Annual Report of the Municipal Officers of the Town of Northport
Annual Report of the Municipal Officers of the Town of Northport
The University of Maine DigitalCommons@UMaine Maine Town Documents Maine Government Documents 2012 Annual Report of the Municipal Officers of the Town of Northport, Maine 2011-2012 Northport (Me.) Follow this and additional works at: Repository Citation Northport (Me.), "Annual Report of the Municipal Officers of the Town of Northport, Maine 2011-2012" (2012). Maine Town Documents. Paper 755. This Report is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@UMaine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Maine Town Documents by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UMaine. Annual Report of the Municipal Officers of the TOWN OF NORTHPORT, MAINE 2011-2012 Published by Hollow Ridge Communications Appleton, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 CONTENTS Town Officers........................................................................................................ 3 Legislative Letters Reports................................................................................... 4 Town Administrator’s Report.............................................................................. 10 Fire Department.................................................................................................. 12 Northport First Responders................................................................................. 13 Code Enforcement Officer.................................................................................. 15 Northport Ridge Riders........................................................................................16 RSU #20...............................................................................................................17 Vital Records........................................................................................................18 Treasurer’s Report............................................................................................... 19 Unpaid Taxes....................................................................................................... 23 Certificate of Assessment.................................................................................... 34 Assessors’ Report................................................................................................ 35 Selectmen’s Report.............................................................................................. 36 Balance Sheet...................................................................................................... 56 Fiduciary Accounts, Special Reserve Accounts, Fixed Assets and Long Term Liabilities.............................................................................. 59 Auditors Report....................................................................................................61 Town of Northport Fireworks Ordinance............................................................ 73 Warrant............................................................................................................... 75 2 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 TOWN OFFICERS Selectmen, Assessors, Overseers of the Poor:Paul Rooney, Chair-Term Exp. 2013 Denise Lindahl – Term Exp. 2014 Drexell White – Term Exp. 2012 Town Administrator: Barbara O’Leary Town Clerk, Tax Collector, Treasurer: Jeanine Tucker Deputy Clerk: Robin Coombs Fire Warden, Fire Chief: Mike Alley Emergency Management: Pete Simpson Road Commissioner: Amon Morse, III, Term Exp. 2014 Code Enforcement Officer, Plumbing Inspector: John Larson Toupie Rooney, Deputy Harbor Committee: Planning Board: Lora Mills, Harbor Master. Jeff Schleicher, Chair Norb Nathanson Gordon Fuller Peter Kenyon Steven Fein Zoning Board of Appeals: School Board James Nealey, Chair Alismarie Parsloe Rick Pierson Jane Strauss Dee Reid Alternate: John Burgess John Dykstra, Chair Pete Bixler Brent McLeod Joel Karp Julian Cannell Alternates: Bruce Morehouse David Foley Debra Riley, Term Exp. 2012 Gerald Reid, Term Exp. 2013 Town of Northport, Maine 3 Annual Report 2011-2012 4 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 Town of Northport, Maine 5 Annual Report 2011-2012 6 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 Town of Northport, Maine 7 Annual Report 2011-2012 8 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 Annual Report to the Town of Northport A Message from Senator Michael Thibodeau February 2012 Dear Friends and Neighbors: I am grateful for the trust you have placed in me to work for the citizens of Northport and our region. Representing your interests this past year in the Maine State Senate has been truly a rewarding experience. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be your voice in Augusta. When Republicans took their oath of office last December, we promised to move Maine in a new direction and to make our state more prosperous and affordable to all Mainers. Lawmakers also faced dire budget projections of a billion dollar shortfall. Many doubted we could attain anything substantive with the obstacles before us. Instead of looking at quickfix solutions to the problems before us, we met our challenges head on by rolling up our sleeves and working together. Over the months that ensued, the Legislature approved a number of significant reform measures to our health insurance market, tax policies, and state regulations. Looking back at the results of the First Regular Session, I believe legislators made significant strides in addressing Maine’s most pressing needs during extremely difficult times. We did so while avoiding a government shutdown and the polarizing situations that occurred in other states. Leadership made the decision early on in the session that we would insist on a two-thirds budget and we would create a culture of inclusion, respect and consensus. We increased state funding to local schools by $65 million, brought solvency to the retiree pension system, insisted on more transparency and accountability at the Maine Turnpike Authority, and paid back our local hospitals millions of dollars that had been owed to them for years. We worked hard to deliver the changes we promised, and we succeeded. Though important progress has been made, lawmakers have had a great deal of work since returning to Augusta in January. The most daunting task has been addressing a staggering $120 million shortfall within the Department of Health and Human Services and its MaineCare program. In terms of all spending, MaineCare accounts for 32 percent of the state budget and enrollment is expected to grow at more than three times the rate of our revenues over the next four years. Difficult structural changes to the MaineCare program must be made soon; but I am confident that if we continue to work together as we did last year, we can return MaineCare back to a sustainable and quality system that protects Maine’s most at-risk citizens. Again, thank you for entrusting me to represent you in Augusta. Please feel free to contact me if you ever need my help in navigating the state bureaucracy. I can be reached in Augusta at 287-1505. Sincerely, Michael Thibodeau Maine State Senator Town of Northport, Maine 9 Annual Report 2011-2012 TOWN ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT In looking back over the past year there was a lot of what I’ll call “behind the scenes” work that took place. The Beech Ridge Cemetery (off Nebraska Road) was surveyed, plotted, prices set and the section to be developed made ready for grass. Rules and Regulations to cover all our cemeteries were put into effect. The database of recording all plots in our cemeteries is a work in progress. This involves going to each cemetery and writing down information from each and every stone. (Volunteers would be appreciated!) Office policies, procedures and practices were developed and approved by the Board. These policies outline the process of transactions at the counter; accounting methods; tax billing/collection; accounts payable; the audit, etc. This sets down the system that office personnel use when helping residents who come into the office or call with a question. With voter approval, construction on the new Sand and Salt Garage began in July and was completed in October. This allows winter sand and salt to be mixed and stored inside a building. Housing these materials will eliminate the waste that occurred at the old site where materials were at the mercy of the elements and often washed away. Keeping in mind residents like to get their 5 gallon bucket of winter sand for their driveways, the Selectmen designated the shed at the old site as a place to continue this practice. You cannot get sand at the new garage and should not be there when the contractor is loading in preparation for a storm. As a reminder, please keep your driveways and walkways clear in the winter should emergency personnel need to get to you. A drainage project in Temple Heights was completed. This involved Mountain and High Streets where new catch basins and culverts were installed as well as ditching and grading work. With recent heavy spring rains the Road Commissioner has reported these improvements have worked very well diverting water in a more controlled manner. Internet access in Northport continues to be a challenge. Fairpoint did minimal upgrades and Lincolnville Communications is taking some baby steps into Northport. Our biggest hope may lay with Maine Fiber Company’s Three Ring Binder Project. This is an ambitious project laying 1,100 miles of fiber optics in rural Maine, going right through Northport on Route 1. When complete, internet providers will be able to buy into the fiber and then offer the service to customers. 