Directory - Shiawassee County
Directory - Shiawassee County
2011/2012 Shiawassee County Directory National – State – County – City – Village Township – Schools Corunna, Michigan 48817 – County Seat Compiled and arranged by Lauri L. Braid, County Clerk LAURI L. BRAID Shiawassee County Clerk 208 N. Shiawassee Corunna, MI 48817 Phone: (989) 743-2242 Fax: (989) 743-2241 Citizens of Shiawassee County: As the County Clerk, it is my pleasure to provide this Directory to you as a tool to enhance communication with all levels of government. This directory includes the addresses and phone numbers where elected officials holding local, state and national offices can be reached, as well as descriptions of services provided by various departments and agencies. The directory is compiled by the staff of the County Clerk’s office with the cooperation of many officials. The information in this edition is the most recent available at the time of printing. Copies of the directory are free and can be obtained from my office, which is located on the second floor of the Shiawassee County Courthouse. Funding for the printing of this directory is provided by several local businesses. They are listed in the following pages. I sincerely hope that our efforts in organizing this information will be helpful in making our government more accessible to you. For further information or assistance, please don’t hesitate to call our office at (989) 743-2242. Sincerely, Lauri L. Braid Shiawassee County Clerk Page 3 DIRECTORY INDEX Historical Data NationalOfficials StateOfficials U.S. Senators Congress State Senators County Commissioners CountyOfficials Circuit Court District Court Probate Court Political Parties Clerk’s Information CountyOffices StateFundedOffices County Boards Tax Numbers Township Information City Information Village Information School Information Census Numbers Cemeteries Page 4 6 8 8 9 10 11 12 14 18 19 19 20 21 26 32 34 42 44 61 66 70 76 77 ShiawaSSee County Map GARY RD GARY RD FERDEN RD 48649 RIDGE RD. REED RD M-57 PEET RD DURAND RD CHESANING D AR NN RU CO 48813 CHAPIN RD FENMORE RD M-57 48616 FERDEN RD DITCH RD 48460 OAKLEY 48841 48831 48817 48866 48867 48449 LENNON 48476 48848 48429 CUTLER RD 48857 48882 48872 48414 48418 Page 5 HISTORICAL DATA OF SHIAWASSEE COUNTY Shiawassee County takes its name from the Shiawassee River, which enters the county near the southeast corner, passes through the villages of Byron and Vernon, the cities of Corunna and Owosso, and from there flows north into the Saginaw Bay, leaving this county near the center of the northern boundary. The name of Shiawassee is derived from Indian lore, meaning “Rolling” or “Sparkling Waters.” On the east is Genesee County; to the south lies Ingham and Livingston Counties, to the west, Clinton and to the north Saginaw. Shiawassee was established as a separate county by the proclamation of Governor Cass on September 10, 1822. Besides the present territory, it then included eight townships of Livingston and eight townships of Genesee. Fifteen years later the organization of new counties reduced Shiawassee to its present size. Shiawassee County from east to west is approximately 22 ½ miles wide and from north to south is 24 ½ miles. Although it is believed that Indians were the first settlers of this section, there were traces as late as 1830, of an earlier culture than that of the red man. Throughout the county were many circular or oval mounds, the use and significance of which were never fully determined. Some were undoubtedly graves, as on opening human bones were found. One that was explored in 1829 bore the appearance of a fort. The first white man to set foot in Shiawassee County, as early as 1795, was a Frenchman name Bolieu. He established himself near the present site of Saginaw about Page 6 that date for purpose of trading with the Indians. A fellow countryman named Tremble soon followed. For a long time the two Frenchmen controlled the trade of the vast district of which this county was a small part. Gradually, however, other traders and trappers came in; and the Indian, often unconscious of the danger which threatened his race-civilization fought unavailingly against the invasion of his hunting ground. The first session of the County Board of Supervisors was held in October of 1837. On October 7, 1839, the County Board of Supervisors convened at Corunna and accepted a block of land 300 feet square, donated by the County Seat Company and designated as the Public Square. Upon this plot the first Courthouse was erected and the present Courthouse now occupies this site. The first term of the Circuit Court for Shiawassee County was held December 4, 1837. The first session of the Probate Court was February 13, 1838. Owosso, the largest city in the county, was the birthplace of several famous men, among them being former Governor Thomas E. Dewey of New York and James Oliver Curwood, author and conservationist. Other cities are Corunna, the county seat, Durand, Laingsburg and Perry. In addition to the six incorporated villages, there are several smaller unincorporated communities. Page 7 NATIONAL AND STATE OF MICHIGAN OFFICIALS FOR SHIAWASSEE COUNTY PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT – 4 YEAR TERM TERM ENDING 12/12 BARACK OBAMA - D President 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20500 JOE BIDEN - D Vice President Old Executive Office Building 17th Street & Pennsylvania Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20500 STATE OF MICHIGAN OFFICIALS 4 YEAR TERM ENDING 12/14 RICK SNYDER - R Governor State Capital, P.O. Box 30013 Lansing, MI 48909 BRIAN CALLEY - R Lt. Governor State Capital, P.O. Box 30026 Lansing, MI 48909 RUTH JOHNSON - R Secretary of State Treasury Building, 1st Floor 430 W. Allegan St. Lansing, MI 48918 BILL SCHUETTE - R Attorney General Law Building, P.O. Box 30212 Lansing, MI 48909 Page 8 U.S. SENATORS 6 YEAR TERM CARL LEVIN – D TERM ENDING 12/14 Senator 269 Russell Senate Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20510-2202 (202) 224-6221 Lansing Office: 1810 Michigan National Tower Bldg. 124 West Allegan Lansing, MI 48933 (517) 377-1508 Saginaw Office: 515 N. Washington Suite 402 Saginaw, MI 48607 (989) 754-2494 DEBBIE STABENOW – D TERM ENDING 12/12 Senator 133 Hart Senate Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20510 (202) 224-4822 Lansing Office: 221 West Lake Lansing Rd. Suite 100 East Lansing, MI 48823 (517) 203-1760 Flint Office: 432 N. Saginaw Flint, MI 48502 (810) 720-4172 Page 9 CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES – 2 YEAR TERM TERM ENDING 12/12 DAVID CAMP - R Congressman 341 Cannon House Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20515 (202) 225-3561 Fax: (202) 225-9679 Midland Office: 135 Ashman Street Midland, MI 48640 (989) 631-2552 (800) 342-2455 Fax: (989) 631-6271 4TH DISTRICT Caledonia, Fairfield, Hazelton, Middlebury, New Haven, Owosso, Rush, and Venice Townships and the Cities of Corunna and Owosso MIKE ROGERS - R Congressman 133 Cannon House Office Bldg. Washington, D.C. 20515 (202) 225-4872 Fax: (202) 225-5820 Lansing Office: 1000 W. St. Joseph Suite 300 Lansing, MI 48915 (517) 702-8000 8TH DISTRICT Antrim, Bennington, Burns, Perry, Sciota, Shiawassee, Vernon, and Woodhull Townships and the Cities of Durand, Laingsburg and Perry Page 10 STATE SENATOR 4 YEAR TERM JOE HUNE - R TERM ENDING 12/14 Senator 505 Farnum Building P.O. Box 30036 Lansing, MI 48909 (517) 373-2420 Fax: (517) 373-2764 22ND DISTRICT All of Shiawassee County, Livingston County, and part of Ingham County STATE REPRESENTATIVE 2 YEAR TERM BEN GLARDON - R TERM ENDING 12/12 State Representative 124 N. Capital RM S1189 Anderson Building Lansing, MI 48909-7514 (517) 373-0841 (877) 558-5426 Fax: (517) 373-7937 85TH DISTRICT All of Shiawassee County, and Bath, Ovid and Victor Townships in Clinton County Page 11 county elected officials county coMMissioneRs 2 yeaR teRM / teRMs endinG 12/12 Commissioner Gary Holzhausen opted not to remain for the photo. distRict no. 1 - dan steWaRt - R 1001 Meadow Dr. Owosso, MI 48867 (989) 723-3826 E-Mail: District 1 includes Fairfield, Middlebury, Owosso Pct. 1 & 2 and Rush Townships and Owosso City 1-1 distRict no. 2 - Ronald eldeR - R 1018 North Washington Street Owosso, MI 48867 (989) 723-3448 E-Mail: District 2 includes Owosso City 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, and 2-4 distRict no. 3 - GaRy HolZHausen - R 3810 Easton Rd. Owosso, MI 48867 (989) 743-3233 E-Mail: District 3 includes Caledonia Pct. 1, Hazelton, New Haven, and Venice Pct. 1 Townships and Corunna City Page 12 DISTRICT NO. 4 - JON MICHAEL FUJA - R 513 Hampton Road Durand, MI 48429 (989) 288-3506 E-Mail: District 4 includes Venice Pct. 2 and Vernon Townships and Durand City DISTRICT NO. 5 - GERALD W. COLE - R 9908 S. Vernon Road Bancroft, MI 48414 (989) 634-5212 E-Mail: District 5 includes Antrim, Burns, Caledonia