Slides - Agenda
Slides - Agenda
PixFEL Enabling technologies, building blocks and architectures for advanced Xray pixel cameras at FELs Presentazioni CSN5 INFN Sezione di Pisa, 1/7/2014 G. Rizzo PixFEL – Pisa July, 1st 2014 1 Outline • The PixFEL project • Motivation • PixFEL Long Term Purpose & 3–years Activity Program: • Building blocks, Technologies, Architectures • Pisa contribution • Present achievements • Activity in 2015 – Piani – Richieste finanziarie e ai Servizi di Sezione G. Rizzo PixFEL – Pisa July, 1st 2014 2 The PixFEL project • • • Use innovative solutions & technology, now explored in HEP comunity (our background!), to improve performance of pixel device for photon science. Important synergy with other activities of the groups/Sez. INFN involved: LHC upgrade (65 nm, active edge sensor), AIDA (3D vertical integration). In the long term (+6 years) develop a four side buttable module for a large area X-ray camera for application at FELs. INFN PixFEL project as a first step. Goal of the 3 years INFN project: investigating the technologies, designing the fundamental microelectronic building blocks and exploring the readout architectures for high performance X-ray imaging instrumentation to be be used in the experiments at the next generation free electron laser facilities • active edge pixel sensors, low density TSVs • 65 nm CMOS technology for front-end and readout electronics • in pixel data storage and readout architectures Participating INFN groups • INFN Pavia (3.7 FTE; resp. naz.: Lodovico Ratti, resp. loc.: Massimo Manghisoni) • INFN Pisa (2.4 FTE; resp. loc.: Giuliana Rizzo) • INFN Trento (2.9 FTE; gruppo collegato, resp. loc.: Lucio Pancheri) G. Rizzo PixFEL – Pisa July, 1st 2014 3 Gruppo PixFEL Foto al 2014, piccole variazioni nel 2015. !"#$" !"#$%&%'()*)++$ 56"#7%97)'!%'("#$) =)6%#>)'5"?6$9 D"67)'-6"99$ A$%6)'D"&7)."+$ D"99$*)'D"#0B$9)#$ =)H).$7)'I"++$ G"&%6$)'I% -$"#&@7"'J6".%69$ , 12: 12: 123 128 123 12: 12, 123 ,-. !$%" -$)."##$'/"+$0#"#$ ;+%<"#)'/%++"6$#$ -$@&$"'("9"6)9" 56"#7%97)'5)6+$ D"67%&&)'-$)60$ E@0%#$)'A")&)#$ -$@&$"#"'I$>>) 5"?$)'D)69"#$ 123 123 128 123 &'()*+ -$"#456"#7)'!"&&"'/%++" -$)60$)'5)#+"#" =@7$)'A"#7B%6$ EF"+%6$#"'A"#$#" -$)."##$'G%6>%&&%9$ 123 Xu Hesong 12: 12: /-0 &3&456 9 In rosso i responsabili locali e coordinatori dei 3 WorkPackages 128 12: 12C 12: 1 123 0.5 2.9 1-2 7 • WP1: Enabling technologies: Lucio Pancheri • WP2: Building blocks: Massimo Manghisoni • WP3: Architectures and testing: Giuliana Rizzo G. Rizzo PixFEL – Pisa July, 1st 2014 4 Motivation • • • X-rays have been a fundamental probing tool in many fileds since their discovery Synchrotron sources extended the application field, giving relatively “high intensity” X-ray pulses at high repetition rate. The advent of free electron laser (FEL) facilities, with coherent X-rays beams of very high intensity, ultrafast pulses (100fs), available in a large energy range, opens up new possibilities. – • Broad science program accessible at FELs: – – – – • ~9 order of magnitude increase in brilliance w.r.t previous synchrotron sources Structural biology Chemistry Material science Atomic and molecular science (AMO) Many measurements are based on scattering of coherent X-ray and detection of diffraction pattern with pixel detectors. To fully exploit X-ray FELs beam properties, new detectors need to be developed with extremely challanging requirements! G. Rizzo PixFEL – Pisa July, 1st 2014 5 ->/,(.0(#B%"*'.#0(#"(+0D%"(�,'"+&'.#0 FELs in operations or under construction !"#$%&'( )'*'+, -.",'( /*,.01 2%3 ʄ4.0 5*.0(/.0*&( '%&60#7#18 9:%"*77( 7%01'6 -/;)< !"##$#% &''( )&'''*++,- ./&*012 3(**4 5"6718*9: ./;*0<= ;.(*> /=/) !"##$#% &''? .3/*;012 ./(*4 5"6718*@: &/A(*0<= .B''*> ->?5@A>/>22?; CD#7E!"CE$D# running &'.' ./(*012 3'*4 5"6718*@: ;/'*0<= ;B(*> SACLA@RIKEN )=)) CD#7E!"CE$D# running &'.. A*012 .*4 5"6718*@: (/B*0<= B('*> >+"#B%*0(C->/ CD#7E!"CE$D# &'.( .B/(*012 їϭϰ'Ğs .*4 їϬ͘ϱ 5"6718*9: ./;*0<= ;3''*> After the success of first FELs, new FELs facilities & upgrades are in design phase in many countries. Beam-line and beam-time structure Beam-line structure @Eu-XFEL • Beam lines with different photon energies available at each facility Very different beam structure from one FEL facility to the other • Each pulse is always very short • DBE6G>HDCL>I=:M>HI>C<A><=IHDJG8:H LCLS: continuous operation @ 120Hz • XFEL: 220ns spacing, with time to readout • 0D96NSHHIDG6<: Future (i.e. LCLS II): continuous 1MHz spacing 3:6@EJAH:H6I G>C<MG6NHDJG8:H PC6CDH:8DC9H =><=G:EG6I: -##$$)! P E>8DH:8DC9H Most challenging for detectors are XFEL & LCLS II, taken as target for PixFEL Eu-XFEL Today: LCLS, … 0D96NSHMG6N A6H:GHDJG8:H PB>AA>H:8DC9H -"!!$)! Z %CI:CH:EJAH:H6I ADLG:EG6I: Z P ;:BIDH:8DC9H Tomorrow: NGLS/LCLS II PB>8GDH:8DC9H - "&$$)! 0DBDGGDLSHMG6N A6H:GHDJG8:H G. Rizzo %CI:CH:EJAH:H6I =><=G:EG6I: P 6IIDH:8DC9H ID ;:BIDH:8DC9H PixFEL – Pisa July, 1st 2014 7 µ µ µ 2. Progress on the detector development program at the European XFEL The different scientific applications at XFEL.EU will be mainly addressed by the imaging detector development projects shown in table 1. The first column summarises the requirements of the different experimental stations, the other columns the specifications of each detector. In more detail the actual status of the DSSC [6] (hexagonal pixel), the AGIPD and the LPD detector projects are as follows: XFEL 2D imaging detectors Table 1. Overview on 2D imaging detector development projects at the European XFEL. All detectors are based on Si sensor technology and will provide a spatial resolution close to the pixel size. All detectors are actively cooled and foreseen for vacuum operation, except the LPD. Requirements AGIPD Hybrid pixel 10...100’s µm 200x200 µm2 1kx1k 1kx1k Central, Multiple tiles, variable hole variable hole >80% >80% DSSC Hybrid pixel Technology 204x236 µm2 Pixel size 1kx1k Detector size Multiple tiles, Tiling, hole variable hole >80% Quantum 0.5-13 keV efficiency 500 µm 450 µm Sensor thickn. 