Foto Fanfare May 2013
Foto Fanfare May 2013
Foto FanFare Newsletter & May 2013 N4C Incorporated 1952 The Colors of Thailand Mark your Calendars for these upcoming events! April 25 7:15pm Contra Costa Camera Club presents San Shaw See pg 5 By Harvey Abernathy May 19 9am – 5pm Judging Seminar Yerba Buena PSA & N4C See pg 6 2012 National Geographic Photography Contest 1st Place Winner 2013 PSA International Conference September 15 – 21 N4C Calendar May 2013 13 -Board Meeting 7:30pm First Methodist Church 1600 Bancroft, San Leandro 15 – Last Day to email photo for Amory’s Crazy Photo Contest! 18 – Competitions Judging Contact Gene Albright for PI location Contact Gene Morita or Joan Field for Print location Gene Morita, Joan Field, 19 – Judging Seminar – see page 6 A monk stands outside of a temple door in Thailand. All Photos taken by and belong to Harvey Abernathy Pink elephants, brilliantly white temples with red and gold trim, multi-colored fabrics at street vendor booths, orange monks, colored lanterns, golden Buddha’s ......... it was an experience that I will replay for the rest of my life! Arriving at 2:30am and having to be up by 5:30am to attend the first event on the trip helped skip past “jet lag”. Every day we were on location from early in the morning to late at night to capture the colors and essence of Thailand. There was plenty to miss if May 2013 Page 1 of 24 we weren’t ready to roll! The experience of the fabulous food was as much a part of the day, as were the photographic moments. A major part of the life of Thailand was bustling people on foot, scooter, Tuk-Tuk, or car, along with the dogs, actively moving about in most places we visited. I have respect for the “choreography” of this life that worked so seamlessly together on the streets. I appreciated when a monk was walking within the rush of street life, that everyone respected and gave the monk room. Spiritual reverence was very strong, along with the respect for their monarchy. The use of the “spirit houses” at residences and businesses, along with the active participation in offerings and prayers helped make me respect my own spirituality and respect for those who represent me in my own country. In reality, it was mostly about the colors. Not in just the visual aspect, but also in the metaphorical. There was color and pride in the faces of so many that we met and encountered on the street. Colorful expressions and happiness seemed such an integral part of life, as if it weren’t necessary to worry. The offering of beautifully handcrafted floats into the Chao Phraya River was incredible, with meticulous care in the crafting of the floats, as experienced in the marketplace during the day before the evenings offerings. As we wandered through the market, it was hard to imagine that there would be enough sales to legitimize the thousands of floats that were made that day. As the evening of Loi Krathong wore on, I began to understand! May 2013 Page 2 of 24 The care in using resources, such as the older Sea Gypsy fisherman who meticulously wove the wire for his fish trap that was as accurately woven as the “chicken wire” that we buy in the hardware store. Small diameter wood poles, recently harvested from a forest, were lashed together to support the frame for the woven wire. Wooden walkways in the Limestone Caves that were elevated above the mud in the mangrove forest, posts installed by hand with elevated deck boards and handrails. All this installed to provide us an opportunity to walk through an unearthly place of mounds of mud and the creatures that live amongst this environment when the water is low. We visited the Hmong Hill Tribe Village where a young woman and her two children worked to weave scarves and other clothing to market to those who come to visit. I was enraptured with the skill of the hands and speed of maneuvering the many strands of fiber into something so beautiful that I had to take some home to my family. What I saw was happiness and satisfaction in the work. I felt humbled when encountering the Sea Gypsy & Hmong Hill Tribe residents to see some of the challenges that they face in their day-to-day living, knowing that in recent history they encountered hardships that I will likely never experience. Most importantly, I saw pride in their work and how they adapted to the life they live. I am now much more observant of the resources that I have. May 2013 Page 3 of 24 As we traveled quickly from place to place, the experiences in each location would be captured. I wish that I could share with others the story of each day, which I can for myself when I view my images. The challenge for me is to articulate it in writing in a way that I can share the story for others to also experience the colors and life of my travels in Thailand. If it had been possible to linger in each location, the experience and story would be much richer within the images and impression that I experienced. Each location had its fascinating moments. The emotions that were experienced in each area will leave impressions in my mind for the future, with the opportunity to review each one of those emotions whenever I share my story with myself and others whom I will tell. I photograph to allow the easy opportunity to relive the colors of my story. May 2013 Page 4 of 24 CONTRA COSTA CAMERA