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ACRE of Pittsburgh, Inc.
Volume 19 Issue 2
February 2015
How to Get Your Tenants to Stay For at Least Three Years
By Jeffrey Taylor
Many of you are familiar with my 3-
myself as a MVP or Gold Club
This is the same way the 3-Star Pro-
Star Program as an excellent way to
gram works. I share this analogy,
encourage residents to stay with you
a minimum of 3 years. As a brief reminder, you enroll residents in a 3Star Program at no charge to the resident. At one store I’m a “Gold Club”
member. At the other I am a “MVP”
member. Why did these stores encourage me to enroll in their free programs? To create customer loyalty.
I’ve enrolled residents in my 3-Star
Program for the same reason. To
create customer loyalty. And it
Create Customer Loyalty
By giving residents a perk (minor
property upgrades) on each rental
anniversary as part of the 3-Star
because a few people question
whether some of my “innovative”
rental ideas work. YES, they work
because I just adapt strategies that are
working well for other industries and
utilize them in the rental business.
And the 3-Star Program, like the
Gold club or MVP program, creates
customer loyalty. Residents continue
to stay year after year without annual
Guess what, it works! When I go buy
Program, residents see themselves
groceries, without thinking I shop at
as three-year residents. Of course,
the two stores that give me a few
the residents can legally terminate
perks (small discounts) because I see
the rental agreement at any time
I do feel it is important and to your
(with proper advance notice) and
advantage to talk with your resident
Inside This Issue Page
move to another rental, just like I
once a year near the anniversary date.
can start shopping at a different
I recommend you send an
Board Member’s Message
“Anniversary Agenda Checklist”
Details Worth Mentioning
But I voluntarily keep shopping
New Year for PROA
where I’ve been often reminded that
I am a valued customer and receive
Whatever Happened to
Member Application
membership in the program or
Calendar of Events
whether I want to keep shopping
Vendor Index
Monthly Meeting Agenda
perks. The store doesn’t ask me
each year if I want to renew my
there. They simply send me a letter
on occasion (along with perks-store
discounts) thanking me for continuing to be a valued customer in their
Using Private Money
program and telling me what I can
look forward to.
discussions about whether they want
to stay in the program.
along with a Thank You letter for
(Continued on page 6)
ACRE of Pittsburgh, Inc.
Page 2
Saturday Morning we can
kick off with a teaching segment or
two to warm up the mental muscles.
Then the excitement begins. Ron
LeGrand is Speaker Number One in
so many ways. He has so much to
offer that we had to give him a full
day, and then some. Ron has been
in Pittsburgh for some minor speaking engagements in the past couple
years but this is going to be a special very intense day with lots of
new and exciting information. You
are going to be amazed! From his
new ways of locating deals to his
special new tricks on wholesaling,
this is a day not to be missed! He
will also cover his tried and true
Board Member’s Message
o the Members:
It’s here! Far and away the
most exciting time of the year! It’s
time for the PA
State Real Estate Convention and
Trade Fair! Create Your Own Future! March 6, 7 & 8.
This is ACRE’s twentieth
year to sponsor this special event.
And what a great weekend it’s going
to be.
We kick off on Friday Evening with the Insider’s Secrets Social
around 6:00pm in the Champions Club
Lounge of the Green Tree DoubleTree Hotel. This is your chance to socialize with like minded individuals
and maybe a speaker or two. You can
learn so much from others that have
been through the same trials that you
have and it is amazing you can learn
from other investor’s experience. Order a snack and have a libation and sit
and ask questions or just listen in on
the enlightening conversations. Besides being educational, it’s always a
lot of fun.
This is also why we recommend just staying two nights at the
DoubleTree Hotel.
(Continued on page 3)
The Real Estate Investor
ACRE of Pittsburgh, Inc. does
not exist to render or give legal,
tax, economic or investment
advice and disclaims all liability
for action or inaction taken or not
taken as a result of
communication from or to its
officers, directors and members.
If legal advice or other expert
assistance is required, the
services of a competent
professional should be sought.
