AWRA FL Section Meeting – May 20, 2016 Safety Harbor Resort
AWRA FL Section Meeting – May 20, 2016 Safety Harbor Resort
The April 2016 Watershed AWRA Florida’s Bi-Monthly Newsletter EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Kristin K. Bennett, Esq. President Stuart Mark Diblin, P.G. Vice President Gainesville Walt Reigner, P.E., CPESC Treasurer Lakeland Jeremy McBryan, P.E., CFM Secretary West Palm Beach Gary Howalt, P.W.S. Past President 2015 Jacksonville Michael DelCharco, P.E. Past President 2014 Jacksonville AWRA FL Section Meeting – May 20, 2016 Safety Harbor Resort and Spa BOARD OF DIRECTORS Joanne Chamberlain, P.E. Palatka Kellie Clark, P.E. Fort Myers Roger Copp Tampa Richard Creech, P.E., P.S.M. Stuart L. Donald Duke, Ph.D., P.E. Ft. Myers Carol Howard Lake Placid Gregg Jones, Ph.D., P.G. Tampa Catherine Katsikis Royal Palm Beach Luna Phillips, Esq. Ft. Lauderdale W. Ray Scott Tallahassee Randy Smith, PMP Tampa Garrett Wallace Delray Beach AWRA Florida’s next Technical Meeting will be held Friday, May 20th at the beautiful Safety Harbor Resort and Spa, centrally located on 22 acres along the west shore of Tampa Bay, at 105 North Bayshore Drive in Safety Harbor, FL 34695. The technical meeting will feature presentations regional water resource management on topics, including springs, climate change considerations, sustainability, water quality challenges, state water policy updates, and water reuse, with experts from the Southwest Florida Water Management District, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, and several local Tampa Bay municipalities presenting. This meeting is being co-sponsored by Region IV of the Florida Section American Water Works Association. The Florida Sections of the AWRA and AWWA share the common interest of providing technical outreach for all water resources professionals across the state. We look forward to seeing you at this power packed technical meeting! Meeting Sponsorship Opportunity AWRA Florida sincerely appreciates our meeting sponsors. Without them, this and the other bi-monthly technical meetings would not be possible. If you are interested in sponsoring this meeting, please go online at or contact Alex Chatham ( or 561-688-9008 Meeting Location Safety Harbor Resort and Spa 105 Bayshore Drive Safety Harbor, FL 34695 Parking is available at the Resort at several parking areas operated by the Resort Shayne Wood, P.E. Jacksonville May 2016 AWRA FL Section Meeting 1 American Water Resources Association, Florida Section AWRA FL Section Meeting Technical Agenda Friday, May 20th, 2016 7:30am Meeting Registration Opens 8:30am Emerging Water Resource Issues and Challenges – Mark Hammond, PE, SWFWMD 9:00am Registration Florida Springs Program and Initiatives Updates – Chris Anastasiou, PE, SWFWMD (Invited) 9:30am Life Member – Free AWRA Florida Life members Planning for a Changing Climate in the Tampa Bay Region, Alison Adams PE, PhD, Tampa Bay Water 10:00am Climate Change and Sustainability Challenges for Florida Utilities, Erin Deady, Esq. Corbett, White, Davis, and Ashton, P.A. 10:30am Networking Break 11:00am Creating a Sustainable New Water Supply for Industrial Application – A Case Study, Catherine Magliocco, PE, Tampa Electric Company 11:30am Best Management Practices and Water Quality in the Everglades Agricultural Area – Jango Bhadha, PhD, University of Florida Noon 12:15pm Lunch (included with registration fee) Keynote Address – Senator Jack Latvala (District 20) Student Member – $10.00 (USD) College or High School student and AWRA Florida Member 1:00pm Identifying and Tracking Human Impacts on Water Quality – Tim Fitzpatrick, Florida Department of Environmental Protection 1:30pm Florida Water Management Policy Updates – Laura Donaldson, Esq., Manson Bolves Donaldson, P.A. Student Non-member – $15.00 (USD) College or High School student not currently an AWRA Florida member (meeting fee includes student membership to AWRA Florida through Dec. 31, 2016) 2:00pm Innovative Indirect Potable Water Reuse Program – David Porter, PE, City of Clearwater 2:30pm Networking Break 3:00pm South Hillsborough Aquifer Recharge Program (SHARP) – The Future of Water Reuse – Bart Weiss, PE, Hillsborough County 3:30pm Tampa’s Colorful Potable Water Reuse Journey – Brad Baird, PE, City of Tampa 4:00pm Networking Reception (cash bar) Upcoming Meeting Member – $65.00 (USD) AWRA Florida members Non-member – $90.00 (USD) Not currently an AWRA Florida member (meeting fee includes membership to AWRA Florida through Dec. 31, 2016) Online meeting