CONFECTIONERY INDUSTRY OF UKRAINE by Assosiation "Ukrkondprom" General information Confectionery industry, that employes 170,000 professionals - one of the most developed in the food industry of Ukraine. Total production capacity is over 1 million tonns per year, that meets the demand both of domestic and foreign markets. Confectionery industry of Ukraine has rich history and traditions. The majority of confectionery factories were built at the end of 19th - the beginning of 20th century. The range of products, produced by Ukrainian confectionery enterprises, reaches over 1000 items. All products are traditionally divided into three groups: sugar confectionary, chocolate products and pastry. All products are of excellent taste characteristics, original design and artwork wrapping. Also, they are certified in accordance with the international standards ISO 9001, ISO 22000 and HACCP. A wide range of products are certified in accordance with Halal principles. Confectionery factories are located in almost all regions of Ukraine Chernigov Rovno L'vov Ivano-Frankovsk Zhytomyr Kiev Cherkassy Poltava Kharkov Lugansk Vinnitsa Dnepropetrovsk Donetsk Mariupol' Odessa Kherson Confectionery facilities C.C. Roshen, c.Vinnitsa JSC. "Konti", c.Donetsk AVK Company, c.Donetsk Corporation "Biscuite-Chokolate", c.Kharkiv ALC "ZhL", c.Zhytomyr JSC "Poltavakonditer", c.Poltava Other leading Ukrainian confectionery enterprises: LLC. "Nestle Ukraine" JSC. "Rovno confectionery factory " JSC. "Odessakonditer" LLC. "Lisova kazka" JSC. "Lasoschi" JSC. "Jasen" All enterprises are certified in accordance with the international standards: Map of export Ukrainian confectionary products are exported to more than 50 countries all over the world: Great Britain, Holland, Germany, Spain, Greece, Bulgaria, Poland, Czechia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia; Russia, Belarus, Moldova; Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan; China, Mongolia, Japan; Iraq, Israel, United Arab Emirates; Canada, United States, etc. Production and export of Ukrainian confectionary* Geography of Ukrainian confectionary export Year Production Export Export 2012 % 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 1000.3 1001.6 1084.4 1116.9 1068.3 1088.4 1066.1 1074.9 295.6 281.0 336.4 373.9 383.4 437.2 438.4 438.8 CIS countries Asian countries EU countries USA Other countries 86% 7.8% 5.6% 0.5% 0.1% *thousand tons Wafer sweets 1. Korolevskiy Shedevr (Royal Masterpiece) – sweets with whole nut in crispy wafer iced with milk chocolate 1.1 with almond filling, 175 g 1.3 with hazelnut filling, 175 g 1.2 with almond filling, 300 g 1.4 with hazelnut filling, 300 g 2. Na Desert (For Dessert) – delicate cream with wafer crumbs in crispy wafer iced with confectionery glaze 2.2Nadessert(Fordessert),100g 2.1Nadessert(Fordessert),195g Wafer sweets 3. Korolevskiy Sharm (Royal Charm), Choсolates Couturier – sweets with delicate creamy filling in crispy wafer iced with chocolate 3.1withcreamfilling 3.2withchocolatefilling 3.3withhazelnutfilling 4. Choсolates Couturier – sweets with delicate creamy filling in crispy wafer iced with chocolate withcreamfilling 5. Confetel – non-glazed, garnished wafer sweets in the form of double crispy wafer pyramids withcocoa and milk 6. Prihot’ – chocolates with delicate cream and wafer crumb in crispy wafer 6.1withcreamytaste 7. Kto skazal “Mu?” (Who Said “Muuu?”) wafer sweets – sweets with soft cream filling in thin wafer shell iced with milk chocolate glaze 6.2withchocolatetaste Wafer sweets 8. KreAmo – sphere-shaped sweets with delicate creamy filling in crispy wafer iced with milk chocolate withchocolatefillingand wholehazelnut 9. Tsarskaya Nagrada (Royal Award) – sweets with whole hazelnut in crispy wafer iced with chocolate 9.3withalmondfilling andcrushedalmonds 9.1withhazelnutfilling inmilkchocolate 9.2withcreamyfilling inwhitechocolate Wafer sweets 10. Kto skazal “Mu?” (Who Said “Muuu?”) – multi-layered wafer with milk filling, iced with chocolate glaze 11. Korol’ Velikan – enlarged wafer sweets with praline filling based on coconut oil 12. Barhat nochi (Velvet of the night ) – five-layer wafer sweets with praline filling and grated nut Wafer sweets 13. Tsarskaya Nagrada (Royal Award) – pyramidal crispy wafer bars with whole hazelnut, garnished and iced with chocolate glaze 14. Kto skazal “Mu?” (Who Said “Muuu?”) – milk flavoured crispy wafer bars with glazed bottom and garnished top 14.1WhoSaid“Muuu?” 14.2Ktoskazal“Mu?”(WhoSaid“Muuu?”) 15. Domior – pyramidal crispy wafer bars with milk flavour, delicate chocolate cream and whole hazelnut, iced with dark chocolate Wafer sweets 16. Gostinets vid yizhachka (Gift prom hedgehog) With fatty filling and condensed flavour Chokolate sweets 1. Truffle – chocolate sphere shaped sweets with truffle filling 1.1TruffleOriginal 2. Shokoladnaya noch milk (Chocolate night milk) – milk chocolate sweets with almond filling and whole almond 1.2TruffleMilk 3. Trufalie – sweets with delicate truffle filling in dark chocolate glaze ShokoladnayaNoch(milk) 4. Shokoladnaya Noch (Chocolate Night) – extra black chocolate sweets with whole hazelnut and chocolate mousse with roasted crashed nuts 4.1Trufalie,200g ShokoladnayaNoch Chokolate sweets 5. Exelento in black chocolate with whole hazelnut – extra black chocolate sweets with whole hazelnut, chocolate mousse and roasted crashed nuts 6. Trufalie de Luxe – extremely delicate chocolate texture and truffle taste of Bestseller “Trufalie” now in gift box with soft truffle cupola dusted with cocoa powder 7. Zavodnoy Oreshek – whole hazelnut iced with chocolate or milk-chocolate glaze 7.1hazelnutwith milkglaze 7.2hazelnutwith chocolateglaze 7.3almondwith chocolateglaze Chokolate sweets 8. Doma with peauts Sweets with fatty filling and peanuts Combined sweets 1. Parizhel – chocolate-iced sweets with two-ply filling (jelly and condensed milk) 1.1withcremebruleeflavour 1.2withmochaflavour 1.3withtoffeeflavour Combined sweets 2. Domior - chocolate-iced sweets with two-ply filling (jelly and condensed milk) 2.1withtoffeeflavour,350g 2.2withtiramisu flavour 2.6withtiramisu flavour,200g 2.3withtoffee flavour 2.7withtoffee flavour,200g 2.4withcremebrulee flavour 2.8withcremebrulee flavour,200g 2.5withmocha flavour 2.9withmocha flavour,200g Combined sweets 3. Parizhel – chocolate-iced sweets with two-ply filling (jelly and condensed milk) 3.1withcreme-bruleeflavour 3.2withtiramisuflavour 3.3withIrishcreamflavour 3.4withmochaflavour 3.5withtoffeeflavour Combined sweets 4. Sufleyka – three-ply sweets: frappe, souffle and lemon jelly iced with chocolate 4.1Sufleyka 5. Malinchello original –delicate milk jelly with raspberry filling iced with chocolate 4.2Sufleyka 6. Lemondini –delicate milk jelly with rich lemon filling iced with chocolate 7. Musse – delicate milk jelly with cheesecake