1-800-323-9974 - Vyral Marketing
1-800-323-9974 - Vyral Marketing
Are you a small business owner, professional, or entrepreneur? “…NEW Social Media Marketing System Makes It EASY to Stay In Touch With Your Customers to GROW Your Business.” Increase Your Referral and Repeat Business We will help you stay in touch with your customers, clients, or contacts to increase your referral and repeat business. *How Vyral Marketing Works* You simply shoot your own video (we’ll tell you what to say), then we do all the editing, optimization and email/social media promotion so you increase your referral and repeat business. Minimal time required. Get Your Video Blog Live in 30 Days! Call 1-800-323-9974 right now to schedule your FREE Consultation Dear Business Owner, Hi there! I'm Frank the Founder of Vyral Marketing and in the next minute I’ll reveal to you the #1 mistake business owners make and how to quickly and easily fix it now to keep all the money you deserve – FREE. (c) Vyral Marketing. All Rights Reserved. 1-800-323-9974 Watch FREE 5 Minute How It Works Demo at http://www.getvyral.com 1 But first, imagine for a moment your business is a bucket. A beautiful, shiny, expensive golden bucket you’ve worked your whole life to mold, craft and fill so that someday you may drink from your oasis of prosperity. You work long weekends and tireless nights burning the midnight oil to fill your gold bucket with the purest water, traveling long distances to seek the world’s finest water. It’s expensive, time consuming and without question – risky, to fill your bucket with the very best water your world has to offer. But – despite these risks – you do it, day after day, year after year. You eagerly fill your precious golden bucket with the expectation that you’ll stop adding water someday, set your overflowing bucket aside and live a happy and abundant life thanks to your golden reservoir of wealth. You may do it quickly, or it may take several years – but you will fill your bucket. And not anyone else’s bucket, either. But imagine, to your horror, that as you’ve toiled, sacrificed, risked and relentlessly pursued filling your bucket with only the world’s most sought after water, you discover a BIG, GAPING, RUSTY HOLE in the bottom that you NEVER saw! No one pointed it out. No one paid attention. And all the advertising guru’s, marketing experts, sales trainers, business coaches and advisors that you trusted never told you to plug this costly hole before you started, effectively robbing you of your time, equity and financial security at their gain. And it’s at that moment you realize. It hits you. You’ve made the #1 mistake entrepreneurs, business owners and independent professionals make. You mistakenly put your entire focus on getting new water with little or no resources dedicated to protect the water you already earned. So there you stand. After years of hard work, relentless struggle and putting your money at risk to fill your golden bucket, you watch it slowly evaporate. You can’t fill it up as fast as it’s draining out. And your golden bucket – your pursuit of security, freedom and financial independence can never be set aside, overflowing at the brim, to provide for you, your family, your employees and everyone else who trust in your business savvy. With only a trickle of water coming in, you’re forced to either build a new bucket, keep working harder to get more water faster, or defiantly help someone else fill theirs. You’re devastated. Scared, even. You did everything right, you played by the rules, but somewhere along the way your game changed. But it’s not your fault. You see, I share the same story and I personally and deeply understand how you feel. At 18 I started my own business, selling in-home personal fitness training to executives and referring it out to my team of trainers at a profit. With radio, direct mail, billboards, Google Adwords, and other ‘push’ media I generated prospects, made the presentation and signed up clients. We did just over $225,000 in revenue near my final years of college. Times were great. I was making money – and it kept rolling in. But in 2008 it changed, fast. The recession hit, my clients swiftly cut their personal fitness budgets and to my surprise my ads stopped serving up the leads I so desperately needed to make a living. Didn’t even see it coming. I had a staff of 5 brilliant trainers, all relying on my decisions to bring in the business. It was nerve-racking. Deeply in debt, stressed out and in fear of bankruptcy before I graduated – I did exactly what you would do; I met with every business owner I knew and read every marketing book I could find to discover HOW I could solve this problem. Time was not on my side. Of course, I did what most business owners do when in need of customers – I called the media for a quick fix. I spoke with radio reps, coupon experts, direct mail gurus, search engine optimizers, pay-per-click peddlers and television salesmen alike. Sure, with a hefty check I would get my ‘name out there’ and land a few quick clients. But this time it didn’t feel right. Simply writing an advertising check again – the exact same strategy that got me here – would put me right back on the transaction treadmill. Even my trusted business advisors only told me to add more water or to build a bigger bucket. The BIG, GAPING HOLE in the bottom of my bucket was totally ignored, no one saw it. I was trapped (c) Vyral Marketing. All Rights Reserved. 1-800-323-9974 Watch FREE 5 Minute How It Works Demo at http://www.getvyral.com 2 and absolutely terrified at the fear of failing to build the business I so relentlessly pursued to provide the freedom, independence, and financial security I so desperately desired. Just before my financial end of no return, a trusted friend pulled me aside. At a morning meeting over coffee, he asked me a question that literally changed my life. “What are you doing to stay in touch with your clients for referrals and more sales?” he asked. I was shocked. I had no answer. While I’ve been running around chasing new, easy business in one of the best credit-drunk economies of recent history, I didn’t do a single thing to stay in touch with the very people who were paying or have paid me money! This was my database, my equity and my #1 asset – my customers, contacts, past clients and centers of influence! I was running around to figure out the next best way to buy a transaction, rather than building a business. I was so focused on adding new water to fill my golden bucket... I failed to notice the gaping, rusty hole at the bottom costing me easy, profitable business from the people who already know, like and trust me. And this is so common it’s shocking. You are not alone. Thank about it – the vast majority of the marketing and advertising space is filled with salespeople selling you media (radio, print, TV, mail, etc.). While you’ll find a few true experts, most will sell you media even if it’s not a fit for your business. Make no mistake; I was a true lemming when it came to these decisions. Without any formal marketing education, I simply copied the traditional advertising methods of others and hoped (i.e. prayed) they would apply to my business. And because I looked only to salespeople for advice – my bucket was never once checked to make sure I kept ALL OF THE WATER I risked so much to get in the first place! *7 Benefits of a Referral-Generated Client* 1. Clients are more eager to transact business 2. Client will not try to negotiate with you 3. Clients have a high level of trust and respect for you 4. Clients will deal exclusively with you 5. Clients are more enjoyable to work with 6. Clients are more profitable. 