Completing Capital Market infrastructure


Completing Capital Market infrastructure
From the Editor
This year, KSEI will implement
Single Investor ID (SID). Through
SID, total number of investor will be
calculated more clearly for one SID
represents one investor. Also, KSEI
starts preparing separation of fund
account to monitor Securities portfolio of investor after launching AKSes Card. By implementing separation of fund account, capital market
investor can monitor mutation of
Securities portfolio owned as well
as the existence and movement
of its fund managed by Securities
Company (Exchange Member).
Information about the establishment of The Indonesian Capital
Market Institute is also presented
in Fokuss this time. The institution
of capital market profession standard education, which was opened
by P3MI under the initiative of
Bapepam-LK, BEI, KSEI, and KPEI, is
expected to meet the professional
human resource need in Indonesia
capital market, which remains insufficient.
As usual, we also give information about KSEI activities and statistics. Hopefully, this first Fokuss
edition of the Rabbit year can serve
as a useful reference to all of the
Enjoy the reading…!
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President Director of KSEI, Ananta Wiyogo
Completing Capital
Market Infrastructure
A number of capital market infrastructure developments are
scheduled to be realized this year by KSEI. The end-result is to
improve the credibility of Indonesia capital market by giving the
priority to investor interest, so people will be more confident to
invest in Indonesia capital market.
ast year, PT Kustodian Sentral Efek
Indonesia (KSEI) focused on the socialization of AKSes Card (Securities
Ownership Reference), a facility for investor
to monitor Securities portfolio owned and
kept in KSEI. This year, as mentioned by the
President Director of KSEI, Ananta Wiyogo,
KSEI will accomplish the implementation of
Single Investor Identification or SID. Badan
President Director of KSEI, Ananta Wiyogo
Protecting Investor with Fund Account Separation
The Indonesian Capital Market Institute
Here are the Winners of AKSes Card Socialization Competition
aCtivitIES & StatistiCS
Completing Capital Market Infrastructure
Satisfying The Lack of Capital Market Human
Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Keuangan (Bapepam-LK) through Regulation
Number V.D.3 regarding Internal Control of
Securities Company Performing Business
Activity as Broker Dealer released on last
December 28, 2010 has made SID ownership compulsory and become requirement
for investor to transact in the capital market
starting from February 2012. it is the reason
Year 2011
Edition 01, 2011
why investor is expected to own such
single identity this year.
Through SID, total number of
investor can be calculated more accurately as one SID represents one investor. Up till now, total investor can only be
predicted from total Sub Securities Account recorded in KSEI. Data of such Sub
Securities Accounts cannot fully become
a reference of total investor as investor
commonly becomes client of several Securities Companies. Consequently, the
investor is recorded to have several Sub
Securities Accounts.
According to Ananta, from a
total of 330 thousand Sub Securities Accounts, there are currently 149 thousand
data ready for getting SID. And from such
149 thousand, 56 thousand of which have
already owned AKSes Card. Later, with the
application of regulation requiring SID
ownership, each ISD owner can automati-
“SID Number will use
to monitor position
and mutation of
Securities portfolio
owned, and fund
account in
Payment Bank
Ananta Wiyogo
cally get AKSes Card. SID number will be
printed on each AKSes Card. Investor will
use such number to monitor position and
mutation of Securities portfolio owned,
and fund account in Payment Bank, which
will also be applied this year.
Afterwards, aside from data of
investor recorded to have Sub Securities
Accounts in KSEI system, C-BEST, it is targetted that investor data of Investment
Fund participation unit holder recorded
in ARIA system in Bapepam-LK can be
consolidated in SID generated by KSEI
system this year. If this can happen, it is
expected that investor can see the data
of Investment Fund owned in ARIA system in Bapepam-LK. “Hopefully, it can
be studied this year so the data of Investment Fund participation unit can be seen
through AKSes,” said Ananta.
The next infrastructure addition
is back-office real-time interface system.
Through this facility, all data communication related to the administration of Securities transaction settlement and depository between back-office system of KSEI’s
Account Holder and KSEI system can be
performed real-time and automatically.
Efficiency shall be created as it will reduce
duplication process and manual data input in C-BEST system. KSEI, according to
Ananta, will provide this server back-office interface system for free to all KSEI’s
Account Holders. The server has been distributed gradually to 150 KSEI’s Account
Holders since January. KSEI’s Account
Holders are only required to prepare backoffice system to enable them to connect
and communicate directly with C-BEST
system through such interface server.
