Corvette Waves - Ted Sickles IT Services Internal WebSite Root


Corvette Waves - Ted Sickles IT Services Internal WebSite Root
February 2016
The Newsletter of Pacific
Coast Corvettes
President’s Broadcast by Bruce Blank
Being president of a really great Corvette club is quite an honor.
The first meeting seemed to go well, and we all had a few
laughs…so I thought, “I can do this.” Now, almost a week after
the first meeting, the realization has hit me; that I have to write
something every month! It feels like there are 12 term papers
hanging over my head, about to attack me. I am an engineer,
and we all know we can’t spell, much less right…see what I
Anyway, thank you all for the 3X5 card event ideas. Some were
bolder than others, as they actually included your names, which
mean you just volunteered to plan & host your idea. Thank you.
We had 13 ideas that required eating or drinking; not too
surprising. Yes, we have lots of gearheads in the club, as most
of the 16 day trips include auto museums, performance shops or just driving for lunch. There
were 13 fun sounding “Events”, with 3 beach parties,
Inside This Issue
a wine-drinking-card-party, a wine-drinking-GirlBirthdays and Anniversaries
Scout-cookie-eating-party, a crazy-shorts-bowling
Vice President – Ray Marshall
night etc. And, 4 multi-day road trips, to cool places.
So, PCCers, pick one of the new events, plan it, tell us PCC Welcome Wagon
PCC Event Suggestions
about it, so we can socialize.
Oh, I almost forgot. One of the 3X5 cards had this
From the PCC Newsletter Editor
nice Birthday message…unsigned, of course.
PCC Awards Banquet
By Ray Marshall
Memories - 13th Annual San
Juan Car Show
By: Jim Coticchia
February Meeting Minutes
PCC Calendar
For Sale
Event Flyers
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February 2016
2016 PCC Officers
President: Bruce Blank
Vice-President: Ray Marshall
Treasurer: Joe Gildner
Secretary: Carol Gates
Sergeant at Arms: Karen Hougland
Historian: Dave Hennings
Hospitality Chair: John Iest
Awards Chair: Jim & Diane Carter
Editor: Nancy Marshall
Pacific Coast Corvettes meets
the first Wednesday of each
month at 7:00p.m. We meet at
Fuddrucker’s Restaurant in Lake
Forest. The restaurant is located
on El Toro Rd. The address is:
23621 El Toro Road, the phone
number is: 949 830-7210
Business Location
Pacific Coast Corvettes
23785 El Toro Rd #501
Lake Forest, CA 92630-4762
Telephone: 714 272-2544
WEB Page:
Ted Sickles 949-716-3376
Club Store:
Judy Nunn—949 586-1746
National Council of Corvette
Clubs, Inc. (NCCC)
Corvette Waves
Corvette Waves is published monthly,
within two weeks after each meeting.
Contributions should be received no later
than ten day after the monthly meeting.
They can be given to Nancy Marshall.
Display advertising is accepted at the
discretion of the editor. Yearly rates are
$50 for a business card, $75 for a
quarter page, and $100 for a half page.
Articles presented in Corvette Waves
reflect the opinion of the authors, not
necessarily the views of the editor or
Pacific Coast Corvettes. Pacific Coast
Corvettes and its editor seek to publish
accurate information but do not assume
responsibility in the event of claim of loss
or damages resulting from publication.
February Birthdays
Bruce Blank
Jill Schlatter
John Hill
Howard Rockoff
Pat Snyder
Steve Radigan
Cate Riggs
Jan Lane
Patricia (Pat) Dufau
Ulla Barr
Hau Nguyen
Gail Latimer
Cliff Harris
February Anniversaries
Rick & Judy Marseilles
Ted & Penny Sickles
Peggy & Jim Whiteaker
Gene & Vickie Insley
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February 2016
A Word From Our Vice President Ray Marshall
Each year the PCC event calendar starts off with few events on the calendar. This month, like
all the Februarys of the past, the calendar is starting to pick up many events. The calendar of
events is on the website at and is updated as things are scheduled.