CLUB ED NIGHT SAM SHAW presents Exploring Creative Possibilities for Your Photography Sponsored by Contra Costa Camera Club First Christian Church 2115 Pleasant Hill Road, Pleasant Hill April 25, 2013 7:15 pm Sam received an Associate of Arts degree from Merced College, a Bachelors of Science degree, major in Mathematics and minor in Physics from California State College Stanislaus, and a Masters degree in Mathematics with emphasis on Computer Science from California State College Stanislaus. He has been interested in photography since high school. Joined the Modesto Camera Club and Photographic Society of America (PSA) in 1993 and started international competitions in 1995 and currently has over 2100 acceptances. Sam has been active in the Modesto and Merced Camera Clubs, the San Joaquin Council, the Gold Rush Chapter and PSA. He started the Gold Rush International Exhibition in 2010 and is the General Chairman. Sam has produced programs on Digital Imaging, Color topics, Travel destinations, Nature and Photojournalism, these have been shown at local travel and service groups, camera clubs, Gold Rush Chapter, Foto- Clave and the PSA International Conference. The PSA Journal honored Sam in the Distinctive Image article in September 2009 and has had two articles published in the Journal. He has four magazine covers, three for the PSA Journal and one for the Northwest Public Power Bulletin. All photos © Sam Shaw Visitors are Welcome! A small donation from guests outside of the Contra Costa Camera Club will be requested! May 2013 Page 5 of 24 A SEMINAR FOR ASPIRING & CURRENT JUDGES by Jon Fishback, PSA Education Service Director May 19, 2013 - 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM San Mateo Central Park Recreation Center 50 5th Avenue, San Mateo Fee $50 Refundable (see below)*: For Current Judges: $25 This seminar is intended for those of you who plan to become a judge as well as to help incumbent judges improve their presence in front of an audience. It will include information on what is important in interpreting images and how to express yourself as a judge. It will be bolstered with practice judging opportunities with Jon in the afternoon, followed by mentoring from selected current judges in their homes and at the clubs. You will be asked to come prepared by reading Jon Fishback’s “Judging and Analysis - Beyond the Rules” which will be emailed to you on registration. It will also require a commitment from you to give your biography and judging philosophy to Lois Shouse ( before you attend. The bio will be included in the judges list that Joe Hearst, N4C Judges Chair, sends to the clubs, so that clubs can contact you. Your name will not be placed on the list until you have completed all parts of the education session or are comfortable with your current capabilities. May 2013 Page 6 of 24 SAMPLE BIOGRAPHY Here is a sample biography that will give you a good idea of what we are looking for. When you have composed yours, please send it to Lois Shouse ( before the day of the seminar. Sample Biography & Judging Philosophy Statement: Webster, Ellie, FPSA, FN4C, HN4C (PR-P-N-T-J-C) ( These refer to the Divisons in which you would like to judge) Email address Phone number Address Biography Ellie has been involved with photography-competing, teaching and judging, for over 30 years. She is a Fellow of the Photographic Society of America and acts as Director of the Travel Aides Service and Director of the nature Divisions Essay Competitions. She is an active member of the PSA Yerba Buena Chapter, the Pacific Chapter of the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain, the Northern California Council of Camera Clubs, and the Peninsula Camera Club of San Mateo. She has led groups of photographers to the Far East, the South Pacific, and Great Britain, and has led enthusiastic groups of photographers and adventurers to East Africa for 20 years. She taught the Travel Session in a basic photography course in San Mateo for 26 years. Ellie has had “one woman” shows of her African images in Palo Alto Galleries and at the San Mateo County Arts Council Gallery. As a photographer, she considers herself a “traditionalist”, and is currently and excitedly involved with the digital imaging world of photography and is presently making her images with a Canon Digital 40D and G9. Philosophy I believe visual expression can be the most effective form of communication. I look at a picture first for its impact and story and then its presentation and technique. The RULES of composition are very important and a photographer must know how to apply them; however, it is equally important to know how and when to break them in order to keep one’s creativity. May 2013 Page 7 of 24 PSA Annual Conference: Overview One of the most enjoyable activities of PSA is the weeklong Annual Conference. The Annual Conference is held in September or October in a different location each year. All locations are in the United States because of the difficulty in transporting the prints, society supplies, and awards across borders. The past PSA Conference locations illustrate the great variety of photography settings that participants have enjoyed. Background information can be found in the history of the PSA Annual Conference that was prepared for the PSA 75th