Lake Shore Lines - Lake Shore Public Schools


Lake Shore Lines - Lake Shore Public Schools
Lake Shore Lines
The Lake Shore Public Schools Newsletter ♦ Vol. 40, No. 2 ♦ Spring 2014
“We build successful futures for all - one student at a time.”
From the Superintendent... Mandarin,
The end of the school
year is fast approaching.
To the graduating seniors,
I would like to wish you
good luck in your future
congratulations to the
many who have received
Mr. Christopher Loria
scholarships or have been
admitted into colleges all across the country.
The success of our students is because we
have board support, great teachers and great
support staff in all of our buildings. It is also
because of the support students get at home
and from this amazing community. It does
take a village to raise a child, and I am
grateful for the many people who help us
make successful futures for all, one student at
a time.
With all the talk of graduation, it also
brings us to the last day of school for all
students. There has been a final ruling from
the state on how schools need to proceed
when it comes to handling all of the snow/cold
weather days that we had this winter. I am
happy to announce that the last day of school
will be a half day on June 12th as previously
scheduled for all buildings, unless there is an
unforeseen closure.
We are already looking forward to the
great things that we are going to offer to our
students for next school year. The Board of
Education approved new courses for the high
school including Astronomy, Forensic
Science, Oceans and Atmospheres, Geology,
AP Language and Composition, AP US
History, AP Psychology, and AP Studio Art
Portfolio. One of the biggest, and in my
opinion, and greatest improvements to our
curriculum will be offering German, Spanish,
and possibly Italian in
our elementary schools. Students
will get a chance to learn foreign
language and will also get support
with music and art to learn more
about the cultures of the countries
where Lake Shore has sister
schools. Students will not only
have access to foreign language
through our teachers, but we have
also partnered with Rosetta Stone
to offer support for expanding our
foreign language offerings to all of Lake Shore has a sister school in Grenada, Spain called I.E.S.
our students. Using the technology Albayzin. They will be sending students for a two-week exchange in the
of Rosetta Stone will open the door
for students to learn languages both at school our elementary and middle school students
and have the support to continue to learn at from July 14th to August 2nd. This is a threehome.
week camp that pairs host students with
In May, administrators from our sister students from our sister school in China.
school in Grenada, Spain visited our Students do fun activities in the morning to
facilities. They will be sending students for a learn about each others’ culture and
two-week exchange in the Fall 2014. Our language, then the afternoons are filled with
students will visit Grenada for Spring Break field trips all around Southeast Michigan.
2015. We are very excited to offer this This camp does fill up, but families that are
opportunity for our students who are interested in participating can find
studying Spanish. Lake Shore students now information on our district webpage.
do two-week cultural visits to China,
Congratulations to our graduates, we are
Germany and Spain, and in the future - Italy! very proud of your accomplishments. I do
Lake Shore will be holding the 3rd hope everyone has a great end to the school
Annual Foreign Culture Summer Camp for year, and a very safe and fun summer.
KMS Students Amaze in a
Stand Against Bullying
Inside this issue
Pg. 2 Pg. 3 Pg. 4 Pg. 5 Pg. 6 Pg. 7 Pg. 8 -
Alumni Corner
Awards & Accomplishments
District Dateline
More than the Perfect Game
Successful Festival Season
Freeze Frame
Get this newsletter and other
great information at
Students recited Rachel’s Pledge
then had 5 minutes of silence. You
could hear a pin drop in the
Labranche, Chad Shelton, (Left)
Silvia Horton, and Grace Likins
tie on chain-reaction bracelets.
Kennedy Middle School accepted “Rachel’s
Challenge” to stand against bullying and to
create a positive atmosphere in the building last
school year. The program is still running strong
as students continue to show their solidarity to
create a chain reaction of kindness and
compassion in the school. In May, students
lined the hallway and stood hand-in-hand for
five minutes of silence. This touching display
finished with students tying a bracelet on the
wrist of the person next to them.
Rachel’s Challenge is based on the life and
writing of Rachel Scott, the first victim of the
Columbine tragedy in 1999. KMS has created a
FOR (Friends of Rachel) Club. Staff members
have also gotten involved. On special days,
students get greeted by a positive-post-it-note
on their locker written by a staff member.
Macomb All-Academic
Two Lake Shore High School
seniors were recognized at this year’s
Macomb All-Academic
Banquet. Students are honored for
their stellar GPAs and ACT scores.
Congratulations to Kristian Wilks
and Alex Wielbinski. Kristian will
be attending Michigan State and Alex
will go to Wayne State.
Goodbye Mrs. Weagel
Masonic Heights Media Specialist
Carol Weagel is retiring at the end of
this school year. Mrs. Weagel has
been with the district for 42 years!!