10 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 There are changes coming to the Transfer Station. New vehicle stickers for all Northport residents will be required by July 1, 2012 and each year thereafter. You can get one at the Town Office during regular business hours. Also as of 7-1-2012, cash will no longer be accepted at the Transfer Station. This has been a recommendation from the auditors for a while now and the time has come to put this in place. We recommend purchasing your bag stickers ahead of time. The Town’s license from the DEP to operate the transfer station is for RESIDENTIAL use only. This excludes contractors and businesses and applies to their recyclable items also. As a reminder, Zero Sort Recycling is NOT for trash. There is an informational sheet at the office and a magnet outlining what IS recyclable. You can also find a lot of information on the Town’s website: Over the past year I was glad to hear from residents who had questions, concerns or just a comment. Thanks again to all our employees who are here to help in any way they can. I know firsthand they go above and beyond in assisting customers and helping the Town run smoothly! “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!” Respectfully Submitted, Barbara O’Leary Town Administrator Town of Northport, Maine 11 Annual Report 2011-2012 NORTHPORT VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2011 The Fire Department has had 9 Fire calls ranging from grass fires to structure fires. We had 1 explosion complaint, 2 EMS assist calls, 23 accident calls which range from simple clean up to serious injuries, 27 citizen assist calls which varies from power lines down to flooded basements, and 7 false alarms. We have also had about 25 training classes this year which totals 711 man hours. There are 6 Fire Fighters who are attending various Fire Attack Schools this year. The Fire Fighters will attend classes that range from receiving their SCBA certification to learning how to better operate our imaging camera, operate the pumps on our fire trucks, and how extricate patients from their vehicle in a safe manner. An annual reminder that burn permits are required for anything other than a recreational cooking fire. Which is defined by a 2 foot containment ring of sort. Anything larger will require you to obtain a permit at Bayside Store, Wentworth Family Market, The Northport Town Office, and the Fire Chief Please be reminded that it is a privilege to burn not a right. Anyone interested in joining the Northport Fire Department our monthly meeting is the first Tuesday of every month at the Beach Hill Station Respectfully submitted Michael Alley Northport Fire Chief 12 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 NORTHPORT FIRST RESPONDERS REPORT FOR 2011 In 2011, the Northport First Responders responded to nearly 100 calls, which is typical of the last few years. As in the past, the type of call responded to has varied from life threatening emergencies to simply helping someone with physical limitations get up from a non-injuring fall. Motor vehicle accidents still top the list of incidents that the First Responders are called for and most of those happen on Atlantic Highway (Rt. 1). The response urgency associated with these calls also covers a wide spectrum and we very much appreciate the drivers in our town who quickly and safely pull off the road and allow the rescue to pass. Thank you! Training The First Responders accumulate in excess of 38 credit hours of training in four categories over a three year period to maintain an EMT-Basic license. In addition to the required training to maintain licensure, there is also required training enforced through the Bureau of Labor Standards that has to be delivered on an annual basis. Ahead The First Responders anticipate the delivery of a new (new to us anyway) rescue in May. We have been very fortunate to have Ron Morin of Sugarloaf Ambulance/Rescue Vehicles assisting us in finding a used rescue at a reasonable price ($14,000). For anyone curious, the cost of a brand new ambulance seems to be in the neighborhood of $150,000, but that certainly is not what the First Responders needed nor considered. The rescue we will be taking delivery of, a 2004 Horton Type 1 ambulance built on a Ford F450 chassis with around 90,000 miles, will replace a 1988 Type III ambulance on a Ford E350 chassis with an unknown number of miles (we don’t know how many times the odometer has turned over full scale). The old rescue has far more wrong with it than just a lot of miles, there are mechanical problems with the engine and transmission and the corrosion problems that most vehicles have when operating around salt and snow mixtures for 20 plus years. Aside from the reasonable price, the new rescue has one other feature that is a bonus for us, it is a 4WD. This will help us to reach some of the locations that we have had difficulty reaching in the last few years, but for those who have driveways or live on non-town maintained roads, we ask that you please maintain those in passable/plowed condition. There still remain two repeat problems that the Northport Volunteer Fire Department; Northport First Responders and Belfast Ambulance are experiencing when serving our residents. One would be the lack of house numbers on yours or your neighbors’ homes. Please help us to find you; or your neighbor; by placing a number Town of Northport, Maine 13 Annual Report 2011-2012 at the end of your driveway, mailbox or on your house that can be seen by E.M.S. from the road. The second matter is the previously mentioned unmaintained or unsafe driveways. If the response vehicle cannot make it to the residence, carrying someone up/down a snow and ice covered driveway/road is very risky to all involved. Thank you all for the generous support that Northport has provided for the First Responders in the past and we hope to continue to earn your trust and respect in the coming years. Thank You, Henry Lang Northport First Responders - Service Chief/Director 14 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER/LOCAL PLUMBING INSPECTOR ANNUAL REPORT It is the continuing goal of the Code Enforcement Office to assist applicants through the permitting process and to answer any questions or address any concerns. Please call us at 338-3819 or email at In this continued economic downturn, 47 building permits were issued in 2011. The breakdown is as follows: 10 permits were issued for new dwelling units 7 stick built 2 modular 1 mobile home 5 accessory structures 9 garages 8 additions to existing structures 8 decks 14 other (demolition, farm stand, etc.) 1 permit required Planning Board approval 6 permits were in the shoreland zone 4 permits were issued in the Northport Village Corporation In 2011, 39 plumbing permits were issued. The breakdown is as follows: 8 9 0 5 17 permits were issued for new subsurface wastewater disposal systems replacement systems tank only field only internal plumbing permits Respectfully submitted, John Larson Toupie Rooney Code Enforcement Officer Local Plumbing Inspector Town of Northport, Maine 15 Annual Report 2011-2012 NORTHPORT RIDGE RIDERS The Northport Ridge Riders would like to thank all landowners in Northport for letting us use your land for snowmobiling and snow shoeing trails in the winter months. In the summer months the trails are used for hiking, walking, taking photos and just taking the family out to enjoy life in Northport. If it were not for the landowners in Northport allowing us to use their land we would be limited to land use for family enjoyment. Thank you. President, Bob Lafontaine 16 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 REGIONAL SCHOOL UNIT #20 Belfast • Belmont • Frankfort • Morrill • Northport Searsmont • Searsport • Stockton Springs • Swanville Office of the Superintendent PO Box 363 Belfast, ME 04915 Telephone: 207/338-1960 Fax: 207/338-4597 January 2012 TO THE TAXPAYERS OF RSU #20: The world of public education is going through a period of tremendous change and RSU #20 is no exception. Most of you are aware of the financial challenges facing the RSU as well as your community due to the impact of the current economy on state funding. Efforts to deal with financial shortfalls have, and will likely continue to result in changes for the educational system as we have known it. In an attempt to meet the anticipated shortfall of $2.4 million, these changes may come in the form of further cuts in programs and services, school closing and/or consolidation, higher class sizes, and higher taxes. We are also faced with changes being considered in curriculum, assessment, and the manner that education is offered to students. Our Commissioner of Education, Stephen Bowen, has put forth a concept for how education in Maine may look in the future. The most significant feature of the Commissioner’s plan is that students move forward by the measure of their educational growth, not by the number of hours or years spent in a classroom. This has a significant impact on how we provide education for our students. I encourage you to stay informed to what is happening in your RSU, and please take a moment to thank the Board of Directors from your community for the time and effort they spend representing you. I sincerely thank you for your support as we maintain a high quality educational system for the youth of RSU #20. Sincerely, Bruce A. Mailloux Superintendent of Schools Town of Northport, Maine 17 Annual Report 2011-2012 VITAL RECORDS 2011 Deaths Age Death Alley, Claire 80 8/27/11 * Brown, Allen 81 9/11/11 Cynewski, Matthew 21 8/22/11 * Dodd, Robert 81 12/16/11 Field, Angela 93 1/26/12 Ham, Judith 79 1/12/12 Hatch, Robert 79 5/2/11 Herrick, Ruth 84 11/6/11 Lozada, Elena 25 4/17/11 * McIntire, Derwood 75 4/11/12 Nealey, Richard 58 5/19/11 Peterson, Hazel 74 9/17/11 Peterson, Ronald 74 2/10/12 * Salatka, Joseph 78 12/25/11 Salatka, Rita 75 8/13/11 Sorando, Marjorie 89 4/13/11 Vallera, Mary 85 4/7/12 * White, Lewis 81 12/8/11 Whitten, Diane 63 6/2/11 Wieman, Norma K 85 7/16/11 Young, Richard 28 3/20/12 * Denotes Veteran 18 