weekly131 ( PDF )
weekly131 ( PDF )
N°131 - December 21, 2007 EE FR WEEKLY St-Barth Local News in English Published by “Le Journal de Saint-Barth” 05 90 27 65 19 - stbarthweekly@wanadoo.fr ■■■■■■■ Economic, Social, and Cultural Council Installed A fter the election of the Territorial Council, its president, and executive council,l the fourth official institution of the Collectivity— the Economic, Social, and Cultural Council—was installed on Tuesday, December 18. The council, known by the acronym CESC, has 15 members representing non-profit associations or groups of associations from the economic sector, which has seven members, while five other seats are reserved for those in the cultural and social welfare sector. The three remaining places belong to a group of “quali- 02 fied individuals.” Fourteen of the 15 members (the last seat will be assigned after the creation of a local chamber of commerce and industry) were present at the installation ceremony at the Hôtel de la Collectivité. Prefect Dominique Lacroix presided over the event, in the presence of the Collectivity’s president, Bruno Magras, its executive council, and a small number of guests who could be counted on one hand. Once the installation was complete, the CESC held its first meeting, whose order of business was electing a board and a president. Jean-Marc Gréaux, representative of the Economic Liaison Committee (CLE) was elected president in the first round of voting, with 10 votes, against 4 votes for Didier Bensa, who represents the island’s restaurateurs. The board includes: Thierry Balzame, first vicepresident representing the economic sector; Hervé Brin, second vice-president, from the group of qualified individuals; Jacques Questel, treasurer, representing the neighborhood sports and cultural associations; Angèle Beal, secretary, representing AJOE, from the cultural and social sector. WHAT IS THE ROLE OF THE CESC? Its role, as defined by the specific laws defining the Overseas Collectivity of Saint Barthélemy, consists of providing opinions—either on its own initiative, at the request of the territorial council, or the prefect—on all decisions that effect the infrastructure and permanent development of Saint Barth, as well as for the overall budget for the Collectivity. It is also responsible, still in an advisory capacity, to examine all decisions made by the territorial council concerning the economic, cultural, and social welfare aspects of the island. St Barth Weekly n°131 ■■■■■■■ Richard Prince Previews New Paintings at Eden Rock Hotel Gallery ontemporary American artist Richard Prince is debuting a new body of work at the luxury Eden Rock Hotel, recently named the best hotel in the Caribbean by the readers of Condé Nast Traveler. In conjunction with the renowned Gagosian Gallery, the artist will preview sixteen new paintings as part of his “Eden Rock” series at the Eden Rock Hotel Gallery, from December 27, 2007 to february 28, 2008. The Eden Rock series is essentially a storyboard for an original screenplay (more “pitch” than screenplay) titled “Eden Rock,” a marriage between “On the Beach,” Nevil Shute’s post-apocalyptic end-of- the-world novel and “Lord of the Flie,” William Golding’s provoking novel. This is the first of a series of exhibitions by high-profile artists at the Eden Rock Hotel Gallery. Hotel owners David and Jane Matthews have made art and design a prominent theme throughout the hotel, a favorite spot among the art and entertainment industry elite. An artist herself, Jane opened the Eden Rock Gallery to display both local and internationally acclaimed artists. The Gallery also encourages guests to pick up a paintbrush and try their own hand at painting. Weather throughout the Antilles archipelago. Excluded from this storm-watch, the Northern Islands also felt the effects of winds that caused higher seas than usual along our coastlines. Along the shores, many beaches more or less disappeared before their sand began to slowly return. C CHANGE CARAÏBES The best rates for all foreign currency exchange End of Strong Seas a partner you can count on ! Located upstairs, across the street from the Dior Boutique, Gustavia Tel. : 05 90 27 57 57 On Sunday, December 17, Météo France removed the yellow alert for Guadeloupe and Martinique that was posted during a period of high winds and strong seas 04 Cocktail opening: December 27, 2007 from 6pm to 8 pm. St Barth Weekly n°131 ■■■■■■■ People Watch Charles Darden I f you ever see the Anglican Church in Gustavia swaying from side to side or hear rousing gospel songs escaping through the windows, then music director Charles Darden can’t be very far. The church might not actually sway, but it might well with the power of the music Darden creates with the Chorale des Bons Choeurs, the island’s local choir. He directs the choir and serves as musical director for the church—two tasks which are separate entities as he notes. “I’ve been coming to St. Barth for 10 years,” says Darden, who lives on the island approximately five months every year. For seven years, he played piano and sang at the Guanahani hotel, but gave up that side of his career while in Saint Barth to dedicate himself to his volunteer work with the choir and the church. “I felt it was important to develop other interests on the island,” he says, noting that he took over the choir after it had been going for a few years, and his work with them includes producing the Hymn of Saint Barthélemy and making a CD with them. He considers himself “retired” when on the island now, but he seems to be constantly busy. Training as a pianist and conductor, Darden has an extensive musical background, having served as assistant conductor for the Cleveland Orchestra and San Francisco