in this issue 3 Tech Trend Online Learning Did you know that... 4-5 Smart Up The 7 Habits of Effective People Emotional Intelligence Unleashing the finest teacher in you 4 Mission Altruism STI College-Davao Caters to Deaf-Mute Students 6 Teachers Film Recap The Pursuit of Happyness Music Geek Bossa Nova 12-13 14 15 Event Scanner EVIDENCE OF EXCELLENCE: 2007 Tagisan ng Talino National Competition Winners STI College-Sta. Maria Ends its Semester with Festivity Global News Vantage Point “What do you think is the value of lifelong learning to you, personally and professionally, and to the academic community?” Bang Lawag COPYWRITER/EDITORS Bonita Perez Jenny Dy CONTRIBUTING WRITERS 8 On the Cover “STILL BLOOMING: The never-ending quest to learn” Let’s get Literary English Savvy How to Write Fastrer and Get Results 16 ASSOCIATE EDITOR Portrait Continuing Professional Education… A Key To A Greater You Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance to Punctuation MANAGING EDITOR Noelle Anne Rosales 7 Life of a COLLEGE FACULTY 10-11 Book Buzz EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Toni Abulencia Djhoanna Camero Liza May Yap Darwin Jaime, Ph.D Ma. Cecilia Ycong Froilan Legaspi Mayette Bontia Patria Garcia Marcelo Regalado Jr. Gabriel Guevarra Paolo Dimaano Michelle Guinitaran Oliver Noriega Venerando Talento Josephine Anne Daffon Emil Guevarra Jocelyn Dionisio Gezelle Gregorio Segundera Jose Arnold Sagun Ma. Teresa Vicente Jessie Gayosa Grace Joy Millendez Terranya Tiamson GRAPHICS & LAYOUT Ma. Cristina Magsino 12 Event Scanner STI College-Olongapo’s MARIO MORALES – “Simply Amazing” The Faculty Stimuli is published every semester by the Faculty Services Department, Academic Services Group, STI Headquarters, 5/F PhilFirst Building, 6764 Ayala Avenue, Makati City For comments, suggestions and/or contributions please call (02) 887-8447 local 5860 or send email at Did you TECH trend know that... ONLINE LEARNING by: Djhoanna E. Camero STI Headquarters W ho said that education is expensive? That to be able to advance your skills and knowledge will cost a fortune in your end? Gone are those days, for many courses that would allow one to sharpen (or even to simply tickle) their brains are being offered online, and what can be better than to access most of these without shedding a single cent. Yes, you’ve read it right; there are number of websites that offer trainings and tutorials FREE of charge! But what is online learning to begin with? Online learning, also termed as e-Learning, online education, web-based training, is a general term that describes learning done at a computer, usually connected to a network, giving us the opportunity to learn almost anytime, anywhere. Online learning is like any other form of education - and it is widely accepted that online learning can be as rich and as valuable as the classroom experience or even more so. With its unique features online learning or e-Learning is an experience that leads to comprehension and mastery of new skills and knowledge, just like its traditional counterpart. ( Many colleges and universities around the world offer their degree and certificate programs online. Some of these institutions also offer courses for free, with all the course materials readily available for online studying or for download (for those who prefer to study offline). These online learning courses, similar with onsite classes, also include test, quizzes and forums where students and teachers can interact. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Carnegie Mellon University, Tufts University and University of California, Berkeley, are some of the universities that provide free online courses. There are several other institutions that offer free online tutorials; Hewlett-Packard, IBM and Microsoft are to name a few. HP ( provides several instructorled short courses (usually one to two-month long) with topics varying from the most advanced computer software to effective writing skill and even topics on overcoming shyness! There are also other institutions that offer tutorials on personality development, business courses, agricultural courses, etc., depending on the market where they play, which makes online learning more exciting – due to the vastness of things we could learn! Do you want to cook your mother’s favorite dish? Awe your neighbor with that beautiful decorated home-made cake? Impress the man/woman of your dream with your prowess on speaking French? Beat your boss with the number of degrees you’ve earned? Or, even amaze your students with how well you converse with topics totally out of your league. Name it and the Internet has vast number of online learning sites that will definitely help you do the trick. Registering or enrolling in an online course is a breeze, requiring only basic computer skill, and for those who are computer novice, I tell you the experience is worth a try. Once you have gain access to one of these websites, you will be hooked and will yearn for more – just like a 1st grader who experience his 1st day in school, you’ll be looking forward for the days to come, navigating your mouse for another rewarding learning experience. You will be amazed with the many things you’ll learn online – more than what you can ever imagine! Faculty Stimuli • Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt is generally considered to be the oldest university in the world. It was said to be founded in 969 A.D. Source : • Reverend Edgar Dowse from Isleworth, West London is the oldest person to gain a PhD at 93 years old. He received his degree in 2004 from the London School of Theology. He is a father of 2 who doesn’t have a computer and just dictated his thesis. Source : • Bill Gates is no longer the world’s richest man. That honor now goes to Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim. But Slim’s incredible fortune - $59 billion and climbing - is more than a story of one man’s rise to riches. He is one of a growing number of tycoons from countries like China, India, and Russia who represent a new wave of wealth, power, and influence. Many are skilled businesspeople. But, in these fast-developing economies, being able to seize a political opportunity may count for a lot more. Source : • The word college comes from Latin collegium, “association, partnership,” from collega, “partner in office.” In English, it dates from the 14th century and its early meanings were for a body of colleagues or an assemblage, as of companions. The word university is from Latin universitas, “the whole,” from universus, “combined into one.” The term was used in English by 1300 and it referred to a whole body of teachers and students at a place for higher education. The words college and university are sometimes used synonymously. Source : MISSION altruism SMART up The STI College-Davao Caters to Deaf-Mute Students by: Liza May Yap GE Instructor, STI College-Davao B STI College-Davao has opened its doors to the hearing-impaired students who are motivated to earn a college degree notwithstanding their disabilities. 7 Effective People Habits of eing effective in work and life is difficult. Discipline and hard work are needed although they don’t always equal success. But why is being effective important? Well, first people tend to trust you more when you’re efficient and trustworthy in what you’re doing. It may be exhausting at times to do everything that is asked of you yet you could see the trust and respect when you are told upon what to do. Second is maturity on all aspects. An effective person is able to deal with all the turmoil and troubles in a civilized and organized way. An effective person also knows to set his/her priorities — what and when to do things. This was made possible through the efforts of STI Davao Deaf Students with their teacher at radio program of Councilor Mabel SungaSTI College-Davao’s CEO the Acosta at ABS-CBN Davao Belle Torres and College Dean Allan Gonzales by accepting deaf-mute enrollees for their Diploma in Information Technology/PC Operations. They believe that it is part of our social responsibility to cater to the educational needs of these physically-challenged students. Presently, there are four hard-to-hear students who were able to finish the first semester and the school is expecting additional enrollees for the second semester of this academic year. They are Franklin Pia, Jennifer Bacurnay, Charisse Ann Gonzales, and Kristine Anne Paragua, all enrolled in PC Operations 1 under the Diploma in Information Technology Program. Their curriculum is no different from the other students except that they are being taught with the use of sign language. Aside from that, they are being treated just like any other regular students on campus. They even actively participate in school activities. The yen of STI College-Davao to help