0.5-25 keV Energy range 0.25-25 keV 3-13 keV 3 4 4 Dynamic range 10 … 10 … 10 at 12 keV 104 Single photon 300 el. rms 50 el. rms Noise 4.5 MHz, 4.5 MHz, 352 4.5 MHz, 640 Frame rate 2700 images, images anaimages digital 10 bursts/s logue on-chip on-chip LPD Hybrid pixel 500x500 µm2 1kx1k Multiple tiles, variable hole >80% 1-13 keV 500 µm 1-25 keV 105 at 12 keV 1000 el. rms 4.5 MHz, 512 images analogue on-chip pnCCD* FCCD CCD CCD 2 75x75 µm 30x30 µm2 256x256 1kx2k Monolithic Monolithic no hole fixed hole >80% >80% 0.3-13 keV 0.3-6 keV 450 µm 200 µm 0.05-20 keV 0.25-6 keV 103 at 12 keV 103 … 104 2 el. rms 25 el. rms 200 Hz, 200 Hz (1kx1k), continuous continuous (*prototype) DSSC: First experimental results have been obtained by coupling the non-linear DEPFET prototype to an ASIC prototype comprising the complete readout chain from the analog front-end to the ADC and • Fastgain curve is well controlled • Slow the memory. Measurements show that the non-linear by the applied G. Rizzo PixFEL – Pisa July, 1st 2014 voltages, which is an important milestone for further calibration studies. Radiation hardness generally 9 DSSC (DEPFET Sensor with Signal Compression) X-ray camera • Dynamic range 1-104 ph/pix + single photon resolution • Single shot imaging in 200 ns 21 cm (1024 pixels) • 1024x 1024 pixels Pitch 200x240 um2 • 600/2700 frames in pixel storage • 16 ladders/hybrid boards • 32 monolithic sensors 128x256 6.3x3 cm2 • DEPFET Sensor bump bonded to 8 Readout ASICs (64x64 pixels) x-y Gap Try to improve with new technologies G. Rizzo • PixFEL – Pisa July, 1st 2014 • 2 DEPFET sensors wire bonded to a hybrid board connected to regulator modules • Dead area: ~15% 10 Problem of missing data Modules of limited size and gaps between modules è lots of missing data Reconstruction may become ambiguous • Fig. a) b) are 2 single shot diffraction pattern images of a large virus, 0.75 um diameter, taken with pnCCD detector at LCLS. • Fig. c) is the virus picture (30000 images averaged) with a transmission electron microscope as a comparison. • All the various possible reconstructed images of the virus are shown in f) and g) with all the ambiguities coming from: missing data due to dead area and saturation of pixel in the central region. st G. Rizzo PixFEL – Pisa July, 1 2014 11 PixFEL long term goal • Develop a four-side buttable module for the assembly of large area detectors with no or minimum dead area to be used at FEL experiments • Multilayer device: active edge thick pixel sensor, two tiers CMOS readout chip (analog+digital/memory) with low density and high density TSV, with 65 nm to increase memory and functionality, in a smaller pixel pitch of 100 um. (450 um thick) Good efficiency up to 10 keV wide dynamic range (1 to 10000 photons), single photon sensitivity burst and continuous mode operation 9 bit resolution (effective), 5 MHz sampling rate 1 kframe PixFEL target requirements à criticità ed innovazioni 1. Elevato range dinamico, 1-104 fotoni (1-10 keV) + single photon resolution! à Preamplificatore a compressione di dinamica 1. ADC entro 200 ns à Successive approx ADC 10 bit: buon compromesso tra frequenza e risoluzione 1. Tiling senza zone morte – • – 2. à Slim-edge sensors sviluppati per Alice, Atlas (FBK) BUT for FEL need to be thick and operated with high bias to reduce plasma effect. Specific optimization needed! àlow density TSV to connect I/O chip PAD to hybrid board Pitch: 100um – 3. àTecnologia 65nm per aumentare la densità Readout e memoria: 1k frame depth – 4. àUso di TSV per espandersi in profondità, 2 layer readout chip DAQ e banda di uscita – • • à Critici per macchine continue ad alto frame rates (>15 kHz) ma non abbiamo soluzioni al momento Criticita’ dei punti 1-4 studiate nel 2014 Soluzioni proposte vengono provate nelle sottomissioni di Autunno 2014 (chip 8x8, active edge sensor). – G. Rizzo Dettagli nelle slide successive. PixFEL – Pisa July, 1st 2014 13 PixFEL Activities 2014 • define chip specifications. • design of test structures with single blocks (analog front-end, ADC, circuits for gain calibration, single MOS capacitors, I/O circuits), CMOS 65 nm • design of a 8x8 matrix, 100 um pitch • design of 1st batch slim edge pixel sensors • start investigation on readout electronics 2015 • test the structures from the first run • start investigation on 3D integration processes, including low density TSVs • design of the 32x32 matrix (accounting for low density TSVs) • design 2nd batch slim edge pixel sensors • interconnect the front-end chip to the (slim edge) pixel sensor • start writing VHDL and design some elementary digital block (memory cells, buffers) • start organizing the test beam 2016 • test the 32x32 front-end chip • test the chip after interconnection with the detector • test structures including low density TSVs • complete VHDL design of the readout electronics • test the chip with beam G. Rizzo PixFEL – Pisa July, 1st 2014 • 14 14 Attività a Pisa (2014-15-16) • Collaborazione alla definizione delle specifiche • Contatti con le facilities FEL • Progetto logica in-pixel e architettura readout ‘semplificata” per i 2 chip prototipo singolo layer (8x8, 32x32) • Collaborazione progetto ADC SAR con PV • Interconnessione chip-sensore • Progetto e costruzione schede di test • Caratterizzazione in lab dei vari chip prototipo • Contributo al progetto del chip digitale per prototipo 2 layers (3D) • Partecipazione al test su fascio (LCLS ?) G. Rizzo PixFEL – Pisa July, 1st 2014 15 Dove siamo arrivati Sottomissioni chip e sensore autunno 2014 G. Rizzo PixFEL – Pisa July, 1st 2014 16 Active edge sensor optimization for FELs (1) TN Field plate 5 µm • Active edge sensor to minimize dead area between tiles. Key steps: • trench etching/polisilicon filling/support wafer removal • Already under development by FBK for Alice and Atlas, but specific optimization for FEL needed. • Main difference/issues: 1. n+ n/p gap p+ !"