Scalable dPMR Digital Radio Trunking with Seamless
Scalable dPMR Digital Radio Trunking with Seamless
Scalable dPMR Digital Radio Trunking with Seamless Migration from MPT1327 Fylde Micro’s NEW Multi-Lingo System, the gold standard in radio trunking The design team at our development centre in Blackpool, England have worked Fylde Micro’s NEW Multi-Lingo System tirelessly to complete what is the most sophisticated and complex design ever to come from Fylde Micro. Fylde’s goal with the Multi-Lingo controller is provide network operators and radio users the very best in radio trunking whilst minimising investment risk and maximising choice. Multi-Lingo™ is designed from the ground-up as a multi-protocol platform, more importantly, it allows different protocols to talk to one another. Multi-Lingo can be enabled to use digital dPMR, digital DMR and analogue MPT 1327 . Multi-Lingo systems provide the network operator with an easy and flexible migration scheme from legacy MPT systems. Fylde has partnered with leading manufacturers to ensure seamless integration with new and existing repeater equipment. Fylde’s Multi-Lingo™ is fully digital throughout; both control and speech paths are conveyed between all nodes via IP. Cross Protocol Numbering MPT1327 and dPMR have different numbering schemes. To enable communication between these protocols some form of translation must be provided. Multi-Lingo has translation tables to ensure that dPMR users can be included in MPT both individual and group calls and vice versa. The intention is to have no restriction on protocol to protocol communication. Next Generation SYSCON-Suite To complement the new controller Fylde has created a revolutionary network administration interface that incorporates asset tracking, a SIP based dispatcher, all available via a web browser. Visit us on-line Radio Site Radio Site Dispatcher Vehicle Location Calling Features Full cross protocol calling support - MPT > < dPMR Radio to radio, radio to group Full cross protocol mixed group support - MPT > < dPMR Full cross protocol data message support - MPT > < dPMR Individual Call (includes cross protocol support) Emergency Call priority including Pre-emptive emergency calls have the highest priority and All Call (radio to all users calls (includes cross protocol support) Pre-emptive Emergency If the network is busy, this call service clears down existing calls Late Entry Call Set-up (this function allows you to join a conversation) Call Queue (fully automatic controller within the infrastructure) Priority Call (gives priority over lower level calls) individual, group and gateway Network Administration IP Network displace non-emergency calls if RF necessary. IP Switch Group Call (includes cross protocol support) Broadcast Call (Includes cross protocol support) SIP Phone Server Radio Site Fylde Micro’s NEW Multi-Lingo System Fylde Multi-Lingo For larger networks of over Base Stations 5 sites it is recommended to use a separate (RCS) Regional Control Server. The separate Radio Site Smaller Network RCS further optimises IP radio network traffic by arbitrating subscriber registration data. Radio Site Radio Site Network Admin Dispatcher Vehicle Location Radio Site Data Features Data Call (SDM) can be sent and received IP Network Radio Site Regional Control Server / SIP Phone Server Status Call (preprogrammed messages can be sent and received) Everything is digital over IP RF **Transparent Data Call (for remote telemetry or data applications) There are no switches or separate control / audio feeds. Once the repeater is interfaced GPS Data Delivery (For GPS-Based Asset tracking) IP Switch Telephone Interconnect to the Multi-Lingo channel card, everything is Fylde Multi-Lingo Gateway Call (SIP/PBX) Telephony 2 wire POTS Telephony Network Security digital and conveyed over IP links. Base Stations Radio Site Totally Scalable Systems Larger Networks Multi-Lingo can be used to build systems ranging in size from 2 channels on a single Remote Kill/Stun/Revive (disables a lost or stolen radio over the air) Digital Voice Scrambler (radio manufacturer specific) Legacy Site site to national systems of a 