Anniversary. During the Annual Conference registrants can participate in photo tours, classes, workshops, and photo shoots. There is an Opening Meeting of the Society with award presentations, an extensive Print Exhibition, a variety of programs, featured speakers in the evenings, social events, a vendor area with product demonstrations, numerous photographic activities, and a Banquet on the last evening. The PSA Annual Conference is the social event of the year. For many members, it is their first PSA activity. The Conference is a great way to meet people, have a personal encounter with someone whose photography is known, and renew longtime acquaintances. Beginning April 1 each year, includes all the information needed to register for the PSA Annual Conference: 2013 PSA Conference, Portland, Maine Conference Hotel Photo Tours Classes & Workshops Meetings Schedule Tours, Classes, Programs & Workshops Schedule Meals Vendor Area Featured Speakers Conference Registration Form Pre & Post- Conference Photo Trips Translations May 2013 Page 8 of 24 Best in Show! Best in Show First Place Color Prints - Intermediate Longing thee Eric Chan Millbrae Camera Club Best in Show First Place Journalism Projected Images - Basic Bandaloop, a vertical dance group, performed on the Great Wall of Oakland, West Grand Avenue between Broadway and Valley Street, on August 16, 2012. John Vilett Berkeley Camera Club Best in Show First Place Monochrome Prints - Masters Resting Between Bouts Joan Field, HN4C Contra Costa Camera Club May 2013 Page 9 of 24 Best in Show First Place Nature Prints - Basic Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) eating, Homer , Alaska Jon d'Alessio Marin Photo Club Best in Show First Place Pictorial Projected Images - Advanced Sticks and Stones Mary DeShaw Berkeley Camera Club Best in Show First Place Travel Projected Images - Advanced Chicken Vendor, Hoi An, Vietnam Kirsten Berg Berkeley Camera Club May 2013 Page 10 of 24 I grew up in the country and these photographs reminded me of things that I saw and experienced while growing up! Thanks … Amory Fourth Place Color Prints - Advanced Red Barn in Russian River Valley Barbara Hansen Marin Photo Club Second Place Journalism Projected Images - Advanced Bull Gets Rid of Rider Shirley Tervo, AN4C Peninsula Camera Club Third Place Monochrome Prints - Masters Driveway to nowhere Jeff Fisher Livermore Valley Camera Club May 2013 Page 11 of 24 Fifth Place Nature Prints - Basic Coyote (Canis latrans) at the North End of Point Reyes Making Sure We Kept Our Distance Susie Kelly Marin Photo Club Fourth Place Color Prints - Intermediate Early Morning Encounter in Fernwood Charles Kiene Marin Photo Club To view all the winning images, go to No need to log in, just click on Competition Results and take a look! B = Best in Show Have you been on a wonderful trip to someplace amazing? Well then, send me the story & some photos to and we’ll all enjoy your adventure! May 2013 Page 12 of 24 Amory’s Crazy Photo Contest!!! OK, I was just sitting here playing Solitaire when I had this crazy idea! Amory’s Crazy Photo Contest! Anyway … here are the Rules. Yes, there are always Rules!!! Rules: 1. Your photo can be taken only between July 4, 2012 and April 30, 2013. 2. Only One photo per person. 3. Your subject can be anything, BUT, it must have been taken in the San Francisco Bay Area. 4. It must be something Real, not creatively created nor overly processed. 5. Email your photo to me at with Amory’s Crazy Photo Contest! in the subject section. 6. Make your image no larger than 1000 pixels. 7. Don’t forget a catchy title. 8. DEADLINE for emailing your image to me is May 15th. 9. I will have a panel of certifiable Judges look at all the images and we will pick the winners. 10. Our decisions will be Final with no whining or crying about our choices unless you toss out bribes of substantial amounts of money!!! And I mean substantial!!! 11. I will put the images in the FFF for all to enjoy. N4C 2013 INTERCLUB COMPETITION SCHEDULE Competition topics for each month including Color & Monochrome in Print & Pictorial in Projected Images. M is Monochrome in Projected Images May 2013 Page 13 of 24 Prints April 2013 Color Prints (72 Prints), Judge: Robin Braunfeld Color Prints, Basic Level (10 Prints) 1 Officer Quarters Angel Island 2 Am I beautiful 3 Soaring Bald Eagle Bill Hewitt Dennis Chik Jon D'Alessio Color Prints, Intermediate Level (19 Prints) 1B Longing thee 2 Embarcadero Classic 3 Cedar Breaks National Park #2 4 Early Morning Encounter in Fernwood 5 A Wild Flower found in Yukon Territory HM School Mates Eric Chan Doug Kaye Paul Pokrywka Charles Kiene Hamid Kasmai Morris Johnson Color Prints, Advanced Level (23 Prints) 1 Mustang Dreams 2 Burmese nun filling up a water jug 3 The Long Corridor 4 Red Barn in Russian River Valley 5 Waiting For Leo HM i ROCK Jim Toalson Maureen McGettigan Clarence Luckett Barbara Hansen Gene Dominique Gigi Chung Color Prints, Masters Level (20 Prints) 1 Fishing Boat In Cape Cod 2 Windows 3 Footpath, Koto-in 4 A Quiet Sunday Morning in Strasbourg, France 5 Pacific Grove sunrise HM Well, Well Jerome Larson Diablo Valley Selden Parmelee Janice Hughes Joe Hearst Ed Mestre Jeff Fisher Marin Millbrae Marin Millbrae Marin Millbrae Marin Rossmoor Contra Costa Millbrae Marin Livermore Marin Berkeley