50 and 5.25 mbsf. In such occurrences, the basal sand layer (Ta and/or Tb divisions of Bouma, 1962) is both quartzous and shelly. Where the carbonate content of these layers reaches or exceeds 30 wt%, the magnetic susceptibility becomes slightly discriminated from the background level. The layers are rich enough in coastal benthic foraminifers (E. crispum, A. beccarii) and in glauconitic grains reworked from the coastal lowstand systems tract lying on the outer shelf edge. In a regular sequence succession, the lowest deposits show a more or less dark pigmentation associated generally with highly altered vegetal black fibres or debris probably reworked from the old coastal deposits lying on the outer shelf (Leclaire, 1972) (6.50, 5.93, 4.70, 4.12, 3.15, and 0.08 mbsf). Then, some dark laminae (equivalent of Tc division of Bouma) are observed and the pigmentation becomes clearer and trends to a greyish beige, characteristic of hemipelagic muds (Te division of Bouma). Commonly, small and oxidized debris (especially very small worm burrow hole fillings) were noted toward the top of the sequence where the sedimentation rate became probably lower. If the deposition of the next sequence erodes the top of the previous one, winnowing induces a secondary concentration of this oxidized debris. As a consequence, such debris can be observed both at the top (3.40 mbsf) or at the base (6.40 and 3.35 mbsf) of the sequence. In some cases, planktonic foraminifers of the underlying sequence are also affected by the reworking process. The frequency and the thickness of the 17 thin-bedded turbidites are slightly variable; some of them recur on short intervals. Various incomplete sequences (TaTb or Ta) suggest the occurrence of common episodes of erosion. However, the thickest and coarsest sequences are deposited during transgression (Fairbanks, 1989), i.e. between w13,000 and w6000 cal yr BP (especially at 7.20, 6.50 and 5.24 mbsf). The 2.30 m of debris flow deposit are well identified by 1–20 wt% of coarse sand and 5–30 wt% of fine sand. This debris flow contains chaotically arranged, stiff (d w 2.2), blue mud clasts of various size. They are included in a beige mud matrix that is poorly compacted (d w 1.80). The mud clasts include shell debris of coastal molluscs (Venus, Glycimeris, Turritella), 50% of which are stained by bluish iron sulfides. Some clasts are armoured with mm-scale subrounded quartz grains and white or ochre shell debris. All these very rounded gravels are also present in the mud matrix associated with mud chips, gritty small pebbles, coastal benthic foraminifers (E. crispum, A. beccarii, Quinqueloculina) and cracked glauconitic grains. This deposit suggests a proximal high-concentration debris flow. It includes at once a slightly old blue mud (probably isotopic stage 3) with various coastal deposits of the last lowstand (stage 2) as commonly described on the outer edge of the Algerian shelf (Leclaire, 1972). The down-slope movement was probably initiated at the contact between fluid deposits and overconsolidated deposits as it is frequently observed (Shanmugan, 2002). At the core top, 6-cm thick hemipelagic beige-ochre and fluid mud that includes trace amounts of sand and abundant vegetal fibres overlies the debris flow, but did not indicate traces of 210Pb (Jouanneau, personal communication). Taking into account the mean Holocene accumulation rate, these 6 cm would be equivalent to a little more than one century deposition (w128 years). So, it is suggested that the underlying debris flow would be contemporaneous with the major 1891 earthquake (Ms 7.5, Io X and macroseismic radius of 200 km) felt in the towns of Gouraya, Cherchell, and Blida. During a period of 25 years before and after the 1891 earthquake, the other earthquakes were weaker and more distant, especially in the Oran area (CRAAG, 1994). 4.1.2. Core KMDJ02 Sediment core KMDJ02 is 6.37-m long and was sampled at 1619 m water depth on an intermediate bench of the slope where 701 a transparent echo-type overlying a bedded echo-type (Fig. 3). Thus, this site appears isolated from the main paths of turbidity currents. Turbidites are effectively scarce and only occur as discrete fine-grained beds over most of the sedimentary column, decreasing above 4 mbsf (Fig. 4b). Three radiocarbon ages were obtained and indicate successively 14,983 cal yr BP at the core base, 8149 cal yr BP at 4–3.90 mbsf, and 2301 cal yr BP at 1.90–1.80 mbsf. From the base to 4 mbsf (about 8000 cal yr BP), the deposits include mm-scale laminae rich in organic matter (at 6.10, 5.75 and 4.10 mbsf) that are characterised by fine sand concentrations rising up to 15–20 wt%. From 4 mbsf to the top, very rare discontinuities are restricted to a few organic and sandy laminae (7.50, 2.70 and 1.60 mbsf) including trace amounts of fine sand (5–8 wt%) (Fig. 4b). Carbonate abundance decreases upward more or less linearly from 20 to 15 wt%. The layers with fine sand are slightly richer in calcareous bioclasts derived from the shelf edge. The general trend of the carbonate curve seems controlled by the increasing scarcity of these bioclasts through the upper 4 m. There is little evidence for tracers of the erosion of the shelf edge: E. crispum and A. beccarii are nearly absent despite proximity of the source. Only, Quinqueloculina is commonly recorded from the base up to 5.65 mbsf and disappears upward. Glauconitic grains, especially dark and cracked grains, are the most frequent tracers of gravity-induced processes, especially below 4 mbsf; the higher contents are linked to the main peaks of sand attesting reworking processes; however, these grains are locally found in muddy intervals. 