This infrastructure development
is conducted under Bapepam-LK guidance. “If we do not prepare the infrastructure to anticipate transaction increase in
the future, Bursa Efek Indonesia will be
left-behind by the investor. The improvement is also made to anticipate global exchange linkage with domestic exchange,”
he said.
To all KSEI participants, Ananta
hopes that, as partner, we jointly maintain
the credibility of Indonesia capital market.
“The end-result is how we can give confidence and security to the investors. All of
us have to make the investors love investing in the capital market,” said Ananta.
With improved confidence of
investors and proper socialization jointly
performed between Exchange Members, and the support from Self Regulatory Organizations, it is expected that the
target of 2 million investors can be realized soon. “Initial phase of infrastructure
development must be tough. But when
those things have been accomplished,
future development will be easier,”
he affirmed.
Penerbit: PT Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSEI) • Penasihat: Direksi KSEI • Dewan Redaksi:
Zylvia Thirda, Dharma Setyadi, Susiyanti, Novian Harry Wibowo, Annisa Indri Hapsari, M. Ridwan
• Penanggung Jawab: Bagian Komunikasi Perusahaan KSEI • Alamat Redaksi: Gedung Bursa
Efek Indonesia, Tower I Lt. 5, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 52-53, Jakarta 12190, Telp. 52991099, Fax.
52991199 • Sirkulasi: Bagian Komunikasi Perusahaan KSEI
Protecting Investor with
Fund Account Separation
If within the last one year Securities portfolio can be monitored through AKSes Card
website, soon there will be a facility that enables investor to monitor fund kept in
Securities Company’s Account. Investor’s fund will be recorded in separate account
in name of investor in bank.
Margeret Mutiara Tang
curities Account based upon Single Investor ID number owned by SC’s client.
With such data consolidation, investor
as SC’s client can monitor the balance
and mutation of owned fund kept and
administered in SC through AKSes Card
Fund separation in an account separate from SC account also enables investor to be legally registered as client in
bank, so it will enable the bank to provide fund balance reporting facility in
the form of regular account statement
or other banking facilities, e.g.: internet
But, the existence of this account
is not intended for fund withdrawal or
debiting by client. Facilities provided
for investor are limited to conduct inquiry or monitoring only. The authority
to withdraw or debit such fund will remain in SC under transaction instruction
from its client. But with this method,
according to Margeret Mutiara Tang, Director of KSEI, investors can see whether
the orders they have delivered to broker
have been carried out based on the instruction or not. “This monitoring will
minimize misapplication of client’s fund
by irresponsible Exchange Member staff
as happened several times before,” she
Currently, as previously explained by
Setyorini W Deti
Margeret, KSEI has been preparing fund
account separation readiness from the
side of Payment Bank first. Now, there
are 4 (four) Payment Banks appointed by
KSEI to deal with payment transaction
in capital market, namely: Bank Mandiri,
BCA, Bank CIMB Niaga, and Bank Permata. The banks, she explained, have
been ready with a system for the account separation. The key lies on SC effort to conduct account opening for its
clients. Referring to total Sub Securities
Accounts recorded in KSEI, which are 333
thousand, it will approximately require
the same figures for each SC to open
accounts in its Payment Bank. Each SC
“With such data
investor as SC’s client can
monitor the balance and
mutation of owned fund
kept and administered
in SC”
Edition 01, 2011
acilitator of Securities trading in
Indonesia keeps protecting the
investor interests to improve the
trust toward capital market. Likewise,
KSEI continues to provide the investor
with secure and comfortable Central Depository Services.
After launching AKSes Card last year
that enables investor to monitor position and mutation of Securities owned
and kept in Securities Company (SC)
and registered in KSEI, this year, KSEI will
apply Bapepam-LK Regulation Number
V.D.3 regarding separation obligation of
fund account owned by investor in SC’s
fund account.
Up till now, cash fund of investor or
SC’s client is generally combined with
other client’s fund and Sc’s fund in a
fund account in name of SC in bank. Investor will receive report, mentioning
how many cash fund kept in SC, from SC
upon fund kept and administered by SC
similar to Securities ownership record.
This condition certainly cannot guarantee investor’s right upon fund owned
as all funds administered by SC in bank
are mixed into one. In normal condition,
book-keeping records of fund owned by
clients in SC correspond to funds kept
in bank. Surely, it will not be a problem.
