The “4 ROM Cart” pcb for the Snes.
The “4 ROM Cart” pcb for the Snes.
The “4 ROM Cart” pcb for the Snes. This pcb is packed with features! But, among its charm is its ease of use. One goal in developing this pcb was to make it easy to use, in that, a lot of the settings are automatic. Sram saving among all 4 roms are all automatic. 256K sram switching is also a single jumper now. It’s all been simplified to just a few sets of jumpers. More on this later. This pcb comes with all necessary parts INCLUDING the multi-game PIC already programmed. No ROMs or battery is included. It also comes with the super CIC which can run games in either PAL or NTSC region. This pcb will also fit inside either region cases. NO CASE modification is necessary. NO STACKING of Rom chips! This pcb is PRIMARILY for multi-game use like AST or Star Ocean. It would be an over-kill to use this pcb as a SINGLE rom game. We have other pcbs more appropriate for small single game builds. IF you have a RETRON5, then the MULTI-GAME FEATURE WILL NOT WORK because the R5 is a (poorly done) emulation based console. Read the bottom section for more information. This pcb can use these ROMs: 27c322 (32mbits, 4mBytes) 27c160 (16mbits, 2mBytes) This includes the Flash Rom version MX29F1615 27c800 (8mbits, 1mByte) I’ll divide this manual into 4 sections. Section 1: How to make a Single game (over-kill but hey, if that’s what you want to do) Section 2: How to make ExHiRom games. Section 3: How to make Star Ocean. Section 4: How to use/build multi-games on this cart. APPLICABLE TO ALL SINGLE GAME BUILDS: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 Section 1: Single game, (NOT Star Ocean or ExHiROM) Determine the size and mapper of the game you want to make. Jumper the appropriate Rom size jumper of the size of EPROM you are using. Picture #3 ROM1 will go into the ROM1 spot. If it is a LOW MAP game, jumper the ALL LOW pads. IF Hi Map, do nothing else. Picture #2 If the game requires 256K sram, then jumper the “No PIC 256k/64K Enable” shown in picture #6. Jumper the “A21 no pic” jumper shown in picture #1 Solder in your battery. DONE!!! Section 2: Single game, ExhiRom Exhirom games are hi map. So jumper the “Single Ex/SO” jumper. Picture #2, yellow arrows. ROM1 is the first 4mB of the Exhirom game file. ROM2 is the 2 nd half of the 6mB (either 2mB or 4mB…….usually it’s 2mB). ROM1 size jumper will be 27c322 and ROM2 size jumper will be either 27c160 or 27c322 depending on what you want to use. Picture #3 Jumper the “A21 no pic” jumper shown in picture #1 Solder in your battery. DONE!!! If you are making an ExLowRom game, then jumper the ALL LOW pads in addition to the above. Section 3: Star Ocean Star Ocean needs 3 27c322 Eproms. So jumper the 2 rom sizes accordingly. Picture #3 Star Ocean uses a custom rom set that will ONLY run on this pcb set. You cannot use any other set than the one designed for this pcb. Bridge both yellow arrowed jumpers “Star Ocean only” and “Single Ex/SO” shown in Picture #2 ROM3 has to have 2 of its pins bent out and inserted into the holes labeled “SO” shown in picture #4 and #7. Jumper the “A21 no pic” jumper shown in picture #1 Solder in your battery. DONE!!! Multi-Game use: This is the primary design of this PCB. To use as a multigame platform. The EASIEST multigame would be where all the games have the same maps. But the chart system can run mixed map games so long as you build the cart according to the chart patterns. The switching between the games is done by holding the reset on your console for approx. 