Symphony, music director for the Bombay Philharmonic, and for several dance companies including Ballet Rambert in London and NYC’s Dance Theatre of Harlem. Working with amateur singers in Saint Barth, Darden says, “I train them like I was trained, with high musical standards. And we have a lot of rehearsals.” How did he interest primarily French singers in American spirituals? “They love it, they asked for it,” he says. “I grew up in Berkeley, California, in a church with lots of spirituals. It’s very natural for me.” For many summers, when away from Saint Barth, Darden played the piano for elite clients at parties in the Hamptons, but this past summer he took on a new task. “I served as musical director on a cruise ship, the Holland America Nordaam,” he notes. “We sailed from Seattle to Alaska for ten weeks, then went to 6 Costa Rica and Guatemala, sailing through the Panama Canal. I was responsible for 17 musicians aboard, from cocktail musicians to a string quartet, and I played piano with a dance band. At the end of the summer they said I could go on any ship, any time.” On Monday, December 24, Darden will lead the choir in Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus as part of the Christmas Eve service at the Anglican Church, and he is planning for a program shared with soprano Jane Thorngren during the St. Barth Music Festival in January (the program includes Vivaldi, Leonard Bernstein, some French pieces, and some Gospel). As noted in The Weekly on December 14, Darden also plans to take the choir to New York City for a series of concerts in the spring. His own musical tastes are very eclectic and varied, although he admits that he really enjoys singing and playing George Gershwin on the piano. He also walks on the island an hour a day for exercise and enjoys writing about his life experiences; he is currently writing about his adventure as musical director on a cruise ship. The music at the Anglican Church adds a big plus to the church service. “It’s been said that when you are singing you’re actually praying twice,” says Darden. “Music is another way of meditating; it’s another language to be closer to the source.” By Ellen Lampert-Gréaux Photo : Rosemond Gréaux St Barth Weekly n°131 ■■■■■■■ CHINESE TREASURES AT GALERIE PORTA 34 A ntique dealer JeanPierre Hennequet, owner of Galerie Asie in Gustavia, lives in a world of rarified objects. His collection of unusual, often one-of-akind objects can be seen throughout the year in his gallery. But from December 21-27, he will take us on a voyage to far away places via an exhibit of extremely rare objects from China at Galerie Porta 34, giving us an exceptional look into the works of art made by small ethnic communities who live in remote valleys in the high mountainous regions of southwest China. “The rugged landscape keeps these peoples separated from each other, so they maintained their own individual traditions. The Miaos are the best well known of these groups,” explains Hennequet. “The objects in this exhibit date from the early/mid-19th century to the early/mid20th century.” Large silver necklaces, bracelets and earrings, as well as antique textiles and vint a g e clothing—from skirts to kimono-style jackets—are included in the collection. “The fabrics are all handdyed and woven, using natural dyes, and handembroidered in silk,” says Hennequet. The embroidery is incredibly ornate in many cases, with elaborate designs of flowers, for example, that take many months, if not years to complete. DOWRY FOR YOUNG GIRLS “All of these objects are passed down from generation to generation and make up the dowry for the young girls,” Hennequet notes, explaining that the mating ritual in these remote areas includes the boy whistling tunes to attract the attention of a pretty girl. Hennequet got the idea for the exhibit when he attended a tribal arts show in NYC and met Xavier Monnet, a specialized dealer in Chinese art. They thought it would make sense to show a collec- 08 tion of ethnic Chinese treasures in Saint Barth at the end of the year. “The work in the exhibit represents an incredible cultural journey,” Hennequet says, noting that the prices for these pieces are still reasonable today but will increase as these become lost arts. “People don’t take the time to make things like this today. Many of these pieces have never been seen outside of China,” he says. The necklaces are extremely large, with multiple layers of hand-tooled silver covering the next and upper torso; some are also very heavy, and are more for ornamentation on special occasions than everyday wear. “Not many modern women can wear a necklace like these but the work is extraordinary,” Hennequet points out. “Each one is truly a work of art.” Galerie Porta 34 December 21-27 5pm-11pm daily (except Sunday) St Barth Weekly n°131 ■■■■■■■ International Book Day In Saint Barth: The Organizers Hope To Expand The Event C reated in 2006 by Didier Bensa and Jean-Pierre Hennequet, the celebration of UNESCO’s World Book Day in Saint Barth was a big success its first two years, and just might develop into a major cultural activity in the years to come. That, at least, is the hope of the organizers who met last Saturday for their first planning meeting for the 2008 edition, which is scheduled as a five-day event to run April 16-20. Last year, the event took place in conjunction with a poetry week organized by Monique Pignet with the support of the association, Saint B’Art, and the local branch of UNESCO. In 2008, the idea is to combine these two events into one with a new name, “The Saint Barthélemy Book Festival,” with water as the central theme. Six months in advance the program has not yet been established, but will include poetry with