By Ayoola K.R.
By Ayoola K.R.
GOD ON TRIAL By Ayoola K.R. GOD ON TRIAL A REBUTTAL TO: “MY REPLY, A CONVERSATION WITH A MUSLIM SCHOLAR” By G.J.O Moshay “ARE ALLAH AND GOD THE SAME ONE GOD?” By F.J.L. Zegers “WHO IS THIS ALLAH?” By G.J.O. Moshay By Ayoola K.R. Published by Islamic Message Group of Nigeria P.O.Box 22873 U.I. Ibadan 200005, Nigeria E-mail:; First print, October 2005. Second print, first edition May 2006. Copyright © 1426H/2005 Islamic Message Group of Nigeria All Right Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the publisher. ISBN: 978-066-970-1 DEDICATED TO: The Secondary School Muslim Students in Oyo State, Nigeria, who were victimized, brutalized and detained in February 2003 by Christian Teachers, Principals, and Missionaries for requesting modesty through the usage of Islamic Hijab. & Those who love to know Who really is the True Almighty Being and His True Way to Salvation. ACNOWLEDGEMENTS Almighty Allah, I acknowledge your favours on me, guiding me to Islam the true path to salvation and for granting me health and power to accomplish this work. No knowledge have I in trying to let people know Your Real Self except what You have taught me, surely Allah is the All-Knowing, the Wise. My appreciation goes first to Brother Hashim Abd Ganiyy, Lukuman Omotosho, Abdur Rahaman Taiwo and Mrs. Jelilat Arilesere all of Muslim Students‟ Society of Nigeria B-Zone, University of Ibadan for their sleepless nights in typing the manuscript. Special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Isa Durosaro for the hospitality given to me during the proofreading, and to my wife Rosheedah, for her understanding and steadfastness to the successful completion of this book. May Allah bless and strengthen you all. Thanks to Alhaj Kunle Sanni for writing the foreword and for the correction made. My deep appreciation goes to Mr. Abdul-Azeez Abdul-Jalil for editing the whole work; he has indeed made this book better than it would have been without his touch. May Allah grant each of you a pure life. I would like to appreciate the invaluable efforts of Dr. Dawud Amoo Alaga – the founder Forum for Comparative Sermons and the members of the Organization for their second to none activities on comparative lectures which have saved hundreds of Christians souls, and to all organizations under National Council for Muslim Youth Organization (NACOMYO), they are all sources of encouragement to me in this work. And I owe it a duty to acknowledge World Assembly of Muslim Youth H.Q. and ALDaawah Est. Saudi Arabia for their up to date magazines – „Muslim Youth‟ and „AlDaawah‟ respectively being supplied to Islamic Organizations around the world- from which I quoted some testimonies of Christian converts. I also appreciate all the „children of God‟ and slaves of Allah whose statements I have used to establish necessary facts. Finally, special thanks to Islamic Message Group of Nigeria for providing every logistic needed in publishing this book. I am highly grateful for the job well done by every member who has contributed financially and intellectually by way of useful criticism of ideas and suggestions that finally resulted in this production. To everybody, I say Jazakumlahu Khairan. TABLE OF CONTENTS NOITACIDED STNEMEGDELWONKCA FORWARD PREFACE Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION Who Is Christian God? Who Inspired The Bible? Chapter 2: DIFFERENTIATION Allah in the Bible Satan or serpent, who was Cursed? Christian God‟s Concordant with Satan Chapter 3: CHRISTIAN GOD AND DECEIT Chapter 4: THE PHILOSOPHY OF PEACE IN CHRISTIANITY Chapter 5: CRUSADE CONTINUUM An Open Challenge? Crusade Breeds Terrorism The War in the Bible Let Trinity contend Chapter 6: ALLAH AND THE SONSHIP OF JESUS Chapter 7: CHRISTIAN HEAVEN Entrance to Heaven9 Life in the Christian Heaven Wine in Christian Paradise Trinity can mislead to Hell? Christians to be in Paradise as Sheep and Goat? All Christians will be saved by Fire Chapter: 8 SOLUTIONS TO MATRIMONIAL PROBLEM Wife Beating Is Mut‟a granted in Islam Beauty of Polygamy Chapter 9: MEANING OF SALVATION Trinity and the Hope of Sinners. Trinity and the washing away of the Sinner Sins Chapter10: CHRISTIANITY OR „PAULINITY‟ Islam the Religion of Adam Salat: The True Worship Paul s Folly Over-Rides Jesus‟ Authorit Chapter 11: QUALITIES OF THE BIBLE AND THE QURAN Authorities of the Bible and the Quran Re-examined Are the New Bible manuscripts found? Bad News and Hardness in the Bible Confession and Testimony Chapter 12: WHO IS ALLAH? Allah: Not what they say The Name of Christian God God of Disunity What is in a Name? Why Jesus? Chapter 13: ALLAH: THE NAME OF TRUE GOD The Name Allah in the Bible Alleluyah is Yah Allahu The Name Allah and Christian Worship Speak in Tongue Syndrome The Sanctity of Hajj Chapter 14: REASONS FOR BANNING THE „HOLY‟ BIBLE Chapter 15: THE SUPERLATIVES The Difference is Clear Attempted Coup against Christian God Uniqueness of Islamic Creed Is Muhammad (S.A.W) Not a Prophet? Chapter 16: THE MANIFESTATION OF TRINITY Countenance of the Christian God Appearance of the Christian God Chapter 17: MEANING OF THE REVELATION Allah `s Love for the Whole World Any Paradise for the Christians? The Name of the Book of Life and Death Chapter 18: WHAT DOES TRINITY SAY ABOUT JINN? Chapter 19: ATONEMENT: A DOCTRINE RUMORED FROM ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT1 Chapter 20: CONCLUSION REFERENCES LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS/ BIBLE USED. “Dialogue” – My reply, A Conversation With A Muslim Scholar – By: G.J.O. Moshay. Messrs “M & Z”- Mr. Moshay and Mr. Zegers. ERV-Holy Bible, Easy To Read Version-2000 Edition. GNB-Good News Bible 2nd Edition 1994 Edition. NWT-New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, 1984 Edition. KJV-The Holy Bible, King James Version, 1953 Edition . NOTE: In quotes of the Bibles where necessary, I‟ve tried to put the abbreviation to specify the source of quotation. When a biblical reference is not found in your own version and I failed to specify, you may need to check all the above! FOREWORD Almighty Allah (Azawajala) in His infinite wisdom says in that Book of books, the only religious book that has survived over a thousand four hundred years without any addition, subtraction, or interpolation – the Holy Quran 2: 190 – 193 “Fight them where they fight you but do not exceed limits.” This undoubtedly is the underlining philosophy of this book. This was what fired the imaginative instinct of Brother Abdur Rasaq Ayoola in replying the un-masqueraded, undisguised and untainted anti-Islamic sentiments of G.J.O. Moshay