Fairfield Newsletter Spring 1 2013


Fairfield Newsletter Spring 1 2013
Spring 1 Newsletter 2013
Mrs Quinn, Deputy Headteacher
A lot has happened this half-term. School
performance tables have been published,
confirming our position as one of the best
schools in the country. Our ‘Value Added’ the progress girls make from Key Stage 2 to
Key Stage 4 - was the best, by some way, of
all the 113 secondary schools in Greater
Manchester. In January, the Secretary of
State for Schools wrote to congratulate us on
our excellent GCSE performance. He said we were one of the
top 100 schools in the country for the exceptional progress that
Free School Meals pupils make.
I would like to announce that I will be retiring from my position
as Deputy Head teacher at Fairfield at the end of this academic
The most stressful 2 days, but ultimately the most rewarding,
were the 23rd and 24th January. We emerged from our first full
Ofsted inspection in 5 years with the top grade - ’Outstanding’ in every category. The staff and girls were magnificent and the
inspection team was full of praise for them.
I am sending out the full Ofsted report with this newsletter. You
will see that we have one thing to do to improve further - to
improve the achievement of a small minority of more able
students by ensuring that they are constantly challenged in
‘Outstanding’ does not mean perfect, however, and there is
always work to be done - and not just in the area highlighted by
As part of our review of our current position, before we make
plans for next year, we would like the views of pupils, staff and
We will be sending out a questionnaire to all parents/carers in
the first week back after the holiday. I would be very grateful if
you could take the time to complete the questionnaire and
return it to school.
Finally, I wish to thank parents and carers for the support they
give the school. Our success is a joint effort.
Have a good half-term holiday.
I have spent many happy years here at the school and have seen
and been responsible for many changes we have had to make. I
have always tried to maintain the high standards for which the
school is renowned. It is pleasing to feel that the school is in a
very good position for moving forward following its outstanding
Ofsted report and the best ever public examination results
I shall miss Fairfield as it has played a very big part in my life
over many years. I have met some amazing people and it is
always a pleasure to come across the vast number of former
pupils I have taught and their parents. Fairfield girls continue to
appear in my life whether I am being served in a shop, hospital
visiting or hearing from others about their many high powered
I feel privileged to have contributed to the life of a school that
achieves such brilliant academic outcomes in such a caring,
orderly and supportive environment. I would like to thank all
pupils, parents and staff for their continuing support and would
pay tribute to Mr Hedley, the Governing Body, the Senior
Leadership Team, the English Faculty, my Faculty Leaders Team
and very many former colleagues who have all played a huge
and very positive part in making my career at Fairfield so
It does, however, now seem the right time to begin a further
chapter in my life. I am looking forward to spending more time
with my family and friends, in addition to spending time at my
apartment in Spain. I wish you all the very
best for even further future success at
Fairfield. Looking forward, I know that the
school has the capacity to provide the very
best standards in education for future
generations of pupils well into the twenty first
century and beyond!!
Mrs K Quinn
Mr J Hedley
SHINE (Students Happy In a New Environment) collection for Millstream Animal Shelter
After seeing an appeal in the local Advertiser, pupils in Fairfield’s SHINE group decided to help
their local animal rescue shelter. Rebecca Hart says:
The Millstream Cats and Dogs Shelter has many donations heading its way.
From tinned food to a rope toy, they will enjoy the gifts donated by many pupils and staff at
We have also collected £10.00 to sponsor a cat called Cricket who is one of 10
animals that live at the shelter permanently.
Thank you to all who donated. The cats and dogs also say ‘thank you’!
Rebecca Hart 9C
Tel: 0161 370 1488
E-mail: admin@fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Web: www.fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Page 1
Lost Property
Training Leaders for the Future
Can all parents and pupils please note that there are numerous
PE kits, pencil cases, glasses, keys and other miscellaneous
items in lost property at the moment?
Representatives from
2012-2013 have now
been trained.
Circle training company
from Leeds spent the
day with our pupil voice
representatives helping
them improve their
skills in public speaking,
listening, cooperation, group work and presenting.
All unclaimed lost property is displayed in the junior entrance for
the last two weeks of each half-term. If your daughter has lost
any items can you please encourage her to have a look at the
items displayed or to speak to Mrs Cheetham regarding smaller
We are sorry but items unclaimed will be sent to the local
charity shops. We do not have the facilities to store lost items
Please, please put names in everything!
returned promptly. Thank you.
They can then be
The girls took part in practical interactive activities and games
which allowed them to build their confidence and their ability to
empathise. They finished the day by delivering a presentation to
demonstrate the skills they had learned.
Congratulations to all the girls who took part; the trainer
commented on how responsive they were to learning new skills.
Mrs L Cheetham
Buzzing About Books!
forward to discussing
questioning in our
nex t
roun d
Mrs H Duncan
World Book Day is fast approaching. It is on the 7th March
2013 and pupils should look out for their World Book Day tokens
which will be given out in Form time soon.
Before Christmas, all Year 7s received a free book through the
scheme and below, Ruth Piper has described her experience of
World Book Day.
Last term, all Year
7 girls got the
chance to read
During our library
lesson we were
able to see and
L-R Lizzy Smith, Holly Whitbread, Heather choose one title
Booton, Leah Nuttall, Chloe Mundy and
each out of a
Ruth Piper, 7C
selection of 17
books, written by
a range of fantastic authors and carefully
selected by
Booktrust’s ‘Book Buzz’ programme.
I chose the book ‘A Most Improper Magick’ by Stephanie Burgis.
It is about a girl who discovers she has inherited her mother’s
magical ability and is set in the world of Jane Austen. I read my
book and I really enjoyed it so I would definitely get the other
books in that series.
The school production of Hairspray takes place on 16th and 17th
April 2013. The production will be fantastic and a credit to all
the pupils involved. Tickets cost £5 each and can be purchased
by contacting pblaylock@fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk.
Head Girl Team News
The past few weeks have been busy for all Year 11s with
January exams and numerous college events and interviews.
Due to these important events, this term has been slightly
quieter for the Head Girl Team. Exams need dedicated revision
and college has occupied most of our minds. Big decisions have
left most of us feeling slightly flustered, although we all know it
will be worthwhile come August!