However, certain cases in capital market
reflected problem and inconsistency of
SC book-keeping against bank records.
Such cases required a process to determine and return investor’s right.
Similar to implementation of Sub Securities Account separation for each SC’s
client in KSEI, separation of client’s fund
account requires SC to open specific account in bank per individual client. KSEI
has cooperated with four Payment Banks,
in which information about client’s fund
account opened by SC in each Payment
Bank will be consolidated with Sub Se-
Edition 01, 2011
PT Bank Central Asia TBk (BCA), acaccomplish. The barrier against the imcan choose one of the Payment Banks to
cording to Head of Cash Management
plementation of investor’s fund account
serve its transaction in capital market.
Unit, Rusdianti Salim, has conducted
separation concept is a more transparInitial step taken by KSEI in February
system development for investor’s fund
ent mechanism change between inves2011 was socialization to SC, jointly with
account separation mechanism that is
tor and Exchange Member (EM), so reguthe Payment Bank. “So every Payment
integrated with KSEI. “Therefore, inveslar socialization is required to make the
Bank will invite SCs which have opened
tor can monitor its securities and fund
concept applied by the whole Exchange
accounts in the bank, and jointly with
accounts through AKSes application. We
Members,” explained Rusdianti.
KSEI, provide socialization of separate
also make an approach toward Exchange
Bank Mandiri, as mentioned by Difund account opening for the clients,”
Member to be able to apply investor’s
diek, also finds some barriers in the
she said.
fund account separation concept. We
implementation of fund account sepaMargeret expected that fund account
are ready to provide the best service
ration. The biggest barrier, he said, is
separation can be realized immediately
for the sake of capital market business
a difficulty to fulfill the account openin order to provide security to investor.
continuity in Indonesia,” he said. It was
ing requirements (account opening ap“Bapepam-LK expects that at the beginexplained by Rusdianti that BCA has perplication filling-in, copy of KTP/NPWP,
ning of April, adjustment on such fund
formed piloting project with one of Exoriginal copy of letter of authority), esaccount separation should have been
change Members and keeps developing
pecially for investors who have domicile
started. I realize that it is not an easy job,
in many areas in Indonesia.
but it must be performed,”
Most investors already feel
she added. PT Bank Mandiri
comfortable with the cur(Persero) Tbk, as one of the
rent condition. “Therefore,
Payment Bank, as said by
the role of regulators, eiDidiek Hartantyo, Senior
ther Bapepam-LK and Bank
Vice President Financial
Indonesia, is required by
Institutions Coverage & Soreleasing joint regulation
lutions Group, declared its
to facilitate direct account
readiness to support the
opening for existing clients
implementation of client’s
without reducing Good
fund account separation.
“We show such readiness
Didiek Hartantyo
Rusdianti Salim
principles,” he added.
by providing saving prodthe system that can support information
To encourage EM to open fund acuct specially made for investor, which
velocity. “We have been developing
count for its client, the success story of
is Mandiri Tabungan Bisnis Investor,” he
Host-to-Host connection with KSEI and
PT Bahana Securities (Bahana) can besaid. The saving, he added, is designed
Exchange Member to facilitate informacome an example. Before KSEI planned
to protect the investor and Sc’s interests.
tion velocity required by KSEI, Exchange
fund account separation for investor,
“One of the saving features is investor
Member, or investor,” he said.
Bahana has previously performed fund
cannot conduct fund withdrawal directBank Mandiri, according to Didiek,
account separation in Bank CIMB Niaga
ly, but it can monitor the mutation of its
has also performed piloting project with
as the Payment Bank of this state-owned
account, either through electronic chanPT Mandiri Sekuritas that has opened
securities company.
Fund account
nel facility provided by Bank Mandiri or
new investor’s account separately by
separation of Bahana clients, totaling
AKSes facility from KSEI. Therefore, we
400 accounts as of October 2010, and it
of 1,500 – 2,000 clients, has been conhave made enhancement on scripless
went smoothly. To make the project sucducted since 1.5 year ago. The idea of
interface application to conduct delivcessful, Didiek hopes that, in addition to
such fund account separation, according
ery of investor’s account mutation data
provisions regulating securities compato Zulkifli, Assistant Vice President Head
real-time. Now, the system has been
ny, rules for investor that makes transacof System Development, came up from
implemented,” explained Didiek.
tion in capital market are also required.
