USNS John Glenn , USNS Stockham showcase sea


USNS John Glenn , USNS Stockham showcase sea
Volume 46, Number 8
August 2016
US NS John Gl enn, USNS Stockham show case
sea-basing during multi-nation military event
Senior U.S. and foreign military leaders observed a Landing Craft Air Cushion (LCAC)
disembarking the USNS John Glenn during an amphibious assault demonstration during the USPACOM Amphibious Leaders Symposium (PALS) at sea off the coast of U.S.
Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, Calif., July 13, 2016. PALS brings together senior
leaders of allied and partner nations from the Indo-Asia Pacific region to discuss key
aspects of maritime/amphibious operations, capability development, crisis response,
and interoperability. Twenty-two allied and partnered nations participated.
U.S. Marine Corps photo: Sgt. Tia Dufour
Fleet Marine Force, Pacific, continued the tradition of military forces from
partner nations working together to hone
skills and build on established relationships
during the second annual Pacific Command
Amphibious Leaders Symposium (PALS)
in San Diego, Calif., July 10 to 14, reported
Cpl. Demetrius Morgan, U.S. Marine
Corps, Pacific, in an article posted on the
Defense Video Imagery Distribution
System website.
The symposium featured military
leaders representing 23 partner and allied
nations, including the United States.
PALS-16 featured a demonstration of
sea-basing capabilities conducted by the
expeditionary transfer dock USNS John
Glenn and the large medium-speed rollon/roll-off ship USNS GYSGT Fred W.
Stockham. The USNS John Glenn is operated by Ocean Ships, Inc. and the USNS
Stockham is operated by Crowley Technical
Management. Both Military Sealift
Command ships are manned in all licensed
positions by American Maritime Officers.
PALS-16 brought together senior
military leaders from nations throughout
the Indo-Asia Pacific region to discuss
key aspects of maritime/amphibious operations, capability development, crisis
response and interoperability.
For the first few days, service members took part in academic discussions and
U.S. Marine Corps photo: Sgt. Tia Dufour
USNS John Glenn connects to USNS GYSGT Fred W. Stockham during the
USPACOM Amphibious Leaders Symposium (PALS) off the coast of U.S.
Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, Calif. July 13, 2016.
New jobs for AMO with delivery of
Jones Act tanker Garden State to APT
Page 7: On July 25, General Dynamics NASSCO delivered the Garden
State, a Jones Act tanker built for American Petroleum Tankers, marking
the shipyard’s seventh delivery in the span of just over a year. AMO represents all licensed officers aboard the Garden State.
a table-top exercise (TTX), where they
coordinated plans for a simulated disaster
relief mission. The TTX was designed to
establish rapport between the senior leaders
as they familiarized themselves with the
various capabilities each nation brought to
the table.
“The primary goal of PALS is to bring
as many nations as possible together who are
interested in developing amphibious capabilities,” said Lt. Gen. John Toolan, the commanding general of Fleet Marine Force,
Pacific. “They then get the opportunity to
share ideas and walk away with new ways to
train for those amphibious capabilities.”
Although Marines and sailors constantly train to keep their skills and competencies sharp, learning from others and sharing tactics with allied nations is an essential
component to further develop amphibious
“Closer military bonds give us an
opportunity to know each other and know
our capabilities,” Toolan said. “It allows us
to really come to terms with all the conSee PALS-16 ◆ Page 6
M/V Ocean Glory serves in Operation
Pacific Pathways under MSC charter
Page 7: Operating under MSC charter in Operation Pacific Pathways
16-2, the heavy-lift ship Ocean Glory delivered and is backhauling
cargo in support of military exercises Hanuman Guardian in Thailand,
Keris Strike in Malaysia and Garuda Shield in Indonesia.
Page 6: Maersk Peary delivers in Pacer Goose 2016
Copyright © 2016 American Maritime Officers
AMO gains from partnership
between officials, members
2 • American Maritime Officer
By Paul Doell
National President
On August
Maritime Officers
was holding a
year-to-date operating budget surplus and a very
account balance;
union is no longer
pulling routinely from investment
accounts to meet payroll and cover necessary expenses — indeed, AMO is replenishing these accounts with the first
deposits in three years.
Meanwhile, AMO membership
dues and initiation fee receipts remained
on the rise — direct payments to AMO
were substantially higher in the first six
months of the calendar year over the
same period in 2015; dues payments
through authorized deductions from
AMO Vacation Plan benefits were up as
well — 29.9 percent in June alone, compared to the total paid through the Plan
in June a year ago.
Meanwhile, a 2015 dues increase
that had been approved in 2014 was
rescinded, and no dues hike was necessary this year.
Our union’s strong financial state
and the real prospect of continued economic growth and stability resulted
from what I see as an effective, practical
partnership between this administration
and the seagoing AMO membership.
On this side of the equation, the
AMO National Executive Board last
year agreed easily on a comprehensive
cost containment plan that trimmed the
union payroll significantly at all levels
— even while restoring the official position of Great Lakes Vice President. This
reform strategy also resulted in savings
on essential goods and services, including a six-figure reduction in the annual
cost of this publication.
When deep-sea, Great Lakes and
inland waters AMO members saw
responsible money management at
union headquarters, they responded with
a greater collective effort to make timely dues payments — not only to protect
good standing, but also to sustain recovery for everyone’s benefit.
The premise is an easy one: everything AMO officials, representatives
and employees do in the course of their
work is done with AMO membership
money. When AMO members see fiscal
reason and restraint in the administration, they have far fewer qualms about
meeting their responsibilities.
At this point, we’re able to beef up
vessel visits on the East and West Coasts
through two new full-time hires from
within the membership ranks — without
breaking the bank. On the West Coast,
an additional representative is necessary
because Dan Shea’s new duties as
National Executive Vice President make
it difficult for him to hit ships routinely,
and to recruit for our union at maritime
academy functions; the East Coast has
been without exclusive shipboard representation for some years, and, in my
view, it’s important that we cover this
region consistently.
On behalf of the AMO National
Executive Board, I welcome questions,
comments and suggestions from AMO
members everywhere as we work to
keep the financial faith and to improve
direct service to the men and women
we are privileged to represent. Aboard
ship, in union membership meetings,
and in day-to-day conversation and
correspondence, we’re here to listen —
and, with membership input, we can do
even better.
Politics and AMO jobs
In this extremely important election year, I’m obliged to remind all
deep-sea, Great Lakes and inland waters
AMO members to support the AMO
Voluntary Political Action Fund in the
interest of job and benefit security.
The AMO VPAF helps shield the
broad, bipartisan support base our
industry has in Congress. The fund helps
finance the re-election campaigns of
Senators and members of the House of
Representatives who understand the
economic and national security need for
a strong and diverse, privately owned
and operated U.S. merchant fleet in
domestic and international service —
period. The fund doesn’t cover travel,
lodging, meals, entertainment or any
other administrative expense.
Take the Jones Act, for example.
The law was enacted as Section 27 of
the Merchant Marine Act of 1920, and
Congress has since insulated it from
bilateral, regional and multilateral trade
negotiations and beaten back persistent
homegrown efforts to force Jones Act
amendment or repeal — most recently in
legislation to ease the debt crisis in
Puerto Rico.
Were it not for the Jones Act, foreign-flagged product tankers crewed by
foreign nationals would meet today’s
expanding demand for the domestic
waterborne transport of gasoline and
other fuels. The U.S.-built tankers
already delivered or under construction
in the last 18 months for this trade and
for operation under exclusive AMO contract wouldn’t have been ordered.
Were it not for the Jones Act,
AMO engine and deck officers would
August 2016
not be at work today on new U.S.-flag,
U.S.-built container and combination
container/roll-on, roll-off ships operating
between the West Coast and Hawaii and
between the East Coast and Puerto Rico,
and our union would not be gearing up
for the jobs on comparable ships now
under construction for domestic service.
Were it not for the Jones Act, there
wouldn’t be a single American seagoing
job along our inland waterways or in our
ports, let alone the jobs AMO holds in
these critical sectors. Nor would there
be American seagoing jobs on the Great
Lakes, where AMO remains the largest
licensed labor influence.
Beyond Jones Act jurisdiction,
jobs for U.S. merchant mariners —
including AMO engine and deck officers — are sustained through the
Maritime Security Program, the 50percent U.S.-flag cargo preference
requirement tied to PL-480 food aid
exports and Military Sealift Command
and Maritime Administration contracts
awarded through fierce competitive
bidding. But each of these programs is
subject to annual budget authorization
and appropriation in Congress and by
debate driven often by powerful interests that believe the U.S. can do without its own merchant fleet, even in the
context of national security and
defense shipping.
But American Maritime Officers
— long acknowledged as the most
respected and most influential U.S.
Washington — leads the good fight
each year, making a clear, compelling
case for the American fleet and
American seagoing jobs and capitalizing on unequaled access on Capitol
Hill. The AMO Voluntary Political
Action Fund is indispensable to the
effort. On behalf of the AMO National
Executive Board, I thank the deepsea, Great Lakes and inland waters
AMO members who join us in routine
support of the fund; AMO members
who do not invest in this safe, reliable
fund are encouraged to do so at levels
they can be comfortable with — every
dollar counts.
