November 2015 - ABATE of South Dakota
November 2015 - ABATE of South Dakota
I : A.B.A.T.E. OF S OUTH DISSUE AKOTA, INC. NSIDE THIS A BROTHERHOOD FOR AWARENESS, TRAINING & EDUCATION VOLUME 33, ISSUE 11 FREEDOM FLYER NOVEMBER 2015 SPECIAL POINTS OF INTEREST South Dakota MRF Awards - Page 8 2016 Heartland STEAM April 1st - 3rd, 2016 - Officers, Board of Directors & Committee Chairpersons 2 Membership Application 24 State Coordinators Report Jiggs Cressy 3 Around the State w/Phil Phil Hohm 10 New & Renewing Memberships 25 Chaplains Report Auggie & Sunshine Minzlaff 3 ABATE of SD Chapter Reports 11-22 Business Supporter App 26 MRF/Legislative Report John Steele 4 ABATE of SD Supporters 23 Classifieds 27 September Board of Directors Minutes 5-7 Good Times Calendar 24 Business Supporter Ads 28-31 INSIDE THIS ISSUE: FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 2 ABATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA, INC. ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. #243 2601 S. Minnesota Ave. STE 105 Sioux Falls, SD 57105-4750 State Officers State Committee Chairpersons Coordinator - Jiggs Cressy (605) 391-6361 email: Vice - Coordinator - Rod “Thumper” Hersrud (605) 690-1364 email: Treasurer - Jan Weismantel (605) 225-5474 email: Legislative Officer - John Steele (605) 661-4895 email: Secretary - Bobbie Mathews (605) 354-1226 email: Membership Secretary - Karline Clark (605) 430-1670 email: State MRF Representative - John Steele (605) 661-4895 email: State Products Manager - Trudie Hersrud (605) 697-5708 email: State Promotions - Wayne Lettau (605) 720-0263 email: State Webmaster - Darrel Killion (605) 256-2188 email: State Historian - John Addy (605) 296-3354 email: State Board of Directors Aberdeen ............................................... Mark Schuett Black Hills. …………………Jack Hendrickson (605) 347-1111 East Central ....................Dale England (605) 291-9035 Lake ................................ Dan Nugent (605) 256-3728 Lewis & Clark... ......Kevin Frangenberg (605) 364-7672 North East ...................... Curt Watkins (605) 280-5860 Northstar .......................... Ray Bokker (605) 835-8065 Oahe ..................... Lori Butler Rushmore ................ Sunshine Minzlaff (605) 787-9136 Sioux Falls .............................. Al Luze (605) 521-9557 Sioux River .................. Cal Stainbrook (605) 627-5306 South Central ..... ...Roger Frankenstein (605) 481-2600 South East .......... …...Larry Reemts Those Guys .................. Dennis Hasche (605) 321-6305 Windriders.......................... Phil Hohm (605) 352-7009 Zzen ........................John “Slack” Addy (605) 296-3354 Freedom Flyer IMPAC Informed Motorcyclists Political Action Committee IMPAC is the political arm of ABATE of SD. IMPAC money is used to support legislative candidates, pay for lobbyists, fight NEGATIVE or support positive legislation at the State or Federal levels. Our Liberty, Freedom of Choice and Safety depends on IMPAC in our state. Freedom Flyer Advertising Rates 1 mo 3 mo 6 mo 12 mo Business Card $10 $ 25 $ 50 $ 90 1/4 Page $20 $ 50 $100 $200 1/2 Page $35 $ 85 $175 $350 Full Page $65 $160 $325 $650 Editor - Susan Lettau 1723 Main St Sturgis, SD 57785 (605) 720-0263 Hm (605) 490-1593 Cell Email: Articles are due by the 15th of the month. ABATE Chapter Events: $45.00 Full Page DISCLAIMER: The FREEDOM FLYER is an official publication of ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. Contents may be republished in whole or in part with proper attribution. ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. accepts no responsibility for the comments or opinions contained within this publication. Advertisements in this newsletter are paid ads and do not necessarily reflect the policies or beliefs of ABATE of South Dakota. We thank our advertisers for their patronage as they enable our constant fight for our rights. LIABILITY DISCLAIMER INDEMNIFICATION: The Freedom Flyer shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of the advertisement. The FREEDOM FLYER shall not be liable or responsible for any error in any advertisement except to give the advertiser credit for so much space occupied by the advertisement as is materially affected by the error; credit shall be by refund or replication of the advertisement at the election of the FREEDOM FLYER. Such credit shall not be given for more than one incorrect insertion unless the Editor is notified in writing of the error before the repetition of the insertion. When the Advertiser wishes to correct or change copy submitted as a “proof”, the Freedom Flyer shall not be liable for the changes or correction unless they are received by the FREEDOM FLYER within a reasonable length of time before the deadline for publication. If an advertisement is requested to run after copy deadline, the Freedom Flyer will not honor the adjustment request if an error occurs. No specific page or portion shall be guaranteed. The Advertiser or Agency shall indemnify the FREEDOM FLYER for any attorney’s fees incurred in defending against claims, pay any judgment against the Newspaper; and pay associated expenses and losses that are caused by the publication of any advertisement submitted or published at the discretion of the Advertiser or Agency, including claims for libel, copyright infringement, and invasion of privacy. PAGE 3 FREEDOM FLYER STATE COORDINATOR’S REPORT - JIGGS CRESSY Every month before I write my column, I go back and look at what I wrote the same month in years past. I found this part from one in 2011. I just got back from the annual Motorcycle Riders Foundations (MRF) conference, Meeting of the Minds, in Detroit MI. It was a great conference. I learned a lot, touched base with old friends, met some new ones, but most of all I recharged my motorcycle rights battery. You heard me right. I, like most of you have an internal motorcycle rights battery. And it gets run down from time to time. The daily grind of everyday stuff (emails, phone calls, writing columns, attending meetings, and hammering out details of the next upcoming event) takes their toll and drains the battery. And, the best way I have found to recharge my battery is to hang around with other people who are as passionate about motorcycle rights as me. There is nothing better for my soul than to sit in a room with a couple hundred bikers who feel the same way about a particular subject as I do. To listen to them discuss the same issues, to listen to them talk about their solutions to those same problem and to soak up their knowledge, and to share a little bit of yours is a great charging for my motorcycle rights battery. get your room reserved. "Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." -- Henry Ford Jiggs Keep Your Knees in the Breeze ABATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA Updates The following is information on how to sign up for text message updates for ABATE of South Dakota. - If your battery needs a little charging, your next chance is at Heartland STEAM. STEAM will be held in Sioux Falls. April 1st-3rd 2016. ABATE of South Dakota is hosting Heartland STEAM this year. We will definitely be looking for help in pulling this event off. So please consider coming to STEAM. You won’t be disappointed. Enter - 81010 Message - @ababate You will receive a message indicating that you have been added to SD ABATE. This will be used to keep members informed as to what is happening in the legislature, meetings and any other information that needs to be distributed to the members of ABATE of South Dakota. If you have any questions about how you can help at STEAM, please call me. Find the STEAM flyer in the newsletter and get registered and ABATE CHAPLAIN’S CORNER - AUGGIE & SUNSHINE MINZLAFF How is your JOY? By CMA National President John Ogden Sr. “As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my love. If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love. These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full” (John 15:9-11, KJV). As we meet people from all walks of life and all nationalities, there is a key ingredient that we all look for -- joy. Jesus shares this thought in these Scriptures. The condition of true joy is contained in our relationship with Jesus Christ. He encourages us to continue in His love and to abide in that love. within us. Allowing Christ to take residence in our heart and the abiding faith to always look to Him will bring this joy. Joy is not an outside job; but, an inside job. As you walk through the struggles of life, I would like to remind you and encourage you to always allow the Prince of Peace to reign in your life and you in Him, which produces supernatural joy. As we go through life, we struggle with the things of this world. There are days when we feel good about our relationships and the things we have accomplished, and there are days when we don’t feel so good. The condition of the joy of Christ is one Ride safe and ride often. where we continue to abide in Him. In His service, This relationship is not based on good or bad days; it is based on a Auggie and Sunshine commitment to follow Him on the good days as well as the bad days. We know we can have peace in the midst of a storm. Our joy is not based on the circumstances around us; rather, on the condition of our heart FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 4 MRF REPORT & LEGISLATIVE OFFICER REPORT - JOHN STEELE As I write this article, fall weather is starting to cool things off and the colors on the trees reminds me that motorcycle riding season is almost over for another year. Always seems to go very fast. Too fast! successful tactics to avoid a motorcycle crash. Notice it’s all about avoiding the crash, not “protecting” you from a crash. This part of the bill is from the good work of one of our great supporters in Congress, the honorable James Sensenbrenner As you’re probably aware, and his fellow committee member Washington DC has been more on Randy Hultgren. the hot side lately (not weather related) and together with the In other great news, the highway presidential campaigns all in full bill also includes the NHTSA gear it makes for plenty of l o b b y i n g ban with an political news. As far as improvement. Currently, the motorcycle related political news, Department of Transportation is not so much. That’s not all bad prohibited by law from lobbying either as it’s usually the negative state governments. The new ban stuff about motorcycles that would also include Federal and seems to get reported the most. local governments as well, keeping DOT out of lobbying What’s not getting reported in the pretty much everywhere. news is that the highway bill in Congress has a lot of potentially There is also an amendment at good news for us. One thing that the ready to reinstate the Federal has been included is elimination of Motorcycle Advisory Council. It’s motorcycle-only checkp oints too early now to know if this including an upgrade that calls for amendment will be brought up in a study from the National committee or on the House floor. Academies to determine the most Please keep in mind that all this great news on the highway bill doesn’t just happen because they like us there! I think you know better. Congress would more likely be looking for ways to take away more motorcyclist’s freedoms. With that in mind, check your due date for your MRF membership and make sure to get it renewed. Not a member of the MRF? It’s easy to sign up, the form is included in this newsletter and can even be accomplished on their website; It’s getting to be that time of year again when we start gearing up for our “Legislative Days” activities. More information on what to expect will be in future issues of course and also at your local meetings from your chapter reps. Ride Safe and Sober! John Steele Legislative Officer MRF Rep FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 5 Please note: The Board of Directors meeting minutes printed here have been edited for space and other concerns. A complete copy of these minutes has been presented to the Board of Directors for their approval and/or corrections at the next scheduled Board of Directors meeting. If approved, true and correct copies of the minutes will be available by contacting the State Secretary or any of the Board of Directors listed on page 2. When requesting a copy, please