Limousin - The Bugle
Limousin - The Bugle
France convicts first person over 1994 Rwanda genocide In a landmark trial, France has convicted its first person over the 1994 Rwandan genocide. The trial is the first of dozens now due over the coming years >> Page 7 Limousin April 2014 - Issue #54 Halal abattoir project scrapped Plans to build a new abattoir in Guéret have been shelved in the face of mouting public opposition and political apathy. The project, first announced in 2010, would have seen the creation of Europe’s first exclusively ritual slaughterhouse. much opposition on our backs.” Much of this opposition came in the form of the protest group NARG (Non à l’abattoir rituel de Guéret), which has staged a series of high-profile events in Guéret, attracting protestors from across the country. Aurore Lenoir, spokesperson for NARG, hailed the news as a “victory” after a battle lasting more than 2 years. NARG has stated publicly that their objection to halal ritual slaughter is purely on animal rights grounds, and they are in no way anti-Muslim or antiJewish. Mustapha Masri appeared to be unconvinced by this argument, saying that the “noise being created by NARG was fomenting hatred of Jews and Muslims”. NEWS - Scientology project blocked Plans to build a Scientology backed residential village in Ste-Feyre look to have been put on hold as details of the project and investors emerge. >>Page 3 NEWS - French cow is the perfect “Gentleman” A local bull named “Gentleman” has been crowned the finest Charolais in the whole of France >> Page 4 FRENCH LIFE - In the Garden - April © fasphotographic - T he controversial project to build Europe’s first and only exclusively ritual slaughter house in Guéret looks to have finally been abandoned. Sovialim, the group behind the proposed abattoir that would have produced halal and kosher meat, announced that it was abandoning its plans in the face of mounting protests and dwindling political support. “We had a meeting last week with all the parties involved and took note of the unhealthy atmosphere surrounding our project in Creuse,” explained Mustapha Masri, a local butcher and head of the project which has been running since 2010. “We could not begin construction with so INSIDE > > > >> continued on page 4 Our resident expert, Michelle Pierce, helps us get our gardens ready for the year ahead >> Page 14 The Bugle Business Directory The price of applying for a British passport from France is to be slashed by 35% from April >> Page 9 Develop a habit that saves you money! 9 pages of listings for local English-speaking businesses - your essential guide to finding just what you’re looking for >> Pages 18-26 Don’t let the banks cash in! Save time and money by sending your international money transfers the easy way and benefit from: Consistent bank beating exchange rates online or over the phone. Move money, pay people and settle bills within seconds. Make and track payments 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Norton security used by 97 of the world’s top 100 banks. HiFX Plc is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Payment Services Regulations 2009, registration 462444, for the provision of payment services. 2 ♦ IN THIS EDITION Welcome to The Bugle A s we go to print, the first round of municipal elections has taken place, with a second round scheduled for the coming weekend. For most larger towns, it is this second round - fought between the two most successful ‘lists’ from the INSIDE this edition 3-6 Local News 7-13 National News 14-15 French Life 16-17 Classifieds 18-26 Directory 27-30 Community 31-32 What’s On first round - that decides who will be in charge. I live in a small commune of only a few hundred people and second round votes are rare here. There is usually only one list and the required 50% of the commune’s vote is not too difficult to achieve without opposition. I voted in our local elections for the first time this year - six years ago, I was temporarily out of the country and unable to vote. I do think that it is important for expats to get involved in the life of their commune, even if it is just to vote once every 6 years. In many smaller, rural communities, just getting enough people together to form a conseil municipal is challenging enough; people expect others to step forward without necessarily being willing to do so themselves. Our mayor is not standing for re-election and for a while there was a genuine concern ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2014 that no one at all would put themselves forward to be mayor in my commune. The least I can do is vote for those that are willing to give up their time. I have heard from a number of British expats that have joined their local councils. I think it is fantastic to have a “foreign” voice on the local council, especially for communities with large proportions of expats. Not all expats throw themselves into public life in France, but plenty do have a lot to offer their communities. Don’t forget that EU residents living in France also have the right to vote in the upcoming European elections in May. Talking about expats contributing to local communities, be sure to take a look at the feature page we have run on the town of St-Léger-Magnazeix in northern Haute-Vienne (see page 30). There are a number of British-run businesses in this small but pretty town and they have joined with a handful of local Frenchrun businesses to shine a spotlight on their corner of the Limousin. Economic times are still tough and working together with other local businesses has got to be a good idea. The eagle-eyed among you may have noticed that the paper has a slightly different format this month. Although The Bugle is already printed in France, we have brought production even closer to home and now both our Limousin and Dordogne editions are being printed at Angoulême. The actual printing of the paper is the only thing done outside of the region, meaning The Bugle really is a local newspaper... “Made in France” as Arnaud Montebourg would say! The change has meant that the paper is ever so slightly narrower and a tiny bit taller, but don’t worry - it still contains the same quality mix of local and national news, views and events. Until next month! Steve Martindale, Editor MAX HUGGETT Experienced and fully registered builder One off installations to complete renovations and construction projects Call on: 05 55 69 37 64 or 06 80 92 23 82 CONTACT us Tel: General: Advertising (EN): Publicité (FR): Subscriptions: Editor: Steve Martindale Write to: The Bugle Les Quatre Chemins 23150 St-Yrieix-les-Bois France LOCAL NEWS ♦ 3 APRIL 2014 ○ THE BUGLE ○ Godson Travaux Publics All aspects of Fosse Septique Installations incl. Micro-Stations* from concept, planning permission and installation to final inspection Chris Godson BSc CEng M.I.C.E web: 05 55 62 61 12 / 06 33 78 24 23 25+ years’ experience Civil/Structural Engineer - Assainissement / email: Mains Drainage Connection / Demolition / Trouble shooting / Foundations / Concrete Work / Groundworks / Pre-Purchase Property Surveys * Agent for Klargester BioDisc® Micro-Station - please contact for further details Bénévent-l’Abbaye 23210 Scientologist project blocked C onfusion and controversy surround the plans to “save” the château at Sainte-Feyre after it emerged that the investors in the project were members of the Church of Scientology. Although Tom Cruise probably has a number of fans locally, few people seem keen to have a branch of the church operating in their town. The project was presented as a way to save the château and involved a €35 million investment; €10 million to restore the château and a further €25 m to build a “retirement village” nearby. As recently as February 26 this year, local authorities had voted in favour of selling 8.7 hectares of land adjoining the chateau’s grounds to the investors. It has subsequently emerged that not only are the 2 current owners of the château, Odile and Marc Delomez, high-ranking Scientologists, but so is Cyrille Pincanon, the man heading the investment group. In fact, Mr Pincanon has previously been called as a witness in a 2009 trial in Paris during which the Church of Scientology was found guilty of organised fraud. Locals were soon up in arms, questioning what the real reasons were for building the “retirement village” and asking why more checks were not performed into the company buying the land. In fact, the whole deal is now in question. “The mayor has not actually signed anything yet,” as- siret no. 47930451100021 Airport numbers are down, but the future looks bright L sured Yannick Pilipovic, a candidate himself in the municipal elections forming the backdrop to the drama. “This sale, made in secret and in haste, is a disgrace,” fumed Pierre Auger, another mayoral hopeful. The left-leaning candidate said that promises had been made of a swimming pool, a cinema, a restaurant and a spa, but that “the idea of wealthy retirees wishing to purchase 40m² concrete bungalows doesn’t sit right with me”. Another carrot offered by developers was plans for a medical centre, open to members of the town - a tempting offer for a commune desperately looking for a GP. A local expert on Scientology gave his assessment to La Montagne news- paper. “Scientology exists thanks to its financial strength. Members as high up the order as the Delomez have the ability to easily raise this kind of money anywhere in the world,” said the source, adding that the presence of a “meeting room” in the plans could suggest that the group is planning to build a centre to promote the teachings of L. Ron Hubbard. “Then again, a residential park could just be a normal business, run with the aim of reinvesting part of the profits back into the church, a common operating model.” The fate of the project will lie in the results of the municipal elections, but it currently looks likely to be ‘postponed’. ■ imoges Airport, the 28th largest in France, saw a slight decrease in passenger numbers in 2013, with 299,654 people passing through border control last year (down 2.3% on 2012). Airport director Laurent Le Mercier put this drop down to the problems encountered towards the end of the year with the Limoges to Lyon route, which was briefly dropped by Hop! before being restarted. In fact, international, low-cost traffic, which forms 81% of all the journeys taken, rose by 2%. These flights are predominantly to UK destinations, most notably the Ryanair routes to London, which accounted for 92,000 passengers and Liverpool, where numbers reached 53,400. In good news for the airport - and those fond of warmer climes - Ryanair will be launching a twice weekly flight to Porto, Portugal this summer, running throughout July, August and September. (see back page). “If it works,” confirmed Mr Le Mercier, “then we are hoping to run this line for the full season in 2015, from April to the end of October”. ■ Michelin star for Château de la Cazine The Château de La Cazine at Noth, just outside La Souterraine, has regained its Michelin star, just 2 years after reopening. The château was taken over by British company Barrasford and Bird in 2011 and, after extensive work to the main building, reopened in 2012 as a 4-star hotel and restaurant, with chef David Boyer at the helm. With their coveted Michelin star in the bag - the only one in the Creuse - the owners of the château are pressing ahead with plans to complete an upmarket spa, golf course and holiday home complex in the grounds in the coming years. ■ RESTAURANT AUX CEPES LA VEYTIZOU (87130) Open every lunchtime & Wed - Sat evenings Fish & chips party bookings OSTEOPATHY & ACUPUNCTURE UK Registered Cranial & Structural OSTEOPATH PAUL BODIMEADE, BSc (Hons) OST UK Licensed Five Element & Traditional Chinese ACUPUNCTURIST LINDA BODIMEADE, BSc (Hons) MBAaC Do You Suffer from Back, Neck, Joint Pain, Arthritic conditions, Tension headaches or Sports Injuries, Insomnia, Stress, Sinus, Hayfever? Based in Châteauneuf-la-Forêt - Home visits available on request - siret: 793 539 826 00016 Tel: 05 87 41 07 93 or 06 18 74 05 08 siret: 791 847 429 00010 a la carte menu du jour theme nights Music Night 2nd Saturday every month Tel: 05 55 69 33 38 Email: Houses on Internet is a marketing service that allows private owners of French property to sell their house without using an estate agent. A method that has proven to be very successful. How does it work? 1. We make a website for your property in English, French and Dutch. The main website is available in Russian too. 2. We connect that website to our main site which gets over 130,000 visitors from 40+ countries per month. 3. We advertise your property on several international French-property websites. This way we reach 1.5 million people a month worldwide. What does it cost? We ask a contribution to the advertising cost up front and after the sale a fee of 2.5%, which is included in the selling price. Houses on Internet operates throughout France with a staff of 7 professionals and 89 local photographers who visit our clients to take photos and gather all information. For more information, call us at 05 55 65 12 19, or visit our website. WWW.HOUSESONINTERNET.COM Plus Vite! Moins Cher! 4 ♦ LOCAL NEWS ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2014 H 20 Creuse HEATING Gas and & PLUMBING ENGINEER oil fired boiler specialist Qualigaz certificates arranged Winterising of heating & plumbing systems Kitchens & bathrooms fitted and tiled Advice given Jason Green: Email: Siret no: 487 425 639 00027 TVA No: FR86487425639 >> continued from pg 1 Ritual slaughter is nothing new in France, in fact many ‘traditional’ slaughterhouses also produce halal meat. However, there has been controversy in the past when it has been claimed that much of the meat that is ritually slaughtered ends up getting sold as ‘normal’ meat to an unsuspecting public who may disagree with the processes involved (see box below). Speaking in 2010 when the plans were first announced, vice-president of the Com-Com de Guéret Saint-Vaury, Eric Correia, explained the appeal of an exclusively ritual abattoir: “Halal butchers are fed up with the agency fees involved providing traceability documentation for meat from ‘mixed’ slaughterhouses where halal meat is prepared alongside ‘normal’ meat. They want to have an exclusively halal abattoir that will be a guarantee of origin for them and their clients.” Speaking after announcing that the project was to be shelved, Masri said that “every abattoir in France produces halal and kosher meat. Sovialim was simply trying to solve the problem of traceability so that consumers were no longer being misled”. The second, more serious problem for the abattoir was a recent lack of political support. After initially appearing to be behind the project, local politicians have backed away in recent months. Guéret mayor Michel Vergnier had also been talking of making the abattoir mixed and not exclusively ritual. Masri expressed his frustration at “the silence of certain political figures, who, rather than supporting a project that would generate 30 jobs, prefer to keep their heads down for electoral reasons”. The abandonment of the project, in the face of widespread protests, came a week or so before local elections. ■ What is halal meat? For meat to be halal, the animal must be slaughtered via a swift, deep incision with a sharp knife in the neck, cutting the jugular veins and carotid arteries of both sides but leaving the spinal cord intact. The animal should be turned to face Mecca before being slaughtered and the slaughter must be performed by a Muslim. The meat should also not come into contact with non-halal meat. CENDRILLON IMMOBILIER Bilingual French Estate Agency in Creuse We have over 200 properties ranging from 12,000 EUR for a renovation project, up to 903,000 EUR for a ʻDomaineʼ. Ref 1860 – 44,000 euros. Two adjoining cottages for renovation, small garden & outbuilding located in a quiet village 15 mins from Lac Vassiviere. The current owner uses the two cottages as one 3 bedroom home, but it could be used as two cottages, one with two bedrooms & one with one bedroom. DPE Vierge © Terre-net Média Ritual abattoir scrapped “Gentleman” crowned champion of France A local cow with a distinctly British name has won the top prize at the Salon de l’agriculture in Paris for the Charolais breed. The bull, known as “Gentleman”, is the pride of co-owners Laurence and Fabien Berger (Glénic) and Nicolas Friaud (Allier). The 3-year-old bull, weighing in at an impressive 1,460 kg, was first crowned as the finest specimen within his age range at the prestigious event in Paris. He then came face to face with the winners of the other categories for his breed before being crowned as champion de France and the best example of a Charolais in the country. “It is hard to explain how we are feeling,” said Fabien Verger. “It is the equivalent of a sportsperson winning an Olympic medal! We were just happy that he Ameublement Décoration Antiquités Mode Cadeaux Accessoires Trouvez des trésors uniques et irrésistibles 23 rue Zizim, 23400 BOURGANEUF Email: Telephone 05 55 54 95 85 Mayday computer services Operating system support Application support Network support System security pc • mac • network Virus and Malware removal Call for friendly no-obligation assessment and advice Haute-Vienne & surrounding areas siret 500 443 536 00015 Ref 1859 – 66,000 euros. Traditional town house on 3 floors with a garden, situated in Bourganeuf. The property is currently divided into 2 apartments, but it could be one large house. Both apartments have kitchen, lounge/dining room, shower room/wc & 2 bedrooms each. Central heating. Garden. DPE Vierge Ref 1863 – 178,200 euros. Stunning property with two houses & outbuilding 5 mins from Bourganeuf. Large 3 bedroom family home, plus two bedroom cottage in very good condition – perfect if you would like an income from a holiday cottage. Many character features. Garden of 1927m². DPE D – 229 & E 37 had been selected for the competition, we didn’t think Gentleman could actually win.” So what next for Gentleman? His owners say that they have no plans to sell him; they are already selling his offspring and as a national champion, a lucrative career as a sperm donor is certainly on the cards. “We will not be raising our prices, this prize doesn’t change anything,” assured Fabien. “We just want to inspire people to visit our farm and if that results in more sales, then that’s a bonus.” The bull, described by his owners as docile, lived up to his name and behaved like the perfect gentleman on the day, posing for photos with his winner’s garland and looking decidedly relaxed about his new-found fame. ■ 05 55 68 47 33 06 82 26 31 54 Ref 1300 – 44,000 euros. Deceptively large house in Bourganeuf. Ground floor, lounge, dining room, kitchen, bathroom. 1st floor: 2 large bedrooms. 