Commander of MSC commends operating companies,
merchant mariners of USNS John Glenn, USNS Stockham
The following message was sent July 19 by Commander of Military Sealift
Command Rear Adm. Thomas Shannon.
I offer MSC’s sincerest congratulations and appreciation to Ocean
Shipholdings, Inc., Crowley Technical Management, Inc., and the officers and crews
3017) for the excellent execution of the sea-basing demonstration during the Pacific
Command Amphibious Leadership Symposium FY 2016 (PALS 16) off the coast of
Southern California last week.
The expertise, flexibility, and professionalism demonstrated by your Mariners
and ashore technical and management staffs during planning and execution enabled
participants from the United States and Partner Nations to observe the next step in
sea-basing logistics concepts, maritime command and control (C2), and amphibious
capabilities of our U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps team in action.
This great demonstration will undoubtedly result in better training and interoperability with our friends and partners throughout the Pacific region.
Please extend my congratulations to your Mariners for a job “Well Done”. You
delivered, in keeping with tradition of our United States Merchant Marine.
Warmest Regards,
TK Shannon
Commander, Military Sealift Command
American Maritime Officer
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U.S. Customs and Border Protection establishes
National Jones Act Division of Enforcement
August 2016
American Maritime Officer • 3
The following bulletin was posted by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
In order to present a uniformed approach on issues involving the Jones Act, U.S.
Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Office of Field Operations (OFO), announces
the creation of the National Jones Act Division of Enforcement (JADE). The Jones Act
is the foundation of maritime policy of the United States and a vital tool for our
nation’s security and economy. The mission of the JADE will be to assist CBP and
industry partners on issues concerning coastwise trade, with the goal of being a clearinghouse for all coastwise trade issues. All formal ruling requests will continue to be
forwarded to Regulations and Rulings, Office of Trade. The JADE will be located
within the New Orleans Field Office and will be staffed by a team of subject matter
experts (SMEs) to assist industry partners with questions and concerns on issues
involving coastwise trade. The JADE will work in partnership with industry stakeholders in the enforcement of the Jones Act, along with all other coastwise trade laws.
As an advocate for coastwise trade, the JADE will be available for outreach presentations to industry partners on the subject of coastwise trade.
Suspected violations of coastwise trade can be submitted through the e-Allegation
portal at Industry Partners may contact the JADE with any questions or concerns regarding coastwise trade issues.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Michael Hebert, Port
Director, at MICHAEL.J.HEBERT@CBP.DHS.GOV. Secondary contact is Donna
Dedeaux, Branch Chief, Manifest & Conveyance Security Division at
ITF emphasizes vital role of maritime
cabotage to TTIP stakeholders
The following article was released
July 13 by the International Transport
Workers’ Federation, with which
American Maritime Officers is affiliated.
The ITF (International Transport
Workers’ Federation) upheld the vital role
of maritime cabotage in protecting jobs,
economies and skills at a TTIP
(Transatlantic Trade and Investment
Partnership) stakeholder event in
Brussels, Belgium, today.
ITF Seafarers’ Section Secretary Jon
Whitlow addressed the meeting’s audience of TTIP negotiators.
He told them: The ITF welcomes the
opportunity to state our position on behalf
of our affiliates regarding the labor and
maritime transport issues under discussion
in TTIP and trade agreements in general.
Trade agreements should be an opportunity
to improve workers’ rights and have as a
primary objective the facilitation of full
employment and decent working conditions
for the workers of the contracting parties.
Therefore, we believe that TTIP should
include a strong, legally binding labor
chapter, with recognition of ILO global
labor standards as minimum standards and
EU and US standards on social and labor
rights and should exclude transport from
the scope of the negotiations.
The international maritime transport market, particularly in the US/EU
trade, where the European Union has
banned liner carrier conference and pricing agreements, is open, liberal and
extremely competitive. Recent overcapacity, consolidation and downward freight
rate trends confirm that.
Despite this, and despite the clear
success and valid economic and security
reasons for national domestic maritime
policies — including cabotage — the
European Commission continues to insist
on including maritime transport services
in TTIP without providing any evidence
that such inclusion would benefit either
side or consideration of the detrimental
impact it would have on national fleet
development and employment of national
seafarers in the EU and US.
The maritime provisions in the EU
services proposal continue to seek access
for EU vessels to certain US cabotage
markets, including for EU second register vessels, which employ mostly non-EU
seafarers; and to restrict any measures
that would enable the United States to
strengthen its remaining international
flag fleet and related jobs. While the
United States continues to defend its
domestic cabotage and small US-flag
USCG: Merchant Mariner
Credential exam online
preparation materials
The following bulletin was posted July 28 by the U.S. Coast Guard and is
available online at:
The Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2015 requires several actions regarding Merchant Mariner Credentialing.
This bulletin provides information related to Section 315: Examinations
for Merchant Mariner Credentials. Per this section, the Coast Guard will
cease public disclosure of examination questions and other information
related to exams.
In place of this information, the Coast Guard will provide an outline of merchant mariner examination topics as well as sample examinations. This information will be posted on the “Examinations” page of the National Maritime Center
website ( on or about August 1, 2016.
In addition, the Coast Guard intends to remove the current bank of
examination questions and illustrations from the National Maritime Center
Website on or about September 1, 2016.
The Act contains other authorizations and requirements related to mariner
credentialing. The Coast Guard is actively engaged in these actions and will publish additional information as it becomes available.
If you have questions or feedback regarding the sample examinations,
please contact the NMC by using our Online Chat or Ticketing System, by e-mail
at, or by calling 1-888-IASKNMC (1-888-427-5662).
international presence (fewer than 80
US-flag ships) for national security purposes, the EU continues to promote member state aid for their fleets, including
their second registers. And they seek
access to the US domestic markets for
those ships and non-EU seafarers as they
did in the CETA (Comprehensive
Economic and Trade Agreement) agreement. This is unacceptable.
Lastly, we need to clear up some
misconceptions about the competitive
environment in the maritime trade
between the European Union and the
United States.
All ships in the trade, including the
small number of US-flag ships and the
many EU ships of all flags, have unrestricted access to all commercial cargoes,
access to the limited available US domestic feeder services and to all road and rail
connections throughout the United States
on an equal and non-discriminatory basis.
The small number of US-flag ships
in the US/EU international trade have no
Jones Act coastwise privileges or any regulatory advantage over the EU-owned
and operated ships. In fact, many of those
EU ships regularly seek their own advantage by operating under low-cost, nonnational flags including flags of conve-
nience. A recent study by the UN
Conference on Trade and Development
indicates that the EU currently has
16,472 ships under EU beneficial ownership and the majority of those vessels are
not registered in EU member states. This
has major implications for the retention
of a maritime skills base in the EU, which
is essential for the EU maritime cluster to
be able to function effectively.
US-flag ships carry approximately
two percent of the commercial cargoes in
the US-EU trade. EU owned and operated
ships of all flags carry the majority of the
trade. And all of the US-flag ships in the
trade are owned and operated by subsidiaries of EU companies.
Jon Whitlow concluded: There is no
reason for either side in TTIP to seek
access to the other’s domestic cabotage
regimes or to restrict measures by either
party to grow their national first registers
and national seafaring jobs. And therefore, since access to the international
maritime trades on both sides of the
Atlantic is already open, there is no reason for the European Commission to continue to call for a maritime services chapter in TTIP.
ITF president Paddy Crumlin commented: “The ITF and its unions are committed to defending cabotage, which is in
operation in 47 countries. We are on
record as pointing out that failing to protect cabotage undermines sovereignty and
has national security implications. It also
has serious economic implications for
maritime regions and communities.”
AMO aboard LNG-powered Perla del
Caribe in Jones Act Puerto Rico trade
American Maritime Officers members working aboard the LNG-powered containership Perla del Caribe in June, here in Jacksonville, Fla., included First Assistant
Engineer Michael Busque, Second A.E. Brian Barnes and Third A.E. Matt
Kloecker. With them are AMO East Coast Representative Todd Christensen and
AMO National Vice President, Inland Waters, David Weathers.
4 • American Maritime Officer
August 2016
American Maritime Officers Plans Summary Annual Reports: Fiscal Year 2015
Pension Plan
This is a summary of the annual report for American Maritime Officers Pension
Plan, EIN 13-1936709, Plan No. 001, for period October 01, 2014 through September
30, 2015. The annual report has been filed with the Employee Benefits Security
Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, as required under the Employee Retirement
Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA).
Basic Financial Statement
Benefits under the plan are provided by insurance and a trust fund. Plan expenses
were $44,966,850. These expenses included $3,955,189 in administrative expenses, and
$41,011,661 in benefits paid to participants and beneficiaries. A total of 5,269 persons
were participants in or beneficiaries of the plan at the end of the plan year, although not
all of these persons had yet earned the right to receive benefits.