1000 sites. Each Legacy Site Multi-Lingo tray supports either 4 x dPMR ANI (Automatic number identified) radio shows alias of who is calling) Multi-Lingo Site Multi-Lingo Site channels, 4 channels of MPT 1327 or 4 DMR Time slots. Trays can provide a mix of protocols Network administration / Troubleshooting done via secure web session up to 32 channels per site. Network Features RS232 and 4 Wire Audio Each 1u / 44mm height chassis supports 4 channels Up to 32 channels per site Up to 1000 sites networks across multiple regions Legacy Regional Node IP Switch Network supports over 1 Million subscriber terminals Fylde Multi-Lingo Translator Native IP connectivity SIP digital telephone Interconnect dPMR refers to Mode 3 Variant Features marked with ** will become available over the coming months. IP Network Network Bridge Legacy Systems Gateway Multi-Lingo trays can provide a mix of protocols up to 32 channels per site Visit us on-line Next Generation SYSCON-Suite Network Administration SYSCON Administrator is a database portal Syscon does NOT have to be online for the system to operate. Any configuration changes are uploaded to the radio network. G.U.I. User Features Fylde Micro’s NEW Multi-Lingo System Syscon Suite uses open source modules to provide core functionality MySQL- Database, Apache – Web Server and User interface via secure web browser sessions PHP – Server Scripting. The Multi level user access with language selection user terminal is provided via a Multi platform user interface includes smart-phone and tablet No additional user software installations required common web session requiring no additional installations. Syscon’s core installation is server based. This hardware Subscriber Control In depth control of subscriber and groups Call timers and Queuing Contains the master validation database for all radios / sites Protocol selection - dPMR, MPT and DMR Automatic Cross Protocol numbering schemes can be located anywhere in the network connected using IP. The radio network does not require Syscon to be on line to operate. The interface is essentially a database portal. Databases held in industry standard MySQL format Subscriber & System Status Call Logging, accurately records radio and talk-group use System alarms monitoring repeater and controller status Integrated call analysis and reporting Application Plug-in Web session dispatcher includes SIP integration Asset tracking offering a variety of map formats Seamless integration of “Man Down” and “Lone Worker” Remote Software Upgrades & Installations Future proof FPGA and Kernel upgradable via SYSCON’s web session Remote SYSCON Installation and updates Upgrade licensing for additional Apps. such as dispatchers and asset tracking Visit us on-line dPMR Mode 3 provides scalable, true trunking features with migration possibilities from analogue systems. Fylde’s Multi-Lingo™ controller coupled with the Icom FR5100 / 6100 repeater is all you need to build systems from a single channel up to a 1000 site network. Multi-Lingo™ is designed from the ground-up as a multi-protocol platform, Fylde Micro’s NEW Multi-Lingo System Fylde Micro and Icom Inc. are the first in the world to release dPMR Mode 3 equipment more importantly, it allows different protocols to talk to one another. Multi-Lingo can be enabled to use digital dPMR, digital DMR or analogue MPT 1327. Multi-Lingo systems provide the network operator with an easy and flexible migration scheme from legacy MPT systems. All ICOM products fully meet ETSI dPMR European Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI) standards. Model: IC-F3262DT / 4262DT VHF / UHF DIGITAL & ANALOGUE dPMR Mode 3 4 Channel System Example Syscon-Suite™ Network Administrator SIP Telephone Connect Icom FR5100/6100 Repeater 25 / 50 Watt | 100% Duty Fylde Micro Multi-Lingo Controller Configured for dPMR or MPT Operation Model: IC-F5062D / F6062D VHF / UHF DIGITAL & ANALOGUE Visit us on-line 1 analogue dPMR utilises 6.25kHz narrowband FDMA technology. Analogue Analogue / Digital trunking similar to MPT-1327 in operation. Fylde Multi-Lingo’s unique design allows different protocols to talk to one another