September 2008.pmd
September 2008.pmd
Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation: Providing resources for enhancing the educational experience of future business leaders | Winter 2008 T H E D I A R Y O F ALPHA KAPPA PSI The New This economic trend will fundamentally reshape the job market and create a wealth of possibilities + SPECIAL ISSUE New and Improved 2007-08 Annual Report One-day workshop focusing on chapter basics debuts while Success Institute gets retooled and a new name Orlando Convention The fraternity’s premier event returns to the Sunshine State and promises something for everyone | Winter 2008 | The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi 1 THE CLIFFORD SPANGLER SOCIETY The Clifford Spangler Society honors those alumni and friends of Alpha Kappa Psi who made provisions for future generations of business leaders through will bequests, life insurance, trusts or other planned gifts. Leadership opportunities, scholarships, awards, and other educational programs are provided for through such gifts. The Spangler Society acknowledges with grateful appreciation those who have chosen to make these commitments to the future. The following members have indicated that their estate plans include a bequest to the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation: INVEST IN THE FUTURE OF Upon B rother Spangler’s death, the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation received half of his sizable estate. His gift — then the largest gift received by AKPsi — was the foundation of several scholarships and awards and continues to support ongoing programs of the foundation. ALPHA KAPPA PSI Anonymous (2) Sonia A. Advani,Wisconsin ‘99-Life Heather E. Allen, Florida State ’89-Life Paul R.B ailey, Michigan State ‘88-Life Jeffrey A.B lade, Butler ‘84-Life Samuel V. Bo odoian, Wayne S tate ‘51-Life* Timothy L. Brandenburg, Cincinnati ‘96-Life Paul J.B rink er, Cincinnati ’84-Life & Leslie-Ann Brink er, O ld Dominion ‘76-Life Angela D. B rown, Adrian College ‘81-Life Gerald D. Byrd, Long Beach ‘62-Life Joseph A. Clark, Old D ominion ‘01 William A. Donnelly Jr.,NYU‘36-Life* Gregory R. DuRoss, Wayne State ‘70-Life Chris Ryan Feather, Pittsburgh-Johnstown ‘95-Life John M.Garbacz ewski, Arizona ‘54-Life Victor A.Greene, West Geor gia ‘77-Life Howard O. Hampton, NYU ’43-Life* Jessica L. Hill, Arizona State ‘95-Life Kenneth W. Hufford, Montana ‘33-Life* Jess C. LaNore, Purdue ‘00-Honorary/Life Catherine Lassesen, UNLV ‘82-Life Marvin L. L ongabaugh, Texas Tech ‘80-Life R.K. Lee, Washington ’67-Life Rober t M. Linden, Central Michigan ‘64-Life Paul E. Lubic, Christopher Newport ‘94 Richard W. McVay, Texas Tech ‘79-Life M.C.Moore, V irginia Tech ’86-Life George W. Morford, Washingt on‘48-Life* Lumir S. Palma,Illinois ‘37 Dr. Rober t S.Prati, San Diego‘96-Life Todd J. Regis, Wester n Michigan ’86-Lif e Daniel J. Roselli,Michigan State ‘89-Life David Russo, Christopher Newport ‘05 Carlton J. Siegler, Columbia‘31-Life* Gordon L. Snider, Color ado College ‘37-Life Clifford D. Spangler, Nebraska ‘28-Life* Dan L. S tubblefield, Middle Tennessee ‘89-Life & Barbara L. Stubblefield Steven T. Tabac, Michigan‘63-Life Christine M.Vasquez, Arizona State ‘98-Life Stephen Vasquez, A rizona State ‘72-Life Mark D. Warden, USC ‘81-Life David P. Wendroff, Portland ‘79-Life & Wendy A. Wendroff, Tri-State ‘80-Life *Audit Eternal If you have included the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation in your estate plan — or are considering doing so — please request a letter of intent from the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation. The letter of intent is not a legal document, but simply shares your wishes with the foundation. 2 The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi | Winter 2008 | F O U N D AT I O N B OA R D O F D I R E C TO R S T CHAIRMAN Stephen V asquez, Arizona State ‘72-Life H E D I A R Y O F ALPHA KAPPA PSI VICE CHAIRMEN Mark D. Warden, USC ’81-Life David P. Wendroff, Portland ’79-Life S E C R E T AR Y Louis L. Voegler, American ‘98-Life TREASURER Paul R. Bailey III,M ichigan State ‘88-Life W I N T E R 2 00 8 DIRECTORS Wendy E. Harlow Richard W. McVay, Texas Tech ‘79-Life Published by the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation F R A T E R N I T Y B OA R D O F D I R E C TO R S CHAIRMAN David A. Ralston,R ichmond ‘94-Life* VICE CHAIRMAN Jeffr ey A. Blade, Butler ‘84* S E C R E T AR Y Charles D. Steffens, Portland ‘87-Life TREASURER Steven T. Tabac, Michigan ‘63-Lif e DIRECTORS Paul J. Brinker, Cincinna ti ‘84-Life* Anthanette M. Fields, Fordham ’94-Life David J. Scholes, N ew York ‘65-Life Gregory M. Sottolano, American ’96-Life Dr. K aren L. Wo odall, Misour i State ‘97-Faculty Features 8 The Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation recognizes its loyal supporters. A record number of contributions helped to make 2007-08 a memorable year. * Executive Committee Member MANA GEMENT TEAM F RAT E R N I T Y P R E S I D E N T Andrea Nemeth CFV,M ontclair State ‘91-Lif e 25 H E R I TA G E C E N T E R S TA F F CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Gary L. Epperson, Ho osier Alumni ‘92-Honorary/Life MANAGING DIRECTORS ALUMNI SERVICES/FOUNDATION COO: Jess C.L aNore, Purdue ‘00-Honorary/Life OPERATIONS: Brian D. Parker, Indiana ‘93-Lif e STUDENT SERVICES: Jessica R.Seitz, Auburn ‘02-Honorary/Life DIRECTORS EDUC ATION: Amanda E. Koerth ALUMNI DEVELOPMENT: James A.M ayer, Ball State ‘03 INFORMATION SERVICES: Daniel D. Mendoza, Miami ‘99-Life CHAPTER SERVICES AND RISK MANAGEMENT: Chrissy M. V asquez, Arizona State ‘98-Life E X P A N S I O N C O O R D I N AT O R S Shannon R. Kelley, Slippery Rock ’06 Jessica M. Kerns, Wisconsin - Milwaukee ’05 The New Green Economy Global emphasis on environmental sustainability will have profound implications on our work and lifestyles. EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT Alexander T. Sultan, San Diego State ‘93-Life REGIONAL DIRECTORS CENTRAL: LaTonya S. Jackson, Alabama State ‘03 EASTCENTRAL: Scott R. Stampflmeier CFV, Toledo‘98-Life EASTERN: Thomas N. Tran, Pennsylvania State ’02 MIDEAST: Christopher J. Bucknam,V irginia Tech ‘95-Life MIDWEST: Sonia A. Advani, Wisconsin ‘99-Life NOR THCENTRAL: Jennifer J.D obel, Iowa S tate ‘01 NORTHEAST : C had E. Smith CFV, Montclair State ‘93 NOR THWEST: Amanda S. Poch, Washington State‘03 SOUTHERN: Rodney C. Turner, A labama State ‘93-Life SOUTHCENTRAL: A llison L. Harper CFV, Florida State ‘94-Lif e SOUTHEAST: A lexis P. Perdomo, Florida International ‘92-Life SOUTHWEST: Frank F. Alvarado, Arizona State ’00 WESTCENTRAL: Linsey W. Kasper, C olorado ‘00 Foundation 2007-08 Annual Report 29 Practicing Servant-Leadership Servant-leadership crosses all boundaries and is being applied by people working with for-profit and not-for-profit corporations, churches, universities, health care organizations and foundations. Departments 4 26 28 Fraternity News Alumni Notes Audit Eternal ™ The inks used to print the body of this publication contain a minimum of 20%, by weight, renewable resources. ‘Going green’ is happening everywhere, including the printing of The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi. The paper used in this magazine comes from sustainably-managed forests, as certified by the Forest Stewardship Council, Sustainable Forestry Initiative and Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification. The ink used in the magazine is also environmentally friendly (see logo above). M E M B E R S E RV I C E S C O O R D I N AT O R S Cathy J. Cole, Hazel A. Collier, Deborah A. Orff and Melinda S. Rosenthall THE DIARY OF ALPHA KAPPA PSI V I S I O N S TA T E M E N T Alpha Kappa Psi is recognized as the premier developer of principled business leaders C O R E VA LU E S BROTHERHOOD: Trust, respect, cooperation, companionship, and aid to Brother Members is the expected norm © 2008 Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation First published in 1908 VOLUME 98, NO. 1 Editor: Jess C. LaNore Publisher: Gary L. Epperson, CAE The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi is published three times a year (October, February & June) by the Alpha K appa Psi Foundation, 7801 East 88th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46256-1233. Bulk rate postage paid at Indianapolis and additional mailing offices. The magazine is distributed to supporters of the AKPsi Foundation, Life Members, and others. Subscriptions: $10 per year.Voluntar y subscription donations to support the magazine’s continuing commitment to quality may be sent to the above address. If you have a letter to the editor, a tip, or a story idea, you can reach us in any of the following ways.We trea t all communications as letter to the editor unless otherwise instructed, and we reserve the right to edit for length, style, or clarity: (E-mail); (Mail) Editor, The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi,7801 East 88th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46256-1233; (Fax) 317/872-1567; (Phone) 317/872-1553. KNOWLEDGE: Education and experience, whether gained in the classroom or the workplace, is emphasized and shared INTEGRITY: All actions, whether in business or in life, are guided by honesty, ethics, and fairness SERVICE: Sharing of time, talent, and treasure with both communities and with our Fraternity is a priority UNITY: A common understanding of our vision and values that transcends chapter, generation, and profession is utilized to anticipate and create the future MEMBER PROFESSIONAL FRATERNITY ASSOCIATION MEMBER COLLEGE FRATERNITY EDITORS ASSOCIATION | Winter 2008 | The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi 3 F RATERNIT Y NEW S The fraternity’s new workshop was held in nine cities this fall: Columbia (S.C.), Houston, Kansas City, Indianapolis, Birmingham (Ala.), Orange (Calif.), Seattle, Tow son (Md.) and Miami. Students from chapters in the Midwest participated in the Mission: Membership workshop in Indianapolis on October 25. Focus on Membership Fraternity introduces regional workshops to review recruitment and membership fundamentals THIS FALL, ALPHA KAPPA PSI LAUNCHED Mission: Membership—a new workshop focusing exclusively on the areas of membership recruitment, retention and risk management. All student chapters were NOW @ AKPSI.ORG REGISTER FOR THE PRINCIPLED BUSINESS LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE The Principled Business Leadership Institute (formerly Success Institute) offers students and alumni a weekend focusing on professional skill building at the individual level. Check out the programming scheduled for five US locations in February: Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Reno and Philadelphia. Online registration is now open. SHOP THE MARKETPLACE Look no further for the best collection of Alpha Kappa Psi merchandise. With the holiday season underway, shop now for the best selec tion. MAKE A GIFT TODAY The Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation’s 2008-09 Annual Fund campaign began on July 1. Be sure to include yourself among the loyal supporters who help 4 make scholarship and leadership development opportunities available for our future business leaders. Gifts are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. VOLUNTEER WITH CAB Interested in volunteering with a chapter and mentoring student leaders, but concerned about time constraints? Then the Chapter Advisory Board (CAB) program was designed just for you. There are volunteer opportunities for everyone, whether you are a recent graduate, established professional or even a retiree. JOIN THE ALUMNI ASSOC. The Alpha Kappa Psi Alumni Association focuses on proactively increasing and expanding the ways alumni and friends of AKPsi can become meaningfully engaged with the fraternity. Learn more about member benefits and join online. The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi | Winter 2008 | invited to one-day workshops which were held in nine cities and facilitated by experienced volunteers and members of the fraternity’s professional staff. The first part of the workshop prepared students on how to construct a successful recruitment campaign. It focused on marketing, member participation, event planning and follow-up. The second part gave participants a better understanding on how chapters positively and negatively affect an individual’s level of involvement. This session also focused on best practices for engaging members and evaluating member satisfaction. The workshop concluded with a discussion on the fraternity’s risk management policies and how to present this information to a chapter’s membership. Mission: Membership’s curriculum was based on the principles in Road to Brotherhood, Alpha Kappa Psi’s comprehensive guide to the complete fraternity experience. For more information about Mission: Membership or Road to Brotherhood, visit or contact Director of Education Amanda Koerth at or (317) 872-1553. 2009 Principled Business Leadership Institute is now accepting student and alumni registrations HELD IN FIVE DIFFERENT CITIES IN February, the Principled Business Leadership Institute (formerly Success Institute) will offer students and alumni a weekend focusing on professional skill building at the individual level, while allowing for the opportunity to network with other chapters and business professionals. In each of the previous thirteen years, the event was called ‘Success Institute.’ The program’s name was changed this year to reflect an updated curriculum that is centered on the values of principled business leadership and the values of AKPsi—brotherhood, unity, integrity, service and knowledge. The purpose of the institute is to create a shared experience among its participants. Attendees will experience the same “Principled Business Leadership” curriculum in each track, presented by different facilitators. The idea is to move all attendees through the same topics—”Focus on Principles,” “Focus on Business,” and “Focus on Leadership” at the same time. In the afternoon, students will have the opportunity to choose their session topics in the “Focus on Institution” (chapter management) tracks. The first PBLI will be held February 6-8 in Philadelphia. Institues will be held February 20 -22 in Chicago and Dallas, and February 27-March 1 in Atlanta and Reno. Last year, 3,077 students and alumni registered for the event. Chapters with 50 or more students in attendance included South Florida (62), Tennessee (62) and San Jose State (50). More information, including schedules and registration rates, can be found on page 7 or by visiting Volunteers r ecognized f or possessing essential knowlege of fraternity operations TO HELP THE FRATERNITY’S VOLUNteer leaders extend visibility in their positions, Alpha Kappa Psi created the Certified Fraternity Volunteer (CFV) 6000 5000 4000 3000 Initiations holds steady at historic levels 4,560 5,069 5,107 5,283 5,068 5,598 5,697 6,001 5,988 1000 4,713 2000 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 WITH 5,988 INDIVIDUALS INITIATED during the 2007-08 academic year, Alpha Kappa Psi was just shy of the previous year’s all-time record of 6,001. Despite the slight decrease in initiates, the rate for the number of pledges making it to initiation increased from 81% to 83%. | Winter 2008 | The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi 5 program. The program recognizes volunteers who have mastered their knowledge of fraternity operations and have passed a certification test. To obtain CFV recognition, volunteers take an online exam which focuses on all aspects of fraternal operations. Topics covered in the exam include chapter operations, governance, fiscal policies, risk management, fraternity and foundation programs, history, etc. Taking the CFV exam is not required for volunteers; it is simply another opportunity available to enhance their development and performance. More information about the program can be found under ‘Volunteer Opportunities’ at CFV Exam Alpha Kappa Psi congratulates the following individuals who passed the Certified Fr aternit y Volunteer (CFV) exam (through November 18): Er ic Bodman CFV, Creighton ‘04 Michael Dickerson CFV, Virginia Tech ‘04-Life Allison Harper CFV, Florida State ‘94-Life Jonathan Heinlein CFV, American ‘02-Life David Johney CFV, Towson ‘06 Sherah LeB oeuf CFV, L oylola New Orleans ‘05 Lashonda Lin ton CFV, Nova Southeastern ‘06 Mike Molnar CFV, Toledo ‘01-Life Andr ea Nemeth CFV, Montclair State ‘91-Life Gregory Patterson CFV, Northw ood ‘02 Karl Sakas CFV,William & Mary ‘01-Life Chad Smith CFV, Montclair State ‘93 Fraternity and foundation honored for excellence in communications Scott Stampflmeier CFV, Toledo ‘98-Life Melissa J. Stowe CFV, Iowa State ‘98-Life Adam Tice CFV, Alabama ‘02-Life ALPHA KAPPA PSI WAS RECOGNIZED with four communication awards from the College Fraternity Editors Association in May. Jhaymee Wilson CFV, Virginia Tech‘00 Alpha Kappa Psi is Growing... 3 15 NORTHWEST EASTCENTRAL NORTHEAST NORTHCENTRAL 10 16 EASTERN 17 9 7 8 12 MIDWEST CENTRAL 11 6 The fraternity’s Web site placed third in the Web site division, while the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation was honored in three categories: third place, magazine of the year (The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi); second place, logo design (new foundation logo); and third place, total communications program (new foundation letterhead and related 1. Arkansas - Little Rock Prospect (Epsilon Phi, 1962) 2. Arkansas State Prospect (Epsilon Omicron, 1960) 3. British Columbia Colony 4. California - Merced Colony 5. Drexel Eta Psi, Rechartered 6/8/08 6. Long Beach State Prospect (Delta Omicron, 1956) 7. Missouri - Kansas City Prospect 8. Nevada - Las Vegas Colony (Eta Lambda, 1966) 9. Nevada - Reno Colony 10. New Hampshire Colony 11. North Carolina - Greensboro Prospect 12. Virginia Commonwealth Prospect 13. West Florida Prospect 14. Western Illinois Prospect 15. Western Washington Colony 16. Windsor Prospect 17. Youngstown S tate Prospect (Eta Xi, 1966) 5 14 WESTCENTRAL 4 The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi placed third in the magazine of the year category in the College Fraternity Edtiors Association’s annual awards competition. It was the third time the magazine placed in this category since the award was first presented in 2000. MIDEAST 2 1 SOUTHWEST SOUTHCENTRAL SOUTHERN 13 SOUTHEAST The fraternity is geographically divided into 13 regions, each managed by a team of volunteers. Each of these teams is led by an elected regional director which oversees his or her regional management team. RMT memb ers include chapter and faculty advisors , regional managers, Chapter Ad visory Board (CAB) members and others. For information on how help a new chapter or volunteer in your area, visit the ‘Volun teer Opportunities’ section at 6 The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi | Winter 2008 | marketing materials). The College Fraternity Editors Associations is Greek world’s most inclusive interfraternal assocation. Its membership comprises of men’s and women’s fraternities, professional fraternities and honor societies. Convention returns to Orlando in August, 2009 THE FRATERNITY’S 55TH CONVENTION will be in Orlando, August 5-8, 2009. The Convention—AKPsi’s premier event—is held once every two years. It was previously in Orlando in 1999 and 1968. The Convention includes the Chapter Congress Meeting and College of Leadership. However, recognizing the varied interests of our members and guests, the schedule will also include a variety of social activities, such as the alumni Meet N Greet, the popular Alumni Night Out and a tour of the Kennedy Space Center. Chapter Congress Meeting. The backbone of the Convention is the Chapter Congress Meeting. Chapter delegates will have the opportunity to participate in the legislative process and affect the future of AKPsi. Fraternity issues will be discussed and voted on and officers will be elected. College of Leadership. The COL, a unique program focusing on chapter management for students and volunteer leaders, will be held following the Chapter Congress Meeting. It will focus on advanced team and chapter leadership, effective recruitment strategies, fundraising, risk management and more. Just for alumni. With its emphasis on alumni participation, the fraternity is continuing its a la carte options so alumni with time and family restraints can still have fun in Orlando. Many of these events are being designed for alumni who have not been involved with the fraternity in recent years or not at all after college, and would enjoy mingling with other alumni on a purely social level. A great vacation, an incredible value. If you’ve been thinking about a trip to Orlando, now is the time to plan it. The fraternity has negotiated discounted hotel rates at the Wyndham Orlando Resort and tickets to theme parks. The resort is only minutes away from Florida’s most popular theme parks including Walt Disney World, Universal Studios and Sea World Adventure Park. The Convention is held every two years and consists of two main parts — the Chapter Congress Meeting and the College of Leadership. Additional events include the Celebration of Brotherhood, Alumni Night Out and the Grand Banquet. Detailed information about the Convention—including registration rates, event schedules, hotel rates, frequently asked questions and more—is available at To request a brochure via mail, contact the Heritage Center at (317) 8721553 or For its Convention community service project, the fraternity partnered with Give Kids the World Village, a 70-acre, non-profit resort in Central Florida that creates memories for children with lifethreatening illnesses and their families. AKPsi will fulfill GKTW kids’ wishes by collecting items from Convention attendees for distribution to families staying at the GKTW Village. SATURDAY SCHEDULE 8:45 - 9:45 AM Education Session #1: Focus on Principles This session will feature high-level members speaking on the t opic of“What do es Pr incipled Business Leadership mean to me?” 10:00 - 11:00 AM Education Session #2: Focus on Business This session will utilize the featured high-level memb ers from the “Focus on Pr inciples” track in a masters series-type format. Members of the panel will speak on their professional experiences, how principled business leadership has affected their careers and how to apply that to AKPsi. This session is audience-driven, as it is a Q & A format. From page 5 LOCATIONS AND DATES Atlanta February 27 - March 1, Crown Plaza Atlanta - Ravinia Chicago February 20-22, Palmer House Hilton Dallas February 20-22, Renaissance Dallas Philadelphia February 6-8, Doubletree Hotel Philadelphia Reno February 27 - March 1, Circus Circus Reno REGISTRATION RATES Alumni $45 per registrant Students 1-4, $134 per registrant; 5-8, $119 per registrant; 9+, $94 per registran t. Early bird discount:Take $20 off per registration if received by December 12. Half of registration fee is due by December 12 to receive the discounted rate. 11:15 - 12:15 PM Education Session #3: Focus on Leadership This session will focus on individual values. How do we get our values? How do they shape us? How do our values integrate and coincide with AKPsi’s values? How do I live my values daily? 12:30 - 1:30 PM Lunch (included with registration fee) 1:45 - 2:45 PM; 3:00 - 4:00 PM Education Sessions #4 & #5: Focus on The Institution (The Fraternity) These sessions are the nuts and bolts of chapter management: risk management, fundraising and hosting philanthropy events, utilizing chapter resources and the like. These sessions will especially appeal to alumni who are volunteers or are interested in volunteering. 