and Frans J.L. Zegers. I can say without the least fear of being contradicted that I have read the submissions of many Muslim authors who have cross-swords with these paid agents of Zionist/Christian religious enclave. I can equally claim that these writers whose inveterate animosity against Islam is legendary have met their match except in this writer whose write up is down to earth, research oriented and absolutely convincing. This young and ambitious writer‟s flair for thoroughness, details and extensive research inadvertently must have been responsible for the lateness of the book coming to dismantle the nonsensical and subversive tendencies of the Christian writers. The modus operandi of the Christian writers is to confuse the ignoramuses among the Muslims and stampede them into the unfortunate and eternal damnable gate of apostasy. Brother Abdur Rasaq‟s exploitation of non-Muslim sources, which are also critical of the horrendous and morally depraved stories of the Bible and uncommonsensical doctrines of Christendom, is absolutely unassailable. I must confess that his language is very strong and seemingly insolent thus betraying his anger toward the uncouth language, blasphemous mien and sacrilegious submission of these hungry writers. Whoever however has read the Christian books without bias and prejudice would not find Brother Abdur Rasaq Ayoola blameworthy but would rather concede to him the audacity to act in absolute consonance with the Quranic exhortation: “Fight them where they fight you…” Fortunately The Holy Quran does not enjoin us „to turn the other cheek‟ a biblical aphorism that is beyond human capability and is in the realm of the ludicrous and ridiculous. Without the likes of Brother Abdur Rasaq who devote time to intellectual pastimes like this, the Christians would not know that their suffocating disdain and intellectual hooliganism would no longer be tolerated. In fact they would not halt the hurling of unprovoked insults and diatribes at Muslims and their faith with impunity and reckless abandon. Taking a trip down memory lane we can recall the indecorous distortion and deliberate misinterpretation of the Holy Quran borne out of satanic mischief by the orientalist who insinuated that the spread of Islam was given a leap by the Holy Prophet‟s violent demeanour of holding the Holy Quran in one hand and a sword in the other. This well orchestrated anti-Islamic propaganda that gained currency in the West was meant to paint Islam in the darkest of colours to dissuade people from accepting Islam perceived as a religion of bloodthirsty tyrants. Not a few found themselves running away from this religion of truth, which an author succinctly described as “the religion of the future.” Today this has suffered a boomerang as year-by-year Islam maintains its unrivaled lead as the fastest growing religion not only in Europe and America but the whole wide world as reviewed in the World Religions Almanac. Thanks be to Allah for frustrating the ignoble plots of the enemies of Islam, though it took a lot of efforts to remove those impressions from the subconscious psyche of many Muslims and non-Muslims. This book will serve a great deal further. The terrorist label on Islam being promoted by the President of America is already suffering the same fate as the “September 11” disaster. Rather than having a negative impact on Islamic propagation, it has, ironically and miraculously led to a boost in mass conversion from Christianity to Islam. “This is the Lord‟s doing and it is marvelous in our eyes” Bible Mathew 21:42-43. In Nigeria and in many parts of the world it is a thing of joy that Muslims are not only on the defensive to correct the enormous misconceptions against Islam, they are coming out with well researched publications to well up the willing appetite of Muslims and non-Muslims alike. This book by Brother Abdur Rasaq will go places Insha Allah if given the publicity it deserves, not only in refuting the unsubstantiated and porous allegations against Islam and the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) but also in exposing Christianity as a fake religion that emanated from the gifted and brilliant but cunning mind of a man called Paul. May Allah reward this effort. ALHAJ ISHAQ KUNLE SANNI, Old Kent Road Islamic Center and Mosque London. Al-Arba 7th Rabiul Thanni 1425AH (Wednesday 25th of May 2004) PREFACE I was never born when that great Muslim scholar, Dr Galwash, pathetically quoted the observation of a non-Muslim scholar: “The learned Roland has shown that Christian writers of no small eminence in point of learning and reputation have egregiously misrepresented the doctrines of Muslim faith and bestowed much useless labour in confuting opinions which the followers of the Arabian Prophet never maintained… Indeed it is misrepresentation and misinformation, from which Muslims chiefly suffer. They have had imputed to them that which has no existence whatever in their teachings and polity; baseless charges have been advanced against Islam; nay the very beauties which Muslims account amongst their exclusive possessions have been denied them, and the very evils which Islam came to eradicate and did succeed in so doing, are ascribed to it.” These uncivilized and evil habits of Christian writers have never been abated till date but have spread to African and Asian countries from Europe and America where it has its roots. And numerous Christian writers have continued to esteem the Biblical god over Allah of the Qur'an and have been undermining or challenging the sovereignty of Allah as the true Supreme Being, even though the biblical god(s) is not the same to all the Christian sects. The challenges that prompted this book are from two Christian figures, a Nigerian, Mr. Moshay in his books "WHO IS THIS ALLAH?" and “MY REPLY; A CONVERSATION WITH A MUSLIM SCHOLAR” saying in the former "We call on anyone, any sinner, any Muslim who needs love, truth and a reliable plan of salvation to consider the God of the Bible and compare Him with whatever God he already believes in" p99 and a Dutch, Mr. Zegers in his book "ARE ALLAH AND GOD THE SAME ONE GOD?" saying: “Allah forbids questioning his words. God is not afraid of anything or anyone, God invites and challenges people to really do research and investigate his word and everything around us all in all freedom without any restriction" p9, with many other sarcastic words against Allah. Yes we are in a world full of challenges! And as a Muslim one must face any that comes his way, especially when it has to do with one's faith and salvation. If this is