In her time with the district, she
taught in the classroom, ran the
library, and started the first computer
lab in the district. Mrs. Weagel said,
“I have enjoyed spreading the love of
reading and books and encouraging
the use of technology in all forms.”
Thank you Mrs. Weagel for all
your time and dedication to Lake
Shore and the thousands of students
whose lives you have touched!
Mrs. Weagel was recognized at the April
Board of Education Meeting for her years of
service to the Lake Shore Community. Photo to
the left - Assistant Superintendent Frank
Thomas, Carol Weagel, and MH Principal
George Lewis.
2 - Lake Shore Lines ♦ Spring 2014
Hardy Named Outstanding Graduate
Macomb County families, discover your opportunities.
Christine Hardy, a 2010 graduate of Lake Shore
High School in St. Clair Shores was recently named
the “Outstanding Graduate of 2014” at Siena
Heights University. Christine was also named the
Siena Heights University “Outstanding Nursing
Graduate” of 2014 and will receive her Bachelors
of Science Degree in Nursing in May. Christine
plans to work locally and specialize in pediatric
nursing. Christine, her sister and parents are
lifetime residents of St. Clair Shores and are all
graduates of Lake Shore High School.
Shore Public Schools
28850 Harper Avenue - Saint Clair Shores, MI 48081 - 586.285.8484
Our Elementary Schools offer:
 Smaller class sizes in early elementary
 Full calendar of extra curricular activities
Period is
 Before and after-school childcare
 Daily enrichments in foreign language, art,
music, technology, library, and physical ed.
Our Middle and High Schools offer:
 Early college, Dual Enrollment, AP Classes, CAD, medical & dental
careers, building trades, web design & video productions training at
 Exchange program with schools in China, Spain & Germany to support
foreign language classes
 Award-winning fine and performing arts program
 Competitive sports teams with $4.3 million performance gym and
synthetic turf athletic field
Our District offers:
 Safe & secure facilities
 Interactive technology in every classroom
 Remedial specialists for K-8 students, social workers, certified speech
and language pathologists, and media specialists in every building
Mark Wells Honored
The St. Clair Shores Civic Arena
was formally dedicated in honor of
Mark Wells, a 1980 Team USA
hockey player and 1975 graduate of
Lake Shore High School.
The on-ice ceremony included
the Lake Shore Band playing the
Olympic theme. Classic LSHS
varsity jackets from the 70’s could
also be spotted in the crowd!!
Above - Mark Wells stands with the American Legion.
Left– LSHS Student Devyn Robinson sings that National
Anthem at the Wells’ ceremony.
“We build successful futures for all - one student at a time.”
For information on Schools of Choice
call 586.285.8484 or visit
Reminiscing Over Breakfast
26th Annual “Tee Off for Education”
Below from left to right- Lake Shore Alumni Mike Toma (Class of 1957), Marv
Davis (1958), Terry Hurley (1957), Former Principal Ms. Betty Shepard, Tom
Barton (1957). Taken at Lake Breeze restaurant in March. Doug Graham (1957)
took the photo.
Oak Ridge Golf Club - 26 Mile Rd. West of I-94
Monday, June 23, 2014
Shotgun Start at 9:00 a.m.
This is a fun outing for all levels of golfers, from “duffers”
to “scratch players.”
The outing is open to everyone! Bring your friends.
“Best Ball Scramble” - Your foursome acts as a team.
After every series of strokes, the team picks the best ball
position and everyone takes their next stroke or putt from
TEE OFF PACKAGE - $100/person
1957 Senior Photos - Marv Davis, Terry Hurley, Tom Barton, and Doug Graham. This men were also
great athletes at the time. Mr. Hurley was a Detroit Times All State Class B First Team Football Back.
Are you an Alumnus doing
great things?
Contact Chelsey Kuester at or call 586.285.8484
and let her know about your
adventures! We love to highlight the
great things that Lake Shore alumni are
doing around the world.
Summer Class Reunion
Planning a Class Reunion? Get on
Lake Shore’s Alumni Website!
Contact Chelsey Kuester at
586.285.8484 or
Round of golf and cart
 Continental Breakfast at 8 a.m.
Early bird 50/50
Refreshments on the course
Putting Contest
BBQ lunch at the turn
Par 3 Closest to Pin Contests
“19th Hole” buffet dinner
Most accurate drive prize - women/men
Sign up your group today! Don’t have a foursome? We welcome singles too!
Contact Chelsey at 285.8484 to sign up for the outing or for sponsorship details.
Advertising space is still available!