Nevertheless, we have still made Leaver’s Hoodies a priority.
After choosing the classic varsity style design, the whole of Year
11 have been eager to choose their colours and nicknames so
their hoodie is personal to them. It won’t be long until this is the
only item of clothing you’ll see the whole Year wearing!
I think the idea of our school giving a gift of a
book to each Year 7 pupil is great because it
gets more pupils to read different types of
books and it’s a fun thing to swap and share
when we’ve finished reading.
We are all well aware that exams will be here in no time so now
is time to get as much Prom-related organisation completed.
Between now and May, the Head Girl Team
and I will be exploring ideas, largely
decorative, on how to make our Prom one to
remember. This is a nice task for all of us but
also makes us realise how little time we
actually have left at Fairfield.
Ruth Piper 7C
Holly Beddingfield, Head Girl
Tel: 0161 370 1488
E-mail: admin@fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Web: www.fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Page 2
Junior Masterchef Heats
Over the past few weeks, more
than 80 girls prepared and
cooked a main course including
chicken and a dessert including
pastry, in the hope of winning
the heat and being accepted into
the final of Junior Masterchef
2013 held at Manchester College.
The competition was fierce as
participated and it was judged
kindly and fairly by the office
staff. Out of all the 80 girls,
there were 8 couples chosen as
Heat Winners:
Taylor Bishop/Alice Kenyon
Sophie Newbiggin/Beth Pearson
Morgan Finnegan/Beth Amos
Anya Cottrill/Kaitlin Brown
Hafsa Ali/Megan White
Lucia Cicchirillo/Lucy Gurney
Erin Ratchford/Emily Chadderton
Maria Duffy/Kim Lambert
Taylor Bishop & Alice Kenyon
and Maria Duffy & Kim Lambert
have been chosen by Manchester
College to participate in the final of Junior Masterchef. We are
excited and honoured to have been chosen to represent our
school. We are eagerly anticipating the day and we hope our
next article will be one of triumph.
Christmas Showcase
In the Christmas showcase
we saw lots of different
performances. There were
bands, choir, dancers and
the Year 10 performance
of Cinderella.
Choir performed some
really good songs such as
Just the Way You Are by
Bruno Mars and Good
Morning Baltimore from Hairspray.
There was plenty for the
audience to get involved in instead of sitting in their chairs
for the whole Showcase we
also got them to join in with
many carols such as the 12
Days Of Christmas!
I performed in Cinderella along
with the other members of my
class; we had dancing, acting
and singing. We performed
‘I’ll Be There For You’ as the
final song where we all took a bow.
Cindrella was played by Kim Lambert and the Prince by Lauren
Quinn. We had Chelsea Frater and Alison Bell
as the ugly sisters who were perfect for the
part and always made everyone laugh.
The show was a great success and was
thoroughly enjoyed by the audience.
Sophie Chesney – 10E
Year 10 Lionheart Enterprise Day
Taylor Bishop, Alice Kenyon, Maria Duffy and Kim Lambert
Raspberry Pi event
S t a f f f r o m M a n c h e st e r
University’s Computer Science
Department visited Fairfield for
the first school-based
Raspberry Pi event.
Years 10 and 11 Computer
Science GCSE students took a
few hours off timetable to gain
hands on experience of putting
together the hardware to connect the Raspberry Pi computer.
The girls then added the Pi face developed by the Computer
Science Department at Manchester University. They then wrote
code in Python and Scratch to control animations, Scalextric and
a Twitter chicken!
Fairfield will be continuing to link with the University and develop
activities to enhance the Computer Science GCSE which is now
part of the EBacc.
The Lionheart team introduced this
years task which was to conceive a
product which would help with Fire
Prevention. They were judged on
marketing and presentations which
took place in the afternoon session.
The whole Year group worked positively for the whole day with
some very creative solutions proposed. The winning team, led
by Maria Duffy, used knowledge from Science lessons to come
up with their product which affected air particles – slowing down
the rate at which fires can start. (Ask Dr Beckett!)
The team will go forward to take part in the North-West Regional
Finals in the summer. Pictured here is Olivia Prosser who
received the prize for Individual Contribution from Pamela
Caudwell from Lionheart.
Mr I Johnson
Miss E Nisbet
Tel: 0161 370 1488
This event was held in school in
December, and all Year 10 took
part. They were put into random
teams which meant straight away
they had to form positive working
relationships with other girls they
may not have spoken to before.
E-mail: admin@fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Web: www.fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Page 3
Focus on the Mathematics Faculty
There are always may different events happening in the Maths Faculty. We are always looking for ways in which we can improve the
experience both inside and outside of the classroom so please talk to any of the Maths teachers if you have any ideas.
Thank you to the pupils for their hard work and efforts, thank you to the parents and carers for their on-going support and thank you
to the Maths teachers who are committed to the pupils’ education.
Miss Fisher
Director of Study for Mathematics
Maths Puzzle of the Week
The puzzles aim to
stretch mathematical
thinking and logic
skills, as well as
providing a chance
for entrants to win
Additional Maths
25 Year 11 students have been
voluntarily attending ‘Additional
Mathematics’ lessons after school
every Tuesday since September.
They are working towards the OCR
Additional Mathematics qualification.
This course provides candidates
with an introduction to the
mathematics studied in AS and A
Level GCE modules. It is designed
for those students who have a
thorough knowledge of the content of the Higher Tier of the
National Curriculum for Mathematics.
It is designed to make the transition from GCSE to A level
easier for students:
Mr D Wilson
Here are a few words from Christina
Bradbury, one of our
A new puzzle is given every green Monday. Pupils receive a
copy in their Form folders, a copy is sent electronically to Form
tutors and the puzzle is also displayed on the television screens
at reception and in the specialist subject gallery, as well as on
notice boards in the specialist subject gallery, Maths Faculty
corridor and all Maths classrooms. Pupils can enter by giving
their answers, along with their full name and form, on paper to
Miss Bates in the Maths Faculty up until break time on the
following blue Wednesday.
The puzzle is open to all pupils in the school and points are
awarded for correct answers, any extension beyond the basic
requirements of the puzzle, and also just for entering! High
scorers are entered into a leader board and, every half term,
the top 3 girls in the leader board will receive Gold, Silver and
Bronze prizes and certificates.
