SOCIÉTÉ GÉNÉRALE PREMIUM REVIEW December 3, 2014 1 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 December 3, 2014 Société Générale Premium Review 1 INVESTOR DAY DIGEST: CHINA STRATEGY DIGEST T&B STRATEGY DIGEST 2 CONTINUED MARKETS SLOWDOWN 3 OUTLOOK 2 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 December 3, 2014 Société Générale Premium Review 1 3 INVESTOR DAY - DIGEST Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 December 3, 2014 Société Générale Premium Review a 4 MICHELIN Ambition in China: more than double the business over the next 10 years Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 Already the largest in Truck & bus park and still growing Growing tire market which is getting sophisticated Truck & Bus park Truck & Bus tire market (in millions of vehicles) (in millions of tires) 40 35 2/3 of WW growth 30 58M Brazil India China Russia USA Europe 25 20 15 10 5 0 2007 2012 2017 China to represent over 50% of worldwide vehicle growth 5 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 40M (45M) 1/3 of WW growth 55M (46M) 63M (59M) (o/w radial 22M) Radial market : +8 % p.a. Y07-19 +5 % p.a. Y14-19 Bias market Y07 Y08 Y09 Y10 Y11 Y12 Y13 Y14 Y15 Y16 Y17 Y18 Y19 Our TB Strategy: to grow profitably in 5 high-value segments, where our differentiated offer is recognized Coach ► Go west / low tier city, still 60% population ► Safety First Urban Bus ► Urbanization from 54% to 70% in 2030 ► Safety, Environment, Efficiency ► 20%+ CAGR of natural gas import in next 5 years, #2 in world ► Reliability 28% radial Market 10 M Faster growth than market 2014 Express Delivery ► E-commerce booming, up to 50% share of retailing in next 10 years (vs 7% now) ► Uptime Cold Chain ► Only 10% population covered by cold chain logistics, while 80% in US/Europe ► Uptime 6 13 M Target segments size Dangerous Goods Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 2019 Fast growing to be the worldwide largest in Passenger car and fast growth of tire market with higher mix PC tire market Car park (in millions of tires) (in millions of vehicles) 350 800 300 700 600 250 Brazil India China Russia USA Europe 500 400 300 200 150 100 50 100 0 2007 2012 2017 China to represent over 50% of worldwide vehicle growth 7 200 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 0 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 Our PC strategy: grow quicker than the market Business growth 2010-2014 (100 based in 2010) Progressive growth 350 17’+ unit sales 300 ► Mix machine to support profitability Gross Margin Tons 250 ► Increase OE lift Net sales ► Penetrate "Emerging China" 200 150 100 2010 8 2011 2012 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 2013 2014 8 Core strengths to capture growth ►MICHELIN brand: capitalize on a superior equity ■ Leading consumer advocacy and purchasing intention ►Product: deliver the “total performance” ■ an outstanding performance in safety and wear while not compromising in others (2014 Autobild test rated Michelin No.1 for China) ►Local Footprint: high customer intimacy and supply chain reactivity ■ 8 Sales Offices ■ 4 plants (Production in K tons/year*: 250 by 2017, JV excluded) ►Distribution network: ■ # PC tire dealers: 7,800 ■ # T&B tire dealers: 1,800 9 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 December 3, 2014 Société Générale Premium Review b 10 Group Truck tire ambition: Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 ‒ Grow MICHELIN share of Premium segment ‒ Expand in Intermediate ‒ Keep improving profitability Market expansion driven by new countries In million tires +58 320 CAGR 11-22 +2.8% 310 New 2022 300 280 260 +2 250 CAGR 11-22 +0.2% 2011 Mature 240 220 200 Source: Michelin estimates 11 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 Pricing tiers: Premium increasing in line with market expansion Intermediate fastest growing segment at expense of Budget Market price Premium 25% 24% Intermediate 27% 36% Budget 48% 40% DEFINITION 2011 +15% Average -15% % = weight of total market (new tires) Source: Michelin estimates 12 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 2022 Strengthen MICHELIN: Best TCO and more affordable Expand Intermediate: CPK, reliability Out-of-Pocket CPK Opportunists Value Safety Load Care North America Uptime Cost Control 13 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 South America Africa / Middle East Asia