Lake Shore Lines ♦ Spring 2014 - 3
LSHS Shorians of the Month
Awards and Accomplishments
Nominated by administrators, teachers, coaches, and counselors, these students were named Shorian of the
Month because of their academic, athletic, and humanitarian achievements.
They earned a trip to CJ Barrymore's and a drink from Starbooks.
From left to right– MH Principal George Lewis, MH Teacher Carolyn
Hoover, KMS Teacher Courtney Warunek, KMS Principal Pat
Donohue, LSHS Teachers Tasha Candela, Gillian Loncar and
Rebecca Wentworth, and LSHS Principal Joe DiPonio
Board of Education Award Shorian Salutes
Jermaine Chapman
Dylan Slamka
Ryan White
Eric Weber
Amanda Masha
Cameron Beydoun
Jacob Livernois
Jannie Duong
Madison McPeak
Megan Little
Alex Garman
Kylin Fountain
Brandon Combs
Colin Layne
Emily VanHaaron
Stephani McCann
Autumn Wojnowski
Amelia Oke
Jennifer Reiff
Elise Lewandowski
Alyssa Tocco
Alana Matt
Matt Sabo
Jacob Reno
Tyler Staats
Jessica Old
Stephan Orlando
Sarah Scalabrino
Tyler Ryan
Becky Mazur
Kelly Jenkins
Carly Vargo
Savannah Olesky
Megan Powers
Tom Poeschel
Luke Warrick
Lake Shore High School Teacher Has Book Published
Rebecca Johnson is an American History, Health and Shaping the Future teacher at Lake Shore
High School. She will have a book published in June by Black Opal Books.
Her book is a young adult mystery/romance novel, called Dreamer. It takes place in Troy. It is the
first in a series. Book two is going to include students from Lake Shore High School involved in the
mystery that her main character Rory will solve.
Dreamer will be available on June 7th on Amazon e-books, paperback, and through the publisher’s
website, She is published under the name of Becca Johnson. Congratulations
Ms. Johnson on this accomplishment!
Summer time does not have to be a hungry time for children....
“Shorian Salutes” is a recognition program honoring
staff and adult volunteers for outstanding service to the
Lake Shore Schools. Five teachers were recognized by
the Board of Education at their March meeting for
going above and beyond.
Masonic Heights Teacher Carolyn Hoover was
nominated for teaching more than just the curriculum
and attending to the exceptional physical and emotional
needs of a particular student.
Kennedy Middle School Teacher Courtney Warunek
was recognized for her work with the Friends of Rachel
Club and inspiring students in new and creative ways to
stand against bullying.
Lake Shore High School Teacher Tasha Candela was
nominated for the continued and extraordinary success
of her students at an annual web design competition.
She was also recognized for receiving National Board
Certification in Career and Technical Education. Only
365 Michigan teachers hold this certification.
Lake Shore High School Teachers Gillian Loncar
and Rebecca Wentworth were nominated for going
above and beyond in helping this year’s freshman class
become a welcome addition to the high school and
adding to the school spirit
at the school.
At the April meeting,
Masonic Heights secretary
Jan Kraft was given a
Shorian Salute for her
From left to right - Board amazing work on creating
President Gerrit Ketelhut, MH the MH Weebly site and
Secretary Jan Kraft, MH keeping parents informed
Principal George Lewis, and with everything happening
Superintendent Chris Loria
at the school.
2014 Governor’s Fitness Awards
Free Summer Meals will be provided at
Masonic Elementary School (22100 Masonic)
June 16th through August 15th, 2014
Breakfast 8:00am-9:00am
Lunch 11:00am – 1:00pm
You do NOT need to be a Lake Shore resident - the door is open to EVERY CHILD!
Michigan Department of Education Summer Food Service Program
Free meals will be made available to children 18 years of age and under or persons up to age 26 who are enrolled in an educational program for the
mentally or physically disabled that is recognized by a State or local public educational agency. The meals will be provided without regard to race,
color, national origin, age, sex, or disability, and there will be no discrimination in the course of the meal service.
KMS Principal Pat Donohue was nominated for the
2014 Governor’s Fitness Award for his support of
physical fitness at Kennedy Middle School. A nominee
is acknowledged as an inspiration for their pursuit,
commitment and dedication to a healthy lifestyle. The
GFA is an annual event hosted by the Governor’s
Council on Physical Fitness, Health and Sports and the
Michigan Fitness Foundation in order to recognize
individuals, organizations and events that encourage
others to make healthy choices by teaching,
volunteering and leading community involvement. Mr.
Donohue says that this honor was only possible with the
support of the KMS Physical Education teachers and
coaches and their work with the student athletes.