seamlessly. ETSI compliant. What Radio Trunking Technology For Your Organisation? voice path voice chanels dPMR Mode 3 provides for a fully managed, scalable voice chanels in 12.5kHz channel profile 6.25 KHz Frequency 1 Analogue Analogue / Digital RX1 Repeater 1 4 digital voice TX1 paths with TDMA in 2 digital voice 6.25 KHz Digital Digital radio protocol available. Renowned for its fast call setup and T channel profile One Call Per Repeater Digital R RX2 Repeater 2 Repeater 2 delay free speech. The core strength of MPT1327 is that it is a stable and a R Repeater 1 25kHz Combining Equipment channel profile Two-channel A paths Frequency 2 with TDMA in channel profile MPT 1327 is still the most well established analogue trunked Fylde Micro’s NEW Multi-Lingo System 4 digital voice paths with TDMA in 12.5kHz 25kHz Digital 25KHz Analogue or Digital FDMA System TwoTwo-channel Channel Digital FDMA System 25KHz T TX2 static standard resulting in a wide range of fully interoperable products from serveral manufacturers. Two-channel Analogue or Digital FDMA System dPMR is an ETSI Standards Why is this important? 6.25 KHz Frequency 1 Excellent DIGITAL AUDIO QUALITY Poor Repeater 1 TX1 Audio Quality Area of Improved Performance voice chanels Analogue being ‘definitions and specifications for products set of paths in 25 kHz. Repeater 2 quality. Standards can be Digital RX2 One Call Per Repeater Digital Repeater 2 them? Rather than asking why we need standards, Minimum Acceptable Audio QualityTX2 Info on approved?? Combining Equipment found throughout our daily lives but why do we need Coverage RX2 4 x 6.25 kHz FDMA 12.5 KHz Frequency 2 TX1 and processes requiring repeated use’. They are a One Call Per rulesRepeater for ensuring Analogue Analogue / Digital RX1 Repeater 1 6.25 KHz Frequency 2 Combining Equipment 25 kHz 12.5 KHz Frequency 1 ETSI standards could be described in general as RX1 ANALOGUE Two-channel Analogue FDMA Two Channel Analogue FDMASystem System TX2 operator with an easy and flexible migration standards. SIGNAL STRENGTH scheme from legacy MPT systems to digital Products might not work as expected. They may Weak 25 kHz voice chanels be of inferior quality and incompatible with other 12.5 kHz 25 kHz analogue voice chanels Analogue Analogue / Digital them, and in extreme cases; non-standardised 4 x 6.25 kHz FDMA products may even be paths in 25 kHz. Info on approved?? dangerous. Digital DMR and dPMR networks. voice chanels equipment, in fact they may not even connect with Analogue Digital Multi-Lingo™ systems provide the network We should ask what the world would be like without Strong Carefully planned Digital migration capability Analogue / Digital 2 x 6.25 kHz FDMA 4 x 6.25 kHz FDMA paths in 12.5 kHz. paths in 25 kHz. Info on approved?? Info on approved?? ICOM - IC-FR5100 / IC-FR6100 Digital Digital Digital Multi-Lingo provides a Unique cross protocol numbering Aliases Number “aliases” are necessary because VHF / UHF Digital & Analogue Repeater all three protocols use different numbering dPMR Mode 3 and analoge FM mode for MPT1327 operation. standards. A dPMR radio simply enters the alias number and the system will translate it to the correct MPT number. This unique feature is all done within the Multi-Lingo site controller. 12.5 Khz Frequency Multi-Lingo trays can provide a mix of protocols up to 32 channels per site 1 analogue 25KHz voice path els voice chanels in 12.5kHz channel profile Analogue voice h TDMA in rofile Digital Analogue / Digital 2 digital voice 4 digital voice paths with TDMA in paths with TDMA in 12.5kHz 25kHz channel profile channel profile Digital Visit us on-line Fylde’s Multi-Lingo Controller and the ICOM Repeater have intelligent interconnect offering scalable dPMR trunking systems dPMR 4 Channel System (example) Fylde Micro’s NEW Multi-Lingo System 6.25 KHz Frequency 1 IP IP IP Switch 6.25 KHz Frequency 2 Admin Server Repeater 1 6.25 KHz Frequency 3 TX RX Multi-Lingo Combiner Repeater 2 Icom - IC-FR5100 / IC-FR6100 6.25 KHz Frequency 4 Repeater 3 VHF / UHF Digital and Analogue Repeater One Call Per Repeater Frequencies Bands: 136–174MHz, 400–470MHz dPMR Mode 3 and