Additional Maths has made many of us realise the potential we
have when it comes to A-level Maths and shown others that
perhaps continuing our Maths education at college isn’t quite
right for us! Nevertheless, I think we all feel that this course
has helped us gain a better understanding of GCSE Maths and
to feel more confident when in class.
Prize winners for last half term were Rachel Chen 9G, Amy
Hutchings 7C, Amelia Cantwell-Hyde 8G and Lucy Gee 10G.
Pupils will receive certificates and prizes in praise assemblies at
the end of this term.
We meet every Tuesday after school for an hour and at the
end of the course we will take an Additional Maths exam and
hope to get a good grade. If we have a successful exam, it is
another qualification that will help us with college applications
and, hopefully, university entries.
On the Buses
Also, we all feel that at Additional Maths we have met people
that we wouldn’t always see around school and now have time
to get to know them. Everyone helps each other and nobody
hesitates to ask Mr Wilson a question if our understanding of a
certain aspect of the course is less than perfect.
Along with the obvious hard work we all do in class, the
atmosphere is fairly relaxed and Mr Wilson is a great teacher!
Here are a few comments from some of the other Additional
Maths pupils:
Amy Lees: ‘Fun! Fun! Fun! Thank you Mr Wilson!’
Charlotte Fearn-Walker: ‘This has changed
my attitude towards general Maths.’
Below is a previous Maths Puzzle of the Week for interested
parties to try! Good luck!
In a school of 1200 pupils, 580 are girls. One third of the pupils
travel to school by bus. 462 boys do not go by bus. How many
girls do go by bus?
Miss V Bates
Answer on Page 15
Year 11 Maths Conference
On Thursday 5th February, 30 of our C/D borderline pupils from
Year 11 attended a one day conference at Salford City Stadium
run by senior examiners and Maths experts. The day was
designed to address common errors made on examinations and
provide strategies to help the students to reach a grade C in
their forthcoming examinations.
Emma Bragg: ‘Additional Maths has really
improved my level of GCSE maths and has
given me an insight into A-level Maths.’
It was a packed schedule in involving stimulating presentations
with challenging activities to improve performance on key
topics. Throughout the day there were live sketches and
performances from professional actors, all of which helped to
make the day fun as well as very useful.
Christina Bradbury 11A
Miss M Hill
Tel: 0161 370 1488
E-mail: admin@fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Web: www.fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Page 4
Focus on the Mathematics Faculty cont.,
United Kingdom Mathematics Trust
Numeracy Leaders
Last term, our excellent Numeracy Leaders in Year 10 were
working to support younger pupils in Year 8 who were struggling
to make the expected progress in Maths.
Intermediate Challenge
Thur sda y
7 th
February, the Maths
Faculty entered the top
sets from Years 9, 10
and 11 into the UKMT
Intermediate Maths
Every Monday lunchtime, the Numeracy Leaders worked in small
groups with pupils identified for support by the Maths Faculty.
Here is what some of the Year 8s thought:
‘At the start of the term I was one whole level under my target
and after the help I am only one sublevel below my end of year
target thanks to the Numeracy Leaders. When the course had
finished we had been given a work and revision book to help us’.
Summer Pestell 8E
‘The Maths group helped me a lot at the start of the year. I was
a 4b then with my target being a 5a, I had to go up 4 sublevels.
Now because I went to Numeracy Leaders at dinnertime, my
level is a 5c, so I’m on track for my end of year target. Thanks
Maths group’.
Billie Jo Dolan 8E
This term sees the Numeracy Leaders continuing their hard work
supporting the Year 8s from both top sets who are Able, Gifted
and Talented in Maths. These pupils are currently working at
level 7 so are being given extra support to achieve a level 8 by
the end of the year.
Numeracy Leaders has been very successful so far with the Year
10 pupils gaining experience in teaching, mentoring and
supporting others as well as working as part of a team. The
Year 8 pupils have been developing their mathematical skills and
Challenges are lively,
i n t r i gu i n g
pa p er s
designed to stimulate
interest in Maths in
large numbers of pupils. They are tests of reasoning and mental
agility which can be taken without any special preparation or
The papers contain 25 multiple-choice questions. Of these, the
first 15 are more accessible whilst the final 10 will provide more
food for thought.
Gold, silver and bronze certificates are
awarded to 40% of participants nationally and the most
successful participants at each level are invited to enter follow-on
The Challenge was sat in the hall in exam conditions, and the
papers have now been sent to the UKMT for marking. Watch this
space for results in the summer term.
Junior Challenge
On Thursday 25th April, the Mathematics Faculty will enter the top
sets from Years 7 and 8 into the UKMT Junior Maths Challenge.
The Maths Faculty would like to thank the Numeracy Leaders
Anya Cottrill 10C, Taylor Bishop 10C, Georgia Woolfenden 10A,
Lucy Gurney 10C, Hannah Bancroft 10G, Amy Foster 10A,
Charlotte Hough 10B, Victoria Davies 10B, Eleanor Wellfair 10A,
Welsby 10A and Hannah Bancroft 10G for their
dedication, hard work and enthusiasm so far.
The paper and arrangements are the same as with the
Intermediate Challenge, but with slightly more accessible
problems to solve.
Mrs K Phillips
Miss V Bates
Pupils will get more details on this nearer the time from their
Maths teacher.
Maths National Cipher Challenge
Between September 2012 and January 2013, two teams represented Fairfield in the annual
National Cipher Challenge. The National Cipher Challenge gives those aged 14-18 the
opportunity to compete in various code breaking challenges to be in with the chance of
winning £1,000 or one of fifty laptops.
Every fortnight a challenge was set; Challenge A was the easier of the two and points for
correct answers were designated to huts, whereas Challenge B required much more thinking
and points were not only based upon right answers but also how fast you could solve it these points were then awarded to
each team and the overall leaders’
boards. After eight sets of
challenges, the competition had
come to an end. We finished 180th
out of 2,000 overall, putting us in
the top 10%. Even though we
didn’t win anything we are looking
forward to taking part in the
challenge next year.
Quan Ling Zhang, Emma Bragg and Zara Altaf 11B
Tel: 0161 370 1488
E-mail: admin@fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Web: www.fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Page 5
Focus on the Mathematics Faculty cont.,
Maths GCSE revision classes run regularly throughout the year during the period leading up to GCSE examinations.
