Hamiota Leader May 2014


Hamiota Leader May 2014
May 2014
Hamiota Collegiate Student Council
Hamiota Centennial Library
For families with kids 0-5 years old. Enjoy stories, crafts, and fun ideas to help your little
ones learn literacy skills. Come and meet other families in the community with pre-schoolers.
Monday Mornings at 10am: May 26 and June 2, 9, 16, & 23rd.
No registration is required. Call Amanda at 204 851-2681
May 2014
Important News from our Hamiota Lions Club !!!
#1. The Lions ‘Dog Guide’ Program, located in Oakville, Ontario is in constant
need of financing. Purina Dog Chow is a major sponsor and in cooperation with
local Lions Clubs throughout Canada promote local ‘Dog Guide Walks’.
These walks help to finance the program, so that Canadians can get a trained guide dog, FREE OF ANY CHARGES.
These dogs are trained for sight impairment, deaf & hard of hearing, and those suffering from seizures (i.e. epilepsy).
Hamiota Lions Club are sponsoring a walk on May 23rd. Gather up your dog and go for a walk with us, or just bring yourself!
We will meet at 1:30pm at the Hamiota Elementary School (it’ll last for about an hour) ………
#2. The club is having a Battery Drive. We’ll phone to find those willing to donate. We’ll pick-up until June 30th.
#3. May is ‘Lions Month’ for used eyeglasses, sun glasses, and hearing aid recycling program.
Please drop-off at Campbell Flowers or with any Lions member.
Thank You for your Support!!
The Hamiota/Shoal Lake Karate Club held its first annual Kick-a-Thon Fundraiser on
Monday Feb. 17 at Shoal Lake School. The club chose the Hamiota Community Foundation and
the Shoal Lake Community Foundation. ……………………...submitted by Sensei Scott Lints
The students were very eager and worked hard at collecting pledges. The weather was not forgiving at all for
these students, as they went out on 2 different days collecting. On Sunday Feb. 9 we got together and went around
the Shoal Lake community, it was horribly cold! Around the -30 Celsius mark, but they did it and kept going! I
treated them to hot chocolate at the Shoal Lake Motor Inn when we were finished. Then on Sunday Feb. 16 we got
together again and went around the Hamiota community. It wasn’t the cold that got us so much that day, it was the
snow! It snowed great big, wet flakes that day. Making it a little difficult to get around. I again treated them all to
hot chocolate at the Hamiota Hotel when we were finished.
At the Kick-a-Thon there were various activities and prizes for the students. They had to work hard and see
how many kicks they could do in 2 minutes, wow they kicked hard and fast! It was hard to keep up to them. Not
only were they competing in their own club at kicks and prizes but nationally. This event was held by the Shintani
Wado Kai Karate Federation, which was carried out from coast to coast.
I am very proud of how hard these students worked to help their own and neighboring communities. The
Hamiota/Shoal Lake Karate students raised a total of $2,090! The Hamiota Community Foundation received
$1,232, which was presented to Larry Oakden, a board member for the HCF (see page 3). The Shoal Lake
Community Foundation received $858, which was presented to Dick Edgeworth, board member for the SLCF.
From L to R: Harry Burr, Daphne Tannas, Surrey Smith, David Aboud-McConnell, Jaycob Grace, Thomas Reddy (behind Sensei),
Sensei Scott Lints, Jana Tannas, Colton Bell, Zachi Sophia Espayos, Shanna Lelond, Emma Reddy, Cole Rutchka, Trinity Lints.
May 2014
UPDATE ……by Quinn Smith
Even as the weather warms up and the school
year winds down student council and students
alike are still hard at work! We recently had eight representatives from our school go to badminton provincials in
Winnipeg. All of the teams held their own with the team of Destiny Allen and Emily Hunter advancing to the
consolation. High school baseball is also in full swing right now. Both the boys and girls teams split their first two
games and head into their next action with a 1-1 record.
On Thursday, April 24, the Student Council held a Senior Event at the Hamiota Community Centre.
Throughout the school year the Student Council had volunteered their “spare” time to help seniors with odd jobs,
visits, etc. The Council applied for a Leadership Grant through Park West School Division and were able to host a
soup, salad and dessert luncheon. All funds were spent locally.