the Management of Bahana after client’s
“If investor has not owned fund account
fund misapplication case revealed and
“The biggest barrier,
yet up to the specified time limit, the insmudged the Indonesia capital market
is a difficulty to fulfill
vestor cannot make any transaction in
image. The idea got positive response
the account opening
the capital market. The rules, either for
from Bank CIMB Niaga and was applied
securities company or investor, become
similar to the project currently develrequirements, especially
oped by KSEI.
for investors who have
“So to us, when KSEI requires us to
domicile in many areas
EM fund from client’s, it is no
in Indonesia”.
longer difficult for us to do it as each
Also of same importance is the socialclient already has separate account in
ization to investors to make them aware
Payment Bank. They only need to get
and actively support transparent capital
new Single Investor ID number to monimarket transaction, especially those who
tor fund position in bank,” he added. Up
have been transacting in capital market
till now, Bahana gives special access of
so far. “In every new product or facility
ID number jointly made with Bank CIMB
development, there must be barriers to
Niaga to give access to investors to mon-
The Indonesian Capital Market Institute
Satisfying The Lack of Capital
Market Human Resource
Indonesia capital market development deserves to be called
amazing. Among the global economic crisis, Composite Stock Price Index
(CSPI) of Bursa Efek Indonesia grew 87% in
2009 and booked an increase by 46.13%
by the end of 2010 with a highest index
record at 3,786.097 points on December
9, 2010.
However, who ever suspect that
the rapidly growing Indonesia capital
market remains in a lack of Human Resource (HR) or professional with profession certificate condition. Currently, according to Profession Standard Committee (PSP), total number of WPPE holders
(broker dealer), WPEE (underwriter), and
WMI (investment manager) is only 16,539
people from profession standard test result conducted from 1992 – 2010. While
the total number of profession standard
test participants during 18 years period
was 75,715 people, meaning that passing
level of profession standard test participants in capital market was only 21.83%.
The condition occurred due to
the absence of education institution, activities of which are monitored by capital
market authority and players. For that
reason, Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal
dan Lembaga Keuangan Bapepam-LK,
PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), PT Kliring
Penjaminan Efek Indonesia (KPEI), and PT
Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (KSEI) established Perhimpunan Pendidikan Pasar
Modal Indonesia (P3MI). Later, BapepamLK completed it by setting up Teaching
Standard Committee (KSP) through decree of Chairman of Bapepam-Lk in last
November. Bapepam-LK also made revision on the performance of capital mar-
“ From profession tandard
test result conducted
from 1992 – 2010,
passing level of profession
standard test participants
in capital market was only
Edition 01, 2011
To get the capital market socialized and to meet the
professional need in capital market, Perhimpunan Pendidikan
Pasar Modal Indonesia established The Indonesian Capital
Market Institute by grabbing Economy Faculty of University of
Indonesia as the pilot project.
itor their funds kept in Bahana.
PT Trimegah Securities Tbk supports
this fund account separation plan, appropriate for transparency purpose.
According to Setyorini W Deti, Finance
Group Head, “The most difficult thing
is to ask client to complete the required
document for the sub account opening
in bank. As if we ask them for the same
data more than once for dedicated bank
account opening,” she explained.
The second experience, said Deti,
was a problem in making an equal process toward the application of Bapepam-LK regulation Number V.D.10 and
Law Number 8/2010 regarding Know
Your Customer Principles and Money
Laundering Prevention, performance
standardization between Securities
Company and the bank. “Other similar
tough experience was making cooperation agreement with the bank to make
mutual synergy through this program
without violating the code of ethics and
respective party’s compliance.” She said.
Therefore, Deti highlighted the
importance of sustained socialization
concerning the positive objective of
fund account separation to avoid misunderstanding from investor. There is
always new investor who is not aware
of capital market investment and needs
information, Deti said. “The socialization
must be conducted through varied media. It can be in the form of brochure,
newspaper and magazine, radio, public
advertisement, and event involving the
public, either investor or non-investor,
such as: sport event, writing competition concerning investment experience
in capital market, short and free seminar,
etc.,” she said.
Zulkifli suggested that, aside from
the socialization, and as already mentioned by Margeret, investor sometime
has already had access to monitor securities and fund portfolio, but does
not control or open it. Not to mention,
service provided by respective bank
must be equal. “Specially for transaction payment purpose, Payment Bank
must have similar service standard, e.g.:
in determining the interest rate, and
other facilities. Sometime, client comes
up with a question: why did EM choose
Payment Bank A or B? It will be no problem if the bank has different service for
other products. But specially for capital
market transaction, service standard is
required,” he ended.