and develop the personalities and skills of these special students is not limited to the four corners of their classroom where their learning takes place. It has perforated to a higher purpose by giving assurance and boost the confidence of these hearing-impaired students that they will land a job after finishing their course. To provide their hearing-impaired students with the avenue where they can make use of their computer-related proficiencies and abilities, the school’s College Dean together with these students and their teacher lobbied, before Councilor Mabel Sunga-Acosta during her radio program, to the public to dispel any hesitation in hiring persons with disability as they can also function like any other person. The group also made use of the radio program as venue to invite professionals and experts, who are accustomed of using sign language and willing to be trained in programming, to eventually come and try to be instructors for hearing-impaired students. STI College-Davao commits to continue helping persons with disability for the improvement of their lives and personal being. Faculty Here are the Seven Habits and if established properly can help one to be truly effective: • BE PROACTIVE – Change starts from within, and highly effective people make the decision to improve their lives through the things they can influence rather than simply reacting to external forces. • BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND – Develop a principle-centered personal mission statement and extend it on long-term goals. • PUT FIRST THINGS FIRST – Spend time doing things that fit your personal mission, observing the proper guidelines and balance between production, and building production capacity. Identify the key roles you take in life and make time for each of them. • THINK WIN/WIN – Seek agreements and relationships that are mutually beneficial. In case it could not be achieved, accept the fact that not making a deal at all may be the best alternative. In developing an organizational culture, be sure to reward win/win behavior among employees and avoid inadvertently rewarding win/lose attitudes. • SEEK FIRST TO UNDERSTAND, THEN TO BE UNDERSTOOD – Try first to understand the other person, and only then try to be understood. Effective listening is not only echoing what the other person has said through the lens of one’s own experiences, but putting oneself in the perspective of the other person, listening definitely for meaning and feeling. • SYNERGIZE – Find ways to leverage differences through an honest and sincere communication so you can create a whole that is greater than the sum of the parts. Through mutual trust and understanding, one can often solve conflicts and find a better solution than what would have been obtained through either person’s solution. • SHARPEN THE SAW – Take time out to build production capacity through personal renewal of the physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual dimensions and then maintaining a balance amongst them. Success is not genetic, it is not handed down from one generation to the next – it takes skill, initiative, and determination. Though these Seven Habits are not full-proof guarantees to success, they are major stepping stones. Many professionals are excellent at setting and meeting their goals, but the social elements which are also vital to success at times are being forgotten. Being effective is not just a stature; it is a state of mind and being that once trusted into one’s persona is a very big asset as there are a lot of persons out there who are efficient but not as effective. Source : The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey Stimuli Emotional Intelligence by Steve Darn Respecting feelings (How will you feel if I…./How will you feel if I don’t….) Showing empathy (I understand/accept/realize) E Being positive (What would help me feel better?) motional Intelligence or EQ (Emotional Quotient) theory was originally developed in the 1970s and 80s but was popularized by Daniel Goleman in the mid-90s. In the business world, EQ has become a tool in human resource planning, recruitment, management and customer relations. Why EQ? Supporters of EQ argue that conventional concepts of intelligence are too narrow and that success requires more than IQ, which ignores behaviour and character. Academic success is not necessarily accompanied by equivalent social skills. EQ acts as a complement to Multiple Intelligence (MI) theory, both recognizing that individuals possess a range of capabilities and that everybody has a value. EQ argues that success requires awareness, control and management of one’s own emotions, and those of other people. Goleman identifies the five ‘domains’ of EQ as: Motivation. This relates to being able to keep yourself going despite failures such as a poor exam result. It is much easier to lose motivation if we constantly aim for perfection. Self-regulation. This relates to the way we handle our emotions. We are not only able to name our feelings but also do something about them before they negatively affect our lives and the lives of others. Stating wants and needs (I/you should/could/need/want to) rather than obligations (I/you must) EQ also involves the avoidance of language to do with strong advice, commands, control, criticism and judgment. The Institution EQ has been adopted as a management-training tool, and as such is useful in educational management and administration. The institution plays a major role in creating an environment conducive to EQ. Much of this is to do with creating a sense of identity, safety and value: Self-awareness. This relates to recognizing and being able to name our feelings. Having emotional intelligence enables a person to link the thinking part of their brain with the feeling part. Suggesting (I/you could) rather than advising (I/you should) Attachment – a sense of belonging to the school or university. Reassurance – that others find the experience difficult. Bonding – enabling the formation of friendships. Induction – informing students of what is available and what they can do. Training - in study skills, time management and stress reduction. Holistic approach – mind and body – sports, relaxation, cultural activities, clubs and societies. Empathy. This relates to being able to read the emotions of other people. People with empathy tend to be more successful with their relationships, which has a subsequent positive effect at home and at work or study. EQ and other models and theories. There are clear links between EQ and other theories, models and methodologies to do with personal development. EQ is seen as a complement rather than an alternative to these: Adeptness in relationships. Being able to sense other people’s feelings, you are then able to handle them appropriately. Transactional Analysis (Eric Berne) is a theory of psychology which initially identifies three different states (Parent - Adult – Child) that can be used in interactions with students. EQ also involves becoming skilled at handling your own emotions and impulses, motivating yourself and improving your empathy and social skills. EQ is said to provide ways of understanding and assessing behavior patterns and is therefore relevant to both organizational and personal development. In education, it is a concept which applies to the institution, teachers and students. The benefits can be summarized as: Multiple Intelligences Theory (Howard Gardner) is a psychological and educational theory which recognizes different types of intelligence and draws attention to the needs of individual students. NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) (Richard Bandler and John Grinder) is a set of models and principles that try to describe the relationship between mind, language and perception. Behavior and learning can be changed using a variety of techniques to achieve success. • Avoiding anxiety and depression. • Promoting academic success. • Establishing patterns for future life. • Making the whole experience more rewarding and enjoyable for all. Johari Window (Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham) is a metaphorical tool used to help people better understand their interpersonal communication and relationships. • Developing skills that are in demand by employers. Maslow’s Hierarchy (Abraham Maslow) is a motivational model identifying layers of human needs. The provision of lower level need encourages EQ, while ‘self-actualizes’ have usually developed a high EQ. The language of emotions The teacher’s job here is to draw attention to language that enables the expression of emotions and feelings. This language consists mainly of a few main verbs, a wide variety of adjectives, and the use of modals, but is best seen in terms of functions: Changes in society are affecting EQ development. EQ is initially developed in childhood and youth, and research suggests that successive generations are becoming less emotionally aware. Factors contributing to this may include changes in family structure, a reduced family role in education, mobility and the influence of technology. Whatever the reasons, the teaching and development of Emotional Intelligence are becoming important across the curriculum, from elementary to tertiary level. Labeling feelings (I feel impatient/hurt/bitter) rather than labeling people (you are insensitive) Distinguishing between thoughts (I feel like/I feel as if/I feel that) and feelings. Taking responsibility for feelings (I feel jealous vas you’re making me jealous) Faculty Source: Stimuli TEACHERS portrait Continuing Professional Education… A Key To A Greater You by: Darwin P. Jaime, Ph.D Academic Dean, STI College-Baguio International Convention Center on May 27, 2002. Ms. Magnolia H. Rillera (former Manager in the Faculty Services Department) and Mr. Joel Dy (then Channel Manager for Northern Luzon) tapped me right after to serve as the Academic Head of STI San Jose, Nueva Ecija which opened in June 2002. Being a fresh graduate at that time, accepting the position was truly overwhelming and it brought me anxiety because I needed to enroll and finish my master’s degree within two years to suit the position and comply with the requirements of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). Dean Bienvenido R. Torres, former COO/Dean of STI College-Balanga, was one of my academic advisers. He was my motivator and mentor who taught me how important education is. So instead of giving up the position, I challenged myself to finish my Master’s degree and become successful for I graduated with a Master’s Degree in Business Administration major in Management in 2004. M y life has been shaped by what life has taught me. Education is a process, a stepping stone to success. My school life is a reminiscence of perseverance, sacrifice, gratitude, and service. Looking back on my life as a student and an STIer, I have come to measure what I have gained (awards, recognitions, promotions) as tokens of hard work, sacrifice, and faith in God. As a student, taking two courses simultaneously was a challenge. Like any of us, I had to pass through a refiner’s fire. In the face of adversity, I was able to make a wise decision as I was left to choose between two roads. I chose the course I wanted. I took Information Technology. I was able to convince my mother to stay home instead of leaving the country to work abroad. My family was one of my greatest supporters. I studied hard and finished with honors. I graduated Cum Laude with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science. “And the Most Outstanding STI Student of the Year 2002 goes to…” I was smiling at that time, feeling anxious while receiving the award in the Philippine Faculty Stimuli On September 13, 2003, I won “The Distinguished STI Alumnus Achievement Award”. This award is the highest distinction given to an alumnus or alumna and its recipients are automatically elevated to the STI Alumni Hall of Fame. I believe I was the first and, so far, the only recipient of this award. Rev. Fr. Mario Margallo and Rev. Fr. Gerry Jorge served as my spiritual advisers. They were very supportive as they gave me advice and counseling when I encountered problems that needed spiritual healing and reflection. Having a positive attitude about life helps us achieve our goals no matter how difficult things may seem. Challenges will come along the way but being focused on our goal will give us the strength to continue striving for the best. In pursuing professional education, the three most important factors to consider are time, money, and extra effort; whereas, in achieving our goals, the three factors we need to consider are promotion/ranking, salary increase, and job security. In February 2006, I went to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and worked as a Corporate Account Manager and HR Supervisor in ALLO-ETISALAT. There, I was able to personally observe the high demand of workforce for Master’s Degree holders and not for Bachelor’s Degree graduates. I also tried applying in some colleges/universities in Dubai and had the opportunity to be interviewed by their Minister of Education. The response I got however was, “Mr. Jaime, I know you’re a competent person but we need a qualified person for the position; finish your doctorate degree then come back.” I thought a Master’s degree was enough to easily land a high-paying job related to my academic qualifications and experiences, but I was wrong. That interview motivated me to finish my one-year contract in UAE and return to Philippines right away to finish my Doctorate degree. After months of striving for the best, I graduated last year with a Doctorate Degree (PhD) in Philosophy in Education Major in Management. Naturally, my dissertation was about STI and was entitled “Attitude and Anxiety of Teachers Toward ICT: Their Impact on the Utilization of ICT in STI Colleges in Northern and Central Luzon”. “Confucius, the great philosopher once said, “What I hear, I forget. What I see, I remember. What I do, I understand.” We can have a better understanding of our roles when we apply it for a nobler cause. I have learned that there is no greater reward than to WORK, WORK, WORK….! Work entails great dedication and commitment. As teachers, for example, we will never be content or we will never deprive ourselves from being stagnant. We will want to progress to make things happen. As a wise writer reminded us, “He who dares to teach must never cease to learn.” In conclusion, I would like to quote a wise saying, “Victories in life come through our ability to work around and over the obstacles that cross our path. We grow stronger as we climb our own mountains”. Now I realize that God allows everything to happen so I may experience all the trials and see the light in the midst of the darkness. Let us not STOP dreaming, Lets believe in ourselves and our capabilities. But most importantly, let’s put our trust in HIM and everything will be possible. (Thank you to all Academic Heads and Faculty Members of STI Northern and Central Luzon. Darwin) Life of a COLLEGE FACULTY by: Ma. Cecilia C. Ycong GE Instructor, STI College-Sta. Maria S tudents are basically the stimuli that inspire college instructors or professors to continue their quest to share their expertise. It is because the latter believe that it is really the young who are capable to lead the nation. It is no wonder that in spite of the salary discrimination as compared to being a Doctor or Engineer, many would still opt to teach. The rewards are simple – they are glad to become instruments in achieving students’ dream of being educated and have a good job in the future. The life of a teacher is very tough. Though faculty members would sometimes wish that they don’t have to give grades to their students, they do know that it is vital and necessary. Oftentimes, faculty members would wish to just sleep until 9 o’clock in the morning; but since there are lessons to prepare or they have early classes, they have to pull themselves together and be up early. Faculty members strive to be good examples to their students. They become an integral part of the lives of their students. They help mold their students on to who they will be in the future. Teachers are responsible for teaching students to become responsible individuals. That is what sets teachers apart from other professionals. There are also other difficulties on being an instructor/professor. First is on disciplining the difficult students and on how to get them inspired with their studies. Undeniably, there are students who just want to get their diploma but are not serious about their studies. Another difficult thing is when you know you have exerted all efforts but some students still get low grades in examinations. Lastly, there were cases before when I handled subjects that are new to me so I have to read references, exerted more effort to get ready with the lessons I have to teach; I guess some faculty members are also experiencing this now or have experienced it before. With all these things to consider, I count myself lucky for being a positive thinker, through this, I seldom feel down, I always try to see the positive side of things that are happening around me, as it will be my greatest joy to see my students excel not only in school but also in life. As a teacher, I certainly advocate the endless pursuit for knowledge. Life is a quest for continuous learning so we can share more wisdom with our students. It can be quite enjoyable when we think of education as student-centered. It means schools are founded not to focus on how good we teachers are but on how our students