4.1.3. Core KMDJ03 This short KMDJ03 sediment core was collected at 2341 m water depth at the foot of the slope, seaward of several submarine valleys linked to Algiers canyon. The core is only 3.37 m in length, but it nearly spans the entire Holocene as the basal layer was dated to 11,134 cal yr BP. It roughly corresponds to the 3–4 m transparent echo-type of the upper part of the Chirp profile (Fig. 3). The lithologic column consists entirely of grey-beige mud. However, some very thin turbidites, including 20–40 wt% of fine sands, are interbedded (Fig. 4c). Twelve thin turbidites are regularly represented from bottom to top of the sedimentary column. Some of them are isolated; others form a doublet or a triplet. The only relatively thick turbiditic sequence is located between 1.70 and 1.60 mbsf consisting of a 1 cm sandy layer overlain by several laminites. Through this 10-cm thick interval, the sand content reaches 50 wt% whereas it is less than 20 wt% in the other intervals. Some dark laminae are organic matter-rich and do not include significant sand concentrations. CaCO3 contents, varying between 20 and 25 wt%, are fairly constant. The highest values are generally associated with sandy layers, particularly the coarser one at 1.7–1.6 mbsf. However, this relationship is not confirmed, especially through the upper 160 cm where several dark laminae show very few calcareous bioclasts. 4.1.4. Core KMDJ04 The 7.29-m long KMDJ04 sediment core was collected in the deep basin away from the outer break of the slope. With a water depth of 2711 m, this site is the deepest along this eastern part of Algerian coast. The Chirp profile indicates a transparent echo-type scattered in few places, lying on an important bedded sedimentary body (Fig. 3). Radiocarbon measurements indicate 16,864 cal yr BP at 7.24–7.15 mbsf and 11,249 cal yr BP at 2.65–2.55 mbsf suggesting, as at foot of the slope, an accumulation rate higher during the transgressive episode than during the highstand episode. Turbidites are numerous (35 sequences within the 7.29 m) and are equally spread through the sedimentary column (Fig. 4d). A similar distribution was observed in the nearby core MD04-2798 702 P. Giresse et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 26 (2009) 695–710 that was recently collected during 2004 PRISMA cruise (Dan et al., 2008). Three main turbidite sequences were recovered: From 6.45 to 6.20 mbsf, a 10-cm thick bed of coarse sand with calcareous bioclasts is buried by a 1-cm thick layer slightly more silty and then by fining-upward deposits. The basal 10 cm suggest an ‘‘en masse’’ deposition without detectable graded bedding (Fig. 6). Because of its abundance of calcareous clasts, this sequence has low values on the magnetic susceptibility profile. From 2.00 to1.60 mbsf, a 20-cm thick coarse deposit is overlain by a fining-up sequence constituted by a succession of dark and silty laminites. This slightly siliceous deposit is well marked on the magnetic susceptibility profile. From 0.4 to 0.14 mbsf, a relatively thin sequence shows a marked fining-upward deposition. From the base, the sequence shows alternating dark and sandy laminae and light and clayey laminae. The coarse sand intervals are restricted to the base of the sequence. The abundance of calcareous clasts results in a moderate negative rise of the magnetic susceptibility value. The other numerous sequences within the sediment core correspond on average to mm-scale layers composed with fine sand and organic matter, or simply with organic matter as at 0.8 mbsf where very dark laminae are observed. When the interval between two sandy events is thicker, one can observe, through 40–50 cm, the gradual transition from a dark grey-beige mud to beige mud and then an increasing lightening with ochre shade at the top. This complete sequence, similar to those at the foot of the slope, indicates the decreasing trend of the accumulation rate going to a marked oxidation of the top. In other cases, the continuity is broken by the new overlying sequence. Microscopic observation indicates the abundance of very altered vegetal fibres and charcoal grains at the base of each coarser sequence and in the overlying dark layers. Such concentrations are particularly high in several layers (6.14, 6.12, 5.05, 4.70–4.73, 3.67, 3.63, 1.82, 1.66, 1.60, 1.50, 0.41 and 0.22 mbsf). The pronounced weathering of this debris suggests reworking of shallow deposits of the last lowstand lying on the shelf edge. Coastal benthic foraminifers, other extraneous material from the shelf edge, are frequently observed. They exhibit higher concentrations in the sandy beds of the two main turbidites (between 6.36 and 6.26 mbsf and between 1.97 and 1.82 mbsf). They appear less abundant in the last main sequence suggesting another provenance, possibly from the upper slope. Schistic rock debris appear particularly abundant in the lower part of the column resulting from a more active wasting process of the shelf edge outcrops (Leclaire, 1972). 