flavour iced with chocolate Combined sweets 8. Jilian – glazed sweets with tasty fruit jelly 8.1withbananaflavour 8.2withstrawberryflavour 8.3withstrawberryflavour Combined sweets 9. KremSufle – two-ply sweets with original combination of souffle and jelly fillings iced with dark chocolate 9.1withstrawberry taste 9.2withtropic fruitstaste 9.3withapricot taste 10. Shelty Mix – sweets with delicate chocolate flavoured cream and cranberry flavoured jelly filling 11. Coated Foamy Dessert “Zamorskaya Ptitsa” (“Overseas bird”) – tender foam mass with creamy flavour, iced with the chocolate glaze and produced by modern high-quality chocolates technology 11.1withcreamyflavour 11.2withdarkcreamyflavour Combined sweets 12. CLYOVO! – NOUGAT mini caramel-peanuts 13. RICHWELL ITALIAN – Non-glazed delicate rougat with peanuts 14. Bagryanets – Glazed delicate praline sweets with peanuts 15. BATONCHYK (PRALINE BAR) – Light praline-like mass with dairy products, corn balls and pieces of peanuts 16. DOBRYSHA with chokolate flavour – Dark praline-like vass with crunchy balls and caramel crumbs, covered wirh chocolate Combined sweets 17. SOULE with chocolate flavour – glazed sweets with fondant filling 18. ZAMIRA with baked milk flavour – glazed sweets with fondant filling 19. MIRAMI with cherry flavour – Glazed sweets with chocolate and fruit filling 20. MOTRYA with apple jam and orange flavour – Lglazed sweets with cgocolate and fondant filling Creamy sweets 1. Kto skazal “Mu?” (Who Said “Muuu?”) – sweets in dark chocolate glaze with boiled condensed milk filling 1.1WhoSaid“Muuu?”withclassicflavour 1.2Ktoskazal“Mu?”(Ктосказал«Му?») withclassicflavour 2. Kto skazal “Mu?” (Who Said “Muuu?”) – sweets in dark chocolate glaze with boiled condensed milk filling 2.1withclassicflavour 2.3withchocolateflavour 2.2withcreamyflavour Creamy sweets 3. Who Said “Muuu?” – sweets in dark chocolate glaze with boiled condensed milk filling 3.1withclassicflavour,350g 3.2withcreamyflavour 3.3withclassicflavour 3.5withmilkflavour,200g 3.6withclassicflavour,200g 3.4withchocolateflavour 3.7withchocolateflavour,200g Creamy sweets 4. Shelty – fondant sweets iced with confectionary glaze 5. Rebyata-domovyata – sweets with fondant filling, doped with cocoa powder and iced with confectionary glaze with milk Praline sweets 1. RozAzoR – praline sweets with caramel crackle 2. “AVK” Burunduchok (Chipmunk) – praline sweets with chopped roasted peanut iced with confectionery glaze 3. Pralinetka – praline sweets with gummy filling iced with dark chocolate 3.1withtiramisutaste 3.2withtoffeetaste Praline sweets 4. Vesennyaya Trel (Spring Warble) – praline sweets with powdered milk and wafer crumbs iced with confectionery glaze 5. Silach Bambula with peanut – praline sweets with crushed peanut and caramel filling glazed with milk chocolate 6. Сamelia – praline sweets with delicate filling between milk and chocolate layers iced with chocolate 7. StarLight Toffee – praline sweets with toffee filling iced with confectionery glaze Diabetic products 1. Sugar free chocolates – chocolates of dark chocolate on the base of fructose with creamy filling 2. Sugar free milk/dark chocolate on the base of fructose Approved by Ukrainian Diabetes Federation 2.1Sugarfreemilkchocolate 2.2Sugarfreedarkchocolate Diabetic products 3. Sugar free bar – sugar free bar of dark chocolate on the base of fructose with chocolate filling 4. Sugar free oat biscuits – sugar free oat biscuits on the base of fructose Jelly candies 1. Club Jelly – two-ply jelly candies with mango and strawberry flavour. Based on pectin 2. Juzzi – fruit jelly candies based on natural colors and flavour with liquid filling. Tropic flavours 3. Djojka – fruit jelly candies based on natural colors and flavours with liquid filling with mango flavour with forest berry flavour with raspberry flavour Jelly candies 4. Zheleshka – jelly candies based on pectin with fruits flavour 4.1withgrape-fruitflavour 4.3withexoticflavour 4.4withcherryflavour Pastry 1. Fruktberry with cherry – butter creamy – honey biscuit filled with natural cherry jam 2. Lovely with boiled condensed milk – butter cream-honey biscuits with condensed milk filling 3. Zakuska k otdykhu – salted snacks. Extrusion products 3.1withboiledcrawfish flavour 3.2withflavorssourcream andherbs 3.3withmushroom flavour Pastry 4. Frutta – vkusnaja minuta! (Frutta – a tasty minute!) Fruktberry– cream and honey biscuit filled with fruit jam 5. Limondi – butter biscuit with delicate filling, contains apple and orange puree 6. Strawberry biscuit – butter biscuit with delicate filling, contains apple and strawberry puree 7. Zavidnoe with milk filling – cocoa biscuit with milk filling 8. Lovely Nero – chocolate filling biscuit with garnish 9. Lovely Nero with peanuts – butter biscuit with chocolate filling and crushed peanuts Pastry 10. Milk Roll – three-layers biscuit with boiled condensed milk 11. Molochnoe so sguschenkoy – milk biscuit with condensed milk decorated with chocolate 12. Taimik – two colored cookie 13. Kto skazal “Mu?” (Who Said “Muuu?”) – stick shaped biscuit with condensed milk filling and glazed bottom 14. Kto skazal “Mu?” (Who Said “Muuu?”) in chocolate icing – stick shaped biscuit with condensed milk filling 15. Milk biscuit – biscuit garnished with confectionery glaze and condensed milk inside Pastry 16. Dnepro – cookies of high quality flour 17. К chau s molokom (For tea with milk) – sugar wheat golden cookies with milk 19. Pshenichnoe so slivkami (Wheat with cream) – sugar cookies with cream 18. Vanilnoe (Vanilla) – sugar cookies with vanilla flavor 20. Аrahisnoe (Peanuts) – sugar cookies with crushed peanuts Pastry 21. Bam-Buk – sladkij zvuk! (Bamboo – sweet sound!) (Kresko) – sweet snack based on extrusion technology with pine-apple, cupuasu taste, condensed milk taste, yoghurt-strawberry taste filling 22. Mazhor (Hrusters) – sweet snack based on extrusion technology with cocoa, orange or cherry filling 22.1Mazhor(Hrusters),1000g 22.2cherry,38g 22.3withcocoa,38g 23. Bubochki – sweet snack based on extrusion technology with filling 23.1withstrawberryfilling 23.2withmilkfilling Pastry 24. MARIA – sugar cookies with vanilin 25. BABUSYNI KORZYKY (GRANNY'S BAKES) – Short dought cookies with raisins 26. SAHARA – sugar cookies with baked milk slavour Wafers 1. Kto skazal “Mu?” slivochniye (Who Said “Muuu?” creamy), 32 g – plain packed crispy wafers with creamy filling 2. Kto skazal “Mu?” slivochniye (Who Said “Muuu?” creamy) –classic wafers with creamy filling 3. Marletka – classic wafers 3.1withmilk 3.2withcocoa Wafers 5. Artek – classic wafers Contacts Assosiation "Ukrkondprom" Association of confectionery, foodconcentrates and starch-syrup producers of Ukraine Ukraine 01001, c. Kiev, 3a, Mala Zhytomyrs'ka str., e-mail: phone/fax: +38 044 279 69 13
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