Read More - Hippocrates Health Institute


Read More - Hippocrates Health Institute
GROW: Suburban Gardening with John Kohler, Sproutman Steve Meyerowitz
EAT: Nourishment, Hippocrates Chef Ken Blue’s Recipes, Crudessence Review
HEAL: Chlorophyll’s Healing Power, The Role of Greens and Oxygen in Health
SUSTAIN: John Robbins on Earth-Friendly Food, Will Algae Save the Planet?
Jeffrey Smith on GMOs, Raw Fraud AND MORE!
Charitable Remainder Trusts
Hippocrates Health Institute West
Introduces the California Program
announcing the launch of the 2010 program
in Regeneration Medicine for Optimal Longevity
Drs. Brian and Anna Maria Clement’s Hippocrates Life Change Program
Pioneering program teaching a living foods lifestyle
Take control of your personal
Program highlights include:
well-being by allowing your body
to maximize its natural healing
potential to detoxify and recharge
physically, emotionally and
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At a Glance [contents]
Featu res
Field of Greens
“Raw Website King” John Kohler shares gardening tips for
growing your own greens for greater flavor and health —
and to save on your grocery bill.
Sprouts: The Miracle Food
“Sproutman” Steve Meyerowitz’s excerpt explains the
benefits of growing nutrient-dense sprouts in your
own home.
E at
Dr. Brian Clement, Ph.D., explains the life-giving importance
of choosing to eat nourishing, plant-based foods.
Montreal’s Crudessence offers a menu of green cuisine that
is enticing, exciting and healthy to the max.
Heal i ng Ou r Wo r l d »« G r e e n F o o d s
Chlorophyll is the power-packed workhorse of the
plant world. Learn what this super health-builder
can do to improve your well-being.
A Breath of Fresh Greens
Hippocrates’ wheatgrass and sprout guru,
Michael Bergonzi, talks about the benefits
oxygen-rich greens offer.
Dark Leafy Greens
Hippocrates Executive Chef Ken Blue shares his favorite
tantalizing green recipes that take only minutes to prepare.
Mark Edwards, Ph.D., 2009’s Best Science Book
award-winner, explains how algae saved the planet —
and could save it again.
October 30 is Rawfest at Hippocrates
Join your friends at Hippocrates for food, fun and prizes.
And don’t miss the grand opening of Wigmore Hall at noon.
Non-GMO Day is 10-10-10
An important message from GMO expert Jeffrey M. Smith.
Join us in defending our food against GMOs.
Raw Fraud
Five Animal Food Toxins—A Deadly Combination
R e g u l a rs
10, 11
12 – 17
Is your favorite “healthy raw food” simply replacing one
unhealthy addiction with another?
John A. McDougall, M.D., explains how these toxins can
guarantee slow poisoning, especially when combined.
Genetically Modified Soy Linked to
Sterility and Infant Mortality
Despite pressures to halt their work, scientists are learning
more about the dangers of genetically modified soy.
Green Foods & Sustainability
International best-selling author of
Diet for a New America, John Robbins, shares
surprising sustainability statistics from his
latest book, The New Good Life: Living Better
Than Ever in an Age of Less.
This issue
Raw Vegan Power
Herbs for Happier Emotions and
With a beautiful raw vegan body, and strength and
endurance to spare, body-builder Mary Luciano asks,
“Who could want anything more?”
Brighter Brains
Physical and emotional detox are both part of a sound
health program. Find out which herbs offer support.
Letter from the Directors
Letter from the Publisher
What’s the News?
Construction Update
•New Hippocrates
Medical Director
and Staff Updates
•Youth Too Fat to Fight
•School Lunches
•H1N1 Update
•HHI Integrative
Oncology Program
•MSG and Salt Substitutes
•Dr. Brian Clement’s
Lecture Schedule
Health Educators In The News
Katharine Clark, Director of the Hippocrates Health
Academy, shares updates from successful graduates.
Ormus Supergreens
High-vibe Ormus Supergreens from ancient sea beds
rate as a quantum boost to exceptional vitality.
Get the scoop on this new offering from Sun Warrior.
Waterwise 9000®
Chew on This
Purity made simple.
An edible quotable for your mind and spirit.
Heal i ng Ou r Worl d »« Gre e n Foods
From the
Anna Maria Clement, P h . D . , L N , N M D
Brian Clement, P h . D . , L N , N M D
Publisher / Editor-in-chief / Art Director
Will Burson
Debra Tau
Rick Warner
(561) 471-0136, ext. 104
Interested in advertising with us?
If your company offers products or services
contributing to the well-being of people,
animals or the environment and would like
our readers to know its offerings, consider
advertising with us. Total circulation: 85,000
Estimated readership: 300,000 per issue.
Contact: Will Burson at (561) 471-0136, ext. 167,
email or visit us
Hippocrates Health Institute
(HHI) values the views expressed by its
contributors in Healing Our World magazine.
While HHI appreciates the work of each
contributor, some of the food item discussed in
Healing Our World magazine are not included
in the Hippocrates Life Change Program’s
dietary protocol.
The materials, information and opinions
expressed in this magazine are not necessarily
those of Hippocrates Health Institute’s
Directors, employees, agents, distributors
and/or its affiliated or related entities, content
providers or publisher. This magazine and
any information contained herein are for
educational purposes only.
prevent stress from harming your adrenal glands
LifeGive™ AdrenaSupport™ is a traditional, herbal formula
that helps to support and balance natural, healthy adrenal
function and offers a nutritional healing approach for longterm adrenal strengthening.
Proper care of our adrenal functioning is important for good health.
The adrenals respond well to proper rest and sleep routines. One
should avoid toxic stimulants, acidic foods, and excessive sugars and
focus on proper nutritional support such as raw foods and herbal
supplements. Certain items such as tobacco, coffee, chocolate, sodas,
and similar toxins should be avoided to improve adrenal function.
Made solely from Holy basil leaf and a blend of natural,
traditional herbs. No additives, excipients or binders.
Hippocrates Health Institute is not a health
care provider. It is a non-profit, tax-exempt
organization whose purpose is providing
guests and students with progressive
information. Hippocrates Health Institute and
Hippocrates Health Institute of Florida, Inc.,
do not provide medicine or medical diagnosis,
care or treatment. Any and all information
contained in this magazine is to be construed
as medical opinions. The information herein
is not meant to supplant or take the place of
your medical treatment, diagnosis or care.
No part of this publication can be reprinted
in any form without written permission from
the publisher. Unauthorized reproduction in
any manner is prohibited. For reprint inquiries,
contact Will Burson at (561) 471-0136, ext. 167
fsc logo here
When we were in our twenties and just beginning
careers in nutrition, it was still considered an
obscure field. We and our then few colleagues
have remained passionate about nutrition since
those early days. Seeing that passion spread and
multiply over the subsequent decades is not only
profound but rewarding. Throughout these years,
we have helped hundreds of thousands of people
help themselves attain complete health. There is
now a rapidly developing nutritional science archive
of worldwide studies not only supporting the
Hippocrates protocol, but explaining the mechanics
of how food is medicine.
We are excited to announce that Brian will soon complete a three-volume series
early next year entitled “Food is Medicine.” This 1100-page contribution for
serious health seekers, as well as the academic community, will solidify the deep
and dynamic biology of how nature itself contains the power to prevent, heal and
preserve. Although we use a multifaceted approach at Hippocrates in bringing
people back to themselves, food is the core in that it not only nourishes, but
acts as a meter, registering how much — or how little — we honor and care
for ourselves.
We are elated to have international colleagues laboriously working in clinics,
universities and practices, verifying the power of plant-based foods. Recently,
we have both refocused our efforts on purveying current and relevant biological science that reveals the intricacies of food as medicine. We are learning even
more than we thought possible about the role phytonutrients play in longevity
and the eradication of disease. It is an honor for us to have received the torch
from forbearers such as Ann Wigmore and Alma Nissen. Their raw and often
primitive understanding was born out of common sense, not academic validation. How extraordinary it is that in the middle of the 20th Century, they and
others possessed the insightful wisdom to know what the future would bring?
Hippocrates stands proud of the achievements we have consistently made in
the field of human exploration and we passionately awake every day with one
objective in mind — Learn More, Do More and Give More. Make your life better
by choosing the right fare.
With respect,
To order call (561) 471-8876, ext. 171
Monday – Friday, 10 am – 5 pm | Saturday, 10 am – 3 pm
printed on Recycled Paper
using soy-based inks.
Drs.. Anna Maria and Brian Clement
Heal i ng Ou r Worl d »« Gre e n Foods
From the Publisher
Saturday, October 30th, 10am – 4pm
This year’s theme:
“Fictional Characters”
A free day of
fun for the
whole family
(The chemical-free
pools at Hippocrates
are world-famous)
»»Raw Vegan
Ice Cream
(available for a
small contribution
to support the
scholarship fund)
Dress up as your favorite
cartoon or movie character
for your chance to
win a fabulous prize.
The theme of this issue of Healing Our World is Green Foods. “Green” is quite the buzzword these days.
In addition to referring to ourselves and others as “green,” the word is applied to just about everything in
our lives: “green” houses, “green” cars, “green” office buildings, “green” light bulbs and cleaning supplies,
even “green” power plants (we’ve come a long way, if you can believe it). All this is great, but many people
overlook the biggest way we can positively impact the environment, not to mention our health. This single
biggest factor is what we choose to put on our plates every day.
Changing the way we eat is not the easiest task. However,
it stands to reason that since we are what we eat, we aren’t
truly “green” until we eat green. The healthiest diet has
long been established as a well-balanced diet of plantbased foods. These foods should actually come in a variety
of colors, but the healthiest among them are the foods rich
in chlorophyll — the green ones.
This sounds great in theory, but then there
are life’s hurdles:
When will I find time to chop all those vegetables for
every meal?
A one week stay at
Hippocrates is the
grand door prize.
Eating healthily isn’t quite as simple as grabbing a frozen
bag of organic bok choy or broccoli and nuking it in the
microwave. Not to mention the strange looks you’d get at
the drive-thru window if you asked for kale chiffonade.
Winners must be present
to claim prizes.
Wouldn’t it get boring to eat nothing but salads every day?
This is actually the weakest argument, but it made its way
onto the list since it’s a common one. There are still burgers,
pizzas, soups and savory desserts in the world of plantbased food. You can even find nachos and ice cream.
What about the monetary cost?
Guests and Vendors, please
contact Reenie Brewer to RSVP.
There’s no denying a trip through the organic produce aisle
at your local grocery store these days can cost more than
packaged, “convenience” foods.
(561) 471-8876, ext. 130
These challenges can seem insurmountable.
They bring to mind one of my favorite songs, “Bein’ Green.”
You know, the one sung by Kermit the Frog on Sesame
Street. Our amphibious friend sings, “It’s not that easy being
green,” lamenting blending in with everything — and
not being an exciting color like red or yellow or gold or
something “much more colorful like that.”
Green Conquers All
With the help of leading experts, this issue of Healing Our
World takes a look at Green Foods from every angle, putting
all these concerns to rest. These articles explain that plantbased foods are easy to prepare and anything but boring.
And, they can actually cost far less than standard food staples
for those willing to put forth minimal effort and change their
routines a bit. Their lower cost isn’t just monetary — these
foods nourish and rebuild our bodies, potentially saving us
thousands of dollars in future health bills. The savings to our
planet is also great when we eat “greener,” reducing adverse
effects to our water, energy and natural resources (like rainforest depletion due to cattle grazing).
After reading the powerful content of this special issue, we
think you’ll agree with the sentiment Kermit closes his 1970
hit song with: “I’m green and it’ll do fine; it’s beautiful and
I think it’s what I want to be.”
Even Miss Piggy would have to admit viridescence never
stopped anyone from “standin’ out like flashy sparkles in the
water or stars in the sky.”
Be green,
Will Burson
Dear friends at Healing Our World Magazine,
Be at Hippocrates for the Grand Opening of Wigmore Hall • Noon, October 30
Hippocrates Health Institute • 1443 Palmdale Court • West Palm Beach, Florida 33411 • (561) 471-8876
Sincere thanks for the in-depth interview you ran on me and my guitar music in your last issue (Volume 30, Issue 2). When you
edited it down from the text that I'd approved, I noticed what must have been an accidental but most embarrassing mistake
that made it sound as if I had called the doctor at the NIH a quack! Exactly the opposite is true as he and his team are devotedly
trying to help musicians with Task Specific Focal Dystonia.
I had indeed consulted several "quacks," who will remain nameless, but this was certainly not the case with any doctor at
Thanks for setting the record straight!
— Liona Boyd,
Bein’ Green, Kermit the Frog, Sesame Street and Miss Piggy are copyrights of Sesame Workshop, 2010
Heal i ng Ou r Worl d »« Gre e n Foods
The Most
New Book on
“Jeffrey M. Smith is the leading spokesperson on the health dangers of genetically modified organisms
in our food. Please join him in combatting the forces of greed that aim to tamper with our food for
their own profits. Help Jeffrey and the Campaign for Healthier Eating in America keep our food — and
the food of future generations — safe from manipulation. We can reject GMOs in the U.S., just as they
did in Europe, if we all stand together.”
Dr. Brian Clement
GMO Update
with Jeffrey M. Smith
October is Non-GMO
Month and 10-10-10 is
Non-GMO Day
Between now and then, we will
send out a series of articles you
won’t want to miss.
Instructions for receiving Jeffrey Smith’s newsletter are in the green box
in the bottom left corner of this page.
Find out:
»» About the serious, documented health risks of genetically
modified (GM) foods.
Only $15.99
Order today!
Supplement Facts
In his latest book, Brian Clement, Ph.D. looks closely at the role
nutrition and supplementation plays on health, shedding light
on the myths, misconceptions and misinformation clouding
clear understanding of these important topics.
It’s time to reclaim a food supply
without dangerous genetically
modified organisms (GMOs).
And we can do it — together.
When European consumers said no to GMOs, the food
companies kicked them out. As more and more U.S. consumers rejected GM bovine growth hormone, most dairies and
brands, including Wal-Mart, Starbucks, Kroger, Dannon and
Yoplait, responded.
Now we are joining forces nationwide in the Campaign
for Healthier Eating in America — designed to achieve the
tipping point of consumer rejection of GMOs to force them
out of the market.
To learn more about the health dangers of GMOs,
and what you can do to help end the genetic
engineering of our food supply, visit
Click the Newsletter link for Non-GMO Day updates.
To learn how to choose healthier non-GMO brands,
»» Why children and pregnant women are most at risk.
»» How scientists who uncovered these findings were
threatened, vilified and fired.
»» About the sneaky ways the industry scientists rig their
research to avoid problems.
»» The way the biotech industry hijacked the FDA and
regulators worldwide, and ignored the warnings of
their own scientists about GMO health risks.
»» Which brands are non-GMO so you can protect yourself
and your family.
»» What you can do to make this campaign go viral.
»» Why even 5% of U.S. consumers choosing healthier
non-GMO brands could achieve a tipping point,
eliminating GMOs for the rest of the nation.
It is past time for us to look to the government to bail us out
of this mess. We are on the top of the food chain, and we
can make things happen — together.
Safe eating.
Jeffrey M. Smith
Heal i ng Ou r Worl d »« Gre e n Foods
Would you like to be a contributor to Healing Our World? Tell us your story.
Email Will Burson with the subject line, “HOW Contribution” at
Michael Bergonzi is internationally
Dr. Brian Clement is Director of the
Mary Luciano is a high raw vegan body-
cultivator. Michael has innovated many of
(HHI), the world’s foremost complementary
living foods, Mary does all she can to
known as the pre-eminent wheatgrass
the cutting edge growing systems presently
utilized at Hippocrates Health Institute. He
also leads classes on wheatgrass, sprouting
and the emotions of communication.
Chef Ken Blue, once proprietor of his own
renowned Hippocrates Health Institute
residential health center. He and his team
at HHI have developed a state-of-the-art
program for health maintenance and
recovery. His Florida institute has pioneered
a program and established training in active
aging and disease prevention that has
debunk myths about people “needing”
Carson Award, the Albert Schweitzer
animal proteins to be strong and healthy.
She’s already won 2nd place in an international natural bodybuilding competition
and has now set her sights on first place.
John A. McDougall, M.D., is a physician and
Hippocrates Health Educator program. Ken
Dr. Mark Edwards writes, speaks and
through vegetarian cuisine. Dr. McDougall
enriched and expanded the repertoire of
energy. Mark graduated from the U.S. Naval
Hippocrates his home after completing the
is now executive chef at HHI and has since
delicious, nourishing cuisine served to HHI
guests and visitors.
Will Burson is Art Director of Hippocrates
Health Institute. After 15 years in the
advertising business, the casual HHI
consults globally on sustainable food and
Academy in mechanical engineering,
oceanography and meteorology. He holds
an MBA and Ph.D. in marketing and
consumer behavior and has taught strategic
marketing, leadership, sustainability and
entrepreneurship at Arizona State
nutrition expert who teaches better health
His latest ground-breaking book is The
McDougall Program for a Healthy Heart.
Learn more at
at Everglades University. A wife
from Texas, Will lives near the beach with
Gainesville. With a background in teaching,
his two dogs, enjoying the Florida sun.
Antony Chatham, a Florida-licensed
psychotherapist, has worked with
Hippocrates’ guests since 1996. He draws
his inspiration from Eastern and Western
Alissa enjoys getting to know each and
every Hippocrates guest and helping
them succeed on their journey to health.
As a lifelong learner, her passion for
education suits her role at HHI perfectly.
traditions of holistic healing and integrates
Dr. Janet Hranicky is the founder and
philosophy and theology, in which he holds
Inc. As a pioneer in the developing fields of
knowledge and experience from psychology,
Masters’ degrees and doctoral course work.
Katharine Clark is Director of the Health
president of The American Health Institute,
Psychoneuroimmunology and Bioenergy
Field Medicine, Dr. Hranicky has applied her
clinical research in mind-body medicine and
every day to learn more about herself,
gain wisdom and experience
Steve Meyerowitz was christened
“Sproutman” in a 1970s feature in
Vegetarian Times because his New York City
apartment was always filled with gardens
front-yard garden in the suburbs of
harvesting greens, beans, marigolds and
peppers, John offers lectures on raw foods
and runs a successful online raw food
appliance store,
Heal i ng Ou r Wo r l d »« G r e e n F o o d s
about Building Your Ease State — Your Best
Guarantee for Right Here, Right Now.
Contact Rita at
selling author and independent filmmaker,
dangers of Genetically Modified Organisms
(GMOs). His meticulously researched books
and films document how the world’s most
powerful Ag biotech companies bluff and
mislead safety officials and critics to put
the health of society at risk. Learn more at
son, Thaddeus, who, like his mom, enjoys
diet. Visit him at
have seen Katharine teaching at various
Northern California. When he’s not busy
Ritzy and Raw, she will soon have a blog
NYC teaching the benefits of a living foods
John Kohler hosts a popular internet show,
food events in many parts of the world.
She even got her bikini-body back. Now
Debra Tau is first and foremost a loving
“The Sprout House,” a “no-cooking” school in
living the high raw lifestyle since 1980. She
Growing Your Greens, about his bountiful
Laguna Beach, California, fell in love
of mini-vegetables. In 1980, Steve founded
Institute dating back to the institute’s
is a teacher, coach and consultant. You may or
is the leading spokesperson on the health
Younger You.”
in nearly every country. Katharine has been
latest book, The New Good Life. Learn more at
and mother, Michele is encouraged
with certified Hippocrates Health Educators
an anti-aging / longevity program: “The
loving family. John recently completed his
Jeffrey M. Smith, an international best-
Monica Péloquin has been organizing
has been a great success for over 30 years,
lives in California with his wife, Deo, and his
passion for Alternative Medicine
cancer to a prevention model by developing
Educator Department at HHI. The program
America’s Lifetime Achievement Award. He
with raw foods more than six years ago.
the author of several national bestsellers.