2nd floor: 2 large bedrooms. Convertible attic & cellar. Garden of 318m² with country views. Courtyard with boiler room and a separate covered area. DPE Vierge Ref 1858 – 119,900 euros. Detached “Maison de Maître” with its own tower & garden in Bourganeuf. Built in 1903, it has an entrance hall, kitchen, lounge/dining room, 3 shower rooms, office, 5 double bedrooms, boiler room/laundry. In need of renovation/updating. Garage and garden of 4008m². DPE Vierge A very French “Gentleman” (left) A vast range of designer home decor to suit all styles: Classic – Country – Contemporary New stock arriving continuously brands including: Miss Selfridge, New Look, Next, Monsoon, M&S and John Lewis sofas... and many more! n houew rs 3 Ave. Gay Lussac 87200 St Junien T: +33 (0)5 55 79 57 60 Open non-stop: Wednesday – Friday 12h00 - 19h00 Saturday 10h00 - 19h00, Sunday 12h00 - 18h00 (Closed Monday & Tuesday) Phil Monaghan - LOCAL NEWS ♦ 5 APRIL 2014 ○ THE BUGLE ○ Renovations New Builds Roofing Trust in us for the realisation of your dream home | | Visit our website for more information: Limousin winemakers The Fresque at Bridiers lose naming legal battle T T he “spectacle” at Bridiers is an annual sound and light event in which hundreds of actors take part. Between the 1st & 4th August this year, Bridiers commemorates World War 1. In the spirit of both remembering the war and celebrating peace, Filderstdadt (La Souterraine’s twin town in Germany) and Selby (Filderstdadt’s twin town in UK) are sending people to join in. We need actors (no experience required), male singers to be recorded in May/June singing Silent Night, accommodation for the visitors from Selby, dressers and translators to help the British actors backstage. If you can think of any other way in which you can help, we are open to all suggestions. A quick word from Sarah Collins who took part last year: © Michel VENOT (WikiCommons) he Limousin is not generally considered famous for its wine, although wines are made here; perhaps the most well known is the vin paillé de la Corrèze produced in the south of the region. Around 20 viticulturists currently produce some 50,000 bottles of the wine each year. Vin paillé is created by drying selected grapes for several months over straw, a process which concentrates the fruit’s sugars and gives the wine its unique flavour. The industry is now in turmoil, however, after it was recently told it could no longer use the term vin paillé following a successful legal case brought forward by the vin de paille producers of the Jura region. Corrèze winemakers can now only refer to their wine as “vin de la Corrèze”. “We are the victims of a kind of backlash from the State,” said Dominique Pessoz from the Chambre d’Agriculture of the Corrèze, and in charge of promoting the wine industry. “Producers are very frustrated at not having been able to defend themselves.” The battle has been raging since 1999 when the winemakers of the Corrèze relaunched production of their vin paillé, a tradition they claim dates back 200 years. Their colleagues from the Jura region were unapologetic, stating that, “We will always take action to protect our producers... there was no question of letting confusion enter the minds of consumers”. What next for the vin paillé de la Corrèze? Abandoning the project altogether, finding a new name or brand under which to trade, or pursuing further legal angles? “It is frustrating,” summarized Dominique Pessoz. “We began this project in 1999, production began in 2003 and today we are back to where we were 15 years ago.” ■ “The best way to integrate is to PARTICIPATE! When I moved to France in November 2009, I expected it to take a while to learn a new language and to become a fully integrated member of my new community. Six months later, I participated in the rehearsals and then the Fresque at Bridiers. All of a sudden,’tout à coup’ as they say here, I was totally immersed in a spectacular project. I was surrounded by welcoming and friendly French people who appreciated the effort I was making to learn their language and to participate in the success of their ‘Spectacle’ (as the Fresque is often called). My fellow actors were pleased to help me with the language and many of them have become friends. I thought it would take years to achieve a sense of belonging, but in fact it took only a few months and I have the wonderful ‘Spectacle de Bridiers’ to thank for that.” If you would like to get involved or to volunteer to take part in some way, please email us for more information at We are looking forward to your help. ■ ENGLISH SPOKEN Guéret PRIX ANNIVERSAIRE 279 lawnmower € PRIX ANNIVERSAIRE 849 garden shed € CHAUMONT GARDEN SHED - 8.18m2 Untreated spruce planks Double windowed doors 139 x 169cm Sloping roof - Without floor ALPINA PETROL MOWER BL510SBQ Briggs & Stratton motor 650E XLS 190cc 55L basket 4-in1 functionality: mulching, side ejection, rear ejection and collection PRIX ANNIVERSAIRE 379 barbecue € CANBERRA OUTDOORCHEF GAS BBQ 4 burners - output 12.8kW 65 x 44.5cm cooking area - 3/4 grill & 1/4 griddle Integrated thermometer, folding work surfaces and wheels Mr Bricolage, rue Alexandre Guillon, 23000 Guéret - Tel: 05 55 52 10 01 Monday to Friday 9h00 - 12h15 & 14h00 - 19h00. Saturday 8h30 - 19h00 non-stop. 6 ♦ LOCAL NEWS ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2014 If you have a problem... if no one else can help... maybe you should visit... Le Pub ALL OUR ENTERTAINMENT IS 100% FREE!! 58, rue d’Orjon, Argenton-sur-Creuse Living life in France with the French Le Pub’s famous Rump Steak 250g - €12.95 400g - €14.95 600g - €16.95 Sunday roast dinner Main only €9.95 Main + Dessert €11.95 3 Courses just €12.95 Check out the latest news and download special offers throughout the month: • Saturday 5th April - Luke’s last night with us before going back to the stage! • Friday 18th April - Good Friday - Authentic Indian Curry Night with curry, rice and a chapati for just 10 euros!! • Saturday 19th April - Easter Saturday - Spanish Party Night, with live music from El Bornes • Sunday 20th April - Easter Sunday - 3 course Sunday Roast with wine only €14,95 per person. • Every Wednesday evening in April - Mini Fish & Chips for just €6.95! • Every Thursday evening in April - 2 steak & Chips for just €20! €2.95!! Le Pub is an English themed bar... not an expat bar!! The majority of our customers are French, so why not come and enjoy yourself with the locals!! We don’t charge for our entertainment, so what have you got to lose?! Every Wednesday evening in April From Saturday 19th April we will be open ALL DAY every Saturday from midday right through to 2am and serving our new special brunch menu, starting from €2.95!! Watch this space for exciting news coming from team Le Pub next month Mini Fish and Chips only €6.95! Vacancy for apprentice cook, accommodation possible, apply to: Opening hours: Wed 7pm-midnight, Thu 12-2pm & 6pm-midnight, Fri 12-2pm & 6pm-2am, Sat 6pm-2am, Sun 12-11pm 58, rue d’Orjon, Argenton-sur-Creuse - 02 54 60 02 14 NATIONAL NEWS ♦ 7 APRIL 2014 ○ THE BUGLE ○ DO YOU WANT TO FEEL BETTER? ACHIEVE A FITNESS GOAL? MAYBE TRYING TO LOSE WEIGHT AND NOT SURE WHERE TO START? INDIVIDUAL OR SMALL GROUP PERSONAL TRAINING TAILORED TO MOTIVATE YOU T: 06 23 90 45 82 E: Based in Eymoutiers 87120, Haute Vienne T H E TRADITIONAL FISH AND CHIPS C O D F A T H E R 1st Fri 1st Sat 2nd Fri 2nd Sat 3rd Tue 3rd Fri 4th Fri 4th Sat TBC siret: 510 357 155 00017 The Codfather-France Where to find us in April Near the church Las Damas La Campagnard JJ’s Music Night La Gourmandière Town Square Au Jardin d’Eté Garage du lac Café des Sports Eguzon * La Souterraine * Fougerolles Aigurande St-Maurice-la-Sout. St-Sébastien La Châtre Eguzon Châteauponsac All venues 18:00 - 21:00 * Take away only Please check our website for confirmations and new venues Tel: 05 55 89 57 94 E: siret: 793 447 905 00019 Tailored Fitness Double D Renovations & Home Improvements All types of building work, groundwork, renovations, decorating and maintenance Telephone:- 05 55 65 00 29 / 06 33 19 99 64 Email:- First conviction over 1994 genocide I n a landmark ruling, a French court has sentenced a former intelligence chief and captain of Rwanda’s presidential guard to 25 years in prison, after finding him guilty of genocide and crimes against humanity. The conviction is the first in France over the 1994 genocide that left 800,000 people dead, mostly Tutsis massacred by the majority Hutu population. After a six week trial, the jury took 12 hours to deliver its verdicts against Pascal Simbikangwa, who was described as being steeped in “extremist Hutu ideology”. The 54-year-old had denied the charges and said he was the victim of “a witch hunt” claiming that he had never even seen a dead body in the spring of 1994. Simbikangwa was left wheelchair-bound in 1986 after a car accident and was nicknamed “the captain on wheels”. He was accused of distributing weapons to members of the Interahamwe militia who carried out the massacres and encouraging them to kill the Tutsi. Furthermore, he was said to have had close ties with death squads as well as with the Akazu, a secret and elite Hutu corps within the president’s inner circle. He was also a shareholder in the Radio des Milles Collines, which spread fierce anti-Tutsi propaganda across the country before and during the slaughter. During the trial he was accused of drawing up lists of political opponents to be killed, even including details of how they should be murdered. Testifying by video from a prison in Kigali, where she is serving a life term, Valérie Bemeriki, one of the most prominent voices on Radio des Milles Collines, said Mr Simbikangwa “had organized the genocide”. The trial is politically charged as France has long been widely criticized for not doing enough to prevent the mass killings in 1994 and for providing weapons and military training to the Hutuled government that carried them out. Then president François Mitterrand, along with other senior French politicians, were determined to keep the former Belgian colony of Rwanda within the French sphere of influence in Africa. They feared that the Tutsi-dominated opposition, led by Paul Kagame - the current Rwandan president - would The assassination of President Juvénal Habyarimana sparked the genocide of 800,000 people look to forge closer ties with America and the English-speaking world. As well as allegedly training and arming the Hutus, France was also accused of protecting the perpetrators as they disappeared into the neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo through a “humanitarian” mission it carried out called Operation Turquoise. Simbikangwa was arrested in 2008 on the French Indian Ocean island of Mayotte, where he was living under a false identity, and flown to France the following year. He has been in prison since and France has repeatedly refused requests from the Rwandan authorities to extradite him. Diplomatic ties were broken in 2006 after a French judge accused Rwandan president Paul Kagame, a Tutsi who commanded the rebel forces that ended the genocide, of sparking the slaughter. In 2010 Kagame took Rwanda into the Commonwealth of Nations, signalling a definitive end to its ties with France. Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy tried to patch up relations, admitting France had committed “serious errors of Fosses septiques Roofing Tiling Kitchen & bathroom fitting Conservatories Plaster boarding Masonry Carpentry etc. etc. judgment” and suffered “a form of blindness”, but stopped short of offering the full apology demanded by Rwanda. There are dozens more cases relating to the Rwandan genocide that will now be tried over the coming years. The most revealing is likely be the criminal investigation recently launched against Paul Barril, a retired senior French Gendarmerie officer and former head of the late president François Mitterrand’s personal “anti-terrorism” unit in the Elysée Palace. After retiring under a cloud from the Gendarmerie, he created a security company called Secrets, which advised the Rwandan authorities in the early 1990s and helped to ship arms and train the Rwandan army. He flew into Kigali just as the massacres were beginning and while he has denied acting for the French government, he has said he was working “in France’s interest”. Barril has even been accused of playing a role in the assassination of President Juvénal Habyarimana, the incident which sparked the Rwandan genocide. ■ Smoke alarms to become compulsory from 2015 From March 2015, it will be compulsory to have at least one smoke alarm installed in your house in France. According to the French ministry of housing, only 2% of French homes are fitted with a properly functioning smoke detector, a staggeringly small number when compared to the 98% of Norwegian homes and 89% of homes in the UK. The smoke detector will need to be installed in a corridor or hallway leading to rooms that are used regularly. It should be attached to the ceiling or at the top of a wall, away from a source of smoke and the occupant (or agency managing a property) is obliged to check the sensor is working properly on a regular basis. CE-accredited detectors are fitted with a ‘test’ button for this purpose. Between 600 and 800 people die in house fires in France every year and 70% of fires start at night, after people have gone to bed. Ministers believe the number of fatalities would be halved if smoke detectors were compulsory. ■ 8 ♦ NATIONAL NEWS ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2014 Rogue trader finally facing jail J érôme Kerviel, the socalled “genius of fraud” whose €4.9 billion loss at France’s second largest bank, Société Générale, made him a household name in January 2008, has lost his appeal against his jail sentence. In 2010 he was sentenced to five years in jail, with two suspended, for “breach of trust, computer abuse and forgery”. In his original trial, Kerviel was also ordered to repay “four billion, nine hundred and fifteen million, six hundred and ten thousand, one hundred and fifty four euros” in damages to the bank, despite the fact that he was at the time working as a computer consultant in Paris earning €2,300 a month. In a partial victory for the former trader, the appeal court ordered a review of this figure. Kerviel has declared that he will take his case to France’s highest appeal court and his lawyer, David Koubbi, hailed the decision as “a victory”, saying: “We are starting afresh. We are going to ask for an expert assessment to establish exactly what happened at Société Générale. This is the end of the Jérôme Kerviel case and the beginning of a new case against Société Générale.” The bank responded by saying: “Jérôme Kerviel has lost his court case. Société Générale has won. There were failings at the Société Générale but they have been repaired.” Société Générale revealed in 2008 that Kerviel had run up €38 billion of unauthorised trades, more than the bank was worth at the time, and the process eventually cost the bank 4.9bn euros - the biggest loss of its kind in history. The size of the bank’s losses shocked a world that was yet to witness the collapse of Lehman Brothers or hear of Bernie Madoff, but with hindsight, the scandal was a harbinger of the financial crisis that was just around the corner. Kerviel has always admitted the unauthorised trades, but said officials at Société Générale knew what he was doing but turned a blind eye as long as it was making money. Speak- “A traditional stove is an investment for life that you will fall in love with. Easy to install, it will work on a simple 16 amp socket. Elegant, versatile and with a gentle heat, the Everhot stove will become the heart of your kitchen.” ing during his original trial, Kerviel told the court: “The daily encouragements of my superiors didn’t put the brakes on me, but rather encouraged me”, claiming that his bosses must have been aware of his massive illicit trading positions. “On a trading desk, we are all 50 cm from one another. Everything is seen, everything is heard.” Although it was fined €4m by the French banking commission in 2008 for its failure to efficiently control its trading floor, Société Générale had denied any knowledge or involvement in what it called Kerviel’s “financial terrorism”. Two of Kerviel’s direct managers were eventually sacked, and in 2009 Société Générale chairman, Daniel Bouton, was forced to resign. Bouton described Kerviel as an “evil genius” whose “catastrophic” actions almost destroyed the 150-year-old bank. ■ No plans for pedestrian phone ban Ignoring calls from a French senator, the interior ministry has said that it has no plans to ban pedestrians from using mobile phones when crossing the road. Around 500 pedestrians were killed in France in 2012 and a further 12,000 were injured, but the government has warned that any regulation on using phones would be “very difficult to enforce”. The ban had been put forward by Senator Pierre Bernard-Reymond who had petitioned Interior Minister Manuel Valls to investigate consequences for pedestrians who were not paying attention to what they were doing while checking their phones, writing texts or listening to loud music. Motorists who use their phone while driving currently face a €135 fine and three points off their driving licence if caught and convicted. ■ NATIONAL NEWS ♦ 9 APRIL 2014 ○ THE BUGLE ○ Many expats were left fuming when the passport processing centre at the British Consulate in Paris was closed, forcing all passport requests to be handled through the UK. The move has now had a positive outcome, however, after James Brokenshire, the Minister for Security and Immigration, announced in the House of Commons that the cost of UK passports issued to applicants from abroad would drop by 35%. The fee for a standard adult UK passport for British citizens applying from overseas countries, including France, will drop to ₤83 from April 7th - ₤45 less than the current price. A child’s passport (under 16) will now cost £53. “This reduction comes as a result of efficiency savings made over the last 3 years by bringing back the processing and issuing of overseas passports to the UK, whilst maintaining the highest levels of security and customer service,” Brokenshire said. The new prices are still higher than UK residents pay because overseas applications generally take longer to process, and expats in France will also still have to pay a courier charge in addition to the passport fee. To order a new or replacement passport, go to the “Overseas British passport applications” page on where you can make an overseas application. You will need to apply and pay online and send your supporting documents direct to the UK. The turnaround time is four to six weeks, and applications are accepted up to nine months before current passports are due to run out. ■ Roaming fees to be abolished The European Parliament is expected to rubber stamp plans to ban roaming charges within the EU in April. The new rules, which have already been adopted by the European Parliament’s industry committee, mean that mobile phone networks will have to charge “foreign” roaming users the same as their own customers. The big mobile phone operators have warned that such a move could mean that average mobile phone charges would rise as a result. Before becoming law, the move would need to be ratified by a meeting of the council of EU ministers this autumn and, if approved, would then come into effect on December 15th, 2015. Nicholas Roaming charges have plummeted in recent years; the costs of calls and text messages have dropped by 80%, while data roaming is now up to 91% cheaper than back in 2007. Despite the EU’s efforts, however, 28% of travellers in the EU still switch off their phones abroad to avoid roaming charges, according to a survey by the European Commission. ■ 150km/h speeding was to “dry car” One French mayor’s plans for re-election took a turn for the worse when he was caught driving at more than 60km/h over the speed limit. Many people would have a ready made excuse: my wife’s in labour, my speedo’s broken, I didn’t realise it what the speed limit was... does that sound plausible? How about: I had to go that fast as I have just been through a car wash and was trying to dry my vehicle...! That was the excuse used by Jean-Louis Hennon, the mayor of Courcelles-Epayelles, in the Oise department of northern France. “I went to the car wash and on the way back I may have accelerated over the limit for only a kilometre, no more, to dry the car out,” he told local newspaper Le Courrier Picard. “It may seem strange but the excuse is sincere.” Local police did not agree and the mayoral hopeful had his driving licence confiscated. ■ “No frills” ferry service launched In March this year, Brittany Ferries launched a new “no frills” service between Le Havre in Normandy and Portsmouth, running four times a week. They have also unveiled a weekly service between Portsmouth and Santander in northern Spain. According to Brittany Ferries, the new “économie” low-cost crossings are designed for customers “who wish to travel to France or Spain at a very reasonable fare without the cruise-style experience normally provided by Brittany Ferries”. The new ferry, chartered from Stena Line, features en-suite cabins (minus the carpets) and a lounge where seats can be reserved for overnight crossings. There will also be 12 petfriendly cabins per crossing. One-way fares for a car and two people travelling from Portsmouth will start from £79 to France and £169, including spaces in reclining seats, to Spain. ■ Hemming WOOD CRAFT Made to Measure Furniture anding Outst Quality!! Restorations Carpentry/Joinery Distinctive Carved Cat Trademark Furniture and joinery made to last a lifetime - 02 48 63 15 09 - SIRET: 533 607 115 00011 Is a wine only as good as the car park? S aint-Emilion wines are known for their bouquet, taste and flavour not for the infastructure of the place where they were produced. However, a book on the industry which produces the region’s finest wines revealed critics set far greater store by the number of parking spaces, conference rooms and architecture than can reasonably be considered necessary. In some cases, the actual quality of the wine was found to account for only 30% of the score given to wines. The book, entitled Vinobusiness, by Isabelle Saporta, a French journalist, attacks what she has described as the “cruel, medieval micro-society” which is responsible for producing wine. A few very powerful châteaux control the market, which is worth millions of euros, as they have a monopoly on the criteria used to judge the wines. There is also a suggestion that the criteria are fixed by such high earning châteaux in an attempt to continue their dominance in the trade. According to the author, who has poured scorn on the way grasping château owners pillage EU funds, a culture of bribery also surrounds the process of rating wines. Sycophantic critics are regularly bribed to provide positive reviews, which, in an increasingly competitive market, can make © 2007 - Agne27 (Flickr) Passport costs slashed abroad all the difference to sellers. A château can raise its prices by around 20% if its ratings increase. Saporta even goes as far as to suggest that a 5,000 euro fee is charged for good feedback among some wine critics. Jane MacQuitty, wine critic of The Times, offers a warning to those interested in the wine business: “Bordeaux is big business and even in a truly trying vintage like 2013 there are millions of euros to be made. “With so much money at stake not every château visit, tasting note or primeur sample, can be viewed as 100 per cent above board. It’s caveat emptor - buyer beware.” ■ Amaryllis Barton 10 ♦ NATIONAL NEWS ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2014 NATIONAL NEWS ♦ 11 APRIL 2014 ○ THE BUGLE ○ Paris bans cars as deadly smog descends Crime in Paris: lies, damn lies and statistics F rench police have been changing crime statistics in a “systematic, organised and controlled manner” according to a report ordered by Bernard Boucault, a Parisian police official. The practice, which supposedly began under Nicolas Sarkozy in 2008 in an attempt to make Paris a better tourist destination, is said to have continued well into the Hollande presi- dency. Thousands of crimes were removed from records or were deliberately misrepresented. Burglaries, for example, were recorded under vandalism as officials fought to hush up “the apparent seriousness of the delinquency problems” rife in France’s capital. It is thought many street crimes, including muggings, were simply too widespread to be recorded. Manuel