so, being a Muslim and a student of Islam who believes in Allah Who commands us to be good and just and Who seems different from the Bible's god according to Moshay and Zegers, then am presenting these minute facts about Allah in full comparison to the Christian god through the language understood by these Christian writers. They must not think they can continue their savagery and falsehood unchecked. This book is to let them have second thought on their future attempt. It behoves me not as a Muslim with Allah's instruction that "Revile not those whom they call beside Allah, lest they, out of spite revile Allah in their ignorance…"Q6: 108, that I should hurt any or my Christian relatives, friends and neighbours or that I should insult their god(s) or ridicule their faith. But according to Sheik Deedat, "Wisdom demands that we speak to a people according to their mental background and experience". Allah asks Muslims to overlook and forgive every evil done to them but if unable, then they are ordered not to go beyond the limit of what is done to them (Q42: 40-43). To overlook is good and equitable retaliation is just. Our imams and Muslim scholars have done more than enough good for Christians to reason and stop their animosity against Islam but it seems they are neither interested, nor satisfied. The fact that most Christian leaders are convinced and in support of the evils and blasphemy being written by these writers against Islam is shown in the book „Who is this Allah?‟ in which Dr. Clifford Denton, President The Cambrian Society, England writes in the Foreword: “A number of Christian leaders have checked the book for its accuracy and appropriateness for distribution in the West and thoroughly endorse the message it contains.” If this blasphemous and spurious argument of Christians like Messrs Moshay and Zegers are what the Christian leaders vouch for to nourish the pure souls in the faith against Islam as we hear in their sermons and words, then we have all the audacity to mow down their falsehood with intelligent and foolproof argument as commanded by Allah, thus I've used almost the same expression like Moshay and Zegers did in the three books. And this is what I will share with any of these people or with any Christian who needs the blatant truth but gives a nod or shares the same view with the crude arguments of Messrs Moshay and Zegers in their books or the like. At the same time, this is a brief to explain why many Muslims are practising Islam and why they repose their Dr. Ahmad A Galwash: “The Religion of Islam‟ 1968 print Cairo, page14. strongest faith in Allah as their only true Lord, God and Saviour instead of the Christian god found in the Bible. This is also serving as a serious invitation to Messrs. Moshay, Zegers and any other Christian with or without their kind of thoughts, who may lay hands on this book, to the Islamic fold, in the worship of Allah, as you peruse the facts embeded patiently and thoughtfully. Here I have tried to break the head of the biblical god (represented on the front cover) into the separate entity of the Father, the Son and the Holyghost, study and consider them singly and collectively as Trinity and weigh them against Allah if they are truly better. Moshay has observed in his preface: "…If Allah is (truly) God and Qur'an is true, the Christian can be sure he is lost no matter how zealous he may be". This may prove true against Christians when considering the contents of the book you are holding. But I pray that you will not be lost by Allah's grace! So let place the biblical god(s) against Allah under all the topics used by Moshay in combination with Zegers' by which they measured Allah and see his genuity and the fate of Christians "If you then reject (the truth discovered), truly Allah hath no need of you, but He like not ingratitude from his servants" Q39: 7. So be sincere with yourself and show gratitude to Allah if you are guided to the right path by what you discover in this book. Ayoola K.R. PROFOUND REQUEST I humbly request every reader of this book to pity Christians beside him/her, by obeying the prophet‟s instruction: “You are not a true Muslim until you wish for your brother what you wish for yourself”. Be a true Muslim, save your Christian relatives, neighbours, and friends by giving them this book to read. And Allah will reward you abundantly. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION The blurb of the book "Who is this Allah?" by G.J.O. Moshay reads: "…others having studied the facts (about Allah) have been drawn to the same conclusion (like Moshay) only to sidestep and shy away from their own findings. This author (Moshay) does not do so". Without doubt, this statement connotes a serious meaning, it raises many critical questions, it has many implications and it conceives unthinkable facts, all of which this book you are holding would proffer solution to. If we should ask, what made other Christian writers shy away from writing some facts detected about Allah? One may be wondering: Are they not bold like Moshay? Did they lack the kind of Holy Spirit given to Moshay? Have they found Allah's fingerprints in the Bible along with their Trinity? Did they detect Trinity to be more wicked or demonic than Allah? Or have they found Allah to be real against what Moshay said? Yet, many other thoughts like these can come to one's mind. We cannot draw a conclusion here, but if we later find the Christian god to be of no match to Allah in all qualities that spell out True Divine Being, if Allah comes to be the True Almighty God, then, that is a case for every Christian as they will find themselves stand face to face with Allah on the Day of Accountability. Perhaps, seeing Moshay's book „convincing‟ to the uncritical minds of his like, or newly inspired by the same spirit like Moshay, F.J.L. Zegers too after almost a decade of Moshay's attempt, raised the standard of the book to compare what he sees as identity of Allah as against that of his god-Trinity in his book entitled "Are Allah and God the same One God?” Both present Allah as a demon, and implore Muslims to denounce Him. Moshay says such facts about Allah are "written not out of bitterness or resentment against Muslims but out of the Christian love by which we are constrained to speak" while Zegers says: "By the truth and revelation of God, I expose all deception that God has me expose, so that it may be seen with face and dealt with". As Muslims, we love that and are happy to accept the truth and share the true love. Thanks for their concern, but unfortunately, we still found some 'remnants' of unexposed deceptions