40 Year 11 pupils are currently attending Tuesday and Thursday after-school revision sessions until 4pm in preparation for their
forthcoming GCSE examinations on 28 th February and 4th March. These girls have also been invited to a half term session on Monday
18th February.
Following the February half term break, many other revision sessions will begin in preparation for the June examination series. These
sessions will be for:
taking Unit 3 at Higher or Foundation of their unitised examination in June.
taking the Higher Linear paper in June.
who do not get a grade C in March and need to retake in June.
in sets 3, 4, 8 and 9 who are taking their GCSE in June.
Timetabling and planning is currently being arranged for these sessions and will be issued to pupils nearer the time. These pupils will
also be invited to a half term session during the May half term break. A letter will be issued requiring a signature giving parental
consent for these sessions.
Thank you to all the members of the Maths Faculty for their hard work and dedication in making these voluntary sessions happen and
also to the girls for giving up their time to attend.
Should parents require any further information regarding any aspect of their daughter’s Mathematics education at Fairfield, please do
not hesitate to contact me at school.
Miss Fisher
Head of Mathematics Faculty
Unit 3
Higher set 2
Unit 3
Higher top sets
Unit 3
Year 11
Linear Higher
Year 11
Linear Foundation
Year 10
Linear Foundation
Year 7 Christmas Party
On Monday the 17th December 2012, Year 7 had their very first Christmas party at Fairfield.
The party was extraordinary and the theme was A Masquerade Ball/Winter Wonderland. Entertainment was lovely;
there was a lot of dancing and party games such as musical bumps and musical statues.
Halfway though the party, the comedy started when our dear Form tutors had a dancing competition to the song
‘Gangnam Style’, and congratulations to Miss Taylor for being the best Gangnam Styler, but most importantly this
party only happened because of our Head of Year 7, Mrs. Marlow, and our very own Head Girl Team and we give
great thanks to them.
Riya Mistry 7E
Tel: 0161 370 1488
E-mail: admin@fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Web: www.fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Page 6
Year 9 pupils visit Manchester University
30 Year 9 pupils were selected to go on a trip to Manchester University on the 11th January for their Choices Day.
Whilst on the tour, we found out lots of interesting facts and saw what it was like inside a university.
The University of Manchester is noted as the UK’s largest populated university and is located close to Europe’s
busiest bus route!
The trip has made me think more about going to university as we were given lots of hints and advice about our
subject options and at the end of our tour we watched a play which we thought was so informative that we have
made enquiries about the possibility of the group coming to perform for the rest of the Year 9s at Fairfield.
Rebecca Hart 9C
Inflatable fun in PE
When the inflatables came in for PE we were all really excited. After we had changed
into our PE kit we went into the Sports Hall and were told to choose a partner.
After the partners were chosen we were told to line up in front of the first inflatable
which was a tunnel and then the partners had a small competition to see which
person could crawl through the tunnel the fastest.
After we crawled through the tunnel, the second inflatable was a bouncy castle that
we had to jump over. After we jumped over that, the third inflatable was a mini
assault course inside the bouncy castle and then at the end of it there was a slide that
we had to slide down.
After that, the fourth inflatable was just a normal bouncy castle and
finally the last inflatable was the coconut shy where we had some
tennis balls and we had to throw them into the holes.
Throughout the rest of the lesson we just had fun with our friends.
It was a great end to the school day. I think that we all enjoyed it
and I would like to thank Mrs Dolan for organising it.
Morgan Brown 8A
Just before the Christmas holidays, the whole school had the privilege of having
inflatables in our PE lessons. We were all excited to have a go on them. We were told to get
into pairs so it would be safer. There were 4 different inflatables; the one that everyone
enjoyed was the army tunnel (but it stung our knees a little). The next one was the wall of
doom which we had to run up to and try to jump over.
The assault course was next for me, it was like being crammed into a box of
crayons! The final one was the coconut throw but instead
of coconuts we improvised and used tennis balls.
We all wished we had more time and some people were
lucky and had it the next day too! It was a great day and
I hope we can have a go again!
Rhian Appleyard 8D and Megan Banks Carr
Fairfield View visit
On the 20th December, a handful of pupils who won the Christmas cake competition at
Fairfield High School visited the Fairview home for the elderly bearing Christmas cakes,
mince pies and cards. We were greeted kindly by the staff and most of the residents. They
were very happy to receive the gifts and have the
company. We met some really nice people and it was a
pleasure to be a part of it. We are hoping the residents
had the same experience and had a nice Christmas.
Maria Duffy 10G and Hafsa Ali 10A
Tel: 0161 370 1488
Being shown around the dementia ward was a real eye
opener as to how old age can and will effect some of us.
It made some of us upset but it was a joy to see that
most of the residents were still in high Christmas spirits.
E-mail: admin@fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Web: www.fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Page 7
Young Enterprise
Our Young Enterprise business is called
Jimmy Chew
confectionary company, based in
When we first started the business we
had a lot of ideas for a product such as
a radio-pen and jewellery. In order to
gain a start-up cost, we had to sell shares to friends and family. We made £193.00 in
shares, which we used to buy stock and we decided to sell sweets in Victorian style jars and
in cellophane pouches, which we created to sell as the perfect present.
After we had produced all of our products, we sold them at the Manchester City Centre
Trade Fair and various other events in school, such as the Showcase. The Trade Fair was a
very good opportunity to sell our products and increase the popularity of our company even
though the British weather wasn’t on our side at the trade fair as it rained all day.
We have recently had a new business advisor called Stewart McCombe, who has helped us
with our business skills and marketing techniques. After selling at the Trade Fair and around
school, we sold all of our products and used the revenue to purchase more stock, which we
have assembled, and we are now ready to sell at the Trafford Centre Trade Fair and
hopefully other events around school.
The Trafford centre trade fair will be on the 1st of March, and Young Enterprise judges will be there to
judge our Trade Stand and our Interview. They will be interviewing the members of Jimmy Chew who will
be at the Trade Fair. To advertise our company, we have made a Twitter and Facebook account which will
help us target a wider audience and let people know about us.