receive the knowledge that we impart to them and how they use it in the real world. Let us consider our students as our younger brothers and sisters, pursuing their goals in life. If this happens, we will be loved more by our students. Sharing my knowledge to my dear students and fellow faculty members is my inspiration in life. Faculty Stimuli on the COVER “STILL BLOOMING: The never-ending quest to learn” Dr. Christina Colili of STI College-Novaliches “I never stopped working on my game, ‘cause I know someone, somewhere is working as hard or harder than I am to get better” – Earvin “Magic” Johnson. Faculty Stimuli D oes education really end after receiving your college diploma? Does it end when you get a job? Or does it end just because we want it to? Dr. Christina Colili of STI College-Novaliches didn’t think so. For her, it’s a matter of professional growth and personal wants. After receiving her Bachelors Degree in English from Metro Manila College in Novaliches, she pursued her Masters Degree in Education majoring in Administration and Supervision and graduated in 1999 and just this summer she received her Doctorate Degree in Philosophy majoring in Developmental Education also from the same school. But her desire for learning does not end there as she plans to take up Pre-Law from the University of the Philippines this year. HARDSHIPS There are sacrifices to be made for every reward and that Dr. Colili knows quite too well. Aside from the toll that her further schooling took from her, mentally and financially, her time with her family also greatly lessened. Dr. Colili was quick to point out though that “time is never measured by its length”. She furthermore explained that, in spite of these shortcomings, she still finds time to bond and talk with her kids. She has three boys, aged 14, 8 and 6. All of them understood what she’s doing as she instill in their young minds the value of her quest to further improve herself. In fact, she’s also pushing her eldest to follow her lead and pursue a higher degree after college. Why? One would ask. It’s tiring enough to spend four years in college, more so when you spend another eight years in advanced education. But for Dr. Colili, the need to be abreast with the changes and adjustments being made in the academic industry is one big factor, adding that it is also a requirement by CHED (Commission on Higher Education). Dr. Colili attested that being well-versed in the academic industry intricacies brought by the things she learned in her post-graduate studies has helped her a lot, both as an academic head and as a teacher. Fortunately, most of her classmates are also academicians, and since most of them belong to the same industry, they share their experiences and queries with one another. Dr. Colili explained that taking up a higher degree is mentally and emotionally draining especially when they have to make reports and do researches and at the same time need to deal with the egos of some of her classmates. Dr. Colili quoted, “your classmates will scrutinize your report and since most of them are veterans in the academic industry, some of them may feel that they are better or smarter than the others.” To cope with these treatments, she took these as a challenge and didn’t waver in her yearning to learn. Her knowledge has helped the teachers in STI College-Novaliches in improving the way they teach and deal with legal issues as courses such as leadership training and academic management are being offered in post-graduate studies. Despite all the adversities and sacrifices she faced, Dr. Colili was still more determined than ever to get her degree and diploma. For her, getting her degree through sheer hard work and perseverance makes the achievement even sweeter. SPEAKING FROM EXPERIENCE Dr. Colili further emphasized that the teachings and experiences she gained from her eight years in graduate school has helped her a lot, which she likewise imparted to the school, her co-faculty members, and students. “I always tell my students never to stop learning,” Dr. Colili said. She has indeed set a very good example to her coteachers as 90% of STI College-Novaliches’ faculty members are now taking their post-graduate studies and five of them have graduated last March. She has been trying to exhibit other exemplary behavior as well, such as being prepared in class and ready for lectures and discussions. “A person who always wants to learn never ceases to study,” Dr. Colili stated. “EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON” Given the chance for another lifetime, Dr. Colili said that she will not change anything in her life. “I’m contented with what I have and I believe that everything happens for a reason.” And her continuous hunger for knowledge will never waver, even if she’s already 60 years old. “Bloom wherever you are planted. If you’re in the academe, you have to grow. Never stop learning,” Dr. Colili stressed to her fellow teachers and students. Dr. Colili reiterated that having a post-graduate degree is important and gratifying, both personally and professionally, as it also provides greater chances of being promoted to a higher rank and that finishing another degree makes one’s intellect better and sharper. Faculty For her, education doesn’t end in the classroom, nor in the four years of college but learning goes on … as long as you’re living and blooming. Stimuli BOOK buzz FILM recap Eats, Shoots & Leaves: the The Zero Tolerance to Punctuation by: Lynne Truss Reviewed by: Mayette Bontia STI Headquarters W riting a book about grammar and its related cousins is difficult, at best. You can be sure that it will only reach a limited audience – academics, students brushing up on the fundamentals, and people who have a compulsion to use correct grammar forms in their everyday lives. However, publishing that book and learn that it has an audience beyond its limited circle is nothing short of astounding, as Lynne Truss found out when she published her bestseller Eats, Shoots & Leaves. Consider this sentence from the book: A woman, without her man, is nothing. But before we hear the outraged cries of the independent women out there, know that your punctuation marks will let you put one over the more dominant species. A couple of dots in the right place and voila! you will have: A woman: without her, man is nothing; thus, getting the satisfaction of knowing that you can turn things very favorably to your advantage. As can be seen in the small exercise above, Eats, Shoots & Leaves tackles the very important issue of placing correct punctuation in sentences. In an age where textese and abbreviated sentences abound, the book provides a breather for people who have grown tired of incomprehensible sentences. You see, punctuation marks are really little courtesies given by writers to their readers, allowing them to “understand a story without stumbling.” Which is considerate of writers, too, for how can you fully appreciate what you have read if it just stormed through your head after the first reading? The book, as a forewarning to future readers, contains descriptions and uses of commonly-used marks such as the comma, semi-colon, apostrophe and the hyphen. It also tells how punctuation was first used by printers and Greek dramatists – printers to provide gaps in the sentences they print and dramatists to give their actors breathing stops before they utter their next lines. However, and as future readers will see, buried in its pages are descriptions of punctuations gone wrong, run amuck or just plain disappeared off the face of the Earth. Through humor, the author painlessly eases you into a world where punctuation rules and sentence order reigns with a writing style that is un-academic (there are no dry school teacher-ish terminologies) and totally not boring (instead of falling asleep, you are compelled to look for other examples of faulty sentences, laugh, and realize that you are also guilty of the same offense). There lies the value of Eats, Shoots & Leaves. The author does not patronize the reader. Instead, she talks as any gossipy friend might talk – giving the lowdown on faulty punctuation use and telling anecdotes about it at the same time. As Ms. Truss takes pain to integrate the correct forms throughout the various chapters on the punctuation marks, one will notice that there is no irreverence in her over-all tone. This is why the book is such a bestseller in Britain and the United States. Instead of being preachy, it gives “punctuation-ally”-challenged readers a kinship with others who have the same dilemma. In a sense, it has unified people to a common cause and has shed light on a grammar issue that is usually overlooked and taken for granted. It has been said that the best way to teach is by example. Ms. Truss’ book gives readers a look at how wrong