Pct. 2, and Shiawassee Township DISTRICT NO. 6 - DALE ROSZMAN - R 807 W. Hibbard Rd. Owosso, MI 48867 (517) 202-6820 E-Mail: District 6 includes Bennington, Owosso Pct. III, Sciota Townships, City of Laingsburg and City of Owosso Pct. 6-1 DISTRICT NO. 7 - JOHN PLOWMAN - R 202 Meadowdale Lane Perry, MI 48872 (517) 625-4545 E-Mail: District 7 includes Perry and Woodhull Townships and Perry City Page 13 COUNTY OFFICIALS 4 YEAR TERM - TERMS ENDING 12/12 RANDY O. COLBRY - R Prosecuting Attorney 201 N. Shiawassee Street Corunna, Michigan 48817 (989) 743-2373 Fax: (989) 743-2237 The Prosecuting Attorney’s primary role is to serve as the chief law enforcement officer in the prosecution of felony and misdemeanor crimes committed in the county. The Prosecuting Attorney has well over 100 additional constitutional and statutory responsibilities, including the duty to appear for the county or state in all the courts of the county, at all proceedings, whether civil or criminal, in which the state or county may be a party or otherwise interested. The Prosecuting Attorney is elected to a 4 year term by the voters of Shiawassee County on a partisan ballot in the general November election. GEORGE R. BRAIDWOOD II - D Sheriff 201 E. McArthur Street Corunna, Michigan 48817 (989) 743-3411 Fax: (989) 743-6423 The Sheriff’s principal duties involve the charge and custody of the County jail. His office handles both criminal and non-criminal complaints, enforces traffic and water safety laws, as well as serves writs and other court papers. The Sheriff’s office also transports criminals to either court or prison and handles extradition proceedings. The Sheriff is elected to a 4 year term by the voters of Shiawassee County on a partisan ballot in the general November election. Page 14 LAURI L. BRAID - R County Clerk 208 N. Shiawassee Street Corunna, Michigan 48817 (989) 743-2242 Fax: (989) 743-2241 The County Clerk is clerk of the Circuit Court and is the general recorder of not only Circuit Court records, but also County records such as births, deaths, marriages, business and professional registrations. The Clerk is clerk of the Board of Commissioners, and statutorily serves on numerous County Boards. She is also responsible for all Election activities in Shiawassee County. The Clerk is elected to a 4 year term by the voters of Shiawassee County on a partisan ballot in the general November election. THOMAS W. DWYER - R Treasurer 208 N. Shiawassee Street Corunna, Michigan 48817 (989) 743-2224 Fax: (989) 743-2490 The County Treasurer is responsible for collection and distribution of tax roll levies and is custodian of County and related funds including the banking of such funds. He invests all surplus monies and distributes Funds to schools, townships, cities and villages. He is a member of the County Election Commission and the Plat Board by virtue of the office he holds. The Treasurer is elected to a 4 year term by the voters of Shiawassee County on a partisan ballot in the general November election. Page 15 LORI S. KIMBLE - R Register of Deeds 208 N. Shiawassee Street Corunna, Michigan 48817 (989) 743-2216 Fax: (989) 743-2459 The Register of Deeds is responsible for recording all documents involving real estate in the County. Recordings include deeds, mortgages, discharges, assignments, death certificates, court orders, tax liens and releases, leases, affidavits, land contracts and miscellaneous other documents. Additionally plats, condominiums, surveys and corners are recorded. She also serves as Chairman of the Plat Board by statute. The Register of Deeds is elected to a 4 year term by the voters of Shiawassee County on a partisan ballot in the general November election. ANTHONY “TONY” NEWMAN - D Drain Commissioner 149 E. Corunna Ave. L-1 Corunna, Michigan 48817 (989) 743-2398 Fax: (989) 743-2474 The Drain Commissioner is a statutory officer and is responsible for administration of the Michigan Drain Code, Michigan Subdivision Control Act, Michigan Lake Level Act, and the Michigan Inland Lake Improvement Act. The Drain Commissioner is elected to a 4 year term by the voters of Shiawassee County on a partisan ballot in the general November election. Page 16 NORMAN C. CALDWELL, P.S. - R Surveyor 208 N. Shiawassee Street Corunna, Michigan 48817 (989) 743-2219 (989) 723-6321 - Home The County surveyor is elected on a partisan basis every four years and must be a licensed surveyor. The surveyor’s duties include the administration of a remonumentation program for all public land survey corners throughout the county and the recordation and maintenance of those corners together with creating and maintaining a filing system for horizontal and vertical geodetic controls. In addition, the county surveyor advises the county on matters for which the skills of a surveyor are required. COUNTY ROAD COMMISSIONERS 6 YEAR TERMS MIKE CONSTINE - R - TERM ENDING 12/16 9500 W. Elm Rd., Ovid, Michigan 48866 (989) 834-6170 JOHN MICHALEC- D - TERM ENDING 12/14 1544 North Hickory Rd., Owosso, Michigan 48867 (989) 723-7143 STEPHEN A. ZEMCIK - D - TERM ENDING 12/12 1845 E. Riley Rd., Owosso, Michigan 48867 (517) 490-0250 Page 17 SHIAWASSEE COUNTY COURTS 35TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COURT CIRCUIT COURT Old Courthouse - Third Floor 208 N. Shiawassee Street Corunna, Michigan 48817 (989) 743-2239 Fax: (989) 743-2602 HON. GERALD D. LOSTRACCO Circuit Court Judge 12/14 Clerk: Court Administrator: Lauri L. Braid Janice Foltz PROBATION OFFICE - CIRCUIT COURT 112 E. McArthur Street, Lower Level Corunna, Michigan 48817 (989) 743-2402 Fax: (989) 743-2473 Probation Supervisor: Angela Chapman Probation/Parole Officers: Lyman Martin Sandra Neufer Heidi Rolfe Meredith Thompson Alan Witte Andrew Zeeman Matthew Minton Page 18 66TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT COURT Courts & Health Building 110 E. Mack Street Corunna, Michigan 48817 (989) 743-2395 Fax: (989) 743-2469 HON. WARD L. CLARKSON Chief District Judge 12/12 HON. TERRANCE P. DIGNAN District Judge 12/14 Court Administrator and Magistrate: Dale DeGarmo PROBATE COURT County Health and Courts Building 110 E. Mack Street Corunna, Michigan 48817 (989) 743-2211 Fax: (989) 743-2349 HON. JAMES R. CLATTERBAUGH Probate Judge 12/12 Court Administrator: Vacant Page 19 POLITICAL PARTIES County Political Party Officers REPUBLICAN Chairman: Vice Chair: Secretary: Treasurer: DEMOCRAT Chairman: Vice Chair: Secretary: Treasurer: Records Keeper: Sam Burwell 314 W. Mack St. Corunna, MI 48817 (989) 743-5118 Theresa Grace Dennis Bentley Trafton Jean Carol Spaniola 517 W. Corunna Avenue Corunna, Michigan 48817 (989) 743-3293 Web Site: Paul Ray Barbara Lewis Janice Ray Paul Ray Page 20 COUNTY CLERK’S OFFICE Old Courthouse – 2nd Floor 208 N. Shiawassee Street Corunna, Michigan 48817 (989) 743-2242 • Fax: (989) 743-2241 BUSINESS REGISTRATIONS Businesses, except corporations and some partnerships, are registered under an assumed name by submitting the proper form at the Clerk’s Office or the clerk’s web page. You must be 18 years of age to file a business registration. In Person/By Mail – the forms are available in the Clerk’s Office or on the Clerk’s web page. All owners of the business must be present if preparing the form in the Clerk’s Office and the clerk’s staff will notarize all of the signatures. All people signing must present proper photo identification (driver’s license). If submitting by mail, this form must already be notarized. Fees: $10.00………………………….filing fee $ 2.00…………………………. certified copy CERTIFIED COPIES OF BIRTH RECORDS, DEATH RECORDS AND MARRIAGE LICENSES Fees: (for certified copies of Birth/Death/Marriage) $13.00 ……………………….. first certified copy $ 5.00 ……………extra certified copy of same document *Certified copies also available on the web at BIRTH RECORDS Birth records are not public records and can only be obtained by the individual or a parent who’s name appears on the certificate in the following ways: In Person/By Mail – present valid photo identification (driver’s license) or other identification to the Clerk’s Office. Information required includes the name of the person on the birth certificate, date of birth, place of birth, father’s name, and mother’s maiden name. Requests by mail must include the above information, a copy of photo identification, and a signed and dated letter requesting the document. DEATH CERTIFICATES Death record indexes are available for viewing, and may be purchased by anyone. The records can be obtained the following ways: In Person/By Mail – name of decedent, date of death and place of death. Requests by mail must include the above information and a signed and dated letter requesting the document. Page 21 MARRIAGE LICENSE Marriage License Indexes are available for viewing, and may be purchased by anyone. The records can be obtained the following ways: In Person/By Mail – names of bride/groom and the date of marriage. Requests by mail must include the above information and a signed and dated letter requesting the document. REQUIREMENTS FOR MARRIAGE LICENSE You must apply for a marriage license in the county where you reside. If both parties are from OUT-OF-STATE you must apply in the county where the marriage will take place. If one of the parties is a resident of Shiawassee County, you can apply in Shiawassee County and then be married anywhere in Michigan. Fees – Resident of Shiawassee County……..