Edition 01, 2011
ket profession standard test, from being
conducted only by PSP to other justified
In addition to cooperation with
Economy Faculty of University of Indonesia (FE UI) in making the curriculum for
first and master degrees majoring in Capital Market management, P3MI established
The Indonesian Capital Market Institute
(TICMI) at the end of last year. As the first
phase, according to the secretary of P3MI,
Yoyok Isharsaya, P3MI grabbed FEUI in
opening TICMI at UI Campus, Salemba.
TICMI will later become the organizer of
capital market profession standard course
and WPPE, WPEE & WMI tests. “Later, TICMI
graduates will be equal to PSP graduates,”
he said.
Consequently, participants of
capital market profession standard course
in TICMI will automatically join profession
standard test after completing the course.
If one fails to pass certain study, he/she
only needs to repeat the test on such
study. While the tests arranged by PSP require the participant to repeat the whole
studies if he/she fails to pass the determined grade. It presumptively causes the
minimum passing percentage of professional. However, people who do not take
capital market course in TICMI, can join
the certification test performed by PSP. “It
gives options to the public,” said Yoyok.
In the future, TICMI will also be
opened in other areas. Therefore, for the
next phase, P3MI will cooperate with universities in other areas. “But probably not
in the short time, within two years, we will
focus on TICMI’s pilot project in FEUI first
as it will require evaluation and improvement,” he added.
KSP member recently comprises
“TICMI will become
the organizer of capital
market profession
standard course and
WPPE, WPEE & WMI tests.
Later, TICMI graduates
will be equal to PSP
of 7 (seven) people represented by Chairman of Bapepam-LK, Nurhaida; Head of
Law and Legal Counsel Bureau - Bapepam-LK, Robinson Simbolon; President
Director of BEI, Ito Warsito; representatives of Indonesian Securities Company
Association, Chaeruddin Berlian and Ricardo Silaen; academician from Sampoerna School of Business, Irwan Adi Ekaputra, and from Investment Manager, Eddy
TICMI has opened the first class
for WPPE in the midst of February. It is
expected that, according to Executive Director of TICMI, Rini Amidjono, there will
be 20 forces per year with 24 students per
class in respective force by using the current classroom capacity. There are three
education packages provided by TICMI,
Regular Class - two times a week, Intensive Class – five times a week, and Executive Class – only on Friday & Saturday. For
WPPE, the training will last for 75 hours,
while WPEE and WMI are 120 hours respectively.
“We are responsible for the passing level which is expected to be optimal
to meet the HR need in capital market. For
that purpose, there will be evaluation on
test result to measure the teaching effectivity. We keep making improvements, either in the education performance, teaching, facility and infrastructure, or in the
profession standard test arrangement to
support the capital market growth,” said
the academician who is also the founder
of Indonesian Council for Economics Education.
Not only arrange the capital
market profession standard course, Rini
also expects that her institution can provide capital market socialization through
education for youngsters and school kids.
She also has plan to introduce capital
market to housewives who have interest
in capital market investment or just have
intention to know more about capital
market existence and its impact toward
national economy.
For professionals who already
jump into capital market industry, TICMI
will prepare refreshment class. “We will
open classes to give information about
recent developments, such as new regulations and products in capital market,”
she said.
ational and first local-scaled (six
months period) Socialization Program of Akses Card in 2010 have
been completed. But, it leaved one activity,
which was the announcement of the winners of Akses Card Socialization Competition. Therefore, KSEI arranged awarding
night (Malam Anugerah) for the winners at
Shangri-La Hotel – Jakarta, Wednesday, 19
January 2011.
Malam Anugerah activity at the beginning of 2011 was an appreciation form
KSEI delivered to Securities Companies
and Journalists who have given supports
for the improvement of more transparent and reliable Indonesia capital market
image through Akses Card Socialization. The event was attended by finalists
of Akses Card Socialization Competition
among Securities Companies and finalists
of Journalistic Competition of Akses Card
Socialization as well as source people who
supported the Akses Card Socialization
in 2010. Those who were also attended
the event were: Nurhaida, in her capacity
as the Head of Securities Transaction and
Institution Bapepam-LK, Lili Widjaya,as the
Chairman of Indonesian Securities Companies Association, and Board of Directors
of PT Bursa Efek Indonesia and Direksi PT
Kliring Penjaminan Efek Indonesia.