Valls, the interior minister, at first attempted to suppress the report which paints France and its police - in a less than positive light. However, his department was forced to publish the report online in early March. Worryingly, despite fiddling the figures, police were unable to mask a massive increase in the number of burglaries. The doctored figures showed a 26% rise; the true increase, of course, remains to be seen. A separate study conducted by the National Institute for Economic Studies and Statistics, revealed that 17 per cent of French people felt unsafe in their homes, a rise of 13 per cent since 2008. President Hollande has sought to prove that Paris is just as safe as other European cities, notably London, but this new report shows that his administration will have a tough job on its hands. Le Figaro reported in January that “London [has] dethroned Paris” as the world’s most popular tourist destination. If Paris’ growing reputation for crime continues, this is a title London will hold for the foreseeable future. London mayor Boris Johnson has, unsurprisingly, capitalised on these revelations. He gleefully commented that “[with] a low crime rate and much else besides, it’s no wonder that people from all over the globe are flocking to London in record numbers”. ■ Amaryllis Barton Eurl Réno-Gén - Roofing Experts are now offering 3kw Solar PV Installation We offer 2 systems:1. Roof mounted system 2. Integrated system trian crossing in Paris will know, the locals are not always keen to obey traffic rules and Parisians’ revolutionary streak came to the fore. “How will I get to work?” asked one irate citizen. “It takes 20 minutes by road, and one and a half hours on public transport” adding that even if he is fined, “it’s my boss who’s going to have to pay”. Hundreds of police were drafted in to enforce the ban; by lunchtime of the first day nearly 4,000 people had been handed a €22 fine and a further 27 drivers had had their cars impounded for refusing to co-operate with officers. France’s Automobile Club Association France was under maximum alert in what the European Environment Agency said was the worst air pollution since 2007. The European Commission has repeatedly warned France that it is not complying with Europe-wide rules on air contaminant levels. Jean-Paul Huchon, head of the organisation that oversees transport in the Paris area, said the toxic air posed “significant risks to the health of residents”. Electric or hybrid cars were exempt from the ban, as were taxis, buses, and emergency vehicles. Cars carrying three or more people were also able to travel regardless of their number plate, in a bid to encourage car-sharing. Public transport was made free across the entire Paris region, as well as in the cities of Caen, Grenoble, Reims and Rouen. Velib’ rental bikes and the car-sharing Autolib’ scheme were also being offered free of charge. As anyone who has tried to use a pedes- €8,200 inc TVA @10% €9,500 inc TVA @10% (Buy back tarif 0.14 cents / kwh) (Buy back tarif 0.28 cents / kwh) This includes:* 12 Solarworld mono black 250W panels (German panels 25 yr performance guarantee) * 1 SMA 3000TL inverter (German - world leader in solar inverters) * Easyroof fixing kit - French (Integrated system) or K2 fixing kit - German (roof mounted system) * All cables * AC/DC connection box * Scaffolding and access equipment as required * System fully fitted and tested * Site survey * Electrical certificate of conformity (Consuel) * All necessary paperwork - Mairie - ERDF - Consuel * 10 yr guarantee on all our workmanship Not included:* ERDF connection charge * Any extra roof / guttering repairs Call us now 02 54 30 11 20 - 06 42 38 54 22 © 2007 - Agne27 (Flickr) W hilst most of us in rural France will have enjoyed the balmy weather and sunny days seen in early March, spare a thought for those living in Paris. The combination of relatively cold nights with warm, sunny, windless days led to a smog descending on the nation’s capital, which has prevented pollution from dispersing. At one point, Paris’ air quality index (AQI) rose to 185, higher than the world’s most notoriously polluted cities like Beijing and Delhi, and well above the level of 80 that triggers an alert. So bad was the pollution, which exceeded safe levels for five days running in Paris and surrounding areas, that officials took the drastic step of banning half of all cars from the City of Light: on alternating days, vehicles carrying odd-numbered and even-numbered licence plates were banned from using the city’s roads. Outside of the capital, nearly three-quarters of (ACA), which has more than 750,000 members, denounced the move as has “hasty, ineffective and bound to lead to chaos”. “I am amazed to see that a small lobby has managed to convince people that cars were behind this peak in pollution,” said Pierre Chasseray, head of a drivers’ association called 40 Millions d’Automobilistes. “This measure is worse than unfair... it is stupid.” Environmental groups have blamed successive governments for the poor air quality by promoting the use of diesel vehicles - used by 67 per cent of French motorists - via tax breaks that are still in place today. ■ 12 ♦ NATIONAL NEWS ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2014 The strange Carrefour announces plans case of France’s to build on recent success “amnesia girls” I n February this year, a young woman was found wandering on a beach in Gijón, in the Asturias of northern Spain. She was spotted by fishermen, disoriented, dazed and wandering barefoot despite the cold - her shoes and socks were found later in a skip. The young woman was collected by the Spanish Guardia Civil, without identification, haggard and suffering from complete amnesia, speaking bad Spanish and only slightly better English. The police took her to a local hospital where she was treated for a slight graze on her head. She had no idea of her name, age or the whereabouts of her home, although medical staff estimated her to be in her early 20s. Tests for any kind of narcotic revealed no intoxication to explain her condition. Mysteriously, on her hands was the cryptic message in English, “Forgive me, I failed”. Meanwhile, a young woman called Emeline Fourny had been reported missing by family and friends in Toulouse a week or so previously, after an uncharacteristic absence. French customs officers put the Spanish police report together with the alert from Toulouse and were able to make a positive identification from a photograph. The stranger on the shore was the missing Emeline Fourny, a 24-year-old business administration graduate from Toulouse who was currently studying for a law degree. Emeline’s parents raced to the hospital in Gijón for a tearful reunion and hoping for an explanation, but Emeline was unable to account for her actions after leaving Toulouse. Her car was discovered parked in Oviedo, from where it is presumed Emeline made her way to the coast by public transport. The cause of her current mental state remains a mystery. Doctors say that they are hopeful that Emeline will completely recover with time and be able to pick up where she so mysteriously left off. Emeline’s case was eerily reminiscent of a similar event in 2013 when a young woman was hospitalized in Thuir, near Perpignan, close to the Spanish border. Disoriented, suffering from amnesia and without any ID, she gave her name as Sarah Mastouri, born in Algeria. Hospital staff were unable to trace the name and finally issued an appeal. Sarah, it turned out, was born and lived in Reims in north eastern France and her real name was Michèle. Doctor Philippe Raynaud at the psychiatric hospital in Thuir was grateful for the public response to their appeal for information at the time, saying: “This sort of case is not unusual. There is no question that Michèle completely believed in her other identity. There is no question of fabrication or pretence. Sarah Mastouri was absolutely real for Michèle”. ■ Brian Hinchcliffe S econd only to Walmart in size, Carrefour is set to expand its horizons in emerging markets such as China and Brazil after a year of bumper profits in mainland France, which accounts for almost half of its total sales. The leading supermarket group announced it has plans to renovate its stores in France, Italy and Spain, although growth in the latter two countries was not as good as expected. It is hoped that store renovation in these countries will have the same effect as in France when Georges Plassat took control just under 2 years ago. His overhaul of domestic stores, tightening of profit margins and increased manager control are thought to be responsible for the impressive recovery Carrefour has seen despite France’s economic woes. Indeed, Carrefour share prices increased by 49% over the course of 2013 and the dividend for last year was raised by 7 per cent to 0.62 euros per share. Around 2.5 billion euros will be spent on store renovation since hypermarkets make up the bulk of its store space. With more shoppers turning to the internet or to smaller convenience stores in towns and cities, it is more crucial than ever that the French supermarket giant retains its competitive edge in the grandes surfaces format. Not to be outdone, however, Carrefour announced in December that it had made plans to buy and control 127 malls where its stores are located. This is part of a joint venture worth around 2 billion euros - and is a sure sign that the French economy shouldn’t be written off just yet. ■ Amaryllis Barton GARAGE DE L’AVENIR Tél : 05 55 52 73 73 Par RN 145, sortie 48 Mail: rue Johannes Gutenberg, 23000 GUERET GPS: 46.1831, 1.8800 NATIONAL NEWS ♦ 13 APRIL 2014 ○ THE BUGLE ○ Car Breakers - C.R.A.L. Centre de Recyclages d’Automobiles du Limousin - Les Tourettes, 87440 SAINT-MATHIEU WE WILL COLLECT YOUR SCRAP CAR FOR FREE - WE BUY & SELL SECOND HAND CARS (RHD OR LHD) SPARE PARTS FOR SALE TEL: - ENGLISH SPOKEN - Email: Are the French really a Village all a flutter nation of hypochondriacs? over “chick flick” B ritish people may long have suspected it, the French have often denied it, but new statistics make it clearer than ever: the French really are hypochondriacs. A survey published in February suggests 10% of French people are hypochondriacs. It will come as no surprise to people who have lived in Paris to discover that Parisians are more likely to be hypochondriacs than people who come from the provinces. Perhaps more interestingly, young men were found to be more likely to suffer from the condition than any other demographic. “Men have trouble expressing their emotions or we could even say confessing their emotion, so maybe it’s easier for a man to say ‘I have a physical problem,’ than to say ‘I am anxious,’” said Jean-Pierre Olié, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Paris. “Women are allowed to cry, they are allowed to show they are emotionally overwhelmed, they are allowed to be afraid in our cultural scheme.” The internet was also cited as a possible reason for the growing number of hypochondriacs. The wealth of online resources for diagnosing symptoms can feed sufferers’ anxieties. Although a visit to the doctor may seem to assuage these fears, problems arise when hypochondriacs present false symptoms which can result in a false diagnosis - not to mention the fact that doctors’ time is wasted in the process. Add to this the fact that, according to Vincent Renard, the chairman of the Union of Medical Teachers, X-rays and medical appointments tend to result in more stress for patients and it seems clear there is no magic medicine for France’s 8 million hypochondriacs. The news also comes as José Manuel Barroso called the French ‘malades imaginaires’, referencing the title of 17th century writer Molière’s famous play, because the French economists refuse to accept signs of recovery in their economy. Although Barroso was berated when his comments were made, it appears the president of the European Commission was in the right. *** Take another look at the debate on France and its hypochondriacs: Supercondriaque is a French language film which has just been released and which has sparked a nationwide debate on whether the French really are ‘malades imaginaires’. The protagonist, a typical Frenchman in many respects, refuses to faire la bise for fear of catching a cold and is never seen without his anti-bacterial hand wash. The film was seen by some 360,299 viewers on its first day - more than any other French film in over two years. ■ Amaryllis Barton T he high-end chicken farmers of Loué are up in arms after an explicit porn film was shot in broad daylight in their village and posted online. The film, involving a “farmer’s daughter” was not the kind of “chick flick” you might expect to be shot in the region made famous for its free range poultry. The introduction states: “The producers went to meet 33-year-old Sophie, a chicken breeder, who wanted to make a video for her husband as a Valentine’s Day gift.” Set up as a pastiche of a news report, the film opens with Sophie posing near the roadside sign for the famous village, in a white wool jumper and high boots, telling viewers that she “helps farmers out”. The film, which has already been watched well over 3 million times since it went online in February, quickly takes an explicit turn as Sophie reveals exactly how she likes to “help” the local farm- ers. News of the video was soon ruffling the feathers of the locals. “In the street or during village events, people were joking about the subject, but I didn’t really know what it was all about,” the mayor of Loué, Dominique Croyeau, told France Bleu Marine. After examining the film in great detail, locals were less than convinced that Sophie really was who she claimed to be. “She’s not a Loué chicken breeder. You’d have to be naive to believe that, she’s an actress,” said Yves de La Fouchardière, director of the Fermiers de Loué cooperative, speaking to French newspaper Les Nouvelles. This assessment appeared to be backed up by further exhaustive investigations carried out by local law enforcement officers. Police in the Sarthe department confirmed it was unlikely that the “farmer’s daughter” was a bona fide chicken breeder, as “we also found her on other websites”... Although local businesses have claimed that the video is damaging to their reputation, no criminal complaints have yet been filed because there are no known victims. Shooting a porn movie in broad daylight and in public is against the law in France; prosecutors confirmed that they can file charges if anyone comes forward who witnessed the sexual conduct during the shoot. The producers of the film said they did not wish to fuel the controversy, but told the website 20 Minutes that “obviously no local was present and all the sex scenes were shot elsewhere”. It is not the first time that the location of a porn shoot has generated controversy. In December 2013 school officials threatened to sue after sex scenes that had been shot directly in front of their lycée were posted online. In that case the “dinner lady” involved was also suspected of being an actress and the school later confirmed she was not on their staff. ■ Romance isn’t dead With the status of his own love life in doubt, François Hollande has brought someone else’s back to life. The French president allowed a grieving widow known only as Pascale the right to marry her dead husband. The heartbroken widow was given special permission to marry her late partner, Michaël, who died in 2012. The marriage was made possible by a little known law which was introduced in 1959 after a dam burst in Southern France and killed over 500 people. A young pregnant woman was so upset at losing her fiancé in the accident that President Charles de Gaulle permitted them to marry. In 2011, another Frenchwoman, 35-year-old Christelle Demichel, wed her dead boyfriend, a former police officer who was killed in 2002. The marriage, which took place in Dizy-le-Gros, eastern France, in early March will be binding in the same way as any other marriage. Indeed, legal experts have pointed out that if Pascale ever wishes to marry again, she will have to file for a divorce. The expert added: “But this should be a fairly simple procedure because it will of course be uncontested.” ■ Amaryllis Barton 32,000ft² of great products incl. Toiletries, DIY, Housewares, Furniture plus loads more at great prices & we are even open on SUNDAYS!! The bargains don’t stop at THE SHED - we have 1000’s of value for money products in our 32,000ft² store including the best Ambient British Grocery selection available anywhere in the Limousin. We are reliable for lots of your favourite brands whether it be Heinz baked beans, Bisto gravy granules, Typhoo teabags etc. Our British food aisle may be second to none, but at THE SHED we are about more than just groceries. We regularly restock our range of DULUX paints and English Plaster as well as many other DIY essentials like PVA, angle beads etc. Whether you’re after HOUSEWARES, TOILETRIES, FURNITURE or CLOTHING, you’ll find them all at bargain prices... so get yourself down THE SHED!! Decking, Ply, Flooring, Sand, Gravel, etc. ... plus a great range of Timber for all your DIY needs!! Route de l’Isle Jourdain Opposite the Gendarmerie Just off the RN147 87320 Bussière-Poitevine Tel: 05 55 68 74 73 Open Tue - Sat: 09h00 - 12h00 & 14h30 - 18h30 (closed Mon) Sun: 09h30 - 12h00 & 14h30 - 18h00 GPS: Long: 0° 53’ 33’’ 40 E Lat: 46° 13’ 45’’ 10 N 14 ♦ FRENCH LIFE ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2014 PROFESSIONAL FLOWER POWER PLANT NURSERY NO. 11 LE COURET, 36170 MOUHET BUILDER Home renovations / Ground works Block works / Verandas, Abris & Terraces Barn doors & Shutters Also available: digger & driver Planning permission assistance and design available HNC and ONC qualified, 15 years experience & 6 in France CARREFOUR BOIS LIMOUSIN Order your winter firewood today All wood is stored under cover and cleaned before delivery Oak, Beech, Hornbeam - Logs of 50, 33 & 25 cm OPEN THU & FRI 2-6pm, SUN 4-7pm Home delivery loose or palleted - depts 23/87 TEA, COFFEE, COLD DRINKS & CAKE AVAILABLE ALSO AT LES HÉROLLES MARKET EVERY MONTH 05 55 63 72 45 / 06 76 05 81 38 (8h30-12h & 14h-18h) TEL: 02 54 08 44 39 20211438CC1243 DAVID CARDWELL Email: Tel: 05 55 98 24 12 Email: SIRET NO. 428 177 042 00028 In the garden - jobs for April B lustery, blueskied April, with its warm sunny days and cold frosty nights can be a real challenge for young plants and seedlings, but it’s also that magical time of year to get out and rediscover your garden after the long winter months. That’s what I was going to write, but now, the optimistic part of me is not so sure. Given how lovely the weather was in March, maybe we will be “lucky” and get away with no frosts. “Lucky” because you always have to pay for your pleasure, and such warm, dry weather so early will mean dry soil and watering later. The garden really starts up this month. Sowing can crack on and go into overdrive. Get most of what you want for the first part of the season sown now, in a greenhouse, porch or sunny kitchen windowsill. It’s better to sow small quantities regularly than too much at once. You’ll only end up with a glut. For salad leaves sow a pinch of seed every week or so. This technique is good for everyone who doesn’t want 10kg of radishes at the same time - even rows of veg could be staggered by sowing the first half a few days earlier than the second part. by Michelle Pierce But I always find it difficult to be disciplined and take my own advice on this. Seed is so little, generally, and a pinch gives so many plants it’s quite unbelievable. Is that it, I say? I’ll just sow a few more then, it looks so scant. Thus ending up with thickets of lettuce. Another good tip is to mix a fast maturing variety with a slower one that needs more space. Carrots and radish is the often cited example when you pull up your little radishes, it thins out the row and gives the carrots room to develop. But why not try salad leaves between cabbages? Preparing the planting If you buy plants in (here I’m thinking about things like courgettes or tomatoes) it really doesn’t hurt to give a bit of extra care to their planting site. Spread a bit of natural fertilizer around, or cut some fresh young nettle tops and pile them on the ground where you plan to plant the plants. The nutrients will leach into the soil, and the extra humus will help water retention later. Saving work later in the year If you keep on top of the weeds now, then you’ll have less to do as the season progresses. Ten minutes a day with the hoe saves an awful lot of effort. And remember that some weeds are edible - Hairy Bittercress, for example, tastes like rocket and makes a welcome addition to your salad. After you’ve cleaned a patch of ground, apply a mulch to damp earth, and you’ll have quite a lot less weed. Use chopped linen, bracken, straw, etc., but bark chippings can acidify your soil. If you don’t want to go to the expense of this, try and get your ground surface covered as completely as possible. You can sow a green manure. This will act like a mulch, suppressing other weeds and feeding the soil when you hoe it in. I tried radishes for this last year, which worked well as they germinate so fast. Gave a good crop, too! brambles decompose down, with time, to give an excellent compost. Turn out your compost heaps Put the well rotted material onto beds and borders, especially where you had high cropping plants, or anywhere that yields were very low. Maybe the soil is exhausted. Ideally, we’d all start the year with empty compost bins, ready to receive the numerous prunings, etc. we’ll need to deal with throughout the year. Try not to take so much green waste to the