Please follow us on Twitter @Jimmychewsweets and ‘like’ our
Facebook page ‘Jimmy Chew’.
We are currently working on our speech for the Finals week
commencing on the 18th of March. We will be judged on our
presentation, trade stand and our 10 page report. If we win the
Tameside Final we will go onto the Greater Manchester Final.
Shelly Khatun 10A and Georgia Woolfenden 10A
Pantomime visit
Fairfield Young Carers
Fairfield Young Carers were
treated to a game of bowling,
escorted by Mrs Knowles, Mrs
Graham and Miss Hannible.
Everyone pretended they had
not bowled in ages, but the
truth was soon discovered!
Mrs Graham came first in her
lane, closely followed by Pippa.
Miss Hannible was the winner in
the second lane, with Jessica
right behind her.
Only then did Mrs Knowles
discover that they all had
well, better
luck next
Tel: 0161 370 1488
E-mail: admin@fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
On December 13th, almost the whole of Year 7 plus the 4 GCSE
Drama Groups went to Romiley Forum to see the pantomime
"Robin Hood". It was performed by the Julie Bates Dance
Once again the show was fantastic with lots of acting, singing
and dancing.
Everyone joined in with the songs and also with jeering the
"baddy" - The Sheriff of Nottingham. The costumes were
spectacular, with lots of changes leading to the final ones of
purple and green. (In fact some people who also went to see
the David Hasselhof production of Peter Pan said that the one at
Romiley was far superior!). It was also fun to recognise a few
Fairfield girls who starred in the show.
Alanis McDonald in 7B said it was the best thing she'd ever been
to and she loved every minute.
We will definitely be going next year!
Mrs S Basterfield
Staff news
Congratulations to Mrs Loney, Miss Bell and Dr Cahill who have
all recently become parents to a boy, a girl and a boy
Web: www.fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Page 8
Literacy Puzzle - DITLOIDS
What a Good One Looks Like! (WAGOLL)
A ditloid is a type of word puzzle in which a book or film title,
quote or well known saying must be worked out from a set of
numbers and letters in a clue. Usually short words such as “in”,
“an”, “the” etc are not abbreviated.
WAGOLL is a method that we use as part of our Teaching and
Learning Policy to model exceptional work to all pupils, and also
as a way of celebrating the achievements of those pupils who
have produced exceptional work.
Here is an example:
26 = M in a M
Answer - 26 miles in a marathon
See if you can solve these:
7 = C of the R
10 = Y in a D
64 = S on a CB
18 = H on a GC
360 = D in a C
1000 = Y in a M
5 = R on the OF
Examples are routinely presented in individual classrooms and
we also have a WAGOLL board just outside the Hall doors,
where everyone can see outstanding work as they pass or when
they attend assembly. The following pupils currently have their
work on the WAGOLL board:
What A Good One Looks Like
Year 7
Sara Charlett
66 = B of the B
Year 7
Pareeta Tanna
206 = B in the HB
Year 8
Olivia Hough
225 = S on a SB
Year 9
Georgina Gledhill
Year 9
Ellie Houldsworth
French writing
Year 9
Sacha Beswick
Year 11 Hollie Walber
Answers can be found on page 14
Go4Set STEM Project (Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics)
On 30th January, Miss Moss accompanied Beth Woolstencroft,
Leah Spencer, Beth Hawkins, Georgia Schofield, Abbie Carney,
Grace Leary, Mahima Lija, Elana Warburton, Rachael Bragg,
Rachel Chen, Jemma Hemmings-Fitton and Georgina Gledhill
(all Year 9) to Tameside College.
The pupils took part in an induction day in preparation for a 10
week STEM project that they are about to start, with help from
the experts from the world of industry and/or science.
Dr J Beckett
Miss C Ridehalgh
Science Revision
The Science Faculty would like to thank all Year 10 and 11
pupils who have attended Science revision classes or
coursework booster sessions.
A new timetable of revision classes to help prepare for the June
exams will be published soon, however girls can help improve
their grades by starting independent revision as soon as
Cultural Awareness - Chinese
Fairfield High School is committed to improving cultural
awareness amongst our students and staff.
Following on from last term when the focus was on Hinduism,
this term we have had weekly sessions looking at aspects of
Chinese culture.
The Chinese cultural awareness programme has included:
Basic Mandarin, the official Chinese language.
Chinese calligraphy
Paper folding (Origami)
Chinese cuisine
Tia Berry and Megan Cooke 7C
learn the art of Origami
Ying Liang, 10G, teaches pupils
the art of calligraphy
As in previous years, there will be an assembly to celebrate Chinese New Year.
As part of the cultural awareness programme we will also be visiting China Town for a buffet
meal. The success of the programme was largely due to the input from our Chinese speaking
students Rachel Chen (9G) and Ying Liang (10G).
Thanks must also be given to Mrs Zheng, one of our parents, who has been helping teach us
all about Chinese cuisine.
Parent Mrs Zheng teaches pupils
how to cook Chinese cuisine
Mr W Gauld
Tel: 0161 370 1488
E-mail: admin@fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Web: www.fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Page 9
PE Department news
The Department has continued to have a busy term, completing the inter-form volleyball tournaments and winning yet more
inter-school tournaments.
Inter-Form Volleyball
North West U15 Volleyball Championships
These tournaments all
took place at the end
of January.
The standard of play,
particularly in Years 8
and 9, was fantastic.
Once all the Year 7
forms have completed
their volleyball unit in
lessons, we will be completing their
Pictured left:
Year 8 winners 8A
2nd place: 8F,
3rd place: 8G
Pictured right:
Year 9 winners 9D
2nd place: 9G
3rd place: 9F
As well as playing for school, a large number of girls attend and
play for Tameside Volleyball Club. On the weekend of 2nd/3rd
February, 16 girls played in the North West Under 15
The ‘A’ Team won and the ‘B’ Team was runner-up. The ‘A’
team now play in the Northern championships at Leeds in
‘A’ Team: Tamara Keighley, Alice Young, Katie Gregson, Hannah
Bancroft, Lauren Thomas, Danielle Humphrey and Aimee Lewis.
‘B’Team: Aleksandra Olejniczak, Natalia Olejniczak, Beth
O’Toole, Beth Thorley, Chloe Hayward, Chloe Muscat, Zoe
Higham, Amie Comer, Georgina Gledhill.