Having gone through administrative
selection and judging process, the Committee of AKSes Card Socialization Competition has come up with 10 Securities Companies providing their best efforts in AKSes
Card Socialization from a total number
of 42 Securities Companies participants.
Besides, the Committee also selected 510
articles and got the best 10 printed articles
and 10 online articles. In this inauguration
program, special awards and rewards were
given to the best 2 online articles, the best
3 printed articles, and the best 3 Securities
The winners for the best online article
category are Abd Rahman Mawazi from
Tribun Batam as the Winner I with an article of “AKSes Card to minimize stock trading risk”, and Winner II went to Eva Martha
Rahayu from Swa Magazine with an article
of “Saving investor right through AKSes
On printed article category, there were
3 winners, namely: Ema Damayanti from
Tribun Pekanbaru with an article of “Take
Optimum Benefit from Investor through
AKSes Card” (Winner I), Fadmi Sustiwi from
Kedaulatan Rakyat with an article of “With
a little concern, Investor shall sleep tight”
(Winner II), and Kormensius Barus from
Here are the Winners of AKSes
Card Socialization Competition
• Menanti Tuah Kartu AKSes Berkah Investor (
• Menyelamatkan Hak Investor Melalui Kartu AKSes (
• Kartu AKSes untuk mengurangi Resiko Bermain Saham
• Perkuat Pengaman Pasar Modal Via Kartu AKSes (
• Sosialisasi Kartu AKSes, Penghapus Trauma Melindungi Investor
(Suaramerdeka Cybernews)
• Kartu AKSes bermasalah, KSEI Beri Solusi (
• Penggunaan Kartu AKSes 'Early Warning' bagi investor
• AKSes tak sekedar informasi Tapi Kunci Keterbukaan
(Suarasuarabaya online)
• Genggam Kartu AKSes, Jaminan Investasi, Perlindungan dan
Transparansi (
• Kartu AKSes Kurangi Resiko Investasi Pasar Modal; Butuh
Sosialisasi di Indonesia Timur (
Finalist Jurnalistics Competition Printed Article Category:
• Data Tersimpan, Investasi Aman (Seputar Indonesia)
• Berdayakan Investor Lewat Kartu AKSes (Tribun Pekanbaru)
.•Mendongkrak Kredibilitas Bursa Lewat Kartu AKSes
(Warta Ekonomi).
• Pantau Investasi Bersama AKSes (Business Review)
• Sosialisasi Kartu AKSes, Tantangan dan Harapan (Radar Surabaya)
• Menjaring Investor Lokal dengan Kartu AKSes (Medan Bisnis)
• Sedikit Peduli, Investor Akan tidur Nyenyak (Kedaulatan Rakyat)
• Menggugah Hak Investor Melalui Kartu AKSes (Harian Global-Medan)
• Investasi Pasti Aman, Tidurpun Jadi Nyaman (Riau Pos)
• Aman dengan Kartu AKSes (Neraca)
Finalist Competition AKSes Card Sozialization among
Securities Company:
• PT Equity Securities Indonesia
• PT Kresna Graha Sekurindo Tbk
• PT BNI Securities
• PT Intiteladan Arthaswadaya
• PT CIMB Securities Indonesia
• PT Panin Sekuritas Tbk
• PT Reliance Securities
• PT Sinarmas Sekuritas
• PT Indo Premier Securities
• PT Panca Global Securities
Business Review with an article of “Monitor
Investment by AKSes.”
For AKSes Card Socialization Competition among Securities Companies, among
10 selected finalists, special awards were
given to 3 Securities Companies which
have given their best supports in conducting AKSes Card Socialization. They were:
PT Equity Securities Indonesia, PT Kresna
Graha Sekurindo Tbk, and PT BNI Securities.
Eventhough AKSes Card Socialization
Competition among Securities Companies
was not participated by all active and registered Securities Companies in KSEI, a number of Securities Companies kept trying
their best efforts to provide an optimum
socialization result up to the end of judging period. Total AKSes Card ownership,
staffs’ competence of Securities Companies
in giving AKSes Card information to the clients, and attendance level of investors in
investor gathering arranged by KSEI were
several valuation points being assessed
by the grand jury in selecting the best 10
Securities Companies in AKSes Card Socialization.