and we notice some facts, which made some Christian writers sidestepped from writing what Moshay and Zegers wrote. And we also notice a dubious joke in Moshay‟s latest publications on his new discoveries in the Qur‟an to further damn Allah, as we see him presenting a „monologue‟ which he called “My Reply: A Dialogue With A Muslim Scholar”, in which it seems he put his words in the mouth of the socalled Muslim scholar, who could not tell him the difference between Angel and Jinn according to tens of Qur‟anic and Hadith facts, the likes which are not traceable in the Bible. A Muslim scholar that refused to present the beauty of polygamy in Islam to Moshay whose saviour –Jesus and Proselytizer of his faith –Paul, due to incompetence did not know how a monogamous man feels let alone understanding the rationale and beauty of polygamy. Instead, we see „a Muslim scholar‟ saying: “Well tell me”; “well let‟s leave that”! p50-55, an issue ,which a brilliant kindergarten Muslim child can trash. To us that is not „dialogue‟ but a pure „monologue‟. That is why the so- called Muslim scholar has no address! But to make it look like a true dialogue, for the benefit of Christians and Muslims who seek a better under standing of one another‟s belief, we are presenting this book in response to some issues raised by Moshay in his socalled „Dialogue with a Muslim scholar‟ in addition to the above two books. This is our focus, and we want you to pay serious attention to every fact and determine what the Christian god measures up to – the 'God' speaking in the Bible as against the Allah of the Qur'an, we are to compare him through a systematic study of the deity of Christian god and search for the real identity of the Trinity as that of Allah of the Qur‟an. Nevertheless, since Allah has called Muslims a 'balance nation' (Q2: 143), I would try not to transgress the bound laid down by Moshay and Zegers in their books. So I am placing Christian god and measure him on all the same 'balance' of topics used by Moshay in his book and where we go out of this topic, I also garnishes the quotations with that of Zegers and some Christian leaders and writers with similar views, to equate the balance and study the Christian god in comparison with Allah in recognition of the Bible verse that says: “… and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you” Matthew 7: 2. WHO IS CHRISTIAN GOD? The question of who is god in Christianity remains a dispute among the numerous sects of the faith and to avoid incessant problem, individual sect has adopted what appeals to it of the God. There are many concepts of who God is in Christianity and what his qualities are. Some sects believe there is only one God, which cannot be compared with any being and never transformed to any man, or being, He remains Himself but still has a son. Some believe there is a Godfather in heaven, who exists, but seeing that man was in sin and corrupt, he, himself came to the world and changed into man in form of Jesus to redeem man of his sin. So they claim Jesus is also „God‟. Other sects have a closely related belief that God and Jesus are different entities but are one and equal in relation to the „God‟ in form of Holy Spirit and are made up of a united gods called Trinity. And Holy Spirit is revered by almost all of them as it is seen as the force behind the Christian god. In short: “The recovered manuscript don‟t speak unanimously „lost Christianities‟ author Ehrman, who chairs the religious –studies department. at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, notes that some of the early Christians believed in one God, some in two and some in three. „There were some who believed Jesus‟ death brought about the world‟s salvation‟ and others who thought it had nothing to do with it. Other said Jesus never died‟…one text speaks in the voice of a female divinity…”1 this shows the confusion about who is God being nursed in the faith. Definitely, every race has the name with which its poeple call their Supreme Being. For English, Europe and America, it is „God‟ and according to the definition given by the 6th edition of the Oxford Advance Learner Dictionary, God is: „The Supreme Being, creator and ruler of the Universe‟ and this was how many Europeans and many tribes knew the true God, the invisible creator before the development of Christianity which now claims that the Creator was the man Jesus that cruised Jerusalem. In Arabic, the name of the Supreme Being is „Allah‟ and any other so-called god or idol is „Illah‟. In English Language, it is only the first letter „G‟ that differentiates the Supreme Being from the lesser god or idol that starts with „g‟, a case not arising in Arabic for it has no capital letter. As earlier said, every tribe has its own name for Almighty God. In Yoruba Language, the Supreme Being is „Olorun‟ while an idol is „Orisa‟. But once you accept Christianity, you are now forced by the power of the religion to withdraw your right knowledge and belief about the unique concept of the True God to accept the word „God‟ or „Jesus‟ or „Trinity‟ as the case may be, according to the Biblical definition now, in place of the cultural uniqueness of God. So a Yoruba man who accept Christianity will be asked to leave his „Olorun‟ who is believed to be an invisible being living in heaven from where he rules the earth, to take „Jesus‟ who walked, ran and died in the city of Nazareth as his „God‟. An aboriginal of Australia who knows the Supreme Being as „Atnatu‟ i.e one that defecates not, would be forced to accept „God‟ that came into the world like himself and ate, drank and defecated as Jesus, like his donkey, to be his „God‟! And an Englishman, who knows his God, as beign defined in the dictionary above, is forced to abandon it in preference to the sleepy god in the Bible (Mark 4:38; Psalm 78:65) etc. Allah had been known as the Almighty Being before the advent of Islam in Mecca like any other tribe, but the devil almost gained mastery over this pre-Islamic Arabs and has made them forget the True God. Some Qur‟anic verses testify to the fact that Allah was known as the Supreme Being of the Arabs before Islam: “Oh! Muhammad, say to the idolators: „To whom belong, the earth and whosoever is therein if you know? –„To Allah‟ they will say. Say then to them „Who is the Lord of the seven heavens and the Lord of the Great Throne?