#$%&'()*+"',(-(./&%0"(.1''".$*1#( Trench edge 104 photons at both 1keV and 12 keV n-‐ substrate Collection time < 30ns for both 300um and 450um thickness at Vbias = 400V Plasma effect: high charge concentration from huge signal (10^4 photons 1 keV à 2.8x10^6 e-/h>100 MIP) reduces the collection field and deteriorate charge Collection Distance (CD) and Collection Time (CT) 2. Thick sensor (450 um) needed for good efficiency @ 10 keV model available within the Synopsys TCAD package. In à High bias voltage needed but breakdown voltage might be particular, the light wavelength (1015 nm) and intensity have critical for active edge sensor! been tuned to emulate 104 X-ray photons of 12 keV energy, an than 3 that a very approach that has already been proposed in [12]. Since the exper pixels will be bump bonded to the read-out chip, the X-rays which (i.e., the light pulses) are impinging from the back-side. (~101 à High Bias voltage mitigates plasma effect: with Vbias=400 V increa PixFEL phone meeting ± June 19, 2014 break8 can reach our target design à coll dist < Pitch=100 um cm-2 collection Time~30 ns. that is In – Edge geometry optimized to increase edge breakdown voltage: region rings • Edge distance & floating guard rings, As an • field plate & oxide thickness differ • Vbreak > 400 V obtained even after 1GRad (Qox=3x10^12) one f floati oxide G. Rizzo PixFEL – Pisa July, 1st 2014 17200 V • TCAD simulation results: !"##$%&' Active edge sensor optimization for FELs (2) TN !"##$%&' !"#$%&'(")*&+,%$+-$.&/0"$1+2#02$%*2(3*(20$4&*56$$ • Present optimization of the edge geometry to improve breakdown voltage: 78('$9).$:(')*+,-.'-/.0'10*400,$'+#("0%;$$ <$9()2#$2&,9%$4$0/*02,)"$-&0"#$.")*0$ !"#$%&'(")*&+,%$+-$.&/0"$1+2#02$%*2(3*(20$4&*56$$ !"#$%&'$()"*+,%ʹ%*-."$%/0('#$% <('$=(,3*&+,$#0.*5$ 78('$9).$:(')*+,-.'-/.0'10*400,$'+#("0%;$$ <88,'$+/�$*5&3>,0%%$ <$9()2#$2&,9%$4$0/*02,)"$-&0"#$.")*0$ %$122,3$&$'()*$)"+,*-".$/"0$+102($3"#$1.4$56$7$8,9$ <('$=(,3*&+,$#0.*5$ &*$&%$.+%%&1"0$*+$+1*)&,$1 2'3'4551'-+2$)""$*50$#0*03*+2$+.02)*&+,$"&-0*&'0$ 1;4"<.$="+*12($7$>".)*1.*$*?0",2?$*?($(.*-0($4(*(>*"0$ :')/$?+/$@$A0BC$3' DC;$<88,'$+/�$*5&3>,0%%$ • First pixel at 90 um from the edge 01*-".$+-/(*-9($ &*$&%$.+%%&1"0$*+$+1*)&,$1 $ 2'3'4551'-+2$)""$*50$#0*03*+2$+.02)*&+,$"&-0*&'0 ~1% dead area :')/$?+/$@$A0BC$3'DC;$ ~ 1 mm in AGIPD detector for XFEL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 90 um PixFEL phone meeting ± June 19, 2014 2 PixFEL phone meeting ± June 19, 2014 ting ± June 19, 2014 G. Rizzo 5 PixFEL – Pisa July, 1st 2014 18 with a suitable design of the MOS channel length L (once mic range into a reasonable outputMassimo signal Manghisoni W has been properly chosen for the low energy gain setnon-linear characteristicon is required. Sig- PixFEL behalf of the Collaboration can be achieved at sensor level, as in the ting). The simulated input-output trans-characteristic of C device [1], or front-end level, like in the the circuit is shown in Fig. 2 (right) where the CSA output dynamic range front-end channelis W/L intended asVddthe difference with respect to the work presents the designsolution, of a low-noise ]. In Wide this work a novel based readon voltage W/L ited for application to the next generation DC value. The inset shows the initial, high gain portion of 4 photons atures of a MOS capacitor [3], is proposed • 1-10 ser (FEL) experiments andbetween based on a 1-10 novel keV theEnergy characteristic. The dimensions have been choGain (G setting 1. The drain and source terminals of theHigh he )device sion solution. The readout architecture, gnd • out Bilinear Amplifier: use the is non-linear features Low Energy Gain (G ) setting lecapacitor arried intoa form 65 nmone CMOS technology, ed together termi- sen to have a low energy gain of about 0.4 mV/ph and an Vout amplifier of 500 mV. With Vout MOSFET capacitors to dynamically change low-noise charge sensitive amplifier (CSA) output range of the Q in Q in dynamic ate formsof the other. The device polarity oo oo signal compression, a time-variant shaping respect to other R compression solutions underR investigation the gain with the input signal amplitude detector characteristics: a PMOS for a w-power analog-to-digital converter (ADC) for 100 FEL experiments, the one proposed here has the adng electrons andThe an NMOS for • pixel. High gain for low energy &colLow gain for high energy µm-pitch blocks will beone operated - technology PMOS @ PMOS @ V =1.2on V; V a =200 mV vantage of being based standard CMOS othe cope with the high frame rate (exceeding voltage of the gate connection Vin is in out in out 100 n for future XFEL machines. The work has (not on a customized L=5 µm process, as in the case of the DSSCL=5 µm close to gnd for PMOS and close to V DDapIf Vout <<Vthof ⇒ the Cgs =PixFEL Cmin L=20 µm Cgs = Cmax ut in the frame project Ifdevice) Vout >Vand th ⇒ on a single channel with dynamically changdevice is operated in inversion, yielding stituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) 1. (not Charge sensitive preamplifier with of MOS nonlinear gain on the parallel configuration channels withfeed2014. The paper will 2discuss detail teristic shown in Fig. (left). inSince lowthe ingFig. C ≈ C + C = WLC max gs gd OX Cmin ≈ Cgsovl + Cgdovl = 2W ∆LCOX back capacitor: PMOS for detector collecting electrons (left) ted for the the channel and is will W=10 µm generate an design outputofvoltage Vout which 10 and NMOS for detector collecting holes (right). ugh analysis of the simulation results. '"# &!! n the device Vg=Vin=+0.8V threshold Vth1 , the1 feedback 1 1 '( G = 280q W=20 µm he AB-*,C1D, le = 280q is set at its Gminimum andOX')itWis mainly COX WL 2∆LC #!!E" ' %!! 