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Vol.8 , No. 1163 Thursday, August 9, 2012, 25 Savan, Nanaksahi Calendar 544
Sikhs identity well identified now
Killings in Wisconsin Gurdwara turning point
By I.P.S. Babra,
Founding Editor, Sikh Press
Those who have created and consolidated the identity of Sikhs in America
currently are no more with us. And their
names are:
Bhai Satwant Singh Kaleke, president of
the Wisconsin Gurdwara
BhaiSeeta Singh
BhaiRanjit Singh
BhaiPrakash Singh
BhaiShahbeg Singh
American Sikhs in Wisconsin Gurdwara
last week by a neo Nazi American Wade
Michael Page, a disgraced army veteran.
His mother Laura Lynn had apologized to
the victims and Sikh community at large,
and the whole of USA is in a mourning
mode. President Barack Obama had ordered the flying of American flag at half
Milwaukee, Wisconsin where the
every state and national homeland
security, defense
and related protection agencies are
which could
averted. But
Kaleke, the
president of
mast which will end on August 15, the gurdwara or Sikh temple who
2012, whichhappens to the independ- sacrificed his own life in defending so
ence day of India. What we are seeing
(Cont.. to page no 6)
is a crucial turning point
for over 25 million Sikhs
They became the victims of sense- in the world currently imless, hateful first-ever killings of six noted pacted by the killings in
“BADAL” Summoned
US Federal Court Summons CM Punjab
“BADAL” For Human Rights Violations
New York: (August 8, 2012) On August 8, United
States District Court for the Eastern District of
Wisconsin issued Summons against visiting Chief
Minister of the State of Punjab, Parkash Badal, on
the charges of police custodial torture and shielding the Police officers, DGP Sumedh Saini and
others who are responsible for the extra judicial
killings and continuous human rights violations
against the Sikh community in Punjab. The lawsuit against visiting Indian Minsiter Badal is filed
by Sikhs For Justice (SFJ), a human rights advocacy group, Shiromani Akali Dal SAD (Amritsar),
an opposition political party in Punjab and individual victims of police torture has been docketed
(12-C-0806) with the United States District Court
for the Eastern District of Wisconsin.
The August 8 US Court summons against
Chief Minister of the State of Punjab Badal gives
him twenty one (21) days to answer the charges
of torture, practice of impunity to the police officers responsible for extrajudicial killings and continuous human rights violations of Sikhs in the
State of Punjab in India. The lawsuit against
August 9, 2012
Courageous Journalism
Gurdwara shooter identified, was ex-soldier of US army
Headed a racist band Had 9/11 tattoo on arm FBI launches probe
The lone White gunman who shot dead
six Sikhs in cold-blood at a Milwaukee
suburban gurdwara on Sunday has been
identified as a 40-year-old US Army veteran with a 9/11 tattoo on his arm. The
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has
launched a probe into the incident that
law enforcement authorities have termed
as "domestic terrorism". No motive has
A second police officer shot the
gunman dead. He had many tattoos, including a 9/11 one on his arm.
Milwaukee suburb Oak Creek’s
Police Chief John Edwards said at a press
conference on Monday that authorities
believe Page was the only gunman. He
used a 9mm handgun utilising multiple
ammunition magazines, he added. Authorities are trying to
identify another person, a White male,
whom they described as “a person
of interest.”
The police have
identified the deceased as brothers
(granthi) and Ranjit
Singh (raagi); gurdwara president Satwant Singh Kaleka;
been identified behind the shooting spree. Prakash Singh (granthi), 39; and congreWade Michael Page served in the gation members Subegh Singh and
US Army from April 1992 through Octo- Paramjit Kaur. Kaleka was killed after he
ber 1998 and was assigned to psycholog- tried to tackle Page.
ical operations, or PsyOps, according to
Three others are in hospital in
law enforcement officials. His motiva- critical condition -- Punjab Singh, Santions were unclear. He ambushed a police tokh Singh and police officer Lieutenant
officer who responded to the scene and Brian Murphy. A fourth victim was
shot him multiple times. The police offi- treated and released from hospital.
cer was in a critical condition but exOfficer Lieutenant Brian Murphy
pected to survive.
was shot eight or nine times in the face
and extremities at
“very close range,”
said Chief EdImplies "keep the emotions in ensure community confidence wards, adding that
your heart calm and mental in their safety is restoredEx- the shootings were
reasoning clear. " As Sikhs re- tended the National Helpline being “treated as a
cite this in their Ardaas 1-855-US-UMEED ( 1-855- domestic terrorist(prayers) everyday, they are 878-6333) to all individuals type incident”.
reminded to remain humble seeking assistance as they The Southern Law
and grounded.It is this lesson come to grips with the
of humility that had joined the tragedy.Has been in constant
Sikhs together across the communication with the
world. UNITED SIKHS media and the community
stands in solidarity with the member to ensure active and
Sikh communities rising correct information is being
above the tragedy that oc- reported, not only as the
curred on August 5, 2012 at events unfold, but also that acthe Sikh Gurudwara in the curate information regarding
Milwaukee suburb of Oak the Sikh panth is being sent
Creek in Wisconsin. With the out to the public.Calls upon
hope and prayer that the world Inter-faith communities to
will be made safer for every- show solidarity by hold prayer
one, UNITED SIKHS mobi- vigils
lized its teams to help the worship.Created an action
community:UNITED SIKHS plan and toolkit for commuEMERGENCY RESPONSE nity safety. Rising in solidarTEAM reached Wisconsin to ity,
provide immediate and first- including The Sikh Coalition,
hand assistance to the families Sikh American Legal Defense
the and Education Fund (
tragedy.Trauma counsellors SALDEF) , Sikh Research Inscheduled to arrive Thursday, stitute and UNITED SIKHS,
August 8th to start assisting in collaboration with local
with the post traumatic stress Sikh leaders, institutions and
related effects of the event on Gurdwaras, urge Sikh Amerithe Oak Creek Community at cans, across the nation, to orlarge.Launches "I pledge ganize inter-faith vigils within
against Hate Crime" cam- their respective communities
paign to raise awareness for Wednesday, August 18th,
against such senseless acts.In- evening to remember and pray
stalls a Task Force to commu- for the individuals and comnicate with law enforcement munities affected by this
agencies in United States to tragic event.
Sikhs Unite in wake of the Wisconsin tragedy
Karygiannis condemns shooting at
Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin
I was shocked to learn of the shooting on Sunday at a Sikh Temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, United States of America. A gunman entered the Temple during prayers and opened fire - killing
six people and critically injuring three others. My thoughts and
prayers, and those of my Liberal colleagues, are with the friends
and families of those who were killed and with those who were
injured and we wish them a speedy recovery.
This vicious attack, perpetrated by a lone gunman, who
was later killed by police, has sent shock waves through the Sikh
community in Canada and around the world. Members of the
Canadian Sikh community and, indeed Canadians of all faiths,
are outraged and saddened that this attack occurred in a holy
place while people were at worship. The right to practice one’s
faith in peace and security is a basic human right. Presently,
arrangements are being made for vigils of remembrance to pray
for those who perished and for peace. My colleagues and I will
pay our respects.
We also express our gratitude towards the law enforcement authorities for their prompt and effective response to the
situation as it unfolded.
Poverty Center that
tracks hate crimes
described Page as “a
frustrated neo-Nazi
who had been the
leader of a racist
white-power band”
‘End Apathy’. In
2010, Page gave an
interview to the
white supremacist
website ‘Label 56’ in
which he said he had
been part of the white
power music scene
since 2000, when he
left his native Colorado on a motorcycle. He attended
white power concerts in Georgia, North
Carolina, West Virginia and Colorado, the
Southern Law Poverty Center reported.
“We are looking at ties to white
supremacist groups,” said Teresa Carlson,
the special agent in charge of the FBI’s
Milwaukee division, at the press conference on Monday morning. The FBI is
leading the investigation. “This remains
an active investigation in its early stages,”
the FBI said in a statement on Sunday.
“While the FBI is investigating whether
this matter might be an act of domestic
terrorism, no motive has been determined
at this time.”
A photograph of a bespectacled
man, purported to be Page, on the Southern Law Poverty Center website shows
him as a heavily-tattooed White male
with closely cropped hair.
Special Agent Thomas Ahern
with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
Firearms told ABC News the symbolism
of Page's tattoos was being investigated.
“And what his tattoos signified is being
investigated. They are all pieces of a possible puzzle to learn what was his motive
in carrying out such a horrific act," Ahern
said. The Sikh Temple of Wisconsin was
founded in October 1997 with a community of 20 to 25 families. It now has 350
to 400 people in its Sunday congregations
who work and live in the greater Milwaukee area. The other gurdwara is in Brookfield, Wisconsin, about 30 miles away in
the northern suburbs.