4.2. Western area (Tenes–Chenoua) 4.2.1. Core KMDJ06 This KMDJ06 sediment core is 8.18 m in length and was taken in 2651 m water depth on the floor of the foot slope off Cape Ivi, i.e., a little east off the Cheliff Oued mouth. This site lies down slope from a well incised submarine valley (Fig. 2B). Chirp profile indicates a transparent sedimentary body overlying a very well expressed bedding (Fig. 3). The question is to know if the core reached the top of the bedded body. The sedimentary column appears as uniform homogeneous grey-beige mud except in the lowermost 2 m. Grey colour throughout the entire sediment core indicates the abundant iron sulphides derived from Neogene flysch units outcropping in the Cheliff Oued catchment basin. This particular pigmentation is characteristic of the submarine deposits of this area. Three 14C ages were obtained; 14,891 cal yr BP at 8.00– 7.91 mbsf, 14,232 cal yr BP at 5.59–5.51 mbsf, and 11,748 cal yr BP at 2.12–2.01 mbsf, indicating a marked decrease of the sediment accumulation rate during the Holocene (Fig. 5a). A total of 39 individual turbidites were identified within basal sands commonly making up 10–20 wt%. The highest thicknesses and emplacement frequencies are located over the lower 2 m of the sedimentary column. Each individual turbidite sequence is identified by the presence of organic matter and iron sulphide pigments. Generally, silty and/or sandy bases are dark grey or medium grey. They are underlain by paler grey muds and then by beige grey muds as a result of oxidation by bottom water. These chromatic gradients occur throughout the column studied, although they are evident especially between 8.17 and 7 mbsf and through the upper 3 m (Fig. 6). The thickest turbidite is recorded between 6.70 and 6.30 mbsf with a sand content reaching 90 wt%. The lower 27 cm of the sequence is graded and several dark laminations occur through the upper few decimetres of the sequence (Td division of Bouma). Two intervals of low accumulation rates are probably identified between 5.20 and 3.20 mbsf and in the upper metre that show moderate or intense bioturbation without evidence of new nutriment input. Numerous cm-scale pebbles of grey shale are found included in the sandy units of turbidites. However, some rare cm-scale schistous debris are noted even in the interbedded hemipelagites. Average carbonate contents are 30 wt% with some peaks up to 40 wt%, which is higher than in the eastern study area. Generally, there is a positive correlation between sand content of coarse bases of a turbidite and the CaCO3 wt%. As noted for KMDJ02 and 03, one observes a slight decrease of CaCO3 in the upper half of the sediment core. The magnetic susceptibility is approximately in inverse proportion to CaCO3 content of the sandy intervals. But in the upper 3 m, this susceptibility increases markedly: the peaks underline fairly well the sandy bases suggesting a more abundant siliceous component. Most of the sand-rich turbidites are characterised by the presence of dark-green glauconitic grains as the main turbidites identified near 6.50 mbsf. However, some other glauconitic grains are also observed throughout hemipelagic deposits attesting the recurrence of gravity-driven supply. The best markers of Ta or Tb of turbidite are subrounded shell debris stained with sulphides, and associated to slate debris. This relationship is especially shown in the 6.50 mbsf turbidite. All these markers decrease markedly above 3.00 mbsf. Generally, E. crispum, A. beccarii as Quinqueloculina are scattered within the sedimentary column and appear irregularly in the turbidite sequences, but there is an upward decreasing trend similar to turbidite distribution. Degraded vegetal debris show generally higher concentrations in the base of each turbiditic sequence, but appear to generally increase in the upper 3 m. In this way, some concentrations of quartz grains in the same interval would indicate Saharan aeolian supply as a potential source during the second half of the Holocene, this period was the scene of the increasing aridity of the Saharan Desert (Gasse, 2002). 