‟ They will say: „They are Allah‟s‟, Say: „will you then take Him as your protector‟? Say: „In whose hands is the dominion over all things and who protects but against whom there is no protection, if you know? They wil say: „All these belong to Allah‟. Say to them „How are you deluded (into idolatory)?” Q23: 84-89. The underlined clearly differentiate what they sought protection from and worshipped instead of Allah. Moreover, Q112: 1-4 has summarised who Allah is in comparison with any other god or supernatural being: “Say (Oh Muhammad): He is Allah, the One, Allah is the self-sufficient, master, whom all creatures need, He begets not, nor is He begotten. And there is none co-equal or comparable to Him”. This is the critical difference between the True God whether Allah in Arabic, Dieu in French, God in English or Olorun in Yoruba etc and any other lesser god or idol and it spelt out the same between Allah of the Muslim and the Christian god. Arabs are just a lucky nation among others whose Almighty Being is made to recognise by the Islamic Truth under that unique name Allah, and it has never been disputed over ages since Islam rid off idolatory in the whole region. Even the Fifth edition of Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary states that „Allah is the name of God among Arabs of all faiths‟. It should be noted that Islam does not annul the name of the Supreme Being of any tribe but it tends to fortify it with the best and deserved attributes and purifies it from all untrue qualities with that unique name found in the Qur‟an –Allah. Consequently, almost all that is true of Allah will be found in the attributes and qualities of the Supreme Being of every tribe whatever the name He is called, provided religious belief like Christianity or any other has not been added. This is how it remains for Allah among Arabs. But some decades ago, there had been many antagonists among Christians rejecting Allah as their true God, or the Father of their lord Jesus. And they were trying how to produce a „new name‟ of God for their Arab devotees, a people whose ancestors knew not any other Supreme Being than Allah, while the quality of the Christian god cannot stand that of Allah known to them before their conversion. Yet they are obliged to accept the three-faced god called Trinity. A lot have been written to reduce Allah to a mere idol of Mecca! The tension is growing day by day and Christians leave no stone unturned to crucify Allah in their war of blasphemy. Perhaps, this is what forced the author of the Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary to change the Truth he had earlier published about Allah in less than two years by changing the definition of Allah in his Sixth Edition of the Dictionary as reproduced below: 5th Edition Allah / ælә / n the name of God among Muslims and among Arabs of all faiths. 6th Edition Allah / ælә / noun the name of God among Muslims. We don‟t know what caused this or what excuse the author will tender for such sharp and acute variation, but we know that it was not error, it was a deliberate attempt, it may be pressure and propaganda from Christians, it is a war declared against Allah by these Christian leaders, yet without providing an alternative name of the Supreme Being for Arab Christians. That is the result of every falsehood and hypocrisy. But whatever is the case; Allah remains the same for His true seekers and worshippers. An ordinary book definition cannot affect Him or the belief in Him. By going through this book, the author of the dictionary may have a rethink and change his mind in the next edition, if he cherishes the Truth. Now, if Christians maintain their stand that they don‟t know Allah, that He has nothing to do with Jesus, holy spirit and the godfather of their faith, that He is an idol, is it not better for us to take a stand as well? But we need and deserve to know the details of the Christian god so as not to take a wrong stand. Moshay writes “Normally, Muslims had been reluctant to use the English word or any other word for God. They prefer „Allah‟. Recently, however, we are noticing a change. Many have now been subtituitng „God‟ for Allah. Such substitution will only compound the issue before us. To believe there is no difference between the two is too simplistic”. Zegers also says “In our media, for example, and in revisions of existing versions of the Koran, „Allah‟ nowadays is most often translated as „God‟. This implies that they are the same. Even the Koran itself says in one verse that Allah and God are one Q29: 46 “…Our God and your god are the same and it is to Him we bow down in Islam”. It is of utmost importance to establish whether they are the same or not” p6-7. First, it is the widespread and massive acceptance of Islam by the western people, the English speaking countries that made it necessary to produce many English translated Qur‟an which necessitates the use of the word „God‟ which culturally is the Supreme Being of these people with the Dictionary meaning similar to Allah of the Qur‟an in qualities not the „God‟ in the biblical context. Moreover, when Allah asked Muhammad to make the above statement in Q29:46 to the Jews and Christians of his time, there was no report or indication that they rejected him or the statement, because they understood the Truth of the matter which has come to them through Muhammad. They quickly acknowledged they were expecting him according to Deuteronomy 18:18 and John 16:11-13. That is why they didn‟t refuse him. They knew the ultimate and the best about God had come to them through Muhammad against the preposterous lie and fables attributed to God in their book, so majority of them accepted Islam. It should also be noted that Muhammad spoke Arabic to these Jews not English and the word „Allah‟ was used not the word „God‟. And they understood him instantly without a dispute. So where did the word „God‟ and his absurd qualities as expressed in the Bible come from? Were these people Europeans? This marks the difference between those early Christians who were sensitive and submissive to the Truth and the modern ones who are adamant and antagonistic. It is noticed that when Allah told Muhammad to tell the Jews and the Christians of his time that our God and your god are one God, He was careful „not to say that He is the actual God reported in your book‟ but He pointed out that the Concept of God had been tampered with in the Bible (Q4: 171), although there are still traces of Allah‟s fingerprint and manifestation in the Bible, because of His irresistible nature. I would thus try to crystallize this out in this discourse. If Christians reject Allah and His beautiful attributes for another god(s), which is traceable in the Bible, then we cannot say they did not see something, we cannot say they don‟t have another god after all, the idolaters of