US President Barack Obama said
he and First Lady, Michelle Obama, were
“deeply saddened” by the tragedy as he
led the country in mourning the deaths of
worshippers, who were arriving for the
11.30 am service. Darshan Dhaliwal, who
identified himself as a leader at the gurdwara, told the Milwaukee-Wisconsin
Journal Sentinel: “This is insanity.” Sikh
and Muslim American organisations also
condemned the incident.
August 09, 2012
Courageous Journalism
by Sikhs for Justice
Praising the brave and timely action
taken by the Police Officer who risked
his/her life to defend Sikhs in a shoot out
at Wisconsin Sikh Temple, Sikhs for Justice (SFJ) a US based human rights advocacy group, announced a $10,000/gallantry award for the officer.
SFJ while announcing the award
for the super cop who saved many lives
at Wisconsin shootout at Sikh temple
stated that US claim to be savior of religious minorities across the world but has
miserably failed to protect the religious
minorities at home. Citing the hundreds
of hate crimes perpetrated against Sikhs
and other religious minorities since September 11, 2001, SFJ held Obama Administration responsible for failing to
protect the religious minorities in the
United Sates as no concrete steps have
been taken for the protection of religious
minorities.SFJ announced to approach
the US Commission on International Religious Freedom to suggest concrete
measures to the Obama Administration
for protection of religious minorities in
the United States, which are integral part
of the American society.Emphasizing the
need for special program to create
awareness about religious minorities, attorney Gurpatwant Singh Pannun who
practices civil rights in the United States
and is legal advisor to advocacy group
SFJ, stated that the attack on Sikhs in the
United States is not due to mistaken
identity as commonly portrayed but
rather Sikhs are targeted for being Sikhs,
a religious minority.
While sympathizing and showing solidarity with the families of victims and the community at large,
attorney Pannun stated that it is incumbent upon Obama Administration take
concrete measures to prevent future hate
crimes against Sikhs or any other religious minority. These attacks have cultivated deep sense of insecurity among
the American Sikh community, added attorney Pannun.SFJ announced to approach Sikh Gurudwaras across North
America to create Trust Fund to prevent
future hate crimes against Sikhs and to
spread awareness about the principles
of Sikhism.
Appeal for Calm...CPFA
We strongly condemn and saddened this
incident with heartly and spirtuly and we
strongly show our solidarity with our
brothers and sisters from Sikh community
across North Amercia. Our hearts go to all
those famlies who last their love ones and
sacrifices their innocents life at worship
place.we pray to God almighty to protect
all those who suffer from this incdent and
help them and elevate their status in Paradise. Nasir Chatha Canada pakistan
friendship Association
Dal Khalsa turns 34: Articulating
the cause of Sikh Nationalism
On 6th August 1997, on the occasion of
its 19th foundation day, Dal Khalsa
counsel wrote a letter to Indian Home
Minister declaring the revival of the organization as a political group in Punjab
after being on a low for a decade and so.
Fortunately, the ban imposed on the organization in 1982 was lapsed in 1994.
The comeback was not easy for the organization that nurture ambition to establish sovereign self-rule for Sikhs and
whose leader is perceived to be “guest”
of unfriendly country.
Many fingers went up the air.
Some pro-militant groups dubbed such a
step as turning a back to the armed struggle while the adversaries blamed it as a
new phenomenon to disturb peace in
Punjab. Our own compatriots rued that
this was being done with the help of the
‘state’ to defuse the fighting spirit of
Sikhs whereas New Delhi portrayed it as
a new design of the hostile neighbour.
However, we decided to give a
new shape to the struggle, not under any
pressure or weakness. We decided to
give politics a try, totally on our own
after due deliberations and consideration
with a keen sense of history. While taking this decision, we were very much
aware of the difficulties and accusations.
The foremost thing that we kept in mind
was that our decision should not become
an instrument in the hands of the government to again perpetrate atrocities on the
Sikh people.
Sikhri Offers Condolences on Wisconsin Gurduara Shootings
San Antonio, TX - On behalf of the Sikh
Research Institute (SikhRI), we extend
our ardaas (prayers) and heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims, the
family of the suspect(s) and all those who
have been impacted by this tragedy at the
Sikh Temple of Wisconsin. Usually a
house of prayer and learning, today the
Oak Creek Gurduara became a scene of
senseless violence and killing.
As Sikh-Americans, we also pray
for and offer our gratitude to members of
the Oak Creek Police Department along
with other law enforcement agencies, first
responders and all those who put themselves in harm’s way to protect the people
of our community. “This is a national
tragedy,” commented Inderpreet Singh,
Chair of SikhRI’s Board of Directors. “As
we reflect on these senseless acts of violence and loss of lives, we search for answers to the question ‘why.’ While we
may never know or comprehend the motives for such violence.
WSC-AR Condemns Milwaukee Sikh Gurdwara
Shooting: Calls for Prayerful Response
The World Sikh Council - America Region (WSC-AR) is shocked and deeply
saddened by the senseless shooting
which occurred earlier today at the Sikh
Gurdwara of Wisconsin in Oak Creek
near Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It has been
reported that a suspect opened fire on a
weekly congregation of the Sikhs while
a reading of the Sikh scripture was in
progress. Current reports say that there
are 7 deaths, including an assailant, and
many injured. One brave police officer
was also one of those injured. WSC-AR
offers its condolences and support to the
victims, their families, the law enforcement agencies (especially the police officer shot in the line of duty) and the
surrounding community. This is a troubling day, not only for Sikh-Americans,
but also for all Americans.In the coming
days, along with Sikh advocacy organizations, we will be working with public
officials, and law enforcement authori-
ties, to understand the events of today
and to help the community in whatever
way we can. The Council will also be
providing support mediums for our interreligious partners and the public as we
sort out this situation. This shooting
comes on the heels of another tragedy, as
our country continues to recover from
the senseless shootings in Aurora, Colorado.We urge all to pray for the victims,
their families and friends, and the surrounding community. We also express
our gratitude towards the law enforcement authorities for their prompt and effective response to the situation as it
unfolded. We offer our appreciation for
the bravery of the police officer shot,
offer condolences, and pray that he will
recover fully soon. As we learn more
about the situation, we will keep the public updated and informed. We thank you
for your patience and prayers during
these difficult times.
Senseless Shooting...Sikh Federation (UK)
The Sikh Federation (UK) which is in the
process of setting up chapters across the
globe has expressed its shock by the
senseless and tragic shooting which has
occurred at the Sikh Gurdwara of Wisconsin in Oak Creek near Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA. The shooting has resulted
in seven deaths, including the assailant,
and several seriously injured. Six Sikhs
are confirmed dead: one Kathavachak
(spiritual discourse giver), two sewadars
(helpers) at the Gurdwara (place of worship), one woman, one elderly gentleman,
and the identity of the sixth victim is not
yet known.Bhai Amrik Singh, the Chair of
the Sikh Federation (UK) said: ‘Our
thoughts and prayers are with the victims
of this shooting, the Sikh community of
Wisconsin, and the larger Sikh community across the USA. We offer our condolences and urge all to pray for the victims,
their families and friends, and the surrounding community. We strongly condemn the shooting of innocent Sikhs
during a weekly congregation while the
reading of the Sikh scriptures was in
progress.’Whilst the circumstances surrounding the shooting are emerging the
police have referred to the incident as one
of ‘domestic terrorism’. Reports suggest
that the perpetrator was a heavy build,
bald, white male who had at least two
handguns. President Obama has offered
his condolences to the victims and said in
a written statement: "As we mourn this
loss which took place at a house of worship, we are reminded how much our
country has been enriched by Sikhs, who
are a part of our broader American family," Bhai Amrik Singh continued: ‘This
act of terror has left the whole community
in shock and is very disturbing for Sikhs
worldwide. We also express our gratitude
towards the police officers who confronted the shooter and offer our appreciation for the bravery of the veteran police
officer shot multiple times and pray that
he will recover fully soon.
US Sikhs condemn the burning of
American flag by protestors in New Delhi
Washington, August 7, 2012: Dr. Rajwant
Singh, Chairman of Sikh Council on Religion and Education, condemns the
burning of American flag by members of
National Akali Dal in New Delhi protesting the shooting in Wisconsin. Dr. Singh
said, " By burning flag of United States,
these people are harming the interests of
the Sikh community worldwide, especially the Sikhs in the US. This seems
like a disgruntled group without much
following and their showing swords and
burning of the flag is totally opposite to
what Sikhs stand for and the peaceful
message the Sikh community is currently
portraying. We are proud the way America and its leadership at all levels has embraced the grieving community across
the nation."
Dr. Rajwant Singh warned the
media and stated, "Western media ought
to be vary of these kinds of groups who
might be acting on behalf of some interest groups who have nothing but ill will
for the Sikhs.