4.2.2. Core KMDJ07 This KMDJ07 sediment core was taken down to the deep-sea fan of El Marsa in 2631 m water depth and is 6.36 m long. This is the most distal site within the western study area. Chirp section at the location of KMDJ07 shows bedded echo-type, however, the echocharacter belongs to the darker echo-type at the deeper bedded part (Fig. 3). Turbidites were identified all along the sediment core (38 sequences for 6.36 m), but their distribution frequency as well as their thicknesses appear to diminish through the upper 2/3 of the sediment core (Fig. 5b). P. Giresse et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 26 (2009) 695–710 703 Fig. 5. Vertical profiles of sediment cores from the Chenoua–Tenes area: KMDJ06 (a), KMDJ07 (b), KMDJ08 (c). Basic sedimentological parameters, magnetic susceptibility, are shown with relative abundance of bio- and geo-indicators of sediment’s provenance. Ages are calendar 14C ages. 704 P. Giresse et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 26 (2009) 695–710 Fig. 6. Examples of truncation of the upper divisions of the turbidite sequences. KMDJ04: sharp contact of the basal sandy division (Ta) above the upper division (Te) of the previous sequence; KMDJ06: a nearly complete sequence (TaTbTcTe), 1-cm thick coarse basal sand (Ta) prints its mark on the strongly eroded underlying sequence (thin-bedded turbidite); KMDJ07: a fine-grain sequence (thin-bedded turbidite) is almost completely eroded by the coarse 15-cm bed of the following sequence (TaTb). Three radiocarbon ages are available: 14,094 cal yr BP at 5.89–5.86 mbsf,15,098 cal yr BP at 3.97–3.91 mbsf, and 4410 cal yr BP at 1.03–1.02 mbsf. The two nearly similar ages measured between 15,000 and 14,000 cal yr BP would indicate, a high accumulation rate during the late Pleistocene and a slower accumulation during the Holocene. Most of the turbidites cored in the column are very sandy over a thickness of several centimetres: 28 cm between 6.32 and 6.05 mbsf, 2–3 cm between 4.99 and 4.97 mbsf, 30 cm between 4.32 and 4.14 mbsf, 4 cm between 3.98 and 3.94 mbsf, 4 cm between 1.88 and 1.84 mbsf (Fig. 5b). The grey-beige muds with a metallic shade probably induced by iron sulphides show an ordered chromatic sequence as in KMDJ06: dark grey, medium grey, pale grey, and beige to ochre. The top of the sequence was commonly erosionally truncated during the deposition of the successive sandy base. Normal grading within turbidites is generally difficult to distinguish, except between 4.32 and 4.14 mbsf. Between the turbidites, the intervals are still sand/silt rich. There is no linear relationship between sand and CaCO3 contents. The correlation tends toward negative values for the sand-rich beds including more siliceous or silico-aluminous debris than shell clasts. Magnetic susceptibility values are somewhat variable considering irregular CaCO3 contents of the sand-enriched beds. Considering the high distribution frequency of this core sediment and the presumed high erosion frequency of the top of the sequence, the markers of the provenance from relict deposits of the shelf edge are observed only irregularly. Coastal benthic foraminifers (E. crispum, A. beccarii, Quinqueloculina) are generally associated and characterise several sandy turbidites, but not all of them. Their abundance decreases markedly in the Holocene deposits above 2.30 mbsf leaving one to presume another provenance. Glauconitic grain distribution is slightly erratic, but tends to decrease in the upper 2 m of the cores. Oxidized debris (pieces of small burrow fillings) are not systematically included in the upper boundary of the turbidite bed, because they are commonly reworked within the overlying unit. So, they can help to the recognition of the transition between sequences. 4.2.3. Core KMDJ08 The sampling site for KMDJ08 sediment core is located at foot of the slope, in the easternmost area below several submarine valleys and a very narrow shelf (<20 km wide). The 7.64-m long core was collected at 2631 m water depth. A darker bedded echotype was recorded on the Chirp line, with at places, a more transparent superficial layer (Fig. 3). The sediment core contains a series of grey-beige muds with irregular sand percentages and with the characteristic grey of this western area. This sedimentary column displays 20 turbiditic beds. Sand-based turbidites (Ta-Tb divisions) are generally thinner than 1–2 cm. Consequently, it can be difficult to ascertain if there is grading. Coarse-grained-based turbidites are apparent only in some beds: near 2.10, 3.20, 5.20, and 7.60 mbsf. Fine-grained turbidites are characterised, once again, by upward colour grading: dark grey, pale grey with black organic spots, and oxidized sediments (greyish beige). As in KMDJ06, the occurrence of sand-based turbidite is significantly higher through the lowermost 2 m of the sediment core. Two radiocarbon ages were measured: 15,681 cal yr BP at 7.35– 7.40 mbsf, near the base of the core, and 5094 cal yr BP at 1.41– 1.51 mbsf. As noted earlier, these two ages point a slightly more active accumulation during the late Pleistocene and decreasing sedimentation rate during the Holocene. This contrasting frequency distribution seems dependent on the upward decreasing occurrence