Alissa Helene has a Masters’ Degree in
Education from the University of Florida,
Courage of Conscience Award and Green
disease for over 34 years. Dr. McDougall is
the campus on his bicycle, green drink or
gourmet salad in hand. A recent transplant
Humanitarian Award, the Peace Abbey’s
Rita Robinson, a writer and editor in
out” about the effects of nutrition on
Michele Mendez is pursuing her
he can usually be found rushing around
ian. John is the recipient of the Rachel
has been studying, writing and “speaking
University for more than 30 years.
lifestyle is a welcome change for Will, where
selling author, social activist and humanitar-
proven to raise health and happiness levels.
award-winning vegetarian restaurant, made
John Robbins is an international best-
builder in Toronto. A strong advocate of
French group trips to Hippocrates Health
move to West Palm Beach. The trips she
organizes each July and December include
French translation. Monica translated
Dr. Brian Clement’s books to French and
and conscious mother to her 1 1⁄2 year young
plant-based living foods. Debra wears many
hats at HHI, including writing for and
editing Healing Our World magazine.
Debra is also developing her own business.
Her “day village” will be a conscious
community for mothers and children to
gather and help one another. Contact Debra
at for information.
has written a book of her own, Blade of
Wheat Grass. Contact Monica at or
(514) 288-0449 for more information.
Heal i ng Ou r Worl d »« Gre e n Foods
Dr. Brian Clement’s
Speaking Schedule*
Wigmore Hall
S eptember
21 22 23 2 Charleston, SC
14 New Jersey
17 Guelph, Ontario
18 Barrie/Orangeville,
19 London, Ontario
20 Toronto, Ontario
21 Georgetown, Ontario
23-24 Toronto, Ontario
27-28 3-4
al o
* S u b jec t to change .
P l e a se check H H I w ebsite
fo r c urrent schedule .
by Debra Tau
Dr. Joseph served as the Hippocrates Health Institute (HHI)
medical consultant for 10 years. Dr. Joseph, who earned his
degree in radiological oncology at Johns Hopkins University,
will continue to work with HHI on a consulting basis. In the
meantime, the Hippocrates family welcomes Dr. Zoraida
Navarro to its medical team.
Dr. Navarro brings a balance of alternative and traditional
medicine. She is experienced in both worlds and her work at
HHI will serve as a bridge of between the two.
Dr. Navarro grew up in New York City, where she attended
the prestigious Stuyvesant High School. This experience
served as a springboard to her lifelong love of science and
technology. She became passionate about helping people
regain their health after witnessing her sister’s battle with
chronic asthma. She attended Boston University School of
Medicine, which has a strong tradition of the use of nutrition,
herbs, positive thinking and a holistic approach to the patient.
This experience taught her that “good health can never be
obtained in a vacuum. Both natural and compassionate
healing are important.”
As a medical student, she searched for a solution to her own
leg pain and discovered that European and Canadian doctors
relied more on nutrition, extracts and exercise, and less on
surgery and medicine than their American counterparts. This
realization prompted Dr. Navarro to focus her practice on an
integrated model of medicine.
Anyone who's been to Hippocrates Health Institute (HHI) lately knows there is some
expansion underway.
The grand opening of Wigmore Hall, HHI's spacious multi-use facility, will be
celebrated at noon, October 30, at the Hippocrates Rawfest.
Nearing completion are the Hippocrates Villas, eight private sets of guest suites
featuring upscale accommodations and a striking waterfront view. The villas are
conveniently situated at the hub of the lush campus.
Another building that will soon open is the HHI Fitness Center. The new structure
will feature state-of-the-art exercise equipment as well as a sauna, steam bath, hot
tub and exercise pool.
Last but not least is the HHI Lecture Hall. Construction will soon begin on this
innovative facility, which will host not only lectures by Drs. Brian and Anna Maria
Clement and their knowledgeable staff, but many other experts in the field of natural
health. The hall will also serve as an auditorium for the Hippocrates Health Educator
Program and other special events. se
I's signa
e blood cell analy
sis and housing liv
Palm Beach Gardens, FL
Naples, FL
Toronto, Ontario
New Hippocrates Medical Consultant
by Will Burson
tly opened,
apy building
ida r
The La
We Need Your Books!
Hippocrates is starting a library for its guests. We are collecting books in old or new
condition, novels or nonfiction, classical literature or medical / health texts.
Please mail donations to:
Hippocrates, Attn: Library • 1443 Palmdale Court • West Palm Beach, FL 33411
Hippocrates Health Institute
Store Manager. With more
Hippocrates Health Institute.
managing health and nutrition
A seasoned spa director and
at the Oasis, Rosemary does volunteer work with the ALS
the phone. She met the love of her life seven years ago and
therapies as an exciting new chapter in her career. When not
always shows, whether you walk into her store or talk to her on
Association and is an avid animal lover. She lives in Wellington
they have a beautiful five year old daughter.
Heal i ng Ou r Wo r l d »« G r e e n F o o d s
manager of HHI’s Maintenance
Department. After moving
registered nurse, Hippocrates
to West Palm Beach from
Health Educator and Stage IV
cancer survivor. After Tom’s
centers, she feels that Hippocrates is the perfect place for her to
truly help people. Erin’s passion is customer service and it
Eric Vance is the new
Tom Fisher, R.N., B.A., is a
than 12 years experience
hotel manager for five-star resorts, Rosemary looks at holistic
with her two children and pets.
Erin McClanahan is the
Spa and Therapy Director for
the Oasis Therapy Center at
As a board-certified Internist and Phlebologist, Dr. Navarro
has seen firsthand the inherit failure of traditional allopathic
medical therapies that do not incorporate the concepts of
detoxification and live food. On the other hand, she has
witnessed the remarkable improvement in health and wellbeing in others when nutrition and avoidance of chemical
exposure are used. “I know that alternative and traditional
medicine must have a meeting of the minds to offer people the
best in well-being and disease prevention.”
Dr. Navarro envisions a network of like-minded international health educators, celebrities and entrepreneurs uniting to promote an integrated approach to medicine. She
would like to take this message of better health care through
self-directed lifestyle and nutritional choices and broadcast
it to the world through an Internet-based radio education
and entertainment program as well as an international
science and technology symposium. “As a member of the HHI
team, my goal is to build on the institute’s legacy as the go-to
health facility for ‘helping people help themselves’ in the
reversal of chronic conditions often said to be incurable.”
On a personal note, Zoraida Navarro is single and is
grateful to have both her parents still alive and in fairly good
health. She loves spending time traveling with her parents to
foreign and exotic locales. She also enjoys exercise, is an avid,
natural bodybuilding enthusiast, and has an Internet radio
program for female athletes. Fresh Faces
Fresh Faces
Rosemary Davila is the
What’s the News?
Eras Change
HHI Fitness Center
New Amenities at
Hippocrates Health Institute
St. Augustine, FL
Waltham, MA
Leverett, MA
Fairfield, CT
One of the new HHI Villas
experience with cancer he
found the Hippocrates Health Institute to be the pinnacle of
Proving his expert craftsmanship and strong work ethic, Eric
principles in his daily life to keep healthy and happy. Tom is
Eric loves boating and is enjoying living close to the Atlantic
teaching the living foods lifestyle and has integrated these
was promoted to fill the position of Maintenance Manager.
passionate about empowering people with the living foods
Ocean in his new home.
lifestyle, and enjoys his work
viding guests wi
ood cell consul
e bl
St. Petersburg, Florida, Eric was
employed by Hippocrates for their new construction projects.
uding pro
Heal i ng Ou r Worl d »« Gre e n Foods
What’s the News?
Retired Military
Leader: U.S. Youth
“Too Fat to Fight”
Obesity Rates in America are
Now a National Security Issue
by Debra Tau
One out of every four young adults in America are obese.
This statistic has tripled in the past 10 years, giving cause
to be concerned on many levels. A group of retired U.S.
military officers called Mission: Readiness is concerned
because to them the increased obesity rates among
American youth poses a potential National Security issue.
More than a quarter of young adults are unable to meet
the military’s physical requirements with weight problems
as the number one medical reason why potential young
recruits are rejected. America’s youth are simply “too fat
to fight”, as noted by retired Navy Admiral James Barnett, Jr.,
who is part of Mission: Readiness.
Since 40% of a child’s caloric intake is consumed at school,
Mission: Readiness sees lunchtime as the first logical line of
defense in preventing teenage weight problems. Therefore,
the group is calling for tougher regulations on school lunch
programs as a way to cut children’s daily calories, while
also boosting nutrition. Ironically, the military called on the
government to address childhood malnourishment in 1945,
which spurred the launch of the National School Lunch Act.
This time around, the approach includes eliminating junk
food and high-calorie beverages, while also developing
initiatives to educate children and their parents on
lifestyle changes.
An improvement in childhood nutrition will also help to
reduce diet related healthcare costs, and thus benefiting
families in a hurting economy. Of course, nutrition alone will
not reverse the obesity epidemic that plagues the American
“couch potato” youth. Increasing the activity levels of youth
through sports and fitness will also contribute to their reaching a healthy weight. The Army has even put forth a new
effort to better accommodate the training needs of enlistees
by recently updating its boot camp fitness program.
Heal i ng Ou r Wo r l d »« G r e e n F o o d s
Reprinted courtesy of Natural News • Natural
WHO Scandal Exposed
School Food on Upswing?
by Debra Tau
You don’t have to look far to see that obesity is a growing
problem in today’s youth. In light of this problem, there
are several initiatives underway that aim to reverse this
devastating trend:
»» D.C. Schools Eliminate Sugary Cereals,
Flavored Milk
Beginning in Fall 2010, Washington, D.C. schools will
no longer offer flavored milk and sugary cereals.
»» Senate OKs $4.5 Billion Lunch Ticket
At the time of this writing, the House is in recess,
but First Lady Michelle Obama is optimistic about
the bill, which would enable school cafeterias
to overhaul their menus in favor of more
healthful offerings.
»» FTC Making Noise Over Food Ads Aimed at Kids
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is responsible
for regulating advertising. Everyone knows kids eat
what they see, so restrictions on advertising during
children’s programming would be a good thing.
Rumor has it the FTC is ready to release a report,
but food marketers complaints are holding it up.
»» Military Calls for Govt. Intervention
Mission: Readiness, a group of respected former
military officers, released a report calling for tougher
restrictions on school lunches to address the fact
that 27% of American youth aren’t fit for military
duty (see story at left).
Advisors received kickbacks from
H1N1 vaccine manufacturers
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
June 5, 2010
NATURAL NEWS — A stunning new report reveals that top
scientists who convinced the World Health Organization
(WHO) to declare H1N1 a global pandemic held close financial ties to the drug companies that profited from the sale of
those vaccines. This report, published in the British Medical
Journal (BMJ), exposes the hidden ties that drove WHO to
declare a pandemic, resulting in billions of dollars in profits
for vaccine manufacturers.
Several key advisors who urged WHO to declare a pandemic received direct financial compensation from the very same
vaccine manufacturers who received a windfall of profits
from the pandemic announcement. During all this, WHO
refused to disclose any conflicts of interests between its
top advisors and the drug companies who would financially
benefit from its decisions.
All the kickbacks, in other words, were swept under the
table and kept silent, and WHO somehow didn’t think it
was important to let the world know that it was receiving
policy advice from individuals who stood to make millions
of dollars when a pandemic was declared.
WHO credibility destroyed
The report was authored by Deborah Cohen (BMJ features
editor), and Philip Carter, a journalist who works for the
Bureau of Investigative Journalism in London. In their report,
Cohen states, “...our investigation has revealed damaging
issues. If these are not addressed, H1N1 may yet claim its
biggest victim — the credibility of the WHO and the trust
in the global public health system.”
In response to the report, WHO secretary general
Dr. Margaret Chan defended the secrecy, saying that WHO
intentionally kept the financial ties a secret in order to “...protect the integrity and independence of the members while
doing this critical work…[and] also to ensure transparency.”
Dr. Chan apparently does not understand the meaning
of the word “transparency.” Then again, WHO has always
twisted reality in order to serve its corporate masters, the
pharmaceutical giants who profit from disease. To say
that they are keeping the financial ties a secret in order to
“protect the integrity” of the members is like saying we’re
all serving alcohol at tonight’s AA meeting in order to keep
everybody off the bottle.
It just flat out makes no sense. But since when did
making sense have anything to do with WHO’s decision
process anyway?
Even Fiona Godlee, editor of the BMJ, had harsh words
for the WHO, saying, “...its credibility has been badly
damaged. WHO must act now to restore its credibility.” cont’d next page
Heal i ng Ou r Worl d »« Gre e n Foods
What’s the News?
WHO Scandal Exposed, cont’d from previous page
Yet more criticism for WHO
People were kept ignorant of natural remedies, in other
words, to make sure more people died and a more urgent call
for mass vaccination programs could be carried out. (A few
lives never get in the way of Big Pharma profits, do they?)
The BMJ isn’t the only medical publication criticizing WHO for
its poor handling of conflicts of interest. Another report from
The criminality of the vaccine industry
the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly also criticized
WHO, saying: “Parliamentary Assembly is alarmed about the
The bottom line is all this is a frightening picture of just how
way in which the H1N1 influenza pandemic has been handled,
pathetic the vaccine industry has become and how corrupt the
not only by the World Health Organization (WHO), but also by
WHO and the CDC really are. What took place here is called
the competent health
corruption and bribery,
Here’s a summary of how the WHO vaccine scam worked:
authorities at the level
folks. Kickbacks were
of the European Union
paid, lies were told and
and at national level.” It a phase 6 pandemic even when the mortality rate of the virus was so low governments were
went on to explain that that it could be halted with simple vitamin D supplements.
swindled out of billions
Step 2. Urge countries to stockpile: WHO urged nations around the world of dollars. These are
WHO’s actions led to
to stockpile H1N1 vaccines, calling it a “public health emergency.”
“a waste of large sums
felony crimes being
Step 3. Collect the cash: Countries spend billions of dollars buying and
of public money, and
committed by our
stockpiling H1N1 vaccines while Big Pharma pockets the cash.
also unjustified scares
global health leaders.
Step 4. Get your kickbacks: WHO advisors, meanwhile, collected their
and fears about health
The real question
kickbacks from the vaccine manufacturers. Those kickbacks were intenrisks faced by the Eurois: Why do governtionally kept secret.
pean public at large.”
ments continue to
The funny thing
allow public health
Step 5. Keep people afraid: In order to keep demand for the vaccines as
is, NaturalNews and
organizations to be so
high as possible, WHO continued to inflame the fears by warning that
other natural health
easily corrupted by the
H1N1 was extremely dangerous and everybody should continue to get
advocates told you all
vaccine industry? And
vaccinated. (The CDC echoed the same message in the USA.)
the same thing a year
who will stand up to
This is how WHO pulled off one of the greatest vaccine pandemic
ago, and we didn’t
this profit conspiracy
scams in the last century, and it worked like gangbusters. WHO advisors
have to spend millions
that exploits members
walked away with loads of cash, the drug companies stockpiled huge
of dollars on a study to
of the public as if they
profits, and the taxpayers of nations around the world were left saddled
arrive at this concluwere profit-generating
with useless vaccines rotting on the shelves that will soon have to be
sion. It was obvious
guinea pigs?
destroyed (at additional taxpayer cost, no doubt) or dumped down the
to anyone who knows
The next time you
drain (where they will contaminate the waterways).
just how corrupt the
hear the WHO say
Meanwhile, nobody dared tell the public the truth about vitamin D,
sick-care industry really thereby ensuring that the next pandemic will give them another
anything, just rememis. They’ll do practically
ber: Their advisors
opportunity to repeat the exact same scam (for yet more profit).
anything to make more
are on the take from
money, including bribing WHO scientific advisors and paying
the drug companies, and just about anything you’re likely to
them kickbacks once the vaccine sales surge.
hear from the World Health Organization originates with a
The vaccine industry and all its drug pushers are, of course, profit motive rather than a commitment to public health.
Oh, and by the way…for the record, there has never been
criticizing this investigative report. They say WHO “had no
a single scientific study ever published showing that H1N1
choice” but to declare a pandemic and recommend vaccines,
vaccines worked. Not only was the H1N1 pandemic a fraud
since vaccines are the only treatment option for influenza.
to begin with, but the medicine they claimed treated it was
That’s a lie, of course: Vitamin D has been scientifically
also based on fraud. And now we know the rest of the story
proven to be five times more effective than vaccines at preof why it was all done: Kickbacks from Big Pharma, paid to
venting influenza infections, but WHO never recommended
advisors who told WHO to declare a pandemic.
vitamin D to anyone.
The entire focus was on pushing more high-profit vaccines,
Sources for this story include:
Todd Neale, MedPage Today (June 5, 2010) World Health Organization Scientists Linked to Swine Flu
not recommending the things that would actually help people
Vaccine Makers. Retrieved from
the most. And now we know why: The more vulnerable
Rob Stein, Washington Post Staff Writer (June 4, 2010) Reports accuse WHO of exaggerating H1N1 threat,
people were to the pandemic, the more would be killed by H1N1, possible ties to drug makers. Retrieved from
thereby “proving” the importance of vaccination programs.
Heal i ng Ou r Wo r l d »« G r e e n F o o d s
The Complementary Care
Program for Cancer at
Hippocrates Health Institute
October 24th–28th, 2010 • West Palm Beach, Florida
An Integrative Oncology Approach to Getting Well
by Dr. Janet Hranicky, in alliance with The American Health Institute
The 20-Hour Treatment Program: “The Power of the Mind in Getting Well”
presented by world leaders in Mind/Body Medicine and Cancer includes
Individual and group sessions and incorporates:
»» The Hranicky Integrative Psycho-Oncology Program™
»» The Simonton Cancer Center’s Patient Treatment and Prevention Model
»» ONDAMED® International Technologies: Leading Edge Protocols In
Electro-Medicine For Emotional Biofeedback Combined with Focused
Therapeutic Fields
Dr. Janet Hranicky
Founder, President
The American
Health Institute, Inc.
Rolf Binder
Silvia Binder, ND, Ph.D.
For more information, please contact HHI’s Program Consultant Office at
(561) 471-8876, extension 177.
This special event is open only to registered Hippocrates Health Institute guests.
Call a Program Consultant today to get signed up.
ONDAMED: A Noninvasive Approach
to Enhance Body Functions
The human body works on the basis
of biophysics and biochemistry.
Practitioners can apply the science
of physics, using the noninvasive
ONDAMED technology and the
biofeedback loop to scan the body
for underlying dysfunctions, such as
inflammation, infections, scar tissue
and emotional trauma residing at
a cellular level. These areas often
prove to be the source of disease and
symptoms that might be otherwise
difficult to find. Identified areas
are treated with specific pulsed
electro-magnetic fields to stimulate
tissue and the nervous system.
MSG and Salt Substitutes
There has been a long standing pseudo-belief that Bragg’s Liquid Aminos contains the undesirable food additive MSG.
Hippocrates Health Institute (HHI) has received occasional reports of people reacting to Bragg’s Liquid Aminos after
consumption. The time has come to address this important issue and set the record straight.
While soy-based liquids, such as Bragg’s Liquid Aminos, nama shoyu, soy sauce, tamari and others contain a similar
structure to MSG, these products do not contain MSG. It’s interesting to note that the human body contains trace
amounts of MSG, as does wheat, some medicinal mushrooms and a few types of fruit juice. The rare reactions felt by
consumers of these products are more likely the result of a common soy allergy.
While HHI offers these products in its kitchen, it is best to consider these seasonings as temporary bridges from
sodium chloride (table salt, sea salt, Celtic salt, etc.) to the absence of non-organic salt in the diet. Dulse powder, kelp
powder and ground celery seeds are all suitable, nutritious substitutes for the aforementioned “transition foods.”