indicate which chapter you are a member of, if any. (Postage and copying fees may be required to obtain a copy). ABATE of South Dakota Board of Directors Meeting September 19, 2015 American Legion, Pierre SD Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call: Aberdeen: Mark Schuett - present Black Hills: Jack Hendrickson - present East Central: Dale England- present Lake: Dan Nugent - present Lewis and Clark: Kevin Frangenberg-present North East: Curt Watkins - present North Star: Ray Boker - present Oahe: Lori Butler –present Rushmore: Sunshine Minzlaff -present South East: Larry Reemts - absent Sioux Falls: Al Luze - present Sioux River: Jason Kidd– present South Central – Roger Frankenstein-present Those Guys: Dennis Hasche – present Windriders: Phil Hohm –present Zzen: John Addy “Slack”- present State Officers: Coordinator: Jiggs Cressy – present Vice Coordinator: Rod Hersrud- excused Secretary: Bobbie Matthews – present Treasurer: Jan Weismantel –present Membership Secretary: Karline Clark –present Newsletter Editor: Susan Lettau– present Legislative Officer: John Steele – excused have email locations on them. We need to make sure these are legible as well. We want to increase the member email information that we have so that we can reach as many of our members as possible! Email addresses are in the Freedom Flyer for the Board Officers. Things are going very well! Newsletter Editor’s Report: Invoices for some flyers are being handed out that were not paid at this point. The newsletter is looking great. The deadline is the month before on the 15th. Committee Reports: Promotions committee: We have not done much with this committee yet, but Jiggs did start a new way of communication with members. It is called Remind101, which allows him to send as a mass text. This is a great fast way to get information out. MRF Rep. Report: John Steele is not present today, but Jiggs shared some information. The transportation bill’s latest extension expires this month. The Senate passed a 6 year bill but only provided funding for 3 years, so the House killed the bill. The House passed their version of the bill, and it does not include everything that the MRF wants. It does stop motorcycle only checkpoints, but also requires a study on motorcycle accidents, but does not deal with Ethanol. At this point, we do not know what will happen. With the only funding coming for this bill from gas taxes, and more energy efficient cars, the cost for these is going to move to the state level. The NTSA lobby ban is in both bills. Secretary’s Report: Thank you to Susan for taking minutes for me while I gone. Motion made by IMPAC Legislative Officer Report: Wayne had Jason Kidd, seconded by Phil Hohm. No opposition nothing to share in this area and an IMPAC meeting will need to be started and rolling. At this point, we and motion carried for no corrections. have all the mechanics nailed down except for the Treasurer’s Report: Balances were given for ABATE caterer. We need to look as far as if a speaker has of SD, IMPAC & the ABATE of SD Foundation. Thank you been chosen and decided upon. to everyone in the organization, these balances are amazing even compared to five years ago. We have State Products Manager Report: Trudie sent an made huge strides in having a balanced budget and email as far as what is available for products. money in an account. Jan has checks for chapters There are a few t-shirts of various sizes. There are with the $5 towards the chapter from memberships. some cups and flashlights and notepads available. Jason Kidd made a motion to accept the report, During the rally, Trudie had Susan contact the seconded by Sunshine. Motion carried with no woman who makes 85mph hats. They will sell them to us for $15 each if we order 10 or more of opposition. them. Jason Kidd made a motion to order these Membership Secretary’s Report: 1,630 members and to sell them for $28 each, the motion was currently. The new cards are printing well. Prior to seconded and carried. The bands that say ABATE the next meeting, new membership slips will be are available for $7. Ten more of these will be printed before our next BOD. One thing we would ordered. like to have on the printing is to have the cards now FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 6 Motorcycle Awareness, Training, and Education Grant: Nothing new to share with this. Lee Axdahl at the office of Highway Safety the other day shared that the DOT numbers for the number of vehicles coming to Sturgis, but the number of fatalities doubled this year in the state over last year. towards pins for Heartland STEAM. Start Promoting this on FACEBOOK and on WEBSITE, share this information and get members to attend! OLD BUSINESS: No old business. Membership Committee: This has been covered. NEW BUSINESS: The new items we have put into place have been Meeting of the Minds: Jiggs is attending this working well. We definitely need to step up and event next weekend, Slack is attending also. A work at retention. check will be sent with Jiggs for the annual “Freedom Fighters Memorial” for Lost donation. A motion was made for a donation of Members Committee: This has been put on hold $2000 was made, 1 person in support and the for a bit. Slack did share that there is some remainder opposed. Jan clarified the donation discussion about location for the park and amount, and with the frugality of our organization memorial. Discussion was held regarding pursuing we have the funds to give a donation to the MRF in asking the state regarding putting the memorial on a bigger amount of money this year. A motion was state ground somewhere. A suggestion was brought made by Sunshine Minzlaff in the amount of a up regarding a wall of fame at the motorcycle $5,000 donation, and it was seconded by Jason museum. Al Luze made a motion to have the Kidd. The motion carried with no opposition. Items committee seek information from the state were looked at for the silent auction. Discussion regarding a placement on state land. The motion was held that last time the basket did not earn carried with no opposition. Slack and Wayne will much, hence the reason the donation was pursue this after they have organized and gotten significantly larger this year. everything into place. Jiggs requested that the Lobbyist Contract: This contract is up at the end committee have materials ready and a proposal to of October. A motion was made to hire Dianna as share at Legislative Days. our lobbyist at the same price as last year. The Heartland STEAM Committee: Board voted on motion carried with no opposition. the shirt pattern for the STEAM. 3 Year membership: Sioux River would request that all members agree what the cost would be for Committee’s work so far: a 3 year membership. Discuss this with chapters to -Registration- Al: a square pay account could be see what they would be willing to do and what kind used for this. PayPal can also be used for this. The of a break the chapters may be willing to take. This account to be set up for this will be conversation will be tabled until the next meeting so that Jan can draw up a financial statement of the -Hospitality Room: Gail is heading this. cost per member annually. This cost would include the newsletter mailing, postage, card printing, and -Breakoutsany other costs that might be associated with the -Lunch/Dinner- we need to work on finding some cost of a member. sponsors for this. Board members are welcome to ANNOUNCEMENTS: contact potential sponsors for the event. We will have categories for sponsors. The committee will South Central- the cancer run had a great turnout this month. Made over $900 for the Cancer Society. decide the sponsorship levels to work on this. Money was also donated to the tornado relief, Fundraising: silent auction- Susan, Kim, Erin Sioux Falls- toy run and delivery to the Children’s Center Pieces: Each chapter does a centerpiece Home will be coming up. for a table and those are auctioned off Sioux River- $200 to the general fund. Live auction- bigger donations towards silent Black Hills- Bike Raffle tickets are available. auction will go to this Oahe- membership challenge for the chapter this year, just ended and quite a few new members Pins: Sioux River chapter will put up to $500 were brought in. PR- poster design going/done PAGE 7 Those Guys- $13,300 donated to the Children’s Home Society. Zzen- Thank you to other chapters for giving a great welcome to members who attended from other chapters. Thank you to Jiggs for his leadership, and thank you to the BOD for the work done. Rushmore- Black Hills Area Bikers- poker run taking place today with all organizations. Shopping for the forgotten elderly will be the beneficiary. $500 donation to the general fund. Wind Riders- excellent toy run. Newspaper did an excellent paper on this run. Reminder to remember your local newspapers for PR. Bobbie- THANK you for the cards and thoughts when my aunt passed away. It meant a lot and I appreciated it greatly during that difficult time. ABATE of SD Foundation: Respectfully Submitted, Bobbie Matthews State Secretary ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. Jiggs Cressy, State Coordinator ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. Rod Hersrud, Vice Coordinator ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. FREEDOM FLYER Page 8 FREEDOM FLYER MRF Awards Thanks to all of you for all the hard work. Jiggs Thanks to all the people who are members. If you are not a member please join the Motorcycle Riders Foundation. A big thank you to Auggie and Sunshine Minzlaff for your scholarships!!!! Jiggs Page 9 FREEDOM FLYER Page 10 FREEDOM FLYER AROUND THE STATE W ITH PHIL I t is alm ost t he end of Sept em ber as I am st ar t ing t o writ e m y colum n. Out here on t he farm fall harvest is get t ing it s st art . The crops look great but t he prices are low. But I guess one out of t wo isn’t t oo bad. Hear t land STEAM will be in Sout h Dakot a t his year on April 1- 2, 2016 in Sioux Falls. This would be a great t im e for ABATE m em bers in Sout h Dakot a t o at t end t his six st at e event . I will be pr esent ing a breakout session which will be on “ Get t ing new m em ber s & r et aining old m em bers” I would really appreciat e if any ABATE chapt ers t hat have had any success on get t ing new m em bers or r et aining old ones let t ing m e know what t hose successes were. You can cont act m e at easyph@sant . Bobbie Mat t hews, our St at e Secret ary, will be present ing a breakout session on “ Social Media” . Norm a & I had a great & safe t rip t o California & back recent ly. We drove 4675 m iles, averaged 20.5 m pg, averaged 45 m ph & drov e for 103 hours. We left on Sept em ber 3 rd & t urned sout h at Highway 83 & drov e int o Nebraska. We were following a grain hauling sem i & all of a sudden it looked like t he t railer was on fire. I t t ook m e a couple of seconds t o realize t hat t he br akes wer e locked up on t he sem i t railer as he w as passing a car wit h a hill com ing our way. The sem i finally got back on his side & j ust at t hat t im e a pickup cam e our way as he had t o t ak e t he dit ch t o avoid hit t ing t he sem i. That excit em ent w as a lot m ore t hat we needed. We also m et a large group of about 40 m ot orcycle riders going nort hbound at a fast pace & were about one bike lengt h apart . I t didn’t seem t hat t hey were riding very safely as an accident could have been like a dom ino effect if one t he bikes had gone down. Personally I usually t ry t o plan on having a way out if som et hing bad occurs & leave m yself som e living room bet ween m e & t he riders ahead. Anot her t hing we saw on our ent ire t rip was t ruck t ires recaps on t he r oad. They can be dangerous t o aut os & especially dangerous t o m ot orcyclist s. As m uch as I hat e feder al m andat es t here should be a law against using recaps on t rucks. I was an over t he road driver in t he early 80’s & did experience losing a r ecap. Aft er t hat I never used t hem again. I t is against t he law t o use r ecaps on your st eering t ires & t her e has t o be a reason for t hat ! We spent t he night in Ft . Morgan, CO & had som e great Chinese food & we bot h enj oyed t he pu pu plat t er . ( one of t he t hings m y daught er Am y liked t o eat when she was in grade school) . On Sept em ber 4 t h we drove 472 m