Fix Our Roads Alachua County


Fix Our Roads Alachua County
A Report on the Activities of Alachua County Government
August 31, 2012
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SWAG Video
Special Meetings
NW 156th Roadway
Animal Services Award
CAPP Funded Agencies
Alachua County Talks
Kim Barton in Hall of Fame
Extension Programs Join 4-H
Commission Highlights
Advisory Boards
Fix Our Roads Alachua County
On the November 6, 2012 General
Election ballot, the Fix Our Roads
Alachua County sales surtax ballot
question will be decided by voters. The
sales surtax is on the ballot to create a
new funding source for road repair and
maintenance throughout the County
and in all County municipalities.
In order to provide citizens with
the information needed to make an
informed decision, the County has
launched a website which includes:
Community Update
is published by
Acting Alachua
County Manager
Rick Drummond’s
Communications Office
Mark Sexton
Communications Coordinator
Bret Bostock
Community Update Editor
and Graphic Designer
Takumi Sullivan
Graphic Designer
Alan Yeatter
Video Production Coordinator
An Alachua County Talks video interview with County Engineer David Cerlanek
An interactive road projects map
A downloadable key fact sheet (PDF)
An upcoming presentation schedule
A downloadable slideshow presentation (PDF)
A more links and information section
View the Fix Our Roads Alachua County website.
For more information, or to schedule a presentation, email FixOurRoads@AlachuaCounty.US
or call Tricia Kyzar, Public Works Administrative Assistant, at 352-548-1314.
Fix Our Roads Alachua County:
Funding Road Improvements by levying a ¾% sales surtax
Alachua County Board of
County Commissioners
Winston Bradley, Mike Byerly (Vice
Chair), Paula DeLaney (Chair), Susan
Baird, Lee Pinkoson
Shall Alachua County implement a Road Improvement Plan to extend
the life and improve the safety of county Roads by maintaining, paving and
reconstructing Roads; and in the Cities of Gainesville, Alachua, Newberry,
High Springs, Hawthorne, Waldo and Archer, and the Towns of Micanopy
and LaCrosse, funding municipal Road maintenance, construction,
reconstruction and paving projects; by levying a 3/4% sales surtax for 15
years subject to independent audit and citizen review?
Community Update August 31, 2012
Video Highlights SWAG Family Resource Center Opening
Alachua County recently celebrated the opening of the
Southwest Advocacy Group (SWAG) Family Resource Center
(807 SW 64th Terrace, Gainesville) and the Alachua County
Communications Office cameras were there. The project serves
as an inspiring example of utilizing public/private partnerships
to address community challenges, particularly during difficult
economic times.
The SWAG Family Resource Center developed after SWAG
went to the Alachua County Board of County Commissioners
(BoCC) to ask for help. The BoCC allocated $225,000 to purchase
and renovate two buildings in the Southwest community.
Renovations on the Family Resource Center started on February
13, and were completed on May 18. Many people, organizations
and businesses contributed to the project. The Rotary Clubs of
Watch the SWAG Family Resource Center video.
Gainesville Foundation awarded the project $57,000 for furnishings,
appliances, and computers. Partnership for Strong Families (PSF)
At a recent BoCC meeting the Board renewed its commitment
provides a full-time manager to run the facility as well as operating to the SWAG efforts by allocating $190,000.00 in the FY 2013
costs. Watch the video for more information on the many donors. budget for renovations to the second building which will serve
as a satellite Health Department branch to better serve citizens in
western Alachua County.
“This is a great example of partners and stakeholders joining
with government to address the needs of citizens,” commented
Click to learn more about SWAG.
County Manager Rick Drummond. “It is amazing and heartening
to see what a single minded group of people can accomplish
For more information, contact the Alachua County
when they have the determination and patience to pursue the
Communications Office at 352-264-6979.
collaboration necessary to make this kind of project a reality.”
Special Archer Braid Trail Meeting and 2 Others
The Alachua County Commission will conduct three Special
Meetings on Tuesday, September 4, 2012. Both the 10 a.m. and 1:30
p.m. meetings are in the Grace Knight Conference Room and the 5
p.m. meeting is in the Boardroom. Both rooms are on the second
floor of the Alachua County Administration Building located at 12
SE 1st Street, downtown Gainesville.