HHI has always offered — and will continue to offer — dishes without these seasonings for guests with allergies.
This statement by Dr. Brian Clement of HHI comes after speaking with the Director of Bragg Health Foundation,
John Westerdahl, PhD, MPH, RD.
Heal i ng Ou r Worl d »« Gre e n Foods
Field of Greens
“If you plant them, they will grow.”
The John Kohler interview by Rita Robinson
You may recognize John Kohler from somewhere in cyberspace. He hosts a
popular internet show about his front yard in the suburbs of Northern California.
“What’s so exciting about a front yard?” you may ask. Well, John’s is edible and
his show is called Growing Your Greens. He converted the one-tenth-acre into a
lush vegetable garden, complete with raised planter beds and elaborate trellises.
He shares his bountiful gardening knowledge in the videos he posts online,
throwing in his personal insights on nutrition and wellness gained from 15 years
as a raw foodist. In addition to maintaining his gardening website as well as three
others, John offers lively lectures on greens and nutrition. We caught up with him
to talk about his nutritional philosophy — and to get some pointers on planting our
own edible front-yard.
Heal i ng Ou r Wo r l d »« G r e e n F o o d s
ohn Kohler isn’t about being
100% raw, he’s about being 100%
healthy. Personally, he says he’s
99.999% raw (you never know if the
processed food you buy — even those
things labeled “raw” in bottles, bags
and boxes — are 100% what they
claim to be). It’s processed, after all,
like maple syrup and certain raw
soy sauce substitutes, even spirulina
powder, John points out. “They are
absolutely, no way raw,” he says.
But being 100% healthy doesn’t
mean doing “whatever” you rationalize
as being healthy, either, he adds. Most
people think they’re healthy, and their
medical doctors often tell them so,
until a crisis occurs, sometimes deathdefying as in John’s case (as you’ll find
out). Then panic sets in and emergency
tactics are irreparably taken.
But crises are really the logical
extension of unhealthy habits that
have been setting off a fleet of red
flags for years — signs and symptoms
that could be changed well in advance
of any tragedy. As John sees it, 100%
health means keeping your balance
on your way to becoming as close to
99.999% raw as possible.
“The average person tries eating
raw for awhile,” he explains, “but
can’t do it 100% so most people just
cave in. If they can’t keep it at 100%,
they ‘fall off the wagon’ and feel
like a total failure.” There’s an easier,
gentler approach to becoming 100%
healthy — simply by maintaining a
certain percentage of living, uncooked
fruits and vegetables and building
from there.
John suggests adding more fresh,
organic, ripe and, if possible, locally
grown fruits and vegetables to your
meals. He also recommends growing
your own. According to John, it’s the
only way to grow…healthier.
Growing your own, says John, is
the nirvana of being a raw foodie,
the ultimate lifestyle, to which he is a
full-on subscriber. Just last year, John
Getting the Gardening Bug with John Kohler
Here John’s Top 10 Tips on getting started as a back- or front-yard gardener.
For growing greens info and then some, go to
After watching John’s videos, you’ll be a self-taught expert ready to hoe.
1.Start today. And plant as much as you
possibly can. Abundance, says Kohler, is
key. “I like to have a lot of food available
rather than eating just one leaf off the
only plant growing.” Abundance, of
course, depends on space. “Start with a
pot. You’ll feel accomplished and it will
taste better than anything in a grocery
store.” Then add on.
5.Add copper patches to your planter
boxes. Cut copper roof flashing (inexpensive) into squares and staple along
the top edge of planter. Repels slugs
and snails. (YouTube search: Home
Garden with John Kohler 032710)
2.Build raised garden beds and irrigate
with a drip system. You can control
the quality of your soil, extend the
growing season, spare your back
from bending over and save water
and time with the drip system.
(YouTube search: Spring 2010 —
Putting Together A Raised Bed Kit)
7.Grow as much leafy greens as
possible. Kohler’s favorite: dinosaur
kale; 50 plants for a family of four
in half a raised bed; the other half,
lettuce varieties. Pick a little from
each plant to sustain the plant’s
growing season.
3.Half-wine barrels make great compact
gardens. Plant them chock full with
seasonal veggies. And, they look good
in a driveway. Use organic compost
and rock dust (for the importance
of rock dust, go to
Add a trellis on each side and grow
tomatoes, peas or cucumbers vertically;
saves space and promotes abundance.
4 . Match your climate to what grows
indigenously and seasonally. Go to a
good local garden shop (not a big box
store that imports from other climates)
or your farmers’ market to buy local
plants and get questions answered.
covered his average-size front yard in
Santa Rosa, Calif., with raised garden
beds. Some days, he can even eat
99% raw right out of the dirt. His
neighbors don’t seem to mind that
he’s out picking his breakfast, lunch
and dinner almost everyday; some
have even asked for advice.
“When you grow your own food,
there’s transference of energy that
changes the quality of the food,”
John explains. Raw, uncooked fruits
6. Plant variety and have lots of choices.
Good for the taste buds and
the terrain.
8.Plant easy-to-grow veggies like
arugula, radish greens, turnip greens,
kale, collards, mint.
9. If a vegetable is cheap to buy, like
carrots, buy them rather than grow
them. Grow what’s most expensive
to buy in the stores, like kale and
collards, and heirloom varieties of carrots and tomatoes. Save $$ — natural
or organic seeds are inexpensive;
store-bought organic veggies are not.
10.Grow rare plants that are highly
nutritious. To learn about these
varieties, go to
and vegetables are high in healthenhancing and energy-producing
enzymes, which become impotent
when exposed to heat, such as in
cooking. Eating sprouts, he adds, like
alfalfa, pea, broccoli, radish, sunflower,
among a batch of others, provides
even more enzymes. Because all of the
plant’s energy is directed to the new
growth, sprouts are even more powerpacked to help digest food and heal
unhealthy conditions. cont’d on p. 48
Heal i ng Ou r Worl d »« Gre e n Foods
My Apartment Garden Fed Hundreds
The Miracle Food
by “Sproutman” Steve Meyerowitz
An excerpt from Sprouts: The Miracle Food by Steve Meyerowitz. Illustrations by Michael Parman.
Not all of us can be gardeners. But we all eat. Fact is, if you don’t grow your
own, someone has to do it for you. Not a bad concept, but in reality, we’re on
the losing end. A trip to the supermarket proves it. The lettuce is lifeless; the
spinach is wilting and dark around the edges. You don’t dare to eat the fruit for
fear of fumigants, fertilizers, pesticides and the like. As a nation, we’re eating less
and less of the healthiest foods on the planet — fresh fruits and vegetables. Where
are the fruits and vegetables? For the most part, you’ll find them in the canned
food aisle. No wonder kids grow up never liking their vegetables! Of course,
you could shop at the health food store. But organic produce sometimes costs
more than you want to spend — if you can find it at all. Unfortunately, we don’t all
live in southern California and we don’t all have the time and means to garden.
ere’s where apartment
gardening comes in. Every
week a new harvest of fresh
baby greens matures right in your
own kitchen. No tools to buy, no big
investment in garden equipment, no
bugs or weather to worry about and
no dirt. One pound of indoor lettuce
takes up just 9 inches of counter-top
space and one actual minute of care
per day. Just dip and set. Light is no
problem — normal daylight is all you
need. For such little effort, the possibilities are magnificent — 30 delicious
varieties of fresh, nutritious indoor
greens and baby vegetables, enough
to feed the whole family.
I Regained My Health With This Food
I got over a life-long struggle with allergies and asthma by revamping my
diet. The first thing I did was eliminate the chemically tainted produce I
was bringing home from the supermarket. How could anyone ever get
well with invisible ingredients like
DDT, EDB, Aldicarb and Chlordane
hidden in their food? But it’s more
than that. It’s what they don’t have…
nutrition! Mass market agricultural
Heal i ng Ou r Wo r l d »« G r e e n F o o d s
techniques rob the soil of minerals
and substitute synthetic fertilizers
and hormones. Zinc, for example, is no
longer adequately supplied in the U.S.
diet. As a consequence, the American
male suffers from the world’s highest
incidence of prostate cancer and malfunction. Whatever vitamins these
vegetables do have is diminished
more and more with each day they
sit wilting on grocery store shelves. If
you had a choice, would you regularly
eat food grown 3,000 miles from
where you live?
Since I lived in an apartment, I
learned to garden indoors. Before long
I was dining on crisp Chinese cabbage,
luscious crimson clover, hearty sunflower, succulent buckwheat lettuce,
spicy red radish, velvety kale, sweet
green pea — I had so much, I fed all
my friends and students. These young
greens were so alive and scintillating with color and aroma, you could
practically feel their vitamins! Make
no mistake about it. That vitality is
assimilated by you — in the form of
live enzymes, vitamins, amino acids,
trace minerals, RNA, DNA, oxygen and
other secret elements about which
only nature knows. You can’t buy that
nutrition in a pill!
You’ll Help Our Environment, Too
If you garden indoors, you effectively
reduce your dependence on distant
sources for food, energy and technology. Don’t think the greenhouse effect
is just something that exists in newspapers. Global warming, air pollution,
oil spills and acid rain all damage our
health as a nation and directly threaten the quality and availability of our
food. Drought, flood, heat wave, freeze,
increase the price of food as does the
rising price of gasoline that is needed
to transport it. Our system of over industrialized, long distance, imported,
chemically laden, synthetically fertilized and artificially processed foods
has got to stop. Either we change it
or it will change us. But what can we
do about it? Fortunately, you are not
completely at the mercy of the giant
agri-business industry. You can take
steps to become more self-sufficient.
Indoor gardening is your answer and
it’s easier than you think.
How easy is it? The seeds do all
the growing. Your only job is to
water them one minute per day
(30 seconds in the morning,
30 seconds in the evening). No weeds
to weed, no pests to fence out, no
bugs, no soil. It takes less time than
10 Reasons to Start Sprouting
Economics: Seeds can multiply 7 – 15 times their weight. At $10/lb for
seed, that yields a pound of fresh sprouted indoor-grown organic greens
for an average of one dollar per pound!
Nutrition: Sprouts are baby plants in their prime. At this stage of their
growth, they have a greater concentration of proteins, vitamins and minerals, enzymes, RNA, DNA, bio-flavonoids, T-cells, etc., than at any other point
in the plant’s life — even when compared with the mature vegetable!
Organic: No chemicals, fumigants or questions about certification. You
can trust it’s pure because you are the grower!
Availability: From Florida to Alaska; in January or July, enjoy live food
anytime, anywhere, even on a boat or when hiking a mountain trail.
Space-time: It’s Easy! Just add water! No soil. No bugs. No green thumb
required. No special lights. One pound grows in only 9 inches of counter
space and takes one minute of care per day.
Freshness: Because they are picked the same day they are eaten there
is no loss of nutrients sitting in crates or on grocery store shelves.
Digestibility: Because sprouts are baby plants, their delicate cell walls
release live nourishment easily. Their nutrients exist in elemental form
and the abundance of enzymes make them easy to digest even for those
with weak digestion.
Versatility: More varieties of salad greens than on your supermarket
shelves…including buckwheat lettuce, baby sunflower, French onion, garlic
chive, Chinese cabbage, purple turnip, curly kale, daikon radish, crimson
clover, golden alfalfa and more. Your salads will never be boring again!
Meals: Make sprout breads from sprouted wheat, rye or barley. Snacks
like hummus dip from sprouted garbanzo, cooked vegetable side dishes
made from sprouted green peas, Chinese sautés from mung, adzuki and
lentils — even sprouted wheat pizza!
Ecology: No airplanes or fuel/oil consumed to deliver this food to you.
No petroleum-based pesticides or synthetic fertilizers.
standing in line at the supermarket!
Only 5 tablespoons of seed, costing
about a dollar, yields a full pound
of sprouted greens. Where else
can you find a comparable source
of fresh, nutritious food at that
price? Whether you live in Metropolis on the 30th floor or in Alaska,
whether it’s January or July, you
can have fresh food and lots of it
year round.
The World’s Most Economical &
Nutritious Food
Your grains, beans, and seeds can
safely store for years. So next year
when the price of spinach rises to
$10/lb., don’t worry. cont’d on p. 52
Heal i ng Ou r Worl d »« Gre e n Foods
Raw Fraud
A Not-So-Sweet Invention
Is Your Favorite “Raw Health Food”
Just a Junk Food in Disguise?
by John Kohler
s a society, we are taught since
birth to be consumers. We’re
always on the lookout for the
next great product. Electronics have to
be smaller and more feature-packed. Automobiles have to be faster and sleeker.
This mentality carries over to the arena
of health and wellness as well, with a
constant barrage of new food products.
Often shipped across the planet from
remote locations, these “superfoods” are
touted for their wondrous health benefits, which are typically hyped up as “30
times greater than this” or “80 times
more concentrated than that.”
The niche market of raw food products is certainly not immune to these
marketing tactics. Dangerously, these
products are touted as “healthy alternatives” to foods many health enthusiasts
are still addicted to, such as sugar and
chocolate. These are often replaced by
the addictive substitutes “raw” cacao
and agave syrup. Adding insult to
injury, many of these foods are labeled
as “raw,” when they are anything but.
You can bet the goal of the deceptive
businesses pushing these “Raw Fraud”
products is not to make your health
flourish — it is to make their pocketbooks grow.
In 2002, the USDA started the
National Organic Program. This established a legal definition of the word
“organic.” If manufacturers falsely label
a food “organic,” they are susceptible to
fines, lawsuits or even being shut down.
This isn’t the case with products labeled
“raw.” There is no legal definition of the
word. This means any company can use
the word “raw” on their package, even if
the item is not raw.
An Addiction that May “Bug” You
A very popular food
today is “raw” cacao.
Cacao seeds (usually called
cacao beans) are from the
fruit of cacao trees.
Chocolate is made from
these seeds. The marketing idea behind “raw” cacao
powder or nibs seems to be
that health conscious, albeit
caffeine-starved, people can still
get their chocolate fix without the
refined sugar (by using “raw” agave
nectar or other sweeteners) and dairy
and processing inherent to most
chocolate bars and candies. Controversy
shook the cacao trees when it became
known that most cacao products
labeled as “raw” were actually cooked.
During the processing that all cacao
must undergo to make it palatable, it
is often heated to the point of being
considered “cooked.” Recently, one
company came forward, ostensibly, to
set the record straight. They admitted
all the cacao products they’d sold up
to this point were not really raw,
then went on to claim they now
manufactured the only truly raw
cacao products. Raw or not, cacao is
more junk food than health food.
All chocolate is notorious for
containing foreign matter such as
rodent feces and insect parts. As
quoted from Poison with a Capital C,
“every time you eat a chocolate bar, it
may contain a rodent hair and 16 insect
parts and still carry the blessing of the
FDA…for chocolate powder or cakes
there must not be more than 75 insect
Heal i ng Ou r Wo r l d »« G r e e n F o o d s
fragments in three tablespoons of
powder…four percent of cacao beans
may be infested by insects. Animal
excreta (such as visible rat droppings)
must not exceed 10 milligrams per
pound.” Considering its addictive
properties and its propensity for nasty
foreign “ingredients,” it is best to steer
clear of this Raw Fraud food.
“Raw” agave nectar (also known as
agave syrup) is a sweetener that’s
making its way into the mainstream.
Consumers can even find agave
nectar in large jugs in the big box
stores. Marketers of agave
nectar make two principal claims,
“agave nectar is raw” and “agave
nectar is a safe alternative sweetener
for diabetics.”
First off, most agave nectar is not
raw. It is heated well above 118°F
during processing. This excerpt from outlines how
agave is processed: “Agave plants are
crushed, and the sap collected into
tanks. The sap is then heated to about
140°F for about 36 hours not only to
concentrate the liquid into a syrup,
but to develop the sweetness. The
main carbohydrates in the agave sap
are complex forms of fructose called
fructosans, one of which is inulin, a
straight-chain fructose polymer about
eight to ten fructose sugar units long.
In this state, the sap is not very sweet.
When the agave sap is heated, the
complex fructosans are hydrolyzed, or
broken into their constituent fructose
units. The fructose-rich solution is then
filtered to obtain the desired products
that range from dark syrup with a
characteristic vanilla aroma, to a
light amber liquid with more neutral
characteristics.” 1
Agave nectar is not a safe
alternative sweetener for diabetics.
Most agave nectar has a higher fructose content than any commercial
sweetener. While the syrup has a
minimum fructose content of 55%
(depending on the source and processing method), most of the agave nectar
on the market averages 70 – 97%
fructose (depending on the brand).
You read it right — most agave syrup
has a far higher fructose content
than high fructose corn syrup (which
averages 55%). Agave does have a low
glycemic index, but of greater concern
to diabetics is the fact that fructose
radically increases insulin resistance.
While it’s normal for insulin levels to
temporarily rise, insulin resistance
causes levels to remain elevated.
Simply put, agave nectar could be
more threatening to diabetics than
high fructose corn syrup.2 Diabetic
or not, people would do better to
use sweeteners such as pure glucose
(dextrose) or stevia leaf (not processed
stevia-based sweeteners like Truvia
and Purevia).
This Law is Nuts
Raw Fraud isn’t limited to junk food.
“Raw” almonds from California,
available at most health food stores
and many grocers in the bulk food
section, have actually been pasteurized.
California state law went into effect
September 1, 2007, stating that all
almonds from California must be
pasteurized. According to the FDA,
they can still be labeled raw.
This is fraud, plain and simple. If the
almond industry can legally label
almonds “raw” after steaming
them — or even after treating them
with propylene oxide3 (formerly used
for racing fuel and still used as a
military explosive) as is the case with
non-organic almonds — then imagine
the deception surrounding other “raw”
foods that are not in their whole state.
“Raw” cashews are another Raw
Fraud nut. They have to be steamed
to remove the shells but are still labeled
as raw. To the industry, if nuts aren’t
roasted, they’re raw. As stated, there are
no laws or guidelines that companies
must follow, so they invent their own.
Raw Junk Food
Raw foodists may think they are safe
from the reach of slick advertising since
they no longer eat fast food, microwave
dinners and candy bars. The truth is,
modern marketing wizards are pulling
one of the slickest advertising maneuvers to date. They are taking the world’s
conventional junk foods and creating
their raw food counterparts, producing
“Raw Junk Food.” Two examples: from
cooked chocolate to “raw” cacao; from
white (bleached) sugar to “raw” agave
nectar. As someone who eats raw, living
foods, you may think, “Wow! I can eat
raw cacao and raw agave syrup, because
they are ‘raw’.” Well, you can…but just
because you think they are not cooked
does not mean they are healthy. The goal
of any company selling a product is to
sell as much as they can, and the ones
selling cacao and agave are making a
killing because these foods so overwhelmingly appeal to our addictions.
If you aren’t getting your food fresh
off the plant it was grown on (as is the
case with home grown or locally grown),
it has likely undergone some form of
processing. The goal of most food processors is to extend shelf life — which
extends their profits. They process the
food, turning it into “products” with
“shelf lives,” that can sit in “inventory”
indefinitely. If the food spoils, they lose
their profits. Steer clear of this raw junk
food and eat some fresh fruits and
vegetables, which are always healthier
than any packaged product. 1Mark Anthony, Ph.D. (2010) Nutrition Beyond the Trends:
Sweet Like Cactus. Retrieved July 22, 2010 from
2Dr. Joseph Mercola (2010) This Sweetener Is Far Worse
Than High Fructose Corn Syrup. Retrieved July 22, 2010
3No author cited (2010) Almond Pasteurization: The Food
Safety System. Retrieved July 22, 2010 from http://www.
Heal i ng Ou r Worl d »« Gre e n Foods
E at
“Quality will always win out over quantity.”
by Dr. Brian Clement
The role of nutrition has become severely diminished in most of our lives.