Analogue FM mode for MPT 1327 Repeater 4 25W output power at 100% duty operation Fylde Multi-Lingo system controller scalable from 2 channels up to 32 IC-F3162DT / IC-F4162DT channels per site. VHF / UHF Digital and Analogue Transceiver Expandable up to 1000 sites. dPMR Mode 3 and analog FM mixed mode operation Frequency bands : 136–174MHz, 400–470MHz 5W RF output power (VHF and UHF) Operating time: 14 hours - Large capacity Lithium-Ion battery pack Dust-protection and water jet resistance equivalent to IP55 IC-F5062D / IC-F6062D VHF / UHF Digital & Analogue Transceiver dPMR Mode 3 and analogue FM mixed mode operation Frequency bands : 136–174MHz, 400–470MHz 25W RF output power IP54 dust-protection and splash resistance (Front panel only) Visit us on-line Fylde Micro’s Legendary MPT1327 Systems For the foreseeable future Fylde will continue to manufacture and support its 3rd generation range of dedicated MPT 1327 analogue systems. This 3rd generation rugged, modular equipment is world renowned for its trouble free performance. Fylde prides itself on long term support of all its products so users can be confident of at least ten years support. And of course, 1st / 2nd and 3rd generation Fylde trunking can interface to Multi-Lingo via the legacy gateway further increasing the useful lifetime of the system. MPT 1327 is an industry standard for trunked radio communications networks. It was developed in 1988 by the British Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Although a British standard it is widely used in Europe, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia and even China. Many countries have their own version of numbering / user interface, the most notable being MPT1343 (UK), Germany – For the foreseeable future Fylde Micro will continue to manufacture and support its 3rd generation range of dedicated MPT1327 Analogue systems Chekker (Regionet 43), France – 3RP (CNET2424), Australia – Multiax, China -Gong An. ICOM - IC-FR5100 / IC-FR6100 VHF / UHF Digital & Analogue Repeater dPMR Mode 3 and analoge FM mode for MPT1327 operation. 3rd Generation MPT Trunking Controller Visit us on-line Fylde Micro’s NEW Multi-Lingo System We guarantee to provide upgrade paths for all our customers, allowing the interconnection of existing and future Fylde networks. Connecting Legacy infrastructure to digital Multi-Lingo Systems Legacy system data is collected via an available site port on the existing Fylde (RCP) Regional Control Processor. The Audio streams are collected via the existing Fylde PCM Switch. These Specially tasked Multi-Lingo controller acts as a translator connections are then presented to the specially tasked MultiLingo controller card using a Fylde cross patch interface. The specially tasked Multi-Lingo card acting as a translator, converts analogue voice signals and network data from within the legacy MPT system, converting everything to digital data. This interchange allows calls and messaging to seamlessly flow between digital systems and existing analogue systems. It is Cross Patch Interface worth noting that once the translator is no longer required the Multi-Lingo card can be put into service as a regular controller. This setup is all you need to seamlessly bring together new DMR or dPMR IP based sites with your existing legacy MPT network. This gateway can be used to facilitate gradual migration where “big-bang” swap-outs are not viable. Existing Regional Control Processor (RCP) and PCM Audio Switch Visit us on-line Complete Radio Systems Fylde Micro is a leading provider of complete two-way radio communications systems. When you partner with Fylde, your business benefits from our ability to expertly and economically produce complete solutions, ranging from single channel systems to fully integrated multi-site networks. We provide a full spectrum of high value-added, integrated manufacturing services. • Impartial system component advice. Fylde Micro has rigorously tested a wide range of products ensuring they meet or exceed the highest installation and functionality standards Fylde Micro’s Turnkey Radio System • Provide competitive pricing on approved third party