7. You are the 'go-to', needed, expert advisor This will not happen to you….. So I took quick and decisive action. I would immediately plug the hole in the bottom of my bucket and implement a system to stay in very close touch with all the leads, contacts and clients we worked so hard to get to increase our referral and repeat business. We exported all the contacts from our personal trainers’ Outlook, Gmail and personal contact accounts, then created a strategy to send them 2 educational videos a month. I knew direct mail was out; it was too expensive to hit everyone in our database. I also knew pre-written, canned emails and newsletters written by someone else were out. I wanted to nurture a real, human relationship and position myself as my customer’s trusted expert. I wanted to deliver remarkable content my audience couldn’t get anywhere else – it's what they expected. I loved the idea of using video because it’s quick, authentic and delivers the ‘wow factor,' plus all the magical search engine benefits. And at this time social media such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube were really taking off. The problem was, getting all this figured out was a challenge. What were the best topics? How should I shoot the video? Who would edit them? Who would write the articles and emails? Who would send them? How would our video get uploaded and optimized for YouTube? How would we track results? So, I did what you would – I called everyone I knew to help me build a video blog, make my graphics, edit my videos, write the copy for my emails, build my Facebook and (c) Vyral Marketing. All Rights Reserved. 1-800-323-9974 Watch FREE 5 Minute How It Works Demo at http://www.getvyral.com 3 Twitter, write my articles, optimize my videos – the list goes on. And guess what? Hiring all these freelancers would not only cost a fortune, but I still had to piece all these people together in some type of on-going monthly system so I could achieve my goal – shoot my two videos a month and be done with it. I couldn’t afford all these people, let alone manage all them on the back end. My options were fading. So without any money, I took it upon myself to figure out a system to get it all done. So I literally locked myself in the proverbial room and spent thousands of hours (not kidding) learning Photoshop, video editing, copywriting, website programming, direct marketing, social media marketing and a variety of other creative marketing skills (for which I’ve paid over $100,000 in travel, seminars, books and fees to date) to figure out a solution to this very problem. And after trying, failing, testing and improving my processes I finally put together a social media marketing system that worked. The bottom line? My trainers simply shot their video, then my fully trained assistant did all the work with the help of pre-screened freelancers to handle the writing and creative. Presto! My own internal marketing department for my fitness business…and I created it from scratch. The #1 Mistake Business Owners Make A weak strategy to upsell your customers or get referrals The #1 mistake business owners make is failure to increase profitable referral and repeat business. Your marketing begins with generating interest in your product or services, then ends by selling more products and services to your customers and getting referrals. With Vyral Membership, we'll send two educational videos a month to your contacts to stay in touch so you increase your referral and repeat business. Now here’s what happened. On a whim, I approached a personal contact of mine in the real estate business, a top Realtor who sold $1 million homes to executives. On a cold winter morning at a coffee shop, I suggested she make 2 short, educational videos a month, post them on a blog, then use email and social media to send them to her contacts to help grow her business. Her reaction? Laughter! “I can’t be on video! How would I look? Who will care? What do I say? I have no idea how to do that and I don’t have time!” she replied. So, holding my composure, I asked her the following question “Well where does most of your business come from and what are you doing to stay in touch for referrals and repeat sales?” Silence. You see, the highest earning real estate agents – all business owners for that matter – understand it’s their database of contacts or customers which delivers the most predictable and profitable income from repeat business and referrals. The very best ‘touch’ their contacts with an item of educational value at least 33 times a year. It’s also the only asset you have in addition to your people and processes which, if properly systematized, will allow you to exit your business. “Frank, I’ll be honest,” she replied. “I’m not doing anything other than a few phone calls and a one-off newsletter to stay (c) Vyral Marketing. All Rights Reserved. 1-800-323-9974 Watch FREE 5 Minute How It Works Demo at http://www.getvyral.com 4 in touch like I need to. And with the shift in the new economy, I hate saying it but it’s not as easy to get new business. Referral and repeat is where it’s at – and you’re telling me I should make 2 videos a month to solve this? Can you do all the work? It sounds like a good idea, but no one else is doing it. Will you help me?” she hesitantly replied. I agreed. Just like the video blogs for my fitness trainers, I built her one. I created beautiful graphics, put a ‘Why Hire Me?’ video on it, added a ton of compelling video testimonials and set up all the tabs and calls to action correctly to generate interested prospects for her business. To help her out on the video – as she was very nervous – I wrote her an educational article on a popular and well-researched real estate topic, then coached her to shoot a short 1 minute video to quickly introduce her article to get started. My staff edited her video beautifully, optimized it to get found on Google, put it on her website and crafted a compelling email and with social media updates to promote it to her contacts. All she did was shoot her own video (with just a tad of coaching) then we got it out to her entire database using my system. And the results were shocking. Immediately she received a flood of happy replies to her email. Past clients replied back asking if she would sell their homes. Friends shared her video tours of property for sale to friends who wanted to buy them. Prospects she couldn’t get on the phone now welcomed her call because they knew who she was through video. Traffic to her website went through the roof, all from this ‘word of mouse.’ When she went out to dinner, people she didn’t even know approached her table thanking her for her educational videos. She positioned herself as the trusted expert, established herself as an authority, became a local celebrity and – in a very leveraged way – reached out to everyone in her database without spending a DIME on media. Best of all, it only took 20 minutes of her time to shoot the video as long as my staff did all the work. She is truly now the invited guest, never the annoying pest. And these are results that can happen to you. This is a true story and I’ll give you access to these very videos in a moment. So we kept the system in place, sending 2 educational videos on the first and 15th of each month to her contacts. Even better, I gave her the names of all the people who view her videos so she could pro-actively follow up (yes, you can track this!). We even brought sponsors on board to help pay for the cost of the program. Get Your Video Blog Live in 30 Days! Call 1-800-323-9974 right now to schedule your FREE Consultation To prove this really worked, we asked EVERYONE she did business with if they saw her video. The response was, needless to say, overwhelming. Best of all, when people Googled her name, her videos showed up first so she was more likely to make the sale. Plus, every video she invested in was her permanent asset. No longer did she lease her marketing with advertisements which run once then disappear, rather, she now OWNs her marketing with permanent content guaranteed to deliver her business for years. The results? After one year – a 30% increase in referrals. She now works only with the best customers, at higher margins and enjoys a proven, repeatable marketing system that predictably delivers her a specific number of high quality customers every month. This, my fellow business owner, is called equity. And it’s what you want. With these simple 2 videos a month, plugged into our system, she has cracked the code and now makes more money than before simply by fully leveraging the power of social media and video to grow her business. And you can, too. Needless to say, her closest business friends wanted in. So, I packaged our service – and with the free time in our office – did the exact same thing for other top professionals across the country. I shipped them a pocket video camera, taught them how to use it, planned their topics, got their database exported and launched the whole system in 30 days. Then each month, the client only set one monthly (c) Vyral Marketing. All Rights Reserved. 1-800-323-9974 Watch FREE 5 Minute How It Works Demo at http://www.getvyral.com 5 appointment to shoot two short videos. We did the rest of the work – sent their email, wrote their articles, the whole shebang. And as long as the client made videos worth watching and sent us a strong list, they achieved the same results. Along the way we were enthusiastically referred to other industries for which our system works, such as car repair, mortgages, cosmetic surgery, higher education, and coaching/training just to name a few, so I started a business to do it. Here's what a few of our raving fans have to say…… "I would pay 4x the amount I'm paying now for the ROI I'm getting" "I'll go out on a limb and actually say Vyral Marketing is the best marketing company I have ever hired. You will not meet a more purposeful, passionate, professional group of individuals than you will at get Vyral. Just in the first 2 months, with my very first 2 video emails, I picked up two clients. Two buyers, and one seller – just from the first launch! The business building ideas and the personal one-on-one support are incredible. It's hard to even quantify the investments but I'll go out on a limb and say I would pay 4x the amount I'm paying now for the return on investment I'm getting. And just with these small, incremental changes to my marketing plan they put together for us, I'm going to see exponential changes in my growth over the next 12 months. Fantastic company. Anyone who has any hesitation about hiring Vyral Marketing should put those fears to rest. You will not find a more professional and committed company that invested in your company's success than Vyral Marketing. Fantastic company, the best I could work with." – John Carbutti – Real Estate Agent "..People have been responding very well." "I met Frank and Vyral Marketing through a Realtor friend of mine. We set up an appointment to talk on the phone and I was immediately blown away by what they were doing. There was no one I knew of offering these services. So I immediately got excited and jumped on board. For the past 3 years I've been collecting emails and sending out a quality e-newsletter every month to my database with good results. When I heard about doing the same thing with video, I felt that's really where we're headed in the 21st century. I'm still sending my monthly newsletter in addition to my 2 videos a month that Vyral helps me put together and the results have been great. People respond very well. The other thing that's really neat is they always seem to be one step ahead of the competition with new ideas and ways to use video to grow my business. Not only am I thrilled with what they offer but their customer service is really incredible. I encourage you to take a look at what they offer and if you have any questions call me up – I look forward to the opportunity to talk to you about it.” – Greg Sisson, Realtor (Myrtle Beach, SC) – http://gregsisson.blogspot.com/ "... I couldn't be more satisfied (with Vyral)." "If you're thinking about getting involved with video marketing, these are the guys to do it. They've done an amazing job and I'm VERY satisfied. I'm old school – 100% phone prospecting. When the idea of video was brought to me, needless to say I was skeptical. How could emailing someone a video or blogging build my business? I'll tell you what, I've been on their system for about 30 or 40 days now, and I couldn't be more satisfied. My first video I ended up getting a call from a guy I've been working for a year and a half. The second video that went out I got another appointment with a contact I've been working on since April. It's a totally different avenue than anything I would ever thought of – and it's working. I'm living proof on how video blogging can compliment a business based on pure prospecting and making phone calls. (I have since closed the first deal and made $20,000). If you're thinking about doing a blog with Vyral, understand I've been there too and was very skeptical, especially when I heard about the monthly price and the upfront investment which almost made me not do it. Frank, Andre and John – these guys know what they are doing. You film the video, send them in and they take care of everything. I'm very, very satisfied and look forward to working with these guys for years to come." Aaron Rian, Realtor (Portland, OR)ttp://theriangroup.blogspot.com/ (c) Vyral Marketing. All Rights Reserved. 1-800-323-9974 Watch FREE 5 Minute How It Works Demo at http://www.getvyral.com 6 "...my business has absolutely flourished." "I have to share with you how incredible it is to work with Vyral – Frank, John, Andre – the whole crew. I met Frank about a year ago by referral from one of my colleagues who enjoys incredible success using video to connect with her database. Since I started the program, my business has absolutely flourished. It's been incredible being able to communicate through videos. All I have to do it shoot it and they do everything else. And you know, some people say to me what's the return on that, or how do I make directly money? Let me tell you, if you're a real estate agent and you're not using Vyral Marketing right now you are missing the boat. Can I really sit down and tell you exactly what my return is? No. But I can tell you many, many stories how video speeds up my results. Just recently I sent a video to my database and got an interested prospect to come forward who sold his property for $1.5 million and I got paid a $40,000 commission. This came from Vyral Marketing's work and this name came specifically from Vyral. So guys, let me tell you – whatever he's charging you – it is worth it. I pay $800 a month. Over and