The 10 a.m. Special Meeting/General Discussion agenda
1. FY13 Budget Development
View agenda and backup material
The 1:30 p.m. Special Meeting agenda includes:
Water Conservation:
1. Water Management Districts Consumptive Water Use
Permitting Process
2. HB 1263 Septic Tank Compliance Inspection program for
Springshed Protection Areas
View agenda and backup material
The 5 p.m. Special Meeting agenda includes:
1. Archer Braid Trail – County Staff has developed 30% design
plans for Phase 2 of the Archer Braid Trail which is proposed
to run along SW 91st Street, SW 46th Ave and Tower Road to
Veteran’s Park. The County Commission will be considering
the 30% design plans of the current Archer Braid Trail
alignment as well as options regarding an additional or
alternate trail connection along SW Archer Road.
View agenda and backup material
Citizens are encouraged to attend these meetings or to view
them live on Cox Channel 12 or on the County’s Video on Demand
Citizens are encouraged to stay engaged by clicking on and
signing up for the following products: Facebook Twitter Newsletter/
Press Release
For more information, contact the Alachua County
Communications Office at 352-374-5204.
Community Update August 31, 2012
NW 156th Ave Roadway Closure
The Alachua County Public Works Department announces that
construction for the demolition and replacement of a cross drain
located at 8000 NW 156th Ave approximately ½ mile West of CR
237 (between NW 90th Street and NW 78th Terrace) is scheduled
to begin on Tuesday, September 4, 2012, weather permitting. The
roadway has been closed since failure of the 8’ cross drain on June 15,
2012. The roadway will be closed at this location for approximately
76 days. The construction entails a new 8’ wide precast box culvert
and retaining walls.
View a map that shows the detour route that has been in place
since the emergency closure.
Another location at 9200 NW 156th Ave will be closed after the
8000 block roadway is opened to traffic. The 9200 block location
also entails the demolition and replacement of an 8’ cross drain
that is the same age and close to same condition found at 8000
NW 156th Ave location. During the 9200 block construction the
roadway will be closed for approximately 60 days.
John C. Hipp Construction is the contractor that will be
completing the work. Their bid of $911,696.40 was the low
responsive bidder for emergency bids received on July 2, 2012.
The Board approved the construction contract with John C. Hipp
Construction on July 17, 2012.
For more information, contact Ruth Findley, Alachua County
Stormwater Engineer at 352-548-1313 or
Animal Services Receives Recognition
On August 23, 2012, Alachua County Animal Services staff was
recognized by The Humane Society of the United States for their
efforts on the Haven Acres hoarding/Cruelty case.
“Documented as one of the biggest cat seizures in the United
States, this case severely taxed Animal Services and its staff.” said
Animal Services Interim Director, Vernon Sawyer. He continued,
“To properly care for 708 cats it required staff to work tremendous
On June 07, 2011, Alachua County Animal Services in
amounts of overtime and the physical work of cleaning and
conjunction with The Humane Society of the United States, the
feeding 708 cats was back breaking. The good news is that with
Alachua County Sheriff’s Office and the University Of Florida Shelter the help of The Humane Society of the United States, The Alachua
Medicine Program seized 708 cats from Haven Acres Sanctuary in
County Humane Society and the University Of Florida Shelter
High Springs.
Medicine Program most of these cats were treated and adopted to
their forever homes.”
Care for the 708 cats required additional support from local
Veterinarians from All Cats Health Care located in Gainesville, as well
For more information, contact Vernon Sawyer at 352-264-6890
as the RedRover Responders based in California.
From Left: Debbie Hunt (ASA State Attorney Office
Prosecutor), Kate MacFall (Florida State Director for HSUS),
Jessica Lauginiger (Investigator Alachua County Animal
Services), Laura Bevan (HSUS), and Vernon Sawyer (Alachua
County Animal Services Interim Director)
Community Update August 31, 2012
FY2012/13 CAPP Funded Agencies
On Tuesday, August 28, the Board of County Commissioners
approved the Community Agency Partnership Program (CAPP)
Advisory Board recommendations for funding for the FY2012/13
View the agencies and funding amounts for CAPP.