If you would like to host an event let me know what the event is and when you want to hold it.
We need to make sure we don’t create scheduling conflicts. Events can be small or large. I
hosted an event at the Marconi Museum in Tustin. We caravanned from the Citrus café to the
museum, a distance of two blocks. We have also gone to Sedona Az. and the Grand Canyon for
a four day trip. Our club is large enough to do all kinds of events.
Each year there are several key events for the club, get ready and show up. We like to
embarrass other clubs with the number of cars that we get to show up.
Plastic Fantastic in May, an all Corvette car show on the bay in San Diego
Big Bear Bash in June/July.
Lake Forest July 4th parade. We decorate our cars, parade, and eat.
Cambria weekend the first week end in October. Usually a great drive up, some side
trips to wineries or other places, and plenty of socializing at the Sea Otter Hotel. Barb
Gildner has put out a note detailing the dates and how to reserve the rooms.
Cruzin’ for a Cure is advertised as the biggest single day car show in the US. This is held
the OC fairgrounds in September. It is run to benefit prostate cancer research. We
always have a great turn out.
PCC Christmas party in December
PCC Woman’s Christmas Party in December.
PCC Annual Awards Banquet.
OK, let’s be careful out there.
Ray Marshall
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February 2016
PCC Welcome Wagon
PCC welcomes our newest members, Jeff & Debbie Rakowitz, who were voted in at our
January meeting. Debbie grew up in Downey and Jeff grew up in Lakewood. They currently
reside in Mission Viejo, where they’ve lived for the past twenty years.
A self-proclaimed “gear head,” Jeff owned an auto repair shop for thirty three years and did
some engine building and drag racing. Always drawn to muscle cars and owning his share, Jeff
had that dream of a Vette. After purchasing his 2011 Crystal Red Grand Sport, Jeff went online, searching for a club to join. We made them feel welcome at our meetings and it is with
great pleasure that we introduce our newest members to the club. Debbie & Jeff enjoy
traveling, hot rodding and drag racing. Sounds like a great addition to our group! Stop by their
table to say hello at our next meeting.
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February 2016
PCC Events Suggestions
BBQ at Bruce's place
Breakfast at The Silverado Café & visit The Ore House
Carol Deering
Happy hour at Ruby's (train station in Orange)
Ice cream social at Ferrell's
Lunch / dinner Portillo's (Buena Park)
Lunch @ Joe Jost (Laguna Beach)
Lunch at Talaga Golf Club
Night out at Rudy's Savana Chop House Restaurant
Pizza & wings night @ Santoro's (Mission Viejo)
Pizza night
Progressive dinner
Taco night
Wine tasting
Day Trip/Tour
Auto Museum - Corvette, preferably
Day Trip/Tour
Car rally or poker run
Day Trip/Tour
Drive to Palm Springs for lunch
Day Trip/Tour
Getty Museum
Day Trip/Tour
Laguna Playhouse in August
Day Trip/Tour
Lunch at the Corvette Diner (San Diego)
Day Trip/Tour
Nethercutt Museum
Day Trip/Tour
Day Trip/Tour
Riverside International Raceway Museum, & dinner at The Mission
Inn (Riverside)
Run to Big Bear or Arrowhead
Day Trip/Tour
Sunday drive
Day Trip/Tour
Topless caravan to ??
Day Trip/Tour
Tour of "Old" Orange County, Fullerton, Orange, San Clemente, etc
Day Trip/Tour
Tour, Callaway's shop
Day Trip/Tour
Tour, Chip Foose's shop
Beach party - North Beach San Clemente
Beach party @ Doheny Beach) with fire rings, guitars, hotdogs,
chips etc.
Beach party with fire rings, guitars, hotdogs, chips etc.
