LITWA_Cert SPSC-9278 walcówka żebrow 10
LITWA_Cert SPSC-9278 walcówka żebrow 10
A SPSC SIATYBOS PRODUKCUOS SERTIFIKAVIMO CENTRAS Linkmeng - g. 28, LT-082'lZ Vilnius, Lietuvos Respubliko CERT! FICATE OF CONSTANCY OF P-EfiE --..---- Product weldable Type CELSAMAX B500SB Oiamete+S...-itf=j';,-|4 16 re i nfo rc i n Q steel NCE. lI::f_o_+ls_ |.:,.-= and 20 mm -.::-t--.== Intended use(s) for the reinforcement of concletestructures Product parameters see annex l Manufacturer Date of issue 2014-04-26 2017 -04-26 = Diregtor Robertas Encius .... ...... SPSC SIATYBOS PRODUKCUOS SERTIFIKAVIMO CENTRAS g. 28, LT-0821Z Vilnius, Lieiuvos Respubliko Linkmeng ..,,,,1, a = f ssued 2A14-04-26 Type Product parameters: Pealared: Test method Characteristics Elongation, An, characteristic value) Weldabi lity ( product analysis): - carbon equivalent, C",; - limltations on the content of ::, certain elements ( LST EN 10080:?.@0 ..... sp e ctro m etri c metho{5 LSI EN ISO 15630-1:20.11 .:-s€ffibility LST EN ISO '89-ns4A-*fenqth - .=.: _%_= s 0-52 4L :Fais -' '. '- - :1561Gl:2Fl ..p?ss ..-. .... ...-.. LIT EN lso 156m-1:2011 -',re{r*e_if eid-sg-"t ( characteristi c valu e ) IST Fatigue EN ]lSO 15{3O'1 :2011 LST EN ISO 15630-1 :201'l number of ;Stl€ss cycles NPD Durdilj \ttp-+Edu ct a n alysi s ) : - caibon;lq,:- .- sulphur, S; : - phosphoru-s-?; - nitroqen, N; - cooper. Cu; - carbon equivalent, C", j * -t- -| -:-J -= E :- Sl s 0,24 < 0.055 spe(t{ometrlc method sllectrometric method spectrometric method - i+et'[roinetri c m eth od - spe-etlometri c method o/^ LST EN 10080:2000, Robertas Encius rt]*r srnrrrx4j# h+ h\ /- rqbEsptff_ ------:- :t,-.-,. --,'-' ' --'-": - ...-- a; ---.--.- ---'-:-.--:- .::,:,-,=- - .. - =':.-, '-''.'. --- - -- pass LST EN rSO 1s630-1.;I9II-_ (surfuce geometry) 8,. - -.-----1 -:----- Tolerances '...- oI tu LST EN ISO 15630-1:2011 - -l ---:' s 0,05 5 < 0,014 < 0,85 s 0.52 --
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