registration payments are processed by PayPal. However, a PayPal account is not required. Click on the “Register” button to get started. After being directed to the PayPal website, just click on “Don’t have a PayPal account?” to pay with a credit or debit card. ONLINE REGISTRATION ENDS MAY 18, 2016. You can also register and pay in person (via cash, check or credit card) at the conference. Hotel Information 2 May 2016 Technical Agenda A limited number of discounted room rates (starting at $134/night) are available at the Safety Harbor Resort and Spa. Call 727-726-1161 and mention AWRA Seminar to obtain the discount. The AWRA discount includes waiver of the $16 daily resort fee. You must call the hotel directly and mention AWRA Seminar to obtain the waiver. Room rates will vary. Other rates and hotel packages are available directly from the venue but will not include waiver of the daily resort fee. American Water Resources Association, Florida Section technical session will be followed by a networking event. You may also want to book your room now for the annual meeting scheduled for August 4-5 in Key Largo. We will be meeting at the Murray Government Center. President’s Message Our March meeting was well attended (approximately 60 attendees) at the Steinhatchee Landing Resort Conference Center. Many thanks to Carol Hinton (UFTREEO), Brian McDonald (Water and Air) and John Good (SRWMD) for making the meeting arrangements. One of the great things about AWRA is that it often takes us to the unique and off the beaten path places in Florida. Steinhatchee certainly fits the bill! Next up is a joint meeting with the AWWA in Safety Harbor on May 20. See the weblog for meeting details. This will be a full day meeting with the registration to include morning and afternoon breaks and lunch. The On the National front, the AWRA instituted the AWRA State Section Leaders Webinar series. The intent of the series is to provide the opportunity for interaction with and between the state sections. The goal is to strengthen the relationship between the national organization and the local sections. To further this goal, each state section has been assigned a board liaison and there will be a state leadership luncheon held at the National conference in Orlando. Chapter to Chapter communication will be facilitated through a page on the National website found at www. This site will be available to members only. conference that is scheduled for November 13-17 at the Florida Hotel and Conference Center in Orlando. If you are interested in getting more involved with the AWRA, come join us at our board meetings. The meetings are occasionally held the night before the technical session but most often held the morning of. The board meeting time and location will be posted on the agenda. Our schedule is set for 2016 but if you have suggestions for meeting locations and topics, please contact me. I look forward to seeing you in May. Kristin Bennett Kristin Bennett The newsletter, IMPACT, has been redesigned and will include a state and a student chapter section. Chapters are encouraged to submit information and pictures about recently held and upcoming events. The next issue will be distributed in July. The deadline to submit information is May 11. Continuing on the National front, we (and by “we” I mean Cathy Katsikis and her committee) are working hard to develop a fun social activity in conjunction with the National Save the Date Upcoming Meetings in 2016 August 4-5 – Key Largo September 30 – Jacksonville Area – Joint Meeting with FICE November 13-17 – Orlando, the 2016 AWRA Annual Conference at the Florida Hotel and Conference Center, Orlando, Fl. ) There will not be a formal Florida Section Meeting in November. Please join the Florida Section as we host a social/networking event on Tuesday, November 15. Details to be provided soon. Showcase your products and firm expertise by sponsoring, exhibiting and/or advertising at AWRA’s Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida November 13-17, 2016. This is a perfect opportunity for you to meet, learn from, and share ideas with practitioners, policy makers and academics across all fields in water resources management. Conference attendance is usually between 400-500 people. Sponsor Sponsorship chair: Jack Hampson, Atkins, jack.hampson@, 813.281.8368 To see the many benefits of sponsorship go to: http://awra. org/meetings/Orlando2016/sponsors.html Exhibit Exhibit chair: Carol Hinton, UF/TREEO,, 352.392.9570 ext. 209 To see all the benefits of exhibiting go to: meetings/Orlando2016/exhibits.html President’s Message 3 American Water Resources Association, Florida Section Board of Directors Summary AWRA Florida’s Board of Directors (BOD) met March 18, 2016 at the Steinhatchee Landing Resort in Steinhatchee, Florida. The detailed meeting minutes will be available on the AWRA Florida website following BOD approval of the minutes at the May 2016 BOD meeting. Highlights of the meeting include: Treasurer Report: Total income for the period January 1 – March 15, 2016 was approximately $12,000 and total expenses were approximately $8,000; the current checking account balance is approximately $25,000. Walt Reigner will investigate purchasing new money management software to assist in tracking financial transactions and will obtain advice from the financial advisor regarding moving a portion of Sandy Young funds to a fund with higher earnings potential. 4 Education Program: Gordon Brown volunteered to serve as the main contact for the Education Committee. 2016 Scholarship/Grant applications are due May 15, 2016. 2016 Meetings: Safety Harbor (May 20); Key Largo (August 4-5); Jacksonville (September 30); Orlando (November 1317; AWRA 2016 Annual Water Resources Conference; see below). Student Support: Catherine Katsikis is coordinating with Florida Atlantic University to form an AWRA student chapter. Board meetings are open to all members of AWRA Florida and their guests. Members and guests are encouraged to get involved and increase the value of their AWRA membership. Membership: The 2016 membership count is 253 (Professional = 119; Student = 118; Fellow = 9; Life = 7). Website: The BOD discussed adding a member spotlight and/or topic of the month with guest columnists. The BOD decided to post resumes and job announcements from all requestors, and not limit it to members. PDH Credits: It was suggested that meeting attendees be reminded to sign the PDH sign-in sheet to ensure they receive their certificates of attendance. Board of Directors March 2016 Meeting Summary American Water Resources Association, Florida Section Technical Program Summaries – March 2016 Presentations from the previous technical meeting are available for review and download by active AWRA Florida members via the following link: http://www. mar2016 May 2016 Technical Meeting Sponsors We would like to thank all of our generous sponsors who are supporting the May 2016 Technical Meeting. Meeting Sponsors 5 American Water Resources Association, Florida Section National News The AWRA Board of Directors is implementing an outreach effort to the State Section Leaders. Don Duke agreed to serve as the liaison for Florida. Don serves on both the Florida and National Boards of Directors. Below is a summary of the National Board’s activities in working with State Sections. One of the main priorities adopted at the January Board of Directors meeting is to create and strengthen communication between National and the state chapters. This message is to fill you in on the state section related initiatives at the Board and to inform you of a State Section Leaders webinar. National hosted a quarterly webinar on March 30. During this webinar National provided a brief update and heard updates from each state section leader. State sections shared information about recent and upcoming activities and information and tools used by the various chapters that may be useful to the other state chapters. Additional updates on National initiatives related to local AWRA sections include: 6 AWRA National News 1. Laurel Stadjuhar, West Sage Consultants and AWRA board member, will be leading the state section task force on behalf of the AWRA Board of Directors. The task force also includes the following AWRA board members: Lisa Beutler (MWH Global), Betsy Cody (Congressional Research Service), and Wayne Wright (GeoEngineers.). If you have any questions about the task force or would like to provide any recommendations going forward feel free to contact Laurel, Don or any of the Board officers or members. 2. During the January 2016 AWRA Board meeting, the board finalized revisions to AWRA’s membership structure. The new structure recognizes state sections and their members’ need to have a national AWRA membership category that is appealing and affordable for state section members. Watch for more information on the new National AWRA membership structure in the coming months. 