Senior Services Coordinator Dana Routledge, Ruth McConnell, Linda Little and Heather Rothnie from the
Age Friendly Committee helped out. Emily Usick entertained by playing the piano. There were 50 door prizes
including the beautiful watering can centerpieces from Campbell Flowers.
The main focus of the student council right now is our Great Strides Walk for Cystic Fibrosis scheduled for
May 25th. It will be a fun day filled with activities such as a community pie in the face and a barbeque.
On Friday, May 16th, Hamiota Collegiate will be holding a fund-raising Barbeque and Bake Sale for Cystic
Fibrosis in the Hamiota Vanguard Credit Union parking lot from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Make sure to come out and support our cause. ……….. All proceeds go towards Cystic Fibrosis!
Hamiota Collegiate is excited to announce their first ever “Sports Banquet” being held on Thursday,
NEW June 12th, 2014. The banquet is to start at 6:30pm. The evening will include a meal, guest speaker
Cameron McGhee, highlights of the sports teams, and different awards for all athletes who participated in
Grade 9-12 sports this year. The public is welcome to attend. Adults are $10.00, and under18 are $5.00.
Tickets can be purchased by calling the school at 204-842-2803 and must be purchased by Friday, May 30th, 2014.
We appreciate the support of Hamiota Collegiate throughout the year in all their programs!!
You are invited to join “Ladies
in Hamiota!! …No Experience Necessary !!
Time to Play Every Tuesday: 1pm in May / 9:30am in June, July, & August
9 Holes of Fun Golf !!
Come & Join Us !!
Sensei Scott Lints, of the Hamiota/Shoal Lake Karate Club
is presenting a cheque for $1,232 to Larry Oakden, a member of the
Hamiota Community Foundation.
The ‘Kick-a-Thon’ Fundraiser was held Feb 17th. (see page 2)
May 2014
The Hamiota Drama Club President Tony Scott proudly
presented cheques to Judy Lyn Kirk (left) from the HCI French
Travel Club and Sandra Cowling (right) from the Hamiota
Curling Clubs. Missing from the photo was representation from
the McConnell 4-H Beef Club.
These three clubs assisted the Drama Club during their March
performances of "Everyday People", seating guests, providing
and serving delicious snacks throughout the evening. For their
efforts each group received a cheque in the amount of $1,000.
The mandate of the Hamiota Drama Club is to provide a
venue for groups to fundraise. These three wonderful groups
helped to make the 2014 drama production a huge success and,
in turn, a continued valuable asset to the community.
Saturday, June 7th is the Annual Hamiota Minor Ball Tournament
for Baseball and Softball
Tickets are on sale for
$25 per person and can be
purchased from any Red Sox
player, or any Minor Team.
In the evening,
Hamiota Minor Ball and
Hamiota Red Sox will host
“Bud, Spud & Steak Night”
at the Ball Booth
Tickets will also be
available at
TJ’s Convenience Store
Rawlings Home Hardware.
(Sports Complex if bad weather).
The Red Sox game will
start at 7pm.
Sittings offered at 5, 6, & 7pm.
Anyone wishing to purchase tickets can call Nicole 204-764-0172 or Shelley 204-764-0443.
Tickets are limited, so get them early!! Last day available to purchase tickets is May 31st
Minor Ball will also be hosting a “Minor Ball Night” the same evening.
All minor ball players in attendance will receive a complimentary Hotdog & Drink…...
a small Thank You from our club.
All proceeds from this event will go towards the Ball Park Upgrades.
Wayne and Kim Mathison of Hamiota
are excited to announce
the engagement of their daughter
Paige to Jean Paul,
son of Jean
and Norma Martin of Ste. Rose.
The wedding will occur August 16, 2014
at Dauphin, MB.
May 2014
Hamiota District Health Centre Foundation
Generous Donations !
Recent generous donations from the Hamiota District Health Centre Foundation to
Hamiota District Health Centre included :
Hotline Blood & IV warmer
Resident Room Furniture
Stryker-Pro Stair Chair
Six in the Back Row from L-R are: Lana Hogg, Kathy Routledge, Karen Miller,
Linda Mathison, Dienna McConnell, Linda Clark.
Two in the Front Row from L-R are: Patti Patterson, Mardi Lee.
Acute care staff were presented with a Hotline Blood and IV warmer. IV fluids are delivered
to the patient at the correct temperature when this valuable piece of equipment is used. The
infusion of warm fluids is especially important for patients who have suffered from trauma.