The value of plan assets, after subtracting liabilities of the plan, was
$442,989,645 as of September 30, 2015, compared to $455,620,723 as of October
01, 2014. During the plan year the plan experienced a decrease in its net assets of
$12,631,078. This decrease includes unrealized appreciation and depreciation in
the value of plan assets; that is, the difference between the value of the plan’s assets
at the end of the year and the value of the assets at the beginning of the year or the
cost of assets acquired during the year. The plan had total income of $32,335,772,
including employer contributions of $26,512,639, realized gains of $14,932,127
from the sale of assets, earnings from investments of ($19,035,313), and other
income of $9,926,319.
Minimum Funding Standards
An actuary’s statement shows that enough money was contributed to the plan to
keep it funded in accordance with the minimum funding standards of ERISA.
Defined Contribution Plan
This is a summary of the annual report for American Maritime Officers Defined
Contribution Plan, EIN 27-1269640, Plan No. 001, for period October 01, 2014 through
September 30, 2015. The annual report has been filed with the Employee Benefits
Security Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, as required under the Employee
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA).
Basic Financial Statement
Benefits under the plan are provided by a trust fund. Plan expenses were
$4,163,860. These expenses included $427,877 in administrative expenses, and
$3,735,983 in benefits paid to participants and beneficiaries. A total of 3,411 persons
were participants in or beneficiaries of the plan at the end of the plan year, although not
all of these persons had yet earned the right to receive benefits.
The value of plan assets, after subtracting liabilities of the plan, was $68,954,007
as of September 30, 2015, compared to $55,913,750 as of October 01, 2014. During the
plan year the plan experienced an increase in its net assets of $13,040,257. This increase
includes unrealized appreciation and depreciation in the value of plan assets; that is, the
difference between the value of the plan’s assets at the end of the year and the value of
the assets at the beginning of the year or the cost of assets acquired during the year. The
plan had total income of $17,204,117, including employer contributions of $19,780,075,
and earnings from investments of ($2,575,958).
Your Rights To Additional Information
You have the right to receive a copy of the full annual report, or any part thereof,
Medical Plan
This is a summary of the annual report of the American Maritime Officers Medical
Plan, EIN 13-5600786, Plan No. 501, for period October 01, 2014 through September
30, 2015. The annual report has been filed with the Employee Benefits Security
Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, as required under the Employee Retirement
Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA).
Insurance Information
The plan has a contract with United Healthcare to pay stop loss claims incurred
under the terms of the plan. The total premiums paid for the plan year ending September
30, 2015 were $214,532.
Basic Financial Statement
The value of plan assets, after subtracting liabilities of the plan, was $4,494,876 as
of September 30, 2015, compared to $15,042,310 as of October 01, 2014. During the
plan year the plan experienced a decrease in its net assets of $10,547,434. This decrease
includes unrealized appreciation and depreciation in the value of plan assets; that is, the
difference between the value of the plan’s assets at the end of the year and the value of
the assets at the beginning of the year or the cost of assets acquired during the year.
During the plan year, the plan had total income of $35,271,318, including employer contributions of $34,755,169, employee contributions of $183,831, earnings from investments of $140,358, and other income of $191,960.
Plan expenses were $45,818,752. These expenses included $6,404,516 in
administrative expenses, and $39,414,236 in benefits paid to participants and
Your Rights To Additional Information
You have the right to receive a copy of the full annual report, or any part thereof, on
request. The items listed below are included in that report:
• an accountant’s report;
• financial information;
• information on payments to service providers;
• assets held for investment;
• transactions in excess of 5% of the plan assets;
• insurance information, including sales commissions paid by insurance carriers;
• information regarding any common or collective trusts, pooled separate accounts,
master trusts or 103-12 investment entities in which the plan participates;
• actuarial information regarding the funding of the plan;
To obtain a copy of the full annual report, or any part thereof, write or call the office of
The Board of Trustees American Maritime Officers Pension Plan at 2 West Dixie Highway,
Dania Beach, FL 33004, or by telephone at (954) 922-7428. The charge to cover copying costs
will be $0.15 per page for any part thereof.
You also have the right to receive from the plan administrator, on request and at no
charge, a statement of the assets and liabilities of the plan and accompanying notes, or a statement of income and expenses of the plan and accompanying notes, or both. If you request a
copy of the full annual report from the plan administrator, these two statements and accompanying notes will be included as part of that report. The charge to cover copying costs given
above does not include a charge for the copying of these portions of the report because these
portions are furnished without charge. You also have the legally protected right to examine the
annual report at the main office of the plan (The Board of Trustees American Maritime
Officers Pension Plan, 2 West Dixie Highway, Dania Beach, FL 33004) and at the U.S.
Department of Labor in Washington, D.C., or to obtain a copy from the U.S. Department of
Labor upon payment of copying costs. Requests to the Department should be addressed to:
Public Disclosure Room, Room N1513, Employee Benefits Security Administration, U.S.
Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20210.
on request. The items listed below are included in that report:
• an accountant’s report;
• financial information;
• information on payments to service providers;
• assets held for investment;
• information regarding any common or collective trusts, pooled separate
accounts, master trusts or 103-12 investment entities in which the plan participates;
To obtain a copy of the full annual report, or any part thereof, write or call the
office of Board of Trustees American Maritime Officers Defined Contribution Plan at 2
West Dixie Highway, Dania Beach, FL 33004, or by telephone at (954) 922-7428. The
charge to cover copying costs will be $0.15 per page.
You also have the right to receive from the plan administrator, on request and
at no charge, a statement of the assets and liabilities of the plan and accompanying
notes, or a statement of income and expenses of the plan and accompanying notes,
or both. If you request a copy of the full annual report from the plan administrator,
these two statements and accompanying notes will be included as part of that
report. The charge to cover copying costs given above does not include a charge for
the copying of these portions of the report because these portions are furnished
without charge.
You also have the legally protected right to examine the annual report at the main
office of the plan (Board of Trustees American Maritime Officers Defined Contribution
Plan, 2 West Dixie Highway, Dania Beach, FL 33004) and at the U.S. Department of
Labor in Washington, D.C., or to obtain a copy from the U.S. Department of Labor upon
payment of copying costs. Requests to the Department should be addressed to: Public
Disclosure Room, Room N1513, Employee Benefits Security Administration, U.S.
Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20210.
Your Rights To Additional Information
You have the right to receive a copy of the full annual report, or any part thereof, on
request. The items listed below are included in that report:
• an accountant’s report;
• financial information;
• information on payments to service providers;
• assets held for investment;
• transactions in excess of 5% of the plan assets;
• insurance information, including sales commissions paid by insurance carriers;
To obtain a copy of the full annual report, or any part thereof, write or call the office of
Board of Trustees of the American Maritime Officers Medical Plan at 2 West Dixie Highway,
Dania Beach, FL 33004, or by telephone at (954) 922-7428. The charge to cover copying costs
will be $0.15 per page for any part thereof.
You also have the right to receive from the plan administrator, on request and at no
charge, a statement of the assets and liabilities of the plan and accompanying notes, or a statement of income and expenses of the plan and accompanying notes, or both. If you request a
copy of the full annual report from the plan administrator, these two statements and accompanying notes will be included as part of that report. The charge to cover copying costs given
above does not include a charge for the copying of these portions of the report because these
portions are furnished without charge.
You also have the legally protected right to examine the annual report at the main office
of the plan ( Board of Trustees of the American Maritime Officers Medical Plan, 2 West Dixie
Highway, Dania Beach, FL 33004) and at the U.S. Department of Labor in Washington, D.C.,
or to obtain a copy from the U.S. Department of Labor upon payment of copying costs.
Requests to the Department should be addressed to: Public Disclosure Room, Room N1513,
Employee Benefits Security Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution
Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20210.
The SAR for the AMO Vacation Plan for fiscal year 2015 is on Page 5. The 401(k) Plan SAR for calendar year 2015 will be printed at a later date.
August 2016
Rep. Garamendi’s statement on importance
of the Jones Act to U.S. homeland security
The following article was released
July 7 by the office of Congressman John
Garamendi (D-CA).
Congressman John Garamendi (DFairfield, CA), Ranking Member of the
Subcommittee on Coast Guard and
Maritime Transportation issued the following statement in response to testimony
about the Jones Act at a joint hearing to
examine maritime nuclear smuggling
threats and other risks to port security:
“At today’s hearing, members of both
the Subcommittee on Coast Guard and
Subcommittee on Border and Maritime
Security heard testimony on how we can best
defend against nuclear smuggling threats.
“James H.I. Weakley, President of the
Lake Carriers’ Association, which repre-
sents U.S.-flagged vessel operators on the
Great Lakes, noted the particular importance of the Jones Act. It requires that cargo
moved between U.S. ports be carried in vessels that are built in the United States and
crewed by American sailors. This is not
only vital to our maritime industry — it is
also important for our national security.