Strengthen MICHELIN brand: best TCO and more affordable ►Matching customer expectations (wear life and fuel efficiency) with innovation to deliver the best total cost of ownership MICHELIN Xline Energy Z ROLLING RESISTANCE ■Performance lever ■Patent clusters ■Industrial Know-How WET GRIP WEAR LIFE ►Competitiveness plan: Truck division to contribute €400m to Group €1bn 2012 – 2016 ENDURANCE Reference: Premium Average 14 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 Expand INTERMEDIATE brands: cost per Kilometer 1st life at low price and lean R&D and manufacturing ►Worldwide commercial launches from 2013: ■Intermediate Product Design: Product wear life and balance of performance designed to targeted segments Reliable casing, excellent manufacturing quality Adaptation of material specification to reduce material cost Focus on lower mass & fewer components ■A lean RDI process Small and efficient design team ■A lean manufacturing Driven by standardization and process optimization 15 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 A recovering profitability SR2 Operating margin (before non-recurring items, in % of net sales) 9% 7.8% 7% 8-9% 6.6% 4.4% 3.5% 2.5% -1.5% 2008 16 2009 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014e December 3, 2014 Société Générale Premium Review 2 17 CONTINUED SLOWDOWN IN MARKETS Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 Passenger Car and Light Truck Tire Market October : Sharp decline in demand for winter tires in Europe, due to the mild weather 18 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 Truck Tire Market: Continued deceleration in the RT European market in October given the economic environment, OE and RT accentuated trends in North America and Brazil 19 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 December 3, 2014 Société Générale Premium Review 3 20 OUTLOOK Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 2014 guidance Previous 21 October Volumes Up by around 3% Impact of raw materials prices Tailwind Confirmed Price-mix / raw materials Positive Confirmed Competitiveness / production costs Neutral Confirmed Increase in SG&A expense Slightly higher Confirmed Operating income before non-recurring items Lifted by growth, excluding any currency effects Confirmed Op. margin before NR – Passenger car tires (RS1) Middle of the 10-12% range Confirmed Op. margin before NR – Truck tires (RS2) Top of the 7-9% range Confirmed Op. margin before NR – Specialty businesses (RS3) Bottom of the 20-24% range Confirmed ROCE More than 11% Confirmed CAPEX Around €2,000m Confirmed Structural free cash flow More than €500m Confirmed Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 Between 1% & 2% Raw material trends Chemicals RSS3 140 350 120 300 100 juil.-14 sept.-14 mai-14 TSR20 250 19% 200 150 Synthetic rubber 40 100 manufacturing BLS 20 50 Synthetic Rubber manufacturing BLS sept.-14 janv.-14 nov.-13 sept.-13 juil.-13 mai-13 mars-13 janv.-13 nov.-12 sept.-12 juil.-12 mai-12 juil.-14 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 sept.-14 mai-14 mars-14 nov.-13 janv.-14 juil.-13 sept.-13 mai-13 mars-13 nov.-12 janv.-13 juil.-12 sept.-12 mai-12 janv.-12 mars-12 Brent 0 mars-12 Synthetic rubber 0 janv.-12 Fillers juil.-14 24% mai-14 Brent 60 mars-14 80 22 mars-14 nov.-13 janv.-14 juil.-13 sept.-13 mai-13 janv.-13 13% mars-13 30% TSR20 nov.-12 6% 9% juil.-12 Natural rubber Steelcord sept.-12 Textile -8% mai-12 Average Q4 13: 1.36 10/31/2014: 1.25 RSS3 janv.-12 (2 522m€) 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 mars-12 Raw material purchases H1’14 €/$ exchange rate 2015 Outlook: Improving Market Demand Trend MATURE MARKETS NEW MARKETS SPECIALTY MARKETS Mining * in Europe & North America 23 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 2015 & 2016 Capex further adjusted to allow higher asset turnover Capital expenditure and depreciation Capital expenditure Depreciation (In € millions) 1,996 1,980 2,000 1,711 2011 24 2012 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 2013 2014e 1,800 1,800 1,700 1,600 2015e 2016e 1,700 1,500 2017e A business that structurally generates Free Cash Flow Structural free cash flow 1,000 (In € millions) 517 749 2011 2012 2013 (19) 1,075 1,154 WCR impact of raw materials costs (2) (739) 21 405 Year-end volume effect on WCR (3) (200) 344 nm (Sales of Hankook shares in 2011, sale of the Parisian building 2012) 