over and over and over and over; twenty million times over, it’s worth every penny – they work with you. The good news is all you need to do is film your video. They do the rest. So anyway, call me with questions. But this is a shout out to Frank – a testimonial for him. I want to say thank you Frank, John, Andre for all you do – I really appreciate it. And best of luck, keep it all up – we appreciate it." - Jeff Quintin, Realtor (Ocean City, NJ) http://www.jeffquintin.tv "I'm very impressed with how simple this is." "I just wanted to quickly tell you thanks for all the work you're doing for me with my video blog. I'm very impressed with how SIMPLE this is. I shoot you these videos each month and your guys put together really good articles and do all the homework of finding the links, graphics and logos for the various affiliations we have. You make it really simple. It takes me about an hour tops each month to get these touches a year to my clients. Thanks a bunch, your program is working well and let me know if I can send you any referrals. Thank you!!" - Russell Nolting, Realtor (St. Louis, MO) http://russellnolting.blogspot.com/ "..I get Frank and his staff at Vyral Marketing FREE!" "I met Frank at a mastermind event. His client (Jeff Quintin) was featured on stage about how he's using video to grow his business. Together they shot his blog video right on stage and that was exciting! So, I exchanged numbers with Frank and he called me when I returned home. He was very cool with me, not pushy. Frank called me back a few months later to get started but I wasn't sure how I was going to pay for this new marketing program. Frank said, "No problem, let's get a few vendors to pay for this." He showed me how to do it and I met with my vendors who each agreed to pay 1/2 of my entire monthly fee to be included in my video to my database. And in just the first few weeks, each vendor has already made enough money to pay for my entire program for the entire year. And in return for them paying for my fee, I'm being exclusive with my vendors. They should make 10x their fee of my program and I get Frank and his staff at Vyral Marketing FREE. I'm very excited about the program, it's going to be great for my business. I can't wait to get to the next level. It's been easy, fun, and I would recommend Frank and the guys at Vyral Marketing to any real estate agent that takes their business seriously." - Pehr Black – Century 21 Real Estate Coeur d'Alene, ID (c) Vyral Marketing. All Rights Reserved. 1-800-323-9974 Watch FREE 5 Minute How It Works Demo at http://www.getvyral.com 7 "I reach a BUNCH of people I could never talk to." "Before Vyral, I really didn't know much about social media. I saw someone else's cool video, looked up who did it and called Vyral to get started. This has allowed me to expand on topics that most of the people I work with don't even think about. I reach a BUNCH of people I could NEVER talk to in person. I get to explain myself and I get to show some of the cool things we do and it's all done with a video and a picture! People need pictures. I really love this program and I'll be here for a long time. You should, too." BevVan Phillips, Occupational Therapist (Omaha, NE) http://homeaccesssolutions.blogspot.com/ "To give testimonial, it has to be good. I don't do this for anybody" "I normally don't do this. To give testimonial, it has to be good. I just don't do this for anybody. With the newsletter I got from Vyral, normally I throw these things away as you normally do when you get mail. However, I opened it and I started reading some of the stuff in there and let me tell you something, his last newsletter was awesome. Here's the thing, it's not how good you do something, it's how good you market your service. When I read that, it was like an epiphany. I hate to say it, but there are plenty of people who can do your job, but it's the skill of getting people in the front door that's the most valuable. The ideas in his videos and newsletter are absolutely wonderful – I recommend them to anybody. I just don't give my recommendations, you have to earn it. Frank has earned it, check 'em out. I endorse them. Paul Vojchehoske (Omaha, NE) Real Estate Trainer and Managing Broker of 300 Agents http://www.mrrealestate.tv/ We do all the social media and video marketing work for you to stay in touch with your contacts to increase your referral and repeat business. And if you have this problem we can solve, I invite you become a client of Vyral Marketing. We’re a professional service firm – an addition to your staff. You’ll work one-on-one with a Certified Digital Marketing Coach so you know exactly what to say in your video and be held fully accountable to the 2 video per month requirement. Our team of writers, video editors, creative people and administrative staff will implement what you need for results. And since you’re shooting your own video, we strip out the cost of professional production (which isn’t necessary for educational blog videos) so all your money goes into the marketing and optimization and you get more customers. This is exactly what I wanted in my business and I can provide it for you at a very low cost. The Top 6 Benefits of Vyral Marketing 1. You shoot your video – that's it. You'll shoot two short, educational videos per month with your own camera then send the footage to us – we do all the work. 2. We do all the work for you. We edit your video, upload it to YouTube, optimize it for Google, post it on your blog, write an expert article to compliment it; then send and get it out to your database (c) Vyral Marketing. All Rights Reserved. 1-800-323-9974 Watch FREE 5 Minute How It Works Demo at http://www.getvyral.com 8 3. We make it easy to record your videos. We'll tell you exactly what to say for results with proven, tested articles and video topics for your industry – minimal effort required. 4. Get feedback and personal coaching. You'll get expert feedback on each video with full accountability to shoot your videos on-time so you stay consistent on your plan. 5. Know who to ask for a referral now. You'll get the names of everyone in your database who watches your videos so you can follow up to make a sale or ask for a referral. 6. Monthly progress reports for tracking and ROI. Easily track your return on investment with monthly performance reports of your key metrics (website visitors, Facebook, leads, etc.). Here's EXACTLY What You'll Get With Your Vyral Marketing Membership 1. Fully Customized Video Blog (Value: $2,000.00) You'll get a fully-custom video blog perfectly tailored to your brand, audience and business. Your website is optimally tested to generate leads and capture contact information so you can follow up and make a sale. It's also easy for you to update your own content. Your new video blog will compliment your existing website (the two will link together), or if you prefer, it can replace your existing website. For live examples of what your video blog will look like, visit www.getvyral.com. Example Video Blog #1 (c) Vyral Marketing. All Rights Reserved. Example Video Blog #2 1-800-323-9974 Watch FREE 5 Minute How It Works Demo at http://www.getvyral.com 9 2. Agency Email Marketing Account (Value: $995.00) You'll enjoy professionally designed, managed and tracked email with a premium agency account. Your databases will sync monthly. We manage and send your email for you, with your approval. You get unlimited mail marketing credits on your program and your account will automatically remove all duplicate contacts, saving you time. 3. Facebook and Twitter Set Up (Value: $1,500.00) You'll get a fully optimized Facebook page to generate leads for your business. You'll also get a beautifully set up Twitter account. We manage these accounts for you. All three accounts are conveniently linked together, so only one must be updated saving you time (should you wish to update them yourself). 