4 - Lake Shore Lines ♦ Spring 2014
District Dateline
North Lake Students Participate in
Detroit Tiger Math Day
Mr. Carito, Riely
Ruppert, and Kraig
Archambault attended the
Detroit Tigers Math Day at
Comerica Park.
morning covered ho w
different statistics are
Unfortunately, the
game was rained out, but the
students gained inside
information into how WHIP, Slugging Percentage,
and Batting Average are calculated and used.
Guest Readers
Reading is a lifelong skill
that students will use in every
aspect of their lives. March is
Reading Month is a way to
show students not only the
Representative Sarah
Roberts was one of the importance of reading, but
that reading is actually FUN!!
special readers.
Schools participate in
different activities including having guest readers.
KMS Achieves Evergreen Status
The Macomb
County Board of
and the Macomb
has, for the second
year, designated
Kennedy Middle
School as an
official Michigan Green School.
This award for 2013-14 is given to schools
outstanding performance and lasting
contributions to conservation and preservation of
the environment. Evergreen is the highest level a
school can achieve. This award would not have
been possible without the hard work of Eco
Club members.
Weight Room
Quarterback Club
Head Football
Coach Tom Iwanicki
have spear headed a project to enhance the LSHS
weight room and acknowledge a Lake Shore
alumnus during the project. George Allen, 1937 LS
graduate and Football Hall of Famer, stood for
providing an opportunity for all students to have the
opportunity to stay physically fit. During the March
meeting, the Board of Education approved
commemorating the weight room in honor of Mr.
Allen. The fitness center will provide a place for all
to condition and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
KMS Goes to the K-9’s
This year the Penny Wars at
Kennedy Middle School were waged for
a really great cause. It all started with a
wonderful pep assembly featuring a
SCS Police Department K-9 Unit demo
and a staff flash mob to "Who Let The
Dogs Out." The Penny Wars raised
$506.18, and combined with other
student council fundraisers,
donated $1500 to the SCS K-9 Unit!
LSHS Students Compete in
Bridge Challenge
Lake Shore High School students
did an awesome job at the TRAC
Michigan Bridge Challenge.
Students had to build an Arch
Bridge and test
its efficiency.
They also had
to present their
bridge along
w i t h
presentation to
a panel of
Marketing Students Have Strong Showing
Above- Legion of
Bridge Team - Joe
Franzem, Eric Miller
Left- Team East Side:
Ace Liang, Dylan
Frost, and Amber
Students Get Biking Safety Lesson
KMS students celebrated
National Bike to School Day in
May. A Saint Clair Shores police
officer talked to the students
about being safe by wearing
helmets. Students can also register
their bikes with the city to help
recover them if lost or stolen.
ESL Classes Get a Virtual Tour of the Natural
History Museum at the Smithsonian
St. Clair Shores Adult and Community Education ESL classes
visited the Natural History Museum at the Smithsonian without
leaving the computer lab. Students took a virtual tour of the
different exhibits and floors of the museum, learning valuable
information about the Earth and different cultures. The 360 degree
tour gave the students the look and feel of visiting the museum
without ever having to leave the classroom.
The students were given a scavenger hunt created by ESL
Teacher Ms. Hobbs. Students were asked to find various items on
the 3 floors available in the tour. Once the scavenger hunt was
completed, students were free to explore all aspects of the museum.
Students explored exhibits including dinosaurs, fossils, ocean life,
minerals and precious
gems and space. Past
special exhibits were also
available to the students.
The ESL classes at
exploring other virtual
field trips in the future.
Congratulations to LSHS marketing students who
took 2nd place in the Michigan First Credit Union
Marketing Challenge: Matt Swathout, Kim Hardy,
Sarah McCarthy, Alex Swinburnson, and Brooke
Wauters. The five marketing students participated in
Michigan First Credit Union's student marketing
competition. Their task was to develop a marketing
plan that will help the in-school branches to increase
student membership by coming up with three
promotional activities. Their marketing plan was
awarded 2nd place and each of them received a cash
LSHS Students Signs Letters of Intent
N i c k
intention to attend
and play soccer at
Technology. The
senior at Lake
School is a two
time letter winner
and scored five
goals and eight assists. Smigielski has also been a
member of the St. Clair Shores Stampede Soccer
Team during their back to back Canton Cup
Tournament Championships.