Pressures and stresses — social, work-related, family and otherwise — have taken
precedence, reducing the importance of food quality. When pondering
the role nutrients play in the maintenance and preservation of humankind, it
becomes abundantly evident that without uniformly prudent choices we suffer
as a whole. When an individual goes many weeks without consuming proper
fare, they actually die. The critical nature of nutrition is crystallized in this
scenario. If we halfheartedly choose things to chew and swallow, we enter a
mode of partial starvation, making us vulnerable to a wide variety of diseases.
Heal i ng Ou r Wo r l d »« G r e e n F o o d s
domesticated and displaced — the addictive tendencies they serve,
alnourishment is notonaturally eats a 100% raw food diet.
there is an ever-growing sector of
rious for manifesting
For more than half a century, here
humanity that wants to get back to
everything from scurvy to
at Hippocrates Health Institute we
truth and the basics. A mentor once
pellagra, but it can cause even greater
have placed hundreds of thousands of
told me, “If you look at your plate at
damage. There have long been many
people on a raw living food program.
the end of your meal and determine
reports from renowned universities
We have conducted clinical research
how soiled it is, there is no better
and government organizations statindicator as to the quality of what you on the health of our guests and lifeing: “Malnutrition is a major cause of
long follow-ups on their progress.
have just consumed.”
catastrophic diseases such as cancer
From decades of studies, we have
If your choice is raw vegetables,
and lifestyle-related concerns like carscientifically validated and reconsprouts, fruits, and whole raw nuts
diovascular and diabetic disorders.”
firmed the power of consuming raw
and seeds, you practically do not
Couple the pressures of modern
plant food. More often than not,
have to clean the china. Once cooked,
living with the addictive qualities of
disease is prevented and eliminated
though, even these healthy foods
staple “comfort foods” — sweet, cafand premature aging halted through
will stain your plate. Their delicate
feinated drinks and heavily processed
our signature Life Change
foods loaded with sugar and
Program, largely due to the
animal fats — and it is no
The three most nourishing varieties of
raw, plant-based diet we
wonder so many are hooked
food on the planet are all green foods.
prescribe. There is an everon the standard Western
increasing body of biological
diet. Considering the toxic
The most nourishing food on land is leafy sprouts.
evidence supporting and
burden of such poor food
confirming what we have
choices, it is also no wonder
The most nourishing from fresh water is algae.
discovered in our human
our bodies are on the way
The most nourishing food from the sea, of course,
clinical trials.
to ruin.
is sea vegetables.
There are those who
Even the now-abundant
Sprouts: buckwheat, fava bean greens, peas,
prefer to leave this proven
“nutrition stores” are pursunflower, sweet potato greens, wheatgrass, etc.
reality for a fantasy world
veyors of countless pseudo
based upon half-baked food
health foods. (see this issue’s
Algae: blue-green, chlorella
notions. This tendency to
Raw Fraud article on page 22
Sea vegetables: arame, dulse, hijiki, nori,
withdraw from truth is
for specific examples). These
Pacific or Atlantic kelp, etc.
based chiefly on addiction
products are based more
and self-loathing. Through
on slick marketing than
the internationally renowned work
health-building qualities quickly
health-building nourishment. Food
conducted at Hippocrates and decades
diminish with the heat of cooking.
industry executives prey on prevailof experience, it has become clear to
Boiling, poaching, baking, frying,
ing addictions to fats and sugars by
sautéing — any of these processes will me that the underlying cause for lesschanging the names of these familiar
than-desirable food choices is lack of
result in a messy plate and an even
substances on the ingredient lists of
self-respect. Of course, this can easily
larger mess for your digestive system
their product offerings. There seem
be blamed upon the pervasive adverto clean up.
to be endless ways to profit from this
tising of processed food or the ethnic
Unfortunately, even those who
sort of trickery. The consumers of
ties you have to familiar fare or even
attempt to be mindful in the prothese products are “scratching an old
the so-called social norms of fast food
cess of choosing food quite often get
itch” without even knowing it. They
consumption. At the end of the day,
caught up in philosophy and theolfeel justified to indulge in these items
the question you are faced with
ogy surrounding cuisine. Too often,
because they are “organic,” “raw” or
is that of how much you like yourself.
they hear, “Cooking makes it easier
“natural.” These buzzwords seem to
Obesity, anorexia, bulimia and purgto digest. More nutrients are created
be green lights for the subconscious. If
ing often morph into diabetes, cardioafter heating. Blending makes it more
people are truly honest with themvascular disease and cancer. These are
selves they will realize something that digestible.” These misguided notions
all symptoms of the suffering of a lost
obfuscate the physics that govern
tastes just like a familiar junk food is
humanity lacking virtue or respect.
nutrition and have no bearing on
probably not health-building, regardcont’d on p. 44
less of whether it says “organic & raw.” reality. Every creature on earth except
humans — and the animals we have
Despite these shady practices, and
Heal i ng Ou r Worl d »« Gre e n Foods
E at
Lacinato Kale Ribbons
Yield: 6 cups
5 C. Chiffonade Lacinato Kale
1 C. Raw Pitted Olives of your choice
Julienne sliced onions and
red peppers as desired
Approx. 1 C. Hippocrates
House Dressing (see below)
1. Massage the dressing into the kale a little bit at a time to desired taste.
2. Add other ingredients as you like and enjoy!
Hippocrates House Dressing
Yield: 1.5 Cups
1 C. High Quality Plant Oil*
Dark Leafy Greens
Nature’s Workhorses Add Taste and Nutrition
by Ken Blue, Hippocrates Health Institute Executive Chef
2 Cloves Garlic
2 Tsp. Ground Mustard Seed
2 1⁄2 T. Braggs Aminos
or Nama Shoyu
⁄ Tsp. Cayenne
1 4
Another thing we love to do at Hippocrates is to use the baby version of dark leafy
greens such as baby dandelion or baby kale. In this case, the younger plant has
a much softer texture and milder flavor. Also, when we use something like kale or
chard, we will cut them into thin strips, the thinner the better. This is known as
chiffonade. Sometimes we also remove the center rib which is very hard.
To ensure even softer texture, you can massage the dressing into the greens—
a deep tissue massage with love and hard squeeze. You can let this marinate
for an hour or so. Wait until after the “massage” to add other ingredients so they
don’t get crushed. These dark leafy greens are heartier and can be grown in the
cooler months, so we’ve included a few recipes for the fall or anytime of year.
Heal i ng Ou r Wo r l d »« G r e e n F o o d s
• Arugula
• Bok Choy
• Collards
• Dandelion
• Kale
• Mustard Greens
• Spinach
• Chard
• Turnip Greens
Dark Leafy Greens are a rich source
of minerals, specifically iron, calcium,
potassium and magnesium.
Potassium is good for blood pressure and
a healthy heart.
2. Blend well while slowly adding oil.
*Use one or a blend of extra virgin olive oil, flax oil, raw sesame oil,
raw pumpkin seed oil and / or hemp seed oil.
The vitamins we receive from dark leafy
greens are A, C, E, many Bs and K.
2 ⁄ T. Fresh Lemon Juice
2 T. Water
1. In a blender, combine all ingredients except oil.
Bok Choy with Mushrooms
3 C. Baby Bok Choy (cut the green part Julienne sliced onions to taste
in inch-wide strips and the white part Sesame Ginger Dressing (see below)
in thinner strips)
Braggs Aminos or Nama Shoyu
⁄2 C. Shiitake Mushroom Caps, sliced
if desired
⁄2 C. Crimini Mushrooms, sliced
1.Mix the bok choy with onions, peppers and mushrooms
and then add the dressing as little as needed on greens.
2. Add Braggs Aminos or Nama Shoyu if desired and enjoy!
Sesame Ginger Dressing
⁄ C. Fresh Lemon Juice
1 1⁄2 Inch Fresh Ginger Root
1 4
⁄ C. Raw Sesame Oil or Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 Large Garlic Clove
1 T. Kelp Powder
1 Pinch Cayenne
1 4
Place in a blender and blend on high until well blended.
See page 50 for Chef Ken’s Fall Recipes
Common Varieties
Magnesium is good for regulating blood
sugar. The high level of magnesium and
low-glycemic index makes dark leafy
greens an ideal choice for people with
type 2 diabetes.
1 4
Yield: 2 servings
Some dark leafy greens have stronger flavors and rougher textures than the
typical lettuce most people eat. There are different ways to work around this.
One simple way is to add a little bit of dark leafy greens to your green juice,
which actually lowers the cost of making your green juice and provides great
health benefits.
Dark Leafy Greens
at a glance
Dark leafy greens (one cup) provide nine
times the minimum recommended intake
of Vitamin K, which regulates blood
clotting, protects bones, reduces calcium
buildup, regulates inflammation and may
even help prevent diabetes. Vitamin K produces something called osteocalcin which
is a protein that is essential for bone health.
Then there are phytonutrients like
beta carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin and
small amounts of Omega 3s. Lutein and
zeaxanthin help protect cells and eyes
from the damage of free radicals and aging.
There are also bioflavonoids like quercetin
in dark leafy greens.
Quercetin blocks substances involved in
allergies and inhibits most cell secretion.
Dark leafy greens also have folate, which
helps to repair DNA damage, and fiber
which helps to support proper absorption
of all these nutrients.
Dark leafy greens are also good for cancer
prevention, anti-aging and bone strength.
Heal i ng Ou r Worl d »« Gre e n Foods
E at
Monica Péloquin (MP): Where did
the idea for Crudessence come from?
Crudessence (C): Crudessence was
born out of a desire to express our passion for life. The idea came more from
inspiration than pure planning. We
dreamed of starting an eco-responsible
business with a catering service in
organic living nutrition. Almost overnight, our vision became a reality. We
are now in the process of opening our
second restaurant and further developing our culinary academy in addition
to our kombucha brewery and thriving catering business. Our company
has more than 50 employees who are
as committed as we are to sharing
their joy for raw food live nutrition.
MP: What is your mission?
The First Living Food Restaurant in Québec
C: The mission of Crudessence is to
offer products and services to help
each individual to attain their potential. Just like the Hippocrates Health
Institute, our fundamental “tools”
are high quality raw living foods and
related services. Green juices, sprouts,
shoots, sprouted grains, nuts, vegetables and fresh fruit are at the heart
of our cuisine, one that nourishes the
palate but also detoxifies and helps
the body regenerate rapidly.
Interview with founders Mathieu Gallant and David Côté by Monica Péloquin
MP: I see that you also offer a variety
of sweet confections.
Crudessence is throwing out the old rumor that healthy food has to be
unappealing and unappetizing. Our strength lies in our ability to create cakes,
pies, lasagnas, sandwiches and drinks that are so scrumptious that people
can’t believe they are made with only fruits, vegetables and nuts. We lure them
in by their “pupils,” and they ultimately discover a healthier path and begin
to take our classes. Being served a tasty, well-presented meal by a healthy,
smiling person who exudes a certain je ne sais quoi tempts guests from
all walks of life to discover our secret. In this way, every person who comes
in contact with Crudessence becomes an ambassador of great health.
Heal i ng Ou r Wo r l d »« G r e e n F o o d s
C: Since our mission is to offer
accessible living food nutrition,
we want to make our foods as
appealing as possible. The world
of flavors, attractive presentations
and pastries all have their place at
Crudessence. Take for example our
raw lime pie (pictured at top right).
Our desserts help break the stereotype and reticence associated with
raw food nutrition, often seen as
being too hippie. These tantalizing indulgences offer a positive experience
and thus the idea of eating healthy
becomes a more accessible possibility.
MP: What is the role of your academy?
C: The academy is our educational
vehicle to help integrate living foods
nutrition on a daily basis. We educate
not only on the art of raw food cuisine
and the science of health, but also
on the associated lifestyle. Taking
care of our health involves a lot more
than what’s on our plate; it’s about
building integrated positive lifestyle
habits. Living foods nutrition, therefore, becomes a perfect avenue to help
take care of ourselves as well as the
environment, community and local
economy. This is reflected in our intensive one-day and basic courses on
smoothies, raw desserts, germination,
fermentation, salad making, dehydrating and more. All of our classes
are designed to rediscover the pleasure of “uncooking” and the exquisite
joys of living foods cuisine.
opposite page, right:
Wakame & Broccoli Salad
opposite page, left:
Kale, Pineapple and Hemp Smoothie
this page, top: Sweet Lime Pie
this page, bottom:
Sesame Crackers garnished with cashew cheese and zucchini macadamian ricotta roulade
Come visit us in Montreal to discover
this joy for yourself.
Crudessence restaurants:
»» 105 Rachel West
»» 2157 Mackay
Crudessence juice bar:
»» 1584 Laurier Street
Our website
provides information about our
catering services and our lunch boxes.
Happy viewing and bon appétit!
Heal i ng Ou r Worl d »« Gre e n Foods
Five Major Poisons Inherently
Found in Animal Foods
by John A. McDougall, M.D.
rotein, fat, cholesterol,
methionine (a sulfur-containing
amino acid) and dietary acids,
which are all superabundant in animal
foods, are poisoning nearly everyone
following the standard Western diet.
Most people cannot fathom this
because it takes four or more decades
of consumption before disability,
disfigurement and death become
common from these endogenous
toxins. This long latent period fools
the public into thinking there is no
harm done by choosing an animalfood-based diet. If the case were one
of instantaneous feedback — one plate
of fried eggs caused excruciating chest
pains, paralysis from a stroke followed
a prime rib dinner or a hard cancerous
lump appeared within a week of
a grilled cheese sandwich — then
eating animal foods would be widely
recognized as an exceedingly unwise
choice. Similar failures to appreciate
slow poisonings from our lifestyle
choices are seen with tobacco and
alcohol use. If one package of cigarettes
were followed by a week on a respirator
or a bottle or two of gin caused hepatic
(liver) coma, then no one would indulge
in these instruments of long-drawnout death. The difference defining the
failure to take long overdue actions
is that the dangers from tobacco and
alcohol use are universally known and
accepted, whereas almost everyone
considers red meat, poultry, eggs and
dairy products necessary parts of a
healthy diet.
The Art of Selling Slow Poisons:
Distract the Consumer
Sellers of animal foods for human
consumption draw in customers with
the marketing strategy of “unique
positioning” — each industry tries to
make its merchandise stand apart from
other foods by promoting a nutrient
that is especially plentiful in its product.
Over time, this effective advertising
approach has meant that the mention
of calcium brings to mind milk and
cheese, iron has become synonymous
with beef and eggs are well known as
the “best source of high quality protein.”
Because these highly sensationalized
nutrients are always plentiful in basic
plant foods, illnesses from deficiencies of these nutrients are essentially
unknown, as long as there is enough
food to eat. Thus, there are no real
nutritional advantages to choosing red
meat, poultry, dairy and egg products
with an especially high density of one
particular nutrient. Ironically, milk and
cheese are iron deficient, and red meat,
poultry and eggs (unless you eat the
shells) contain almost no calcium.
Focusing on the abundance of an
individual nutrient accomplishes an
even more insidious marketing goal; it
diverts the consumer’s, and oftentimes
Heal i ng Ou r Wo r l d »« G r e e n F o o d s
the professional dietitian’s, attention
away from the harmful impact on the
human body of consuming all kinds
of animal foods. In my 42 years of
providing medical care, I have never
seen a patient sickened by eating
potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, rice,
beans, fruits and/or vegetables
(unspoiled and uncontaminated).
However, during my everyday practice
I have witnessed (just like every other
practicing medical doctor) a wide diversity of diseases, including heart
attacks, strokes, type-2 diabetes,
arthritis, osteoporosis and cancer
from eating freshly killed and/or
collected, as well as processed and/or
preserved, animal-derived foods.
A Simplified View of
Animal-food Poisoning
Animal foods — be they from cow,
pig or chicken muscles, or the ovum
of a bird or the lactation fluids of a
mammal — are all so similar in their
nutritional makeup and their impact
on human health that they should
be considered as the same (see the
comparison tables at the end of this
article, page 57). In order to avoid the
confusion created by the marketing
strategy of “unique positioning,”
let’s look at different kinds of animal
products mixed together to make
one food, and compare them to their
antithesis, starches.
If I were to blend together red meat,
chicken, eggs and cheese, which most
Americans do three or more times a
day in their stomachs, the end product
would be a highly acidic mixture of
mostly protein, fat and water — each
individual food having contributed
a similar amount of each component.
A blend of various starches — beans,
rice, potatoes and sweet potatoes — would produce an opposite in
The Five Overloads from Animal Foods
that Poison Us
Protein, fat, cholesterol, sulfurcontaining amino acids (methionine,
for example) and dietary acids poison
us when consumed in amounts
that exceed the body’s metabolic
capabilities to detoxify and eliminate
the excesses. Compared to the
proper human diet, which is based
on starches (see my February 2009
newsletter at,
animal foods burden us with three
times more protein, 15 times
more fat, greater than 100 times
more cholesterol, four times more
methionine and at least 10 times more
dietary acid. Furthermore, the toxic
effects of these poisons are interactive. For example, excesses of protein,
methionine and dietary acids work
together to destroy the bones. Excesses
of dietary fat and cholesterol combine
their deleterious effects to damage the
arteries (atherosclerosis) and promote
cancer. Let me provide some more
details on how these five destructive
elements from animal foods ruin your
Protein Overload
“If I were to blend together red
meat, chicken, eggs, and cheese,
which most Americans do three
or more times a day in their
stomachs, the end product would
be a highly acidic mixture of
mostly protein, fat, and water — each individual food having
contributed a similar amount
of each component. A blend
of various starches — beans,
rice, potatoes, and sweet
potatoes — would produce an
opposite in composition.”
Once your protein needs are met then
the excess must be eliminated from
your body, primarily by your liver and
kidneys. You can notice an overload of
protein by the
A Comparison of a Blend of Animals vs Starches
strong smell
Animal Food
of urea in your
3 Times
body sweat and
15 Times
urine. The work
>100 times
of eliminating
4 Times
excess protein
Acid (RAL)
>10 times
takes a toll
even on healthy
Figures for protein and fat are in percent of calories. Figures for cholesterol and methionine are in milligrams (mg) per 100 calories. Dietary
people. On
acid (a calculation called the renal acid load — RAL) is per 100 calories.
average, 25% of
Charts at the end of this article (page 57) are the source for these kidney function
is lost over a
lifetime (70 years) from consuming the
problems, including heart disease,
high animal-protein Western diet.1, 2
strokes and type-2 diabetes.11 The extra
For people with already damaged livers
pounds you carry around cause damage
and kidneys, consuming excess protein
to the joints of your lower extremities
will speed up the processes that lead
(osteoarthritis). Excess fat in your diet
to complete organ failure.3 – 7 Excess
and on your body alters your cellular
protein damages the bones. Doubling
metabolism, promoting cancers by
the dietary intake of protein increases
many already discovered mechanisms.12
the loss of calcium into the urine
Cholesterol Overload
by 50%, fostering the development
of osteoporosis and kidney stones.8
Cholesterol is only found in animal
products. As an animal, you make all
Lipotoxicity (Fat Overload)
the cholesterol you need. Unfortunately,
The most recent report (for 2007 to
your capacity to eliminate it is limited
2008) on the epidemic of obesity in
to a little more than the amount you
the U.S. finds 33.8% of adults obese
make. As a result, the cholesterol added
with 68.0% of all adults overweight.9
by eating animal foods accumulates
Dietary fats are almost effortlessly
in your body parts, including your
stored in your body fat.10 When conskin, tendons and arteries. Cholesterol
sumed in excess, dietary fats also
deposited in your arteries is a major
result in a surplus of fats stored in your
contributor to vascular diseases of
liver, heart and muscles. From all this
your heart and brain.13 Cholesterol
over-accumulation, insulin resistance
also facilitates cancer development.14
develops, contributing to other health
cont’d on p. 53
Heal i ng Ou r Worl d »« Gre e n Foods
Blood Production
Chlorophyll is built around a structure
known as a porphyrin ring, which is
common to a variety of natural organic molecules. Chief among these is
hemoglobin, the substance in human
and animal blood which carries oxygen from the lungs to the other tissues
and cells of the body. When looking
at the structures of heme (the oxygen
carrying portion of hemoglobin) and
chlorophyll (see diagrams below),
Supporter of all human and animal life
by Jacob Handel
Chlorophyll is a green pigment found in all plants, algae and cyanobacteria
(blue-green algae). Vital for photosynthesis, chlorophyll allows plants to obtain
energy from light by converting the sun’s rays into chemical energy. Since all
life on earth — with the exception of some bacteria — is supported by the sun,
photosynthesis is a fundamental and essential process.