The CAPP Advisory Board evaluated 35 poverty reduction
proposals from 27 non-profit agencies for the FY2012/13 CAPP
funding process. Areas designated by the Commission for funding
Click anywhere in the image above to view the CAPP funded
agencies as a downloadable PDF file.
included: food, health care, housing and utilities, and children’s safety
and education.
The Commission directed that special consideration be given
to health and housing/utility programs that target seniors aged 60
or above or households that contain at least one child age 18 or
For more information about CAPP, contact CAPP Program Manager,
Lee Roberts at 352-264-6707 or
Community Update August 31, 2012
What’s On “Alachua County Talks”
In speaking of the program Sexton said, “Mr. Cerlanek does an
excellent job of laying out the needs of our current road system, the
limitations of current funding sources, and the plan for the Fix Our
Roads Alachua County surtax should it be approved in November.”
Alachua County Talks air at 7 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. every night except
Thursday, and at 7 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. and 11:30 p.m. and 12 a.m.
every day. Special or regular County Commission and Gainesville
City Commission meetings may preempt any showing.
In the new edition of “Alachua County Talks” host Mark Sexton
interviews Alachua County Public Works Department, County
Engineer David Cerlanek. Cerlanek will be discussing the “Fix our
Roads Alachua County” Transportation System Surtax question that
will appear on the November 6, 2012 General Election Ballot.
View the Alachua County Talks: Fix Our Roads Alachua County.
For more information, contact the Alachua County
Communications Office at 352-374-5204.
Kim Barton Inducted Into the Sports Hall of Fame
Congratulations to Kim Barton, Outreach Director for the
basketball players. Kim says those experiences she will always
Alachua County Supervisor of Elections Office. Kim will be inducted remember.
into the Sports Hall of Fame at Connors State College in a special
ceremony on October 6, in Oklahoma. In its first ever induction
She graduated from Connors
ceremony, Kim will be one of ten student-athletes being inducted. State College with an AA degree
and went on to be a studentKim (formerly Kim Davis) led the Cowgirls to their first bid to
athlete and an all-American
play in the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA)
basketball player at Oral
tournament in 1982. She was the only player unanimous selected
Roberts University in Tulsa.
by the NJCAA committee to the 1st Team All-American in 1982.
She later transferred to
Florida and joined the
A Memphis, TN native, she was the leading scorer on
Lady Gators basketball
the team and led the Connors State Cowgirls to the Region II
team. She graduated
Conference title and was named Region II most valuable player in
from the College
1982. While playing basketball at Connors from 1980-1982, Kim
of Journalism and
received numerous awards and recognitions, two of which are
Communications with
particularly special to her. First, she and her team were recognized a Bachelor’s Degree in
by the Oklahoma State Legislature in 1982 with a citation. The
citation reads “whereas, Kim Davis and the Connors State College
Cowgirls displayed outstanding performance and amazing
Please join me in
athletic achievement bringing honor and pride to Connors State
congratulating Kim!
College and to the State of Oklahoma winning the conference
championship, state championship, regional championship
Submitted by
and playing in the National Junior College Athletic Association
Pam Carpenter,
tournament” and secondly, she had the opportunity to play in the
Supervisor of
East vs. West Junior College All-Star game in Hutchinson, Kansas in
Kim Barton, Outreach Director for the Alachua
1982 alongside the country’s most talented junior college women
County Supervisor of Elections Office
Community Update August 31, 2012
September Extension Programs
September Family and Consumer Sciences Programs
These programs are being offered by Brenda C. Williams, Ed.D.
Family and Consumer Sciences Agent at the Extension Office (2800
NE 39 Avenue, Gainesville).
Food Safety and Quality Program (ServSafe®) – September 5,
from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
There is no cost for these workshops; however, printed
materials will be available for $3.00 per set.
Pre-register at least 3 working days prior to the program by
calling 352-337-6209.
September Environmental Horticultural Programs
For further information and to register, please visit the Food
Safety and Quality website, or call toll-free at 1-888-232-8723.
These programs are being offered by Wendy Wilber,
Environmental Horticulture Agent at the Extension Office (2800 NE
39 Avenue, Gainesville) unless otherwise indicated.
Before You Tie the Knot - September 10 & 17, from 5:30 p.m. to
7:30 p.m.
Raised Bed Vegetable Gardening – September 12, from 7 p.m. to
8 p.m.