Mecca also fought and rejected Allah because of their gods. They must therefore be taken seriously and listened to according to what they choose from the Bible. Moshay quoted one of his scholars, Samuel Zwemer saying:“It is so easy to be misled by a name or by etymologies. Nearly all writers take for granted that the God of the Koran is the same being and has like attributes as Jehova or as Godhead of the New Testament. Is this true?” It is indeed a big question but it definitely uproots another issue. Meanwhile, Muslim scholars have already ruled and taken their side on the allegation of Moshay and Zegers on Q29: 46 and on „unity of religions‟ Dr. Saleh state: “Allah‟s statement in Q29: 46 does not mean that the Muslims compromise the basics of his deen (religion). It also does not mean the Muslims should indulge with the kuffar in aimless dialogue... The most important thing is: „who deserves to be worshipped alone‟? They worship idols, images, men, etc. We (Muslims) worship the true God of all creation. So we call them with the right knowledge to abandon shirk (polytheism) and to submit to Allah is tawheed (true oneness of God) it is not a call for interfaith dialogue. It is a call for a common word between them and us. This word has been defined by Allah Most High in Q3: 64. Certainly it is not a call for “comity” or “unity of religion.” It is noticed that this call is even championed and well supported by the Jews and Christians in order to mix the truth with falsehood and eliminate the truth perfected in the Islamic faith so that Muslims become like them”@. The idea of Godhead i.e. separation of individual god and his power that constitute Trinity appears in the New Testament. Throughout the Old Testament, one „God‟ retains both the name „God‟ and the title „Lord‟ as we have it in the following: “…therefore we will also serve the Lord, for he is our God” Joshua 24:18; “And though shall keep the feast of weeks unto the Lord thy God with a tribute of a free will offering of thine hand which though shall give unto the Lord thy God according as the Lord thy God has blessed thee” Deuteronomy 16:10; “And made all that were present in Israel to serve Lord their god and all this days they departed not from following the Lord, the God of their Fathers” 2 Chronicles 34:33 etc. So God is the Lord in the Old Testament and no other person was known or worshipped as Almighty Being. But as we enter the New Testament, two new gods came in and the glory of „Godhead‟ Dr. Saleh As-Saleh “The Call for Unity of Religions: A False and Dangerous Call.” 1998 Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. P. 7, 40-41 @ was shared. Thus we heard Jesus hijacking the lordship, claiming that his great grand father David even recognised him as the lord! (Matthew 22: 41-46). But this is Jesus, the son of man, against whom blasphemy can be forgiven, what then would the Holy Spirit against whose blasphemy can never be forgiven, be called? (Matthew 12: 32). This is an acid for Christians to gaggle! It is the entanglement, which the personality of „God‟ found itself in Christendom. Does this occur in the Quran? Why then should we compromise the Whole Truth and the Real Almighty Being? Because it is very difficult to establish who really is God and His true attributes in the Bible and because of the confusion and confrontation that used to greet the discourse among the Christian sects, Zegers, hooked up, in these crossroads simply says: “All that matters here is that there is one God and His name is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the creator” p18. He is simply wrong because we did not find a single place in the Old Testament where Jesus is mentioned let alone reffered to as „God‟. Has God made a change of name? In which law court, and who advertised it? When was that? Moshay also says: “The God in the Bible is not a description either. He revealed Himself to Abraham, Jacob, Moses, the prophets and came down to manifest Himself physically in the person of Jesus of Nazareth”. One can see how widespread is the belief in Christianity that Jesus is god, which is now trying to override the beautiful cultural and tribal universal belief that the Supreme Being is unique in every age. That Jesus is the physical manifestation of the unseen God is a significant difference that makes Christians believe that Allah cannot be the God of the Bible. But apart from this unfounded biblical hypothesis, which is not even generally acceptable to many reasonable Christians, in which part of the world that gives uniqueness to the Almighty Being can this be accepted without serious questioning? Since confusion leads to nothing but confusion, Christians are always in confusion about the nature of the True God. For example, the True God changes not, but this cannot be defended in Christianity. The above statements of Zegers and Moshay can testify to this, and nothing landed them into this strangeness than the over zealousness and the hypocrisy of those who rewrote the perished original manuscripts out of their wild love for Jesus thinking it was inspiration. This is clearly stated by a Doctor of Divinity in the person of Inge who says: “We must also bear in mind that as the faith and love of the Church progressively recognised in Jesus, first the apocalyptic Messiah, then the unique Son of God and finally the divine Logos incarnate, the mystery of the passion deepened and instead of the suffering servant of Jehovah described in DeuteroIsaiah, a symbolic figure representing the nation and bruished for its salvation, the tremendous doctrine of a suffering God entered into the earth of Christianity.”2 And he „reigns‟ forever under the „mystery‟ of passion! So we need to dig out what spirit is responsible for this. Moshay observes: “Muslims do not say they are describing Allah. In fact, Allah cannot be described. All a Muslim can do is to raise his hands to the sky or bow down in adoration and say „Allahu Akbar‟. He is too great to be described by human being. Even His 99 most Beautiful Names in the Qur‟an are not description by human being they are revelation by Allah Himself”. He is perfectly all right and this marked a great difference in what we are about to start between Allah and the Christian god. But how can we describe a Being we do not see, expect with how He declared Himself? On the other hand a Christian can describe god. He has been seen several times (Exodus 24:10; John 14:7) but He refused to give them his holy name, so that His prodigal children would not squander or trample on it. Moshay tried to rope in Judaism to support the stand of