Business Aarhus Construction Boom In Aarhus An overview of the investments and projects in Aarhus > Aarhus is currently experiencing a historical construction boom that will continue in the years to come. > Statistics from CRM Byggefakta (A highly recognised Danish construction statistical company) highlights that there are planned projects in Aarhus in the years 2010-2011 which equals to 28.2 billion DKK, while the region of Aarhus have planned project equal to 45.1 billion DKK. > During the same period Copenhagen has planned projects equal to 57.1 billion DKK. When compared to the number of inhabitants in the two cities, this means that Aarhus has nearly 3 times as many planned construction projects as Copenhagen. 3 Business Aarhus 2 Overview Map 1 1 Projects outside the city center 6 1 In Lisbjerg a new city will be constructed with room for 25,000 people 3 4 2 In Elev a new city area is built with room for 4,000-7,000 citizens 5 8 3 6 In Risskov a new residential area is constructed with more than 900 houses. 5 10 www.businessaarhus.com The Marselis Tunnel: The project supports the infrastructure in the city by creating a direct connection between the highway system and the harbor. The Danish Bank & Moneyservice is building a top modern contactcenter in Brabrand Projects in Aarhus N: The New University Hospital and Agro Food Park. 4 9 7 8 11 7 The residential area of Gellerup will be reconstructed and modernized to become a new attractive city area. At Viborgvej Zenit Company House is building the 2nd stage of their office complex 9 The residential areas of Rosenhoej and Soendervang will be modernized and reconstructed 10 The Museum of Moesgaard will be expanded with 15,000 sqm. 11 The Port of Aarhus is expanding in several stages up until 2022 4 Business Aarhus Overview map 2 1 1 1 Projects in the city center 7 Aarhus University is expanding up until 2028 by 250,000 sqm. 2 Modernisation of the residential neighbourhood of ”Ringgaarden” 6 2 3 3 12 4 5 7 10 11 The Ceres Area: The old brewery site will be modernized. The project includes a project that covers 140,000 sqm. 4 8 5 The Freight Yard Project: The former fright yard will be transformed to a new cultural production centre. 6 The Old Town is expanding with a new neighborhood: The Modern Town www.businessaarhus.com 8 A new school will be built on Frederiksbjerg 9 The former component workshop will be transformed into office and shopping environment 10 The River Houses: The project consist of 9 buildings. 9 The shopping mall Bruun’s Gallery will be expanded and a new bus terminal will be built Business & conference project in Vaerkmestergade. 11 Business project at Aaboulevarden 12 High-rise building at Europaplads 16 13 The Aarhus Docklands 5 Business Aarhus The Aarhus Docklands › Next to the city centre, an entire new city area is being built – with Urban Media Space (new main library and citizens’ services), commercial leases, private housing, student housing, cafés, restaurants etc. › Read more at: www.debynaerehavnearealer.dk The Z-House (private housing and commercial leases) SHiP (commercial building, incl. activities open to the public) Bestseller (approx. 500 workplaces) Light*house The Iceberg Student housing project (approx. 350 housing units) (private housing and commercial leases) (approx. 210 appartments) Navitas (innovation and education centre) www.businessaarhus.com Urban Media Space (new main library and citizens’ services) 6 Business Aarhus Aarhus Docklands Dokk1 2011-2015 Navitas 2011-2014 Havneholmen 2013-2015 The Iceberg 2010-2013 Warehouse 2013 2013-2015 Bestseller 2010-2014 Dormitories 2010-2012 The Harbour Houses 2013-2015 Lighthouse* Stage 1: 2010-12 Stage 2: 2012-2014 Then follows stage 3 The Z-house 2013-2015 SHiP 2013-2014 www.businessaarhus.com Side 6 7 Business Aarhus The Aarhus Docklands Lighthouse* › The Lighthouse* project consists of 3 phases: › Phase 1: › Construction of 8,600 sqm. has begun (85 appartments and 4 terraced houses). › Construction of bldg. G (5,050 sqm.). › Both buildings are expected to be completed in 2012. › › www.businessaarhus.com www.businessaarhus.com › Phase 2: Construction of building L. › Phase 3: Construction of buildings H and T. Total floorage of 63,000 sqm. To include both housing and commercial leases – including a hotel project. Business Aarhus The Aarhus Docklands The Harbour Houses › Brabrand Boligforening is construction 83 family apartments and 155 student apartments › The nearest neighbours is going to be The Z-house and Warehouse 2013 › The architects on the project are Luplau & Poulsen og ADEPT › Construction is expected to start in 2012 www.businessaarhus.com 8 9 Business Aarhus The Aarhus Docklands The Iceberg › › › 30,000 sqm. 210 appartments Ready for occupancy in March 2013 www.businessaarhus.com www.businessaarhus.com The Z-house › › › 11,000 sqm. housing 14,000 sqm. commercial leases Expected construction start in 2012 Business Aarhus The Aarhus Docklands Warehouse 2013 › Warehouse 2013 is a business project with a total of 35,000 sqm. › The tenants are engineering firm Moe & Brødsgaard, business property broker Nybolig Erhverv Aarhus and Aart Architects › The owners are local and partly the same behind Lighthouse* www.businessaarhus.com 10 11 Business Aarhus The Aarhus Docklands SHiP › › › Commercial leases, including activities open to the public Total floorage of 21,700 sqm. To be completed by 2013 at the earliest. www.businessaarhus.com www.businessaarhus.com Student housing 4 separate buildings with approx. 