one, two, or three invited poets; a writing workshop open to all scribes on the island, experienced or debutante; a conference led by an author, preferably someone well-known; and the closing event will be the book exchange with readings and book signings. The collection of books will begin on January 5. Mini-Series Shot At The Weather Station In Saint Barth S t. Barth serves as the location for a televised mini-series entitled “Passport to the Internet,” which started shooting in Saint Barth on Thursday, December 20. Produced by Rony Lainé and Production des Iles, there will be ten 13-minute episodes of this documentary/fiction film designed for non-users of the Internet who would like to learn how to use it. “The number of sites and users keeps multiplying. The goal of this series is to familiarize them with the Internet as a tool, by visually demonstrating how to navigate successfully.” explains Lainé. To do this, the scenario includes a fictional script— a grandfather and his granddaughter in the French Antilles who decide to get news about family members who are far away geographically—and a documentary section in which an Internet expert explains and demonstrates how to proceed. “The series should be aired in early 2008 on public as well as private stations in the four overseas departments” adds Lainé. In fact, the series will be shoot in Saint Barth but the island will not play a major role: “We needed a location and actors —all amateur—that represent the entire French West Indies,” Lainé explains. The location is the Météo France weather station in Gustavia. A set will be built to transform the upstairs for the fictional portion, shot from December 2128. The documentary section will be shot will be shot on the ground floor from January 4-8, 2008. COME AND CHECK OUT our electic selection of English books Christmas Menu 59 Books • Newspapers • Magazines Cards • Gifts • Stationery • Games € Amuse Bouche **** Foie Gras Duo, Eggplant Chutney and Dried Figs or Fisherman’s Plate **** Apple Sorbet in Champagne **** Mini Roast Beef with Rosemary gravy, Potato Gratin or PerchFilet Provencal, Arugula with Parmesan **** Caribbean Iced Christmas log **** Gourmet Coffee With Santa Claus and J the Magician Reservations recommended 05 90 27 70 67 Find us … in Gustavia in the Carré d’Or shopping area above Black Swan & Chopard Open from 9am to 7pm Sunday 23 Dec. too! Tel 05 90 29 60 14 www.funny-face-books.com LE TOINY Christmas Eve New Year’s Eve Light hors d’œuvre ***** Homemade duck foie gras poached in a Muscat wine served in a Napoleon of fig and honey wafers and accompanied with a light salad and honey pearls ***** Vanilla scented apple macaroons served with homemade duck foie gras accompanied with a light green salad with a touch of balsamic ***** Cappuccino of green apples with warm lobster and crawfish served with black truffle bread fingers ***** Refreshing tangerine and ginger sherbet doused with champagne ***** Breast of guinea fowl stuffed with candied Christmas fruit accompanied with a wafer of gingerbread and chestnuts and creamed Jerusalem artichokes and local lemons ***** Mint served After Eight style, Szechuan pepper emulsion, gingerbread ice cream ***** Christmas sweets Price per person : 150 euros Light hors d’œuvre ***** Truffle filled scallops with a light stew of forest mushrooms and chervil, with a sprinkling of pistachio nuts ***** Lobster ravioli accompanied with a wild mushroom flan served on a bed of melting leek and hazelnuts ***** Refreshing coconut and raspberry sorbet doused with champagne ***** Baby partridge, the breast served with foie gras and pearly juice, the leg served Parmentier style with orange powdered peas and apple potatoes croquettes ***** Local fruits served caviar style ***** Grand Marnier fingers accompanied with a frozen lime mousse ***** New Year’s sweets Price per person : 250 euros RESTAURANT LE GAÏAC - HÔTEL LE TOINY **** LUXE - ANSE DE TOINY Len°95 Gaïac : 05 90 29 77 47 Email: legaiac@letoiny.com or reservations@letoiny.com St BarthTel. Weekly 8 ■■■■■■■ Le Cesar Replaces Terrazza A s of this season, Aurélia and Christophe Cesaro, former chef at La Marine, have opened a new restaurant, Le Cesar, in the place of Terrazza at the Village St. Jean. Specializing in seafood, their menu includes grilled lobster, skate, mahimahi, yellow-fin tuna, and a daily selection of fish and shellfish based on what is available. Whether cooked on the grill or baked in a crust of salt (the chef’s favorite), the fish here should please the most discriminating palates. Those who prefer meat also have a wide choice, from grilled steak to duck breast and duck confit, veal in cream sauce, or ribs for a local touch. Every Friday, the restaurant also has a BBQ with local fish, lobster, ribs, and chicken added to the menu. For the interior design of the restaurant, the young couple opted for red and beige to give the room a cheerful ambiance. On Saturday evenings, DJ Guillaume Mas livens things up. Restaurant Le Cesar, Les Hauts de St-Jean open every evening at 7pm, except Wednesday. Breakfast available every day from 7:30am to 10:30am. Reservations: 05 90 27 70 67 or lecesar.sbh@hotmail.fr Holiday Magic For the holidays, Le Cesar offers special menus for Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve. And to add to the holiday fun, Aurélie and Christophe have hired “J. The Magician,” a pro who has more than a few tricks up his sleeve, and will pass from table to table for a truly magical evening. Through January 5. 