sentences can be corrected and thus making it more enjoyable to read. Faculty 10 Stimuli PURSUIT of HAPPYNESS I nspired by true events, the film The Pursuit of Happyness is loosely based on the life of Chris Gardner, a self-made millionaire, philanthropist, and CEO of his own company. But before reaching his present stature, Gardner had to endure a lot of hardships and sacrifices. The movie tells the story of how one man can survive adversity through sheer hard work and determination; and believing that his life could still improve – not just for his sake but also for those whom he truly cares for. Real life father and son, Will and Jaden (in his film debut) Smith, played the lead roles as Chris Gardner and his son Christopher. The movie shows Gardner as a hardworking but unlucky salesman trying to make ends meet. Then his wife (Thandie Newton) got fed up and left him with a 5-year-old son to take care of. Gardner, now a single father, looks for that “elusive” good-paying job using every skill and talent he has. He got his big break when he got an internship at an exclusive brokerage firm together with 19 other hopeful interns. And his luck continued as he managed to get a job in the said firm after his internship. Father and son slept on homeless shelters, train station bathrooms, and shabby motel rooms (whenever he has the money to pay for it). But BOSSA NOVA F MUSIC geek ORGET hip-hop, R&B, alternative rock or disco, there’s a new kind of mainstream music that’s taking the country by storm today – Bossa Nova. The music originated from Brazil in the late 1950’s, it combines the smoothness of AfricanAmerican jazz and the upbeat style of the Brazilian Samba, and has started to take the music entertainment scene by storm here in the country. The first Bossa Nova album was Elizete’s Cardosos’s Canção do Amor Demais LP, the album had the classic Chega de Saudade as its carrier single. despite all that, Gardner never lost sight of his ultimate goal and that is to provide a better future for his son. One of the most touching lines in this film was when Gardner told his son Christopher, “You got a dream, you gotta protect it. People can’t do something themselves, they wanna tell you that you can’t do it. You want something? Go get it. Period.” The film is very inspiring and shows that no matter what the obstacles are, one could achieve his dream through dedication, perseverance, and sacrifice. Despite its great plot, script, and direction, the film started slow and dragged on for the first few minutes but once you get hooked to it you surely wouldn’t want to miss a moment. Will Smith awed audiences in this film. Though popularly known for his action hero-persona due to such movies like Independence Day and Men in Black, he’s also touching and very convincing as a “desperate” Chris Gardner in this tearjerker movie. Smith’s son, Jaden, also got rave reviews from the critics for his performance and was tagged as a “star in the making”. Another first for this film is Director Gabriele Muccino. This is Muccino’s first full-length English feature film. The film was critically-acclaimed with Smith being nominated for an Oscar for Best Actor. This is a film that Filipinos can easily relate to as it shows the importance of hard work, faith, and family – despite any circumstances. With Joao Gilberto as the music’s “guru”, Bossa Nova became popular especially in the Latin American region. The initial releases by Gilberto in the 1959 film Black Orpheus brought huge popularity in Brazil and elsewhere in Latin America, and later on spread to North America by way of visiting American jazz musicians. This resulted to recordings by Charlie Byrd. Stan Getz then cemented its popularity and led to a worldwide boom with 1963’s Getz/Gilberto and numerous recordings by famous jazz performers such as Ella Fitzgerald and the late-great Frank Sinatra. They all got hooked on Bossa Nova’s rhytmic up-tempo yet mellow style of music. The Getz/Gilberto recording “The Girl From Ipanema” was perhaps the most successful Bossa Nova single of all time. It was edited to include only the singing of Astrud Gilberto (Gilberto’s then-wife). The resulting fad was not unlike the disco craze of the 1970s. The genre would withstand substantial “watering down” by popular artists throughout the next four decades. An early influence of Bossa Nova was the song “Dans mon île” by French singer Henri Salvador, featured in a 1957 Italian movie distributed in Brazil (Europa di notte by Alessandro Blasetti). It was later remade by Brazilian artists Eumir Deodato in 1964 and Caetano himself in 1981. Henri Salvador was awarded the Brazilian Order of Cultural Merit in 2005, which he received from singer and Minister of Culture, Gilberto Gil, in the presence of President Lula for his influence on Brazilian culture and heritage. Other prominent foreign artists who joined the bandwagon are Bebel Gilberto, daughter of Bossa Nova co-creator Joao Gilberto, Nouvelle Vogue, and Sergio Mendez. In the Philippines, Sitti (real name: Sitti Katrina Navarro Baiddin) was the first local artist to utilize Bossa Nova to catapult her to fame. Her first album, released in 2006, Café Bossa was a certified double-platinum, selling over 60,000 copies. Her follow-up Sitti Live went gold with 15,000 copies sold. Other artists that released their own Bossa albums are Agot Isidro and the ageless group, The Company, along with newcomers Sofia (Bossa Latino Lite) and Raffi Quijano (Manila Blend). The music’s popularity has also inspired bossa-themed bars to pop-up in the Metropolis and nearby provinces like Café Havana in Greenbelt 3 in Makati City, and Klub Bossa in Angeles City, Pampanga. Bossa-themed bars are so popular that if you drop by Café Havana at night even on weekdays, you could see the place packed with foreigners and locals alike, dancing and swinging to music. If you’re looking for a relaxing and soothing kind of music to ease your stress then this is the music for you. For those who like to listen to soothing, melodic, and powerful yet not ear-wrenching voices, Bossa Nova is perfect for you. For others, Bossa Nova is more than just music, it’s an image of life pictured through music. Sources: Faculty 11 Stimuli EVENT scanner STI College-Olongapo’s EVIDENCE OF EXCELLENCE: MARIO MORALES 2007 Tagisan ng Talino – “Simply Amazing” National Competition Winners M A As astounding as it may sound, it certainly is no surprise to STI College-Olongapo‘s Into Programming coach Mr. Mario Morales that they won the competition for five times since it was first held in 2001. The GIFs and TAGs (website development competition), on the other hand, was held on August 30, 2007 at the STI Headquarters in Makati City. ERRIAM-Webster dictionary defines the word “amazing” as an adjective that means “causing amazement, great wonder, or surprise.” “As far as coaching is concerned, I always do my best,” Mr. Morales said and added that dedication, duty, prestige, and determination are his ingredients for success. These factors must have really done wonders for him as it produced six regional and five National Into Programming Championships since 2001. His success did not come though as easy as everyone thinks. He was previously not considered to head the Into Programming delegation that was to join the Tagisan ng Talino, but he persisted. “I asked the Academic Head (for) the chance to be the coach,” Mr. Morales explained. And eventhough he knew it would mean additional work in his part, he still insisted on it, knowing that he was doing this for the glory and prestige of his school. “We really practiced hard and came prepared for every competition” Morales explained, adding that preparation is the key to success. Those words came to life no later than the recently concluded Tagisan ng Talino National Finals (see related story), where STI College-Olongapo topped the competition once again. Mr. Morales furthermore added that he never doubted his team’s ability to win the competition, “we were confident that we could win”. When asked what keeps him motivated, he simply replied, “loyalty to the school.” He also reiterated that being in STI for a decade now is a very big deal for him and he really takes its meaning to heart. On the subject of turning his students into champions, Mr. Morales said that it was easy to motivate the students as long as the faculty members lead by example, “as instructors if they (students) see that you’re really willing to impart knowledge, they will follow” and emphasized on the maxim, “lead by example”. S STI celebrates its 24th year of academic excellence, the 2007 Tagisan ng Talino was held last August 29, 2007 at the Richmonde Hotel in Pasig City. The events held during the competition were: Stand Up & Deliver (impromptu speech), Speak your Mind (oratorical competition), Essay Does