Bowling day or evening
Casino night
Crazy shorts night
Dance party - Foxfire (out of business)
Dave & Edy
Dave & Edy
Robin Woods
Walt Kovacs
Dave & Edy
Carl & Marigold
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February 2016
Giracci Vineyard tour (Silverado / Santiago Canyon)
Diane Carter
Murder mystery dinner event
Vicky Kovacs
Rancho Las Lamas - again
Debbie Cavanaugh
Scavenger hunt
Wine & Cards night at Dave Hennings
Wine & Girl Scout cookie paring - Girl's Night
2-5 Day Event
Trip to Yosemite
2-5 Day Event
Trip to Napa
2-5 Day Event
Trip to Las Vegas to attend event by Las Vegas Corvette Club
2-5 Day Event
Trip to Colorado to attend event bt Corvettes in the Rockies
Add members PCC joining date to roster
Happy Birthday, Mr. President
I have a cough
Dave Henning
John Iest
Becky Lewis
Editor’s Note:
This is my very first newsletter. Hope you like it. Big
thanks to Jim Coticchia and to Ray for their articles.
Thanks, Bruce, for submitting your President’s Blog so
quickly. Jim Coticchia, Walt Kovacs, Ellis Delameter and
Dave Hennings contributed some great photos. Huge
thanks to my sweet husband & mentor Ray for his patience
& good humor. I have a lot to learn. This is an adventure
for me and you’re all along for the ride!
Happy Valentine’s Day
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February 2016
PCC Awards Banquet
by: Ray Marshall
January 23, 2016
PCC is really a social club centered on a shared love for America’s sports car, the Chevrolet
Corvette. Many times I have used a little slogan to express the club motto, “We don’t work, we
have fun”. We have a lot of fun.
Behind the scenes there needs to be people who put forth an effort to keep the club
functioning and organize the events that the group attends. Each year the President of the club
holds an awards banquet to recognize those folks that do the work required to make the club
fun. Note: some folks are honored for their dubious achievements during the year that provide
specific outbreaks of laughter, usually at their expense.
This is the President’s banquet. There is also an awards committee that organizes the specific
awards and their presentation. This year Gene Insley was the president and Laurie smith was
the awards chairperson. Gene could not make the event so Terry Smith stood in for him.
The Awards Banquet was held at the Orange County Mining Company. We have had the
banquet at that facility for several years now. It seems to work out well for us.
The evening starts with some volunteers setting up the
audio/visual equipment, the awards and the place
settings. When the big bell rings, the bar opens. This year
all participants were given two free drink coupons as part
of the package.
Once the bar opened,
the food started coming
out. A fine assortment
of appetizers was
consumed by the masses.
While the drinks and
appetizers were
consumed, there was
plenty of socializing
going on. Some people are very good at standing and
talking while others choose to sit and talk. The common
theme is the talking.
Food and the Orange County
Night Skyline
Club Members Queue up Early and
Often at the Bar
A Real Pro, Ken can Walk and Talk
with Two Drinks
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February 2016
Guess who is working
and who is drinking
After drinking and eating our focus turned to … drinking and eating some more. The delicious
buffet was laid out before us and the tables lined up one by one to make sure nothing was left
behind. The room usually gets pretty quiet while the dinner is consumed. I noticed something
else that happened during dinner, Dave Hennings who provided the pictures didn’t provide any
dinner pictures. I guess he was busy eating.
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February 2016
After dinner and dessert the real meat of the banquet started. Laurie Smith began giving out
awards for interesting quotes that were recorded during the year. Note: be careful what you
say and do at club events, someone may be watching and you may get an award.
Here is a list of some of the awards that were given out for captured quotes.
“Harold Brewski” Who said it?
Ken James: Potato Chip Brain Award
“Flat Tire, Oh, Oops I got a flat tire and was late to the
event I planned.” Who said it?
Gail Latimer: Flat Tire Award
“What do you mean the Toll Road device did not beep?
But officer my new plates for my car haven’t come yet.”
Who said it?
Gene Insley: Stingray Award
“I take pictures, I don’t dance.” Who said it? (By the way, I have pictures to prove differently.)