“American mariners must go through
a rigorous certification and credentialing
The “best line of maritime homeland security defense” in the Great Lakes
region is the Jones Act, which requires
cargo moved between U.S. ports to be
carried by vessels that are U.S. built, U.S.
crewed, U.S. owned and U.S. operated,
Lake Carriers’ Association President
James Weakley said during a congressional hearing on July 7.
“If you ask me what the single
most important thing you (Congress)
can do to encourage maritime homeland
security, I would say support the Jones
Act,” said Weakley, who serves as a vice
president of the Great Lakes Maritime
Task Force, of which American
Maritime Officers is a member.
Testifying before a joint hearing of
the House Coast Guard and Maritime
Transportation Subcommittee and the
Subcommittee, Weakley explained Jones
Act qualified vessels operating in U.S.
domestic waters present a much different
risk profile than foreign-flagged vessels.
“For example, our Jones Act mariners
have all gone through extensive checks in
order to receive their licenses, credentials
and Transportation Worker Identification
Credential (TWIC) cards,” he said. “Many
have been trained at our maritime schools
and universities. They live here. They work
here. In fact, many of these mariners and
companies are full partners with our
American law enforcement agencies
through a series of programs and partnerships that encourage American seafarers to
report suspicious activities.”
The requirement that Jones Act vessels be crewed with mariners licensed and
credentialed by the U.S. Coast Guard
means they are held to the world’s highest
While the precise security measures
employed aboard Jones Act qualified vessels operating on the Great Lakes are considered “sensitive security information”
under U.S. regulations, Weakley pointed
American Maritime Officer • 5
process to be certified by the Coast Guard,
and are trained in security measures
designed to protect the homeland against
smuggling and other threats. Jones Act
mariners also work with the Coast Guard to
recognize and identify unusual or suspicious activity. Without the Jones Act, not
only would we not have American mariners
helping to protect the homeland, but the
Coast Guard would bear additional responsibility for policing foreign-controlled and
foreign-crewed vessels in both coastal and
internal waters.
I thank Mr. Weakley for stressing the
national security importance of the Jones
Act at today’s hearing.”
Homeland security on Great Lakes starts with Jones Act
Photo: Chris Franckowiak
Vacation Plan: SAR FY 2015
This is a summary of the annual report of the American Maritime Officers
Vacation Plan, EIN 11-1929852, Plan No. 501, for period October 01, 2014 through
September 30, 2015. The annual report has been filed with the Employee Benefits
Security Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, as required under the Employee
Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA).
Basic Financial Statement
The value of plan assets, after subtracting liabilities of the plan, was ($690,730) as
of September 30, 2015, compared to $1,273,868 as of October 01, 2014. During the plan
year the plan experienced a decrease in its net assets of $1,964,598. This decrease
includes unrealized appreciation and depreciation in the value of plan assets; that is, the
difference between the value of the plan’s assets at the end of the year and the value of
the assets at the beginning of the year or the cost of assets acquired during the year.
During the plan year, the plan had total income of $72,896,081, including employer contributions of $72,853,201, and earnings from investments of $42,880.
Plan expenses were $74,860,679. These expenses included $1,513,757 in administrative expenses, and $73,346,922 in benefits paid to participants and beneficiaries.
Your Rights To Additional Information
You have the right to receive a copy of the full annual report, or any part thereof,
on request. The items listed below are included in that report:
out that U.S. crews engage in access
control, perimeter expansion, personnel
screening, vessel security sweeps and
inspection of cargo and ship stores.
“We not only adjust our security
profile based on the prescribed threat
level but also on the vessel operations
and operational area,” Weakley said.
“For example, if the vessel is moored at
a facility that is not required to comply
with facility security regulations, undergoing winter maintenance, in long-term
storage or operating in restricted waters,
we may also adjust our security profile.”
See Jones Act ◆ Page 12
AMO aboard Great Republic on
Great Lakes in Jones Act trade
Third Mate Richard Bruning with AMO Senior National Assistant Vice President
Brian Krus in June as the Great Republic delivers western coal in Manistee,
Mich. AMO represents the licensed officers and stewards aboard the Key Lakes
vessel. At left, the Great Republic passes through the Maple Street Bridge.
• an accountant’s report;
• financial information;
• information on payments to service providers;
• assets held for investment;
• transactions in excess of 5% of the plan assets;
To obtain a copy of the full annual report, or any part thereof, write or call the
office of Board of Trustees American Maritime Officers Vacation Plan at 2 Dixie
Highway, Dania Beach, FL 33004, or by telephone at (954) 922-7428. The charge to
cover copying costs will be $0.15 per page for any part thereof.
You also have the right to receive from the plan administrator, on request and
at no charge, a statement of the assets and liabilities of the plan and accompanying
notes, or a statement of income and expenses of the plan and accompanying notes,
or both. If you request a copy of the full annual report from the plan administrator,
these two statements and accompanying notes will be included as part of that
report. The charge to cover copying costs given above does not include a charge for
the copying of these portions of the report because these portions are furnished
without charge.
You also have the legally protected right to examine the annual report at the main
office of the plan ( Board of Trustees American Maritime Officers Vacation Plan, 2 Dixie
Highway, Dania Beach, FL 33004) and at the U.S. Department of Labor in Washington,
D.C., or to obtain a copy from the U.S. Department of Labor upon payment of copying
costs. Requests to the Department should be addressed to: Public Disclosure Room,
Room N1513, Employee Benefits Security Administration, U.S. Department of Labor,
200 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20210.
August 2016
6 • American Maritime Officer
Maersk Peary delivers in Operation Pacer Goose 2016
Photos courtesy of Captain David Perron
In July, the Maersk Peary, which is under long-term charter to Military Sealift Command, completed Operation Pacer Goose 2016 — the annual resupply
mission to Thule, Greenland. The mission brought the ship and crew up the West Coast of Greenland, traveling well north of the Arctic Circle. En route, the
Maersk Peary met up with Canadian ice breaker Pierre Radisson, Commanded by Martin Crête, which provided escort for the Maersk Peary in all aspects
of the voyage above 70 degrees North. The voyage brought us within 806 nautical miles of the North Pole. In Thule, we encountered challenging ice conditions, which were well managed and overcome by the ship’s experienced polar-trained crew. The Maersk Peary spent three days discharging cargo to Thule
Air Force Base, resupplying the base with vital fuel for the year. American Maritime Officers represents the licensed officers on the Maersk Peary and the
Seafarers International Union represents the unlicensed crew. All were enthusiastic and proud of a job well done just prior to making for sea on July 16 following the successful discharge of the ship’s cargo. AMO members working aboard the Maersk Peary during Operation Pacer Goose 2016 (above right)
included Chief Mate Joshua Squyres, Third Mate Antoine Picou, Captain David Perron, Third Assistant Engineer Loren Andersen, Second Mate Barett
Howell, Chief Engineer Cedric Harkins, Second A.E. Benjamin White and First A.E. James Cook.
Continued from Page 1
straints and restraints that are evident in
operations and you can only do that by
being in the moment, being there and doing
what needs to get done.”
After the academic discussions and
TTX, the participants were given the opportunity to witness naval logistics integration
first hand.
During the sea-basing and amphibious landing demonstration, the USNS John
Glenn and USNS Stockham connected
decks, operating ‘skin to skin’ in order to
transport vehicles, troops or other assets
from the LMSR to the expeditionary transfer dock before launching Landing Craft Air
Cushions (LCACs) to transport assets
ashore. The USNS John Glenn is capable of
submerging its deck in order to allow the
LCACs to come aboard.
“The demonstration was really
impressive,” said Rear Adm. David
Hardy, general commandant of the
Chilean Marine Corps. “Seeing how the
Navy and Marine Corps can work together
and move all this equipment from the sea
is really remarkable and it’s something
that definitely has to be seen.”
Exercises like PALS are a key way
to hone and maintain amphibious capabilities while building lasting professional
relationships with military leaders from
around the world.
U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Danny Gonzalez
Third Mate Michael McCarthy directs the bridge controller
aboard the USNS GYSGT Fred W. Stockham at sea near
Camp Pendleton, Calif., July 11.
U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl. Danny Gonzalez
Chief Mate James Gill communicates directions to the
crane controller aboard the USNS GYSGT Fred W.
Stockham at sea near Camp Pendleton, Calif., July 11.
A Landing Craft Air Cushion (LCAC)
arrives at the USNS John Glenn for
the USPACOM Amphibious Leaders
Symposium 2016 (PALS-16) at sea
near Camp Pendleton, Calif., on
July 13.
U.S. Marine Corps photo by Lance Cpl.
Danny Gonzalez
U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Tia Dufour
Two LCACs are parked aboard the USNS John Glenn — 1st Truck Support
Battalion, in conjunction with U.S. merchant mariners, rehearsed the offloading
of vehicles during a skin-to-skin maneuver.
U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Tia Dufour
Senior U.S. and foreign military leaders head to sea for a skin-to-skin amphibious demonstration during the USPACOM PALS-16 on July 13.