12 St Barth Weekly n°131 ■■■■■■■ A Container Ready To Leave For Haiti T he doors are now closed and the container is ready to be shipped to its final destination: Port-auPrince in Haiti. It has been three and a half years since the last shipment was sent in 2004, but the Lions Club has is now ready to ship another 40-foot container full of tools, furniture, shoes, school supplies, and a professional kitchen. There are also five sewing machines, which will be used for sewing classes for girls taught by Sister Jeanne-Maurice, a nun from the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint-Paul de Chartres, and a former nun from Saint Barth. Doors, windows, and roofing material will be used to repair the container, as it is an old one that was also donated, but it will have a new life in Haiti. Following the example set in 2004, the 40-foot container will be transformed into at least two classrooms. Unimaginable here: a sheer necessity there. The Lions Club is pleased to be able to send this container to the Haitians: “For several years it was impossible to send them anything at all,” explains Agnès Houchot, president of the local club, for fear the donations would be stolen. Today the Congregation is better prepared are so are we: the containers are left there and we except to pay 1000 euros in bribes. The sisters have found a place not far from the port where they can quietly unload the container. It is still complicated, but it is no longer impossible to send help to the Haitian people.” Christmas Eve Monday, December 24, 2007 Our usual menu plus holiday specials Christmas Eve Our usual menu plus holiday specials The restaurant is open Monday, December 24 Monday, December 31 Lunch and Fashion Show Chill-out music afternoon and shooters in the garden 4:00pm: Champagne-Mojito’s after beach party DJ Marco from ibiza Lounge Dinner Special New Year’s Eve Dinner Menu 175 € per person 8:00pm to midnight : with New Year’s Eve Monday, December 31, 2007 225 € per person New Year’s Eve appetizers with your choice of drinks Surprise “O’ Corner” appetizers ✷✷✷✷✷✷✷ "Foie Gras" prepared three different ways or A Trio of Bay Prawns, roasted, cold, and poached ✷✷✷✷✷✷✷ A little blizzard: Red Lillet "granité" ✷✷✷✷✷✷✷ Barbecued Maine lobster, spaghettini with truffle, tomato and basil or Slow-roasted boneless Pigeon with foie gras and black truffle ✷✷✷✷✷✷✷ MIDNIGHT Before the stroke of midnight: The Gourmet Platter. Chocolate... as a tart. Pistachio... as nougat. And strawberries... Dancing Party with DJ Rodrigue (Coste) Mini Sweets & Coffee 3:00am Spaghetti party “Surprise” Dancing Party with DJ Jacques Dumas Saline 05 90 27 72 12 Lunch & Dinner - Gustavia - 05 90 510 005 14 ✷✷✷✷✷✷✷ St Barth Weekly n°131 ■■■■■■■ Fine Wines Now Available At Comptoir du Cigare R obert Eden, owner of François Plantation, is also now the proprietor of the Comptoir du Ciagre in Gustavia, where he has added fine wines and art to the inventory of cigars and accessories carried by the shop. “These wines are not available anyplace else in these sizes,” Eden says, indicating two tables covered with large bottles of fine vintages. “The bottles are given away by the wine producers to charities who auction them off to raise money. That’s how you buy them.” Luckily for fine wine connoisseurs in Saint Barth, Eden has decided to sell part of his private collection. Also available is the wine he makes and sells to benefit the Jane Goodall Institute, which nurtures chimpanzees and other endangered species. Eden, who took over the boutique as of October 15, 2007, has also added pieces of art, including large wooden sculptures by English artist Timothy Holmes, who lives and works in the South of France, and photographs taken in Jamaica by Eden’s aunt, Rose Murray. He explains that he took over the store as it goes well with what he does already: “It’s all part of the great art of living, isn’t it,” he says. “A great meal, a good cigar, a bottle of wine, a beautiful piece of art…. Even the wooden cigar boxes are works of art.” Eden hosted a joint cocktail party with Louise Barrère of the boutique, Indochine, located next door to the Comptoir du Cigare on Friday, December 18, as one of the first parties of the holiday season. Carl Gustaf Ambassador Night in Paris Lobsters and champagne were served at the Harcourt Studios in Paris on November 20, as part of an annual celebration for the four-star Carl Gustaf Hotel in Gustavia. Owners Emmuelle and Christophe Bourgueil welcomed a galaxy of international stars including Particia Kaas, Michele Laroque, Thierry Lhermitte, André Dussolier, Christian Karembeu, soccer player Eric Roy, Bernard Montiel, Jean Paul Rouve, Melaine Doutey (currently seen in a new film), Celine Balitran, Gael Leforestier, Rolland Magdane, Daniel Lumbroso, Satya Oblette, Victoria Abril, and Nikos Aliagas, the French-born Greek host of the popular French TV show, Star Academy, who is the hotel’s new ambassador for 2008. 16 St Barth Weekly n°131 ■■■■■■■ One day Art Exhibition on Wednesday, December 26, Pop Artist Jeffery Dread at Carole G. Gallery I t's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game. Jeffery Dread, known for his iconic images of the world's most intriguing people, explores the power of fortune won and lost in his latest exhibit, "Life is a Card Game". Using images wired to the psyche of almost every American, such as Elvis Presley, Marilyn Monroe, Uncle Sam, and the Almighty Dollar, Jeffery Dread places our collective fate on a face cardour hungers, wants and desires in living color. We realize that even if we didn't know we were playing, we are all in the game. A contemporary of Andy Warhol and Michel Basquiat, and a New Yorker for over twenty years, Jeffery Dread reinvents pop-art style by infusing his work with the vibrant colors, sights and sounds of his native Haiti, and the energetic power of carnival. "Life is a Card Game" reminds us that truly there are no winners or losers, just