3 seconds. The reset feature works on most CLONE consoles. The latest version of the SupaBoy portable, you have to hold reset for about 13 seconds. TO EXPLAIN all the charts and patterns would take way too much time and typing. Once you get the basic premise of how the charts work, then it’s just a matter of what you want to build and matching it to a possible chart pattern. Ancient Stone Tablets (AST): This is an easy build. Burn the 4 roms, and remember, the rom order on the pcb is 1,2,4,3. The CHART for AST is to jumper M2 In building AST, also bridge the ROM sizes and the “ALL LOW” map jumper. No chart jumpers, no mixed mapper jumpers and DO NOT BRIDGE THE “A21 No PIC” jumper. Bridge ROM SIZES, add battery. You’re done. AST is the only game set that doesn’t use the normal “Chart Jumpers” pads. Because AST uses the same sram file for each chapter, the SRAM does NOT do any banking. The multi-game patterns are chosen by jumpers in combinations of the 4 Chart Select pads. ONLY 1 MIXED MAPPER JUMPER CAN EVER BE USED. No Exceptions. 1 = high 0 = low SINGLE GAME --- DEFAULT CHART (no jumpers) SRAM SIZE select Map SRAM SIZE select Map Map Map C B A D SEL_C 10 1 SEL_B 11 0 SEL_A 12 0 SRAM A17 13 0 1 SAVE Chart Pattern 1 rom, 1 game exhirom single also 1 NONE ROM1 (AST 2mb vers. + 3) or (4x no save games + 3 saves) SRAM SIZE select C Chart Pattern SRAM SIZE select A Map Map Map Map C SEL_C 10 0 0 0 B SEL_B 11 0 0 0 A SEL_A 12 0 0 0 D SRAM A17 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 GAMES, 4 ROMS 4 SAVES 2 2&3&4 PIC # 1B game size up to 2MB up to 2MB ROM1 ROM2 ROM3 ROM4 up to 2MB up to 2MB up to 2MB up to 2MB up to 4MB game1 game2 game3 game4 game5 game6 save1 save2 game7 save3 SRAM SIZE select Map SRAM SIZE select Map Map Map 3 GAMES, 3 ROMS C B A D SEL_C 10 SEL_B 11 SEL_A 12 SRAM A17 13 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 SRAM SIZE select Map C Chart Pattern 3 SAVES 3 3&2 game size ROM1 ROM2 ROM3 up to 4MB up to 4MB up to 4MB game1 game2 game3 SRAM SIZE select Map B Map A Map 6 GAMES, 3 ROMS 6 SAVES Chart Pattern D 4 2 SEL_C SEL_B SEL_A SRAM A17 10 0 0 0 1 1 1 11 0 0 0 0 0 1 12 0 0 1 1 1 1 13 0 0 0 0 1 1 game size ROM1 up to 2MB up to 2MB up to 2MB ROM1 ROM2 ROM2 ROM3 ROM3 up to 2MB up to 2MB up to 2MB game1 game2 game3 game4 game5 game6 SRAM SIZE select SRAM SIZE select Map C Map B Map A Map 2 GAMES, 2 ROMS 2 SAVES Chart Pattern D 5 3 SEL_C SEL_B SEL_A SRAM A17 10 0 1 11 1 0 12 1 1 13 0 0 C SEL_C game2 4 SAVES AST choose the "M2" jumper for no sram banking game1 SRAM SIZE select SRAM SIZE select Map rom1 rom2 game size up to 4MB up to 4MB Map B SEL_B Map A SEL_A Map 4 GAMES, 4 ROMS and do NOT use 3&4 for AST D Chart Pattern SRAM A17 6 3&4 10 11 12 13 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 game size rom1 rom2 rom3 rom4 up to 4MB up to 4MB up to 4MB up to 4MB game1 game2 game3 game4 SRAM SIZE select SRAM SIZE select REMOVE R34,35 FOR AST SAVES Map C Map B Map A Map 4 GAMES, 2 ROMS 4 SAVES 2mB x 4 version Chart Pattern D 7 1 SEL_C SEL_B SEL_A SRAM A17 10 0 0 1 11 0 1 1 12 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 ROM1 ROM2 ROM2 game2 game3 up to 2MB game4 game1 SRAM SIZE select SRAM SIZE select Map ROM1 game size up to 2MB up to 2MB up to 2MB Map Map Map C B A D SEL_C SEL_B SEL_A SRAM A17 10 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 11 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 13 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 8 GAMES, 4 ROMS 8 SAVES Chart Pattern ROM1 ROM1 ROM2 ROM2 ROM3 ROM3 ROM4 ROM4 game size up to 2MB up to 2MB up to 2MB up to 2MB up to 2MB up to 2MB up to 2MB up to 2MB game1 game2 game3 game4 game5 game6 game7 game8 8 1&3 SRAM SIZE select SRAM SIZE select Map Map Map Map C B A D 3 GAMES, 2 ROMS 3 SAVES Chart Pattern 9 1&4 SEL_C SEL_B