Josh Adamek
Vice President
Sharon Harkins
412-262-5943 E,Q
Jeff Kasmer
Brad Dornish
Board of Directors
Tom Dymerski
Chuck Pupich
Nancy Worst
412-331-8595 T
Steve Powanda
A Tax Sales
B Owner Financing
C Rentals
D Land Contracts
E Retail (Rehab)
F Wholesale
L Income Tax Prep
H Lease Option/Rent-to-Own N Time Management
I Foreclosure/Sheriff Sales
O Business Ownership
J Finding/Selling Properties
P Financing
K Accounting
Q Note Buying
R Financial Planning
S Computer/Software
T Realtor
U Legal
V Property Management
W Asset Protection
X Business Plan
The Real Estate Investor
Board Member’s Message
(Continued from page 2)
methods for wealth creating rehabs and why you need to hold
onto real estate for the long term.
And in the middle of this
Super Saturday you will need to
take a break and recharge your
batteries so hold on to your seat
for the ACRE Super Saturday
Lunch Buffet. No one else offers
this anywhere. Then grab your
dessert and head back to the ballroom for a great afternoon with
And grab an extra pen too
because you will want to take extra notes.
Saturday Evening there
is going to be another special
event. A networking celebration
with snacks and cash bar where
you can spend your evening talking, listening, and planning to
reach your dreams by creating
your own future.
Sunday Morning we
kick off fast and furious with
three great Teachers almost nonstop. After a warm up of teaching
segments, we roll right into the
dynamic Jeffery ‘Mr. Landlord’
Taylor on Property Management. He will keep you on the
edge of your seat with non-stop
tricks and techniques that he
uses every day in the real world to
manage his properties. Even if
you don’t have a lot of rentals
now, you need to hear this!
Then we jump right into
Sue Nelson. This young lady will
show you how to skip the short
sale hassle and go directly to the
bank to purchase the nonperforming note. This is how she
buys her multi-unit properties.
And multi-units is how to create
that huge positive cash flow. Sue
will show you the way!
(Continued on page 6)
ACRE of Pittsburgh, Inc.
Page 3
February Details Worth Mentioning
Renewal Memberships. Please be
sure to show your name badge to
someone at the desk. If you do not
have one, we will issue a name
badge after checking your paid
status. Members paid to February
28, 2015 or later are asked to renew
their membership at this time,
$129.00 for an individual and
$39.00 for an associate IF YOU
-date at $139. Please be prepared
to renew at the monthly meeting,
online or by mail. If you have
email, you should be receiving reminders to renew. GUESTS may
attend their first meeting free.
Subsequent meetings attended by
GUESTS, as well as any previous
member who has not paid their
dues, must pay a $25 fee.
Last Minute Changes/Updates.
Call our toll-free number at 1-888-4
ACRE40 the day of a meeting or
seminar to see if we have any last
minute change or with questions
regarding the newsletter,
membership or registrations. Call
to verify a workshop is still being
held. We may have to cancel if we
do not have enough preregistrations.
Remember, ALL
workshops and seminars can be registered online at the Calendar of
Events. By mail register on page
11 of this newsletter.
PROA, our state association, can
give you access to Credit Checks
for possible tenants. Call or email
Jeff Kasmer for your PROA ID.
You can also list your properties for
rent on a state wide basis as well as
on our website on the Classifieds
Their website is With your
PROA ID, you can also sign up for
credit checks of potential tenants.
Vendors are asked to email Jeff a
copy of their ad in a picture format.
Sign up for the Convention and
Trade Fair online of the website or
send to our PO Box.
New Members
Michael Carlin
Dan Giagola
Linda Woshner
Anthony Ellis
Paul McCullough
Chris Hatcher
Mary Beth Rogers Richard Sikora
Marcus Blackwell
Aaron & Josh Franks
ACRE is a member of
National REIA
National Real Estate
Investors Association
ACRE is a proud member of
Pennsylvania Residential
Owners Association
ACRE of Pittsburgh
Please remember to bring your
name badge to the monthly meeting and workshops/seminars. If
you lose it, a new one will be made
for $10.00.
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ACRE of Pittsburgh, Inc.
The Real Estate Investor
The Real Estate Investor
ACRE of Pittsburgh, Inc.
Page 5
Page 6
Tenants to Stay
ACRE of Pittsburgh, Inc.
Jeff will be one of our featured
speakers at our convention & Trade
(Continued from page 1)
participating in the FIRST year of
their 3-Star Program. The Agenda
Checklist informs residents that they
have an opportunity to discuss any
concerns and new options available
during the nest year of their 3-Star
The Agenda Checklist asks residents
to select the topics from the agenda
of what they would like to talk about.