………………………continued on page 6 for Furniture and Chair
May 2014
The arrival of
PCH Resident Room Furniture is now
complete. The Foundation generously
donated this furniture over a
period of 3 years.
The residents and staff are very
thankful for this updated,
modern furniture.
From Left to Right are:
Kathy Routledge, Mardie Lee,
Linda Mathison, Linda Clark, Kelly Cochrane.
Five in the Back Row from Left to
Right are:
Kathy Routledge, Linda Mathison,
Dallas Skayman, Robert Beamish,
Dwayne Campbell.
Three in the Front Row from left
to Right are:
Mardie Lee, Linda Clark,
Chris Skayman.
The EMS staff gratefully accepted the Stryker-Pro Stair Chair from the Foundation.
This is a specialized chair that paramedics use to move patients from areas that do not
accommodate a large stretcher. This chair allows for patient comfort and safety.
It also allows staff to control movement down stairs without lifting, requires less force to
roll and improved maneuverability over rough terrain.
A very welcome addition to the EMS Department!
The Hamiota District Health Centre is extremely grateful to the Foundation
for these generous donations!! Thank You HDHC Foundation!!
May 2014
Cornerstone Family Worship Centre - CFWC
A Moment for Families with Pastor Orland Usick………………….
For many families saying grace before meals has become a time honored tradition. It is wise to give thanks for
the food we eat. For many families, feeding ravenous teenagers at meal time can be a battleground, but it is
good to take a moment wherever you are to be thankful. Keep in mind that we don’t want praying before a meal to become a
boring meaningless ritual. Giving thanks for food at meal times is a well recorded practice of our Lord Jesus and the apostles
of the early Church. It is a sign of spiritual health- giving thanks is the natural response of the believing heart to God’s good
provision. If this is not part of your family routine but would like it to be, here a couple of pointers on how to begin. First of
all turn off the television and electronic devices. It is nearly impossible to say thanks over a commercial or the news or an
incoming text or post on Facebook. God wants your total attention. Give it to Him. It also sends a clear signal to children that
God is very important. He is even more important than television, iphones and Facebook. Next, incorporate touch and holding
hands. This sends the signal that you are a family under God united before Him in love. It makes grace a special time.
Children are not only hungry for food, but also touch. Holding hands to say grace connects us to each other and praying
connects us to God. Keep it simple and honest. Praying for the food and anything that comes to mind in regards to family
needs, turns grace not only into a moment of thankfulness, but an important step in agreeing together as a family for God’s
good and perfect will to be done. Last of all don’t forget to let the kids pray. Some of the most honest and touching and
surprising prayers come from children! Colossians 3:17 says “Whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of
the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him”. …………………...Till next month. Pastor Orland
Upcoming Events at Cornerstone Family Worship Centre:
Junior Youth Mondays- Food, games and don’t forget- The Panel- Relevant topics discussed by young people.
Youth Convention in Edmonton Alberta- Thursday May 22- Sunday May 25th. Over 25 young people from Hamiota and
surrounding area will be joining with almost 20,000 other young people for a great weekend of Top Christian Worship Bands,
Key Guest Speakers and a trip to the mall.
Fuse Middle School Party June 13. Swimming at Aquatic Centre, fireworks, food and a movie in the barn at Pastor’s farm.
Father Son Fishing Trip- Father’s Day weekend, June 20 & 21. Cost is $40 per adult and $20 per child. Food & lodging is
included. Leaving the church around 1:00 PM. Please call Pastor Orland to book your spot.
The Alpha Course- Every Sunday Night until June 8th. Everyone is welcome to join us for a great meal, video presentation
and a small group discussion afterwards. Don’t forget to bring the kids!
For more information call the church 204 764 2648…….. Also visit our website www.cornerstonefamily.ca
Senior Youth: Every Fri. Night at Pastor Nathan’s / Junior Youth: Mon. Afterschool. / Boys Club: Wed. Afterschool.
Hamiota/Blanshard Senior Services new Resource Coordinator,
Veronica Menzies
would like to thank the Board for the opportunity of working with the area seniors.
I grew up in Rapid City and moved back to Hamiota from Selkirk to be closer to my
parents (Brandon). My husband Al is retired from the City of Winnipeg. We have
become involved in the community by volunteering at different events where we have
met many of the residents and are proud to call Hamiota our home.