403 111 0 Structural free cash-flow (1) – (2) – (3) – (4) 517 599 749 In € millions Reported free cash flow One off 25 599 (1) (4) Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 ≥500 2014 2020 Cash deployment: payout increased to 35%, no further dilution, external growth ►New payout ratio, 2013-2020: ■ 35% of consolidated net income (before non-recurring items) ►Shareholder commitment: ■ scrip dividend discontinued ■ share bought back 2013-2014: 293M€ ■ shares cancelled: 225M€ ►Acquisitions to accelerate group’s strategy: ■ on Services through Sascar’s 440M€ acquisition ■ on tires through active search in Asia ►Pensions: ■ more than 85% of defined benefits plans funded (for USA-Canada-UK plans) 26 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 Next events ►February 10, 2015: 2014 results ►April 22, 2015: First-quarter 2015 net sales ►May 22, 2015: Annual general meeting of shareholders ►July 28, 2015: First-half 2015 results ►October 22, 2015: Third-quarter 2015 net sales 27 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 December 3, 2014 Société Générale Premium Review APPENDICES 28 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 Car and Light truck & Truck: Slowdown starting in Q2 2014 Worldwide markets, quarter by quarter (% change YoY, in number of new tires) +7% +5% +5% +5% +3% +3% +2% +2% +2% Q2 +0% Q1 Q2 Q3 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q1 Q3 Original equipment Replacement Source: Michelin 29 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 -4% +0% Q1 Q2 Q3 Car and Light truck: slowdown starting in Q2 Markets at September 30, 2014 (% change YoY, in number of tires) +5% +5% North America +4% +3% +6% +5% Asia (excluding India) Europe* +5% +4% -2% South America Original equipment Replacement * Including Russia and Turkey Source: Michelin -18% 30 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 Africa India Middle East GLOBAL MARKET +4% +3% Truck: continued slowdown in Europe and lower growth in new markets Markets at September 30, 2014 (% change YoY, in number of new tires) +12% +9% + 3% Europe* North America -8% +2% Asia (excluding India) TOTAL MONDE +4% +1% Original equipment Replacement * Including Russia and Turkey Source: Michelin 31 -3% -17% South America Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 +3% -0% Africa India Middle East +3% Earthmover markets: continued recovery in OE & Infrastructure and slightly stronger inventory drawdowns in mining Earthmover markets (base 100 in 2009, in tonnes) 100 2009 109 2010 121 134 188 138 181 143 128 124 100 2011 2012 Mining 2013 2014e 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 2014e Infrastructure and Original equipment (Europe and North America) 32 145 Agricultural: contracting OE demand Agricultural tire markets – Europe and North America (in number of tires, base 100 in 2009) 114 33 100 100 2009 2010 2011 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 104 2012 99 95 2013 2014e China core strength: Brand – MICHELIN capitalizes on a superior equity Consumer Advocacy Purchasing intention (%) (%) 80 33 59 40 37 11 Michelin Bridgestone Goodyear Pirelli Hankook 34 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 12 10 2 Continental ► MICHELIN a leading brand with a high purchasing intention Period: 2013 H2 BCM report 11 26 Michelin Bridgestone Goodyear Pirelli Hankook 4 Continental China core strength : Product – Deliver the “total performance” MI Compet 1 Compet 2 Compet 3 Pinch shock PS PS PS Global performance RR (average of all segments) Wear RR Grip (Dry & Wet) W Grip RR W Grip Source: Michelin MICHELIN, an outstanding performance in safety and wear… …while not compromising in others 35 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 Wear RR 2014 Autobild test Michelin No.1 Made-in China & For China Tire Pattern Grip China core strength: Local Footprint 8 Sales Offices Beijing Shenyang Xi’an Chengdu Shanghai Guangzhou Hong Kong Taipei ►Shenyang (TC & PL) ►Shanghai (TC) ►Shanghai (steel cord) ►Wuhu (TC Warrior) Beijing Shanghai Xi’an Wuhu Taipei Chengdu Guangzhou Hong kong 36 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 4 Plants Shenyang Production (K tons/year)* 2013 2017 140 250 *JV excluded China core strength: Distribution network # Dealers Durable TC PL 2,000 130 Heilongjiang Jilin Advocate 3,000 70 Transactional 2,800 1,600 Liaoning Total 7,800 1,800 BeijingTianjin