It is appalling that so many reputable new outlets do not do their homework before publishing pictures or
showing the video of these troublemakers
shouting anti-American slogans or burning of flags on national and international
TV. He further stated, " From their website and pictures, it is obvious that they
are only a very tiny group of people and
that too with only a few Sikhs. It is obvious that they are unnecessarily causing
mischief and have no well-being in mind
with their actions."
Courageous Journalism
August 9, 2012
Rameshwer Singh Sangha
Sikh Press Weekly, now in the 23rd year!
I.P.S. Babra
With this issue in your hands, Sikh Press
is now in the 23rd year of publication. Its
Foundation Day is August 8, and it is
quite a milestone that a full size newspaper published from Canada has a global
reach. The latest laurel is that the readership is getting higher with the digital version online www.sikhpress.ca and the
kind of response so far received is amazing. Sikh Press is well known to the most
English newspapers, groups and political
parties for its contents and coverage.
Time to time, Sikh Press is well quoted
and some of the investigative stories
done in the recent past have uplifted its
profile to a new level in and out of
Canada. Still, we have a long way to go
when this newspaper can provide the
profit prism and lead us to a greater prosperity. We try to follow all the rules in
newspaper journalism, we have an edge
over others when it comes to exclusivity
on the Sikhs in the world. We provide a
kind of power which is current when you
look at the tragic events of killings of
Sikhs in the Wisconsin Gurdwara. From
that point onwards, the word Sikh and
anything associated with it like the Sikh
Press have gone global.
While the governments are trying
to do their best to safeguard the rights
and freedoms of all, and in this case, the
most current example is that of the USA
which has unleashed its powers to find
out why the domestic terrorism took
place in Wisconsin against Sikhs, it is unclear why the Canadian government has
not given briefing from Ottawa. It is well
known in Brampton and Vancouver/Surrey when the prime minister Stephen
Harper had almost camped in these two
cities with the largest concentration of
Sikhs and was able to get their
maximum votes.
The MP’s Parm Gill, BalGosal,
Tim Uppal, Jasbir Sandhu, Neena
Grewal and Devinder Shorey made it to
the Canadian Parliament with the strong
Sikh support. But none of them have
condemned the domestic terrorism in the
USA, although they do in the far off
countries sitting from luxurious offices.
Terror cells are very much operative under the categories of militia, fun-
Founding editor Sikh Press, since 1990
damentalist, faith-based, suicide or
guerilla. A quick look tells us that the
dangerous pockets of hate, White supremacy, neo Nazi and similar resentment are there, hidden across the world.
In the USA/Canada, the threat of Al
Qaeda is there but it is low lying, and so
is the neo Nazi or White supremacy,
which inflicted terror in Wisconsin. In
Peru, the Shining Path is active to disturb
peace in Latin America. In the UK and
Spain, the Al Qaeda and ETA are operatives, and the Olympics in London have
spent more money to defend and protect
against terror from these groups. Algeria
and Israel have Salafist Group and Islamic Jihad with aim to bring about the
holy war and create Islamic system;
Hamas is one such group of strong political power. In Germany and Turkey the
Islamic Jihad Union and PKK are active,
with stores of skills and explovies. Kashmir remains the ongoing area of nuisance
for India and Pakistan, with Lashkar e
Taiba in force, whose soldiers can blow
themselves. Ethiopia, Sri Lanka and Australia have their terror cells under the
names of Oromo Liberation Front, Liberation Tiger of Tamil Eelam and Al
And the reason we are mentioning such terror activities is because this
week Sikhs have seen the bloodbath
against them in Wisconsin. Sikh Press
within its limited sources have still been
able to work as an asset for society and
informing the courageous acts and dangerous, domestic terrorism. It is the duty
of newspapers to inform as much possible and uplift its readers. Journalists are
the eyes and ears and voices of the people, and newspapers their vehicles, Sikh
Press is just one of them.
It has a glorious history of highs
and lows and continued significance for
all these years. We are also active in
medical journalism too, as human care is
one such area which needs to be cared
more than ever before. Sikh Press is
highlighting the need for more caregivers
and support staff at the hospitals, and our
experience at the local level with William
Osler Health System and Hospital in
(Cont. to page no 6)
The incident of 5th August 2012 in Milwauke, Wisconsin USA is too serious to
be ignored as an aberration or an act of an
insane discharged soldier. The sequence
of events of the recent past in USA like attack in Cinema in Colorado and many
more such incident reflects the growing
trends of hatred and domestic terrorism.
The concept of white supremacy has
started engulfing a nation who has been
proponent of freedom, equality, human
rights and leader of eradicating terrorism
across the world. This need not be interpreted as the official machinery is privy to
all this which is brewing up in US but the
accountability definitely lays at its door.
The right of going across many seas and
then resorting to military intervention on
the name of fighting terrorism will not
stand the scrutiny of logic and fairness.
This charity must begin at home.
Though it is too early to jump to
any conclusion, but it appears to be an off
shoot of the concept of white supremacy.
This was dominant before the American
Civil War and was also prevalent till
1990s in South Africa and in parts of Europe at various time periods. It does not
relate to self-conscious racism of white
supremacist hate groups rather to a political, economic and cultural system in
which they overwhelmingly control
power and material resources, conscious
and unconscious ideas of superiority. The
terrorism by the deprived and discriminated still appears to be out of a state of
helplessness, though still not justifiable.
But the terrorism by these groups has no
other logic but the concept of hegemony.
Unfortunately the Sikh community has
been at the receiving end of all such acts
of terrorism. Sikhs have been target of
racial attacks by virtue of their appearance. As per one survey there are increasingly many incidents of hate crimes
against the people of Sikh community
since 9/11. It is for the US Government to
go to the depth of such incidents and identify groups and their modes of operations,
future planning and courses of actions.
The governments must act decisively and
firmly and also show results in dealing
with such groups and trends.
It is also equally incumbent upon
Sikh community to exercise restraint in its
reactions. Its volatile and vibrant youth
should not be led astray and fall prey to
such highly provocative incidents. The
community has enough to learn from its
gory history. It is time for the collective
organizations and leadership of the community to ensure its protection for future
and not merely exploit these incidents for
narrow political vested interests. Though
the loss of life cannot be compensated but
must come forward to help the next of kin
in getting their due compensation from all
concerned. It is time for introspection both
for the community leadership as well as
for the governmental agencies to focus
their course of actions.
(The writer is a Solicitor and Barrister
practicing in Toronto, Canada)
Murder in a gurdwara
H. K. Singh
A lone gunman killed seven persons at a
gurdwara and injured many others, including a police officer. Many men and
women were at the gurdwara in Oak
Street, near Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US,
to pray when a man walked in and went
on a killing spree. While it is too early to
comment on the motives of the gunman
who was later killed by a police officer,
the Sikh victims were, like others in all
terrorist acts, innocent people. President
Obama moved swiftly to condemn the
killings, as did Prime Minister Manmohan
Singh. Various US government agencies
are expressing their regret, even as the investigation is on to find out more about
the man who killed so many.
Turban-wearing Sikhs are a visible minority in the US and since the 9/11
attacks, there have been incidents of Sikhs
being targeted because of a mistaken assumption about their religion. The attack
on worshippers at their place of worship
points towards an unacceptable degree of
religious intolerance among certain individuals in that society. Even though community leaders point out that Sikh
immigrants have a respected and established presence in many parts of the US,
there is no doubt that many states in
America give their inhabitants easy access
to guns. Incidents of gunmen attacking innocent people abound. Weeks before this
tragedy, there was another mass killing in
Aurora, Colorado, in which 12 persons
were killed in a cinema hall, again by a
lone gunman. America, on the whole,
needs to relook at its tryst with guns.
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August 9, 2012
Courageous Journalism
I was deeply saddened and shocked to
hear about the shooting...Hon. Takhar
“I was deeply saddened and
shocked to hear about the
shooting of innocent victims at
a peaceful religious place of
Sikh worship in Oak Creek,
Wisconsin. My heart goes out
to the families and friends of
the six men and women who
lost their lives, and those who
were injured during this tragic
and senseless act. You are in
my thoughts and prayers.
I strongly commend
the efforts of the Oak Creek
police force, whose timely intervention prevented this situation from escalating even
further. I especially salute the
heroic efforts of wounded officer Lt. Brian Murphy who was
shot nine times during this incident.
Trying times have always brought our community
together. It is my hope that we
can unite once again in support
of the families of the victims
and provide them with solace
during the difficult days ahead.
I especially encourage our
local Sikh organizations to
reach out to those who have
been touched by the Wisconsin
tragedy and offer any and all
assistance to the affected families of the Oak Creek congregation.