It (essay writing), INTO Programming (programming competition), and Think Quest (quiz team competition). FIRST TIME’S THE SWEETEST ONE of the neophyte winners during the national finals was STI College-Fairview’s Stand Up & Deliver representative Divine Tingson. She was coached by Ms. Fe Zacarias, GE Faculty. “I was a bit confident (that we would win)” Ms. Zacarias shared. She also added that they practiced for two months before the actual competition. And it was evident that their hard work and perseverance did pay off. Another first time winner is Mr. Marcon Valderama’s team from STI College-Recto who won in the senior category of the Think Quest Competition. “We were shocked (by the win),” Mr. Valderama professed since they have been on the short end of the stick during the previous competitions. “We all worked hard, and (luckily) it paid off,” Mr. Valderama stressed. He also added that the win boosted the morale of the students. Rounding up the list was Ramil Libao of STI College-Makati and his coach Mr. Jublas Nolasco as they topped the Speak Your Mind Competition. Mr. Nolasco, a newly-hired instructor, confessed that although they only practiced for a month, he emphasized the values of hard work and dedication to Libao and made him research extensively on possible topics that may be asked during the competition proper. CONFIDENCE IS KEY WITH nervousness as a factor in competitions such as this, it never hurts to bring your utmost confidence and desire to win. In the Essay Does It Competition, despite not being the original choice of STI College-Lahug, Calvin Lingot still won with the help of his coach Ms. Gemma Perez. “We were confident in Calvin. Win or lose, we could use the experience in future competitions,” Ms. Perez said. Mr. Gilbert Razoma’s ward of freshmen from STI Pagadian meanwhile took the top prize in the Junior category of the INTO Programming Competition. Mr. Razoma stressed that they handpicked qualified students for the competition and added that their confidence did not wane as they took adversity not as roadblocks but as stepping stones. Probably the most confident school was STI College-Olongapo led by Mr. Mario Morales. They had the championship title for five times now since 2001 in the Senior category of the Into Programming competition. (See related article.) A GOOD CASE OF “HANG-OVER” A LOSS normally leaves a sour taste in the mouth but a win leaves a lasting euphoria especially to those who don’t expect it. “The feeling (of winning) is still there,” professed Ms. Chara Tanya Sabanpan, coach of STI Mandaue’s winning team from the Junior category of the Think Quest Competition. “We felt no pressure at all, we just wanted to experience (the competition),” she quickly added. Mr. Neoh Royo, on the other hand, coach of STI San Pablo’s winning team from the GIFs and TAGs Website Development Competition, said that they really didn’t expect to win. They simply worked hard and gave the competition everything they got. They researched and made their presentation the best that they possibly can. Competition was really high during the event proper as the participants showed that winning is not only a fruit of talent but also of sheer determination and hard work. Faculty 12 Stimuli ACADEMIC HEADS’ TRAINING EVENT scanner NEW ACADEMIC HEADS’ ORIENTATION NURSING SUMMIT IN this first leg of a series of trainings specifically designed for Academic Heads, participants were given lectures and seminars on the following topics: Effective Management, Elements of Personal Effectiveness, Managing your Faculty, Academic Heads as HR Practitioner, Standard Procedures on Employment, Practical Training Interventions, Importance of Good Performance Review, and Principles of Handling People Grievances to Help in their Administrative Skills. The VisMin training was held at STI College-Davao last May 23-24, 2007, the South Luzon trainings on May 29-30, 2007, and the Northern Luzon and Metro Manila trainings last June 5-6, 2007 at the iAcademy Amphitheatre in Makati City. EMPHASIZING its commitment to excellence, the Faculty Services has conducted a twoday orientation seminar at the iAcademy Amphitheatre in Makati City last August 9-10, 2007. The objective is to familiarize our newly appointed academic heads on their duties and responsibilities particularly in recruitment, screening and hiring of faculty applicants, classification, ranking, loading and promotion, faculty evaluation and certification, and other academic related policies and procedures. Other HQ departments who presented were Student Services, Marketing, Curriculum and Courseware, Assessment, Education, Training and Development, Career and Alumni Services, and Channel Management. BASIC ED TEACHERS’ MANUAL ORIENTATION DETERMINED on making its mark in the Nursing education, STI’s Nursing Deans and CEOs/ COOs gathered at the Seven Suites Hotel Observatory in Antipolo City last June 25-26, 2007 to strategize programs that will support STI’s goal to achieve a 100% passing rate on the 2008 Philippine Nursing Licensure Exam (PNLE). Dr. Carmelita Divinagracia, ADCPN President, graced the event as the keynote speaker. PRINCIPALS, Directresses, and COOs/Administrators from STI’s Basic Education institutions attended a two-day orientation seminar on the Teacher’s Manual, which was held last March 8-9, 2007 at the iAcademy Amphitheatre in Makati City. Topics discussed are the academic policies, procedures, and guidelines for Prep School, Grade School and High School Teachers. STI College-Sta. Maria Ends its Semester with Festivity by: Ma. Cecilia C. Ycong GE Instructor, STI College-Sta. Maria STI College-Sta. Maria culminated their first semester with a colorful and grand festival competition that depicted the country’s four famous festivals last October 19, 2007 together with the Faculty members and students from the Information Technology (IT) and Nursing Departments. The festivities were in line with the celebration of Nurses’ Week. The festivals were presented as follow: Panagbenga of Baguio by the freshmen under the guidance of Ms. Ninfa Clemente, Masskara of Negros Occidental by the sophomores under Ms. Arlene Buan, Dinagyang of Iloilo by the juniors under the combined efforts of Mr. Pelagio Perez, Ms. Claire Alviar and Mr. Lawrence Manuel, and Aswang of Capiz by the seniors under Mr. Ronaldo Raymundo. Floats from the four festivals paraded around the town as if it was also a fete for Film Festival. Local residents and other STI personnel were awed as they witnessed the colorful costumes and awesome performances of the students. STI College-Sta. Maria COO and Administrator Ms. Mary Grace Buenaventura and Nursing Dean Ms. Socorro Zalamea awarded the prizes to the winners. First place went to Panagbenga Festival of the First Year Level, 2nd place was awarded to Aswang Festival of the Fourth Year Level, 3rd place was given to the Third Level which presented the Dinagyang festival, and 4th place went to the Masskara festival of the Second Year Level. The Nurses’ Week celebration is observed annually during the month of October by STI College-Sta. Maria in line with Proclamation No. 539 stating that the last week of October is Nurses’ Week in honor of all the nurses in the country. Faculty 13 Stimuli let’s get LITERARY AT IT AGAIN by: Patria L. Garcia GE Instructor, STI College-Balagtas I first became a mother last year. As I watch my baby grow each day, my mind is filled with endless worries. I was already a worrywart even before I gave birth. Now, it seems that just watching the evening news is enough to turn me into a nervous wreck. Every little thing that happens in our world becomes a cause for concern – for I know directly or indirectly that it will affect the quality of life my baby would lead. How I wish I could always protect my baby from the world. So I began to ask myself. How do I shake off this feeling of hopelessness whenever something bad happens in our world? What do I do about the more than one million Filipinos who are living on less than $1 a day? I cannot just sigh, shudder, and resign myself to days of anxiety as I bow my head in shame. I decided that I have to do something about it. NOT TODAY …MAYBE NOT EVER I was walking in a place filled with blossoming flowers and cedar trees, a place where the birds were singing lively and freely, where you could hear the wind hum and feel the cool spring breeze. I saw people live in harmony, where there were no discriminations of race, color, sex or religion. People treated each other with respect. I saw a land dominated by peace, unity, and harmony – war and chaos were words no one knew of, hunger was a word unheard of, and famine was just a figment of the imagination. In the world before me, perfect would be an understatement – it was a world drew by the gods, an oasis to escape to, and a habitat