New jobs for AMO as General Dynamics NASSCO
delivers Jones Act tanker Garden State to APT
August 2016
The following is excerpted from an
article released July 26 by General
Dynamics NASSCO. American Maritime
Officers represents all licensed officers
aboard the Garden State.
SAN DIEGO — On Monday, July 25,
General Dynamics NASSCO marked its seventh ship delivery in the span of just over a
year. The Garden State, an ECO Class tanker
built for longtime customer American
Petroleum Tankers, was delivered during a
special signing ceremony and is one of three
classes of ships delivered by the San Diegobased shipyard since June of last year.
“In the past year, NASSCO shipbuilders have delivered seven ships — or
the equivalent to 100,000 tons worth of
steel,” said Kevin Graney, vice president
and general manager for General Dynamics
NASSCO. “Among the seven vessels delivered, three have been lead ships: the world’s
first containership powered by liquefied
natural gas, the U.S. Navy’s first
Expeditionary Sea Base and the nation’s
most fuel efficient product tanker. We are
proud of the diverse design and build portfolio we have delivered during the course of
this year.”
Within the year, NASSCO has delivered the world’s first two containerships to
be powered by liquefied natural gas. The
764-foot-long ships — the Isla Bella and
the Perla del Caribe — currently service
the Puerto Rican-Jacksonville trade route
and are considered to be the cleanest cargocarrying ships anywhere in the world.
NASSCO also delivered four ECO
American Maritime Officer • 7
Class product tankers within the same time
period — three for American Petroleum
Tankers and one for a partnership between
SEA-Vista LLC and SEACOR Holdings,
Inc. The new “ECO” design allows for 33
percent increased fuel efficiency with a
330,000 barrel cargo capacity. NASSCO
currently has under construction four
remaining tankers under contract between
the two companies.
For its commercial work, NASSCO
partners with DSEC — a subsidiary of
Engineering of Busan, South Korea — for
Photo: General Dynamics NASSCO
access to state-of-the-art ship design and
shipbuilding technologies.
NASSCO also maintains a bi-coastal
ship maintenance and repair operation with
locations serving San Diego; Mayport,
Florida; Norfolk, Virginia; and Bremerton,
Ocean Glory delivers for Operation Pacific Pathways
The following is excerpted from an
article by Grady Fontana, Military Sealift
Command Far East Public Affairs, which
was released July 27 by the U.S. Navy.
American Maritime Officers represents all
licensed officers aboard the Ocean Glory.
SINGAPORE (NNS) — Military
Sealift Command (MSC) voyage-charter
M/V Ocean Glory is currently traveling
through the Pacific Ocean as part of mobility operation Pacific Pathways 16-2.
Ocean Glory is a commercial ship
from Intermarine under contract by MSC
to support PP16-2, a U.S. Army Pacific
(USARPAC) mobility operation that supports three USARPAC exercises and
links them into a single operation, by
using a single MSC commercial vessel to
carry a designated task force and their
force package equipment for the entire
duration. This iteration of PP16-2 is supporting exercises Hanuman Guardian in
Thailand, Keris Strike in Malaysia, and
Garuda Shield in Indonesia.
“This is a general purpose, heavy-lift
ship,” said Christopher Cassano, plans and
exercises officer, MSC Far East. “It has
heavy capacity cranes, which when used in
tandem can be used to lift pretty heavy stuff.”
The ship is a multi-purpose dry cargo
ship that’s equipped for carriage containers
and strengthened for heavy cargo. She is
equipped with three shipboard cranes —
crane one, which is near the bow, can lift
approximately 120 metric tons (265,000
pounds); and cranes two and three can each
lift approximately 450 metric tons (about
one million pounds). When two and three
are used as a single unit, the cranes combine
for 900 metric tons of lift.
U.S. Navy photo: Grady Fontana
A humvee is lowered into heavy-lift ship M/V Ocean Glory during a backload of
equipment at Chuk Samet from exercise Hanuman Guardian on July 12. The
Military Sealift Command contracted Ocean Glory recently conducted a backload of about 250 items in Thailand as part of U.S. Army Pacific’s mobility
Operation Pacific Pathways 16-2.
Ocean Glory is a member of the
Maritime Security Program (MSP), a
series of American-flag ships that are
assets the U.S. military can draw upon
during contingencies.
The MSP was established by the
Maritime Security Act of 1996 to assure the
continued viability of a U.S.-flag merchant
marine capable of maintaining a role in
international commercial shipping and supporting the national sealift policy of maintaining assured access to U.S-flag shipping
to deploy unilaterally if necessary during
national emergencies and contingencies.
“The U.S. government, through (the)
Maritime Administration, pays a small
stipend to these companies,” said Cassano.
“The Ocean Glory belongs to the MSP, and
because of that, she is eligible for missions
such as this.”
Due to the number of vessels enrolled
in the MSP, missions like these will see a
mix between traditional commercial ships
and U.S. naval ships (USNS).
“It won’t just be USNS and it won’t
just be commercial,” said Cassano.
Ocean Glory departed Tacoma,
Washington, mid-May with equipment
from Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM)
and a detachment of ship riders and made
a stop in Hawaii to embark more gear,
before arriving in June to Thailand in sup-
port of exercise Hanuman Guardian to
offload equipment for U.S. Army Task
Force Lancer — made up of elements of
the 2nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team,
2nd Infantry Division from JBLM and 2nd
Battalion, 25th Combat Aviation Brigade
from Hawaii.
After Hanuman Guardian, the equipment voyaged to Malaysia where some
equipment was discharged to support Keris
Strike. Immediately after the offload, Ocean
Glory transited to Indonesia to discharge
gear for exercise Garuda Shield.
At the conclusion of the exercise, the
ship will backload all gear from Indonesia,
then Malaysia before returning to Hawaii
and JBLM.
As much as the PP16-2 was an operation to increase U.S. Army readiness and to
promote partnership and interoperability in
the Pacific, the evolution was an opportunity for MSC to learn about port operations in
the various countries.
“A regular movement, especially a
commercial movement is relatively simple,” said Cassano. “The biggest challenge
is all the coordination with the various host
nation partners, the various exercise participants, and the different logistics teams.”
According to Captain Christopher
Hill, merchant mariner and master of Ocean
Glory, working with the U.S. military was a
unique opportunity for him and his crew. He
was impressed by the level of professionalism displayed.
“These (service members) have a certain sense of ‘we can do this’ instead of
‘how are we going to do this?’ attitude,”
said Hill. “It’s a culture ... it’s something
that everybody shares.”
August 2016
8 • American Maritime Officer
AMO Safety and Education Plan — Simulation, Training, Assessment & Research Center
(954) 920-3222 / (800) 942-3220 — 2 West Dixie Highway, Dania Beach, FL 33004
STCW 2010 Gap Closing Courses — Required by all existing STCW credentialed officers by 1 January 2017
Leadership & Management (required by ALL management level Deck
and Engine officers by 1 Jan 2017)
Engine Room Resource Management — Classroom (Engineers)
(Required by ALL Engine officers by 1 Jan 2017)
5 days
Leadership & Teamwork (Engineers) (Only required by those Engineers
who completed old ERM class)
1 day
Management of Electrical, Electronic Controllers (Engineers) (Required
by ALL management level Engine officers by 1 Jan 2017)
Basic Training & Advanced Fire Fighting Revalidation (Required by first
credential renewal AFTER 1 Jan 2017)
15, 22, 29
5 days
12, 19, 26
22 August
7, 14, 28
5, 12 December 16 January
19 September
3, 17, 31 Oct.
14 November
5 December
12, 26 Sept.
15, 29 August
5 days
3, 10, 17, 24,
31 October
10, 24 October
7, 28 November 12 December
12, 13 Sept.
7 November
9 January
23 February
20 March
1 day
14 September
9 November
11 January
22 February
22 March
IGF Code Training
5 days
28 November
9 January
Advanced Fire Fighting
5 days
28 November
13 February
12 December
General Courses
Confined Space Entry
31 October
3 days
5 December
Basic Safety Training — All 4 modules must be completed within 12 months: Personal Safety
Techniques (Mon/Tues — 1.5 days), Personal Safety & Social Responsibility (Tues pm — .5 days),
Elementary First Aid (Wed — 1 day), Fire Fighting & Fire Prevention (Thurs/Fri — 2 days) — not required.
if Combined Basic & Adv. Fire Fighting completed within 12 months.
6 March
5 days
19 September
24 October
Basic Safety Training — Refresher
3 days
21 September
26 October
14 December
1 February
5 days
12, 19 Sept.
31 October
5 December
23 January
11 October
17 January
13 March
31 October
6 March
Chemical Safety — Advanced
Environmental Awareness (includes Oily Water Separator)
Fast Rescue Boat
GMDSS — Requires after-hour homework
LNG Tankerman PIC
13 February
5 days
3 days
14 December
22 March
24 October
30 January
6 September
4 days
10 days
17 October
8 days
22 February
LNG Simulator Training — Enrollment priority in the LNG simulator course is given to qualified member
candidates for employment and/or observation opportunities with AMO contracted LNG companies. In all
cases successful completion of the LNG PNC classroom course is prerequisite.