Each topic a resident selects gives
The Real Estate Investor
Board Member’s Message
Plus, ACRE has another Special Guest Speaker as yet to be confirmed. What a weekend!
And of course, as always,
ACRE will offer raffles and giveaways and networking and vendor
specials and FUN!
Sign up in the ACRE web
site or see Jeff at the
next ACRE General Meeting on February 3rd.
This is the one event that will
jump start your spring and summer
investment season so take this leap
because only you can Create Your
Own Future!
you, the landlord, the opportunity to
meet the changing needs of your resident. Equally important, as you offer
options to meet the resident’s needs
and concerns, each topic on the
agenda will also give you the opportunity to increase your cash flow plus
increase the customer satisfaction
level of the resident. Remember, let
your residents pick the topics for the
discussion and use the agenda to truly
have a profitable discussion.
Anniversary Agenda Checklist
We like to meet residents at least
once each year to help insure that we
continue to meet your housing needs
and make sure you are aware of all
the housing options that are available
to you. We want YOU to select the
agenda for the meeting. Tell us what
you would like to talk about. We can
discuss just one of the following topics, or we can discuss as many of the
topics as you select.
Tom Dymerski
Past President
The Real Estate Investor
Buying Notes and Real Estate Directly From Banks
Sue a mother of three, started as a
struggling art teacher in a local high
school. Sue Nelson began investing
in real estate to provide a better life
and security for her and her family.
She realized she had a lot of catching
up to do and was attracted to the big
profits that could be realized quickly
in commercial real estate. Sue
quickly discovered and created little
used techniques that allowed her to
take control over many commercial
properties. Today she and her partners own over 1500 commercial units
and is now one of the worlds leading
experts on Commercial Real Estate.
ACRE of Pittsburgh, Inc.
sive profits step by step
buying REO's and Notes
Directly from Banks.
How to take advantage of the banking crisis,
regardless of where you're
located and from the comfort of your home and Regardless of your experience!
Why NOW is the
time to buy from the most
Today she and her partners own over
1500 commercial units and now one
of the worlds leading experts on
Commercial Real Estate.
You have probably seen her on NBC,
ABC, CBS or the FOX network
sharing her wealth building strategies. Sue Nelson, Founder of REO
Note Profits, teaches her clients to
create massive wealth through the
purchase or flipping of commercial
real estate REOs and notes at the unbelievably discounted prices available right now, regardless of your
experience in real estate. It is all
about getting the deal and structuring
the deal. Your profit is made when
you buy. Once you find and control
the deal, the money you can make
with that deal is astronomical. This
guide gives you all of the tools you
need to find the deal, analyze the
deal, create your offer, and exit or
hold and fund the deal for massive
profits. Again, regardless of your
You Will Learn
How to make mas-
motivated seller in the market, BANKS!
How you can do
this business with NO Experience whatsoever.
Why bank owned
notes and properties are so
plentiful and marked down
at such a HUGE discount.
How to get past the
gate keepers and have them
open their inventory up to
Powerful software
that will structure and analyze any deal a bank or
seller may have for maximum profits i.e. Apartments, Retail, Office Space,
Self Storage, etc...
Page 7
How to fund your
project whether you're purchasing a note or hard asset.
We even share with you our
hedge fund to fund your
How to maximize
your profits from the strategy
of your choice; Wholesaling,
Flipping, Joint Ventures, Buy
and Hold, etc...
Sue's powerful strategy that covers
apartment investing as well as other
commercial deals, and how you too
can take advantage of the banking
crisis, and buy commercial and residential property at bottom basement
prices in your back yard or emerging
This former Connecticut art teacher
got into the business a short 6 years
ago, and, let me tell you, she has
risen through the Real Estate Apartment Note and REO buying ranks
swiftly! Wait until you hear how
she's accumulated masses of $$$ in
such a short time. You will not want
to miss our Monday night meeting on
April 16th, 2012 when she reveals
her secrets on how to harness a little
known, under shopped, niche - Buying Real Estate Notes and REO's Directly from Banks!
Sue Nelson, a former high school art
teacher, who didn't even know what a
real estate note or REO was before
she first started learning about the
real estate business 6 years ago, happened to "stumble" upon this niche
while buying her first properties and
she has not looked back since! Seems
impossible she could have taken this
niche, run with it, and become so
successful so quickly, right? Well,
she did - and teaching is in her blood,
and she's going to share with you her
amazing, simple to use, techniques
on how to make loads of $$$ quickly
(Continued on page 8)
Page 8
Buying Directly from Banks
(Continued from page 7)
- because quickly is how we like to
make $$$, right!?