déchetterie! Even Look after the soft fruit Renew your strawberry patch by taking off the extra runners and replanting them elsewhere, or in pots for planting later in the year. Feed the area and have a good weed. Now your raspberries should be in leaf, so it’s easy to see the dead canes. Cut these out, and remove any that are too weedy, look unwell, or are in the wrong place. Feed and mulch, and check the wires or supports Now is the time to make use of your compost heap Hotel Les Dryades Golf & Spa Resort 18-Hole Golf Course - Annual Membership ** Special first year offers ** €650 - 1 person €970 - 2 people Spa & Gym Membership Spa + Gym: 6 months: €281 per person 6 months: €120 per person 12 months: €468 per person Gym: 12 months: €215 per person For all annual memberships, get 3 FREE TREATMENTS (20 mins each) For all 6-month memberships, get 1 FREE TREATMENT (20 mins) Hôtel Les Dryades - 36160 Pouligny-Notre-Dame 02 54 06 60 60 - English Spoken if you have them. Make sure your currants (black, red and white) have good air circulation going through the middle of them - prune if really necessary. Because it’s a bit late now, you may have less fruit for this year but you’ll have healthier bushes. Basically, now we want to get out into the garden Don’t be put off by the seemingly endless list of things to do. If it gets done today, great. If not, there’s always tomorrow... Good gardening! ■ FRENCH LIFE ♦ 15 APRIL 2014 ○ THE BUGLE ○ Lilacs by Michelle Pierce Perfect panicles of swoony, heady flowers in blues, mauves or whites: who can fail to love lilacs? Nor be impressed how a plant which originates from Persia and the Near East has made itself into an archetypal member of the French gardening landscape? That there are so many colours to choose from, and forms is really down to one man: Victor Lemoine - 1823-1911 One of those Victorian nurserymen who just seemed to be able to do anything that took his interest, he was responsible for an extraordinary number of varieties, including potentillas, streptocarpus, fuchsias, spirea, hydrangea paniculata and the first zonal pelargoniums. From 1850 he was based in Nancy, where his output continued to be prodigious. However, from the 1870s it was lilacs that caught his interest and he and his descendants introduced over 200 cultivars. In 1876 he created the double French hybrids, including the pure white form 'Madame Lemoine'. He was the first foreigner ever to receive the Victorian Medal of Horticulture from the RHS. There are probably not that many gardens in France that do not owe something to his passion. Thank you, Monsieur Lemoine. A question about Inheritance Law Dear Sirs, It is my understanding that all French residents are subject to the Napoleonic inheritance laws in France. However, according to my Notaire, a new law will allow any foreigner living in France to write a will according to the law of their nationality, which I have now done. the law not being in force, so please thank your Notaire for that information. We are also not yet entirely clear about how the fact that the UK has opted out of the new rules, will affect their application in practice, particularly in respect of French property (real estate). Siddalls reply: There is no question, however, that the new rules should provide extra flexibility, but our first analysis is that they will not be of benefit to many of our clients, due to the fact that they do not affect the issue of inheritance tax. For simple family situations, the new rules provide an easy way to circumvent French inheritance rules, although solutions already exist under French law. However, for second marriages, unless it is certain that the survivor will return to the UK, it is unlikely that the new rules will be suitable, since they could leave one family with a potential 60% inheritance tax bill! We are aware of the new European rules from 2015, but were not aware that they could already be applied, despite For unmarried, or un-“PACSed” couples, the new rules will offer no protection from the 60% tax due by the Furthermore, whilst I understand that the law change does not come into force until August 2015, I have been informed that should your spouse/partner die before the new law comes into force the will becomes active at that time. Your clarification on this matter would be appreciated. Sincerely Mr and Mrs XXX Le Moulin du Breuil 23140 PIONNAT Tel: 05 55 80 37 70 Email: Web: @lmdb_pionnat Spring Fizz and Chip Soirée Saturday April 12th Live Music - ‘Blondie and the Jazz Man’ A glass of Fizz and a 3-course meal including our very special ‘Fish and Chips’... all for €19.50 Glass of Fizz ****** Trio Anglaise - Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, chicken and mushroom pie, our pickled eggs ****** Le Moulin ‘Lemonade Battered Fish’ and triple cooked chips, pea and mint purée, home-made tartare sauce ****** Sticky toffee pudding with butterscotch sauce Easter Menu Served Sunday 20th and Monday 21st (lunchtimes) 4 courses - €27.50 Terrine of pressed spring chicken with lemon and thyme, grilled sage and onion foccaccia, pear chutney and roquette salad ****** Pistachio and orange crusted lamb fillet, wild garlic purée, pommes Anna, roasted root vegetables, olive and fig tapenade ****** Selection of cheeses ****** Warm pear chocolate and almond tart with vanilla ice cream Book early to avoid disappointment survivor on anything left to each other. Finally, for an estate of any size, using UK law is likely to increase the eventual inheritance tax bill for the next generation, since it would, in theory, annul the effects of any inheritance tax planning done under French law. Therefore, whilst we agree that the new European rules will offer greater flexibility, which is very welcome, it will remain vital to plan each individual case, to ensure that UK law does not cause any additional problems and that there is not a more appropriate solution under French law. David Hardy, Siddalls France. David Hardy is Regional Manager of Siddalls France, Independent Financial Adviser, specialised in tax, inheritance, pension and investment planning for the British community in the Dordogne since 1996. Telephone 05 56 34 75 51 - Email bordeaux. Easter lamb This slow cooked, chilli glazed lamb shoulder is perfect for an Easter Sunday roast. Serve with roasted new potatoes and traditional vegetables or maybe go for a healthy quinoa salad or couscous with roast vegetables and mint yoghurt. Either way it will make your mouth water! Ingredients 2-2.5kg Lamb shoulder 3 Fresh rosemary sprigs, plus extra to serve 2 tbsp Olive oil 250ml White wine 1 Garlic bulb, divided into cloves, unpeeled 4-5 tbsp Chilli jam Method 1) Preheat the oven to 160°C/fan 140°C/gas 3. Put the lamb in a roasting tin. Make incisions all over the meat, then pull off and insert small sprigs of rosemary into them. Scatter the remaining rosemary around the lamb. 2) Drizzle the lamb with olive oil and season with plenty of sea salt and black pepper. Pour the wine around the lamb and Recipe provided by Brett from Le Moulin du Breuil (23140 Pionnat) - 05 55 80 37 70 cover the tin with a large sheet of foil. Roast for 3 hours. 3) Remove from the oven, lift the foil and scatter the garlic cloves around the lamb. Close the foil again, return to the oven and cook for a further half an hour. 4) Take the lamb out of the oven, remove the foil, then pour off the juices into a bowl. Spread the lamb with the chilli jam, then return to the oven for a further 30-40 minutes until tender and sticky. Remove the lamb and the garlic to a warmed serving platter to rest for 20 minutes and garnish with rosemary sprigs. 5) Meanwhile, skim the fat from the reserved meat juices, then pour into a pan. Bubble over a medium heat until thickened, then serve with the lamb. 16 ♦ CLASSIFIEDS ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2014 The Bugle CLASSIFIEDS are brought to you in association with WWW.HOUSESONINTERNET.COM Urgently wanted new home for Cooper Handsome 2-yrold caramel-coloured labrador - his mummy and daddy need to relocate for work and sadly can’t take him with them. Loves long country walks and swimming. Please contact for pics and further info. Tel: 05 55 54 91 69 / 06 40 12 93 53 Looking for loving home Hector is still searching for a home! This gorgeous young AngloPoitevin dog has just had his 1st birthday. He is an absolutely balanced personality, afraid of nothing, very “peau de colle” as you can see. He lives now in a dog pension where he has lots of contact with dogs and people too. But he really needs to have his own home now. He is not yet castrated, but there is no hurry as he is still quite boyish. He plays all day long. Hector could easily live as a single dog with company during the day, but of course he would also love a canine buddy. He gets on with absolutely everyone. Hector lives near Limoges. Please contact Katharina for more information. Tel: 06 66 24 85 49 Email: BUILDING MATERIALS & EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: CREAM CERAMIC FLOOR TILES Approx 30 square metres size 33,33 x 33,3. Stored in our barn for a couple of years. Still boxed and unused. Loads!! Only 150 euros for all. Tel: 05 55 78 79 02 (near Rochechouart) FOR SALE: Various - Building Materials & Equipment Beam clamps(to take support off RSJ’s etc), 1 tonne SWL, new, 6 available - €15eaOld Whitehead planer thicknesser, 3 phase -50€Lurem 5 function woodworking machine, 3 phase - 150€Large workshop compressor, Ingersol Rand, 20cfm+,large reservoir, 2 motors, 240v -€250Diesel fired marquee heater, blows warm clean air, 50Kw with delivery hose - €499Holzinger vibrating plate compactor, only done one patio - 300€Warsop combination 3” pump and concrete poker, 2 tools, one engine - 100€Trench shore excavation support, 4 x 3m aluminium whalings,4 x hydraulic rams plus hydraulic pump - 499€Thwaites 2 tonne 4 x 4 dumper with petter engine, hand start, buyer collects - 499€Part drum 6mm twin & earth cable, 15 - 20m long - 15€Gas soldering iron for zinc work c/w 2 full gas bottles - 50€3 x Foil faced 40mm rockwool insulation boards, suitable over builtin woodburner (insert), 1200 x 1200 -€10 each, €25 the lotCeiling fan - €15Ceramic shower tray, unused, 800 x 800 - €25Prices o.n.o. photos on demand, delivery at cost if required. Dept 87. Tel: 05 55 56 62 84 Email: pugsley.homer@ FOR SALE: Saw Bench With sliding table attachment powerful 2HP motor with Extra jigs included. This is a really useful machine. Seller returning to the UK. Best offer secures. Email: FOR SALE: Router Table FURNITURE FOR SALE: 2 antique wingback armchairs, his and hers Very good condition, reupholstered, terracotta coloured with gold flower pattern on cushions. 60 euros each or 110 euros the pair. Tel: 02 54 24 87 74 €20.00 Text 06 41 99 57 40 Email: FOR SALE: Ikea pine effect kitchen doors, drawer fronts, side panels etc. Also some worktop. All reasonable offers considered. Text 06 41 99 57 40 Email: FOR SALE: Ikea Benno TV stand Beech effect (118cm wide, 51 cm high) on castors and two matching bookcases (106cm high, 80cm wide). €35.00 Text 06 41 99 57 40 Email: FOR SALE: Coffee Table and Matching Lamp Tables Solid hardwood with book-matched veneer tops and cabriole legs. Coffee table 1350L x 680W x 430H. Lamp tables 680L x 560W x 600H. Please ask for photos. Euros 140 the lot. Tel: 05 55 63 43 69 FOR SALE: Large coffee table Heavy teak frame with smoked glass top. 80cm x 120cm x 10mm. €25.00 Tel: 05 55 61 19 81 FOR SALE: 3 seater settee Polished oak frame with loose tapestry cushions. Nice clean condition. €45.00ono Tel: 05 55 61 19 81 How to place a Classified Advert With three routers, plus many elaborate cutting heads/ tools. Samona Dovetail Jig, and various other Jigs. Seller returning to UK. Best Offers Secures. Email: gezcra@ FOR SALE: Chop Saw for cutting Angles/Mitres Seller returning to the UK. Best offer secures. Email: gezcra@ FOR SALE: Reclaimed terracotta tiles 16cm x 16cm x 2cm approx 12m square 400 tiles. €36 per sq metre (36 tiles). (La Souterraine) Tel: 05 55 63 43 35 FOR SALE: Tools 1. Double Email:- Tel:- 05 55 80 34 26 ladder with stand-off, platform and supports. Offers around €100. 2. Electric Concrete Mixer. Offers around €80. 3. Band Saw with spare blade. Offers around €100. 4. Floorstanding sander with several spare sanding rolls. Offers around €80. Tel: 05 55 68 39 57 Email: coljendawson@ To place a classified advert, please email: Mobile:- 06 47 85 90 92 SIRET: 520 807 660 ANIMALS & PETS Dun-le-Palestel (rue de Guéret - by Brocante) 1st Tue each month Bourganeuf (pl. Martin Nadaud - fountain roundabout) 1st Thu each month Châtelus-Malvaleix (Auberge de Voyageurs) 1st Fri each month Sardent (Auberge du Lac) 1st Sat each month Ste-Sévère-sur-Indre (Place du marché) 2nd Mon each month Gargilesse (Auberge de la Chaumerette) 2nd Wed each month Bonnat (Place de la Fontaine) 2nd Thu each month Marsac (Chez Jacques) 2nd Fri each month St-Vaury (Bar Victoria) 2nd Sat each month St-Germain-Beaupré (Chambre d’hôte) 3rd Wed each month Chéniers (Auberge La Chaumière) 3rd Fri each month Boussac (pl. de l’hôtel de ville) MUSIC NIGHT 3rd Sat each month Bussière-Dunoise (Auberge du Tilleul) 4th Wed each month La Cellette (Auberge de la Tour) 4th Fri each month Peyrat-le-Château (Le Bellerive) 4th Sat each month Please try to email your order in advance to avoid disappointment All 6pm - 8.30pm unless stated - Please consult our website for any updates. with the details you would like include. Your advert will appear online within 48 hours and in the next print edition of The Bugle. Classified adverts are currently free for all small items (less than €500). For more xpensive items and photos a small fee applies: ● Items more than €500 are charged at €5 per month ● Accompanying photos are charged at €2.50 per month FOR SALE: Large 3-piece suite Light colour. 3-seater settee, 2 armchairs. Removable, washable upholstery. Good condition. €50.00 Tel: 02 48 56 74 73 FOR SALE: Various - Furniture 9 aluminium garden chairs in good order - €255; old white plastic garden chairs - €5; Antique oak 3 drawer sideboard, 1750 x 900 x 500mm - €450; Pair of old leaded light library / display cabinets by ‘ The Globe - Wernicke Co ltd’ London, 1 x 3 tier, 1x 4 tier, 870 x 360max x 1300/1600 - €200 the pair; Pine dresser, 1120 x 460 x 1940mm - €250; Piano (upright) by W H Barnes, London with stool €150; 2 Old leather chairs for refurbishment - €25 the pair; Old french iron bed, double, no mattress support - €20; Old beaten copper brewing urn with handles & tap, 600mm diameter x 650mm tall - €100; Low level french marble top, 3 door(1 glazed), cabinet,1750 x 400 x 730(h)mm - €35; 2 storey french marble top dresser, 1500 x 500 x 1900mm - €100; Reproduction leather top desk 1220 x 600 x 790mm & matching 2 drawer filing cabinet 500 x 600 x 790mm, needs tidying - €55; Old dark pine lecturn with roller front & 7 internal drawers, 450 x 490 x 1200mm - €45; Nice french Henri Deux dresser 1400 x 500 x 2350mm, available 26th April - €100; Dark dresser base(2 cupboards) 1400 x 500 x 980mm - €35; French wardrobe, 3 door (centre mirrored), 1500 x 540 x 1950 - €75. Prices o.n.o. photos on demand, delivery at cost if required. Dept 87. Tel: 05 55 56 62 84 Email: pugsley. FOR SALE: 19th Century Lyre ended Pine Washstand This unusual piece of furniture is in excellent condition and is wax finished. Photos available. Cash only and buyer to collect. €160.00 Tel: 05 55 64 22 25 Email: FOR SALE: 4 ft 6 in pine headboard (medium stain) GARDEN FOR SALE: Rotavator Verts Loisirs VLRT56 Wheel driven rotavator serviced last year. Briggs & Stratton engine. Condition as new. €450.00 Tel: 05 55 81 74 25 FOR SALE: Intex Krystal clear above ground swimming pool sand filter & pump With instructions & video. Purchased in error, used once. Buyer collects. €120.00ono Tel: Tony or Marie on 02 54 25 39 79 FOR SALE: Powerful Hedge Trimmer. Plus Large Leaf Blower/ Vacuum. Both only rarely used. Seller returning to the UK. Best offer secures. Email: FOR SALE: Sit-On Mower Only rarely used, seller returning to the UK. Best offer secures. Email: gezcra@ FOR SALE: Large wooden oval patio table With four chairs, sunshade with lights and base. Good condition. €100.00 Tel: 05 87 77 20 82 FOR SALE: Various Gardening MTD 42” side eject ride on mower - 499€3 person garden swing settee - 25€Old atco 24” cylinder mower, collectors item but worked last time out -€25Old allen scythe, collectors item but worked last time out - €25Wolf submersible water pump, 240v, s’steel low pressure - €15Dorinox high pressure water pump, 240v, s’steel, suction / delivery €252 lengths 3/4” garden hose of good quality,35 -40m total, €0.5per mPrices o.n.o. photos on demand, delivery at cost if required. Dept 87. Tel: 05 55 56 62 84 Email: pugsley.homer@ GENERAL FOR SALE: Rocking chair €100.00 Tel: 02 54 24 29 76 Email: FOR SALE: Vintage log burner €300.00 Tel: 02 54 24 29 76 Email: FOR SALE: Singer sewing machine with treadle table (Egyption sphinx design). Complete with instruction book. €200.00 Tel: 02 54 24 29 76 Email: FOR SALE: Franco-Belge Oil Burner With new pump and tank and accessories. Very good condition. €480.00 Tel: 02 54 24 29 76 Email: sablage@mail. com FOR SALE: Sauter calor gas range cooker Black with gold colour knobs & trim. 5 burners and large oven. Excellent condition & good working order. €250.00 Tel: 05 87 77 20 82 FOR SALE: Godin Chatelaine “’Fioul” Wood burner with back boiler Central heating system runs 6 -8 radiators. Been used for 3 full winters. Very efficient. Black and with brass fittings. In Excellent condition. If interested, can see it working until the end of April. €2,500.00ono Tel: 02 54 30 78 14 Email: Juliet.stringer@btinternet. com FOR SALE: 4 berth tent with central porch A PROACTION 4 person 2 room tent. Size: 210x140+120+140x140 CM. Mint Condition { used only 3 times } Cost 159.99 GBP, only 60.00 Euros, situated @ St. Dizier Leyrenne. €60.00 Tel: Bob 05 55 64 48 35 Email: FOR SALE: White Villeroy & Boch double sink with integral drainer Size L160cm x W60cm x D20cm. V.G.C. Most fittings still attached. Ideal for kitchen renovation project. Buyer Collects. €150.00ono Tel: Tony or Marie on 02 54 25 39 79 FOR SALE: Various - General Bestway inflatable LAY Z SPA, 4 person, never out of the box, Argos £350 - €200Mirror dinghy with oars mast & sails suitable fishing / sailing €150Childs fold up scooter - €101.6m skis, 2 pairs €25 per pairLadies ski boots, size 38/39 - €25Quality Pro-kennex squash & badminton racquets, old stock but new & unused, choice - €20 eachStrap-on bike rack - €5Thai parasols choice €10Insulating Swimming pool cover, 4m diameter - €10Roller blades, size 38/ 39 with helmet €10Pair ladies leather riding boots with chaps, size 38/39 - €10Pair snowshoes (modern) TSL T25 - €25Set level par golf clubs, 3 woods, 9 irons & Putter,bag, shoes, tees & balls - €45Prices o.n.o. photos on demand, delivery at cost if required. Dept 87. Tel: 05 55 56 62 84 Email: pugsley. FOR SALE: Highland waterproof boots (Cotton Traders) Male/ Female generous size 7. Wine colour with cozy faux fur lining. Worn once. Great for dog walking. New £50, accept £25 (30 euros). €30.00 Tel: 05 55 81 38 06 (23210 Azat Chatenet) FOR SALE: 12Kw Supra Wood Burner Good condition (750mm x 440mm x 720mm high), single aspect, s/s flue liner. Buyer collects (St Laurent sur Gorre). €400.00ono Tel: 06 48 05 26 67 FOR SALE: Ronseal Wood Paint 2.5lt pure brilliant white gloss. 13 available. £24.95 in Homebase. 18 euros per can, price negotiable. Tel: 05 55 62 04 64 FOR SALE: SUNTEC M125 Compact mixer desk for microphones/instruments 4 mono and 4 stereo inputs plus many other features. As new - only 4 months old. Photos available. Cash only and buyer to collect. €65.00 Tel: 05 55 64 22 25 Email: FOR SALE: Various Modern double steel radiator - excellent condition 95 x 90. €40.00 (new €150.00); 4 white plastic garden chairs (as new) €15.00. Please contact for further information or photos (La Souterraine). Tel: 05 55 63 43 35 FOR SALE: EXERCISE CYCLE Electronic Digital Timer and Readout. Hardly Used, Brilliant Condition. (Collect) Nr La Souterraine, Creuse. €60.00ono Email: FOR SALE: Ornamental Steel Gate Fits a 2 metre opening. Height at centre 1.3 metres. Buyer collects. €50.00 Tel: 0555 787902 (near Rochechouart) FOR SALE: 150+ Old roof slates Buyer collects. €35.00 Tel: 0555 787902 (near Rochechouart) FOR SALE: Super king size duvet Unused. €10.00 Text 06 41 99 57 40 Email: hopgoods@ FOR SALE: Ice cream maker Philips. Little used. €25.00 Text 06 41 99 57 40 Email: hopgoods@ FOR SALE: Mirror (80 by 65cm) Painted wood - yellow with small decoration - with matching wall lights, toilet roll holder, towel holder, soap dish holder and shelf. Very French! €45.00 Text 06 41 99 57 40 Email: hopgoods@ FOR SALE: Ladies Golf Clubs Full set hardly used. Golf bag & trolley plus shoulder bag. All in excellent condition. €150.00ono Tel: 05 55 68 48 02 (evenings) Email: FOR SALE: Apollo Transition aluminium folding camping bike Colour silver and black. 