iles & Norm a saw a lot of ant elope. She is always looking for som e wildlife w hich I don’t underst and as she does have m e t o t hink of as her wildlife. I did give m y dad a call & wished him a happy 92 nd birt hday. We spent t he night in Sant a Fe, NM & what bet t er place t hen t hat t o eat som e real Mexican food. On Sept em ber 5 t h we drove 514 m iles & spent t he ev ening in Phoenix, AZ. Most of t he area in which we drove w as over 5000 feet in elevat ion which m eant you did see a lot of boring sage & not m uch else. At one rest st op w e did st op & look at som e int erest ing red rock & t ook som e pict ures t here. th On Sept em ber 6 we drove 283 m iles & arrived at m y brot her Chuck’s hom e in Alpine, CA. That evening we at e wit h m y t wo nieces fam ilies & had som e great t ast ing Korean BQ ribs. Brot her Chuck is a pret t y good cook. I n t he aft ernoon we did som e swim m ing in Chuck’s pool & generally spent t he rest of t he aft ernoon being lazy. We spent t he nex t t hree days t ouring San Diego wit h Chuck. Driving over t he Coronado bridge is always excit ing & looking at t he high dollar hom es on Coronado I sland m akes m e t hink t hat t her e are st ill a lot of people t hat have way t oo m uch m oney. We drove by t he airport & it always boggles m y m ind how m any cars ar e parked near & around t he airport . We saw t he “ St ar of I ndia” which is one of t he last st eel sail boat s ever built . We want ed t o eat at Ant hony’s which always has great t ast ing shrim p & clam chowder but t hey were having what I would call t he largest flee m ark et I have ever seen which had t ent s & people selling t heir wares as far as t he eye could see. We couldn’t find a place t o par k & finally found a place t o eat called The Brigant ine Le Mesa. I had one of t he best salads I have ever eat en. I wish I could rem em ber all t he good st uff in it . We at e our lunch in a very decor at ive out side rest aurant . The next day we had lunch at an E\ Caj on I t alian Rest aur ant where I had t he largest great t ast ing m eat balls I have ever eat en. We also did som e driving in t he foot hills & drove t hrough Julian which is suppose t o be t he pie capit al of t he world. To m ake m at t ers worse we didn’t even buy a pie t here. That evening we had what I w ould call m y favorit e Mexican food which is a Carna Asada Burrit o & som e rolled t acos. The m eat is m arinat ed in som e secret sauce & right at t his m om ent I am get t ing hungry j ust t hinking about how good it t ast ed. They are m ade in a sm all t aco shop & t hat is probably one t he few places you can get t hem . You don’t see a lot of m ot orcycles on t he freew ays. I have visit ed wit h bikers from t he San Diego ar ea & t hey really don’t put on any m ore m iles t han we do ev en t hough t hey can ride all year around. I will continue t he st ory on our t rip in t he Decem ber Freedom Flyer. As it is Oct ober we have had som e great riding t he last few days as t he t em per at ure has been in t he 80’s. Today ( Oct . 11 t h ) at about 4: 00 I could see a dark cloud of dust com ing t owards Huron. The wind speed went from alm ost not hing t o 50m ph in j ust a few seconds. Everyt hing t hat wasn’t t ied down w as m oving across t he st reet s. When Nor m a & I were get t ing close t o hom e we could sm ell what seem ed t o be wood burning. I lat er found out t hat a lot of fires were burning & som e caused by com bines t hat st art ed on fire. They said t hat alm ost all t he fire engines bet ween Pierre & Huron wer e on t he m ove. The harvest of corn is now in full swing & pheasant hunt ing st art s next w eek end. Ther e will be a lot of m ovem ent on t he count ry r oads so I hope everyone will be driving carefully & give t hose farm m achines a lot of r oom . Wit hout t he far m ers we would all get pret t y hungry. Have a great fall & enj oy t he all t he great colors t he good Lord has given us t o see. Unt il next Mont h Phil Hohm FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 11 ABERDEEN CHAPTER Oct 3 Ea gle s Room A Pr e se nt : 20 current m em bers, 1 past m em ber & 1 guest Se c Re por t : Read & accept ed Tr e a s Re por t : Read & accept ed St a t e N e w s: Mark gave a short report & inform ed us St at ewide we have over 1600 m em bers & our Aberdeen Chapt er received recognit ion for m em bership gains once again t his y r. We have @ 103 current m em bers ( Way t o go people) Old Busine ss: The Ruge r Ra ffle > Travis Day won t he $50 gift - card t o Ken’s/ Dallas Olson won t he $200 Gift Card t o Ken’s/ & Todd Thurst on won his choice of t he SS R1 Ruger .45 or $500 & he chose t he $500. The gun was purchased by one of our m em bers whom was first t o ask for t he oppor t unit y at our cost plus t ax & fees. Ther e has been m ore int erest from our m em bership since, so Please cont act us via em ail or cont act your President if you wish t o purchase any ot her it em s in fut ure Raffles t hat ar e not disbur sed because t he winner chooses t he cash prize inst ead. N e w Busine ss: I n previous m t gs we chose Oct as t he Mont h t o choose bot h Bike Show & Pierpont Wheel I nn Com m it t ees. Bik e sh ow for 1st weekend in m ay 2016 so far is : Shane Blum hardt , Jenny Johnson, Brenda Am an, Todd Bist adeau, Jerem y Kallenbur ger, & Loren St out . Pie r pont W he e l I nn 3rd wknd in July 2016 so far is: Shane Blum hardt , Chuck Blum hardt , Chris Am an, Jenny Johnson, Holly Jones, & ( st ill on t he Fence) for 2016 Shane Brinkm an. President Shane recom m ended t hat t he Bike Show Com m it t ee since being chosen t his early concent rat e on select ing & booking a Band & com plet ing surveys for t he D.E.C. & CVB again. This has been done online t wice already but was again request ed via e- m ail. This m ust be done t o qualify for t he Hot el Alliance Gr ant . Pres Shane st at ed he will t ry t o go in person & obt ain a paper copy and save a PDF t his “ 3rd” t im e before subm it t ing it . Also t her e is anot her new dir ect or for t he Hot el Alliance. Spe cia l Olym pics’ Aw a r ds Ba nque t / D a n ce w as m ent ioned & “ WAS” scheduled for t he 1st Sat in Nov as usual at t he Ram ada. ( THI S HAS CHANGED) The Ram ada will no longer be oper at ional aft er Oct 30t h so t he Dance has m oved t o t he Civic Arena. Sam e Tim es. Arriv e 5 - 5: 30 t o help serve & Chaperone/ guard doors et c. & we should be done by 9pm . A free T- shirt & m eal “ May” be provided if t her e are ext r as. Volunt eer s so far ar e: Jenny, Loren, Kat hy, Shane Brinkm an, Todd, Chuck, Narciss, Dick, Jer em y, Marshal, & Michelle. “I HATE W I N T ER ” Be ne fit / Fundr a ise r D a nce was suggest ed but t abled due t o lack of int erest . A Joint Chr ist m a s Pa r t y wit h CCR MC was discussed. Consensus was t o t able t his unt il nxt m t g but all agreed cost s m ust be kept down & m ore det ails/ discussion needed. A few m em bers were under t he im pression Nom inat ions for Officers wer e t o t ake place at t he Oct . m t g & due t o t he fact nobody had a copy of t he By Laws on hand Pr es. Shane agreed t o let nom inat ions begin alt hough we will form ally accept or deny in Nov. as usual & elect if needed in Dec. wit h posit ions t o begin Jan 1. Thus far for Pr e side nt : Shane Brinkm an, Shane Blum hardt V P: Chuck Blum hardt ,Todd Bist adeau Tr e a s/ M e m be r ship Se c.: Brenda Am an Se cr e t a r y: Jodee Cox Sgt a t Ar m s: Todd Bist adeau, Loren St out , Shane Blum hardt , Jenny Johnson Cha pt e r Re p: Mark Schuet t , Jer em y Kallenburger ( Not e) t his is a 2 yr t erm & as long as Mark accept s is not eligible for Nom inat ions. Cindy & Red declined Nom inat ions. All Nom inees m ust be “ I n Good St anding for t he pr evious 6 m ont hs” Copies of t he By- laws will be available at t he Nov. m t g. I M PAC Split Pot : Was won by Chuck for $20. He donat ed back t o Pierpont Wheel I nn 2016 I M PAC running t ot al t o be donat ed during Legislat ive Days 2016 = $394 Pie r pont W he e l I nn 2 0 1 6 = $52 Be ginne r Ride r Cour se Gr a dua t e / Scholarships/ Free ABATE M e m be r ship w as dr awn for by num bers & select ed from a num bered list . Tr eas Cindy t o disburse $50 t o each # / nam e & send in a 1 y r m em bership for each of t he 10 plp select ed. Adj our n : 8: 45 NOTE> > > N e x t M e e t in g 2 nd Sat in Novem ber Eagles Club Room A if Available Pr e z N ot e s: Oh m y where t o begin; 1st unless I win t he Lot t ery & m y healt h, along wit h Job circum st ances, Fam ily life & a few ot her t hings change I will probably decline any Office for 2016. That said, I will t ry t o at t end m ost funct ions & m t gs & t ry v ery hard t o keep m y m out h shut when I don’t agr ee wit h som et hing… ( Yeah I don’t ev en believe it as I ’m writ ing it ) . Reasons for t his : 1) Rum or is I ’m m oving t o t he Hills apparent ly m uch earlier t han even I ant icipat ed. To elaborat e on t hat , m any t hings need t o fall in place so at best t hat ’s a coin t oss & if I do, it wont happen unt il next May at t he earliest . 2) My cur rent Job is t aking 60- 70 hrs a week of m y t im e on aver age t his yr. so t hat ’s 1 reason for m y probable decision. 3) My healt h isn’t get t ing any bet t er but is st able, ( unlike anot her one of our m em bers who was diagnosed wit h a very sim ilar condit ion short ly aft er m e, R.I .P. Kari Breske, Funeral Ar rangem ent t im es et c. are post ed on our FB pages & I will put at t he end of m y “ Not es“ here) . I realize t his will be published t oo lat e for F.F. reader s but t his also goes out in our elect ronic Newslet t er im m ediat ely aft er writ ing. 4) For t he 1st t im e I can r em em ber we have plp Nom inat ed for ev ery posit ion wit hout begging or Bribery! 5) I have neglect ed m y house & propert y even m or e t han nor m al for t he past few yrs & can no longer keep m y I ns. Co & Mort gage Co happy so I eit her need t o spend m any Thousands of dollars on upgrades or pay off m y m ort gage. Which would be feasible except for t he Medical bills & newfound child Support . So ….. Even m ore work hrs needed, or a v ery good Lot t ery t icket . I ’m not going aw ay for t hose of you sm iling, j ust not com m it t ing m yself t o anyt hing t hat will surely cost m e lost incom e. Any quest ions or inform at ion needed please j ust ask. I will t ry t o do t hings t im ely & help t he new Officer s all I can. We’ve increased our m em bership 10 fold since I ret urned t o ABATE so even t hough I ’ve surely m ade som e enem ies our Chapt er is doing m uch bet t er t han m ost . Please help t his t rend t o cont inue. My goal has always been at least 150 m em bers & a yrs budget in our Treasury at all t im es. I f you w ant t o know t hat # call m e. I ’ll say we only have 1/ 10t h of what I would consider a com fort able figure. Oh yes, it s Harvest t im e now so, if your from N.D. & ride an I ron- head…. Feel free t o ride t he cornfields now you silly Rabbit . That m ay be a t ypo, how do you spell Randy? ( Ka r i Br e sk e V iew ing) , will be 27pm Sunday at Spit zers funeral hom e on S. Main Aberdeen. Funeral at Good Sheppard 10: 30 am Monday , Aber deen. Burial in Hosm er 2: 30 pm . Bikes m eet at Rohlys 12: 30- 1: 00. Kari & her husband Dana ( St it ch) , ar e/ were bot h current m em bers & very act ive in t he Mot orcycling com m unit y so please help send her off wit h us. FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 12 BLACK HILLS CHAPTER Roa d Ca pt a in Big Al st at ed t hat t here are a lot of pot holes out t here. The BH ABATE ride was good. LRC Re p. Bet h report ed on som e MRF happenings. Wayne shared inform at ion also. President Darlene called t he Sept . 