Right now, there is a huge opportunity to make $$$ quickly by buying
residential and commercial real estate
Notes and REO's. Why? Because
banks are in trouble and crippled
from bad loans that have resulted in
the housing crisis.
The only way the banks can save
themselves is to sell off these bad
loans. Understand that they would
rather do this than take title to the
property and take the owner through
the foreclosure process - ultimately
hurting the bank even more.
This is why they are selling these
Notes and REO's to investors like
you and me... and to art teachers of
course! They are being sold for .40 .60 cents on the dollar. This allows
you to flip them for .60 -.70 cents on
the dollar!
I know, I know, crazy, right!?
Come to the Monday night meeting
with Sue Nelson, the former art
teacher, NOW and learn how she has
amassed her $$$. She'll break it down
even more for you so that even those
that have never taken a real estate
class or seminar can take advantage
of the- se amazing, easy to use, techniques on making loads of $$$
quickly from buying residential and
commercial notes and REO's Directly
From Banks!
Don't miss this opportunity to get all
of the inside secrets to the amazing
business of buying Commercial and
Residential Notes and REO's directly
from banks. Sue will share with you
all of her secrets and resources of
ACRE of Pittsburgh, Inc.
how to do this business, so you can
hit the ground running from day
one, regardless of your experience,
credit and available funds. She always says if she can do it, a former
high school teacher with no experience, YOU CAN TOO!
These powerful strategies cover
apartment investing as well as other
commercial and residential deals,
and how you too can take advantage of the banking crisis, and buy
commercial and residential property
at rock bottom prices.
Sue will be one of our featured
speakers at our Convention & Trade
The Real Estate Investor
The Real Estate Investor
ACRE of Pittsburgh, Inc.
Page 9
Date _______________________
Name ________________________________________________ Home Phone _____________________
Address ______________________________________________ Work Phone ______________________
City _______________________ State _______ Zip __________ Cell Phone _______________________
Occupation ____________________________________ E-mail _________________________________
_____ New Member $139.00 _____ Renewal Member *$129.00/139.00 _____ Spouse/Partner $39.00
Vendor Member : _____ Value $325.00 _____ Premier A $500.00 _____ Premier B $750.00
_____ Premier C $1350.00 _____ Additional Employee $25.00
(* If renew before your Paid-to-Date)
Total Amount Enclosed __________ Check Number ________
Credit Card #____________________________________ Exp. Date _______
CID # __________
I understand that the information presented in meetings of ACRE of Pittsburgh, Inc. is
of a general nature and I will not attempt to apply said general information to specific
situations without obtaining professional advice.
Signature _________________________________________________
Include payment with
application made payable
and mail to:
ACRE of Pittsburgh, Inc.
P.O. Box 17149
Pittsburgh PA 15235-0149
In consideration of the acceptance of my membership application, I waive and release any and all rights and claims
against ACRE, its officers, directors, members, and speakers for any and all damages resulting from participation in
public activities and/or utilization of information received at any function of ACRE.
ACRE of Beaver County
Monthly Meeting
Fourth Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Harmony Ridge Golf Club, 7:00 pm
February Monthly
First Tuesday, February 3, 2015, 7:00 pm
Green Tree DoubleTree Hotel
Using Private Money
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Green Tree Double Tree, Hotel, 8:30 am
March Monthly Meeting
First Tuesday. March 3, 2015, 7:00 pm
Green Tree DoubleTree Hotel
Spring Conference &
Trade Fair
March 7-8, 2015
Green Tree DoubleTree Hotel
April Monthly Meeting
April 7, 2015, 7:00 pm
Green Tree DoubleTree Hotel
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ACRE of Pittsburgh, Inc.
The Real Estate Investor
The Real Estate Investor
ACRE of Pittsburgh, Inc.
Page 11
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ACRE of Pittsburgh, Inc.
The Real Estate Investor
The Real Estate Investor
ACRE of Pittsburgh, Inc.
Page 13
ACRE of Pittsburgh, Inc.