3. In keeping with increasing National AWRA’s visibility and connection with our state sections, we would be happy to send a representative to your State section meeting. Either Martha Narvaez, President; or President-elect Rafael Frias; or another board member; or Don Duke, as the appointed Board liaison for Florida will be glad to attend and speak at state meetings and events. Meetings already scheduled include: Delaware, Wisconsin (in honor of their 40th anniversary, congratulations Wisconsin!), Utah, Montana and Florida. 4. Finally, AWRA has begun using our new online community tools, which will include a space dedicated to the state section leaders. This online community will serve as a platform for state section leaders and national board members to communicate and connect. Watch for more information on accessing this community in the next month. We hope you will be able to attend the upcoming webinar and we look forward to working together in 2016! Best regards, Don Duke Don Duke Board liaison American Water Resources Association, Florida Section First Quarter AWRA State Section Leaders Webinar Purpose AWRA instituted the AWRA State Section Leaders Webinar series. The intent of the series is to provide the opportunity for interaction with and between the state sections. Feedback from the previous webinar (Sept. 2015) was positive; participants opined the information was useful and the quarterly webinar was a good way to communicate. The goal is to strengthen the relationship between the national organization and the local sections. The state chapter leadership also got together at a luncheon in Denver and plans to meet again at the Orlando conference. Each state section has been assigned a board liaison. Chapter to Chapter communication will be facilitated through a page on the National website found at www. This site will be available to members only (with a reminder that all chapter leaders should be national members). Additional communities will be added to this site. IMPACT has been redesigned and will include a state and a student chapter section. Chapters are encouraged to submit information and pictures about recently held and upcoming events. The The Webinar will provide an opportunity for interaction with and between the state sections. next issue will be distributed in July. The deadline to submit information is May 11. State leaders were reminded of the requirement to submit an annual report to National. The Outstanding State Section Application can be utilized as the format of the report. The application deadline is May 2. Chapter Events: Colorado: held a student mock trial. The annual Colorado Symposium is scheduled for April 22. Delaware: The Delaware SectionAWRA, in conjunction with the National Capital Region Section, New Jersey State Section, Pennsylvania State Section and Philadelphia Metropolitan Area is hosting the 2016 Mid-Atlantic Conference of the American Water Resources Association, September 15 & 16, 2016 in Wilmington, DE. Other events include a Student Career night (February), field trips in the spring, a symposium in November and a student mixer in December. Indiana: is planning its annual symposium that will include student participation. North Carolina: had approximately 150 active members including students. It recently held a collaborative meeting with the North Carolina Water Resources Research Institute. Luncheon forums held in February, September and December. NC is expanding its sponsorship program. It will also host 2 socials, one in spring and one in fall and is establishing a mentor program. Washington: Held several technical meetings including a dinner meeting with discussion on climate change and impacts to municipal water supply. The chapter also held a student mixer with the Seattle chapter. The Washington State conference is October 26. Florida: held March meeting in the Big Bend area of Florida and hosted 60 attendees. Upcoming meetings include: May in Tampa, the annual meeting in August in Key Largo, the September meeting in Jacksonville and participation in the National meeting in November in Orlando. 7 American Water Resources Association, Florida Section The Watershed Editor: Gregg Jones, Technical Director/V.P. – Cardno Design: Michael Tyson, Creative Director – Cardno 3905 Crescent Park Dr. • Riverview, FL 33578 Phone (813) 664-4500 • Fax (813) 664-0440 • The Watershed is assembled and published by Cardno, a proud sponsor of the Florida Section of AWRA. VISIT THE FLORIDA SECTION WEBSITE AT:
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AWRA FL Section Meeting – March 18, 2016 Steinhatchee Landing
Design: Michael Tyson, Creative Director – Cardno
3905 Crescent Park Dr. • Riverview, FL 33578