We also believe it is important for seniors to stay in their homes as long as possible
and have built our new house for the future with wide doorways, open spaces, no
transition flooring and wheelchair accessible bathrooms. I am looking forward to
getting to know everyone and have many exciting activities in the works for the coming months.
The office is open 8 a.m. – 12 noon Monday to Friday. Please feel free to drop by or call 204 764-2658 if I can
help with any needs you may have, or just to say Hi!
I welcome any suggestions or comments you may have also.
See you at the Pie Auction!
May 2014
Hamiota and Area Cancer Support Group met in Shoal Lake
with twelve (12) present. Teri Nicholson from Cancer Care, Brandon was guest speaker.
Next meeting September 30th in Hamiota…….Watch for the announcement!
Hamiota Chamber of Commerce - Customer Appreciation BBQ
Thursday, June 5th 11:30am-1pm Vanguard Credit Union Parking Lot.
The cost is FREE!
Donations accepted for the
Hamiota Minor Ball “Ball Park Upgrades”
Bridal Shower in honor of Shari Beamish, daughter of Jack and Pat Beamish on
Wednesday May 28th at 7:30 pm at Hamiota Heritage Arts Center.
Please bring your favorite recipe, with your name on it, in lieu of a shower card.
Hamiota District Health Centre Ladies Auxiliary is holding their annual supper meeting in Arrow River Hall
on Thursday, June 5th. Everyone is Welcome!! For tickets contact Irene Robinson at 204-764-2100 before May 22nd.
Hamiota/Blanchard Senior’s Council activities have wound up for the 2013-2014
season. We have had very successful regional and Westman finals here in Hamiota.
We entertained visitors from all over Westman - Minnedosa, Newdale, Shoal Lake, Rivers,
Neepawa, Virden, Reston, Hartney, Elkhorn, and Oak Lake for 500. Then on to Deloraine, Souris,
Virden, Oak Lake and Shoal Lake for floor shuffle.
We will reconvene the first week of November, 2014 with floor shuffle on Mondays at
10am and cards on Wednesdays at 1:30pm in the Community Hall.
All seniors 55+ are welcome, so come on out and join us for fun and fellowship. See you in the fall!
It is our pleasure to once again announce the date for the upcoming
Senior Councils Pie Auction and Entertainment Evening!
Friday, May 16th, 7:00 pm
in the Hamiota Elementary School Gymnasium.
This year will be raising funds for our summer student funding, as well 50%
will go towards purchasing the radios for our local Fire Department, also a
much needed and important item for this community!
Following the auction, the Hamiota Drama Club will be providing some
entertainment for us all to enjoy! This will also be a great night to meet our new
Seniors Coordinator, Veronica Menzies! (see page 7)
For any questions on the event, including how to donate,
contact the office at 204-764-2658, Norah Gray at 204-764-2047
May 2014
Gallery Display featuring the Hamiota Art Club
Mid-West Arts Council AGM Supper & Entertainment
Hamiota Collegiate “Cystic Fibrosis BBQ & Bake Sale”
“Here Comes the Sun” - Tom Dowden in Concert
Heritage Arts Centre
Heritage Arts Centre
Vanguard Credit Union Parking Lot
Heritage Arts Centre
Gallery Display - ‘Re-Purpose Art’ (something new from something old)
Gallery Display - Margo Eckberg and Faye Stelmack of Rapid City
Chamber of Commerce “Customer Appreciation BBQ”
First “Tea at the Old Bank” & Thrift Shop Fashion Show
Aquatic Centre…. OPENS
Minor Ball Tourney & Dinner ‘Bud, Spud, Steak Night’
5,6 & 7pm
Blood Donor Clinic
Hamiota Collegiate “Sports Banquet” Awards Evening
Singer/Songwriter - Sean Burns in Concert
Printing Press Demonstration
Heritage Arts Centre
Heritage Arts Centre
Vanguard Credit Union Parking Lot
Heritage Arts Centre
Hamiota Municipal Park
Hamiota Municipal Park
Hamiota Elementary School
Hamiota Collegiate Institute
Heritage Arts Centre
Isabella Museum
Weed Notes…………..….by Sid Lewis
At this time every month I write the column to be in both the Rivers Banner and Hamiota Leader. As
this column is typed the 2nd of May, a lot can happen weather wise by the 10th when the deadline for the
Hamiota Leader comes. So a bit of a gamble, with super weather conditions at the moment it looks to me as
though we are finally out of the grips of winter.