Nick plans on majoring in Business Management
at Indiana Tech. Smigielski has worked in
warehouse positions during summers at Healthmark
Lake Shore standout Carly Vargo signed a letter
of intent to play basketball for the Macomb
Community College Monarchs next year. The deal
includes a full ride scholarship. Carly is not only a
also was the
competed for
Lake Shore Lines ♦ Spring 2014 - 5
Growing Bowling Program is Fostering More that Perfect Games
When Coach Jim DeLong took over as bowling coach three years ago, there were two
teams: boys varsity and junior varsity. DeLong’s second year of coaching brought three
teams to the lanes by adding a girls varsity team. This past season, the Shorian bowling
team added girls junior varsity. Jim’s wife, Sue DeLong, says, “I think that says a lot
about our program.” She added, “Dylan Chaffin said it best when he said that we are not
just a team, we are like family! I couldn't have said it better myself. Jim and I truly do
enjoy coaching the kids and we try our best to attend their other school functions, i.e.
band concerts, other sports, etc. We do our best to make the bowling program fun for
everyone. We have a great group of kids and Jim and I would not be able to have such a
successful program without them or the support of their parents. It really has been great
working with all of them. The parents have always stepped up to the plate where
fundraising is concerned.”
The 2014 season had many highlights including Cody Lowry bowling a perfect game.
Coach Jim was voted in as Coach of the Year for the boys team this past year by the
MAC Blue Division. The varsity boys were voted by the MAC Blue Division for the
Sportsmanship Award and five boys from the varsity team made All Conference.
All these successes are things that every student on the bowling team should be proud
of, however, it was letter given to the Delong’s that really touched on what is very
special about the Shorian bowling team. Here is the letter that one parent wrote:
TEAM- “Together Everyone Achieves More”
In the last couple of years I have been able to observe a number of "teams". I have
seen some that are highly focused; some that seem to be scatterbrained; some having fun
and some not; ones that work well together and ones that don't. Both adult and teenagers.
Three years ago, we got a notice that Kevin was going to try out for the bowling team.
We didn't know what we were getting into! He has been on the JV team for THREE
years. He may not be the star bowler; he has never bowled a 300 game let alone a 200
game but he has been at EVERY practice and EVERY game and tournament. At one
tournament he was there for 10 1/2 hours, he only bowled ONE frame out of what must
have been hundreds. Not once did he say, ‘I am a crappy bowler so they won’t put me in,’
or ‘what’s the point of being here take me home,’ or ‘I want to quit.’ He did fall asleep a
couple of times, he did get bored and hungry, but he was always there cheering on his
team, always ready to give a high five and a couple of hugs.
How did his teammates thank him for this? They did not put him in the back row of the
winning teams’ pictures; they did not talk about how low his average was compared to
theirs; they didn't point out that he only bowled one frame. They instead included him in
all the celebrations and let him hold the plaque or trophy in the front row of the pictures,
front and center!
I think we can all take a lesson from them. This is what a true team is! A true team
knows they have first rate players and a second string but they are all part of the team! It
has been so great to watch you guys win!
Thank you Lake Shore Boys Varsity and JV bowling teams and thank you to their
Keith and Catherine Rayner
2014 Macomb Science Olympiad
Exercising The Right Brain
Mrs. Leszczynski’s second graders had the chance to
exercise their artistic talents with a special activity.
Students had a painting lesson from an organization
called Right Brain Projects. Students were given a plate
with paints, three brushes, and the ability to use the
creative side of their brain.
Wendy Fournier from Right Brain Projects led the
students in painting a vase of flowers. Students had a
great time naming their paint brushes and mixing colors
to create a painting for Mother’s Day. Ms. Fournier
would go step by step to show students how to create the
painting, but left many of the details, such as what colors to use, up
to the students. This made every painting similar, but let the
students’ personalities shine through.
This project allowed students to exercise their right brain or the
creative side of the brain. Research shows that by activating and
exercising the whole brain, it leads to an increase of self-esteem.
Congratulations to the students and teachers for a job well done!!!!
Students were able to create similar, but
very personal paintings for their moms to
celebrate Mother’s Day.
Bringing home a medal to Honorable Mentions
Lake Shore Public Schools!: KMS:
Water Quality:
Shock Value:
Robert Martin
Tommy Kettler
Brian Schlomer
Andrea Lanham
Andrew Montgomery
Tyler Knight
Rotor Egg Drop:
Designer Genes:
Brooke Nysen
Kristian Wilks
Claire Nicholl
Grace Alanskas
Dynamic Planet:
Wheeled Vehicle:
Kristian Wilks
Andrew Bezel
Natalie Anderson
Andrea Lanham
Honorable Mentions
Bungee Drop:
Laura Schanta
Sarah Scalabrino
Rocks and Minerals:
Brian Schlomer
Robert Martin
Elastic Launched
Rebekah Kettler
Brian Schlomer
Congratulations Dr. Lip
Congratulations to Lake Shore High School Guidance Counselor Jeff Lip
for successfully defending his dissertation The Effects of a Career-Planning
Course on Community College Students’ Career Self-Efficacy and Career
Indecisiveness and earning his Doctor of Philosophy degree in Counseling.
