E se fosse uno dei 10 comandamenti ? What if it were one of the ten
E se fosse uno dei 10 comandamenti ? What if it were one of the ten
Worksheet C E se fosse uno dei 10 comandamenti ? What if it were one of the ten commandments ? Il testo implicito Utilizzo di uno schema ( TENOR VEHICLE GROUND) per individuare il testo implicito (Tenor= l’oggetto che viene pubblicizzato Vehicle= il mezzo (metafora ) di paragone Ground = terreno comune tra T&V Aim: to establish relationship the Ground between Tenor and Vehicle (cigarette and cockroach) To identify the implied message Step 1: Read the poster ad and fill in the TVG chart to provide the ground Siete pregati di non buttare le cicche per terra Gli scarafaggi stanno morendo di cancro Tenor Cigarette butts behaviour Vehicle cockroach with cancer Ground filth sickness uncivil social T ick which o f t he f ollowing W A R N I N GS t he pos t e r conveys ? o o o against smoking against litter and pollution against cruelty to animals o against bad hygiene o to prevent the extinction of cockroaches o to prevent fires o other o Sum up the message by rendering explicit the implicit Sintetizzare il messaggio rendendo esplicito l’implicito Bad social behaviour breeds illness such as cancer Do you think it’s serious or a parody ? Look at 2 other base texts which are inherent in the ad and fill in the TVG chart A Tenor ( smoking ) Vehicle ( Twin tower cigarettes) Ground ( Danger Violence Terrorism ) Say what the implied message is ………………………………………………………………………………… B Tenor Litter Vehicle ( the word litter shaped by cigarette butts ) Ground rubbish Say what the implied message is …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Go back to first ad and check whether it is against Smoking or against Littering What if it were a commandments what would it be ? E se fosse un comandamento ? 3rd commandment: (Remember that thou keep clean the Lord’s land ) Ricordati di tener pulita la terra del signore Vote for Mc Cain Bankrupt America Soon you’ll be eating Chocolate Covered Cockroaches Step 2 Votate Mc Cain L’America Bancarotta Presto mangerete Scarafaggi ricoperti di cioccolata T ick wha t t he ad is agains t : o o o o o o o Capitalism Poverty Rotten food Terrorism Migrants republican candidate democrat candidate Fill in the TVG chart Tenor Republican politics Sum up the message Vehicle chocolate covered cockroach Ground deception poverty squalor ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Against republican candidate and his capitalistic politics that will spread poverty Why is the ad on the shopping bag? What if it were a commandment? E EE se fosse un comandamento? 6th commandment : Thou shalt not commit fraud Non commettere frode Step 3 Look at image (1) which is partially covered and make hypothesis as to what the ad may be about What do you expect the child to have in his mouth ? Look at image ( 2) Would the ad have the same effect if………………. ? the baby were black ? the cockroach were not in his mouth ? it were simply a toy? Reading the ad without the text leggere la pubblicità senza il testo Tick what the ad is about : Making Hypotheses o o o o o o Dangerous toys Mouth hygiene Unwanted children Bad health system Pollution Poverty What does the cockroach substitute? Make hypotheses as to what the tenor may be ? Tenor Nipple Milk bottle Silver spoon Dummy Vehicle Cockroach Ground food pleasure affection wealth fit Sum up what the message is …………………………………………………………………………………………… What if it were a commandment ? E se fosse un comandamento? 9th Thou shalt not deprive your neighbour of his goods Non privare il tuo vicino dei suoi beni Scrivere un testo per accompagnare la pubblicità Write up a text to accompany the ad Now look at image (3) with the script Add to your tenor and ground Is the ad more effective with or without the script? What difference does the text make ? Can you think of a better image to denounce child poverty ? Script for ad THERE ARE NO SILVER SPOONS FOR CHILDREN BORN INTO POVERTY Baby Greg is one minute old. He should have a bright future. Poverty has other plans. Poverty is waiting to rob Greg of hope and spirit and is likely to leave him to a future of squalor . We can’t end poverty but we can provide the practical skills that Greg and thousands of others in the U.K need to stop it predetermining their lives . Don’t let poverty destroy a future. Step 4 Summing up What is the cockroach a symbol of? Poster 1 ………………………………………………………….( Pollution illness ) Ad 2 ……………………………………………………………… ( right wing politics – deception) Ad 3 ……………………………………………………………… (denied future – child poverty) Reflect Which of the following strategies does publicity make use of ? Quali strategie utilizza la pubblicità ? CONCISENESS PARADOX METAPHOR SHOCK IMAGES CATCHY PHRASES HUMOUR What has made the above ads catchy ? ……………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………… To what other genre can you associate the publicity texts ? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Write in the BLOG your thoughts regarding the activities carried out