Sisters in the Spirit - Diocese of Arlington


Sisters in the Spirit - Diocese of Arlington
Sisters in the Spirit
P.O. Box 2017
Spotsylvania, VA 22553-2017
Happy New Year Sisters in the Spirit
As we enter the New Year, and the challenges ahead
of us, my hope for Sisters in the Spirit is that we will
be as successful in 2015 as we were in 2014.
With the grace of God, Sisters in the Spirit achieved
many rewarding accomplishments in 2014, with
included contributing to a fundraising initiative for the
purchase of textbooks for African students in need of
schoolbooks and literary books to read. A donation of
$100 was also made to Fr. Eugene’s school in
Cameron. SIS also gave the Oblate Sisters of
Providence a donation of $400, and made monetary
donations for Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets to
St. Margaret’s Transitional Housing, a branch of
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington.
During the month of March, our annual Women’ Day
Program was held, and SIS honored 7 women from
the diocese that exhibited the qualities represented in
the program theme, “Celebrating Women of
Character, Courage and Commitment”. SIS also
participated in the Pro-Life March for Life and
40Days for Life, The Bishop’s Conference, Unity
Mass, SIS/ DC Conference and many other activities.
What we are doing in the diocese is getting noticed,
which is also being affirmed by an increase in new
membership. Let’s continue to move forward in
strengthening our sisterhood in service to God and
Sisters in the Spirit Mission
To create a network of Catholic Women of Color,
guided by the Holy Spirit, inspired by the Blessed
Mother, sharing the African American Catholic
Heritage and tradition through:
- programs that enlighten, express, develop, and
strengthen our Faith;
- compassion and service for those having
spiritual, social and/or economic needs;
- striving to be a positive spiritual light and
evangelizing force in the world. Thanks to Phyllis Johnson for producing the SIS
newsletter throughout the year, with a lot of useful
information. The newsletter was published every three
months and shared throughout the diocese. Iris Brown
and Phyllis also produced a new SIS Tri-fold that
provides information about Sisters in the Spirit. We
have also had more new ladies to Join, so we are busy
and doing a lot to answer our call.
The Women’s Conference will be held again in March,
and will include a Christian Women’s Gospel songfest.
In 2015 I would like to encourage all of our Sisters to
continue to participate and share your God given talents
in or Mission of Creating a Network of Catholic Women
of Color and sharing our African American Catholic
Heritage and traditions.
Blessings to you in the New Year
Michele Jones
SIS Chairperson
Sisters in the Spirit Vision
Sisters in the Spirit will live the Gospel through
authentic Catholic Worship, Prayer, Witness,
Fellowship and Programs.
Sisters in the Spirit will develop programs that share
African American Catholic Heritage and Tradition
within the African American Community and within
the larger Catholic Faith Community.
Sisters in the Spirit will strive to share our “gift of
blackness” with the entire Church as Pope John Paul
II requested during his trip to Africa. T ak e the f irs t step in f aith.
Y ou do n’ t h ave to s ee the whol e
s ta ircas e, ju s t ta ke the fir st s te p.
Dr . M ar tin L uthe r King J r .
For Your Health
How being overworked affects your Health
How many hours per week do you typically spend
working? Do you find yourself stressed out the
majority of the time and wishing that there were
just more hours in the day?
If so, you’re being overworked. It’s time to start
putting yourself first and your job second. We talk
with experts on stress management and how being
overworked can have serious health consequences.
Let’s look at the facts…
◦ Those who work more than 10 hours per day
have a 60 percent higher chance of a heart
◦ People need eight hours of sleep per night but
Americans only average six and a half.
◦ We’re more anxious, frustrated and impatient
than ever.
The feeling of stress can be addicting.
The effects of overworking
When you’re overworked, you’re overtired. When
you’re overtired, you rely more on caffeine to get
you through the day, you tend to make unhealthy
food choices and working out becomes a thing of
the past. You become irritable, your immune
system weakens and you tend to stop enjoying life.
You may react negatively to your family or
coworkers, leading to more stress and anxiety.
Eventually, you may become depressed.
The Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Wisdom Understanding
Fear of the Lord
The Corporal Works of Mercy
To feed the hungry.
To give drink to the thirsty.
To clothe the naked.
To Visit the imprisoned
To Shelter the homeless
To visit the sick
To bury the dead
Message for Chair, pg 1
For Your Health, pg 2
Prayer request, pg 3
What’s on your Mind by Dora Jones, pg 4
Celebrating Black History Month with African
American History questions, pgs 5 – 6
Sisters in Business, pg 7
Help needed, pg 7
Upcoming Events, pg 8
Christian Charities, pg 9
Volunteer Opportunities, pg 9
Our Catholic Community, pg 10
Information obtained from:
SIS Leadership Team and email info, pg 11
African American History Answers, pg 11
Prison Ministry, pg.12
SIS Membership Application, pg13
January/February 2015 Page 2
Sisters in the Spirit
Meditation Prayer
Dear God,
I spend so much time reliving yesterday or
anticipating tomorrow that I lose sight of the only
time that is really mine – the present moment.