of turbidites. P. Giresse et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 26 (2009) 695–710 There is not a consistent relationship between contents of carbonate and sand (Fig. 5c), because the coarser beds include calcareous bioclasts, but also weathered debris of schist and sandstone. However, several turbidite bases are relatively shell-rich and are identified as having a proximal source from relict deposits of the shelf edge (w7.80, 7.71, 6.72, 6.60, 6.46, 5.75 and 4.40 mbsf). Coastal benthic foraminifers (E. crispum, A. beccarii, Quinqueloculina) follow a consistent relationship and point the sand-rich layer of each turbidite. Their general distribution through the sediment core emphasizes the upward decrease of turbidites. The presence of glauconitic grains is correlated with shallow-water benthic foraminifers only in some beds of the lower part of the sediment core. Oxidized debris occur in the upper part of the turbidite sequence and underline the slowing down of the deposition rate; these debris are sometimes reworked and amalgamated in the first deposits of the next sequence. 5. Statistic analyses and sedimentological implications 5.1. Sediment accumulation rates, fluxes, and emplacement frequency of turbidites To the scale of each sediment core, mean sediment accumulation rates are found relatively homogeneous ranging between 34.6 and 62.6 cm/103 yr. They are slightly higher in the western part of the studied margin (55.1 cm/103 yr) than in the eastern area near Algiers (45 cm/103 yr). The rates in the deep basin (KMDJ04 and 07) are slightly lower (respectively, 45 and 47.9 cm/103 yr) than the rates recorded nearby the foot of the slope (on average 50.4 cm/ 103 yr). On the graph reported on Fig. 7, the slope of the sediment accumulation rate specific to each sediment core tends to diminish during the Holocene, in particular since 6000 cal yr BP, when the shoreline reached the present position. This slope change is verified on KMDJ04, 06, 07, and 08 curves, but less distinctly on 01. The only exception is KMDJ02, located on a mid slope bench out of the main paths of the turbidity currents. Taking into account the higher compaction of the deeper buried deposits of the sediment cores, calculation of sediment fluxes allows to depict the following chronological trend: fluxes were particularly accelerated when the shoreline and its zone of surf Fig. 7. Comparison of accumulation sediment rates of seven studied sediment cores. Thickness of debris flow interval of KMDJ01 was not taken into account. 705 were still at a short distance from the shelf break, but were roughly reduced by half of the transgressive value during highstand stage (Fig. 8). KMDJ02, here too, is an exception. The nearby KMDJ01 sediment core shows only a slightly moderate slowing down during the highstand. For this core, the paroxysmal acceleration (w25 mg cm2 yr1) recorded near 12,000 cal yr BP, in the lower part of the section, coincides with a high recurrence of the turbidite sequences (1 sequence/108 years). Table 3 gives the frequency distribution of turbidite beds for each layer between radiocarbon dates. The mean intervals between each turbidite sequences are expressed both in centimetre and extrapolated years BP. It is apparent that in most cases (cores KMDJ01, 04, 06, 07, 08), hemipelagic intervals are thinner and shorter during the lowstand stage and the transgression, but tend to thicken during highstand stage. KMDJ02 shows a growing scarcity of thin-bedded turbidite laminations after w7000 cal yr BP. Regardless to this distribution of turbidites, which is probably controlled here by the increasing distance between the shelf edge and the transgressive shoreline, the emplacement frequency of the turbidite laminations in both areas is relatively greater in the core section from the deep basin. This is verified for KMDJ04 in the eastern area and for KMDJ07 in the western area. This last site shows the highest emplacement frequency of this margin (1 turbidite/11 cm between w12,000 and w4000 cal yr BP). 5.2. Frequency distribution of turbidite thickness In Cenozoic deposits, thick-bedded (>20 cm) turbidites have been shown to cover much of their basin plain, whereas thinbedded turbidite were significantly less extensive (Ricci Lucchi and Valmori, 1980; Talling, 2001). However, this model result may be especially applicable to the history of old basins where turbidite deposition was mainly controlled tectonically. On the Algerian margin, it is suggested that thick-bedded turbidites are restricted along the channels of the canyons, but we have insufficient information. Then the turbidity currents continue widely their course in the abyssal plain where the sedimentation ends. Many studies have shown an approximately log-normal frequency distribution of the sandy component of turbidite thickness (Hiscott and Middleton, 1979; Beeden, 1983; Drummond and Wilkinson, 1996; Murray et al., 1996; Ishihara et al., 1997). In addition, a power-law trend has been suggested for