5 days
Proficiency in Survival Craft (Lifeboat)
4 days
17 October
6 February
Tankerman PIC DL — Classroom
5 days
7 November
20 March
Safety Officer Course
19 September
5 December
27 March
5 days
29 August
3 October
14 November
5 December
3 days
8 November
27 February
Train the Trainer
Vessel Personnel with Designated Security Duties — VPDSD
Vessel/Company Security Officer — Includes Anti-Piracy
Deck Courses
10 days Please call
26 January
2 days
Advanced Bridge Resource Management — Meets STCW 2010
Leadership & Management gap closing requirements
5 days
Advanced Shiphandling for 3rd Mates — 60 days seatime equiv. for 3rd
10 days 19 September
Bridge Resource Management Seminar
3 days
Advanced Shiphandling for Masters — (No equivalency) Must have
sailed as Chief Mate Unlimited
Advanced & Emergency Shiphandling — First Class Pilots, Great Lakes
12, 26 Sept.
3 October
5 days
5 days
6 February
Dynamic Positioning — Basic
5 days
31 October
Navigation & Watchkeeping Standardization & Assessment Program
5 days
Dynamic Positioning — Advanced
STCW Deck Officer Refresher — Great Lakes
TOAR (Towing Officer Assessment Record) — Third Mate (Unlimited or
Great Lakes) or 1600T Master License required AND OICNW required
Tug Training — ASD Assist (Azimuthing Stern Drive)
Engineering Courses
Basic Electricity
Diesel Crossover
Gas Turbine Endorsement
High Voltage Safety Course (Classroom)
Hydraulics/ Pneumatics
Ocean Ranger Program
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)
Refrigeration (Operational Level)
Refrigeration (Management Level)
5 days
22 August
3 days
Please call
5 days
10 October
28 November
17, 31 October
23 January
5 December
Please call
30 January
5 December
29 August
31 October
7 November
23 January
5 days
12 September
12 December
27 March
20 March
30 January
7 November
10 days
7 November
6 March
26 September
12 December
12 September
3 days
12 October
6 days
Please call
5 days
24 October
5 days
5 days
5 days
4 weeks
Instrumentation (Management) — NEW
10 days
1 week
6 February
15 August
23 January
30 January
27 February
9 January
6 March
6 March
6 March
27 March
10 days
4 weeks
Steam Endorsement
Electronics (Management) — NEW
27 March
15 August
10 days
Tankerman PIC DL — Accelerated Program
2 March
2 days
Tankerman PIC DL — Simulator
23 January
20 March
20 February
13 March
13 February
Leadership & Teamworking assessments, in the few cases required, should be completed and signed off onboard.
2 days
EFA (Scheduled with Basic Training Revalidation BUT NOT REQUIRED
FOR STCW 2010)
9 January
6, 27 February
13 February
27 February
31 October
6 March
Please call
Please call
Welding & Metallurgy Skills & Practices — Open to eligible Chief Mates and Masters on a space available
basis. Interested participants should apply and will be confirmed 2 weeks prior to start date.
2 weeks
12 September
5 December
23 January
27 February
6 March
August 2016
American Maritime Officer • 9
Deck Upgrade — STCW 2010 — Management Level (NVIC 10-14)— If sea service or training towards management level (Chief Mate/Master) upgrade started ON OR AFTER 24 March 2014 you must adhere
to this new program of training. Completion of both required and optional courses listed below will include all Task Assessments required by NVIC 10-14 , providing ECDIS, GMDSS and ARPA have been previously completed.
Upgrade: Shiphandling at the Management Level
10 days
15 August
17 October
Advanced Stability
5 days
7 November
30 January
Upgrade: Advanced Meteorology — Requires after-hours homework
Search & Rescue
31 October
5 days
2 1/2 days
Management of Medical Care
5 days
Advanced Cargo — Optional for task sign-off
22 August
10 October
19 September
5 days
13 February
16 November
5 September
5 days
Advanced Navigation — Optional for task sign-off
14 November
12 September
5 days
Advanced Celestial — Optional for task sign-off
15 August
29 August
5 days
Marine Propulsion Plants — Optional for task sign-off
23 January
17 August
1/2 day
Leadership & Management
9 January
15 February
6 February
28 November
20 February
5 December
6 March
28 November
27 February
12 December
13 March
Deck Upgrade at the Management Level (Policy Letter 04-02) — This upgrade program is for those who started sea service or training towards management level (Chief Mate/Master) upgrade BEFORE 24
March 2014. Failure to complete by 31 December 2016 will most likely result in significant delays and additional training or assessment requirements. Successful completion of this program will satisfy the training requirements for
STCW certification as Master or Chief Mate on vessels of 500 or more gross tonnage (ITC) under previous. This program will complete ALL 53 Control Sheet assessments of the training requirements for STCW under policy letter
04-02. Course completion certificates and control sheets expire 12/31/16. Anyone using the previous regulations to upgrade in this manner must complete all requirements ,including USCG testing, by 12/31/16. Deck Management
Level gap closing training must also be completed by 12/31/16 in order for the new credential to valid after this date. SPECIFIC GUIDANCE CAN BE FOUND ON THE STAR CENTER WEBSITE AT
Celestial Navigation — Requires after-hour homework
5 days
5 September
Cargo Operations
9 days
Please call
Upgrade: Advanced Meteorology — Requires after-hour homework
Marine Propulsion Plants
5 days
31 October
5 December
12 September
28 November
5 October
30 November
Upgrade: Shiphandling at the Management Level
5 days
10 October
5 December
10 days
15 August
17 October
Shipboard Management
5 days
29 August
14 November
5 days
12 September
5 December
5 days
Upgrade: Stability
5 days
Watchkeeping 1: BRM
3 days
Watchkeeping 2: COLREGS
Search and Rescue
Upgrade: Advanced Navigation (includes Simulator)
MSC Training Program
7 November
2 days
3 October
5 days
19 September
Basic CBR Defense
1 day
26 August
Heat Stress Afloat / Hearing Conservation Afloat
1 day
6 March
Damage Control
1 day
Helicopter Fire Fighting
1 day
Marine Environmental Programs (with CBRD)
1/2 day
Medical PIC Refresher — Note: MSC approved
3 days
Marine Sanitation Devices
1/2 day
MSC Readiness Refresher — Must have completed full CBRD & DC once in
MSC Watchstander — BASIC — Once in career, SST grads grandfathered
MSC Watchstander — ADVANCED — Required for all SRF members
2 days
2 days
1 day
25 August
20 September
26 August
28 November
12 December
4 November
9, 12 December 3 February
25 October
10 February
3 November
4 November
9 December
19 September
24 October
30 January
19 August
16 September
14, 28 October
12, 26 Sept.
7 March
Please call
11 August
20 October
10, 21 March
8, 13 December 2 February
9, 20 March
3 February
19 January
23 March
5 December
30 January
10, 21 March
18 November
2, 16 December 13, 27 January
17 February
10, 24 October
14, 28 Nov.
12 December
13, 27 February 13, 27 March
MSC Ship Reaction Force — Required every three years for SRF members
3 days
Small Arms — Initial & Sustainment (Refresher) Training — Open to
members & applicants eligible for employment through AMO (w/in 1 year) or
MSC on MARAD contracted vessels.
4 days
15, 29 August
Water Sanitation Afloat
1/2 day
7 March
Heat Stress Afloat / Hearing Conservation Afloat
1 day
6 March
Medical Care Provider — Prerequisite for MPIC within preceding 12
months. Please fax EFA certificate when registering
6 September
11 October
6 December
17 January
7 March
3 days
7 September
12 October
7 December
18 January
8 March
Medical PIC — Please fax MCP certificate when registering
Urinalysis Collector Training
5 days
17 October
12 December
23 January
Breath Alcohol Test (BAT) — Alco Sensors 3 and 4 only
1 day
12 September
1 day
15 November
Medical Courses
Elementary First Aid — Prerequisite for MCP within preceding 12 months
Saliva Screening Test — QEDs only
1 day
1/2 day
Medical PIC Refresher — Note: MSC approved
3 days
22 August
31 October
14 November
5 December
30 January
10 August
16 November
1 February
Please call
31 January
Engine Upgrade — STCW 2010 — Management Level (NVIC 15-14) — If sea service or
training towards management level (1A/E-Chief Eng.) upgrade started ON OR AFTER 24 March 2014, you must
adhere to this new program of training. Completion of both required and optional courses listed below will include
all Task Assessments required by NVIC 15-14. By completing the series, no expiration limitation will be placed on
your STCW credential. See STAR Center’s website for full details:
Leadership & Managerial Skills (G500 as amended) —
5 days
16 January
5 days
9 January
10 days
23 January
STCW Upgrade Task Assessment — General Engineering
& Procedure (E135 as amended) — OPTIONAL: Tasks can
be signed off onboard
5 days
6 February
STCW Upgrade Task Assessment — Steam (E121 as
amended) — OPTIONAL: Tasks can be signed off onboard
3 days
13 February
5 days
15 August
20 February
5 days
22 August
27 February
ERM (E050 as amended) — REQUIRED (unless previously
taken for gap closing or original license)
Upgrade: Electrical, Electronics & Control Engineering
(Management Level) (E133 as amended) (UPGRADE with
STCW Upgrade Task Assessment — Motor (E120 as
amended) — OPTIONAL: Tasks can be signed off onboard
STCW Upgrade Task Assessment — Gas Turbine (E122 as
amended) — OPTIONAL: Tasks can be signed off onboard
6 March
9, 23 January
3, 31 March
27 March
Radar Courses
Radar Recertification
1 day
4 days
Radar Recertification & ARPA
5 days
Original Radar Observer Unlimited
5 days
8, 9 Sept.