the Christian god, but he got hooked up at a point and that‟s why we would not allow him to escape by that, because Jesus was not even a Son of God before the Jews let alone being God or one of the „Gods‟. So we are taking up his statement: “Today, Christians know God as He is in the Bible and in their lives…. Therefore, the problem before us is not that of different and conflicting descriptions of the Divine, but of revelations. And since these revelations are contained in the two books the Qur‟an and the Bible, they shall form the basic texts of identifying who Allah is as well as the God of the Christians” Thus, it amounts to whatever we see in the Bible of Jesus or God as it may be is a revelation, a direct but inspired speech, it is not conceived by the writers, but the Holy Spirit which is the third 'God', supervised the spirits of the writers. Other stories in the book also carry the same weight. They are words of God that have been with him from the beginning of creation (John 1:1) and because of this we are warned not to question it! (2 Timothy 2:23). It is only a pity that Muhammad (SAW) recommends for every Muslim to either be 'a Teacher or a Student or a Questioner', so I take excuse and ask for permission to ask questions! All that Messrs Moshay and Zegers want us to know is summed up by Duke in the following way: "The God described in the Bible is an emphatic God involved in human experiences even as human. Moses said God experiences jealousy (Exodus 20:5); John said God experiences loving (1 John 4:10), David said God experiences kindness (Psalms 63), Paul said God experiences hate (Romans 9:13). The Chronicler said God experiences anger (1 king 11:9), Jesus says God experiences forgiveness (Luke 23:34). This statement described God with emotions that seem responsive to human experience. The God of Hebrew was a holy other, so holy that human dare not speak his name, yet God was also understood in human characteristic, this is evident in the dominant trait of the maleness attributed to God throughout the Bible. The Biblical idea that God is present in all human experiences progresses until it is fully revealed in the person of Jesus of Nazareth.”3 The same conclusion was reached by Moshay in his „Dialogue‟ saying “Jesus had to come to the level of man in order to save man . He identified himself with the situation of men. He felt what man feels. It is only through this he could understand the problem of man” p90. But, unfortunately for the Christians, issues such as matrimonial, parental, commercial, administrative, bequest and others which Jesus did not experience but in which millions of Christians are found is a case against them on the issue and nullifies their claims about their socalled god. Meanwhile, if this is true of the Christian god, it is not the same for Allah. Does the Supreme Being need to relegate himself to 'man the child of wrath' – Ephesians 2:3 (KJV) before he can comprehend human feelings and needs? Does Bill Gate need to pack himself into a computer or transform into one before he tells the fault or how the machine functions? If Allah as the Supreme Being maintains that He knows man's feeling and needs, without transforming into a man, is it a thing the Sovereignty of the Heaven and the Earth should not utter? Should He be hated and denied for saying: "We (Allah) have created man and We know what his self whispers to him, and We are nearer to him than his jugular vein" Q50: 16. This is why we must take Christian's challenge seriously and scrutinize the God in the Bible to rescue the coming generations. WHO INSPIRED THE BIBLE? Before we treat this topic, let us first respond to Moshay's allegation as he says under the corresponding topic-'Who wrote the Qur‟an‟? "Most Muslims believe that Qur‟an, their sacred book, came down from heaven and was given to Muhammad as a book or sheets in stages. The book itself claims in many verses that it actually came down from Allah through the Angel Gabriel (Sura3: 3; Sura 4:105). But if we are to take the Qur‟an itself to determine its authorship from its claims, we cannot come out with a definite answer. For example, Sura 26:192-194 and Sura 16:102 says Muhammad received the Qur‟an from the Holy Spirit. But in Sura 53:2-18 and Sura 81:19-24, we read that it was "One Mighty in Power" Himself that personally delivered the already written book to Muhammad and that Muhammad saw Him. Again in Sura 15:8, we are made to know that it wasn't really Allah himself or Gabriel but actually "angels". In his mind, he has tried to create confusion but for himself through his lie and diabolic analysis of the Qur‟anic authorship. An ordinary man, let alone the Muslims know the fact of the revelation of the Qur‟an. Should we track him down from the rear Q15:8-9 reads: "We send not the angels down but for just cause. If they came (to the ungodly), Behold, no respite would they have. We have without doubt, sent down the message, and We will assuredly guard it". Where in these verses are the angels that Moshay says brought the Qur‟an? It is significant. It is the manifestation of the Christian god in the life of every Christian! Q53: 2-7 says "Your companion is neither astray nor being misled, nor does he say of his own desire, it is no less than inspiration sent to him, he was taught by the Mighty in power. Endued in wisdom for he appeared, while he was in the highest part of the horizon". Q26: 192-197 says: "Verily, this is a revelation from the Lord of the world, with it came down the Spirit of the Truth, To thy heart, that thou may admonish…without doubt, it is in the revealed Books of former peoples. Is it not a sign that the learned of the children of Israel knew it as true" and Qur‟an 4:105, says: "We have sent down to thee the Book in truth that thou may judge between people by what Allah has shown thee…". Without doubt, any reasonable person will find no contradiction in all these verses. Which of them can cause confusion as claimed by Moshay? In order to play his trick, he deliberately failed to write out the sentences in each verse. Q53: 2-7 says Qur‟an was sent to him; Q26: 192-197 says it was the Holy Spirit or spirit of Truth that brought it and Q4: 105 says Allah sent down the book to Muhammad. Every verse carries the need of a middle person either made known or not, but we all know it was sent. No where says it was handed over to him sheet by sheet. So what is the confusion Moshay is claiming? Q26: 192-197 even makes us realize that its revelation is predicted in the Bible and we would dig it out. One will notice the spirit of envy in Moshay because of the