We must condemn acts
of violence with a strong and
powerful voice, but do so in a
peaceful manner. “
“Peace and friendship
with all mankind is our wisest
policy, and I wish we may be
permitted to pursue it.” Thomas Jefferson
MPP Jagmeet Singh Stands in Solidarity
with the Sikh Community of Wisconsin
“I have been receiving calls
and emails all day regarding
the tragic shooting in Wisconsin. Bramalea-Gore-Malton is
home to a vibrant Sikh community that is shocked and
horrified by this senseless attack”“My heart and
prayers go out to
the Sikh community in Wisconsin.
I am deeply disturbed by this
heinous act of violence, and call on
all levels of government to take action
to prevent this sort
of tragedy from ever occurring
again.”“I want to thank the primary response teams in Wisconsin
professionalism and courage.
While primary responders
have done their best, something needs to be done on a
systemic level to put an end to
these tragic incidents of public
violence. ” “This shooting represents one of the worst attacks
on the Sikh diaspora. We must
all work together to end all
forms of hate and fear that may
poison our communities.
enjoy the freedom to
practice their faith
and coexist in peace
and harmony.”“To
the Sikh community
in Wisconsin: you are
not alone. Ontarians
stand with you in denouncing this deplorable
violence.”The Sikh faith is one
of the world’s largest organized religions with over 25
million follows worldwide.
The Sikh faith is a monistic religion that preaches the equality of gender, race, caste and
creed, the pursuit of truthful
living and love for all.
McGuinty continues to misrepresent the English Catholic
Teachers’ (OECTA) deal as a
“wage freeze” when it is not a
wage freeze, Ontario PC Children and Youth Services and
Government Services Critic
Jane McKenna said today.
“Dalton McGuinty can say
black is white until he’s blue in
the face,” McKenna said. “But
it doesn’t change the facts.
And the facts are that the
OECTA deal is not a wage
freeze. It is also a fact that
there is no need for the Liberals to create a political
sideshow out of all this by recalling the Legislature when
the Minister, under the Education Act, has the power to fix
the grid movement fiasco with
the stroke of a pen,” McKenna
added. OECTA will give pay
increases of $7,000 over two
years to 45,700 teachers – 40
per cent of the total – by failing
to freeze their salary grid. If
used as a ‘template’ for the remaining 400 teachers’ collective agreements, the Education
Ministry’s own numbers show
a cumulative cost of $438 million over two years as a result.
“The three unpaid days off in
the deal will save $150 million
at most – leaving a $300 million hole in the government’s
fiscal plan,” McKenna said.
McKenna said the absurdity of
Liberal spin on the deal is
shown by the Association’s
own website, which states that
a grid freeze would have a
much higher impact on salaries
than a wage freeze alone – and
by the government’s own 2012
budget, which stipulates that
freezing the salary grid ‘…is
necessary if the government is
to meet its commitment to balance the budget.’ “Therefore,
by its own admission, this government will not come close to
balancing the budget by making OECTA the ‘road map’ for
all other settlements, because
it will cost taxpayers nearly
half a billion dollars in higher
salaries.” On the contrary,
OECTA – as with so much this
government does – is a ‘road
map’ to a $411 billion dollar
debt: “Because the Liberals’
own budget does not allow for
movement on the salary grid,
the cost gets tossed straight
onto our mountainous $16 billion deficit – which is now
even further down the road to
an unconscionable $30 billion
by 2017 thanks to this government’s reckless overspending,
McKenna noted. “To think that
all this could have been
avoided had the Liberals supported our Ontario PC mandatory wage freeze bill when it
was tabled in May – which includes an across-the-board halt
on all public sector salary grid
movement. Yet the government foolishly voted it down.
August 09, 2012
(Cont...from Front Page)
Minister Badal seeks jury trial
and certification of ‘Class”
consisting of individuals who
have ever been tortured during Badal regime.
Parkash Badal has
been head of the Government
in the Indian State of Punjab
for more than twelve years
from 1997 till 2002 and from
2007 till present. During
Badal’s tenure there have been
several hundred cases of extrajudicial killings, police tortures and
human rights violations. Not even a single police officer in
charge and responsible for the extra judicial killings have
been investigated or
prosecuted by Badal
administration. “Despite of overwhelming
Sumedh Saini for his
role in torture and extrajudicial killings of
Sikhs in the State of
Punjab including the
father and Uncle of
Prof. Bhullar, Badal Government has promoted Saini to become DGP of Punjab instead
of prosecuting him for his
Citing the recent extrajudicial killings of Jaspal
Singh in 2012, Sohan Singh in
2011, Shaminder Singh in
2011 and Darshan Singh in
2009, attorney Gurpatwant
Singh Pannun, legal advisor to
SFJ stated that “Minister Badal
is not only protecting the past
acts of police torture and extrajudicial killings committed between 1984-1997 but also
continuing with blatant human
rights violations and acts of
torture by the police and other
security forces under his command”.
The complaint alleges
that “The plaintiffs themselves
or their legal representatives
have suffered torture, cruel and
inhuman treatment while residing in Indian State of Punjab, in the hands of Police and
other law enforcement agencies that work under the orders
and under the command and
control of the defendant
Parkash Singh BADAL (hereinafter “Badal”) who was and
has been the Chief Minister of
the State of Punjab during the
periods from 1997 till 2002
and from 2007 till 2012.”
The lawsuit against
Chief Minister of the State of
Punjab Badal has been filed
under Alien Tort Claims Act
(ATCA) and The Torture Vic-
Courageous Journalism
tim Protection Act (TVPA)
based on the defendant authorized, commanded, or directed the unlawful acts of the
security forces and Punjab Police operating under his command and authority. The Badal
administration knew or should
have known that the security
forces and particularly Police
of the State of Punjab of which
he is and was head of the Executive during his tenure, committed acts of torture, abuse
and inhuman and cruel treat-
ment against the named and
unnamed individual Defendants.
Jeet Singh, General
Secretary of SAD (Amritsar)
one of the plaintiffs alleges
that due to his political activities from the platform of SADMann, he was illegally
detained, physically and mentally tortured and abused by
the police and security forces
operating under the orders of
and under the command and
control of CM Badal in 2008
and 2009.
The lawsuit alleges
that Plaintiff SAD (Amritsar)
is a political party in India,
headed by Simranjit Singh
Mann and is struggling to
achieve Independent state
Khalistan through peaceful
and democratic means. The
Plaintiff SAD-Mann moved
the US Court on behalf of
SAD-Mann members, officers
and supporters who have been
extra judicially killed, illegally
detained, tortured and abused
during the relevant times by
the security forces in Punjab
operating under orders, command and control of defendant
Parkash Badal.
Attorney Pannun stated
seeking relief under the ATCA
and TVPA is motivated by an
interest in seeking some form
of justice for hundreds of victims who were killed extra judicially and have suffered
torture during the tenure of
Badal as CM of the State of
(Cont...from Front Page)
many worshippers, and Lt. Brian
Murphy, who resisted the insane
killer and got seriously wounded,
turn out to the larger than lives
new American heroes. The domestic terrorism in America is now a
new menace which needs to be put
down on a war like preparedness.
Just two weeks ago, another gunman had slaughtered the movie
goers inside the cinema hall, and
such violent situations are unprecedented in America.
For the Sikhs, killings in
Milwaukee is the new 9/11 which
has come quite early and for the
second time in a row. There had
been only one case in the American history when the Sikhs in
Bellingham in 1907 were subjected to the hateful bigotry.
Throughout the decades Sikhs in
America, Sikhs have been just
doing fine and living fabulously in
the land of opportunity and plenty.
What had changed and why it became the turning point for them in
a week is due to continued mistaken identity and lack of understanding of the world’s fifth largest
religion, which has replaced Judaism in ranking and position.
In 2004 when Dr. Manmohan Singh became the 14th prime
minister of India, the largest
democracy in the world, peoples’
interest grew out for his blue turban and beard. And the various interpretations and expressions of
Sikhs started floating as Sikhs are
the people of the sacred book, a
separate religion outside Hinduism
and Islam, and so on.
What we are finding
within a week is that Sikhs who
are far and away from India, and
in diaspora across the world have
been subjected to identity crises
over and over again. We are Sikhs,
we are not Muslims for our tur-
Sikhs identity well identified now
bans and beards, we have a separate identity, are the common, typical facts made it to the global
news, reports, photos everywhere
at the various airports or ports of
entry in the different lands. These
facts were hardened after 9/11
when the Sikhs were tortured and
subjected to mistaken identity
crises. Earlier, ithad become worse
for them, the peaceful, courageous
and enterprising people becoming
victims in modern India in 1984.