Dave McCue: Dancing Angel Award
“The 1999 pictures have been scanned.” Who said it?
Ted Sickles: Mr. Technology Award
“What do you mean we have to drive through several counties to get to this winery? Who
planned this event?” Who said it? Everyone who attended.
Gary and Jan Lane: Innovation Award
“Best Jugs in Town. I can hardly wait to buy that shirt.
How tight can I wear it?” Who said it? I will not tell but
wish Judy Nunn had been there. She would have loved
the shirts.
Judy Nunn: Mona Lisa Award.
“We are going for ice cream, forget wine.” Who said it?
Ray and Nancy Marshall: No Whining Award.
“I run every morning. I run to the bathroom as fast as I
can.” Who said it?
Joe Gildner: Keep Calm Award
Sheryl Brunski: James Bond Award
“Potato Chip Brain” Who said it?
Harold Brunski: Potato Chip Brain Award.
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February 2016
The next item on the agenda was recognizing
the people who had put on events during the
year. We had quite a few folks who had
contributed to the enjoyment of all. 26 event
organizers were recognized for their efforts to
plan more than 40 events for the year of 2015.
They were given a See’s gift certificate to thank
them. Some have agreed to organize the same
event again PCC still needs members to
organize other events for 2016, see Ray
Marshall to get it on the calendar.
The PCC Board was thanked for their dedication and
hard work with a crystal decanter for water, ice tea or
possibly wine.
The new board came forward and Bruce Blank asked
everyone to be patient with them since most of them
are new in their role.
The Old Board
Arch was given a
special award for his two
years of patience and
diligence in keeping the
treasury in the black.
The New Board
The New President,
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February 2016
The evening ended with a Scavenger hunt/musical chairs: Ed Moore’s Table won, Ray took
second. There were also gifts given out based on the date of the first Corvette.
June 30, 1953 first Corvette crossed the manufacturing line.
Bob Ensign won a gift certificate because his birthday is June 30.
Peggy Whitaker born in June, 1953 also won a certificate.
For each table, the person who owned the oldest Corvette took home the centerpiece, created
and made by Judy Nunn and Vickie Insley.
All members took home a Hot Wheels Corvette, a gift from Gene and Vickie Insley.
We viewed the fireworks from Disneyland and then
enjoyed music provided by “Master B”, Harold Brunski.
The evening ended with the song, “Last Dance” by
Donna Summers.
Thank you to Gene and Laurie for a great awards
banquet. We didn’t break too much stuff so maybe
they will let us back again.
Ed and Trish have retired from the
club and we will miss them.
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February 2016
It was good to see Dave Johnson Back
after a Long Absence
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February 2016
Memories - 13th Annual San Juan Car Show
By: Jim Coticchia
February 6, 2016
This show was for the Capistrano Animal Rescue Effort. (CARE) Early registration was
$30 which helps support various programs such as the Boys and Girls Club of Capo
Valley, Boys and Girls Scouts, Marine Corp families and much more.
It was a great crisp morning when we left
and it turned out to be an even better day.
The weather was absolutely perfect. I lost
the caravan as they blew thru the first
light; so much for being the last car. After
the light changed I wasn’t sure how to get
to the field, as I drove I saw a silver C-5
so I followed it……you guessed it - he
wasn't going to the show. I kept driving
and saw a staging area for another club.
Finally circled the field and 20 minutes
later we were all set.
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February 2016
I was told there were 400 cars! PCC had 20 cars at the show, and that The South
Orange County Hot Rod Assoc. was first with 30 cars entered. You could see
everything from Austin Healys to V.W. campers. You name it and it probably was there.
The activity of 600 people came to a halt as a young lady
preformed a great touching rendition of our National
PCC had 7 Judges:
Don McGee - Head Judge
Bill Colvin
Walt Kovacs
Ken James
Bob Satterwhite
Terry Fletcher
Carole Deering
All but one judge were PCC members.