mere mortals could only dream of – until I woke up from my sleep. QUOD ET SEMPER (Now and Forever) I would go back and teach. Why? When I look at my healthy and happy child, I think of the countless other children who are hungry, hopeless, and helpless. There must surely be a way. And then it dawned on me. I can teach. It is one thing that I know that can really reach out to more people. It is the only way I know how to share what I have aside from just doing out extras. It is the only way I know of where I can ensure that my daughter will have a better future. For starters, I always implore my students. I ask them, on behalf of my child, to ensure that our world will become safer, greener, cleaner, and more peaceful. I tell everyday that this responsibility rests on their shoulders. I pray that in doing my part I help my students rise above their current circumstances. I hope I inculcate in them the hope, idealism, and belief in the good, the true, and the beautiful. I hope they dream bigger and believe more. And pray that lives become the culmination of their perseverance and positivism. Most of all, I hope they live by the credo, “be the change that you want to see the world.” I hope they are listening. “Forever” seems to be a daunting word to digest simply because it means perpetuity, eternity, and infinity; unlike the word “Now” which means today, at the moment, and present time. Do we really have to worry on what the future holds for us? Shouldn’t we worry about “Now” because what we do today will be our legacy forever? Besides, forever is such a long time so we might as well just focus on “Now”. If “Now” was meant to dictate our “Forever” then why do people commit to “Now and Forever” during matrimony? Shouldn’t it be “Now and Tomorrow and the days after that”? Has anyone seen “Forever”? I doubt it. But everyone has been to the present which is “Now”. Is “Forever” really a reality or is it just a lingering version of “Now”? To those truly in love and doesn’t want to let go of that love, “Now and Forever” is more than just a phrase or a commitment – it is a binding soul tattoo that is very hard to remove. “Now and Forever” by all means is cherished and treasured by those who truly mean and deserve it. But to those whose promise of “Now and Forever” was vetoed, trashed, and smothered, it is nothing more than just an excuse not to take chances again. If ever, they will probably take a shot again at “Now” but not at “Forever”. Does Now lead to Forever? Does Forever lead to happiness now? – to that we will never know – Now and Forever. Faculty 14 Stimuli A TEACHERS’ SONNET Here I am again Ready to face the world on my own But I remain steadfast My faith and dedication will not waiver For I know my purpose My reason for being Even though sometimes it doesn’t seem Deep inside I know it is. Long hours and tons of work for a meager pay To some it’s not worth it To me it’s just a small amount of sacrifice I have to endure for my calling. So long and so far Have I reached the twilight of my vocation The mind is willing, the body is not Haven’t received a lot But leave my students, I shall not. Here I am again Facing the world on my own Helping my students prepare to face reality on their own The mind is willing, but the body is not I’m already 70 but not willing to move on. WHAT MAKES A TEACHER GREAT? What makes a teacher great? Is it the way she walks, talks or holds her chalk? Is it the way she makes us dread in fear? Or is it everything about her that we just can’t comprehend? Is a teacher great when her students pass? Is a teacher futile when her students fail? Is a teacher great when she makes us smile? Is a teacher futile when we cry in despair? A teacher is no different from you and me. They also have dreams and ask themselves, “why can’t it be?” They taught us what we hear, speak, and see. A teacher, we all know, helped mold me and you. A second parent to us they are; Ready to be called and relied upon even from afar. Sometimes when we feel like the world’s falling apart; They’re just there, standing next to us – away but not too far. What makes a teacher great? Is it a question too hard to take? That’s an answer we could not make Even if we were to make something made up and fake? Intelligence, Prudence, Whole-heartedness, We have all witnessed their greatness. GLOBAL ENGLISH savvy news How to Write Faster and Get Results P eople who attend our business writing classes often have this goal: to write faster. They want to be more productive by cutting the time it takes to write. It’s an admirable goal. But more than speed, effective writing is the key to increased productivity. When our writing is effective, it gets results: our readers respond the way we intend. Fortunately, certain writing techniques increase both speed and effectiveness. Here are seven ways to write more productively. 1. Think before you type. Before you begin to write, think through the answers to these questions: Why are you writing? Who are your readers? What do you want your readers to do? What questions do your readers need answered? Answering these questions will take a few minutes, but it can save you hours of writing and rewriting. When you know up front what you want to accomplish, you can write faster and more effectively. And when you list the questions your readers need answered, your job is easier – you simply answer those questions in your document. When you answer reader questions such as “Why do you recommend this?” and “What are the next steps?” you readers, in turn, can respond to your document quickly and appropriately. You get results. 2. Use bullet points, lists, and short chunks of text. It takes time to construct long, beautifully balanced passages that begin with “first of all,” move through “secondly” and “thirdly,” and end “in conclusion.” Such paragraphs require perfectly structured thoughts that are packaged in just the right punctuation. To write faster, use short paragraphs, bullet points, and numbered lists instead of dense paragraphs. These short chunks require less punctuation and are easier to write and read. Your readers will be able to skim your document quickly to retrieve the information they need. 3. Write shorter documents. It’s time-consuming to write-and read-long documents. To increase everyone’s productivity, create shorter documents. Try these methods: • Use hyperlinks for extra information rather than including it in your document. • Render information in words or graphics–not both. Use pie charts, bar graphs, tables, etc., to communicate complex information. When possible, find out which format best meets your readers’ needs. • Omit background information if your readers are familiar with it or have easy access to it. • Summarize rather than including raw data that is difficult to format and read. • Use shorter sentences. Although shorter sentences may not reduce the length of the document, they will make it feel shorter. And they are easier to read. by: Lynn Gaertner-Johnston, Founder of Syntax Training Contributed by: Djhoanna E. Camero STI Headquarters 4. Use descriptive subjects and headings Subjects such as Announcement and Update communicate nothing. Likewise, standard headings such as Background, Objective, and Results provide no useful information. Quickly focus your thoughts–and your readers’–with descriptive subjects and headings: Sample subject” Welcome Vera West to Quality Assurance Sample heading: Auction goal: $65,000 When you know your readers’ questions (see number 1), you can use some of them as headings: Which Pricing Plan Is Better? Why did Cedar Sales Decrease? Such headings are effective because they are tied to key information. They move you and your readers forward. 5. Start work on the project long before the deadline Sometimes it isn’t possible to work on a writing task far in advance. But whenever you can, do. Starting early saves time by allowing you to: Gather ideas from others. Keep a file of ideas and information, and you will have content available when you are ready to write. The blank screen will be much less intimidating. Write a draft and get comments on it. When the document isn’t due immediately, use the time to get helpful input. Let others contribute. “Sleep on it.” Taking a break gives you a fresh critical eye. When you return to your draft a day later, you can recognize muddy sentences and holes in content. By catching your own errors and filling content gaps, you can prevent reader confusion. If your information inspires their confidence, your readers are likely to respond as you intend. 