6 speed. Like new. Will accept 80 euros. €80.00 Tel: 05 55 56 21 99 Gary FOR SALE: Gas Cooker Rosieres 4 ring burners, large oven, bottom drawers. Works on gas bottle. Good working order. €50.00 Tel: 02 48 56 74 73 FOR SALE: Ornate Log Burner Very good condition. €280.00 Tel: 02 54 24 29 76 Email: FOR SALE: Mobility Scooter New Battery €480.00 Tel: 02 54 24 29 76 Email: sablage@mail. com CLASSIFIEDS ♦ 17 APRIL 2014 ○ THE BUGLE ○ The Bugle CLASSIFIEDS are brought to you in association with WWW.HOUSESONINTERNET.COM FOR SALE: TETRO petrol space heater Only used a couple of times, complete with instruction book. €50.00 Tel: 02 54 30 67 86 (Ste-Severe area) FOR SALE: Small bales of hay 10-12 kilo - 2.40 each. Near to Chénérailles. Can deliver up to 70 BALES if required. Tel: Steve or Rosie 05 55 41 59 42 Email: FOR SALE: Tent Quechua Base II 2-person, fold up tent in carry bag with straps for carrying on back, used one afternoon for at archery competition. €30.00 Tel: 06 82 86 59 36 Email: synandglue@ FOR SALE: Ladies Cycle 19” frame (Green), 26” x 1.95” wheel size. 21 Shimano gears.. Little used. €50.00 Tel: 06 82 86 59 36 Email: FOR SALE: Gents cycle 21” frame (Gold), 26” x 1.95” wheel size. 21 Shimano gears.. Little used. €50.00 Tel: 06 82 86 59 36 Email: FOR SALE: Stable door Second hand 2ft 6in x 6ft 6in complete with frame, installed for 10 months, good condition. €50.00 Tel: 05 55 61 19 81 FOR SALE: Graco Highchairs 2 highchairs - one spot, one yellow. Can be folded for easy storage – complete with Detachable Tray - Lovely Clean Condition BARGAIN 16 euro (each). Tel: 05 55 64 46 27 (23400 St Dizier Leyrenne) Email: tiony_48@ FOR SALE: SELECTION of jigsaw puzzles free to good home A folding jigsaw mat 5 euros. Tel: 02 54 30 67 86 (Ste-Severe area) FOR SALE: Hotelware (Limoges) Excellent for tea room or chambre d’hôtes use: 10 tea-pots (3cup); 5 sugar bowls; 10 small milk jugs (150cl); 2 large milk jugs (300 cl); 18 teacups and saucers; 20 tea plates; 14 coffee cups (demi-tasse) and saucers. White with flower and leaf border. To be sold as a lot for 250€. €250.00 Tel: 05 55 69 21 98 (near St-Léonard-de-Noblat 87400) FOR SALE: 15 Large bales of meadow hay Fertiliser and ragwort free. £18 each. Delivery can be arranged in the Rochechouart area. Tel: 05 55 50 47 75 FOR SALE: Polished beech cot Used a total of 6 weeks by our visiting grand-daughter. It has three adjustable height settings. The mattress has an adjustable head piece so it can be inclined if baby has a cold or the snuffles. Both cot and mattress are unmarked and as new and are easily dismantled. Benevent L’Abbaye, Creuse. €70.00 Tel: 05 87 40 91 26 FOR SALE: Bosch Induction hob Four heating rings each with booster. 56 by 51 cm. €80.00 Text 06 41 99 57 40 Email: FOR SALE: Guinea pig/hamster cage 87 by 50 by 45cm. As new. €15.00 Text 06 41 99 57 40 Email: FOR SALE: Two Unique Table Lamp Bases Manufactured from hand-thrown Arabic pots complete with turned mahogany tops and brass lampholders. Already fitted with long flexes. Please ask for photo. Euros 40 the two. Tel: 05 55 63 43 69 FOR SALE: Listo refrigerator Under worktop model, excellent condition and good working order. €100.00 Tel: 05 87 77 20 82 FOR SALE: 2 metal adjustable trestles Working height 1.5mtr max. €25.00 Tel: 05 55 61 19 81 FOR SALE: JTNatural range Basin with infinity plate 700mm x 450mm. Brand new - the item is still wrapped and on the pallet. When installed there is a slight gap around the plate to allow the water to drain. This gap also makes it easy to remove the plate for cleaning underneath it. Beneath the plate is a standard 90mm waste outlet. The infinity plate is used to cover the waste thereby creating the illusion of no waste and a very contemporary finish. Colour: White. Please email for further details and images. We are based near Le Grand Bourg 23240. €325.00 Email: vanessa. FOR SALE: Part of my extensive collection of Taxidermy { Trophees de chasse } Boar Heads, from 150 Euros, Red Deer Heads from 150 Euros, Roe Deer Heads from 40 Euros, Roe Deer Skull Mounts from 25 Euros, Cow Head Mounts from 40 Euros, Pine Martin full mounts from 60 Euros, Red Squirrel full mounts from 15 Euros, Golden Pheasant full mount 70 Euros, Pheasant full mount 65 Euros, Fox full mounts from 60 Euros, Pair of Victorian mounted Cobras with mongooses 100 Euros. PLUS many more related items. Contact for more details and photos. Phone Bob 0555-64-48-35 Email: bigbob. FOR SALE: 2 Convector Heaters 2000W Adjustable – beige near new condition (boxed). BARGAIN BUY £15 each. Tel: 05 55 64 46 27 (St. Dizier Leyrenne) Email: tiony_48@ VEHICLES / PARTS FOR SALE: French L.H.D.Renault Express van (white) CT’d until august. 1000 cc Petrol. Good order / Tow bar fitted. Full sized roof rack capable of carrying full sized plasterboard. Runs well. €750.00ono Tel: 05 55 82 35 12 Email: FOR SALE: Renault Clio 2 1.5 DCI LHD 1st regd 07/2003. Good condition /needs CT. Diesel. 162.900 km. €1,500.00ono Tel: 05 55 82 35 12 FOR SALE: Honda CBR motorbike Beautiful bike. €2,000.00 Tel: 02 54 24 29 76 Email: FOR SALE: LDV 200 Diesel Van Long wheel base, high top. Peugeot engine. 72,000 miles. Taxed until August. Mechanically excellent. €600.00 Tel: 02 48 56 74 73 FOR SALE: Camping Car French lhd, 1.9 turbo diesel, 1997, 147,000 km, excellent condition inside and out. New fridge, new battery, shower room with sink & toilet. 4berth, cooker & sink. Solar panel. Bike rack. Must be seen. €13,500.00 Tel: 05 49 48 35 23 Email: FOR SALE: Metallic Silver BMW 118D This is a 2007 October 1.8 diesel and has done 106,000 km from new. LHD and French registered. The condition both inside and out is pristine. Bought at 30,000km from BMW in Limoges it has been serviced in accordance with the schedule. Drives like new and will achieve in excess of 50mpg on the motorway. Priced 10% below garage pricing for a quick sale. €8,500.00 Please call to view - 05 55 68 47 33 FOR SALE: Hymer Eriba camping car - motor home/ camping car 2001, 87000 kms LHD cam belt replaced at 70,000km. Fiat Ducato 2.8 JTD base. Good tyres. Sleeps 4, shower/WC, propane hot water & heating. Kitchen two burners, and fridge gas/electric. Awning, TV, cycle carrier (3). Solar panel. Can be seen in Chassenon (16). 18,900 euros. Offers considered. €18,900.00 Tel: 09 66 87 02 74 Email: FOR SALE: FIAT PUNTO 1.2 RHD 63000 miles. First registered in 2003, re-registered in France. ABS, power steering, radio cassette player. One owner, non smoker. Good general condition, battery almost new, tyres in good condition. Controle technique OK until 06/2015. Available immediately. Price: 1490 euros (lacentrale valued the car at 2700 euros) €1,490.00 Tel: 06 37 61 95 44 Email: FOR SALE: 1994 Ford Escort Van (ex-GPO) for spares or restore. Still on English plates { Sorn Declaration } but fitted with French headlights, 2 new front tyres. Only 94,000 miles, engine has running time clock. Before bringing this van to France, it was fitted with re-con cylinder head, new fuel pump and filter, new brakes and shocks. Just needs a battery and she will run. €350.00 Phone Bob 0555-64-48-35 Email: FOR SALE: French L.H.D. lhd headlights Used for one year. €100.00 Tel: 05 55 61 19 81 FOR SALE: Mercedes C180 Kompressor Elegance Estate 2003, 162,000km, 2 owners, automatic, all extras. Immaculate. LHD. French registration. €7,990.00ono Tel: 05 55 71 79 31 Email: john.martin@netcourrier. com FOR SALE: 1995 Kawasaki GPZ 1100 { the fast 1. 175 MPH } Still on English plates. Sorn Declaration. Only 24,000 miles, only run during summer months. Mint condition, fully serviced summer 2013. Comes with pair of Givi rear panniers. €3,500.00 Tel: Bob 05 55 64 48 35 Email: FOR SALE: Towbars Citroen Xsara Picasso & Peugeot 406 towbars - both complete with wiring. €60 and €40. Towbar, make unsure, complete with wiring. €25. Tel: 02 48 56 74 73 FOR SALE: FORD IVECO 75E15 CARGO 7.5 Tonnes WAGON M Reg (1994) 216,914 Kms. Will carry three large horses with living space and professionally fitted ramp. In very good order but requires some cosmetic work and minor welding around cab area. Change of circumstances forces sale hence price. Dept. 36. €2,500.00 Telephone: 0254 24 81 12 FOR SALE: Nissan Primera 2.2 DCI Turbo Diesel Hatchback 2004 UK registered. Long MOT. 11 months tax. Low mileage. Excellent all-round condition. Regularly serviced. Very economical (no cam belt required). 6-speed, cruise control, alloy wheels, reversing camera, on-board computer, air conditioning, electric windows, power steering, central locking with alarm, fold down rear seats, large boot, new Witter towbar with twin electrics. Spacious comfortable car in very good overall condition. €1,900.00 Tel: 02 48 56 74 73 WHITE GOODS FOR SALE: Maytag American large capacity washing machine with large tumble dryer VGC. Can be seen working. €350.00ono Tel: 05 55 61 19 81 FOR SALE: Ariston Up-Right Freezer 5 foot 6 inches High, 2 foot wide, 2 foot deep. 8 shelves. 3 years old { cost 803 Euros } fully working, but does not auto de-frost. €150.00 Phone Bob 0555-64-48-35 Email: bigbob. Help Wanted WANTED: Seeking an assistant to help me with training and competing my 2 Merens (large) ponies Location: La Creuse. Male or female, full or parttime, live in or out. Salary commensurate with knowledge and experience in both driving and riding. Tel: 05 55 41 69 93 Email: lulufrance23@yahoo. com WANTED: Wood Cutting Help Do you have a band-saw? From time to time I need to cut long, narrow, laminations in various woods. Could you, for a fee, cut them for me or let me use your band-saw (I know how to use one, I just don’t have room for one)? Tel: 05 55 54 95 77 Email: WANTED WANTED: Celotex or Kingspan 50mm Tel: 05 55 64 63 84 Email: bob.evans23400@gmail. com WANTED: Second hand tractor mower Preferably one which picks up the grass. Must be in good working order. Tel: 06 41 99 57 40 Email: hopgoods@ WANTED: Treadmill/exercise walker New or used in excellent condition. Electrically-operated. Does not need to be “state of the art”. Just a machine that will help me lose some of the weight I have put on from all the great food here in France. Tel: 05 55 41 69 93 WANTED: Part-time help wanted with showjumping horses Based in Vaulry 87140, prof rider looking for help with jumpers and youngstock a few times a week, maybe a few hours at the weekend. Feeding, hay, tacking up, sweeping, grooming, etc. Suit semi-retired person, or someone just interested in competition horses. Experience with horses essential. Flexible hours. Call Louise on 06 44 10 14 95 Email: arenberg.stud@ WANTED: Used Romane Canal roof tiles Must be in reasonable condition. Tel: 05 45 63 14 41 WANTED: Wanted to buy Digger/Excavator Tel: 02 48 56 74 73 WANTED: Gate or pair of gates Can collect. Tel: 02 48 56 74 73 Citroën C5 break, diesel, 110 FAP, 6HP (5,4 L/100), only 104000 km, 01/2005. Perfect condition, as new, closed parking, regularly serviced by Citroën, new exhaust filter. Metallic grey, computer, cruise control, radars, etc. €6,500.00 Tel: 06 14 86 61 11 / 02 38 41 04 29 Email: jc.baubron@ FOR SALE: VOLVO V50 2.0D FEELING LHD. 2006 - CT OK. Abs. On board computer. Cruise control. Climate control. Electric windows. 6 speed. Cd player / radio. Airbags. Alloys 16”. 2 new tyres, serviced and cam belt changed March 2014. Vgc interior & exterior. Please email for more info & pictures. €6,000.00 Tel: 02 54 36 71 96 Email: FOR SALE: 4 brand new tyres Still in wrapping. Ordered wrong size for my Audi. Landsail 225/ 45z / r17. 94 w xl. Cost 270 euros will accept 190 euros. €190.00 Tel: 05 55 56 21 99 Gary FOR SALE: Hyundai Santa Fe EVOLUTION 23 Par RN 145, sortie 48 rue Johannes Gutenberg, 23000 GUERET Tél : 05 55 52 82 15 Mail: GPS: 46.1831, 1.8800 18 ♦ DIRECTORY ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2014 Business Directory Your indispensable guide to finding local businesses & artisans Activities & Leisure Animals & Pets Antiques/Brocantes Auto Services Building Services Architects Carpenters/Joiners Electricians Fosses Septiques General Groundworks Activities & Leisure Painters/Decorators Plasterers Plumbers Chimney Sweeps Computers/Satellites Food & Drink >> pg 19 Garden Services >> pg 19 Gifts & Crafts >> pg 19 >> pg 19-20 Handholding Services >> pg 20-21 Health & Beauty Insurance & Finance >> pg 21 >> pg 18 >> pg 18 >> pg 18 >> pg 18 Animals & Pets >> pg 21 >> pg 21 >> pg 21-22 >> pg 22 >> pg 22-23 >> pg 23 >> pg 23-24 >> pg 24 >> pg 24 >> pg 24 >> pg 24 The Orchard Kennels & Cattery (Farges, nr. Aubusson) Small & friendly, English run. Viewings welcome. Certificat de capacité. Also available: Pet foods, treats & accessories. Language Services Online Shopping Pest Control Property Maintenance Property Sales Retail & Commerce Transport/Removals /Storage General Antiques/ Brocantes Mon - Sat: 9.00 - 7.00 siret: 504 584 228 00010 Hotel / Golf / Spa see main ad - pg 14 DAY TICKET FISHING Enjoy a day's fishing at Lake Brillac, situated in Brillac, 16500. Carp, Roach, Zander and Perch. Sport fishing only - no kill policy. Full day ticket - €10 pp Open daily. Night fishing available on request. Equipment hire/bait available at extra cost. Tel: 09 74 76 76 62 Siret No. 511 322 554 00011 Flying Lessons See page 13 VALROFF Bateaux bois Small sailing boats, canoes & fishing boats • Handmade from wood • Strip planking and traditional • Custom-made oars and paddles Tel: 05-55-67-28-98 Email: 23700 MAINSAT ZE DOG (& CAT) HOUSE Family, cage-free boarding for dogs and cats. Positive dog training and counseling. We make sure that “Ze Dog (& Cat) House” is a real home from home for your companions so that they, as well as you, spend a great time on holiday! June Altman, Le Puytren, 87800 Meilhac Tel: 05 55 58 87 94 / Mob: 06 61 01 12 21 Email: Certificat de capacité n° 87-203 RCS Limoges 750 912 057 Champlong Chatterie Caring, quiet accommodation just for cats JUNCT 22 off A20, Arnac la Poste Alison & Ray Tel: 05 55 60 27 83 SIRET: 520 896 671 00010 Dog Holidays at Valhalla Farm 5 Star Accommodation in our Home (Dept 23). 4 Walks each day & lots of T.L.C. Contact Karen & Darren Tel: 05 55 80 95 18 / 06 52 58 17 95 SIRET: 511 629 610 00011 Your advert here 05 55 41 17 76 The Caring Cattery Rochechouart 05 55 03 76 87 / 06 30 02 35 73 Only 30 mins from Limoges airport. Established, purpose built secure cattery. Large individual/family units, tiled floors, shelving, adjoining outside areas. Heated, individual needs catered for. NEW - purpose built isolation unit. Certificate of Capacity. Contact Barbara: Seillant, 36310 Chaillac We sell a range of quality new and second-hand goods to suit a variety of tastes and budgets. Second hand furniture, clothing, books, CDs/DVDs, toys, new items, gifts & English greetings cards. We also purchase items. Friday-Sunday, 14h00-17h30 Auto Services Anglais 30 years’ experience ● All Makes & Models ● Repairs ● Servicing ● CT’s ● Specialist in: Vehicle Diagnostics and Auto Electrics Covering 87/24/16 I can come to you Email: TEL: 05 53 62 50 46 SIREN: 514 423 532 The English Mechanic Car Breakers - C.R.A.L. Buy/Sell/Scrap Spare Parts for Sale - see pg 13 SIRET: 494 125 016 00019 Animal communication MOTOR PARTS Gentle healing for people and pets. Complementing conventional treatments by easing the side effects. Helping to identify the causes of allergic reactions and behavioural problems. More information at: Suppliers of Car & Van Spares & LHD headlights English, French, German - and Animal spoken! Katharina Maiss Your advert here La Grange Brocante Le Mécanique Tel: >> pg 25-26 >> pg 26 05 55 41 17 76 Contact Dave Grant: 05 55 67 58 87 Les Dryades >> pg 24 >> pg 25 >> pg 25 >> pg 25 >> pg 25 >> pg 25 CHARENTE Direct to France at big savings! also Mower Batteries and drive belts! Delivery via Parcelforce Worldwide to your door in France JOHN SOWERSBY +44 (0)1377 255470 / +44 (0)7830 170761 RING BILL! Registered Car Mechanic See Display Ad pg 20 05 55 41 17 76 DIRECTORY ♦ 19 APRIL 2014 ○ THE BUGLE ○ ADVERTORIAL La Noneix Construction and Property Services Limousin residents Paul and Joanne Rands moved to France with their two young children 8 years ago and established their successful construction company, La Noneix Construction and Property Services, offering a full range of building services, from a small job right through to a total renovation or complete new-build. H ere at La Noneix Construction we are into our 8th year of trading in France and business is going from strength to strength. We find that there are still a lot of people moving to France from other countries and many of those are buying properties that require substantial renovation. The number of barn renovations, extensions and reroofing jobs we are doing on old properties can only be good for the region, with old properties being given new life. When carrying out a large renovation, the customer needs to be sure that the company they choose is fully qualified, insured, reliable and has a good track record. We pride ourselves on meeting these criteria and for the attention to detail and level of customer service that we provide. We are in constant contact with our clients; we effectively run a 24/7 business via phone and email. Often, our clients will be based offsite or overseas and we send weekly updates, with photos of how the work is progressing. They are able to get back from work in an evening and email us to find out how things are going we will always respond. We find that this service is essential to our customers who do not live permanently in France, allowing them to remotely see exactly what has been happening in their absence. This not only provides peace of mind, but also avoids the need for constant, costly trips back and forth to make sure that the work is being carried out effectively and efficiently. Something that we unfortunately see a lot of are enquiries from people who have been let down by other companies, who have either not finished the job or have not carried out the work to the relevant standard. When doing any kind of work, but especially when the work is structural, it is imperative that customers ensure anyone they use has a valid insurance policy to cover them for this work. La Noneix Construction and Property Services is a professional enterprise that is registered at the Chambre de Métiers. We operate under a full, mandatory 10-year insurance (décennale) and we have an excellent customer service record. Don’t take our word for it, though, just listen to what our customers have to say about our business in their own words: Building Services Building Services Architectural Services Carpenters/ Joiners Architectural DRAWING SERVICE Le Charme De Chêne Handmade solid oak joinery and furniture Renovating your French property? New build? Dossiers prepared Permis de Construire Déclarations Préalables Tel: 05 53 52 36 05 SIRET: 493 770 358 00015 Our joinery expertise includes barn doors, barn door frame openings, staircases, kitchens, windows & doors. We also make handmade furniture. Every item is bespoke and made to measure. Please visit our website for recent installations and references. 02 54 25 65 08 06 16 91 64 67 SIRET: 510 156 763 00011 After Before “La Noneix Construction have built an extension to our house and we are very pleased with the result. Paul and Joanne work extremely well as a team, a quality builder with a superb administrator.” - Peter and Jean “I have used La Noneix Construction for a number of projects on my house in France, the biggest project being a new roof. Joanne and Paul are very helpful and offer great advice, without any pressure to accept a quote. The quality of work is Your advert here 05 55 41 17 76 Building Services Electricians second to none and all work has been completed quicker than expected without compromise on quality. You get what you pay for, and with La Noneix Construction that is guaranteed quality workmanship. I would recommend them to anyone wishing to have some work done on their house.” - Andy “We have known Paul and Joanne for several years and they are a lovely helpful couple. Paul has done several jobs for us and we have always been SHAUN BARWICK QUALIFIED ELECTRICIAN Building Services SALAMANDRE Fosses Septiques électricité Keith SLOPER Tel: 05 55 64 94 20 Mob: 07 86 38 09 61 * Qualified electrician * All types of electrical works carried out * Free estimates * Fault finding * Consuel certification arranged * Temporary and permanent EDF supplies arranged * Departments 23 and 87 Lumiere Service et Energie Steven Rofe 20+ Years experience Available for all types of electrical work Small jobs, new builds, renovations, rewires Consuel assistance and certification service available Fully insured with 10 year workmanship guarantee Based near Châlus (87230) Covering departments 87 and north 24 Oradour-sur-Vayres (87150) siret: 790 016 984 00011 Siren 527 854 749 Email: • NICEIC approved Electrician for 8 years in the UK • Wiring of new installations (including liaising with EDF) • Rewiring existing houses/barns • External & garden lighting • All aspects of electrical works • Fully insured - (10 year Decennale) • Departments covered 19,23 & 87 / email: Siret: 794 282 368 00016 Siret No. 501.792.386.00010 CHARTERED STRUCTURAL ENGINEER Nicholas Hemming Wood Craft Pink Electrique Leigh Dodd We offer a comprehensive Architectural Drawing Service for your projects. Supplying all the necessary drawings, elevations & photo realisations for your application. We also offer a floor plan service. Dossiers compiled for: ● Certificat d'urbanisme ● Déclaration préalable ● Permis de construire 05 55 80 72 83 / 06 33 07 29 72 Pre-purchase & Structural Surveys. Verbal & written reports. Structural calculations & drawings. Redevelopment ideas & solutions. Tim Haw B.Eng C.Eng M.I.Struct.E 05 53 56 72 59 / 06 05 56 42 81 +44 (0)7448 466 662 Web: Email: Siret: 498 843 051 00018 SHUTTERS / VOLETS Made to Measure Woodwork Pine Window Shutters from €35 Pine Ledge and Brace Doors from €69 Bespoke items made 05 55 14 12 43 02 48 63 15 09 - see main ad pg 9 05 55 41 17 76 Tel: 09 72 35 74 73 Ruth & Geoff Kowalczyk All electrical work, home automation & security. Project management. See our website for more information. French qualified and insured. 