You give me today, one moment at a time. That’s all I have, all I ever will have.
Give me the hope that trusts you enough to forget
past sins and future trials. Give me the love that makes each moment an
anticipation of eternity with you. We ask this in the name of Jesus, who is the same
yesterday, today and forever. Amen
From: Redemptorist Fathers Prayer Book
Please forward your
Prayer Request to:
They will be forwarded to
SIS membership
Prayer Request
The following Leaders of African
Decent on the road to Sainthood
†Venerable Henriette Delille
†Mother Mary Elizabeth Lange
†Fr. Augustus Tolton
†Venerable Pierre Toussaint
O MARY, conceived without sin,
pray for us who have recourse to
you. Holy Mary, Virgin Mother of
God, who was conceived without
sin, we choose you this night for
the Lady of Mistress of this house.
We beseech you, through your
Immaculate Conception, to preserve us from deadly epidemics,
plagues, fire and water; from lightning, violent storms and hurricanes, from robbers; from schisms
and heretics; from earthquakes and
sudden death. Bless and protect, O
holy Virgin, all who dwell here, and
obtain for us the grace to avoid all
sin, and to escape every misfortune
and accident. Amen.
†Victims of Violence
†End to all Violence
†Food for the hungry
†Pope Francis and all Church
Leaders †Souls in Purgatory
†Peace and Unity in our country
†All women considering abortions
†Those in need of Prayer
January/February 2015 Page 3
What’s on your Mind
In writing for this edition of the
newsletter I thought I would take a page
from Facebook.
Whenever you open
Facebook the first thing you see is a box
that says “What’s on your mind”. I often
wonder if anyone else besides me ever
reads that statement.
Based on some of
the things that I see on Facebook they
could not be, but then again maybe those
things are on their mind. Today my
thoughts are on the people that I have lost
in my life. We just finished Christmas and
I always have flashbacks of the years when
all my family was here: parents,
grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles,
friends and the list goes on and on.
Specifically this year, I really
missed my Father. He has been gone for
fourteen years. But, I can still smell his
cologne as he was preparing to go sing at
the Christmas program. You see my father
was a Gospel singer; he belonged to one of
the traditional groups that had a three part
harmony and lead singer. My Father was a
lead singer who could bring the gospel to
the masses and bring them to their feet and
have them standing for hours and they still
would not get enough. He would sing
encore after encore and receive standing
ovations over and over again. He had a
stage presence that I have never seen in
anyone else. Being the daughter of a great
gospel singer has taught me many lessons
about life and how to be a good Christian.
My Father always said: “You can’t sing
about the gospel if you don’t live the
gospel”. His main rule was that of the
Golden Rule “Treat everyone the way you
wish to be treated”. As my very first music
teacher, I learned to sing with all my heart,
body and soul and to always remember
who I was and who I was singing for.
January/February 2015 He taught me and my sisters and brothers
all of the old time gospel hymns and we
still sing some of them today.
My father’s favorite song was a
very old one called “I Got Shoes”. As he
progressed in age and his health declined,
it was amazing to see my Father still
performing. He would take his time and
get meticulously dressed. His shirt, tie,
socks and handkerchief would be
matched completely to the color of the
suit he wore. Sometimes he would have
to be helped to the stage or front of the
assembly. And then you would see the
Holy Spirit take over as he began to sing:
‘I Got Shoes” as he pointed down to his
toes, and then sing “I Got A Robe” as he
gestured as if putting on a robe and then
wave his arms in the air as he sang “I got
wings, all of God’s children got wings,
when I get to heaven gonna put on my
wings and walk all over God’s heaven”.
I miss him but I will never forget how he
taught me to be a Christian.
So, for any of you Facebook fans, today I
am thinking of my Father and I know he
is walking all over God’s Heaven.
Dora Jones
Page 4
Celebrating Black History Month
Black History Month was originated in1926 by Carter Godwin
Woodson as Negro History Week. The month of February was
selected in deference to Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln
who were both born in that month.