In addition to its critical role in photosynthesis, chlorophyll is also a great
indicator of the health attributes of foods. The deeper the green color of a plant
food, the richer the food is in chlorophyll — and the more abundant the food is
in health-building qualities. Foods rich in chlorophyll can play a role in blood
production1 and protection from cancer2 and radiation.6, 7 Chlorophyll also has
many therapeutic uses. Among these are wound healing,3 intestinal regularity,4
reducing cholesterol,5 detoxification and deodorization. Chlorophyll is an
especially unique way to address these issues because, through hundreds
of experiments and trials on humans and test animals, chlorophyll therapy
has always been shown to have no toxicity (absolutely zero toxic side effects) — whether ingested, injected or rubbed onto your skin.3
Heal i ng Ou r Wo r l d »« G r e e n F o o d s
it’s easy to see their similarities. The
main difference between them is the
porphyrin ring of hemoglobin is built
around iron (Fe) and the porphyrin
ring of chlorophyll is built around
magnesium (Mg). Verdel first suggested the chemical similarity between
hemoglobin and chlorophyll in
1855.1 The similarity was specifically
demonstrated in the early 1920s.
Over the following twenty years, much
research was done on interconvertibility of the two substances in the body.
While the process isn’t quite as
simple as substituting the magnesium molecule in chlorophyll with
an iron molecule to turn it into
hemoglobin, there is evidence of
the blood-building characteristics
of chlorophyll-rich foods. Studies
supporting this correlation date as
far back as the 1920s.
1926: Research suggested a relationship between the chlorophyll component pheophytin and hemoglobin
1933: Studies indicated that feeding
chlorophyll-rich foods to rats triggered the regeneration of red blood
cells.3 Researchers demonstrated that
this effect was not due to the iron or
copper in the green foods.
1934: Dr. Rothemund discovered that
porphyrins from chlorophyll stimulated the synthesis of red blood cells
in a variety of animals when fed in
small doses.9
1936: Drs. Hughes and Latner
performed a study involving anemic rabbits.
They fed the rabbits
several doses and
forms of chlorophyll.
The doctors found that
extremely small
doses of purified
chlorophyll or
large doses of
“a crude chlorophyll extract”
produced “a very favorable effect on hemoglobin regeneration.” The
researchers went on to
suggest, “the chlorophyll
is acting as a physiological
stimulant of the bone marrow
and is not really concerned with
the actual chemistry of regeneration
of the porphyrin.”10 This study shows
that chlorophyll found in food or very
small purified amounts of chlorophyll
may stimulate the synthesis of red
blood cells in the bone marrow.
1936: Dr. Arthur Patek conducted a
study in which fifteen patients with
iron-deficiency anemia were fed different amounts of chlorophyll along
with iron. Iron alone had already been
shown to reverse this condition, but
Patek demonstrated that when chlorophyll and iron were given together,
the number of red blood cells and the
level of blood hemoglobin increased
faster than with iron alone. As stated
by Dr. Patek, “This study may serve to
encourage the use of a diet ample in
greenstuffs and protein foods, for it
must be that over a long space of time
favorably nutritious elements are
absorbed which aid the blood reserve
and which furnish building stones for
the heme pigments necessary to the
formation of hemoglobin.”11
1970: Research indicates that some
porphyrins (ringed structures in heme
and chlorophyll) stimulate the synthesis of globin (the protein portion of
the hemoglobin molecule). This could
partially explain the effect of chlorophyll on hemoglobin synthesis.12
While the complex physiological
processes involved in generating
(Oxygen carrier in hemoglobin)
blood aren’t completely understood,
the parts of the process relating to
nutrition are well defined. Essential
nutrients for the maintenance of
healthy blood include iron, copper,
calcium, and vitamins C, B-12, K, A,
folic acid, and pyridoxine, among
others. Many of these blood-building
components are found in chlorophyllrich foods such as cereal grasses
(wheat, oats, barley, etc.) and dark
green vegetables. cont’d on p. 56
Heal i ng Ou r Worl d »« Gre e n Foods
A Breath of
Fresh Greens
Getting Back to the Basics
by Michael Bergonzi
Go green, be green, eat green, live green, drink green. Clearly, we are in
the midst of an unprecedented planetary trend. For many this is a groundbreaking idea, but at its core “green” means living simply and naturally. “Green”
encompasses all of planet Earth’s true superfoods: on the ground in the form of
vegetation, in the oceans in the form of sea vegetables and in fresh water in the
form of algae. These foods help us reconnect to Earth, listen to nature’s wisdom,
and allow our bodies to heal. Feel free to watch the movie “Avatar” again for this
simple and powerful message. It’s time to become healthy again by tapping into
the basic yet profound awareness of our instincts.
he foundation of Hippocrates
Health Institute, and, in the
larger perspective of planet
Earth, is the greens: wheatgrass,
sunflower, pea greens, sprouts, leafy
greens, algae, seaweed and all the
wonderful green life surrounding our
40 acre campus.
Everyone knows humans are mammals. The majority of the mammals
on this planet consume a diet of grass
and/or leafy greens. In fact, humans
are one of the few mammals that
still eat meat, and the only mammal
that actually cooks its food. To say
that protein only comes from eating
meat is an uninformed statement.
In truth, sprouted beans, nuts, seeds,
algae, grains, grass and greens are the
best source of digestible proteins for
our bodies. Have you ever stopped to
think, “Where does the ‘meat’ get its
protein?” Think about it on a bigger
scale. How is it possible that approximately 85% of mammals can thrive
solely on leafy greens? Elk, moose,
deer, giraffes, gorillas, elephants,
horses…and don’t forget the mammal
from which we Westerners get most
of our food…the cow!
In the past, when you lived on red
meat and dairy products, indirectly,
Heal i ng Ou r Wo r l d »« G r e e n F o o d s
you lived on GRASS — there is the
“green” word we need back in our
lives. The cow was eating the grass;
we were eating the cow. We were
absorbing Earth’s nutrients in our
diets. Unfortunately, in this day and
age, this is NOT the case. Most cows
are now trough fed grains, which are
making their systems acidic. In addition, cows are shot full of antibiotics,
steroids, and hormones, therefore our
red meat and dairy are not what they
used to be.
We are no longer getting the grass
(green/earth) in our diets!
This nutritional tragedy is compounded
by the fact that most greens are
complete foods, and they produce
the body’s most vital fuel, oxygen…
The first thing your body needs to live,
before food and water, is oxygen! Let’s
face it, the only people that really focus
on breath these days, unless you’re into
yoga, tai chi, or meditation, are smokers! What exactly are you
doing when you smoke? You’re breathing deeply. I am not encouraging
smoking, however, I am encouraging
breathing. Try it without the “stick.”
Walk away from people, your job, etc…
go somewhere, by yourself, and spend
five minutes breathing deeply. You’ll be
amazed at how much calmer you feel
after doing this.
Let’s review how wheatgrass and
greens came to light. Ann Wigmore
founded the first Hippocrates in
Boston approximately 50 years ago.
She actually healed her health issues
by chewing, and chewing, and chewing on lawn grass. Lawn grass…not
wheatgrass. She was chewing on it
and spitting out the fibers. Ann was
still sick for many weeks, but stayed
with it until she eventually started
feeling better. This journey began by
observing animals chew on grass. She
was also influenced to experiment
with grasses because of the following
statement that was made to her as a
child: “Instinct guided creatures, left
to themselves, do not make mistakes.”
Most of us chewed on grass or weeds
as children, when it was around. Why
then, and not now? Did we, as children, understand more about our vital
connection to the Earth? Yes! Unfortunately, most of us have since lost sight
of our instincts.
Ann learned that grasses are not
only one of the most complete foods
on the planet, but that they also
possess healing properties. Of all the
grass seeds, wheat emerged triumphantly because of its sweeter, more
palatable taste. Her cat chose it.
Ann also learned that chlorophyll
(the Mother of every green food)
Water and Oxygen
Water, H2O, is a combination of hydrogen and oxygen. Often, water is
considered “structured oxygen.” This may come as a surprise to many, but
about two thirds of a healthy adult’s oxygen intake comes from the water
they drink each day. That’s right, less than half their oxygen comes from the
air they breathe! Now consider the fact that most North Americans walk
around in a state of dehydration. It’s no wonder their cells lack oxygen!
There is a proportionate amount of water on earth as there is in the
human body, and your blood cells utilize this vital fluid to transport oxygen
to, in, and through your organs. Hemoglobin is the primary route of transfer
for oxygen in the mammalian body.
A good deal of sea life, such as fish, extracts oxygen from water through
gills. There is some evidence that humans absorb fractional levels of waterbased oxygen through our skin.
There are many therapies involving oxygen and water, but there is at least
one non-technological water “therapy” that we can easily employ, given we
live in the right location: visit the ocean (a great source of oxygen, of course),
and swim in vital bodies of water. “Vital” means non-stagnating bodies of
unpolluted water that teem with a wide variety of life — fish, crustaceans,
turtles, etc. — which signal that the water is an oxygen rich system.
can increase hemoglobin (blood)
quality, which means more efficient
distribution of oxygen to every cell
in our bodies.
Oxygen content on the planet in the
21st century has decreased. 100 years
ago, there was a much higher concentration of oxygen in the air. The most
oxygen out there these days, if you live
in a lush, green area, is around 20%.
However, in downtown major cities it
is much lower. Does anyone remember
“smog alerts?” I do, but not since 1990,
when they stopped telling people
what is really going on out there. Fact:
Oxygen in the cells means less chance
for cancer or even a virus, to survive.
From greens we get chlorophyll, which
increases hemoglobin and thus
creates more oxygen in our cells.
Consuming greens, fresh wheatgrass juice, green sprouts, and green
juices, allows your body to take care
of itself. In addition, we can support
internal cleansing through alkalizing, detoxifying, carrying life to the
cells with oxygen, nutrients and life.
Fresh wheatgrass juice alone can help
replace many of your morning time
supplements. The foundation of your
diet and your life should be greens.
Consuming fresh living greens keeps
us in touch with the vibrational life
force that begins with the sun’s
energy radiating to Earth giving
life to greens. Be conscious of your
choices and understand that food
is a crucial choice.
Get the Earth back in your life. Your
cells crave clean oxygen. Get back in
touch with the planet by growing your
own greens: be it a garden, sprouts in
your kitchen, or wheatgrass trays in
your city apartment. It starts with you.
“What’s simple is true.” No more waiting until tomorrow. Do it now! Live
vibrantly. Love deeply. Listen to your
heart as it has a lot to say. Your heart
contains more answers than your
head! Take a deep breath. It’s all about
the greens!
For details on growing your
own greens and sprouts, please
visit the Hippocrates website store
or my own personal website at
You may also email me with
any questions or comments at
A special “thank you” to Sadie.
Heal i ng Ou r Worl d »« Gre e n Foods
Genetically Modified Soy
Linked to Sterility and
Infant Mortality
by Jeffrey M. Smith
April 20, 2010
his study was just routine,” said
Russian biologist Alexey V. Surov,
in what could end up as the
understatement of this century. Surov
and his colleagues set out to discover
if Monsanto’s genetically modified
(GM) soy, grown on 91% of U.S. soybean
fields, leads to problems in growth or
reproduction. What he discovered may
uproot a multi-billion dollar industry.
After feeding hamsters for two years
over three generations, those on the
GM diet, and especially the group on
the maximum GM soy diet, showed
devastating results. By the third generation, most GM soy-fed hamsters lost
the ability to have babies. They also
suffered slower growth, and a high
mortality rate among the pups.
And if this isn’t shocking enough,
some in the third generation even had
hair growing inside their mouths — a phenomenon rarely seen, but
apparently more prevalent among
hamsters eating GM soy.
At the time of this writing, the study,
jointly conducted by Surov’s Institute
of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian
Academy of Sciences and the National
Association for Gene Security, has yet
to be published. But Surov sketched out
the basic set up for me in an email.
He used Campbell hamsters, with
a fast reproduction rate, divided into
4 groups. All were fed a normal diet, but
one was without any soy, another had
non-GM soy, a third used GM soy, and
a fourth contained higher amounts of
GM soy. They used 5 pairs of hamsters
per group, each of which produced 7 – 8
litters, totaling 140 animals.
Surov told The Voice of Russia, “Originally, everything went smoothly. However,
we noticed quite a serious effect when
we selected new pairs from their cubs
and continued to feed them as before.
These pairs’ growth rate was slower
and they reached their sexual
maturity slowly.”
He selected new pairs from each
group, which generated another 39
litters. There were 52 pups born to
the control group and 78 to the nonGM soy group. In the GM soy group,
however, only 40 pups were born. And
of these, 25% died. This was a five-fold
higher death rate than the 5% seen
among the controls. Of the hamsters
that ate high GM soy content, only a
single female hamster gave birth. She
had 16 pups; about 20% died.
Surov said “The low numbers in F2
[third generation] showed that many
animals were sterile.”
The published paper also includes
measurements of organ size for the
third generation animals, including
testes, spleen, uterus, etc. If the team
can raise sufficient funds, they will also
analyze hormone levels in
collected blood samples.
Hair Growing in the Mouth
Earlier this year, Surov coauthored a
paper in Doklady Biological Sciences
showing that in rare instances, hair
grows inside recessed pouches in the
mouths of hamsters.
“Some of these pouches contained
single hairs; others, thick bundles of
colorless or pigmented hairs reaching
as high as the chewing surface of the
teeth. Sometimes, the tooth row was
Heal i ng Ou r Wo r l d »« G r e e n F o o d s
surrounded with a regular brush of hair
bundles on both sides. The hairs grew
vertically and had sharp ends, often
covered with lumps of mucous.”
At the conclusion of the study, the
authors surmise that such an astounding defect may be due to the diet of
hamsters raised in the laboratory. They
write, “This pathology may be exacerbated by elements of the food that are
absent in natural food, such as genetically modified (GM) ingredients (GM
soybean or maize meal) or contaminants (pesticides, mycotoxins, heavy
metals, etc.).” Indeed, the number of
hairy mouthed hamsters was much
higher among the third generation
of GM soy fed animals than anywhere
Surov had seen before.
Preliminary, but Ominous
Surov warns against jumping to early
conclusions. He said, “It is quite possible that the genetically modified
organism (GMO) does not cause these
effects by itself.” Surov wants to make
the analysis of the feed components a
priority, to discover just what is causing
the effect and how.
In addition to the GMOs, it could
be contaminants, he said, or higher
herbicide residues, such as Roundup.
There is in fact much higher levels of
Roundup on these beans; they’re called
“Roundup Ready.” Bacterial genes are
forced into their DNA so that the plants
can tolerate Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide. Therefore, GM soy always carries
the double threat of higher herbicide
content, coupled with any side effects
of genetic engineering.
Years of Reproductive Disorders from
Surov’s hamsters are just the latest
animals to suffer from reproductive
disorders after consuming GMOs.
In 2005, Irina Ermakova, also with the
Russian National Academy of Sciences,
reported that more than half the
babies from mother rats fed GM soy
died within three weeks. This was
also five times higher than the 10%
death rate of the non-GMO soy group.
The babies in the GM group were
also smaller and could not reproduce.
In a telling coincidence, after
Ermakova’s feeding trials, her laboratory started feeding all the rats in the
facility a commercial rat chow using
GM soy. Within two months, the infant
mortality facility-wide reached 55%.
When Ermakova fed male rats GM
soy, their testicles changed from the
normal pink to dark blue! Italian
scientists similarly found changes in
mice testes, including damaged young
sperm cells. Furthermore, the DNA of
embryos from parent mice fed GM soy
functioned differently.
An Austrian government study
published in November 2008 showed
that the more GM corn was fed to
mice, the fewer babies they had, and
the smaller the babies were.
Central Iowa Farmer Jerry Rosman
also had trouble with pigs and cows
becoming sterile. Some of his pigs
even had false pregnancies or gave
birth to bags of water. After months of
investigations and testing, he finally
traced the problem to GM corn feed.
Every time a newspaper, magazine, or
TV show reported Jerry’s problems, he
would receive calls from more farmers
complaining of livestock sterility on
their farm, linked to GM corn.
Researchers at Baylor College of
Medicine accidentally discovered that
rats raised on corncob bedding “neither
breed nor exhibit reproductive behavior.” Tests on the corn material revealed
two compounds that stopped the
sexual cycle in females “at concentrations approximately two-hundred-fold
lower than classical phytoestrogens.”
One compound also curtailed male
sexual behavior and both substances
contributed to the growth of breast
and prostate cancer cell cultures.
Researchers found that the amount
of the substances varied with GM corn
varieties. The crushed corncob used at
Baylor was likely shipped from central
Iowa, near the farm of Jerry Rosman
and others complaining of sterile
In Haryana, India, a team of investigating veterinarians report that buffalo
consuming GM cottonseed suffer from
infertility, as well as frequent abortions,
premature deliveries, and prolapsed
uteruses. Many adult and young buffalo have also died mysteriously.
Denial, Attack and Canceled Follow-up
Scientists who discover adverse findings from GMOs are regularly attacked,
ridiculed, denied funding, and even
fired. When Ermakova reported the
high infant mortality among GM soy
fed offspring, for example, she appealed to the scientific community to
repeat and verify her preliminary results. She also sought additional funds
to analyze preserved organs. Instead,
she was attacked and vilified. Samples
were stolen from her lab, papers were
burnt on her desk, and she said that
her boss, under pressure from his boss,
told her to stop doing any more GMO
research. No one has yet repeated
Ermakova’s simple, inexpensive studies.
In an attempt to offer her sympathy,
one of her colleagues suggested that
maybe the GM soy will solve the over
population problem!
Surov reports that so far, he has not
been under any pressure.
ductive travesties in Russian hamsters
and rats, Italian and Austrian mice, and
livestock in India and America. And
we can only speculate about the relationship between the introduction of
genetically modified foods in 1996, and
the corresponding upsurge in low birth
weight babies, infertility, and other
problems among the U.S. population.
But many scientists, physicians, and
concerned citizens don’t think that the
public should remain the lab animals
for the biotech industry’s massive
uncontrolled experiment.
Alexey Surov says, “We have no right
to use GMOs until we understand the
possible adverse effects, not only to
ourselves but to future generations as
well. We definitely need fully detailed
studies to clarify this. Any type of
contamination has to be tested before
we consume it, and GMO is just one
of them.” To learn more about the health
dangers of GMOs, and what you
can do to help end the genetic
engineering of our food supply, visit
To learn how to choose
healthier non-GMO brands, visit
Help us reclaim a food supply
free of genetic modification.
Opting Out of the Massive
GMO Feeding Experiment
Without detailed tests, no one can pinpoint exactly what is causing the repro-
Heal i ng Ou r Worl d »« Gre e n Foods
Green Foods &
The Good Life Doesn’t Have to Cost the Planet
an excerpt from the latest book by John Robbins, The New Good Life
It’s important to be thrifty and save. But a truly fulfilling life requires more than
frugality. It also requires, I believe, a sense of purpose that is connected to
something greater than ourselves. For me, this means living with gratitude and
respect for all life, caring for others, and being part, if I can, of restoring the earth.
or the ten years that my wife,
Deo, and I lived on an island off
the coast of British Columbia, we
grew 90 percent of our own food. Everything we grew was entirely organic.
Although the phrase “carbon footprint”
didn’t exist back then, ours was
very small.