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 TOWN OF NORTHPORT TREASURER’S REPORT Fiscal year 2011 - 2012 As of March 31, 2012 Bangor Savings Bank - General Fund Opening Balance $ 1,300,676.84 Property Tax 2007 $ 370.03 2008 $ 7,512.02 2009 $ 84,176.48 2010 $ 84,117.08 2011 $ 3,234,502.58 2012 Prepay $ 161.11 Taxes Due NVC $ 469.24 Loans for Sand/Salt Shed Bangor Savings Bank $ 189,000.00 Interest Taxes $ 24,442.29 BSB Checking Account $ 380.50 State Funds Local Road Assistance $ 31,608.00 Municipal Revenue Sharing $ 71,804.37 Tree Growth $ 1,323.54 Veterans $ 1,112.00 Homestead Exemption $ 13,151.00 BETE $ 615.00 Snowmobile $ 304.52 General Assistance $ 1,813.23 Harbor Grant $ 929.99 NVFD Grant $ 1,365.00 Excise Taxes Boat $ 1,095.30 Motor Vehicle $ 163,549.55 Town of Northport, Maine 19 Annual Report 2011-2012 Licenses Dog-Town $ 1,148.00 Dog-State $ 1,277.00 Hunt & Fish $ 2,390.00 Vital Records $ 791.00 Permits Building $ 2,825.84 Moorings $ 370.00 Planning Board $ 270.00 Plumbing State $ 1,160.00 Plumbing Town $ 2,985.00 Registrations ATV $ 726.00 Motor Vehicle $ 66,502.88 Boat $ 1,852.00 Snowmobile $ 800.00 Sales Tax (Boat, ATV, Snow.) $ 1,116.25 Nature Conservancy $ 325.00 Transfer Station Bag Stickers $ 30,381.90 Debris $ 10,835.50 Agent Fees Cemeteries Cemetery Lots Sold Cemetery Perpetual Care E911 Signs First Responders - Donation Insurance Reimbursement Legal Reimbursement Miscellaneous Income Northport Warm Neighbors Fund Northport Village Corporation - R&B NVFD - Town of Searsport Town Charges: Copies 20 Town of Northport, Maine $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5,026.90 310.87 700.00 700.00 96.00 200.00 356.00 2,935.22 5,471.81 300.00 1,468.75 525.00 98.54 Annual Report 2011-2012 Town Charges: Reimbursements $ 36.09 Town Charges: MTCCA Scholarship $ 60.00 Transfer Station $ 159.10 Wyman Park Maintenance Fund $ 400.00 $ 4,058,403.48 WARRANTS -$ 3,684,600.10 TRANSFER TO/FROM MACHIAS SAVINGS BANK -$ 600,000.00 BANK CHECK & SERVICE CHARGES -$ 493.34 ENDING BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012 $ 1,073,986.88 ACCOUNTS AT BANGOR SAVINGS BANK Cemetery Accounts (As of June 30, 2011) $ 6,984.94 Interest $ 36.91 Transfer to General Fund $ 31.22 Bank Balance as of March 31, 2012 $ 6,990.63 Christmas is for Caring (As of June 30, 2011) Intererst Bank Balance as of March 31, 2012 Wyman Needy Fund (As of June 30, 2011) Interest From General Fund Bank Balance as of March 31, 2012 Wyman Park Fund (As of June 30, 2011) Interest Withdrawn Bank Balance as of March 31, 2012 Fire Watch Fund (As of June 30, 2011) Intererst Bank Balance as of March 31, 2012 Town Wharf Fund (As of June 30, 2011) Interest Bank Balance as of March 31, 2012 Town of Northport, Maine $ $ $ 2,548.41 3.15 2,551.56 $ $ $ $ 5,003.58 7.12 670.54 5,681.24 $ $ $ $ 4,464.68 4.78 400.00 4,069.46 $ $ $ 797.53 0.86 798.39 $ $ $ 2,423.70 2.64 2,426.34 21 Annual Report 2011-2012 Fire Truck Replacement Fund (As of June 30, 2011) Interest Deposit Bank Balance as of March 31, 2012 Salt Shed Fund (As of June 30, 2011) Interest Bank Balance as of March 31, 2012 Marine Reserve Fund (As of June 30, 2011) Interest Bank Balance as of March 31, 2012 $ $ $ $ 98,155.19 139.74 15,000.00 113,294.93 $ $ $ 2,710.05 2.95 2,713.00 $ $ $ 31,230.58 44.41 31,274.99 ACCOUNTS AT MACHIAS SAVINGS BANK Machias Savings Bank - Savings Account Balance as of June 30, 2011 $ 250,604.83 Interst $ 1,576.52 Transfer to Money Market $ 772.76 Bank Balance as of March 31, 2012 $ 251,408.59 Machias Savings Bank - ICS & Money Market Opening Balance less transfers $ 600,000.00 Interest $ 3,218.94 Transfer from Savings Account $ 772.76 Bank Balance as of March 31, 2012 $ 603,991.70 22 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 TOWN OF NORTHPORT UNPAID TAXES As of March 31, 2012 2005 UNPAID TAXES Opening Balance Payments Received Balance due: $125.28 $0.00 $125.28 Outstanding: Trefry, Paul $125.28 2006 UNPAID TAXES Openning Balance: Payments Received Balance due: $130.68 $0.00 $130.68 Outstanding: Trefry, Paul $130.68 2007 UNPAID TAXES Opening Balance Payments Received Balance due: $503.95 $370.03 $133.92 Outstanding: Trefry, Paul $133.92 2008 UNPAID TAXES Tax Commitment Payments Received Balance due: $9,504.08 $7,512.02 $1,992.06 Outstanding: Gray, Harold & Julie * Nealey, Roger Trefrey, Paul Warner, Donald & Tara 699.25 1,051.25 142.56 99.00 $1,992.06 Town of Northport, Maine 23 Annual Report 2011-2012 2009 UNPAID TAXES Tax Commitment Payments Received Tax Abatements Balance due: Outstanding: Bailey, Peter * Berry-Moore, Emily * Bonin, Roxann * Boyle, Stephen Estate of Paul Trefry Gray, Harold & Julie Ladd, Lisa Littlefield, Kevin Mader, Brian Nealey, Roger Paige, William * Schallek, Barry Warner, Donald & Tara Warner, Donald & Tara Zittle, Susan 2010 UNPAID TAXES Tax Commitment Supplemental Taxes Payments Received Tax Abatements Balance Due * 24 Alley, Frank Bailey, Peter Bean, Jolana Benner, Henry & Pamela Berry-Moore, Emily S. Blackburn, Patricia E. Bonin Sr., Thomas & Pauline Bonin, Joseph A. Bonin, Randy Bonin, Roxann M Town of Northport, Maine $102,943.32 $84,176.48 $73.60 $18,693.24 919.29 414.88 876.63 86.96 193.86 4,575.46 708.95 1,427.65 346.48 1,427.20 2,803.97 401.22 2,054.23 134.63 2,322.83 $18,694.24 $179,582.11 $0.00 $84,117.08 $19.68 $95,445.35 $518.03 $801.96 $642.88 $216.49 $639.60 $4.92 $1,042.16 $878.22 $54.12 $821.64 Annual Report 2011-2012 * * * * * Bowser, Shannon Boyle, Stephen Butters, James, Sandra & Andrew Carnahan, Adam D Crows Nest Inc. Dame, Natasha M. & Bryan Delaney, Terrance R. Drinkwater, Chris E. Drinkwater, George & Charleen Dunn, Christopher & Patricia Edwards, Vernita J. Estate Of Trefry, Paul Farrell, Shawna Farrell, Shawna Gray, Harold R. Jr. & Julie M. Hackett, Charles Hackett, Charles Hackett, Charles Henderson, Horace Howard, Joshua Hutchins, Gina J & L Catering Johnson, Rebbeca Kilgore, Gregory Knight, Charles P. & Cheryl Knight, Charles P. & Cheryl P. Ladd, Lisa M Lamb,Thomas R. Lear, Alan S. Light, Lloyd & Janette Linscott, Linda Littlefield, Kevin E. Mackridge, Michael R. Mader, Brian Magruder, Mildred S. Magruder, William S. Malo, Marshall Millington, Anne M. Nealey, Roger Northport Ocean Properties, LLC Town of Northport, Maine $9.84 $905.28 $2,373.90 $1,104.54 $1,810.56 $628.53 $2,159.88 $2,506.74 $1,049.19 $2,194.15 $511.68 $132.84 $57.81 $56.58 $3,135.27 $392.37 $2,034.42 $391.14 $1,011.27 $146.37 $137.14 $60.27 $51.66 $297.04 $2,182.02 $1,536.27 $530.13 $713.40 $1,012.29 $233.70 $783.51 $1,009.83 $2,956.92 $296.43 $258.30 $876.99 $932.34 $82.51 $1,018.44 $4,083.60 25 Annual Report 2011-2012 Northport Ocean Properties, LLC Oneill, John T & Lori J Outerbridge, Joshua & Paige, William Paige, William E * Palmer, Merleen & Gary Parnell, Mary Claire Patterson, Robert Pendergast, Jami Prescott, Lori * Rackliffe, Peter * Rackliffe, Peter J. Rapoza, Michael Reid, Phillip Reid, Phillip Richards, Scott & Nadine Salisbury, David M. Schallek Barry Scholz, Elizabeth Spollett, Peter F. & Susan M. Stevens, Ingle L. Tanglewood Timber Company LLC * Tasheiko, Laura Thibodeau, Paul J Tucker, Raymond Warner, Don & Tara Warner, Don & Tara Warner, Donald & Tara * Willis, Jack & Bonita Zittle, Susan M. 2011 UNPAID TAXES Tax Commitment Supplemental Taxes Payments Received Tax Abatements Printing Adjustment Balance Due 26 Town of Northport, Maine $9,926.10 $245.48 $3,141.42 $1,952.01 $210.33 $98.75 $303.81 $639.60 $172.20 $734.31 $547.35 $1,264.44 $1,065.18 $1,473.54 $533.82 $1,163.58 $1,337.06 $1,249.68 $1,446.48 $2,590.38 $2,661.72 $2,490.75 $1,087.98 $1,355.46 $739.23 $1,956.93 $92.25 $3,901.56 $882.13 $2,896.65 $95,445.35 $3,547,459.97 $335.79 $3,234,915.91 $489.54 $0.11 $312,390.20 Annual Report 2011-2012 * * * * * * * * * * Allen, Frederick & Edith Allen,Peter Estate Allen, Sandra Alley, David E. Alley, Frank Anderson, Joseph H. Anderson, William A. Anderson, William A. Anderson, William Aycock Andrews, Cheryl Lynn Ardon, Julio Cesar, Jr. Armentrout, Tracy A. Arocho, Steven A. Bailey, Drexel Bailey, Peter Ballyhac Properties, Llc Bean, Jolana L. Benner, Henry & Pamela Berry-Moore, Emily S. Bishop, Tracey Blackburn, Patricia E. Bonin Sr., Thomas & Pauline Bonin Sr., Thomas & Pauline Bonin Sr., Thomas & Pauline Bonin, Joseph A. Bonin, Randy Bonin, Roxann M Boulier, Brenda Wood Bowden, Steve & Edna M. Bowles Jr., Earl and Sheri L. Bowser, Shannon Boyle, Stephen Boynton, John H. Boynton, John H. Bradley, Carl Brandt, David Bravo, Kevin A. and Cynthia D. Briane, Martha E. Brower, Howard Brower, Howard Brower, Howard Town of Northport, Maine $17.64 $1,196.79 $220.78 $1,084.86 $863.46 $230.62 $260.76 $964.32 $276.75 $960.01 $34.63 $94.15 $1,001.83 $55.35 $804.42 $1,485.22 $2,455.08 $889.29 $630.99 $429.88 $4.92 $1,788.42 $541.20 $47.97 $870.84 $54.12 $814.26 $2,228.76 $1,414.50 $1,140.21 $515.37 $905.28 $243.32 $887.94 $1,137.75 $871.22 $2,353.60 $179.19 $28.29 $429.27 $396.06 27 Annual Report 2011-2012 * * * * * 28 Brower, Howard Brower, Howard Brower, Richard C. Brown, Sussan Butters, James, Sandra & Andrew Caldwell, Jeffrey & Adriene Carnahan, Adam D Carnahan, Matthew, Katey, Elaine Carr, Jane E. and AlanI. Carver Sr., John S. Castellano, Cheri C. Christenson, Clifford & Marcell Clark, Kimber Lee Colcord, James K. Cole, Rachel M. Collins, Steven & Betty Collins, Steven & Nilda Condon, Frederick Condon, Frederick Conover, Lynn G Corey, Wayne & Ann Corey, Wendell G. II Crows Nest Inc. D’Agostino, Gregory B. D’Agostino, Gregory B. Dame, Natasha M. & Bryan Delaney, Terrance R. Desmarais, Stephen M. & Linda S. Diamond, Mattie Dodd, Robert Drinkwater, Chris E. Drinkwater, George & Charleen Dubuque, Julien M. and Cynthia M. Dudley, Joseph D. Dunn, Christopher & Patricia Durkee, Michael & Linda Edwards, Vernita J. Elder, Rebecca Noyes Elder, Robert Erickson, Elizabeth N. Estate Of Trefry, Paul Town of Northport, Maine $294.04 $339.48 $1,001.22 $841.93 $2,373.90 $152.52 $1,104.54 $1,958.16 $2,289.30 $3,167.49 $738.00 $2,819.16 $817.33 $308.73 $988.30 $949.56 $602.70 $330.25 $64.57 $2,006.13 $265.68 $592.86 $1,810.56 $0.37 $1.81 $1,257.06 $2,159.88 $3,184.47 $1,343.40 $936.27 $2,509.20 $1,041.81 $7,565.73 $758.29 $5,173.38 $1,372.68 $511.68 $188.19 $313.45 $1,807.27 $132.84 Annual Report 2011-2012 * * * * * * * Farrell, Shawna Finley, Dale C. & Chery L. Fischer, Sharon Flagg Jr., Eugene B. Flagg, Andrew & Francis Flagg, Andrew & Francis Flannery, Kyle Fulton IV, Andrew Fulton, Edithe Gardner, Patricia Gibson, Bonnie L. Gibson, Lester Godholm, Claire Gray, Harold R. Jr. & Julie M. Gregory, John G. and Sandy E. Hackett, Charles Hackett, Charles Hackett, Charles Hashey, Charles T. Hashey, Charles T. Hatch, Robert N. Hellerich, Liane Henderson, Horace Hoikala, Karen A. Hollins Family Trust Hollins, Harry B. & Mariette Holmes, Mena F. Homans, Frederick W. Howard, Ian Howard, Joshuwa Howard, Joshuwa Howard,Susan Howard, Todd Hutchins, Gina Jackson, Stephen Johnson, Rebbeca Kahn, Jacqueline Gage Kilgore, Gregory Knight, Charles P. & Cheryl Knight, Charles P. & Cheryl D. Knight, Charles P. & Cheryl P. Town of Northport, Maine $56.58 $2,093.46 $2,761.35 $1,266.90 $897.90 $302.58 $47.97 $4,172.16 $2,351.14 $955.62 $1,915.11 $39.36 $2,266.16 $3,135.27 $2,011.05 $392.37 $2,036.88 $391.14 $295.20 $1,327.17 $384.99 $1,146.36 $5,924.91 $2,245.98 $2,430.48 $1,159.89 $2,136.43 $1,659.88 $904.05 $146.37 $392.37 $324.72 $185.73 $259.53 $337.02 $51.66 $1,013.52 $594.09 $2,184.48 $3,537.48 $1,536.27 29 Annual Report 2011-2012 * 30 Knight, Charles P.,Charles L. & Knight, Charles P. Kreamer, Michelle M. Ladd, Lisa M Lagner, Eleanor, et al. Lamar, Terry & Straton, Sally A. Lamb,Thomas R. Larue, Scott B. Lear, Alan S. Lewis, Sonya Light, Lloyd & Janette Linscott, Linda Littlefield, Bonnie J. Littlefield, Herman Jr. & Patricia Littlefield, Kevin E. Lojek, John D. Lopez, Mrs. Kenneth Lord, Edwin H. Sr. Lovell, Robert & Marcia A. Mackridge, Michael R. Mackridge, Michael R. & Brynn MacLeod, Brent Mader, Brian Magruder, Mildred S. Magruder, William S. Malo, Marshall Matthews, Victoria L. Maxey, Danielle McCloskey, Jay P. Melacasa, Robert & Genevieve Metcalf, Robert Jr Millington, Anne M. Misiewicz, Lori Moran, Edward J. and Doris T. Moran, Edward J. and Doris T. Morse, Amon III Moulton, Shirley Prescott Mugford, James Michael Munroe, Scott F. Nealey, Dale Nealey, Dale Town of Northport, Maine $76.26 $43.05 $2,076.24 $532.59 $1,464.31 $1,055.62 $713.40 $712.17 $1,012.29 $239.85 $233.70 $768.75 $321.25 $397.29 $1,014.75 $2,694.93 $1,138.36 $751.80 $6,919.98 $3,279.18 $650.67 $625.23 $296.43 $258.30 $876.99 $969.24 $1,460.62 $33.21 $928.65 $2,231.22 $266.91 $785.97 $693.72 $950.17 $46.12 $1,656.81 $1,228.77 $1,051.58 $410.20 $717.09 $42.43 Annual Report 2011-2012 * * * * * * * * * Nealey, Dale Nealey, Dale Nealey, Dale Nealey, Dale Nealey, Jo-Ann & Dale L. Nealey, Jo-Ann Nealey, Jo-Ann M. Nealey, Jo-Ann M. Nealey, Roger Newton, Felicia A. Northport Diner Northport Golf Club Northport Ocean Properties, LLC Northport Ocean Properties, LLC Northport LLC Norvlaan, Thorv ONeill, John T & Lori J Osterberg, Carolyn Outerbridge, Joshua & Outerbridge, Oliver Owen, Judith Paige, William Paige, William E Palmer, Merleen & Gary Parkinson, Glenice Parkinson, Glenice Parkinson, Ronald Parkinson, Ronald E. & Patricia Parkinson, Theresa - Estate Parnell, Mary Claire Patterson, Robert Patterson, Robert E. Pendergast, Jami Peter V. Sampo,Trustee, Sampo 2003 Realty Trust Pettit, Linda C. Pierece, Webster W. & Cynthia R. Ploszaj, Joshua Povec, JoshuaS. Prescott, Lori Rackliffe, Peter Town of Northport, Maine $201.10 $174.66 $368.38 $113.77 $147.60 $1,063.95 $1,130.98 $84.87 $1,020.90 $1,172.19 $60.27 $61.50 $4,083.60 $9,926.10 $132.44 $1,104.54 $1,865.91 $1,177.11 $3,212.76 $216.48 $2,334.54 $1,954.47 $201.72 $1,033.20 $1,694.32 $722.62 $567.03 $1,473.54 $1,916.34 $303.81 $639.60 $1,398.51 $164.82 $3,055.32 $115.00 $244.77 $2,666.02 $280.44 $729.39 $1,094.70 31 Annual Report 2011-2012 * * * * * * 32 Rackliffe, Peter J. Ramsey, Donald Rand, Carl J. & Shirley T. Rapoza, Michael Reid, Phillip Reid, Phillip Rich, Robert & Jean T. Richards, Mark & Carina Richards, Scott & Nadine Ripley, Guy Jr. Ripley, Loring & Jean Salisbury, Christopher Salisbury, David M. Sawyer, Howard Schallek Barry Scholz, Elizabeth Smith, Daniel C. & Suan D. Smith, Jean Spollett, Peter F. & Susan M. Stager, Jay C. Standard, John E. & Morgan Standard, John E. & Morgan Staples, Kathleen Staples, Kathleen M. Stevens, Ingle L. Strange,Stephen Tanglewood Timber Company Llc Tasheiko, Laura TBE LLC Ten High Street LLC Thibodeau, Paul J Thurber, G.P. Wells Toennis, James Toulouse, Martine Truman, Louis M. Truman, Louis M. Trundy, Maurice Trundy, Maurice J. Tucker, Raymond Vellaro, Michael F. Vermilyea, Robert Town of Northport, Maine $2,543.64 $9.84 $1,936.51 $1,067.64 $1,476.00 $527.67 $249.31 $860.38 $1,166.04 $352.47 $822.87 $191.32 $1,530.12 $173.43 $1,249.68 $1,446.48 $141.45 $3,184.47 $2,590.38 $416.97 $2,253.36 $173.43 $57.81 $1,864.68 $2,661.72 $243.54 $2,490.75 $1,457.55 $701.10 $539.35 $1,357.92 $209.10 $708.48 $162.36 $712.17 $110.70 $68.88 $3,916.32 $741.69 $825.20 $1,190.64 Annual Report 2011-2012 * Vermilyea, Robert Waite, Marilyn Wall, Marilyn J. Warner, Don & Tara Warner, Don & Tara Warner, Donald & Tara Weisenbach, Paul & Christy Weitz, Steven Wentworth, John P. Wentworth, John P. & Rhonda D. Wheat, Nancy & Frances Wheat Trust Wheat, Nancy & Frances Wheat Trust William McLain Williams, Jane L. Willis, Jack & Bonita Willis, Joanne Willis, Thomas & Audrey Windcliffe LLC Wing, Kenneth L. Woolsey, John & Betty Worden, Elizabeth Cox Zittle, Susan M. $745.38 $1,829.01 $565.80 $2,034.42 $92.25 $3,901.56 $697.76 $821.02 $4,707.21 $2,106.99 $2,321.62 $632.22 $17.22 $4.23 $1,006.14 $44.28 $417.86 $4,218.28 $827.79 $218.32 $2,210.31 $2,896.65 $312,390.20 * Denotes full or partial payment Town of Northport, Maine 33 Annual Report 2011-2012 CERTIFICATE OF ASSESSMENT To be returned to the Municipal Treasurer County of Waldo, SS. We certify that we have assessed a tax on the estate, real and personal, liable to be taxed in the Municipality of Northport for the Year A.D. 2011 at 12.30 mills on the dollar on a total taxable valuation of $3,547,459.97 Assessments 1. County Tax 2. Municipal Appropriation 3. TIF Financing Plan amount 4. School/Educational amount 5. Overlay (not to exceed 5% of Assessment) 6. Total Assessments Deductions 7. State Municipal Revenue Sharing 8. Homestead Reimbursement 9. BETE Reimbursement 10. Other Revenue 11. Total Deductions 12. Net assessment for Commitment (line 6 less line 11) $ 545,849.93 $ 846,194.46 $ 0.00 $2,292,394.07 $ 48,796.95 $3,733,235.41 $ 64,531.96 $ 17,256.90 $ 702.58 $ 103,284.00 $ 185,775.44 $3,547,459.97 Lists of all the same we have committed to Jeanine Tucker, Municipal Treasurer of said Municipality, or the successor in office, on or before such date, or dates, as provided by legal vote on the Municipality and warrants received pursuant to the laws of the State of Maine. (Title 36 MSRA, sec 7120) Enter under our hands this 15th day of July 2011. Municipal Assessors Paul Rooney, Chairman Denise Lindahl Drexell White 34 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 ASSESSORS REPORT (Fiscal Year July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012) Ambulance Animal Control Belfast Free Library Code Enforcement Officer Cemeteries Cemetery Development Contingency Fund Emergency Management Employee Benefits First Responders Insurance Northport Village Corp. Northport Vol. Fire Dept. NVFD-Fire Truck Replacement NVFD-Fire Chief Salary Office Salaries Payroll Taxes Roads & Bridges Sand/Salt Shed Loan Scholarship Fund Snow Removal & Sanding Social Services Town Chrages Town Hall Maintenance Transfer Station Municipal Total $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 10,638.58 8,500.00 3,500.00 18,500.00 12,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 2,000.00 22,000.00 13,200.00 30,000.00 25,000.00 35,000.00 15,000.00 20,800.00 130,000.00 22,000.00 100,000.00 34,055.88 5,000.00 200,000.00 7,000.00 50,000.00 10,000.00 52,000.00 846,194.46 County Tax School Tax Overlay $ 545,849.93 $2,292,394.07 $ 48,796.95 TOTAL: $3,733,235.41 Town of Northport, Maine 35 Annual Report 2011-2012 TOWN OF NORTHPORT SELECTMEN’S REPORT FOR YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2012 AS OF MARCH 31, 2012 (See notation at end of report) CASH - BANGOR SAVINGS BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $1,300,676.84 RECEIPTS: $3,869,022.98 LOAN FOR SAND/SALT SHED FROM BSB $189,000.00 WARRANTS:($3,684,600.10) TRANSFER TO/FROM MACHIAS SAVINGS BANK (SAVINGS) ($600,000.00) INTEREST INCOME: $380.50 BANK SERVICE CHARGES: ($493.34) BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $1,073,986.88 CASH - MACHIAS SAVINGS BANK - SAVINGS: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $250,604.83 INTEREST INCOME: $1,576.52 TRANSFER TO MACHIAS SAVINGS BANK ICS: ($772.76) BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $251,408.59 CASH - MACHIAS SAVINGS BANK - ICS: TRANSFER TO/FROM BANGOR SAVINGS BANK CHECKING: $600,000.00 INTEREST INCOME: $3,218.94 TRANSFER FROM MACHIAS SAVINGS BANK SAVINGS: $772.76 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $603,991.70 CASH - CHANGE - OFFICE: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $200.00 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $200.00 CASH - CHANGE - TRANSFER STATION: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $200.00 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $200.00 CASH - PETTY CASH: OPENING DEPOSIT: $100.00 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $100.00 36 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 2012 PREPAID TAXES: TAX RECEIPTS: $161.11 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $161.11 2011 TAXES RECEIVABLE: TAX ASSESSMENT: $3,547,459.97 SUPPLEMENTAL TAXES ASSESSED: $335.79 TAX BILLING ADJUSTMENT: ($0.11) TOTAL: $3,547,795.65 TAX RECEIPTS:($3,234,502.58) REIMBURSEMENTS: $500.00 PREPAID TAXES FROM PREVIOUS YEAR: ($913.33) TAX ABATEMENTS: ($489.54) BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $312,390.20 2010 TAX LIENS: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $179,582.11 TAX RECEIPTS: ($84,117.08) TAX ABATEMENTS: ($19.68) BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $95,445.35 2009 TAX LIENS: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $102,943.32 TAX RECEIPTS: ($84,176.48) TAX ABATEMENTS: ($73.60) BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $18,693.24 2008 TAX LIENS: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $9,504.08 TAX RECEIPTS: ($7,512.02) BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $1,992.06 2007 TAX LIENS: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $503.95 TAX RECEIPTS: ($370.03) BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $133.92 2006 TAX LIENS: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $130.68 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $130.68 37 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 2005 TAX LIENS: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $125.28 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $125.28 TAX ACQUIRED PROPERTY: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $240.00 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $240.00 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - REGISTRATIONS & LICENSES: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $7,029.29 RECEIPTS: REGISTRATION & LICENSE FEES COLLECTED $74,664.13 TOTAL: $81,693.42 EXPENDITURES: STATE OF MAINE $77,394.08 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $77,394.08 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $4,299.34 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - PLUMBING PERMITS - STATE PORTION: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $577.80 RECEIPTS: PLUMBING PERMITS ISSUED $1,160.00 TOTAL: $1,737.80 EXPENDITURES: TREASURER, STATE OF MAINE $1,592.50 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $1,592.50 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $145.30 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE - TAXES DUE TO NVC: RECEIPTS: NVC TAXES COLLECTED: $469.24 EXPENDITURES: NORTHPORT VILLAGE CORPORATION $469.24 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $469.24 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $0.00 PAYROLL TAXES PAYABLE: SOCIAL SECURITY, MEDICARE, FEDERAL & STATE WITHHOLDING BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $3,393.13 38 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 RECEIPTS: SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE/ FEDERAL/STATE WITHHOLDING ($33,531.62) GARNISHED WAGES ($1,000.00) TOTAL RECEIPTS: ($34,531.62) EXPENDITURES: INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE $26,642.12 TREASURER, STATE OF MAINE $6,659.50 DEPT. OF HUMAN SERVICES $1,000.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $34,301.62 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $3,623.13 DEFERRED TAX REVENUE: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $226,000.00 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $226,000.00 TAX INTEREST & CHARGES: TOTAL RECEIPTS: $24,442.29 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $24,442.29 INTEREST INCOME: BANGOR SAVINGS BANK CHECKING ACCOUNT $380.50 MACHIAS SAVINGS BANK SAVINGS ACCOUNT $1,576.52 MACHIAS SAVINGS BANK ICS ACCOUNT $3,218.94 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $5,175.96 CHECKING ACCOUNT SERVICE CHARGES: BANGOR SAVINGS BANK SERVICE CHARGE $493.34 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $493.34 SUPPLEMENTAL TAXES: SUPPLEMENTAL TAXES ASSESSED: $335.79 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $335.79 MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS: NSF CHECK FEES: $67.78 EMA REIMBURSEMENT $1,000.00 JURY DUTY REIMBURSEMENT $10.00 INSURANCE REIMBURSEMENT $158.00 STATE OF MAINE - DEP - OIL SPILL $3,200.00 CREDIT CARD ERROR - LATER REIMBURSED $36.00 Town of Northport, Maine 39 Annual Report 2011-2012 CEO FINE $1,000.00 UNKNOWN BANK DEPOSIT $0.03 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $5,471.81 AUTO EXCISE: TOTAL RECEIPTS: $163,549.55 REIMBURSED FOR OVERCHARGE $146.40 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $146.40 TO BE TRANSFERRED TO ROADS & BRIDGES: $163,403.15 BOAT EXCISE: RECEIPTS: $1,095.30 REIMBURSE FOR OVERCHARGE $6.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $6.00 TO BE TRANSFERRED TO NORTHPORT HARBOR FUND: $1,089.30 BUILDING PERMITS: RECEIPTS: $2,825.84 REIMBURSED FOR OVERPAYMENT $18.72 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $18.72 TO BE TRANSFERRED TO CEO ACCOUNT PER MAY, 2001 TOWN MEETING $2,807.12 PLUMBING PERMITS - TOWN PORTION: RECEIPTS: PLUMBING PERMITS ISSUED $2,985.00 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $2,985.00 SPECIAL AMUSEMENT PERMITS: RECEIPTS: $0.00 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $0.00 VITAL RECORDS - BIRTH, DEATH, MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES: RECEIPTS: CERTIFICATES AND LICENSES ISSUED: $791.00 EXPENDITURES: STATE OF MAINE $76.40 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $76.40 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $714.60 40 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 TOWN AGENT FEES: RECEIPTS: $5,026.90 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $5,026.90 CEMETERY LOTS SOLD: RECEIPTS: $700.00 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $700.00 CEMETERY - PERPETUAL CARE: RECEIPTS: $700.00 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31,2012: $700.00 E911 SIGNS: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $0.00 RECEIPTS: $96.00 TOTAL: $96.00 EXPENDITURES: WHITE SIGN $195.61 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $195.61 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: ($99.61) TRANSFER STATION RECEIPTS - STICKER SALE: RECEIPTS: $30,381.90 TO BE TRANSFERRED TO TRANSFER STATION ACCOUNT: $30,381.90 TRANSFER STATION RECEIPTS - DEBRIS: RECEIPTS: $10,835.50 TO BE TRANSFERRED TO TRANSFER STATION ACCOUNT: $10,835.50 NORTHPORT HARBOR FUND: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $41,892.16 RECEIPTS: STATE OF MAINE - GRANT $929.99 MOORING APPLICATIONS AND PERMITS $370.00 TOTAL: $43,192.15 EXPENDITURES: LORA MILLS - HARBORMASTER $2,250.00 TIM PATTEN $250.00 STATE OF MAINE HARBORMASTERS $250.00 JEFFREY MABEE $150.00 LORA MILLS - GRANT WORK $450.00 Town of Northport, Maine 41 Annual Report 2011-2012 DANA GIUNTINI $300.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $3,650.00 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $39,542.15 BOAT EXCISE RECEIPTS TO BE TRANSFERRED: $1,089.30 ADJUSTED BALANCE: $40,631.45 NORTHPORT NEEDY FAMILIES: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $630.10 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $630.10 NORTHPORT WARM NEIGHBORS FUND: DONATIONS: $300.00 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $300.00 LOCAL ROAD ASSISITANCE - URIP FUNDS RECEIPTS: STATE OF MAINE $31,608.00 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31,2012 $31,608.00 THIS ACCOUNT WILL BE TRANSFERRED TO ROADS & BRIDGES AT YEAR END. MUNICIPAL REVENUE SHARING: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: ($22,013.38) RECEIPTS: STATE OF MAINE $71,804.37 TOTAL: $49,790.99 USED TO REDUCE 2011 TAX COMMITMENT: ($64,531.96) BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: ($14,740.97) NATURE CONSERVANCY BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $325.00 RECEIPTS: NATURE CONSERVANCY $325.00 TOTAL: $650.00 USED TO REDUCE THE 2011 TAX COMMITMENT: ($325.00) BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $325.00 SNOWMOBILE REIMBURSEMENT: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $211.84 RECEIPTS: 42 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 STATE OF MAINE $304.52 TOTAL: $516.36 EXPENDITURES: NORTHPORT RIDGE RIDERS $211.84 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $211.84 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $304.52 TREE GROWTH REIMBURSEMENT: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $935.00 RECEIPTS: STATE OF MAINE $1,323.54 TOTAL: $2,258.54 USED TO REDUCE THE 2011 COMMITMENT: ($935.00) BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $1,323.54 VETERANS REIMBURSEMENT: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $2,024.00 RECEIPTS: STATE OF MAINE $1,112.00 TOTAL: $3,136.00 USED TO REDUCE THE 2011 TAX COMMITMENT: ($2,024.00) BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $1,112.00 HOMESTEAD PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $1,903.04 RECEIPTS: STATE OF MAINE $13,151.00 TOTAL: $15,054.04 USED TO REDUCE THE 2011 TAX COMMITMENT: ($17,256.90) BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: ($2,202.86) BETE EXEMPTION REIMBURSEMENT: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: ($30.15) RECEIPTS: STATE OF MAINE $615.00 TOTAL: $584.85 USED TO REDUCE THE 2011 TAX COMMITMENT: ($702.58) BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: ($117.73) Town of Northport, Maine 43 Annual Report 2011-2012 TOWN CHARGES: RECEIPTS: COPY SALES $98.54 REIMBURSEMENTS $33.09 STAPLES REBATE $3.00 MTCCA SCHOLARSHIP $60.00 APPROPRIATION: $50,000.00 TOTAL: $50,194.63 EXPENDITURES: UTILITIES $3,555.37 FILING FEES - WCRD $3,272.00 MAINE ENERGY $2,218.24 MEETINGS, ELECTIONS & NOTICES $1,570.69 POSTAGE $2,616.87 SUPPLIES $2,910.58 RJD APPRAISALS $16,274.97 BOOKS $799.50 COMPUTERS $2,314.00 PURDY, POWERS & COMPANY $7,800.00 WEBSITE $299.97 MMA $2,125.00 DUES $163.00 CLASSES/TRAINING $682.00 TRAVEL $1,064.75 TRIO SOFTWARE CORP. $3,473.30 HYGRADE BUSINESS - TAX BILLING $709.86 KINNEY OFFICE - COPIER CONTRACT $937.48 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $52,787.58 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: ($2,592.95) TRANSFER FROM TAX INTEREST & CHARGES: $24,442.29 ADJUSTED BALANCE: $21,849.34 OFFICE SALARIES: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $24,363.79 APPROPRIATION: $130,000.00 TOTAL: $154,363.79 EXPENDITURES: BARBARA O’LEARY $34,615.20 ROBIN COOMBS $20,618.60 VICKI EUGLEY-BOOKKEEPER $5,550.00 44 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 VICKI EUGLEY-OFFICE ASST. $9,073.66 JEANINE TUCKER $26,303.40 PAUL ROONEY $3,000.00 DENISE LINDAHL $2,625.00 DREXELL WHITE $2,625.