Millbrae Rossmoor Marin Contra Costa Livermore Livermore Monochrome Prints (64 Prints), Judge: Robin Braunfeld Monochrome Prints, Basic Level (10 Prints) 1 Antiques Inside and Out Frank Masek Peninsula 2 The "Abaniko" refers to the native fan from the Philippines, which is made from stems and leaves of an ornamental plant. Ceasar Ricasata Livermore 3 Great Grey Heron. Hungary. Catherine D'Alessio Marin Monochrome Prints, Intermediate Level (15 Prints) 1 Red Bluff Botanical Gardens, UT 2 A grouping of hoodoos in Bryce Canyon 3 Strings of Pearls 4 Asilomar 5 Leaf patterns in monochrome David Evans Raymond Suen Al Ludwick Fred Goldman Chris Nelson Monochrome Prints, Advanced Level (21 Prints) 1 Rat Rock Island 2 Ghost waves of Pfeiffer Beach 3 Escape 4 White water of the Jinsha River in the Leaping Tiger Gorge . 5 The Ikebana Artist's Hands, Ohara, Japan HM A bouquet for a Hummingbird Gene Dominique Greg Edwards Frances Goldstein Phil Meginness Gene Morita Clarence Luckett May 2013 Page 14 of 24 Millbrae Peninsula Livermore Peninsula Diablo Valley Berkeley Millbrae Livermore Livermore Marin Livermore Monochrome Prints, Masters Level (18 Prints) 1B Resting Between Bouts 2 Portrait of a mahout, Assam, India 3 Driveway to nowhere 4 All in a Row 5 Anyone For Ice Cream HM Looking for Life Joan Field Contra Costa Justine Carson Millbrae Jeff Fisher Livermore Phillip Harris Millbrae Selden Parmelee Rossmoor John Goyer Livermore Nature Prints (37 Prints), Judge: Robin Braunfeld Nature Prints, Basic Level (16 Prints) 1B Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) eating, Homer , Alaska Jon D'Alessio Marin 2 When mating, the female Giant Tortoise's strong shell protects her from the immense weight of the male. Jim Moule Berkeley 3 North Pacific Humpback Whale Dives Off Maui Shore Doug Kaye Marin 4 A Great Egret (Ardea alba ) Resting in a tree at the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge Complex Clarence Luckett Livermore 5 Coyote (Canis latrans) at the North End of Point Reyes Making Sure We Kept Our Distance Susie Kelly Marin HM Female Northern Shoveler (Anas clypeata) Glides over Pond, Skimming and Filtering Aquatic Invertebrates and Seeds with Specialized Bill, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico Al Ludwick Livermore Nature Prints, Advanced Level (21 Prints) 1 Jungle mynas (Acridotheres fuscus) searching for insects on a submerged India buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) Justine Carson Millbrae 2 This Eurasian Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) drinks from a pond in Hungary. Catherine D'Alessio Marin 3 Olive-throated Parakeet (Aratinga nana) Eating Fruit From The Madre de Cacao Tree, Belize Bob Cossins Millbrae 4 Alpha male Hyena is the only male allowed with very young pups (Crocuta crocuta), Tanzania, Africa Mary Toalson Millbrae 5 Male Northern Elephant Seal Approaches Female with Pup(Mirounga angustirostris) Jane Postiglione Contra Costa HM Red-Tailed Hawk (Buteo Jamaicensis) Eating Ground Squirrel at San Luis National Wildlife Refuge. Cathy Cooper Diablo Valley Creative Prints (38 Prints), Judge: Robin Braunfeld Creative Prints, Basic Level (17 Prints) 1 Fort Point Dancer 2 Rock pattern in a Bosnian street 3 Apple Tree in the Fog 4 The Great Albuquerque Balloon Explosion 5 The Crossing HM If the bridge had been designed by politicians Rick Budde Edith Cornelsen Bill Hewitt Morris Johnson Raymond Suen Dick Schneider Marin Livermore Marin Contra Costa Peninsula Millbrae Creative Prints, Advanced Level (21 Prints) 1 Dual receding mirrors on purple and beige walls 2 Self Portrait - Crucial View 3 My World 4 A Night on the Town 5 Havana trailer HM A Lively Rendition of a 19th Century English Ballad Alan Moore Jan Schmidt Clarence Luckett Janice Hughes Joe Hearst Irene Jones Diablo Valley Millbrae Livermore Marin Contra Costa Livermore May 2013 Page 15 of 24 Pictorial Projected Images, April 2013 Judge: Alison Brooks Pictorial B: 25 Images 1 Portrait of Alyssa wearing a Tahitian Ori. 2 Bowl and Dress 3 Vintage Bicycle Waiting for its Rider to Return 4 Ancient Landscape, Aerial photograph, Southwestern United States 5 A Bosnian man peers out at the world. HM Photographer at Work on Sunrise at Zabrieskie Point, Death Valley Ceasar Ricasata Livermore John Jenkins Marin Heidy Hernandez-Heins Millbrae Zohra Kalinkowitz Berkeley Edith Cornelsen Livermore Linda Horng Contra Costa Pictorial I: 27 Images 1 View from the Clock Tower in Rouen France Fred Goldman 2 Splash Linda Clinning 3 Companions Draw Energy from the Sky-Joshua Tree NP Lynn Oakleaf 4 Bufflehead Female In Flight Boris Dmitruk 5 Threadfin Hawkfish, Cirrhitichthys aprinus, Lembeh Straights North Sulewesi 'Police Pier' Linda Rutherford HM Blowing Wind over the Dunes in Death Valley Meng Horng Peninsula Livermore Diablo Valley Contra Costa Peninsula Contra Costa Pictorial A: 27 Images 1B Sticks and Stones 2 Mystical Lotus 3 Aguidigbo, Nigerian Musical Instrument, Detail 4 Moon Rays over Bay Bridge 5 Grafitti, Marionette HM Could somebody please turn off that tap Mary DeShaw Sherry Grivett Sherry Grivett Bob Johnson Gigi Chung Jeff Barton Berkeley Contra Costa Contra Costa Contra Costa Millbrae Millbrae Pictorial M: 27 Images 1 Last Light on the Cala Lilies 2 Lone Boat in the early evening light 3 Fresh Catch 