We had no livestock because we
didn’t want to kill animals for food,
since there was other food we could
grow or buy that provided all the nourishment we needed. Some may think I
am overly sentimental, but I’ve known
too many animals who’ve felt like
family to me. When I see a wild bird in
flight, my instinct is not to grab a gun
to shoot and kill it. My desire is to appreciate its beauty and understand its
place in the web of life.
In the years since our time on the
island, I’ve learned a great deal about
how animals are treated in modern
factory farms, and what I’ve learned
has changed me yet again. I won’t describe it in gory detail, because you’ve
probably seen pictures or heard stories
of how bad it is — of the concentration
camp conditions these animals are
forced to endure. But I will tell you that
in reality it’s every bit as bad as — or worse than — you’ve heard.
All of the animals involved in modern meat production — cattle, pigs,
chickens, turkeys, and so forth — are
kept in conditions that violate their
essential natures, that frustrate even
their most basic needs, that cause them
incomprehensible suffering. You don’t
have to be a vegetarian, nor even a
particularly compassionate person, to
be disgusted by the level of cruelty that
takes place every day in modern meat
production. Julia Child, the famous
Heal i ng Ou r Wo r l d »« G r e e n F o o d s
chef, author, and TV personality, used
to dismiss vegetarians as sappy. But
when, late in her life, I took her to visit
a veal production facility, she was
horrified by what she saw. “I had no
idea it was so severe,” she told me.
All this leaves me with a question
that I think we need, as a society, to
ask: How is it that we call some animals “pets,” lavish our love on these animals, and get so much in return — and
yet then we turn around and call other
animals “dinner” and feel justified, by
virtue of this semantic distinction, in
treating these animals with any level
of cruelty so long as it lowers the price
per pound?
The cruelties inherent in modern
meat production are so intense that it’s
hard to eat these products and honor
compassion at the same time. If you
eat any kind of meat, you might want
to purchase products that you know to
be truly free-range and organic, such as
those with the “Animal Compassion”
logo from Whole Foods Market.
Because I so deeply deplore cruelty to
animals, and I’ve been publicly active
in bringing attention to the systematic
cruelty in modern meat production,
people often ask me if my reluctance
to eat meat stems from ethical reasons.
Yes, it does, and yet over the years I’ve
learned something else that has also
affected me greatly. As a concerned
citizen of our beautiful but endangered
planet, I want to do whatever I can to
help protect the fragile biosystems on
which so much depends, so that your
children and mine, and all generations
yet to come, might have a chance for a
viable future.
What does that have to do with
eating meat? A lot more than you
might think. In 2006, the Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the
United Nations released a seminal
report titled Livestock’s Long Shadow.
The report states that meat production
is the second or third largest contributor to environmental problems at every
level and at every scale, from global
to local. It is a primary culprit in land
degradation, air pollution, water shortage, water pollution, species extinction,
loss of biodiversity, and climate change.
Henning Steinfeld, a senior author of
the report, stated, “Livestock are one
of the most significant contributors to
today’s most serious environmental
problems. Urgent action is needed to
remedy the situation.”
As Ezra Klein wrote in The Washington Post in 2009, “The evidence is
strong. It’s not simply that meat is a
contributor to global warming; it’s
that it is a huge contributor. Larger, by
a significant margin, than the global
transportation sector.”
In his influential documentary An
Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore presents a
compelling argument for the seriousness of human-induced global warming. But for some reason he asks us to
change our light bulbs while never asking us to change our diets. Seeing this
omission, I’ve realized how deeply we
are conditioned to think of meat eating
as the reward for affluence and how
difficult it can be to question it. Meat
eating has held such a central place in
the old good life that it can just slip by,
But question it we must if we are
going to take seriously our responsibility to the planet. Cattle are notorious for producing methane, which is
one of the four primary greenhouse
gases. You may find it difficult to take
cow burps and flatulence seriously,
but livestock emissions are no joke.
Methane comes from both ends of the
cow in such enormous quantities that
scientists seriously view it as one of the
greatest threats to our earth’s climate.
And there’s more. The FAO report
states that livestock production generates 65 percent of the nitrous oxide
(another extremely potent greenhouse
gas) produced by human activities. The
FAO concludes that overall, livestock
production is responsible for 18 percent
of greenhouse gas emissions, a bigger
share than all the SUVs, cars, trucks,
buses, trains, ships and planes in the
world combined.
Similarly, a 2009 report published
in Scientific American remarked that
“producing beef for the table has a surprising environmental cost: it releases
prodigious amounts of heat-trapping
greenhouse gases.” The greenhouse gas
emissions from producing a pound of
beef, the study found, are fifty-eight
times greater than those from producing a pound of potatoes.
Some people thought the Live Earth
concert handbook was exaggerating
when it stated that, “Refusing meat is
the single most effective thing you can
do to reduce your carbon footprint,”
but it wasn’t. This is literally true. Even
Environmental Defense, a group that
was called George W. Bush’s favorite
environmental group for its lessthan-radical stands, calculates that if
every meat eater in the United States
swapped just one meal of chicken per
week for a vegetarian meal, the carbon
savings would be equivalent to taking
half a million cars off the road.
People have begun comparing eating
little or no animal products with driving a Prius (“Vegetarianisn is the new
Prius”) and likewise compared eating
meat with driving a Hummer. But this
comparison, as striking as it is, actually
understates the amount of greenhouse
gases that stem from meat. In 2006, a
University of Chicago study found that
a vegan diet is far more effective than
driving a hybrid car in reducing our
carbon footprint. Scientists who have
done the calculations say that a Prius
driver who consumes a meat-based
diet actually contributes more to global
warming than a Hummer driver who
eats low on the food chain.
Then, in late 2009, Worldwatch
Institute published a seminal report
that took things further. The thoughtful and meticulously thorough study,
written by World Bank agricultural
scientist Robert Goodland, who spent
twenty-three years as the Bank’s
lead environmental adviser, and Jeff
Anhang, an environmental specialist
for the Bank, came to the conclusion
that animals raised for food account
for more than half of all human-caused
greenhouse gases. Eating plants
instead of animals, the authors state,
would be by far the most effective
strategy to reverse climate change,
because it “would have far more rapid
effects on greenhouse
gas emissions and their atmospheric
concentrations — and thus on the rate
that the climate is warming — than
actions to replace fossil fuels with
renewable energy.”
I often see very well-intentioned
people going to all sorts of lengths to
live a greener lifestyle. It’s sadly ironic
that they sometimes ignore what
would be the single most effective
thing they could be doing.
cont’d on p. 54
Heal i ng Ou r Worl d »« Gre e n Foods
took another 3 billion years to create
sufficient oxygen to support other
forms of life because land plants
evolved from algae only about 500
million years ago.
Algae’s atmospheric transformation
enabled the development of other
water plants, fish, insects, land plants,
amphibians, reptiles and eventually
land animals. Even though microalgae are the tiniest plants on our
planet, each day algae create 70% of
the atmospheric oxygen, more than
all the forest and fields combined.
Algae’s Second Gift — Food
The Tiny Plant that Saved Our Planet
by Dr. Mark Edwards
Reprinted courtesy of
Algae saved our planet by transforming our atmosphere to oxygen,
allowing life to exist. Algae saved us again by providing the Earth’s first food.
Might algae save our planet yet again?
April 14, 2010
arly Earth supported neither living creatures nor food. About 3.7
billion years ago, no life existed
because the Earth’s surface was too
hot and there was no oxygen. The
Earth’s atmosphere was composed of
a blanket of deadly and heat trapping
CO2 and methane gas.
Fossil records show that a tiny plant
emerged in the primordial soup and
did an extraordinary thing. The plant
absorbed the sun’s energy and used a
chemical reaction, photosynthesis, to
split a CO2 and a water molecule. The
tiny plant converted the carbon atom
into a high-energy green plant bond,
a hydrocarbon, by taking two hydrogen atoms from H2O and released the
oxygen molecule to the atmosphere.
Algae had begun its work to change
the atmosphere.
Abiogenesis, the study of how life
on earth emerged, uses a primordial
soup theory and suggests the chemical conditions on Earth created the
essential building blocks of life. While
debate continues on exactly how the
Heal i ng Ou r Wo r l d »« G r e e n F o o d s
first life was synthesized, fossils suggest the first plant cell, cyanobacteria,
also known as blue-green algae, was
the size of a nano-particle, 5 µ (microns). The period at the end of this
sentence is about 500 µ.
Algae systematically collected solar
energy, sequestered carbon atoms
and released oxygen. Moving at the
incredibly slow rate of one tiny molecule at a time, algae transformed the
harsh carbon dioxide atmosphere that
could not sustain life to an oxygen
atmosphere that supported life. Algae
Algae’s contribution to our oxygenrich atmosphere is matched by this
tiny plant’s other gift — serving as the
base of the food chain. Many of the
earliest plants and water creatures
depended on algae as a food source.
Algae serve as nutritious food for
everything from the tiniest phytoplankton to the largest mammal on
earth, the great blue whale, because
the plant offers an excellent set of
proteins, minerals and vitamins.
Every day, while algae captures CO2
and releases pure oxygen, the green
biomass supplies food for 100 times
more organisms than any other food
source on Earth.
The brutal conditions on Earth
meant the first algae cells had to
evolve and re-evolve millions of
times as their microenvironments
crashed with electrical storms and
severe heat followed by freezes and
meteor showers of super-heated
rocks. Algae displayed incredible
persistence and developed a wide
variety of defense mechanisms that
allowed the plants to survive and to
propagate. Algae’s ability to adapt
quickly in order to survive led to an
estimated 10 million algal species,
each with unique growth capabilities
and biomass composition.
Since algae formed the lowest rung
on the food chain, they developed a
brilliant survival strategy — the ability to grow faster than its predators
could eat. The herbivores that fed on
algae ate many but not all of the fast
growing plants. The ability to propagate faster than its predators could
devour them created a tremendous
competitive advantage and ensured
algae’s survival. Algae may have been
the first free lunch because many species developed the capacity to double
their biomass before midday. A single
algal cell may create a million offspring in a day.
Algae blooms were common in
ancient oceans, lakes and ponds. The
fossil fuels we burn today are made
up mostly of fossilized algae. Children
are taught in school that crude oil
comes from dinosaurs but dinosaurs
roamed the earth about 200 million
years too late to become the biomass
of choice for fossil fuels.
Most species of algae are so tiny
they are visible only under a microscope. However, algae may group,
bunch, cluster or grow in formations
that are visible and edible. Algae
typically are heavier than water and
settle, creating a layer of green snow
on the bottom of a pond. Algae’s green
solar energy fuels growth for trillions
of organisms daily as algae’s stored
energy moves up the food chain.
Marine algae called seaweeds or
macroalgae often grow into forms that
have the appearance of land plants
with pseudo roots, trunks and leaves.
This parallel evolution enables marine
algae to grow to sizes as large as trees.
Macroalgae are often eaten directly
by fish and mammals such as sea otters, manatees, dolphins and whales.
Macroalgae provide a variety of bright
colors for the oceans and far more
biomass than herbivores can eat.
Algae grow in forests under the
polar ice caps, in soils under glaciers,
in the hottest and driest deserts as
well as in pools, aquariums and water
ways. Algae’s simplicity enables
these plants to be incredibly robust;
they not only survive but produce
high-value biomass in extremely
tough environments. The toughest
environments existing on Earth today
probably seem tame to a plant that
survived the harsh environmental
conditions billions of years ago.
Abundant Inputs
Algae use plentiful and often surplus
inputs, including sunshine, CO2, and
waste, brine or ocean water. Algae
photosynthesis strips CO2 and nutrients from the surrounding water and
produces plant biomass made up of
various forms of lipids (oils), protein and carbohydrates. The process
releases considerable pure oxygen to
the atmosphere.
Algae serve as a major food source
for many organisms in natural settings with no human cultivation. Wild
algae growing in natural settings produce incredibly fast biomass growth
but are neither reliable nor sustainable because production typically
crashes due to either nutrient limitation or predator attack. Cultivating
algae in ponds, troughs or containers
enables significant productivity improvements over wild algae because
sufficient nutrients can be provided
and predators managed or avoided.
The most common nutrient limitation in natural settings occurs from
carbon, nitrogen or phosphorus. Inorganic nutrients, such as nitrogen, are
available only to the degree that they
are available as free ions, diluted in
the water. However, algae can quickly
consume the available ions in natural
settings such as lagoons. Again, algae
adapted strategically, and many
species have the ability to consume
organic nutrients from biological
biomass or other waste.
Humble algae saved our planet
by sequestering two pounds of CO2
in every pound of algal biomass. cont’d on p. 45
Heal i ng Ou r Worl d »« Gre e n Foods
Raw Vegan Power
Who said it can’t be done?
by Mary Luciano
here is a growing number
of vegetarian, vegan and
raw food athletes, from
sprinters, marathon runners and
Ironman contenders to body builders, hockey players, and the like.
Regardless of the sport, we can find at least one vegan athlete
among the bunch. What’s more, coaches are realizing the benefits of adding more raw foods to their athletes’ nutritional
regime. Gone are the days when vegan athletes were seen as
weaker than their meat eating competitors.
Never-the-less, we are still faced with skepticism in the
minds of some of our athletes and coaches. For the past
two years I have been on a quest to put the raw food diet to
the test by entering fitness competitions while being on a
mostly raw food program.
In my younger years I bought into the belief that you really
needed meat to help grow muscle. All the sport nutrition
books that I read and all the nutritionists I counseled with
said, “your plate should consist of carbohydrates, vegetables,
cooked grains, salads and fruits, healthy fats and oils, nuts
and seeds, and a protein source of lean meats such as
chicken, turkey, fish and lean red meat on occasion.”
I continued through most of my competitive life thinking
I was eating enough nutrient rich foods until, at one point,
I faced more injuries than I could handle. I had to stop any
intense exercising altogether and ended up in rehabilitation.
I went from therapist to therapist for a better part of four
years. Imagine an athlete being restricted to rehab exercises!
It wasn’t fun. The lightest cardio motions aggravated my
system and running was surely out of the question. After a
while, these challenges all started to take a toll not only on
my time but my bank account as well.
One weekend, after listening to a speaker at a health
show, I learned about the raw food lifestyle. I heard more and
more about eating raw and began to research the healing
wonders of raw food. I couldn’t soak enough in and attended
food demonstrations, workshops, and lectures from experts
in the field who spoke in Toronto.
Next came the crème-de-la-crème of raw food pursuits — Hippocrates Health Institute. In July 2004 I went to
Hippocrates and participated in their three week Life Change
Program. Lo and behold, I started to feel better.
When I came home I continued as best as I could with the
lifestyle I had adopted. I also decided to experiment to determine if my body was still okay with adding the odd not so
healthy favorite food. My body quickly alerted me that this
Heal i ng Ou r Wo r l d »« G r e e n F o o d s
“moderation” tactic just would not work. I gradually began
exercising regularly while continuing to eat raw foods.
With proper nutrition and the help of a Pilates teacher,
and later a personal trainer, I finally returned to an intense
exercise program.
Shortly thereafter, I decided to return to competitive
sports. Instead of endurance sports, such as running, biking,
adventure racing, and sprinting, I wanted to try something
different. Since I was a teenager, I had always wanted to
participate in a fitness show because I always admired the
beautiful, tanned, muscular men and women who competed.
Although weight training had always been a part of my
fitness programs, I had to raise the intensity to a new level.
My new eating regimen was a running joke between my
trainer and I — while I persuaded him to drink my wheatgrass
he tried to convince me to add a little bit of meat back into
my diet. But I was committed to proving that I could do this.
I am proud to say that on November 7th, 2009 I placed
second at the IDFA’s (International Drug Free Association)
show, in the Novice Figure, short division, one up from my
last year’s finish, and as a raw vegan athlete to boot!
This year I entered my third competition with the Ontario
Physique Association (OPA) and placed 4th in the Women’s
Open Division and 3rd in the Women’s Master Division allowing me to compete at the Provincial level. At the Provincials
I placed 5th in the Women’s Master Division and am now
training for the Nationals.
My diet is anywhere from 80 to 100% raw with the
exception of some steamed vegetables and whole grains.
Wheatgrass, E3Live, Sunwarrior and Hemp Protein are my proteins of choice to help with muscle building along with
lots of leafy greens and tons of sprouts.
This year I will be turning 40 and maybe I’ll set my intention
for a 1st place win. For now I dedicate this trophy to everyone
on this journey of living foods because it is purely the best.
So if anyone ever challenges you and says that it can’t be
done; prove them wrong. Anything you set your mind on you
can achieve. Best wishes to everyone!
With gratitude,
Mary Luciano
Healthy Living Educator, Raw Food Enthusiast
Herbs for Happier Emotions
and Brighter Brains
by Antony Chatham and Michele Mendez
People who detox physically also detox emotionally. This connection is often seen among
the guests at Hippocrates Health Institute while going through the Life Change Program.
While the unpleasant aspects of physical detox are well known, the emotional side of detox
is often overlooked. This is why Hippocrates guests are given a stress assessment and a
consequent stress management support session. These sessions help most guests better
deal with their emotional detox. However, there are some individuals who choose to come to
the program hoping to balance their emotional challenges without having to take medications. Those individuals often find their way to relief through the nutritional and counseling
help available in the program. The use of herbs and other alternative therapies are also found
to be helpful by some. It should be emphasized that this program is by no means a substitute
for psychiatric treatments if one needs psychiatric help.
erbs have been long used to
help promote healthy memory
and neurological function.
Many studies have been conducted
in Europe and the US on the effects
of natural supplements on the brain.
The results have been promising.
Dandelion leaves, for example, provide
vitamins A and C, and its flowers are
one of the best sources of lecithin,
a nutrient that elevates the brain’s
acetylcholine and may play a role in
preventing Alzheimer’s disease.
Furthermore, the right balance of
nutrients is important for protecting and promoting healthy brain cell
function. Another critical aspect is to
protect the arteries supplying oxygen
and nutrients to the brain. The phytochemicals unique to the Ginkgo Biloba
tree restore better blood flow to the
brain, allowing improved use of oxygen,
and protect the cells from free radicals.
Let the blues flush away
Sadness and grief often dominate the
emotional life of many guests at HHI
because they have been dealing with
major health challenges. Hopelessness
often accompanies such feelings. As
a result, many individuals experience
symptoms which go along with depression. Many of these symptoms are dealt
with through the psychological support
available in the Life Change Program.
Often our guests choose to deal with
these problems using herbs. Some of
the herbs which are often helpful in
combating the emotional symptoms
of depression are described below. It is
important to note that it is suggested
for individuals going through these
symptoms to use herbs under the supervision of a Naturopathic Physician or
nutritionist, such as the ones at
Hippocrates Health Institute.
Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis):
A safe and non-habit forming herb often
used for nervousness, depression, insomnia, and nervous headaches. The volatile
oils in the plant (particularly citronellal)
have a sedative effect even in minute
concentrations, so use with caution.
Ginseng (Panax ginseng and Panax
quinquefolius): An adaptogenic herb
often used to boost mood, improve
memory and attention, lengthen
physical and mental endurance,
improve test scores, and ease anxiety.
Siberian Ginseng (Eleutherococcus
senticosus): An adaptogenic herb often
used to boost concentration and focus
without the letdown that comes from
stimulants like caffeine.
Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica): An herb
often used to improve memory, concentration, and mental performance levels.
cont’d on p. 46
Heal i ng Ou r Worl d »« Gre e n Foods
Health Educators in the News
Algae, cont’d from p. 41
Success Stories by Katharine Clark
Might algae save us again?