Last week was the pinnacle when the mistaken identity
crises played at the worst level
triggering Page to go inside the
Wisconsin Gurdwara and slaughter the Sikh worshippers, injuring
three others, who are critical in the
For a week now, the American media, especially the TV
channels and newspapers and
other social networking tools are
separating Sikhs from other religions. They are very carefully
identifying them as the members
of a separate religion altogether,
doing their homework well to
know more and identify them correctly. The images confirm the
dawn of a new era for the Sikhs in
America, whether in their colorful
turbans, long flowing open or tied
beards and kirpans on one hand,
and on the other, identifying the
clean shaven Sikhs in their
“patkas” on heads, and sacred
symbol of steel or iron or gold
“karas” on their right hands. They
proudly say I am a Sikh or We are
the Sikhs, which is the unifying
bond from Wisconsin to all over
the world.
Sikhs are not interested to
conversion to any other religion,
but the most visible case is that of
the Governor Nikki Haley of
Punjab, India. “The lawsuit will raise
awareness to the international community
regarding the torture and extrajudicial
killings of Sikhs in the state of Punjab,
India by the security forces and will send
a strong message to political leaders that
they will not be able to visit United States
without being answerable to the International laws and the Courts for their role in
gross human rights violations.” added attorney Pannun.
Another class action law suit {SFJ
v. Congress (I) SDNY (10 CV 2940)},
filed by “Sikhs For Justice” and victims
of Sikh Genocide under ATCA and TVPA
is already pending with Southern District
of New York against Minister Kamal Nath
and Congress (I) the ruling political party
of India for conspiring, aiding, abetting
and carrying out Genocidal attacks on
Sikh population of India in which more
than thirty thousand Sikhs were killed
during November 1984.
Issued By:
Gurpatwant S Pannun,
Legal Advisor, Sikhs For Justice
South Carolina, who is a born Sikh
Randhawa girl from Amritsar,
converted to Christianity, and
there is no hiding by her or the
media. There are few Sikhs who
have taken up to Christianity in
Punjab, in a place called Godhawah near Hoshiarpur, and in
various cities and countries. But
the converts make no impact to the
larger majority of Sikhs today.
As the news and situations
keep changing, mostly in favor of
the Sikhs now, and the word Sikh
is a global, powerful word, and
getting fully protected by the various governments, world leaders.
Non-Sikhs make no threat to the
Sikhs, and their freedom, culture,
ethics, tenets, rituals and practices.
Sikh means a learner given by the
founder of religion and first Guru,
Nanak, over 500 years ago, which
in 2012 remains safe, sound and
There are bound to be
many disparities in understanding
Sikhs and Sikhism but one thing is
sure that the exaggeration is cutting off, getting reduced hugely
and both Sikhs and Sikhism are
charming the various faiths, communities and nationalities. Politics
within the world of Sikhs is not
disturbing and both Sikh and nonSikh scholars are highlighting the
very core of matter for a greater
and easy understanding for all
throughout the world. Dr. Doris
Jakobsh, who has written a new
book on Sikhism early this year,
wishes the best of Chardi Kala for
Sikhs today.
We at the Sikh Press condemn the domestic terrorism in
Wisconsin, and just trying to highlight the best of our religion in the
pages here, from the current to future issues ahead.
(Conti...from pg4)
Brampton is in works. Matthew Anderson, its President and
CEO says, “I also appreciated reading the many newspaper
clippings that tell the inspiring story of your commitment to
caregiving, and your mission to try and bring the efforts of
caregivers to the attention of government.”
It is for all these reasons that we are looking forward
to the next 23 years, and urge the rich individuals and corporations with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) having
billions of dollars at their disposal to join us as the partners
in progress and growth of our newspaper’s journalism in
Sikh Press will be doing an exhibition of our faith and
social efforts shortly. Watch for the details and read sikhpress.ca or pick up your copy every Thursday. Thank you.
August 09, 2012
Courageous Journalism
Column dedicated to the braves (police officers and members of the Wisconsin
gurdawara) whose bravery saved many lives during the shootout last Sunday
by Dr. Amarjit Singh
Wednesday August 8, 2012: The quick and genuine U.S.
reaction of regret from the highest level, (from the President of the United States) to last Sunday’s murder of
six Sikhs in a Wisconsin Gurdawara (Sikh Church) by a
deranged and crazy 40-years old American, Neo-Nazi,
racist; is in marked contrast to the twenty eight years
long unfulfilled quest for justice, of the world’s 28 million Sikhs, for the two state-sponsored bloody anti-Sikh
pogroms, carried out in June and November 1984 by the
Indian state. Both these anti-Sikh pogroms were executed on the basis of a ‘wink and a nod’ from two Indian
Prime ministers, PM Mrs. Indira Gandhi and her son PM
Rajiv Gandhi. In these two separate pogroms over
twenty thousand innocent Sikh men, women and children were put to death, in state-sponsored terrorism, by
rioting Hindu mobs led by uniformed and civilian goons
of the Indian state and ruling Congress party.
With horrendous and painful experience like the
above, the monotheistic Sikhs, captive in the Indian map
since 1947, when the British Colonials quit South Asia
in haste, have not been able to get justice for the 1984
crimes against humanity, even after the passage of
twenty eight longYears. No one has been found guilty
and no one has been punished. No wonder there is a big
gulf between the humanity visible in these great United
States – the world oldest and largest democracy. The
mean and greedy attitudes of the proverbial Hindu
trader, which dominates the thinking of the ruling elite
in the Indian dystopian, dynastic, caste-ridden demoNcracy does not allow it to give justice to the Sikhs who
want the guilty to be punished like the guilty are punished in the world’s largest and oldest democracy –the
great United States of America. Since the 1984 anti-Sikh
pogroms in India, twenty eight years have passed but no
one has been found guilty for the 1984 mass murders in
urban India, despite the fact that ALL the guilty parties
of the 1984 pogroms, are known to more than half the
population of Delhi and other urban areas of India. In a
few years time, most of the guilty, and most of the eye
witnesses to the pogroms, will be dead and gone thanks
to the delaying tactics of the corrupt Indian judicial system which is ‘hand and glove’ with the corrupt politicians and bureaucracy. In marked contrast to the United
States the Indian state and media have not been willing
to even express any regret for the 1984 pogroms, even
an apology has not been forthcoming from individual
members of Indian parliament in the past 28 years.
The ruling elite in the Indian dystopian, dynastic,
caste-ridden demoNcracy does not allow it to give justice to the Sikhs who want the guilty to be punished like
the guilty are punished in the world’s largest and oldest
democracy – these great United States of America?
Since the 1984 anti-Sikh pogroms in India, twenty eight
years have passed but no one has been found guilty for
the 1984 mass murders in urban India, despite the fact
that ALL the guilty parties of the 1984 pogroms, are
known to more than half the population of Delhi and
other urban areas of India. In a few years time, most of
the guilty, and most of the eye witnesses, will be dead
and gone thanks to the delaying tactics of the corrupt Indian judicial system which is ‘hand and glove’ with the
corrupt politicians and bureaucracy. In marked contrast
to the United States the Indian state and media have not
been willing to even express any regret for the 1984
pogroms, even an apology has not been forthcoming
from individual members of Indian parliament in the
past 28 years.
Following the murder of the six Sikhs in the
Wisconsin Gurdwara, last Sunday, the American print
media like the Washington Post, New York Times and
the Wall Street Journal et. al are alert and on the ball like
the local police establishment, all over the United States.
If faced with a sudden bad situation, like the murder of
six Sikhs last Sunday (August 5, 2012) in the Oak Creek
Sikh Gurdwara, located just South of Milwaukee Wisconsin and about a hundred miles North of Chicago Illinois, they will be ready. It is very touching that, within
minutes of the murders, there was an outpouring of sympathy from Americans from all over the United States,
less than a few hours after the Wisconsin Gurdawara incident. There was a detailed report in the New York
Times. (> http:// india.blogs. nytimes.com
/2012/08/06/for- many-sikhs-wisconsin-attack-has-troublingechoes/? ref=asia <) The Washington Post published a full report on Monday the 6th of August with
an Oak Creak datelined report, by its reporter Jerry
Markon, headlined, “ Wade Michael Page, Sikh temple
shooter, identified as a ‘skinhead band leader”, in which
the reporter wrote that, “The gunman who killed six people at a Sikh temple south of Milwaukee, on Sunday, and
critically wounded a police officer, was identified as
Wade Michael Page, a 40-year-old Army veteran with
reported links to the white supremacist movement. Page
was shot and killed by a police officer outside the temple
after he opened fire at Sikh worshipers and at police responding to the scene, in Oak Creek, Police Chief of that
town John Edwards had said at a news conference. (>
http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/shooting-atwisconsin-sikh-temple-at-least-1- suspect-putdown/
2012/08/05/f78578cf-3bec-4405-b0c64b0023b9b519_video.html <) Police Chief Edwards
also said, according to the Washington Post, that the
shooter Wade Michael Page, who lived in a neighboring
community, served in the military from 1992 to 1998,
received a “general discharge” and was “ineligible for
A Pentagon official said Page rose to the rank of sergeant before being demoted to specialist before leaving
the Army. News agencies reported that Page, who was
never posted overseas during his six years of service,
was discharged for being drunk on duty and other unspecified misconduct.