4 Sunlight Designs 5 Havana Dawn HM Sensuous Sands Leslie Crandell Gail Pierce Georges Pelpel Elaine Bachelder Vicki Rupp Stephen Weiss Contra Costa Marin Contra Costa Marin Marin Contra Costa Travel Projected Images, April 2013 Judge: Alison Brooks Travel B: 25 Images 1 Teeming market scene, Kasunga, Malawi Allen Hirsch 2 Seattle Center and downtown viewed from Kerry Park, Queen Anne Hill 10-26-2012 Stan Schonberg 3 Visitors flock to see Famous Icon, Mt. Rushmore, South Dakota Robert Adler 4 Gaudi's Parc Guell, Barcelona, Spain Susan Mayne 5 A View from Bean Hollow State Beach, Northern California Jan Schmidt HM Ascending Masada, Israel Al Gould Alameda Alameda Rossmoor Marin Millbrae Contra Costa Travel I: 27 Images 1 This young Rwandan girl adjusts a bundle of sticks she is preparing to put on her head to carry to home. Catherine D'Alessio Marin 2 Butcher Shop, Trinidad de Cuba George Field Contra Costa 3 Even in the rain, Trafalgar Square is a hub of activity Marcia Hart Contra Costa 4 Gold Beach at Arromaches where British troops landed on D Day France Pat Strachan Millbrae 5 Little Tibetan girl praying next to prayer wheels at a monestary Steve Ziman Marin HM An elder rests on curb on a warm afternoon, Alexandria, Egypt Raymond Suen Peninsula May 2013 Page 16 of 24 Travel A: 25 Images 1B Chicken Vendor, Hoi An, Vietnam Kirsten Berg Berkeley 2 Times Square with Virgin Records Cindy Sowa Millbrae 3 The Morning School Bus. Always Room for One More. Ranthambore, India Bob Johnson Contra Costa 4 Woman with purchase at the Otavalo Market, Ecuador. Betty Prange Diablo Valley 5 Penguins and ccebergs are indigenous to Antarctica Robert Strochak Peninsula HM People arriving in early morning at the jetty market on the Ayerwaddy river, Yangon, Myanmar Obie Gilkerson Berkeley Travel M: 22 Images 1 Village Men Perform Ritual way to Prepare and Share Opium Water, Ajaran ki Dhani, India Jane Allen Marin 2 Malagasy Children Haul Water on a Wooden Cart Drawn by Zebu, Madagascar 2012 Diana Rebman Berkeley 3 At the Jameh Mosque, Yazd, Iran Ginna Fleming Marin 4 Delivering the dowry in a wedding, Quizhou, China. Ben Kong Millbrae 5 A Hiker in the Italian Dolomites Can Count on Warm Food in a Refuge Hut Ojars Kratins Rossmoor HM Burmese girl walking to the market Maureen McGettigan Marin Journalism Projected Images, April 2013 Judge: Alison Brooks Journalism B: 33 Images 1B Bandaloop, a vertical dance group, performed on the Great Wall of Oakland, West Grand Avenue between Broadway and Valley Street, on August 16, 2012. John Vilett Berkeley 2 [Seq] View of Surfers off Newport Beach Pier Allen Schuster Marin 3 Although you might see anything in New York's Grand Central Station, you can almost always count on a wedding! Catherine D'Alessio Marin 4 San Francisco bakery worker places fortunes in cookies and twists them into Chinese Fortune Cookies. Emily DeMartini Peninsula 5 SantaCon San Francisco 2012 participants spreading cheer and goodwill Eric Chan Millbrae HM Snake Charmer in Jaipur, India Linda Horng Contra Costa Journalism I: 29 Images 1 A Blue Angel visits San Francisco Bill Rauch Contra Costa 2 A rough start for number 2 at the Alameda County Fair horse races. Susan Gerber Livermore 3 Young rider & mount making jump Mary Lou Froese Millbrae 4 Young girl joyfully spreads cattail seeds into the wind at Mt. Hermon Science Camp. Debbie Lindemann Livermore 5 Reminder of the Bosnian War Edith Cornelsen Livermore HM Jake Anderson, Cal rugby wing, on his way to score in 112 - 7 rout of Cal Poly, February 9, 2013 Don Rhett Berkeley Journalism A: 35 Images 1 Public transportation in Myanmar Ben Kong Millbrae 2 Bull Gets Rid of Rider Shirley Tervo Peninsula 3 Coit Tower In Orange Celebrating the Giants World Series Victory Bob Johnson Contra Costa 4 Harvard Lacrosse Player Gets Ball Away From Stanford Shirley Tervo Millbrae 5 Pickup lands upside down after driver falls asleep, highway One Baja California. Alan Moore Diablo Valley HM Subtle parking instructions at Mission San Miguel Linda Brown Alameda Journalism M: 22 Images 1 Hawaiian Wipeout Sherry Grivett Contra Costa 2 Racing on the Sand Dunes, Ca Jane Postiglione Contra Costa 3 Amputees in the women's 5000 meters wheelchair race round the final bend during the London Paralympics, September 2012. Ann Baldwin Berkeley 4 Men working in the Rice Fields in China Gail Pierce Marin 5 Rock Crawlers Struggle for Traction After a Summer Rain Shower Wets Down the Course Mike Luebke Contra Costa HM Women's Water Polo can get Rough trying to secure the Ball Richard Silva Peninsula May 2013 Page 17 of 24 Board Meeting of April 8, 2013 Presiding: Roll call: Minutes: President: N4C President Jim Cutler presiding. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM. Role call was read by N4C Secretary, Jane Postiglione. Present: President & Millbrae backup N4C Rep, Jim Cutler, Vice President, Helen Sweet, Secretary, Jane Postiglione, Treasurer & Webmaster, Teri Schoech, Print Co-Chair, Joan Field, PI Chair, EI Coordinator & backup Berkeley N4C Rep, Gene Albright, Judges Chair & PSA Rep, Joe Hearst, Special Programs Chair & FotoClave Trustee, Joan Field, Alameda N4C Rep, Terry Toomey, Contra Costa N4C Rep, Mike Luebke, Diablo Valley N4C Rep, Jim Ludwig, Livermore Valley N4C Rep, Ed Mestre, Marin N4C Rep, Rick Budde, Peninsula N4C Rep, Jenny Gu, Rossmoor N4C Rep, Walter Braun. Not Present: Print Co-Chair, Gene Morita, Palo Alto N4C Rep, Sue Forbes, Photochrome N4C Rep Mary Asturias, Berkeley Rep, Elizabeth Saucier and the Newsletter Editor, Amory Donaldson. March Minutes were approved by the Board. President Jim Cutler reported that he met with the Chinatown Club who had more than one third of their members interested in joining N4C. Bob Cousins will help them get set up with the software. Jim noted that his meeting with Santa Rosa was delayed and he would re-schedule a meeting on May 23rd to discuss their joining N4C. He emailed Chinatown and Santa Rosa our latest FotoFanfare Newsletter and the Judges Seminar flyer. Vice President: Vice President Helen Sweet discussed the 2013 Annual Banquet arrangements planned for Sunday, February 9th, 2014 at the Lafayette Park Hotel. She noted that a $500.00 deposit was due March 20th to the Lafayette and N4C would pay 50% if we cancelled 1 month in advance. Helen mentioned that CCCC was hosting Sam Shaw on Ed night 4/25 th and all are invited. Treasurer: Treasurer Teri Schoech reported that she had received dues from Palo Alto and all clubs for Print and PIs competitions except Alameda who is not competing in both mediums. Teri also noted and Palo Alto and Photochrome are not competing. The Treasurer’s Report was approved by the Board. Secretary: Secretary Jane Postiglione. No report. Judges Chair: Judges Chair, Joe Hearst noted April judges are Robin Brownfeld for Prints and Alison May 2013 Page 18 of 24 Brooks for PT; May will be Rose Bower for PI and Wendell Delano for Prints, and June will be Dan Katzman for Prints and John Goyer for PI. Joe read an email from judge, Dan Katzman, noting that it significantly improved the judging when the judge received PIs to review in advance of the club meeting. David Evans gave an update about the upcoming Judges Seminar in San Mateo. New judges will get first shot at participating in the afternoon practice sessions, inactive judges will have next priority and last priority will go to active judges. Judges who do not get in the afternoon session will only have to pay 25.00. It will cost $50.00 to attend but those who judge 3 times at the club level will be reimbursed. Dan Katzman and Alison Brooks were mentioned as good judges to be mentor judges. Print Chair: Joan Field noted that Print labels from Larry’s program were visually too similar for the clubs. She brought an example of new N4C Print Label which had large club initials added to the label. Helen moved to use this label template, Walt seconded and the motion was approved. Webmaster, Teri, will put the revised labels on the N4c website, and Joan will also email the Reps with the template to print out labels on Avery 5164 labels. Joan will handle prints in the April competition and Gene Morita will handle the May competition. EI Coordinator: Gene noted that record numbers had been set for Prints his month with 211 entries compared to 150 in the past. He also noted that 328 PI entries were received in March compared to 250 past entries. Gene brought up an example of two nature images that appeared to not follow the N4C Nature Division rules. The images and their maker were discussed and it was determined that they were not manipulated by Photoshop or other software, and that they were acceptable. Foto Fanfare Editor: Amory Donaldson was not present. It was noted that she is doing a great job and that she will submit our N4C Newsletter again this year in the PSA Newsletter contest. PSA: PSA Rep Joe Hearst mentioned that Yerba Buena Chapter would handle seminar refunds, not N4C, and Joan Field mentioned that the new PSA Yerba Buena Chapter website was up and running. FotoClave: There will be no FotoClave event this year, 2013. Webmaster: Teri will put the updated Definitions and Rules on the web. Old Business: Jim will get more feedback from the N4C clubs on their competition schedule. Moving the judging date for PIs was mentioned. New Business: None. Meeting adjourned at 8:55 PM. Respectfully submitted by Secretary Jane Postiglione Next Board Meeting: Monday Evening May 13th. May 2013 Page 19 of 24 Northern California Council of Camera Clubs Check out these web sites: N4C PSA Camera Club Name Abbreviations: AL … BK … CC … DV … LV … MR … ML … PA … PE … PH … RO … Alameda Photographic Society Berkeley Camera Club Contra Costa Camera Club Diablo Valley Camera Club Livermore Valley Camera Club Marin Photography Club Millbrae Camera Club Palo Alto Camera Club Peninsula Camera Club Photochrome Camera Club of San Francisco Rossmoor Camera Club Club N4C OFFICERS & COMMITTEE CHAIRS 2013 President Vice-President Treasurer Secretary PI Coordinator Print Chairs Jim Cutler Helen Sweet Teri Schoech Jane Postiglione Gene Albright Gene Morita Joan Field Judges Chair Joe Hearst PSA Joe Hearst FotoClave Trustee Joan Field Special Programs Joan Field Foto Fanfare Amory Donaldson Webmaster Teri Schoech Millbrae Contra Costa Livermore Contra Costa Berkeley Marin Contra Costa Livermore Livermore Contra Costa Contra Costa Diablo Valley Livermore N4C Mission Statement To promote a spirit of voluntary cooperation among the camera clubs of Northern California. To sustain and increase an interest in the science and art of photography among