30t h BH ABATE m em bership m eet ing t o order. Pledge of Allegiance was led by Dean. Chapt er prayer was led by Barbie. COM M I TTEES Roll call had none absent . Sno Ball report has Thunder Road com ing back t o play for us. Darlene OFFI CER REPORTS Pr e side nt Darlene st at ed t hat t hings will check in wit h t he Oasis. Silent auct ion it em s are needed. are quiet ing down aft er t he rally now. St ill good riding weat her Dart Tournam ent possibly for Oct . being worked on by Tony t o be at out t here. Vice Pr e side nt Jim had not hing t o The Oasis. One BH ABATE poker run banner report . Se cr e t a r y Barbie asked if t here were needs t o be t urned in yet . an y co r r ect io n s t o t h e Au g u st Whit ewood Social will have Barbie m inut es. There being none, Bet h working on t he food again. m ot ioned t o accept and Annet t e OLD BUSI N ESS seconded. Mot ion passed. Tr e a su r e r Susan gave t he dollar Lost Mem ber Mem or ial Ride w ill report s. Barbie m ot ioned t o accept be Aug. 20, 2016. Meet I n The Middle will by July 17t h. and Bet h seconded. Mot ion passed. Sgt . a t Ar m s Mac st at ed t hat t he Hist ory report had not hing. Product s has t he 85 M.P.H. hat s for 75t h Rally seem ed m ellow. M e m b e r sh i p Se c. Su san g av e t he wom en. n u m b er s o f 1 2 4 m em b er s, 3 0 The JP Cycle affiliat e- ship is t o be a f f i l i a t e s a n d 3 2 8 1 Fa c e b o o k done at cooperat e level. Susan will friends. She had t o form a new t ry t o work it out . Facebook account and now we will not have t he t ot al num ber of friends. We N EW BUSI N ESS Heart land St eam is in Sioux Falls, are an organizat ion S.D. April 1- 2 of 2016. Volunt eers are st at us now. St a t e Re p. Jack has a r eport in t he needed. Susan t o be in charge of t he silent auct ion. newslet t er. EAST CENTRAL CHPTR Oct ober 10, 2015 at Teezers in Madison St at e Report Dropped t he helm et law for now. Sobriet y checkpoint s have t o pull everyone over and not j ust focus on m ot orcycles S.D. got t wo awards at Meet ing of t he Minds. One for passing t he handle bar bill and one for m em bership growt h. Good j ob S.D. AFFI LI ATES OF TH E M ON TH are Out door Mot orsport s, Big Mam as, I n d i a n Mo t o r c y c l e s , a n d Ea s y Rider. Thank you for support ing BH ABATE. M EM BERS OF TH E M ON TH are Rick and Barb Foot e for work ing t he BH ABATE st op on t he BHAB Ult im at e Canyon Run. Diane was nom inat ed also. Thank you for st epping up and volunt eering. Coins for I MPAC raised $14.89. 50/ 50 of $20.00 was won by Jim . He donat ed $15.00 back t o Joe's Fund. Thank you Jim . AN N OUN CEM EN TS Big Al's birt hday part y is at JP Cycles. Mac st at ed he is get t ing older every day! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! : o( A w i n t e r i zi n g w o r k s h o p w a s announced. Rushm ore ABATE Halloween Part y is Oct . 24t h. There being no furt her business or d i scu ssio n s, D ian e m o t io n ed t o adj ourn wit h all in favor. Be safe and GOD bless! ! Subm it t ed by Barbie : o) Anyone can at t end t his ev ent . I t is in will be t he new officers. S i o u x Fa l l s w a t c h f o r m o r e inform at ion lat er. We are t hinking about redoing t he bylaws aft er April. Heart land St eam would like basket donat ions t o use on t he t ables and Heat hers nam e t o go on t he Bench t hey will be given away. Fund account and Scot t s nam e will go on t he checking account so t hat we We are looking at doing m eet ings have m ore t han one officer on t he every ot her m ont h and m ove t hem t o bank account s. Su n d a y a f t er n o o n s i n st e ad o f Sat urday aft ernoons. We will hold t he La k e A B A TE c h i l i c o o k - o f f i s m eet ings in Madison at t he VFW at 2 Novem ber 7 t h at 6: 00 pm at Teezers pm one Sunday of t he m ont h. in Madison. Jiggs would like everyone t o send him t heir em ail addresses if t hey would like t o receive inform at ion via em ail of th ev ent s t hat ar e happening. His The cur r ent nom inat ions ar e as Next m eet ing will be Decem ber 13 cont act inform at ion is in t he freedom follows: President - Scot t Zeeck, Vice at 2: 00 pm at t he VFW in Madison President - Jim Hof, Treasurer- Kat hy flyer. England, St at e Represent at ive- Dale Heat her Heart land St eam is com ing up son. England, and Secret ary/ Mem bership There is going t o be a sem inar about Secret ary- Heat her Zeeck. There is no how t o keep chapt ers going and how reason t o do elect ions because t here t o get m em bers and be m ore act ive. is only one person per spot so t hese FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 13 LAKE CHAPTER N EWS Sara Hare and 3rd place t o Doug Spielm an. Mem ber s who r eceived Minut es of LAKE ABATE: door prizes fr om businesses need t o give a t hank you t o t hem . Big The regular m eet ing of LAKE t hanks t o Jim M. and Dan N. for ABATE was called t o order by set t ing up t he run. Ev er yone enj oy ed t his rout e. Thanks t o President , Aar on Verhey . ev ery one t hat was able t o m ake Silent roll call: 11 m em ber s were t he run. I t was a gr eat t urn out ! present . 2. Raffle t icket s- We st ill have The Secr et ary’s r eport - Was r ead approxim at ely 150 left t o sell. Get by Rod H. wit h a m ot ion by Dave a hold of Aar on t o obt ain t icket s. H. t o appr ov e and second by Please t urn in t icket s and m oney Terry O. The m ot ion car ried. no lat er t han Nov 7. Oct ober 3, 2015 at TeeZer s: Tr easur er’s r eport – Ther e was no 3. Silent auct ion for t he lim it ed edit ion St urgis 75t h Budweiser Tr easur er’s r eport . m ot orcy cle neon sign is st ill going St at e Rep r eport – There was no on unt il Novem ber 7t h. St op down t o Teezer s t o view and place your St at e Rep r eport . bid. OLD BUSI N ESS: 1.911 poker run – $670 was N EW BUSI N ESS: raised fr om t he run. 2/ 3 went t o 1.Lak e ABATE w elcom es new Madison Fire Depart m ent and 1/ 3 m em ber Jak e Gosm ire. t o our chapt er . A check for $445 was pr esent ed t o t he Fire Dept . 2. Chili Cook- off is following our 5PM m eet ing on Nov 7 at Drawing winners were: 1st place TeeZers. Please hav e y our chili at went t o Bet t y Wise, 2nd place t o TeeZers by 6PM. Ev er y- one is welcom e and please help spread t he w ord. Jak e G. suggest ed w e change cook- off cat egories t o 1st , 2nd and Most Unique. Deb R. m ade a m ot ion w e m ake t his change of new cat egories, Sara H. second t he m ot ion and t he m ot ion car ried. Cost will be $5.00 per bowl and no ent ry fee. Jeff G. will provide all prizes for t he cook- off. 1st will be a really nice bar st and wit h chairs, 2nd a $20 gift cert ificat e and Most Unique a $25 gift cert ificat e. Thanks very m uch Jeff, we appreciat e your gr eat support t o t he chapt er! Sara H. m ade a m ot ion t o adj ourn and Anit a P. did second t he m ot ion. The m ot ion car r ied. Shane M. won t he 50/ 50 drawing of $43.00 and donat ed it back t o t he chapt er. Thanks Shane! Our next m eet ing is Sat urday Nov em ber 7, 2015 at TeeZers 5 PM. LEWIS & CLARK N EWS Meet in g called t o or d er President Lynn Conrad. by Lar ry. 7 m em ber s pr esent . Tr easur ers r eport was r ead by Robin accept ed as r ead. St at e Rep r eport was read by Kevin accept ed as r ead. We will have nom inat ions again n ex t m on t h v ot i n g on t h e Tent at ive dat es for our Pok ers p o si t i o n s a t t h e D e cem b e r th runs for 2016 ar e May 14 and m eet ing. Sept em ber 10. Rem inder we will have our annual Our next t wo m eet ings will be Christ m as m eet ing on January 2 nd Nov em ber 7 t h & Decem ber 5 t h at 2016. Kozy’s at 1: 00 pm . Subm it t ed by Kevin Frangenberg Nom inat ions for offices wer e held: Lewis & Clark St at e Rep. Lynn Conrad – Pr esident Lynn want ed t o t hank Michelle from W Dees & t he r est of t he Hay Day s Com m it t ee for t heir John Gunder son – Vice President kind donat ion. Kevin Frangenberg – St at e Rep Lar ry Lange had t he winning hand on our Fall Poker run, and Larr y Robin Sparks – Tr easur er has j oin ed our ch ap t er . Secret ary - None Con g r at u lat ion s an d w elcom e FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 14 N ORTHEAST CHAPTER The Oct ober 13 t h m eet ing was called t o order at 7 pm wit h six m em bers pr esent at The Wheel I nn in Wat ert own. Due t o t he r est au r ant closing ear ly , t h e m eet ing was kept r elat ively short . Of f i ce r r e p o r t s b e g a n w i t h President Rick Brownell giving his report , followed by Curt Wat kins wit h our St at e Rep report . Paul Ma r q u a r d t co n cl u d ed o f f i ce r report s wit h t he chapt er financial report and cur r ent m em bership. We t hen m ov ed on t o old business. chapt er t - shirt s. I f y ou ordered a shirt , please m ak e sure t o give your m oney t o Rick as soon as possible. We need t o get t he order in as soon as possible. Nort heast ABATE Chapt er pat ches and Sout h Dakot a ABATE pat ches are t ypically available year round. I f you w ould like t o pur chase one or bot h, t he cost for t he pat ches is as follows: St at e ABATE Pat ch: $ 6 Nort heast ABATE Chapt er Pat ch: $5 Old Bu sin e ss by ca l l i n g (605)882-1894. Being as our m eet ing place had t o close early, w e t hen decided t o adj ourn. A m ot ion was t hen m ade t o close t he m eet ing, t he m ot ion was unanim ously m ov ed and t he Oct ober m eet ing was adj ourned. Ou r n e x t m e e t in g w ill be Tu e sd a y, N ov e m be r 1 0 t h a t t h e W h e e l I n n in W a t e r t ow n a t 7 :0 0 pm . Hav e an idea you w ould like t o discuss? Com e t o t he m eet ing and your voice will be heard. I look forw ard t o seeing you t here! Phil King I f you would like t o purchase a Nort heast ABATE The Oct ober m eet ing brought an pat ch, st op by t he m ont hly end t o t he order period for chapt er m eet ing or cont act Rick Ch a pt e r t - sh ir t s: N ORTHSTAR CHPTR N EWS On Sat u r day , Oct ober 3 , a m eet ing was held at t he Pheasant bar an d 1 0 m em ber s w er e present . We discussed a new ABATE sign t o be m ade. We hav e a design but are get t ing price quot es for next m eet ing. Ch r i st m a s party is the first Sat urday in Decem ber which w o u l d b e D e ce m b e r 5 a t 7: 30 pot luck at t he Pheasant Bar. We w ould like to t hank Gr ossenberg I m plem ent for t he use of t heir gat or, Doug & Connie Frant z for t he use of t heir Polaris, Running's for donat ing wat er , and St orm y for let t ing us use his co o l er s. Th a n k y o u t o al l volunt eers at t he Labor Day parade in Winner. We order ed hoodies. caps and zip- up Nort h St ar ABATE m eet ings will be held t he first Sat urday of every m ont h at t he Pheasant Bar t he n ex t m e et i n g i s sch e d u l ed for Nov em ber 7 at 7: 30. Unt il we m eet again... Sandy Hall FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 15 O AHE CHAPTER N EWS Oct ober 10, 2015 – Bill Poppenga’s Garage Pr e side n t Brad Bruns called t he m eet ing t o order at 6: 42 pm wit h 14 m em bers present . Tr e a su r e r Bill Poppenga gave t he Treasurer's Report which included account balances and a det ailed list of Fun Run m oney t aken in vs. m oney spent . St a t e Re p Lori But ler was absent but Brandon report ed t hat t he t ext alert s account is up and running so be sur e t o sign up . To j oin t ex t @sdababat e t o 81010. You’ll receive a m essage back t o t ext your nam e back so it is known who you ar e. I MPAC is working on t he upcom ing Legislat ive Days. Mem bership is looking good but we st ill need t o keep a focus on renewals. We had a r undown of t he com m it t ees for 2016 STEAM. We select ed a design for t - shirt s and post ers. Sioux River has offered t o pay for t he pins. Those Guys will handle t he hospit alit y room . St ill looking for any sponsors, big and sm all, for t his event and looking for any it em s for t he silent and live auct ions. There was som e discussion of a t h r ee- y ear m em ber ship opt ion. This would require a by- laws change so we will discuss m ore at upcom ing m eet ings. Roa d Ca pt a in Dawn Tr app was absent . Se cr e t a r y Marcia Kaup asked if any changes were not ed regarding t he Sept em ber Minut es. Not hing was br ought for w ar d for changes so m inut es st and as writ t en. M e m be r ship Se cr e t a r y Jolene Juneau report ed we t here are 76 m em bers wit h t he new m em bers of Alvin Tekrony , Clark Johnson, Doug Maddox, Jeff Dugst ad, Kevin Kusler, Bea St erling, Roger Tem plet on and Tom Whipple. Welcom e t o all and glad t o have you all as m em bers! gram m at ical/ spelling error correct ions be m ade. Brandon seconded t he m ot ion and t he m ot ion carried. The By - La w s w i l l b e ad d ed t o oaheabat in t he near fut ure. Marcia report ed t hat t he pat ches have not been ordered but will be soon. Brad report ed t here are no new quot es available for get t ing decals put o n t h e Be e r & W a r w a g o n s . Discussion t abled t he