4. 'Why Hire Me?' Sales Video (Value: $495.00) You'll get expert support to write and record a 'Why Hire Me?' sales video. Your sales video will tell customers why they should use you versus every other option available to them in your market. You may also use this video to compliment your in-person sales presentation or consultation. We encourage you to continuously test your videos for maximum results, so there's no extra charge for script improvements or re-editing of any of your video footage. 55% of people who watch your video online will visit your website, of which 24% make a purchase (Source – Kelsey Group). Sample Video #1 (record with you on screen) Sample Video #2 (or record as a slide presentation) 5. Fully Custom Web Graphics (Value: $795.00) Your graphics are fully customized to your brand. Your video blog will perfectly match the 'look and feel' of your business, or we'll create a brand new image for you. If you at anytime request a change in your graphics (ex. staff or company change), you'll get beautiful, updated custom graphics with a quick turn-around at no extra charge. (c) Vyral Marketing. All Rights Reserved. 1-800-323-9974 Watch FREE 5 Minute How It Works Demo at http://www.getvyral.com 10 Sample Client Graphics Package 6. Weekly Coaching Calls (First 30 Days) (Value: $995.00) You'll initially schedule a weekly phone call with your coach to plan your video topics, pick your target keywords, film your videos, update your email database and set up internal systems so your program takes minimal time and effort. When your program starts (2 educational videos a month) you may request a monthly coaching call for personalized feedback, accountability and marketing advice at no extra charge. 7. Unlimited Video Editing (Value: $250.00 per video) You'll start by recording two short, educational videos with your own camera, then you'll send it to us for editing (color correction, sound improvement, scene transition, adding your logo introduction and outro, etc.). If you wish to make additional videos, such as testimonial or product videos, there's no extra charge to you. You receive unlimited video editing on our program. 8. Video Search Engine Optimization (SEO) (Value: $100.00 per video) Your videos are uploaded to YouTube and optimized for keywords your customers use to find you. Each video includes a personalized description, a link to your video blog and at least 10 keywords to increase the likelihood your videos are given priority in search engines. There’s no work required of you, we do all the keyword research and optimize each video properly for your best results. (c) Vyral Marketing. All Rights Reserved. 1-800-323-9974 Watch FREE 5 Minute How It Works Demo at http://www.getvyral.com 11 Search Optimized Video #1 Search Optimized Video #2 9. Researched, Expert Articles (Value: $150.00 per article) You'll know exactly what to say in your videos for results. You'll get a library of expert, researched articles and video topics proven to educate your audience and motivate them to take action. You may simply shoot a video to introduce your article, or order a custom article to compliment your custom video (no extra charge). We’ll help you produce your content; it’s a business owner’s biggest challenge (36%), followed by producing enough content (21%). Source – Harvard Business Review Analytic Services (c) Vyral Marketing. All Rights Reserved. 1-800-323-9974 Watch FREE 5 Minute How It Works Demo at http://www.getvyral.com 12 Sample Pre-Written Article Example Video Blog Topics Real Estate 1. 3 Costly Mistakes Buyers Make 2. What's Your Home Really Worth? 3. Is The Market Getting Any Better? 4. 10 Ways to Avoid Foreclosure Automobile 1. Do You Really Need an Oil Change? 2. Don't Get Taken at Your Mechanic 3. How to Save Money Buying a Car Finance 1. 3 Ways to Prepare for Retirement 2. How to Save $300 More a Month 3. Don't Hire a CPA Before You Do This Health / Wellness 1. 3 Quick Tips to Drop 5lbs Now 2. How Sleep Effects Your Health 3. Why You Must Avoid Sugar 4. Caffeine: How It Really Works Spirituality & Relationships 1. 3 Tips to Improve Your Marriage 2. Don't Date: Here's 4 Reasons Why 3. Who Else Wants to Know God? 4. Is Your Religion Right For You? 10. Tested, Compelling Video Emails (Value: $150.00 per email) Powerful emails announcing your new videos are critical to success – we write them for you. Each email is tested to ensure maximum deliverability so your videos get watched and shared for referrals. You’ll get a report of who in your database watches your videos so you can follow up to ask for a referral or sale. A screenshot of your video is included in your email, as video in email can increase click through rates by as much as 2x-3x (Source – Forrester Research). (c) Vyral Marketing. All Rights Reserved. 1-800-323-9974 Watch FREE 5 Minute How It Works Demo at http://www.getvyral.com 13 Sample Email #1 Sample Email #2 11. Social Media Updates (Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn) (Value: $49.00 per update) We'll post your videos to your social media accounts for you. Just like email, your social media accounts tell your contacts you've posted a new video. We'll coach you on how to use your social media accounts for business. If you make additional videos or you have a special announcement, we'll post it to all 3 of your social media accounts at no extra charge. 12. Open & Click Email Marketing Reports (Value: $199.00 per report) You'll know who's reading your email and watching your videos. We'll track who ‘opens’ your emails and 'clicks' to watch your videos. At a minimum, you'll get a list of everyone's email that is interacting with you. If all fields in your database are properly updated, full contact information is included in your report (name, phone, address, etc). This is your opportunity to follow up for referrals or sales to those interested in what you have to say (we'll teach you how to do this effectively). There's no extra charge for database updates or to send extra emails in addition to your two emails per month. 13. Personalized ROI Progress Reports (Value: $299.00 per report) You'll easily measure your return on investment (ROI). Each month you'll receive a simplified metrics report (website visitors, emails sent, Facebook friends, Twitter followers, etc.) to track your progress. You'll also receive personalized feedback and analysis in each report so you make educated decisions regarding your marketing investment. There’s no extra charge if you'd like any additional metrics included in your monthly report. (c) Vyral Marketing. All Rights Reserved. 1-800-323-9974 Watch FREE 5 Minute How It Works Demo at http://www.getvyral.com 14 Sample Monthly Metrics Report Sample Detailed Metrics Report You see, I’ve already priced all this out when I searched for people to hire. You’ll spend at least $2,000 to get a blog built, $995 for an agency email account so your email actually gets delivered and you don’t get shut down for spam by compliance (believe me, this is becoming a real problem), $1,500 to get your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn in set up to generate leads or customers, $250 for each video you want edited, $800 or more for all your custom graphics and the list of expenses goes on. To pull off everything necessary each month to go from shooting your video to results can cost up to $2,000 a month. If you hire a disorganized team of freelancers, it will never get done. If you have your staff do it, they won’t do it right (the ones who do command really high salaries). The upfront technology and training investment to do it yourself is expensive. But most importantly, if you’re already doing it yourself, you must decide if it’s time to hire a specialist so you can focus on building your business, not running it. So here’s my offer to you. We can do all this for you for only $6,300 a year with a one-time build fee of $1995 to get it all set up. And I mean you do get everything you need – it’s all included. Unlimited video editing. Custom article writing. Full video search optimization. We send your email for you. Detailed progress reports. Full ROI tracking. You get the names of all the people who watch your video so you can follow up. A monthly call with your own Digital Marketing Coach for personalized feedback. Not to mention you’ll get access to the best video topics and scripts proven to get a response from our clients doing this in your very industry. We’ll even help you implement additional strategies to grow your business with video. In short, we do all the work – you only shoot two videos a month to start, that's it. Only $1,995!! (Save $5,884.00) Only $525 a Month!! (Save $1,570.00) *New Website / Video Blog* Email Marketing Account Facebook / Twitter Set Up Custom Web Graphics Weekly Set-Up Phone Call 'Why Hire Me' Video 2 edited videos 2 email blasts 2 expert articles 2 social updates 2 open/click reports 1 progress report *Minimal time required, we work with your staff following a simple 30-day new client set-up checklist with a weekly call. *Includes unlimited video editing, unlimited email credits and a monthly call w/ your Digital Marketing Coach. (c) Vyral Marketing. All Rights Reserved. 1-800-323-9974 Watch FREE 5 Minute How It Works Demo at http://www.getvyral.com 15 So is the investment right for you? Is now the time to start your video marketing system? First, let’s talk about the money. I wouldn’t recommend you make any marketing investment unless you can prove a 4:1 return on your investment, meaning you should expect to bring in $25,200 in referral and repeat business directly influenced by your blog, videos, Facebook, Twitter and email within a year. You’ll ask your customers on a scale of 1-10 how much your videos influenced their decision to buy from you and assign that value to your return on investment. If you make more, great! Keep doing the program. If not – we’ll help you improve or you can stop the system to put your marketing dollars someplace else. Even if it’s against our own best interests, we’ll recommend what’s best for you. Get Your Video Blog Live in 30 Days! Call 1-800-323-9974 right now to schedule your FREE Consultation. Second, to get results quickly, you must have a strong database of contacts that want to hear from you (size does not matter), ideally a strong email database of people who’ve spent money with you. If you don’t have a strong list – or email addresses for that matter – we'll help you get them when you start the program. Third, you must be committed to making great videos. This is a big step in your personal development and it will give you a skill that if you leverage with our help, will leave your competition in the dust. But don’t worry. We make it easy, as you’ll see live examples of client videos and get personal coaching so your audience is impressed by what you publish. We practice what we preach – all our Digital Coaches including myself make videos to help educate you on how to grow your business. And how much time will this all take? It's minimal. You’ll start with an orientation phone call to implement your 30-day set up checklist so your blog is launched quickly. Most of it can be delegated to your assistant. After that, you’ll have a monthly call with your coach and shoot your 2 videos during a monthly appointment you keep with yourself. Your assistant will upload them to us then we do all the rest of the work. You Get GUIDED, One-on-One Coaching and Support So You Know What to Say You'll receive a scheduled monthly phone call with your dedicated Digital Marketing Coach for personalized video feedback and advice on additional proven marketing strategies working for clients. These calls are entirely optional. You will succeed, we guarantee it. If you’re not happy with our service, you can cancel at anytime. And if you have strong vendor or partner relationships, we'll help you include them on your blog to reduce your investment. All examples are on our website so you can see exactly what your 21st century digital resume will look like. There’s no risk to get started. Our system is proven. So back to your golden bucket. Here’s how you can fix your hole right now so you keep all the water you deserve. (c) Vyral Marketing. All Rights Reserved. 1-800-323-9974 Watch FREE 5 Minute How It Works Demo at http://www.getvyral.com 16 FREE Video Marketing Jump Start Kit ($200.00 Value!) Log on to www.getvyral.com right now to get a FREE Audio CD, Videos, a 5-Minute Demo and Live Client Examples. I invite you to request a complimentary copy of my FREE Audio CD on how to grow your business with video and social media marketing. It’s full of quick tips you can implement into your business immediately to put more money in your pocket. You’ll also get insider access to the best videos made by our clients PROVEN to get results so you can quickly ‘swipe’ their ideas and use them in your business. You’ll also get complimentary workbooks with proven, tested scripts and emails for immediate and painless implementation. Furthermore, you’ll get instant access to watch a 5-minute demo video on how our Vyral Membership works. I’ll even throw in my video course that reveals my very best, ultra-secret strategies to rank #1 on Google, how to make powerful testimonial videos, little known strategies to actually generate hot sales leads on YouTube, and much more. The total value of everything is $200, and you get it all FREE – just visit our website www.getvyral.com to get it. Rest assured you will NEVER be spammed and you can opt-out of all future communication any time. Get It All Done For You with Vyral Membership! Call 1-800-323-9974 Right Now to Request a FREE, No Obligation Consultation with a Certified Digital Marketing Coach If, however, you're interested in getting everything done for you, call 1-800-323-9974 for a free consultation. A Digital Marketing Coach will call to listen to your needs and answer your questions. With a brief questionnaire, we’ll determine if our social marketing system makes sense for your business. There’s no pressure to sign up right away and we will never abuse our privilege of calling you with your phone number. If you like what you hear, you’ll start your 30-day set up – which takes minimal time and your blog will be live in a month so you see results quickly. You’ll get personal guidance and support each week during your set up, with another scheduled monthly call for additional guidance. Get 3 Fast Mover Bonuses: Free HD Camera, Tripod, and Book! (ACT NOW) ($195.00 Value – Yours Free!) – While Supplies Last. Limited Time Offer. FAST BONUS #1: FREE Marketing Book ($20 Value) (c) Vyral Marketing. All Rights Reserved. FAST BONUS #2: FREE HD Video Camera ($100 Value) 1-800-323-9974 FAST BONUS #3: FREE Camera Stand ($75 Value) Watch FREE 5 Minute How It Works Demo at http://www.getvyral.com 17 But I want to make this a really special offer and thank you for watching to the end. If you call 1-800-323-9974 right now to request a free consultation with your Digital Marketing Coach, you’ll get a FREE HD pocket video camera (a $100 value), a FREE 72” tripod to hold your camera (a $75 value) and a FREE Book (a $20 Value) on how to grow your business with social media and video when you sign up. This is a limited time offer and only available while supplies last, so if you’re interested in learning more about Vyral Membership, call us right now at 1-800-323-9974. I invite you to start the system I created just for you. We are the least expensive, most productive team member you’ll ever hire. You pay for results, not for our time. Just the way I would want it. Your marketer, Frank Klesitz, Founder Vyral Marketing frank@getvyral.com Direct: 1-402-515-5438 Get Your Video Blog Live in 30 Days! Call 1-800-323-9974 right now to schedule your FREE Consultation. Visit our website www.getvyral.com for FREE social media and video marketing tips, topic include..... Log on to www.getvyral.com now to read and watch videos just for you: How to Use LinkedIn As Your Referral Memory Jogger AFTER a Meeting How to Increase Your Sales with Social Media (2 Hour Seminar w/ Slides) How to Phone Call Customers & Past Clients 2x/Year For Referrals Quick Monthly Client Print Newsletter Tips How to Set Up A Voice Broadcast to Get Updated Emails From Your Database 7 Tips to Create An Effective Educational Web Video How to Joint Venture / List Share for FREE Viral Video Exposure 3 Steps to Generate Video Blog Topic Ideas for Business Get Interesting with Web Video Animation Package Examples 8x8 New Contact Welcome Direct Mail Sequence Examples 3 Ways to Track Video Blogging Return on Investment (ROI) How to Land Your Very First Client How to Rank #1 on Google with 20 FREE Video Strategies How to Track Who In Your Database Watches Your Videos How to Make an HD Video Studio for Under $200 How to Ideally Structure an Educational Video for Your Blog Tips to Shoot an Effective Client Web Video Testimonial How to Become a MASTER Video Blogger 3 Simple Steps to Write a POWERFUL YouTube Video Title How to Write A Compelling Video Blog Infomercial / Sales Video How to Create Niche Content For Your Video Blog How to Optimize Your YouTube Video for Search Engines The Best Way to Shoot a Web Video For Your Blog Sample Dan Kennedy 3-Step Letter Sequence How to Shoot HD Flip Video For Business How to Ask for Referrals From the People Who Open Your Email (c) Vyral Marketing. All Rights Reserved. 1-800-323-9974 Watch FREE 5 Minute How It Works Demo at http://www.getvyral.com 18 Ditch The Script: How to Master The Art of Being Yourself on Camera How to Introduce Yourself to a Cold Prospect for the First Time New Client Marketing Action Steps In Only 1 Hour a Day How to Create an Educational Video Course for Lead Generation How to INEXPENSIVELY Use Direct Mail to Get New Customers & Clients What Advertising Agencies DON'T Want You To Know (Interview) 4 Steps to Create a Viral Web Video That Gets MILLIONS of Views 7 Steps to Write a POWERFUL and COMPELLING Web Article / Blog Post How to Get an Awesome Client Video Testimonial for Your Website How to Jump-Start Your Personal Digital Brand (Interview) and many, many more authentic topics just for you! Meet Your Vyral Marketing Team Frank Klesitz Owner / Founder 402.515.5438 frank@getvyral.com John McMillan Client Director 402.203.4585 john@getvyral.com Andre Pessini Operations Manager 402.578.1364 andre@getvyral.com We're a video blog marketing service for small business owners, entrepreneurs and independent professionals who use video and social media to boost referrals and repeat business. We do all the work for you. Frank Klesitz started Vyral Marketing in June 2009 after successfully running a personal fitness service in Omaha, NE for 6 years. In 2008, leads for his personal trainers via radio, direct mail, print and other traditional media stopped coming in (not to mention the Great Recession of 2007-2008); forcing him to re-think his marketing strategies. Instead of looking outward for new business, he looked inward to past clients and customers for referrals using video and social media to communicate. His friend gave him the idea to apply his strategies to all businesses and Vyral Marketing was born. Frank hired John McMillan, his friend since 1st grade, and started his video marketing system for Teresa Elliott (www.teamelliott.net) a Top 100 Realtor in Omaha NE. She increased referrals 30% her first year on the program and the company grew – primarily by referral – to this date. We now have 5 employees and many trusted vendors who provided excellent service for our clients. Our offices are in Omaha, NE. Our vision is to change your life by helping you make more money in your business, with less stress and by working fewer hours. (c) Vyral Marketing. All Rights Reserved. 1-800-323-9974 Watch FREE 5 Minute How It Works Demo at http://www.getvyral.com 19 By delivering highly worthwhile work, we seek the best outcome for you, our client, so you reach your highest pinnacle of possibility and capability. We understand what it's like for you to take a career path less traveled, and we'll do whatever it takes to delight you as we build something together that truly makes a difference. As our client, rest assured you'll make the absolute most of your career, opportunity and privilege by building a business that enjoys far more reaching effects than just making your next sale or referral. It's the growth of your business that provides for your employees, vendors, family, customers, investors and all other stakeholders who trust in your tireless effort, endless sacrifice and difficult decisions. It's this enduring and transcending higher purpose to business that relentlessly drives us to help you reach your personal goals. Meet All Our Vyral Marketing Clients Teresa Elliott (Omaha, NE) Team Elliott – Prudential Real Estate http://www.teamelliottomaha.blogspot.com teresa@teamelliott.net Frank Del Rio (Los Angeles, CA) Realtor – Frank Del Rio Associates http://www.frankdelrioca.blogspot.com frank.delrio@century21masters.com Robert Radcliffe (Pacific Palisades, CA) Author/ Real Estate Agent http://www.the180blog.com http://www.robertradcliffe.blogspot.com Greg Sisson (Myrtle Beach, SC) Realtor – The Hoffman Group http://www.gregsisson.blogspot.com greg@gregsisson.com Aaron Rian (Portland, OR) Realtor – The Rian Group http://www.theriangroup.blogspot.com aaron@theriangroup.com Hal Sweasey (San Luis Obispo, CA) Realtor – RE/MAX http://www.slorealestate.tv teamsweasey@gmail.com Aesthetic Surgical Images (Omaha, NE) Cosmetic Surgery http://www.surgicalimages.blogspot.com questions@surgicalimages.com Rick Bettger (Omaha, NE) Owner – House of Mufflers & Brakes http://www.takeit2thehouse.blogspot.com rickbettger@aol.com Amanda Howard (Huntsville, AL) Realtor – Amanda Howard Real Estate http://www.huntsvillerealty.tv amanda@amandahoward.com Janet Gresh (McLean, VA) Realtor – Keller Williams Realty http://www.janetgresh.blogspot.com janet@thegreshgroup.com Amy Kite (Northern Chicagoland) Realtor – Keller Williams Realty http://www.amykite1.blogspot.com amy@amykite.com Jay Moderski (Philadelphia, PA) Branch Manager – Gateway Funding http://www.jaymoderski.blogspot.com jmoderski@gateway-funding.com Andy Alloway (Omaha, NE) Managing Broker – DEEB Realty http://www.deebrealty.blogspot.com andy@godeeb.com Jeff Quintin (Ocean City, NJ) Realtor – Jeff Quintin Real Estate http://www.jeffquintin.tv jeff@jeffquintin.com Ashley Wilson (Raleigh, NC) Realtor – Wilson Realty Group http://www.ashleywilsonnc.blogspot.com ashley@wilsonrealtygroupnc.com Gerald Arnold (Macon, GA) Realtor – RE/MAX http://www.arnoldbaxter.blogspot.com info@arnoldbaxterteam.com Jeff Silva (Blue Bell, PA) Realtor – The Jeff Silva Team http://www.jeffsilva.tv jeff@thejeffsilvateam.com Joe Bogar (Englewood, CO) Realtor – Joe Bogar Group http://www.bogargroup.net jbogar@bogargroup.com (c) Vyral Marketing. All Rights Reserved. 