photographers of said area. To promote social and educational programs for the benefit of member clubs. To create and maintain a representative body which will serve the best interests of all member clubs and groups and attempt to provide workable solutions to their individual and collective problems. To provide services and facilities for the use and benefit of the member clubs. Copyright Notice: All images appearing in this newsletter are copyrighted by the maker. Any attempt to utilize these images without consent of the maker is fully prosecutable by law. The Foto Fanfare is ©2013. Camera clubs may use these articles without author consent, unless specifically requested by Author, but proper attribution must be given. If you are not a camera club but wish to use an article, please notify the editor. May 2013 Page 20 of 24 Foto Fanfare is the official publication of N4C, the Northern California Council of Camera Clubs, a federation of 11 Camera Clubs located in the greater Bay Area. Its goals are to hold monthly competitions among member clubs and present special informative programs whenever possible. Any articles, letters to the editor or editorial comments are the opinions of the authors, and not official N4C policy. Articles or other information published in Foto FanFare may be copied for camera club use, provided proper credit is given. NORTHERN CALIFORNIA COUNCIL OF CAMERA CLUBS Interclub Competition Rules Last Modified March 2013 Purpose: The purpose of these rules is to offer a common ground for competition among the member clubs of the Council. Rule Changes: Changes in these rules may be made by a 2/3 majority vote at a regular scheduled meeting of the Council delegates after receiving notice of the proposed changes in writing at least 30 days prior to said vote. (See Article XI of the By-Laws.) Restrictions: These rules shall in no way interfere with the right of the member clubs to determine the requirements for participation in their club competitions. However, for N4C competitions, if using the Photoclub Services’ Image Competition Manager (ICM) system, there are certain requirements for titling (maximum length of 200 characters, etc. that must be fulfilled. (See below). General Rules 1. There shall be the following Competition Divisions: Prints: Pictorial Monochrome Print (M) Pictorial Color Print (P) Special Prints: (Both Color and Monochrome prints are allowed in Special Prints) Nature (N) Travel (T) Journalism (J) Creative (C) Sequence (S) Projected Images: Pictorial (P) Nature Projected Images and Authentic Wildlife (N) or substitute (W) for authentic Wildlife images Creative Projected Images (C) Travel Projected Images (T) Journalism Projected Images (J) 2. There shall be no more than four Competition Levels of competition in any Projected Image or Print Competition Division. May 2013 Page 21 of 24 All Projected Image competitions, both for Pictorial and for the Special Divisions (Nature, Travel, Journalism and Creative) will consist of the following competition levels: Basic (B), Intermediate (I), Advanced (A), and Masters (M). Print competitions will consist of the following competition levels: Pictorial Monochrome(M) and Pictorial Color (P) will include Basic (B), Intermediate (I), Advanced (A) and Masters (M) levels. The Special Print categories of Nature, Travel, Journalism, and Creative will include two levels of competition: Basic (B) and Advanced (A). The Special Print category of Sequence will consist of one competition level only, and the designation will be the letter “S” for Sequence. 3. Interclub competition shall be held in each Competition Division based on a schedule adopted by the Council at its regular December meeting. Changes in the schedule may be made upon recommendation of the competition committee and the approval of the Council by 2/3 vote. 4. Monthly interclub competitions shall occur at a time and place determined by the Council or by those people involved in a particular judging . 5. All prints and projected images entered shall be entered according to the competition rules of each club. (See By-Laws, Article X, Paragraph C). Most club members of N4C are using the ICM program for submitting electronic images and JPEGs of entered prints. 6. One or more judges may be used for interclub competitions and the judge(s) may or may not be an active member of a competing club. If the judge(s) has pictures in the competition, the pictures will be removed and judged in the next regular interclub competition. Judges for interclub competitions should not be selected more than twice per calendar year in each Competition Division in which s/he is qualified. Interclub competition judges shall be selected from the interclub judges roster by the Judges Chair. The judge(s) so selected for any interclub competition shall be the sole person(s) to critique Projected Images or Prints and to select winners. 7. Judges are selected for the interclub judges roster by a “judges selection committee,” which can be composed of the entire N4C Board acting as a committee of the whole. 