4:15 - 5:00 PM Closing Ceremony REGISTER / MORE INFORMATION To register, or find information on registration deadlines, hotel rates, refund/substitution/cancellation policies and more, visit or call (317) 872-1553. | Winter 2008 | The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi 7 ANNUAL REPORT 2007 - 08 ANNUAL REPORT A L P H A K A P PA P S I F O U N D A T I O N Dear brothers, parents, friends and supporters of the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation: It is with great pleasure that I share with you the following Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation annual report for 2007-08. It was a very successful year for the foundation as a record number of students were able to take advantage of scholarships, leadership and educational programs. This report highlights those successes while honoring the 3,308 loyal supporters who made these opportunities possible. The accomplishments achieved by the foundation in 2007-08 are attributable to so many people and I want to take this occasion to express my gratitude once again for their efforts: To our donors – Your gifts, both past and present, make everything the foundation does possible. Without your support, we simply could not provide the scholarships, fellowships and educational grants that are so vitally important to our students. $700,000 TEN YEARS OF FOUNDATION CONTRIBUTIONS $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $92,224 $146,703 $139,605 $170,601 $120,954 $159,470 $199,414 $469,642 $687,682 $292,557 $200,000 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 I want you to know that your continued gifts are greatly appreciated and we do not take your generosity for granted. We take great care to be good stewards of the resources you provide. You have honored us and we desire to honor you by making sure the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation is all that you expect it to be both now and in the future. To the Foundation Board o f Directors – Thank you for your vision and your tireless efforts to push the foundation to new heights. The decisions you made in 2007-08 will have a lasting positive impact on the foundation’s success for years to come. To the Heritage Center Staff – Thank you for making the programs we so often write about a reality. Those programs and your efforts are truly making a difference. It is on behalf of all our students who benefited from the generosity of our alumni and friends that I offer my most sincere thanks. Because of your investment in our future business leaders—whether cash, stock or other possessions—you have given generously and helped us to take a step closer to fulfilling the vision of our great fraternity: Alpha Kappa Psi is recognized as the premier developer of principled business leaders. In U-- and I--, $100,000 Stephen Vasquez, Arizona State ‘72-Life Foundation Chairman The Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation in an Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3) non profit organization. All gifts to the foundation are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. For the 2007-08 year, the foundation was audited by KB Parrish, LLC of Indianapolis. Audit reports are available upon request. Tax Identification Number: 35-6016131. 8 The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi | Winter 2008 | Honored here are donors who made at least one gift during the 2007-08 campaign (July 1, 2007 - June 30, 2008) and have a lifetime giving of $1,000 or more. LIFETIME GIVING LEGACY CIRCLE | $50,000 + LOYALTY CIRCLE | $2,500 + William A. D onnelly, New York ‘36-Life Howard O. Hampton, New Yor k ‘43-Life R.K. Lee, Washington ‘67-Life Anonymous Charles M. Bro wn, West Vir ginia ‘49-Life Thomas H.B rowning, Arizona‘60-Life John D .C ahill, Buffalo ‘52-Life Carol R. C arter, Gustavus Adolphus ‘76-Life Christopher J. C lemens, Ball State ‘03 Gary L.E pperson,L ouisville ‘92-Honorary/Life Louis J.Fer ony, Bellevue ‘86-Life Ed win J. Feulner, Regis ‘60-Life Michael E. Gerwe, Miami (Ohio) ‘56-Life Nancy A. Ghizzone, Iowa‘89-Life Timoth y J.H ampton, S aint Louis ‘76-Life & Elizabeth A. Hampton, Saint Louis ‘78-Life Highland Street Foundation William L. Koleszar, Florida State ‘86-Life Todd H.L angley, Arizona ‘53-Life Jess C. L aNore, Purdue ‘00-Honorary/Lif e Mark C. MacGibb on, Por tland ‘96-Life David S. Margolis , Wayne Stat e ‘76-Life Jason T. McGill, Seattle ‘96-Life & Rober ta McGill, Sea ttle ‘95 Timoth y Mi tchell, Arizona State ‘95 Melvin C.M oore, V irginia Tech ‘86-Life Motor City Alumni Manuel F. Plana, M iami ‘71-Life Manuel E. Pravia, Miami ‘89-Life Laurie A. Raulst on, Middle Tennessee ‘88-Life Leo V. Ryan, Marquette ‘44-Life Ann M.S exton,Toledo‘82-Life Rober t A. Spansky, Detroit-Day ‘62-Life Charles D. S teffens, Portland ‘87-Life Alexander T. Sultan, San Diego State ‘93-Life Steven T. Tabac, Michigan ‘63-Life United Way of The Inland Valleys Christine M. Vasquez, Arizona S tate ‘98-Life Wadeco Manufacturing Company BLUE & GOLD CIRCLE | $25,000 + Council of Alpha National Philanthropic Trust DAF Philip Morris Companies Inc. Rober t E. Richardson, Io wa ‘76-Life & Pamela L. Richardson, Drake ‘81-Life Daniel J. Roselli,Michigan S tate ‘89-Life Stephen Vasque z, A rizona State ‘72-Life David P. Wendroff, Portland ‘79-Life & Wendy A. Wendroff, Trine ‘80-Life CREST CIRCLE | $10,000 + Bank of America Foundation Paul J. Brinker, Cincinnati ‘84-Life & Leslie-Ann J. Brinker, Old Dominion ‘76-Life Angela D. Bro wn, A drian College ‘81-Life Rober t A. Davenpor t, Old Dominion ‘86-Life Florida Gold Coast Alumni Douglas M.H alka, Florida ‘92-Life Kenneth B .H astey, Saint L ouis ‘76-Life & Jill Johansen Hastey, D rake ‘85-Life William C. Himstreet, USC ‘54-Life William D. Reeve s, Geor gia State ‘59-Life Todd J. Regis , Western Michigan ‘86-Life Chris J. Rufer, UCLA ‘68-Life Ed ward B. Rust, Illinois Wesleyan ‘70-Life Mark D. Warden, USC ‘81-Life GALLEY CIRCLE | $5,000 + Heather E . Allen, Florida State ‘89-Life Paul R. Bailey, M ichigan Stat e ‘88-Life Gerald D. Byrd , CSU - Long Beach ‘62-Life Arthur W. Carlson,M innesota ‘49-Life Tony C. Clar k, Iowa ‘74-Life Sue Duli Jeffrey E . Frank,E astern Michigan ‘86-Life Scott D. Ho well, Texas Tech ‘79-Life & Eileen L. Ho well, UW - Milw aukee ‘77-Life Jayceryll Malabuyoc De Chavez Trust Phil D. May, Saint Louis ‘86-Life Richard W. McVay, Texas Tech ‘79-Life J. Mark Miller, West Geor gia ‘70-Faculty/Lif e V incen t W. Patton, Wayne State ‘43-Life Alexis P. Perdomo, Florida In ter’l ‘92-Life & Patricia S. Perdomo, Florida Inter ’l ‘93-Life Lewis R.S moot , Ohio State ‘89-Honorary/Lif e Tennessee Valley Alumni Ethel Valera-Barker, Arizona State ‘95-Life Lee Voegler, Americ an ‘98-Life John J. Von Achen, Upsala College ‘74-Life Cynthia A. Washington, Saint L ouis ‘82-Life William R. Wehmeyer, SE Missouri S tate ‘85-Life John R. Wielandy, Saint L ouis ‘62-Life FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE | $1,000 + Arthur C. An ton, Boston ‘48-Life C Kevin A rmstrong, Cincinnati ‘92-Life Gregory M. Arnold, Old Dominion ‘84-Life & Susan L. Arnold, Ohio State ‘80-Life William D. Barker, Emor y ‘48-Life Beecher Carlson Holdings, Inc Beta Rho Chapter (West Virginia) Beta X i Chapter ( Vir ginia Tech) Henr y J. Binder, Wayne Sta te ‘47-Life Jeffrey A. Blade, Butler ‘84 Laurissa M. Bray, S outhern Indiana ‘94-Life Frank J. Brye, Western Michigan ‘60-Life Randall C. Budden, Michigan - Dearborn ‘82-Life Robinson B ui, Lamar‘04-Life DeVer e J. Bur tenshaw, Washingt on State ‘54-Life Scott M. Butera, A rizona State ‘84-Life John E. Byrd , Utah ‘65-Life Lisa A. Calandr iello, Americ an ‘97-Life James L. Canvasser, Oakland ‘98-Life Thomas A. Carey, Western Michigan ‘92-Life Rober t E. Carlson, Drake ‘93-Life Donald S. Chapman, Georgia ‘59-Life Richard D. C lark, C olumbia ‘49-Life Leonard M. Clezie , John C arroll ‘60-Life Mark C. Crowell, Tennessee Tech ‘83-Life & V irginia M. Crowell, Tennessee Tech ‘86-Life Donald C. Cundy, Eastern Michigan ‘70-Life Scott A.D rogs, Michigan - Dearborn ‘88-Life & Stacey M. Dro gs,M ichigan - Dearborn ‘90-Life Lori A. Finigian, A rizona State ‘82-Life Michael J. Fischer, Toledo ‘98-Life Peter M. Fleming, CSU - Long Beach ‘73-Life Paul D. Freedle, UNC - Chapel Hill ‘60-Life Lawrenc e A. Friend, Indiana ‘63-Life John C. Fuller , Boston ‘50-Life Gregory L. Gabbard, C incinnati ‘90-Life Paula J. Geiger, V irginia Tech ‘89-Life William R. Goldammer, Marquette ‘54-Life Elaine J. H amilton, A uburn ‘92-Life Lyle V. Hanson, Minnesota ‘49-Life Katherine Hardwick, Winthrop ‘93-Life David M. Heimos , Missouri ‘74-Life Karan A. Hennessy, Geor gia State ‘83-Life I rle R. Hicks, V irginia ‘48-Life Jessic a L. Hill, A rizona Sta te ‘95-Life John R. Hudak, Michigan S tate ‘85-Life Walt er G. Hudson, West Texas A & M ‘72-Life Lisa L. Irby, Saint Louis ‘83-Life Donna J. Jones, S tephen F. Austin ‘82-Life Jerr y A. Katz, A ppalachian State ‘81-Life & Martha Katz, Appalachian S tate ‘81-Life William W. Kibler, Vir ginia Tech ‘58-Life Ed ward J. Koss, Michigan - Dearborn ‘76-Life David A. Lab owitz, UCLA ‘62-Life William T. Laundon, NC State ‘83-Life Norr is F. Lee , Vir ginia Tech ‘48-Life Thomas A. Mack, Stephen F. Austin ‘82-Life & Ther esa Mack, Texas A&M ‘84 John J. Mako wsk i, Oakland ‘86-Life Rober t A.Marra, New York ‘59-Life Duncan L.Matteson,Missouri ‘54-Life Madeline McDuffy, Geor ge Mason ‘99-Life Marvin J. McElvain, Iowa ‘73-Life Daniel D. Mendoza, Miami ‘99-Life Richard J. M eyer, M innesota ‘56-Life Anthony T. Meyer, Florida ‘96-Life & Kathr yn M. Meyer, Florida State ‘97 Microsoft Michael H. Molnar CFV, Toledo ‘01-Life Randolph L. Myers, CSU - Los Angeles ‘57-Life Gary K. N elson, Por tland State ‘65-Life Andrea Nemeth CFV , Montclair Sta te ‘91-Life Alicia D. N eumann,S aint Louis ‘96-Life Donald J. Nichols , UW - Milwaukee ‘60-Life William A. O’Brien, Old Dominion ‘69-Life Brian D. Parker, Indiana ‘93-Life Douglas D. Patrick, Fordham ‘86-Life Caryn J. Patterson, Florida State ‘90-Life David A. Ralston, Richmond ‘94-Life Mark C. Raulst on, M iddle Tennessee ‘91-Life Timoth y J. R eedy, Bradley ‘79-Life Jeffrey T. Rouse, Old Dominion ‘86-Life & Ther esa M.R ouse, Old D ominion ‘87-Life Andrew A. Rupp, Fort Hays S tate ‘74-Life Peter G. Sar les, Babson College ‘58-Life Ilyne B. Sbar, M iami ‘88-Life David J. Scholes, New York ‘65-Life Rober t N. Schreck, UCLA ‘63-Life H. Ro ger Secrest, Michigan ‘48-Life Dennis D. Shiplett, Youngstown S tate‘67-Life Albert D. S honk, Souther n California ‘52-Life Alan Siktberg, Ball State ‘02-Life Kenneth L. Sjob erg, Florida State ‘91-Life Snavely Forest Products Jean M. Souw eine, UNC - Chapel Hill ‘52-Life Gerard T. Staeger, Detroit-Day ‘80-Life Sharon E . Steiert, A ustin Peay ‘98-Life Melissa J. Sto we CFV, Io wa State ‘98-Life Dan L. Stubblefield , Middle Tennessee ‘89-Life Charles E. Swanson,Michigan ‘49-Life J. Kenneth Tabb, Emory ‘49-Life William F. Templin, Illinois ‘41-Life John E. Terhune, Wayne State ‘42-Life William F. Thompson, Vir ginia ‘70-Life Don A. Tidwell, Texas ‘56-Life Tiffany & Co. Delia G. Tillman, Georgia State ‘94-Life Susan A.T itshaw, Middle Tennessee ‘91-Life Cristina M. Trabada, Florida Inter’ l ‘92-Life UBS Financial Services, Inc Rober t S.U krop, Richmond ‘68-Life Donald H. V an Ho ve, Detroit-Day ‘60-Life John L. Van Vliet, D etroit-Day ‘62-Life Lane N. Velayo, Cincinnati ‘00-Life Wachovia Suzanne M. Ward, Drake ‘92-Life Christopher J. Warmuth, USC ‘74-Life Jeffrey B. Warner, Iowa ‘84-Life Scott C. Warren, Seattle ‘97-Life Gregory P. Web er, Montclair State ‘81-Life Lee E. Whitcomb, Wisconsin ‘53-Life Mauric e C. Workman, Illinois ‘48-Life Stacey Young, American ‘93-Life Dominic R. Zaccone, Southern Illinois ‘82-Life | Winter 2008 | The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi 9 The following list includes all donors who made gifts to the Annual Fund for the campaign year July 1, 2007, through June 30, 2008. Donors are listed by chapter of initiation. GIFTS BY CHAPTER 10 ADRIAN COLLEGE Brooklyn Bridge Club Angela D. Brown ‘81-Life (16) + Sapphire Club Carol S. Messman ‘81-Life (4) Patr on’s Club Steven L. Frost ‘72-Life (4) ALABAMA Patr on’s Club Robert K. Branton ‘03 (3) John W. E verage ‘47-Life (2) Sustaining Members Jasmine B .A dams ‘06 (2) * Phillip W. Addingt on ‘06 (2) * Natalie P. A llred ‘06 (2) * Justin Anselmo ‘07 * Ambrey A uten ‘07 * Sara K. Bellcase ‘07 * Rachel L. B ischoff‘06 (2) * Zachar y J. Bragg ‘05 * Mary Kathr yn Brock ‘06 (2) * Justin Church ‘07 * Pamela J. Coburn ‘05 * Chelsea Collins ‘07 * Blair S. Cooper ‘06 (2) * Cor ey B. Cooper ‘06 * Ezell Cor nelius ‘56-Life (6) Allen S. Cox ‘06 (2) * Wesley Eldridge ‘07 * Willie J. Feagin ‘06 (2) Anthony C. F ord ‘05 * Louis V. Franklin ‘06 * Nacondra S. Free ‘06 * Thomas F. Fulton ‘05 * Margaret E. G ibbons ‘07 * Drayton L. G reen ‘04 (4) Steven E. Hayes ‘06 * Lee Hayslip ‘07 * Michael Henderson ‘07 * Eric G. Hess ‘06 (2) * Mark S.H obbie ‘07 * Tameka R. Jackson ‘06 (2) * Charles A. James ‘05 * Stephen Jernigan ‘07 * Ann C. Joiner ‘06 (2) * Brad Lee ‘07 * Elizabeth A. Littr ell ‘06 (2) * Patricia Litzler ‘07 * Erica M. Luby ‘06 (2) * Mary A. Marquez ‘06 (2) * Eric M. Mi tchell ‘07 * Clayton J.M obley ‘06 (2) * Rachel Moble y ‘07 * William M organ ‘07 * Linwo od Mor rison‘66-Life Jennif er L.Newber ry ‘07 (2) * Henr y M. Nixon ‘06 * Kimber ly L. O’N eill ‘06 (3) * Josh Orr ‘07 * Christina Oyler ‘07 * Andrew Paul ‘07 * ANNUAL FUND GIVING LEVELS AMERICAN Pr esident ’s Club Lee Vo egler ‘98-Life (10) Brooklyn Bridge Club Monique A.H arps ‘01 (7) Sapphire Club Lisa A. Calandr iello ‘97-Life (3) Stacey Young ‘93-Life (6) Patr on’s Club Sarah K. Aheron ‘01 (2) Jonathan J.Heinlein CFV ‘02-Life (3) Kelly A. Sut ch ‘98-Life Brendan A. Sut ch ‘98-Life Sustaining Members Amy E.A nda ‘00 Pamela M. Breault ‘82-Life (5) Mary M. Cole ‘96 Alexander S. Dickey ‘85-Life Rebecca B. Rubin ‘00 Kath y Russell ‘02 (3) Francis D. Tuggle ‘91-Fac/Life (12) Tamara Withers ‘97-Life Jessic a Zeroual ‘00 1904 Club — $10,000 + Chairman’s Club — $5,000 + President’s Club — $2,500 + Founder’s Club — $1,000 + Brooklyn Bridge Club — $500 + Sapphire Club — $250 + Patron’s Club — $100 + Balea Per rigin ‘07 (2) * Brandon Pfister ‘07 * Jo e S. Phillips ‘68-Life Dianna M. Pitts ‘06 (2) * Michelle Pomier ‘07 * Christopher B. Por tier ‘06 (2) * Stephanie R. Por tugal ‘05 * Marisa N. Ridge way ‘05 * Candace D . Robinson ‘05 * Jessic a L. Robinson ‘07 (2) * Trent Russell ‘07 * Michael C. Shannon ‘07 * Audrey M. Sharp ‘06 (2) * Clifton R. Sprinkle ‘07 * Shaunic e R.S tarks ‘06 (3) Caitlin E. Stone ‘06 * Alexander H. Teel ‘06 (2) * Griffin P. Thomas ‘07 * Laura A. Thrun ‘06 (2) * Adam E. Tic e CFV ‘02-Life (6) Brittany L. To wnsend ‘05 * Heather E. Treadaway ‘06 (2) * Samuel Trupiano ‘07 * Tara D. Watts ‘06 * Erin A. White ‘06 (2) * James W ilbanks ‘07 * Kevin C. Wood ‘05 * Megan Woo dard ‘07 * Molly Wright ‘02 Brittany Wyatt ‘07 * Kazuya Yano‘07 * Vladimir M. Yeliseyev ‘05 * ALABAMA STATE Patr on’s Club Ro dney C. Tur ner ‘93-Life (7) Sustaining Members Keyanna L. Alexander ‘07 * Jamelle L. A llen ‘07 * Crystal N. Barnes ‘07 * Odessa D. Boswell ‘06 (2) * Kimber ly N. Brown ‘06 (2) * Kendria M. Chewning ‘07 * Jamilia S. Colquitt ‘07 * Lamontria D. Co oper ‘07 * Dari D. Cosey ‘07 * Martha M. Cotton ‘07 * Lauren A. Davidson ‘04-Life (4) * Jarrad J. Dortelus ‘07 * Elaine Dowdy ‘07 * Aisha S.Dunn ‘07 * The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi | Winter 2008 | Patrice R. Emerson ‘07 * Catherine N. Finkle y ‘07 * Jamaal L. Fitzgerald ‘07 * Ro drick T. Gran t ‘01 (5) Rondell Hamilton ‘07 * Steven L. H awk ins ‘07 * Angel L.H enderson ‘07 * Keta S. Humphrey ‘07 * Maria E. Hunter ‘07 * Brandon J. Hurst ‘07 * LaTonya S. Jackson ‘03 Flamoun Johnson ‘07 * Ro ger S.Jones ‘81-Life (2) NiCole M. LaRue ‘07 * Tekira L. Latham ‘07 * Juanterra S. Looney ‘07 * Latoya Q. Marshall ‘07 * Jeannette C. McC all ‘07 * Ashley P. McC ollum ‘07 * Keyteasha M. McCo y ‘05 * Olajuwon A. Meadows ‘07 * Shani Z. Miller ‘07 * Erica M. Mi tchell ‘07 * Quin tero J. Moor e ‘07 * Stanley A. Orr ‘07 * Austin L. Parker ‘07 * Devon R.P atterson ‘07 * Aaron T. Paul ‘07 * Faizah A. Shirley ‘07 * JaLysa N. Smith ‘07 * Jimea G. Stepherson ‘07 * Jaquita N. Stevens ‘07 * Sharetta N. Walk er ‘07 * Dhakiyy a J. Water man ‘07 * Tyrone J. Welch ‘07 * Michael D. Williams ‘07 * APPALACHIAN STATE Patr on’s Club Jerr y A. Katz ‘81-Life (15) Martha Katz ‘81-Life (15) Christopher M. Smith ‘96 (2) ARIZONA Sapphire Club Thomas H.B rowning ‘60-Life (16) Patr on’s Club Alexander E cker t ‘98 Bruce W. G enthner ‘58-Life (2) Kriste Kolasa ‘95 Todd H. Langle y‘53-Life (16) William K. Rapp ‘58-Life (5) Sustaining Members Aaron Anaya ‘05 * Courtney M. Anthon y‘06 * Michele M. Baldi ‘05 * Paola Becerril ‘07 * Dena M. Becker ‘94 (7) Jessic a E. Boessneck ‘06 * Stephanie N. Bond ‘07 * Andrew R. Boyd ‘05 * Megan L. Broaddus ‘06 * Ashley M. Byroad ‘05 * Jessic a I. Candelar ia ‘06 * Elyse M. C arlsen ‘06 * Ber tram M. Cohen ‘50-Life (2) Christopher D. Collins ‘06 * Amanda L. C ondit ‘06 * Erik a M. Coombs ‘05 * Kathr yn H. Cross ‘06 * Jennifer M. D eGennaro‘06 * Amanda L.D ennehy ‘04 * Danny J.Dur an ‘05 Craig L. Friedrichs ‘06 * John G arbaczewski ‘45-Life (3) + Danae N. Garrett ‘06 * ALABAMA-BIRMINGHAM Sustaining Members Ashley A. Billingsley‘07 * Tiffany N. Curtis ‘07 * Jamille Daniel ‘07 * Flora M.Echols ‘07 * Alana V. Edwards ‘05 * Shelly R.G arner ‘07 * Jane E. G entr y-Lorberau ‘05 (4) Mary Grimes ‘05 (4) Demetr ius Hendrix ‘08 * LaQueena S. Jackson ‘07 * Horace J. McC oy ‘05 * Monique S.McKinstr y ‘05 (4) * Jennif er Nor woo d ‘08 * Oladunni A. Oluwo ye ‘07 * Tari O’N eal ‘08 * Angela J. Paumen ‘05 (4) Alyshia M.R obinson ‘07 * Desirae C. Seltzer ‘05 * Kourtney P.S helley ‘07 * Brittany A. S helton ‘08 * Artissa C. Shorter ‘08 * Raina M. Tur ner ‘07 * Keonna R. Ware ‘07 * LaTrice D. Washington ‘06 * Teneasha T. Washington ‘08 * Jessic a M. Westbrook ‘08 * + Clifford Spangler Society Recognition club for those who made provisions for Alpha Kappa Psi in their estate plans. ( ) Consecutive Giving Consecutive years of giving since the 1991-92 campaign are included in parenthesis. * Yellow Rose So ciety Recognition club for those undergraduates who made a minimum contribution of $10. ^ Matching Gift Donor was eligible for a matching gift which was received during the campaign. Brittne y A. Grainger ‘05 * Br yan M. Grossman ‘06 * Jon H abert ‘06 * Michael S. Hamilton ‘05 * Clift on N.Harris ‘07 * Sabr ina K.H ayouna ‘04 * Szarina Hernande z ‘06 * Kathr yn R. Holland ‘06 * Lindsey A. Hudock ‘06 * Alison R.Hughes ‘06 (2) * Adam W. James ‘06 * Kelly M. Jenk ins-Stark ‘06 * Daniel C. Jensen ‘06 * Lauren K. Johnson ‘05 * Hillery L. Kemp ‘04 * Tracy L. K istler ‘06 * Wir an P. Korala ‘04 * Dana L. Lefkowitz ‘06 * William J. Lichtsinn ‘05 * Chelsie J. Little ‘05 * Matthew C.Lo ehman ‘04 * Rober t E. Ludlow ‘58 Nicole S. Maller y ‘06 * Catherine A. Marcoly ‘06 * Rachel A. Mastroianni ‘05 * Courtney A.M cAbee ‘05 * Jor dan B. M cCollum ‘05 * Rebecca J.M cGlensey ‘06 * Eleni K.M iachika ‘07 * Jena A. Michels ‘06 * Jesse H. Miller Murphy ‘05 * Nicholas B. Miller-Cabianc a ‘04 * Monique Montano ‘06 * Patrick R. M oran ‘05 * Gabr iel M. Munoz-Fit ch ‘06 * Ivonne M.Mur rieta ‘07 * Jenny T. Nakashima ‘06 * Andre J. Ospital-Cone ‘07 * Jerald D. Raticoff ‘50-Life (2) Michael J. Re ynolds ‘07 * Angela M. Roberts ‘00 (2) Barbar a N. Sainz ‘07 * Ariel E. Schwartz ‘06 * Farah H. Sharif ‘05 * Saman tha N. Shott ‘06 * Josh Silverman ‘96 (4) Thomas H. Sinding ‘04 * Kaitlin M. Sloane ‘06 * Jennif er D. Smith ‘07 * Kristen L. Smyser ‘03 Casie F. Squir es ‘04 * Garrett S. Standrowicz ‘06 * Danielle R. Stephens ‘05 * Max D. S trass ‘06 * Jesse R. Tadlock ‘05 * Matthew J.Theis ‘05 * Bethany Toland ‘07 * Marisa W. Trevino ‘06 * Helene P. Trompeter ‘05 * Ashley L. Weston ‘05 * John A. Whar ton ‘07 * Brianna N. York ‘05 * Yerbolat A. Zhumak hmetov ‘06 * Sustaining Members Sarah K. C ameron ‘07 * Whitne y C. Case y ‘07 * Sara E. Hamilt on ‘05 * V irginia E. Herriott ‘07 * Jennif er M.Hester ‘07 * Lauren K. Ingold ‘06 * Ashley N. Johnson ‘07 * Jonathan M. Loden ‘95 (5) Elizabeth Messer ‘06 * Tammy J. Tipton ‘05 * Brian Ehr ig‘96-Life Sara J. Erickson ‘05 * Lori A. Finigian ‘82-Life (7) Lisa A. Jackson ‘82 Sandra Jovanovic ‘07 * Michael J. Kim ‘96 William J. Negrey ‘72 (2) Debora J. Oliva ‘93 (5) Jill D. Rother ‘00 Jeffrey N.S herman ‘05 (2) Philip J. Valvo ‘05 (2) * Liesel A. Weisling ‘04 BAYLOR AUSTIN PEAY ARIZONA STATE WEST Patr on’s Club James H. Cro well ‘65-Life (4) Sharon E . Steiert ‘98-Life Sustaining Members Pamela A. Brown-Wilson ‘86 (3) Teresa Coa tes Super ‘04 (2) * Ronald D. Daniel ‘77-Life Martina C. D avis ‘06 (2) * Dayhana J.E spinosa ‘07 * Rashidat E yiowuawi ‘06 (2) * Jacqueline H. Felland ‘97 (2) Diar ese George ‘07 * Bonita Jenk ins ‘07 * Rober t W. Martin ‘77-Life (10) Christopher McGee ‘07 * Scott Moor e ‘08 * Christel L. Morgan ‘05 (2) * Marie Prichard ‘06 (2) * Benjamin Roberts ‘07 * Rebecca L. Seymour ‘06 (2) * Casey L.S heffer ‘06 (2) * Tina M.U rbi ‘07 * Br yan G. West ‘94-Life (4) ^ Patr on’s Club Michael P. Reiche ‘03 (3) Sustaining Members Abel J. Arriaga ‘07 * Cristina Banna ‘07 * Tyrone A. Bo wens ‘07 * Clarissa H. C ampos ‘07 * Chris G. Castillo ‘06 * Bianca N. Del Carmen ‘06 * Samuel R. Heffner ‘07 * John W. La Chase ‘07 * Maya S. Richardson ‘02 (3) Sopheak Sam ‘07 * Kyle T. Schmitt ‘07 * Anna M. Tor res ‘06 * Misti R. Tyrin ‘07 * ARKANSAS Patr on’s Club James P. Rounsavall ‘86-Life (5) Jesse P. Walt ‘47-Life (3) Sustaining Members James L. L ackey ‘50-Life (14) AZUSA PACIFIC Sustaining Member Alicia E. Montgomery ‘03 ARKANSAS - LITTLE ROCK Patr on’s Club Nanette Foreman ‘82-Life (4) Sustaining Members John C. Fournier ‘79-Life Stanley M usick ‘70-Life Raymond A. Weber ‘69 (7) BELLEVUE BOSTON Patr on’s Club Lucille L. Chilt on ‘87 (2) James Clar ke ‘79-Life (2) Louis J. Ferony‘86-Life (12) Sustaining Members Gerardo G. Campbell ‘79-Life (3) Genevieve I. D avis ‘85-Life (2) Michael J. Papay ‘80-Life Willie N. W hite ‘83-Life BENEDICTINE COLLEGE BALL STATE Brooklyn Bridge Club Christopher J. Clemens ‘03 (2) Alan Siktberg ‘02-Life (6) Sustaining Members Giuseppe Di Capr io ‘07 * Joshua S. Machtinger ‘07 * Sustaining Members John B. Clyburn ‘68-Life ^ John L acki ‘64-Life (3) BOISE STATE 3500 3000 2500 2000 Sapphire Club John D . Cahill ‘52-Life (13) Sustaining Members Erik W. Burton ‘05 (4) Janice J. Chen ‘07 * Alexander T. D iNunzio ‘06 * Tana M.D ippolit o ‘06 (3) * Rohini G upta‘07 * Charles H. Harrigan ‘07 * Allison K. Huson‘05 * Jiamin Liu ‘07 (2) * Janet Luong ‘07 * Christine S. Newman ‘07 * Cedric Ngabonziza ‘07 * Amy N. Nguyen ‘05 * Angel Rosa‘05 (2) * William C. Schenk ‘05 Leah N. Weiss ‘07 * BUTLER Founder ’s Club Jeffrey A. Blade ‘84 (2) + Patr on’s Club Matthew R. Meer ‘02 (3) Sustaining Members Gavin X. H oward ‘97 (4) Scott T. Menne ‘88-Life (16) CAL POLY SAN LUIS OBISPO 1500 3,308 4,005 2002-03 2,798 3,404 2001-02 2,688 3,231 2000-01 2,543 3,083 1,543 1999-00 2,737 1,490 1,927 1998-99 2,283 1,025 1,333 1,973 1,071 1,383 1000 1,081 1,345 1904 Club Stephen Vasque z ‘72-Life (7) ^ + Founder ’s Club Timoth y Mi tchell ‘95 (2) Ethel Valera-B arker ‘95-Life (5) Brooklyn Bridge Club Christine M.V asquez ‘98-Life (7) + Sapphire Club Glenn J. Zeldin ‘87 Patr on’s Club Frank F. A lvarado ‘00 (7) ^ Scott M. But era ‘84-Life (3) Jessic a L. Hill ‘95-Life (8) + Timoth y J.Metzer ‘72-Life (2) Donald T. Sechler ‘96-Life (4) Sustaining Members Zachar y Al ter ‘03 Michael W. Bott ‘72 (2) Kyle B ridgeman ‘06 (2) Michelle A. Cole ‘97 (2) Lori D. Collins ‘88-Life 4500 4000 ARIZONA STATE BRADLEY BUFFALO BLOOMFIELD COLLEGE TEN YEARS OF DONORS ( ■ ) AND GIFTS ( ■ ) Sustaining Member Anthony S. Massimino ‘55-Lif e (5) Patr on’s Club Harold W. Lundstrom ‘63 (7) Phillip R. Paleg ‘72 Timoth y J. Reedy ‘79-Life (11) Sustaining Members Douglas J.Luek en ‘73-Life (5) Chester F. Romaniak ‘68 (2) BINGHAMTON Sapphire Club Larry P. Auerbach ‘73 Sapphire Club Arthur C. Anton ‘48-Life (3) Patr on’s Club James E. Chandler ‘50-Life (6) John C. Fuller ‘50-Life (6) Ed win R.N elson ‘57 (3) Sustaining Members James M. Connors ‘07 * Warren H. Jackson ‘51 (2) BOSTON COLLEGE Patr on’s Club Frederick W. Lauper ‘71-Life (2) Sustaining Members James H. C hapman ‘75-Life Sustaining Member Garr S. Williams ‘59-Life Sapphire Club Peter G. Sarles ‘58-Life (6) Sustaining Member Richard L. Kozacko ‘55-Life (2) Patr on’s Club Elaine J. H amilton ‘92-Life (4) Jessica R.S eitz‘02-H onorary/Life (8) Sustaining Members Fawaz Hashmi ‘84-Life (2) William C. Sha w ‘62-Life Phil D. Wedemeyer ‘68 BIRMINGHAM SOUTHERN BABSON COLLEGE AUBURN Patr on’s Club Julia A. Frank lin ‘90-Life Devron L. M iller ‘93-Life Sustaining Members Ambar Beltran ‘06 * Jon E. G abrielson ‘69-Life Amy M.G rant ‘07 * Richard K. Jung ‘83 John M. LeVering ‘95-Life (2) Danijela M atrak ‘03 (5) Emerson C.Maxson ‘69-Fac (13) Amanda J. Sargent ‘06 (2) Megan Skillman ‘07 * Thomas S. Watkins ‘07 * Patr on’s Club Kimber ly D. M itzner ‘02 (3) Sustaining Members Amanda L. B altazar ‘06 * Lisa M. Cotton ‘06 (2) Jenell M. Leslie ‘05 (2) James A. M ayer ‘03 (2) 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 500 Sustaining Members Jon D. Comeau ‘07 * Josh Ferguson ‘03 Michelle L. Field ‘06 * Joseph W. M erkel ‘08 (2) * Stephanie Shih ‘07 * TeAnne N.Spar aco ‘06 * Shane M. Wakerling ‘06 CALGARY Patr on’s Club Kawaldeep Kaur ‘05 (3) Jessie C. Li ‘05 (3) | Winter 2008 | The Diary of Alpha Kappa Ps i 11 CALIFORNIA - BERKELEY Sustaining Member Mayra J. V illalta ‘03 (3) CALIFORNIA - DAVIS Sustaining Members Robert Chao ‘06 (2) * Philip Chuang ‘02 Brian S. Fung ‘05 * Catherine M. Jeu ‘05 * Janine K arleskind ‘06 * V inh k.Le ‘06 * Daniel S. Ooi ‘07 * Van W. Shu ‘03 Chuen Wong ‘07 * CALIFORNIA - IRVINE Patr on’s Club Lindsay A. Warden ‘02 CALIFORNIA - LOS ANGELES Chairman’s Club Chris J.R ufer ‘68-Life (15) Sapphire Club Robert N. Schreck ‘63-Life (10) Patr on’s Club Yen-Pao Chen‘99 Earl N. Feldman ‘63-Life Richard A. Frindt ‘62-Life John L. Hoffman ‘53 David A. Labo witz ‘62-Life (14) Sustaining Members Whitelaw R. Allen ‘50-Life (2) Paul M. Lee ‘39-Life (5) Thong H.Phan ‘05 Alexander J. Resnick ‘64-Life (2) CALIFORNIA - RIVERSIDE Sapphire Club Zhen L. Huang ‘01 SCHOLARSHIPS These scholarships were funded through endowments established by individuals or chapters. Through an endowment, only interest income is used to support annual scholarships. Amy E. Benes Drake ‘05 J.D. Sparks Scholarship Jessica A. Birchwell Kentucky ‘07 William A. Donnelly Midwest Scholarship Erin M. Chase Nebraska ‘06 Theodore G. Ehrsam Scholarship Phillip A. Chowaniec Gonzaga ‘07 William A. Donnelly Northwest Scholarship Joseph M. Correnti Binghamton ‘07 William A. Donnelly Northeast Scholarship Huan Du Georgia Tech ‘07 Carlton J. Siegler Scholarship Brittany L. Folds Angela N. Garcia Western Car olina ‘06 Texas Tech ‘06 Fraternity Presidents William A. Donnelly Scholarship Southcentral Scholarship Carol D. Hall Tennessee State ‘07 William A. Donnelly Southern Scholarship Jesse Kuiper Georgia ‘06 Kenneth W. Hufford Accounting Scholarship Fraternity-wide scholarship recipients are pictured at right and chapter recipients are listed below. Danielle Findley Haley C. Flowers Northern Colorado‘06 Toledo ‘06 William A. Donnelly William A. Donnelly Westcentral Scholarship Eastcentral Scholarship Scott T. Lathr up Kentucky ‘07 William E. Westerdahl Scholarship Kimberly A. Linton B utler ‘05 Fraternity Presidents Scholarship Megan M. Longnecker Iowa State ‘06 William A. Donnelly Northcentral Scholarship M itchell T. McCauslin Missouri State ‘07 William A. Donnelly Central Scholarship Aseel E. Moosa Pennsylvania ‘07 William A. Donnelly Eastern Scholarship Erin M. Murphy B utler ‘07 Jesse H. Bert Scholarship Allison M. Niendiek Southern Illinois ‘04 William A. Donnelly Scholarship Amanda L. Oppenheim Arizona State ‘07 William A. Donnelly Southwest Scholarship Michelle A. Rahman Virginia ‘07 William A. Donnelly Mideast Scholarship Arianne A. Salandy W inthrop ‘07 Adr ew P. Duli Scholarship Desiree Segobiano Florida ‘05 William A. Donnelly Southeast Scholarship Tomas Vacek Stanford ‘07 William D. Reeves Scholarship Beta Xi Scholarship - Virginia Tech Used for Success Institute expenses* Rho Scholarship - Washington Tiffany R. Thompson, Washington ‘07 Gamma Eta Scholarship - Toledo Nicole C. Ker n , Toledo ‘05 Gamma Omega Scholarship - Seattle Used for Success Institute expenses* Nu Phi Scholarship - Pittsburgh-Johnstown Used for Success Institute expenses* Alpha Mu Scholarship - Wisconsin Used for Success Institute expenses* Z eta Psi Scholarship - M iddle Tennessee Used for Success Institute expenses* Gamma Tau Scholarship - Western Michigan Abhishek Narula,G eorgia Tech ‘06 S teven G. Co oper Scholarship - Tennessee J acob H. Phillips, Tennessee ‘06 Eta Scholarship - Cincinnati Used for Success Institute expenses* Dean James Rainey Scholarship - Michigan State Used for Success Institute expenses* W ayne P. B arker Scholarship - P hoenix Alumni Morgan Leigh McDonald, Arizona State ‘07 Stephen Vasquez Scholarship - ASU Oliver Fickes Jaceryll de Chavez Scholarship - Rutgers Michelle Mak, Rutgers ‘05 Tennessee Valley Alumni Scholarship Andrea Bart, Tennessee-Chattano oga ‘06 * Chapter chose to use its scholarship to cover expenses for students attending the fraternity’s 2008 Success Institute. 12 The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi | Winter 2008 | Sustaining Members Lena Y. Auyeng ‘04 Philipp Tran ‘07 * CALIFORNIA - SAN DIEGO Brooklyn Bridge Club V incen t V. Bitz ‘01 Patr on’s Club Stephen M. Napier ‘00 (4) Beth J. S teffes ‘92-Life Sustaining Members Chris M. Cla yton ‘98 Jennif er L. Hutkoff‘91-Life Chern C. Lee ‘03 (2) Jeremy Y. Shinoda ‘96-Life (3) CALIFORNIA SANTA BARBARA Sustaining Members Noel D e La Torre ‘04 Ric H. Keo ‘06 (2) Ashley Lin ‘08 * Christina Ly ‘07 * CSU - BAKERSFIELD Sustaining Member Thomas L. Por ter ‘90 CSU - FRESNO Patr on’s Club Gilber t R. Baker ‘87-Life Sara J. Urena-H odge ‘99 Sustaining Members Dilb er S. Nijjer ‘99 Rex O . Ransom ‘72-Life Caitlin E. Tiftick ‘04 (3) CSU - LONG BEACH Founder ’s Club Gerald D. Byrd ‘62-Life (3) + Patr on’s Club Peter M.F leming ‘73-Life (16) Merri B. Robinson ‘80-Life (4) Ro ger M. Schueller ‘65-Life (4) Sustaining Members Louis A. Clunk ‘61-Life (4) V ictor R. Conrad ‘60-Life (4) Charles R. Dellinger ‘57-Life (2) Rober t A. Thompson ‘56-Life CSU - NORTHRIDGE Patr on’s Club Jeffrey M. Chean ‘87-Life Paul Trinh ‘06 Sustaining Members Kareem A. Ghanie ‘06 * Kazima H oshimoto ‘06 Ryan H. Nguyen ‘07 * Karen B. Shannahan‘88-Life Brandon C. Yu ‘06 * CSU - SAN BERNARDINO Patr on’s Club Barr y D. Gumaer ‘93-Life (5) Susan A. Port e‘98 (5) Sustaining Member Raquel C. Benmergui ‘96-Life (7) CSU - SAN MARCOS Sustaining Members Sean R. Bambarger ‘04 (2) Heather E. Jennings ‘06 * Melissa L.M attingly ‘07 * CANISIUS COLLEGE Brooklyn Bridge Club Terrance P. Power ‘78-Life Patr on’s Club Rober t R.K ratus ‘71-Life (10) Sustaining Members Anthony N. Diina ‘68 Richard R.H enry ‘98 (8) Rober t E. Jagodzinsk i ‘72-Life (5) Kevin K uligowski ‘79-Life (2) Douglas D. Smith ‘75-Life Matthew Waitner ‘03 CARNEGIE MELLON Sustaining Member Raymond Liu ‘06 * CARROLL COLLEGE Patr on’s Club Ed ward K. Kostrowski ‘69-Life (3) William B. Yersin ‘62-Life (16) CASE WESTERN RESERVE Sustaining Member Elizabeth B asich ‘06 CENTENARY COLLEGE CSU - LOS ANGELES Patr on’s Club Randolph L. M yers ‘57-Life (16) Sustaining Members Franklin J. Ruedel ‘61-Life Gerald W. Spencer ‘71-Life (4) + Clifford Spangler Society Recognition club for those who made provisions for Alpha Kappa Psi in their estate plans. ( ) Consecutive Giving Consecutive years of giving since the 1991-92 campaign are included in parenthesis. * Yellow Rose S ociety Recognition club for those undergraduates who made a minimum contribution of $10. ^ Matching Gift Donor was eligible for a matching gift which was received during the campaign. Patr on’s Club Jan C. S wenson ‘97-Life CENTRAL FLORIDA Sustaining Members Kyle E. C onsidder ‘01 Alexei Fomine ‘02 Andrew R. Hunsaker ‘05 Marisa s. Moolsiri ‘07 * Francis T. Veigle ‘04 * CENTRAL MICHIGAN Sapphire Club Chris L. Savelle ‘05 (3) * Patr on’s Club Lori E. A rmstrong ‘85-Life Loren J. Bidle ‘72-Life (4) Clark M. Harper ‘82-Life (3) Kelly L.H ess ‘89-Life (5) David Humbarger ‘01 Kur t M. Kulpa ‘75-Life Sustaining Members Jon B auer ‘07 * Holly L. Beck ‘08 * Geor ge T. Blackmor e ‘07 * Shannon Bo yce ‘07 * Craig A. Brightwell ‘08 * Amanda M. Brooks ‘07 * Annual Fund Giving Levels 1904 Club — $10,000 + Chairman’s Club — $5,000 + P resident’s Club — $2,500 + Founder’s Club — $1,000 + Brooklyn Bridge Club — $500 + Sapphire Club — $250 + Patron’s Club — $100 + Adam R. Co oper ‘07 * Kathr yn L. Dinkel ‘07 * Kelly Donoughe ‘07 * Jill E . Driscoll ‘07 * Catherine J. Edison ‘08 * Jennif er Emer y‘07 * Adam S. Ewing ‘07 * Lindsay Garbutt ‘07 * Mark A. Gen tile ‘07 * Jennif er M. Goo den‘07 * Bro oke L.G ray ‘07 * Erica Groden ‘08 * Rachel B. Hammond ‘07 * Sean F.H artzell ‘07 * Jeffery P. Helsto wsk i ‘07 * Patrick J. Holmes ‘67-Life Colleen Husk ‘07 * Kelse y L. Karch ‘07 * Alison M. Klimek ‘08 * Rachael M. Kowalski ‘07 * Renee A. Lewandowski ‘07 * Alicia R. Liken ‘07 * Brian G. Long ‘65-Life (10) Ashley L.L owe ‘08 * Anthony J. M arcucci ‘08 * Saman tha M.McC rossin ‘07 * Michael J. M cCrumb ‘75-Life Erik a L.M cCubbin ‘06 (2) * Brenda L. Meller ‘95 Jor dan A. Miller ‘08 * Michele K. Myers ‘07 * Ryan J. N audi ‘04 Rober t L.Nelson ‘07 * Gregory A. Nolin‘70-Life (4) Julie K. Ottoman ‘07 * William Petterson ‘08 * Dana E. Pfaff‘07 * Shane G. R ich ‘08 * Nicole M. Ridenour ‘07 * Jason D. Schneider ‘07 * Stacey L. Shea ‘07 * Michael V eselinovski ‘07 * Kylee R. Wackerle ‘05 Rober t M.Walls ‘07 * Kendra Zadonia ‘99 (5) CENTRAL WASHINGTON Sustaining Members Kristen Adamson ‘06 (2) * Rebecca S. Bisnett ‘06 (3) Steven R. Cook ‘07 * Kevin G arvin ‘06 Ryan S. Golz e‘92-Life Katherine A. Hank e ‘98 (2) Mark J. Johnson‘84-Life (3) Rober t Morrison ‘06 * Lacey S. Scheuerlein ‘02 Catlin H. Scott ‘06 * Marisa M. Tesch ‘07 * Robyn L. To wnsend ‘07 * Stephanie L. Wallen ‘92-Life (2) Meghan G.W right ‘05 (2) CHAPMAN Sustaining Members Derek M. Bruner ‘07 (2) * CarolAnn Casebolt ‘07 * Cameraon L. Case y ‘06 * Teresa A. Chan ‘05 (3) * Yoshita Chaudhri ‘07 * Dan Chin ‘07 * Andrew Clarke ‘07 * Kathr yn M. DeMar ‘05 (3) * Alejandra Dominguez ‘07 * Danielle M. D oty ‘06 (3) * Erin Dudzinski ‘05 (3) * Genesis Gonzalez ‘07 * Justin A. G uerra ‘01 (2) Ashlee A.G uerra ‘03 (2) Cole Harris ‘07 * Katie H olwick ‘06 (3) * Alissa J.Honig ‘06 * Lachmi K. Jaini ‘01 Andrea J. Ko epke ‘01 (4) Andrei A. Krysso v‘05 (3) * Kyle LaBahn ‘07 * Kellie M. Maher ‘06 (2) * Bro oke Malik ‘07 * Taylor E. Martini ‘07 * Jason A. Mathieson ‘05 (3) * Natalie M atsumoto ‘07 * Jillian M. M cCord ‘07 * Hollie C. Mobraaten ‘06 (3) * Saman tha E. M oore ‘06 (3) * Sara A. Mouser ‘05 (3) * Silvia-Karina Nava ‘06 (3) * Helena Nguyen ‘01 (7) Michelle Peugnet ‘01 (4) Kase y C. Phillips ‘03 (4) David C. Piper ‘01 (7) Jamila M. Qadiri ‘06 (2) * Andrew D. Ramirez ‘05 (3) * Nana Sakaeda ‘07 * Amy M. Saltzer ‘06 (3) * Rebecca L.Shasha ‘06 (2) * SheaLynn S lover ‘07 * Hilary A. S osa ‘05 (3) * Brian R. Tippy ‘06 (2) * Claire Tran ‘06 (3) * Sally Tran ‘07 * Michael Tran ‘07 * Mackenzie Ulrikson ‘06 (3) * Kristin S. Wing ‘07 * Amanda S. Young ‘07 * I rene Yu ‘05 (3) * Ryan E. Zalaskus ‘06 (2) * CHARLESTON Patr on’s Club Kaysha E . Smith ‘05 Sustaining Members Whitley P. Bro wn ‘07 * Toni D. E ver ly ‘07 * Isaac Ladson ‘06 * Brendan Lloyd ‘06 * Ronisha J. Mayes ‘06 * Freda L. McInnis ‘05 * Chinedu A. Nwadiugwu ‘07 * Kimber ly D. Richardson ‘05 * Treshawn K. Stuckey ‘07 * Perry G. Timmons ‘06 * Kur t P. Vedder ‘02 Kendra T. Wrigh t ‘05 * CHRISTOPHER NEWPORT Brooklyn Bridge Club Ronald L. West ‘72-Life Sustaining Members Elise J. Barne y ‘00 (3) Stephanie E . Barr y ‘06 (2) * David T. Baum ‘07 * Sarah C. Bro wn ‘06 (2) * Emily R. Cooper ‘06 (2) * Patrick K. C row ‘06 (2) * Mary F. Dolan ‘07 * Charles W. Edson ‘07 * Lesley M.H arden ‘06 (2) * Shelly M. Haywo od ‘02 Patricia J. Ho en ‘06 (2) * James L. H owells ‘00 (2) David F. Jacoby ‘07 * Donald T. Joyner ‘92 (2) JoAnn K. Lankford ‘78-Life Meredith A. Long ‘07 * Paul A. Oskvarek ‘06-Life (2) * Lauren M. Pulvino ‘07 * Maygon W. Sowder ‘07 * Jennif er E. Steel ‘05 (3) * Jefferson H. Teller ‘92-Life (2) Jessic a L. Timbers ‘07 * Howard G. W ince ‘01 (4) CINCINNATI Brooklyn Bridge Club Paul J. Brinker ‘84-Life (11) + Alan J. Rengering ‘93-Life (3) Sapphire Club C Kevin Armstrong ‘92-Life (3) Patr on’s Club Gregory L. Gabbard ‘90-Life (7) Benjamin D .M allin ‘47-Life (2) Richard L. Popp ‘97-Life (2) Sustaining Members LeAnne M. Anklan ‘03 (3) Kelly M. Burke Kaine ‘87-Life (2) Cassandra L. Cha tman ‘80-Life Corinne D.H onkomp ‘96-Life (3) Steven R. Ludwig ‘87-Life (5) Harold E. Massie ‘60-Life (4) Bo wen S hen‘03 Lane N. Velayo ‘00-Life (7) John G. Waecht er ‘69 Jeffrey A. Wasserstrom ‘77 (3) Richard B. Zwelling ‘81-Life (2) CLARKSON Patr on’s Club Bruc e V. Beck ‘61-Life Kendall W. Curtis ‘69 (2) Darryl J. Dillenback ‘67-Life (2) Sustaining Members David J. Bor land ‘88-Life (2) Andre F. DeSpirlet ‘85-Life Albert P. Grupper ‘60-Life (5) Peter R. Presc ott ‘64-Life Barbar a Anne F. Wallace ‘86-Life (4) CLEMSON Sustaining Members Sandra H. Bediako ‘05 (2) * Kathr yn S. Bickers ‘07 * Jessic a E. Childs ‘06 (2) * Adriane I. Co chran ‘06 (2) * Glenda A. Dredden ‘05 (3) * Shakeeta R. F easter ‘07 (2) * Steven M. Hughes‘06 (2) * Harold P. Hughes ‘07 * Nicole L. Lane ‘05 * Jessic a N.McC ulley ‘06 (2) * Cowin C.M ills ‘06 (2) * Sarah K. Moise ‘06 * Arun Sath yana than ‘07 * Brittne y Walk er ‘07 * Bradley T. W illiams ‘05 (4) COLORADO Patr on’s Club Ken t R.Hastings ‘62-Life (4) Linsey W. Kasper ‘00 (4) Ryan V. Kasper ‘01 (4) John E . Litz ‘58-Life (4) Sustaining Members Thomas W.G irardo ‘61-Life (2) Jennifer H. Kuhn ‘99-Life (7) Anastasia M.Str iegnitz ‘03 Matt Teitelbaum ‘00-Life (4) COLORADO COLLEGE Patr on’s Club Richard H. Alderson ‘35-Life COLORADO STATE Sustaining Members Kylee D. Allen ‘05 (3) Hillar y Anderson ‘06 * John Bidwell ‘05 (2) * Sara A. Bielmaier ‘07 * Laura M. Bolan ‘07 * Brittany B radfield ‘06 * Jessic a Brunson ‘07 * Jon Cook ‘05 * Raymond J. D aniel ‘07 * V icky R.D ix ‘91-Life (2) Angela C.D ueber ‘06 (2) * | Winter 2008 | The Diary of Alpha Kappa Ps i 13 Leah Hutchins ‘07 * Mark K. Kerwoo d ‘06 (2) * Grant McFarland ‘06 (2) * Jessic a Monroe ‘02 (5) Jennif er M. Negron ‘07 * I rene M. Nissen ‘06 (2) * Raluca Oniu * Chade Peet ers ‘06 (2) * Matt R.R ohan ‘05 * Chelsea Rump ‘07 * Courtney Swan ‘07 * Monica Williams ‘06 * COLUMBIA Sapphire Club Richard D. Clar k ‘49-Life (16) Patr on’s Club Edwin J. N elson ‘46-Life Laurenc e D. Weinb erg ‘63-Life Sustaining Members Wesley W. Allen ‘61-Life (10) Hamilton P.Schr auff ‘58-Life CREIGHTON Patr on’s Club Becky A. Smouse ‘96-Life (5) ^ Sustaining Members Scott E. Billings ‘86 (7) Eric M. Bo dman CFV ‘04 (3) * Kathi L. Christie ‘91-Life (4) Tiffany Paclik ‘06 * Gerald F. Petersen ‘60 DAYTON Sustaining Members Thomas V. Fer rero ‘65-Life (3) Thomas A. Klein ‘56-Faculty (2) John A. Ostapuck ‘66-Life (4) Timothy M. Petric ‘68-Life (4) DELAWARE STATE Sustaining Member Daryl C. Bro oks ‘05 (2) DENVER Patr on’s Club Wallace M.Ginn ‘48-Life Louis C.G olm ‘62-Life Joseph L. M cCaffery ‘75-Life Sustaining Members Claire B. Buck ley ‘37-Life John H. Crawford ‘62-Life Larry M. Wile ‘90-Life (4) DEPAUL Sustaining Members Jackie Bee ‘06 * Alexander C arlos ‘05 * Fabiola Co var rubias ‘07 * Michelle Diem ‘07 * Sarah Dulat ‘06 * Megan Dunn‘06 * Evelyn Gajc ‘07 * Dan R. K aiser ‘07 * Mi tchell A. Kinast owski ‘07 * Asada Krengvithaya ‘06 * Judy Z. Lee ‘06 * Amy Levine ‘07 * Brandon J.M andarino ‘07 * Kyla B. Mor an ‘07 * Melody M oy ‘07 * Melanie Mueller ‘07 * Cor inne Nelles ‘07 * Nancy Nhung T. Nguyen ‘07 * Kevin J. Park ‘06 * Miral Patel ‘03 Emily H. Po ore ‘02 Wayne Pua ‘06 * Leah M. Sbigoli ‘07 * Monique K. Serbu ‘05 * Julia L. Setnicker ‘07 * Sean G. Shar key ‘07 * Michael P. Sullivan ‘07 * Julie Telles ‘06 * Ronan Tipan ‘02 Punya S. Uppaluri ‘07 * Rominna V illasenor‘06 * Theodore M.V ollmar ‘07 * Lidia P. Yip ‘06 * Nineveh S. Zoudo ‘07 * DETROIT-DAY Sapphire Club Robert A. Spansk y ‘62-Life (16) Donald H. Van Hove ‘60-Life (8) John L.V an Vliet ‘62-Life (4) Patr on’s Club James P. Parrino ‘68-Life (10) Gerard T. Staeger ‘80-Life (10) Sustaining Members Zolten A. Ambrus ‘49-Life John B. Byrne ‘52 (2) Ronald C. Hritzko win ‘53-Life (2) Robert W. Jassoy ‘60 (2) Gary L. Pilawsk i ‘69-Life (3) Ralph H. Pro ctor ‘69-Life (2) Walter T. Stace y ‘63-Life 14 At four different locations, chapters competed in the foundation’s Case Competition in Febr uary. This y ear’s case focused on the development of a pricing and promotion strategy for a product in a nonprofit environment. Teams placing first, second and third place at each location were awarded $1,000, $500 and $250 in scholarships from the foundation’s Carlton J. Siegler Scholarship Fund. Foundation Director David Wendroff (left) and first, second and third place winning teams from the 2008 Case Competition in Reno. ATLANTA First – William and Mary (Team BLUE) Second – Wesleyan College (Mosaic) Third – Maryland (Big Diamonds Consulting) CHICAGO First – Illinois (Hephaestus’ Forge LLP) Second – Illinois (J. Dallas Consulting) Third – Kansas State ( TC Consulting) PHILADELPHIA First – Binghamton (Innovention) Second – Seton H all (Team Leach) T hird – S eton Hall ( Team Jefferson) RENO DETROIT-EVENING Sustaining Members Waldemar C. Cyranski ‘77-Life Lestine O. Davis ‘79-Life Gerald E. La M otte ‘65-Life (3) Robert A. Mur zin ‘65-Life (12) Jack C. Younke ‘58-Life (6) DRAKE Pr esident ’s Club Pamela L. Richardson ‘81-Life (16) Sapphire Club Jill Johansen H astey ‘85-Life (16) Patr on’s Club Robert E. Carlson ‘93-Life (12) James J. Hurley ‘04 (3) Suzanne M.Ward ‘92-Life (12) ^ Sustaining Members Liza M. Azu ‘07 * Amy E. Benes ‘05 (2) * Allen W. Bethell ‘57 (2) Kelvin C. Bo yle ‘60 Meghan M.Harr ‘07 * Scott A. Holm ‘06 (2) * Bruce A. Kane ‘74-Life Daniel E. Prall ‘57-Life (6) Michael J. Tangen ‘75-Life Sharon Thai ‘07 * DREXEL Patr on’s Club H. Earl R ober ts ‘68-Life (5) First – UCLA (GG Jr.) Second – Oregon ( Team A nalyze This!) Third – UCLA (Sigma Consulting) Sarah C. Polli ‘05 * Steven D. Such ‘06 (2) Heather D. Wolfe ‘06 * EASTERN KENTUCKY Patr on’s Club Alison M.Whelan ‘05 (2) Sustaining Members Brandy N. Baker ‘06 (2) * Chase Blak eman ‘07 * Michael D. Char les ‘05 (2) * Michelle A. For d ‘06 (2) * Dustin S. Heiser ‘05 (2) * David M. Hudson ‘06 (2) * Jeanette A. Hudson ‘04 (2) Jessic a L. Huff ‘05 (2) * Sarah Mulvey ‘07 * Kim D. Plymale ‘07 * William Z. Rhodus ‘07 * Lina M. Southers ‘07 * Craig A. So wders ‘06 (2) * Stephanie J. So wders ‘05 (2) Sarah B. Thorpe ‘06 (2) * Meaghan E. Triest ‘05 (2) * Ronald A. Wo oley‘05 (2) * Jessic a D. Zor nes ‘07 * EASTERN MICHIGAN DUKE Annual Fund Giving Levels 1904 Club — $10,000 + Chairman’s Club — $5,000 + President’s Club — $2,500 + Founder’s Club — $1,000 + Brooklyn Bridge Club — $500 + Sapphire Club — $250 + Patron’s C lub — $100 + CASE COMPETITION Sustaining Member Ro ger W. Dartt ‘62-Life EAST CAROLINA Sustaining Members Eric J. Anthon y ‘06 * Laela C. Badgette ‘07 * Lauren A. Harris ‘05 Lori A. Heitzman ‘07 * Patr on’s Club Carlye W. Buchanan ‘95-Life (5) Richard M. Cundiff ‘64-Life (7) Donald C. Cund y‘70-Life (16) Kathar ine A. Denham ‘92-Life (2) Jeffrey E. F rank ‘86-Life (14) Sustaining Members Michael J. Archer ‘72 (4) Heidi K. Beab er ‘84-Life William R. Garpow ‘65-Life James T. Lo w ‘68-Life (10) The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi | Winter 2008 | James E . McNamara ‘65-Life David F. Mickus ‘81-Life Thomas L. Stout ‘88-Life Rhonda A. Suggs ‘89 EASTERN WASHINGTON Patr on’s Club Charles R. Sundgren ‘75-Life (2) Sustaining Members Cindy M. Barton ‘92 Stefanie C. Buckbee ‘07 * Megan D. Davis ‘04 (3) Micah Dor r ‘07 * Lauren Dotter ‘08 * Rebecca Hall ‘07 * Ashley L.H alverson ‘07 * Gord y Hill ‘07 * Trula H.LeB leue ‘82 (3) Matthew Leppell ‘06 (2) * Cathy C. Lo ckwoo d ‘06 (3) * Melissa Logan ‘08 * Rachelle K. M alat ‘07 * Amanda C. Miller ‘08 * Naomi S. Newcomb ‘06 (3) * Sher yl J. O’Keefe ‘84 Kimber lee J. Or r ‘07 * Gavin Pendergast ‘08 * Katie S mall ‘02 (3) Chris J. Smith ‘07 * Angela Swenseid ‘07 * ELON Patr on’s Club Eric H. Devitt ‘01-Life Sustaining Members Stephanie J. Allen ‘07 * Christopher R. C amia ‘06 * Dianne L. Co ok ‘05 * Chelsea Frame ‘07 * David Hitch ‘07 * Shannon M. Keane‘05 * Megan E. Kenny ‘02 (4) Erik a M. Lamanna ‘06 * Michelle A. Marinello ‘06 * Katelyn J. M cCulley ‘05 * Eddie H. Meadows ‘90-Life (4) Kathleen A. S mith ‘07 * Eva Spangenb erg ‘06 * Katie E . Tabor ‘07 * Jeffrey D. Ten te ‘06 * Elizabeth R. Whitehead ‘05 * EMORY Patr on’s Club William D. Barker ‘48-Life (7) Sustaining Members Nutan R. Chaudhari ‘06 (2) * Jingzhi Dai ‘07 * Rosc oe F. Johnson ‘41-Life (2) Matthew A. Kelsey ‘06 (2) * Alyson M.Moler ‘06 * Amy Sheu ‘06 (2) J. Kenneth Tabb ‘49-Life (9) Charles H. Yates ‘49 (2) FAIRLEIGH DICKINSON Patr on’s Club Stephanie Caccamese ‘97-Life (4) FLORIDA Pr esident ’s Club Douglas M. Halka ‘92-Life (4) Sapphire Club Anthony T. Meyer ‘96-Life (9) Walter J. Smith ‘65-Life (8) Patr on’s Club Joseph A. Barry ‘82 Kyle Bro wn ‘86 (4) Arthur L. Burke ‘57-Life (4) Randall L. H aines ‘65-Life Andrew F. Ingley ‘94-Life Daniel J.M cCleary ‘00 (4) Barr y I. Meyer ‘72-Life Laura D . Mine ‘92-Life Grant S. Morehead ‘92-Life (2) Cliffor d Stern ‘74-Life (3) Sustaining Members Sharon S. Cutler ‘81 (5) James R. Glover ‘07 * Ernest B. Hammond ‘08 * Serina B. Hedrick ‘06 * Tanquyen Nguyen ‘06 * Ro y T. Olsen ‘63-Life (6) Jesus V. Velasco ‘73-Life FLORIDA A&M Sustaining Member Tyrone D. S mith ‘06 (2) * FLORIDA ATLANTIC Sapphire Club Dennis S. Palkon ‘04-Faculty (4) Patr on’s Club Tawanna D .L ee ‘02 ^ V ictor Lee ‘02 ^ Sustaining Members Jennif er M. Bridie ‘06 * Jim F leurinor ‘05 Katherine L. Loechler ‘03 Alexandra Therenciel ‘07 Leinzs F. V incen t ‘03 ^ FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL Brooklyn Bridge Club Alexis P. Perdomo ‘92-Life (9) Patricia S. Perdomo ‘93-Life (9) Patr on’s Club Osmer Arauz ‘03 Jeremy S. Baker ‘96-Life (8) Nadika T. C harran ‘03 Giovanni Fernande z ‘01 (2) Marco A.RoJas ‘00-Life (2) Cristina M. Trabada ‘92-Life (8) Sustaining Members Terianne Bernal‘07 * Melissa Campo D uggan‘95-Life (5) Francys Crevier ‘06 * Ramon A. D e Los Sant os ‘03 Daphne M. Gaetjens ‘07 * Larhone Gayle ‘08 * Adina M.G reen ‘06 * Yamilet Martinez ‘07 * Anthony K. Munyaka ‘06 * Felix Pomeranz ‘92-Faculty/Life Marcelo L. Rodr igues ‘00 Monica N. R odrigue z ‘06 * Juan M. Ward ‘05 (2) FLORIDA STATE Brooklyn Bridge Club Kenneth L. Sjob erg ‘91-Life (3) ^ Sapphire Club Heather E. Allen ‘89-Life (11) + Kathr yn M. Meyer ‘97 (5) Patr on’s Club Allen M. Beyer ‘91 Rick Callaway ‘03 Allison L.Harper CFV ‘94-Life (4) Melanie K. Jacobs ‘02 (3) William L. Koleszar ‘86-Life (10) Caryn J. Patterson ‘90-Life (11) Sustaining Members Preston L. Baswell ‘53-Life (2) Samuel T. Blackburn ‘85-Life (5) James D. Bracken ‘59 (6) Emilio A. Cavaceppi ‘93-Life Robin J. Gethings-Tenore ‘90 Jo e Levy ‘01 (2) Cynthia Nobles ‘00 (3) John W. Quesenberr y‘95-Life (2) Lynn M.R ussell ‘96 Holly Shafer ‘05 (2) Sandra K. Ward ‘94-Life (3) FORDHAM Patr on’s Club Don F. Neville ‘86-Life Douglas D. Patrick ‘86-Life Sustaining Members Anthanette M. Fields ‘94 (2) John P. Meagher‘72-Life James J. Walsh ‘66-Life FORT HAYS STATE Sapphire Club Andrew A. Rupp ‘74-Life (4) Sustaining Members James A. Anderson ‘79-Life (2) Maynard L. Es tes ‘66-Life Bric e W. Feldt ‘90-Life (2) Nicholas D. Haase ‘03 Donald D. Hickman ‘66-Life (2) Ashley N. K noll ‘05 Denis W. Miller ‘70-Life Lyle T. Staab ‘76-Life (3) Noah Welshans ‘06 * GANNON Patr on’s Club Brian J. Davis ‘92-Life (5) Sustaining Members Kristen D. B est ‘95-Life (5) Patricia L. Eline ‘04 (2) Christopher P. Meehan‘90-Lif e (13) Bur ton B. Sto ckton ‘88-Life (5) Joanne P. V ella ‘78-Life GEORGE MASON Brooklyn Bridge Club Madeline McDuffy‘99-Life + Clifford Spangler Society Recognition club for those who made provisions for Alpha Kappa Psi in their estate