products. • Supply chain management ensuring on time deployment. • Custom integration. IP networks, SIP, Microwave and RF. As a custom communication systems builder, we strive to offer our customers the best possible advice and an array of compatible component choices available to be integrated with our Multi-Lingo and Legacy MPT hardware. Our focus is on meeting and exceeding our customer expectations by developing robust, repeatable, cost-effective, and schedule conscious systems. Base Station | Repeater Hardware Radio | Mobile | Portable Antenna Combining Site Linking | IP | Wireless Backhaul System Cabinets | Power Management Communications Logging Recorders Server Hardware Fylde’s 30 years of global support provides the experience to get your system deployed quickly. Whatever your needs, Fylde can help. PROCOM TM TM INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH NETWORKS Visit us on-line 30 years of radio trunking excellence Fylde Micro’s NEW Multi-Lingo System November 1985 - Norman Burrows, (left) demonstrates the first Fylde MPT systems to Simon Towneley MP (middle) On the (right) is Bob Hallett Fylde Micro delivered the first ever true MPT multi-site system back in 1986. former Fylde director. Sadly no longer Since then Fylde have been pioneers in the field of radio trunking gaining a with us. worldwide reputation for rugged and reliable trunked radio solutions. Fylde is now entering into its third decade and with that comes new digital narrowband communication challenges. Fylde have being closely involved in the writing of the ETSI digital standards for DMR and dPMR. Whilst these standards have been maturing Fylde have developed the Multi-Lingo controller, the most sophisticated and complex controller design in the storied history of Fylde Micro. This brand new product is capable of communication across three protocols DMR, dPMR and MPT1327 simultaneously, digital and analogue. 1986 - 1988 Fylde provide the world’s first true MPT system for Air Call / BT. This system was installed at the top of 1994 - Fylde began the supply of MPT the Telecom Tower - London. controller circuits to Kenwood Japan. 2005 - Installation of Entropia’s Fylde designed and manufactured Fylde Micro outstripped all competitors European MPT1327 network thousands of miniature controller in the supply of MPT1327 systems and begins. Fylde supplied 145 sites boards for the very successful TK series handset controller circuits. comprising 850 channels. The mobile radio. Following on from this largest commercial MPT network success Fylde designed further projects for Kenwood’s MPT1327 range. in the world spanning across four 2011 - Fylde Micro and Icom Inc. are countries. the first in the world to release dPMR Mode 3 equipment. 1989 - Tait Electronics of New Zealand purchased a product 1995 - Fylde opens the doors to its Above - Mr Inoue Chairman of Icom to manufacture and further develop new headquarters and purpose built Inc. with Brian Seedle Chairman of Fylde’s unique distributed processor manufacturing facility in Blackpool UK. license from Fylde allowing them Fylde. based infrastructure. Today there is no 1983 - Fylde Microsystems incorporated as a limited company specialising in SELCALL and other PMR/SMR technologies. resemblance between Fylde and Tait’s 1994 - Fylde and Motorola entered in to a equipment. Fylde carried on developing 5 year OEM supply agreement. Motorola its distributed processing scheme purchased Fylde MPT controller and whereas Tait followed the path of infrastructure re-branding it Motorola. The centralised processing. Fylde released a total of 5 design licensies for re-manufacture and main market was UAE and Asia. 2013 - Fylde Micro celebrates 30 years of trunking excellence. development of its MPT infrastructure. 1983 2013 Visit us on-line for a more complete historical timeline Visit us on-line Scan QR code for additional information Any products mentioned are the trademark of their respective holders. © Copyright 2013 Fylde Micro Ltd. Ref-07071303 Fylde Micro Ltd. 8 Avroe Crescent Blackpool Business Park Blackpool FY4 2DP England T: +44 (0)1253 407040 F: +44 (0)1253 407073 E: