MORPHOLOGICAL STUDIES ANSWER THE QUESTION WHY THE REARING OF THE RAINBOW TROUT (ONCORHYNCHUS MYKISS WALBAUM, 1972) NEEDS INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS Szarek J., Szynaka B.1, Andrzejewska A.1, Babińska I., Wiśniewska A. M., Wąsowicz K., Dobosz S.2, Skibniewska K. A., Dublan K. University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn, Poland; 1Medical University of Białystok, Poland; 2 Polish Academy of Sciences, Rutki, Poland e-mail: INTRODUCTION The morphological examination may be used as a tool for monitoring the health condition of fish. MATERIAL AND METHODS The studies were conducted between 2010 and 2012 in the spring and autumn in 6 rainbow trout farms: 3 with a flow through system (FTS) – on 480 rainbow trouts (group 1) and 3 with a recirculation aquaculture system (RAS) – on 480 trouts (group 2). Liver was collected for studies. Sections of liver were stained with HE. Material for ultrastructural examinations was contrast-stained with 0,5% uranyl acetate and lead citrate in Ringer solution. Table 1. Evaluation of differences, microscopic parameters of the liver. Results U – test (Manna - Whitney test) - no statistically significant differences; p = 0,05. Rang-sum Rang-sum FTS RAS Parameter necrosis degen. adiposa degen. parenchym. congestion extravasation melanomacroph. limphoidal cells 20,0 14,0 14,0 16,5 14,0 18,0 13,0 16,0 22,0 22,0 19,5 22,0 18,0 23,0 U Z p 6,0 4,0 4,0 6,5 4,0 8,0 3,0 0,433 -1,010 -1,010 -0,289 -1,010 0,144 -1,299 0,665 0,312 0,312 0,773 0,312 0,885 0,194 FTS FTS RAS RAS RESULTS Macroscopically lesions of skin and scales were observed (more frequent in the group 2). Microscopic analysis of the liver of the rainbow trouts showed in the majority of the fish the normal pattern (independently from the body mass and rearing system). Steatosis simplex and hyperaemia were found comparatively often, especially in the group 2. Quantitatively, more lesions were found in the fish of the group 2, however the difference was statistically insignificant. Ultrastructural studies showed comparatively often small alterations of the mitochondrial structure (oedema, dense bodies), sporadically the loss of cristae structure and matrix rarefication - figs. Seldom alterations were concerning the rough endoplasmic reticulum. DISCUSSION The intensivity of liver lesions was higher in the fish from the intensive rearing system. The obtained pattern allows to claim that the most sensitive issue of the RAS technology is assurance of cellular respiration – the appropriate water temperature and oxygen concentration. It makes the water oxygen concentration monitoring necessary. Table 2. The mean of the water quality parameters: oxygen saturation (O2) and % oxygen saturation (%02) in the inflowing waters into the fish farms in the course of research in the years 2010-2011 (* values less than the capacity of assimilation). Parameter Technology Mean O2 Standard Minimum Maximum deviation FTS 9,61 7,15 10,69 0,857 RAS 8,34 5,68 10,41 1,56 FTS 89,66 *64,13 105,47 11,07 RAS 75,15 *51,66 91,47 13,70 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The research has received funding from the European Union and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development – under grant “PO Fish 2007-2013”, agreement no. 00001-61724-OR1400002/10. %O2 The 2nd Joint European Congress of the 32nd Meeting of the European Society of Veterinary Pathology, 12th Meeting of the European Society of Toxicologic Pathology and 25th Meeting of the European College of Veterinary Pathologists, Berlin, Germany, 2014.