plans. ( ) Consecutive Giving Consecutive years of giving since the 1991-92 campaign are included in parenthesis. * Yellow Rose S ociety Recognition club for those undergraduates who made a minimum contribution of $10. ^ Matching Gift Donor was eligible for a matching gift which was received during the campaign. GEORGE WASHINGTON Patr on’s Club Walt er N. Propps ‘57-Life (2) Sustaining Members Joseph An tony ‘08 (2) * Neesha Bapat ‘08 * Alicia N. Buford ‘08 * Amanda Dick ‘08 * Paul P. Gha yad ‘08 * Tarah Henick ‘08 * Joseph D. Johnson ‘59 (2) Jason S. Katz ‘08 * Serge Kulyk ‘08 * Sarah Lefferts ‘08 * Erik a A.Muhlberg ‘08 * Casey Pond ‘08 * Rober t J.S hue ‘68 (13) Kimber ly Weiss ‘08 * GEORGIA Sapphire Club Adam G. Blanger o ‘97-Life Gerald E. O’Meara ‘95 Patr on’s Club Alex A dams ‘99 (2) Ethan W. Armentrout ‘99 Benjamin C. Brown ‘01 Kathr yn M. Campbell ‘03 (3) Donald S. Chapman ‘59-Life (3) Clinton T. Galbraith ‘98 Lance K. Peiper ‘00 John S utton‘00 Sustaining Members Arthur J. Finle y ‘66 (9) Andrew W. Hayes ‘07 * Joseph P. Hill ‘60-Life (2) Melissa A. IntV eldt ‘96-Life Maywo od O. Lawr ence ‘65 Forrest K. Marbutt ‘95 V ictoria M unian‘07 * Jack O. Powell ‘63-Life Kare y D. Thompson ‘07 * GEORGIA STATE Sapphire Club William D. Ree ves ‘59-Life (14) Delia G.T illman ‘94-Life (11) Patr on’s Club Eldon A. Baile y‘59-Life (2) Kevin L. Chappell ‘92-Life Karan A. Hennessy‘83-Life Herb L. Stem ‘52-Life (3) Sustaining Members J.S mith Harrison ‘76-Life (4) Rober t O. Hun t ‘70-Life Marcos A. Kerbel ‘65-Life (2) Tommy Lo o ‘71-Life (8) Jayesh Patel ‘04 GEORGIA TECH Patr on’s Club Molly J. Maple ‘99 Sustaining Members Annie Y. Chen‘06 * Kevin F. Davis ‘05 * Kathleen M. D ieterman ‘05 (4) * John D .Dunham ‘05 (3) Edgar D. G reene ‘92 Carter Holcombe ‘06 * Maanasa Kona ‘06 * Jennif er R.Lin ‘06 * Abhishek Nar ula ‘06 * Corrado D. Sammar co ‘02 (5) Jesus M. Sandoval ‘79-Life (3) Karen Shin ‘06 * Vanessa Yip ‘07 * GONZAGA Sustaining Members Stephanie L. Hurd ‘07 * Kathr yn A. Sieck ‘06 * GUSTAVUS ADOLPHUS Patr on’s Club Carol R. Car ter ‘76-Life (3) Sustaining Members Barr y A.B utenhoff ‘66 (4) Ellis J. Jones ‘60-Faculty (12) Mollie A. Moyer ‘81-Life (2) HOFSTRA Sapphire Club Frank D. Lackner ‘89-Life Sustaining Members Margaret Adamczyk ‘06 * Rachel M. Clarkin ‘07 * Nicole D ishuk ‘06 (2) * Jonathan W. Eng ‘06 * Joshua R. Goldstone ‘06 * Johann Kim ‘07 * Terry A. Michel ‘06 * Alicia V. Mucha ‘07 * Makeda A. Paul ‘07 * Ed win Raagas ‘07 * Amanda R. Rack ‘07 * Gaspare Tumminello ‘06 * HOOSIER ALUMNI Sapphire Club Gary L. E pperson ‘92-Hon/Life (16) HOUSTON Sustaining Members Lubna Ali ‘06 * Jessic a Bello ‘06 * Jason M. Blasingame ‘06 * Amanda D. C arr ‘08 * Andy Chen ‘07 * Christopher A. Cook ‘06 * Mauric e Eggenschwiler ‘07 * Jo el Garcia ‘05 * Atiba K. Henr y ‘05 (3) * Ming-Chieh Hsueh‘06 * Preethi Mabbu ‘07 * Olan McKinne y ‘06 * Kelly E . McMenemy ‘06 * Tanwir Noordin ‘06 * Mollie D. Pampell ‘05 * Charles R. Pettis ‘06 * Harry F. Potts ‘04 Ali Rashid ‘06 * Vanetta R ich ‘07 * Joanna M.R omero ‘02 (5) Mala Shar ma ‘04 * Nidhi Singh ‘06 * Brian J. S melek ‘06 * Erin Strickhouser ‘05 * Chad Symcox ‘07 * Kevin Ta ‘02 (2) Laura E . Theis ‘06 * Ric ardo Valle ‘06 * IDAHO STATE Patr on’s Club Jo dy Butler ‘03 Sustaining Members Derek B. Moss ‘06 * Melvin E.Nefzger ‘62-Life Forrest Walker ‘03 (3) Harold C. W hite ‘60-Faculty (5) ILLINOIS Patr on’s Club Philip J. Bergquist ‘74 (2) Katherine S. Dahlenbur g ‘76-Life (5) James G. Nussbaum ‘59-Life (2) William F. Templin ‘41-Life (16) Mauric e C.Wor kman ‘48-Life (16) Sustaining Members Meredith K. Bro dy ‘98 Thomas J. Duffy‘63-Life (15) John T. Havens ‘46-Life (3) John E . Kessler‘61-Life (3) Kelly E. Maynard ‘05 * Harold A. Miller ‘41-Life Theodore F.S mith ‘59-Life (4) Nicholas Sto czanyn‘02 (2) ILLINOIS - CHICAGO Sustaining Members Jason A vila ‘07 * Aishah Chaudhry ‘07 * Raul g . Chavez ‘07 * Eric Dembek ‘07 (2) * Benjamin D erhake ‘07 * Cindy Espino za ‘07 * Zor a E. Everhar t ‘07 * Lindsey A. Greenwell ‘07 * Chelsea L. Hutchinson ‘07 * Traci D. McClain ‘07 * Nina V. Patel ‘07 * Allan J.R ohr ‘66-Life (15) Ellen A. Solner ‘07 * Maricela Zapian ‘07 ILLINOIS WESLEYAN Founder ’s Club Ed ward B. Rust ‘70-Life (6) Patr on’s Club John E. Okpisz ‘58 INCARNATE WORD COLLEGE Sustaining Member Kevin D . Esparza ‘82-Life INDIANA Patr on’s Club Lawrenc e A. Friend ‘63-Life (3) Geor ge E. Hahn ‘57 (2) Doug K. Lawyer-Smith ‘90-Life (2) Brian D . Parker ‘93-Life (11) Sustaining Members Valerie H. Agnew ‘06 * William K. Bissey ‘61-Life (11) Timoth y W.D aniels ‘06 (2) * Lauren S. Geller ‘06 * Gordon I. Gerbick ‘47-Life (15) Charles H. Krueger ‘57 (7) Michelle B. McGuire ‘89-Life Christopher J. Mulvihill ‘80-Life (5) Rober t C.Nelson ‘47-Life (12) Kimber ly A. Nowakowsk i ‘07 (2) * Tricia A. Pisani Mulcare ‘95-Life (7) Terry J.Robinson ‘80-Life (6) John C. Wall ‘51-Life (16) INDIANA STATE Sustaining Members Andrea K. Buehlman ‘03 Brenda S. Chapp ell ‘91 (2) Brittany A. Faulkner ‘07 * Michael P. Haseley ‘03 (2) Todd A. K lemp ‘02 Willie L. Winters ‘04 * IOWA Pr esident ’s Club Rober t E. Richardson ‘76-Life (16) ^ Sapphire Club Nancy A. Ghizzone‘89-Life (12) Patr on’s Club Rober t L. Anderson ‘54 (5) Jeffrey E. B rown ‘74-Life (2) Tony C. Clar k ‘74-Life (16) Jeffrey J.K enner ‘78-Life (2) Marvin J. McElvain ‘73-Life (5) John P. McKillip ‘70-Life (2) Pamela A. Miksell ‘96-Life (2) Larry E. Sample ‘65-Life Courtney C. Smith ‘93-Life (4) Jeffrey B. Warner ‘84-Life (11) Sustaining Members Bradley T. Bergman ‘86-Life (15) Craig E. Broeg ‘75-Life Ronald W. Cerutti ‘85-Life (3) Anne M. Gillespie ‘85 Geor ge L.G rovert ‘61 Andrea M.M cCubbin ‘81-Life Chang-Hong Mo o‘03 Sarah C. Reams ‘97-Life Jim C. Ridenour ‘56-Life James E. Starr ‘64-Life Wayne D. Walt ers ‘65-Life (4) William H. Wer esch ‘65-Life (2) Christin M. Winans ‘80 (4) IOWA STATE Brooklyn Bridge Club Melissa J. Stowe CFV ‘98-Life (6) Patr on’s Club Jennif er J.D obel ‘01 (2) Suzanne A. Hider ‘92-Life Rober t L. Wolf ‘63-Life Sustaining Members Nancy K. Dop ‘82-Life (4) Adrian W. Hollander ‘61-Life (11) Megan M. Longnecker ‘06 * William H. Prouty ‘62-Life | Winter 2008 | The Diary of Alpha Kappa Ps i 15 JACKSONVILLE Patr on’s Club Christopher A. Bush ‘84-Life (4) Elizabeth L.McCullough ‘87-Life (3) ^ David W. Simpkins ‘80-Life (5) Sustaining Members Arliss N. Gussin ‘06 V icki L. Hall ‘87-Life Jeffrey S.S pero ‘86-Life (2) JAMES MADISON Patr on’s Club Mary C. Ro oney‘91-Life Christopher J. S usil ‘92-Life (5) Sustaining Members Matthew D. Bryan t ‘98 Tabia Coles ‘01 (2) Carla Dizon ‘00 Cheryl E. Hall ‘03 Juli P. Hibbard ‘99 (3) Jeffrey L. K ane ‘91-Life (6) Meredith D. Kane ‘93-Life (6) Patrick R. McQuillan ‘91-Life Kirsten R. Shasky ‘04 * Kimber ly B. Tashner ‘04 (2) JOHN CARROLL Patr on’s Club Allyn R. Adams ‘62-Life (4) Leonard M. Cle zie ‘60-Life (16) Sustaining Members William C. Drummond ‘65-Life (3) Anthony A. Iannucci ‘67-Life Nevin S. Robinson ‘02 (4) Eugene A.Sullivan ‘62-Life JOHNS HOPKINS Patr on’s Club Timothy W. Schwedes ‘05 KANSAS Sustaining Members Gerald T. C anatsey ‘41-Life Raymond F. D avis ‘40 (4) KANSAS STATE Patr on’s Club Phillip J. Thompson ‘72 (5) Sustaining Members Richard L. Badenhoop ‘49-Life (3) Loretta B arthuly ‘07 * Pamela L. Bergsten ‘91 (7) Crystal Cartw right ‘02 Justin Downing ‘00 * Susan M.G arcia ‘77-Life (3) Kristin N. Gregory ‘03 (4) Larry L.M iles ‘59-Life (3) Alissa Millar d ‘06 * Bruce E . Peters ‘66-Life (10) Michael Wolfe ‘07 * + Clifford Spangler Society Recognition club for those who made provisions for Alpha Kappa Psi in their estate plans. ( ) Consecutive Giving Consecutive years of giving since the 1991-92 campaign are included in parenthesis. 16 * Yellow Rose So ciety Recognition club for those undergraduates who made a minimum contribution of $10. ^ Matching Gift Donor was eligible for a matching gift which was received during the campaign. KENTUCKY Sustaining Members Dylan J.B right ‘08 * Jennif er Bur kman ‘07 * Melissa R. Campbell ‘07 * Karen Childress ‘07 * Kristen E . Dicke y ‘08 * Matthew Fo wler ‘06 * Paul D. Go odman ‘08 * Lacey M. Halliday ‘07 * Staci E. Hausch ‘08 * Elizabeth Keller ‘07 * Melissa G.Luc as ‘98 (6) Kacey E. Marr ‘07 * John D .Metz ‘07 * Whitne y Molter ‘07 * Jacy D. Palmer ‘07 * Kristin A. Palmer-Ball ‘07 * Zachar y J. Pur ol ‘08 * Casey J. Ree ves ‘08 * Cor y A. Reinle ‘08 * Toni E. San tos ‘07 * Erin S tine ‘07 * Jonathan R. Walton ‘08 * Christina A. Wemer ‘07 * Jor dan M. Wilson ‘06 (2) * Logan Wilson ‘07 * Bridget Wolfe-Bertling ‘07 * LA VERNE Patr on’s Club William S. C reech ‘96 LAMAR Sapphire Club Robinson Bui ‘04-Life (3) Patr on’s Club Travis M. Seamans ‘00 Joseph C. Vickre y ‘06 Sustaining Members Kevin Cobbs ‘06 (2) Leah M. Hamm ‘05 (3) * Courtney C. Harrison ‘05 (3) Amy E. Pumphre y ‘07 * Chetara Riv ers ‘07 * Michelle Straugh ter ‘07 * Ted W. Wiggins ‘87-Life (4) LIPSCOMB Patr on’s Club Michael D. Canterbury ‘69-Life (5) Sustaining Members Matthew K.B ishop ‘04 Mark H. Bolen ‘07 * Brittany L. Boyer ‘06 * Charles Bullard ‘05 * Benjamin T. Dearman ‘06 * Jacob W. England ‘07 * Jeanette Esparza ‘07 * Robert J. Forstall ‘62-Life (4) Lisa A. French ‘06 * William T. Gen try ‘06 * Ryan D. Gleason‘06 * Mark Hayes ‘07 * Briana G. Himelrick ‘05 * Patricia G. Holt Brasfield ‘02 Kelsey Ken t‘07 * Miranda S. Kilgore ‘06 * Shannon C. Lehman ‘07 * John K. Lominac ‘05 * Jason McCur dy ‘07 * Joseph G. Pumilia ‘07 * Freddy P. Quiteno ‘06 * William E. Reynolds ‘06 * Justin R ichardson ‘07 * Nick Smith ‘07 * Brandi N. Tatum ‘07 * Allison E. Wymer ‘06 * Annual Fund Giving Levels 1904 Club — $10,000 + Chairman’s Club — $5,000 + President’s Club — $2,500 + Founder’s Club — $1,000 + Brooklyn Bridge Club — $500 + Sapphire Club — $250 + Patron’s C lub — $100 + Kerri L. Coughlin ‘07 * Meaghan M.D ieterle ‘06 * Kevin M. F arina ‘07 * Kelly M. F lynn ‘06 * Crystal Grim ‘07 * Alexander B. Hamblet on ‘02 (3) Katelyn C. H awkins ‘06 * Galina M. Hinaman ‘06 * Brandi L. Kennedy ‘05 (2) * Kur t G. Koenneche ‘92-Life Laura R. Kotwica ‘04 (3) Paige M. Peters ‘07 * Jennif er R.S alamh ‘02 Nathan A. Thomas ‘07 * Jonathan G. Torres ‘06 (2) * Stacey L. Zerbe ‘06 (2) * LOUISIANA STATE Sustaining Members Beth Aycock ‘06 * Andrew P. Blank ‘07 * Brett Bourgeois‘06 * Amanda E. C haaban ‘07 * Kyle D. Cha telain ‘07 * Sarah A. Cooper ‘07 * Saman tha J.Davidson ‘07 * Celeste F. Delaune ‘07 * Rhesa Gallon ‘06 * Lea S.G ood win ‘99 Amanda L. Haffor d ‘07 * Patrick E. Haggerty ‘07 * Dylan H eard ‘06 * Sarah E. Hebert ‘07 * Lanzi E. Helms ‘07 * Juan C. Hernande z ‘07 * Christine Hill ‘06 * Cyn thia C. Hook ‘07 * Holly L. Hyatt ‘07 * Ebony C. Iheanacho ‘07 * Lindsey V. Imms ‘06 * Laura E. Jeppesen ‘07 * Caitlin A. Kiernan ‘07 * Erik a M. Krauss ‘06 * Erin M.L andry ‘07 * Brad y A.Meaux ‘07 * Gabr iela M. Mladenova ‘07 * Jessic a L.M ostaccero ‘07 * Ariana N. Munoz ‘07 * Andrew Necaise ‘06 * Jenny L. Prudhomme ‘07 * Justen R. Rider ‘06 * Steven J. Rife ‘07 * Leroy Rogers ‘06 * Brett D. Sager ‘07 * Samir Saleh ‘06 * Kasielynn J. S mith ‘07 * Andrea L.V alenzuela ‘07 * Jennif er A. VanAckerson ‘07 * Judiann M. Wakefield ‘07 * Alicia Washingt on ‘06 * Jackie Wisniewski ‘06 (2) * Jim Yu ‘07 * LOUISIANA TECH Sapphire Club Paul E. Tur ner ‘80-Life (4) Sustaining Members Earl G. Pitre ‘89-Life (2) LOCK HAVEN Patr on’s Club Andrew J. Gibb ons ‘96-Life (2) Sustaining Members Jason R. Auman ‘06 * LOUISVILLE Sustaining Members Sher ry Cutshaw ‘01 (7) Bren t A. Jones ‘99-Life (7) The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi | Winter 2008 | LOYOLA Patr on’s Club Joseph A. Metallo ‘96 (2) Sustaining Members Marcus A. Bitar ‘06 (2) John S. C hung‘99 Mark V. Gutierre z ‘84 Herman M.Hong ‘87-Life (6) Phillip M oraldo ‘03 (5) Richard R. Yetter ‘56 (2) LOYOLA NEW ORLEANS Sustaining Members Melissa M. Allen ‘02 (2) Elizabeth A. Cuchens ‘03 Emily B. Dureau ‘07 * Christopher R.F leming ‘06 * Kiv a N. Keiser ‘07 * Sher ah A.LeB oeuf CFV ‘05 (2) * Marc J.M elancon ‘07 * Jacqueline M. Mosier ‘04 Anna L. Payne ‘07 * José Paz ‘07 * Karolina Stachniuk ‘06 (2) * Courtney M.S teele ‘07 * MAINE Sustaining Members Mark C. Castonguay ‘07 * Heather M. Larriv ee ‘05 Lawrenc e Trundle ‘05 MANCHESTER Sustaining Members Farah Ahmad ‘07 * Jonathan Ellis ‘03 Bha visha Gor echa ‘07 * Daniel Lowe ‘07 * Rashad M ughal‘07 * Mohammed Shoeb ‘07 * MARIST COLLEGE Sapphire Club Jo di R.L ewis ‘91-Life Sustaining Members Michael J. Coughlin ‘92 (4) Michael P. Co viello ‘98 Jayme S. Stofko ‘92-Life (13) Julio A. Torres ‘98 (2) MARQUETTE Sapphire Club William R. Goldammer ‘54-Life (16) Leo V. R yan CSV ‘44-Life (10) Patr on’s Club Phil J. Tobin ‘59-Life Sustaining Member Joseph P.B usch‘50-Life (4) MARSHALL Sustaining Member Erin M. Donle y‘05 * MARYLAND Sustaining Members Katherine C. Bail ‘07 * Kevin A. Berger ‘07 * Ankit B halla ‘07 * Simit Bhandar i ‘07 * Jor dan Black ‘07 * Kenneth A. Bradfor d-Roy ‘07 * David A. Braff ‘07 * Philip T. Caldarella ‘07 * Erin Conroy ‘07 * Amy C. Cornelius ‘07 * Emily J. Derr ‘07 * Sean M. DiBlasi ‘07 * Kevin R. Dyal ‘07 * Ryan C. Earle ‘07 * Henduranwalage D .E rrangani ‘07 * Bro oke For man ‘07 * Jill A. Francis ‘07 * Lauren F riedlander ‘07 * Margarita G eller ‘07 * Rachel M. G oldman ‘07 * Mariya Gorelik ‘07 * Sashwata Gosw ami ‘07 * Jason A. Harvill ‘07 * Nicole H errmann ‘07 * Shannon Hofher‘07 * Rachel T. Hsu ‘07 * Daniel A. Keister ‘07 * Niana M. Kim ‘07 * Jonathan R.K neller ‘07 * Michelle Lacey ‘07 * Andrew M. Levine ‘07 * Brianne F. M acy ‘07 * Kathar ine McC oll ‘07 * Ambi Meh ta ‘07 * Laura N. M illavec ‘07 * Michael L. Needleman ‘07 * Noah Needleman ‘07 * Kelly P. O’Donnell ‘07 * Kevin R. Oelschlaeger ‘07 * Melinda L. Park ‘07 * Ryan W. Parks ‘07 * Brian Perry ‘07 * Alexandra V . Petrenk o ‘07 * Lindsay Rosen ‘07 * Nicholas W. Rust ‘07 * Thea E. Schw aller ‘07 * Daniel Senni ‘07 * Roksana Slavinsk y ‘07 * Hallie Stambler ‘07 * Jeremy A. Stark ‘07 * Joshua C. Swanner ‘07 * YiJen Tan ‘07 * Jennif er D. Toner ‘07 * Chelsea E. Truesdell ‘07 * V ictoria Tsai ‘07 * Zakhar Ver tsman ‘07 * Courtney S. Willoughby ‘07 * Christie Wojno ‘07 * MCGILL Patr on’s Club Jason D. Weinstein ‘03-Life (3) Sustaining Member Yihe I. Zhang‘05 * MIAMI Patr on’s Club George M. Cor rigan ‘47 Daniel D. Mendoza ‘99-Life (9) Manuel F. Plana‘71-Life (3) Ilyne B. Sbar ‘88-Life (8) Sustaining Members Sara E. Bravo ‘02 Karine D. Limor ‘06 * Manuel E.P ravia ‘89-Life (12) Errol E. Ross ‘00 Branden M. Schwartz ‘07 * MIAMI (OHIO) Brooklyn Bridge Club Michael E.G erwe ‘56-Life (6) Patr on’s Club Kenneth J. Go od win ‘03 Sustaining Members Laura Rolka ‘04 Donald San tavicca ‘63-Life (6) Courtney A. Sykor a ‘05 MICHIGAN Patr on’s Club Honore O. Arsenault ‘95 Jo el L.G authier ‘64-Life Jason E. H arper ‘97 H. Ro ger Secrest ‘48-Life (14) Charles E. S wanson ‘49-Life (2) Sustaining Members David S. Barera ‘68-Life (2) Julie M. Funke ‘99 Kingsle y Kelly ‘37-Life (3) ALL-AKPSI ACADEMIC TEAM The All-AKPsi Academic Team recognizes students who maintain excellence in academic standing while making positive contributions to their chapter, campus and community. A record 214 students were honored in 2007-08, up from 129 the previous year. Six students were honored as team captains (pictured) and received scholarships from the foundation. Daniel J. Bagwell Kansas State ‘07 Haley C. Flowers Toledo ‘06 CENTRAL REGION Daniel Bagwell, Kansas State ’07 * Loretta Barthuly, Kansas State ‘07 Joni Gehr t, Kansas State ‘06 John McNair, Kansas S tate‘07 Darcy Osterhaus, Kansas S tate ‘05 Gina Wagle, Kansas State ‘07 Mark Worden, Kansas State ‘07 Jeff Zimmer man, Kansas State ‘06 Vanessa Morris, Mo.Western ’06 * Melissa Gray, Saint Louis ‘07 Sarah Laux, S aint Louis ‘05 Kevin Stuhlmann,S aint Louis ‘07 Jesse Thornburg, Saint Louis ‘07 Emily Binger, SE Missouri ‘05 Christina Cato, SE Missouri ‘06 Rita Jo Dir nberger, SE Missouri ‘07 Brandon Kremer, SE Missouri ‘05 David Neusel, SE Missouri ‘06 Scott Price, SE Missouri ‘04 Jeff Pruellage, SE Missouri ‘06 Denise Schrock, Wichita S tate ‘07 EASTERN REGION Anna Gula,Buffalo ‘06 Lisa Klispie, Buffalo ‘07 Eric Riddle, Penn S tate ‘06 Jason Hor nberger, Shippensburg ‘06 Laura Yost, West V irginia ‘05 EASTCENTRAL REGION Sean Detwiler, Case Western ‘06 Courtney D owns, Case West ern ‘05 Matt Fritz, Miami ‘05 Jessica J ones,M iami ‘05 Lauren King, Miami ‘05 Jaclyn Nowell,M iami ‘06 Kelly O'Brien, Miami ‘06 Rachel Pumper, Miami ‘06 Erika V on Borcke, Miami ‘05 Shawn Miko , Ohio State ‘05 Allison Dagilis,Toledo ‘05 Brian Fillous, Toledo ‘06 Haley Flowers , Toledo ’06 * Lee Ann Freeman,Toledo ‘07 Dave R. Rigotti,Toledo ‘07 MIDEAST REGION Tameisha Henr y, American ‘07 Magdalena Pumpalova, A merican ‘05 Patrick Cro w, CNU ‘06 Jessi Hinz, CNU ‘06 Patricia Hoen, CNU ‘06 Sarah Polli, East Carolina ‘05 Michelle Ross, East Carolina ‘06 Meghan Atkinson,Elon‘05 Chris Camia, Elon ‘06 Shannon Keane, Elon‘05 Erika Lamanna, Elon ‘06 Kyle M cGrath,Elon ‘06 Edmond J. Olejniczak ‘92-Life Tara L. Sherman ‘91-Life Steven T. Tabac ‘63-Life (6) + Tracey A. Welsh ‘87 (2) MICHIGAN - DEARBORN Sapphire Club Steven L. Finch ‘72 (4) Patr on’s Club Randall C. Budden ‘82-Life (7) Scott A.D rogs ‘88-Life (5) Stacey M. Dro gs ‘90-Life (5) Ed ward J. Koss ‘76-Life (7) Rober t W. McNeilley ‘86-Life Sustaining Members Joseph C. A dams ‘79-Life Christopher M. King Georgeto wn ‘06 Garrett Pittenger, Elon ‘06 Miya Stodghill, Elon ‘06 Chris King, Georgetown ’06 * Sean DiBlasi, Maryland ‘07 Ryan Earle, Maryland ‘07 Laura Millavec, Maryland ‘07 Nick Rust, Maryland ‘07 Dan Senni, Maryland ‘07 Jeremy Stark, Maryland ‘07 Ryan Kaba tchnick, NC State ‘06 Lynwo od Hurdle, Old Dominion ‘06 Courtney Tanner, R adford ‘05 Lauren Gallagher, Towson ‘06 James Hardesty, Towson ‘06 Brian Horr, Towson ‘06 Karishma Desouza,V irginia ‘05 Chris Holland, Virginia ‘05 Will Manderscheid, Vir ginia ‘06 Allison Donnelly, V irginia Tech‘05 Shaina Duckwor th,Vir ginia Tech‘06 Cydni Griswold, William & Mary ‘05 MIDWEST REGION Brad Bohall, Ball S tate ‘06 Mandy Caldwell, B all State ‘07 Jordan H ornbak er, Ball State ‘06 Brittany Singleton, Ball State ‘06 Forrest Heyman, Butler ‘05 Rominna V illasenor,DePaul ‘06 Val Agnew, Indiana ‘06 Kim Nowako wski, Indiana ‘07 Lindsay Swisher, Indiana ’06 * Jessica M ay, Indiana State ‘05 Andrew P yle, Indiana State ‘06 Allon Renfro ,K entucky‘06 Allie Haertling, Mur ray State ‘06 Kinzie K iser, Purdue ‘05 Gordana Radmilovic, Purdue ‘07 Marc Van den Dobbelsteen, Purdue ‘07 Karee S hapiro, Wisconsin ‘05 NORTHCENTRAL REGION Ryan Bouckaert, Creigh ton ‘06 Katie Dirks , Creighton ‘05 Brandon K enig,C reighton‘06 Brandon Mehl, Creighton‘05 AshleyTegels, Creighton ‘04 Amy Benes, Drake ‘05 Pooja B hatt, Drake ‘07 Michael Day, Drake ‘04 Philip G aynor, Drake ‘06 Meghan Harr,D rake ‘07 Theresa Kuehmichel,D rake ‘05 Shivani Kumar, Drake ‘07 Austin Mit chell,D rake ‘07 Kim Pfannebecker, Drake ‘07 Andy Schroeder, Drake ‘07 Greg Seko ,D rake ‘07 Megan Weber, Drake ‘05 Erin Gehlsen, Iowa ‘07 Alicia Houselog, Minnesota‘06 Nancy M. Lalic ‘90-Life Christopher J. Si tek ‘84-Life (3) MICHIGAN STATE Chairman’s Club Daniel J. Roselli ‘89-Life (4) + Pr esident ’s Club Paul R. Bailey ‘88-Life (3) + Vanessa C. Morris Missouri Western ‘06 Mallory J. Rubin Denver ‘04 Kenny Jusko wiak,Minnesota‘05 Amy Pierzchalski, Minnesota ‘05 Jon Podvin, Minnesota‘05 Alana Popp, Minnesota ‘04 NORTHEAST REGION Lauren Spielberg, Binghamton ‘07 Megan Warfield, Bingham ton ‘07 Brian DeSimone, Hofstra ‘06 Valerie McDonald, Hofstr a‘06 Alicia Mucha,Hofstra ‘07 Shivan Patel, NYU ‘06 Elyse Rinaldi, NYU ‘05 Kim Kassing, Seton Hall ‘06 NORTHWEST REGION Stephanie Bartlett , Oregon ‘06 Jeremy Goldsmith, Oregon ‘05 Veronica Jin, Oregon ‘07 Hannah Mason, Oregon‘07 Sean Ritter, Oregon ‘07 Brenden S ummers, Oregon ‘07 SunJoo You, Oregon‘07 Iviee Li, Oregon State ‘07 Kendra Borja, Seattle ‘04 SOUTHCENTRAL REGION Amy Valastro, Lamar ‘07 Chris Fleming, L oyola N.O. ‘06 Tamrah S wartzfager, Loyola N.O. ‘06 Jasmine Scott, S am Houston ‘07 Brittany Smith, Sam Houston ‘07 Angela Garcia, Texas Tech ‘06 SOUTHEAST REGION Allie Schwartz, Cen tral Florida ‘07 Rik esh Amin,Florida ‘06 Jessica Bochman,F lorida ‘06 James Glover, Florida ‘07 Rachel Kane ,F lorida ‘05 John Tenney, Florida ‘05 Tyrone Smith, Florida A&M ‘06 Brittany Wade , Florida A&M ‘07 Meliza Frias, Florida In tern’l ‘07 Jennifer Houston, Florida Intern’ l ‘07 Andres Rodr iguez, Florida Intern’l ‘07 Colin M cCranie, Florida State ‘07 Briana Sell, Georgia ‘06 Susie Womick, Georgia ‘07 Katie Dieterman, Georgia Tech ‘05 Phillip Kim,G eorgia Tech ‘07 Abhishek Narula, Georgia Tech ‘06 Viniya Patidar, Georgia Tech ‘06 Kimia Solaimanishad, Georgia Tech ‘06 Christian Bogue,South Carolina ‘07 Monica Washington, S. C. State ‘06 Jessica Antiquino, S outh Florida ‘05 Krystal Cintron,S outh Florida ‘07 Sheila Collins, South F lorida ‘07 Cather ine Hughson,South Florida‘07 Sapphire Club Rober t F. Gar vin ‘59-Life (5) John R. Hudak‘85-Life (7) Patr on’s Club Louis R. B arkman ‘98-Life (6) John R. Bebes ‘84-Life (3) David J. Comeaux ‘84-Life Rolland C. Heim ‘71-Life Lindsay R. Swisher Indiana‘06 Ronda J ones,S outh Florida ‘07 Christina Landolfi,South F lorida ‘06 Paul Peterson, South Florida ‘06 Cayla Culver, Stetson ‘05 Case y Fulp, Stetson ‘06 Lucy Guy, Wesleyan College ‘06 Carla Ruiz-Ney, Wesleyan College ‘05 Lauren Evans, Winthrop ‘06 SOUTHERN REGION Cather ine Finkle y, Alabama State ‘07 JaLysa Smith, Alabama State ‘07 Ashley Kendrick, Auburn ‘06 Gena Eller, Samfor d ‘05 Allison Nygaard , Samford ‘06 Janay Carver, Tennessee State ‘06 Mack Cox, Tennessee State ‘07 Carol Hall, Tennessee State ‘07 D'Andra Isabel, Tennessee State ‘06 SOUTHWEST REGION Jon Haber t, Arizona ‘06 Adam James, Arizona ‘06 Daniel Jensen, Arizona‘06 Lauren Johnson, Arizona ‘05 Wiran Kor ala, Arizona ‘04 Nicole Mallery, Arizona ‘06 Bethany Toland, Arizona ‘07 John Wharton, Arizona‘07 Yerbolat Zhumakhmetov, Arizona ‘06 Leigh Peyton, Arizona State ‘06 Chris Pett y, Cal Poly ‘07 Jack ie Yu , UC- Berkele y ‘05 Dina Paikin, UC- San Diego ‘05 Elaine Chang, UC- Santa Barbara ‘06 Derek Bruner, Chapman ‘07 Alissa Honig , Chapman ‘06 Andrei K ryssov, Chapman ‘05 Sam Mo ore, Chapman ‘06 Alex Pride, C hapman ‘07 Andy Ramirez, Chapman ‘05 Reb ecca S hasha, Chapman ‘06 Irene Yu, Chapman ‘05 Danielle Barnett, S an Diego S tate ‘07 Steffany Hamilton, San Diego State ‘07 Miguel Palma, San Diego State ‘06 Ayaka Mitsunar i, San Jose S tate ‘05 Jennifer Soong, San Jose State ‘06 Bren t Colasurdo, Santa Clar a ‘05 Stacy Tow, Santa Clar a ‘06 Jeana Williams, Santa Clar a ‘05 WESTCENTRAL REGION Angie Dueber, Colorado State ‘06 Mallory Rubin, Denver ’04 * Jessica McQueston,New Mexico ‘05 Nate Cape, Northern Colorado ‘05 Christina Anderson, Wyoming ‘05 * Team Captain Elizabeth Kuczera ‘79-Life (6) Michael D. Lorenz ‘80-Life (3) Cather ine MacFarlane-Haws ‘77-Life (2) David G.M aples ‘75 Gary E . McVety ‘79-Life (3) Steven M. Patch ‘77-Life (8) Sustaining Members Danielle M. A dams ‘90-Life | Winter 2008 | The Diary of Alpha Kappa Ps i 17 David B. Alfor d ‘05 * Michael R. Berard ‘67-Life (2) Christopher R. Berg ‘94-Life (3) Erik J. Brown ‘94-Life (2) Andrea L.M arin ‘95 John D. Marion ‘63-Life (2) Brenda S. Oliver ‘87-Life John R. Rachfal ‘62 (7) Richard E. Whipple ‘71-Life MICHIGAN TECH Sustaining Member Thomas R. Arbuckle ‘73-Life MIDDLE TENNESSEE Sapphire Club Mark C.R aulston ‘91-Life (10) Laurie A. Raulst on ‘88-Life (10) Patr on’s Club KaShonda N. Lyons ‘04 Dan L. Stubblefield ‘89-Life (8) + Sustaining Members Paul W. Brown ‘97 William J. Do dson ‘02 (2) L. Danielle Kiblinger ‘99 (3) Marla F. M iller ‘06 (2) * Susan A. Titsha w ‘91-Life (8) Kenneth D. Wor les ‘07 * MILLIKIN Sustaining Member Marie C.L ang ‘92 MINNESOTA Brooklyn Bridge Club Arthur W. Carlson ‘49-Life (9) Patr on’s Club Ro dney M. Austin‘56-Life (14) Robert F. Brown ‘92-Life (2) Walter W. Erickson ‘66 Lyle V. Hanson‘49-Life (13) Thomas R. Hendry ‘64-Life (3) Dean B. McKinney ‘50-Life (4) Richard J. Me yer ‘56-Life (15) Sustaining Members George S. Barquist ‘47 Curtis A. C leveland ‘74 (4) Thomas M.DeNeui ‘74 Robert W. J ohnson ‘59 (2) Brian K. Le ‘07 * Cor y G.M aass ‘93 Richard K. Mathews ‘60-Life (2) Ana Nykolayow ‘06 * Charles L. Squir es ‘63-Life (2) Rosita L. Villelli ‘04 * MISSISSIPPI STATE Patr on’s Club Carl F. Hicks ‘64-Life MISSOURI Brooklyn Bridge Club Duncan L. Matteson ‘54-Life (4) Sapphire Club David M. Heimos ‘74-Life (5) Turner A. Russell ‘63-Life Patr on’s Club Larry F. Beck ‘65 Eugene E. Benes ‘64-Life (2) Ryan Bueneman ‘02 Larry D. Heintz ‘64-Life Mark W. Kemp ‘69-Life (3) Richard W. Poston ‘68-Life Frederick J. Rible ‘74-Life Sustaining Members Charles A. A llen ‘65-Life Andrew E. Chio dini ‘86 Eugene H.De B oer ‘69-Life (4) Richard G. Fick ‘50 (4) Glen K.Her furth ‘51 Susan J. Jans ‘84 Donna L.Lucchesi ‘85 18 ACADEMY The Academy is an intimate, hands-on, challenging learning experience designed especially for those students who demonstrate outstanding leadership potential. It is based on the contemporary concepts contained in the business best seller The Leadership Challenge and focuses on the practices and commitments of exemplary leaders. A limited enrollment and a remote location ensure that the experience is highly personal. Interactive group sessions are complemented by small group discussions led by AKPsi facilitators. Through a generous grant from D an (Michigan State ‘89-Life) and Sara Roselli,alumni chapters and individuals, the foundation covered all expenses for 20 students participating in the four-day leadership development institute in June. FREDERIC R. LEACH FELLOW CLASS OF 2005 ACADEMY FELLOW DANIEL V. DUFF FELLOW Sofia Iqbal, Seton Hall ‘07 Cary S. Catlett , Missouri State ‘05 Toni E. Santos, Ken tucky ‘07 IRVING L. CAMP FELLOW CLASS OF 2001 ACADEMY FELLOW DAVID & WENDY WENDROFF FELLOWS Brittany Wade, Florida A&M ‘07 Katie M. Condit , UNC-Charlotte ‘07 Andrei A. Kryssov, Chapman ‘05 Alan Ta, Calgary ‘05 CAPITAL AREA ALUMNI FELLOW CLASS OF 2006 ACADEMY FELLOW Nicholas W. Rust, Maryland ‘07 J ames A. Livesey, Arizona State ‘07 MOTOR CITY ALUMNI / ROBERT A. SPANSKY FELLOW Sean Detwiler, Case Western ‘07 WADE CO. FELLOW NATHAN LANE JR. FELLOW Joe M. Zeiger, Central Washington ‘07 Jessica A. McQueston,N ew Mexico ‘05 CLASS OF 2004 ACADEMY FELLOW FLORIDA GOLD COAST ALUMNI FELLOW Haley C. Flowers, Toledo ‘06 CLASS OF 2003 ACADEMY FELLOW Dustin Will, Nebraska ‘06 Luis M. Duco, Cen tral Florida ‘06 MANAGEMENT TEAM FELLOW Ravshan Abzalov, Drexel ‘08 CLASS OF 2007 ACADEMY FELLOW GEORGE L. BERGEN FELLOW Casey M.H elton,M urray State ‘07 Lynnal N. Ndimande, Texas Lutheran ‘07 CLASS OF 2002 ACADEMY FELLOW HOWARD M. JEFFERSON FELLOW Mary Kathryn B ro ck, Alabama ‘06 Arianne A. Salandy, Winthrop ‘07 The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi | Winter 2008 | Ed win W. Meyer ‘50 Linda M. Rech tien ‘81 (4) James L. Rile y ‘79-Life John W. R ogers ‘56 (2) Lesley A. Siegfried ‘86-Life (4) Adam C. Sto verink ‘02 (4) Nicole M. W ilson ‘91 (12) MISSOURI STATE Patr on’s Club Karen L ee Wo odall ‘97-Faculty (2) Sustaining Members Mackenzie A. Crosby ‘07 * Tamara C. Hess ‘00 (2) Matthew R.J ohnson‘00 Krist yn M.Johnson‘02 Randie K. L owe ‘06 * Ralphanique M oor e ‘04 * Heather R.M orris ‘92-Life (13) Kelly D. Savard ‘04 * Daniel G. Scheulen ‘07 * Mark T. Sullivan ‘83 (4) Benjamin L. Tummons ‘06 * MISSOURI WESTERN Sapphire Club Cherry A. Ryan ‘03 (2) Patr on’s Club Ashley L. Boley ‘05 Anastasia E. Reid ‘03 Cassandra N. Schuster ‘05 (2) Sustaining Members Charles G. Baxter ‘05 (2) Jennif er N. Cammann ‘06 * Ashley E. Falt er ‘04 (3) Heather D. Gofor th ‘05 (2) Danielle C. H ewitt ‘00 (3) Alex E . Mallen ‘07 * Vanessa C. Morris ‘06 (2) Amanda B. Ro e ‘04 Erin N. Ward ‘06 * Ashley J. Weakley ‘07 * Monica M. White ‘07 * Tiphani M. White ‘07 * MONTANA Sustaining Member Donald F. Stana way ‘49-Life (2) MONTCLAIR STATE Founder ’s Club Andrea Nemeth CFV ‘91-Life (8) ^ Patr on’s Club Chad E. Smith CFV ‘93 (5) Gregory P. Web er ‘81-Life (10) Sustaining Members Jenille A. A mantine ‘06 (3) * Deborah S. Amundsen ‘83-Life (2) Debora E. Barrett ‘98 Veronica L. Garcia ‘00 (2) Alexa Grueiro ‘99 Kenneth H ollasch‘81-Life (2) + Clifford Spangler Society Recognition club for those who made provisions for Alpha Kappa Psi in their estate plans. ( ) Consecutive Giving Consecutive years of giving since the 1991-92 campaign are included in parenthesis. * Yellow Rose S ociety Recognition club for those undergraduates who made a minimum contribution of $10. ^ Matching Gift Donor was eligible for a matching gift which was received during the campaign. Gregory J. Lawley ‘01 Alyssa M. Lindner ‘06 (2) * James A. Ostic ‘90 (7) Margaret B. San to ‘92-Life (7) Louis E. S inatra ‘91-Life Jennif er F. Terr y‘93 (5) Annual Fund Giving Levels 1904 Club — $10,000 + Chairman’s Club — $5,000 + P resident’s Club — $2,500 + Founder’s Club — $1,000 + Brooklyn Bridge Club — $500 + Sapphire Club — $250 + Patron’s Club — $100 + MONTEVALLO Sustaining Members Patricia D. Lo velady ‘03 (4) Jay F. Wilkoff ‘80-Life (3) MURRAY STATE Sapphire Club Kelly J. Fineman ‘04 Patr on’s Club Derek W. Hun ter ‘01 (6) Sustaining Members Brandie L. Bejma ‘07 * Kimber ly D. Bridges ‘06 * Jessic a L. Car y ‘07 * Jane E. D eWitt ‘07 * Michelle L.Farthing ‘06 * Whitne y A. For d ‘06 * Kimb erly Fowler ‘85-Life Andrea R.G aner ‘05 * Shannon N.Gear hart ‘07 * Allie R.H aertling ‘06 * Stephanie K. Harrington ‘07 * Casey M. Helton ‘07 * Jonathan H. Jones ‘07 * Brian K innaman‘07 * Kati L. N orringt on ‘06 * Michael S. Perkins ‘07 * Jenna R. Ray ‘07 * Whitne y M. Solheim ‘07 * Geor ge L. Swatzell ‘07 * Lauren A. Thompson ‘07 * Rebecca N.Thompson ‘07 * Megan VonBokel ‘06 * Emma L. Wall ‘07 * Brandon R. White ‘07 * NEBRASKA Patr on’s Club Marisa A. Pont ‘04 (4) Sustaining Members Vance A. Baker ‘50-Life (5) Brian J. Oppliger ‘98 Catherine E. Wiseman ‘01 (2) NEVADA - LAS VEGAS Patr on’s Club Justin H. Carter ‘01 Sustaining Member Luis G. Garcia-Solor io ‘04 NEW MEXICO Patr on’s Club Ryan K. Montoya ‘05 (3) Sustaining Members Ashley Aceves ‘07 * William A. Cleary ‘67-Life (2) Berna ve De La Cruz ‘05 * Janelle L. Gutierrez ‘06 * Mire ya Herrer a ‘05 (3) Jessic a N. Jaramillo ‘07 * Kellie S. Knapp ‘07 * Jessic a A. McQueston ‘05 (3) * NEW YORK Founder ’s Club David J. Scholes ‘65-Life (3) Brooklyn Bridge Club William A. D onnelly ‘36-Life (2) + Sapphire Club Rober t A.Marra ‘59-Life (5) Patr on’s Club Howard O. Hampton ‘43-Life (2) + Michael E .M ulvane y ‘70-Life (3) Jin Tao ‘04 Sustaining Members Geor ge E. Hay ‘35-Life (2) William H. O’Connell ‘52 Jack L. Verdi ‘63-Life (9) Ed ward J. Z alewski ‘50 (2) NIAGARA Patr on’s Club Paul A. F ratarangelo ‘61-Life Sustaining Members Ed win M.Kenned y‘59-Life (2) Peter M. McNeil ‘62-Life John L. Mur ino‘64-Life Laura B. Sagar ‘99 (2) Franco Strangis ‘88-Life William S. Wonsiewski ‘57-Life UNC - CHAPEL HILL Sapphire Club Jean M. Souweine‘52-Life (2) Patr on’s Club Paul D. F reedle ‘60-Life (15) Katar ina A. Karcz ewsk i ‘91-Life (5) Jason J. Kunsa ‘91-Life Jennif er M.Lamprides ‘89-Life Rufus B .Langle y‘62-Life (5) Zachar y H.Wrigh t ‘91-Life (7) Harry N. Young ‘51 (7) Sustaining Members Suresh B hagchandani‘07 * Chelsea A. Briner ‘05 (2) * Sallie E. Brown ‘06 (2) * James N. Browne ‘51-Life Deborah A. Edwards ‘83-Life (2) Joseph W. Fulton ‘06 * Richard E . Hamrick ‘69 Luke Lin ‘07 * Rachel W. M cGinnis ‘98 Julian Moreno ‘07 * Jesse V. Noland ‘51-Life (2) Katherine Page ‘07 * Jyoti B. Patel ‘06 (2) * Antony D. Roberson ‘91-Life (2) Keith S. Rober ts ‘83-Life Leslie F. Roberts ‘83-Life Sharon E. Scruggs‘95-Life (4) Jonathan So ‘07 * Cameron Todd ‘06 * Karen E. Tyson ‘86-Life Andrea L. Verney ‘05 (3) * William H. W hite ‘55 (2) Billy J. Wo osley ‘55-Life (2) UNC - CHARLOTTE Patr on’s Club James H. Killian ‘70-Life (2) Sustaining Members Kristen N. Atha ‘07 * Manuel Christoff el ‘51 (2) Katie M. Condit ‘07 * Kenneth M. Freeland ‘73-Life Joshua S. G reenberg ‘07 * Christina M.Hahn ‘07 * C. Gordon Harris ‘84-Life (2) Steven K. Hun ter ‘08 * Benjamin A. L ane ‘07 (2) * Geor ge A.M attar ‘04 (2) Adrienne E. Schreur ‘06 (2) * Leigh A.S mith ‘96-Life (2) Scott D. Smith ‘94-Life (2) Rober t L.Stevenson ‘07 * Jeffrey R. Stone ‘07 (2) * Caleb R.Truitt ‘02 (5) Thomas A. Walsh ‘07 * Crystal S. W illiams ‘07 * NORTH CAROLINA STATE Patr on’s Club Christopher A. Johnson ‘92-Life (6) William T. L aundon ‘83-Life (12) Mary E. Perry ‘83-Life Myra S. Rappl ‘83-Life (5) Sustaining Members Ronda P. Br iggs‘89-Life Jenna C. Daniel ‘06 (2) James H. H ayne ‘85-Life Dawn M. McConoughey ‘85 Shanea B. McR ae‘07 * Geor ge J. Pappas ‘07 * Anthony K. Rosemond ‘03 (2) Noah M. Sanders ‘97 (6) Jennif er L.Smith ‘96-Life (8) Kyle M. Smith ‘96 (5) Brandon L. Veler ‘05 (2) Elizabeth C. White ‘83 (2) NORTH DAKOTA STATE Sustaining Member Amber M. Schaan ‘05 NORTH TEXAS Sustaining Members Tiar a A. Bradshaw ‘06 * Veronica C ornett ‘07 * Felicia L. Cruz ‘07 * Ed win L.D ubois ‘07 * Crystal Ejizu ‘07 * Catherine E vans ‘07 * Sean Holbro ok ‘06 * Shicara Hollie ‘06 * Wendy E . Hun ter ‘06 * DeAndre‘ L. Hutchison ‘06 * D’Andre Johnson ‘07 * Ashley D. J ones ‘06 (2) * Forrest F. Jones ‘07 * Delesa Kegler ‘07 * Kameisha N. M cCoy ‘05 * Jennif er Moore ‘07 * Josp ehine Onita ‘07 * Takiyah J. Po ellnitz ‘03 Kandace Shepherd ‘07 * Scottie Smith ‘06 * Ashley Waldron ‘07 * Devin J. White ‘04 * NORTHERN COLORADO Patr on’s Club Molly A.S ollie ‘02 (5) Sustaining Members Matthew J. Brad y ‘07 * Nathan A. Cap e ‘05 (3) * Steven J. Cederb erg ‘04 Kimbre R. Clark ‘07 * Allison Co x ‘07 (2) * Meg Enderby ‘05 (3) * Danielle Findley ‘06 (2) * Christina Graves ‘07 * Andrea Hammond ‘06 Brittany Howland ‘07 * Kai I. Jones ‘04 (2) * Kristen Lindemann ‘06 * Megan Prask a ‘06 * Shannon K.R egan‘06-Life (2) * Krista R. Reinb old ‘07 * Amber Scott ‘07 * Tyler Short ‘07 * NORTHERN MICHIGAN Sustaining Members James D. G ray ‘69-Life (4) Paula N. L ange ‘95 (6) Tina Lewis ‘83-Life (5) Joseph J.P rinzi‘67-Life (3) Richard A. Slowik ‘67-Life NORTHWESTERN Patr on’s Club Rober t R. Griesedieck ‘04 Sustaining Members Geor ge Celia ‘45-Life Bruc e E. Dean ‘53-Life (14) Ocea G. Emmons ‘05 NORTHWOOD Sustaining Members Shat ona M. Bell ‘04 Alex C lark ‘07 * Tiffany Killian ‘06 * NORWICH Sustaining Member Nicholas W. Mansolillo ‘80-Life NOVA SOUTHEASTERN Patr on’s Club Regina C. Dhanani‘05 Ariane L. Guettler ‘05-Life (3) Renee’ J. Taylor ‘05-Life (2) Sustaining Members Vanessa H. G ilyard ‘05-Life (3) David M. Kaplan ‘05 (2) Megan Shepherd ‘05 (2) OAKLAND Sapphire Club Rebecca M. Bozek ‘86-Life John J. Makowsk i ‘86-Life (6) Patr on’s Club James L. C anvasser ‘98-Life (8) Patric e Man tovani ‘85 Sustaining Members Deborah L. Hab el ‘85-Life (5) William P. Hab oush ‘85-Life (3) Thomas L. Pickett ‘03 OHIO STATE Brooklyn Bridge Club Harland L. Mischler ‘53-Life (2) Lewis R. Smo ot ‘89-Hon/Life (2) Patr on’s Club Susan L. Arnold ‘80-Life (15) Richard A. Bender ‘65-Life (2) Gary E. G assin ‘76-Life (3) Thomas C. Kalnicki ‘90-Life Leonard W. M orrison ‘57-Life (4) Sustaining Members Ned K. Barthelmas ‘49-Life (12) Donald J. B aumann‘72-Life Linda A. Bro wn ‘85-Life Mark E. Bucher ‘85-Life Matthew R. Leppert ‘81-Life Toni L.M c Car thy ‘91-Life Shawn W. M iko ‘05 * Dave Mrowzinsk i ‘06 * Hayden M. Par ks ‘79-Life (2) John K. Parks ‘90-Life (5) Ed ward F. Yule ‘58 OKLAHOMA STATE Patr on’s Club Carla J. Kadavy ‘81-Life (5) Sustaining Member Konrad A. Broussard ‘84 OLD DOMINION Brooklyn Bridge Club Leslie-Ann J. Brinker ‘76-Life (13) + Sapphire Club Rober t A.Davenpor t ‘86-Life (16) Patr on’s Club Gregory M. Arnold ‘84-Life (15) Nicholas B. Clark ‘86-Life (3) Mark W. Dearing ‘03 William A. O’Brien ‘69-Life (11) Sustaining Members Richard E. Baines ‘66-Life Derrick B est ‘08 * Joseph A. C lark ‘01 + | Winter 2008 | The Diary of Alpha Kappa Ps i 19 Steven F. Craig ‘79-Life (8) James E. D alonas ‘59-Life Scott L. Dietrick ‘86-Life Nelson C. Go dbey ‘90-Life (2) ^ Sandra E. Jo yner ‘80 Jo yce M. Miller ‘92 (4) Jeffrey T. Rouse ‘86-Life (13) Theresa M. Rouse ‘87-Life (13) Rena te’ S.Thomas ‘02 Fred B. Williams ‘76-Life OREGON Patr on’s Club Leigh G.B razee ‘87-Life (2) Sustaining Members Kimb erlee A. Arita ‘01 Nathaniel Char l ton ‘03 Sam A. Cor nwell ‘07 * Elizabeth Go dfrey ‘07 * Veronica Jin ‘07 * Kristina L emeni ‘07 * Jacquelyn M. Lo w ‘05 (2) * Justin R. Pederson ‘03 Lenny Pichette ‘07 * Aron Russell ‘06 * Adam E. Ryding ‘07 * Maria L. Schell ‘04 (2) * Heather M. Schwartz ‘07 * OREGON STATE Sustaining Members Tara Arn tt ‘08 * Dean W. Blachly ‘03 (3) Angela Gabel ‘03 Mia R. Isaacson ‘08 * Valerie N. Keihn ‘07 * Chia-Yun Li ‘07 * Jason A.M uller ‘08 * Tiffiny A. Nofziger‘05 (2) * PACIFIC LUTHERAN Sustaining Member Karen L. Zapata ‘93-Life (5) PENNSYLVANIA Patr on’s Club Yakov Shenkman ‘03 Sustaining Member Gale S. Woo d ‘05-Honor ary (3) PENN STATE Sapphire Club William L. Foulds ‘64-Life (10) Patr on’s Club Janet K. Kenned y-Stretch ‘86-Life Annie Kopp el-Doncsecz ‘83-Life (5) Marissa L. Sha y ‘05 Thomas N. Tran ‘02 (2) Sustaining Members Alex N. Barenblitt ‘76-Life Abigail B. Brunner ‘08 * + Clifford Spangler Society Recognition club for those who made provisions for Alpha Kappa Psi in their estate plans. ( ) Consecutive Giving Consecutive years of giving since the 1991-92 campaign are included in parenthesis. * ^ 20 Melissa Conti ‘02 (2) Valerie J. Dames ‘08 * Arlene Dan ver‘82-Life (5) Taylor L.Destefano ‘08 * Andrew J. Dickson ‘97 (2) Barbar a L. Eckman ‘80-Life (5) Kaleena G allagher‘03 Rachel E . Huwar ‘04 Alexis J. Kricher ‘08 * Rebekah L. Kr ueger ‘08 * Christopher K. Long ‘04 Kelly O’Brien ‘08 * Joshua M. Sanders ‘98 David J. Sholtis ‘86-Life Raymond T. Sowinski ‘08 * Kara L. Stoley ‘08 * Christopher L. Taylor ‘83-Life (2) W. Frank Vongehr ‘65-Life (5) Kur tis W. Woodr ing ‘08 * PHILLIPS Sustaining Member Faron L.Johnson ‘83-Life (5) PITTSBURGH Patr on’s Club Robert J. Creely ‘97 (4) Sustaining Members Sarah Banducci ‘07 * Kate B arker ‘07 * Steven R. Bauer ‘99 (3) Jor dan Bro oks ‘06 (2) * Justin B rown ‘07 * Sean C hrisman ‘06 * Anthony Cosnotti ‘01 (2) Mary Cox ‘07 * Danielle M. Dunbar ‘97 (3) Stephanie Fedorchak ‘07 * Erica Gorski ‘07 * Ryan Heichel ‘04 * Emilie Homa ‘07 * David L. Hopper ‘06 * Andrew Keelan ‘06 * Ashley Levinson ‘06 * Carrie Lippert ‘07 * Ashley M. Mangiolardo ‘05 * Jamie R.M arsh ‘05 * Matthew B. McTiernan ‘07 * Laura Grace Mo ore ‘07 * Hilary Pisula ‘06 * Kaitlin Riley ‘07 * Ross A. R uffing‘06 (2) * Lisa Savchak ‘05 * Kenneth M. Shamus ‘97 (5) Lindsey Sheridan ‘06 * Joanne M. Smith ‘01 (7) Carly J. Smith ‘07 * Rebecca Sokoloff ‘07 * Justine S wope ‘07 * Mara Wer tz ‘07 * Leah Wilks ‘06 (2) * Leah Winkler ‘07 * PITTSBURGH - JOHNSTOWN Brooklyn Bridge Club Richard A. Hughey ‘91-Life (4) ^ Sustaining Members Chris R. Feather ‘95-Life (7) + Susannah M. Kiehl ‘94 (2) POINT PARK Sustaining Member Thomas G.Mesler ‘70-Life (4) PORTLAND Yellow Rose So ciety Recognition club for those undergraduates who made a minimum contribution of $10. Matching Gift Donor was eligible for a matching gift which was received during the campaign. Pr esident ’s Club David P. Wendroff ‘79-Life (14) + Brooklyn Bridge Club Mark C. MacGibbon ‘96-Life (9) Sapphire Club Charles D. Steffens ‘87-Life (8) Patr on’s Club Robert J. Sheehan ‘67-Life (2) Sustaining Members Robert B. Bowin ‘52-Faculty (5) Marissa J. Calc agno ‘04 Neal R. Potter ‘71-Life PORTLAND STATE Patr on’s Club Steven D. Anderson ‘83-Life (5) Gary K.N elson‘65-Life (9) Sustaining Members Cliffor d A. Burns ‘65-Life Paul E. Chr isten ‘71-Life David E. Erickson ‘70-Life ^ PUGET SOUND Patr on’s Club Kelly M. Droop ‘87-Life Sustaining Members Sandi K. Kawahar a ‘91-Life (15) V icky A. Klug ‘81-Life Coleen Lisosk i ‘00 W. Ronald Stone ‘61-Life (6) Justin T. Teruya ‘00-Life (6) Carly S.Teruya ‘00 (6) Thomas W. Wagner ‘59-Life (3) PURDUE Sapphire Club Jess C. LaNor e ‘00-Hon/Lif e (9) + Patr on’s Club Jason R. Mailloux‘03 Sustaining Members Alison M.K ane ‘06 (2) * Michael A. Patulo ‘05 Stephanie A. Phillips ‘07 * Bijo y P. Shah ‘04 * Russell N. Sto ver ‘04 Marc W. Van den Dobb elsteen ‘07 * RADFORD Sustaining Members Kalah J. Crouch ‘05 (2) Robert L. Hash ‘06 (2) Lashonda Law ‘06 (2) Anthony F. S tefanacci ‘04 Curtis C. Tanner ‘05 (2) REGIS Brooklyn Bridge Club Edwin J. Feulner ‘60-Life (10) Patr on’s Club Walter F. Imhoff ‘54-Life (2) Sustaining Member M. Kevin McLaughlin ‘70-Life RICHMOND Patr on’s Club John A. B ennett‘65-Life D. S.Showalter ‘73-Life (5) Robert S. Ukrop ‘68-Life (10) Sustaining Members Ronald N. Freeny ‘64-Life (4) David A. Ralston ‘94-Life (5) V ictoria E. Rauchle ‘94-Life Mark A. Williams ‘89-Life ROANOKE COLLEGE Sustaining Members Heather R. Adams ‘00 Jor dan G.Green ‘06 Craig T. Ultsch ‘06 (2) RUTGERS Patr on’s Club Heather Jasont ek‘98-Life (7) Mihir Kurani ‘00 Chad N. Olszyk ‘98-Life (7) Sustaining Members Mashaal Ahmed ‘07 * Christine Amor es ‘06 (2) * The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi | Winter 2008 | Matthew Ank erbrandt ‘06 (2) * Mark A. Aranjue z ‘07 * Christopher Ballinger ‘07 * Nicolas Biddle ‘06 (2) * Ro dion Blokh ‘06 (2) * Kevin C hang ‘06 (2) * Clauter C harleston ‘06 (2) * Jo yce Choi ‘07 * Jeffrey J. Crumb ‘06 (2) * Michael F. Duffy ‘07 * Sunnaret S. Eang ‘07 * Hayley G lickman ‘06 (2) * Nuno Guar da ‘07 * Sandra N. Haddad ‘07 * Jo dy H an ‘07 * Jae H an ‘06 (2) * Christopher R. H oover ‘07 * AnaMaria Jimenez ‘02 Talal Khan ‘05 (2) * Anup Khatri ‘07 * Murtaza A. Khawaja ‘06 (2) * Patrick Kilcoyne ‘06 (2) * Daniel Kim ‘06 (2) * Eugene Kim ‘07 * Brundha K ranthi ‘07 * Ganesh P. Krishnamur thy ‘07 * Shelly Kundani ‘06 (2) * Eugene Kushnir ‘07 * Kim Laglagaron ‘07 * Nerley Lausier ‘06 (2) * Tammy Lee ‘06 (2) * Chandrel Lee ‘07 * Eric Lieu ‘07 * Ju Liu ‘07 * Katelyn N. Lur vey ‘07 * Michelle Mak ‘05 (3) * Geetha L. Makam ‘07 * Sean Marren ‘05 (3) * Nina Mathur ‘06 (2) * Joseph Mazur ‘07 * Dhr uv Mehr a‘07 * Ellen M o ‘06 (2) * Nicola Nelson ‘06 (2) * Stephanie Ngai ‘07 * Long Nguyen ‘04 (4) Niket Parik h ‘06 (2) * Susan Parker ‘07 * V iki Patel ‘06 (2) * Maulik Patel ‘07 * Neel Patel ‘06 (2) * Hang T. Pham ‘07 * Marian T. Pho ‘07 * Maya Pillai ‘07 * Sameer M. Qur eshi ‘99 (2) Varun Rampall ‘07 * Kevin S. Rapach ‘06 (2) * Seema Raykar ‘04 (4) * Santino Riv ello ‘05 (3) * Kristel R oz ‘07 * Volod ymyr Rudnytsk yy ‘06 * Daniel Schwartz ‘06 (2) * Amish Shah ‘07 * Gopika S hah ‘06 (2) * Jamil Shaikh ‘06 (2) * Josephine Shao‘07 * Manjinder Singh ‘06 (2) * Kavita Sinha ‘07 * Benjamin Y. Song ‘07 * Steven Tran ‘07 * Harrison Wang ‘07 * Sean Wen ‘07 * Aaron A. White ‘06 (2) * Jake White ‘05 (2) * Daniel C. Whiteman ‘07 * Patrick H. Wong ‘07 * Bong-hee Yang‘06 (2) * Sung Yang‘06 (2) * Eric Yang ‘07 * William Yap ‘98 Michael Zhu‘07 * ST. FRANCIS COLLEGE (N.Y.) Sustaining Member Robert T. Wanderer ‘68-Life (4) ST. FRANCIS COLLEGE (Pa.) Patr on’s Club Guido E. De Angelis ‘64-Life (4) Sustaining Member Timothy G. Rubritz ‘73-Life ST. JOHN’S Sustaining Members Pat Chung‘99 George M. DeRosa‘56-Life Ethel L. Intatano ‘98 ^ Joseph L. Paci ‘07 * V ishal Tiwary ‘01 Robert G. Volpe ‘58-Life (16) SAINT LOUIS Founder’s Club Cyn thia A. Washington ‘82-Life (15) Brooklyn Bridge Club Elizabeth A. Hampton ‘78-Life (5) Timothy J. H ampton ‘76-Life (5) ^ Phil D. May ‘86-Life (8) John R. Wielandy‘62-Life (10) Sapphire Club Kenneth B. Hast ey‘76-Life (16) Patr on’s Club Jo el E. Hawley ‘03 (2) Lisa L. Irby ‘83-Life (3) Gerald W. Thebeau ‘59-Life Sustaining Members Robert D . Ahr ens ‘75-Life (2) Daniel H. Collins ‘83-Life Jane C ostello Dwyer ‘80-Life (15) David J.E schmann ‘75-Life (8) Douglas J. Heitk amp ‘05 (2) Ronald A. Holmes ‘77-Life (4) Sarah E. Laux ‘05 (2) * Alicia D. Neumann ‘96-Life (10) Gregory R. Strnad ‘75-Life (5) V ictoria L. Weikel ‘05 (2) * Chavon C. Winfrey ‘04 (3) ST. MARY’S COLLEGE Patr on’s Club Douglas W. Johnson ‘63-Life (4) SAINT THOMAS Patr on’s Club Lawrenc e J. Keefe ‘57-Life (2) SAM HOUSTON STATE Patr on’s Club Robert L. Foshee ‘92-Life Lea S.Hor tin ‘94-Life (2) Sustaining Members Terri L. Cutler ‘93-Life (4) Sonia M. Deggs ‘90 James A. Do wnes ‘77 Tasha O’Q uinn-Osborne ‘98 SAMFORD Sustaining Member Katherine E. Kistel ‘04 SAN DIEGO Patr on’s Club Kimber ly L. Fetterling ‘02-Life (2) Sustaining Members Jennif er L. Adamany ‘05 (3) Andrew J. Adamany ‘07 * Melissa Baker ‘05 (3) Soren E . Croxall ‘07 * Mai N. Le ‘06 * Lauren Lea ‘05 (2) * Jo y L.Mupas ‘06 (2) * Stephanie M. Ro ckwell ‘03 Allison C.S aiki ‘06 (2) * SAN DIEGO STATE Sapphire Club Alexander T. Sultan ‘93-Life (8) Patr on’s Club Joseph N. G erocs ‘03-Life Lisa M. Nomura-Ro dgers ‘86 Amber R. Scott ‘05 (3) Sustaining Members Ashley C. A rata ‘07 * Danielle J. Barnett ‘07 * Christopher A. Bollinger ‘07 * Michelle Bregozzo ‘06 (2) * Hillar y Bryant ‘06 (2) Derek Burk ‘01 (5) Michael Cando ‘04 (4) Thomas Chu ‘06 (2) * Anna J. Coburn ‘06 (2) * Domenic W.D i Tomaso ‘07 * Lisa Doan ‘06 * Jo ey W. Edwards ‘04 (2) * Rena Farah ‘07 * Jennie M. Flores ‘06 (2) * Steffany H amilton ‘07 * Tatiana A. Hulko ‘06 * Andrey K. K amogari ‘06 * Deborah Kank elborg ‘06 (2) * Petar P. Krale v ‘07 * Armando Lao ‘05 * Jeff Mattson ‘06 (2) Tyler J.M cLinden ‘06 * V i Y. Nguyen ‘07 * Marissa Nieto ‘06 (2) * Joanne Nikolov ‘06 (2) * Rober to Ortega ‘06 (2) * Juan Miguel M. Palma ‘06 (2) * Amit Patel ‘05 * Tyana Perez ‘06 (2) * Rachel K. Quan ‘07 * Amanda S. Quillen ‘05 (3) Allison B. Quincer ‘07 * V ictoria R aymer ‘06 * Dustin R ober ts ‘07 Serena S eddio ‘05 Robyn G. Seidel ‘06 (2) * Sher yl L. Sherman ‘88-Life ^ Sher ry A. Shoemake ‘05 (3) * Monica A. Silverwood ‘91 Christina I. Smith ‘06 (2) * Gloria J.Tan ‘05 * Honor Tran ‘06 * Leslie Y. Truong ‘07 * Howard Tu ‘05 * Christina Tyndall ‘06 (2) * Sabr ina A. Waller ‘07 * William L. Whittle ‘05 (2) * SAN JOSE STATE Sustaining Members Nicole E . Fukumoto ‘06 (2) * Michael O. Kwon ‘07 * Denny V. Le ‘07 * Julisa K. Lee ‘05 * Cindy-Nha K. Nguyen ‘06 * Lindsay M. Perdiguerra ‘07 * Jennifer Y. Soong ‘06 Dat Q. Thieu ‘07 * Stephanie U. Tran ‘06 (2) * Bever ly T. Wong ‘06 (2) * Sabr ina Wong ‘06 (2) * Peter K. Wong ‘05 * Frances Wong ‘07 * Eudora Zhang ‘06 * SANTA CLARA Sustaining Members Anthony M. Chigazola‘05 * Michael Ford ‘07 * Stephanie Ma ‘06 * Jeffrey M ontic elli ‘07 * Angela Poth ‘06 * Cheryl Taguma ‘06 * Asher A. Williams ‘06 * Jeana Williams ‘05 * SEATTLE Pr esident ’s Club Jason T. M cGill ‘96-Life (5) Rober ta McGill ‘95 (5) Sapphire Club Darlene L. Arreola ‘97 ^ Jon P.D oyle ‘86-Life Patr on’s Club Marie C. Draye ‘05 (3) Erin L. Thorgerson ‘98 (6) Frank R. Vitulli ‘57-Life (5) William A. Wade ‘05-Honorary (5) Scott C. Warren ‘97-Life (5) ^ Sustaining Members Sefinat Araga ‘06 Sean T.D urkin ‘07 * Kyle Finnegan ‘06 * Andrew R. Kano ‘68-Life (2) Arthur J. Kim ‘06 (2) * Andy Li ‘07 * William M. R ogers ‘86-Life (2) Michelle T. Ro gers ‘89-Life (4) Leo J. Valdrow ‘76-Life SETON HALL Patr on’s Club Andrew S. Lesniak ‘05 John W.S weitzer ‘65-Life (11) Sustaining Members Nicholas Abolafia ‘07 * Wayne H. Anthony ‘86 Alexandra E. Ayer ‘06 (2) * Amaf Bashmaf ‘06 * Jessic a L. Bevilacqua ‘07 * Charles W. Bruno ‘05 * John A. Cardillo ‘05 * Phil S. Carpentier ‘05 Fabric e Char les ‘07 * William J. C havez ‘06 * Helena T. Cowan ‘04 (4) Paul M. Cronin ‘07 * Jennif er A.D akin‘91-Life (2) Dennis D e Almeida ‘07 * Joseph S. DiCara ‘06 (5) * Tiffany Dindial ‘07 * Michael Domingue z ‘07 * Karen G. Flores ‘08 * Brian T. Forsa ‘04 * Jillian M. Geiger ‘06 * Johanna L. Gons‘07 * Juliana I. Gutierrez-A nglero ‘07 * Raymond G uzman ‘06 * Alex L. Hernande z ‘08 * Ph ylicia A. Hill ‘07 * Lisa E .H oward ‘07 * Albert M. In tili ‘56-Life (2) Sofia Iqbal ‘07 * Chris Ives ‘07 * Bradley A. Jacobson ‘05 * Kimber ly E. Kassing ‘06 * Michelle A. Kho ‘06 * V ijar Kohli ‘08 * Jared Kostelnick ‘07 * Monique Le ‘07 * Stephanie P. Leon ‘06 * Michael Longo‘05 * Michael G. LoVasc o ‘07 * Shannon E. Lynch ‘08 * Leon R.M ack ‘07 * Alicia M. Mariconda ‘06 * Corinne M. Marotta ‘07 * Rober t Marrone ‘05 * Ibrahim K. Masri ‘06 * Susan M atulewicz ‘07 * Joseph V. M echetti ‘06 * Christina Moffa tt ‘06 * Michelle P.M olina ‘08 * Maryb eth A.Mueller ‘06 (2) * Patricia Nicholas ‘07 * Michael A. Ojo ‘08 * Nathaly