30+ years worldwide experience. Departments covered: 23, 36, 87. Tel: 05 55 63 10 68 Mob: 06 64 59 48 64 Email: SIRET: 788 709 871 00016 La Noneix Construction & Property Services Tel: Email: Find more information on: Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts No Siret: 494 916 760 00015 BARWICK ÉLECTRICITÉ happy with his work, always on time and always a quality job. Paul is very easy to talk to and always able to solve any problems that every job seems to have. We would not hesitate to recommend Paul and his team to anyone who requires work to be done.” - Pat and Colin ■ ELECTRICIAN O5. Rewires, renovations and all other electrical needs Fully insured, 25+ Years experience Based near St-Yrieix-la-Perche Depts covered: 87, 24 & 19 Siret: 507 643 336 00013 Steve Johns Fosse Septique Specialist 20+ years experience All aspects covered: Paperwork and permissions arranged Installations (full/part) Upgrades (to current regs) Inspections Digger and dumper hire Groundworks, foundations, driveways, etc. Building & Renovation services Free devis and site visit We guarantee to beat any like for like quote ! siret: 514 556 208 00015 05 55 41 17 76 LES VIDANGES LIMOUSINES ▪ Emptying septic tanks ▪ Unblocking pipes ▪ Cleaning wells ▪ Group rates available between neighbours Call David - 24/24 7/7 06 49 66 44 25 87800 Jourgnac Siret N° 750 725 780 00019 CONTINUED NEXT PAGE... 20 ♦ DIRECTORY ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2014 Entreprise Hines Building Services All Internal & External Works, completed to a high standard. We also supply KWIKSTAGE scaffold for hire - either DIY or full scaffold service provided. See website for more info - - 05 55 89 69 46 - siret: 503 169 237 00016 Building Services Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts R & B Construction Fosses Septiques Fosse France Solutions DO YOU NEED A NEW FOSSE SEPTIQUE? HAS YOUR FOSSE FAILED ITS INSPECTION? IS YOUR EXISTING FOSSE ILLEGAL? If you have answered YES to any of these questions then help is at hand. We offer the very latest in: sewage treatment systems, compact filter systems and micro-stations For a professional and friendly service, contact: Philip Allen Tel: +33 (0)2 54 24 88 35 Email: Web: Siret No: 502 254 972 00016 ALL ASPECTS OF RENOVATION & CONSTRUCTION * Spring Discounts * • House & barn renovations • Garage/loft conversions • Bathroom/shower rooms • Doors/windows • Roofing • Patios/decking • Plumbing & Electrical See our website: Tel: 05 55 37 74 06 (Dave) Tel: 05 55 69 75 67 (Steve) (Depts 23, 87 & 19) siret: 501 792 386 00010 La Coterie Entreprise Approved septic tank installer See our main ad opposite House/Barn Clearance Building Services •Complete clearance service (just moved in?/just moving out?) •All types of household and garden rubbish and waste removal. Including stone, metal, rubble, etc. •Landscaping, clearing and tree work (qualified tree surgeon). •Pre-sale/Post-purchase house clearing and cleaning. Contact Kristian on: General 05-55-62-24-27 / 06-48-77-79-19 Siret: 511 277 527 00012 Max Huggett Davis & Davis 30 years' Experience in Construction, Renovation & Project Management Experienced and fully registered builder Quality Workmanship Guaranteed Internal/ External Developments Offering a broad selection of building services in depts. 87, 19 & 23. From one off installations to complete renovations, construction, landscaping and ground works. E: Barn conversions, loft conversions, new-build, drylining, plastering, rendering, spray rendering, tiling, installation of kitchens/ bathrooms, painting, carpentry, replacement doors & windows, velux installation, groundworks, landscaping, decking & much more... T: 05 55 69 37 64 M: 06 80 92 23 82 05 55 60 29 50 / 06 04 13 30 57 No job too big (or small). Give us a call for a free competitive quote. email: English & French spoken Based Arnac-la-Poste - Covering depts 87, 23 & 19 Siret: 518 511 340 00011 Siret: 498 203 652 00017 RSW Entreprises Fosse Septique Specialist See our Display Ad - pg 12 GODSON Travaux Publics - pg 3 RING BILL! Registered Car Mechanic 05 55 81 31 85 ■ Services ■ Brakes ■ MOT Prep (contrôle technique) SIRET: 494 617 798 00017 ■ ... much more Dept. 23 & surrounding areas Need a pair of hands? Building Renovations & Small Jobs • Velux Windows • Roof Repairs • Tiling • Plumbing • Plaster boarding • Garden Projects & Maintenance For more info please call Barrie / Or visit my website SIRET: 501 338 230 00011 Eurl Réno-Gén ROOFING SPECIALISTS ENTREPRISE SMITH BUILDING SERVICES Established, Qualified Builder/Electrician 30 years experience All internal & external building, electrical and plumbing works from start to high quality finish. Tel: 05 55 89 00 89 Mob: 06 04 06 55 28 email: All types of roofing External insulation Carpentry work Dormer windows Velux windows Zinc guttering Chimney repoints Lead flashing, etc. Contact Phil Andrews: Siret: 533 577 128 00010 Old Style Creativity Rural Renovations Multi-skilled Professional Workmanship for every aspect of your build. Please see our portfolio at : Mob: 06 42 38 54 22 Tel: 02 54 30 11 20 Email: Contact Kristian Woodgate on: 05-55-62-24-27 / 06-48-77-79-19 siret: 511 277 527 00012 siret: 509 180 410 00011 KWIKSTAGE Scaffold Hire Your advert here 05 55 41 17 76 Monte Sarginson DIY or Full Scaffold Service See our website or phone for details 05 55 89 69 46 House Renovations Inside & Out Experience in Roofing, Tiling Floors & Walls, Plumbing, Fitting Kitchens & Bathrooms, Stonework & Rendering, Painting & Decorating Tel: 05 55 63 88 70 Mob: 06 21 34 18 20 Siret no 507 516 748 00013 05 55 41 17 76 Dave Cardwell - Builder 05 55 98 24 12 See our Display Ad - pg 14 SIRET: 503 169 237 00016 Masonry & More General building Renovation & maintenance Reliable, good quality work 30 years exp Based central 23 - will travel Martin Sprague 05 55 61 93 07 martin_sprague_1@ SIRET: 531 768 182 00010 Property Maintenance Services Qualified Tradesman 20+ years experience Offering extensive handyman and general maintenance services Small jobs a speciality, able to work with you on your renovation projects Affordable & reliable, a quality job every time Servicing 23 and surrounding areas. Call Jim: 05 55 66 23 97 06 27 25 07 78 Siret: 792 049 025 00010 Harlequin Developments All aspects of renovation and refurbishment, big or small, undertaken. Harlequin Developments are a Distributor and Installer for Solarventi, solar dehumidifying and water heating products, as well as a range of other renewable energies SIRET: 494.501.067.00016 Entreprise Hines Building & Renovation ● Roofing - New & Repairs ● Masonry ● Plastering ● Dry Lining ● Sand Blasting ● Equestrian Buildings ● Digger/Scaffold Hire ● ... and much, much more 28 years qualified experience SIRET: 503 169 237 00016 INSTALLATION23 - Electricity - Plumbing - Air conditioning and heat pump - Small renovations (bathrooms, kitchens, etc.) Dutch and English spoken E-mail: Mob. 06 40 56 96 12 Tel. 05 55 67 57 64 Siret: 753 054 030 00014 50,000 sq ft of covered showrooms & 2 large external display areas - All reclamation bought & sold - Demolition undertaken - Specialists in oak beams - Metalwork & stonework - Indian stone flooring - Plywood, all in 8x4 sheets: internal, external and marine grade Open Mon-Sat 8.30am to 6pm - Only 1km from Confolens on the D952 Ansac-sur-Vienne road DIRECTORY ♦ 21 APRIL 2014 ○ THE BUGLE ○ ADVERTORIAL To advertise in The Bugle Business Directory, call 05 55 41 17 76 WASTE REMOVAL SERVICES Double D Renovations & Home Improvements 05 55 65 00 29 - pg 7 • house and barn clearances • dechetterie runs • rubbish removal • cash paid for scrap • general labouring service • 7.5 tonne tipper for hire • mini digger - with/without driver T J Renovations 30 years experience in building trade 05 55 37 45 35 06 74 21 47 71 Full refurbishments undertaken • Stone/Brickwork • Patios • Repointing • Studwork • General Repairs & Maintenance All areas in the Limousin covered Contact Tim siret 532 981 198 00015 Your advert here 05 55 61 08 02 / 06 52 23 89 54 web: Email: Siret: 750 068 116 00011 La Noneix Construction Established, Professional and Personal Building Services. Fully registered with décennale insurance covering all works. ●Renovations ●New builds ●Roofing ●Stonework ●Carpentry ●Ground works SIRET: 501 144 596 00019 French Lily Kitchens & Interiors 05 55 80 92 91 - see pg 11 3kw Solar PV Installation Eurl Réno-Gén 02 54 30 11 20 / 06 42 38 54 22 see main ad - pg 11 Plasterers Simon Carter Multiskilled Artisan Qualified craftsman with over 25 years UK experience, now based in Haute-Vienne Specialist services: Interior & exterior painting, wallpapering, plastering & boarding, floor restoration, tiling. FREE QUOTES Building Services Web: Email: siret: 792.130.932.00017 Groundworks Mini-Digger with driver See Main Ad - pg 22 05 55 41 17 76 Septic tanks systems designed with permissions & paperwork included and independent approval with certification. For more information on advertising in the Bugle Business Directory, give us a call or send us an email: Graham Carter Plastering • Plastering • Rendering • Stud Walling • Tiling and associated works • Bespoke polished concrete surfaces for Window Sills, Shelves, Fire Surrounds etc. • General Renovation interior and exterior of buildings to customer's specification. Tel: 05 55 76 69 32 Mob: 06 43 11 95 87 A genuine plasterer French and English spoken Traditional Plastering Rendering, Floor Screeding Stud partition dry lining Lime mortar stone pointing FOR A QUOTATION CALL 05 55 63 53 06 06 23 29 48 19 Le Bourg, 23360 Nouzerolles SIRET: 504 612 441 00015 The friendly and reliable plasterer Building Services Registered in France. Fully insured offering 10 year guarantee. Call Stuart on: 05 55 80 92 91 Siret: 534 396 908 00012 GLEN VINEY PLASTERER Quality Plasterwork, Internal & External 05 55 41 17 76 (18 Years Experience) Email: diagnostic report and remedial works – consuel approvals - liaison with ERDF for changes. full re-wires, new-build, additions, modifications. Chris the Plasterer Siret No. 513 415 091 00018 Plasterboarding, Partitioning, Skiming, Solid Plastering, Floor Screeding,Rendering: Mono Couche/Coloured Render Waterproofing Render Systems Electrics 05 55 41 17 76 « LE PLATRIER » Tel: 05 87 19 91 50 Mob: 07 81 26 88 65 Le Plâtrier du Limousin Large or small projects undertaken - please view our website. Contact: Paul or Joanne Rands Building Services Painters/ Decorators Montluc Painting & Decorating 05 55 41 17 76 & Property Services Building Services Tel: 06 45 18 86 10 Siret: 527 736 326 00010 Renovation bathrooms & kitchens from design to completion; ceilings; partition walls; drylining. Plumbers H20 CREUSE Heating & Plumbing engineer 05 55 63 89 23 see pg 4 CONTINUED NEXT PAGE... Tel: Email: Web: 22 ♦ DIRECTORY ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2014 ADVERTORIAL Local, naturally grown, seasonal vegetables From April 2014, Le petit haricot, based in Vayres in southern Haute-Vienne, will be producing and selling naturally grown vegetables, without the use of pesticides. If you prefer to eat fresh, seasonal and locally grown vegetables, you are at the right address. E ver since I was young I liked to cook. As a student, some friends and I would cook nice vegetarian meals for each other every Friday. We all lived in the city so good (organic) vegetables were relatively easy to find. At the end of my studies I moved out of the city and shops were not so close by. I found it was harder to locate good tasting vegetables. The nearest organic shop sold a lot of vegetables produced in Kenya, Israel, Peru or similar countries on the other side of the world. I didn’t like the idea of eating good food while polluting the planet, considering the food miles involved, so I decided to grow my own vegetables. After the first harvest I was amazed by the quality and the taste! I also liked the idea that after a hard day’s work I could just walk in to my own garden, see which vegetables were ready, and cook a nice and tasty meal with them. Six years later, in 2010, my boyfriend and I moved to France and continued growing vegetables for ourselves. When we bought our house in Vayres 2 years ago, we had more Building Services Plumbing & Heating Engineer Rick Fife All aspects of Plumbing and Heating work undertaken. Plumbers Martin Walters Plumber Caught out last winter? Don't worry! We can now offer winter checks, drain downs, caretaking, general DIY, key holding, as well as our usual friendly plumbing services. SPREAD THE COST OF A NEW GAS/OIL BOILER OVER 3 MONTHS 23 Years Qualified (Previously UK CORGI registered – Oil / Natural Gas / LPG) Established and registered in France for 8 years. Areas Covered: North Creuse (23) & South Indre (36) Tel: 05 55 62 34 66 Email: Please give us a call to discuss your requirements. If you get the answer machine we WILL return your call the same day. land than we needed to grow vegetables just for ourselves. Two months before my maternity leave started, my job contract ended, so I had the opportunity to do some research on how to start a business in France. After my son was born, instead of looking for a new job and taking him to day-care every day, I decided to start my own business growing and selling quality vegetables locally. At Le petit haricot you can get a basket of at least 5 different vegetables every week. Sometimes I will also add some seasonal fruits (e.g. strawberries) and herbs. ■ Large - €12.50 3 to 4 meals for 4 to 5 people (all prices are per week on a subscription basis) For more information please don’t hesitate to give me a call Babette de Jong - Le Limon, 87600 Vayres Tel: 05 55 08 07 33 * All types of chimneys cleaned * Brush & Vacuum * Smoke Tested * Fully Insured * HETAS Approved and member of NACS * Official certificates of cleaning issued (Certificat de Ramonage) * Clean, tidy, professional & friendly service 05 55 78 72 98 Contact Barry Manning see main ad - pg 11 05 55 41 17 76 SIRET: 534 351 754 00013 Chimney Sweeps Computers & Satellites 05 55 41 17 76 GOODWIN SATELLITE REMEMBER - BLOCKED FLUES AND CHIMNEY FIRES CAN BE FATAL... DON'T TAKE THAT RISK! siret: 494 380 264 00015 Your advert here Tel: 05 55 66 14 11 Mob: 06 31 59 81 08 SALES & INSTALLATION OF ALL SATELLITE SYSTEMS & AERIALS. FAULT FINDING. Dept 23 & surrounding areas Tel: 05 55 62 05 61 Mob: 06 06 47 89 66 Email: siret: 453 067 910 00019 Sat-Elec Formerly Electrosat UK & French Satellite TV Chimney Sweeping • Flue ways cleared • Birds nests, vermin & debris removed • Smoke evacuation & gas tightness tests • Official certificates of cleaning issued (Certificat de Ramonage) For all your TV and satellite installations and repairs (Sky TV, Internet etc.) Call Patrice: Fast dependable service Siren: 502 409 949 siret: 353 613 227 00035 05 55 63 78 72 Based Séreilhac (87) Dishes & Freesat boxes always in stock Terrestrial digital aerial installations From a single outlet to multi-point systems TOOWAY BROADBAND Approved Supplier Wi-Fi, Data Networks, CCTV For sales, service or advice call Mike G on: 06 30 28 81 43 We only use our own qualified staff No call out charge Free quotations All areas covered Quality work from qualified Staff 5 Place de la Republique Sauviat-sur-Vige 87400 siret no 798 364 600 00014 NO FIX... NO FEE !! IT Support for Creuse, HauteVienne, Indre and Vienne We provide a fast and friendly service either at the client's home, via remote software or computers can be left with us and collected when the work is complete. ● Ordering/Installing wireless & broadband ● Fixing results of a virus attack ● PC healthchecks ● Virus , trojan , worm removal and protection ● Backups/Disaster recovery ● Hardware/software upgrades. ● Website and graphic design. ● Printer/scanner assistance. Mini Digger Très Jolie Landscaping, ditching, land clearance etc. Also general Garden Maintenance Mail order available or find me at a local market with Driver for Hire John Bonella 87440 Marval 05 55 78 62 29 siret no. 523 183 580 00019 Medium - €10 3 to 4 meals for 2 to 3 people Big Dish Satellite Chimney Sweep Service Siret 522 804 723 00016 05 55 41 17 76 Small - €8 3 to 4 meals for 1 to 2 people TOUTE SWEEP Tel 02 54 24 84 62 Your advert here Initially, I will be offering 3 sizes of basket: Ladies fashion accessories (see Notice Board for more details) Paula Robinson 05 55 78 62 29 06 04 08 29 53 Facebook: search for “Tres Jolie Milhaguet” siret 753 125 061 00014 DIRECTORY ♦ 23 APRIL 2014 ○ THE BUGLE ○ ADVERTORIAL Dave Cardwell - professional builder/designer D ave Cardwell, professional builder/designer, is able to undertake all building works, including bespoke handmade Abri’s, Carports, Field Shelters, Stables or Animal Housing. Whatever your needs, look no further! Whether you require basic stables or desire a complex design, we can create to an exact brief. Digger and driver also available for hire. Our company is based on the belief that our customers’ needs are of the utmost importance. We are committed to meeting those needs and as a result, a high percentage of our business is from repeat customers and referrals. If you would like to find out more information regarding our products and services, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We would welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver you the best service for price. Let’s discuss your ideas! Your free consultation is just an email or call away. Before... Unique chicken coops from €175 Before... Solid handmade chicken houses made to order, ranging from 2 nesting boxes to 6 nesting boxes. All come stained and have protection from predators and the weather. Delivery is possible. Dave Cardwell 05 55 98 24 12 - 06 06 44 35 28 Find us on facebook: To advertise in The Bugle Business Directory, call 05 55 41 17 76 Creusetec Satellite Systems 05 55 66 60 21 "Tooway" High speed internet via satellite TV Satellite Sales, Service & Installations. TV Receiver & Electronic Repairs. Dish alignments. Sky/Freesat/TNT/FTA. Most of depts 23,03,63,87,36 covered. SIRET: 510 117 328 00011 Mayday computer services - pc • mac • network 26, Ecurat 23150 Atelier d'Art du Jardin ** Open from Good Friday ** Open Fri, Sat, Sun and Bank Hols 11h00 to 18h00 Artisan art for your garden. Cream teas on the terrasse. RDV for weekday visits SVP. 2km from Chénérailles and the Chateau Villemonteix tel: 05 55 81 31 85 05 55 68 47 33 / 06 82 26 31 54 see pg 4 email: Food & Drink “Amy’s” Traditional Tea Rooms 17 Rue Grande, 36340 Cluis (opp. Chez Noëlle!) “Come along inside... We’ll see if tea and buns can make the world a better place.” THÉ BONBONS CADEAUX Salon de Thé - 06 72 38 82 20 Tue-Sat 10.00am-5.30pm All Day Frothy Coffees - Hot Choc - Cakes English Greeting Cards 1€ & 1,50€ Traditional Sweets 1,10€ 100g Fabrics - Jewellery - Homewares Toiletries - Mugs - Candles - Aprons Bags - Purses - Glassware - Mirrors Cushions - Pot Pourri - Foliage MAGNAC LAVAL 87190 Two Floors Serving French & English Tastes since 2011 Breakfast, Light Lunches & Pâtisseries. Large Selection of Teas, Coffees and soft drinks! We are hoping to be open for Easter 2014, please check our website for further details! Siret: 800 770 349 00010 C’est cheese Find us at local markets selling a small and tasty selection of excellent quality english cheeses. Also available online. For more information, see our website: SIREN: 409 679 578 Creusois Petticoat Lane RIVE DROITE LeBar/Restaurant 5 Rue Nationale – 16150 Chabanais Tel: 05 45 29 03 99 Visit: E-mail: English groceries, Fresh British Beef & Steaks (to order only), Gammon Steak, Bacon, Sausage & Cheddar Cheese. Wide range of frozen items including vegetarian. Traditional English beers, Sherries & Wine. Cards for all occasions. Opening hours: Mon - Sat 10am – 6pm Visit us and compare our prices JJ’s Cafe Bar Some customer quotes: ‘...more than just a bar’ ‘....a bit like Allo Allo and Cheers!’ Come and see for yourself - Open all week. 8 rue Ledru-Rollin 36200 Argenton-sur-Creuse 02 54 24 01 06 Restaurant - Pizzeria ● Italian Specialities ● Traditional Cuisine ● Home-made Desserts Moules de bouchot AOC available from July to December High Quality Food, a Warm Welcome and a Friendly Atmosphere await Closed Sundays & Mondays Les Genêts, Azerables High quality British & French food at reasonable prices. Menu du Jour €12, Traditional Pub Food, Vegetarian dishes, Childrens & Snack menus also available SIREN: 483 988 853 Garden Services Restaurant AUX CEPES LA veytiZoU, 87130 Tel: 05 55 69 33 38 see main ad - pg 3 See our Notice Board events listings 39 Place du Champ de Foire 36140, Aigurande Oh My Cod Fish and Chips Gardening & Property Services 05 55 80 34 26 - see pg 16 The Codfather Le Relais de l'Abloux Stuart Fieldhouse All aspects of garden maintenance: hedge cutting, mowing, fencing, etc as well as property maintenance. References provided. Coussac-Bonneval - 05 55 70 59 75 email: 02 54 06 30 77 SIRET: 508 754 314 00013 British Fish & Chips in France See main ad pg 7 Le Moulin du Breuil BAR, RESTAURANT, TERRASSE 23140 PIONNAT 05 55 80 37 70 - see pg 15 Le Pub 58, rue d'Orjon, Argenton-sur-Creuse Bar - Restaurant Pizzeria Pizzas to eat in or take away 36170 SACIERGES-ST-MARTIN - see pg 6 02 54 47 56 74 Cross Cut Tree Surgeons for all your tree requirements / see main ad below CONTINUED NEXT PAGE... Cross Cut Tree Surgeons for all your tree requirements 27 years experience Free quotes and advice We will not be beaten on price or standard of work Reliability guaranteed Fully qualified arborist - Fully insured Covering depts: 87, 23, 86, 36, 19 & 16 / siret: 530 840 958 00017 24 ♦ DIRECTORY ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2014 ADVERTORIAL SAT-ELEC - Satellite & Broadband solutions W ell, all the speculation is over; the new satellites are in place and in the future there will be further new satellites coming online as all the old fleet is replaced. If you still have all your BBC stations then your dish is adequate. If you have some programmes missing, lose pictures when it is wet or in the evening, then you need a dish upgrade. Down as far south as Limoges, a 60 cm dish correctly aligned works well. However, as you move farther to the south then a much larger dish may be required. If you have reception problems then give Mike a call on 06 30 28 81 43. We also install terrestrial aerial systems. Many satellite installers charge for coming to give an estimate. At Sat-Elec our estimate or quotation is FREE within 150 km of our office at Sauviatsur-Vige (87400); for greater distances we will endeavour to give you an estimate over the phone. At Sat-Elec we do much more than just Garden Services install Satellite TV. We are official resellers for Satellite Broadband and have full demonstration facilities. There are some very good offers on broadband at the moment both with TOOWAY and SES. TOOWAY starts from €27.90 per month + installation and setup fees for the basic rental package, or if you just want everything rolled into one package then starting costs are €34.85 a month + installation. If you feel competent, then why not install the system yourself. WE WILL SHIP IT DIRECTLY TO YOUR ADDRESS complete with a full installation kit. If problems arise then we will install it for you. SES, which is probably the better option for iPlayer use, starts at €10.95 per month with set-up costs of €89.95, and a further €15.00 per month for 24 months to pay for the kit. Obviously, the data allowance is low for these basic packages but if you are only an occasional user they are perfect. For the heavier user with SES, a 'CARTES DE CHRISTINE' HAND-CRAFTED CARDS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Quality product at affordable prices. Customized, if required, especially for you. Available blank or with either English or French greetings. Email: VISIT ME AT THE FOLLOWING MARKETS: PIEGUT (Wed), Brantôme (Fri) CHASSENEUIL & CONFOLENS (Monthly) FIND OUR CARDS AT: Magazin Artisanat, Confolens Send an email to sign up to the newsletter Tel: 06 86 89 81 02 siret 528 539 448 FLOWER POWER PLANT NURSERY 02 54 08 44 39 see ad page 14 Gifts & Crafts Ivan Petley 3D Puzzle Maker Handmade, fully interlocking, multi-layered 3D puzzles from just €9. Keyrings €2 plus other unique gift ideas. Customisation and personalisation possible. Come and visit the workshop by appointment. BUY YOUR BRITISH GREETINGS CARDS ONLINE! QUALITY CARDS AT UK PRICES! E: ANGI@CARDBUBBLE.COM FREE DELIVERY ON ALL ORDERS OVER €10 WORLDWIDE siret: 751 978 917 00019 26, Ecurat 23150 Atelier d'Art du Jardin ** Open from Good Friday ** Open Fri, Sat, Sun and Bank Hols 11h00 to 18h00 Artisan art for your garden. Cream teas on the terrasse. RDV for weekday visits SVP. 2km from Chénérailles and the Chateau Villemonteix tel: 05 55 81 31 85 email: SAT-ELEC - where knowledge and experience provide the complete solution for the customer. Call 06 20 38 81 43 or join us on Facebook at “Expat TV in France”. THÉ BONBONS CADEAUX Salon de Thé - 06 72 38 82 20 Tue-Sat 10.00am-5.30pm All Day Frothy Coffees - Hot Choc - Cakes English Greeting Cards 1€ & 1,50€ Traditional Sweets 1,10€ 100g Fabrics - Jewellery - Homewares Toiletries - Mugs - Candles - Aprons Bags - Purses - Glassware - Mirrors Cushions - Pot Pourri - Foliage MAGNAC LAVAL 87190 Two Floors Serving French & English Tastes since 2011 Très Jolie Your advert here see main ad pg 22 05 55 41 17 76 Tel: Les Bregères, 23150 St-Martial-le-Mont Ladies fashion accessories 05 55 78 62 29 / 06 04 08 29 53 WWW.CARDBUBBLE.COM 20 GB allowance per month would still only be €29.95, or with TOOWAY €47.90. There are lots of variations between the two systems and different users have different requirements. For example CCTV over TOOWAY is far more cost effective than SES, however SES is better for iPlayer. Don’t forget you can add Wi-Fi to the system or we can create a data network for you. The two Mikes are happy to prepare a custom package for you. ■ The Exchange Rochechouart SECOND HAND BOOK SHOP. GREAT SELECTION OF GIFTS, CARDS, CANDLES AND HAND-CRAFTED PRODUCTS 500+ DVD's now in stock Handholding Services Tue 2.30pm - 5pm Thu, Fri 9:15-12 & 2:30-5pm Sat 9 - 12 05 55 78 19 24 9 rue Dr Charles Poitevin SIRET 484 479 480 00010 Vera Laine Gift Shop & Salon de Thé Candles, mugs, shabby chic homeware, cards, leather goods, jewellery... all at affordable prices! Neal's Yard Remedies Consultant. Fresh homemade cakes and free WiFi now available! Open Tue-Fri: 9h30-17h30 Sat: 10h00-13h00 Contact Jay: 05 87 77 95 59 Health & Beauty Insurance & Finance AMMARA HiFX Call Alex, your English nail technician now Gel nails starting from €40 a set Tel: 06 22 93 14 57 siret: en cours Learning to meditate Meditation class held by Association ame et corps in Limoges each Wednesday at 8pm. First session free of charge, then 4 evenings at a total fee of €35. New group in St. Junien is planned. Beginners and advanced participants welcome! For more information see: or call Katharina on: A HELPING HAND Translation/interpretation Dealing with utilities/banks Permis de construire Sourcing/supervising artisans 1-2-1 conversation classes 05 55 62 50 38 Jonathan Critchley International money transfer Siddalls Financial Solutions & Expert Advice See our Display Ad - pg 15 Language Services Les Dryades Annet Karhof see main ad - pg 14 06 37 08 92 09 - see pg 4 Hotel / Golf / Spa LE DORAT (Pl. Charles de Gaulle) A recent temporary 2.4m installation by SAT-ELEC TAILORED FITNESS Individual or Group Personal Training 06 23 90 45 82 - see pg 7 OSTEOPATHY & ACUPUNCTURE French lessons & Language Services Beginner's French I specialise in helping beginners to communicate confidently & fluently in French. Made-to-measure French lessons with an English speaking, qualified language teacher. siret: 792 285 025 00013 05 87 41 07 93 - see pg 3 Sophie Arsac La Petite Place Mob: 07 81 90 61 04 Tel: 05 19 23 00 00 French lessons & handholding services - pg 25 Hair salon, Le Dorat See our Display Ad - pg 3 Based near Magnac-Laval (87190) siret: 798 931 861 00016 DIRECTORY ♦ 25 APRIL 2014 ○ THE BUGLE ○ ADVERTORIAL FRENCH PROPERTY MARKET ON THE UP H ouses on Internet, the successful, fast growing internetmarketing company that helps people sell their French property without using an agent, have seen a serious increase in the number of enquiries, viewings and sales. Over the past 6 months, compared to the same period last year, enquiries from prospective buyers have doubled and sales have risen by almost 60%, says Richard Kroon, founder and director. The key to their success is without doubt the extensive global network which enables them to reach prospective buyers wherever they are. Another strong and unique quality of Houses on Internet is the way they present each property. The number of photos, depending on the type of house, is usually between 50 and 70, everything is described in three languages, translated by professionals, and the information given is not just about the house, but also about shopping facilities, schools, airports, etc. The most important thing is to reach the buyers. Richard: “An excellent Google ranking is crucial and so we keep optimizing our website and advertise all over the internet, literally worldwide. As we advertise each property on other large, international sites as well, the total exposure is enormous.” Their main website attracts over 130,000 visitors each month from more than 40 different countries and so far they have sold French property to people from over 25 countries, which includes most of Europe, but also Australia, Russia, China, United Arab Emirates, South Africa, the USA and Canada. Richard: “The feedback we get from these buyers is important to us. It shows that they not only appreciate the very complete presentations which are instantly available to them in any time zone, but also that they get replies from us in their own language and, if required, we keep translating between them and the owners all the way to the actual sale.” Throughout France, Houses on Internet has over 90 photographers who visit their clients when they decide to sell their property through them. And of course, any summer photos these clients already have themselves can be copied too, in order to make the best possible presentation. Signing up to sell your house through Houses on Internet is easy. Just go to their website which is available in four lan- guages and fill in the form on the page called “Selling a Property”. One of their staff will then call you personally to start the process. ■ Houses on Internet 05 55 65 12 19 To advertise in The Bugle Business Directory, call 05 55 41 17 76 Online Shopping La Maison Shopping UK shopping delivered to your door +44 (0)1268 767 237 see pg 12 Pest Control Property Maintenance Leggett Immobilier 05 53 56 62 54 see main ad - pg 8 Your advert here Les Bons Voisins 05 55 41 17 76 Help with all property related issues See main ad pg 8 Retail & Commerce 05 55 41 17 76 Soie et Bois Depot Vente des Vêtements Dress agency and gallery, specialising in designer and high quality pre-owned clothes for women and children, together with accessories, footwear, jewellery, gift items, and hand made furniture. 4 rue Principale, St Mathieu, 87440 Email: Web: Tel: 05.55 48.28.89 SIRET: 510 995 681 00010 Limousin Spas NEW FOR 2014 Alongside the amazing "Rotospa" spa range, we are now able to supply the "Durasport" & "Strong Spas" ranges of quality spas. Property Sales Numéro Siret: 752 157 610 00011 Dératisation, Déinsectisation, Désinfection 02 48 60 83 72 / 06 74 33 02 38 Email: Curative and preventative rats, mice, moles, flies, woodworm, bed bugs, fleas, wasps, hornets La Petite Barre, 18210 Bessais Le Fromental SIRET No. 498 544 741 00024 French Lily Kitchens & Interiors 05 55 80 92 91 - see pg 11 Houses on Internet Moulin de Tintin See our Display Ad - pg 3 - see pg 4 Cendrillon - Bourganeuf Eco Entrepot Bilingual Estate Agent in Creuse 05 55 54 95 85 - see pg 4 Stove Sellers See our Display Ad - pg 15 Your advert here Furniture, interiors & gifts Get down The Shed 87230 Bussière-Poitevine - see pg 13 05 55 41 17 76 FRENCH LESSONS WITH A NATIVE FRENCH SPEAKER Individual/Group lessons, all levels - Skype lessons via the INTERNET also available Free trial lesson! Lessons in La Souterraine & Dun-le-Palestel (23) OTHER SERVICES: Accompanying and interpreting - house purchase, arranging new utilities, car registration, healthcare, liaison with French administration, etc... I am always looking for new students in the English Library in La Souterraine! Sophie Arsac - see advert on pg 2 FABRICA Everhot stoves supplied & installed across France - see pg 8 Transport, Removals & Storage All our spas are manufactured to the highest standards & have full manufacturers warranty. These spas have relatively low power requirements & are very economical. Prices start from €3,750. Models seat 2 to 7 people. For more information on our range check out our website: or telephone: 05 55 63 26 20 Central France Pest Control Alinéa Meuble & Déco 05 55 89 15 74 - Buggs Car Hire Bergerac & Limoges Airports see pg 7 MAN + VAN Fiat Ducato with 11m² load capacity Collections / Deliveries Removals / Brico Runs All over France. Competitve hourly rate incl fuel. Please ring or e-mail for a quote. Based nr Aubusson Dept 23 05 55 83 02 77 / 06 30 90 58 90 SIRET: 523 955 151 00015 CONTINUED NEXT PAGE... 26 ♦ DIRECTORY Transport, Removals & Storage ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2014 Parking For Limoges Airport Efficient parking for all types of vehicles Book now!! 06 13 38 59 68 05 55 14 49 45 05 55 41 17 76 Genuine/Reliable/Honest Local + Europe + UK runs Goods In Transit Insurance 14m3 capacity 4.2m load length VAN SERVICES 05 55 33 21 59 87150 Oradour-sur-Vayres Siret 530 213 644 00012 Affordable Moves/ Single Items Regular UK runs - check website Europewide/ Limousin based 18m3 van / 4.5m load area E: W: Tel: (+33) Man & Van Transport French Spoken The Man With A Van Contact Dave or Richard: Email: All Limousin covered Anything considered Any quantity Tel: 05 55 37 45 35 Mob: 06 74 21 47 71 Siret : 532 526 001 00013 siret 532 981 198 00015 General Experienced home help nurse offers compassionate care for children, elderly people and sick people. I can also help with household chores and look after your pets when you are away. Extra Large Van & Curtain Side Trailer Available for your Personal Requirements 02 54 24 29 76 07 85 26 95 71 Cash paid for scrap Please contact Ms Angelika Knauer: Carrefour du bois Limousin 05 55 63 72 45 - see pg 14 BABY/INFANT EQUIPMENT FOR HIRE To raise funds for the SPA dog rescue centre in Guéret. High chair, buggy, play pen, travel cot, fire guard, stair gate etc. Each item will incur a hire charge of 7 euros, plus a refundable 8 euros deposit. For more INFO or to HIRE Call Jean: 05 55 54 96 36 3 HOUSE CLEARANCE 4 U Yes you have read this ad correctly... It's FREE Please mention The Bugle when responding to adverts Contact Antoinette: 02 54 24 29 76 07 85 26 95 71 ADVERTORIAL “SolarVenti”- the solar solution to damp and humidity A simple solar energy system that runs on its own, even when you are not there! – And provides a free heat supplement in winter. The Solarventi air panel was invented more than 20 years ago by Hans Jørgen Christensen, from Aidt Miljø, with the backing of the Danish government. He wanted to use the sun’s energy for airing and ventilation of the thousands of holiday homes on the West coast of Jutland, - houses that were left empty and unheated for long periods - houses with damp problems, mould and bad odours - houses that left their owners with discomfort, lots of work and expense. He wanted a system that would be safe, simple, without the need for radiators, water and/ or mains electricity. Slowly but surely, the first Solarventi model came together. How it works The principle behind Solarventi is simple: a small, builtin, solar cell powers a 12V fan that is connected to an air vent, a control unit and an on/ off switch. Whenever the sun shines, the air in the solar panel is heated and the fan, receiving power from the solar cell, introduces warm, dry air into your home at the rate of 20 to 100 cubic metres per hour. The initial models were more than capable of keeping the cottages dry (and ventilated), even with the limited sunshine hours available in Denmark during the winter season. Since that time, the technology has really come along in leaps and bounds. Now, more than 20 years later, the 3rd and 4th generation Solarventi have exceeded all expectations. In Southern Europe, Solarventi is not only used for ventilation/dehumidification purposes; with far more winter sunshine hours, it also provides a substantial heating supplement. Several technical and governmental studies show that incoming air temperature can be increased by as much as 40°C. A DIY Solution? The installation process is very straightforward and should only take two or three hours. All that is needed is a drill, hammer and chisel to make a hole in the wall. Roof installations are also possible. In fact, the Solarventi was originally designed to be a DIY product in Scandinavia it still is. There are no electrical or water connections and it can be safely left running, even when the property is empty. Solarventi requires no maintenance - if the property is unoccupied during the hot summer months, then it can be left running at low speeds for ventilation and dehumidification purposes or simply switched off. With a range of panel sizes, and the option for wall or roof mounting, Solarventi is suitable for all types of buildings, caravans or even boats!! Following the patenting of its design in 2001, Solarventi has only recently been actively commercialized. Over the last six years, Solarventi units have been installed in more than 24 countries and demand is increasing rapidly. From Greenland to Australia, Solarventi is finally getting the recognition it deserves. ■ SOLARVENTI - Available in the Dordogne From Harlequin Developments Tel: 05 55 68 67 56 Mobile: 06 06 60 46 97 Advertising in The Bugle Business Directory Advertising your business couldn’t be easier. Text only, boxed listings are available in our Business Directory from just €11.20/month. Alternatively, why not spotlight your business with an Advertorial, available from 1/6 Page (€50 HT) up to Full Page (€300 HT). Both Directory Adverts and Advertorials represent a cost effective way to put your brand in front of more than 25,000 pairs of eyes each month!! For more information on any of our advertising options, please feel free to give us a call on 05 55 41 17 76 or send an email to 6-Month Contract €84 Small b&w Directory Ad (€14/month) Large b&w Directory Ad (€18.75/month) €112.50 €126 Small Colour Directory Ad (€21/month) Large Colour Directory Ad (€28/month) €168 12-Month Contract €134.40 (€11.20/month) €180 (€15/month) €201.60 (€16.80/month) €268.80 (€22.40/month) Directory Advertising is available either in black and white or colour, and in either small (30 words max) or large (45 words max) format. Directory adverts may only contain text - no logos, images or artwork are allowed. The minimum contract length is 6 months. Advertising is payable on publication. All prices are HT. Large Directory Ad 46mm x 71mm (Actual Size) 45 words max Small Directory Ad 46mm x 46mm (Actual Size) 30 words max COMMUNITY ♦ 27 APRIL 2014 ○ THE BUGLE ○ Petticoat Lane Easter Eggs & Easter Cards in Stock In April, find us at the following markets: Sat 5th April – Aigre Every Tuesday – Civray Sun 13th & 27th April – Panazol 5 Rue Nationale – 16150 Chabanais Tel: 05 45 29 03 99 Cartes de Christine Bugle Notice Board Hand-crafted cards for all occasions Find us every week at Piégut market (Wed) and Brantôme (Fri)... and at Chasseneuil and Confolens (monthly). We will have an extended range at Magazin Artisanat, Confolens email: Très Jolie Fashion Accessories Where to find me this month: Every Wednesday - Piégut Market 20th April at Papillons Tea Shop Oradour-sur-Vayres New Spring and Summer items arriving on a daily basis New stunning Jewellery Scarf designs, a great affordable gift. Great little gifts starting from €3. Most items now stocked at the 'Coeur et Etoile', St-Mathieu Postage available, please email or call for details. 05 55 78 62 29 / 06 04 08 29 53 Le Moulin du Breuil AUX CEPES La Veytizou On the main road (D979), Between Limoges & Eymoutiers ~~~~~~~~~ Sat 5th April - Chinese Night ~~~~~~~~~ Sat 12th April - Music Night ~~~~~~~~~ Sat 19th April - Music Special for Easter Saturday ~~~~~~~~~ Sat 3rd May - Mexican Night ~~~~~~~~~ As always, menu of the day, or choose from the carte, and our Fish and chips are available any day of the week For more information & reservations call Sue on 05 55 69 33 38 Atelier d'Art du Jardin The tea room will be open from Good Friday onwards tel: 05 55 81 31 85 email: Join us on facebook: and follow us on twitter: @lmdb_pionnat Tel: 05 55 80 37 70 Mail: Web: Limousin Dog Training New puppy class starting soon at Les Grands Chézeaux For more details contact Elaine on: Friday 4th April - Fun Quiz Night Saturday 19th April - Disco Sunday 20th April - Easter Sunday Lunch 3 Course lunch for only €19.50 Saturday 26th April - Fish & Chip Night For details of all our events, go to: Email: JJ’s Café Bar Aigurande Music Club 2nd Sat of every month. 8.30 pm. Next event: 12th April JJ's Music club is for musicians of all levels and genres entry is free, there is no membership and is open to everyone who loves music. You can also buy fish and chips from ‘The Codfather’ in the market square (from 6.30 - 8.30) and eat them in the comfort of JJ's. The club starts from 8:30, but we are open for all those who want to come earlier to eat. In fact we hardly ever shut !!!! JJ's Cafe Bar, 39 Place du Champ de Foire, 36140 Aigurande Tel: 02 54 06 30 77 Email: ** NOW OPEN FOR 2014 ** Don't forget Easter Sunday a 4-course lunch (including an apero) - €27.50 Easter egg hunt for the children. Book early to avoid disappointment. Please contact us for any information re: events, weddings, parties and christenings. Wednesday 2nd & 30th April - La Maison delivery & Book Club (DVDs as well as books) RESTAURANT 2km from Chénérailles and the Chateau Villemonteix - 26, Ecurat 23150 Spring 'Fizz & Chip' Soirée - Saturday 12th April with Live music, 'Blondie and the Jazz Man' A glass of fizz and a 3-course meal including our special 'Fish and Chips' - all for €19.50 29 Avenue de la Tour, 87470 Peyrat-le-Château Phone: 05 55 36 20 63 Restaurant, Bar, Terrasse 23140 PIONNAT Le Bellerive Hotel - Restaurant - Café-Bar Opening soon... Amy's Tea Rooms 17 Rue Grande, 36340 Cluis (see our Directory Advert for more details) 4th Annual Fund-raiser in aid of the Guide Dogs for the Blind School in Landouge, Limoges After the huge success last year of our Third Annual Fund-raiser to raise money for the Guide Dogs for the Blind School in Landouge, Limoges Christine and myself, with the help of Guide Dog Etoile, and our wonderful band of volunteers will be holding our Fourth Fund-raiser on Sunday 29th June from 13h-17h. The venue once again will be in our large garden come rain or shine, at 17 avenue du 8 Mai 1945, 87150 Oradour-Sur-Vayres. Included in the event will be: a table from the Guide Dog School highlighting the very good work they do, with various items for sale; the presence of some working Guide Dogs and Student Guide Dogs; delicious homemade cakes, teas/coffee, soft drinks and ice-cream; clothes, shoes and handbags; bric-a-brac; books, CDs and DVDs; various artisans; plants; and a tombola. If anyone has any saleable items they can donate to this very worthy cause, please contact Roger and Christine Thomas on 05 55 78 83 05. Thank you again to everyone who helped and supported our event last year. 05 55 68 67 56 or 06 04 47 35 19 Vera Laine Gift Shop & Salon de Thé LE DORAT (Pl. Charles de Gaulle) Candles, mugs, shabby chic homeware, cards, leather goods, jewellery... all at affordable prices! Neal's Yard Remedies Consultant. HOMEMADE CAKES and FREE WIFI now available! Knitting Group Knitters, expert or beginners, meet every Wednesday at 2pm for a little knit and natter. All welcome, please feel free to drop in or call Jay for more details. Alternatively, follow "Veralaine" on Facebook. Open Tue-Fri: 9h30-17h30 & Sat: 10h00-13h00 Contact Jay: 05 87 77 95 59 Managing Editor: Steve Martindale Editor-in-Chief: Steve Martindale Registered Address: Les Quatre Chemins 23150 St-Yrieix-les-Bois France SIRET: 514 989 748 00017 Directeur: Steve Martindale Rédacteur-en-chef: Steve Martindale Siège Les Quatre Chemins 23150 St-Yrieix-les-Bois France SIRET: 514 989 748 00017 Printed by: Charente Libre 16340, L’Isle d’Espagnac France Monthly circulation: 13,000 copies All copyright, unless stated otherwise, is reserved to The Bugle. Reproduction in whole or part of any text without permission is prohibited. Dépôt légal à parution. Imprimé par: Charente Libre 16340, L’Isle d’Espagnac France Tirage mensuel: 13,000 copies Tous droits réservés. Toute reproduction, totale ou partielle, des articles et illustrations du présent numéro est strictement interdite. Dépôt légal à parution. The Bugle cannot accept responsibility for the claims of advertisers or their professionalism. We strongly advise readers to verify that the company you are dealing with is a registered trading company in France or elsewhere in the world. 