The New York Times ‘Indias Ink’ blog reported
on Monday August 6, 2012, that, “For Sikhs in the
United States, India and elsewhere, the killing of six
people at a gurudwara, or Sikh temple, in Wisconsin on
Sunday afternoon has brought grief and sorrow but also
concern that the rampage might be the latest example of
a hate crime against Sikhs on American soil in the
decade since the 9/11 attacks. The police have not yet
offered a motive for Sunday’s attack, which they characterized as “a domestic terrorist-type incident.” Officers shot and killed the suspect, who was identified only
as a 40-year-old white male. The attack seems likely to
renew attention on the issue of gun control in America,
especially coming not long after the recent shooting at
a movie theater in Aurora, Colorado. But for many Sikhs
in the United States, a population estimated at more than
300,000 people, the crime bears troubling echoes to
other attacks on the Sikh community, in some cases
where the assailants mistook turban-wearing Sikhs as
Islamic extremists, reflecting a lack of understanding
among many Americans about their religious identity.
The New York Times blog gave an account of some of
the assaults on Sikhs across the United States in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, as reported by The New York
Times. Laurie Goodstein and Tamar Lewin wrote of the
attacks on a Sikh gas station owner, a Lebanese clerk
and Afghan family in Arizona, barely a week after ‘Sept.
11’. In August 2003, Patrick Healy in New York wrote
an article headlined “3 Indians Attacked on Street and
the Police Call it Bias”: Three men attacked a family of
Indian immigrants outside the family’s Queens home on
Sunday night, the police said. The victims said they were
punched, spit on and told ‘’bin Laden family, go back
to your country.’’ sure prejudice and alcohol were behind
the attack. After another attack on Sikh men in Queens,
by three young men in July, 2004, Thomas J. Lueck of
The New York Times wrote: “The young men ridiculed
both Sikh men by referring to their turbans as dirty curtains and telling them to take them off, Mr. Gurcharan
said by telephone last night. He cussed at me, and I told
him that this is not a curtain, this is my turban and it is
a religious symbol,’’ said Mr. Gurcharan, the owner of
a nearby restaurant, Tandoori Express, where he and Mr.
Khalsa Ji intended to have tea when they left their car
on the street and walked past the catering hall. The sidewalk confrontation reflected a vulnerability of Sikhs in
New York City and elsewhere, particularly since the
9/11 attacks, to being singled out for discrimination or
attacks because they appear to be Muslims. The sidewalk confrontation reflected a vulnerability of Sikhs in
New York City and elsewhere, particularly since the
9/11 attacks, to being singled out for discrimination or
attacks because they appear to be Muslims. ‘’I tried to
explain to them that we are not Muslims, and that we
cover our heads out of respect for God,’’ said Mr. Khalsa
Ji, who is an honorary priest among Queens Sikhs and
who frequently speaks in Sikh temples on the importance of the Sikh traditions and culture. School children
from the Sikh community have also faced harassment,
of taunting by others.
Last Sunday’s attack on the Wisconsin Sikh gurdawara brought statements of support within minutes of
the incident, on Sunday the 5th of August, 2012 from
U.S. President Obama, and his Republican opponent,
Mitt Romney. President Barak Obama statement said
that, “Michelle and I were deeply saddened to learn of
the shooting that tragically took so many lives in Wisconsin. At this difficult time, the people of Oak Creek
must know that the American people have them in their
thoughts and prayers, and our hearts go out to the families and friends of those who were killed and
wounded.”Mr. Romney called the shootings ‘a senseless
act of violence and a tragedy” that he said should never
befall anyone. Some Indian newspapers have carried
photographs showing a little over a dozen ‘Sikhs’
protesting on Monday August 6, 2012 in some Indian
cities against the United States and burning the American flag. These protests organized by some phony ‘Sikh’
organizations which are widely known to most well-informed Sikhs as ‘rent-a-Sikh ‘Agent provocateur organizations fathered by Indian under-cover intelligence
agencies. Caution is advised for all concerned!
Khalistan Zindabad
August 09, 2012
Courageous Journalism
Bewildered families of victims look for help
New Delhi- Families of Sikhs killed in the gurdwara
attack in the US have so far not received any help
from either the Delhi Sikh Gurdwara Management
Committee (DSGMC) or the Shiromani Gurdwara
Parbandhak Committee (SGPC).
Raghuvinder Singh tried to get a visa for the
US to get back his father Punjab Singh, who sustained bullet injuries in the attack. But the US Embassy asked him to fulfill certain formalities.
Raghuvinder said that he had been informed
that his father’s condition was critical. Gursharan
Singh wants to bring back the body of his father, Sita
Singh, for the last rites. The DSGMC has assured him
of all help. He says he will approach the US Embassy
for visa tomorrow. Gurpreet, whose uncle Santokh
Singh was injured in the attack, says neither the
DSGMC nor any government official has approached
the family so far. Meanwhile, an SGPC delegation,
led by its president Avtar Singh Makkar, today submitted a memorandum to the US Embassy and External Affairs Minister SM Krishna. The SGPC
memorandum appealed to the US Ambassador to
convey the anguish of the Sikh community over the
incident to the US Government.
Ahluwalia challenges suspension orders
Chandigarh- About a week after the services of Sri
Guru Granth Sahib World University’s Vice Chancellor Jasbir Singh Ahluwalia were placed under
suspension, he moved the High Court this morning.
He has challenged the orders of July 31,
whereby his services as Vice Chancellor were
placed under suspension. Ahluwalia, in his petition,
has made Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) president and university Chancellor
Avtar Singh Makkar a party in the case.
Acting on his petition, Rajesh Bindal of the
High Court today issued a notice of motion to the
SGPC, Makkar and other respondents. The case will
come up for further hearing on Monday.
Ahluwalia has all along been saying that
Makkar had asked him to justify 92 “illegal” appointments made by the SGPC-run university before
the Punjab and Haryana High Court. He
that 32 of the appointees are Makkar’s acquaintances or relatives, including his grandson Amanpreet Singh, who was acting as the "super VC" of
the Sikh university at Fatehgarh Sahib.
Riot victims wrangle for flats, move High Court
Chandigarh- Nearly three decades after the anti-Sikh
massacre, the victims are wrangling with one another
for accommodation. A section of victims have moved
the Punjab and Haryana High Court, alleging that
some other victims had forcibly occupied the LIG
flats allotted to them in Ludhiana.
Their plight has prompted the Punjab and
Haryana High Court to rule: “No one, including the
riot victims, is above law, nor any other person,
whosoever he may be, can be allowed to take law in
his hands”.
A Division Bench of the High Court has directed the Ludhiana Deputy Commissioner and the
Commissioner of Police “to proceed in the matter in accordance
with law forthwith and ensure
that the vacant flats are delivered to those found eligible for
allotment as per the government
Setting a two-month
deadline for the purpose, a
Bench of Justice Surya Kant and Justice RP Nagrath
made it clear to the authorities concerned that the law
must take its own course, “in case of any resistance
shown by any unauthorised occupant”.
At the same time, the Bench said the directions in no way would cause prejudice or affect the
rights of the unauthorised occupants, “in case their
claim as victims of 1984 anti-Sikh riots is found to
be genuine”.
The Bench said “If it is found that they too
are genuine riot victims, suitable steps for their rehabilitation, including allotment of dwelling units, other
than the flats in dispute, should be taken at the earliest”. Giving the government four
months for determining the status
of victims for the grant of necessary benefits, the Bench warned
that any delay by GLADA or the
district administration would be
viewed seriously. The directions
came on a petition by Satpal
Singh and others.
Badal leaves for US, to
visit affected families
Chandigarh- Chief Minister
Parkash Singh Badal, who left
for the US early this morning,
will visit the Oak Creek gurdwara in Wisconsin as soon as
he lands there and commiserate with the family members
of those who lost their dear
ones in the gurdwara shootout.
The Chief Minister
will be attending the wedding
of NRI magnate Darshan
Singh Dhaliwal’s daughter on
August 11. Sources said the
Chief Minister has chosen to
take his personal staff as well
as two security personnel for
the tour. The Union Government has asked the US to provide appropriate security to
the Chief Minister in view of
the gurdwara shootout. Minister Surjit Singh Rakhra said
the family would now opt for
a quiet wedding. “The family
is in a state of shock because
of the death of my brother-inlaw Satwant Singh Kaleka in
the shootout,” he said. Among
the VIPs who are already in
the US for the wedding are
Vidhan Sabha Speaker Charanjit Singh Atwal, Transport
Minister Sharanjit Singh
Dhillon and Chief Parliamentary Secretary NK Sharma.
Sources said Deputy CM
Sukhbir Singh Badal was
scheduled to leave for London
tomorrow for the Olympics.