Completion of this course is required to receive a $32.50
reduction of marriage license. Attendees will receive a certificate of
completion and a copy for the Clerk of the Court.
Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Tour – September 15, from 8:30
a.m. to 1 p.m. beginning at the UF Straughn Development Center
(2142 Shealy Drive, Gainesville).
There is no cost to attend this two evening class.
Get Financially Organized Series – Session run from 5:30 p.m. to
7:30 p.m.
Important Papers – September 11
Making Credit Work for You – September 18
Basic Estate Planning – September 25
Home Food Preservation Workshop – September 24, from 1:30
p.m. to 4 p.m. and repeated again from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Tough Plants for Tough Places – September 19, from 7 p.m. to 8
Growing Citrus – September 26, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
There is no charge for any of these programs. Space is limited
so pre-registration is recommended by calling 352-337-6209.
For more information about these programs call 352-955-2402.
Visit the Extension Office calendar for additional programs offered
by the Extension Office.
Join 4-H
Youth between the ages of 5 and 18 are eligible and
encouraged to participate in 4-H. The 4-H year begins on
September 1, 2012. Visit the Alachua County 4-H website or click
here to fill out an enrollment form.
Eligible participants can join a 4-H club or sign up as an
individual 4-H member. Most clubs meet on a monthly basis,
although some meet more often. Florida’s four 4-H camps host
special programs throughout the year as well as summer camping.
Visit the Florida 4-H website for a complete list of projects.
4-H includes four age divisions including (as of September
1) Cloverbud Division (Ages 5-7), Junior Division (Ages 8-10),
Intermediate Division (Ages 11-13), and Senior Division (Ages 1418).
In order to provide this service
Examples of 4-H projects:
to the youth, 4-H is always in need
• public speaking
• horses
of club and project resource leaders. • computers
Club Leaders advise and lead a diverse
• rocketry
• theater arts
group of 4-H members (usually in one
• fashion design &
geographic area), enrolled in a variety
• environmental education
of projects. Co-Club Leaders aid and
• community service/
team with the club leader to advise and
service learning
• shooting sports
lead a group of 4-H members. Project
• animal science
Resource Volunteers share skills,
talents and special interests in a single project area. For example:
clothing, dogs, rabbits, horses, bicycling, computers, wood-working,
photography, etc.
For more information contact Matt Benge, 4-H Agent, at 352955-2402 or
Community Update August 31, 2012
Commission Highlights
August 28, 2012 Board Meeting
Commissioner Winston Bradley
Vice Chair Mike Byerly
Commission Chair Paula M. DeLaney
Commissioner Susan Baird
Commissionerw Lee Pinkoson
Regular Meeting
morning session
Public Hearing
evening session
Presentations, Proclamations and Recognitions
The Board heard announcements by Mark Sexton Communications Coordinator concerning the FIX OUR ROADS
website and the SWAG Family Resource Center.
Muscular Dystrophy Association Firefighter Appreciation Month
The Board proclaimed September 2012 as “Muscular Dystrophy Association Firefighter Appreciation Month”
Attachment: MDA Firefighters Appreciation Month 2012.pdf
Florida Water Professionals Week
The Board proclaimed August 20 -24, 2012 as “Florida Water Professionals Week”
Attachment: Florida Water Professionals Week 2012.pdf
Fee Study
The Board heard a presentation of the Fee Study and accepts the Administrative Services and Court Services
Departments’ recommendations of amounts to be charged for each fee. In addition, accept the Growth Management
Department’s recommendation to establish a new fee and revise the descriptions of a select number of Growth
Management fees, which were not a component of the aforementioned fee study.
Attachment: FY13 Fee Schedule Strikethrough Underline Version.pdf
Attachment: Fee Schedule Presentation 082812.pdf
Attachment: Alachua County_FY11 Fee Study FINAL.PDF
Attachment: FY13 Fee Schedule Summary of Changes.pdf
Traffic Control Devices
The Board authorized staff to prepare a draft ordinance to delegate authority from the Board of County
Commissioners to the County Engineer to place traffic control devices (excluding signals and no-parking signs) and to
designate speed limits on County roadways in accordance with specified standards.