PCC won two Best In Show Awards:
Joe Gildner - Super Vette
Phil Cohen -C7-ZO6 who is working toward becoming a member
Both these cars drew a lot of crowd attention!!!
No matter what your memory is it was at the show…. cars like….Mustangs-low rider
trucks- 63 Vettes-67 Vettes and a 67 Gray Charger- I remember that model well. I was
22 and had a 67 Charger Candy Apple Red. There were two drones taking in the action.
They also had a large covered seating area to keep you out of the sun. There were
plenty of venders along with silent auctions and prize raffles. Barb Gildner walked away
with two large buckets of prizes. The Frisbee dogs entertained with several shows.
The show also had a large law enforcement presence.
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February 2016
Henry could be seen getting his 2015 Torch Red C-7 ready for the show. Becky made
sure he didn't miss anything. You'll want to see his car it’s beautiful. Gary’s 67 Maroon
Conv looked good in the sun.
Patti (mother of the groom) Smith navigated well on crutches. I thought this was the
right place to put Bruce’s idea about meeting a club member to use. I went over and
introduced myself to Ellis Delameter as he detailed his 2013 Cyber Gray Metallic Grand
Sport Coupe. We had a nice
conversation as he showed me around
his car. It was sharp looking. I then
met Scooter who was with Debbie and
Zack Cavanaugh. He and his bed fit
great into the back of the 2015 C-7.
Todd Bonet was spotted deciding
whether he should buy a Z06. Our
Awards co-chair Jim Carter, wearing
his cowboy hat, was seen relaxing and
enjoying the sun next to his 2015
Torch Red Coupe.
The word was that both the Bloody
Marys and Hot Dogs were tasty.
This truly was an event for the young
and the young at heart.
The next big event is 2/20 Kick Tires
Breakfast-8am Knowlwood (5 freeway
and Sand Canyon)
Several Interesting Events in March—
—check the calendar!!!
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February 2016
Alien Vehicles
Porsche with Corvette Motor
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February 2016
General Meeting Minutes
February 3, 2016
President Bruce Blank called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM at Fuddruckers on El Toro Rd. in
Lake Forest. All new and old members were welcomed. This is Bruce’s first meeting as our 2016
President. Bruce recognized what a great job Gene, and all of the Board Members did for 2015
recognizing each individually. Bruce then introduced the PCC Board for 2016.
 President Bruce Blank
 Vice-president Raymond (Ray) Marshall
 Treasurer Joe Gildner
 Secretary Carol Gates
 Sgt-at-Arms Karen Hougland
 Historian Dave Hennings
 Hospitality Chair. John Iest
 Awards Chair. Diane Carter
 Awards Chair. James (Jim) Carter
 Editor Nancy Marshall
In an effort to get us to know more of our members we could hold more events. They can be
small events. Bruce asked us to use the index cards on our table to list ideas to allow us to hold
more social get togethers, it could be things like Taco Tuesday or pizza parties ETC. This will
allow us to meet more of our members. This was accepted as a good idea.
The clubs portion of 50/50 raffles will be used for our year end charity donations.
Club Report
Secretary: Nothing to report.
Hospitality: John Iest announced birthdays and anniversaries for the month of February. It was
requested by all that John not sing.
Sergeant at Arms: Karen Hougland reviewed the point system for the benefit of guests and
prospective members. New Prospective member Mike Jakes introduced himself. Lives in M.V.
and owns a 2001 Coupe.
Club Store: Diane Carter and Judy Nunn ran the store auction which netted $244. Judy does
have PCC hats. As always she can get your own shirts and jackets embroidered.
Treasurer: Joe Gildner reported that we had an income of $2,168 expenses of $5,375.20 and
outstanding/pending items of $12. Ending adjusted balance of $6,641.58. As of February 1,
2016 Pacific Coast Corvettes (PCC) has elected new officers. The officers charged with managing
the PCC account at US Bank are: Bruce Blank-President and Joe Gildner Treasurer. These names
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February 2016
should be added as authorized signatures. The following names should be removed from the
account as necessary: Dan Katz, Cate Riggs, Gene Insley, David Archard, Ken James, Terry Smith.