The Hippocrates Health Academy is offering cutting edge knowledge, living foods nutritional curriculum, complimentary
therapies, and help in planning an exciting career path. Here’s how two of our graduates are using their certification:
Ken Rohla became a Hippocrates Health
Educator in 2005 and lectures at the institute occasionally. He specializes in teaching
cellular regeneration, nutrition, emotional
healing, and changing limiting subconscious
beliefs to naturally heal “incurable” disease, and radically
improve health, business performance, athletic performance,
and overall well-being. Ken has studied natural health and
healing from some of the best healers in the world, including
the many at Hippocrates, Gabriel Cousens, Brenda Cobb,
Dr. Robert Morse, Dr. Medicine Wolf, David Wolfe, and a litany
of other healers, doctors, scientists, shamans, and gurus.
An engineer by training with 23 years working in hospitals
and the medical system, Ken teaches about the quantum
physics, biology, and chemistry of food, the body, the mind,
and emotions — where they meet, and how they work
together. Ken lectures, teaches workshops, and does private
consults to provide people cutting-edge natural solutions
that really work.
Benjamin Stone graduated from the Hippocrates Health Educator Program in 2009.
Benjamin has combined the living food principles he learned at Hippocrates with his strong
background in business and technology to
launch two thriving businesses, RawNaturals Healthy Living
Supplements (see ad, page 51) and Toronto Sprouts Limited.
He is also very successful as a leading Canadian distributor
of LifeGive supplements. Benjamin credits living foods with
changing his life and has made it his life’s ambition to share
this knowledge with others. This ambition is already becoming a reality for the young entrepreneur, who has many exciting projects on the horizon, including breaking ground on a
new alternative health institute in his native Canada and the
potential ownership of raw food retreats in the Philippines.
Benjamin continues to study and complete certifications, such
as T. Colin Campbell Ph.D.’s Plant-based Nutrition from Cornell
University, BodyMind Nutrition Certification, David Wolfe’s
Ultimate Raw Nutrition Certification and completing his
Holistic Nutritionist RHN Designation through Alive Academy.
Today, our atmosphere and oceans carry massive amounts
of CO2 from human caused fossil fuel pollution. Algae may
play a role in saving our planet again by reducing the atmospheric carbon load. Algae can also reduce greenhouse
gases by producing carbon-neutral liquid transportation
fuels that recycle atmospheric carbon while displacing
fossil transportation fuels. Carbon neutral fuels are made
with algae feedstock when the cultivation, harvest and refining energy comes from renewable sources such as solar,
wind, waves, geothermal or algal oil.
Algal fuels offer a significant advantage in that they burn
cleanly, without black soot particulates. The black soot pollution that causes lung disease, respiratory illness and cancer came from the fossilization of algae into crude oil, coal
and shale over 400 million years. Algal fuels are produced in
a matter of weeks and are not fossilized, so they burn clean
similar to their land-based cousins — vegetable oil.
Algae promise to provide much-needed solutions for our
increasingly hot, crowded, hungry and energy consumptive societies. The opportunity before us is to cultivate
algae in a manner that engages people globally to produce
sustainable and affordable food and energy for their family and community needs locally.
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Health Educator students do not receive every treatment offered in the full price version of the
Life Change Program. Additional treatments may be purchased individually at a discounted price.
For more information on the Hippocrates Health Educator program, contact Katharine Clark at
or (561) 471-8876, extension 206. See Hippocrates Health Educator ad on opposite page for details about the program.
Nourishment, cont’d from p. 25
This deviation is further evidenced by
the condition of the planet on which
we reside. Through abusing ourselves,
we consequently abuse our environment. From littered roadways to
factories pouring vile waste into our
atmosphere to oceans that will soon
have more oil platforms than fish, we
are surrounded by signs marking the
disparity between a fulfilling existence and a troubled life.
Nourishment begins with finding
your purpose, relentlessly pursuing
it and finally soaking up the passion
it provides. This ethos manifests in
strong and capable people who will
not concede to second best. These
individuals see life as an opportunity
to progress rather than a sentence to
toil through. Fueling your very cells
with fresh, organic, plant-based, living
foods is an essential process for those
who wish to raise themselves from
the ashes of an ill humanity.
With distrust at the helm of the
human psyche, it is no wonder that
confusion and sadness reign supreme.
When people doubt themselves, they
doubt all. When people make conscious and pure choices, they develop
self-respect and internal trust that
spreads among those they touch. It is
time we become serious about food.
The basis of this transformation is realizing that food is not a recreational
activity. Our kitchens should be our
fueling stations, not our amusement
parks. When individuals embrace this
knowledge and utilize the wisdom
of correct cuisine, they spread that
goodness from themselves to the very
earth they live on. Thriving health
replaces disease; community gardens
Heal i ng Ou r Wo r l d »« G r e e n F o o d s
supplant toxic pollution; heightened
awareness supersedes confusion and
sadness; a new way of life blossoms
from the bold, yet simple, act of
proper food selection.
From this moment on, ask yourself
this viable question every day: “Do I
deserve the best nourishment available?” Until the answer is a consistent
and constant, “yes,” keep pursuing
a higher quality avenue of change.
Combine this with the relevant tools
of self-exploration and improvement
of mind-set. This, and only this, will
lead you to a full, healthy and happy
life, free of discontent and disease. Dr. Brian Clement, Ph.D., LN, Director of Hippocrates Health Institute, is the author of:
•Hippocrates Health Program
•Spirituality in Healing and Life
•Living Food for Optimum
empowering wellness
Soon to come:
•Killer Clothes
•Sex Health and Happiness
•Food is Medicine (three volume series)
Heal i ng Ou r Worl d »« Gre e n Foods
Herbs, cont’d from p. 43
Yerba maté (Ilex paraguariensis):
A shrub that may have the effect of
stimulating the mind, increasing concentration, and easing depressive moods.
St. John’s Wort (Hypericum
perforatum): An herb often used in
the treatment of mild to moderate
depression. Not recommend as a first
line or solo treatment for depression;
may be effective for a patient with a
history of positive response to low-dose
SSRI medications.
Golden Root, Arctic Root, or Roseroot
(Rhodiola rosea): An herb often used
to improve mental and physical energy,
cognitive functions, memory, and
performance under stress. By providing extra mental energy, this herb has
helped some overcome sad feelings
and other symptoms of depression.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids and proper
forms of B-12 are known to improve
the functioning of neural tracks which
help regulate mood, and thus may also
be effective in combating depression.
Worriers become calmer
Every major health challenge
involves fear and anxiety. Many of
the Hippocrates guests suffer from
stress, worry and fear when they come
to the program, especially if their
family members or conventional
health practitioners have discouraged
them from seeking non-conventional
healing modalities.The guests often
learn to cope with the symptoms of
worry and fear through stress management, meditation, guided imagery,
Qigong, Tai Chi, breathing techniques,
bio-identical hormone therapy, etc.
The following herbal remedies are
also known to help such conditions.
LifeGive™ AdrenaSupport™ is a
nutrient-rich supplement that strengthens the adrenal gland. In combination
with LifeGive™ Kind Kidney,™ this helps
rid you of worry by stabilizing hormone
action in the anatomical region.
Oat straw: A soothing herb often used
as a tea for cases of mild to moderate
anxiety. May also be effective to combine
with other nourishing herbs like
Chamomile (Matricaria recutita)
and Linden.
Passionflower (Passiflora): A flowering
plant with mild narcotic properties that
help promote sleep. This strong calming
herb may occasionally be found useful
for severe daytime anxiety. Passionflower can be brewed into teas, made into
tinctures, or encapsulated.
Kava (Piper methysticum): A sedative
that is primarily used to help one relax
without disrupting mental clarity. May
also be helpful to reduce anxiety.
Valerian (Valeriana officinalis): An
herb often used for its sedative effects.
Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba): An herb that
is often used to improve memory and
Omega-3 Fatty Acids may also be
helpful to deal with challenges of
stress, worry and fear. HHI supports
nutritional treatment by suggesting
foods rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids,
including sprouted seeds.
Boosting the brain
Cognitive challenges often noticed at
HHI are related to what many guests
call, “brain fog.” Some major diagnoses
affect the brain function. Lyme disease,
for example, is known to cause cognitive decline and memory impairment.
Those with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
express similar symptoms as well. The
HHI diet includes many nutrients to
particularly boost brain function. Some
of the herbs known to help the same
function are mentioned below.
These herbs may be ideal to combat
certain cognitive challenges, but
should be used under the supervision
of a physician.
Arctic Root: See “Golden Root” above
Five Flavor Berry (Schizandra
chinensis): A Chinese herb known
to boost concentration.
Ginseng (Asian Ginseng, Oriental
Ginseng, or Siberian Ginseng): An herb
known to help resist stress and to
boost energy.
Maca (Lipidium meynii): An herb
used for thousands of years by Andean
people to improve energy, sexual activity, stress tolerance, etc.
Heal i ng Ou r Wo r l d »« G r e e n F o o d s
Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba): An herb used
often for improving cognitive and memory challenges in Chinese medicine.
Brahmi (Bacopa monniera): An
Ayurvedic herb used by Indians for
thousands of years to enhance stress
resilience, reduce anxiety, and improve
cognitive function.
Using aromatherapy may also be a
positive and effective method of using herbs to combat the emotional
symptoms of detox. Essential oils may
be diffused to smell their aroma, and in
some cases be applied topically, usually
with a carrier oil, such as grape seed,
almond, or avocado oil. The following
herbs are especially helpful as essential
oils for concentration:
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis):
Referred to as “the herb of remembrance,” Rosemary is the best known
aromatherapy treatment for poor
memory, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, and improving mental clarity.
Peppermint (Mentha x piperita): Cooling and refreshing, Peppermint essential oil energizes the mind and mood,
improving mental clarity and memory.
Basil (Ocimum basilicum): Oil of Basil
is perhaps the best aromatic nerve
tonic. It is often used to clear the head,
relieve intellectual fatigue, and give the
mind strength and clarity.
In Conclusion
Western medicine draws an unnatural
line between emotions and physical
illness, when no such line exists in the
body and mind. Regaining ones balance
from the experience of anxiety and
nervousness, stress and tension, panic
attacks, PMS, ADD, depression, and so
forth, may be successfully approached
with the use of herbs under the supervision of a physician. From treating
insomnia, anxiety, and mild depression,
some of the favorite herbs used at Hippocrates are Peppermint, Chamomile,
and Lavender. The most common treatments using herbs are herbal teas and
tinctures, as well as essential oils used
in aromatherapy. Ormus Supergreens
Review by Will Burson
Ormus Supergreens isn't your typical "green drink." Neither
protein powder nor meal replacement, Sun Warrior's new green
powder boasts some special nutritional qualities. This is largely
because the greens Ormus is made of are grown in a pristine
ancient sea bed located in a volcanic region of Utah and Arizona.
Unlike other products made of grasses that are often imported
from other countries, Ormus Supergreens has the benefit of the
full array of macro minerals and trace minerals found in these
ancient sea beds.
“That's great, but how's it taste?” I find it very refreshing, but,
to be fair, I love green drinks of all kinds. This is why I also gave
Ormus Supergreens to some friends who aren't particularly fond
of rudimentary raw fare, such as sprouts or plain greens. How
did it stand up to their standard American palettes? They liked it!
The consensus is that it tastes like a minty green tea. For this reason, I think Ormus Supergreens is a great product to add greens
to the diets of those who are less "green-crazy." And of course it’s
a great way to bolster the healthy diets of raw fooders.
The "ormus" in Ormus Supergreens refers to the vibrational
quality of the greens (thank the metals in the minerals in the sea
beds). This is what gives this green powder its high "vibration"
factor. For more information on the vibrational quality of foods,
simply Google "high vibration foods." CHRYSTAL’S CORNER
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Mention Chrystal’s Corner Ad and receive 10% OFF Éjuva Body Cleanse.
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To order call (561) 471-8876, ext. 171
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Heal i ng Ou r Worl d »« Gre e n Foods
47 — that he was seeing blue light and was
Field of Greens, cont’d from p. 19
John’s seemingly endless knowledge
close to blacking out. The doctors told
Besides trying to stay 100% raw,
about gardening and food-prepping
him he was suffering from meningianother pitfall people run into while
on YouTube, from planting a tomato
tis, an inflammation of the brain and
improving the quality of their food
field in his (willing) neighbors’
spine protective membranes, and that
is the idea of “transitioning,” a term
side-yard to growing edible weeds
he might not leave the hospital alive.
John’s pulled like an irascible weed
like lambsquarters (wild spinach)
Along with his diagnosis, he was told
(the tasty and nutritious dandelion,
and harvesting radishes the size of
there was no medicine to “fix it,” even
malva and lambsquarters excluded)
cucumbers to make radish pickles.
if he had all the money in the world.
out of his vocabulary.
“I thought, ‘Wow,
“What makes a
successful transition
Just Because it’s Raw Doesn’t Mean it’s Healthy what good is money
when I might not
is not a transition, it’s
In his two-hour talk at HHI, John asked his audience to come up with
even make it out
a lifestyle change,” he
criteria that a food needs to be truly healthy. In addition to being
of the hospital?’”
said. “People who are
vegan, void of any animal product, they agreed that to pass the test
He realized that
transitioning means
a food must be:
putting your health
they’re always going
»» Chemical- and pesticide-free
first was the only
to be transitioning.
(if unsure, pass on it)
»» Enzymatically active, alive
way to enjoy anyIt’s better just to do
»» Whole and unrefined
thing else, especially
it. Otherwise, you’re
»» Health-building as opposed to
your body. He also
setting yourself up
»» Not genetically modified
realized that putting
for failure.”
»» Occuring in nature
»» Fresh and highly vibrant
health first is the
John says “just doJohn suggests coming up with three top criteria of your own and
last thing most
ing it” doesn’t mean
checking them to see if the food you purchase passes the test of being
Westerners do.
denying yourself or
beneficial to your body, inside and out. Watch John’s three 10-minute seg“People don’t take
taking on more than
ments of his HHI talk on YouTube. (Search: Not all Raw Food is Healthy)
the truism ‘Health is
you can chew, so to
our wealth’ to heart,”
speak. “People who — An under-construche says. “People put convenience in
are changing to a raw lifestyle need
tion blog that directs you to a
front of their health everyday.”
to build on small successes instead
YouTube video blog where John
John decided to search out the most
of shaming themselves because they
reduces a two-hour presentation
optimum way to live and started
can’t get to or keep 100%. Then they
here at Hippocrates Health Institute
looking at the quality of food he was
say all that guilt-ridden talk, which
(HHI) into three 10-minute video
eating. “I prefer to put my money in
is detrimental to the psyche and to
clips, a cut-and-sliced culmination
preventive care,” he says now, standgoing raw.”
of 15 years as a raw foodist.
ing in the middle of his suburban
To help you with those small — Everything
vegetable oasis.
cesses, John unabashedly wants peoyou need to know about buying
His favorite edible is tree kale or
ple to “do what I do” as much as they
the right appliances for your raw
tree collards (
can. If anybody can get you excited
foods kitchen.
The plant is perennial, never flowers
about eating out of your yard, it’s
or goes to seed and produces sweet,
John Kohler. He’s the king of raw food
But John’s not pushing people to
websites, numbering four so far:
“do what I do.” As he says, “I’m not here tender leaves all year round. “Lawns — A clearing house
to try to convince anyone,” adding that are dumb,” states John. “They’re
resource hogs, high maintenance, full
of hundreds of recipes (you’ll never
that’s a lot more work than maintainof contamination from pesticides and
leave not hungry here), health articles, ing a methodical perfectionist’s view
fertilizers and most people have them
books and appliances. The best tidbit
of a vegetable garden. “I’m a nonarguonly because they feel pressure to
on this website is John’s personal
mentative type of guy. I preach a more
be like their neighbors.” Growing a
coaching sessions, which run $60
moderate approach than I used to.”
wide spectrum that includes greens,
for a half-hour packed with practical
John became shockingly conscious
beans, marigolds and cherry bomb
pointers. Sometimes he even offers
of the importance of health in 1995,
peppers is much better, he says.
a free 15-minute session to get your
way before it was rad to be raw. A few
juices flowing.
years earlier, he was in the emergency “Freshest is bestest.” room with such an intense headache
Heal i ng Ou r Wo r l d »« G r e e n F o o d s
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Heal i ng Ou r Worl d »« Gre e n Foods
Leading Canadian Distributor of LifeGive™
Chef Ken Blue’s Fall Recipes
Cream of Asparagus Soup
5 C. Nut Cream (half Almond, half Pine Nut)
Tremendous Trio
Yield: 4-6 servings
1 Bunch Asparagus (no leaves)
1 Butternut Squash, Peeled & Seeded
4 Stalks Celery
1 Sweet Potato
1 4
⁄ Sweet Onion
1 Carrot
1 oz. Lemon Juice
1 1⁄2 T. Kelp Powder
3 4
1 ⁄2 T. Dried Thyme
3 4
⁄ T. Garlic Powder
⁄2 T. Frontier Pizza Seasoning
3 4
⁄ C. Chopped Carrot
⁄8 C. Lemon Juice
⁄2 C. Raw, Organic Sesame Oil
⁄ Tsp. Ginger, Minced
⁄ Tsp. Kelp Powder
3 4
1 Tsp. Cinnamon
2.Blend for 20 seconds and set aside.
3 4
3.Take half of the asparagus and chop very fine
by hand or in food processor.
1 T. Frontier Vanilla (without alcohol)
5.Combine asparagus with creamy broth and enjoy.
To make nut cream:
⁄ Tsp. Pumpkin Pie Spice
1.In a food processor, thinly slice squash, sweet potato
and carrot.
2.In a strong blender, blend dressing to smooth
3.Toss and serve.
1.Soak nuts overnight & rinse (discard water)
2.Blend 2 1⁄2 cups almonds & 2 1⁄2 cups water
3.Squeeze through sprout bag
4.Blend 2 1⁄2 cups pine nuts & 2 1⁄2 cups water
5.Squeeze through sprout bag
This is the basis for making what we call nut cream, which
is good for any cream soup base or nut milk ice cream.
Heal i ng Ou r Wo r l d »« G r e e n F o o d s 1-877-835-7079
Helping Change the World, One Satisfied Customer at a Time!
1.In a blender, combine lemon juice, spices, celery,
onion and cream.
4.Take the other half of asparagus and slice thin
or a bias (crosswise).
Offering the
full LifeGive™
product line
and other
health essentials
See page 27 for Chef Ken’s
Dark Leafy Green Recipes
Dec. 19, 2010 – Jan. 8, 2011
July 3 – 23, 2011
French translation offered
Contact Monica Péloquin in Québec
to receive free brochures and DVD
Programme de 3 semaines
avec accompagnement en
Français. Informations pour
recevoir brochures et DVD
Monica Péloquin
(514) 288-0449 Québec
Séjour Institut Hippocrate
Cure de 21 jours
Santé, vitalité
Contact en France: Dany
Heal i ng Ou r Worl d »« Gre e n Foods
Sprouts, cont’d from p. 21
You’ll only be paying 80¢ / lb. for
organically grown sunflower greens
(more protein than spinach), or
$1 / lb. for jumbo alfalfa greens (more
chlorophyll and minerals than parsley). One pound of sprouts provides
the combined nutritional advantage
of thousands of baby plants. Biologists tell us that in the first 5 – 10 days,
young plants achieve their maximum
nutrient density. In other words, they
are more nutritious than at any other
point in their growth. These babies are
literally overflowing with rapidly multiplying enzymes, vitamins, proteins
and minerals needed for the development of the mature vegetable. B-Vitamins alone increase 300% to 1500% in
just 3 to 6 days. Complex starches are
broken down reducing cooking time
and making beans and grains easier to
digest. Enzymes abound!
You don’t need a laboratory to tell
how nutritious these foods are. You can
taste it in their flavor, smell it in their
aroma and see it in their color. When
was the last time an iceberg lettuce
looked delicious to you? Don’t blame
the poor colorless, bland iceberg. It was
grown on devitalized, artificially mineralized soil worn out a hundred years
ago from massive over-cropping!