In his speech in Malam Anugerah,
President Director of KSEI, Ananta Wiyogo,
showed his appreciation to the winners of
socialization competition. “We would like
to congratulate you, all Securities Companies and media partners, on your achieve-
“As of 17 January 2011,
total number of AKSes Card
ownership was 48,638. It was
increased by 270% compared
to May 2010 when AKSes
Card socialization
was started.”.
Finalist Jurnalistics Competition Online Article Category :
ments. Hopefully, we can improve our
cooperation in 2011 and years ahead in
order to create a transparent and reliable
Indonesia capital market,” said Ananta as
an expression of gratitude to Securities
Companies and media partners for their
cooperation in AKSes Card Socialization.
In connection with the judging result
of AKSes Card Journalistic Competition, Didik Supriyanto, who was one of the juries,
commented, “Straight news or feature has
the same opportunity to win a journalistic
competition. Competent source person
selection, once again, can discern the article impact toward the reader target. This
is an important factor we’ve got from the
judging period.”
As of 17 January 2011, total number of
AKSes Card ownership was 48,638. It was
increased by 270% compared to May 2010
when AKSes Card socialization was started. KSEI believed that it was due to good
cooperation between Securities Companies and media. In order to increase the
AKSes Card ownership, KSEI will not only
continue the local-scaled socialization in
Palembang, Solo, Balikpapan, Singkawang, Makassar, and Manado, but also arrange Journalistic Competition of AKSes
Card socialization Phase 2. Congratulation
to all winners..!
Edition 01, 2011
AKSes Card Socialization Competition, which was started on June up to December 2010,
has ended. Awarding night was held by KSEi as a form of appreciation to all competition
participants. Who are the winners?
Socialization of KSEI’s Service Products
KSEI arranged socialization of service products for
KSEI’s Account Holders on December 29, 2010 at Graha
Niaga - Financial Club, Jakarta. It was attended by 200
participants who were representatives of Securities
Companies, Custodian Bank, and Payment Bank. The
agenda of such socialization were Single Investor Identification (SID), Straight Through Processing (STP), and
Fund Separation or separation of investor’s fund account. Hopefully, Account Holders got proper information about the benefits of those service products from
such socialization.
The Selection of KSEI’s New Payment Bank
As the initial process of new Payment Bank selection for the period of 2011 – 2015, KSEI performed Request For Proposal delivery activity to representatives
of 15 (fifteen) bank invited at Hotel Mulia Senayan, Jakarta on Wednesday, February 16, 2011. This activity
was conducted in connection with the termination of
agreement with Payment Bank of 2009 – 2011 period
on the coming July 2011. The selection of Payment
Bank is intended to enable KSEI and the Payment Bank
to manage funds of Account Holders for exchange
transaction settlement purpose through a system that
is connected to KSEI’s main system.
2010 Year-end Press Conference
On last December 30, 2010, Bapepam-LK, jointly with BEI, KPEI, and
KSEI, organized 2010 Year-end Press Conference to mark the Exchange
trading closing in 2010. The event, which was held at BEI gallery, 1st
floor, was opened by the Chairman of Bapepam-LK, Ahmad Fuad
Rahmany, accompanied by Ito Warsito, Hoesen, and Ananta Wiyogo
as the President Directors who delivered information about Indonesia
capital market performance throughout 2010. As the closing remark,
button-pressing was performed by the Vice-Minister of Finance, Anny
Ratnawati, officially announcing the ending of 2010 exchange trading
at PT Bursa Efek Indonesia. The closing Composite Stock Price Index
reached 3,703.512 point at that time.
Edition 01, 2011
Settlement Frequency ”Over The Counter”
(Period of Januari - Desember 2010 dan Januari 2011)
Total Distribution “Corporate Action”
Period of Januari - Desember 2010 dan Januari 2011
Jan - Des 2010
Jan 2011
Rp (triliun)
Rp (triliun)
Equity (Dividen dan Exercise)
0,00 Debt (Bunga dan Pokok)
0,00 Total Dana
0,00 Efek
(Jumlah/Unit Efek)
(Jumlah/Unit Efek)
101,87 miliar
15,33 miliar
11,45 miliar
144,50 juta HMETD
130,93 miliar
77,26 miliar
Total Asset in C-BEST
(Period of Januari - Desember 2010 dan Januari 2011)
(in trillion rupiah)
Total of Sub Securities Account in C-BEST”
(Period of Januari - Desember 2010 dan Januari 2011)