a tempting and magnificent game to play that we call... life. Jeffery Dread, a world traveler, considers life to be a "mobile canvas." His life and art have led him from the glamour of Hollywood to the rhythm of beach life in St. Barth and St. Tropez. On his travels, Jeffery has met and photographed some of the world's most recognized, modern icons such as Oscar Winner Jamie Foxx, Hilton Hotel heiress Paris Hilton, entreprenuer Ivanka Trump, Hip-hop music mogul Russell Simmons, Grammy Award winners, Mariah Carey, and Sean O. Diddy Combs, and the famous comedian and TV host Jay Leno, just to name a few. Jeffery Dread transforms these images into works of visual art that are highly prized in the art world. Now Jeffery Dread has team up with Carole G. Gallery to bring you an amazing Exhibition on Wednesday, December 26, 2007 L’Esprit Salines Restaurant Dinner Daily Menu Christmas Eve Our Usual Menu + Holiday Specials Lobsters Fresh From The Tank Asian Lunch Menu NEW Take Away Tropical Garden 7 days a week come & taste the difference Close to Salines Beach Hôtel Baie des Anges • Flamands • 0590 27 63 61 Reservations 0590 52 46 10 lesprit3@wanadoo.fr SWEDISH DESIGN CENTER OF SAINT BARTHELEMY We have a unique collection with many designers exclusively showing their pieces here in Saint Barths. Find the perfect gift for friends and family. We also have a bespoke service why not design your very own glass... Citrine with diamonds – Sebastian Schildt ’Love conquers all’ – champagne flute with silver ring. Efva Attling for Orrefors Star crossing red gold and diamonds – Efva Attling Unique-timeless-inspired Les Amandiers, Route de Saline, St Jean Phone: 0590-291440 www.swedishdesigncentre.com Open Mon-Sat 9:30-12:30 and 14-19 21-31 December open every day non-stop STRIKE IS OVER Fishermen Blocked Port For Just 12 Hours Fishermen appeared before dawn in the port of Gustavia last Monday, at around 5am. Fourteen boats with large protest posters stretched across the port, blocking all entries and departures from the port. At 10:30am, when it looked like no negotiation was forthcoming, they proceeded to the airport and blocked access to the departures hall as well as the check-in counters. The action lasted until approximately 1:30pm, at which time president Bruno Magras finally agreed to organize a meetig with his executive council. The meeting took place at 3pm in the council chambers at the Hotel de la Collectivité and was successful in that the port was re-opened at 5pm, after the conclusion of the meeting. A s The Weekly went to press on Thursday evening, the Territorial Council of Saint Barth was scheduled to meet and discuss the application of a reduction in fuel prices for the island’s professional fishermen who had blocked the port of Gustavia and the airport last Monday in protest of high fuel prices. This reduction, if applied, means that the fishermen would pay 1.07 euros per liter, as compared to the 1.26 euros per liter they pay today. The new price at the pump would represent the cost per liter paid by the Collectivity when they buy the fuel (which is 1.1542 euros per liter) less a special tax of 8 cents/euro that would be reduced for every liter of fuel sold to the fishermen. If this reduced price does not entirely meet the demands of these professionals of the sea, who hoped to pay closer to the 82 cents/euro per liter that their counterparts pay in Guadeloupe, this reduction should give the fishermen a little breathing room in terms of budget, and help restore peace in their relationship with the Collectivity, which the fishermen accuse of not keeping its promise: “They always told us ‘When the fuel pump reopens at the port, your fuel will be tax-free.’ Instead, the price for the new fuel service run by the Col- 20 lectivity (note: the new service was just put into effect on December 4) has been the same as at the other gas stations on the island. Today they accuse us of not coming to talk to them. But why didn’t the Collectivity say anything to us when the pump was put into service? Why didn’t they make it clear if they intended to charge a reduced price? And especially, when the Territorial Council met in late October and discussed the price for fuel at the new pump, why didn’t they announce the reduced price then? If their intention was to sell tax-free fuel to the fishermen, we would have known about it and not had the need to demonstrate,” explains Gilles Brin, president of the local fishermen’s association. Bruno Magras, president of the Collectivity, did not hide his bitterness after the actions last Monday, which included blocking the port for 12 hours and also blocking passengers from checking in at the airport for almost four hours: “This wildcat strike considerably tarnished the image of Saint Barthélemy and especially over something we could have avoided. If they had come to me, I would have extended this proposition, which was always our intention,” says the president. He also feels that the fishermen make things look worse that they really are: “They might pay the same charges as the fishermen in Guadeloupe, but they do not pay income tax here, and we offered them a fish market free of charge.” This is the first time since 1975 that such an action blocked access to the island. NUMEROUS DELAYS AND CANCELLATIONS Due to the blocking of the port of Gustavia last Monday, maritime connections between Saint Martin and Saint Barthélemy were cancelled. According to Jean-Claude Latournerie, director of the Voyager ferry service, approximately 150 people found themselves stuck. As for air traffic, landing was possible so most of the flights from Saint Martin/Sint Maarten arrived as scheduled. This was not the case with flight from Saint Barth, as