All You Need to Make 1 lb of
Indoor Lettuce
»» 5 Tbsp seed ($1)
»» 9 inches counter space
»» 1 – 2 minutes watering/day
»» Normal indoor daylight
»» 5 – 10 days till maturity
»» A vertical style sprouter
That’s all it takes to have something most people will covet — an
alternative source of fresh food. In
hard times, your sprouter and organic
seeds can mean survival. In good
times, you’ll thrive in gourmet style
with some of the tastiest and most
nutritious foods on the planet!
What’s for Dinner?
»» Cashew
Cottage Cheese
»» Sour Dough
Sprout Bread
»» Sprouted
Wheat Breadstix
»» Dairyless Ice Cream
»» Sunflower Sun-Cheese
»» Zucchini Chips
»» Manhattan Sprout Chowder
»» Almond Sunflower Milk
»» Sprouted Hummus Spread
»» Sunflower-Power Dressing
»» Rejuvelac “no alcohol” Wine
»» Homemade Natural Sodas
»» Beansprout Marinade
»» Banana Chip Snacks
From soups to salads, dressings to
dips, sprout breads to sprout cookies,
crackers, casseroles, croquettes, dairyless cheeses, naturally sweet snacks,
raw juices, condiments, non-dairy
homemade yoghurts, soft cheeses, ice
creams and yes…even pizza. Your diet
will overflow with new flavors and
textures. There’s a whole new cuisine
of exciting tastes waiting for you and
it’s all derived from stored grains,
beans and vegetable seeds.
Small Investment
For a small investment of $50 to $100,
you could purchase all the seeds and
tools necessary to cultivate hundreds
of pounds of food! You will pay more
than that for a lawn mower! You
literally get a food
factory that keeps
on going and
going and costs
only pennies per
pound. You’ll
grow baskets
of fresh, young
salad greens; eat
meatless burgers
made from soy
sprouts, soups
from sprouted
lentils, sautés
Heal i ng Ou r Wo r l d »« G r e e n F o o d s
from sprouted green peas, snacks
from sprouted peanuts, hummus from
sprouted garbanzos and all kinds of
sprouted breads from wheat and rye.
It’s so easy — just dip and hang. It’s
easy to establish a routine so there is
always a fresh batch ready to eat. Some
seeds sprout in as little as two days!
It’s not the food in your life, it’s the
life in your food.
They say that if you eat fresh, raw
fruits and vegetables, you’ll feel fresh
and energetic. If you eat wilted, old or
canned food, you’ll feel…well, wilted
old or canned. Your home-grown,
indoor greens are the utmost in freshness. You won’t lose one precious
vitamin. These baby green plants trap
the energy of the sun and convert it to
chlorophyll. Eating fresh, live, chlorophyll-rich foods nourishes every cell of
our bodies and increases stamina. Sprouts: The Miracle Food
by Steve Meyerowitz
Let the Sproutman show you the joys of
indoor organic gardening. Learn how to grow
delicious baby greens and mini-vegetables — just one week from seed to salad. This guide
can make anyone a self sufficient gardener of
sprouts that are bursting with concentrated
nutrition. Includes the most comprehensive
nutrition charts on sprouts in print, plus common questions and answers, Seed Resource
section, illustrations, photos & charts.
The Sproutman’s most recent book is “The Organic Food Guide: How to Shop
Smarter and Eat Healthier.” His sprouting
inventions, such as the “Hemp Sprout Bag” are sold nationwide. You can visit him at
Five Poisons Abundant in Animal Foods,
cont’d from p. 31
Sulfur Toxicity
Overconsumption of sulfur-containing
amino acids (for example, methionine)
will cause you many unwelcome problems.15 Most noticeably, sulfur stinks, like
rotten eggs, causing halitosis, body odor
and noxious flatus. Methionine is metabolized into homocysteine, a risk factor for
heart attacks, strokes, peripheral vascular
disease, venous thrombosis, dementia,
Alzheimer’s disease and depression. Sulfur
feeds cancerous tumors and is known to be
toxic to the tissues of the intestine. Sulfurcontaining amino acids are metabolized
into sulfuric acid — one of the most potent
acids found in nature.
Animal Foods Mean Calories from Fat & Protein
Cholesterol 32
Acid (RAL)
Chicken Cheese
Blended Together
Plant Foods Mean Calories from Carbohydrates
Acid (RAL)
Sweet Potato Blended Together
Figures for protein and fat are in percent of calories. Figures for cholesterol and
methionine are in milligrams (mg) per 100 calories. Dietary acid (a calculation called
the renal acid load — RAL) is per 100 calories.
Acid Overload
After ingestion, your body must neutralize the over-abundance of endogenous dietary acids in the animal foods
you eat. Your bones are the primary buffering system of your
body.16 – 20 They counteract these dietary acids by releasing
alkaline materials (carbonate, citrate and sodium) — thereby
the bones dissolve. Acids from animal foods also raise cortisol
(steroid) levels in your body.21 An excess of steroids is another
mechanism for further bone loss. The net result from this
chronic acid poisoning is kidney stones and osteoporosis.
Detoxifying with a Starch-based Diet
Simply by making the right food choices you will immediately relieve yourself from the burden of five dietary poisons
inherently found in animal foods. At the same time, you
will be reducing your intake of pesticides, antibiotics and
other toxic chemicals found in high concentrations in most
animal foods. You will also be adding generous amounts of
complex carbohydrates, dietary fibers, alkaline substances
and a healthy balance of vitamins, minerals and essential
phyto-chemicals to your body. And finally, you will be
avoiding exposure to animal-borne, infectious microbes
(bacteria, viruses, parasites and prions) that can cause
acute and deadly illnesses. Give yourself a break today:
choose starches, free of the five endogenous poisons
superabundant in animal foods. Calculations based on information found in: Pennington J. Food Values of Portions
Commonly Used — 17th edition. Lippincott.
1.Brenner BM. Dietary protein intake and the progressive nature of kidney disease: the
role of hemodynamically mediated glomerular injury in the pathogenesis of progressive
glomerular sclerosis in aging, renal ablation, and intrinsic renal disease. N Engl J Med.
1982 Sep 9; 307(11): 652-9.
2.Meyer TW. Dietary protein intake and progressive glomerular sclerosis: the role of capillary hypertension and hyperperfusion in the progression of renal disease. Ann Intern
Med. 1983 May; 98(5 Pt 2): 832-8.
3.Hansen HP. Effect of dietary protein restriction on prognosis in patients with diabetic
nephropathy. Kidney Int. 2002 Jul; 62(1): 220-8.
4.Biesenbach G. Effect of mild dietary protein restriction on urinary protein excretion in
patients with renal transplant fibrosis. Wien Med Wochenschr. 1996; 146(4): 75-8.
5.Pedrini MT. The effect of dietary protein restriction on the progression of diabetic and
nondiabetic renal diseases: a meta-analysis. Ann Intern Med. 1996 Apr 1;124(7):627-32.
6.Cupisti A. Vegetarian diet alternated with conventional low-protein diet for patients
with chronic renal failure. J Ren Nutr. 2002 Jan;12(1):32-7.
7.Bianchi GP. Vegetable versus animal protein diet in cirrhotic patients with chronic
encephalopathy. A randomized cross-over comparison. J Intern Med. 1993 May;
233(5): 385-92.
8.Hegsted M, Schuette SA, Zemel MB, Linkswiler HM. Urinary calcium and calcium balance in young men as affected by level of protein and phosphorus intake. J Nutr. 1981
9.Flegal KM, Carroll MD, Ogden CL, Curtin LR. Prevalence and trends in obesity among
US adults, 1999-2008. JAMA. 2010 Jan 20;303(3):235-41.
10.Danforth E Jr. Diet and obesity. Am J Clin Nutr. 1985 May;41(5 Suppl):1132-45.
11.Schrauwen P. High-fat diet, muscular lipotoxicity and insulin resistance. Proc Nutr Soc.
2007 Feb;66(1):33-41.
12.Yecies JL, Manning BD. Chewing the fat on tumor cell metabolism. Cell. 2010 Jan
13.Subramanian S, Chait A. The effect of dietary cholesterol on macrophage accumulation
in adipose tissue: implications for systemic inflammation and atherosclerosis. Curr Opin
Lipidol. 2009 Feb;20(1):39-44.
14.Morin RJ, Hu B, Peng SK, Sevanian A. Cholesterol oxides and carcinogenesis. J Clin Lab
Anal. 1991;5(3):219-25.
15.The March 2005 McDougall Newsletter.
16.Remer T. Influence of diet on acid-base balance. Semin Dial. 2000 Jul-Aug;13(4):221-6.
17.Frassetto L.Diet, evolution and aging--the pathophysiologic effects of the post-agricultural inversion of the potassium-to-sodium and base-to-chloride ratios in the human
diet. Eur J Nutr. 2001 Oct;40(5):200-13.
18.Remer T. Potential renal acid load of foods and its influence on urine pH. J Am Diet Assoc.
1995 Jul;95(7):791-7.
19.Barzel US. Excess dietary protein can adversely affect bone. J Nutr. 1998 Jun;128(6):1051-3.
20.Jajoo R, Song L, Rasmussen H, Harris SS, Dawson-Hughes B. Dietary acid-base balance,
bone resorption, and calcium excretion. J Am Coll Nutr. 2006 Jun;25(3):224-30.
21.Maurer M. Neutralization of Western diet inhibits bone resorption independently of
K intake and reduces cortisol secretion in humans. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2003 Jan;
284(1): F32-40.
Heal i ng Ou r Worl d »« Gre e n Foods
“Children born today will find their lives
Sustainability, cont’d from p. 39
preoccupied with a host of hardships
If we are really committed to saving
created by an inexorably warming
the environment we need to know
where our leverage is. We need to focus world. Food supplies will be diminished
and many of the world’s forests will be
on where we can get the most benefit.
destroyed. Not just the coral reefs that
Eating lower on the food chain is a real
nurture many fisheries but the chemistry
boon to the whole earth community.
of the oceans will face disruption.”
The good life doesn’t have to cost
— Worldwatch Institute
the planet.
The question we will collectively
actually wasting most of the protein
answer with our lives in the coming
and other nutrients that you’ve grown.
years is this: Are we going to take the
If you think about the vast numbers of
earth’s needs into account, or are we
people who are starving on our planet,
going to indulge our appetites without
it begins to look like a crime against
regard for the impact we’re having on
humanity to take 80 percent of the
the environment?
The Fourth Assessment Report of the corn and soybeans grown in the U.S.
today and feed it to livestock. But that
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
is exactly what we are doing, so we
Change, which was released at the end
can have cheap meat. Cheap, that is, if
of 2007, was the largest and most deyou don’t count the human suffering
tailed summary of the climate change
that is and will be caused by climate
situation ever undertaken. Its authors
deterioration, the cruelty to billions of
included thousands of scientists from
animals, and the unmet food needs of
dozens of countries. It unequivocally
hundreds of millions of people.
predicted serious risks and damages to
It’s striking to me how much correlaspecies, ecosystems, human infrastruction there is between the food choices
ture, societies, and livelihoods in the
that are the healthiest, those that are
future unless drastic action to reduce
the least expensive, and those that are
warming was taken.
most socially and environmentally
Summarizing our current predicaresponsible. It is a fact of singular
ment, the Worldwatch Institute says
significance today that eating lower on
that if we do not radically change
the food chain — eating more plants
course, “Children born today will find
and fewer animals — addresses all of
their lives preoccupied with a host of
these goals in a positive way.
hardships created by an inexorably
While efforts to use government as
warming world. Food supplies will be
agent of social change don’t have
diminished and many of the world’s
the best reputation, this could be an
forests will be destroyed. Not just the
instance in which such an approach
coral reefs that nurture many fisheries
might be useful. Since we have taxes,
but the chemistry of the oceans will
why don’t we tax the things that are
face disruption.”
bad for the world and use some of that
And one more thing: We all know
that everyone needs to eat, but we tend money to lower the price of things that
are good? This would be a revenueto overlook the fact that it’s not efneutral way of fostering a better world.
ficient to cycle grain through animals.
For example, what if we taxed agroThe production of a pound of feedlot
chemicals and used the revenue to
beef requires sixteen pounds of corn
subsidize organic and other safe forms
and soybeans. That’s why the noted
of growing food? What if we taxed
author Frances Moore Lappé called
junk food and used the income to
modern meat production “a protein
subsidize fresh fruits and vegetables?
factory in reverse.” From the point of
What if we taxed white bread and used
view of world hunger, if you feed corn
the revenue to lower the price of whole
and soybeans to livestock, you’re
Heal i ng Ou r Wo r l d »« G r e e n F o o d s
wheat bread? What if we taxed products that are responsible for a disproportionate share of greenhouse gases,
such as meat, and used the money to
subsidize vegetable gardens and fruit
orchards in every school and neighborhood in the country?
The results would be impressive:
We’d have genuinely happy meals,
because we’d be eating far better and
at far less expense. We’d be so much
healthier as people that what we’d save
in medical bills would go a long way
toward solving the crisis in the health
care system. And we’d dramatically
reduce our emissions of greenhouse
gases and thus have a more stable
climate. Chew On This…
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Heal i ng Ou r Worl d »« Gre e n Foods
Chlorophyll, cont’d from p. 33
Young cereal plants absorb and synthesize vitaFoods High in
min K, vitamin
C, folic acid,
»» Green and
Blue-Green Algae
iron, calcium
»» Cereal Grasses
(wheat, oats,
and protein for
barley, etc.)
their growth
»» Buckwheat
and develop»» Sea Vegetables
ment. These
»» Green Leafy
very same
nutrients are
»» Spinach
essential to
»» Asparagus
the generation
»» Bell Peppers
and utilization
»» Broccoli
of hemoglobin
»» Brussels Sprouts
in humans
and animals.
Protection from Cancer
Scientific evidence has shown that
chlorophyll and the nutrients found
in green foods offer protection against
toxic chemicals and radiation. In 1980,
Dr. Chiu Nan Lai at the University of
Texas Medical Center reported that
extracts of wheatgrass and other green
vegetables inhibit the cancer-causing
effects of two mutagens (benzopyrene
and methylcholanthrene).2 The more
chlorophyll in the vegetable, the greater the protection from the carcinogen.
Chlorophyll can reduce the ability
of carcinogens to cause gene mutations, as shown in several laboratory studies. Chlorophyll-rich plant
extracts, as well as water solutions of
a chlorophyll derivative (chlorophyllin), dramatically inhibit the carcinogenic effects of common dietary and
environmental chemicals.14, 15
Protection from Radiation
Green vegetables provide protection
from radiation damage in test animals.
This information has been reported
in scientific literature dating back to
the early 1950s. Early reports showed
that certain vegetables significantly
reduced mortality in rats exposed to
lethal doses of X-rays.6 Dark green
broccoli offered more protection than
the lighter green
cabbage. In a
later study, the
»» Green Cabbage
same vegetables
»» Celery
were shown to
»» Collard Greens
reduce the dam»» Green Beans
age caused by
»» Green Peas
radiation.7 These
»» Kale
protective effects
»» Leeks
were more pro»» Green Olives
nounced when
»» Parsley
even darker
»» Romaine Lettuce
green vegetables
»» Sea Vegetables
»» Swiss Chard
such as mustard
»» Turnip Greens
greens and
alfalfa leaves
were used. When two or more of the
green vegetables were fed together,
the positive resistance to radiation
was greatest.
Chlorophyll vs. Chlorophyllin
Chlorophyllin is a semi-synthetic
sodium/copper derivative of
chlorophyll. It has been used for
over 50 years as a food additive and
alternative medicine because it
has a longer shelf life than natural
chlorophyll and it costs less than
some forms of natural chlorophyll.
A 2005 study was conducted in the
Netherlands to compare the effects
of chlorophyll and chlorophyllin.
Human diets high in red meat and
low in green vegetables are associated with colon cancer. Such a diet
was simulated in rats using dietary
heme. The heme, simulating the red
meat rich — and green vegetable
lacking — diet of many people, caused
a staggering increase in cytotoxicity
(>50-fold increase, measured in fecal
water), a nearly 100% increase in proliferation of colonocytes and almost
complete inhibition of exfoliation of
the colonocytes. The study found that
chlorophyll, but not water-soluble
chlorophyllins, completely prevented
these heme-induced effects.
Heal i ng Ou r Wo r l d »« G r e e n F o o d s
While chlorophyllin has exhibited
some of the same benefits as natural
chlorophyll, this study shows that the
natural option has an overwhelming
advantage in at least one application.
The best way to incorporate more
natural chlorophyll in your diet and
reap all its wonderful health benefits
is through green foods. The table on
this page lists some foods especially
high in chlorophyll. When you eat
fresh, organic, chlorophyll-rich foods
and drink their juices, you are getting
the best of the best. Growing your
own cereal grasses and juicing them
costs pennies, and these foods are the
richest in chlorophyll.
1.Carpenter, E. 1949. Clinical experiences with chlorophyll
preparations with a particular reference to chronic
osteomyelitis and chronic ulcers. American Journal of
Surgery. Feb.1949.
2.Saunders, C. 1926. The nutritional value of chlorophyll
as related to hemoglobin formation. Proceedings of the
Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (3172)
3.Smith, L. 1944. Chlorophyll: an experimental study of
its water-soluble derivatives. Remarks on the history,
chemistry, toxicity and anti-bacterial properties of water
soluble chlorophyll derivatives as therapeutic agents.
American Journal of the Medical Sciences 207:647-654.
4.Offenkrantz, W. 1950. Water-soluble chlorophyll in the
treatment of peptic ulcers of long duration. Review of
Gastroenterology 17:359-367.
5.Ohtake, H., Nonaka, S., Sawada,Y., Hagiwara, Y., Hagiwara,
H.,and Kubota, K. 1985. Studies on the constituents of
green juice from young barley leaves. Effect on dietarily
induced hypercholesterolemia in rats. Journal of the
Pharmaceutical Society of Japan 105:1052-71.
6.Spector, H. and Calloway, D. 1959. Reduction of x-radiation mortality by cabbage and broccoli. Proceedings
of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine
7.Calloway, D., Newell, G., Calhoun, W. and Munson, A.
1962. Further studies of the influence of diet on
radiosensitivity of guinea pigs, with special reference
to broccoli and alfalfa. Journal of Nutrition 79:340-348.
8.Scott, E. and Delor, C. 1933. Nutritional anemia. Ohio
State Medical Journal 29:165-169.
9.Rothemund, P., McNary, R., and Inman, O. 1934. Occurrence of decomposition products of chlorophyll.II.
Decomposition products of chlorophyll in the stomach
walls of herbivorous animals. Journal of the American
Chemical Society 56:2400-2403.
10.Hughes, J. and Latner, A. 1936. Chlorophyll and
haemoglobin regeneration after haemorrhage.
Journal of Physiology 86:388-395.
11.Patek, A. 1936. Chlorophyll and regeneration of the
blood. Archives of Internal Medicine 57:73-84.
12.Hammel-Dupont, C. and Bessman, S. 1970. The stimulation of hemoglobin synthesis by porphyrins. Biochemical
Medicine 4:55-60.
13.Lai, C., Butler, M., and Matney, T. 1980. Antimutagenic
activities of common vegetables and their chlorophyll
content. Mutation Research 77:245-250.
14.Kimm, S., Tschai, B., and Park, S. 1982. Antimutagenic
activity of chlorophyll to direct and indirect-acting
mutagens and its contents in the vegetables.
Korean Journal of Biochemistry 14:1-7.
15.Ong, T., Whong, W., Stewart, J. and Brockman, H.
1986. Chlorophyllin: a potent antimutagen against
environmental and dietary complex mixtures. Mutation
Research 173:111-15.
16.Ong, T., Whong, W. Stewart, J., and Brockman, H. 1989.
Comparative antimutagenicity of 5 compounds
against 5 mutagenic complex mixtures in Salmonella
typhimurium strain TA98. Mutation Research 222:19-25.
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