Welcome to Mitchell Intermediate School


Welcome to Mitchell Intermediate School
Welcome to George P. Mitchell
Intermediate School
Established 1996
Our Mitchell Family
Mrs. Klapesky’s
favorite thing other
than her kids.
Houston Texans
Our Mitchell Family
The Johnson Family
Our Mitchell Family
The Rascoe Family
Our Mitchell Family
The Madore Family
Our Mitchell Family
Kristy Bailey, Nurse
Leslie Purvis, Clinic Assistant
Carolyn Czubinski
Sandy Eldred
Library/Media Center
Mary Ellen Bryant
Orientation Focus
What Mitchell Intermediate School has to offer
Transition Plan
Future Events
Write questions on index cards-someone will
call or email you
TWHS Feeder
Elementary Philosophy
Transition between elementary and
junior high
Feeder Organizational Model
K-4th, K-6th
7th-8th McCullough
TWHS 9th Grade Campus
TWHS 10th-12th Grade Senior Campus
Junior High
Mitchell Intermediate is a
bridge from elementary
school to McCullough Junior
High School!
History of
Mitchell Intermediate School
School named after George P. Mitchell,
founder of The Woodlands
Opened: August 1996
School Mascot: Mustang
School Colors: Teal and White
20 Years of Excellence
Mitchell’s Instructional Focus
Learning Community Model
Engaging curriculum
Academic Placement
Learning Communities are balanced
Gifted and Talented Identification (all LC teachers
are GT certified)
There are GT students in each LC
Students needing a variety of services or
interventions are placed in every LC
Math program-only accelerated program
Academic Placement
Language Arts/
Social Studies
Language Arts/
Social Studies
Each LC is designed to meet a variety of
instructional needs/services which include:
Gifted/Talented, Special Education,
English as a Second Language and 504.
Math Placement
4th Graders will take a placement test during the
testing window at the end of May at their
elementary school
Results of the testing will be made available to
Mitchell Intermediate in June
Mitchell Intermediate administrators and
counselors will receive 4th Grader’s STAAR results at
the end of June
Math teachers will notify parents of their
child’s math placement the second week
of school
New Math Texas Essential
Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)
First introduced 2014-2015 school year
New Math Texas Essential
Knowledge and Skills (TEKS)
Gifted and Talented Enrichment
Students identified GT in the following content areas received
enrichment in their identified area(s). In addition, they participate
All Content Areas-Envision projects
Math-Placed in Advanced Math &
compete in Math Olympiad
Language Arts-WordMasters
Transition Difference
More academic teachers in 5th grade
Teachers will expect students to develop
independent organizational skills (checking the
board outside each classroom for specified
More fine arts options
Students sit at lunch with their entire LC
(100 children) not just their
Texas students will take the STAAR Test (State
of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness)
5th Grade
6th Grade
Math-March 28, May 8
Math-May 8
Reading-March 29, May 9 Reading-May 9
Science – May 10
Typical Day at Mitchell-Teal Day
8:30 a.m.-Locker/Prepare for class
8:50 a.m.-Tardy bell rings
8:55 a.m.-Announcements
8:55-10:00 a.m. Math
10:00-11:00 a.m.-Science
11:00-11:40 a.m.-Lunch/Recess
11:45 a.m.-12:00 p.m.-Science
12:00-1:05 p.m.-Language Arts/Social Studies
1:05-1:50 p.m.-Fine Arts
1:50-3:10 p.m.-Language Arts/Social Studies
3:10-3:40 p.m.-Advisory
3:55 p.m.-Dismissal
Typical Day at Mitchell-White Day
8:30 a.m.-Locker/Prepare for class
8:50 a.m.-Tardy bell rings
8:55 a.m.-Announcements
8:55-10:00 a.m. Math
10:00-11:00 a.m.-Science
11:00-11:40 a.m.-Lunch/Recess
11:45 a.m.-1:05 p.m.-Language Arts/Social Studies
1:50-2:35 p.m.-Fine Arts
2:35-3:10 p.m.-Language Arts/Social Studies
3:10-3:40 p.m.-Advisory
3:55 p.m.-Dismissal
Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
Crossing guards are on duty beginning at 8:10 a.m.
Bikers-secure bikes on a bike rack and
proceed along the sidewalk to the gym
Walkers-follow the sidewalk to the gym
Car Riders-parents will enter the large parking lot off
of Alden Bridge Drive and proceed to the gym to drop
off and pick up their child
Please do not park along
Alden Bridge Drive, Kuykendahl,
or Autumn Branch neighborhood
Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
Bus Riders-students riding the bus will
load and unload in the front circle drive
We ask parents to refrain from using the
front drive in the morning and at
dismissal time. If you are picking up
your child between 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.,
you may use the front drive off of
Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
The only change of transportation you need to provide is when
a child is riding a different bus than their assigned bus or if your
child is requesting to ride a bus home with a friend. You then write
a note your child will give to the receptionists before school
begins. A “Transportation Emergency Request Form” will be
completed and signed by Mrs. Klapesky. Your child will pick it up in
the front office before they get on a bus they don’t normally ride.
The bus driver will not allow a child to ride his/her bus without
this authorization form.
We will only call for a “Severe Weather Dismissal” if there is
heavy rain and/or lightning. Mrs. Klapesky will send
an email as soon as the decision is made. Students
will not be permitted to be bikers or walkers.
Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
If your child has a doctor’s appointment and will be picked up
during the school day, please write a note indicating when you
will be picking him/her up. Have your child give the note to the
receptionists before the school day begins. Your child will receive
a “Golden Ticket” they show their teacher to report to the front
Morning Activities
Many students participate in activities that require they arrive
prior to the instructional day.
Students in Choir, Orchestra, and Band needing to attend
morning rehearsals will receive a “Mitchell Musician” badge that
will permit them to enter the school through the gym doors.
All other activities, such as tutorials or making up a test,
require a “Mitchell Morning Pass” that can be found on the
campus website. Students are not permitted entrance without
this pass and an approved destination. Students may arrive a few
minutes prior to their scheduled time .
Students can not arrive to wait in the gym until
8:10 a.m.
Art Teachers
Daryl Gannon
April Murray
Music/Choir Directors
Cyndie Lowry Karen Bond
Band Directors
Marcail Hicks Randy Veazey Ralph Hicks
Orchestra Directors
Leslie Aguilar
Dr. Sheronna McMahon
Fine Arts Options
Art/Music-36 Weeks
Band-36 Weeks
Orchestra-36 Weeks
One-Year Commitment
Classes meet everyday for
45 minutes
Physical Education Teachers
Truett Avrett, Jayce Howard, and Lori Veazey
Physical Education
Curriculum includes
units in: volleyball,
basketball, football skills,
soccer, gymnastics,
tennis, ping pong,
softball, dance, kickball,
FitnessGram, and many
other recreational
Technology Applications
Technology integrated in interdisciplinary
units in each content area
Classroom use of 10 laptop carts, 1 iPad Cart,
& 3 computer Labs
Student Activities
Destination Imagination
PTO Student Socials
Yearbook Club
Mitchell Chess Club
Mitchell Tech Club
Mitchell Community Service Club
Student Activities
Eco Club
Talent Show
Field Trips
CISD Fun Run
Service Projects
Mitchell Robotics (First Lego League)
Community Service Projects
Mitchell & Travis
Intermediate’s Thanksgiving
Mitchell Community
Service Club raises money
for the Mitchell Scholarship
Fund-awarded 51 $1,000
“Paint the Path Pink”
Thanksgiving Project
2014 Mitchell Scholarship
Recipients from TWHS
Student Recognition
Mitchell Lunch Bunch
Magnificent Mustang Award
LC positive reinforcement incentives
End of Year Awards Ceremony
Magnificent Mustang Award
Student Expectations
Conroe ISD Student Code of Conduct
distributed in the Student/Parent Handbook
Campus-wide student expectations meeting
at the beginning of the year
Classroom expectations reviewed at the
beginning of the year
Daily Attendance
Dress Code
Hair must be a natural color. Pink, blue, green, orange, etc. are not
natural hair colors. Hairstyles must not distract from the learning
environment (i.e. mohawks)
Shirts may not have text or graphics that others might find
offensive (i.e. explicit language, innuendoes, alcohol/tobacco
Flip flops may not be worn. Girls may wear sandals with back straps
Girls may wear shorts that are mid thigh and approaching the knee
(i.e. wind shorts are usually not mid-thigh)
Girls may not wear spaghetti strap shirts/dresses
If girls choose to wear Yoga-style pants, shirts must
be long enough to cover their bottom
Girls are not permitted to wear make-up
Cell Phones and Social Media
Cell phones are permitted but must be turned off and in
lockers from the moment they arrive at school and leave
school. In emergencies, students may use the front office
If a parent needs to get a message to their child, please call
the front office.
Social media causes problems for teenagers. This can cause
issues for Mitchell students who might have older brothers
and sisters. Sometimes younger children want to emulate
their older siblings and register for sites that are
not appropriate for children under 13 as that is
the age restriction for these sites.
Guidance Lessons
Bullying prevention
“Why Try?”
Counseling Groups
Banana Splits Group”divorce/separation
“In My Heart Group”-loss of a
“Kids Talk Group”-coping with
a serious illness of a parent
Team Building
LC team building activities
First week of school
5th Grade Field Day
Parent Access Center (automatic update)
Student Access Center
Mitchell Planner
Weekly Communication Card
Teacher Websites/Canvas
How is your child most comfortable
advocating for themselves?
Questions Throughout the Year
Have your child email a question to a
teacher or visit with their teachers
Send an email to the teachers to clarify
Call your child’s teachers to set up a
conference with your child’s teachers
Call or email the grade level counselor or
assistant principal
LC Placement
Students and parents will attend “Meet the Teachers” on
Thursday, August 18
During this event, students receive their LC Placement
Card indicating which LC the child has been assigned to
Students and parents then go to the LC to meet their
teachers, open their lockers, and get school supply packs
Volunteer in CISD
Parents are very much encouraged to
volunteer at Mitchell Intermediate
Be aware that any parent/guardian
wanting to volunteer in a classroom, for
a field trip, for a PTO Social, or any
other event with children must complete
an online “Volunteer in CISD”
Mitchell PT0
Volunteer during school events
Enhance campus technology
Provide funding for student enrichment
programs and field trips
Assist in helping to enhance
instructional programs
PTO President–Jennifer Brunk
Lynne Heimer
Future Events
Instrument Evaluation-May 16, 17, 23
Choir Camp-August 8-10
“Meet the Teachers”-August 18
1st Day of School- August 22
5th Grade Parent Information Night-Sept 1
6th Grade Parent Information Night-Sept 6
Band & Orchestra Parent Meeting-Sept 13-6:15 p.m.
Choir Parent Meeting-Sept 13-7:15 p.m.
Please write any questions on the index card
provided and include an email address or
phone number for a response.