…………………….$20.00 Fees – Out of State Resident……………………………………...$30.00 DOCUMENTS NEEDED 1) Identification for both parties A) Certified copy of birth certificate or B) Driver’s License with CORRECT ADDRESS or C) State of Michigan ID card with CORRECT ADDRESS REQUIRED INFORMATION 1) Full name of both parties 2) Date of birth 3) Place of birth 4) Address including name of county 5) Number of times previously married 6) Both parents full names including mother’s maiden name 7) Parents place of birth 8) Social Security Number WAITING PERIOD There is a three-day waiting period after the application is completed before you can pick up your marriage license. Your marriage license must be used within thirty-three (33) days from the date of application. Page 22 :ORKING 7OGETHER *ROWING 7OGETHER .EEPING 3ROMISES +ARD:ORK'EDICATION ,NTEGRITY3RIDE 3YV'SQTPIXI1IRYSJ;EWXI'SPPIGXMSR7IVZMGIW 'SQQIVGMEP6IWMHIRXMEP'SRWXVYGXMSR -RHYWXVMEPERH6IG]GPMRK ;EWXI7IVZMGIW%QIVMGE¸W;EWXI'SPPIGXMSR'SQTER] 'EPP8SHE]*SV%*VII)WXMQEXI ;1;1 [[[[QGSQ Page 23 NOTARY PUBLIC COMMISSION INFORMATION An Application for Michigan Notary Public Appointment must be completed. This form is available from the County Clerk’s website at or in the Clerk’s office. You must then obtain a surety bond (available through insurance agencies or bonding companies) in the amount of $10,000 and file it with the county clerk. The fee for filing at the county is $10.00. At that time, the county clerk will also administer an Oath of Office, and verify that you have complied with these requirements by completing the designated area on the completed Notary Public Application. Your original signature must then be placed on the form, agreeing to all conditions stated. After you have fulfilled the filing requirements at the county level, you must then forward your completed application (with a $10 non-refundable processing fee) to the following address: Michigan Department of State, Office of the Great Seal, 7064 Crowner Blvd. Lansing, MI 48918. Do not send cash; please send a check or money order payable to the “State of Michigan”. Your notary commission certificate will then be mailed directly to your residence address as indicated on the application form. Your notary commission is not valid until you receive your certificate of commission in the mail. ELECTIONS Register to Vote – If you are a citizen of the United States, at least 18 years of age on or before Election Day, and a Michigan resident for at least 30 days, you can register to vote. Registration may be done in person at any Secretary of State branch office, the County Clerks office, or your city or township clerk’s office. Absent Voting – you may vote absentee ballot if you meet at least one of the statutory reasons for not voting in person. Contact your city, township or village clerk. They will send you an application to complete and return by mail, or in person at the local clerk’s office. CONCEALED WEAPON LICENSING Applications may be obtained at the Clerk’s office, Sheriff’s Department or any local police agency. You must be 21 years of age to apply. Fees: $105.00 application $ 10.00 photos *Applications are also available on the county clerk’s web page. Page 24 PASSPORT APPLICATION You must apply in person in the Clerk’s office for a passport. Current driver’s license or other photo ID must be presented at time of application. A certified birth certificate and 2 passport photos must be sent with application. The birth certificate will be returned with your passport. Children under the age of 16 must have both parents present for signatures on the application. The passport is valid for 10 years. Passports for children under the age of 16 are valid for 5 years. Processing fee and application fee required per applicant: PASSPORT BOOK Fees: $80.00………….Application fee – under the age of 16 years old (Check or Money Order Payable to: Department of State) $110.00………….Application fee – 16 years of age and older (Check or Money Order Payable to: Department of State) PASSPORT CARD $15.00………….Application fee – under the age of 16 year old (Check or Money Order Payable to: Department of State) $30.00…………..Application fee – 16 years of age and older (Check or Money Order Payable to: Department of State) $25.00………….Processing fee per application (Payable to: County Clerk) $10.00…………Passport Pictures (Payable to: County Clerk) MILITARY DISCHARGE Certified copies of Military Discharge papers (DD214) are available to the discharged military person or beneficiaries only. Heirs must provide a certified Death Certificate and evidence of relationship. It is the responsibility of the service person to file copies of the original documents at the County Clerk’s Office in the County of residence at the time of separation from the military. Only complete documents with original signatures are acceptable for filing. Fees: No filing fee – One free certified copy given $1.00 – for each additional certified copy of document COUNTY TREASURER Dog Licenses Available before March for Male or Female $30.00. Neutered $10.00 at City, County or Township Treasurers’ Offices. After March 1, only available at County Treasurers Office, Courthouse, for a fee of $60.00 for male or female and $20.00 for neutered. Page 25 SHIAWASSEE COUNTY OFFICES All offices of Shiawassee County are listed in alphabetical order. The desired department or agency can be called directly by dialing the number shown for the specific location. ANIMAL CONTROL (989) 743-2406 Fax: (989) 743-6580 1251 E. Hibbard Road Owosso, Michigan 48867 Officer: Lauren Shelly Shelter Officer: Doreen Hilgendorf BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS (989) 743-2220 Fax: (989) 743-5251 701 S. Norton Street Corunna, Michigan 48817 Superintendent: Phil Heavilin CLERK (989) 743-2242 Fax: (989) 743-2241 Old Courthouse – Second Floor 208 N. Shiawassee Street Corunna, Michigan 48817 County Clerk: Lauri L. Braid - R 12/12 Chief Deputy: Marcy Brady COMMISSIONERS CHAMBERS AND OFFICE (989) 743-2233 Fax: (989) 743-2284 Surbeck Building – First Floor 201 N. Shiawassee Street Corunna, Michigan 48817 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Building, Zoning, Planning and Housing Rehabilitation (989) 743-2396 Fax: (989) 743-2393 201 N. Shiawassee Street Surbeck Building, Third Floor Corunna, Michigan 48817 Director: Peter Preston Zoning Administrator: Linda Gene Cordier Code Enforcer: David E. Chrenka Page 26 3TIR ,SYVW (VMZI9T4LEVQEG] EPWS3RPMRI4LEVQEG] [[[QIMNIVTLEVQEG]GSQ =SYV3RI7XST 7LSTTMRK)\TIVMIRGI +VSGIV]*VIWL4VSHYGI(IPM 'LIIWI 'SYRXIV1IEX 7IEJSSH&EOIV];MRI +IRIVEP1IVGLERHMWI4IXW&EF] 7TSVXW0E[R +EVHIR,IEPXL &IEYX] 2ZRVVR&RUXQQD Page 27 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR (989) 743-2458 Fax: (989) 743-2284 Surbeck Building - First Floor 201 N. Shiawassee Street Corunna, Michigan 48817 Administrator: Margaret McAvoy DRAIN OFFICE (989) 743-2398 Fax: (989) 743-2474 James P. Capitan Center Level 1 149 E. Corunna Ave. Corunna, Michigan 48817 E-Mail: Commissioner: Anthony “Tony” Newman - D 12/12 Deputy: Jenna Jullie ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH (989) 743-2390 Fax: (989) 743-2413 Surbeck Building – Third Floor 201 N. Shiawassee Street Corunna, Michigan 48817 Director: Larry Johnson E-Mail: EQUALIZATION/TAX DESCRIPTION (989) 743-2209 Fax: 743-2663 Old Courthouse – Second Floor 208 N. Shiawassee Street Corunna, Michigan 48817 E-Mail: Director: Tom Routhier Page 28 ESTATE DIVISION (989) 743-2211 Fax: (989) 743-2349 County Health and Courts Building 110 E. Mack Street Corunna, Michigan 48817 Probate Judge: Hon. James R. Clatterbaugh 12/12 Register: Claudia Howdyshell FAMILY DIVISON OF CIRCUIT COURT (989) 743-2372 Fax: (989) 743-2349 County Health and Courts Building 110 E. Mack Street Corunna, Michigan 48817 Presiding Family Court Judge: Hon. James R. Clatterbaugh 12/12 Probate Court Administrator: Vacant FRIEND OF THE COURT (989) 743-2397 Old Courthouse – First Floor 208 N. Shiawassee Street Corunna, Michigan 48817 Friend of the Court: Susan L. Thorman HEALTH DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATION OFFICE (989) 743-2318 Fax: (989) 743-2357 James P. Capitan Center 149 E. Corunna Ave., 2nd Floor Corunna, Michigan 48817 Health Officer: Director George Pichette E-Mail: EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT/HOMELAND SECURITY (989) 743-5841 Fax: (989) 743-2609 Capitan Center – Lower Level 149 