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $104,410.86 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $49,952.93 CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $11,445.41 APPROPRIATION: $18,500.00 TOTAL: $29,945.41 EXPENDITURES: JOHN LARSON - SALARY $8,856.00 JOHN LARSON - EXPENSES $652.88 TOUPIE ROONEY - SALARY $5,650.83 SUPPLIES $450.99 CEO TRAINING $60.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $15,670.70 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $14,274.71 TO BE TRANSFERRED FROM BUILDING PERMITS ACCOUNT $2,807.12 ADJUSTED BALANCE: $17,081.83 PAYROLL TAXES: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $830.63 APPROPRIATION: $22,000.00 TOTAL: $22,830.63 EXPENDITURES: SOCIAL SECURITY/MEDICARE - TOWN PORTION $13,443.99 DEPT. OF LABOR - UNEMPLOYMENT $2,135.38 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $15,579.37 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $7,251.26 AMBULANCE: APPROPRIATION: $10,638.58 EXPENDITURES: CITY OF BELFAST $10,638.58 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $10,638.58 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $0.00 Town of Northport, Maine 45 Annual Report 2011-2012 ANIMAL CONTROL: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $3,061.02 RECEIPTS: DOG LICENSES $1,148.00 APPROPRIATIONS: $8,500.00 TOTAL: $12,709.02 EXPENDITURES: HEIDI BLOOD - SALARY $2,999.97 HEIDI BLOOD - MILEAGE & SUPPLIES $68.23 HERMAN LITTLEFIELD - SALARY $750.00 HERMAN LITTLEFIELD - MILEAGE $118.74 CAMDEN ROCKPORT ANIMAL RESCUE LEAGUE $2,000.00 AUBUCHON HARDWARE $54.00 WALDO COUNTY FAMILY PRACTICE $100.00 TREASURER, STATE OF MAINE $100.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $6,190.94 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $6,518.08 CEMETERIES: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $2,913.09 RECEIPTS: AT&T $275.60 COMCAST $4.05 BANGOR SAVINGS BANK $31.22 APPROPRIATION: $12,000.00 TOTAL: $15,223.96 EXPENDITURES: BARB’S LANDSCAPING $10,775.00 BARBARA O’LEARY $6.99 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $10,781.99 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $4,441.97 CEMETERY DEVELOPMENT: APPROPRIATION: $10,000.00 EXPENDITURES: GOOD DEEDS $490.00 BARB’S LANDSCAPING $1,496.50 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $1,986.50 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $8,013.50 46 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 CONTINGENCY FUND: APPROPRIATIONS: $10,000.00 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $10,000.00 WALDO COUNTY TAX: APPROPRIATION/ASSESSMENT $545,849.93 EXPENDITURES: WALDO COUNTY TREASURER $545,849.93 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $545,849.93 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $0.00 EDUCATION: APPROPRIATION: $2,292,394.07 EXPENDITURES: RSU#20 $1,719,295.56 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $1,719,295.56 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $573,098.51 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: APPROPRIATION: $2,000.00 EXPENDITURES: PETER SIMPSON $1,500.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $1,500.00 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $500.00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS: APPROPRIATION: $22,000.00 EXPENDITURES: MAINE MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES HEALTH TRUST $20,978.77 EMPLOYEE PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS: ($6,633.38) TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $14,345.39 BALANCE BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $7,654.61 FIRST RESPONSE MEDICAL TEAM - OPERATING: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $132.69 APPROPRIATION: $8,200.00 DONATIONS: $200.00 TOTAL: $8,532.69 EXPENDITURES: FIRST RESPONDERS SALARIES $2,265.00 Town of Northport, Maine 47 Annual Report 2011-2012 TREASURER, STATE OF MAINE $160.00 TRAINING $165.00 ATLANTIC PARTNERS EMS $1,352.00 BAYSIDE STORE $308.53 WALDO COUNTY FAMILY PRACTICE $75.00 MOORE MEDICAL $435.09 LIFE SAVERS $496.00 BOUNDTREE MEDICAL $375.25 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $5,631.87 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $2,900.82 FIRST RESPONSE MEDICAL TEAM - EQUIPMENT: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $28,493.61 APPROPRIATION: $5,000.00 TOTAL: $33,493.61 EXPENDITURES: SUGARLOAF AMBULANCE $1,000.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $1,000.00 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $32,493.61 GENERAL ASSISTANCE: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD $10,744.99 STATE OF MAINE $1,813.23 TOTAL: $12,558.22 EXPENDITURES: CASES SERVED $3,165.80 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $3,165.80 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $9,392.42 INSURANCE: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD $3,122.18 APPROPRIATION: $30,000.00 MMA REIMBURSEMENT $356.00 TOTAL: $33,478.18 EXPENDITURES: TRAVELERS INSURANCE $8,028.50 MAINE MUNICIPAL ASSN $9,022.20 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $17,050.70 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $16,427.48 48 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 LEGAL ACCOUNT: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $14,870.12 REIMBURSEMENT: $2,935.22 TOTAL: $17,805.34 EXPENDITURES: KELLY & ASSOCIATES $5,819.56 EATON & PEABODY $2,100.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $7,919.56 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $9,885.78 NORTHPORT VILLAGE CORPORATION: APPROPRIATION: $25,000.00 EXPENDITURES: NORTHPORT VILLAGE CORPORATION $25,000.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $25,000.00 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $0.00 NORTHPORT VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT.: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $14,617.78 APPROPRIATION: $35,000.00 TOWN OF SEARSPORT $525.00 GRANT RECEIVED $1,365.00 TOTAL: $51,507.78 EXPENDITURES: FIREMEN’S SALARIES $2,947.50 UTILITIES $1,762.32 HEAT $3,552.81 EQUIPMENT $13,428.03 BULDING MAINTENANCE $857.59 TRUCK MAINTENANCE $2,045.32 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE $436.29 TRUCK FUEL $1,201.55 TRAINING $182.85 SUPPLIES $937.94 DUES $30.00 JORDAN LUMBER - GRANT $3,883.85 MISC. $333.77 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $31,599.82 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $19,907.96 Town of Northport, Maine 49 Annual Report 2011-2012 NORTHPORT VOL. FIRE DEPT. - FIRE TRUCK REPLACEMENT: APPROPRIATION: $15,000.00 EXPENDITURES: FIRE TRUCK REPLACEMENT FUND: $15,000.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $15,000.00 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $0.00 NORTHPORT VOL. FIRE DEPT. - CHIEF’S SALARY: APPROPRIATION: $20,800.00 EXPENDITURES: MICHAEL ALLEY $12,050.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $12,050.00 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $8,750.00 OVERLAY: APPROPRIATION: $48,796.95 2011 TAX ABATEMENTS $489.54 2010 TAX ABATEMENTS $19.68 2009 TAX ABATEMENTS $73.60 TOTAL ABATEMENTS: $582.82 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $48,214.13 PLANNING BOARD: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $3,332.10 RECEIPTS: $270.00 TOTAL: $3,602.10 EXPENDITURES: JEANINE TUCKER $231.25 MMA - TRAINING $160.00 JAMES NEALEY $195.00 JOHN BURGESS $110.00 ALISMARIE PARSLOE $165.00 JANE STRAUSS $110.00 RICK PIERSON $165.00 DEE REID $165.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $1,301.25 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $2,300.85 ROADS & BRIDGES: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD $379,518.73 50 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 RECEIPTS: APPROPRIATION: $100,000.00 NVC REIMBURSEMENT - CATCH BASINS $1,468.75 TOTAL: $480,987.48 EXPENDITURES: AMON MORSE III - SALARIES $12,098.56 AMON MORSE III - EQUIPMENT $2,378.64 MISC. SALARIES $466.32 MISC. EQUIPMENT $6.68 F.C. WORK & SONS $114,921.10 SUPPLIES $358.75 LANE CONSTRUCTION $209,760.18 WHITE SIGN $571.09 MIDCOAST SEALCOATING $13,620.00 AMERICAN CONCRETE $10,440.45 STATE OF MAINE - EDUCATION $0.00 JIM HANSEN $0.00 VIKING, INC. $10,237.63 FARLEY & SONS $6,015.96 DANIEL SMALL $700.00 WALTER LAMONT $18,522.00 TOTAL PROPERTY CARE $880.00 DIRIGO ENGINEERING $160.13 DEAN BROWN CONSTRUCTION $520.00 DAVID PETTEE, INC. $6,592.80 MAINE DRILLING & BLASTING $0.00 DANA KENNEDY $3,980.00 AITKEN GRAVEL, INC. $34,673.36 E.C. BARRY, INC. $2,937.50 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $449,841.15 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $31,146.33 TRANSFERRED FROM AUTO EXCISE: $163,403.15 TRANSFERRED FROM LOCAL ROAD ASSISTANCE - URIP $31,608.00 ADJUSTED BALANCE $194,549.48 SAND/SALT SHED CONSTRUCTION: LOAN FROM BANGOR SAVINGS BANK: $189,000.00 TRANSFER FROM FUND BALANCE PER TOWN MEETING: $100,000.00 TOTAL: $289,000.00 EXPENDITURES: Town of Northport, Maine 51 Annual Report 2011-2012 DAVID P. TRASK & SONS $236,015.00 GARTLEY & DORSKY ENGINEERING $6,899.07 PDQ DOOR $131.85 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $243,045.92 $45,954.08 SAND/SALT SHED LOAN: APPROPRIATION: $34,055.88 EXPENDITURES: BANGOR SAVINGS BANK $25,541.91 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $25,541.91 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31,2012: $8,513.97 SNOW REMOVAL/SANDING: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $65,268.95 APPROPRIATIONS: $200,000.00 TOTAL $265,268.95 EXPENDITURES: MOPA - CONTRACT $104,400.00 PELLETIER & DAUGHTERS - CONTRACT $9,990.00 STATE SAND & GRAVEL $34.00 HARCROS CHEMICALS $30,981.80 FARLEY & SONS LANDSCAPING $9,216.67 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $154,622.47 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $110,646.48 SOCIAL SERVICES: APPROPRIATION: $7,000.00 EXPENDITURES: W.C.C.A.P. $4,000.00 NORTHPORT FOOD PANTRY $2,500.00 SPECTRUM GENERATIONS $500.