delays continued throughout the morning and some flights were cancelled. Certain passengers managed to get to Saint Martin in time for their connecting flights, but others missed their planes and had to wait up to 48 hours to get another flight to their final destinations, as the flights are almost full during the Christmas holiday period. St Barth Weekly n°131 ■■■■■■■ What is a Transect ? Each week the Marine Park answers a question concerning the marine environment and environmental protection. A transect is straight line placed on the ground along which ecological measurements are taken. If ecologists wanted to sample the diversity of organisms in the marine park, for example, they would place a number of transects perpendicular to the shore and take samples at predetermined interval lengths. The ecologists then move along the line with a yardstick to take their measurements. Thus they can count the number of organisms (coral, shells, sponges, etc.) found in any given area. In Saint Barthélemy, two transects 200 feet long are installed permanently, near the islands of Pain de Sucre and Coco. Other temporary transects have been put in place as well to count the conch population in sea grass beds. The results are compared from one year to another, allowing an ongoing survey of life along the reefs. 22 Attention All Yachts: Mooring and Anchoring The Saint Barth Marine Park would like all sailors to know that all moorings put into place in protected zones are operational. If you see any that have problems, please call us at 05 90 27 88 18 or 06 90 31 70 73, and we will do all we can to get the moorings repaired. Please remember to respect the following rules: Dive spots: boats of 15 meters maximum NAUTICAL ACTIVITIES IN THE MARINE PARK Divers and snorkeling fans aboard yachts must have authorization and a permit within the protected areas of the marine park. All jetskis and water skiing are totally prohibited in the Marine Park. Finally, please note that there are numerous sea turtles in the entry channel to the port of Gustavis as well as the bay of Colmbier, and that the speed limit of three knots must be respected at all times! Bays of Colombier and Fourchue : -White buoys: boats of 8 meters /12 tons maximum -Yellow buoys: boats of 20 meters /25 tons maximum -Red Buoys: boats of 25 meters /25 tons maximum Anchoring is tolerated only in the bays of Colombier and Forchue outside of the mooring zones with buoys. PORT OF GUSTAVIA: Fuel Pump Now In Service Fuel has been pumping once again at the Port of Gustavia since Tuesday, December 4, Those wanted to buy fuel use an intercom to alert the manager of the station who then opens the pump automatically. Payment must be made in euros—cash or a check drawn on a French bank. Credit cards are not accepted. The price : 1.16 euros for a liter of diesel fuel; 1.26 euros for a liter of lead-free gasoline. St Barth Weekly n°131 Christmas Menu 2007 APPETIZERS Foie Gras Terrine with Sea Salt or Spices Foie Gras, prepared with Banyuls Wine Arancchini with Lemon Meyer and Goat Cheese Lotte Terrine with Vegetables Puff Pastry with Creole Langouste Hand Sliced Scotish Smoked Salmon with Home Made Blinis Grilled Pear and Watercress and Roquefort Salad Coconut Rice with Shrimp Marinated with Lime and Ginger Cannelloni Mascarpone & Parme Warm Potato Salad € 16.00/100g € 16.00/100g € 4.00/100g € 6.00/100g € 10.00/pièce € 13.00/100g € 6.00/100g € 6.00/100g € 3.00/pièce € 3.00/100g VEGETABLES Asparagus Risotto Celery Puree Two Potatoes Gratin Paris Mushrooms Selection of Vegetables Lobster Bisque Corn Soup € € € € € € € 5.00/100g 4.00/100g 4.00/100g 6.00/100g 5.00/100g 4.50/100g 2.50/100g MAIN COURSE Traditional Roasted Turkey Duck Breast with Spices and Orange Saddle of “Limousin” Lamb with Herbs Capon with Mushrooms Stuffing Cold, Poached, Half Spiny Lobster with Truffle Oil Mahi-Mahi with Macadamia Nut Crust Pan Fried Sea Scallop with Potatoes Christmas Ham with Porto and Pineaple Grilled Wild Salmon with Miso € 5.80/100g € 6.00/100g € 10.00/100g € 6.00/100g € 7.00/100g € 7.00/100g € 12.00/100g € 4.50/100g € 9.00/100g CHRISTMAS DESSERT 2007 ~ Bûche Glacée Framboise, vanille, cookies aux pécans La part € 4.00 ~ Bûche Chocolat Biscuit chocolat, mousse chocolat ~ Bûche Corossol Biscuit poudre d’anis, mousse fruits rouges, fruits rouges, mousse corossol ~ Bûche Caramel Biscuit noix, mousse caramel, poires pochées, mousse poire ~ Bûche Caraïbes Biscuit macaron chocolat, crémeux chocolat, mousse coco ~ Bûche Montélimart Biscuit dacquoise, mousse nougat, coulis gélifié d’abricot, mousse abricot ~ Truffes Chocolat, Bounty (coco), Thé au lait, Passion Le sachet de 220g € 15,00 Maya'S To Go will be exceptionally closed on Sunday 23rd, December and opened on Monday 24th, December 2007. Tél : 05 90 29 83 70 - Fax : 05 90 52 41 27 - mayastogo@wanadoo.fr SEEN IN ST BARTH ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Welcome to St Barts! Winter collection by Régina Rubens at Caviar Island, last Friday December 14 Two of our favorite US resident : Diana & Nancy ! Michael Kaufman, a 17 year-old visitor from Philadelphia, grooving at La Plage. Love is in the air ! Happy fifteen Wedding Anniversary Sweetie & Rosie! Mirror, Toothpaste, and Signor Teeth: three characters from the children's Christmas performance, "Le rêve de Domino," presented by the local theatre troupe, SB Artists. Next performance, Sunday, December 23, at the Catholic church hall in Gustavia. Reservations: 06 90 41 84 17 or 06 90 55 98 26. 