Palacio ‘07 * Sahil Parik h ‘08 * Dianne Ramlochan ‘07 * Margaret Ramos ‘06 * Johanna Y. R odr iguez ‘06 * Douglas J. Rolwo od ‘07 * Ric ardo A. Rosario ‘08 * Aaron Rose ‘06 * Christina M. Ruiz ‘06 * John Ryan ‘07 * Arthur J. Saba tini ‘61-Life (10) Dahlia Safar ‘07 * Jean-L uc Savageau ‘05 * Tom S. Scarillo ‘88 (7) Kristen B . Schallis ‘08 * Harris S hah ‘06 * Michael J. Slocinski ‘07 * Alan B. S mith ‘06 * Pamela D. Somers ‘07 * Michael S tein ‘78-Life (3) Janelle Tarab occhia ‘05 * Theandr a M. Thompson ‘07 * Michael Thunell ‘07 * Jennif er Triunfo ‘07 * Felix Tuccillo ‘05 * Marvin Uw angue‘08 * Bernise Valdez ‘06 * Tamika L. Williams ‘06 * Gary K. Wong ‘07 * Raquel Wyn ter ‘07 * SHIPPENSBURG Sustaining Members Kali E . Antolik ‘08 * Joanna A. Apostolakos ‘08 * Eric S. Arditi ‘08 * Jessic a R.B onatsos ‘08 * Gilliam F. C arroll ‘08 * Matt J. DiLiber to ‘08 * Kaitlin D . Dillon ‘06 * Meg C.F rench ‘08 * Sara M.G ochenaur ‘06 * Christina M. G oss ‘06 * Jeffrey T. Hillen ‘06 * Paige E. J ensen ‘08 * Holly E. Kulp ‘07 * Chris A. Kurtz ‘07 * Lauren Lieb el ‘05 * Laura J. Mar tin ‘07 * Allisha A.M cNeal ‘07 * Raymond F.M enapace ‘06 * Troy W. Merke ‘06 * Stephanie L. Metzler ‘08 * Elizabeth A. M iller ‘06 * Lindsey L. Minguez ‘08 * Julie A. Morbit ‘08 * Dylan J.M oulton ‘07 * Taryn M. Mueller ‘07 * Paris P. Preston ‘06 * Teasha L. Robison ‘07 * Monica L.S locum ‘07 * Carly R. Smith ‘07 * Daniel E. Smith ‘07 * Hannah K. Sorber ‘08 * Jason A. Sullivan ‘07 * Mark K. Welliver ‘06 * James A. Wood ‘08 * Kelse y M. Woo d ‘07 * Marlene E. Yoricich ‘00 SLIPPERY ROCK Patr on’s Club Bruc e Orvis ‘01-Faculty (2) Sustaining Members Freeman Bartek ‘06 * Bobbie R. C ampbell ‘07 * Courtney M. Cowen ‘07 * Bro oke G hiardi ‘07 * Ryan J. Holmgr en ‘05 (2) * Luke D .H opkin ‘07 * Shannon R. Kelley ‘06 * Alyson B. May ‘07 * Laura M ucho ‘07 * Rachele N oce ‘06 * Jessic a R. Papa ‘06 * Adrianne R. Redding ‘06 * Nicolas C. Rivero ‘07 * Michael L. Rohm ‘07 * Christine T. S erfozo ‘06 * Chas Sobolak ‘07 * Annual Fund Giving Levels 1904 Club — $10,000 + Chairman’s Club — $5,000 + P resident’s Club — $2,500 + Founder’s Club — $1,000 + Brooklyn Bridge Club — $500 + Sapphire Club — $250 + Patron’s Club — $100 + SOUTH ALABAMA Sapphire Club Emilly P.M iddleton ‘06 (2) Sustaining Members Meredith R. C hiaro ‘06 * Frederick J. Heinzelmann ‘87-Life Matthew T. McCall ‘03 Stanley M. Zimmerman ‘80 SOUTH CAROLINA Sustaining Members Ruth N. Andrews ‘07 * Christian A. Bogue ‘07 * Andrew Brenan ‘07 * Vanessa E. Choate ‘07 * Rebecca M. DeNisi ‘07 * Dylan A. J esse ‘07 * Candace L. Krenk ler ‘07 * Rebecca Li ‘07 * Ketk i V. M oradia ‘05 * Ashley E . Oleszczuk ‘07 * Michael F. Perlmutter ‘07 * Catherine Porth ‘07 * Erik a K. Powell ‘07 * Andrew Strassler ‘07 * Emily J. Supil ‘07 * Dana Yerace ‘07 * SOUTH CAROLINA - AIKEN Sustaining Member Richard P. Stepp ‘83-Life SOUTH CAROLINA STATE Patr on’s Club Nyesha R.N ewton ‘99 (8) Kendra N. Speed ‘99 Sustaining Members Chastine D. Dickey ‘07 * Tyeshia R. Drain ‘05 * Frederick D. Ger man ‘07 * Dale Hayes ‘07 * Marcus W. Kearney ‘07 * Whitne y N. King ‘07 * Candice S. Mc Far lane ‘07 * Daniel A. McC auley ‘06 * Crystal Y. Muse ‘07 * Erica M. Thompson ‘06 * Monica D. Washington ‘06 (2) * SOUTH FLORIDA Patr on’s Club Andrew Plak ias ‘06 (2) Sustaining Members Erica Altu ‘07 * Lauren A nderson ‘07 * Nicholas G. Athanason ‘07 * Michelle Ausems ‘07 * Angela Bennardo‘07 * Janna Berbert ‘07 * Shaleen Beuchat‘07 * Michael Bratschi ‘07 * Rober t Calhoun ‘07 * Francys Castillo ‘07 * Reggie C astor ‘07 * Nancy Chan ‘07 * Rachied C hidiac ‘07 * Kr ystal L. Cintron ‘07 * Crystal N. C ohee ‘06 * Sheila Collins ‘07 * Belmarys Cordero ‘07 * Candace A. Corsillo ‘07 * Sarah Curk ‘07 * Voncara Daly ‘07 * Benjamin R. Davis ‘07 * Nathan Davison‘07 * Melissa D eck ‘07 * Randy D rouin ‘07 * Mehrdad E rfan ‘07 * Merlisia Gittens ‘07 * Adam Goldberg ‘07 * Alisha Harrison ‘07 * Elizabeth Hilaire ‘07 * Catherine Hughson‘07 * Anthony K. Hugley ‘07 * Br yan Hyde ‘07 * Zo ey Jenk ins ‘07 * Ronda L. Jones ‘07 * Sothea Khun ‘07 * Seulki Kim ‘07 * Adan Lambert ‘07 * Paul Laszcz ych ‘07 * Vekel L ’Esperance ‘07 * Li H. Li ‘07 * Anne Lucas ‘07 * David Lucien ‘07 * Johanna M aagad‘07 * Christian M archand ‘07 * Steven Marsicano ‘07 * Melissa McGee ‘07 * Dw aina McIntosh ‘03 Lawrenc e McKinne y ‘07 * Gina Menera ‘07 * Amy Mixson ‘07 * Ryan M orais ‘07 * Nhan Nguyen ‘07 * Sean Phillips ‘07 * Brenda Pierre ‘07 * Tracy Ploch ‘07 * Karina R amos ‘07 * William Ramos ‘07 * Russell Rawls ‘07 * Apollo R uiz del Sol ‘07 * Crystal Rupper t ‘07 * Kevin T. Schippers ‘07 * Meghan Serra ‘07 * Lindsay A. Skillman ‘07 * Erica Stafford ‘07 * Trini Subir ia ‘07 * Marta A. Szewcz yk ‘07 * Lisa M.Torres ‘06 (2) * Jennif er Traub ‘07 * Yuki Tsukada ‘07 * Andres Valenzuela ‘07 * Ivan V iamontes ‘07 * Le’Taur as Wadley ‘07 * Michael Waterhouse ‘07 * Honorata Wolf ‘07 * Mallor y Woo dall ‘07 * Ed ward A. Zaragoza ‘07 * SOUTHEAST MISSOURI STATE Founder ’s Club William R. Wehmeyer ‘85-Life (15) Patr on’s Club Stephen Z. Gosche ‘66-Life Thomas M.Smouse ‘82-Life Sustaining Members Olusegun B abalola ‘06 * Emily C. Binger ‘05 (2) * Erica L. Bourne ‘07 * Christina M. C ato ‘06 * Amy M. Cracraft ‘97 Danielle L. Davis ‘06 * Rita J o Dir nber ger ‘07 * Nicole M. Eggleston ‘05 (2) * Sierra Hale y ‘06 * Allen R.Hamilt on ‘06 * Nicole M.H eyer ‘06 * David M. Hink ebein ‘07 * Br yan K. Huff ‘07 * Mercedes L. Jackson ‘06 * Richard L. Jones ‘07 * Christopher D. Josephs ‘05 (2) * Danielle R. Kohler ‘06 * Mikeyel W. Koonce ‘05 (3) Brandon A. Kremer ‘05 (2) * Kristen M. Mack ‘05 (2) * Mary K.M angan ‘04 (2) * Joshua I. Marshall ‘05 * David E. N eusel ‘06 * Kelse y G.Nor ris ‘05 * Scott J. Price ‘04 * Zane K. Q uible ‘67-Life (4) Michael H. Ruesler ‘73-Life (5) Denise M. Schmidt ‘07 * Jayme E. Show ‘07 * Kirstin A. Sliw a ‘07 * Laura A. Toon ‘06 | Winter 2008 | The Diary of Alpha Kappa Ps i 21 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Founder’s Club William C. Himstreet ‘54-Life (14) Mark D. Warden ‘81-Life (10) + Sapphire Club Albert D. Shonk ‘52-Life (16) Eric Tang ‘02-Life (4) Patr on’s Club Cristopher D. Br yan t ‘02 (4) Arthur L. Reisch ‘48-Life (2) David L. Sanders ‘47-Life V in A. Taylor ‘58-Life (3) Christopher J. Warmuth ‘74-Life (7) Sustaining Members En-Hao H. Chang ‘95 (4) Eytan Y. Chesed ‘06 * Peter J. Cyffk a‘77-Life (10) Neil R.Dor f ‘75-Life Brian A. Garcia ‘89 Helen Kolpakov ‘07 * Owen K. Kraus ‘52-Life (9) Mayank Nega ‘07 * Jennif er W. Smith ‘04 James O .S tolaroff ‘48-Life (10) SOUTHERN ILLINOIS Patr on’s Club B. Leslie Robinson ‘65-Life (9) Steven L. Tendick ‘83-Life Dominic R. Zaccone ‘82-Life (2) Sustaining Members Thomas E. Barry ‘63-Life (2) Laura K. Dale ‘06 * Eric J. Feiock ‘63-Life (2) Andrew Gonzales ‘07 * Richard A. Grember ‘71-Life Ken t E. Leigh ty ‘03 (2) Eric D. Lellbach ‘84-Life Donald E. Swanson‘63-Life (4) Aimee J. Webb ‘02 Stephen T. Wykle ‘79-Life (2) Terence Yen ‘06 * SOUTHERN INDIANA Sapphire Club Laurissa M. Bray ‘94-Life (10) Sustaining Members Emily G. Blankenbeker ‘08 * Melissa A. De wig ‘05 * Joseph D . Priest ‘07 * Matthew F.Youngs ‘05 * SOUTHERN METHODIST Sustaining Member Sheila S tark ‘03 SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI Sustaining Members Sant ee R.E zell ‘08 * Apryl J ackson ‘07 * STANFORD Sustaining Members Debby Chang ‘05 Ronald Ho ‘03 STEPHEN F. AUSTIN Patr on’s Club Donna J.J ones‘82-Life (12) Thomas A.Mack ‘82-Life (12) Sustaining Member Julie Alexander ‘87 STETSON Patr on’s Club Christina L. Carpenter ‘06 * Randi E. D avis ‘03 (2) Sustaining Members Jo Ellen Cyffk a ‘82 (10) Michael J. M altby ‘88-Life Jane L. Stor ch ‘90-Life (4) 22 SYRACUSE Sustaining Members Richard H. Harder ‘56-Life (15) David W. Heidenreich ‘04-Life (4) Linus W.K inner ‘56-Life (5) Robert A. Marks ‘58-Life James R. Wagner ‘62-Life (14) TENNESSEE Patr on’s Club Jo el M. Chusid ‘68-Life (2) Thomas A. Johnston‘05 (3) * Sustaining Members Jangy Addy ‘06 (2) * Carrie V.A llen ‘07 * Shantrell D. Anderson ‘07 * Natalie Aquino ‘07 (2) * Jacob D. A say ‘05 (3) * Margie I. Ayers ‘90-Life (5) Justin Bailey ‘06 (2) * Kevin P. Baker ‘06 (2) * Amie Baker ‘07 (2) * Adam Baker ‘07 * Grayson Barnard ‘05 (3) * Laura E . Barnes ‘05 (3) William Barnes ‘07 (2) * Rick y A. Bart ‘06 (2) * Courtney Beckman ‘06 (2) * Charles C. Benick ‘07 * Megan L. Bethmann‘05 (3) * Paige Bigham ‘07 (2) * Emily P. Bir d ‘07 * Chelsi Blizzar d ‘05 (3) * Wesley B. Boles ‘07 * Geoffrey S. Boyd ‘05 (3) * Stephanie Braden ‘07 * Matthew S. Bragg ‘07 * Emily P. Brewer ‘07 * Jesseka M. Bro wn ‘07 * Matthew D. Bucaric ‘06 (2) * Jameson L. Bund y‘06 (2) * Claude M. Byrum ‘07 * Jaime Cain ‘07 (2) * Phileisha D. Campbell ‘07 * Antonio Cantrell ‘07 (2) * Hyelee O. Cho ‘07 * David Cicer o ‘06 (2) * Erica C lark ‘07 (2) * Takara Clay ‘06 (2) * Kristin Coffey ‘06 (2) * Kendall Coffey ‘07 (2) * Genevieve Collins ‘05 (3) * Christopher M. Colomb ‘07 (2) * Bradley J. C ooper ‘07 * Brian Cor cor an ‘07 * Conner C orwin ‘06 (2) * Chuck E. Cunningham ‘06 (2) * Stephanie L. C utrer ‘07 (2) * Susanne Cutsha w ‘03 (4) Brett Dalbey ‘07 (2) * Dominique Dallas ‘07 (2) * Lori A. Davidson ‘05 (3) * Brittany E . Davidson ‘07 * Jasmine Davis ‘07 * Angela R. Degloma ‘06 (2) * Nathan D. DeKor nfeld ‘05 (3) * Siva K. Dhamothar an ‘06 (2) * David DiVincenzo ‘07 (2) * Dasan J. Dix ‘06 (2) * Caroline D ownen ‘06 (2) * Mary B. Dreusik e ‘07 * Daniel A. Dumont ‘07 * Jessic a D. Dye ‘05 (3) * Edward C. Edgin ‘86-Life (15) Amanda M.E llis ‘07 (2) * Clinton E. E vans ‘07 * Cyrus T. F arhangi ‘06 (2) * Abigail Flittner ‘05 (3) * Brittany F lowers ‘07 (2) * Daniel Fowlkes ‘06 (2) * Harvie E. Frank lin ‘06 (2) * Natalie Galbraith ‘06 (2) * Stephen W. Garner ‘07 (2) * Jerr y E. Goff ‘64 (2) Samuel D. G olden ‘06 (2) * Manuel Gonzalez ‘07 (2) * Kimbal C. Gor don ‘05 (3) * Annual Fund Giving Levels 1904 Club — $10,000 + Chairman’s Club — $5,000 + President’s Club — $2,500 + Founder’s Club — $1,000 + Brooklyn Bridge Club — $500 + Sapphire Club — $250 + Patron’s C lub — $100 + Carmen S.G ounden ‘06 (2) * Timothy P. Guar ino ‘07 * Ahmed Habib ‘03 Leah M.H amilton ‘06 (2) * Kaila H ampton ‘06 (2) * Sara H annett ‘07 (2) * V ictoria Hannett ‘07 (2) * Kh ylam Hari ‘07 (2) * Carolyn Harmon ‘05 (3) * Mi tchell S. Harp ‘07 * Jor dan Hartley ‘07 * Rebecca Hasty ‘07 * Julian Hayes ‘07 (2) * Todd H.Her ndon ‘06 (2) * Dustin B. Hicks ‘07 * Cor y Hipps ‘07 (2) * Rebecca M. Hoffman ‘05 (3) * Caitlin Horne ‘07 (2) * Ishtiaque Hossain ‘07 * Caroline H owell ‘06 (2) * Elizabeth Howser ‘07 (2) * Amanda M. Huntley ‘06 (2) * Emily N. Hurst ‘07 * Catrice Y. James ‘07 * Megan G. Jenk ins ‘07 * David Johnston ‘07 (2) * Philip M. Judd ‘06 (2) * Aleisha Julian ‘07 (2) * Elizabeth M. Kaul ‘05 (3) * Alice Kehinde ‘07 (2) * Ashley Kemp ‘07 (2) * Karly M. Kiggins ‘06 (2) * Karlisa K uykindall ‘06 (2) * Lilly Lam ‘07 * Alex B. Lane ‘06 (2) Kasie L ewallen ‘06 (2) * Blak e T. Lewis ‘06 (2) * Kr ys ten L. Linkous ‘05 (3) * Laurie Litko wsk i ‘07 * Catherine M.Lof tis ‘06 (2) * Lacee L. Louderback ‘06 (2) * Shelley E. LuePhang ‘07 * Andrew J.MacDonald ‘07 * Lauren Macias ‘07 * Mary Jane Maelz er ‘06 (2) * Lawrenc e Mansell ‘07 * Shelby A. Markli ‘07 (2) * Terri Mays ‘05 (3) Christina M.McC lain ‘07 (2) * Valerie McKenzie ‘07 (2) * Tiffany McK inney ‘05 (2) * Kelly M cNamara ‘07 * Sierra L.McPhaul ‘06 (2) * Jeremy L. Mead ‘07 * Christopher L. Medina ‘07 * Jose Mesta ‘07 (2) * David L. Middlebrook ‘07 * Brittany P. M iller ‘05 (3) * Max R.M iller ‘07 * Lindsay Mintzer ‘07 (2) * Elizabeth L. M i tchell ‘05 (3) * David Mor gan ‘07 * Dyan E. Morris ‘07 * Stephanie Mor rissey ‘07 (2) * DonLuis Q.Munasque ‘07 * Maureen M. Musgrave ‘06 (2) * Drew N abbefeldt ‘04 (3) Ashley N.N eal ‘05 (3) * Nancy G.N ewton ‘92 (4) Brittany Ng ‘07 (2) * Emilia Occhipinti ‘07 (2) * Bolanile Ola tunji ‘04 (2) * Kristian Panter ‘06 (2) * Pranvi P arekh ‘07 (2) * Sonya D. Patel ‘05 (3) * Jenisha Patel ‘07 (2) * Gregory M. Patt erson ‘06 (2) * Donnie Patterson ‘07 * The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi | Winter 2008 | Shunic e Patton ‘07 (2) * Ro ckwell Pedigo ‘07 (2) * Graham Peek ‘07 (2) * Anna C.P enland ‘07 * Linsi E. Phelps ‘07 * Jacob H. Phillips ‘06 (2) * Brian M. Powers ‘05 (3) * Evan Pruitt ‘07 * Aaron Pudlo ‘07 (2) * Jor dan R. Pur cell ‘07 * Jill A. Quatrini ‘06 (2) * Maahin Qureshi ‘04 (4) * Jesse Redmon ‘05 (3) * Amy Reed ‘06 (2) * Yunyi Ren ‘06 (2) * Ro ger D. Richards ‘06 (2) * Kathr yn Robertson ‘06 (2) * Jonathan L. R omine ‘07 * Chelsea D. Rusche ‘07 * Michael Sager ‘05 (3) * Brian S andfor t ‘05 (3) * Whitne y Sauer ‘06 (2) * Charles W. Sells ‘07 * Mandela Shaw ‘07 * Sandy P. Shelton ‘07 (2) * Michael Sherfy ‘07 (2) * Brittany L. Shibla ‘07 * Erica S houlders ‘05 (3) * Heebo Sim ‘07 * Demarques Sims ‘06 (2) * Roshauna Singh ‘07 * Allison M. Sla te ‘04 (4) Sarah M. Snapp ‘07 * John T. S ouder ‘06 (2) * Brian M. S tout ‘07 * Alice R. S trange ‘05 (3) * Randy Tat e ‘07 * Vanessa L. Thomas ‘03 W. Bailey Tollison ‘65-Life (2) Asia L. Waller ‘07 * Danyelle Washingt on ‘05 (3) * Amanda Weddingt on ‘07 (2) * Beth Wilcox ‘06 (2) * Alonzo Williams ‘06 (2) Tyra N. W illiams ‘07 * Meredith Wright ‘07 (2) * Miriam Wubneh ‘07 * Jeffrey Yelko vich ‘07 (2) * Zachar y A. Zalowitz ‘04 (4) * Kalee R. Zeanah ‘06 (2) * TENNESSEE - CHATTANOOGA Sustaining Members Nicole T. F erguson ‘06 Jo die Mayfield ‘06 (2) * TENNESSEE - MARTIN Patr on’s Club James W. Kiser ‘84-Life (5) Dennis W. Shearon ‘70-Life (4) Sustaining Members Stephanie P. Moor e ‘04 (4) Robert M. S helton ‘69-Life (2) TENNESSEE STATE Patr on’s Club Adrian R. M urray ‘03 (2) Sustaining Members Ashley J. Ale xander ‘07 * Demetr ius D. Braddo ck ‘06 * Allison L. Jones ‘07 * Pamela L. Morris ‘07 * TENNESSEE TECH Patr on’s Club Mark C. C rowell ‘83-Life V irginia M. Crowell ‘86-Life Sustaining Members Michael W. Albert ‘00 (7) Justin G. Anderson ‘04 (4) Sarah M. Baig ‘07 * Ben B ailey‘08 * Dontrell L. Baines ‘08 * Jessic a L. Beck ‘07 * Shyla M. Gardner ‘07 * Greg Miles ‘08 * Carl J. Parks ‘08 * Steven D. Puckett ‘06 (2) * Karl A. Radke ‘05 (2) Brittany N. Robbins ‘07 * Zachar iah G. Robertson ‘05 * Brandon L. Russell ‘08 * Sara N. Sells ‘07 * Adonis I. Sharpe ‘08 * Larry J. Smith ‘70-Life William R. Spr ay ‘77-Life Emmett K. Towr y ‘07 Keith West ‘08 * Kisha N. West ‘08 * Jennif er G.Winebarger ‘06 (2) * Co dy Worf ‘08 * TEXAS Patr on’s Club Richard V. Battle ‘70-Life Eddie J. Sharpe ‘50-Life (2) Don A. Tidwell ‘56-Life (2) Sustaining Members Ankur A. Desai ‘98 Tieman H. Dipp el ‘67-Life Bradley J. Euell ‘06 (2) * Jeff W. Fisher ‘82-Life Shannon L. Hur d ‘89 Julie J. Kestner ‘84 (15) Bernar d W. Miller ‘50-Life TEXAS - BROWNSVILLE Sustaining Members Isaura A. G onzalez ‘07 * Christopher Longoria ‘07 * Yolanda Sanchez-M ora‘95-Life (2) Yuridia S oto ‘06 * TEXAS - DALLAS Sustaining Member Odie M.U hl ‘85 (5) TEXAS - PAN AMERICAN Patr on’s Club Michael A. Munoz ‘92-Life Sustaining Members Mario S. Martinez ‘95 TEXAS - SAN ANTONIO Patr on’s Club William M. Hansmeyer ‘94-Life David Le ‘01 Lauren A. Sewell ‘05 Sustaining Members Jessic a d. Br iceno ‘06 * Miguel Caraveo ‘05 * Andria L. Dever ‘07 * Brian G. Elliott ‘07 * Kristin L. Gilmor e ‘06 * Mariela M. Ruiz-Angel ‘05 * TEXAS A & M Patr on’s Club Ther esa M.M ack ‘84 (5) Sustaining Members Barbar a D. M illwee ‘91-Life (3) John E . Millwee ‘92-Life (3) TEXAS LUTHERAN Sustaining Members Hugo G. Cor rales ‘06 (2) * Aida Del Mor al ‘04 * Dominic C. Hernande z ‘07 * Lynnal N. Ndimande ‘07 * TEXAS STATE Patr on’s Club Sarah B. Fletcher ‘03 Sustaining Members P.J. Gaddie ‘07 * Kevyn R eed ‘07 * Amanda M. Shavers ‘01 Linda A. Watson ‘80-Life (3) Vonda B. W illis ‘89-Life TEXAS TECH Founder ’s Club Scott D. Howell ‘79-Life (7) Brooklyn Bridge Club Richard W. McVay ‘79-Life (6) + Patr on’s Club Marvin L. Longabaugh ‘80-Life (2) + Rosie Salinas ‘04 Sustaining Members Adam A. Brown ‘05 Kimber ly D. Hight ‘87-Life (5) Jennifer N eedham-Vigil‘78-Life (4) Gary A. Neuman ‘83-Life (2) Raymond W. Swearingen ‘71-Life (4) Travis D. Weitzel ‘98 TOLEDO Sapphire Club Rober t Bleile ‘00-Life (4) Alicja Bleile ‘01 (4) Daniel P. McGuire‘56-Life (5) Patr on’s Club Michael J. Fischer ‘98-Life (4) Zachar y I. Fredle y ‘05 (3) Charles E. Packard ‘65-Life (3) Ann M.S exton‘82-Life (16) Scott Stampflmeier CFV ‘98-Life (5) Erin A. Stampflmeier ‘01 Jeffrey R. Stoll ‘80-Life (4) Sustaining Members Ashley L. Brown-Wrigh t ‘06 * Kevin D . Connelly ‘07 * John S. Decker ‘63-Life Lindsay M. Demuth ‘04 Courtney L. D eVanna ‘08 * Hale y C. Flowers ‘06 (2) * Gregory A. G leaves ‘07 * David W. Go gel ‘66-Life (14) Ted T. Hahn ‘63-Life Joseph R. Hamel ‘62-Life Terence L. Hines ‘79-Life Dawn R. Humphrey ‘03 Charles M. Kaseman ‘07 * Erinn J. Kehrl ‘02 (2) Angelica D. Lee ‘08 * Michael J. Leonowich ‘07 * Frederick J. Lintner ‘74-Life (12) Tate C. Maurer ‘04 Michael H.M olnar CFV ‘01-Life (3) Steven K.M ueller ‘06 * Elvin F. M yers ‘51 (4) Adrienne M. Niehaus ‘06 * Ethan W. Oblonsky ‘04 (2) * Seth T. Phillips ‘07 * Justin T. Pier ‘06 * Daniel B. Ramsier ‘94-Life David S. Rex ‘73-Life (3) David M. Rigotti ‘07 * Steven J.S pieldenner ‘86-Life (4) Samuel A. Starkey ‘07 * Fu Z. Sun ‘08 * Dianna L. Wettr ich ‘85-Life (5) TRINE Pr esident ’s Club Wendy A.Wendroff ‘80-Life (14) + Patr on’s Club John A. B rossack‘71-Life (3) Michael D. K atafiasz ‘75-Life Sustaining Members Lisa L. Bolinger ‘83-Life Dale D. Hauser ‘83-Life Linda S. Hinkle ‘80-Life (10) Patr on’s Club Kimber ly L. Smith ‘06 (2) * Sustaining Members Raymond C. Cannon ‘07 * Joshua J. Cor tes ‘07 (2) * Shamika M. Fleuranges ‘07 * Jason M. Goldmeier ‘06 * Michael C.H eer ‘06 (2) * Brian S. Hor r ‘06 * David E. Johney CFV ‘06 (2) * Nicole P. Ko enig ‘07 * Kristen M. L afor est ‘06 * Stacey-Ann M. McLean ‘07 * Melinda L.M ellott ‘07 * Andrew S. Metz ‘07 * Marggie V. Or tiz-R ivas ‘07 * VIRGINIA TECH Sapphire Club Michael G. Dickerson CFV ‘04-Life (5) Melvin C.Mo ore ‘86-Life (15) + Patr on’s Club Christopher J. Bucknam ‘95-Life (3) Chester A. Duk e ‘48-Life John T. Duncan ‘72-Life (4) Craig R. Fain ‘00-Life Paula J.G eiger ‘89-Life (11) William W. Kibler ‘58-Life (13) Norr is F. Lee ‘48-Life (16) Brendan P. S herry ‘97-Life (5) G. Wyatt Skinnell ‘65-Life (2) Jhaymee S.W ilson CFV ‘00 (2) Gerald P. Zimmerman ‘75-Life (5) Sustaining Members Jabar i Abramson ‘07 * Vanina Alanes ‘06 * Monica J. Alvare z ‘07 * Maria V. Anderson ‘06 * Jennif er L. Angus ‘06 (2) * Devin W. Armstrong ‘06 (2) * Julie M. Baugher ‘07 * William G. Blevins ‘07 * Kristina R. Bonomo ‘07 * Lucas D.B ottor ff ‘04-Life (4) Jason E . Bro wn‘07 * Timoth y E. C ampbell ‘06 * Jonathan B . Chadwell ‘05 (2) * Teddi A. Co oke ‘05 * Charles L. Copenhaver ‘72-Life Lisa B. Cowley ‘06 (2) * Ed ward T. Creger ‘49 (2) Sarah K. Cunningham ‘06 (2) * Emily Dao ‘07 * Kelli E. D ay‘05 (3) Katherine B. Dearfield ‘06 * Lucas J. DeFazio ‘07 * Mimi B. Do ‘06 * Allison A.Donnelly ‘05 (3) * Shaina K. Duckworth ‘06 * Katherine J.Dunahoo ‘07 * Megan L. Eckhart ‘07 * Jeff M. Fanale ‘06 (2) * E. Ri tchie Fishbur ne ‘50-Life (7) Connor J.Fournier ‘07 (2) * Lauren A. Frillici ‘05 * Randall D. G aylor ‘76-Life (3) TRINITY Patr on’s Club Christopher B. D avis ‘90-Life Rober t S.L ucas ‘05 Bric e D. McLeo d ‘93-Life Sustaining Members Bronson A. B lodgett ‘91-Life (5) Rachel J. Cook ‘98-Life Rober t M.Houk ‘91-Life Matthew T. Jaeger ‘98-Life (2) Heather E. Richardson ‘04 TRUMAN STATE Sustaining Members Casey M. Hoffmann‘04 Sarah R. Schmidt ‘06 * TULANE Patr on’s Club P. David D. Soliman ‘01 Sustaining Member Sarah R. Wallace ‘04 (3) UPSALA COLLEGE Patr on’s Club John J. Von Achen ‘74-Life (16) Sustaining Member Raymond H. Matschat ‘63-Life (4) UTAH Patr on’s Club John E . Byrd ‘65-Life (15) UTAH STATE Sustaining Member Orville G. Kelley ‘69-Life (5) VANDERBILT Sustaining Members Valerie A. Kazmer ‘06 * Madeleine F. Pulman ‘06 * VIRGINIA TOWSON Jennif er S.O hashi ‘08 * Amanda N. Perez ‘08 * Lavender Phan ‘07 * Brittany A. Pollak ‘06 (2) * William R. Reynolds ‘08 * Aaron C. Salls ‘07 * Shar mil M.Shah ‘02 John H. Sweeney ‘06 (2) * Natalia A. Wagner ‘07 * Jonathon M. Wood ‘08 * Manami Yamaguchi ‘08 * Juliana Yoon ‘06 (2) * Vennesa C.Yung ‘06 (2) * Kellie D. S mith ‘07 * David A. Stahl ‘07 * Melanie A. Staton ‘06 (2) Holland L. Thomas ‘06 * Erik M. Whelan ‘07 * Julie A. White ‘04 * Elizabeth B. Wright ‘06 * Sapphire Club Amanda L. Singer ‘02 (2) Patr on’s Club I rle R. Hicks ‘48-Life (9) Pamela F. Smith ‘85-Life (3) William F. Thompson ‘70-Life (15) Sustaining Members Zahab S. Adenw alla ‘08 * William L. Broaddus ‘58 (6) Kevin Chang ‘06 * Law D. Ching Ye ‘07 * Corri A. Cole ‘05 * Benjamin L. Davenpor t ‘05 (2) * Chelsea N. Day ‘06 (2) * Chris R. Holland ‘05 * Manuj Jindal ‘08 * Courtney A. M allow ‘07 * + Clifford Spangler Society Recognition club for those who made provisions for Alpha Kappa Psi in their estate plans. ( ) Consecutive Giving Consecutive years of giving since the 1991-92 campaign are included in parenthesis. * Yellow Rose S ociety Recognition club for those undergraduates who made a minimum contribution of $10. ^ Matching Gift Donor was eligible for a matching gift which was received during the campaign. Daniel Gessler ‘07 * Mary A.G reco ‘07 * Kathar ine R.H aines ‘05 (3) * John A. Hall ‘86-Life Stacie M. Hogan ‘07 * Laura E. Hornick ‘07 * Harvey W. Huffman ‘69-Life (4) Cory E. Hughes ‘07 * Elizabeth A. Jackson ‘05 * Jor dan L. Jayne ‘05 (3) Gregory B. Jones ‘75-Life (5) Sarah W. Kane ‘06 (2) * Parand K ashani ‘07 * Riemann N. Katayama ‘07 * Alyssa Katz ‘07 (2) * Katherine M. Kingsle y‘07 * Ro chelle M.K o ‘06 (2) * Andrew J. Koch ‘05 * Kaitlin W. Lamber t ‘05 * Katherine M. Lampert ‘06 * Charles R. Langford ‘07 * James W. Lee ‘06 (2) * Deborah J. Lee ‘07 (2) * Patrick B. Mahone y ‘07 * William J. Malla ‘89 (4) Alana A. Marrie ‘07 (2) * Tara Mi tchell ‘07 (2) * Jacqueline Nguy en ‘07 * Rollie C. N ye ‘65-Life Seo K. Park ‘07 * Stephen M. Pearch ‘07 * Tiffany Peng‘06 * Aaron L. Pereira ‘07 * Lisa C. Pomroy ‘07 * Jack A. Richardson ‘47-Life John W. R oller ‘54-Life (4) William A. Roth ‘07 * Amie C.R uggles ‘05 * Christina R. Ryan ‘07 * Tiffany J. Sc ales ‘06 * Thomas D. Shambur ger ‘05 * Chris Single ‘07 * Brian D . Spiegel ‘03 Katherine S tallings ‘06 * Laura A. Stanley ‘04 (4) Sarah C. Ste vens ‘07 * Alfred M. Tripp ‘63-Life (2) David W. Tur man ‘65-Life (3) Jillian D. Turner ‘06 (2) * John C. Vanda ‘98-Life V ictoria D. Ven turini ‘77 (2) Chris C. Ward ‘04 (2) Alyson E. Warren ‘06 (2) * Elizabeth I. Watts ‘07 * Shannon Wer t‘07 * Sarah Westphal ‘07 (2) * Josh R. Whitehead ‘04 * Taylor A. Wulf ‘04 Alyssa D. Yeager ‘06 (2) * Young Yoo ‘07 * Hale y C.Young ‘07 * Xin Zheng‘07 * WAKE FOREST Sustaining Members Christopher R. Rose ‘04 Nicholas Venditti ‘06 * WASHINGTON Brooklyn Bridge Club R.K. Lee ‘67-Life (16) + Sustaining Members John L. Chesnutt ‘53 Allison P. Hollinger ‘05 Kathr yn I. Hotaling ‘06 * Rae L. Kelly ‘97 Maria L. Kleiber ‘06 * William R. Sterling ‘42-Life Thomas D. Yoshinaka ‘91-Life (5) WASHINGTON (St. Louis) Sustaining Members Jerr y D. Boswell ‘61-Life Frederick L. Heger ‘50-Life WASHINGTON STATE Patr on’s Club Gary M. B urke ‘60-Life (6) Scott M.B urroughs ‘99-Life (3) DeVer e J.Bur tenshaw ‘54-Life Amanda S. Poch ‘03 (2) Jo celyn E . Thompson ‘03 Sustaining Members Brandon A. Borchers ‘07 * Matthew L. Can terbury ‘03 Timoth y D. C ordodor ‘01 Allison M. Crostic ‘07 * Rosalind A. Dix ‘05 * Gracie S. Dor an ‘06 * Kevin M. Gano ‘03 Jamison M. H emingway‘07 * Todd M. Richards ‘05 * Crystal Simpson ‘07 * Lisa R. Urlacher ‘07 * WAYNE STATE Pr esident ’s Club V incen t W. Patton ‘43-Life (10) Sapphire Club David S.Margolis ‘76-Life (2) Patr on’s Club Henr y J. Binder ‘47-Life (13) Gregory R.D uRoss ‘70-Life (4) + Steve G. Gierak ‘45-Life Joseph H. S aul ‘61-Life Stephen A. Sell ‘75-Life (3) John E. Terhune ‘42-Life (11) Sustaining Members James J. Frederick ‘74-Life (3) Annette M. Goike‘81-Life (9) Cecil W. Scott ‘55-Life (4) James F. Wallis ‘41-Life (4) WAYNESBURG Patr on’s Club Ed ward W. Dannels ‘68-Life Cary R.E faw ‘72-Life (7) Jane A. Stephen ‘05 