SEL_A SRAM A17 10 0 1 1 11 1 1 0 12 0 1 0 13 0 0 1 C ROM1 ROM2 game size up to 2MB up to 2MB up to 4MB game2 game3 4 SAVES Chart Pattern game1 SRAM SIZE select SRAM SIZE select Map ROM1 Map B Map A Map D 4 GAMES, 3 ROMS 10 2&4 SEL_C SEL_B SEL_A SRAM A17 10 0 11 1 12 0 13 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 ROM1 game size up to 2MB game1 ROM1 ROM2 up to 2MB game2 up to 4MB game3 rom3 up to 4MB game4 SRAM SIZE select Map SRAM SIZE select Map Map Map C B A D SEL_C 10 1 1 0 0 1 SEL_B 11 1 1 0 0 0 SEL_A 12 0 0 0 0 1 SRAM A17 13 1 0 0 0 1 SRAM SIZE select Map 5 GAMES, 3 ROMs 5 SAVES Chart Pattern game size up to 2MB up to 2MB ROM1 ROM2 up to 4MB SRAM SIZE select Map Map game1 game2 game3 game4 game5 up to 2MB up to 2MB ROM3 11 1&2&3 6 SAVES Map C B A D SEL_C 10 0 0 0 1 1 1 SEL_B 11 0 0 0 0 1 1 SEL_A 12 0 0 0 0 0 1 SRAM A17 13 0 0 1 1 1 0 6 games, 4 roms Chart Pattern game size ROM1 ROM2 rom3 rom4 up to 2MB up to 2MB up to 2MB up to 2MB up to 4MB up to 4MB game1 game2 game3 game4 game5 game6 16 1&2&3&4 BELOW THIS LINE ARE ExHiRom GAME'S MIXED IN SRAM SIZE select Map SRAM SIZE select Map Map 2 SAVES Map C B A D SEL_C 10 0 1 SEL_B 11 1 0 SEL_A 12 1 1 SRAM A17 13 0 0 2 EX GAMES, 4 ROMS Chart Pattern 12 ex 4 rom1 rom2 game size up to 8MB (2 X 4MB) up to 8MB (2 X 4MB) Ex game1 Ex game2 no map selection for this chart note: if you select B or C, this could be a mix of ExHirom and ExLorom games SRAM SIZE select Map SRAM SIZE select Map Map 3 SAVES Map 1 EX GAMES, 2 STANDARD GAMES, 4 ROMS Standard games can be Hi or Lo C B A D SEL_C 10 1 1 1 SEL_B 11 1 0 0 SEL_A 12 1 0 1 SRAM A17 13 1 1 0 grey area is mixed mapping! rom1,2 rom3 rom4 game size up to 8MB (2 X 4MB) up to 4MB up to 4MB Chart Pattern Ex game1 game2 game3 13 ex 1&3&4 SRAM SIZE select Map SRAM SIZE select Map Map 4 SAVES Map 1 EX GAMES, 3 STANDARD GAMES, 4 ROMS Standard games can be Hi or Lo based on mapper jumpers C B A D SEL_C 10 1 1 SEL_B 11 1 0 SEL_A 12 1 0 SRAM A17 13 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 rom1,2 rom3 rom4 game size up to 8MB (2 X 4MB) up to 2MB Chart Pattern 14 ex 1&2&4 Ex game1 game2 DQ 3 ROM1&2 DQ 1+2 ROM3 lower up to 2MB game3 DQ 5 ROM3 upper up to 4MB game4 DQ 6 ROM4 grey area is mixed mapping! DQ map SRAM SIZE select Map SRAM SIZE select Map Map 4 SAVES Map 1 EX GAMES, 3 STANDARD GAMES, 4 ROMS Standard games can be Hi or Lo based on mapper jumpers C B A D SEL_C 10 SEL_B 11 SEL_A 12 SRAM A17 13 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 grey area is mixed mapping! Chart Pattern 15 ex 1&2 game size rom1,2L rom2U rom3 rom4 up to 6MB (4MB+2MB LOWER ROM2 HALF)) up to 2MB up to 4MB up to 4MB game2 game3 game4 Upper half of rom2 This pcb is made by SnesUnlimited. Contact at or Known exceptions: Games that do NOT work on this pcb or cart creation pcb Special chips games, of course will not work on this pcb. Y’s III -- game runs but due to an unusual sram mapper, it won’t save. The Retron 5 console. It’s an emulation based console and doesn’t have a reset button. It will run almost any game we make as a single game. If you have a multi-game – it will run whatever game is at startup. You can switch the game over in a separate console and then play it back in the R5. NOTE: the R5 will NOT update the carts with your saved progress. The saves that the R5 generates is only stored on the R5 and doesn’t save it back to a cartridge. We are not a fan of the R5 but we know people use it. The RetroDuo portable is similar in that it has a controlled reset and you can’t “HOLD” it for 3 seconds. We do have other methods to get game cycling on these consoles… so inquire.
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