discussion unt il t he Novem ber m eet ing so he can get som e m ore quot es. Marcia report ed t hat an em ail was sent t o check on whet her t here will be nam es available t o purchase t oys for t his Christ m as and a read receipt had been received but have not heard back from t he person. Dana Svendsen will get Marcia som e inform at ion regarding what his office does along t he sam e lines. Discussion was held on w hat t he m oney raised could be used for if t oy donat ions aren’t needed but no decisions m ade at t his t im e. The Christ m as at t he Capit ol t ree for m w as sub m it t ed b ut no det erm inat ion as been m ade as of yet of who will be put t ing t rees in t he Capit ol. Marcia will let everyone know as soon as she knows. N e w Busine ss: $200 Runnings Gift Car d. Brandon seconded t he m ot ion and all vot ed in favor. Brandon m ot ioned t hat 3 rd prize be a $100 Gift Card. Marcia seconded t he m ot ion and t he m ot ion carried. Brandon m ade a m ot ion t hat t he Christ m as Part y/ Fundraiser be held Decem ber 4 t h at East side Pub & Casino beginning at 7: 00pm . Marcia seconded and t he m ot ion carried. Brandon & Marcia will co- chair t he Christ m as Part y com m it t ee. I f anyone want s t o help let eit her of t hem know. The Beer wagon needs som e work. Brandon will ask a few places about it and bring info back t o a m eet ing of t he fut ure. Nom inat ions were t aken for next year officers. President – Brand & Bo n n ie w er e n o m i n at ed ; Vice President – Joe and Br andon were nom inat ed; Secret ary – Marcia was nom inat ed; Mem bership Secret ary – Jolene and Tina were nom inat ed; Road Capt ain – Dawn & Weiner were nom inat ed; Sergeant at Arm s – Kip & Winst on were nom inat ed. President Brad Br uns closed nom inat ions for t his m eet ing. Nom inat ions will be accept ed at t he next m eet ing so bring nam es t o add. Officers will t ake t heir new posit ions in Janu ar y 2 1 06 . Marcia m ade a m ot ion t o order 100 Oahe ABATE pat ches. Koz seconded t he m ot ion and t he m ot ion carried. Marcia will order t he pat ches along wit h t he ot hers. The next m eet ing will be held on Novem ber 14 at Bill’s Garage ( 202 S Madison Ave; Pierre, SD) beginning at 6: 30pm . Wit h no furt her business t o discuss Marcia m ot ioned for t he m eet ing t o adj ourn and Jolene 2 nd t he m ot ion. Mot ion car r ied and t he m eet ing a d j o u r n ed a t 8 : 1 6 p m . Jolene won t he 50/ 50 drawing and David Schm idt ’s’ nam e was drawn for SOL and WAS in at t endance so won t he pot ! Marcia report ed t hat t he Dom ain nam e ( oaheabat ) and host ing ( I Page) will need t o be renewed in Decem ber . Br andon m ot ioned for Marcia t o renew t he dom ain nam e and host ing. Bonnie seconded t he m ot ion. All vot ed in favor and t he m ot ion carried. The I MPAC donat ion for t his year was brought up but t abled unt il m ore inform at ion is received regarding any legislat ion t hat will be int roduced during t he 2016 Legislat ive Session. There should be m ore inform at ion available for t he Novem ber m eet ing. Raffle Prizes for t he Christ m as Marcia Kaup Part y/ Fundraiser was brought up for ABATE Oahe Chapt er Secr et ary Old Busine ss: discussion. Bonnie m ot ioned t hat t he 1 st prize be $300 in Bank West The By- Laws were read for t he Christ m as Dollars. Brandon seconded second t im e. Bonnie m ot ioned t o t he m ot ion and t he m ot ion carried. accept t he By- Laws as read wit h Bonnie m ot ioned t hat 2 nd prize be a Page 16 RUSHMORE CHAPTER N EWS The Oct . 6t h RU ABATE general m em bership m eet ing was called t o order by Vice Pres. Hilary. Pledge of Allegiance was opened by Barbie. Chaplain Sunshine led m em bership in prayer. Roll Call was t aken wit h Craig, Karline, Mike & Janet all excused. Kim was absent . Minut es t o t he Sept . m eet ing had no addit ions or cor r ect ions. Phil m ot ioned t o accept & Bill seconded. Mot ion passed. Bi l l s- Ji g g s h a s o n e f o r t h e m icr ophone u sed at t he Safet y Sem inar. I t will be checked on t o see if t he t reasurer had already paid it . OFFI CER REPORTS Pr e s. Craig is absent . Vice Pr e s. Hilary st at ed t hat t here h av e b een som e g ood r ides scheduled. Thanked Jim Landers for m anning t he RU ABATE Ult im at e Canyon Run st op. Rum ored t hat Ch e r y l Re g a & f r i e n d a l s o helped. Don't forget t he Halloween Part y on Oct . 24t h. Se c. had m ail for t r easur er & newslet t ers t o share. LRC Re p. Ginny had inform at ion on t he Highway Bill. Jiggs also shared m ore inform at ion on t his issue. Tr e a su r e r Kim is absent . M e m b e r sh i p Se c. Kar line is absent . Barbie shared t hat t here are 359 m em bers, 43 affiliat es & Shoulda Coulda is $60.00. St a t e Re p. Sunshine t hanked Rohde for t he Hear t land St eam t - shir t designs he m ade for St at e ABATE t o v ot e on . Boar d v ot ed o n o n e design. Board vot ed t o hire Dianna Miller for our lobbyist . I t is not confirm ed if she will accept yet . Legislat ive Days in Pierre is com ing up in Jan. Please plan on at t ending. Heart land St eam will be in Sioux Falls in April. Volunt eers are needed t o help put t his on. Sgt . a t Ar m s Mike is absent . STAN D I N G COM M I TTEE REPORTS PR Janet is absent . Roa d Ca pt a in Nat e is looking for ideas for get t oget hers when we can't ride. Oct . get t oget her will be t he Halloween Part y. He t hanked all t hat went on t he supper rides. N e w sle t t e r Edit or Ginny said t he newslet t er is on t he w eb. Hard copies should be out in a few FREEDOM FLYER days. Much Discussion on deadlines f o r o f f i cer r ep o r t s & af f i l i at e inform at ion or post ers. This m akes t he newslet t er lat e at get t ing out . Wayne suggest ed using newslet t er space for an affiliat e ship corner. Mem bers liked his idea. Bill brought up using a half page for affiliat es. I f Ginny is looking for it em s t o use up space, giving affiliat es of t he m ont h a half page. Edit or said t his m ay be possible if t he space is available. Jiggs suggest ed sending out a survey t o t he affiliat es on how t he space can b e u s e d . M u c h m o r e discussion. Not hing finalized. Pr o d u ct s M a n a g e r Hilar y had not hing t o report . M RF Re p. Jiggs at t ended Meet ing of t he Minds in Milwaukee. S.D. received t o awards. St at e Legislat ive award for get t ing our handle bar bill passed and 2015 Mem ber ship Grow t h aw ar d, which he present ed t o Sunshine & Auggie for t heir work on t he MRF scholarship program t hey sponsor. He at t ended several sessions. Toured t he Harley Davidson m useum , which was great . Roa d H a z a r d St e w a rd Barbie st at ed t hat not hing had been called in since our last m eet ing. Which m eans, riders m ust be observing t heir condit ions when riding. AD H OC COM M I TTEES Hallow een Par t y infor m at ion w as shared by Bill. Mangy Moose is furnishing t he band. Mot el room s are available wit h a discount . Bike Raffle report was pr esent ed by Mary . She has t icket s t o check out . Bike is on Facebook. Thanked Mike & John B. for selling t icket s at BH Harley. BHAB report by Barbie had dat es of Dec. 7t h for shopping and Dec. 8t h for wrapping. RU ABATE has changed its m eet ing dat e t o D ec. 1 0 t h . so m em b er s can part icipat e. I t was asked if BHAB will change t hese dat es. No. BHAB has had t his week in Dec. set aside for shopping and wrapping for at least t he last 15 years. RU has t he conflict beings t hey changed t heir m eet ing dat e t o a Tues. OLD BUSI N ESS Nom inat ions were opened at t his t im e. Vice Pres. had no accept ed nom inat ions at t his t im e. Treasurer had no accept ed nom inat ions at t his t im e. Sgt . at Arm s— Jiggs m ot ioned C h e r y l Re g a . B a r b i e seconded. Cheryl did accept . S t a t e Re p . h a d n o a c c e p t e d nom inat ions. Jiggs m ot ioned t o close nom inat ions at t his t im e. Bob Walker seconded. Mot ion assed. Nom inat ions will be t aken at Nov. m eet ing also. N EW BUSI N ESS Sandy McCauley gave a present at ion on a Bi k er - To y Ball . Mu ch discussion. Wayne suggest ed t hat it be m ade a Toy Ball t o accom m odat e what would be donat ed. Mem bers liked t he idea. Dan Sorrel m ot ioned t o go ahead wit h t he plan for April. Phil seconded. Vot e - 13 yes and 7 no. Mot ion passed. M EM BERS OF TH E M ON TH are Ch e r y l Re g a & Sa n d y McCauley. Thank you for all your work wit h RU ABATE. AFFI LI ATE OF TH E M ON TH is Slash J. Thank you for support ing RU ABATE. Kim Logsdon will be present ed wit h a plaque & a card t hanking her for her work as RU ABATE t r easurer for m any years. Coins for I MPAC raised $1.50. Shoulda Coulda of $60.00 was not w on b y Dav id Z ieb ar t h , Tr av is Thom pson, or Pam Phillips. None were present . Nov. will be $80.00. 50/ 50 of $37.00 was w on by Phil M. Congrat s. Chance for a Chance on t he bike t icket winner was Jiggs. AN N OUN CEM EN TS Legislat ive Days is Jan. 15- 16. Heart land St eam in Sioux Falls is April 1- 2. Gin H. has gun raffle t icket s for sale for The Eagles. Rohde sh ar ed t hat t h e End of Sum m er Run raised $672.00 for t he Pat O. Fund. Thank you Rohde. Thanks t o Paula B. for t he ham & Rohde for t he scalloped pot at oes for t he m ain course. Thank s t o ot hers for br inging it em s also. Susan's brownies! ! ! There being no furt her discussions or business, Ji g g s m otioned t o adj ourn. All in favor. St ill som e good riding weat her, so be safe. God's blessings t o all. Subm it t ed by Barbie : o) Page 17 SIOUX FALLS CHAPTER N EWS N e x t m e e t in g( s) : N ove m be r 7 , 2 0 1 5 , 6 PM D e ce m be r 5 , 2 0 1 5 , 6 PM Loca t ion: ABATE office , 4 0 8 S. 2 nd Ave . Hello Sioux Falls m em ber s; Many of you m issed a gr eat chapt er fam ily picnic and cam p out . The w eat her w as w onderful. I t w as one of m y m ost enj oyable cam p out s of t he sum m er. Crazy Dave proved t hat it is possible t o t r anspor t a lem on m eringue pie on t he back of a sport st er. Thanks t o Delare & Ted for paying for t he chapt ers share of t he expenses. I w ant t o rem ind everyone of our upcom ing Chili feed and cook off com ing up on Novem ber 15, at t he Hum boldt bar. St art ing at 1 PM, w e w ill begin serving. I encourage as m any of you as possible t o ent er FREEDOM FLYER your recipe. We've begun t o hold com m it t ee m eet ings a 3 PM t he day of our Chapt er m eet ings. I t seem s t o help m ove business along m uch m ore quick ly. I t w ould help if a few m ore w ould at t end j ust t o get m ore ideas and feedback. The next one w ill be Novem ber 7, at t he chapt er office. m em ber t hat signs up 5 or m ore n ew m em b er s in a calen d ar year w ill get a free m em bership for t hem selves or som eone of t heir choice. This is for new m em bers only, not renew als. Som e of us w ill at t em pt t o w ork up a flyer t hat w ill prom ot e t he new g en er at io n o f b ik er s t o j o in Heart land STEAM w ill be held in ABATE. These flyers w ill be m eant Sioux Falls during t he fir st w eekend t o be dist r ibut ed pret t y m uch in Apr il 2016. ABATE of Sout h everyw here. Dakot a has asked t hat each chapt er creat e a cent er piece t o be set at I f you have an idea of what such a each banquet t able during t he flyer should include as cont ent , conference. I f you have any good please share it w it h us. ideas, feel free t o present t hem t o us at a m eet ing. Because Heart land We cont inue t o t hrow out ideas for STEAM lands on our usual first our plans t o have a fall EXPO. I am Sat urday of t he m ont h m eet ing a bit concerned how ever , t hat w it h dat e, w e vot ed t o m ov e t he Mark bear ing t he brunt of t he w ork m eet ing t o t he second Sat urday, for t he spring EXPO t hat t here m ay April 9. I 'm sure w hen t he t im e not be enough left t o t ake on any Mark is asking dr aw s n ear , w e w ill issu e a ext ra w ork load. t hat som eone st ep up t o t ake som e rem inder. of t he dut ies of m anaging t hese I w as asked t o rem ind all our event s. m em bers t hat w e st ill have an ongoing m em bership drive. Any See you at t he m eet ings, folks; Page 18 FREEDOM FLYER SIOUX RIVER CHAPTER N EWS St at e Report : Current ly sit t ing at 1,630 m em bers. Mem berships need t o be t urned in by t he 15 t h of every m ont h. Transport