The KS3 Badminton team represented Tameside at the Greater
Manchester Finals on 15th January.
The team of Beth Thorley, Aimee Lewis, Beth Wellfair and
Georgina Gledhill played well, but were knocked out in the
Indoor Rowing
Pictured left:
Year 10 winners 10G
= 2nd place: 10A & 10B
Following their success at the
Tameside Indoor Rowing
competition, Fairfield represented
Tameside in the Indoor Rowing
County Finals (part of the
Greater Manchester School
Games) in Wigan on Wednesday
16th January.
Street Dance
A dance teacher, Harriet White, is coming into school to deliver
some taster sessions to most KS4 PE groups during the last two
weeks before half term. If successful, she may come in again
after the holidays.
Fairfield has entered Year 7/8 and Year 9/10 teams in the
Tameside competitions.
The Year 7/8 team were runners-up, having lost just one game.
They go through to the Greater Manchester Finals in The Greater
Manchester School Games in July.
The year 9/10 team are through to the semi-finals of the
Tameside tournament.
Year 7/8 Team: (Year 8s) Beth Taylor, Imogen Ward, McKenzie
Holland, Megan Banks-Carr, Amy Rockett, (Year 7s) Deana
Pickles, Maddison Schofield and Jade Griffiths.
Year 9/10 Team: Hannah Bancroft, Tamara Keighley, Niamh
Howson, Samantha Ashton, Emma Nathaniel, Beth Amos,
Eleanor Wellfair, Jasmin Redshaw and Laura Wakefield.
Tel: 0161 370 1488
E-mail: admin@fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
We had three teams taking part
in the event (Years 9, 10 and
11) with a great deal of success. Chloe Hayward was 2nd in her
4 minute race and the Year 9 team became Greater Manchester
Relay Champions. Tamara Keighley was 3rd in her 5 minute race
and the Year 10 team was 2nd in their relay. The Year 10 team
was 4th in their 6 minute relay.
Year 9 Team, Greater
Champions, pictured
left: Chloe Hayward,
Chloe Ledward and
Georgia Gilmore.
Tamara Keighley, Alice Kenyon, Hannah Bancroft and Niamh
Year 11 Team: Molly Van Essen, Sarah Van Essen, Joanna Skelly
and Lucy Johnson.
Web: www.fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Page 10
PE Department news cont.,
Sky Sport ‘Living for Sport’ project
On 31st January, our athlete
m e n t or , M i ch e l l e V i dler ,
returned to school to work with
the Year 11 group and
completed a session on the 6
keys to success in sport/life, as
well as taking a practical
session on teamwork.
The former Commonwealth
Champion and Olympian also
delivered a fitness session with
a Year 9 PE group in the
Over the coming
weeks, the Year 11 group will take part in Yoga, Pilates, Street
Dance and various other sporting activities.
Basketball - Greater Manchester School Games
Both the KS3 and KS4 basketball teams won the Tameside
Basketball Tournament last term and, as a result, represented
Tameside at the Greater Manchester School Games competition
in January.
Despite some difficult games, they all tried hard and improved
their play throughout the tournament.
The KS4 team came 5th out of all the other schools in Greater
Manchester: Katie Bromley, Emily Summerfield, Emily Shorrock,
Joanna Skelly, Leonie Ormsby, Samantha Ashton, Emma
Nathaniel and Amy Lees.
The KS3 team came 6th out of all the other schools in Greater
Manchester: Georgina Gledhill, Beth Thorley, Natalie Ratchford,
Emily Conway, Elizabeth Henthorn, Rachel Chen, Megan
McHugh and Aimie Comer.
New Clubs
After half term, there will be two new after-school clubs for
Year 7-11.
The re-arranged Basketball Club on Tuesdays, 2.404.00pm. This is being led by a Manchester Giants player
and qualified coach.
A Street Dance Club on Wednesdays 2.40-4.00pm. This
will be taken by Dance instructor Harriet White.
For details of all PE clubs, please see the table overleaf or the
full extra-curricular list on pages 14/15.
Reminder - PE Kit/Being excused from lessons
In the Tameside Monthly Football League, the Under 16 football
team is through to the finals and will be playing St Thomas
More, Alder and St Damians.
If pupils are excused from PE lessons, a note from a parent/
carer must be brought as well as PE kit. Girls may be able to
take part in certain parts of the lesson and take on a specific
role e.g. referee, coach etc.
The Under 13 football team will be playing their competition
over two weeks before we break up for half term. If they do
well, they could go on to represent Tameside at the Greater
Manchester School Games in July.
Tel: 0161 370 1488
E-mail: admin@fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Web: www.fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Page 11
PE Department news cont.,
Fairfield has hosted and organised the Year 7/8 and Year 9/10 Tameside Volleyball Competitions this half term.
We entered 4 teams in the Under 15 competition and 6 teams in the Under 13 competition. Fairfield won both the Under 15 Cup and
Plate competition and will go on to represent Tameside at the Winter Greater Manchester School Games in March. It is hoped that the
Under 13 team will also go on to replicate this achievement.
Year 7/8 Teams
Year 9/10 Teams
Holly Smillie
Katie Gregson
Hannah Bancroft
Lauren Hollingworth
Danielle Humphrey
Danielle Humphrey
Aleksandra Olejniczak
Chloe Muscat
Tamara Keighley
Amie Comer
Aimee Lewis
Beth Thorley
Chloe Davies
Alex Molloy
Aimee Lewis
Hannah Jackson
Megan Jackson
Georgina Gledhill
Freya Perkin
Zoe Higham
Beth O’Toole
Amy Rockett
Beth Thorley
Eleanor Wellfair
Phoebe Veriogotta
Beth O’Toole
Beth Wellfair
Rosie Mulk
Thando Gavaza
Amber Parker-Marshall
Olivia Kelly
Katie Fitzgerald
Natalia Olejniczak
Jasmine Lloyd
Chloe Hayward
Becky Woolley
Caitlin Tench
Eleanor Holt
Charlotte Longson
Phoebe McDermott
Emma Johnson
Jasmin Redshaw
Rhianne Brannigan
Laura Wakefield
Hannah Beech
Becky Woolley
Holly Brooks
Chelsea Allen
Abigail Woolley
Amber Parker-Marshall
Jessica Indseth
Beth Wellfair
Caitlin Morris
Georgina Gledhill
Natalia Olejniczak
PE Extra-curricular Programme - February half term until Easter
After School: 2.40pm - 4.00pm
Volleyball - Years 7-11
Volleyball - Years 7 - 9
Sports Hall Activities - various
Basketball - Years 7 - 11
Sports Hall Activities - various
Street Dance - Years 7 - 11
Volleyball - Years 7 - 11
Volleyball - Years 9 - 11
Huffers and Puffers Running Club - Years 7 11 (2.40pm - 3.30pm)
Cheerleading - Years 7 - 11
Cricket - Years 7 - 11
Badminton - Years 7 - 11
Tel: 0161 370 1488
E-mail: admin@fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Web: www.fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Page 12
Extra-Curricular activities
These activities are taking place in school at the moment. Join in, make new friends, learn new skills or catch up on home/coursework.