Community Update August 31, 2012
Presentations, Proclamations and Recognitions
Community Development Block Grant Housing Rehabilitation Contract
Concerning the Alachua County FFY 2011 Community Development Block Grant Housing Rehabilitation Contract
with Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, the Board
Approved the applicant ranking, included a list of applicants in the meeting minutes, and disclosed any conflicts of
interest members of the Alachua County Board of County Commissioners have with any applicants on the Ranking
Attachment: BoCC disclosure memo.pdf
Attachment: CDBG Applicants.pdf
Attachment: Appendix A Revised CATF 30222012.pdf
Attachment: CDBG Housing Rehab BoCC Conflict of Interest Statement.pdf
Solid Waste, Recyclable Materials and Yard Trash Collection Agreement
The Board approved the Second Amendment to Solid Waste, Recyclable Materials and Yard Trash Collection
Agreement with WCA (formerly EWS)
Amount: $24,078.00
Attachment: WCA Trash 2nd Amend Final.pdf
Medicaid Backlog
The Board directed the County Manager and County Attorney not to file a Chapter 120 petition contesting the
Medicaid Backlog.
Attachment: Medicaid Attachment D.pdf
Attachment: Medicaid Attachment F.pdf
Attachment: Medicaid Attachment b.pdf
Attachment: Medicaid Attachment c.pdf
Attachment: Medicaid Attachment E.pdf
Attachment: Medicaid Attachment A.pdf
Alachua County v. Dudek
The Board directed the County Attorney to continue as plaintiff in Alachua County v. Dudek
Attachment: Medicaid Amended Complaint.pdf
Melrose Rural Cluster Special Area Study and Plan
Concerning the Melrose Rural Cluster Special Area Study and Plan, the Board approved the following:
1. Direct staff to determine an estimate of cost roe the area plan and present it to the Painter’s. If the Painters
agree to pay the cost, staff is to return to the Board with a Scope of Study for Board approval
2. Continue the item to the Oct. 9, 2012 5 p.m. meeting or as soon thereafter as possible
3. Staff is to comment on a schedule of sub area plans to be studied.
Attachment: Melrose SAS Process and Background.pdf
Attachment: ULDC Ch 402 Article 16 Special Area Plans.pdf
Attachment: Letter from Eng Denman June192012.pdf
Attachment: Preliminary Report Eng Denman June042012.pdf
Attachment: Resolution for Scope of Work.pdf
Attachment: Comprehensive Plan Policies for Rural Clusters.pdf
Attachment: Presentation Melrose Aug282012.pdf
Community Update August 31, 2012
Presentations, Proclamations and Recognitions
The Board approved ZOM-06-12, rezoning a portion of parcel number 20098-000-000 from R-1a to R-1c.
Attachment: ZOM0612_Application.PDF
Attachment: ZOM0612_Public_Comment_2.PDF
Attachment: ZOM0612_PowerPoint.pdf
Attachment: ZOM0612_Resolution.pdf
Attachment: ZOM0612_PowerPoint.pptx
Attachment: ZOM0612_Staff_Report.pdf
Attachment: ZOM0612_Public_Comment_1.PDF
Special Use Permit
Concerning ZOS-01-12: A request for a special use permit for excavation of more than 200 cubic yards in an ‘A’
(Agricultural) district on approximately 188 acres, the Board adopted
Resolution Z-12-07 approving the requested special use permit
Attachment: ZOS0112 Staff Report.pdf
Attachment: ZOS0112 Public Comments.pdf
Attachment: Map for ZOS0112.pdf
Attachment: Background for ZOS0112.pdf
Attachment: Codes Enforcement Board Letter.pdf
Attachment: ZOS0212.pptx
Attachment: Resolution_ZOS112.pdf
Attachment: ZOS0112 Powerpoint Presentation.pdf
Resolution Z-12-09
The Board adopted Resolution Z-12-09 approving the requested minor amendment.
Attachment: ZOM0712 Background Materials.pdf
Attachment: ZOM0712 Powerpoint Presentation.pdf
Attachment: ZOM0712.pptx
Attachment: ZOM0712_Resolution.pdf
Attachment: ZOM0712_Staff_Report.pdf
Resolution Z-12-10
The Board adopted Resolution Z-12-10 approving the requested amendment.