African American History Questions
(Answers on page 11)
1. The first Black man to graduate from an American college was John Russwurm. From what school did he graduate? 2. How did Nat Love get the nickname Deadwood Dick? 3. What was the goal of the Ku Klux Klan? 4. Who was the first known African American bookseller? 5. The slave ship Amistad got its name from a Spanish word meaning? 6. What percentage of the captive Africans died on board the slave ships? 7. Hazel Winfred Johnson became the first African American woman to earn the rank of gen-­‐
eral in what year? 8. Which group of workers approached A. Philip Randolph to help them organize a union? 9. Who was the first self-­‐made female millionaire in the U.S? 10. New York was the last Northern state to outlaw slavery, True or False? 11. How many products did George Washington Carver create from sweet potatoes? 18, 35, or 118? 12. When did Dr. Charles R. Drew create practical procedures for the maintenance of blood banks? 13. Who invented the traffic light? January/February 2015 Page 5
14. What was the first military ship named after an African American called? 15. Who was the first African American to be ordained into the Catholic priesthood in the U.S? 16. Which Black inventor was instrumental in the creation of trolleys? 17. Who invented the breathing hood that became the modern day gas mask? 18. Justina Ford, Colorado’s first Black woman physician, delivered an estimated 7, 000 babies earing the nickname “Denver’s Baby Doctor.” True or False? 19. What black football player won the Heisman Trophy twice? 20. Where did Black inventor Elijah McCoy study mechanical engineering? 21. What Black inventor joined Thomas Edison’s research team after inventing and inexpensive process for making lightbulb filaments? 22. Who was known as the Black Edison? 23. Who was the first Black woman admitted to the Mississippi bar? 24. Who became the first African American Woman composer? 25. For what is Sarah Goode noted? 26. Who was the first African American soldier to win The Congressional Medal of Honor during the Korean War? 27. He was the first African American to explore Africa. What was his name? 28. Who were the first Black pilots to make a round-­‐trip transcontinental flight? 29. Who was the first African American to vote? 30. Name the first Black United States Senator. 31. Who was the first African American nurse to become a US Army Colonel? 32. What was Thurgood M arshall’s first name before he shortened it? 33. The Adding Machine was invented by an African American, name him. 34. Sarah Boone invented something that is commonly used. Name the item. 35. Who was the first Black tennis player at the US Open? 36. Who invented a machine that could produce shoes mechanically? January/February 2015 Page 6
Independent Beauty
Specialize in Gift Baskets
Valentine's Day Baskets available as
seen in the picture or by special
order for your significant other.
Contact: Stephana Miles
Website: ;
January/February 2015 HELP NEEDED:
The Knights of Peter Claver
Ladies Auxiliary Court #398
is collecting men and women
business attire for the Joyce Carelock Ministries (JCM) H.E.L.P. center Dress for Success Program.
The Center needs gently used
clothing for their program participants and other jobseekers who
do not have the resources to purchase professional clothing. The
center need women and men
suits, men dress shirts, women
blouses, skirts, dresses, dress
pants, shoes, sweaters, blazers,
jackets, purses, belts, hats, coats,
There are two donation boxes in
the St. Joseph Catholic Church,
Alexandria, VA Parish Hall. All
items will be collected by
JCM. For more information, contact Stephana Miles, 703-3031708 or email
Page 7
January 22, 2015
12:00 noon Rally12th St., National Mall, Washington, D.C.
1:00pm March14th St., National Mall
For complete schedule of 2015 March for Life go to:
Diocesan Mass in Celebration of Consecrated Life – You are invited to celebrate with Bishop Loverde the consecrated men and women who serve the Diocese of Arlington, such as our pastor, Fr. Fest, who is a Josephite priest. To mark the World Day for Consecrated life during the Year of Consecrated Life, there will be a 5:30 p.m. Vigil M ass on Feb. 7 at the Cathedral of St. Thomas More in Arlington. A reception will follow. For more information, contact the Office of Vocations at (703) 841-­‐2514 or
St. Joseph Catholic Church Alexandria, VA
100th Anniversary
Kick-off Celebration begins with 11am Mass with Bishop Loverde &
Historical Presentation/Reception after Mass.
2015 Black History Month Program
Theme: A Century of Black Life, History, and Culture
Featured Speaker:
Edwin B. Henderson II
President and Founder
of the
Tinner Hill Heritage Foundation
Saturday, February 21, 2015
6:30 PM, Founders Room
Our Lady Queen of Peace Church
2700 S. 19th Street Arlington, VA
A Reception Follows the Program
January/February 2015 Page 8
Christian Charity
St. Margaret of Cortona Transitional Housing
receive donation from SIS Chair Michele Jones
Volunteer Opportunities
Martin Luther King Jr. National Day of Service
January 19, 2015
Looking for volunteer opportunities check out the below websites:
January/February 2015 Page 9
St. Jude Catholic Church, Fredericksburg, VA celebrating
National Black Catholic History Month November 01, 2014
3rd Unity Mass
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church,
Triangle, VA
November 15, 2014
St. Joseph Catholic Church,
Alexandria, VA Christmas gift deliveries to the Oblate Sisters of Providence and retired Josephite Priests
December 21, 2014
January/February 2015 Page 10
Sisters in the Spirit Leadership Team
Michele Jones
Iris Brown
Beverly Anderson
Winsome Craig
Patricia English
Linda Edwards
Phyllis Johnson
Vice-Chair Spirituality
Vice-Chair Programs
Vice-Chair Membership
Secretary (Correspond.)