10 FB-*,C1D, Summary Vsd=Vout '*+, ap gate-to-source Cgs,ov and gate-to-drain high Evaluated energyfor 1photons, the output voltage is expected to #!!E" ph @ 1keV Evaluated for 10 ph !"& ces: instrumentation developed for FEL ex- exceed onic the threshold thus10 showing a maximum Cf which $!! 1 !" !" #" have to satisfy severe requirements in is !"% mainly F@AB1C:D1 given by the gate-to-channel Cgc capacitance 100 Channel [µm] #!!E' Length/Width Gate Area ≈ Camplitude = 2W ∆LC (1) gs,ov + Cgd,ov ox rate, input and resolution, frame #!! ?@AB1C:D1 # !"$ #!!E' and frame storage capability. Covering device channel width, ∆L the extension C (2) In the low energy rangeis(E <10 photons the at 1 keV) the gain f,max ≈ Cgc = W LCox . $%& 3 In the high energy range (E >10 photons at 1 keV) the gain "!! 00 photons 1iskeV 10 keV) input egion and Cis@ the to gate capaci-dyox independent of theoxide MOS channel length Therefore, L !"# in the high energy range (>103 photons) the hile preserving single photon resolution at area. Therefore, in the low energy range on the MOS gate area WL can be adjusted with the MOS channel width Wdepends # gain ! depends on the MOS gate! area W L and can be set one of the most challenging tasks. In order the gain of the preamplifier is almost in! '!! #!! (!! with $!! the ! #!!! length %!!! '!!! (!!! "!!!! be adjusted MOS channel L (with set for withcan a suitable design of)!!the MOS channel length LW (once amic range into alength reasonable 9: 1=1: 917>:8 :;6<5=,70>,?,",@619 e MOS channel L and output can be signal adlow energy gain setyllynon-linear characteristic is required. Sig- W has beenst properly chosen for 3the choosing the channel width W . For / 11 G. Rizzo PixFEL –2.Pisa July, 2014compression The 1simulated input-output trans-characteristic of Dynamic signal through the non-linear features 19 n can be achieved at sensor level, as in the Fig.ting). Front-end channel design (1) PV gs )*+,-./0./,123/456,7819 *++,-./012.3./45.6/+173*8 Low Energy Gain [mV/ph] High Energy Gain [µV/ph] B 4 & % $ # " ! ! ;<5 46 # % ' ( "! Gated integrator: Flip Capacitor Filter Front-end channel design (2) PV 2 25'&%$*6$",4(3$*789:4;$& <4#5*64%"':*2)89&$,,4)"* 01#)1! 2)"3$&,4)" S3 Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of th SR S1 WF CF C f0 W/L V DD 9W/L gnd 1 keV / 10 keV Vin - 25'&%$*6$",4(3$*789:4;$& <4#5*64%"':*2)89&$,,4)"* 01#)1! 2)"3$&,4)" Fig. 3. Schematic different gain, like in the case of the LPD and the Percival tim S0 detectors). Th Fil S4 The schematic diagram of the full readout processor deS0 S1-S4 veloped in the frame of the PixFEL project is shown in Sam S3 V in S2 Fig. 3. ItVincludes, beside the charge amplifier with signal gra out compression, the shaping stage, the Sample&Hold capac- zoi S2-S3 S1 + itor and a 10-bit successive approximation register (SAR) duc CF ADC. Since the readout channel will be bump-bondend to out 0 100 200 t [ns] a hole collecting pixel sensor, an NMOS has been used as Th ADC 01#)1! Baseline Signal Signal !"#$%&'()"*'"+*,-.#&'/()"*,#'%$ Conversion Integration Settiling Integration 2)"3$&,4)" the non-linear feedback capacitor of the and charge preampli- con Reset fier. Starting from the compression idea proposed above, str a more complex feedback network has been worked out ara S4 SH S0 Only one amplifier in which the MOS is split in two to switch from 1 keV the to 10 operation Thecapacitor additional C capacitance fou Trapezoidal S2 weighting function achieved bykeV flipping the mode. feedback F b0 Cf 0 allows for precise low-energy gain settings, while the filt transconductor is used for10-bit the purpose of trimming and and resetting the MOS device. ADC The forward stage of the am- seq + Vref plifier is realized with a classical folded b9 cascode architec- gra Csh ture with a PMOS input device to cope with the bias re- col 5 L. Bombelli, C. Fiorini, S. Facchinetti, M. Porro, G. De Vita, “A fast current readout strategy for the XFEL quirements of the feedback MOS. Moreover, an improved get DePFET detector”, Nucl. Instr. Meth., vol. 624, pp. 360-366, 2010. seq output stage has been used to provide the high current 17 / 29 values required during the integration and reset phases. (th The shaping stage is a standard component of an opti- tor mum channel for charge signal processing. Since FEL fa- the !"#$%&'()"**'"+* 6'89:$* events with =>1.4#* cilities generate a known repetition rate, a and ,-.#&'/()"*,#'%$ A*B):+ 67?*7@2 tim rm rat ("!$ diagram of the full readout channel. Th ( rea Good preliminary results from simulation of the *+*,-./0./,123/456,718 Vref G (,0C !"#' !"#& ifferent gain, like in the case of the LPD and the Percival time-variant shaping stage has been adopted in this work. full front-end channel with 50 ns integration time: etectors). The proposed architecture is based on the Flip Capacitor Filter (FCF) idea [4] which applies a Correlated Double he schematic diagram eof the readout processor de- photon • ENC=51 à full S/N=5.5 for single 1 keV a single inteeloped in the frame of the PixFEL project is shown in Sampling (CDS) technique to obtain, with 9:;6,7<=8 feedback capacitor, a trapeig. 3. It includes, beside the charge amplifier with signal grator stage and a flipped Fig. 4. Simulated output channel voltage swing for 1 and 100 inlinear transcocomingAn 1 keV additional photons signals at 5 MHz timing operation. ompression, the shaping stage, the Sample&Hold capac- zoidal weighting function. st PixFEL – Pisa July, 1 has 2014 20 ductor been introduced to convert the voltage at the or andG. a Rizzo 10-bit successive approximation register (SAR) (!!,0C !"#% !"#$ !"# [1] >4=63:<6 ?</65@4/:2< ! A:5<43 A6//3:<5 )! A:5<43 ?</65@4/:2< (!! [2] B6=6/ ()! $!! [3] [4] In-pixel SAR - ADC • Digital data storage and off chip data transmission preferable w.r.t analog approach • Specs: 9 bit (guarantees single photon resolution at small signal, small quantization noise in Poisson-limited regime), 5 MHz sample rate (for XFEL) ܸ ܸ ܸ ܾଶ ܾଷ (ڮ ʹ Ͷ ͳ ( • 10 bit SAR (Successive Approximation( Register) ADC architecture chosen: good compromise between clock frequency (à50 MHz) and resolution. • ܸ ൌ ܾଵ f_clk=N*f_conversion in SAR (2^N in a ramp based ADC) – Critical points: area (DAC), power, clock distribution … – Present simulation results (PV): • ENOB =9.2 • Power ~ 70 uW – Area ~ 5000 um2 from first layout G. Rizzo PixFEL – Pisa July, 1st 2014 21 In-pixel logic & readout (1) - Pisa Selezione set comandi • Definito il readout semplificato della matrice 8x8 con massima flessibilita’ per studio performance + debug/studio di cross talk! due set #0 e #1 di segnali di comando, un bit di configurazione dentro ogni pixel per scegliere quale set usare hold, conv_clk, conv_start, wr_buf1_sel, rd_buf_sel MASK – SELECT hold0, conv_clk0, conv_start0, wr_buf1_sel0, rd_buf_sel0 hold1, conv_clk1, conv_start1, wr_buf1_sel1, rd_buf_sel1 G. Rizzo - F. Morsani conv_end1 PixFEL Meeting – 13 Marzo 2014 8 ;<=3>-#-#?@'<<=%#A3@#B%03@# G+#?%4#B.4# E1# G+%43# E*/# G+%43# ='@A# <'.F"#<@'<H# <'.F"#<'.4+'@# <'.F"#,4-+4# # @'5%<# <'.F"#3.A# J6L+35# *D;P# # RST1EQ# # ;D$# # CDE# ;121EQ# # # # +'G#,3@3<4# G. Rizzo PixFEL – Pisa July, 2014 !"#$%&&'#(#)"#*'+,-.%# <'@#,3@3<4# ,="'M4# ,=#<@H# ,="%.# G+L?MN6L3.-# +AL?MNL,3@# JK) +3-A#3.-?@3# 1st bit di configurazione del pixel conv_end0 # • Implementati i blocchi della logica nel pixel ed effettuate prime simulazioni miste del pixel singolo e di pixel in colonna. • In corso le simulazioni delle sequenze di test “standard” e sequenze di test per studio di cross talk sh clk INJECT # 2 set di comandi indipendenti/pixel: per studio di cross talk di un pixel sugli altri pixel – 2 buffer/pixel: per studio di cross talk di un pixel su se stesso in diverse fasi (conversione/reaodut) – Buf1 configurabile: registro con scrittura e lettura parallela (nel test chip) oppure come shift register caricabile parallelamente (con il contenuto del SAR) e leggibile serialmente per emulare lettura sequenziale veloce del chip finale sh.out B1_CFG conv_end # DCE#A-4-I# B%03@#O# /%0)12#*334%.5##²#67#*-+&'#896:# !"# 22 !"#$%&'(&)'*%(+& In-pixel logic & readout (2) Pisa %&'()*+,-!"".$ ."/&0$1+23$".+43.$ !"#$ %&'()!"#$ #5"$630$631$ ."/&0$32!%13$ *!.!1131$ "!0!$%&6$ #/2'+7$.37$ F. Morsani ,-&./0#"!'&&1234536415& PixFEL Meeting – 19 Giugno 2014 7& 23 Massima flessibilita’ per il debug di possibili cross talk sul chip di test TRA PIXEL DIVERSI: sampling (event1) durante il readout di event0 usando un pixel sniffatore Hold0 (pixel generatore) event 0 Hold1 event 1 (pixel sniffatore) Write buf1 enable spazzolata non serve buf1, dati nei rispettivi SAR Start Conv0 (generatore) Start Conv1 (sniffatore) Campion., digitizzazione T_conv_evt0 storage 10 bit in pixel/evt, conv_clk up to 50 MHz Read buf1 sel Readout sequenziale della matrice, direct addressing G. Rizzo - F. Morsani G. Rizzo T_conv_evt1 si leggono i SAR T_read_evt0 PixFEL Meeting – 13 Marzo 2014 PixFEL – Pisa July, 1st 2014 T_read_evt1 14 24 Studi preliminari sul readout/banda (Pisa) • Modularita’ del rivelatore per coprire 20x20 cm2. • Necessita’ di banda (su chip e ladder) per applicazione a diversi FEL & sviluppo architettura operabile in burst mode/continua. • Ipotesi: chip finale da 64x64 pixel (100 um), ladder=sensor=2.56x5.12 cm2, 32 chip/ladder con 10 bit risoluzione . ~ 30 ladder per l’area totale. • • • • • LCLS: 120 Hz frame rate continuo à banda 5 Mb/s/chip e 160 Mb/s/ladder XFEL: 4.5 MHz frame rate, 1% duty cycle, 1k frame/3k frame storati à banda: 0.6 Gb/s/chip e 20 Gb/s/ ladder In queste condizioni XFEL come macchina continua con frame rate 15 kHz. Sviluppi fatti al PSI per rivelatore EIGER (moduli 3.8x7.7 cm2, 8 chip 256x256 pixels) arrivano a moduli con banda 50 Gb/ s/ladder. Assumiamo che 50 Gb/s/ladder siano raggiungibili à 37 kHz di frame rate in continua dovrebbero essere raggiungibili. G. Rizzo Eiger, the next generation pixel detector – Single photon counting pixel detector – Sensitive area of 38 X 77 mm2 – Pixel size 75 Pm – 524k pixel module – Dead time free mode of operation – Maximum frame rates • 23 kHz in 4 bit mode • 12 kHz in 8 bit mode • 8 kHz in 12 bit mode – 8 GB of memory on a module – Two 10 GbE data links per module !"#$%&'()*& First full module diffraction pattern +,-.&/#01-)&(/,2)& !"