Design Technology
Breakfast Club
Mrs Orrett / Mrs
Mrs Graham/Miss
Years 10 and 11
Technology Block
Monday - Thursday
2.40pm - 3.30pm
Open to all pupils
Every day
7.30am - 8.00am
Sunrise Club
Mr Gauld
Open to all pupils
Drama Studio
Every day
7.30am - 8.00am
Homework Club
Mrs Procter
Open to all pupils
Every day
12.55pm - 1.20pm
Peer Counselling
Miss Woodhouse /
Miss Kennerley/Miss
Open to all pupils
Drop in Centre
(Opp History
Every day
Break and lunch time
Miss Moss
Invited Year 9s (Team
2.40pm - 3.30pm
Mr Jump
Open to all pupils
Sports Hall
12.55pm - 1.20pm
Table Tennis/Board
Mr Gauld
Year 7
Drama Studio
12.55pm - 1.20pm
Chess Club
Mr Gauld/Mrs
Open to all pupils
12.55pm - 1.20pm
Numeracy Leaders
Miss Bates
Selected pupils
1.00pm - 1.20pm
Drama Club
Mrs Basterfield &
Year 10 pupils
Years 7 & 8
Drama Studio
2.40pm - 3.30pm
Mr Jump
Years 7, 8 & 9
Sports Hall
2.40pm - 4.00/5.00pm
Golf taster sessions
Mr Gauld
Open to all pupils
(limited numbers)
See Mr Gauld
Table Tennis
Mr Gauld
Year 8
Drama Studio
12.55pm - 1.20pm
Food Tech catch-up
Mrs Middleton
Open to all pupils
Tuesday &
2.40pm - 3.30pm
Rock Ensemble
Mr Howard
Open to all pupils
2.45pm - 3.30pm
Open to all pupils
Sports Hall
2.40pm - 4.00pm
Open to all pupils
2.40pm - 3.45pm
Mr Evison
Open to all pupils
12.40pm - 1.40pm
Mrs Dolan & Miss
Open to all pupils
Sports Hall
Tuesday &
12.55pm - 1.20pm
Crown Green Bowls
Mr Gauld
Open to all pupils
(limited numbers)
See Mr Gauld
Tuesday, Wednesday
and Thursday, until
Half Term, weather
12.55pm - 1.25pm
Miss Woodhouse/
Miss Kennerley/Miss
See Miss Woodhouse
Tuesday & Thursday
12.40pm - 1.40pm
Table Tennis/Board
Mr Gauld
Year 9
Drama Studio
12.55pm - 1.20pm
Year 10
2.40pm - 3.40pm
Open to all pupils
Sports Hall
2.40pm - 4.00-pm
All young carers
Conference Room
One Wednesday per
month (see Mrs
Knowles for details)
2.40pm - 3.30/4.00pm
Craft Club
Art & Design
Homework Club
Sports Hall
activities including
Badminton, Fitness,
Young Enterprise
Street Dance
Fairfield Young
Manchester Giants
coach & PE staff
Mrs Mutter & Mrs
Miss Bates & Miss
Dance Teacher &
Mrs McCabe
Mrs Knowles, Mrs
Graham & Miss
Mr Blaylock
Cast members
G39 / Hall
2.45pm - 4.00pm
Fairfield Amnesty
International Group
Dr Cosgrove & Miss
Year 10
Alternate Wednesdays
and Thursdays
1.00pm - 1.20pm
Miss Moss
Invited Year 9s (Team
2.40pm - 3.30pm
Literacy Leaders
Miss Kennerley
Years 7, 8 & 9
1.00pm – 1.20pm
Table Tennis/
Board Games
Mr Gauld
Year 7
Drama Studio
12.25 pm – 1.20 pm
Continued overleaf...
Tel: 0161 370 1488
E-mail: admin@fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Web: www.fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Page 13
Extra-Curricular activities cont.,
Mr Jump
Open to all pupils
Sports Hall
12.55pm - 1.20pm
Mr Jump
Years 10 & 11
Sports Hall
2.40pm - 4.00/5.00pm
Huffers and Puffers
Running Club
Mrs Dolan
Open to all pupils
Maths GCSE resit
revision (June exam)
Various (Please see
your Maths teacher)
Years 10 and 11
2.40pm - 4.00pm
Vocal Intensity
(school choir)
Mr Blaylock
Open to all pupils
12.55pm - 1.25pm
Friday Friendship
Mrs Graham & Mrs
Open to all Year 7s
Drama Studio
12.55pm - 1.20pm
Mr Gauld
Open to all pupils
Sports Hall
12.55pm - 1.25pm
Mrs McCabe
Open to all pupils
Sports Hall
12.55pm - 1.20pm
Miss Adderley/Mrs
Open to all pupils
Sports Hall
2.40pm - 4.00pm
Manga Club
Miss Woodhouse
Open to all pupils
2.40pm - 3.30pm
Table Tennis
Mr Gauld
Open to all pupils
Drama Studio
2.45pm - 3.45pm
Science Bistro
Dr Beckett
Lower school
See Dr Beckett
See the school
calendar for dates
6.30pm - 8.00pm
Fairfield Old Girls’ Association
Fairfield Old Girls' Association, ‘FOGA’, is
a group of girls and ladies who have all
attended Fairfield as pupils or have
been members of staff.