Newsletter & Historian
For information or to be placed on SIS mailing
write, call or email:
11. 118 different products, including rubber.
12. During the heat of World War II, when the need for
blood was greater than it had ever been.
13. Garrett Morgan
14. SS Frederick Douglass
15.Father Charles R. Uncles in 1891
16. Granville T. Woods, developed an overhead electric
power supply system for streetcars and trains
17. Garrett Morgan
Sisters in the Spirit
P.O. Box 2017
Spotsylvania, VA 22553-2017
18. True. Ford was paid in everything from apples to
chickens. She accepted whatever payment the mother
could afford.
19. Archie Griffin
20. In Scotland, where he become a master mechanic and
21. Lewis Latimer
22. Granville T. Woods
African American History Answers
Bowdoin College. Russwurm went on to be-­‐
come editor of the first Black newspaper in the U.S, Freedom’s Journal. 23. Marian Wright Edelman
24. Florence Price
25. She was the first African American woman granted a
patent for an invention.
Nat won several roping and shooting con-­‐
tests in Deadwood, Dakota 3.
According to a Klan paper, the quasi-­‐military group’s goal was to kill or drive away leading Negroes and only let the humble and sub-­‐
missive remain. 27. Martin Robinson Delany
Journalist and lecturer, David Ruggles 29. Thomas M. Peterson of Perth Amboy, New Jersey
Friendship 6.
13% 31. Margaret Bailey become a Colonel in US Army Nurse
Corp. in 1970
1979 32. Thoroughgood
The railroad sleeping-­‐car porters working for the Pullman Palace Car Company 33. Shelby J. Davidson
Madame C.J. Walker 34. Sarah Boone received the first patent for the ironing
10. True. While Vermont abolished slavery in 1777, New York waited until 1857 26. Private William Thompson of Brooklyn
28. Albert Ernest Forsythe and Charles Alfred Anderson
on July 17, 1933
30. Hiram Rhoades Revels from North Carolina
35. Althea Gibson
36. Jan E. Matzeliger invented the shoe lasting machine. January/February 2015 Page 11
Praise the Lord my sisters and brothers for we serve a
God full of Mercy and Grace! My name is KaIyah
Allison. I have been blessed and humbled to have a
Prison Ministry since October 2007. God spoke to me
and out of obedience I answered the call. Each time I go
to the women's prison division I am overjoyed! The
women have received me with open hearts. I often tell
them what a blessing they are to me. During our time
together we have praise and worship, readings from the
word of God and time for sharing what's on your heart,
whether it be a testimony of God's goodness in their life
or just to have someone to listen to them and encourage
them. The women are my sisters and I am grateful to
God to choose me for such a ministry as this! I always
tell my sisters this is a journey we will take together. It's
such a powerful thing to see God move in a mighty way
while we are together. Their have been many occasions
where my sisters come in and you can instantly feel the
heaviness in the room, but as we begin to worship The lord moves and lightens the
heavy burdens they came in with. To hear them say Thank you for coming, I am so glad
you came! I give God All the Glory, it's by his power alone that together we can bind up
every chain the enemy tries to put us in.
It is my purpose in life to continue to uplift my sisters while they are in their cocoon
stage I like to call it, because they are safe and God is rebuilding them. I look forward to
seeing them on the outside so we can continue to build God's Kingdom and give the enemy a Headache!!
God bless and keep you,
KaIyah Allison
January/February 2015 Page 12
Sisters in the Spirit
P.O. Box
Spotsylvania, VA
Sisters in the Spirit Diocese of Arlington, VA Membership Application Yes . . . I am excited about the mission, vision and programs of
Sisters in the Spirit. I have decided to become an active
Please accept my annual membership:
o General Member
o Youth Member
o Patron Member
o Life Member
o Associate
$ 25.00 (annual membership)
$ 10.00 (between 16 and 21 years of age)
$150.00 (payable in three (3) $50.00 increments
of $50.00 a year)
$300.00 (onetime payment or payable in six (6) increments
of $50.00 a year)
$ 25.00 (support/non-voting)
Name____________________________________ Parish
County ______________________ Zip ____________ E-mail
Phone (h) ________________________________ (c)
Enclosed is my membership type _______ donation of $ _______ (year) ______
Unable to join at this time but continue to include me on SIS mailing list.
Please make check payable to:
Sisters in the Spirit,
P.O. Box 2017
Spotsylvania, VA 22553-2017
For info call: 540.834.2117
(Membership is open to all Catholic Women; no one is turned away due to lack of
funds. ALL are welcome)
SIS is a non-profit organization
January/February 2015 Page 13