Sources said Deputy
CM Sukhbir Singh Badal was
scheduled to leave for London
tomorrow for the Olympics.
He would be there till
August 13.
Patiala jail official seeks time to file reply
Chandigarh- Patiala Central
Jail superintendent LS Jhakhar
is yet to respond to the contempt notice issued to him. He
was issued the show-cause notice by a Division Bench of the
Punjab and Haryana High
Court for not executing the
death warrants issued against
Balwant Singh in the Beant
Singh assassination case.
As the case came up
for resumed hearing this morning, state counsel appearing on
Jhakhar's behalf sought additional time to file reply. Taking
a note of the plea, the High
Court fixed September 21 as
the next date of hearing.
Balwant Singh was
sentenced to death for his role
in the former Chief Minister's
assassination; and it was upheld by the Division bench
headed by Justice Mehtab
Singh Gill after he refused to
contest the same.
Jhakhar, on the previous date of hearing, was asked
by the Bench of Justice Surya
Kant and Justice RP Nagrath to
show cause why contempt of
court proceedings be not initiated against him under the provisions of the Contempt of
Courts Act on a reference by
UT Additional Sessions Judge
Shalini Singh Nagpal.
In this reference, Nagpal had sought action against
Jhakhar. She had submitted
that the warrants of execution
of Balwant Singh's death sentence were sent to the Jail Superintendent on March 5. But,
these were received unexecuted with the plea that the Patiala jail had no territorial
jurisdiction to execute the
same. The plea was declined
and the warrants were
August 09, 2012
Courageous Journalism
Amritsari Aloo Kulcha
Ingredients to make Kulcha.
Maida (white flour) - 400 gms. (3 cup)
Curd - 3 table spoon.
Baking soda - 1/3 tea spoon.
Baking powder - 1/2 tea spoon.
Sugar - 1 tea spoon.
Oil - 1 table spoon.
Salt - 3/4 tea spoon (or according to the taste)
Carom seeds or cumin seeds - 1 tea spoon.
Ingredients to prepare the filling.
Potato - 300 gms. ( 4 boiled)
Salt - 1/2 tea spoon (or according to the taste)
Green chilli - 1-2 (chopped)
Ginger - 1 inch long piece (grated)
Amchoor powder - 1/2 tea spoon.
Coriander powder - 1 tea spoon.
Red chilli powder - 1-2 pinch.
Garam masala - 1/4 tea spoon
Coriander leaves - 1 table spoon (chopped)
Russia hold on for semi-final spot
Lithuania, three-times bronze medallists, scored 18
points in the final five minutes of the third quarter to
go from 46-32 down to 54-50 going into the final period.
When Rimantas Kaukenas hit a three-pointer
to open the fourth period, the gap was just one. But
Russia dug deep to pull out the win.
Khryapa hit a
three in response
to Kaukenas, and
five quick points
Monya made it 6455 with 5:46 left in
the game.
came at Russia
again in the final
stages, with Mantas Kalnietis nailing a long three
and Jonas Valanciunas adding a pair
of free throws to
make it 74-69.
responded for Russia, but a three-point play from Darius Songaila had
it back to a five-point game, 77-72, with 95 seconds
left. The game became scrappy as the pressure
rose. Songaila turned the ball over, and Alexey Shved
missed both free throws for Russia after being fouled.
Kalnietis came up empty with a three-pointer, and Vitaliy Fridzon made him pay with two free throws
making it 79-72 with 32 seconds left.
Martynas Pocius missed a pair of free throws
for Lithuania, and Kirilenko finished it off from the
line. 'I'm thankful to win this game, it was not easy
and we had to play our heart out,' said Russia coach
David Blatt.
'I think this is a big step for our country and
for our basketball,' Monya said. 'Now we're in the
semi-final of an Olympics and I think we deserve it.'
Lithuania coach Kestutis Kemzura said:
'Today we faced a really strong opponent... We tried
to take our chances and I think we fought hard, but
we were maybe nervous and we turned the ball over.
'Playing against this team, that will cost you.'
Australia pair claim 49er gold China sweep up Table Tennis golds
The pair were already mathematically assured of topping the
standings coming into the medal race, while New Zealand's Peter
Burling and Blair Tuke had silver secured.
The teams only had to turn up and compete in the medal
race - even if they finished last - to clinch the victory, which they
duly did to leave just bronze up for grabs.
Great Britain's Stevie Morrison and Ben Rhodes came
into the medal race in fifth place, six points behind Denmark's
Allan Norregaard and Peter Lang in third after the 15 opening
fleet races, and were one of a number of teams in with a chance
of a podium finish.
However, Norregaard and Lang finished the medal race
in third place to claim bronze.
Profiting from being on home
soil in Beijing four years ago, the
Asian powerhouse won every top
prize on offer.
That has proved to not
just be a flash in the pan following more domination at the London 2012 Games.
achieved a maximum haul of four
golds and two silvers following
the efforts of their men today.
Republic of Korea's trio
of Ryu Seung-min, Joo Sae-hyuk
and Oh Sang-eun had no answer
to their opponents and fell to a
comprehensive 3-0 defeat.
The victory followed up
the Team success of China's
women yesterday as well as the
Individual golds claimed by
Zhang and Li Xiaoxia.
Germany took the bronze
medal as their trio of Timo Boll,
Dimitrij Ovtcharov and Bastian
Steger beat Hong Kong 3-1.
Ma got China off to the
perfect start by cruising past
Athens 2004 Singles champion
Ryu 3-1.
The clash between Zhang
and Joo was closer. In a match of
long rallies, many points saw
Zhang deliver forehand smashes
and loops that his opponent tried
to chop back.
More often than not, the
world number one came out on
top, and he sealed the encounter
Zhang and Wang, opponents in the Singles final, joined
forces in the doubles - and duly
delivered another gold medal for
They defeated Oh and
Ryu, completing a 3-0 triumph
for China in fine style.
Guerdat takes Individual Jumping gold
Ireland's Cian O'Connor and Netherlands rider
But one fence down - the first his stalGerco Schroder had to take part in a jump-off
lion Big Star has had in six rounds of jumpfor the silver and bronze medals.
ing across team and individual competitions
Schroder took silver and O'Connor sein London - cost him a medal.
cured Ireland's first medal of London 2012
Guerdat said: 'It's difficult to explain
with the bronze.
how I feel. I did not know when I came out
O'Connor, riding Blue Loyd 12, gave
after the second round if I had a medal or not.
it everything, clocking a faster time than
'Then with two riders left I knew I had
Schroder in the jump-off, but he had one
a medal and then I felt bad for Nick when the
fence down.
fence went down, so I will just enjoy it now.
Schroder's horse, aptly called London,
'I am just happy for myself and my
almost helped Netherlands deny Great Britain
team. I am proud but I am more happy for the
the Team Jumping gold two days ago, but he
people behind me. They have helped me so
will leave for home with two silvers. Ireland
much as a team and this gold medal is theirs,
failed to qualify a team for London 2012, and
not mine.'
were restricted to two Individual places.
O'Connor said: 'I told my wife last
Great Britain's Nick Skelton, the last rider to go, would have forced a jump- night I was going to get in and jump a good round and she said "dream on". So many
off with 30-year-old Guerdat.
people have put a lot of work in for me to get here. It has been a wonderful journey.'
Courageous Journalism
August 9, 2012
Sur Mukabla in Canada
Explosive Punjabi singing to salvation
By I.P.S. Babra
Brampton-It was a second time experience to attend the explosive Punjabi
singing at the Chandni Banquet Hall on
August 6, 2012 and if common trust can
be trusted, that singing of very high order,
was transporting all in the hall to salvation. This is the gist of Sur Mukabla in
Canada, which is now a rage here in North
America. The various forms of God the
Almighty from Allah Ho to SaiYaar to
Gurbani dominated the evening and the
singers were extraordinary in their works,
“kalaams”, and delivery through their
amazing voices.
It was beautifully orchestrated by
Inderjit Singh Bains of Vancouver, the
personality highlighting the Punjabi music
out of totally new, unknown singers from
the interiors of both sides of Punjab, and
turning them into the new singing sensations and celebrities. Here is Brampton, he
was assisted by GogaGahunia and a host
of sponsors and advertisers who were able
to put up a grand show for the realmusic
lovers and enthusiasts.
Following a minute’s silence for
the victims in Wisconsin Gurdwara, the
show was opened by the gifted and talented Happy VirkArmaan, a small volcano in voice, act and full of energy. His
direct singing and acting on stage was a
balance of some of the finest moments of
singing in Canada. He had made his mark
on July 1 Canada Day Mela, and his sec-
ond time on stage will take Armaan to a
new level of singing prodigy. Armaan is
athletic and his singing of “harkaamhondauss di razanaal”, meaning God’s will
can only fulfill your work, was an excellent number. The other visiting artists like
Pamma Hans and ManjitUppal were dynamic and deeply applauded.