Page 14
Vendor Index
AMBIT Energy
Building Inspection Professionals
Budget Kitchen & Bath
CCC Holdings
Dornish Law Offices, PC
Eble Excavating
Exchange Underwriters
Fedele Insurance
Home Depot
JSC Properties, LLC
M & M RE Holdings LLC
Mace Property Management
Martin D. Schwartz Tax & Acctg
Molyneaux Tile Carpet Wood
National Tenant Network
Neighborhood Realty Services
New Choice Home Décor
New Direction IRA
New Perspective Staging
One Source IPS
Pennwestern Capital
RE 360
ReCasa Financial
Restano’s Backflow
Scolieri Law Group, PC
Sherwin Williams
Synergy Capital, Inc
Why USA Home For U Realty
Wilke & Associates, LLP
Windows R Us
WJ Kellar Real Estate Services
The Real Estate Investor
The Real Estate Investor
ACRE of Pittsburgh, Inc.
Page 15
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ACRE of Pittsburgh, Inc.
The Real Estate Investor
ACRE of Pittsburgh, Inc.
The Real Estate Investor
NOTICE 7:00 - 10:00 P.M.
Page 17
Beginner Q&A
6:30 PM
First Tuesday, February 3rd, 2015
Eric Eidemueller - Molyneau Carpet, Tile, Wood
E. Main Speaker
Joe Calloway, 360 RE
Being invited as the main speaker at an ACRE event is an honor. I feel I have a duty to
live up to what ACRE did for me: shoot straight and not hold back in offering advice and strategies on
how to make more and more money investing in Western PA and Pittsburgh real estate. Join me and I'll
tell you all the tips and tricks I used to become Pittsburgh's #1 homebuyer for two years running.
My first Acre meeting was in 2003 just after coming back from a very expensive real estate conference
in Florida. Luckily a family member was a member of this real estate association and said I could attend
as a guest if I could find a way there. I took leave from the Navy, my occupation at the time, and went. I
came back from the week long event pumped up about getting rich. One of the tips the conference gave
me was to start going to local investor groups. So I started religiously attending every meeting and
ACRE sponsored event. The real-deal, boots-on-the-ground knowledge I gained from going to every
Brad Dornish (or who ever else was dropping knowledge) event was priceless. The funny thing about it
was that the priceless information was actually a fraction (not just half, but more like 1/64) of the cost of
the fancy Florida course. ACRE gave me actually useable information. After I attended a few acre meetings and a bunch of courses through ACRE programs, I executed.
You can’t make any money if you don’t execute on an investment. The popular course I attended in Florida (not ACRE endorsed) left me excited but without the actual knowledge to execute. So…
With that out of the way, I am going to be sharing my advice and specific things RE360 has done to get
to where we are today. We are a respected developer in the community, get referrals without trying, buy
a lot of houses (about 80 last year), run a construction company, control/work with over 20 sub contractors, and raise money from high net worth investors who keep giving us more money and, in turn, make a
lot of money. The path to these traits is what I want to share with you.
• A brief intro- Who we are, what we make, and why you should spend your time listening.
• The early lessons I learned, and what I wish I had known then that I know now.
• Then get into specifics about what we do and executable tricks and tips that you can be taking advantage of today. Why and where we buy, how we fund it, how we construct it and with what materials (I
Page 18
ACRE of Pittsburgh, Inc.
The Real Estate Investor
The Real Estate Investor
ACRE of Pittsburgh, Inc.
February Monthly Meeting:
 Vendor Speaker Eric Eidemueler with
Molyneaux Tile, Carpet Wood
 Main Speaker Joe Calloway with 360 RE on
revitalizing your local Community as a RE
See You at the Next Meeting,
First Tuesday, February 3rd, 2015
Page 19
An Association for Landlords & Real Estate
Investors in the Metro-Pittsburgh Area
Monthly Meetings the First Tuesday
7:00 - 10:00 PM
1-888-4 ACRE 40
Josh Adamek
Vice President
Sharon Harkins
Brad Dornish
Jeff Kasmer
Committee Chairman
Chuck Pupich
Advanced Group
Brad Dornish
Steve Powanda
Meetings/Seminars Jeff Kasmer
Volunteer/Welcome Tom Dymerski
Novice/Membership Tom Dymerski
Newsletter/Database Jeff Kasmer
Current Members: Free with member ID
General Public: $25.00 per person
The Real Estate Investor
ACRE of Pittsburgh, Inc.
P.O. Box 17149
Pittsburgh, PA 15235-0149
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Pittsburgh, PA
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