uniqueness of Al-Qur'an and its author as he says "throughout the pages of the Qur‟an, Allah is quoted exhaustively as one speaking, even in the first person plural, signifying a dignified or honorific personality or deity". We ask, is Allah not the one speaking? He added "…Even if the book (Qur‟an) was written by the followers after his death, it is not impossible to remember some of the words flowing out from Muhammad when he was being inspired to recite the Qur‟an". This is marvelous. It seems Allah has inspired him here and why not, since the Bible lacks the style of the Qur‟an and there is no true God to give the kind of assurance for protection, constancy and easy memorization of the Qur‟an as promised by Allah that "We shall teach you and you shall never forget" Q87: 6-7. "And we have made the Qur‟an easy to understand and to remember, but is there anyone who would receive admonition?" Q54: 40 "Verily, We Ourself have sent down the exhortation and most surely, We will be its protector" Q15: 9. If words have meaning, these three verses should tell you a lot about the Qur‟an and its Author. Be that as it may. Who inspired the Bible? It is not a new question. It is a problematic issue among the various sects of Christianity and a tug of war among its leaders and adherents alike. History itself is not on their side. Meanwhile almost all Christian sects have now concluded that the Bible was written by men of 'God', inspired by 'holy spirit' and so divine. But for any Muslim or Christian conversant with the Hadith of our prophet, he will no doubt acknowledge and would refer to the to Bible as a Hadith (Tradition) of „God‟ and Jesus, according to the chain of narrators and writers responsible for the Bible. Even though the whole Bible will be rubbished as spurious Hadith if the content and the quality and reliability of those narrators are placed and compared with Shaabaa of the prophet of Islam that reported the authentic Hadith we have today as carried out by Imam Bukhari.¥ It is mysterious that the word Bible cannot be found in the Bible. lt is thus an indication that it is not a true revelation of God, as it is not purely the word of God, but mostly an inspiration to the writers. We all know any being supernatural being can inspire, even Devil. It is not impossible that the kind of spirit that inspired more than 40 people that were said to have written the Bible may not be the same after all. Even if the same sprit inspired all of them, their reaction to it is certain to be different, depending on their own natures, spiritual stands and disposition to abide by God‟s dictate which is difficult to come by in the Bible or practiced by the children of god. Because of this possible degree of differences one cannot all that expect any consistency that can lead to true and clear guidance and salvation. This has proved to be true of the Bible and poses a challenge about the kind of 'God' that inspired the Book, more importantly when expected and most valuable attribute of Almighty Being is lacked in His book of salvation. This is the case of the Bible and their own theology book states it: "It is worth noting that in the New Testament, holiness is very rarely applied to scripture. It is not found at all in the Gospels, though used there of the Father, the spirit, and the angels. There is thus no formular to denote the perfection of the scripture in the sense of the concept of divine holiness…"4 If Jesus is the Divine Being, where is his holiness? And if Almighty God truly inspired the Bible, why should His unique and valuable attribute lack in His Book? Our focus is to crystallize out, not that those who wrote the Bible were not inspired, though some of them may not have been, at least a number of them were inspired, so we want to know what inspired them to write such a book that lacks holiness. It ¥ See- A. Vail and E. Mc. Vail in „Transforming Light: The Living Heritage of World Religion‟ 1970 Harper &Row Publisher , New York, p290. 26 is possible that a supernatural being did it or a combination of him and the Supreme Being. Another embarrassment about the authorship of the Bible is that Jesus was said to be among or the God(s) that inspired the book and he and his disciples spoke Aramaic, but a being now went through the backdoor to inspire the men of 'God' to write in different language so much so that there is no single copy in the language of their Lord! At the same time, the spirit that gave the mother of all Churches – Catholic, the inspiration of 73 books in their own Bible against 66 books he inspired the Protestants in their own should be known for this division. It will be of interest to know which spirit inspired the contradictory death of Judas Iscariot, the facilitator of the 'crucifixion' of Lord Jesus (Matthew 27:5 versus Act 1:18), and many others. Not minding that the author of the Revised Standard Version of the Bible once acknowledged in its preface that: "The King James Version (from which many Bibles were copied) have grave defects… so many and so serious as to call for revision". Leaving apart the July 1975 Edition of the Christian publication, 'Plain Truth' Magazine that writes: " there are claimed contradictions that the theologians have not resolved…only a Bible illiterate would deny this and other problems". And overlooking the fact that Jehovah Witness in 1957 has published in September issue of their Awake Magazine that: "There are 50,000 errors in the Bible". We believe according to Moshay and Zegers' claim, that these errors, defects and contradictions are not human, they are divine errors, after all, God in the Bible created man in his own image. So, if these men were inspired, then these errors are inspired errors and they only displayed what is found in their image, god. So we need to know who actually is that being that inspired these handsome defects. This has laid the foundation and we shall deal extensively with the issue and try as best as possible to filter out Allah's remnant from the residue of Biblical concept of God wherever and whenever He is found if His claim in Q42: 13-14 that: "Allah has prescribed for you the religion which He enjoined on Noah, and which We have revealed to thee (Muhammad) and which We enjoined on Abraham and Moses and Isa (True 'Jesus'), saying remain steadfast in obedience and be not divided therein…" is true. It will be significant if Allah's attributes can be extracted from the mixture of the beings that claim the authorship of the Bible. Meanwhile, to know the True Almighty God, and the Creator between Allah and Christian god, let's differentiate lightly.