at ion Senat e. Bill is st ill in t he St at e ABATE will do a st udy on cost ef f ect i v en ess o n a o n e y ea r m em ber sh ip v s. a t hr ee y ear m em bership. ABATE chapt ers do not have a uniform price for all chapt ers at t his t im e. I t will t ake a Bi- Law change t o im plem ent a t hree year m em bership. Hoping t o get a land grant and work som et hing out wit h t he st at e of SD t o have a m em orial by t he int erst at e at Oacom a. Diana’s cont ract is up her wage will will pay for t hem . increase next year. Last ly nom inat ions of officers were opened by Mike wit h Cindy Old Busin e ss: A t railer for t he seconding t he m ot ion. pancake it em s has been purchased President : Brad Skyberg, from Dressen Trailers in Dell Rapids. Vice President : Bobby Carlson I t has a 7 ft . ceiling and single axle Treasurer: Mike Hubbard alum inum rim s, license plat es need Secret ary: Cindy St ainbrook t o be purchased by t he end of St at e Represent at ive: Jason Kidd & Oct ober. E- t rack is ready t o be Bill Wellnit z inst alled and need som e binders. Sergent at Arm s: Tom Dahm en & Vinnie had cust om covers m ade for Janelle Wellnit z t he grills. BOD: Jason Kidd, Cal St ainbrook, Bill N e w Bu sin e ss: Dit ch clean- up was Wellnit z, Brad Skyberg, Rod done before t he m eet ing seven Hersrud, Tom Dahm en, Bobby people showed up t o help wit h t his Carlson and got a few garbage bags full. An n ou n ce m e n t s: Nex t Meet ing 5pm Not hing new from Jackie on t he Sat ur day , Nov em ber 7 t h m eet ing Jim ’s Tap ( elect ions/ pizza) parking signs. Ca r d Gam e : Brad Skyberg ( did not Oct .23 is t he funeral hom e pancake win) feed. Serving t im e is 7- 11am . Rod 5 0 / 5 0 : Jason will get supplies ordered. “ Never t rade t he t hrills of living for Nov. 5 & 6 is t he Twin Cit y Fan t he securit y of exist ence” . pancake feed. Hea r t la n d St eam : l oo k in g f o r sponsors who will donat e m oney t o off- set t he cost of lunch & dinner. The sponsors will have t heir nam e or logo on a banner. Each chapt er t o Jiggs will get t he pins ordered for Unt il next m ont h bring a cent erpiece for t he t ables. Heart land St eam and our chapt er Cindy Page 19 FREEDOM FLYER SOUTH CEN TRAL N EWS Lars br ought t he m eet ing t o order . A m om ent of silence for ou r m ilit ar y an d f allen . 1 8 m em b er s an d 1 g u e st in at t endance. Secr et ar i es m in u t es seconded and appr ov e. r ead , p oi n t f o r m ot o r cy cl es w er e discussed. Heart land t rying t o get t hings organized for April 1 & 2 in Sioux Falls. They are st ill wor king on t he m em or ial. Maybe placed in t he r est ar ea by Cham berlain. Not hing writ t en in st one. We hav e 93 m em ber s as of st at e m eet ing. Next m eet ing in Pierr e is Novem ber 21. Tr easur ers report read, seconded Jim m ade a suggest ion on a fun and approv ed. run t o raise funds for t he Meals on Jim said Dan is im proving and Wheels. Tabled for nex t m eet ing. doing well. Leo t hanked t he chapt er for t he donat ion t o cit y of Our annual Toy/ Food drive is Delm ont . com ing up in Decem ber . I t will be public. Ev ery one is w elcom e t o at t end. Your door charge is a nonperishable food it em or a new or gent ly used t oy. We have had great success in last 2 years we have done t his. Let s see if we can m ake it bigger and bet t er . Fi r e Dept is having ribs Friday night of Opening weekend at t he fir e hall. Jerald Ehrism an won 50/ 50 and donat ed back t o t he chapt er. Ou r n ex t m o n t h l y m e et i n g is Novem ber 14, 6: 30. A m ot ion t o adj ourn, secon d ed an d Michelle read t hank- you's fr om t he first Sat urday of Decem ber. approv ed. Wings of Hope and Cit y of Lars will get a hold of Roy Delm ont . St at e Reps report by t o see if he is available t o play. Thank y ou Michelle for t aking Th i s i s ou r an n u al p ot lu ck m inut es in m y absence. Roger. Christ m as part y open t o t he Vert ical license plat es and check SOUTHEAST CHAPTER N EWS. ABATE is not a Dict at orship t ype of organizat ion. I t is up t o it s m em bers t o show support and init iat ive. I f y ou w ould like t o hold an event com e t o a m eet ing wit h a m or e t han an idea. I t is up t o t he m em ber t o set a dat e, a t im e for t he ev ent , how t he ev ent will be paid for. How t o advert ise t he ev ent . and how is advert ising going t o be paid for. Plus you will need t o coordinat e wit h t he businesses involved wit h t his ev ent . When is t he best t im e for t he event t o happen for t hem . Do not expect t he board t o fall all ov er t hem selves doing t his st uff because y ou had an idea. Holding a successful event t ak es planning and foot work. Aft er pr eparing your ev ent bring it t o t he board. t hey will t hen be willing t o help and part icipat e. Here are t he dat es and t im es for Sout heast ABATE next m eet ings Nov em ber 14t h Bud's Bar and Grill Jeffer son S.D. 11: 00 AM Decem ber12t h Glass Palace Casino Nort h Sioux Cit y 11: 00AM January 9t h Zort s Prim e Tim e Nort h Sioux Cit y 11: 00AM Februar y 13t h Paces Elk Point 11: 00 AM March 12 Howler s Bar and Grill Verm illion 11: 00AM Eppo PAGE 20 THOSE GUYS CHAPTER N EWS N e x t m e e t in g is N ove m be r 1 st a t 2 pm a t t h e SF Am e r ica n Le gion * Fu t u r e m e e t in gs list e d a t t h e e n d of t h e m in u t e s Meet ing called t o order at 2pm wit h 49 m em bers present . Last m ont h's m eet ing m inut es were reviewed. Correct ion for SOL – last m ont h was $30, t his m ont h is $40. Minut es & am endm ent were approved. Tr e a su r y r e por t : Treasury report was read, no addit ions or correct ions St a t e Re p Re por t : St at e m em bership is 1,630 wit h Those Guys having 264 m em bers. St at e Pr om ot ions is t alking about changing t he sign up/ r enewal slips t o include a choice of receiving t he m ass t ext s t hat Jiggs sends out . Prom ot ions also m ent ioned t hey are receiving som e em ails t hat are hard t o underst and. I f you send t he St at e an em ail, please be sure t o be clear about t he reason for t he em ail. St at e Product s has approved a cont ract for t he m aking of t he 85 m ph hat s. They will be sold for $28. There is a band around it which will have ABATE st it ched on it . Or you can get a blank band for $2. St at e Awareness & Training report s t his has been a bad year for Sout h Dakot a m ot orcycle fat alit ies. There have been 30 fat alit ies so far t his year com pared t o 14 last year. There is discussion on changing t he Fr e ed o m Fl y e r m e m o r i a l f r o m a perm anent m em orial in Whit ewood t o m ak in g a por t ab le m em or ial. Th e reason for t he change is t he only t im e Whit ewood park is used is during t he rally & t hey feel t here wouldn't be m any visit ors during t he rest of t he year. The port able m em orial could m aybe sit at a rest area in t he m iddle of t he st at e, so it could be seen by m ore people. Heart land St eam is at t he Sioux Falls Ram kot a 4/ 1/ 2016- 4/ 2/ 2016. They are looking for sponsors for lunch and dinner & it em s for t he silent auct ion. Dennis will bring copies of a let t er of explanat ion t o present t o businesses for possible auct ion it em donat ions. Sioux River chapt er vot ed t o spend $500 & will order Heart land St eam pins t o be sold. Those Guy s is in char ge of t he hospit alit y room . A com m it t ee needs t o be form ed. The St at e donat ed $5,000 t o MRF. The cont ract wit h our lobby ist Diana is up. We are in negot iat ions for a new FREEDOM FLYER cont ract wit h her. VP Re por t : Heart land St eam – Our ch ap t er n eed s t o cr eat e a t ab le cent erpiece. Carol Sherm an volunt eered t o creat e a cent erpiece. Thanks for v olunt eer ing Carol! A com m it t ee is needed for t he Hospit alit y Room t o coordinat e food, salads, drinks, et c... Ot her chapt ers can help wit h food. May be able t o ask t he por k & beef producers t o donat e m eat . Charlie will chair t he com m it t ee. Donna, Dennis, Julie, Jody & Crazy Dave will help. The 9/ 26 poker run had 84 riders. Aft er t he run, t he end of t he Ride Guide part y was held. Thanks t o Julie Pick for heading up t he Ride Guide. Also, t hanks t o Bob & Lynn & all ot hers t hat helped wit h t his event . A m ot ion was m ade t o pay Julie's chapt er m em bership next t im e t hey are due. I ggy asked for a volunt eer t o head next year's book. Nobody st epped up, so I ggy will chair for now & will get volunt eers t o help. Julie has all of t his year's inform at ion on a spreadsheet . Winners of t he poker run were: 1 st – Tim Larsen / 2 n d – Jer r y Rev ier 3 r d – Larry Gordon/ 4 t h – Capt ain Mike 5 t h – Gina Ruffcorn/ 6 t h – Dean St rable 7 t h – Rich Sm it h / 8 t h – Ju st in Ki ssn er Low hand – Tam i St rable N e w Bu sin e ss: Legislat ive Days is com ing up in January. The hot el where we have m ade reservat ions t he past several years hasn't m et expect at ions, so reservat ions have been m ade at anot her hot el. St art t hinking if you would like t o at t end. The chapt er will reim burse you up t o $100 for gas. There are no new bills t his years. I n t he past , we have donat ed t he chapt er port ion of t he 50/ 50 drawing t o t he Children's Hom e Societ y Christ m as Fund. Last year we gave $1,500. This year, so far, we have $750, t hanks t o Rick & Kay at Red Rock. Mot ion was m ad e & ap p r ov ed t o d on at e t h e Oct ober, Novem ber & Decem ber Those Gu y s 5 0 / 5 0 p o r t i on t o t h e CHS Christ m as fund. Dave & I ggy discussed t he result s from t his years poker runs & ot her event s. The chapt er has done very well t his year. Thanks t o all who help wit h t hese event s. 2016 poker runs will be set up at t he Novem ber poker run. Discussion will be had on t he dat es & t he origin. Please bring inform at ion on any runs already set up. The Legion is selling calendars for $25. Wit h t he purchase of t he calendar, you get a chance t o win a gun each week. You can win up t o 3 guns per year. M e m b e r s n e e d in g t o r e n e w : Rhonda Arney, Jason Berry, Gary Cross, St ephen Cusulos, Joe Donahou, Nikki Donahou, Cryst al Gerry, Lori Hagrefe, Bill Jensen, Mike Kerns, Jeff King, Terry Legg, Ron Mart in, Clay Meyer, Andrew Neisius, Cary Paul, Mat t hew Sanford, Mark Schult z, St eve Sim pson, Randy Thoreson, Jam es Visser, Dennis Hasche, Pam Hasche, Randy Jurgens, Jill Neisus, Shanna St rickland, Don Bit t ner, Dan Eich ack er , Pat t i Gr ov en b er g, Jer r y Joehnck, Donnie Mart in, Teri Mullin, Michael Swiden N e w m e m be r s: Tam i Aust in, Kyle Huinker, Kelly Connors, Doug Plank & Doug Arnold. Those Guys windows decals are st ill available for $5. 50/ 50 of $84 went t o Julie Pick and she donat ed $44 back t o t he chapt er CHS Christ m as fund. SOL of $40 would have gone t o Jeff King. Drawing will be for $50 next m ont h. Mot ion t o adj ourn. Mot ion seconded & approved. The Hillar d's w ill chair next year's Deadw ood Pok er Ru n . Th an k s f or st epping up! Old Bu sin e ss: The Hawg Shoot had 14 part icipant s. We will t ry again next year. Suggest ions were t o advert ise m ore, have it earlier in t he year & m aybe coordinat e it wit h a poker run. Donna will head t his up. The Ch a pt e r Ch r ist m a s Pa r t y w ill be held aft er t he Ja n u a ry 3 , 2 0 1 6 Those Guys Chapt er m eet ing, at t he Legion again. There will be Prim e Rib again. I f you don't care for Prim e Rib, t here will be anot her m eat opt ion. Meal will include pot at o, salad & dinner rolls. We will have a dessert & snack pot luck again. Tick e t s for t h e Ch r ist m a s Pa r t y w ill be pr e sold on ly, pr ice TBD . Those Guys t urns 25 years old next year. We will have t - shirt s m ade for t his. Tim will check int o shirt designs. I ggy also suggest ed we have a picnic, or possibly a public birt hday part y. We don't have any pat ches left , so we are looking for som eone t o m ake som e, at a reasonable price. There are a couple people t hat will check int o leads. 