Please call
7, 8 Nov.
20 January
21 February
Please call
13 February
Engine STCW / Original Engineer Training Routes — Engine STCW training routes are aimed
at Great Lakes members wishing to transition to deep sea. Original engineer training is available to members,
applicants and sponsored students seeking an original license.
Advanced Fire Fighting
5 days
31 October
4 days
11 October
Basic Safety Training
Proficiency in Survival Craft (Lifeboat)
Basic Electricity (original engineers only)
Original 3 A/E Preparation and Exams
5 days
4 days
10 days
24 October
17 October
7 November
28 November
NOTICE: AMO members planning to attend the union’s Center for Advanced Maritime Officers’ Training/STAR Center in Dania Beach, Florida—either to prepare for license upgrading or to undergo specialty training—are asked to call the
school to confirm course schedule and space availability in advance.
NOTICE OF NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY AS TO STUDENTS: The Center For Advanced Maritime Officers Training (CAMOT) and Simulation Training Assessment and Research Center (STAR), established under the auspices of the
American Maritime Officers Safety and Education Plan, admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin or sex to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the Center.
It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin or sex in administration of its educational policies, admission policies and other programs administered by the Center.
August 2016
10 • American Maritime Officer
DANIA BEACH, FL 33004-4109
601 S. Federal Highway
(954) 921-2221 / (800) 362-0513
Paul Doell, National President
Extension 1001
Mobile: (954) 881-5651
FAX: (954) 926-5112
Charles A. Murdock, National Secretary-Treasurer
Extension 1004 / Mobile: (954) 531-9977 / FAX: (954) 367-1025
Joseph Z. Gremelsbacker, National Vice President, Deep Sea
Extension 1009 / Mobile: (954) 673-0680 / FAX: (954) 367-1029
Todd Christensen, East Coast Representative / Mobile: (561) 806-3768
Marie Doruth, Executive Assistant to the National President
Extension 1017 / Mobile: (954) 290-8109
FAX: (954) 926-5112
Dispatch: (800) 345-3410 / FAX: (954) 926-5126
Brendan Keller, Dispatcher (
Extension 1061 / Mobile: (954) 817-4000
Robert Anderson, Dispatcher (
Extension 1060 / Mobile: (954) 599-9771
Member Services:
Extension 1050 / FAX: (954) 367-1066 /
490 L’Enfant Plaza East SW, Suite 7204
(202) 479-1166 / (800) 362-0513 ext. 7001
Paul Doell, National President
Extension 7004
Mobile: (954) 881-5651
J. Michael Murphy, National Vice President, Government Relations /
Extension 7013 / Mobile: (202) 560-6889
T. Christian Spain, National Assistant Vice President, Government Relations
Extension 7010
Mobile: (202) 658-8887
FAX: (202) 479-1188
1 International Plaza, Suite 550
Chris Holmes, Contract Analyst (cholmes@amo‐
(800) 362‐0513 ext. 4002
Mobile: (856) 693‐0694
Secure File Upload:
Questions: (800) 362-0513 ext. 1050
TOLEDO, OH 43604
The Melvin H. Pelfrey Building
One Maritime Plaza, Third Floor
(800) 221-9395 / FAX: (419) 255-2350
John E. Clemons, National Vice President, Great Lakes
Mobile: (419) 205-3509
Brian D. Krus, Senior National Assistant Vice President
Mobile: (216) 571-9666
Michelle Moffitt, Dispatcher
Mobile: (419) 481-3470
2724 61st Street, Suite B, PMB 192
David M. Weathers, National Vice President, Inland Waters
(800) 362-0513 ext. 2001
Mobile: (409) 996-7362
FAX: (409) 737-4454
1121 7th Street, Second Floor
Oakland, CA 94607
Daniel E. Shea, National Executive Vice President (
(510) 444-5301 / (800) 362-0513 ext. 5001
Mobile: (415) 269-5795
FAX: (954) 367-1064
P.O. Box 5424
Covington, LA 70434
Daniel J. Robichaux, National Assistant Vice President
(954) 367-1036 / Mobile: (985) 201-5462 / FAX: (954) 367-1062
2 West Dixie Highway
Dania Beach, FL 33004-4312
(954) 920-3222 ext. 201 / (800) 942-3220 ext. 201
Course Attendance Confirmation: (800) 942-3220 ext. 200
24 Hours: (954) 920-3222 ext.7999 / FAX: (954) 920-3140
(800) 975-7061 /
2 West Dixie Highway
Dania Beach, FL 33004-4312
(954) 927-5213
FAX: (954) 929-1415
AMO Coast Guard Legal Aid
Michael Reny
Mobile: (419) 346-1485
(419) 243-1105
(888) 853-4662
2 West Dixie Highway
Dania Beach, FL 33004-4312
(800) 348-6515
FAX: (954) 922-7539
General Counsel
Glanstein LLP
711 Third Ave., 17th Floor
New York, NY 10017
(212) 370-5100
(954) 662-9407
FAX: (212) 697-6299
USCG now using new marine casualty reporting forms;
previous edition of CG-2692 can be utilized until Jan. 1, 2017
On July 1, the U.S. Coast Guard announced it is utilizing new marine casualty
reporting forms and that the previous edition of CG-2692 can be utilized until January
1, 2017. The new series of CG-2692 forms includes: CG-2692 — Report of Marine
Casualty, Commercial Diving Casualty, or OCS-Related Casualty; CG-2692a — Barge
Addendum; CG-2692b — Report of Mandatory Chemical Testing Following a Serious
Marine Incident; CG-2692c — Personnel Injury Addendum; and CG-2692d — Involved
Persons and Witnesses Addendum.
Any member or applicant of American Maritime Officers should contact AMO
Coast Guard Legal Aid Attorney Mike Reny before filling out form CG-2692 and/or
any additional U.S. Coast Guard forms regarding a marine casualty. Consultation with
Reny is cost-free for AMO members and applicants who are participants in the AMO
Safety and Education Plan. Reny can be reached on his cell phone at (419) 346-1485
and via e-mail:
The Coast Guard’s announcement marks the first revision of this form in more
than 40 years. This is of particular importance to masters and officers in charge (OIC).
While the form looks different, more relevant are the changes to some of the
instructions, including:
• Officers need to be aware that, in addition to forms 2692 and 2692b, there are
now forms 2692c and 2692d. Form 2692c is a mandatory addendum to a 2692 that lists
personnel who have been injured. Form 2692d is a voluntary form for vessels to list
involved persons and witnesses to a casualty (2692d is mandatory only for OCS-related
• Under the old form, instruction 2C listed “fire, flooding, failure or damage to
fixed fire extinguishing systems, lifesaving equipment or bilge pumping systems” as
examples of conditions “adversely affecting the vessel’s seaworthiness ...” The new
instructions in box 10.4 leave all of these examples out, stating only: “Occurrence materially and adversely affected the vessel’s seaworthiness or fitness for service or route.”
• The old form instruction 2E required the reporting of injuries incurred by crew
members. The new form instructions in box 10.6 require the reporting of injuries “if the
person is engaged or employed on board.”
The USCG announcement, which includes a link to the new CG-2692 form and a
video explanation of the form, is available online:
August 2016
American Maritime Officer • 11
STAR Center: Attention second and third assistant
engineers upgrading to the STCW management level
The U.S. Coast Guard’s implementation of STCW 2010 has mandated changes to the
regulations for upgrading to the STCW management level. Officers to whom the new regulations apply include second and third assistant engineers upgrading to first assistant engineer/second engineering officer.
Specifically, the new training and assessment requirements for upgrading to first
assistant engineer/second engineering officer under STCW apply to:
• Anyone issued a second assistant engineer’s license after March 24, 2014 who is
upgrading to first assistant engineer/second engineering officer between now and January
1, 2017
• Anyone upgrading to first assistant engineer/second engineering officer after
January 1, 2017
STAR Center has become aware of engineers whose applications for upgrading are
being delayed because they have not met the new training and assessment requirements
under STCW 2010. All of the information needed to comply with the new requirements is
available on the STAR Center website:
• Guidance and information on STAR Center’s new STCW 1 AE management level
upgrade program:
U.S.-flag cargo float on Great
Lakes down 6.4 percent in June
U.S.-flagged Great Lakes freighters
moved 9.65 million tons of cargo in June, a
decrease of 6.4 percent compared with the
same period of the previous year. The June
cargo float was also 5 percent below the
five-year average for the month, the Lake
Carriers’ Association reported.