the cumulative frequency curve of sand layer thickness (Rothman et al., 1994. Beattie and Dade, 1996; Rothman and Grotzinger, 1996; Malinverno, 1997; Pirmez et al., 1997; Chen and Hiscott, 1999; Winkler and Gawenda, 1999; Carlson and Grotzinger, 2001). This power-law distribution suggests that flow initiation is controlled by continental-slope failure induced by earthquake shaking, because earthquake magnitude also has a power-law frequency distribution. Commonly, the cumulative frequency distribution of turbidite thickness follows a segmented power-law relationship that is equivalent to the summation of log-normal distributions. Each lognormal distribution is associated with a characteristic basal Bouma Ta, and Tb divisions that are deposited by flows with high sediment concentrations, whereas Tc, Td, and Te originate from dilute flow components. Such summation produces a step in the trend of the probability plot for the entire bed population. Thickness data of the sandy basal interval and of the entire turbidite are shown on probability plots with logarithmic axis (Fig. 9). KMDJ01. The frequency distribution of the entire turbidite thickness is typically segmented. It is suggested that the sharp crossover in the scaling exponent is related to flow rheology (Talling, 2001). In this case, the three turbidites with a thick sandy layer are shown. However, 706 P. Giresse et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 26 (2009) 695–710 Fig. 8. Successive fluxes of KMDJ01, 02, 04, 06, 07 and 08 calculated on the basis of a log-normal frequency is observed for each sandy interval thickness. Debris flow deposit is not represented because its thickness distribution deviates systematically from a log-normal distribution. 14 C ages. In KMDJ01, debris flow thickness was not taken into account. KMDJ03. In this short section (350 cm), a single sandy layer was observed. The other events are thin-bedded turbidites. The same log-normal frequency distribution is recorded for the entire turbidite thickness and for the sandy layers. Table 3 Mean sediment thickness and extrapolated time between two successive turbidites: location of radiocarbon ages allowing the calculation The bottom row indicates the average sediment thickness and the average time between turbidity currents for entire core. P. Giresse et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 26 (2009) 695–710 707 Fig. 9. Probability plots of entire turbidite thickness and sandy basal interval. Segmented lines are related to y ¼ ax þ b calculation; continuous lines show segmented frequency distributions. KMDJ04. KMDJ06. KMDJ07. KMDJ08. This means a rather homogeneous flow rheology and a good preservation of the deposits (without toptruncation) (Talling, 2001). The distribution of the entire turbidite thickness is a typically segmented distribution. The >10 cm and <10 cm thicknesses are distinguished. The <10 cm can be produced by the occurrence of thin-bedded rheology or because the pristine upper part was eroded. This sediment core shows the contrast between the dominant thin-bedded turbidite from the upper 6 m and the significant thick turbidite from 6.50 mbsf core. The two thickness records show a segmented distribution caused by a single point, whereas the other turbidites shown are log-normal frequency distribution. Turbiditic layers are widespread through the entire sediment core. The entire turbidite sequence has an approximately log-normal frequency distribution. A sharp crossover in the scaling component is related to the four sequences thicker than 20 cm. The sandy layer thickness distribution shows a series of distinct lognormal distributions. The three log-normal distributions, respectively, corresponds to very thin-bedded (0.5–1 cm), to thin-bedded (2–4 cm), and to thick-bedded (15–30 cm) units. The two latter divisions are characterised by normal grading. Thus, the occurrences of three flows with distinct rheology are recorded, suggesting a good preservation of each sequence. Most of the turbidites are located within the deepest metre of the core in which sand-rich turbidites are frequent. The entire turbidite thickness distribution is segmented. Most of the thin-bedded (<25 cm) units are along the first slope, the second slope corresponds the three thicker layers (>35 cm) the top of which were probably truncated. Sandy interval thickness has a log- normal frequency distribution (except a 0.3-cm thick layer). Most of the turbidite-bed thicknesses along the western Algeria margin are bimodal with mode representing, respectively, thickbedded (>20 cm) and thin-bedded units. However, small-volume beds are probably underrepresented in the deepest sites of the basin as probably they do not extend across the entire abyssal plain. The small-volume beds indicate distal deposit from the channel and levees sedimentation. 