East Corunna Ave. Corunna, MI 48817 Coordinator: James Sanderson, PEM Page 29 JUVENILE DIVISION – PROBATE OFFICE See Family Division of Circuit Court MEDICAL EXAMINER (517) 364-2561 (517) 372-0581 Forensic Services Sparrow Health Systems 1215 E. Michigan Avenue Lansing, Michigan 48912 PERSONAL HEALTH SERVICES (989) 743-2355 Fax: (989) 743-2362 Health Building – Lower Level 110 E. Mack Street Corunna, Michigan 48817 Director of Personal Health: Heidi Loynes E-Mail: Medical Director: Dr. Dennis Chernin E-Mail: PROBATE COURT, ESTATES See Estate Division PROSECUTOR (989) 743-2373 Fax: (989) 743-2237 Surbeck Building – Second Floor 201 N. Shiawassee Street Corunna, Michigan 48817 Prosecuting Attorney: Randy O. Colbry - R 12/12 Chief Assistant: Sara Edwards REGISTER OF DEEDS (989) 743-2216 Fax: (989) 743-2459 Old Courthouse – First Floor 208 N. Shiawassee Street Corunna, Michigan 48817 Register of Deeds: Lori S. Kimble - R 12/12 Deputy: Annette Prchlik Page 30 ROAD COMMISSION (989) 743-2228 Fax: (989) 743-5008 701 W. Corunna Avenue Corunna, Michigan 48817 Managing Director: Lonny Latunski Superintendent: Brent Friess Commissioners: Mike Constine - R 12/16 John Michalec - D 12/14 Stephen A. Zemcik - D 12/12 SHERIFF’S OFFICE (989) 743-3411 Fax: (989) 743-6423 201 E. McArthur Street Corunna, Michigan 48817 Sheriff: George Braidwood - D 12/12 Undersheriff: Bob Paine SURVEYOR (989) 743-2216 Old Courthouse – First Floor 208 N. Shiawassee Street Corunna, Michigan 48817 Surveyor: Norman C. Caldwell, P.S. - R 12/12 Home: (989) 723-6321 TREASURER (989) 743-2224 Fax: (989) 743-2490 Old Courthouse – Second Floor 208 N. Shiawassee Street Corunna, Michigan 48817 E-Mail: Treasurer: Thomas W. Dwyer - R 12/12 Deputy Treasurer: Katherine Fagan VETERANS AFFAIRS (989) 743-2231 Fax: (989) 743-4891 201 N. Shiawassee, 3rd floor, Surbeck Bldg. Corunna, Michigan 48817 E-Mail: Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 1:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., Fri. 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Administrator: Fred Finnen Agent: Jerilyn Strein Page 31 OTHER COUNTY AFFILIATED OFFICES SHIAWASSEE COUNTY FAIR OFFICE (989) 743-3611 Fax: (989) 743-6160 2900 E. Hibbard Road Corunna, Michigan 48817 E-Mail: SHIAWASSEE COUNTY MEDICAL CARE FACILITY (989) 743-3491 Fax: (989) 743-8681 729 S. Norton Street Corunna, Michigan 48817-1207 Administrator: Anne Hart - Ext. 526 E-Mail: MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES (formerly FIA) (989) 725-3200 Fax: (989) 725-3305 1975 W. Main Street, Suite 1 Owosso, Michigan 48867 Director: Susan Fulton MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION (989) 743-2251 Fax: (989) 743-4891 701 S. Norton Street Corunna, Michigan 48817 Director: Deanna East SHIAWASSEE CONSERVATION DISTRICT (989) 723-8263 Ext. 3 Fax: (989) 723-8491 1900 Morrice Road Owosso, Michigan 48867 Director: Melissa Higbee Page 32 SHIAWASSEE COUNCIL ON AGING (989) 723-8875 Fax: (989) 723-8875 300 N. Washington Street Owosso, Michigan 48867 Director: Cynthia Mayhew SHIAWASSEE COUNTY COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH AUTHORITY (989) 723-6791 Fax: (989) 725-5061 1555 Industrial Drive P.O. Box 428 Owosso, Michigan 48867 Emergency after hours: (989) 723-6791 Toll Free: (800) 622-4514 CEO: Scott Gilman SHIAWASSEE RESD – Student Learning Center - East (989) 723-8205 - Building Number (989) 723-6784 - Principal 2009 Corunna Avenue Owosso, Michigan 48867 Principal/Supervisor: Shelley Brant USDA FARM SERVICE AGENCY (989) 723-8263 Ext. 2 Fax: (989) 723-8491 1900 Morrice Road Owosso, Michigan 48867 Director: Jayne VanNess Page 33 COUNTY BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, AND COMMITTEES AGRICULTURE PRESERVATION BOARD 3-Year Term Leslie Loynes Sue Hammond Dick Lucas Phillip Mathews George Zmitko Bill Kuechenmeister Gerald Cole 12/12 12/12 12/13 12/10 12/11 12/11 12/11 Agriculture Representative Real Estate Representative Agriculture Representative Township Representative** Agriculture Representative Conservation Representative Commissioner 10/13 10/11 10/13 10/11 Corunna Owosso Owosso Owosso CANVASSING BOARD 4-Year Term Carol Spaniola - D Jo Teich - R Lenore Lundie - R Barbara Lewis - D COMMUNITY CORRECTION ADVISORY BOARD *(No term expiration) 2-Year Term George Braidwood Hon. Gerald D. Lostracco Hon. Ward L. Clarkson Hon. James R. Clatterbaugh Randy O. Colbry Vacant Chief Michael Rau Eugene Lawcock Greg Love Matthew Stewart Meredith Thompson Heather Kirk Dan Stewart * * * * 12/12 12/12 12/11 12/11 12/11 12/11 12/11 12/11 County Sheriff Circuit Court Judge District Court Judge Probate Court Judge Prosecutor Media Police Chief Business Community Service Criminal Defense Atty Probation General Public Commissioner **Commission expired new appointment has not been made. Page 34 COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH AUTHORITY BOARD 3-Year Term Jaime Pavlica Thomas Dignan Robyn Spencer Doadie Sumner Dr. Mark Miller Mike Rexin Bonnie Ott Richard Gilna Jerry Walden Vicki Bocek Dan Stewart Dale Roszman 3/13 3/13 3/13 3/11 3/11 3/11 3/11 3/12 3/12 3/13 12/11 12/11 Perry Owosso Owosso Corunna Corunna Lennon Elsie Corunna Owosso Owosso Owosso Owosso CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF APPEALS 2-Year Term Vacant Vacant Richard Bolek Barney Butler Vacant Dave Maurer Shawn Scepka 12/11 12/11 12/10 12/10 12/11 12/11 12/10 Bancroft ** Henderson ** Owosso Owosso Perry ** ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORP 6-Year Term Edward Brush Dr. Mark Miller Joe Ocenasek Avery Weaver David Stechschulte Margaret McAvoy Frank Mentus Tom Perkin Jerry Meyer Robert Hardy 12/13 12/11 12/11 12/12 12/13 12/13 12/13 12/13 12/13 12/13 Owosso Corunna Perry Corunna Owosso Owosso Owosso Owosso Owosso Owosso **Commission expired new appointment has not been made. Page 35 ELECTION COMMISSION Chairperson: Lauri L. Braid Hon. James R. Clatterbaugh Lauri L. Braid Thomas W. Dwyer Probate Judge County Clerk County Treasurer GENESEE/SHIAWASSEE WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD 3-Year Term Mary Sumpter Jeffrey Deason Robert Hardy Justin Horvath Amy Roddy 12/12 12/13 12/13 12/12 12/13 Private Sector Private Sector Private Sector Comm. Organization Business Sector GLS REGION V PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION 1-Year Term Gerald Cole Vacant SidneyGrinnell Vacant HEALTH BOARD 3-Year Term Patricia Cords James Capitan John Pajtas Eugene Paez Mary Buginsky Gerald Cole Dan Stewart 12/11 Commissioner 12/11 ElectedOfficial 12/11 ElectedOfficial 12/11 ElectedOfficial 12/12 12/13 12/13 12/12 12/12 12/11 12/11 Durand Owosso Corunna Owosso Owosso Bancroft Owosso HOUSING PROGRAM ADVISORY COUNCIL 3-Year Term Sally Sue Gale Julie Hales-Smith Bryan Fitch Rose Cinader Jackie Leone 12/12 12/11 12/11 12/10 12/12 Owosso Owosso Owosso Owosso ** Owosso **Commission expired new appointment has not been made. Page 36 JURY BOARD 6-Year Term Mary Bennett Jean Arnett Joan Lotridge 04/13 04/11 04/15 MICHIGAN VETERANS TRUST FUND Chairman: Robert Sherwood 12/11 Vietnam Veterans of America Members: Robert Downer Les L. Schneider Lloyd Putman Gary Coe Authorized Agent: Jerilyn Strein 12/10 12/13 12/12 12/12 AmVets ** Disabled American Veterans Veterans of Foreign Wars American Legion PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 3-Year Term (* No term expiration) Robert Downer Joe DeCaire Richard Miller Vacant Tanya Buckelew Nancy Zdunic Ron Elder Tony Newman Glen Love Jr. John Michalec 12/12 12/11 12/11 12/13 12/13 12/12 * * * * Durand Corunna Corunna John Griffin – Industrial 12/12 Fred Junger – Social 12/12 Don Dickman – Agriculture 12/11 William Thelen – Government 12/12 Glen Love Jr. – Government 12/13 Bonnie Ott – Education 12/13 Henry Martin – Recreational 12/11 Corunna Perry Durand Ovid Bancroft Elsie Owosso PLANNING COMMISSION 3-Year Term PLAT BOARD Bancroft Owosso Commissioners Drain Commissioner Planning Commission Member Road Commission Chairman: Lori Kimble Lori Kimble Register of Deeds Lauri L. Braid County Clerk Thomas W. Dwyer County Treasurer **Commission expired new appointment has not been made. Page 37 MID-WEST MICHIGAN TRAIL AUTHORITY Dale Roszman Dan Stewart Terry McLeod Vacant 6/13 6/13 6/13 6/13 Commissioner Commissioner Shiawassee/Ionia Rep. Shiawassee Resident RIVERHAVEN COORDINATING AGENCY ADVISORY COUNCIL 3-Year Term Scott Gilman Margaret McAvoy 12/11 12/11 Shiawassee County Representative Shiawassee County Representative SANITARY CODE BOARD OF APPEALS 4-Year Term Lance Omer Edwin Rouse Randy Horton Mary Buginsky Wayne Roszman 12/12 12/12 12/12 12/12 12/14 Board of Realtors Sewage Contractor Lending Agency Board of Health General Public SHIAWASSEE COUNTY CENTRAL DISPATCH – 911 3-Year Term Edward Bruckman Deborah Doyle Michael Compeau Pamela Slee Dan Stewart Danny Miller William Jackson Tom Cameron Bill Baker Charles Keenan George Braidwood Lt. Edward Hay 12/12 