#$%&"$'% Bernd Schmitt, SRI2013 9/19/2013 PixFEL Meeting – Pavia, 20-21 Feb 2014 Seite 30 25 Attivita’ a Pisa 2015 • Q1 – Preparazione schede di test per chip 8x8 – Integrazione di scheda per DAQ nelle schede di test di PixFEL • Compact 1 Gbit Ethernet DAQ developed for PIXIRAD: similar needs for test on beam lines. • M.Minuti interessato/disponibile ad apportare le modifiche necessarie all’integrazione sulle nostre schede di test. • Q2-Q3 – Caratterizzazione in lab del chip 8x8 • Debug del nuovo sistema di test e del chip! – Contatti con le facilities FEL per definire specifiche architettura readout e possibilita’ test su fascio. – Inizio progetto del prototipo 32x32 • Logica in-pixel/architettura di readout • Q4 – Sottomissione prototipo 32x32 – Inizio implementazione del DAQ per test prototipo 32x32 in lab e su fascio – Inizio del progetto del chip digitale per prototipo 2 layers (3D) G. Rizzo PixFEL meeting – June, 24 2014 26 Richieste servizi di Sezione 2015 • Sviluppi del chip di elettronica e schede di test/DAQ – Morsani: 50% – Minuti: ~30% • Assemblaggi di chip (un chip nel 2015) – Supporto del servizio A.T., per incollaggi, microsaldatura G. Rizzo PixFEL – Pisa July, 1st 2014 27 PixFEL - Personale a Pisa 2015 G. Rizzo PixFEL meeting – June, 24 2014 28 Richieste Pisa 2015 G. Rizzo PixFEL meeting – June, 5 2013 29 backup G. Rizzo - F. Morsani PixFEL Meeting – 20-21 Feb 2014 30 Storage rings and FELs • • • • • Pulse length: 103 shorter (100s fs) Emittance: 102 hor., 3 ver. lower Intensity per pulse: 102 higher Monochromaticity: 10 better Peak brilliance: 109 higher m < ! < 1pm 1 eV < E < 10 keV Various FELs program accessible at FELs is quite broad: ral biology LCLS @ SLAC e structures of large macromolecular biological systems XFEL @ DESY try erstand catalytic mechanisms (efficient conversion of light into trical/chemical energy) al science y transport and storage of information on increasingly smaller th- and faster time-scales. and molecular science (AMO) y the fundamental interactions among electrons and between trons and nuclei; explore the frontiers of light-matter ractions ities have more than a single beam line ffer by the photon beam energy SwissFEL @ PSI nt lines give access to different types of experiments Giulia Casarosa 2 ! G."#$%&'!()!*+,'-./#+!01!*2#33"456!7,'!08'&.99!1.+#9#/:!9';$/,!#;+9%<#;$!/,'!'=>'&#-';/.9!,.993!#3!.?0%/!@AA-6!! Rizzo PixFEL – Pisa July, 1st 2014 32 M !"#G#,*5,(F#"(1%=(<.>?3(F*&050'0%, !"#$%&'( )'*'+, -%. ʄ/01 2*01(301*&( '%&41#5#67 89%"*55( 5%16'4 )!:;< !"#$%&' (")*(+ ,-.'/"0 1'2 345#"!'67 ,-81'*('1-9'/:; 1<<'= )=0,,>?3 !"#$%&' (")*(+ 1-8'/"0 >'2 345#"!'67 1-9'/:; 9>1'= !:3(<>?3 !"#$%&'$&' )(*%("## ><'/"0 <-?'2 345#"!'67 ,-81'*('1-9'/:; @<<'= )4*164*0(<>?3 !"#$%&'$&' )(*%("## ?-.'/"0 >'2 345#"!'67 1-9'/:; ?<<'= *)+$*&A5' "B+"&#$*&'*C DEF'G0' H-1'/"0'5$&AI J J 345#"!'67 ,-81''/:; J !"#$%&' (")*(+ ,-,1'/"0 >,'2 7-K-''L7 >-H'/:; 9<<'= !"#$%&'$&' )(*%("## ,-.'/"0 >,'2 7-K-''L7 >-H'*('>-1'/:; J !"#$%&' (")*(+ ,-H'/"0 >,-.'2 7-K-''L7 >-H'/:; .1<'= 2:<(@A(>?3 B3) BC3) D?))E(,#F'(<."*7(>?3 PiXFEL From LCLS-I to LCLS-II ! LCLS-I: 120 flashes of light per second ! addition of a second 1km linac (+ injector) operating independently to LCLS-I ! ‣ independent soft and hard x-ray SASE undulatory ‣ beam rate up to 1MHz in continuos wave (from LCLS-II Key Parameters (DRAFT) Oct. 4, 2013) expected to deliver first light in 2019 ! February 21st 2014 Key enhancements of a fully instrumented LCLS-II over LCLS-I: ‣ extended photon energy range: 250 eV - 18 keV ‣ pulse enhancement of 1000x in brightness, 10x in power, 100x smaller bandwidth ‣ improved x-ray detectors: single photon sensitivity, dynamic range, number and size of pixels, 120 Hz for soft x-rays Giulia Casarosa 34 !4 xFEL beamlines facility from all the others, be they operational, under construction, or in the planning stage. 100 ms 600 Ps 100 fs 60 W / 2 - (global average) 10 kW a (train-averaged) 20 GW (peak power) Figure 1: Pulse operation mode of the European XFEL and corresponding average and peak power values Eventually, the present concept emphasizes the use of an extremely versatile secondary spectrometer in the hard X-ray domain, while maintaining the simultaneous capability for revealing X-ray diffraction studies down to the few femtosecond time scale. This versatility can be preserved for a rather simple sample environment, thus the startup design will focus on dynamic studies in liquid or physiological environments, but also permit the study of solid samples, which require vacuum and cryogenic conditions. This concept is different from the other five scientific instruments planned for startup at the European XFEL, and thus provides specific capabilities that cannot be (easily) followed at any other scientific instrument at the European XFEL facility. 3keV < E(𝛾) < 25keV Rizzo June 13 2013 SASE = Self-Amplified Stimulated PixFEL – Pisa July,Emission 1st 2014 Giulia Casarosa 0.26keV < E(𝛾) < 3keV 35 3 xFEL instrumentation 2D pixel HPAD 2D pixel LPD 2D pixel HPAD 2D pixel CCD 2D pixels detetor 2D pixel DEPFET G. Rizzo June 13th 2013 PixFEL – Pisa July, 1st 2014 Giulia Casarosa 36 5 Protein imaging Using extremely short and intense X-ray pulses to capture images of objects such as proteins before the Xrays destroy the sample. Single-molecule diffractive imaging with an X-ray freeelectron laser. Individual biological molecules will be made to fall through the X-ray beam, one at a time, and their structural information recorded in the form of a diffraction pattern. The pulse will ultimately destroy each molecule, but not before the pulse has diffracted from the undamaged structure. The patterns are combined to form an atomic-resolution image of the molecule. The speed record of 25 femtoseconds for flash imaging was achieved. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) Models indicate that atomic-resolution imaging can be achieved with pulses shorter than 20 femtoseconds. M.Ferrario make a movie of chemical reactions Chemical reactions often take place incredibly quickly: orders of magnitude of femtosecond are not rare. The atomic changes that occur when molecules react with one another take place in moments that brief. The XFEL X-ray laser flashes make it possible to film these rapid processes with an unprecedented level of quality. Since the flash duration is less than 100 femtoseconds, images can be made in which the movements of detail are not blurred. And thanks to the short wavelength, atomic details become visible in the films. To film a chemical reaction, one needs a series of pairs of X-ray laser flashes. The first flash in each pair triggers the chemical reaction. With the second flash, a snapshot is then made. The delay between the two flashes can be precisely modified to within femtosecond and a series of snapshots can be made at various times following the start of the reaction. In each case, the images are of different molecules, but these images can be combined into a film. M.Ferrario Science program The science base accessible at FELs is quite broad • structural biology: study and solve the structures of large macromolecular biological systems • chemistry: understand the mechanisms of catalytic processes responsible for efficient conversion of light into electrical/ chemical energy • material science: study the mechanisms of transport and storage of on increasingly smaller lengths and at faster time scales; • atomic and molecular science: is concerned with the study of fundamental interactions among electrons, between electrons and nuclei and between light and matter ,';#(6%&1<='>(6% ,>1==6<';# %%?;=6;@6%A6B=C@6>C;D% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%)"(@6@4 ! %%E89%!F%A<1B6%<1=64 ! %%,';#(6%)$C=C;%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%@6;@'='G'=H4% ! !"#$%&$'(')) 34%5674%899: *+*,%-%&./%01(2 10 XFEL Instrumentation Although each experiment at FELs may require a specific detection system, two main scientific cases may be identified • energy sensitive detectors with Fano limited energy resolution for spectroscopic experiments, possible position sensitivity for angular dispersive experiments (0D or 1D) • silicon drift detectors • high-Z detectors • cryogenic detectors • area detectors for imaging experiments, based on X-ray diffraction (2D) • charge coupled devices • hybrid pixel detectors • monolithic active pixel sensors Progetto PixFEL • Nasce dall’idea di applicare i piu’ recenti sviluppi di rivelatori a pixel per HEP per migliorare le performance dei sistemi di rivelazione per i FEL. • Scopo finale di costruire un sistema utilizzabile dai gruppi di ricerca nel campo della photon physics. • Nella fase iniziale (3 years) ci concentremo su un dimostratore che verifichi gli elementi innovativi. • Fasi successive da realizzare anche attraverso Horizon2020 • Tentativo di coinvolgere da subito le industrie per l’ingegnerizzazione del sistema (FBK, CAEN, …) • Sviluppo per: XFEL, LCLS, SwissFEL,LCLS II(NGLS) … à necessario sviluppare contatti con le comunità degli utenti dei FEL • Long term activity plan • In the long term (6+ years) the project aims at developing a 2D X-ray, pixellated camera for applications at FELs, complying with the following characteristics • 100 um pitch • 1 kFrame (?) storage capability • reconfigurability (?), for operation in burst and continuous mode • burst operation at a maximum frequency no less than 5 MHz • continuous operation at no less than 10 kHz (?) • 9 bits effective resolution • single photon detection capability • 104 photon @1 keV dynamic range To enable the integration of all the needed functionalities in a relatively small area, a 65 nm CMOS technology, in conjunction with a vertical integration process (including high density TSVs), will be adopted The final instrument will be based on the tiling of elementary blocks with minimum dead area to be achieved also by using low density TSV and active edge sensor technologies • 43 G. Rizzo PixFEL – Pisa July, 1st 2014 44 European X-FEL experiments [1] and considered, among others: a very wide dynamic range, from 1 to 104 photons at fixed energy (in the range from ~1 keV to ~10 keV), single photon resolution capability at low energies (up to about 100 photons), a pixel pitch of 100 µm, a frame rate of 5 MHz, and tolerance to very high ionizing radiation doses (>10 MGy). In orderedge to allow pixel for a multilayer four-sideto buttable module, Active sensors we plan to use planar active-edge pixel sensors. First minimize gap Nanofabrication between the introduced at the the Stanford Facility (SNF) as an extension of 3D sensor technology [2], active edges have active area and the edge of the been later applied also to planar sensors [3]. Active edges detector; steps consist of deepkey trenches, etched at the sensor periphery by Deep Reactive Ion Etching (DRIE), and doped to act as wall • electrodes trenchto etching terminate the active area, with arbitrary shapes Moreover, full signal sensitivity up to a few • possible. trench polisilicon filling micrometers from the physical edge can be obtained [4], [5]. • These support wafer advantages come atremoval the expense of an increased process • n-‐ substrate complexity, due to the DRIE step and the need for a support wafer to hold different dice together once the trenches have been etched [2]. Besides the original proponents at SNF, active-edge technologies have also been developed at other processing facilities, like SINTEF [7], VTT [8], and FBK [811], the latter being a partner in the PixFEL project. Compared to pixel sensors for High Energy Physics applications, where the current trend is towards thinner substrates, for FEL applications relatively thick sensors are optimization of the design by means of TCAD simulations. To this purpose, we have simulated both the charge collection properties and the breakdown voltage characteristics. Enabling technologies for a 4-side buttable module 45"%#& *+#,-.