6 - Lake Shore Lines ♦ Spring 2014
Successful Festival Season for KMS & LSHS Choirs and Bands
graders involved with this festival.
The KMS Jazz Ensemble participated in their evaluation session at the MSBOA State
Jazz Festival. The group received straight "I" (First Division) ratings, and straight "A"
ratings from all of the judges.
Director Mr. Kauffold says, “This completes a PERFECT year for the Kennedy
Bands. We are the only middle school in all of MSBOA District 16 (Macomb, St. Clair,
and eastern Oakland Counties) that can claim this: 7th grade, 8th grade, and jazz
ensemble received perfect ratings at their respective festivals.”
Mr. Kauffold adds that the reason the bands are successful at the middle school level
they come wellLake Shore High
prepared from the elementary
School Choirs
music teachers. Mr. Kauffold
The Lake Shore High
“The kids are wellSchool Choirs competed
aligned in their curriculum, and
in the District 16 Choral
ready to learn more in 6th grade
Festival. Director Mr. Women’s Glee - Photo Courtesy of Stewart Portraits
band. That is KEY to our
Smith says, “The kids all did a phenomenal job performing and really represented Lake success.”
Shore professionally and passionately. All of the judges and representatives from the state
KMS band students do a
were talking about all of our ensembles and how impressive their performances were.”
world tour day and visit all the
The ratings are as follows:
elementary schools after their
World Tour Day at Rodgers Elementary School
Women's Chorale - 94 points for a rating of "Good"
festival season. This introduces
Lake Shore Singers - 89 points for a rating of "Good"
younger students to the middle school program. Students get to hear some of the music
Shorian Singers - 100 points for a rating of "Excellent"
that they would learn in middle school and Mr. Kauffold also goes over all the instruments
Women's Glee - 118 points for a rating of "Superior"
students get to choose from in band.
Women’s Glee score was only two points away from a perfect score. One of the judges
is the head of MSVMA and gave the ensemble a perfect score on her rating sheet, and in Lake Shore High School Bands
The Lake Shore High School Bands performed as part of the District 16 MSBOA
her 15+ years of adjudicating has never given a perfect score before. She later told Mr.
and Orchestra Festival. The Symphonic Band participated as a Class C band
Smith that no performance is ever perfect, but that was the most inspired and musically
range AA, A, B, C, D). The band is made up of primarily Freshman and
moving performance that she had ever heard and wouldn't change or fix a thing about
Classes are determined by the enrollment of the school. Younger aged or
their performance.
second bands participate two classes lower than the oldest or primary band. Here are the
Kennedy Middle School Bands
Kennedy Middle School’s 7th Grade Concert Band and 8th Grade Wind Ensemble Performance: Symphonic Band received a Division II rating from all judges
performed at the annual Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association District 16 Sight Reading: Symphonic Band received a Division III
Band/Orchestra Festival. Here are the results:
Overall Rating: Division II
Concert Judges
The Wind Ensemble participated in Class A. This band is made up of primarily Juniors
7th gr. Concert Band
and Seniors. Here are their results:
8th gr. Wind Ensemble
Performance: Wind Ensemble received a Division I from all judges.
These are the highest ratings possible, and the 7th gr. Concert Band received Sight Reading: Wind Ensemble received a Division I.
STRAIGHT "A" grades in the 5 graded categories in concert--a perfect score! The 8th Overall Rating: Division I (Highest Rating possible)
graders obviously did excellent, as well--A's and B's, enough for straight I's.
Director Mr. West says, “Everyone can be very proud of the way both groups
Along with our great performances of the bands, there was huge parental support and a represented Lake Shore. I am proud in many ways of both groups, however, the main
big Lake Shore crowd supporting the seventy-two seventh graders and fifty-three eighth point of pride for me is achieving these ratings with so many days off of school.”
Kennedy Middle School Choir
The 8th Grade Select Choral Ensemble participated in the Michigan School Vocal
Music Association District Choral Festival . They received a "Superior" Rating, the
equivalent of a "I", with one judge awarding the choir with a perfect score of 30/30. The
8th Grade Select Choral Ensemble also received a "Superior" in sight reading, with a
score of 29/30.
Choir Director Mrs. Perryman says, “I cannot begin to say how proud I am of these
young ladies. They performed wonderfully, and behaved like the mature young women
we hoped they would.”
North Lake News
Congratulations to the North Lake Ladies Volleyball
team as they brought home a 3rd place trophy at the Alnet
Spring Volleyball Tournament. We are very proud of the
team and their performance! Great Job Barracudas!!
Earth Day Fun
A group of North
This year’s AlNet Prom was a
wonderful event. All the students looked
worked with kids
great and had a fabulous time. Amber
from Shores Child
Gevedon was crowned North Lake High
Care for an Earth
School Prom Queen.