5.3. Relationship between grain-size and bed thickness The logarithmic plots of bed thickness and basal grain-size show a strong positive correlation between the two variables (Sadler, 1982). Talling (2001) later showed that basal grain-size influences the frequency distribution of bed thickness. Each grain-size class has an approximately log-normal frequency distribution of bed thickness with a median thickness that increases for larger grainsize classes. However, distinctly different gradients are observed for TaTb to Te, TcTd to Te and just Te Bouma divisions. These differences are inferred as indicating a change from viscous settling to inertial settling as grains became larger. To assess this relationship, the logarithmic plot of entire turbidite thickness and of sandy-bed thickness are presented against total sand content (>40 mm) (Fig. 10). KMDJ01. There is positive correlation of sand percentage with both entire turbidite and sandy-bed thickness. However, this relationship is weak. Such results suggest rather marked erosion of both the tops of the entire sequence (TaTbTcTdTe) and of the top of basal interval (Ta). KMDJ03. Basal division turbidites indicate a good positive correlation that is statistically driven by the thicker turbidite in 708 P. Giresse et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 26 (2009) 695–710 Fig. 10. Logarithmic plots of entire turbidite thickness and of sandy-bed thickness presented against total sand content (>40 mm). KMDJ04. KMDJ06. KMDJ07. KMDJ08. this sediment core. However, the thickness of the entire sequence does not exhibit any correlation, indicating irregular erosion of the top of the sequences through recurrent turbiditic events. With a deeper water depth and a remote location from the slope, turbidite beds occur throughout the entire section with three main thick sequences that drive the correlation. Both regression coefficients are positive. The sandy basal unit regression coefficient (0.7) is higher than the entire sequence correlation (0.53). We deduce that the upper beds have undergone more or less severe truncation (one example is provided in Fig. 6). Despite the core location at foot of the slope, these units seem to be well preserved. A mean regression coefficient is calculated for the entire sequences as for the sandy bases; the entire sequences (0.53) being a little lower than the sandy base (0.63). A large number of turbidites implies a frequent erosion of the upper division of the sequences and accounts for two poor positive correlations. In some places, sharp contacts would indicate these erosions (Fig. 6). This record does not indicate any significant correlation between thickness and sand content. Most of the turbidite beds are concentrated within the 7.50–5.75 mbsf interval. The high number of basal sandy divisions could be interpreted as a frequent truncation of the top of the sequences. TcTdTe divisions, and even Tb divisions were commonly eroded. The result of this is that the two variables are not related. This relationship analysis supports the view that thick summit sequences were commonly truncated at the foot of the slope. These erosive processes were particularly significant during the shoreline change of the last transgressive characterised by a high emplacement frequency of the turbidites. Basal sequence boundaries are commonly sharp and probably erosive (Fig. 6). However, KMDJ06 site suggests a relatively confined depositional environment preserved from sediment gravity-flow processes. In contrast, the two deepest sites generally indicate that accumulation processes appear to take precedence over erosion processes. Consequently, sequences were regularly accumulated and preserved. In the two areas, this depositional results in a positive regression coefficient between sand content and the two measured bed thickness. 6. Discussion and conclusion (1) On the western Algerian margin, sediment accumulation rates during the last ca. 15,000 years are generally rather high (35–60 cm/103 yr), even if off-shelf sediment fluxes were lower during the current highstand (last ca. 6000 years). This lower flux is common in deep-water basins as, for example, off the Gulf of Lions, where very low sediment accumulation rates (5–10 cm/103 yr) were recorded (Dennielou et al., 2003). On the Algerian margin, the flux calculations indicate that this decrease is strong, even reduced by half, during the transgressive interval. At the foot of the slope, but also in the deep basin, this decrease is commonly associated with a lower emplacement frequency of turbidites. Off-shelf sediment transport was generally enhanced by the narrowness of the continental shelf and by the steepness of the slope. (2) At the foot of the western Algerian slope, most of the turbidites are fine-grained thin beds (TcTdTe divisions). In each sequence, on the basis of an upward decrease of organic carbon content and increase in oxidation, the divisions are approximately recognized by a colour trend from dark grey to beige grey. These thin-bedded turbidites illustrate many events with P. Giresse et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 26 (2009) 695–710 a probable small initial