Sustaining Members Dominick C hristy ‘56-Life (4) Christopher S. Groubert ‘04 (4) Ro chelle A.Masi ‘05 (2) Nelson T. Rab enold ‘74-Life (3) David L. Zanolli ‘98 (4) WEBSTER Sustaining Member Dale G. Leake ‘92 (5) WESLEYAN COLLEGE Sustaining Members Kristen Cur ry ‘08 * Jasmine D. Jackson ‘05 * E. Hope McMichael Pendergrass ‘00-Life (3) WEST GEORGIA Sapphire Club J.M ark M iller ‘70-Fac/Life (16) Sustaining Members Hayley H. Bradt ‘84-Life (4) Braddon C. C alloway ‘07 * July P. C arrillo ‘07 * Cheryl A. Clemmons ‘07 * Ariel R. Crawf ord ‘07 * Amanda D. C rumby ‘07 * Chalice R.D owns ‘07 * Monique Fisher ‘07 * Riaun J. F loyd ‘07 * Kir a Frank lin ‘07 * Ashley N.G ee ‘07 * Miracle N. H olt ‘06 * Christina Jackson ‘07 * Eugenia Johnson‘07 * Moshea J. Jones She’Ter iha Lewis ‘07 * Alisa J. Livan ‘07 * | Winter 2008 | The Diary of Alpha Kappa Ps i 23 4500 Barrie Pilgrim ‘07 * Rosalyn R.P rice ‘87-Life (2) Derek L. Reece ‘84-Life (5) Alethia M. Rober ts ‘07 * Ashley M. Strick land ‘07 * Monique L.S winger ‘06 * DeShunt e’ Thornton ‘07 * Rontai L. Walker ‘99 Dor ian V. Walker ‘99 Cherise Williams ‘07 * Damond W ilson ‘07 * Sher ice Y. Wingard ‘06 * 390 ALUMNI GIFTS BY DECADE OF INITIATION 350 300 258 WEST LIBERTY 250 215 Patr on’s Club Scott E. McNulty ‘84-Life Sustaining Member Mark Poach ‘76-Life 200 197 161 150 WEST TEXAS A & M Patr on’s Club Walter G. Hudson ‘72-Life (16) Milt K. Walters ‘61-Life (4) Sustaining Members Barbar a A. Berry ‘84-Life (5) Connie R. Britten ‘78-Life (2) Donald C. Collins ‘69-Life Thomas L.H ausler ‘67-Life (2) Cherry M cCune ‘03 Rebowe & Company Schwab Charitable Fund Technolog y Solutions, Inc Tennessee Valley Alumni (8) United Way of the Bay Area United Way of The Inland Valleys (5) Upsilon Chi Chapter (Ball State) Wachovia (4) Sapphire Club Ausen Investments (2) Deloitte Services LP Sue Duli (10) ^ Motor City Alumni (13) Oliver Exterminating Corp Profitlink Student Book Center College Enterprises, Inc XL America Patr on’s Club Mark Ackerman (2) Sara Andrews Bar-S Foods, Co BE Welding & Fabrication (2) Joanne M. Bennett Brandywine Global Investment Management (2) Capital Area Alumni John and Mildred Harder (8) Wendy E. Harlow HRH/Kirklin & Co, LLC (2) JustGive.Org Justin R. Lombardi Jim McDonald Omega Kappa Chapter (Towson) R. H. Donnelley Corporation (2) Donald Slager (2) Snavely Forest Products (8) Square D Foundation Washington Mutual (3) 400 119 100 50 48 6 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s WEST VIRGINIA Sapphire Club Charles M. Bro wn‘49-Life (12) Patr on’s Club Kathr yn L. Harris ‘05 (2) * Sustaining Members Brian G. DeB ari ‘04 (2) Terry Z.Long ‘04 (3) Katr ina A. Niemeyer ‘06 * Ryan A.N oon ‘06 James S. Pulia tte ‘05 Richard A. Tony ‘56-Life (3) Laura L. Yost ‘05 * WESTERN CAROLINA Patr on’s Club Tony L. B umgarner ‘79-Life (5) Neal E. Cod y ‘77-Life Benjamin E .M cDonald ‘81-Life (3) Kathr yn E . McKenzie‘02 (6) Sustaining Members LaGrand E.A ndrews ‘07 * Kenneth E. Bauer ‘92-Life Ray A. Byrd ‘76-Life James L. D eal ‘79-Life (2) Brittany L. Folds ‘06 (2) * Chaz M.G lenn ‘07 * John H.Lane ‘76-Life Rachel S. Patton ‘02 (4) Natalie R. Whittaker ‘94-Life (2) WESTERN KENTUCKY Sapphire Club Kyle M. Bunch ‘02-Life (4) Patr on’s Club Benjamin J. Blair ‘99 (3) Paula E. Minton ‘04 (4) Sustaining Members Stephen W. Bernar d ‘71-Life Courtney L. Carter ‘07 * Thomas J. D ’Amico ‘72 (5) Charles N. Jackson ‘79-Life (5) Ryan M. Ossege ‘05 (3) Erica F. Strick lin ‘03 (5) Erik C. Thomas ‘07 * Amanda L. Trabue ‘00 (6) Angelia M. Tutt ‘07 * WESTERN MICHIGAN Sapphire Club Sachiko D. Finch ‘78-Life (4) Todd J. Regis ‘86-Life (15) + 24 Patr on’s Club Frank J. Brye ‘60-Life (2) Thomas A. Carey ‘92-Life (13) Andrea C. Kotch Duda ‘78-Life (2) Sustaining Members John T. Anthony ‘81-Life (5) Julia L. Flick ‘91-Life (7) Robert C. Innis ‘61-Life (5) Asisha King ‘06 Betsy L. Lee ‘01 (2) Erik L. Peterson ‘66-Life WESTERN NEW ENGLAND Sustaining Members Justine C. Andras ‘91-Life (3) Edward J. Walaszek ‘87-Life (2) WICHITA STATE Patr on’s Club William T. C arnahan ‘61-Life (4) Larry D. G aston ‘58-Life Richard W. McKee ‘60 Sustaining Members Ronald L. Goin ‘56-Life (4) John R. Grabner ‘58-Life (3) Tenisha L. Pettus ‘05 Robert G. Swofford ‘65-Life Donald B. Tener ‘56-Life (4) Robert A. Welch ‘06 (2) * Robert W. Winters ‘68-Life (4) WILLIAM & MARY Sustaining Members Heather M. Byrnes ‘05 * Matthew L. Ferebee ‘05 Kwame C. Webb ‘01 ^ WINTHROP Sapphire Club Katherine Hardwick ‘93-Life (4) Sustaining Members Fredderick G. Bur gess ‘06 Ashley A. F ew ‘06 * Detra A. German ‘97 Sarah D. Guy ‘78-Life (5) Por tia F. Myers ‘06 * Leona L.S haw ‘04 Jessic a-Lynn S tevens ‘07 * Saman tha K.Wo ods ‘07 * WISCONSIN Founder’s Club Lee E. Whitcomb ‘53-Life (2) Patr on’s Club Sonia A. Ad vani ‘99-Life (4) + Charles J. Hass ‘58-Life (10) Sustaining Member James J. Ed wards ‘71-Life (5) Nicole E . Schumann ‘06 * Sara Smiley ‘07 * Beje M. Spahiu ‘79-Life (2) Salvator e Strehlow ‘05 (3) Melissa Twist ‘06 * Rachel Wan tz ‘05 * Ashley Wolf ‘05 * Brandon J. Z ahn‘06 * Sustaining Members American International Group, Inc Glenn Azzari (2) Matt Barneburg Benjamin Moore & Co. Beta X i Chapter (V irginia Tech) Greg Bice (2) Cathy J. Cole Hazel A. Collier (8) Chris Dobel Ray Furrow Jay Giordano Jane Hankins (2) Kerry and Constance Hesse (8) Morgan Stanley Oscar Nuncio (2) Deborah A. Orff (8) Paccess Melinda S. Rosenthall (2) William and Susan Russell T. Rowe Price Associates Foundation, Inc Joan Timm Triangle United Way (2) Rob Walker Wells Fargo James Yang WYOMING WISCONSIN - MILWAUKEE Founder’s Club Eileen L. Howell ‘77-Life (7) Patr on’s Club Lori L. Ellmann ‘98 Donald J. Nichols ‘60-Life (10) Todd R. Strehlo w ‘76 Sustaining Members Brandon J. Becker ‘06 * Angela M. Brandenburg ‘03 Kenlee J. Brill ‘95-Life Jonathan Craker ‘05 * Heather N.For tney ‘07 * Erica G eoffroy ‘07 * Danielle E. Jacque ‘05 * Jessic a M. Kerns ‘05 (3) * David R. Lawlor ‘07 * Martin T. Matson ‘79 (2) Mary Jane McC arrier ‘06 * Joseph W. M ontemurro ‘07 * Benjamin M ullikin ‘06 * Jon C. Neal ‘76-Life Brittany Nicholls ‘06 * Daniel L. No vak ‘07 * Melissa R. Opad ‘06 * John J. Orlando ‘96 (7) David M. Payne ‘79 (7) Lisa M. Quarford ‘05-Life (3) Brittany K. Rowe ‘07 * Stacy Schro eter ‘00-Life Annual Fund Giving Levels 1904 Club — $10,000 + Chairman’s Club — $5,000 + President’s Club — $2,500 + Founder’s Club — $1,000 + Brooklyn Bridge Club — $500 + Sapphire Club — $250 + Patron’s C lub — $100 + The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi | Winter 2008 | Patr on’s Club Larry D. Roberts ‘65-Life (10) Sustaining Members Kristi A. Bo gunovich ‘03 Josh Decker ‘00 Fredric R. Joseph ‘62 (7) Danielle N. Okland ‘08 * Chesney P. Rathbun ‘07 * John D .S tiles ‘54-Life (4) Krista L. Zastoupil ‘94-Life Natalia Zolotoo chin ‘89 YOUNGSTOWN STATE Patr on’s Club Richard K. Mautz ‘69-Life (6) Dennis D. Shiplett ‘67-Life (13) Sustaining Member William A. Thomas ‘71-Life FRIENDS OF AKPSI 1904 Club + Philip Morris Companies Inc. Chairman’s Club Jayceryll M. De Chavez Trust National Philanthropic Trust DAF (4) Founder’s Club () Beecher Carlson Holdings, Inc (2) Beta Rho Chapter (West Virginia) (2) Council of Alpha (7) Florida Gold Coast Alumni (11) Highland Street Foundation (2) Tiffany & Co. UBS Financial Services, Inc Wadeco Manufacturing Company (4) Brooklyn Bridge Club ^ Bank of America Foundation Delta Phi Chapter (UW-Milwaukee) Microsoft (2) * Clifford Spangler Society Recognition club for those who made provisions for Alpha Kappa Psi in their estate plans. Consecutive Giving Consecutive years of giving since the 1991-92 campaign are included in parenthesis. Yellow Rose Society Recognition club for those undergraduates who made a minimum contribution of $10. Matching Gift Donor was eligible for a matching gift which was received during the campaign. The New GREEN ECONOMY Today’s Global Emphasis on Environmental Sustainability Will Drive the Future of Our Work and Lifestyles. Have you noticed a new trend that’s appearing in our world lately? Much like the dot-com boom of the eighties it holds the potential of fundamentally reshaping our job market and economic fortunes. It will have profound implications on how we work, where we live, and how we interact with our communities and environment Welcome to the new “Green Economy” and the wealth of possibilities it holds for today as well as the future. It’s an economic movement that suggests that there may be a silver lining, or shall we say, green lining, to our sputtering world economy. Those who choose to overlook this movement run the risk of falling behind the proverbial curve of change—much like the many Luddites of today who harbor the fantasy of technology becoming a passing fad. For the forward thinking among us, green means innovation and a fresh new future, now and for generations to come. So what does the phrase “Green Economy” really mean? Outside of its obvious connection to all things environmental, coming up with a precise definition has been a bit elusive. New York Times columnist and Pulitzer Prize winner Thomas Friedman in his recent book Hot, Flat and Crowded asserts that a major component of a green economy is the development of “knowledgeintensive” green-collar jobs. He goes on to suggest that these jobs, many of which will ensue from business activities such as developing green buildings, vehicles and power sources, will not only become the bedrock of our new economy, but are likely have a long, stable shelf life—in other words, jobs with a much lower risk of being outsourced to other countries. Evidence of this green job movement is surfacing in many different venues. Take for example the myriad Internet job sites that offer a smorgasbord of openings for job seekers and career changers. Amid the traditional position openings often seen in fields like banking, insurance, manufacturing and technology are a growing number of green sector jobs with titles like environmental consultant, land use economist, power system business leader, solar operations advisor, energy auditor, sustainability coordinator and wind turbine sales representative., the nation’s leading online news and information resource, aligning environmental responsibility with business success, is among the growing number of Internet sites catering to ambitious job seekers seeking to make an early mark in one of these fields. “Our green careers section is one of the most highly trafficked parts of our website, accounting for about a quarter of our hits,” says Tilde Herrera, Associate Editor for Greener World Media, Inc. which oversees Greenbiz. “Stories about green careers as well as relevant MBA programs also generate high click rates.” The Center for American Progress in conjunction with the University of Massachusetts recently released a report which shows that $10 million dollars worth of investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy initiatives will yield nearly 2 million jobs in the next two years. In general, with an expected growth rate of about 1.3 million new jobs through 2030, green jobs could represent a land of milk and honey for new college graduates as well as career changers. Marie Kerpan, founder of Green Careers, the first consulting firm dedicated to careers which promote economic, social and ecological sustainability, believes businesses focusing on the potential impacts of global warming and climate changes represent the fastest growing source of green career opportunities. “The Clean Tech Sector is full of opportunities to move green technologies into the marketplace, including all forms of renewable energy, bio fuels and bio materials, water filtration and storage, green building materials, and transportation alternatives,” says Kerpan. She believes that the future bodes well for this sector, even in the midst of uncertain economic times. “It’s hard to foresee how the economic meltdown is going to affect green careers. I’d like to think that investment in clean technologies will be a high priority which should make this sector less vulnerable during an economic downtown.” For those with business backgrounds, tapping into this abundant source of possibilities involves creatively applying skills in marketing, economics, finance and statistics to emerging employer demands. Ethan Armentrout, an Alpha Kappa Psi brother with a MBA from the University of Georgia, believes the green construction — Continued on page 27 B Y M I C H A E L P. S C OT T | Winter 2008 | The Diary of Alpha Kappa Ps i 25 ALUMNI NOTES Jangy Addy On the World’s Stage Send your alumni news and photos to The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi:, (317) 8721567 (fax), or The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi, 7801 E 88th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46256-1233. AT THE SUMMER OLYMPICS IN BEIJING, two AKPsis competed in the track and field competition Jangy Addy, Tennessee ‘06, represented Liberia in the decathlon. The former Tennessee track and field star and two-time SEC champion finished 20th against the world’s best in what started as a field of 40 competitors. The Norcross, Ga., native was eligible to represent Liberia because he is a direct descendant of two Liberian citizens. AMERICAN Jessic a Zeroual ‘00 complet ed her masters in public administration, specializing in non-profit management, from George Mason University. She and her husband, Ali, reside in Fairfax, Va. ARIZONA STATE Sc ott M. Butera ‘84-Lif e marr ied Margie Pascua Nattenberg in May. They reside in Honolulu. AUSTIN PEAY Robert W. Mar tin ‘77-Life is CFO for the City of Hopkinsville, Ky. He is also the board president of the United Way of the Pennyrile, treasurer of the Hopkinsville Rotary Club and president-elect of the Kentucky Government Finance Officers Association. Bryan G. West ’94-Life and wife Christina welcomed a son, James Andrew, in April. The family resides in Ashland City, Tenn. BUTLER Forrest J. Heyman ’05 was named 26 Cowin C. Mills 2008 Man of the Year by Sigma Nu Fraternity. The award is given to an individual who exemplifies ethical leadership in action. In addition to serving in leadership roles with Sigma Nu and Alpha Kappa Psi, he was very ac tive in the communit y, volunteering for organizations such as Gleaner’s Food B ank, H abitat for Humanity and Keep Indianapolis Beautiful. CENTRAL WASHINGTON Mar k J. Johnson ‘84-Life w as promoted to vice president of government relations for the Washington Retail Association. He resides in Olympia, Wash. COLORADO STATE Irene M. Nissen ’06 married Mark K. Kerwood ’06 in August. They reside in Ft. Collins, Colo. DENVER Jerry C. Higginson ’61-Life retired in 2005 after being a stock/bond broker. He and his wife, Judi, reside in Salt Lake City. The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi | Winter 2008 | He also served as Liberia’s flag bearer during the opening ceremonies. Cowin C. Mills, Clemson ‘06, was one of two Clemson Tigers on Trinidad & Tobago’s 4x400m relay team. The 2007 NCAA All-American and two-time ACC Champion ran third leg. The team did not advance to the final after finishing fifth out of eight teams in the second heat. Mills was born in Trinidad and lived there until he was nine years old. ELON Shannon M. Keane ‘05 is employed full-time at Ernst & Young in B oston. She passed all four sections of the CPA exam. FLORIDA David A. Zirilli ‘92 was ordained into the Catholic priesthood in May. The ceremony was held at the St. Mary Cathedral in Miami and included immediate family members and more than a half-dozen fraternity brothers. Before entering the seminary, David was a cer tified public accountant and owned his own practice in the Key Largo area. FLORIDA STATE Ca ra Alagna ‘06 and her fiancé Dominic Socie competed for a chance t o tie the knot on NBC’s TODAY sho w, in May. The couple finished as one of five finalist in the morning show’s “Race to the Altar ” competition. They plan to be married in March, 2009. HOFSTRA Victor R icciardi ‘89-Life had two chapters published in the Handbook of Finance in August. The titles of his book chapters are “ The Psychology of Risk: The Behavioral Finance Perspec tive” and “Risk:Tr aditional Finance versus Behavioral Finance.” John Wiley & Sons is the publisher of this comprehensive three-volume set. KANSAS STATE Richard L. Badenhoop has been retired for 18 years. He is actively involved with the American Legion Post , Retired Men’s Club, 440th Wing Reunion, Milwaukee Area Radio Enthusiasts and Retired Employees of Milwaukee County. He and his wife, Joan, volunteer at their local church. They reside in Wauwatosa, Wisc. MICHIGAN Alicia Blumenfeld ‘99 married J eff Chandler in Ma y, 2007. The y welcomed their first child, Brady Albert, in May, 2008. Alicia is an att orney specializing in commercial litigation at Bodman LLP in Detroit. MICHIGAN STATE Daniel J. Roselli ’89-Life is president of Red F, a mar keting firm based in Charlotte, N.C. For the third year, his company was recognized in Inc . magazine’ s annual list of fastest growing private companies. Founded in 2002, Red F focuses on nontraditional marketing methods for clients that include Wachovia and Direc tT V. Dan is the for mer chairman of the board for AKPsi. MIDDLE TENNESSEE William J. Dodson ’02 is a senior loan officer with USDA Rural Development . He and his wif e, Kat y, reside in Franklin, Tenn. NORTH CAROLINA - CHAPEL HILL Rufus B. L angley ‘62-Life and his wife , Toni, re cen tly climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania where he succeeded in reaching the peak (19,341 ft). Afterwards, they went to Kenya to work on a water project for several communities. OHIO STATE Dr. Herff L. Moore ’64-Life married Cheryll Burkett in August, 2007. They r eside in Arlington, Te xas. PORTLAND Mar k C. MacG ibbon‘96-Life marr ied awarded the Silver Beaver Award from the B oy Scout of America’s Greater St. Louis Area Council — the highest award a local council can present to an adult volunteer of BSA. He and his wife, Elizabeth, Saint Louis ’78-Life, and two sons reside in Des Peres, Mo. Gregor y Pet er A. Weber, Mont clair State ’81-Life, is leading a humanitarian project in Lakajou, Haiti. He is coordinating the project on behalf of the First Presbyterian Church of Red Bank, N.J., in conjunction with the non-profit organization, Aslan. The completed project, estimated to take eight years to finish on a 6.2-acre site, will include an orphanage, school, medical and dental clinic, teaching seminary and more. He is sending four teams a year to work on the project—these groups are made up of college students through retirees. Kimberly Comella in January. The wedding was held in Hawaii. They live and work in the Portland, Ore.Vancouver, Wash. area. RICHMOND John A. Bennett Jr. ’65-Life is president of Brokers Exchange, Realtors in Houston. He and his wife, Joanne, celebrated 42 years of marriage in August. John received — Continued from page 25 industry, in particular, is an area that business majors should keep an eye on. “Green building is not just the wave of the future—it is happening right now,” says Armentrout. In Florida, two Alpha Kappa Psi members are putting their business degrees to good use, taking full advantage of green career trends. Ellen Tarantur, a College of Business Administration graduate from the University of Central Florida, works in the marketing department at Progressive Energy, a company that has a regional presence in Florida, North Carolina and South Carolina. “My role with green practices involves proactively promoting energy efficiency to our customers,” says Tarantur. “We offer free home or business energy checks where we make customized recommendations on how individuals can save energy and money. We also offer rebates and incentives for customers who make energy efficient upgrades. This helps our customers become more green by using less energy. it is an easy way for them to go green right now!” Meg Thompson, who has a BA in marketing and economics from the University of South Florida, works in the hospitality and cleaning industry as a Alpha Kappa Psi’s Alumnus of the Year A wa rd in 2004. D. Sc ott Showalter ‘73-Lif e retir ed from KPMG LLP after 33 years and became a professor at North Carolina St ate U niversity ’s College of Managment. SAINT LOUIS Timothy J. Hampton ’76-Life was SAN DIEGO Megahn M cGuir e ‘05 is a territory manager for Verathon Medical. She resides in San Diego. St ephanie M. Rockwell ‘03 moved to Santa Barbara and is employed by Network Hardware Resale, one of the 500 fastest growing companies according to Inc. magazine. SEATTLE Jamie L. Selby ‘99-Life married Scott C. Warren ‘97-Life in October. Their ceremony was held on the Seattle University campus. SHIPPENSBURG Marlene E. McClain ’00 married Ste ven Yoricich in Septemb er, 2007. They reside in Machanicburgh, Pa. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Howard Chang ’95 married Jye Hann Wang in September. The couple resides in San Gabriel, Calif. distribution sales representative for many different manufacturers ranging from chemicals to paper products. She notes that the State of Florida’s program called “Green Lodging,” which requires the military to only hold conventions at hotels and facilities that implement green practices, is an example of a ripe opportunity that sales representatives like herself can capitalize on. “It’s truly neat to see what is evolving today as “green”; from toilet tissue and cleaning chemicals to light bulbs and carpet. Something seemingly so small but will help in the overall goal of a cleaner environment,” says Thompson. Going green is not just about jobs, it’s also about lifestyles. Like many Alpha Kappa Psi brothers, you may be considering a geographical relocation, for both job prospects and lifestyle amenities. In his recent book entitled Who’s Your City: How The Creative Economy Is Making Where You Live The Most Important Decision In Your Life, Richard Florida asserts that “where we live affects many crucial aspects of our lives, including the jobs, careers and networks accessible to us.” What he seems to suggest by this is that residing somewhere where you can enjoy lifestyle amenities that are important to you such as parks, bicycle trails, and public transportation should be just as high on your list as where you work. In the end, today’s environmental SOUTHERN ILLINOIS Kent E . Leight y ‘03 is an agent with Banterra Insurance Services. He resides in McLeansboro, IL. TEXAS – DALLAS Odie M. Uhl ’85 is retired and plans to do consulting for special needs families. He resides in Van Alstyne , Te xas. VIRGINIA TECH Chris C. Ward ’04 completed his masters in information systems from CSU-Sacramento in May. He will join the department of information systems at the University of Utah as a PhD student this fall. WASHINGTON STATE Da vid T. Dr umhiller ’02, a financial advisor for Morgan Stanley, was recognized by Cambridge Who’s Who for showing leadership and excellence in all aspects of wealth management. He resides in Seattle. WILLIAM & MARY Karl Sakas ’01-Life started a new business, Heritage Rail Business Consulting in Clifton, N.J. He helps tourist railroads, railway museums, and private railcar owners save time and increase profits using marketing and technology. movement signals a “green light” for working professionals desiring new options for their career and life. Jeremy Hays, field director for Green For All, a national organization dedicated to building an inclusive green economy, says as companies turn to green materials and practices, they will need skilled business people to lead the way. In particular, he says business majors with project management, finance, marketing and production skills related to emerging green technologies will be highly sought after in the green economy. “With the right policies and investments, the green collar economy will continue to grow by leaps and bounds, transforming the way we live, work and play,” says Hays. “Green jobs can provide the pathways to prosperity for families while helping our nation reclaim its global economic leadership. What’s more, this economic strategy will clean the air, stem global warming and respect the planet going forward.” Michael P. Scott is a freelance writer and honorary member of Alpha Kappa Psi. He can be contacted at thewritersstudio | Winter 2008 | The Diary of Alpha Kappa Ps i 27 AUDIT ETERNAL The following listing is for those Audit Eternal brothers reported between May 2 and November 14 . Gifts in memory of an AKPsi brother are accepted by the Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation. Once a gift is received, a card of acknowledgment is sent to the donor and, if possible, a card announcing the memorial contribution is sent to the immediate family of the individual being honored. ALABAMA Fred B. Creel ‘47 (9/17/2008) Birmingham, Ala. William J. Hamner ‘48 (8/9/2008) Cullman, Ala. ARIZONA Robert B. Cravens ‘53-Life (9/11/08) Phoenix, Ariz. Alfred B. Rico ‘53 (8/25/08) Chevy Chase, Md. ARIZONA STATE WEST Jesse Cor man ‘04 (10/14/08) Phoenix, Ariz. BRADLEY James P. Connolly ‘70 Raymond T. J ohnson ‘51 (4/29/08) Peoria, Ill. BRIGHAM YOUNG Donald F.D uce ‘39 (4/11/07) Salt Lake Cty, Utah BUFFALO Jack R. Ridler ‘38-Life (2/18/08) Hilton Head, S.C. CALIFORNIA – BERKELEY Edward H. Dalaei ‘06 (10/15/08) Berkeley, Calif. CALIFORNIA – SAN DIEGO Sandy Chang‘94-Life (8/9/08) Orange, Calif. CSU – FRESNO Donald G. Cowan ‘63-Life (4/5/08) Bellingham, Wash. Russell W. Sn yder ‘57-Life (6/15/08) Sacramento, Calif. CSU – LOS ANGELES Douglas A. Dutton ‘61-Life (11/5/01) Orange, Calif. CANISIUS COLLEGE Joseph G. Cuber a ‘78 Lancaster, N.Y. CENTRAL FLORIDA Gregory T. Jones ‘96 (7/20/08) Jupiter, Fla. COLORADO COLLEGE Gordon L. Snider ‘37-Life (5/9/08) Torranc e, Calif. DENVER Abraham A. Becker ‘49-Life (8/5/08) Colorado Springs, Colo. James F.Wo odson ‘40-Life (10/24/08) Scottsdale, Ariz. DETROIT – DAY Charles D. A llegrina ‘41 (9/21/07) Canton, Mich. Thomas V. Angott ‘47-Life (9/11/08) West Bloomfield, Mich. Otto R. S ossi ‘53 (5/21/08) Saint Clair Shores, Mich. DETROIT – EVENING Robert G. Wilson ‘58-Life (4/15/08) Farmington, Mich. EMORY Philip S. Dunlap ‘30 (10/22/07) Minneapolis, Minn. W. Robert Wor ley ‘58 (7/17/08) Cumming, Ga. FLORIDA Milton S. B oyce ‘42-Life (5/28/04) South Jordan, Utah Howard T. M cKinney ‘46 (12/8/02) Gainesville, Fla. FLORIDA STATE Dempsey J. Barron ‘76-Honorary (7/7/01) Tallahassee, Fla. Robert R. Sher man ‘59-Life (8/10/07) Bradenton, Fla. 28 FORT HAYS STATE Harry L. Judd ‘65-Life (6/13/08) El Paso, Texas GEORGIA Joseph K. Andrews ‘98 (3/8/08) Atlanta, Ga. IDAHO STATE Robert V.H ansberger ‘66-Honorary (5/15/08) Boise, Idaho ILLINOIS Lloyd M. Deboer ‘47-Faculty (10/15/07) Montrose, Colo. Harold A.M iller ‘41-Life (5/2/08) Urbana, Ill. James P. Nasti ‘77-Life (7/4/08) Naperville, Ill. INDIANA Jesse H. Cox ‘40-Life (5/12/08) Carmel, Ind. Robert J. Huggins ‘59 (6/29/08) Henderson, Nev. Donald L. Lick ing ‘41-Life San Diego, Calif. Paul W. Linton ‘42 (4/20/01) Winter Park, Fla. Robert L. Lo wry ‘48 (8/16/04) Clinton, Ind. Lawrenc e E. M agner ‘54 (1/29/06) Louisville, Ky. Laddie L. Marin ‘41-Life (5/13/06) Blacksburg, Va. Theodore F. McC arty ‘59 (5/1/05) Harbor Springs, Mich. James F. McConnell ‘47 (12/4/03) Los Gatos, Calif. Paul E. McGuff‘37 (11/2/02) Las Vegas, Nev. James S. M entzer ‘31 (11/17/01) Dublin, Ohio Frederick P. Mi tchell ‘49 (4/1/05) Rochester, Ind. William J. Mor an ‘54 (4/12/03) Hammond, Ind. James E. Mor gan ‘40 (9/28/01) Whitehorn, Calif. William J. M orrow ‘55 (4/28/03) Bloomington, Ind. Hugh R. Murray‘53-Life (1/25/02) Dade City, Fla. John I. Mur ray‘42-Life (11/12/04) Chattanooga,Ten.. Charles W. Mur ray ‘44 (5/21/06) Wabash, Ind. Marvin C. Neff ‘47 (2/24/03) Las Vegas, Nev. Henr y G. Nungesser ‘37 (9/2/03) Grofton, Md. Thomas H. Owen ‘68 (6/20/02) Robert P. Parkinson ‘42 (10/27/05) Silver Spring, Md. Kermit B. Parrish ‘32 (7/22/04) Winter Garden, Fla. John F. Pate ‘48 (7/16/01) Lehigh Acres, Fla. James P atlyek ‘47 (12/31/07) Merrillville, Ind. David L. Poller t ‘66 (5/12/05) Robert E. Prather ‘55 (3/9/01) Leesburg, Ind. Richard G. Prendergast ‘53 (10/27/01) Jupiter, Fla. Robert M. Price ‘59 (2/9/02) Raleigh, N.C. Herbert B. Riple y ‘40 (6/22/01) Sarasota, Fla. Donald H. Rober tson ‘47 (9/10/03) Springs National Park, Ark. John R. Roesch ‘47 (5/7/04) Indianapolis, Ind. William F. Ross ‘47 (10/24/04) Stoddard, Wisc. William A. Ro yer ‘47 (1/28/05) Berryville, Va. Patrick J. Saine ‘58 (11/11/07) Auburn, Ind. James L. Schlo ot ‘45 (12/9/01) Martinsville, Ind. Robert D. Shepherd ‘46 (12/2/02) Gary, Ind. Donald R. Shepherd ‘52 (4/23/05) Parsippany, N.J. Sylvan W. Tackitt ‘28 (7/17/08) Bloomington, Ind. David B. Taylor ‘55 (5/9/02) David L. To dd ‘47 (8/23/02) Upland, Ind. Michael G. Trapp ‘66 (5/28/05) Bloomington, Ind. Benjamin L. Underwo od ‘37-Life (2/22/07) Fairhope, Ala. Larry L. Uptegr aft ‘60 (10/25/06) Marion, Ind. John R. Webster ‘42-Life (6/18/01) Kentland, Ind. Raymond O . Williams ‘47 (7/2/05) Columbia, S.C. Fred R. Wolf ‘40 (11/8/07) San Diego, Calif. Wayne Z.Wo od wor th ‘50 (2/25/07) Sarasota, Fla. David C. W right ‘54 (9/26/01) Naperville, Ill. Kenneth A.Z ullo‘76 (6/24/01) Minneapolis, Minn. IOWA Marvin A. Pomerantz ‘72-Honorar y (8/14/08) Des Moines, Iowa KANSAS STATE Carl L.N elson ‘36-Faculty (3/30/07) Santa Barbara, Calif. Norris E . S ayre ‘40 (4/29/07) Ensign, Kan. LEHIGH George V. Getzoff ‘37 (10/18/07) Hendersonville, N.C. MARIST COLLEGE Christopher Moscato ‘06 (9/21/08) East Nor thport, N.Y. MARQUETTE Edward J. Melicher ‘42-Life (1/24/2008) Milwaukee, Wisc. MEMPHIS Herbert A. Scobey ‘72 (10/13/07) Memphis, Tenn. MINNESOTA Robert F. Blake ‘38 (12/14/07) Shawnee Mission, Kan. Harry B. Dean ‘55 (10/12/08) Minnetonka, Minn. Stephen J. Frisvold ‘64 (12/13/07) Henderson, Nev. John I. Levin ‘38 (6/21/07) Eden Prairie, Minn. Louis F. Mar tin ‘28-Life Mount Arlington, N.J. Dean B. McKinney ‘50-Life (9/2/08) Palatine, Ill. Robert B . Swanson ‘39-Life (9/10/07) West Chicago, Ill. MISSOURI Lloyd W. Coleman ‘47 (3/22/07) Normanna, Texas NEW MEXICO Henr y A. Anderson ‘50-Life (6/17/08) Albuquerque, N.M. NEW YORK Harold R. Knies ‘62-Life (7/19/06) Fairfield, Conn. William H. Soller ‘30-Life (5/7/08) Parkville, Md. NORTH CAROLINA – CHAPEL HILL James H. Conoly ‘50-Life (3/1/02) Greensboro, N.C. NORTH CAROLINA – CHAROLOTTE Edward L. Walls ‘84-Faculty (2/26/08) Charlotte, N.C. The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi | Winter 2008 | NORTH C AROLINA STATE Kimber ly D. Greene ‘84 (6/16/05) Charlotte, N.C. NORTHWESTERN V ictor L. Jackson ‘38-Life (9/3/08) Fort Atkinson, Wisc. William M.M cMillan ‘47 (11/18/07) Greenville, S.C. OHIO STATE Zachar y A.Pfaff ‘05 (9/14/08) Pickerington, Ohio O LD DOMINION Arthur F. Belote ‘59 (8/31/08) Greenville, S.C. PENN STATE Kelly A. R ooney ‘97 (6/6/08) Wescosville, Pa. PFEIFFER Lewis J.M etcalf ‘70-Life Greensboro, N.C. SOUTH ALABAMA Theodore A.M eyer ‘72-Faculty (5/29/08) Pensacola, Fla. SOUTH CAROLINA STATE Dale Hayes ‘07 (8/17/08) Los Angeles, Calif. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Robert W. Zondler ‘56 (8/7/06) Pasadena, Calif. SYRACUSE Richard H. Harder ‘56-Life (9/18/08) Hudson, N.Y. Edward J.M asso ‘37-Life (9/7/07) TEXAS Cecil C. Nor ris ‘51-Life (12/8/07) San Angelo, Texas TEXAS STATE Christina D. Lacey ‘08 (6/11/08) San Marcos, Texas TULSA George W. Underwo od ‘54-Faculty (7/24/08) Tulsa, Okla. UTAH Brandon A. Brunson ‘37 (1/2/08) Salt Lake City, Utah Ralph M. Flygar e ‘50-Life (11/24/05) Lake Havasu City, Ariz. UTAH STATE Alfred W. Swinyard ‘36-Life (9/30/08) Venice, Fla. VIRGINIA Francis M. Davis ‘47 (11/27/07) Gordonsville, Va. VIRGINIA TECH Edwin C. Armbrister ‘48-Life (9/18/08) Wytheville, Va. Robert B . Dunn ‘47 (2/26/02) Sebring, Fla. George B. Martin-Vegue ‘65-Life WASHINGTON AND LEE Richard A. Hurxthal ‘50 (7/5/08) Sarasota, Fla. WASHINGTON STATE John F. Bohler ‘32-Life (6/17/07) Menlo Park, Calif. WESTERN MICHIGAN Gary G. Isner ‘69-Life (6/11/08) South Barrington, Ill. Sandra A. Leblanc ‘93 Warren, Mich. WYOMING Larry R. Olcott ‘70-Life (7/27/08) Bakersfield, Calif. Ro ger C. Runge ‘48 (10/1/06) Worland, Wyo. Practicing Servant-Leadership “The servant-leader is servant first. It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. The best test is: do those served grow as persons; do they, while being served, become healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous, more likely themselves to become servants?” — Robert K. Greenleaf Servant-leadership principles are being applied in significant ways in many different areas. Servant-leadership crosses all boundaries and is being applied by a wide variety of people working with for-profit businesses, notfor-profit corporations, churches, universities, health care organizations and foundations. Servant-Leadership as an Institutional Model The first area has to do with servantleadership as an institutional philosophy and model. Servant-leadership advocates a group-oriented approach to analysis and decision making as a means of strengthening institutions and improving society. It also emphasizes the power of persuasion and seeking consensus, over the old top-down form of leadership. Some people have likened this to turning the hierarchical pyramid upside down. Servant-leadership holds that the primary purpose of a business should be to create a positive impact on its employees and community, rather than using profit as the sole motive. Many individuals within institutions have adopted servant-leadership as a guiding philosophy. An increasing number of companies have adopted servant-leadership as part of their corporate philosophy or as a foundation for their mission statement. Among the better-known examples are The Toro Company, Synovus Financial Corporation, ServiceMaster Company, The Men’s Wearhouse, Southwest Airlines, Starbucks and TDIndustries. TDlndustries (TD), one of the earliest practitioners of servant-leadership in the corporate setting, is a Dallas-based heating and plumbing contracting firm that has consistently ranked in the top ten of Fortune magazine’s 100 Best Companies to Work for in America. TD’s founder, Jack Lowe Sr., came upon The Servant as Leader essay in the early 1970s and began to distribute copies of it to his employees. They were invited to read the essay and gather in small groups to discuss its meaning. The belief that managers should serve their employees became an important value for TDlndustries. Nearly forty years later, TDIndustries continues to use servant-leadership as its guiding philosophy. Even today, any TDPartner who supervises at least one person must go through training in servant-leadership. In addition, all new employees continue to receive a copy of The Servant as Leader essay; and TD has developed elaborate training modules designed to encourage the understanding and practice of servant-leadership. BY LARRY SPEARS | Winter 2008 | The Diary of Alpha Kappa Ps i 29 Some businesses have begun to view servant-leadership as an important framework that is helpful (and necessary) for ensuring the long-term effects of related management and leadership approaches such as continuous quality improvement and systems thinking. Institutions that want to create meaningful change may be best served in starting with servant-leadership as the foundational understanding and then building on it through any number of related approaches. Servant-leadership has influenced many noted writers, thinkers and leaders. Max DePree, former chair of the Herman Miller Company and author of Leadership Is an Art and Leadership Jazz said, “The servanthood of leadership needs to be felt, understood, believed and practiced.” Peter Senge, author of The Fifth Discipline, said he tells people “not to bother reading any other book about leadership until you first read Robert Greenleaf’s book, Servant-Leadership. I believe it is the most singular and useful statement on leadership I’ve come across.” In recent years, a growing number of leaders and readers have “rediscovered” Robert Greenleaf’s own writings through books by DePree, Senge, Covey, Wheatley, Autry and many other popular writers. Education and Training of Not-forProfit Trustees A second major application of servantleadership is its pivotal role as the theoretical and ethical basis for “trustee education.” Greenleaf wrote extensively on servant-leadership as it applies to the roles of boards of directors and trustees within institutions. His essays on these applications are widely distributed among directors of for-profit and nonprofit organizations. In his essay, Trustees as Servants, Greenleaf urged trustees to ask themselves two central questions: “Whom do you serve?” and “For what purpose?” Servant-leadership suggests that boards of trustees need to undergo a radical shift in how they approach their roles. Trustees who seek to act as servantleaders can help create institutions of great depth and quality. Over the past two decades, two of America’s largest grantmaking foundations (Lilly Endowment Inc. and the W. K. Kellogg Foundation) have sought to encourage the development of programs designed to educate and train not-for-profit boards of 30 Alpha Kappa Psi has a powerful set of core values and guiding principles—many of which reflect what today is called “servant-leadership.” Alpha Kappa Psi’s five core v alues are: Brotherhood:Trust, respect, cooperation, companionship, and aid to Brother Members is the expected norm; Knowledge: Education and experience, whether gained in the classroom or in the workplace, is emphasized and shared; Integrity: All actions, whether in business or in life, are guided b y honesty, ethics, and fairness; Service: Sharing of time, talent, and treasure with both communities and with our Fraternity is a priority; and, Unity: A common understanding of our vision and values that transcends chapter, generation, and profession is utilized to anticipate and create the future. The fraternit y’s five Core Values are joined by five Guiding Principles: Building Brotherhood: All activities and decisions that involve the Fraternity are guided by a sense of stewardship and selflessness. Lifelong Learning: Our members share their knowledge and experiences openly with the people they work with, regardless of rank or position. High Ethical Standards: Our members serve as role models through their consistently fair and ethical conduct. Improving Communities: Our members actively give back to their communities through volunteer activities and monetary support. Enhancing the Fraternity for Life: College chapters serve as living laboratories for classroom concepts and professional conduct. trustees to function as servant-leaders. John Carver, the noted author on board governance, has also done much to raise awareness of servant-leadership in relation to trustee boards. Community Leadership Programs A third application of servantleadership concerns its deepening role in community leadership organizations across the country. A growing number of community leadership groups are using The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi | Winter 2008 | Greenleaf Center resources as part of their own education and training efforts. Some have been doing so for more than 20 years. The late M. Scott Peck, who wrote about the importance of building true community, says the following in A World Waiting to Be Born: “In his work on servant-leadership, Greenleaf posited that the world will be saved if it can develop just three truly well-managed, large institutions—one in the private sector, one in the public sector, and one in the nonprofit sector. He believed—and I know—that such excellence in management will be achieved through an organizational culture of civility routinely utilizing the mode of community.” Service-Learning Programs A fourth application involves servantleadership and experiential education. During the past 25 years experiential education programs of all sorts have sprung up in virtually every college and university—and, increasingly, in secondary schools, too. Experiential education, or “learning by doing,” is now a part of most students’ educational experience. Around 1980, a number of educators began to write about the linkage between the servant-leader concept and experiential learning under a new term called “service-learning.” It is service-learning that has become a major focus for some experiential education programs in the past two decades. The National Society for Experiential Education (NSEE) has service-learning as one of its major program areas. In 1990, NSEE published a massive three-volume work called Combining Service and Learning, which brought together many articles and papers about servicelearning—several dozen of which discuss servant-leadership as the philosophical basis for experiential learning programs. Leadership Education A fifth application of servantleadership concerns its use in both formal and informal education and training programs. This is taking place through leadership and management courses in colleges and universities, as well as through corporate training programs. A number of undergraduate and graduate courses on management and leadership incorporate servant-leadership within their course curricula. Several colleges and universities now offer spe- cific courses on servant-leadership. Since 2005, I have collaborated with Gonzaga University in the creation of the annual International Journal on Servant-Leadership. Also, a number of noted leadership authors, including Peter Block, Ken Blanchard, Max DePree, and Peter Senge, have all acclaimed the servant-leader concept as an overarching framework that is compatible with, and enhancing of, other leadership and management models such as total quality management, systems thinking, and community building. In the area of corporate education and training programs, dozens of management and leadership consultants now utilize servant-leadership materials as part of their ongoing work with corporations. Among these companies are U.S.Cellular, Synovus Financial and Southwest Airlines. A number of consultants and educators are now touting the benefits to be gained in building a total quality management approach upon a servant-leadership foundation. Through internal training and education, in-stitutions are discovering that servant-leadership can truly improve how business is developed and conducted, while still successfully turning a profit. Healthcare Organizations In healthcare organizations, a sixth distinctive area, numerous hospitals and healthcare systems across the U.S. are involved with servant-leadership today, including: Ascension Health (St. Louis), Austin Medical Center (Austin, Minn.), Centegra Health System (McHenry, Ill.), Kingston Hospital (Kingston, N.Y.), Parkland Hospital (Dallas), St. Joseph’s Hospital (Chippewa Falls, Wisc.), and St. John’s Hospital (Springfield, Ill.). Larry C. Spears is president and CEO of The Spears Center for Servant-Leadership (, and a noted author and speaker on servantleadership. From 1990-07, Larry served as president and CEO of the Robert K. Greenleaf Center for Servant-Leadership. In the 1970s and ‘80s he held positions with the Greater Philadelphia Philosophy Consortium, the Great Lakes Colleges Association’s Philadelphia Center, and Fr iends Journal. He is the editor and contributing author to ten books on servant-leadership, including the critically acclaimed Insights on Leadership. In 2008 he published a new book, Scanlon Personal Transformation A seventh application of servantleadership involves its use in programs relating to personal growth and transformation. Servant-leadership operates at both the institutional and personal levels. For individuals it offers a means to personal growth—spiritually, professionally, emotionally and intellectually. It has ties to the ideas of M. Scott Peck (The Road Less Traveled), Parker Palmer (The Active Life), and others who have written on expanding human potential. A particular strength of servant-leadership is that it encourages everyone to seek opportunities to both serve and lead others, thereby setting up the potential for raising the quality of life throughout society. What Others Say Servant-leadership is not a soft and easy approach. To the contrary. It emphasizes autonomy, accountability and selfactualization as well as caring and serving others. Here is what a few notables have said about the servant-as-leader concept: John Schuster (co-author, The Power of Open-Book Management) said: Greenleaf was among the first to raise the bar on the serious discussion of leadership. He, along with John Gardner and James MacGregor Burns, turned the corner for all students of leadership, describing how it is more than skills and situational know-how and is, instead and more fundamentally, a moral contract between leaders and followers to bring out the best in each other for the good of the whole. Stephen Covey (author, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) says that the idea of servant-leadership: Is a fundamental, timeless principle that will dramatically increase its relevance. EPIC Leadership: Where the Best Ideas ComeTogether (Paul Davis and Larr y C. Spears, Editors; Scanlon Leadership Foundation); and a new essay, “Holistic Servant-Leadership,” (George SanFacon and Larry Spears, co-authors; The Servant-Leadership Series, The Spears Center for Servant-Leadership). Spears, who knew Robert Greenleaf, is the editor of fiv e books of Gr eenleaf’s writings. Larry serves as senior editor of The International Journal of ServantLeadership, a collaborative project of The Spears Center and Gonzaga University. He has thirty years of experience in organizational leadership, entrepreneur- There is a growing awareness and consciousness around it in the world, driven by the global economy, which absolutely insists on quality at low cost. You’ve got to produce more for less, and with greater speed than ever done before. The only way you can do that in a sustained way is through the empowerment of people. And the only way that you get empowerment is through high-trust cultures and through an empowerment philosophy that turns bosses into servants and coaches. Margaret Wheatley (author, Leadership and the New Science) writes: We can create the lives and organizations we desire only by understanding the enlivening spirit in us that always is seeking to express itself. Servant-leaders help us understand ourselves differently by the way they lead. They trust our humanness; they welcome the surprises we bring to them; they are curious about our differences; they delight in our inventiveness. They trust that we can create wisely and well, that we seek the best interests of our organizations and our community, that we want to bring more good into the world. AKPsi and Servant-Leadership Alpha Kappa Psi is recognized as the premier developer of principled business leaders. —Vision Statement, Alpha Kappa Psi Alpha Kappa Psi has a serious commitment to servant-leadership. This is clear through its history, core values, guiding principles, vision statement, organizational leadership, and in many other ways. Through its members and alumni, Alpha Kappa Psi plays an important role in creating a business climate that is founded upon fair and ethical treatment for all. I invite you to be in touch with me, and to let me know your own thoughts and experiences with servant-leadership. ial development, non-profit management and grant writing, having envisioned and authored thirty successful grant projects totaling several million dollars. Spears serves on the board of trustees of the Union Institute and University and the Scanlon Leadership Foundation. He is a longtime member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals and a fellow of the World Business Academy. He is the recipient of a 2008 Community Leadership Award given by his alma mater, DePauw University. Larry and his wife, Beth, has two sons. 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