350 student flats The construction of the following buildings has begun: › Grundfos College with 159 student apartments › Marina House with 45 apartments › Ringgaarden (housing association), Zero-Energy House I and II, with approx. 150 apartments 12 Business Aarhus The Aarhus Docklands Urban Media Space › › › Gross floorage: 30,000 sqm. › An area of 10,000 sqm. will be rented out to other tenants in the cultural field The project also includes the exposure of the last section of the Aarhus River and the design of the central harbor squares Completion is expected in 2014 www.businessaarhus.com www.businessaarhus.com Navitas › › New centre for innovation and energy: › 2,000 students and 300 teachers, researchers, staff and entrepreneurs Floorage: 35,000 sqm. › Completion is expected in 2014 Business Aarhus Bestseller´s new Aarhus branch › 20,000 sqm. › New branch office with 500 employees › Ready for occupancy in 2013 › The architect is C. F. Møller www.businessaarhus.com www.businessaarhus.com 13 Business Aarhus New HQ for Krifa in Lisbjerg › 12,000 sqm › Krifas new headquarter in Lisbjerg Business Park will house 300 employees. The building has a value of 147 mio. Danish Kroner › Ready in March 2012 › Drawn by GPP Arkitekter with Gråkjær as constructor on the project www.businessaarhus.com 14 Business Aarhus The Danish banks’ Moneyservice (Bankernes Kontantservice) is building a top modern money handling center in Brabrand › The site area covers nearly 34,000 sqm › The building will be located on Rosbjergvej in Brabrand and will accommodate 250 employees › The construction will start in the beginning of 2012 and is expected to be ready for occupancy in 2014. › The engineering company Cowi are consulting engineers on the project. www.businessaarhus.com 15 Business Aarhus High-rise building in the city centre › The high-rise building on Europlads 16 will have 16 storeys and a total area equal to 15,000 sqm. › The high-rise building will be located next to the Urban Media Space building, and is expected to be ready for occupancy in 2016. › The project is currently under evaluation for the new district plan. www.businessaarhus.com www.businessaarhus.com 16 Business Aarhus The former component workshop › The buildings of the former component workshop is positioned between Værkmestergade and Jægergårdsgade and has been acquired by the real-estate company Bricks A/S. The company is currently working together with the architectural company C. F. Møller and the Municipality of Aarhus to produce a masterplan for the future usage of the property. › The property has a ground area of 13,575 sqm. and is expected to become a combined office, shopping and housing complex. www.businessaarhus.com www.businessaarhus.com 17 Business Aarhus New busterminal and expansion of the shopping center Bruun’s Gallery › The Municipality of Aarhus, The railway company DSB and the owners of the shoppingcenter ”Bruuns Gallery” Steen & Stroem has made an agreement about the reconstruction of the city area around ”Ny Banegårdsgade”. Besides a new busterminal, the project also includes an expansion of the shoppingcenter ”Bruuns Gallery”. www.businessaarhus.com www.businessaarhus.com 18 Business Aarhus Business & Conference center in Vaerkmestergade › › › › › › › 94 metres 22 stories 25,000 sqm. The building is fully let, and the construction is fully financed Ready for occupancy in 2013 Commercial leases: › Law firm Bech-Bruun › Audit firm Deloitte Comwell: Hotel and conference centre › 240 hotel rooms and conference facilities for up to 1,000 guests www.businessaarhus.com www.businessaarhus.com 19 20 Business Aarhus The Freight Yard Project › The buildings of the former freight yard will be transformed into a new cultural production centre that is expected to attract much attention to the City of Aarhus. › The production centre will become a powerful cultural hub, and create a social hub for the surrounding neighbourhood – closely linked to the centre of Aarhus and the Ceres site (former site of local brewery, now an urban development area). › Read more on: www.godsbanen.dk www.businessaarhus.com www.businessaarhus.com Business Aarhus The River Houses › The project consists of 9 buildings with a total of 432 appartments. The total housing area is equal to 27,000 sqm. › The project is