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $7,000.00 BALANCE: $0.00 NORTHPORT SCHOLARSHIP FUND: APPROPRIATION: $5,000.00 EXPENDITURES: SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED $2,500.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $2,500.00 52 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $2,500.00 BELFAST FREE LIBRARY: APPROPRIATION: $3,500.00 EXPENDITURES: BELFAST FREE LIBRARY: $3,500.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $3,500.00 BALANCE: $0.00 TOWN HALL MAINTENANCE: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $14,199.94 APPROPRIATION: $10,000.00 TOTAL: $24,199.94 EXPENDITURES: ROBIN COOMBS - CLEANING $2,000.00 HANNAFORD $205.22 NORTHPORT GROCERY $174.33 PROTECH SECURITY - MONITORING $264.00 PETER SIMPSON $921.95 JOHN LARSON - SHELVES $350.00 MOORE’S SEPTIC SERVICE $4,000.00 FIRESAFE EQUIPMENT $44.00 EBS $33.96 BILL’S BURNER SERVICE $118.00 B&R ELECTRIC $2,187.43 BARB’S LANDSCAPING $1,700.00 ALL PHASE QUALITY CONSTRUCTION $9,400.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $21,398.89 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $2,801.05 TRANSFER STATION: BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $53,477.36 APPROPRIATION $52,000.00 RECYCLING REIMBURSEMENT $77.30 UNIVERSAL WASTE RECYCLERS $81.80 TOTAL $105,636.46 EXPENDITURES: TIM PATTEN $11,838.90 JESSE WHITING $8,928.32 WALTER BARNARD $169.76 DREXEL BAILEY $339.52 Town of Northport, Maine 53 Annual Report 2011-2012 WELLINGTON DUNBAR $791.78 PINE TREE WASTE $29,711.00 D.M.&J. ENTERPRISES $15,895.40 AAA PORTABLE TOILETS $900.00 VERIZON $212.20 SCOTT RICHARDS $800.00 J A BLACK $758.10 UNIVERSAL RECYCLING $43.89 DEP $388.00 PEABODY’S LANDSCAPING $160.00 MARSHALL GRINDING $1,184.32 WILLIAM FLANDERS $200.00 SUPPLIES $19.82 FORMSOURCE $81.02 MIKE ALLEY EARTHWORKS $520.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES: BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: TRANSFER FROM TRANS. STA. REC. - STICKER SALE: TRANSFER FROM TRANS. STA. REC. - DEBRIS: ADJUSTED BALANCE: $72,942.03 $32,694.43 $30,381.90 $10,835.50 $73,911.83 WYMAN NEEDY FUND BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD: $920.54 EXPENDITURES: WENTWORTHS GROCERY - GIFT CARDS $250.00 WYMAN NEEDY FUND - $670.54 TRANSFER TO SPECIAL RESERVCE TOTAL EXPENDITURES: $920.54 BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $0.00 WYMAN PARK MAINTENANCE FUND: RECEIPTS: BANGOR SAVINGS BANK $400.00 EXPENDITURES: TIM PATTEN $400.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $400.00 BALANCE: $0.00 TOTAL WARRANTS: $3,684,600.10 54 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE: BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD: $949,607.00 TAX PRINTING ADJUSTMENT ($0.11) USED TO REDUCE THE TAX COMMITMENT ($100,000.00) TRANSFER TO SAND/SALT SHED CONSTRUCTION PER 2011 TOWN MEETING ($100,000.00) BALANCE AS OF MARCH 31, 2012: $749,606.89 Notice: This report covers the period July 1, 2011 to March 30, 2012. Since the tax year does not end until June 30, 2012, there will be additional expenditures from these accounts. A final report will be available at the town office after the tax year closes on June 30, 2012. 55 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 TOWN OF NORTHPORT TRIAL BALANCE SHEET AS OF MARCH 31, 2012 ASSETS: CASH - CHECKING - BANGOR SAVINGS BANK $1,073,986.88 CASH - SAVINGS - MACHIAS SAVINGS BANK $251,408.59 CASH - MMK - MACHIAS SAVINGS BANK $603,991.70 CASH - CHANGE - OFFICE $200.00 CASH - CHANGE - LANDFILL $200.00 CASH - PETTY CASH $100.00 2011 TAX RECEIVABLE $312,390.20 2010 TAX LIENS $95,445.35 2009 TAX LIENS $18,693.24 2008 TAX LIENS $1,992.06 2007 TAX LIENS $133.92 2006 TAX LIENS $130.68 2005 TAX LIENS $125.28 TAX ACQUIRED PROPERTY $240.00 TOTAL ASSETS: $2,359,037.90 LIABILITIES: ACCTS. PAY. - LICENSES AND REGISTRATIONS $4,299.34 ACCTS. PAY. - PLUMBING PERMITS - STATE $145.30 PAYROLL TAXES PAYABLE $3,623.13 2012 PREPAID TAXES $161.11 DEFERRED TAX REVENUE $226,000.00 TOTAL LIABILITIES: $234,228.88 FUND BALANCE: UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE $749,606.89 INCOME ACCOUNTS: TAX INTEREST AND CHARGES $24,442.29 INTEREST INCOME $5,175.96 CHECKING ACCOUNT SERVICE CHARGES -$493.34 SUPPLEMENTAL TAXES $335.79 MISC. RECEIPTS $5,471.81 AUTO EXCISE $163,403.15 BOAT EXCISE $1,089.30 56 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 BUILDING PERMITS $2,807.12 PLUMBING PERMITS - TOWN $2,985.00 VITAL RECORDS - MARRIAGE, BIRTH, DEATH $714.60 TOWN AGENT FEE $5,026.90 CEMETERY LOTS SOLD $700.00 CEMETERY - PERPETUAL CARE $700.00 E911 SIGNS -$99.61 TRANSFER STATION RECEIPTS - STICKERS $30,381.90 TRANSFER STATION RECEIPTS - DEBRIS $10,835.50 NORTHPORT HARBOR FUND $39,542.15 NORTHPORT NEEDY FAMILIES $630.10 NORTHPORT WARM NEIGHBORS FUND $300.00 TOTAL INCOME ACCOUNTS: $293,948.62 STATE REVENUES & DEFERRED REVENUES: LOCAL ROAD ASSISTANCE - URIP $31,608.00 MUNICIPAL REVENUE SHARING -$14,740.97 NATURE CONSERVANCY $325.00 SNOWMOBILE REIMBURSEMENT $304.52 TREE GROWTH REIMBURSEMENT $1,323.54 VETERANS REIMBURSEMENT $1,112.00 HOMESTEAD PROP. TAX EXEMPTION -$2,202.86 BETE REIMBURSEMENT -$117.73 TOTAL DEFERRED REVENUES: $17,611.50 EXPENDITURES/APPROPRIATIONS: TOWN CHARGES -$2,592.95 OFFICE SALARIES $49,952.93 CODE ENFORECEMENT OFFICER $14,274.71 PAYROLL TAXES EXPENSE $7,251.26 ANIMAL CONTROL $6,518.08 CEMETERIES $4,441.97 CEMETERY DEVELOPMENT $8,013.50 CONTINGENCY FUND $10,000.00 EDUCATION $573,098.51 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT $500.00 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS $7,654.61 FIRST RESPONSE MEDICAL TEAM - OPERATING $2,900.82 FIRST RESPONSE MEDICAL TEAM - EQUIPMENT $32,493.61 GENERAL ASSISTANCE $9,392.42 Town of Northport, Maine 57 Annual Report 2011-2012 INSURANCE $16,427.48 LEGAL $9,885.78 N.V.F.D. $19,907.96 N.V.F.D. - CHIEF’S PAY $8,750.00 OVERLAY $48,214.13 PLANNING BOARD $2,300.85 ROADS AND BRIDGES $31,146.33 SAND/SALT SHED CONSTRUCTION $45,954.08 SAND/SALT SHED LOAN $8,513.97 SNOW REMOVAL/SANDING $110,646.48 NORTHPORT SCHOLARSHIP FUND $2,500.00 TOWN HALL REPAIRS AND MAINT. $2,801.05 TRANSFER STATION $32,694.43 TOTAL EXPENDITURES & APPROPRIATIONS: $1,063,642.01 58 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 TOWN OF NORTHPORT AS OF MARCH 31, 2012 FIDUCIARY TYPE TRUST FUNDS CHRISTMAS CHARITY FUND: RESERVED FUNDS $2,500.00 DESIGNATED FUNDS $51.56 TOTAL $2,551.56 WYMAN NEEDY FUND: RESERVED FUNDS $5,000.00 DESIGNATED FUNDS $681.24 TOTAL $5,681.24 CEMETERY FUNDS: EQUITIES $6,980.88 CD & STATEMENT SAVINGS: RESERVED FUNDS $5,079.64 DESIGNATED FUNDS $1,910.99 TOTAL $13,971.51 SPECIAL RESERVE FUNDS WYMAN PARK FUND FIRE WATCH FUND TOWN WHARF FUND MARINE RESERVE FUND SAND/SALT SHED FUND FIRE TRUCK REPLACEMENT TOTAL Town of Northport, Maine $4,069.46 $798.39 $2,426.34 $31,274.99 $2,713.00 $113,294.93 $154,577.11 59 Annual Report 2011-2012 FIXED ASSETS LAND BUILDINGS SAND/SALT SHED EQUIPMENT $129,903.00 $305,500.00 $255,190.92 $81,450.00 VEHICLES: FIRE TRUCK/VEHICLES IN SERVICE $434,293.00 INFRASTRUCTURE $2,713,982.24 TOTAL FIXED ASSETS $3,920,319.16 LESS ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION NET FIXED ASSETS ($819,555.06) $3,100,764.10 LONG TERM DEBT BANGOR SAVINGS BANK - LOAN FOR SAND SALT SHED $166,620.85 60 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 Town of Northport, Maine 61 Annual Report 2011-2012 62 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 Town of Northport, Maine 63 Annual Report 2011-2012 64 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 Town of Northport, Maine 65 Annual Report 2011-2012 66 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 Town of Northport, Maine 67 Annual Report 2011-2012 68 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 Town of Northport, Maine 69 Annual Report 2011-2012 70 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 Town of Northport, Maine 71 Annual Report 2011-2012 72 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 TOWN OF NORTHPORT ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE USE AND SALE OF CONSUMER FIREWORKS Section 1 – Purpose and Authority This Ordinance is enacted pursuant to the authority granted by 8 M.R.S.A. § 223-A and is intended, pursuant to said statute, to protect the health, welfare and enjoyment of the citizens of the Town of Northport by prohibiting the use and sale of consumer fireworks within the more densely populated and developed Village area. Section 2 – Consumer Fireworks Defined Consumer fireworks shall have the same meaning as in 27 Code of Federal Regulations, Section 555.11 or superseding provision, but includes only products that are tested and certified by a third-party testing laboratory as conforming with United States Consumer Product Safety Commission standards, in accordance with 15 United States Code, Chapter 47. “Consumer fireworks” include but are not limited to the following products: (A) Missile-type rockets, as defined by the State Fire Marshal by rule; (B) Helicopters and aerial spinners, as defined by the State Fire Marshal by rule; and (C) “Consumer fireworks” do not include “sparklers,” sky rockets and bottle rockets. For purposes of this paragraph, “sky rockets and bottle rockets” means cylindrical tubes containing not more than 20 grams of chemical composition, as defined by the State Fire Marshal by rule, with a wooden stick attached for guidance and stability, that rise into the air upon ignition and that may produce a burst of color and/or sound at or near mthe height of flight. Section 3 – Prohibition No person