volume and a distal depositional environment (dilute or low-density turbidity currents probably resulting from the nearby channels). Because of its topographic location, the KMDJ02 sampling site was largely sheltered from the gravity-induced flows. Some thick-bedded turbidites were observed within the transgressive systems track of the lower part of the sections. They include TaTcTc divisions, but rarely TaTbTcTdTe divisions, suggesting repeated truncation processes. In various cases, TaTb divisions show a fining-upward deposit. All the records at foot of the slope indicate a decreasing frequency of turbidite sequence from the transgressive to highstand systems tract. In most sequences, the marked concentration of shallow-water foraminifers reworked from the relict lowstand deposit of the shelf provided information on the origin of the inputs. (3) In the deep basin off Algeria (KMDJ04, 07), turbidite sequences are both thicker and more complete than at the foot of the slope. Ta and Tb divisions are generally well identified by the markers of the shelf edge (coastal benthic foraminifers, glauconitic grains, and vegetal black debris). The slow accumulation rate of division Te allows the development of small iron concretions that were sometimes reworked during the deposition of the next bed. The turbidite beds are continuously observed through the entire sediment core but this emplacement frequency decreases with rising sea-level. These two deep-water sites (especially KMDJ04) are assumed to display a steady accumulation from multiple submarine valleys. KMDJ07 study suggests that some Holocene turbidite provenance would not be outer shelf but upper slope. Here, it is suggested that the frequency of the sediment gravity flow is not controlled entirely by the eustatic changes. These signals might contain components of a seismically induced sedimentation, because they appear independent from sea-level position. (4) The turbidite-bed thickness variation is bimodal with modes representing thick-bedded and thin-bedded turbidites. The under-representation of small-volume beds in the two deepest sites of the basin indicates that the low-density currents do not extend across the entire basin. Consequently, at most sites, there is a summation of log-normal distribution that shows a step in the trend of the probability plot. In the deep basin, the normal log-frequency distribution of the sandy component is the same power-law distribution as magnitude of earthquake shaking (Talling, 2001). Consequently, these deeper sites would reflect the seismicity of the margin whereas the foot of the slope is more strongly controlled by the eustatic trend. There is an approximately log-normal frequency distribution of bed thickness with a median thickness that increase for larger grain-size classes. Different gradients in the curves are inferred to represent a change from viscous settling to initial settling as grain became larger. But the relationship is commonly altered by the ablation of the top of the turbidite sequence or even of the basal sandy bed. The higher the frequency of turbidites, the more the truncations are developed, and the more their relationship would expected to be poor. At the foot of the slope, the erosions were preferentially developed during lowstand period or during initial stages of sea-level rise, probably because of the weak distance separating the high-energy shoreline from the shelf break. In the two deepest sites, the greater thickness of each sequence is probably tied to a better preservation. (5) Only one evident debris flow deposit was observed in this study, a 230-cm thick accumulation forming the upper part of the section of KMDJ01. This slurried interval contains chaotically arranged blue mud clasts and coastal sand and gravel probably 709 eroded from shelf edge. On the basis of a seismic-reflection survey (Domzig et al., 2009), the lateral extent of this deposit seems rather restricted. A 6-cm thick veneer overlays this debris flow implying a deposition interval of w100–150 years. (6) The occurrence of siliciclastic as well as calcareous grains though to come from the relict deposits of the shelf break within hemipelagic deposition intervals would indicate an offshelf sediment transport by density cascading. This process rather frequent, if not permanent, may develop particularly on the Algeria margin, especially if the density of water mass above the shelf is subjected to strong season period imbalance (Millot et al., 1990). Flushing by storm surge would be another explanation for such deposition, at most during low sea-level period. Acknowledgments We thank the crew and scientists aboard the R.V. Suroit for their coring and sampling operation during Maradja 1 cruise to the Algerian margin and IFREMER Brest Centre laboratory (GM-LES) technicians for assistance. We wish to thank the two reviewers Antonio Cattaneo and Bill Normark for linguistic improvements and very helpful comments. 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