1-800-323-9974 Watch FREE 5 Minute How It Works Demo at http://www.getvyral.com 20 Barb Bottitta (Allentown, PA) Realtor – Keller Williams Real Estate http://www.barbbottitta.blogspot.com bottittateam@lvhomeexpert.com Jon Carbutti (Wallingford, CT) Managing Broker – Carbutti & Co Realtors http://www.joncarbutti.com jonc@carbutti.com BevVan Phillips (Omaha, NE) Owner – Home Access Solutions http://homeaccesssolutions.blogspot.com bevvan@homeaccesssolutions.com Lee Tessier (Bel Air, MD) Realtor – The Lee Tessier Team http://www.leetessier.blogspot.com lee@leetessier.com Bill Black (Omaha, NE) Realtor – The Bill Black Team http://www.billblack1.blogspot.com bill.black@cbshome.com Les Bailey (Eagle River, AK) Realtor – Les Bailey & Associates http://www.lesbailey.blogspot.com team@lesbailyassociates.com Corey Cain (Omaha, NE) Owner – Black Clover Fitness http://blackcloverfitness.blogspot.com corey@blackcloverfitness.com Dianna Kokoszka (Austin, TX) President – MAPS Coaching http://events.mapscoaching.com diannak@kw.com Bob Yoder (Truckee, CA) Realtor – Davis Yoder Realty Group http://www.truckeerealestate.blogspot.com ryoder@truckeeinfo.com Marion Digre (Oak Park, IL) Realtor – The Digre Team http://www.mariondigre.blogspot.com realtor121@aol.com Shawn McGuire (Omaha, NE) Sales Manager – Celebrity Homes http://joincelebrityhomesomaha.blogspot.com smcguire@celebrityhomesomaha.com Michael Brennan Jr. (Washington, DC) Realtor – TTR Sotheby's Realty http://www.michaelbrennanjr.com michael.brennan@sothebyrealty.com Wayne Plowman (Omaha, NE) Sales Manager – Charleston Homes http://www.charlestonhomes1.blogspot.com wayne@charlestonhomesomaha.com Mike Darda (Cape Coral, FL) Realtor – Century 21 http://www.mikedarda.blogspot.com mike@dardagroup.com Charlotte Mabry (Chattanooga, TN) Realtor – Keller Williams Realty http://www.charlottemabry.blogspot.com charlotte@charlottemabry.com Mike Roth (New Berlin, WI) Realtor – Shorewest Realtors http://www.therothteam.blogspot.com rothteam@shorewest.com Dan Hamilton (Greenville, SC) Realtor – Hamilton & Co. Real Estate http://www.danhamilton1.blogspot.com info@mygrennvillehome.com Mitch Schwartz (Las Vegas, NV) Realtor – Keller Williams Realty http://www.mitchschwartz.blogspot.com mitch@mbsrealestateservices.com Danny Morel (Rancho Cucamonga, CA) Owner/ Trainer – Intero Real Estate http://www.dannymorel.com dannymorel@me.com Pam Butera (Blue Bell, PA) Realtor – Keller Williams Realty http://www.pambutera1.blogspot.com pam@pambutera.com Debbie Spaulder (Langhorne, PA) Realtor – Keller Williams Real Estate http://www.buckscountyrealestatetalk.com debbie@padreamhomes.com Patrick Southern (Hoboken, NJ) Realtor – Liberty Realty http://www.patricksouthern.blogspot.com patrick@propertiesbysouthern.com Derrick Ruiz (Santa Monica, CA) Realtor – Keller Williams Realty http://www.derrickruiz.com derrick@derrickruiz.com Paul Diamond (Gurnee, IL) President – Diamond Residential Mortgage http://www.pauldiamond1.blogspot.com Paul.diamond@thedrmc.com Pehr Black (Coeur D'Alene, ID) Realtor – Century 21 Beutler & Associates http://www.pehrblack.blogspot.com superp@pehrblack.com Paul Vojchehoske (Omaha, NE) Real Estate Instructor – Mr. Real Estate http://www.mrrealestate.tv pvoj@aol.com (c) Vyral Marketing. All Rights Reserved. 1-800-323-9974 Watch FREE 5 Minute How It Works Demo at http://www.getvyral.com 21 Russell Nolting (St. Louis, MO) Realtor – Russell Nolting Group http://www.russellnolting.blogspot.com rtnolting@kw.com Sarah Close (Cinncinnati, OH) Realtor – Sarah Close Associates http://www.getclosetohome.blogspot.com sarah@getclosetohome.com Sean Shallis (New York, NY) Realtor – Weichert Realtors http://www.realestategurutv.com sean@regurutv.com Spring Bengtzen (Eden, UT) Realtor – Spring Creek Realty Group http://www.springbengtzen.blogspot.com spring@springcreekut.com Jim Stengel (Chicago, IL) Realtor – Prudential Rubloff http://www.thestengelteam.blogspot.com jstengel@rubloff.com Terry Shanahan (Chicago, IL) Owner – The Shanahan Plan http://www.terryshanahan.com terry@theshanahanplan.com Terry Williams (Omaha, NE) Mortgage Planner – TerryWilliams.com http://www.terrywilliams.com terry@terrywilliams.com Tim Heyl (Austin, TX) Realtor – The Heyl Group http://www.theheylgroup.blogspot.com timheyl@kw.com Todd Martin (Louisville, KY) Realtor – RE/MAX Metro http://www.toddmartin.tv toddmartin@realtor.com Troy Hansford (Denver, CO) Realtor – The Hansford Team http://www.troyhansford.blogspot.com hansfordteam@troyhansford.com Wes Madden (Fairbanks, AK) Realtor – Madden Real Estate http://www.wemadden.blogspot.com wes@wesmadden.com Yasmin Saad (Naples, FL) Realtor – The Saad Team http://www.saadteam.blogspot.com yasmin@thesaadteam.com Dominic Nicoli (Los Altos, CA) Realtor – Intero Real Estate http://www.dominicnicoli.blogspot.com dominic@dominicnicoli.com (c) Vyral Marketing. All Rights Reserved. 1-800-323-9974 Watch FREE 5 Minute How It Works Demo at http://www.getvyral.com 22 WIN A FREE 6 DVD HOME STUDY COURSE! Join us on Facebook today and win your monthly drawing! Facebook.com/VyralMarketing Join us on Facebook for FREE video marketing tips and be entered in a monthly drawing to WIN a FREE copy of your 6 DVD Home Study Course: How to Increase Your Sales with Social Media: Step-by-Step Tutorials to Generate Sales Leads & Referrals with Video, Social Media and Email. No purchase necessary. Limit 1 winner a month. $995 Value. You'll fix your prospect follow up You'll generate leads with social media You'll increase referrals from customers You'll get found on search engines You'll position yourself as the expert You'll increase customer loyalty (c) Vyral Marketing. All Rights Reserved. 1-800-323-9974 (4) Hours of 'How-To' Instruction Minimal Time Required Easy to Implement Now Simple, Clear Live Demos Quickly Delegated to Staff No Experience Necessary Watch FREE 5 Minute How It Works Demo at http://www.getvyral.com 23 “How Do I Get Started Now?” Get Your Video Blog LIVE in 30 Days! Call 1-800-323-9974 right now for your FREE Consultation. You simply shoot your own video (we’ll tell you what to say), then we do all the editing, optimization and promotion so you increase your referrals and repeat business. Minimal time required. Visit www.getvyral.com to see LIVE client video blogs and 3,000+ videos on YouTube. It’s As Easy as 1-2-3 to Get Started Now. 1. Call 1-800-323-9974 to sign up. 2. Complete your 30-Day Set-Up. 3. Your blog is live in 30 days. CALL RIGHT NOW: 1-800-323-9974 (c) Vyral Marketing. All Rights Reserved. 1-800-323-9974 Watch FREE 5 Minute How It Works Demo at http://www.getvyral.com 24