shall use, possess with the intent to use, sell, possess with the intent to sell, or offer for sale consumer fireworks within the geographic limits of the Northport Village Corporation. Section 4 – Exception This Ordinance does not apply to a person issued a fireworks display permit by the State of Maine pursuant to 8 M.R.S.A. § 227-A. Town of Northport, Maine 73 Annual Report 2011-2012 Section 5 – Enforcement This Ordinance shall be enforced by any law enforcement officer having jurisdiction in the Town of Northport and/or the Northport Village Corporation. Section 6 - Violation and Penalties Any person who uses consumer fireworks or possesses consumer fireworks with intent to use in violation of the prohibitions stated in this Ordinance shall be guilty of a civil violation and shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) and not more than four hundred dollars ($400.00), plus legal fees and costs of prosecuting said violation. For second and subsequent offenses, a fine of not less than two hundred dollars ($200.00) and not more than six hundred dollars ($600.00) per violation, plus legal fees and costs of prosecuting said violation(s), shall be assessed. Any person who sells, offers to sell, or possesses consumer fireworks with the intent to sell in violation of the prohibitions stated in this Ordinance shall be guilty of a civil violation and shall be punished by a fine of not less than five hundred dollars ($500.00), plus legal fees and costs of prosecuting said violation. For second and subsequent offenses, a fine of not less than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per violation, plus legal fees and costs of prosecuting said violation(s), shall be assessed. Section 7 – Seizure Any officer with authority to enforce this Ordinance may seize consumer fireworks that the officer has probable cause to believe are used, possessed or sold in violation of this Ordinance and shall forfeit seized consumer fireworks to the State of Maine for disposal. Section 8 – Effective Date This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its enactment by vote of the Town of Northport town meeting. Section 9 – Severability Should any section, subsection or portion of this Ordinance be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid for any reason, such decision shall not be deemed to invalidate any other section, subsection or portion of this Ordinance. 74 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 OFFICIAL WARRANT FOR THE TOWN OF NORTHPORT ANNUAL TOWN MEETING To be held on June 2, 2012 and June 4, 2012 To: Jeanine Tucker, Town Clerk of the Town of Northport in the County of Waldo, State of Maine. GREETINGS: In the name of the State of Maine, you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of Northport in said County and State, qualified by law to vote in Town affairs to appear at the Northport Town Hall on Saturday, June 2, 2012 at 8:00a.m., then and there to act upon Articles 1 and 2, AND To notify and warn said voters to meet at the Blue Goose Center on Monday, June 4, 2012 7:00p.m. then and there to act upon Articles 1; then 3 through 24 inclusive. Article 1. To Choose a Moderator to preside at said Town Meeting. Article 2. To elect by secret ballot: A. One (1) Selectman, Assessor and Overseer of the Poor for a three (3) year term. B. One (1) Regional School Unit 20 Board Member for a three (3) year term. Article 3. To see what amount of money the Town will vote to raise and appropriate to pay the Selectman/Assessors for the ensuing year. (Current salary – Selectmen $3,500.00– Selectman Chair $4,000.00) Selectmen recommend no change. Article 4. To choose Assessors for the ensuing year. Article 5. To choose one or more Overseers of the Poor and establish pay for the same. Article 6. To see what amount of money the Town will vote to pay the Road Commissioner, Road Workers, Trucks and Equipment for the ensuing year. (Selectmen recommend State Rates plus 10% for routine road maintenance. Major road reconstruction to follow the competitive bid process.) Article 7. To see what amount of money the Town will vote to pay members of the Planning Board. (Current pay $27.50 for each member per meeting attended; Town of Northport, Maine 75 Annual Report 2011-2012 and $32.50 for the Chairman for each meeting attended.) Selectmen recommend no change. Article 8. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $5,000.00 for the Northport Scholarship Fund for second semester Northport college freshman. Article 9. To see if the Town will vote to enact an ordinance titled ‘Town of Northport Ordinance Prohibiting the Use and Sale of Consumer Fireworks’. Article 10. To see what amount of money the Town will vote to raise and appropriate for the following accounts. Selectmen recommend: Account Appropriation A Ambulance $ 11,170.50 B Animal Control $ 8,500.00 C Assessing Contract $ 22,400.00 D Belfast Free Library $ 3,500.00 E Cemeteries $ 15,000.00 F Code Enforcement Office $ 18,500.00 G Contingency Fund $ 10,000.00 H Emergency Management $ 2,000.00 I Employee Benefits $ 22,000.00 J First Responders $ 18,225.00 K General Assistance $ 2,000.00 L Insurance $ 15,000.00 M Legal $ 8,000.00 N Northport Vol. Fire Dept. $ 35,000.00 O NVFD Fire Chief Stipend $ 20,800.00 P NVFD Truck Replacement $ 20,000.00 Q Administration $ 148,615.88 R Payroll Taxes $ 23,500.00 S Planning Board $ 1,000.00 T Roads & Bridges $125,000.00 U Sand/Salt Shed Loan $ 34,055.88 V Septage Contract $ 4,000.00 W Snow Removal/Sanding $200,000.00 X Social Services $ 7,000.00 Y Office Operations $ 30,500.00 Z Town Hall Operations $ 22,000.00 AA Transfer Station $ 35,000.00 Total: $862,767.26 76 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 Article 11. To see if the Town will vote to carry forward the balances of the following accounts, and allow expenditures of the same: A Animal Control B Cemetery Maintenance C Cemetery Development D Code Enforcement Officer E First Response Medical Team- Operating & Equipment F General Assistance G Harbor Fund H Insurance I Legal J Northport Needy Families K Northport Volunteer Fire Dept. L Northport Warm Neighbor Fund M Payroll Tax Expense N Planning Board O Roads & Bridges P Snowmobile Reimbursement Q Town Hall Maint/Repairs R Transfer Station Article 12. To see if the Town will vote to use $250,000.00 from the Undesignated Fund Balance to reduce the tax commitment. Article 13. To see if the Town will vote to allow the transfer of $20,000.00 out of the Harbor Fund to be placed into the Marine Reserve Fund. Harbor Fund balance as of March 31, 2012 is $39,542.15 Article 14. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen, on behalf of the Town, to dispose of Real Estate acquired by the Town for non-payment of Taxes thereon, on such terms as they deem advisable and to execute Quit Claim Deeds on same. Article 15. To see if the Town will vote to fix a rate of interest on taxes delinquent after September 30, 2012 and March 1, 2013. (Selectmen recommend State authorized rate of 7%) Article 16. To see if the Town will set a rate of interest for refunded taxes due to over assessments. (Selectmen recommend rate of 7%) Town of Northport, Maine 77 Annual Report 2011-2012 Article 17. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to expend overlay money to pay tax abatements and applicable interest granted during the fiscal year. Article 18. To see if the Town will vote to enter into an Alewife (River Herring) Harvesting Program, with or without the Town of Lincolnville, for the 2012-2013 season. Article 19. To see if the Town will vote to accept the following grants and revenue from the State of Maine and allow the Selectmen to use them as they deem necessary. State Revenue Sharing $ 71,804.37 as of 3/31/2012 Veterans $ 1,112.00 Snowmobile Registrations $ 304.52 Local Road Assistance $ 31,608.00 General Assistance $ Unknown Civil Emergency Funds $ Unknown Land Grants $ Unknown Tree Growth $ 1,323.54 All Other Funds Available Unknown All dollar amounts are estimates. Article 20. To see if the Town will vote to give the Northport Ridge Riders (a snowmobile club) funds that the State of Maine returns to the Town from snowmobile registrations, to be used to maintain snowmobile trails in Northport. Article 21. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate funds for the Northport Village Corporation an amount of $25,000. Article 22. To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to transfer monies received from Auto Excise Tax to the Roads & Bridges account at the close of the 2012-2013 fiscal year. Article 23.To see if the Town will vote to allow the Selectmen to use educational and other grants and donations for the reason specified in the grant or donation. Article 24. To see if the Town will vote to increase the property tax levy limit of $1,047,323.38 established for the Town of Northport by State law, in the event that the municipal budget approved under the preceding articles will result in a tax commitment that is greater than that property tax levy limit. (Written ballot required by statute.) 78 Town of Northport, Maine Annual Report 2011-2012 The polls will be open for voting Saturday June 2, 2012 on Articles 1 and 2 from 8:00a.m. to 8:00p.m., at which time the meeting will be adjourned; the adjourned meeting to be reopened at the Blue Goose Center on Monday, June 4, 2012 at 7:00p.m., then and there to act upon Article 1 and the remaining articles in the Warrant. IF YOU ARE NOT A REGISTERED VOTER IN NORTHPORT, YOU MAY NOT VOTE AT THE TOWN MEETING. The Registrar of Voters will be available at the polls from 8:00a.m. to 8:00p.m. Saturday June 2, 2012 and 6:30p.m. to 7:00p.m. at the Blue Goose Center on Monday, June 4, 2012. Given under our hands in Northport, Maine on May 7, 2012. Paul Rooney, Chairman Denise Lindahl Drexell White ATTEST, A True Copy, Jeanine Tucker, Town Clerk Town of Northport, Maine 79 Annual Report 2011-2012 NOTES 80 Town of Northport, Maine