6. Know when not to write. Sometimes talking on the telephone or meeting in person is a much more productive way to communicate. Avoid writing when either of those methods is faster or more effective, in situations like these: Giving and receiving feedback Sharing sensitive information Introducing a controversial idea Resolving a conflict Establishing rapport in new relationships It’s simply too hard to accomplish the above tasks through email, memos, or letters–even for expert writers. You can instantly increase productivity if you handle such situations by phone or in person. 7. Stop when you are finished. Don’t waste time summarizing the obvious or trying to write the perfect conclusion. Besides eating your time, it can distract your readers and delay their responses. I will accept my own advice and end here! Faculty 15 Stimuli • N I N E T Y- F I V E percent of the world’s internet audience conducted a cumulative 61 Billion searches last August according to data collected by the US Internet research firm comScore. The study indicated that the AsianPacific region including China, Japan and India accounted for 20.3 Billion searches by a total of 258 Million people. MiddleEast Africa had the fewest, with 2 Billion searches by 30 Million people. Source: • SOME 100,000 school-children from the South American country of Uruguay have received laptops from their national government each worth only $100 (est. 4565 Php). The program is to boost the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) organization. 300,000 more laptops for children aged to 6-12 are to be distributed in 2009. “We commend Uruguay for being the first country to take concrete actions to provide laptops to its students and teachers” Nicholas Negeroponte, founder of the organization said, adding “(we) look forward to other countries following this example”. Source : • BEING active will not only make a kid’s body healthier but also even smarter. A recent study done by the Medical College of Augusta in Georgia, found that kids who actively play for 20-40 minutes a day may be able to do better at organized schoolwork, do class projects and learn mathematics. The study also showed that it also reduced the percentage of body fat among kids. “Today there is so much more competition for their time with all the attractive options to be sedentary, from hundreds of cable channels, video and computer games” Howell Wechsler, Director of the Division Adolescent and School Health for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said, “This makes it even more important to have physical education programs and other opportunities for physical activities at school.” Source : VANTAGE point Lifelong learning for me is very important to the lives of every man as for we should not stop learning, we should not stop exploring, experimenting, knowing new things, because through learning we become better persons. Marcelo Regalado Jr. IT Instructor, STI Angeles Learning is not just inside the walls of the classroom, but also with the people we encounter in our professional and social circle. We learn though the experiences life brings us and also through challenges we deal with. It is indeed a lifelong endeavor and somehow eternally a work in progress. We shouldn’t stop taking information because we will never know if it might be useful in the future. In the academic community, just as important as sharing knowledge to the class, is the instructor’s acceptance that he or she still has a lot to learn. Gabriel Guevarra COMARTS Instructor, STI Balanga If education is your calling, then lifelong learning is a MUST. You can’t give out what you don’t Learning is a simple gift that we can share for those who wants to learn. Learning is a multiplication process; an exponential progression leading the way to the rough road. Oliver Noriega COE Chairperson, STI Balayan No one can claim he has the whole truth or knowledge; he has to engage himself with others to get a fragment of knowledge from them, and, in return, give back fragments of his own. Venerando Talento GE Instructor, STI Balayan Education really is a lifelong necessity. If you want to impart new and up-to-date ideas to your students and would be students, you need to go back to school and equip again yourself with bright ideas. Josephine Anne Daffon GE Coordinator, STI Caloocan To the academic community, competitiveness in terms of acquired knowledge is the center of all issues. If the entire academic community unforgettable experiences which taught me a lot about life. It has guided my way as I continue with my journey through life, and when again I will be faced with crucial decisions, I will just look back to things I’ve learned and with God’s grace, I am confident that I will never go astray. Gezelle Gregoria Segundera IT Instructor, STI Marbel A lifelong learning, founded on a good balance of truths and essentials, is always the catalyst towards self-actualization, happiness, and success. And a truthful, happy, and successful individual or professional creates a positive stimulus in the academe or workplace. Jose Arnold Sagun Academic Head, STI Muñoz Learning is lifelong. We are learning as we go on living. Our learning serves as our guide as we go on living. It develops a well rounded personality and a refined behavior and these lead into self-actualization and fulfillment. Ma. Theresa Vicente Academic Head, STI Santiago “What do you think is the value of lifelong learning to you, personally and professionally, and to the academic community?” have, and neither can you teach when you have nothing to teach. Lifelong learning with the proper temperance and maturity is the key to imparting wisdom that matters. If you want to make a difference then you need to continue to learn and update yourself, you continually need to re-invent yourself. We should continue to pursue knowledge at every turn of our lives. If not, we will commit a grave injustice to the students who have trusted us with their future, their dreams, their ambitions and their lives. Let’s always look at lifelong learning in a different light, not as a requirement or a burden, but a vehicle that can change us all, the people whose lives we’ve touched and (maybe) one day the world. Paolo Dimaano COO / GE Instructor, STI Balayan One of the reasons why lifelong education has become so important is the acceleration of scientific and technological progress. Despite the increased duration of primary, secondary and university education (14-18 years depending on the country), the knowledge and skills acquired there are usually not sufficient for a professional career spanning three or four decades. Michelle Guinitaran GE Instructor, STI Caloocan continues to learn and improve its culture of teaching, we can be sure that we will produce the best students. Emil Guevarra IT Instructor, STI Guagua I believe that I will be “learned” as I live my life because I get to learn and educate myself from the learnings I am experiencing everyday. Jessie Gayosa IT Instructor, STI Tacurong I agree with the dictum that “Experience is the best teacher.” It gives us the tests first then the lesson afterwards. In my opinion, the ultimate form of learning is the ability to discern the wisdom behind one’s trials and eventually identify the divine plan for us. Once achieved, this becomes the cornerstone of selfactualization, the highest level in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Through learning, an individual can then achieve his maximum potential. Jocelyn Dionisio Academic Head, STI Malolos Lifelong learning affects one’s life personally and professionally. It is a continuous process wherein man learns from his experiences. Man needs to learn his lessons from all the challenges he encounters. A person becomes stronger in facing all those realities in life. On the other hand, man learns and becomes educated. Lessons could not just be learned within the four corners of the school but life experiences also teach us a lot. Professionally, man grows through lifelong learning because he can apply those lessons he acquired from his daily undertakings. For the community, man needs to be open for development. Learning is not just for the enrichment of one’s knowledge but instead it should be for the good of everybody. Grace Joy Millendez IT Instructor, STI Tacurong It is through lifelong learning that I become wiser and mature in facing everyday challenge that comes my way. When I look back to the past I can’t help but smile and be amused with the way I felt, acted and see life when I was younger. Every year added to my life comes with wisdom and understandings that made me a better person, which, in turn, made me more attuned to the needs of my students and recognize that a fraction of their future depends on me. The academic community had enriched me with Nobody will benefit from lifelong learning if it is simply contained in the mind of the person as great ideas and knowledge, and has not been shared or put to action. Terranya Tiamson IT Instructor, STI Balayan
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