30+ people at t ended t he Ride for t he Upcom in g m e e t in g da t e s: N ove m be r Anim als poker run. This run raised 1 st , D e ce m be r 6 t h , Jan u a r y 3 r d funds t o assist shelt ers wit h t heir cost s. ( Ch r ist m a s Pa r t y) FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 21 r epor t on t he Sept em ber St at e Meet ing. Heart land STEAM 2016 will st nd Nex t Meet ing: Nov 2 n d , 2 0 1 5 be in Sioux Falls on April 1 & 2 . Locat ion: Big D’s in Huron, SD Phil will be present ing one of t he breakout sessions in t hat event . Meet ing @ 6: 30 Supper @ 6: 00 WINDRIDERS CHAPTER N EWS Mem bers at t ending t he Oct ober 5 t h m eet ing were as follows: Paul & Lisa Wolf, St eve Bobeldyke, St eve Lovet t , Gary Heat h, Daw n Meyers, Schaun & Shelley Schnat horst , Don & St acy Gurnon, Bill & Kasey Bindert , Leigh Sm it h, and Phil & Norm a Hohm . M EM BERSH I P REPORT: Windriders present ly has 59 m em bers. Mem bers t hat need t o r enew are: Dallas Alm ond, Roger Graffunder, Debbie Busch, Joseph Harm s, Sal Tschet t er, Susan Searing, Pat rick Hem en & Ma r l e n e Ri ch e y . Me m b e r s t h a t r en ew ed ar e Dar w i n & JoAn n e Pet erson. Our new m em ber is Dennis Bennet t . Welcom e t o our chapt er, Dennis! To renew your m em bership send $25 for one year or $60 for 3 years t o Windriders ABATE PO Box 289 Huron, SD 57350. Rem em ber if you m ove or change your address y our Fr eedom Flyer will not be forwarded t o you as it is m ailed 3 rd class. Let Phil know if y our address h a s b e e n ch a n g e d a t easyph@sant PRESI D EN TS REPORT: President Schaun said t hat we need t o get t he m ap m achine int o our st orage shed. Windriders will be helping in t he benefit for Team Aurora Poker Run and Auct ion. St eve m ade a m ot ion t hat Windriders gives $250 t owards t he expenses of m aking chili for t he Aurora charit y event . Gar y seconded t he m ot ion & it passed. Schaun & Shelley will be m aking 15 gallons of chili t o serve up for a free will donat ion. Ben Meyer has donat ed his services as t he auct ioneer. Windriders Shelley m ade a m ot ion t o adj ourn t he m em bers will be helping wit h bot h t he m eet ing & St eve seconded t he m ot ion silent & live auct ion. We will be and it passed. having a float in t he parade of light s. Randy Nixon has offered his shop t o set our float up. St eve will be let t ing us use his gooseneck t railer & Schaun will be using his generat or & pickup for t he float . There will be pizza available for t hose who help build t he float on t he 24 t h & 25 t h of Novem ber. Dawn m ade a m ot ion t hat we give $250 t owards t he purchase of candy for t he parade. St eve seconded t he m ot ion & it passed. Norm a will be purchasing t he candy. Gar y & Bill will be in charge of present ing t he t oys t o t h e Sal v at io n Ar m y w it h t h e Plainsm an doing an art icle on t hat proj ect . Gar y m ade a m ot ion t hat we spent $300 on for t he Angel Trees and Paul seconded t he m ot ion & it passed. We will have nom inat ions for officers at our Novem ber & Decem ber m eet ings wit h elect ion on January of 2016. VI CE- PRESI D EN T’S given. REPORT: Non TREASURER’S REPORT: Phil handed out his writ t en report . Dawn m ade a m ot ion t o accept Phil’s report & Gary seconded t he m ot ion & it passed. STATE REP REPORT: Phil gave a Minut es t aken by Shelley & t yped, edit ed & sent t o t he Freedom Flyer by Phil ( Not es from Phil) Windriders wishes t o keep t he fam ily of Bill & Kasey Bindert in our t hought s & prayers as Kasey’s fat her passed away recent ly. We had a very successful benefit for Aurora Schnat hosrt on t he 10 t h of Oct ober. A big t hank y ou t o Cory Berquest who planned t he poker run and rout e. We had 82 ent ries on t he run plus t he weat her was great as t he t em perat ure was in t he 80’s. I guess t he good Lord want ed a perfect day f or Au r or a’s d ay esp ecially considering it was t he m ont h of Oct ober. Schaun was in charge of organizing and running t he event . Anot her big t hank you t o all t he Windriders m em bers and ot hers who helped Schaun w it h t he blessed event . Last but not least a big t hank you t o Ben Meyer for doing t he auct ion. “ LET THOSE WHO RI DE DECI DE” FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 22 ZZEN CHAPTER N EWS While t he days k eep get t ing short er and t here` s fr ost on t he road in t he m orning ( m aybe snow by now) , I ` m st ill asking m yself " Where did m y sum m er go?" .I guess I st ill get caught in t hat , when I ` v e got t he t im e I don` t have t he m oney and w hen I have t he m oney I don` t have t he t im e. On t he nat ional front , t he Science Com m it t ee` s Subcom m it t ee on Re s e a r c h and Tech n ol og y approv ed t w o am endm ent s. The first halt s federal funding of m ot or cy cle- only r oadside checkpoint s and assigns a st udy t o t he Nat ional Academ y of Sciences t o det erm ine t he best m et hods of pr ev ent ing m ot orcy cle crashes. The second pr ohibit s t he Fe d e r a l Depart m ent of Transport at ion fr om lobbying at federal, st at e, and local levels. Cu r r en t l y t h e b a n i s o n l y applicable at t he st at e level. The am endm ent sponsor Rep. Randy Hult gren ( R- I ll) and t he Chairm an Em erit us, t he Honorable Jam es F. Sensenbrenner deserv e our great grat it ude for t heir t ireless work and support for our cause. This am endm ent was t o t he Highway bill. Also t hanks t o t he MRF for being our w at ch d og in D.C.. Th e m ot or cy cl i n g com m u n i t y w ould lik e t o ex pr ess t h eir condolences t o t he fam ily of Wily Freidel. Wily was one of t he founder s of ABATE of Sout h Dakot a back when w e had t o scrape t o pay for post age. He will be sor ely m issed. Wit h Heart land STEAM gearing up, I m ust m ake a cor rect ion fr om last m ont h. Gail Vanderpol will do t h e p r er egist r at ion / r egi st r at ion and Al Luse will be at t he t able. Th e 2 7 t h An n u al Hea r t l an d S.T.E.A.M.( Sem inar To Educat e And Mot ivat e) will be April1st and 2nd at t he Ram kot a in Sioux Falls, SD. Ther e will be reps fr om ND, SD, I A, MN, NE, I L, and WI . This is an excellent way t o find out first hand what is going on regionally. A St ryder pedalless bike has been donat ed but m ore donat ions are needed. I f you have it em s for pick up cont act Pat t y at 605- 296- 3354 or cell 605- 2019113. Cont act for r oom s- Best West ern Ram k o t a, 3 2 0 0 WMapl eSt . , Si ou x Falls, SD, 5 7 1 0 7 , 6 0 5 - 3 3 6 - 0 6 5 0 , w w w .Sioux Falls.BWRam k ot . Ask for t he MRF/ Heart land STEAM block of r oom s- $94.99 per night . Zzen chapt er will be responsible for one cent erpiece….I deas? Jen has t he new fb sit e up and running wit h t he new addr ess Zzen ABATE of Sout h Dak ot a Chapt er. Adm in cannot t ransfer from pr evious group so go t o t he sit e and j oin. Thanks t o t he Am er ican Legion, Lennox for host ing our last m eet ing. The m eet ing schedule for 2016 is Jan 2, Beam ers, Lennox, Feb 6,Am erican Legion, Lennox, Mar5, Bat t lecreek, Lak e Ver m illion, April no m eet ing, Heart land STEAM April 1, 2, May7, Hillbilly` s, Alcest er , June 4,Davis Bar, Davis, Ju l y , n o m eet i n g , Au g 2 0 , Hum bolt Main St Bar, Hum bolt , Sept , no m eet ing, Oct 1,Am erican Legion, Lennox, Nov 5, Jak e` s Place, Monr oe, Dec 3, Chancellor Christ m as part y , no m eet ing. Oct . m eet ing was held wit h 21 Next m eet ing Nov 7, Jake` s m em bers and 1 guest . Elect ion Place, Monr oe, SD, Sat , 1: 00pm . result s are as follows, Pres.- Vince Adr ian, Vice P r e s , - D a n Be safe and wat ch out for t he T h o m a s , V P2 Br ian I m e s , frost and black ice. T r e a s u r e r - Ju a n i t a Adr ian , Sec= Pat t y Addy, and St at e Rep- Respect fully, John ( Slack) Addy. Thanks t o all Alias who part icipat ed. FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 23 ABATE o f SD Su ppo r t er s Th e bu sin esses a n d g r o u ps o r in d iv id u a l s l ist ed su ppo r t ABATE o f SD t h r o u g h t h e Bu sin ess Su ppo r t er pr o g r a m. Pl ea se r et u r n t h eir su ppo r t w it h y o u r pa t r o n a g e. 1481 Grille, Arlington (March 2016) Prostrollo Auto Mall, Madison (April 2016) 38 Road House, Sioux Falls (September 2015) Redline Tavern, Yale (June 2016) American Legion Post 174, Lennox (January. 2016) Safari Bar & Grill, Renner (April 2016) American Legion Post 15, Sioux Falls (January 2016) Sky Lounge, Tea (January 2016) Beamers Pub, Lennox (February 2016) Sport Bowl Lounge, Sioux Falls (April 2016) Black Hills Harley Davidson, Rapid City (July 2016) Steve’s Bar & Grill, Trent (April 2016) Bottoms Up, Corson (April 2016) Taylor Repair, Gregory (September 2015) Buffalo Restaurant, Murdo (March 2016) Teal Imprinted Sportswear, Sioux Falls (March 2016) Chancellor Bar, Chancellor (January 2016) TeeZers, Madison (March 2016) Cheap Shots, Sioux Falls (April 2016) The Barcode Bar & Grill, Sioux Falls (December 2015) Clark County Riders, Brookings (May 2016) The Garage, Sioux Falls (May 2016) Cottonwood, Yankton (May 2016) The Pub House, Madison (April 2016) D’s Fastfood & Catering, Aberdeen (December 2015) Tormanen’s Bar, Badger (May 2016) Dakota Beverage, Sioux Falls (May 2016) W Dees, Gayville (July 2016) Dakota Insurance, Baltic (December 2015) Important note: If you are participating in the ABATE of South Dakota, Inc. State Poker Run, please add the new business supporters listed above to your State Poker Run booklet. If you have any questions please contact your State Rep for more information. FM Crusaders, Aberdeen (March 2016) Gregory Lanes, Gregory (April 2016) Hillbilly’s Bar, Grill & Casino, Alcester (March 2016) HuHot Mongolian Grill, Sioux Falls (September 2015) J & L Harley-Davidson, Sioux Falls/Watertown (Jan 2016) Jake’s Place, Monroe (September 2016) Jane’s Little Coalinga, Sioux Falls (May 2016) Jim’s Tap, Brookings (April 2016) Kulm Tasty Treats Cafe, Kulm, ND (June 2016) Main Street Bikes & Trikes, Granville, IA (August 2016) Main Street Humboldt Bar, Humboldt, SD (July 2016) Monarch Steakhouse & Lounge, Renner (August 2016) Old 77 Bar & Grill, Dell Rapids (December 2015) On the Rocks, Canton (January 2016) Otis Bar & Grill, Worthing (May 2016) Petersen Motors, Pierre (June 2016) Pheasant Bar, Winner (January 2016) Puzzled Bar, Parker (September 2015) PAGE 24 FREEDOM FLYER ABATE o f So u t h Da ko t a 20 15 Go o d Times Ca l en d a r N OVEM BER Applica t ion for M e m be r sh ip I wish t o j oin ABATE of Sout h Dakot a, I nc., and one of t he following chapt ers. Enclosed are m y $25 year ly dues. $5 of which is a cont r ibut ion to I MPAC and $20 t o t he gener al fund of ABATE. Canadian dues ar e $44 – ot her count r ies’ dues ar e $50 due t o t he high cost of post age. Dues ar e subj ect t o change at any t im e. Aberdeen ........................... 511N Main St , I pswich SD 57451 N ov 3 r d - Rushm or e ABATE M e e t ing Eagles, Rapid Cit y 7: 00 pm N ov 7 t h – La k e ABATE M e e t ing Teezers - Chili cook- off 5: 00 pm 6: 00 pm East Cent r al ......................... 21 Bay Rd. Madison, SD 57042 N ov 7 t h – Le w is & Cla r k ABATE M t g Kozy’s 1: 00 pm Lewis & Clar k .......................PO Box 255 Yankt on, SD 57078 N ov 7 t h - Sioux Fa lls ABATE M e e t ing Chapt er Office 6: 00 pm N ov 7 t h – Zz e n ABATE M e e t ing Jake’s Place, Monroe, SD 1: 00 pm Black Hills ............................. PO Box 761 St ur gis, SD 57785 Lake ................................... PO Box 168 Madison, SD 57042 Nor t h East .............. 1707 2nd Ave NE, Wat er t own, SD 57201 Nor t h St ar ................... 33695 SD Hwy 44 Gregory, SD 57533 Oahe ...................................... PO Box 331 Pier r e, SD 57501 Rushm ore ....................... PO Box 1223 Rapid Cit y, SD 57709 Sioux Falls ..................... PO Box 2431 Sioux Falls, SD 57101 N ov 1 0 t h - Abe r de e n ABATE ABATE Eagles Club, Room A Sioux River ....................... PO Box 191 Brookings, SD 57006 N ov 1 4 t h - Ea st Ce nt r a l ABATE Chr ist m a s Pa r t y - ( locat ion t o be det erm ined) Sout h East .......................... PO Box 42 Ver m illion, SD 57069 Sout h Cent r al ................... PO Box 23, Lake Andes, SD 57356 N ov 1 4 t h - Sout h Ea st ABATE M e e t ing Buds Bar & Gr ill, Jefferson, SD 11: 00 am N ov 1 5 t h - Sioux Fa lls ABATE - Chili Fe e d & Cook ing Cont e st 1: 00 pm N ov 2 1 st - St a t e BOD M e e t ing Am erican Legion, Pierre, SD Those Guys .......... 2605 W Kingst on Dr Sioux Falls, SD 57107 Windr iders ............................. PO Box 289 Huron, SD 57350 Zzen ...................... 