8. The number of awards in a Competition Division and Level is limited to 1/3 of the total number of entries, rounded up, and a maximum of 6 (first through fifth and one honorable mention). In the Nature Projected Image Division, additional awards will be given to the two best Authentic Wildlife images. When there are fewer than three entries in a Competition Level, those entries will be moved up or down between levels in their division. All those who place at any level and division shall receive a certificate, which shows the winning photo, if the JPEG equivalent of the Print image is provided by the maker. 9. Any Projected Image or Print which has placed first through fifth or honorable mention in interclub competition may not be reentered in the same Competition Division. 10. Any Print entered in any competition sponsored by the Council shall be entered exclusively at the risk of the exhibitor and neither the Council nor any of its officers or representatives shall be under any liability whatsoever for damage to, or loss of, any image while in their custody. It shall be the responsibility of each member club to inform its members of this condition to participate in Council activities. May 2013 Page 22 of 24 11. Prior to the annual awards banquet, an annual interclub competition in all levels of each division shall be held in the month of January following that month’s Council meeting. All monthly interclub competition winners, first through fifth and the honorable mention, in all levels of each division, are eligible to be entered in the annual competition. Annual awards shall consist of first through fifth place, plus five honorable mentions in each level of each division. Annual judges shall select a Picture of the Year from among all the first place winners in the Projected Images Divisions. There will be an additional three Pictures of the Year in Prints; one for Pictorial Color, one for Pictorial Monochrome, and one for all Special Prints. Awards will consist of plaques for the Pictures of the Year, medals for first place in each level of each division, and certificates for the remaining winners. Entry Rules Entry Rules - General 1. Each member club entering Prints and/or Projected Images in a monthly interclub competition will be eligible to enter a maximum of three Prints and three Projected Images in each competition level in all divisions. 2. All Prints and Projected Images entered in interclub competition must have titles. Competitors should not use the same title more than once. 3. The title, entrant’s name, club name, name of print classification including level, and date must be placed on the back upper left corner of a print. The correct file name and other pertinent data for a Projected Image must match the submission requirements for each club. (There are no filename standard formats for the file name when submitting through the ICM.). 4. Completed entry forms, furnished by the Council shall accompany all Prints and PIs entered in competition depending on the method of supplying images to the PI and Print Chairs. (In the case of submitting entries through ICM no entry forms are required.) 5. The PI or Print Chair may disqualify any print or PI not conforming to these rules. A disqualified image may be resubmitted within 60 days, if it has been changed to conform to the rules. Entry Rules – Projected Images 1. All projected images should be appropriately sized in Photoshop or other applicable program to a maximum of 1600 pixels horizontal and a maximum of 1200 pixels vertical. The resolution should be ignored. The format should be sRGB for best rendering on the N4C monitor, and the image should be saved in the JPEG format. (This is taken care of automatically by the ICM system if the file size is less than 4 MB.) The resolution should be ignored. The sRGB format is the recommended color profile, but if the maker has used another one, it will be automatically converted to sRGB by the ICM system. The image should be saved in the JPEG format. Specifying the Maximum JPEG quality is recommended. 2. In addition, the title of any entry must be 200 characters or less, including spaces. The following characters are not allowed in the title: < (less than) > (greater than) : (colon) ~ (tilde) " (double quote) May 2013 Page 23 of 24 * (asterisk) ? (question mark) / (forward slash) \ (backslash) | (vertical bar or pipe) 3. Sequence entries for nature or journalism should contain the format below: <Overall Title of the Image>[<Number of Sequence >]<SubTitle, if Desired> The number of sequence should be between brackets. Example: Skate Board Champion [3] Turning somersault Entry Rules – Prints 1. Preferably, entries in all competition levels, shall be mounted on 2-ply or 4-ply mount board or foam core board. No entry, including mount, may exceed 16” X 20” or be less than 11” X 14” in overall size and may not exceed 5/16-inch in thickness. Unmounted or unmated prints are allowed in competition with a minimum size is 8” x 10”. 2. All entries shall have the title, author, club name, division and competition level (P/B, P/I, P/A or P/M, etc., see #1 under General Rules for complete abbreviations link), month of interclub competition, title, and name of entrant on the upper left hand corner on the back of each entry. It is recommended that the label be printed by the ICM program so that a standard form is used and it is not written in possibly illegible handwriting. This should lead to fewer misfiled prints. May 2013 Page 24 of 24
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