& 6#)($& !"#$%&'$()#& ,3& '3& '3& !"#$%&#$ ,/&0120)+()#& ,3& !"#!$%&'()*$&'+&$ȡ*$,-../$012.1%10$3345 G.-F. Dalla Betta is with TIFPA INFN Trento, and with Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Università di Trento, Via Sommarive, 9, I-38123 Povo di Trento (TN), Italy (telephone: +39-0461-283904, e-mail: Figure 1 Schematic cross-section of a planar active-edge sensor. A schematic cross-section of the devices is shown in Fig. 1. The sensors are p-on-n. The high-resistivity (n-) substrate is 450 µm thick and has <100> crystal orientation. N+ ohmic contact regions are at the back-side and along the trench at the edge. Metal field-plates are used (5 µm wide) on all pixels. Depending on the type of≥ simulations, • Thickness 450 umdifferent numbers of pixels and different edge terminations have been used. In needed good efficiency order to investigate for the plasma effect, simulations have been carried@10 out considering charge generated in the keV the maximum applications of interest (~3x107 e-h pairs), corresponding to • Already 104 X-ray photons of under 12 keV energy. To account for the photondevelopment absorption probability,by this FBK charge for has been released with an exponential distribution, using the optical generation Alice and Atlas Enabling technologies for a 4-side buttable module Low density TSVs for chip to PCB bump-bonding No gaps, no need for complicate tiling (provided that the detector has minimum dead area) CEA-LETI T-Micro Aim of the PixFEL project in the first phase (3-years) Investigating the enabling technologies for the design of chips with minimum dead area and high functional densities • slim edge sensors • vertical integration for double tier design of the front-end • low density TSVs for chip interconnection to the hybrid board • interposers for sensor to front-end pitch adaptation Studying, designing and testing the building blocks (CMOS 65 nm) for the front-end electronics (100 um pitch), complying with the application requirements • low noise, (reconfigurable) wide input range front-end channel (1 to 104) with dynamic compression, single photon detection • 9 bit (effective), 5 MS/s ADC (successive approximation register) • circuits for gain calibration Looking into architectures for fast chip operation and readout • frame storage mode (memory cell, maximum memory size, readout) • continuous readout mode (maximum speed, accounting for DAQ limitations) • reconfigurability (impact on the performance) Work Packages WP1: Enabling technologies (Lucio Pancheri, UNITN and INFN TN) – will investigate the technologies with potential to enable the fabrication of advanced 2D X-ray imagers to be used at FELs; the activity will mainly focus on active edge pixel sensors and low density through silicon vias, as the most important processes for the fabrication of a four-side buttable chip. WP2: Building blocks (Massimo Manghisoni, UNIBG and INFN PV) – will address the design of the fundamental building blocks for the readout of a pixel detector in a 2D X-ray imager to be operated at FELs, and concentrate on the development of individual stages and with their integration in a single tier 8×8 matrix at first, and with the design of a 32×32, single tier matrix to be interconnected to a fully depleted pixel sensor in a later phase of the WP WP3: Architectures and testing (Giuliana Rizzo, UNIPI and INFN PI) – will deal with a two-phase task: study of the readout architecture for the X-ray imager front-end chip; development of the hardware and software test systems and the placement of the final characterization of the detector in a beam line Readout architectures • No sparsification technique can be applied to imaging detectors à a large amount of data needs to be read out in a relatively short amount of time, also depending on the structure of the X-ray beam • Burst mode operation: data need to be stored locally and read out in the interval between two bursts; 65 nm CMOS technology is supposed to guarantee enough density to exceed the state-of-theart of FEL instrumentation in terms of storage capacity • Continuous operation: data are read out as soon as they are collected, frame by frame; the relatively low repetition rate (~100 Hz) foreseen in FELs operated in continuous mode makes direct readout of a megapixel detector a task within reach of present technology • The capability of switching from one mode of operation to the other may be an important asset for a 2D imager Pavia 2015 Activities and personnel Activities Characterization of the test structures submitted in the first year runs Design of a 32×32 chip with 100 µm pitch (4.5 µm×4.5 µm) Personnel Name Position Commitment Lodovico Ratti Assistant Professor 50% Massimo Manghisoni Assistant Professor 30% Full Professor 10% Gianluca Traversi Assistant Professor 20% Daniele Comotti PhD Student 70% Research Fellow 20% Piero Malcovati Associate Professor 20% Lorenzo Fabris PhD Student and Senior R&D Engineer, ORNL 40% PhD Student 70% Valerio Re Marco Grassi Luca Lodola Total FTE number for Pavia G. Rizzo PixFEL – Pisa July, 1st 2014 3.3 2/3 50 Progetti TN gr.V 2015 Riassunto FTE 2015 Nome e Cognome Ruolo Percentuale PA 30% Roberto Mendicino Dott. 50% Lucio Pancheri (responsabile locale) RTD 50% Hesong Xu Dott. 50% PO 30% Gian-Franco Dalla Betta Giovanni Verzellesi Totale FTE G. Rizzo 2,10 PixFEL – Pisa July, 1st 2014 51