Its purpose is for us to keep in touch
with one another, maintaining
friendships and meeting new friends
who all have at least one thing in
It is open to all ex-pupils and members
of staff for a membership fee of only £3
per year.
Each year we hold two
meetings, one in October and one in
April. We send out a Newsletter each
year to all members with individual
contributions. We also hold an Annual
General Meeting and a report on this is
sent out to our members.
Each year we make a donation to a charity which is chosen by
our members by vote. In addition, we keep a changing
exhibition in the cabinets on the first floor, showing aspects of
our school's history.
We are now thinking of an Old Girls’ web page linked to the
school’s website. If you are interested and feel that you could
help us to set this up please contact Mrs Bradbury.
If you have any family members or friends who would be
interested in joining us, please bring FOGA to their attention.
FOGA wish you an
enlightening time at
Mrs J Eves
Tel: 0161 370 1488
E-mail: admin@fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
There have been several fundraising activities taking place
around school this half term:
 A young relative of Sophie Brand in 11G recently passed
away and before her death, the Make-A-Wish Foundation helped
to make her dreams come true by sending her to Disneyland for
a holiday. Before Christmas, Mrs O’Connell took the Choir to
sing at B & Q in Ashton to help raise funds for this worthwhile
organisation. In addition to the funds raised at B & Q, a portion
of the money generated through ticket sales at the Christmas
Showcase was donated and the total sum of £200.00 was sent
to the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
 A donation was made to Wythenshawe Hospital Transplant
fund by staff in lieu of sending Christmas cards.
 8E held a cake sale in aid of Tameside Animal Shelter and
raised the amazing sum of £123.24. Well done to 8E and to
everyone who made, brought and bought cakes and sweets.
 Staff were asked to bring in non-perishable foods in aid of
Barnabus, a Christian homeless charity based in Manchester.
Barnabus supports the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of
homeless and vulnerable people and helps get them back into
mainstream society. Miss Jessop took a significant amount to
the organisation and they were very grateful for our
 SHINE also collected goods in aid of Millstream Animal
Shelter (see article on the front page).
DITLOID puzzle answers
Web: www.fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Page 14
Important information regarding attendance
Approved holiday list 2012-2013
Important information for Parents/Carers regarding
school attendance
Monday 18th February to Friday 22nd February - Half
Term Holiday
Please find below important information from the Local Authority
that we are required to share with all parents concerning
absence from Fairfield High School for Girls. It is for information
only and outlines the actions that could be taken against
parents/carers regarding attendance.
Monday 25th February
Thursday 28th March
School resumes
Term Ends
Summer Term 2012
Monday 15th April
Monday 6th May
Friday 24th May
Term Begins
May Day - Bank Holiday
Break up for Half Term
Penalty Notices for Non-School Attendance
Section 444(A) of the Education Act 1996 empowers the Local
Authority to issue Penalty Notices in cases of unauthorised
absence from school. This means that when a pupil has
unauthorised absence of 10 sessions (5 days) or more in any 12
week period (where no acceptable reason has been given for the
absence) or if their child persistently arrives late for school after
the close of registration, their parents or carers may receive a
Penalty Notice fine of £60, which must be paid within 28 days. If
payment is made after 28 days but within 42 days, the penalty is
increased to £120. Where a fine remains unpaid after 42 days,
the matter will be referred to the Borough Solicitor, who will
consider instigating criminal proceedings.
In law, an offence occurs if a parent or carer fails to secure a
child’s regular attendance at school.
Tameside Education
Welfare Service, in conjunction with schools and Greater
Manchester Police, will use these powers as an early deterrent to
prevent patterns of unauthorised absence developing.
Parents may also receive a Penalty Notice without a warning
letter for the offence of failing to secure regular school
attendance for the following reasons:
If their child is stopped on a truancy sweep more than
If they go on holiday in term time without the school’s
permission or are late returning from an extended holiday
If they have not co-operated with the Education Welfare
Service following a referral from school after they have
taken steps to address the absences with the parent/carer
and pupil
If their child fails to return to school following a fixed term
The Education and Inspections Act 2006 also makes it an offence
if a parent fails to ensure that their child is not in a public place
during the first 5 days of a fixed term or permanent exclusion.
Penalty Notices may be issued in relation to this matter.
The Local Authority and schools are committed to providing the
best possible future for your child. If you have concerns about
your child’s attendance at school or if you are experiencing any
difficulties, contact school and ask for help. Support is also
available from the Education Welfare Service on telephone
number 0161 342 2297.
Monday 27th May to Friday 31st May - Half Term
Monday 3rd June
Monday 8th July
Friday 19th July
School resumes
Staff Training Day (3)
Term Ends
Autumn Term 2013
Autumn Term 2013 will commence on Monday, 2nd September
2013 for staff and Tuesday, 3rd September 2013 for pupils.
Approved holiday list 2013-2014
Autumn Term 2013
Monday 2nd September
Tuesday 3rd September
Thursday 24th October
Friday 25th October
Staff Training Day (1)
Term Begins
Break up for Half Term
Staff Training Day (2)
Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November - Half Term
Monday 4th November
Friday 20th December
School resumes
Term Ends
Monday 21st December to Friday 3rd January - End of
Term Holiday
Spring Term 2014
Monday 6th January
Friday 14th February
Term Begins
Break up for Half Term
Monday 17th February to Friday 21st February - Half
Term Holiday
Monday 24th February
Friday 4th April
School resumes
Term Ends
Monday 7th April to Thursday 17th April - End of Term
Friday 18th April
Good Friday - Bank Holiday
Summer Term 2014
Monday 21st April
Tuesday 22nd April
Monday 5th May
Friday 23rd May
Easter Monday
Term Begins
May Day - Bank Holiday
Break up for Half Term
Monday 26th May to Friday 30th May - Half Term Holiday
Maths Puzzle of the Week answer: 242
Monday 2nd June
Friday 4th July
Friday 18th July
School resumes
Staff Training Day (3)
Term Ends
Autumn Term 2014
Autumn Term 2014 will commence on Monday 1st September
Tel: 0161 370 1488
E-mail: admin@fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Web: www.fairfieldhigh.tameside.sch.uk
Page 15