That being said, within the next week or so we will see those yellow heads showing up, and this being
the final time to use products that work, I guess this will be the year to control them somewhat. Many times I
have said Spring spraying of dandelions only controls what you see above the ground. Fall is the best method still for full
control. At least now it keeps the plants from going to seed, but that is all.
Duncan Murray is geared up again this year for the Town of Hamiota and any country areas needing done so he
mentioned this week. There again, the alternate products we are to use next year are way more expensive than current products
and consequently we will have to charge more then! Any Town of Hamiota residents who wish their lawns covered are to contact
Duncan or leave their names at the Town office. Other towns in the Weed Control District can either contact me or leave their
names in their respective R.M./Town offices to be on the list.
Perhaps a little early to be mentioning this, a fair board director asked me recently for a list of noxious weeds so they and
the judges rating entries at their fair day, will know if some flower arrangements contain noxious weeds. I was very pleased the
director was being so proactive and I encourage other fair board directors in other areas to perhaps consider this for the upcoming
Terry and I were to the Home Leisure show in Brandon in early April. Our youngest and his girlfriend accompanied us,
and as well as other interests we toured the mobile homes outside the curling rink entrance. One unit was geared towards the
single person, and as we left the home Terry’s comment was, “Son I am telling you I am never going into a retirement home, just
buy me 1 of these and set it up in the country somewhere!” As Terry hadn’t mentioned me anywhere in the equation I asked,
“Dear what about me?” Answer was swift and clear, “YOU will be in the retirement home!!!!”
…………..Sid Lewis is the Supervisor for the Midwest Weed District and can be reached at 204 764 2128
Hamiota Centennial Library
The library is landscaping the grassy boulevard in front. We would like to use paving
stones so people can use the area for seating, gathering and reading.
PLEASE HELP US “PAVE THE WAY” ! Only $50.00 per Brick!!
Your name will be engraved on it to show the legacy you have left the community.
Tax deductible receipts will be available from the R.M. of Hamiota.
To make a donation please stop by the Municipal Office or contact Larry Oakden @ 204-764-2847
May 2014
Blood Donor Clinic
Hamiota Elementary School
Monday, June 9th 2:30-7:30pm
Please call 1-888-236-6283 today and help us
fill our remaining appointments !!
With Hamiota’s assistance, we can help save lives in our
community and across the country !!
Mayor Larry Oakden
Maud Bryant on her
90th Birthday !!!!!
on behalf of the
Town of Hamiota
Health & Happiness!
The Mothers
of Birch Lodge
celebrated in style, Friday, May 9th!
Not only was it a hats and gloves kind of
affair, complete with harpist Aeleen Sclater
of Brandon, but resident artist Norma Gray had her
collection of paintings on display for all staff, residents and
visitors to enjoy!
Great afternoon was had by all!
The Town of Hamiota Municipal Office
Open Monday to Friday 8:30AM to 4:30PM
Closed 12:00PM to 1:00PM
Hamiota Municipal Building
Box 100
75 Maple Avenue
Hamiota Manitoba
R0M 0T0
Summer Landfill
9am - Noon
Town Council Meetings are held on the first and third
Tues to Thurs: 1pm - 8pm
Wednesdays at 7:00PM.
10am - 6pm
Rural Municipal Meetings are held on the second
Take Used Oil & Antifreeze
Wednesday at 9:00AM
to Eco-Centre at Landfill
Phone:764-3050 Fax:764-3055 e-mail: info@hamiota.com
Website: www.hamiota.com
Funded by the Town and Rural Municipality of Hamiota the
Hamiota Leader Newsletter is published by the
Hamiota Economic Development Corporation.
To submit your announcement, or news item
This Newsletter is also on our
Home Page……... www.hamiota.com
Tell all of your out-of-town
friends & relatives
please contact the Economic Development Officer (EDO) at
Box 100 Hamiota MB R0M 0T0 or Tel: 1 204 764 3050 ext 107 or Fax 1 204 764 3055
e-mail: leader@hamiota.com by Noon on the 10th of every month