Day activity. The 35 year olds made
NL Students Raise Money in Memory of Basil
coffee filter worlds,
On March 28, Basil Sulaka (a local businessman) was
brutally murdered during a robbery of his Clinton
reducing trash and
Township store. Basil was owner of Moon Lite Party
what happens when
Store, which happens to be located just blocks away from
you throw trash
North Lake High School. After hearing about this tragic
loss, North Lake students and staff were eager to step up
pollutes a stream.
and help the Sulaka family. Students and staff donated
Then the students
money throughout the month of April, totaling $176.00.
planted sunflowers in repurposed Gatorade bottles. The This cash donation will go directly to the "Sweet Basil
students old and young had fun working together and Fund," which is set up through Huntington Bank.
learning about the three R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
Lake Shore Lines ♦ Spring 2014 - 7
Lake Shore’s Great Start Readiness
Program Receives 4 Star Rating
The Lake Shore Great Start Readiness Program has been
awarded a 4 Star rating by the Great Start to Quality,
Michigan’s first rating and improvement system for early
learning and care. The rating system is based on how many
state standards the program meets.
The Great Start Readiness Preschool
registration window is open. Parents need to bring the
following copied documents: proof of residency in Lake
Shore (this MUST be a utility bill in their name), child's
birth certificate and immunization record and an end of
year proof of income for 2013 (1040 tax form from Jan.Dec. 2013). ***Income is for all adults living at the
Contact Ms. Herr at 285-8647 or or Ms.
Keeble at 285-8646 or for more
information. Child’s date of birth must fall between
10/2/2009 and 10/1/2010.
Lake Shore invites you to be a
host family for this year’s
Summer Foreign
Culture Camp
for 4th-6th Graders
July 14th through August 2nd
8:30am - 4pm
Students will attend
a free enrichment camp!
The program pairs host families and their student
with a 4th or 5th grade student from our sister school
in Beijing, China.
Students attend a day camp for three weeks.
 Week 1, the Chinese students stay at the dorm.
 Week 2 & 3 (July 21-Aug. 2), the Chinese
students go home with their American friends to
share in a family cultural experience!
At camp, students will enjoy enrichment classes
in the morning. The afternoon schedule is full of fun
activities and field trips for all the students to enjoy
Please contact Chelsey Kuester at 285-8484 or if you are interested in becoming
a host family and providing this opportunity to your
Your student does not need to attend Lake Shore
to be a part of this great experience!
Spring Events for Incoming Kindergarteners
Register TODAY for Kindergarten!
Parents need to bring the following to school:
a. Student’s original birth certificate
b. 3 Pieces of residency (3 pieces of mail with your name and
address on them - such as a purchase agreement, rental agreement,
utility bills, insurance bill, charge card statement, etc.)
c. Student’s immunization record
Kindergarten students are required to have hearing and vision
test results (given by their doctor or the health department, many
times these were done at their preschool). Students must be 5 years
of age on or before October 1, 2014.
D. If you do not live in the Lake Shore District; please also bring in
a Schools of Choice application. Applications are available in the
offices or online at
Already registered? Then don’t miss these fun events.
Also, check your school’s events calendar online to find out if there
are other activities you and your kindergartner may want to attend.
You may also call the school office directly to ask questions.
Violet Elementary will have Kindergarten Orientation on
Tuesday, May 6th, at 9:00 am and 1:30 pm. Violet will also be
hosting an Ice Cream Social and Book Fair on Friday, May 9th,
from 6-8 pm.
Rodgers Elementary will have orientation on May 7th.
Masonic Heights is having a Kindergarten Connection
Evening on Thursday, May 29, from 6:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Important Phone Numbers
Area Code 586
Lake Shore High School
LSHS Attendance Line
Kennedy Middle School
KMS Attendance Line
Masonic Heights Elementary
MH Attendance Line
Rodgers Elementary
Rodgers Attendance Line
Violet Elementary
Violet Attendance Line
North Lake High School
St. Clair Shores Adult Education
Business and Finance
Educational Services
Food Service
Human Resources
Maintenance and Operations
Public Relations
School Age Child Care
Special Education
Superintendent’s Office
Kindergarten Waiver Information
2014 School Calendar
A recently enacted Michigan law amended the Revised
School Code (MCL 380.1147), which changed the
minimum age requirement for a child enrolling in May 14
All schools half day for teacher PD
kindergarten. Currently, a student must be five years old by May 23
Half day before holiday
November 1st to be eligible for enrollment in kindergarten.