primarily targeted towards students, younger families and elder people, who seeks to move closer to the city. › The project started in 2010 and the first building is expected to be ready for occupancy by september 2011, while the rest of the 9 buildings will be finished in 2014. www.businessaarhus.com www.businessaarhus.com 21 22 Business Aarhus School Project in Aarhus City › Besides a new school for 850 children the project also includes an after school care as well as daycare institutions › The project has a total budget equal to 300 million Danish Kroner › The construction is expected to start in 2013 www.businessaarhus.com www.businessaarhus.com Business Aarhus The University of Aarhus is expanding: New Arts and Business Building › The University of Aarhus is building a new high-rise building opposite the Nobel Park, with 20 stories and approx. 60.000 sqm. › The building will be the new base for students and scientists from the Faculty of Cultural Science and the new Faculty of Business and Society › An architectural competition is to be organized in May 2011, and the building is expected to be completed by 2016 › The high-rise building is to include shops, cafés, libraries, sports facilities, as well as two lecture halls and classrooms for students and scientists www.businessaarhus.com www.businessaarhus.com 23 Business Aarhus New IKEA in Aarhus › IKEA is constructing a new department store in Skejby with a total of 35.000 sqm. They will demolish the existing building after the inauguration › The local plan is currently being planned and it is expected to be adressed in the city council in the first quarter of 2012. › Constrcution is expected to start in 2012 www.businessaarhus.com 24 Business Aarhus The New University Hospital www.businessaarhus.com 25 26 Business Aarhus The New University Hospital › Upon its completion in 2019, the New University Hospital will be the largest hospital in Northern Europe and the largest employer in Aarhus • 344,000 sqm. • 9,000 employees • 100,000 admissions per year • 40-50% of all hospital activity in the Central Denmark region • Total investment of almost 7 billion Danish kroner › For more info: www.dnu.rm.dk www.businessaarhus.com www.businessaarhus.com Business Aarhus New Masterplan for the urban areas of Gellerup and Toveshoej www.businessaarhus.com 27 28 Business Aarhus New Masterplan for the urban areas of Gellerup and Toveshoej › Brabrand Boligforening (housing association) and the City of Aarhus are cooperating to carry out major physical changes in the social housing area of Gellerupparken and Toveshøj, turning the area from a socially marginalised neighbourhood into an attractive city area – for all of Aarhus to enjoy. › As the first of its kind in Denmark, the overall vision of the masterplan is to combine major physical changes of an area, such as the introduction of workplaces, businesses and cultural life, with a social effort – for a safer city area. › The total investment in the area will be close to 1 billion Danish kroner. www.businessaarhus.com www.businessaarhus.com › Read more on: www.helhedsplangellerup.dk 29 Business Aarhus Development plans for the residential areas of Rosenhoej www.businessaarhus.com www.businessaarhus.com › The Municipality of Aarhus, The Housing Association of Aarhus and The Cooperative Housing Association of Viby has created an overall plan for the residential areas of Rosenhøj, Kjærslund and Søndervang. › The Project includes renovation and redevelopment of the residential areas as well as new constructions. The vision is to create one unified city area. › The architects: Arkitema, C.F. Møller and aarhus arkitekterne are among the winners in the architecture contest. 30 Business Aarhus City development in Lisbjerg City development in Lisbjerg › The vision for the development plan in Lisbjerg is to create a new and sustainable city with room for 20,000 citizens. › A central focal point in the project has been to build a new international school – which is now established. Lisbjergs new school › The project will be reinforced within the coming years by several infrastructural investments – among others the light rail transit. www.businessaarhus.com www.businessaarhus.com 31 Business Aarhus City development in Elev › The City development project ”Nye” in the city of Elev is constructed by the Taekker Group in coorporation with the architectural firm ”Cebra Architects” and the consultancy firm ”Niras”. › The new neighborhood ”Nye” will be divided into 7 city areas and are expected to host between 4.000-7.000 citizens. www.businessaarhus.com www.businessaarhus.com Read more: www.nye.dk Business Aarhus 32 Modernization of the residential area ”Ringgaarden” › The Housing association Ringgaarden is cooperating with the architectual company The Aarhus Architects and the engineering company Viggo Madsen to make and extensive modernisation of its oldest housing estate (division 1). The modernisation includes all of the buildings 140 apartments, approx. 