Attachment: ZOM0812 Background Part 1.pdf
Attachment: ZOM812_Resolution.pdf
Attachment: ZOM0812.pptx
Attachment: ZOM0812 Background Part 2.pdf
Attachment: ZOM0812 Powerpoint Presentation.pdf
Attachment: ZOM0812_Staff_Report.pdf
Community Update August 31, 2012
Presentations, Proclamations and Recognitions
Preliminary Development Plan
Concerning the approval of the Preliminary Development Plan with conditions for Park Avenue at
Santa Fe Traditional Neighborhood Development, The Board continued the item to the Sept. 18, 2012
Attachment: 6 Open Space_Park Ave.pdf
Attachment: 8 Presentation_Park Avenue at Santa Fe TND.pdf
Attachment: 1 Aerial_Park Ave at Santa Fe.pdf
Attachment: 5 Development Plan_Park Ave.pdf
Attachment: Park Avenue at Santa Fe TND.pptx
Attachment: 2 Location_Park Ave.pdf
Attachment: 3 Park Ave TND Prel_Staff report_Revised.pdf
Attachment: 4 Cover Sheet_Park Ave.pdf
Attachment: 7 Transportation Network_Park Ave.pdf
Advisory Board Appointments
Mr. Keith Hazouri was appointed to the CHOICES Advisory Board as a Small Business Owner to a term ending
April 30, 2014.
Ms. Lisa Julseth was appointed to the CHOICES Advisory Board as a Citizen-at-large to a term ending April 30,
Dr. Richard Sadove was appointed to the CHOICES Advisory Board as a Hospital Employee #2 to a term ending
December 31, 2014.
Community Update August 31, 2012
Alachua County Advisory Boards
Get Involved
The Alachua County Commission is committed to citizen involvement on its advisory
boards and is soliciting applications for the following vacancies:
Affordable Housing Advisory Committee: One citizen
actively engaged as a for-profit provider of affordable
housing, one alternate, one citizen representing
laborers actively engaged in residential affordable
housing construction, one citizen actively engaged in
the banking or mortgage industry in connection with
affordable housing, one Alachua County resident
Alachua County Housing Authority Board: One
alternate tenant-commissioner (this position requires
residency in public housing or that applicant is on the
Alachua County Housing Authority’s Section 8 Voucher
Board of Adjustment: Two citizens-at-large
CHOICES Advisory Board: One managed care
employee, one certified public accountant, one
CHOICES program participant
Citizens Disability Advisory Committee: Two citizensat-large
Early Learning Coalition: One Alachua County resident
Housing Finance Authority: Three citizens-at-large
(knowledgeable in labor, finance or commerce), one
citizen-at-large, one alternate
Human Rights Board: One residential rental manager,
one citizen-at-large, one alternate
Land Conservation Board: One citizen-at-large
Original Florida Tourism Task Force: One citizenat-large (should be actively involved in the Tourism
Industry in Alachua County)
Poverty Reduction Advisory Board: One
representative of a faith-based organization, one
representative of a non-profit organization, one citizen
residing in the unincorporated area of the county or one
of the rural municipalities
Regional Transit System Advisory Board: one
senior citizen or representative of a neighborhood/
homeowners association
Gainesville/Alachua County Arts in Public Places
Trust: One interior designer, architect or landscape
Rural Concerns Advisory Committee: One
Preservation of Rural Property Values member, one
citizen residing in the unincorporated area outside
of the urban cluster, one alternate, one Farm Bureau
Gainesville/Alachua County Cultural Affairs Board:
One citizen-at-large
Value Adjustment Board: one citizen (must own
homestead property in Alachua County)
Health Care Advisory Board: One low-income health
care consumer, one dentist, one attorney, one alternate.
Veteran Services Advisory Board: One citizen-at-large
(Veteran), one Gulf War Veteran
Health Facilities Authority: One citizen-at-large
Victim Services and Rape Crisis Center Program
Advisory Council: One alternate, 4 citizens-at-large
Historical Commission: One citizen-at-large
WellFlorida Council: two health care consumers, one
health care purchaser
Positions in italics are not yet vacant, but will be available before November 28, 2012.
Click here for an application
Applications are also available at the County Manager’s Office on the 2nd Floor of the
County Admin. Building, 12 SE 1st St., Gainesville. For more info., call 352-264-6904.