May 26
No School - Memorial Day
New legislation will change the “cut-off” date and will be
Early release day
gradually phased-in over the next two years; changing the May 28
High School half day - exams
requirement by one month each year. The changes will be June 11
implemented in the following manner:
June 12
Last day/half day for all schools
• For the 2014-2015 school year, children must be
On early-release days, students will be released 90 minutes earlier
five years old by October 1st.
than their regularly scheduled dismissal time. Check
• For the 2015-2016 school year (and beyond), for any updated information.
children must be five years old by September 1st.
Parent Waiver Option
Auditorium Schedule
According to Michigan Law, if a child residing in Lake May 15
KMS Band Concert
Shore Schools is not five years of age on October 1, 2014, May 20
High School Band Concert
but will be five years of age not later than December 1, May 27
Special Education Graduation - 1pm
2014, the parent or legal guardian of that child may enroll May 29
Honors Night for Class of 2014
the child in kindergarten for the 2014‐2015 school year if May 31
LSHS Graduation - Location TBA
the parent or legal guardian notifies the school district June 5
SCS Adult Ed. Commencement
in writing not later than June 1, 2014, that he or she
Events are at 7pm in the LSHS Auditorium unless otherwise
indicated. Some events will charge admission .
intends to enroll the child in kindergarten. If a child
Calendars are subject to change.
becomes a resident of the Lake Shore Public Schools after
June 1, the child's parent or legal guardian may enroll the
child in kindergarten for that school year if the parent or
Are you looking for dates of other Lake
legal guardian submits this written notification not later
Shore events? Go to our website and
than August 1, 2014, under this subsection.
click on “Events Calendar.”
A school district that receives this written notification may
make a recommendation to the parent or legal guardian as Notice: Lake Shore’s track and playgrounds are open
to whether the child is not ready to enroll in kindergarten during the summer for the community to use if there
due to the child's age or other factors. Regardless of the are no sport practices or summer classes utilizing
district recommendation, the parent or legal guardian retains them. However, dogs/pets are not allowed on school
grounds. Please refrain from walking your dog on the
the sole discretion to determine whether or not to enroll the
track or letting them run free on the playgrounds.
child in kindergarten if the student is five years of age not
Thank you!
later than December 1, 2014.
8 - Lake Shore Lines ♦ Spring 2014
KMS Dodge Ball Winners
Brandon Roux Visits Violet First Graders
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Permit #98
St. Clair Shores, MI
Carrier Route Pre-Sort
Lake Shore Public Schools
St. Clair Shores, MI
KMS Broadcast Student Visit Production Company
KMS Media Special Mrs. Blaszkowski took her broadcast
students on a field trip to Mindfield, a production company
downtown. Mindfield does commercials including work for the
Tigers and Red Wings. Students had the opportunity to see the
video played on the big screens during Tigers Opening Day!
Lake Shore Public Schools
28850 Harper Avenue
St. Clair Shores, MI 48080
The KMS Dodge Ball
Tournament was a great
success with the help of staff
and the return of Eric Cass
and Luke Warrick to help
referee. All of their help was
greatly appreciated. The
winning team that will play the
staff in June is The Victorious
Secrets: Christian Gaiera,
Mieky Gaiera, Cam Vitale,
Johnny Macfarland, Jake
Myers, Brody Kaiser, Nathan
Vaughn-Bowl and Matt Weber.
Community Partnership
Verdict is In - Not Guilty!
Lake Shore High School students participated in a mock trial
They won their first case in school history
successfully defending a client charged with murder!
Historic Figures Came to Life at Rodgers
The hallways
museum. Students dressed
up as historical figures. With a
press of a button, they came
to life and reported on who
they were and why they were
famous. The information and
outfits were amazing!
LS Board President Gerrit Ketelhut holds
a plaque presented to the district by John
Iras and Ellen Lysik of Bravo Programs.
Lake Shore Public Schools
was recognized by Bravo
Programs of America and Big
Families of Michigan for
bettering the lives of children
by hosting an event for
grandchildren in Macomb
County this past December.
Medical Careers Students Compete
at HOSA State Competition
Arianna Poston, Kiana Camargo, Kendal Van
Hoorne, Ethan Slabaugh, Amanda Kornelson,
and Cheyenne Smith qualified and competed in
the Health Occupations Students of American
(HOSA) state competition held at the Grand
Traverse Resort. Unfortunately, no one from the
Lake Shore group qualified to go to the national
competition in Disney World....but there's
always next year! Great job to the students and
Medical Careers teachers.
North Lake Students Have STAND Assembly
The STAND Strength
Team promotes antibullying/violence, anti-drugs
and alcohol, respecting
others and academic
excellence. The STAND
athletes use feats of
strength to demonstrate a
message on making the
right choices.