12/12 12/12 12/11 12/11 12/12 12/11 12/11 12/11 12/12 (Elected term) County Elected at Large City Elected Officials Law Enforcement Township Elected Officials Commissioner County at Large Ambulance Representative Village Elected Officials Fire Department Chief Citizen at Large Sheriff Department State Police Representative SHIAWASSEE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES BOARD 3-Year Term Londa Knauff Nancy Best 10/13 10/11 Shiawassee County Representative Shiawassee County Representative Cynthia Civille 10/12 State Representative **Commission expired new appointment has not been made. Page 38 CRIMINAL DEFENSE THOMAS J. DIGNAN Attorney & Counselor at Law “A Name You Can Trust” CIVIL and CRIMINAL LITIGATION Also A Leader In DRIVER’S LICENSE RESTORATION Effective. Decisive. Results. (989) 723-4567 224 N. Ball Page 39 • DIVORCE AND CUSTODY • INJURY D I V O R C E • R E A L E S TAT E • I N J U R Y • SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 2-Year Term Vacant 12/11 Solid Waste Industry Dean Thatcher 12/11 Environmental Gary Holzhausen 12/11 County Government Joe DeCaire 12/11 Township Government Gary Bendall 12/11 City Government John Gall 12/11 Solid Waste Industry Dennis Braid 12/11 General Public Vacant 12/11 Solid Waste Industry Ric Crawford 12/12 Solid Waste Industry Terry McLeod 12/12 General Public Vacant 12/12 Solid Waste Regional Planning Thomas Wert 12/12 Environmental Interest Marli Schnepp 12/12 General Public Peter Preston * DPA Vacant Industrial Waste Generator VAAA 2-Year Term Vacant Junior Love Loretta Rolfes Sandra Michalek James Capitan Gerald Cole Ron Elder 12/12 12/11 12/11 12/11 12/12 12/11 12/11 John Pajtas Ron Elder Douglas Huyck Robert Sherwood Sara Edwards 12/13 12/13 12/11 12/12 12/11 Advisory Council Advisory Council Board of Directors Board of Directors Board of Directors Commissioner Commissioner VETERANS’ AFFAIRS COMMITTEE 4-Year Term ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS 3-Year Term Jacob Raleigh 12/11 Vernon N. Bradley Wissong 12/13 Venice Ann Gamboe Hall 12/12 Rush Larry Gramer 12/13 Burns Willis Miller 12/12 Vernon Gerald Wardell 12/13 Woodhull Henry Martin 12/11 Planning Commission *Commission expired new appointment has not been made. Page 40 HDVRQVWR&KRRVH0HPRULDO8UJHQW&DUH 5 6KRUWHUZDLWWLPHV 2SHQHYHQLQJVDQGZHHNHQGV 7UHDWPHQWIRUPLQRULOOQHVVHVDQGLQMXULHV &RQYHQLHQWWR\RXUKRPHWRZQ (0(5*(1&<$1'85*(17&$5(/2&$7,216 1IQSVMEP,IEPXLGEVI )QIVKIRG](ITEVXQIRX 1IQSVMEP9VKIRX'EVI 4)66= ;&VMXXSR6SEH ,SYVW1SR*VMTT 7EX 7YRET ;/MRK3[SWWS 3TIR,SYVW [[[1IQSVMEP,IEPXLGEVISVK 1IQSVMEP9VKIRX'EVI 7XEXI6SEH3;3773 EGVSWWJVSQ1IMNIV 27XEXI6SEH ,SYVW1SR*VMTT 7EX 7YRET Page 41 TAX NUMBERS TOWNSHIPS/CITIES 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 020 022 024 026 050 Fairfield Rush New Haven Hazelton Middlebury Owosso Caledonia Venice Sciota Bennington Shiawassee Vernon Woodhull Perry Antrim Burns Durand City Laingsburg City Perry City Corunna City Owosso City VILLAGES 004-60 008-60 011-60 012-60 014-60 016-60 New Lothrop Lennon Bancroft Vernon Morrice Byron Page 42 TOWNSHIPS ANTRIM TOWNSHIP BENNINGTON TOWNSHIP BURNS TOWNSHIP CALEDONIA TOWNSHIP FAIRFIELD TOWNSHIP HAZELTON TOWNSHIP MIDDLEBURY TOWNSHIP NEW HAVEN TOWNSHIP OWOSSO TOWNSHIP PERRY TOWNSHIP RUSH TOWNSHIP SCIOTA TOWNSHIP SHIAWASSEE TOWNSHIP VENICE TOWNSHIP VERNON TOWNSHIP WOODHULL TOWNSHIP CITIES CITY OF CORUNNA CITY OF DURAND CITY OF LAINGSBURG CITY OF OWOSSO CITY OF PERRY VILLAGES VILLAGE OF BANCROFT VILLAGE OF BYRON VILLAGE OF LENNON VILLAGE OF MORRICE VILLAGE OF NEW LOTHROP VILLAGE OF VERNON SCHOOLS SHIAWASSEE REGIONAL EDUCATION BYRON AREA SCHOOLS CORUNNA PUBLIC SCHOOLS DURAND AREA SCHOOLS LAINGSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOLS MORRICE AREA SCHOOLS NEW LOTHROP AREA PUBLIC SCHOOLS OWOSSO PUBLIC SCHOOLS PERRY PUBLIC SCHOOLS Page 43 TOWNSHIP OFFICERS 4-Year Terms Terms Ending 11/12 ANTRIM TOWNSHIP Supervisor L. Darrell Coffey (R) 13567 S. Bancroft Rd., Byron, 48418 (989) 634-5318 Clerk, Susan McGahey (R) 253 E. Ellsworth, Morrice 48857 (517) 294-8046 Treasurer Nancy Robertson (R) 4540 E. Beard Rd., Byron, 48418 (989) 634-8409 Trustee Garrett W. White (D) 4620 Britton Rd., Bancroft, 48414 (989) 634-5953 Trustee Michael Godfrey (R) 3483 E. Britton Rd., Bancroft, 48414 (989) 634-5409 Assessor Brian Thelen P.O. Box #499, Westphalia, 48894 (989) 587-3972 Township Hall 12014 S. Bancroft Rd. Morrice, MI 48857 (989) 634-9051 (Corner of Bancroft & Bath Rds.) Fax (989) 634-5690 Voting Polling Place – Township Hall Meetings – Township Hall 2nd Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Page 44 BENNINGTON TOWNSHIP Supervisor Leonard Ash (R) 6490 S. M-52, Owosso, 48867 (989) 725-5083 Clerk Donna Ash (R) 5308 S. Morrice Rd., Owosso, 48867 (989) 277-5971 E-mail: OfficeHours:Mon.10:00a.m.–2:00p.m. Treasurer Cindy Garber (R) 3522 S. Friegel Rd., Owosso, 48867 (989) 723-3602 OfficeHours:Wed.10:00a.m.–2:30p.m. Trustee Jim Forsythe (R) 1996 W. Garrison Rd., Owosso, 48867 (989) 723-4742 Trustee Nancy Zdunic (R) 5745 S. Morrice Rd., Owosso, 48867 (989) 277-1319 Assessor MAS Appraisal 3450 W. McBride Rd., Owosso, 48867 (989) 725-5727 OfficeHours:Thurs.9:00a.m.–11:00a.m. Township Hall 5849 S. M-52 Owosso, MI 48867 (989) 723-5555 (989) 725-2372 Fax VotingPollingPlace–TownshipHall Meetings–TownshipHall 1st Monday, 7:00 p.m. (except when the Monday falls on a holiday) Page 45 BURNS TOWNSHIP Supervisor David Mitchell (R) 6502 E. Beard Rd., Byron, 48418 (989) 634-5314 Clerk Sharon L. Granger (R) 117 N. Ann St., P.O. Box 223, Byron, 48418 (810) 266-4682 Treasurer Valerie Ritter (R) 13583 New Lothrop Rd., Byron, 48418 (810) 266-6220 Trustee Cheryl Cole (R) 9237 Byam Rd., Bancroft, 48414 (989) 634-9087 Trustee Garry K. Adams (R) 9854 Bath Rd., Byron, 48418 (810) 266-4170 Assessor MAS Appraisal 3450 W. McBride Rd., Owosso 48867 (989) 725-1809 (989) 725-8080 Fax Township Hall 10355 Bath Rd. P.O. Box 397 Byron, MI 48418 (810) 266-6220 Township Office (810) 266-5045 Fax Township Hall (810) 266-5220 Fire Dept. Office (810) 266-6460 Fire Dept. Fax Voting Polling Place – Township Hall Meetings – Township Hall 1st Monday, 7:30 p.m. Page 46 CALEDONIA CHARTER TOWNSHIP Supervisor Joe DeCaire (D) 4726 E. M-21, Corunna, 48817 (989) 743-5300 Ext. 222 E-mail Assessor – Ron Gunther (989) 743-5300 Ext. 229 E-mail – Clerk Marcy Brady (R) 2107 E. Hibbard Rd., Owosso, 48867 (989) 743-5300 Ext. 223 E-mail clerk@michonline. net Building Official – Rob Kehoe (989) 743-5300 Ext. 230 Cell (810) 516-1191 E-mail Treasurer Renee Essenburg (R) P.O. Box 175, Corunna, 48817 (989) 743-5300 Ext. 224 E-mail Trustee Edward Bruckman (R) 2400 E. Cronk Rd., Owosso, 48867 (989) 743-5300 Ext. 226 Trustee Geraldine Hagadon (R) 4630 Serr Road, Corunna, 48817 (989) 743-5300 Ext. 226 Zoning Administrator – Doug Piggott Rowe Inc. (989) 743-5300 Ext. 230 (800) 837-9131 E-mail Utility Authority Administrator – John Langtry 135 N. State Rd., Owosso, 48867 (989) 743-3181 Charter Township Hall 135 N. State Rd., Owosso, 48867 (989) 743-5300 Fax – (989) 743-6705 Web site – Trustee Joseph G. Janca (R) 3437 E. Wilkinson Rd., Owosso, 48867 (989) 743-5300 Ext. 225 (989) 743-3631 - Home Trustee Richard Holzheuer (R) 710 Union, Owosso, 48867 (989) 743-5300 Ext. 225 Voting Place – Township Hall Meeting – Township Hall 3rd Monday – 7:00 p.m. Page 47 FAIRFIELD TOWNSHIP Supervisor Les Loynes (R) 8850 N. Carland Rd., Elsie, 48831 (989) 661-2300 Clerk Carolyn Long (R) 8944 W. Juddville Rd., Elsie, 48831 (989) 834-2132 Treasurer Vivian J. Durling (D) 4447 N. Vincent Rd., Elsie, 48831 (989) 834-2130 Trustee Steven Maynard (R) 8239 W. Ridge Rd., Elsie, 48831 (989) 661-7797 Trustee Harvey Coon (D) 6725 Collins Rd., Henderson, 48841 (989) 661-2219 Assessor Merilee Lawson 541 N. Brady St., Corunna, 48817 (989) 743-5987 Township Hall 7988 W. Henderson Rd. Elsie, MI 48831 Voting Polling Place – Township Hall Meetings – Township Hall 1st Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Page 48 HAZELTON TOWNSHIP Supervisor James R. Sheridan (D) 11215 E. Riley Rd., Flushing, 48433 (810) 638-5418 Clerk Rebecca Hart (D) 8137 Saginaw St., New Lothrop, 48460 (810) 638-5516 (810) 638-5862 Fax Treasurer Cheryl Ann Pope (D) 7519 Old Timber Trail, New Lothrop, 48460 (810) 638-5763 Trustee Samuel Knieper (D) 6853 Reed Rd., New Lothrop, 48460 (810) 638-5394 Trustee Allan Gross (D) 5400 New Lothrop Rd., Corunna, 48817 (810) 638-5817 Assessor Timothy LeClair 6025 Perry, Grand Blanc, 48439 (810) 606-0890 Township Hall 7507 Orchard New Lothrop, MI 48460 (810) 638-5861 (810) 638-5862 Voting Polling Place – New Lothrop High School 9285 Easton Rd. Meetings – Township Hall 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. Page 49 MIDDLEBURY TOWNSHIP Supervisor Anthony (Tony) Sinicropi (R) 8993 W. Simpson Rd., Ovid, 48866 (989) 834-5049 Clerk Susan Tomasek-Swan (R) 212 West Court St., Ovid 48866 (989) 834-5842 Treasurer Carolyn S. Stevens (D) 1379 Vincent Rd., Ovid, 48866 (989) 834-5768 Trustee Paul Dutton (R) 8262 W. Krouse Rd., Ovid, 48866 (989) 834-5812 Trustee Erin K. Dutton (D) 8262 W. Krouse Rd., Ovid, 48866 (989) 834-5812 Assessor Diane Dowler 11236 Reid Rd., Swartz Creek, 48473 (810) 635-9596 (810) 635-0561 Fax Township Hall 7627 W. M-21 P.O. Box 622 Ovid, MI 48866 (989) 834-5842 Fax Voting Polling Place – Township Hall Meetings – Township Hall 2nd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. (Except August – no meeting) Page 50 NEW HAVEN TOWNSHIP Supervisor Don Dickinson (R) 1565 E. Henderson Rd., Owosso 48867 (989) 729-1043 Clerk Marilyn L. Owen (R) 3496 N. State Rd., Owosso, 48867 (989) 743-3825 Treasurer Mary Eickholt (R) P.O. Box 36, Corunna, 48817 (989) 743-4381 Trustee Thomas J. Foster (D) 2226 E. Johnston Rd., Owosso, 48867 (989) 845-2610 Trustee Allen Lecureux (R) 3203 E. Cronk Rd., Owosso, 48867 (989) 743-3940 Assessor Diane Dowler 11236 Reid Rd., Swartz Creek, 48473 (810) 635-9596 (810) 635-0561 Fax Township Hall 2705 E. Easton Rd. Owosso, MI 48876 (989) 743-4831 Voting Polling Place – Township Hall Meetings – Township Hall 1st Monday every month, 7:00 p.m. Page 51 OWOSSO CHARTER TOWNSHIP Supervisor Danny Miller (R) 2450 Wellington Dr., Owosso, 48867 (989) 723-1161 or (989) 723-2187 Ext. #1 Clerk Judy Gute (R) P.O. Box 400 2998 W. M-21, Owosso, 48867 (989) 725-1709 Ext. #2 Hall (989) 725-7931 Home (989) 723-6068 Fax Treasurer June D. Cudney (R) 2622 W. Wilkinson Rd., Owosso, 48867 (989) 723-3733 (989) 725-5778 Fax Trustee Gary Schultz (R) 1557 W. Mason Rd., Owosso, 48867 (989) 723-1173 Assessor MAS Appraisal Steve Schweikert 3450 W. McBride Rd., Owosso 48867 (989) 723-2187 Ext. #3 (989) 725-8080 Fax 4-6 p.m. Tuesday Building Inspector & Zoning Adm. Bob Delaney 2998 W. M-21, Owosso, 48867 (989) 723-9312 Ext. #4 (989) 666-7031 (989) 723-7353 Fax 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. Monday-Friday Trustee Jayne J. Campbell (R) 231 Doepker Rd., Owosso, 48867 (989) 723-3224 Water/Sewer Authority John Langtry (989) 743-3181 (989) 277-2024 (989) 723-1782 Trustee Joy Archer (R) 621 S. Ruess Rd., Owosso, 48867 (989) 723-2373 Trustee Diane S. Krajcovic (R) 690 Hollywood Dr., Owosso, 48867 (989) 723-3539 Voting Polling Place – Prec. I – Township Hall Prec. II – 2002 N. M-52 Prec. III – 1865 S. M-52 Meetings – Township Hall 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. Page 52 Township Hall 2998 W. M-21 Owosso, MI 48867 (989) 723-2187 PERRY TOWNSHIP Supervisor Sidney Grinnell (D) 14495 S. Morrice Rd., Perry, 48872 (517) 625-7176 Clerk Sandra Michalek (D) 12399 Ruppert Rd., Perry, 48872 (517) 625-3576 E-Mail: Treasurer Troy Parmalee (R) 2109 W. Locke Rd., Perry, 48872 (517) 625-7697 E-Mail: Trustee Peggy J. Michalek (D) 12235 Ruppert Rd., Perry, 48872 (517) 614-6252 Trustee Susan Hammond (R) 2201 Ellsworth Rd., P.O. Box 76, Perry, 48872 (517) 625-7323 Assessor Steve Schweikert 3450 W. McBride Rd., Owosso, 48867 (989) 625-4597 (989) 725-8080 Fax 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. Tuesday Township Hall 2770 W. Ellsworth Rd. Perry, MI 48872 (517) 625-4597 (517) 625-6223 Fax Voting Polling Place – Prec. I & Prec. II – Township Hall Meetings – Township Hall 1st Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. Page 53 RUSH TOWNSHIP Supervisor Rodney Spitler (R) 4174 N. M-52, Owosso, 48867 (989) 723-7608 Clerk Debbie Goschke (R) 3725 N. Chipman Rd., Owosso, 48867 (989) 723-5869 (989) 413-2600 Treasurer Julie Sorenson (R) 6341 North M-52, Owosso, 48867 (989) 729-2999 (989) 723-6905 Trustee Orren Spitler (R) 2304 W. Allan Rd., Henderson, 48841 (989) 723-2371 Trustee Lloyd Freeman (R) 4501 North M-52, Owosso, 48867 (989) 723-1085 Assessor Peggy Lidgard (517) 669-1205 (517) 449-2207 Cell Township Hall 202 S. West St. P.O. Box 85 Henderson, MI 48841 (989) 729-2999 Voting Polling Place – Township Hall Meetings – Township Hall 2nd Thursday, 7:00 p.m. Page 54 SCIOTA TOWNSHIP Supervisor Phillip Matthews (D) 6401 S. Austin Rd., Laingsburg, 48848 (517) 651-5387 Clerk Nancy Koerner (R) 6550 Brewer Rd., Laingsburg, 48848 (517) 651-5540 E-mail – Treasurer Eric Schuman (D) 7928 Tyrrell Rd., Laingsburg, 48848 (517) 651-5788 E-mail – Trustee William Thelan (R) 9987 W. Hibbard Rd., Ovid, 48866 (989) 834-5313 Trustee Jodi Allen (D) 5768 Leland Rd., Laingsburg, 48848 (517) 651-5562 Assessor Diane Dowler 11236 Reid Rd., Swartz Creek, 48473 (810) 635-9596 (810) 635-0561 Fax Township Hall – Mail Not Received at Township 3990 Leland Rd. Laingsburg, MI 48848 E-mail: Voting Polling Place – Township Hall Board Meetings – Township Hall 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. Page 55 SHIAWASSEE TOWNSHIP Supervisor Norman Campbell (R) 5640 Scribner Rd., Durand, 48429 (989) 743-4760 Clerk Linda Sedlock (R) 128 S. Main St., Bancroft, 48414 (989) 634-5184 (home) (989) 634-9700 (hall) E-Mail: Treasurer Warren M. Gutting (D) 309 E. Bennington, Owosso, 48867 (989) 634-5621 Trustee Thomas E. Braid (R) 3142 Newburg Rd., Durand, 48429 (989) 743-5403 Trustee John M. Sedlock (D) 128 S. Main St., Bancroft, 48414 (989) 634-5184 Assessor Diane Dowler 11236 Reid Rd., Swartz Creek, 48473 (810) 635-9596 (810) 625-0561 Fax Township Hall 625 Grand River Rd. P.O. Box 86 Bancroft, MI 48414 (989) 634-9700 (989) 634-5689 Fax Voting Polling Place – Township Hall Meetings – Township Hall 2nd Thursday, 7:30 p.m. Page 56 VENICE TOWNSHIP Supervisor Kevin S. Kingsbury (R) 6421 E. M-21, Corunna, 48817 (989) 743-5749 Clerk Jeffrey P. Fitzgerald (I) 10725 Copas Rd., Lennon, 48449 (810) 621-3341 Treasurer Kristina K. Hurd (R) 10580 E. Wilkinson Rd., Lennon, 48449 (810) 621-3026 Trustee John Mitosinka (D) 1522 N. Durand Rd., Corunna, 48817 Trustee Dana Horn (I) 2280 N. Geeck Rd., Corunna, 48817 (989) 743-5213 Assessor Ilene M. Stead 6500 Seymour Rd., Owosso, 48867 (810) 621-4096 9-12 Wednesday Township Hall 960 S. New Lothrop Rd. P.O. Box 222 Lennon, MI 48449 (810) 621-4096, also Fax (810) 621-4269 Voting Polling Place – Prec. I & Prec. II – Township Hall Meetings – Township Hall 1st Monday, 7:00 p.m. Page 57 VERNON TOWNSHIP Supervisor Bert DeClerg (R) 10052 E. Prior Rd., Durand, 48429 (989) 288-2388 Clerk Charlotte E. Clarke (D) 7997 S. Byron Rd., Durand, 48429 (989) 288-2009 Treasurer Mary Jane Edwards (D) 3400 Ines Dr., Durand, 48429 (989) 288-6956 Trustee Susan Bannister (R) 8080 Newburg Rd., Durand, 48429 (989) 288-4425 Trustee Michael Blackledge (R) 6992 Lansing Rd., Durand, 48429 (989) 288-5144 Assessor Merilee Lawson 6801 S. Durand Rd., Durand, 48429 (989) 288-4403 9 a.m.-12 p.m. – 1-3 p.m. Mondays Township Hall 6801 S. Durand Rd. P.O. Box 354 Durand, 48429 (989) 288-4403 (989) 288-3777 Fax E-Mail: Voting Polling Place – Prec. I – Township Hall – 6801 S. Durand Rd. Prec. II – 315 Main St., Vernon Meetings – Township Hall 2nd Monday, 7:30 p.m. Page 58 WOODHULL TOWNSHIP Supervisor Pamela Slee (R) 12125 S. Warner Rd., Laingsburg, 48848 (517) 675-5454 (517) 675-5023 Fax Clerk Carol Maize (R) P.O. Box 166, Shaftsburg, 48882 (517) 675-4342 E-Mail: Treasurer James Cribbs (R) P.O. Box 166, Shaftsburg, 48882 (517) 675-4343 E-Mail: Trustee James Wm. Brehm (R) 9535 W. Beard Rd., Laingsburg, 48848 (517) 675-7146 Trustee Bill Dodge (R) 9424 Lookout Pointe, Laingsburg, 48848 (517) 651-2786 Assessor Wayne Griffith 11660 Bell Oak Rd., Webberville, 48892 (517) 468-3419 Township Hall Offices 7315 W. Beard Rd. P.O. Box 166 Shaftsburg, 48882 (517) 675-5122 (517) 675-4345 Fax Voting Polling Place – Township 7315 W. Beard Rd., Shaftsburg, 48882 Meetings – Township Hall 1st Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. Page 59 Sheriff George Braidwood I promise to dedicate myself to the fundamental values that are essential to the office of sheriff. • Trust • Integrity • Respect • Honesty • Communication • Compassion • Common Sense So the men and women who work here and took an oath to protect and serve can perform their duties with the full support of the sheriff. SHERIFF BRAIDWOOD BRINGS EXPERIENCE TO THE OFFICE. Owosso Police Dept. - Road Patrol Shiawassee County Sheriff’s Dept. - Road Patrol - Accident Investigator - MAGNET -Narcotics Officer -Detective Sergeant -Lead Investigator Shiawassee County Undersheriff - Management & Administrative Duties - Road Patrol Commander - Managed Department Lieutenants Page 60 CITY OFFICIALS CITY OF CORUNNA 402 N. Shiawassee St., Corunna, MI 48817 (989) 743-3650 (989) 743-4417 Fax Mayor Chuck Kerridge – 2-Year Term City Manager Joseph Sawyer Clerk/Treasurer Nichole Cowdrey Assessor Merilee Lawson Corunna City Council: Brad Reichert Doug Haskins Mike Sarrazin Don Mehigh Dawn Johnson Arnie Jessen Nov. 2011 Term To: Ward I Ward I Ward II Ward II Ward III Ward III Nov. 2013 Nov. 2011 Nov. 2013 Nov. 2011 Nov. 2011 Nov. 2013 Bldg. Insp./Code Enforcement Officer Bob Delaney (989) 666-7031 Clerk E-Mail: Voting Polling Place Wards #1, #2 & #3 – City Hall Meetings City Hall 1st & 3rd Mondays, 7:00 p.m. Page 61 CITY OF DURAND 215 W. Clinton St., Durand, 48429 (989) 288-3113 (989) 288-4114 Fax E-Mail: Mayor Deborah Doyle City Manager Amy J. Roddy Clerk Amy J. Roddy Treasurer Lisa David Assessor Heidi Roenicke Ext. #103 Durand City Council: Term To: Cameron Canute James Schuyler Deborah Doyle Jeff Brands Thomas VanRiper Brian Boggs Kenneth McDonough Nov. 2011 Nov. 2013 Nov. 2011 Nov. 2011 Nov. 2013 Nov. 2011 Nov. 2011 Bldg. Insp./Code Enforcement Officer Marty Johnson Voting Polling Place Prec. I – City Hall/Council Chambers Prec. II – City Hall/Community Room Meetings City Hall 1st & 3rd Mondays, 7:30 p.m. Page 62 CITY OF LAINGSBURG P.O. Box 178 114 Woodhull St. Laingsburg, MI 48848 Website: E-mail: (517) 651-5374 (517) 651-5604 Mayor Micheal Culpepper –2-Year Term Nov. 2011 Clerk Lana Kaiser Treasurer Paula Willoughby Assessor Heidi Roenicke – Wednesday Office Hours Chief of Police Anthony Accardo Laingsburg City Council: Term To: Michael Woodworth Brian Fredline Tim Leonard Jessica Bayer David Rhodabeck Thad Rose Nov. 2013 Nov. 2011 Nov. 2013 Nov. 2013 Nov. 2011 Nov. 2011 Bldg. Insp. David Chrenka Zoning Adm. Paula Willoughby Voting Polling Place Emergency Services Building 7425 Woodbury Rd., Laingsburg, 48848 (517) 651-2638 Meetings City Hall Council Room 1st. Mondays, 8:00 p.m. April - October 7:00 p.m. November - March Page 63 CITY OF OWOSSO 301 W. Main St., Owosso, MI 48867 (989) 725-0599 General Information (989) 723-8854 Fax Website: Assessor Bldg. Insp./Zoning Adm. Clerk Engineering Department Finance Department Manager Economic Development Treasurer Public Works Utilities Human Resources Larry Cook Gary Palmer Amy Kirkland (989) 725-0530 (989) 725-0535 (989) 725-0500 (989) 725-0516 Fax E-Mail: Ronald Baker (989) 725-0550 Richard Williams (989) 725-0570 Donald Crawford (989) 725-0568 E-Mail: Adam Zettel (989) 725-0540 E-Mail: Ronald Tobey (989) 725-0510 Mark Sedlak (989) 725-0556 Gary Burk (989) 725-0550 Jessica Unangst (989) 725-0552 Owosso Public Safety Department 202 South Water Street Owosso, MI 48867 (989) 725-0580 (989) 725-0528 Fax Public Safety Director Michael Compeau Deputy Director – Fire Michael Bradley Deputy Director – Police Michael Rau Owosso City Council: Benjamin Frederick, Mayor Christopher Eveleth Joni Forster Gary Martenis Michael Erfourth Cindy Popovitch Tom Cook Term To: Nov. 2011 Nov. 2011 Nov. 2011 Nov. 2011 Nov. 2013 Nov. 2013 Nov. 2013 Continued on Page 65 Page 64 Council Meetings: 1st & 3rd Mondays, 7:30 p.m. Council Chamber, Lower Level City Hall Voting Polling Places: 1-1 Central School, 600 W. Oliver St. 2-1 & 2-2 Emerson School, 515 E. Oliver St. 2-3 Washington School, 645 Alger St. 2-4 & 6-1 Bryant School, 925 Hampton St. CITY OF PERRY 203 W. Polly St., Perry, MI 48872 (517) 625-6155 (517) 625-6157 Fax E-Mail Mayor Ross DeLau – 2 year Term Dec. 2012 Clerk Devin Miller, Ext. 224 Treasurer Jo Ann Velting, Ext. 225 Assessor Steve Schweikert, Ext. #234 Tuesday 9-12 noon and Thursday 12:00 – 4:00 p.m. Perry City Council: Ross DeLau Tom Chaput Greg Wekwert Terry Wood Brad Sharlow Michael Johnson JoAnne O’Berry Term To: Nov. 2012 Nov. 2012 Nov. 2014 Nov. 2012 Nov. 2014 Nov. 2012 Nov. 2014 Voting Polling Place Perry Community Center Meetings Perry Community Center 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. Page 65 VILLAGE OFFICIALS VILLAGE OF BANCROFT 108 Warren St. P.O. Box 97 Bancroft, MI 48414 (989) 634-5375 (989) 634-5911 Fax President William Johnston Clerk Shana Post Treasurer Linda Sedlock Assessor Diane & Mike Dowler Term To: Nov. 2012 Nov. 2012 Nov. 2014 Nov. 2014 Nov. 2014 Nov. 2012 Bancroft Village Council: Matt Post Flora Nicols Fred Simpson Kevin Bible Thomas Swartout, Jr. Robert VanWoert Voting Polling Place Shiawassee Township Hall 625 Grand River Rd. Bancroft, 48414 Meetings Term To: Nov. 2012 Nov. 2012 Bancroft Community Hall 108 Warren St. Bancroft, 48414 2nd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. Page 66 VILLAGE OF BYRON 146 Saginaw St. P.O. Box 4 Byron, MI 48418 (810) 266-5090 Term To: President Rick Musall Nov. 2012 Clerk Tammy Gilbert Treasurer Kim Bennett Building Inspector/Zoning Admin. Pete Peterson Byron Village Council: Janet Cole Jessica Boillat-Wilcox Jeremy Root Doug Richardson Jason Franks Tony Prestonise Term To: Nov. 2012 Nov. 2012 Nov. 2012 Nov. 2012 Nov. 2012 Nov. 2012 Voting Polling Place Municipal Building 146 S. Saginaw St. Byron, 48418 Meetings Municipal Building 2nd Monday, 7:30 p.m. VILLAGE OF LENNON 11904 Lennon Rd. P.O. Box 349 Lennon, MI 48449 (810) 621-4285 (810) 621-4896 Fax President Byron Vowell Email: Clerk William Sprague E-Mail: Treasurer Gayle Raymond Lennon Village Council: Ralph Hodges Larry Widigan Barbara BakerOmerod Robert Widigan Wade Alderman Johnathon Sprague Street Administrator Jerry McMillan Voting Polling Place Village Hall Page 67 Term To: Nov. 2012 Nov. 2012 Nov. 2012 Term To: Nov. 2012 Nov. 2012 Nov. 2012 Nov. 2014 Nov. 2014 Nov. 2014 VILLAGE OF MORRICE 401 N. Main St. P.O. Box 315 Morrice, MI 48857 (517) 625-4170 (517) 625-8294 Fax President Harold Dickerson Clerk Karen McGuire Treasurer Brian Swett Building Inspector Bert Gale Zoning Administrator Bruce Dean Morrice Village Council: Thomas Cameron Kevin Garey Robert Gentner Nina Jennings Christine Williams Robert Knowlton Term To: Nov. 2014 Nov. 2014 Nov. 2012 Nov. 2012 Nov. 2014 Nov. 2012 Voting Polling Place Perry Township Hall Meetings Term To: Nov. 2012 2nd and 4th Tuesday, 6:00 p.m. at Village Hall Page 68 VillaGe of neW lotHRoP Community Hall 9434 Beech P.O. Box 313 New Lothrop, MI 48460 (810) 638-5600 (810) 638-6380 Fax President Jerry Johnson Clerk Karen Maksimchuk Treasurer Gary Leichliter Assessor Joy Ebenhoeh new lothrop Village council: Julia Jenkins Terry Tate Larry Collins George Thiel John Maksimchuk Eugene Birchmeier Nov. 2012 Nov. 2012 Nov. 2012 term to: Nov. 2014 Nov. 2014 Nov. 2014 Nov. 2012 Nov. 2012 Nov. 2012 VillaGe of VeRnon 120 Main St. P.O. Box 175 Vernon, MI 48476 (989) 288-2300 (989) 288-2057 Fax E-Mail: President Joseph Lezovich – 2-Year Term Nov. 2012 Clerk Ellen R. Glass Treasurer Beth M. Spencer Building Official Marty Johnson DPW Superintendent Trevor Graves Vernon Village council Winona Butzler Joyce Borkowski Peggy Noetzel Jeffery Stutts Matt Winkowski Gayle Steele Meetings: Village Hall 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. 1st Tuesday, 6:00 p.m. term to: Nov. 2012 Nov. 2012 Nov. 2012 Nov. 2014 Nov. 2014 Nov. 2014 Page 69 SCHOOL DISTRICTS SHIAWASSEE REGIONAL EDUCATION SERVICE DISTRICT (R.E.S.D.) 1025 N. Shiawassee St., Corunna 48817 (989) 743-3471 (989) 743-6477 Fax (989) 725-1312 North Street Fax Superintendent: John E. Hagel Admin. Assistant: Shelley Cook President: Vice President: Secretary/Treasurer: Trustee: Trustee: Timothy Atkinson Thomas Atherton Cathy Mulholland Dennis Henige Andrew Zick June 2013 June 2011 June 2013 June 2015 June 2011 Meetings: 1st Monday, 7:00 p.m. Shiawassee RESD – North Street Office 114 W. North St., Owosso BYRON AREA SCHOOLS 312 W. Maple St., Byron, 48418 (810) 266-4881 (810) 266-5723 Fax Superintendent: Mr. Daniel L. Scow Superintendent’s Secretary: Pam Ebner President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Trustee Trustee Trustee Meetings Randy Markley Greg Viener Dennis Crawford Michael McGuire James Anibal Jeff Vandemark Amy Lawrence Byron High School 312 W. Maple Ave. 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m. Page 70 June 2014 June 2012 June 2012 June 2011 June 2014 June 2013 June 2013 CORUNNA PUBLIC SCHOOLS 124 N. Shiawassee St. Corunna, MI 48817 (989) 743-6338 (989) 743-4474 Fax Superintendent: Dr. Mark E. Miller Supt’s Secretary: Ginny Brooks President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Trustee Trustee Trustee Meetings Maureen Stanley Linda LeCureux Jim Lockwood Lyle Brooks Erwin Lenneman Duane Ash Janice Ray Dec. 2011 Dec. 2013 Dec. 2013 Dec. 2013 Dec. 2011 Dec. 2011 Dec. 2011 Alternates between School Buildings 3rd Monday, 7:00 p.m. DURAND AREA SCHOOLS 310 N. Saginaw St. Durand, MI 48429 (989) 288-2681 (989) 288-3553 Fax Superintendent: Cindy Weber Supt’s Secretary: Nadine Pajtas President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Trustee Trustee Trustee Mike Rexin Steve LePage Andrew Zick Kristen Pletscher Kasey Fiebernitz Paul Mayers Al Perry Meetings: Durand Middle School 2nd Monday, 7:00 p.m. Page 71 Dec. 2013 Dec. 2013 Dec. 2013 Dec. 2011 Dec. 2011 Dec. 2013 Dec. 2015 LAINGSBURG COMMUNITY SCHOOLS 205 S. Woodhull St. Laingsburg, MI 48848 (517) 651-2705 (517) 651-9075 Fax Superintendent: Mike Foster Bookkeeper: Kathy Jorae President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Trustee Trustee Trustee Meetings Maggie Sayles Christopher Wilson Scott M. Danek Larry Cook Patrick Dolan Mary Angst Andrew Hagerty June 2011 June 2013 June 2012 June 2012 June 2013 June 2014 June 2014 8008 S. Woodbury Rd. Laingsburg High School 3rd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. MORRICE AREA SCHOOLS 111 E. Mason Street Morrice, MI 48857 (517) 625-3142 (517) 625-3866 Fax Superintendent: Kathaleen A. Jarrard Accounting Clerk: Lynnette Cole President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Trustee Trustee Trustee Meetings Linda Barnes Krista Miller Joseph Grigas Jennifer Walker Jamie Richard Gennie Eva John Hargrove Morrice High School 691 Purdy Lane 2nd Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. Page 72 Dec. 2013 Dec. 2013 Dec. 2011 Dec. 2013 Dec. 2011 Dec. 2011 Dec. 2011 NEW LOTHROP AREA PUBLIC SCHOOLS 9285 Easton Rd. New Lothrop, MI 48460 (810) 638-5091 (810) 638-7277 Fax Superintendent: John Strycker Supt’s Secretary: Pam Henige President Richard White Vice President Curt Bitterman Treasurer Joe Vincke Secretary Terry Wendling Trustee Laura Birchmeier Trustee Kevin Birchmeier Trustee Greg Ruddy Meetings New Lothrop High School Library 9285 Easton Rd. 3rd Monday, 6:00 p.m. Page 73 June 2013 June 2011 June 2013 June 2012 June 2011 June 2014 June 2014 OWOSSO PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1405 W. North St. P.O. Box 340 Owosso, MI 48867 (989) 723-8131 (989) 723-7777 Fax Superintendent: Dr. Andrea Tuttle Admin. Assistant: Clara Pitt President Timothy Jenc Vice President Rick Mowen Treasurer Cheryl Paez Secretary Shelly Ochodnicky Trustee General Grant Trustee Janice Opanasenko-Lubkin Trustee Marlene Webster Meetings Owosso High School Media Center 765 E. North Street 2nd Monday, 7:00 – regular meeting 4th Monday, 7:00 – work session PERRY PUBLIC SCHOOLS 2665 W. Britton Rd. Box 900 Perry, MI 48872 (517) 625-3108 (517) 625-6256 Fax Superintendent: John Spicko Executive Assistant: Pam Ryan President Harvey Jones Secretary Bill Morris Vice President Tom Sego Treasurer Charles Scovill Trustee Debra Bishop Trustee Greg Daenzer Trustee Mark Ruzinsky Meetings – Board Conference Room 2665 W. Britton Rd. 2nd & 4th Monday, 7:00 p.m. Page 74 Dec. 2012 Dec. 2014 Dec. 2014 Dec. 2014 Dec. 2014 Dec. 2012 Dec. 2014 Dec. 2012 Dec. 2014 Dec. 2014 Dec. 2014 Dec. 2012 Dec. 2012 Dec. 2012 ;'SVYRRE%ZI'SVYRRE[[[KVIIRWXSRIJGWGSQ &XUZRRG&DVWOH 2ZRVVR0, 2IÀFH &HOO (ODLQH-RQ*UHHQZD\ ,QGHSHQGHQW$JHQWV5HSUHVHQWLQJ$ÁDF ´6KLDZDVVHH&RXQW\·V)ULHQGµ /RZ&RVW-XYHQLOH/LIH/LIH 'LVDELOLW\$FFLGHQW&DQFHU ´&DOO8V)RU6XSSOHPHQWDO +HDOWK,QVXUDQFHµ Page 75 ShiawaSSee County - 2010 CenSuS Antrim Township...................................2,161 Bennington Township............................3,168 Burns Township.....................................3,457 Caledonia Township..............................4,475 Fairfield Township...................................755 Hazelton Township................................2,071 Middlebury Township...........................1,510 New Haven Township............................1,329 Owosso Township................................4,821 Perry Township.....................................4,327 Rush Township......................................1,291 Sciota Township....................................1,833 Shiawassee Township...........................2,840 Venice Township...................................2,578 Vernon Township..................................4,614 Woodhull Township..............................3,810 total townships.................................45,040 Corunna City.........................................3,497 Durand City...........................................3,446 Laingsburg City.....................................1,283 Owosso City.......................................15,194 Perry City..............................................2,188 total Cities.........................................25,608 Bancroft Village........................................545 Byron Village ..........................................581 LennonVillage ..........................................511 Morrice Village.........................................581 New Lothrop Village .................................927 Vernon Village ..........................................783 total Villages..........................................3,928 total for County..................................70,648 Page 76 4 CEmETERIEs LOCaTED IN shIawassEE COuNTY NAME OF CEMETERY Beard Cemetery TWP. LOCATION Antrim Township ADDRESS & PHONE Not in Use - No address Durfee (Maine) Cemetery Antrim Township Not in Use - No address Glass River Cemetery Antrim Township Sexton: Bob BeGole (517) 625-7020 Ellsworth Rd. Alton Cemetery Sexton: Al Root (989) 725-7052 Bennington Township Corner of Tyrrell & Gale Rd. Howard Cemetery Sexton: Al Root (989) 725-7052 Bennington Township Grand River Rd. between M-52 & Morrice Rd. Oakwood Cemetery Sexton: Al Root (989) 725-7052 Bennington Township Corner of M-52 & Bennington Rd. Byron Cemetery Burns Township Sexton: Sharon Granger (810) 266-4682 Pine Tree Cemetery Burns Township INACTIVE (Burgess) Union Plains Cemetery Burns Township Sexton: Richard Drake (989) 634-5348 Knaggs Bridge Cemetery Burns Township INACTIVE (Gaylord) Pine Tree (City of Corunna) City of Corunna Sexton: Tim Crawford (989) 743-5040 Pine Street Corunna, MI 48817 Laingsburg Cemetery City of Laingsburg Sexton: Robert Hagerty (517) 651-5712 Or (517) 651-6027 Mount Olivet Cemetery City of Laingsburg Sexton: Harvey Walters (517) 651-5645 St. Isidore Catholic Church Hawkins Cemetery Caledonia Charter Township Lytle Rd., Corunna Sextons: Michael Ackerson (989) 743-4410, Stephen Ackerson (989) 743-6640 St. Mary’s Catholic Cemetery Caledonia Charter Township S. State Rd., Corunna 111 N. Howell St., Owosso (Church) Info: (989) 723-4277 Fairfield #2 Cemetery Fairfield Township Clerk: Carolyn Long (989) 834-2132 ¼ mile North of Juddville Rd. on Vincent Rd. Elmwood Cemetery Hazelton Township Sextons: George Thiel (810) 638-5226 Sam Knieper (810) 638-5394 New Lothrop Rd. (1/2 mile South of New Lothrop) Vietz Cemetery Hazelton Township (may also be known as North Ridge Cemetery) (No longer used) North Ridge Rd. (1/4 mile west from Geeck Rd.) Cummin Cemetery (No longer used) New Lothrop Rd. (1/4 mile South of Juddville Rd.) Hazelton Township Middlebury Cemetery Middlebury Township Sexton: Gary Fortin (989) 834-1813 Page 77 ¼ mile East of Warren & Krouse Rd. South side of Krouse Rd. Continued on Page 78 Continued from Page 77 - Cemeteries West Haven Cemetery New Haven Township Sexton: Gary Felker (989) 723-9388 Easton Cemetery New Haven Township Sexton: Gary Felker (989) 723-9388 St. Paul Cemetery Owosso Township Carson Cemetery Owosso Township Oak Grove (Dewey) Cemetery Owosso Township Sexton: Kathy Sparks (517) 794-1975 Hillcrest Memorial Gardens Owosso Township Sexton: Leonard Krawczyk (989) 725-5322 Oak Hill Cemetery Owosso City Sexton: Michael White (989) 725-5495 Bethany Cemetery Perry Township Roselawn Cemetery Perry Township Sexton: Pam Green (517) 625-4479, Cell (517) 204-1890 Riverside Cemetery East & West Rush Township Sexton: Tony Crim (989) 723-2195 Henderson Cemetery (Mount Hope) Rush Township Sexton: Tony Crim (989) 723-2195 Putnam Cemetery Sciota Township Sexton: Dan Woodbury (989) 429-3050 Newburg Cemetery Shiawassee Township Sexton: Roger Voorhies (989) 634-9700 Maple River Cemetery Shiawassee Township Sexton: Frank Mentus (989) 743-5066 Fremont Cemetery Shiawassee Township Sexton: Roger Voorhies (989) 634-9700 Yerian Cemetery Venice Township Sexton: Kevin Kingsbury (989) 743-5749 Wilkinson Cemetery Venice Township Sexton: Kevin Kingsbury (989) 743-5749 Lovejoy Cemetery Vernon Township Sexton: Charlotte Clark (989) 288-2009 Chalker Cemetery Vernon Township Sexton: No Activity Greenwood Cemetery Vernon Township Sexton: Bonnie Reed (989) 288-4365 Graham Cemetery Woodhull Township Sexton: Gary Rugg (517) 675-7756 Oak Plain Cemetery Woodhull Township Sexton: Gary Rugg (517) 675-7756 St. Patrick - (Corcoran) Woodhull Township Sexton: Catholic Diocese of Lansing, (517) 484-2500 Sprague Woodhull Township Page 78 Seymour Rd. & Henderson Rd. Easton Rd. S. Chipman St./Morrice Rd. Owosso, MI 48867 (989) 723-4277 Wilkinson Rd. between Delaney & Chipman 180 S. Sherman Rd. Owosso, MI 48867 1106 S. Washington Owosso, MI 48867 1101 S. Washington Owosso, MI 48867 Catholic Church – Morrice Info: (517) 625-4260 1864 Ellsworth Rd., Perry Chipman St., Owosso M 52 & Juddville Rd. Putnam Rd. (between Hibbard Rd. & Bennington Rd.) Bancroft Rd., Bancroft Bennington Rd. Grand River Rd., Bancroft (North & South) Yerian & Brooks Rd., Lennon (South Venice) N. Vernon Rd., Corunna Prior Rd., Durand North Durand Rd. M-71, Vernon 8920 W. Britton Rd., Laingsburg 12513 Shaftsburg Rd., Laingsburg Woodbury Rd. Inactive located around corner Woodbury and Winegar Rd. CHEMICALBANKMI.COM With 142 locations statewide, Chemical Bank is always there to lend a hand. Visit us online or stop by one of our local branches to learn more. LAURI L. BRAID SHIAWASSEE COUNTY CLERK 208 North Shiawassee Street Corunna, Michigan 48817 (989) 743-2242