NMG Xinjiang Gansu Ningxia Qinghai Sales >=5% 2%< Sales <5% Sales <=2% % = weight of each province in Michelin China net sales 37 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 Xizang Hebei Shanxi Shandong Jiangsu Henan Anhui Shanghai Shaanxi Zhejiang Hubei Jiangxi Sichuan Hunan Fujian Chongqing Guizhou Yunnan Guangxi Hainan Guangdong MICHELIN T&B brand Matching customer expectations (wear life and fuel efficicency) with innovation INFINICOILTM ENERGYFLEXTM Wear life Fuel efficiency Mass Fuel efficiency Mass Retreadability ► Performance lever Xone Multi X Line Tropic X Line X Multi ► Industrial Know-How REGENIONTM CARBIONTM Wear life Fuel efficiency Mass Wear life Fuel efficiency X Multi 38 ► Patent clusters Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 X Incity, X Line X Multi MICHELIN T&B brand The best total performance for customers Europe: 315/70R22,5 Steer Axle – Long Haul MICHELIN Xline Energy Z Competitor A ROLLING RESISTANCE WET GRIP ROLLING RESISTANCE WEAR LIFE ENDURANCE WET GRIP Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 ROLLING RESISTANCE WEAR LIFE ENDURANCE Reference: Premium Average Source: Michelin estimates 39 Competitor B WET GRIP WEAR LIFE ENDURANCE Q3: stabilized price-mix effect in a very competitive environment YoY change (in %) ► Volumes Q1 Q2 Q3 ► Price-Mix Q4 Q1 2013 Q2 Q3 Q1 Q2 Q3 ► Currency effect Q4 Q1 2013 2014 Q2 Q3 2014 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 2013 Q1 Q2 Q3 2014 3.4 2 1.2 1.1 0.6 -1.1 -1.2 -1.9 -2.7 -2.4 -2.6 -0.6 -1.2 -1.5 -2.2 -2.2 -4.3 -4.6 -4.3 -5.3 -5.4 40 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 2012-2016 Competitiveness Plan : as of end-September, acceleration in manufacturing gains in 2014 confirmed GAIN OBJECTIVES 2012 – 2016* €200m/ €300m €200m/ €300m €500m/ €600m €1 billion SG&A Materials Manufacturing – Transport Total 213 2012 2013 gain 50 112 263 634 169 172 9M 2014 gain Total gain 80 7 87 2012 2013 gain 9M 2014 gain Total gain *Before inflation and including avoided costs 41 284 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 2012 2013 gain Gain 9M 2014 Total gain Gain 9 mois 275 Gain 2013 190 Gain 2012 Truck division to contribute €400m to Group €1bn 2012 – 2016 competitiveness plan Gains* achieved 2012 – Sept. 2014 (in € million) SG&A Materials Manufacturing – Transport 700 Total 634 634 600 500 400 300 263 284 200 200 100 94 87 o/w SR2 Group 76 30 0 Group *Before inflation and including avoided costs 42 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 o/w SR2 Group o/w SR2 Group o/w SR2 Positive 0.8% currency effect in September 9M 2014 net sales by currency Autres ZAR AUD ARS BRL CAD CNY USD % of net sales ARS 1% EBIT sensitivity to €/$ exchange rate: AUD 2% BRL 4% CAD 3% A one cent change in the average annual €/$ exchange rate leads to a variation of €15-20 million in annual EBIT. CNY 5% EUR 34% GBP 3% INR 1% 1,35 JPY 1% 1,30 MXN 2% RUB 2% THB 1% TRY 1% USD 35% ZAR 1% Autres 4,0% €/$ exchange rate – Jan. 01, 2013 / Nov. 27, 2014 1,45 1,40 1,25 THB GBP RUB MXN INR JPY 43 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 EUR vs. USD Source: Thomson One 01/11/2014 01/10/2014 01/09/2014 01/08/2014 01/07/2014 01/06/2014 01/05/2014 01/04/2014 01/03/2014 01/02/2014 01/01/2014 01/12/2013 01/11/2013 01/10/2013 01/09/2013 01/08/2013 01/07/2013 01/06/2013 01/05/2013 01/04/2013 01/03/2013 1,15 01/02/2013 TRY 1,20 01/01/2013 EUR Disclaimer "This presentation is not an offer to purchase or a solicitation to recommend the purchase of Michelin shares. To obtain more detailed information on Michelin, please consult the documentation published in France by Autorité des marchés financiers available from the website. This presentation may contain a number of forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes that these statements are based on reasonable assumptions at the time of the publication of this document, they are by nature subject to risks and contingencies liable to translate into a difference between actual data and the forecasts made or induced by these statements." 44 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014 Contacts Investor Relations Valérie MAGLOIRE Matthieu DEWAVRIN +33 (0) 1 78 76 45 36 27, cours de l’île Seguin 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt - France 45 Société Générale Premium Review‒ December 3, 2014
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