24 St Barth Weekly n°131 GASTRONOMY ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Gustavia Toiny Au Port Bête à Z’Ailes Carl Gustaf (Le) Café Victoire Caviar Island Do Brazil Eddy’s Restaurant Jao La Crêperie La Mandala La Marine La Route des Boucaniers Le Bistro La Saladerie Le Sapotiller O’Corner Le Vietnam Pipiri Palace Repaire des Rebelles The Strand Ti Zouk K’fé Wall House 05.90.27 62 36 05 90 29 74 09 05.90.29 79 00 09 90 52 46 11 05.90.29 06 66 05.90.27 54 17 05.90.29 52 24 05 90 27 84 07 05.90.27 96 96 05.90.27 68 91 05.90.27 73 00 05.90.27 51 51 05 90 27 52 48 05.90.27 60 28 05 90 27 81 37 05.90.27 53 20 05.90.27 72 48 05 90 27 90 60 05.90.27 71 83 Saline Esprit Saline Grain de Sel Le Tamarin Pacri 05.90.52 46 10 05.90.52 46 05 05 90 27 72 12 Lorient K’fé Massaï Le Bouchon Le Wok Le Portugal à St Barth 05.90.29 76 78 05 90 27 79 39 05 90 27 52 52 05 90 27 68 59 Corossol Le Régal 05.90.29 85 26 Vitet Le Gaïac (Hôtel Le Toiny) 05.90.27 88 88 Saint Jean Tantra Eden Rock Hideaway Kiki e Mo Le Diamant Le Jardin Le Glacier Le Piment La Plage Le Cesar Nikki Beach “Z” 05 90 27 68 09 05.90.29 79 99 05 90 29 21 97 05 90 27 73 62 05 90 27 71 30 05.90.27 70 67 05 90 27 53 00 Pointe Milou Ti St-Barth 05.90.27 97 71 Grand Cul de Sac Bartoloméo (Hôtel Guanahani) Indigo (Hôtel Guanahani) Kazz’n Blues Restaurant des pêcheurs (Le Sereno) 05.90.27 66 60 05 90 27 66 60 05 90 52 21 26 Colombier François Plantation Les Bananiers 05.90.29 80 22 Flamands Chez Rolande La Case de l’Ile La Langouste Taïwana 05.90.29 76 78 05.90.27 61 81 05.90.27 65 01 Anse des Cayes Chez Ginette Chez Yvon Fellini Ristorante (Hôtel Le Manapany) 05.90.29 86 81 Lurin Hostellerie des 3 Forces 05 90 27 61 25 Santa Fé St Barth WEEKLY Published by "Le Journal de Saint-Barth" ISSN-1766-9278 Ph. : Fax : e m a i l : s t b a r t h w e e k l y @ w a n a d o o . f r www.stbarthweekly.com Director & layout : Avigaël Haddad Chief Editor: Pierrette Guiraute, Translation : Ellen Lampert Greaux, Photographe : Rosemond Greaux Impression : Daily Herald 26 Stay in touch WHEREVER YOU ARE EVERY FRIDAY AT www.stbarthweekly.com St Barth Weekly n°131 TIME OUT ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Where to go dancing? See an art exhibit? Listen to live music? Time Out keeps you up to date on local happenings. Let’s party ! Special Events ◗ Sunday, December 23 - Equestrian obstaclejumping contest from 10am to 5pm at the Ranch des Flamands. Horseback riders can contact Raphaële at 06 90 39 87 01. BBQ and cold drink available. - "Le rêve de Domino," presented by the local theatre troupe, SB Artists, at the Catholic church hall in Gustavia. Reservations at 06 90 41 84 17 or 06 90 55 98 26. ◗ Monday, December 24th at 6:30pm, Christmas eve, carols & readings at Anglican church, Gustavia ◗ Tuesday, December 25 at 9:00 am Christmas day, Family eucharist at Anglican church, Gustavia Live Music ◗ Every Evening - Lounge mix by Jacques Dumas, 7:30 pm to 1 am, Bar’tô, hotel Guanahani, Grand Cul de Sac - Evan Goodrow, soulsinging, blues guitar playing powerhouse, from 9:00 pm to midnight, Bet’a Z’ailes, Gustavia - Alan Landry, piano, 6pm, except Sunday, Kazz'n Blues, Grand Cul de Sac - Papagayo & friends, Live Music, except Monday, at La Plage, St Jean ◗ From Monday to Saturday St Barth Weekly n°131 - Isabelle Blanc, on the piano starting at 7:30pm, Gaïac restaurant, Hôtel le Toiny ◗ From Sunday to Wednesday - Stéphane Cano, sunset live music, from 6:00 pm Carl Gustav Hotel, Gustavia ◗ From thursday to Saturday - Christine Gordon, sunset live music, from 6:00 pm Carl Gustav Hotel, Gustavia ◗ Friday, December 21 - Latino Evening, with Dj Regis, Ti Zouk K'fé, Gustavia at 9:00 pm ◗ Saturday, December 22 - Ibiza Evening with DJ Marco from Ibiza at Caviar Island, Gustavia - The Dgermaines live from 7:30pm at La Mandala, Gustavia Let’s Party ◗ Monday - Marrakesh Party, with Oriental Dancers, Ti St Barth, Pointe Milou ◗ Tuesday - Chic & Romantic, Jazz blues, Saoul, Ti St Barth, Pointe Milou ◗ Wednesday - From 60's to the 80's, Funny & Sexy spectacle with glamourous dancers, Ti St-Barth, Pointe Milou ◗ Thursday - Angels party, Ti St-Barth, Pointe Milou ◗ Saturday - DJ Guillaume Mas at Le Cesar, St Jean ◗ Sunday - Brunch at Manapany, Mix music, from noon to 3:00 pm Night Club ◗ Every night - Casa Nikki, Gustavia - Yacht Club, Gustavia - Bubbles Club, Gustavia - Hot Spot Café, Lurin ◗ Monday - Electro evening, Yacht Club, Gustavia ◗ Tuesday - Caribbean Influence, Yacht Club, Gustavia -Pink Party, dress code white & pink, Casa Nikki, Gustavia ◗ Wednesday - We never know Evening, Yacht Club, Gustavia ◗ Thursday - Pure House Evening, Yacht Club, Gustavia Fashion Show ◗ Everyday - 1:30- 2 pm, Case de l’île, Isle de France, Flamands - 1.30pm & 8:30pm, fashion show featuring Wild Side, La Plage, St Jean ◗ Every Tuesday - 6:30 pm, Hôtel Isle de France Boutique, Flamands - 9:30 pm, Fashion Show by Carole G, Ti St Barth, Pointe Milou ◗ From December 27 to february 28, 2008 Richard Prince Previews New Paintings at Eden Rock Hotel Gallery Cocktail opening: December 27, 2007 from 6pm to 8 pm. ◗ December 26 - January 2 Art Exhibition of Pop Artist Jeffery Dread at Carole G. Gallery, Gustavia. Cocktail opening Wednesday 26 at 6:00pm to 8pm ◗ Through January 2 Group Show to b.art Gallery, Gustavia. ◗ Through December 22 Tery O'Neill, portrait photography. Opening Saturday at 6:00pm, Eden Rock Gallery, St Jean ◗ Through January 15 Patrick Chevailler, Carole G. Art Gallery, Gustavia Exhibitions ◗ From Dec 21 to 28 Chinese Minorities Treasures a special exhibition and sale opportunity to be held at Galerie Porta 34 ◗ Through January 2nd Jackie, a photo exhibit, Photos by Benno Graziani at Nikki beach, St Jean ◗ Jean-Charles Merle, painter, Galerie Asie, Gustavia ◗ December 23-24 Andrew Wellman, painting Pop Art Style at Carole G. Gallery, Gustavia. Cocktail opening sunday 23 at 6:00pm 27 ■ At your services WANDA COIFFURE HAIR DRESSING SALON MANICURE Kerastase L’Oréal