26020 443r d Ave., Canist ot a, SD 57012 New Renewal Addr ess Change Nam e: ____________________________________________ Addr ess: __________________________________________ N ov 2 2 nd - Bla ck H ills ABATE M e e t ing Hack Saloon, St urgis D ECEM BER noon Side Cit y: ___________________St at e: _____ Zip Code: ________ Phone: __________________( Hm ) __________________( Cell) D e c 5 t h – La k e ABATE M e e t ing Teezers 7: 00 pm D e c 5 t h – Le w is & Cla r k ABATE M t g Kozy’s 1: 00 pm D e c 5 t h - Sioux Fa lls ABATE M e e t ing Chapt er Office 6: 00 pm Vot ing Dist r ict : ______________________________________ E- m ail Addr ess: _____________________________________ D e c 5 t h – Sout h Ce nt r a l Toy/ Food D r ive 6: 30 pm Chr ist m a s Pa r t y - open t o t he public D e c 5 t h – Zz e n Chr ist m a s Pa r t y/ Pot Luck Chancellor, SD 7: 00 pm D e c 8 t h - Rushm or e ABATE M e e t ing Eagles, Rapid Cit y D e c 1 1 t h - Sioux Fa lls ABATE - Chr ist m a s Pa r t y & Toy Ru n Gift W r a ppin g Pa r t y D e c 1 2 t h – La k e ABATE Ba k e Sa le Ace Har dw are St urgis .. # 243 2601 S Minnesot a Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57105 8: 00 am 4: 00 pm D e c 1 2 t h - Sioux Fa lls ABATE - Toy Run D e c 1 2 t h – Sout h Ea st ABATE VFW, Madison D e c 1 3 t h – Ea st Ce nt r a l ABATE M e e t ing Glass Palace Casino, Nort h Sioux Cit y 11: 00 am ( Opt ional- used for ABATE Business Only) Ple a se se n d com plet e d a pplica t ion w it h ch e ck or m on ey or de r t o t h e ch a pt e r of you r ch oice a t t h e ir a ddr e ss list ed a bov e ( M e m be r sh ip du e s or dona t ions t o ABATE of Sout h D a k ot a , I n c. or t h e individu a l ch a pt e r s list e d h e r e in a r e N OT t a x de du ct ible ) . I agree t o com ply wit h all ABATE of SD’s r ules for sanct ioned ABATE of SD event s. I underst and all benefit s becom e effect ive upon r eceipt of m y m em ber ship card. Signat ur e _______________________________________ ( I nfor m at ion on t his for m is int ended for use of ABATE of SD and is not sold or dist r ibut ed out side of t his organizat ion) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I do not wish t o j oin ABATE of Sout h Dakot a, I nc. at t his t im e, or I am already a m em ber and I would like t o donat e to t he I nfor m ed M otorcyclist Polit ical Act ion Com m it t ee ( I M PAC) . Enclosed please find a check or m oney order in t he am ount of $ _______. I underst and t his donat ion is not t ax deduct ible and will be used t o safeguard t he int er est s of m otorcyclist s in t he St at e of Sout h Dakot a. Signat ur e ( r equired) __________________________________ 2: 00 pm Nam e – Please Pr int _________________________________ FREEDOM FLYER Page 25 W e lcom e N EW M e m be r s The following is a list of new m em bers t o ABATE of Sout h Dakot a, list ed by chapt er . I f t he spelling is wrong, please not ify y our chapt er M e m be r s u p for Re n e w a l in N ove m ber The following is a list of m em bers of ABATE of Sout h Dakot a, list ed by chapt er t hat ar e r enewing t his m ont h. ABERD EEN : Ther esa Bist adeau, Mat t Forst ing, Darlene Pet erson, Ryan Reinhardt ABERD EEN : Brenda & Chris Am an, Clyde & Valerie Hodson BLACK H I LLS: None BLACK H I LLS : Edward Keefer EAST CEN TRAL: Kevin Gr oan EAST CEN TRAL: None LAKE: Jacob Gosm or e, Shane Molit or LAKE: None LEW I S & CLARK: Dan Chandler, Jim Johnson, Mike Kreber , Clarence Ram sdell, Jerem y Rice, Mark Wenzlaff LEW I S & CLARK: Ron Harris, Mike Robinson N ORTH EAST: None N ORTH STAR: None N ORTH STAR: Ray Bur ch OAH E: Winst on Agrew , Brad Bruns, Chris Hesla, Jeff Monroe, St ev en Schwellenbach, Michael Uhrig, Bret t War kent hien, Bonnie & Michael Wells, Kenny Whit e Eyes OAH E: None N ORTH EAST: Jeffery Selchert , Travas Ut he RUSH M ORE: Mark Jay, Gary Sherm an, Rena Sm all, Roger Thom pson RUSH M ORE: John Basham , Robert Br ewbak er SI OUX FALLS: None SI OUX FALLS: None SI OUX RI VER: None SI OUX RI VER: Am y Sk yberg, Janelle Wellnit z SOUTH CEN TRAL: Anna & Jerald Ehrism an, Bradlee & Darla Girt on, Lorie & William Moeller, I lla & Leo Roeder, Randy Vanzee SOUTH CEN TRAL: None SOUTH EAST: None STURGI S: Jim MacCallum STURGI S N EW : None SUPPORTERS – BUSI N ESS: None SUPPORTERS – BUSI N ESS: None TH OSE GUYS : JD Collins, Jason Mohr, Mar k Neisius, Melissa Tillm an, Tony Weelborg, Jo Wint ers TH OSE GUYS: Doug Ar nold, Tam i Aust in, Tom Birnbaum , Kelly Connor s, Kyle Huinker SOUTH EAST: Ginger Knowlt on, Cat hy Schm it t W I N D RI D ERS: Wil Kleinsasser , Brian Klock W I N D RI D ERS: Dennis Bennet t ZZEN : None ZZEN : None Page 26 FREEDOM FLYER ABATE of South Dakota Business Supporter Program subst it ut ed for t he business card ad. Below are t he prices for larger ads t o be run for one year. ABATE of Sout h Dakot a Business Support ers are t hose businesses, groups and indiv iduals w ho pledge support Prices include Business Support er dues ( please not e: w it h a $100 year ly donat ion. For your donat ion, you norm al page size is 8¼ ” by 10½ ” ) : receive dur ing t he year: 1/ 4 page - $275.00 1/ 2 page - $425.00 ♦ A plaque t o display in your est ablishm ent ( please indicat e 1 colum n or 2 colum n. 1 colum n w ill ♦ Tw elve business card size ads in t he FREEDOM cover ½ of page from t op t o bot t om , 2 colum n w ill FLYER cover t op or bot t om half of page) ♦ A $25 credit on a lar ger ad t o be use at your discret ion. Full page - $725.00 ♦ A m ont hly list ing under ABATE SUPPORTERS in t he Ads subm it t ed m ust be black and w hit e, cam era FREEDOM FLYER ready. I f no ad is prov ided, t he Edit or reserves t he ♦ A year’s subscript ion t o t he FREEDOM FLYER. right t o creat e one based on t he inform at ion received. ♦ You are furt hering ABATE’s cause t o prom ot e A.B.A.T.E. of Sout h Dakot a, I nc., t he Freedom Flyer, m ot orcycling in Sout h Dakot a. and t he indiv idual m em bers are not responsible for errors, om issions, or reprint qualit y of subm it t ed ads. I n t he event of a disput e, t he Edit or m ay replace a I f y ou a r e int e r e st e d in be com ing a n ABATE of disput ed ad and/ or ext end t he business support er Sout h D a k ot a Su ppor t e r , w r it e : dues by one ( 1) m ont h at Edit or’s discret ion. Pursuant ABATE of Sou t h Dak ot a, I n c. t o approval by t he Board of Direct ors of A.B.A.T.E. of Sout h Dakot a, I nc., t he Edit or m ay refuse or rem ove c/ o Su san Let t au any ad deem ed discrim inat ory or against t he best 1 7 2 3 Main St r eet int erest s of t his organizat ion. I n t he case of rem oval, St u r g is, SD 5 7 7 8 5 t he Board m ay aut hor ize a refund. Business Support er dues are not t ax deduct ible ex cept Please rem ove t he sect ion below and m ail it t o t he as a business expense. address list ed above w it h a check payable t o ABATE of The above- m ent ioned Business Card size ad refers t o a Sout h Dakot a. st andard business card. The Freedom Flyer reserves t he right t o m ake m inor adj ust m ent s t o t he size t o fit t he space as necessary. Larger ads m ay be BUSI N ESS SUPPORTER APPLI CATI ON Bu sin e ss N a m e : Ad dr e ss: Cit y : St a t e : Con t a ct Pe r son : New : Zip Cod e : Ph on e N u m be r : Re n e w a l: Ad size ( circle one) : Am ount enclosed: Business Card $100.00 Please m ail t o : ABATE of Sout h Dak ot a c/ o Susan Let t au 1723 Main St reet St urgis, SD 57785 1/ 4 Page 1/ 2 Page Full Page $275.00 $425.00 $725.00 Mak e check payable t o - ABATE of Sout h Dak ot a Page 27 FREEDOM FLYER CLASSIFIEDS Fr e e t o a ll ABATE of Sout h D a k ot a m em be r s. Ea ch a d w ill be pr in t ed un t il a dv e r t ise r r e qu e st s r e m ova l by con t a ct in g t h e Edit or . Th e Adv e rt ise r is r e spon sible for a ll cont e n t a nd/ or cor r e ct ion s. FOR SALE: 2004 Am erican I ron Horse Texas FOR SALE: 1986 Honda Goldw ing GL1200i, black w/ Chopper. 111 cubic inch m ot or, m any ext ras. gold pinst r ipes, 66k m iles, sheepsk in seat cover, $19,500 or Best Offer. 605- 430- 0666 highw ay pegs, st andar d w indshield & short black w i n d sh i e l d . I n cl u d e s h i t ch w h i ch is not FOR SALE: 1982 FLT Big Tw in Tour Glide- 85% m ount ed. St art but t on has been replaced w it h fairing original, Lot s or EXTRA’S, NO fram e alt er at ions, m ount ed but t on. I know t he hist ory of t he bike from Accessor ies - bike lift , t ools, doc’s, cover, m anuals, t he first ow ner, I am t he t hird ow ner of t his bike and oil, lubes, cleaning goodies, air cover & rear t ire/ fram e w ouldn't be afraid t o ride it anyw here. Asking snake lock. Excellent clean bike. $11,500. Locat ed in $1995.00. Locat ed in Tea, SD. 605- 366- 3597 Whit ew ood, SD # 605- 722- 3859 FOR SALE: 2008 Har ley Davidson Night Train, black FOR SALE: 2007 Yam aha V- St ar 1100cc, like new , denim , 5,000 m iles, new t ires & brakes, excellent black, w indshield, leat her saddle bags, dr iver floor condit ion, $13,069, # 605- 430- 0466. boards. I ’ve convert ed it t o heal- t oe shift , but could easily be sw it ched back. $6500 firm . 605- 206- 0126; FOR SALE: 2013 St reet glide, Midnight Pear l, 11,000 em ail v . m i. bolt in cam , program m able elect rics,10 and 4" sm oked w indshields, Kuri pipes & ot her great FOR SALE: Easy Riders Magazines. 162 m agazines m ods t oo num erous t o m ent ion. Book` s $21.5, over from 1973 t o 1991. Various condit ion, from st ill in t he $4,000 invest ed.$19,000. Fast & pret t y.763- 258plast ic w rapper t o not so good. Very good deal at 3061. St ock part s go w it h. $3.00 an issue. Call m e and t hen com e by and look at t hem . Only st ipulat ion. I t ’s all or none. 605- 391FOR SALE: 1994 Honda Shadow , 600 cc, low m iles, 6999. new t ires, $2500. 712- 635- 0732 FOR SALE: 1979 FLH Brow n w / gold flake, 12,000 m iles. All original w / t our pak, rear light bar, $7,500 FOR SALE: * 1993 Low rider Convert ible, 45,000 m iles, New r ings & cam , new rubber & belt OBO. Call Mike at 605- 352- 2678. * 2010 Superglide Dyna, 2,000 m iles, securit y syst em , FOR SALE: 2004 Am erican I ron Horse Texas w arrant y unt il 2017, like new Good Xm as present s! Chopper. 111 cubic inch m ot or, m any ext ras. Price negot iable! 605- 480- 0612 $19,500 or Best Offer. 605- 430- 0666 Ple a se Le t Edit or Know of Sold I t e m s FOR SALE: 2002 Dyna Tw in Cam 88 Police Defender, FXDP. No saddle bags but t he running boards, cont rols & dual disc brak es are st ill int act . Carbur et ed & fast . Needs som e cleaning. Black 2it h 16” fat Apes, w indshield, sissy bar, 38,000. Warner, SD $6,500. # 605- 228- 6283 or em ail sdshovelhead@gm . FOR SALE: 2003 883 Harley w / Scream ing Eagle upgrade. Bike has 10,000 m iles. Purple underlight s on bike w / purple spark plug lines. Purple flam es on t ank & fenders. $9,000 PERFECT shape! # 402- 3404809 - Pickst ow n, SD FOR SALE: Men’s pair of Har ley Dav idson boot s, ( St ill have t he t ags on t hem ) Zipper opening w it h st eel t oe, size 9M, $169.00 new . Will sell for $100.00. Call Del at Hm # 605- 853- 3233 or Cell# 605- 870- 0797. FOR SALE: 2008 Yam aha V- St ar 1100cc, Blue, w indshield, soft side saddle bags, luggage carr ier , oil relocat or put on June 2014, very nice looking bike! ! New Bat t ery! $4400 locat ed in Mit chell, SD Call Jason 605- 630- 2592 or Carm 605- 830- 2981 Page 28 FREEDOM FLYER Pu zzle d Ba r Pa r k e r , SD 1 1 t o Close 7 D a ys a W e e k 605-297-0401 Food Ava ila ble Page 29 FREEDOM FLYER Kulm’s Tasty Treats Café Kulm, ND 605- 370- 1341 2400 W. Madison Sioux Falls, SD FREEDOM FLYER PAGE 30 47409 258th St Renner, SD 57055 Steakhouse #605-332-4411 Lounge #605-332-2681 Sioux Falls, SD Ja k e ’s Pla ce 1 0 8 E. M a ple M onr oe , SD 5 7 0 4 7 605-999-1611 Ka r ok e e ve r y Sa t u r da y n igh t Page 31 FREEDOM FLYER Corson, SD ABATE O F SD, IN C . Fr e e dom Flyer Susan Let t au 1723 Main St reet St urgis, SD 57785 Phone: 605- 720- 0263 Cell: 605- 490- 1593 Em ail: sdfreedom flyer@gm W EBSI TE: WWW . ABATESD . COM D EDICATED T O T HE FREEDO M O F T HE RO AD ! Ple a se con t a ct you r ch a pt e r m e m be r sh ip se cr et a r y w it h a ny a ddr e ss ch an ge . You r Fr e e dom Flye r w ill n ot be for w a r de d t o you r n ew a ddr e ss. N e x t St a t e Boa r d of D ir e ct or s M e e t ing w ill be N ove m be r 2 1 st , 2 0 1 5 a t 1 :0 0 pm Am e rica n Le gion — Pie r r e , SD
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