The entry of Tarannampreet in the
fine, sparkling dress lit the stage, who
started with the legendary Jugni folk song,
and her deep, powerful voice created an
act of wonderment how such a young
Punjab beauty can pitch it so high and
loud, which is also good enough for the
God’s ears! Her two time entry is simply
classic and courageous.
The singing of Muhammad Irshad, a
Mulim from India’s Punjab in a colorful
turban, yes turban, and song of Allah,
Allah, Molla, Molla to “fakiri to waziri”
quotes were just starters for what he did
on stage in Sur Mukabla or Competition
of Classical Singing with the Pakistani dynamo of Shahid Ali Khan, and his four
handsome sons. Allah, bless them, and I
remember when the Late Mehdi Hassan
Khan Sahib used to say “Masha Allah
mere 14 children hai” which always
brought a touch family first in their
singing to salvation. Irshad’s “kinnokinnodassayehraazdiyagalla” is just a superb
number. Shahid Ali Khan, a relative of
Late Sur SamratNusratFateh Ali Khan, is
a genius and powerful voice in Canada.
How much energy and stamina this singer
has is seen to be believed. Words fail to
describe him for he with Irshad gave all
his best for the joys and delights of the audience. This was a Sur Mukabla needs to
be taken across Canada and other countries as the singers provide love, care,
peace through songs like “akkhiyauddek
di ha…gamma wala charkha…” and so
on. VirinderGhuman of the Kabaddi Once
Again movie was also present, who is our
Punjabi Arnold in looks and body.
All I say, Once More, and take this
show across the world. Bains and Gahunia
can do it!.
Gunmen kill 16 in
15 dead, lakhs flee as floods paralyse Manila
Half of Manila was under water (1.5 crore) people, were submerged by is supposed to do," he told reporters after
Nigerian church attack Manila
and 2,50,000 people fled their homes waters that in some areas reached neck- meeting with civil defence officials. Bad
Abuja- Gunmen killed 16 persons when
they fired on worshippers at a church in
Nigeria's central Kogi state during a
Monday evening service, the police said
on Tuesday.
"A group of three unidentified
gunmen stormed the Deeper Life Church
in Okene and opened fire on them,
killing 16," Simeon Ille, spokesman for
the Kogi state police, told Reuters by
phone. A witness, who asked not to be
identified for fear of being targeted, said
around 10 gunmen blocked off the exits
to the church before shooting the trapped
people inside.
Ille said security forces last
month prevented a suspected suicide
bomber from detonating an explosive at
a different church in Okene, a town
around 225 km south of the capital
Abuja. The suspected would-be bomber
fled, he said.
Islamist sect Boko Haram has attacked several churches this year in
Nigeria but Monday's attack was further
south than the group's usual targets.
In February, Boko Haram
claimed a prison break in Kogi state
when 119 prisoners were freed. The sect
has carried out jail raids before and one
of its key demands is the release of its
imprisoned members.
The group's strikes are increasingly spreading across Nigeria, Africa's
biggest oil producer. Cities across the
north and in the capital Abuja have been
hit in recent months by suicide bombers,
never seen before last year in Nigeria.
today as torrential rain paralysed the city,
sweeping away houses, stranding residents on rooftops and triggering a landslide. At least 15 persons were confirmed
dead as the sprawling metropolis and
nearby provinces suffered the most extensive floods since a typhoon that killed
hundreds three years ago. Schools, financial markets and most government and
private offices were shut as key roadways
in the capital, a city of some 15 million
deep. "If we put it in a percentage, at least
50 per cent of Metro Manila is flooded,"
Gine Nievarez from the state weather
service told AFP. As local television
flashed live footage of rampaging rivers
carrying off houses and residents marooned on the roofs of their homes, President Benigno Aquino said the
government was doing everything it
could to help. "Everybody who is supposed to do something is doing what he
weather from seasonal southwest monsoons has been pounding Manila and
nearby areas for over a week. Meteorologists said the crisis in the capital came
as over half a month's rain fell on the city
in 24 hours. The National Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Council said
that more than 8,00,000 people had been
affected, with 18,600 in government
evacuation centres and some 2,31,000
seeking refuge with friends or relatives.
August 09, 2012
Courageous Journalism
ippy Grewal and Mahie Gill will be seen
together in Punjabi Film Carry On Jatta.
Story of the film has been written by
Smeep Kang and is being produced by
Gurfateh Films and Sippy Grewal
This is the first time when Mahie
Gill and Gippy Grewal will work together.
Mahie Gill has been more success full in
Bollywood rather than in Punjabi Films.
Mahie Gill's debut was in Babbu Maan's
film Hawayein and she later did Chak De
Phatte before moving on to Bollywood.
Mahie Gill has done successful films like
Dev D, Gulaal, Saheb Biwi Aur Gangster
and Dabangg in Bollywood. Other actors
in Carry On Jatta Punjabi film include
Gurpreet Ghuggi, Jaswinder Bhalla and
Binnu Dhillon. After action packed film
MIRZA the untold story, Carry On Jatta
will be Gippy Grewal's Comedy Film releasing on July 27th 2012.
Bipasha Basu
turns 'Lady
So far, Bipasha Basu has, more popularly, been known as a sex symbol. However, of late, she has acquired a new title,
Lady Gunda, during the shoot of her new
horror film.
A source associated with the unit
tells us that director Suparn Verma came
up with this nickname for the Bong
bombshell seeing her tomboyish stunts
and naughty nature. Interestingly, he was
in for a shock when Bips revealed that
she was called a 'gundi' during her
school days. "Suparn was surprised
when Bipasha recalled how even the
boys senior to her in school would be
wary of her, lest she play a scary prank
on them," says our source, adding that
now it's the crew members who are careful, oblivious of who would be the target
of her pranks on the sets.
Saif-Kareena’s romantic getaway
Saif Ali Khan turns 42 on August 16, and
the Junior Nawab and his Begum will be
leaving for London on August 12 to celebrate this special occasion.
Kareena Kapoor, who is currently dubbing for her September release, and Saif, who has a short gap
between shoots after his Mauritius
schedule for one of his home productions, are flying out for a five-day break.
The couple has a favourite upmarket
hotel in London that they frequent; and
we hear that they make a booking in the
same place everytime they visit UK. Kareena had said, "London provides us the
privacy we seek to do normal things like
take a walk at Hyde Park, take in a
broadway show and just chill. So whenever there is a special occasion, we know
where to head."
I want to do another ‘Border’ soon: Suniel
Suni Shetty who was in Rajasthan to visit
the Nathdwara temple, spoke about
movies, hits and failure and his dream of
doing another Border...
What got you to the Nathdwara
A lot of my Gujarati and Marwari
friends have visited the temple and I have
heard that it is a very powerful temple. So
when Madan Paliwal (official of the
Nathdwara Festival) invited me to be part
of it, there was no reason
I could say no. I am religious, but only to the extent that I believe in
what I do. It's not like I
pray everyday and visit
a temple daily, but
whenever I do that, I do
it with all my heart and
You think you
continue to enjoy the
same fan following as
you always did?
Over the past
few years, I know I have made few mistakes and disappointed my fans. They
want you and all you need to do is give
them the right product. I let my heart rule
and supported some young directors
whose hold in the industry was not as
much as other directors. Plus, at a time
when I should have continued doing action, I choose to do comedy.
Your daughter, Athiya Shetty, is
slated to make her entry into Bollywood,
how far is daddy supportive?
Yes, she is back from New York
and is learning acting. She has been getting movie offers but it's too early to decide. I am happy for her because it is a
beautiful industry. She has to find her
own way and I am always there to sup-
port her. She is educated and she is clear
with what she wants and at the end of it
all, she wants to be known as an actor. I
have conducted my career in a dignified
manner and if anything shady comes her
way, I won't allow her to be a part of it.
Your thoughts on the 12.5% service tax on actors by the government?
It's absolutely unfair. In a world
of scams, this is one more scam to cover
up all the hideous acts and take out the
Any plans of getting into politics?
I'm not into politics. In a decade or so,
we have been reading
about so many scams.
There are so many
corrupt people in
India and we need to
control the corruption
emanating from the
politicians. For example, I was shocked to see Anna Hazare's
campaign against corruption become a
political movement from that of a people's movement. You call yourself an obsessive sportsman, your thoughts on
India's performance at the Olympics?
Winning few bronze and silver
medals is no triumph for us as a nation,
but I'm not blaming the sportsperson, it
is the lack of infrastructure that is to be
blamed. The entire system is so damn
corrupt and the CWG were just one example of it. We are putting up a bad show
at the Olympics because most of the
money goes into the pockets of the politicians and therefore, our sportspersons
don't have a proper infrastructure
for practice.
12 August 9, 2012
Courageous Journalism