GUSTAVIA - 0590 27 78 62 Solution Check the solutions to the Sudoku LUXURY OCEANFRONT VILLA FOR SALE 2 bedrooms - 2,5 baths with stunning view Exquisite furnishing and decor, among the finest on island Very quiet yet close to airport and Gustavia. Also available 3000m2 hillside land with permit Amazing view on island : + 590 (0) 690 65 60 62 or visit our website : www.stbartvilla.com ■ Local Weather Saturday Monday Scattered Clouds High: 82° F / 28° C. Wind ENE 17 mph / 28km/h Night : Scattered Clouds Low: 78° F. / 26° C. Wind ENE 15 mph / 25 km/h Scattered Clouds High: 82° F. / 28° C Wind ENE 20 mph. / 32 km/h. Chance of precipitation 30% Night : Scattered Clouds Low: 78° F. / 26° C. Wind ENE 20 mph / 32 km/h ■ Classified ads Rental For your last minute vacation, St Barts rentals are still available for Christmas and New Year's Eve. Call now +590 (0) 590 511 854 or +590 (0) 690 710 605 or email at info@missimmo.com Looking for Couple French / American 15 years on the Island, looking for villa management Tel. :06 90 77 33 80 or 06 90 65 23 08 email : marionstbarth@yahoo.fr Real Estate For sale, a recently refurbished and refurnished 2 bedroom villa with pool situated on the hillside of Flamand but within walk distance from the beach. Scattered Clouds Contact St. Barth Scattered Clouds High: 82° F. / 28° C P r o p e r t y / S o t h e b yís Wind ENE 15 mph. / 25 km/h. High: 82° F. / 28° C International Realty : 0590 Chance of precipitation 30% Wind ENE 20mph /32km/h 29 75 05 Night : Scattered Clouds Night : Scattered Clouds Low: 78° F. / 26° C. Low: 78° F. / 26° C. Wind NE 20mph / 32km/h Wind ENE 22mph/36km/h For sale, a lovely two bedroom villa with pool situated on the hillside of Corossol. Newly built with There's no math involved. The grid has numbers, but noth- high standing materials in a ing has to add up to anything else. You solve the puzzle with contemporary style. Not to reasoning and logic. It's fun. It's challenging. It's addic- be missed. Contact St. Barth tive!“Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and P r o p e r t y / S o t h e b y í s every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9."That's all International Realty : 0590 29 75 05 there is to it. Sunday Monday ■ Puzzle For sale, this two bedroom villa with pool, situated on the hillside of Lurin with beautiful southwest views over St Jean and the entire west end of St Barth. The villa is within just a few minutes drive to Gouverneur Beach, Gustavia Harbor and St Jean Beach. Contact St. Beautiful parcel of land located high on the hillside overlooking Petit and Grand Cul de Sac on about half an acre with a 180° degree ocean view. It is offered for sale with a building permit for a two or three bedroom villa with a pool. Price 2 900 000 € 4 brand-new, tastefully designed condos, located in Lorient, only a few yards from the beach. Well-equipped kitchen, living room, 1 bedroom, 2 baths, with the possibility of creating a second bedroom.Terraces and parking From 650 000€ to 740 000€ Tel. : 05 90 29 88 91 www.sibarth.com Barth Property/ Sothebyís International Realty : 0590 29 75 05 St. Barth Dream Vacations Sarl au capital de 7622.45 Land for sale: 3000 m2 with building permit, ocean view, Marigot, 2,000,000 euros. Tel.: 06 90 35 10 36 For sale high in the hills of Saint Jean: Two-bedroom house, swimming pool, view facing the Eden Rock. 3,600,00 euros (Can build a two-bedroom extension) Tel.: 06 90 35 10 36 MIAMI Real Estate Buyers Agents, Homes & Condominium Apartments including Coral Gables, Miami Beach, Bal Harbour & more Offered by Miami’s Fashion & Entertainment Real Estate Team, Call Ron Daniel mobile 786 269 4827 (USA) e m a i l seahousemiami@yahoo.com Majestic Properties Realtors PROFESSIONALCLASSIFIED ADS www.sudokustar.fr Please mail, or drop off this form, with your payment to the St Barth Weekly office at Les Mangliers (near La Poste) in Saint-Jean before 2:00pm on Monday. 20€ by issue IMMO BUSINESS Rue de la République Gustavia - BP 119 97133 Saint Barthélemy Tél. : 05 90 292 298 Cell : 06 90 39 85 86 Fax : 05 90 293 295 immo-business@orange.fr CHARMING VILLA CLOSE TO THE BAY OF SAINT JEAN Three bedrooms, living room opens onto a lovely terrace with swimming pool, sea view, lush, green surroundings 1,690,000 € VITET Two totally independent villas each containing two living spaces. Recent, high-quality construction, open views, terrace and Jacuzzi. 2,120,000 € (possible option to buy one villa for 1,060,000 €) BI-LEVEL APARTMENT IN A SMALL COMPLEX Large upstairs bedroom, living room and kitchen open onto a covered terrace in a garden setting. 480,000 € For additional information: Tel 05 90 2 9 22 98 - Cell 06 90 39 85 86 immo-business@orange.fr ■ Emergency numbers Shipping rescue Gendarmerie PAF / airport & port police Hospital Fire dept. Doctor on duty Pharmacy Aéroport Gustavia Saint Jean ■ Useful numbers Tourism office Harbour Boat company 05 96 70 92 92 05 90 27 11 70 05 90 29 76 76 05 90 27 60 35 18 / 05 90 27 66 13 05 90 27 76 03 05 90 27 66 61 05 90 27 61 82 05 90 29 02 12 05 90 27 87 27 05 90 27 66 97 Voyager 05 90 87 10 68 Rapid Explorer 05 90 27 60 33 Airlines company Winair 05 90 27 61 01 St-Barth Commuter 05 90 27 54 54 Air Caraïbes 05 90 27 71 90 American Airlines 00 599 54 52040 Taxis Gustavia 05 90 27 66 31 Saint-Jean 05 90 27 75 81 05 90 29 44 19 St Barth Shuttle (Bus Service) Town Hall 05 90 29 80 40 EDF (electricity company office) 05 90 29 80 81 Water system 05 90 27 60 33 Post office Gustavia 05 90 27 62 00 06 90 31 70 73 Marine Reserve Catholic church Sunday 8:30am Gustavia 05 90 27 95 38 Anglican church Sunday 9am. 05 90 29 74 63 Evangelical church St Barth Beach Hotel Sunday 9am
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