John Coon is no longer a member of PCC and should no longer be on our account. His name
remains solely for the purpose of maintaining the bill pay addresses.
Historian: Dave Hennings will use new rooster to determine what pictures he needs. Thanks to
Ted Sickles for using a new slide show program to display the Awards Banquet pictures. Laurie
Smith then presented awards to those who weren't at the A/B. She also had a thank you gift for
Henry and Becky for their work with the Second Harvest food bank,
Editor: Ray Marshall thanked all individuals for great input for the newsletter and then handled
over his position to Nancy who reminded us all to send her articles for the newsletter. Ray then
reviewed upcoming events.
February 2016
6 Sat 13th Annual Car Show in San Juan Capistrano, PCC
Coordinator: Ken James (949- 683-6441)
20 Sat Kick Tires Breakfast Meeting—8am at Knowlwood's
Restaurant, Irvine (5 Freeway and Sand Canyon Avenue)
signup, just show up. Coordinator: Ken James
March 2016
2 Wed PCC Monthly Meeting at Fuddruckers, in Lake Forest
5-6 Sat-Sun Dana Point Harbor Car Show, PCC Coordinator: Gene
Insley (949-636-9845)
12 Sat Kone Killer Autocross & BBQ, 9am-5pm, in Indio, PCC Hosts:
Bruce & Patty Blank (949-455-0747)
19 Sat Kick Tires Breakfast Meeting—8am at Knowlwood's
Restaurant, Irvine (5 Freeway and Sand Canyon Avenue)
signup, just show up. PCC Coordinator: Ken James
April 2016
4 Mon PCC at Angels vs Cubs, PCC Coordinator: Harold Brunski
6 Wed PCC Monthly Meeting at Fuddruckers, in Lake Forest
17 Sun Winery Visit in Rancho Bernardo area (San Diego County).
PCC Hosts: Rick & Marcey Alpert (949-830-2640)
Old Business: None
Sergeant at Arms: Fines were handed out at the meeting for
not wearing club name badges.
50/50 Raffle: Won by in the amount of $110.00 by Nancy French.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM
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February 2016
PCC Calendar of Events
February 2016
Kick Tires Breakfast Meeting—8am at Knowlwood's Restaurant, Irvine (5 Freeway
and Sand Canyon Avenue)…no signup, just show up. PCC Coordinator: Ken James
March 2016
PCC Monthly Meeting at Fuddruckers, in Lake Forest
Racing at Willow Springs PCC Coordinator: Ray Marshall (949-786-8365)
Dana Point Harbor Car Show, PCC Coordinator: Gene Insley (949-636-9845)
Kone Killer Autocross & BBQ, 9am-5pm, in Indio, PCC Hosts: Bruce & Patty Blank
Kick Tires Breakfast Meeting—8am at Knowlwood's Restaurant, Irvine (5 Freeway
and Sand Canyon Avenue)…no signup, just show up. PCC Coordinator: Ken James
April 2016
PCC at Angels vs Cubs, PCC Coordinator: Harol Brunski (949-472-8194)
PCC Monthly Meeting at Fuddruckers, in Lake Forest
Vette Set Car Show at Ruby's Diner, in Redondo Beach, PCC Coordinator: Mark
Alter (949-218-7152)
Mojave Mile/Magnum 1.5 Mile Drag Racing
UCI Car Show
Winery Visit in Rancho Bernardo area (San Diego County). PCC Hosts: Rick &
Marcey Alpert (949-830-2640)
May 2016
Corvettes of Temecula Valley (COTV) Corvette Car Show
PCC Monthly Meeting at Fuddruckers, in Lake Forest
Plastic Fantastic XXXIX, in San Diego, by North County Corvette Club, PCC
Coordinator: John Iest (949-770-2520)
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February 2016
For Sale
Contact Mark Alter 949-218-7152
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February 2016
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February 2016