17.600 sqm. › With a total budget equal to 180 million DKK, the old and worn down appartments will be converted into modern and energy efficient appartments. The modernisation is expected to finish in the fall of 2013. www.businessaarhus.com www.businessaarhus.com Business Aarhus 33 Expansion of Moesgaard Museum › In January 2011 the construction of the new Moesgaard Museum building began. The building is designed by Henning Larsen Architects and landscape architect Kristine Jensens drawing office. The budget of the project is equal to 345 million DKK, and it is expected to be completed by 2013. › Besides being a new show room for the museum, the 15,000 sqm. building also functions as a show room for archaeological and anthropological research projects from the University of Aarhus. www.businessaarhus.com www.businessaarhus.com 34 Business Aarhus The Ceres Site www.businessaarhus.com www.businessaarhus.com › The brewery company Royal Unibrew and the contracting company A. Enggaard have signed an agreement about the Ceres site › The proposal for the district plan includes a project of 140,000 sqm. divided between 65% business, education and cultural leases, and 35% on housing Business Aarhus VIA University College Campus Aarhus C › Campus Aarhus C is going to be the new campus for the teacher, pedagogue and social worker educations in Aarhus. › The educational building will have 5,5000 students at the heart of Aarhus. › They will build 39,500 sqm. with construction start ultimo 2011 and delivery in 2014 › The architects are Arkitema www.businessaarhus.com 35 36 Business Aarhus New residential area in Risskov www.businessaarhus.com www.businessaarhus.com › The Municipality of Aarhus is planing to build a new residential area in Risskov with 900 houses. › The Area is located at Vejlby Ringvej and Gustav Holms Vej and is about 129,000 sqm. › The Area is owned by The Municipality of Aarhus, Domis Ejendomme and three minor local companies. › The project is soon to be processed at the City Council. Business Aarhus Agro Food Park › Agro Food Park is a new cluster of companies and institutions working within the field of agriculture and food. › Here companies, public organizations, and science and educational institutions are working together to create innovation and science. › The vision is for the Park to have 3,000 employees and 40-50 companies by 2020 www.businessaarhus.com www.businessaarhus.com 37 Business Aarhus Light rail transit › The introduction of a light rail transit will help to ensure that public transport in and around Aarhus becomes quick, efficient and environmentally friendly. › According to the current plans, the first phase of the light railway system will be a 12 kilometer stretch from the City of Aarhus, along Nørrebrogade and Randersvej via The New University Hospital in Skejby, to the new urban area of Lisbjerg. Here the light rail will be connected to Grenaabanen via a new connection to Lystrup. › The investment in this first phase (1 billion DKK) is the largest public transport investment in the city’s history. › The partners of the light rail consortium are currently prioritizing the next phases of the system. www.businessaarhus.com 38 39 Business Aarhus Research Facilities for Institute for Biomedicine www.businessaarhus.com › Aarhus University expands with new research facilities › In the University Park a new research building of 12,300 m2 will be built and furthermore the Bartholin Building’s 14,300 m2 will be renovated. › Total price of 644 mio. DKK › Construction is expected to start in April 2014 and be completed in November 2015. › The architect is Cubo Arkitekter Business Aarhus The Port of Aarhus › The Port of Aarhus is expanding in several stages up until 2022. › The first stages have been completed, and a new container terminal and Port expansion has already been taken into use. › The Port of Aarhus will soon start the final stage of the expansion and when this stage is done, the harbors total area will be twice the size it used to be, which equals to 360 hectare. Furthermore, the goodcapacity will increase to 20 million tonnes on a yearly basis. www.businessaarhus.com www.businessaarhus.com 40 41 Business Aarhus The Marselis Tunnel › The project creates a direct link from the highway system to the harbor, which continues to be a central part of Aarhus, with housing, businesses, cultural institutions and the Urban Media Space (new central library and citizens’ centre). › The Marselis tunnel project is among the largest construction projects in Aarhus with a budget of approx. 1.5 billion DKK. › Read more on: www.marselisboulevard.dk www.businessaarhus.com www.businessaarhus.com 42 Business Aarhus Find more information at: www.businessaarhus.com Søren Boel Pedersen Manager T: +45 8940 2205 E: sbp@aarhus.dk www.businessaarhus.com www.businessaarhus.com