Iron ore cargoes for the U.S. steel
industry totaled 4.8 million tons, an increase
of 8 percent compared with June of the previous year.
Coal shipments to power plants and
steel mills fell to 1.5 million tons, a
decrease of nearly 28 percent.
Limestone cargoes for construction
projects and steel production totaled 2.9
million tons, a decrease of 4.4 percent compared with June 2015.
Year-to-date at the end of June, U.S.flag cargo movement stood at 30.5 million
tons, a decrease of 2 percent compared with
the same point in 2015.
At the end of June, iron ore cargoes
were up 7.2 percent but coal cargoes had
declined 28 percent. Limestone cargoes were
trailing the previous year by 2.3 percent.
• Engine upgrade FAQs:
American Maritime Officers members and applicants who need additional information or have questions that are not addressed in the STAR Center FAQ sections can contact
STAR Center Director of Training and Officer Development Jerry Pannell at (800) 9423220 Ext. 7507 or via e-mail:
U.S. Coast Guard issues STCW
Qualified Assessor bulletin to
clarify deadlines for submitting
license upgrade assessments
In a bulletin released July 7 titled “Qualified Assessor Requirements,” the U.S. Coast
Guard’s National Maritime Center reminded mariners the 2010 amendments to STCW will
take effect January 1, 2017 and announced a change in policy applying only to mariners
planning to submit assessments signed by qualified assessors (QAs) for license upgrades
under STCW.
According to the bulletin: “The Coast Guard is aware that as a result of the limited
number of approved QAs, there may be a hardship on mariners trying to complete STCW
assessments after December 31, 2016. In consideration of this, the Coast Guard will continue to allow STCW assessments to be signed by an assessor who meets the requirements
specified in NVIC 02-14 until December 31, 2017. These assessments must be submitted to
the Coast Guard as part of a complete application no later than June 30, 2018.”
Complete information on the requirements for license upgrading under STCW is
available to members and applicants of American Maritime Officers on the STAR Center
• Deck officers:
• Engineering officers:
A step-by-step guide to becoming a U.S. Coast Guard Qualified Assessor is also
available on the STAR Center website:
The bulletin released by the U.S. Coast Guard’s National Maritime Center is available
August 2016
12 • American Maritime Officer
USNS Montford Point conducts S2S operations near Saipan
The following is excerpted from an
article by Grady Fontana, Military Sealift
Command Far East, which was posted July
25 on the Defense Video Imagery
Distribution System website. American
Maritime Officers represents all licensed
officers aboard the USNS Montford Point,
which is operated for Military Sealift
Command by Ocean Ships, Inc.
Military Sealift Command’s (MSC)
expeditionary transfer dock USNS Montford
Point (T-ESD 1) and maritime prepositioning force (MPF) ship USNS Dahl (T-AKR
312) performed a “skin-to-skin” (S2S)
maneuver to demonstrate MSC’s unique seabasing capability July 21-22.
The event displayed the two ships’
ability to transfer large cargo, such as vehicles, at sea. The S2S maneuver is achieved
by the two ships connecting while the
Montford Point acts as a floating pier for a
simulated offload.
The Montford Point is categorized as
an expeditionary floating pier-at-sea. The
ship is tasked to the Marine Corps to provide a pier-at-sea to move and transfer cargo
from large, medium-speed, roll-on/roll-off
(RO/RO) ships onto landing craft air cushion (LCAC) vessels to provide sea-basing
capabilities for the Navy and the Marine
Corps. The Montford Point and Dahl are
both part of Maritime Prepositioning Ships
Squadron Three (MPSRON-3).
“Montford Point provides combatant
commanders the ability from over the horizon to transfer and deliver personnel and
equipment ashore to a limited or unavailable port,” said Navy Capt. Eric C.
Lindfors, commodore, MPSRON-3. “This
ability provides a unique capability within
Photos: First Assistant Engineer Michael Long
American Maritime Officers members working aboard the USNS Montford Point
in July during the S2S operations included (left to right) Captain Michael Sands,
First Assistant Engineer Michael Long, Second A.E. Brian Pahlke, Electronics
Officer John Bouton, Chief Mate Joshua Jordan, Third A.E. Christopher Beaton,
Third A.E. Robert Mussler, Second Mate Robert Sandner and Third Mate Gene
Brown. Not in the picture are Chief Engineer Joseph Gelhaus, Second A.E.
Walter Yagen and Third Mate Frederick Goodin.
the seventh fleet area of responsibility
enabling in-stream operations from a variety of non-traditional locations.”
Although no equipment was transferred during this event, during a full
demonstration, the Dahl can discharge
equipment onto the Montford Point through
a connecting ramp. The equipment can then
be loaded into LCACs for transfer to shore,
Captain Michael Sands and Chief Mate Joshua Jordan greet MPSRON 3
Commodore Captain Eric Lindfors and MSC Far East Commodore Captain
Stephen Fuller aboard the USNS Montford Point.
AMO members working aboard the USNS Montford Point during the S2S operations included Third Assistant Engineer Christopher Beaton, Chief Engineer
Joseph Gelhaus, Third A.E. Robert Mussler, Second A.E. Walter Yagen, Second
A.E. Brian Pahlke and First A.E. Michael Long.
Jones Act
Continued from Page 5
Weakley also testified that several
Great Lakes vessel owner/operators are
cooperating with a vendor on a project that
could benefit both law enforcement and
search and rescue responders. The program
records vessel radar pictures with automatic
identification system (AIS) data and allows
shore-based operators to remotely access
the information.
The U.S. Coast Guard’s “Eyes on the
Water” program is another way Jones Act
mariners help keep the waterways safe.
“In the wake of the terrorist attacks at
the World Trade Center in New York, the
Coast Guard has formalized a program that
encourages professional mariners to report
suspicious activity on the water,” Weakley
said. “These are low cost, common sense
programs that make our homeland more
secure, and we are proud to be full partners.”
further enhancing Marine Corps and naval
The two MSC ships conducted the
two separate events in consecutive days further displaying the potential routine nature
of such an event when tasked during ideal
In a S2S operation, the ships navigate
alongside and are moored together. Once
connected, the MPF ship lifts the Montford
Point’s ramp with her shipboard crane and
connects it to the MPF ship. Once the ramp
is connected, vehicles and cargo can be
rolled on and off with efficiency.
A strong advantage for the pier-at-sea
concept includes being able to move at will
so as to not become a possible target to
unfriendly forces. The makeshift pier can
operate 25 miles off shore and still provide
support for the military services.
When the Montford Point is on mission, the ship submerges to about 40 feet
while underway to the area of operations.
Once on station it submerges to about 50
feet, so that the LCACs can maneuver right
up on the mission deck to pick up cargo.
This allows the Montford Point to operate
like a floating pier and will serve as a transfer point for Marine Corps amphibious
landing forces.
“An inherent challenge we face is
purely a numbers game of two crews on
Montford Point and two crews on each of
the LMSRs she conducts operations with,”
said Lindfors. “Capturing the lessons
learned from these quarterly events is critical to gaining efficiency, maintaining safety
and ensuring our mariners have the proficiency needed when called upon.”
The Montford Point’s flexibility is
critical for humanitarian response to natural
disasters and for support to warfighters
ashore. The size allows for 25,000 square
feet of vehicle and equipment stowage space
and 380,000 gallons of JP-5 fuel storage.
MPSRON 3, operating in the western
Pacific, maintains tactical control of the 12
ships carrying afloat prepositioned U.S.
military cargo.
The crew of the USNS Montford Point gathers on the deck of the Expeditionary
Transfer Dock with the rigged VTR in the background. AMO represents the
licensed officers aboard the USNS Montford Point and the unlicensed crew is represented by the Seafarers International Union. The operations included Landing
Craft Air Cushion (LCAC) depth ballasting, LMSR fender deployments by the
USNS Montford Point crew, multiple ‘touch and go’ approaches with the assigned
LMSR, the eventual S2S attachment and VTR deployment on the LMSR side port
ramp. The USNS Montford Point’s DP system held heading with the LMSR
moored alongside during the S2S attachment. The Expeditionary Transfer Dock
was developed primarily to provide a surface interface between other Maritime
Prepositioning Ships Squadron (MPSRON) ships and connectors.
Regular monthly membership meetings for AMO will be held during the
week following the first Sunday of every month at 1 p.m. local time.
Meetings will be held on Monday at AMO National Headquarters (on
Tuesday when Monday is a contract holiday). The next meetings will take
place on the following dates:
AMO National Headquarters: September 6 (Tuesday), October 3

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