28 ♦ COMMUNITY ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2014 CLUBS, CHARITIES & ASSOCIATIONS Church Notices Monthly Worship in English If your journey of life has brought you here to France, why neglect your journey of faith? We look forward to giving a warm welcome to everyone from whatever Christian tradition (or none) on the 3rd SUNDAY of the MONTH at 3pm. Where? At the Temple in Thiat (in the north of the Haute-Vienne) – we are part of the Parish of the Basse-Marche of the Eglise Protestante Unie de France. The Temple is on the main road close to the Mairie. After worship there is tea/coffee and cake – and a chance to chat. If you want to know more contact Rev Derek Lawson on 05 55 68 53 03 or Rev Stephen Sawyer on 05 49 84 33 86. English-speaking church services Guéret Come as you are... This is an invitation to join us at our CHURCH SERVICE IN ENGLISH. Whether you have a faith or would just like to attend a church service you are welcome at 3pm on the 2nd Sunday of each month at the Eglise Evangélique, 9b Place Bonnyaud, Guéret, 23000. We welcome all who want to join a group of English-speaking Christians for a time of worship and learning together. Children are very welcome. For more details contact Jim & Pat Scott on 05 55 67 54 78 / email scott. or Ian & Becky Jefferies on 05 55 61 10 23 / email mail@otiumsanctus. com Christians together in Limousin La Souterraine Area We hold a time of fellowship and Bible study every Tuesday afternoon. Barbara and Cedric look forward to welcoming you. Tel: 05 55 71 09 04 The International Free Church in Creuse The church presently meets at 10, La Chaudronnière, a small hamlet mid-way between Crozant and Eguzon. Sunday worship meetings are held on the first and third Sundays of the month at 10.30am. Fellowship meetings, for mid-week prayer, bible study and discussion are at the same venue every Thursday at 7.30pm. For further information contact Eric Sutton tel 05 55 89 26 62 Fitness & Fun PENSOL Indoor Carpet Bowls We meet on Wednesdays at 2.30pm5.00pm. Come along for a fun afternoon, a warm welcome in a warm hall, refreshments and equipment provided. Ladies and Gents welcome. The venue is the salle polyvalente at PENSOL - 87440 on the D67 between Marval and Dournazac, clearly indicated from the village, or from Piégut-Pluviers take the D91. Come and have a free trial, with our slightly smaller Bowls and 33` carpet. NO heavy lifting. Established club and club Leader. Registered and insured. Please phone Hilary for any enquiries on 09 72 23 13 20 or Tai Chi, Pakua & Qigong Tai Chi, Pakua & Qigong classes organised by the ACAMIES (association culturelle d'arts martiaux internes et d'exercices de santé). Wed: Jarnages, 18h30-20h, Salle Polyvalente. Thu: Bétête, 19h-20h30, Domaine de Tournessac. OPEN DAY Sun 6th Oct at the salle de la mairie, Jarnages from 9h-12h. Individual classes, courses, massage & treatments also available. Contact: 06 48 00 02 07 Keep Fit Amazing abs, breathtaking buttocks! Come and join our group at the CAPE in Pontarion. We are all ages, all sizes, men & women, but are serious about keeping fit. Our “monitrice” is English and will happily provide bilingual instructions. We meet every Thursday at 8p.m. in Pontarion Town Hall, for a one-hour workout. Come for a free trial, or call 05 55 64 98 87 or 06 32 42 95 68 for more details. Indoor Bowling at Oradour-sur-Vayres If you already play or have never tried indoor bowling then come along to a meeting. It's great fun and easy to play. If you have never played it before we will show you how. We meet every Monday evening starting at 18.30 hrs at La Chapelle, avenue des Chapelles, 87150 Oradour-surVayres. Come and try it - it's free. If you require further information or directions to our venue please contact me - Email: or telephone: 05 55 08 41 75 Zumba! Regular zumba classes across depts 36, 18 & northern 23. For more info tel 06 58 37 17 04 - email evezumba36@gmail. com and for details of classes visit www. Indoor Short-mat Bowling at Cussac 87150....and now Outdoor too! As the premier bowls club in the HauteVienne, we are going from strength to strength with members seeking us out and travelling great distances to continue their love of bowls or simply to 'try us out'. Our reputation as a "very friendly and welcoming club" goes before us. If you've never tried the game, just come along and take a look; there is far more to it than first appears! We are a formally registered association within the French system and benefit from assistance from our local commune by use of a wonderful indoor venue. AND NOW... the use of a synthetic outdoor court where Flat-green, Crown and Short-mat can be played. Just imagine the summer evenings with a drink in your hand, watching fellow bowlers enjoying the quiet of village, interrupted only by the 'click' or 'tunk' of bowl against bowl! Our regular sessions indoors are Wednesday evening at 8pm and Thursday Mornings at 10am. Outdoor sessions will be arranged as the spring arrives so keep in touch. Serious bowlers and beginners are welcome - club bowls are available for use. For further information contact or telephone 05 55 50 40 89. Association Equilibre, le mouvement du corps Yoga for all levels: Tue 18:30 Aubusson, Pied au plancher (Espace Philips); Wed 18:30 Vallière, salle polyvalante. Pregnancy/Post Natal: Tue 17:00 Aubusson, Pied au Plancher (Espace Philips) For further information tel 06 83 24 62 72 or visit Chinese Gym & Karate Mondays & Thursdays 19h30-21h at the DOJO, Allée Jean-Marie Couturier, Aubusson. Warm and friendly atmosphere. For more info tel 06 08 92 30 53 Tai Chi at Boussac and La Châtre Tai Chi classes in Boussac (Tue 18.15 - 19.45) and La Châtre (Thu 18.15 19.45). The first two lessons are free, the subscriptions are 36 euros per month and members can go to both venues having paid this fee. The style is that of Yang. All ages and abilities welcome, but folk must bear in mind that they will be on their feet, doing the equivalent of what one might classify as light exercise, for about an hour and a half. For more information contact 05 55 65 08 20. Gym Bien-être Would you enjoy an afternoon of gentle exercise with a cheerful, light-hearted group? Each week we exercise a different group of muscles, do a little country dancing & some floor exercise and laugh a lot. The aim of the activities is to increase suppleness and mental agility. We meet every Tuesday afternoon upstairs at the Capitole in Rochechouart between 2pm and 3.30pm. It isn’t necessary to speak French because you can copy but you will learn some. Come for 2 weeks’ free trial. For details contact: Learn to Meditate Learn to meditate and meet other likeminded people. Simple mindfulness technique. Dechen Choling, Le Mas Marvent, St-Yrieix-sous-Aixe, 87700. Also, ongoing regular group meetings and events. Contact tel Christina 05 55 03 82 01 Gardening Les petits jardiniers du Limousin Do you love gardening or are you keen to learn more about it? Then why not come along and join Les Petits Jardiniers? We’re a friendly group of English, French and Dutch residents and normally meet on the 3rd Thursday of each month at WE NEED HELP FOR BONGO Bongo is desperately looking for a new home. He arrived at the SPA Limoges due to the death of his owner. He is very intelligent and life at the SPA wears him down. Since “his” beloved female was adopted he has been very sad. Bongo is 11 years old now, and has spent three years at the refuge. You won’t have to pay the normal adoption fee for him but a donation would be very welcome. He is not castrated. Any questions, contact either the SPA on or Katharina (volunteer) for information in English on Thank you! 2.30pm in the salle de fêtes in St-Amandle-Petit, between Peyrat-le-Château and Eymoutiers. Our meetings are held mostly in English and we have guest speakers, organise garden visits and swap plants and seeds. Annual membership is 15 euros pp or 20 euros per couple or pay as you go for 3 euros per meeting. For more information or to be put on our mailing list for our quarterly newsletter or monthly agenda contact Carolyn at or Gill at Agenda for 2014: 17th Apr Electrifying your garden: a guide to outdoor lighting/ fountains; 15th May Invasive plants Friends or Foes?; 19th Jun Visit to two gardens 'From field to fantastic garden'; 17th Jul Demonstration - flower arranging; 21st Aug Summer lunch; 7th Sep Annual Show; 16th Oct AGM and Splitting perennials to double your plants; 20th Nov Visit to the Musée des distilleries, Limoges; Tba Dec Gardeners' Question Time and Christmas party.. Club Liseron – Gardening Club Meets on the 2nd Mon evening of the month at 19.30 at the Salle des Fêtes in Massignac. We're a mixed bunch of English & French, who are united by a passion for gardens and gardening, sharing plants, seeds and information. More info from Sally on 05 45 21 30 20 or Craig on 05 45 89 33 50 or ** The Club has a new president, Véronique Granet, a very dynamic and enthusiastic person. ** Aux Plantes, etc. We are an association of independent, ethically-minded and passionate plant producers. Our aim is to encourage consumers to know more about the plants they buy, how they were produced and their needs, thereby avoiding the disappointments that so often come with mass produced plants. It’s not just about us selling you plants - we want them to thrive and do well for you! Current members include plantspeople specialising in unusual shrubs & trees, butterfly plants, heritage vegetables and flowers, irises, perennials and droughttolerant plants. For more info contact Michelle Pierce 05 45 89 36 54 or visit: Les Jardins de Sirius Based in Pressignac, Charente, we are a small association of people who are keen on gardening. As well as finding plants an endless source of interest, we believe that the simple fact of gardening has numerous positive benefits for health, stress, social interaction - in other words, our daily lives - and we’d like to encourage this aspect. We run flower workshops on the first Saturday afternoon of the month. If you’d like to get involved, have more info on the association or become a member, please contact Michelle Pierce on 05 45 89 36 54 or at Integration French Conversation Group at Les Billanges We are a small group of half a dozen who meet fortnightly for an hour and a half on a Tuesday evening in Les Billanges (87340), with the objective of practising and improving our use of the French language. We are accompanied by a retired French schoolteacher, and discussion is very informal, loosely based on everyday topics. The only cost is 15 € a year membership of the local Association, which brings with it other social opportunities. To find out more please contact David Shaw at International Apero Reseau We meet each Saturday from 11.30am1pm at Baileys Bar/Restaurant, 5 Rue de L'Abreuvoir, Aubusson. These meetings offer the opportunity to: exchange views - make new friends - share experiences - have fun together - help and advise one another - help intergrate newcomers. Discussions in English (all nationalities welcome). For more information please contact Catherine 06 86 17 80 88 or Liz 05 55 66 22 92. Learning Together – Apprenons It’s Kitten Time Again!! At the time of going to press, Phoenix was bracing itself for the anticipated calls about abandoned kittens, expected to be even more numerous this year as the French cat population spirals out of control. If you would like to put your name on the list to adopt a kitten, please contact Lynda on 05 53 81 30 44. Thank you, The Phoenix Team: Ensemble Our main aim is to foster understanding and good relations amongst the local French-speaking and English-speaking populations. To this end we are offering courses of tuition in English and in French, and organising social and cultural events and visits. LANGUAGE CLASSES (take place at the Maison des Associations, Rochechouart) Beginners and Intermediate - Mon am; French/English Conversation – Tues am; Advanced and Children’s – Wed am; Conversation (St-Junien) Thur. SOCIAL EVENTS Games Night (Rochechouart) 1st Thur; Games Night (StJunien) 2nd Thur; Lunch Club – Last Thur. FORTHCOMING EVENTS - More details in Association Newsletter. For more details visit or contact Sue Ratcliffe 05 45 31 50 86 The Melting Pot Members of the Ambassador's Club of the Welcome en Limousin Association. We are a group of around 70 members, both French and British, who meet with the aim of sharing things and trying to integrate with the French community. We meet every week at the Ancienne Ecole in Darnac, on a Wednesday morning from 10am 12noon, except for the first Wednesday, when we meet in the evening at 8pm. We hold information meetings, plant swaps, BBQ's, games nights, visits and have guest speakers about topics relevant to living in France. Contact: Charente Limousine Exchange The Charente-Limousine-Exchange (CLE), founded in 2003, aims to improve the provision of French language courses and to share experiences and skills among members who live in Charente, Vienne and Haute-Vienne. CLE provides information to members living and/or working in France and works with local communities and organisations to tackle practical issues through forums and workshops, as well as organising a wide range of cultural and social events throughout the year. The recent launch of English lessons has been well attended by Confolentais. If you would like to know more about this group of volunteers, please look on our new website or contact the Chairman, Barry Leech, on 06 35 96 77 46. Libraries & Books Baileys Book Exchange Baileys Bar/Restaurant, 5 Rue de L'Abreuvoir, Aubusson. Large selection of English books, plus a few French books and DVDs. Swap (for each swapped book a small charge of 20cts applies) or buy books from as little as 50cts. ALL money received donated to S.P.A. de la Creuse Dog Refuge Guéret. Books available during opening hours, please check Baileys Restaurant Ad for details. Sale of Second-hand Books, La Croisillesur-Briance On the 18th of every month, during the monthly market at La Croisille-sur-Briance (87130), there is a sale of second-hand books (both English and French) from 9am to 12 noon, at the old garage in La Place - next door to the pharmacy. All proceeds towards the restoration of the church. St Jean English Library, La Souterraine The St Jean English Library and Information Centre is now well-established in the beautiful medieval building of the Porte de Puy Charraud, 10 Rue de Portail, La Souterraine. We now have just under 10,000 books, catering for a wide range of tastes, both fiction & non-fiction, plus a large collection of DVDs and CDs, and you can enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, together with a selection of delicious home-made cakes, in our cafe, Caxtons, where we also have regular exhibitions of work by local artists, both French & English. The Library runs classes in French, for English speakers, with a professional teacher, and also organises Anglo-French conversation groups in association with the Municipal Library in La Souterraine. We have a number of thriving special interest groups, such as the Gardening Club, Photographic Society, Friendship Group, etc. and we have an ever-changing selection of interesting items for sale in our Brocante on the ground floor. We also provide support & assistance in bureaucratic and administrative matters for both existing British residents as well as newcomers to the area, so whatever your interests, don’t hesitate to pay us a visit, when you will be assured of a warm welcome. The library is open from 9.30 -12.30 on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Contact tel 06 06 43 47 64 or email Our website is The English Library, Dun-le-Palestel The English Library, which has now been established for over 5 yrs, is situated in the Route des Rateries, beside the Bibliothèque Municipale, Parc Benjamin Bord. The library is a very welcoming meeting place, where you can come and enjoy a cup of tea, or coffee, whilst you browse through our collection of around 7,500 books, DVDs and talking books. Our opening hours are Thursdays, 10h00 – 16h00 and Saturdays 10h00 – 12h30. Also, on the first Tuesday of every month, 10h00 – 12h00, you are invited to join us for our Club Franglais, which welcomes people from all nationalities, to chat in French, English or any language you wish(!) whilst enjoying a cup of tea, and a piece of home-made cake. We host a range of other activities too, including the Café Philo, and Club Scrabble, More information can be found on the Entente Cordiale website at www. or email us at Music Music Club Boussac 3rd Saturday of the month at the Grand Café des Sports, 26 place de l'Hôtel de Ville. All musicians and singers wishing to join in an evening of free fun and entertainment are most welcome, as are those who simply enjoy listening to live music. A PA system and drum kit is available, so all you need to do is bring along your own instrument to have a good time. "Oh My Cod" fish and chips is available in the square or Philippe, the bar owner, provides a charcuterie. All food can be eaten in the café. Contact: Bev or Dave Calladine at or Mervyn or Rosie Wood at mervynjw@aol. com for more info. L'Orchestre Philharmonique de La Souterraine If you or one of your family are interested in playing in an orchestra and think your standard might be adequate do get in contact with us. We meet weekly on Friday evenings in La Souterraine (apart from the summer holidays) to rehearse. Most of our concerts are around Xmas or May-July. Our members come from all over Limousin so lifts to and fro may be possible if necessary. Contacts: French language Marie-France Martinie 05 55 30 76 23 / English language Alan Kerr 05 55 56 34 52 Club de Musique Takes place on the last Fri of each month from 8pm at La Grange, Chassignolles (5mins from La Châtre). Open to all musicians, singers, groups and audience. PA and drum kit available. Bring your instrument, mic and join in a great French / English musical and social evening. Bar, hot and cold snacks. Meals available if reserved – see website for contact details of La Grange. For more info email: http://www. The Harmonics This is our 6th season of singing as a group. Our music is varied classical, madrigals, spiritual, songs from the shows etc and we sing in French, English, Swahili, Latin whatever the music demands. Our concerts are in support of a variety of charities including the British Legion, L'Oregon at Civray and Retina and thus non profit making. We meet Wed 14h – 16h in the Salle d'Annexe behind the Mairie in Civray. Interested? We'd love to see you so contact: David Lee tel 05 49 87 53 93 Le Club Pudding Anglais en CLE your favourite food in France! The secret is out - lovers of good puds can finally feast on their favourite food in France. CLE (the Charente Limousine Exchange) has completed a Special Operation to infiltrate restaurants in our area of France with great British puddings. Said president Barry Leech: “We know we have members who hanker after the great British puds ‘like mum used to make’, so Le Club Pudding Anglais seemed the obvious thing to do. Response has been very encouraging and our list of participating restaurants is growing by the week.” CLE will hold ‘pudding lunches’ at selected restaurants where the menu will consist of a light starter followed by about six (smallish) puds - and loads of custard. You must be a member of CLE to be in the Pudding Club and details are on the web site at COMMUNITY ♦ 29 APRIL 2014 ○ THE BUGLE ○ WEEKLY MARKETS TUESDAY Auzances Bénévant-l’Abbaye Bussière-Poitevine Champagnac-la-Rivière Genouillac Gouzon Laurière Limoges (Le Vigenal) Peyrat-le-Château Rochechouart Royère-de-Vassivière Saint-Sulpice-lesFeuilles WEDNESDAY Ahun Bourganeuf Chambon-sur-Voueize Cognac-la-Forêt Clugnat Le Dorat Isle Limoges (pont St Martial) Nantiat Séreilhac THURSDAY Boussac Coussac-Bonneval Dun-le-Palestel Guéret Limoges Bastide et Cor- gnac Magnac-Laval Oradour-sur-Vayres (except 3rd Thu) Peyrat-le-Château Saint-Sulpice-lesChamps Saint-Victurnien La Souterraine FRIDAY Aigurande Aixe-sur-Vienne Ambazac Bessines-sur-Gartempe Bosmie l’Aiguille (16h - 19h30) Bujaleuf Châlus (except 2nd Fri) Châteauponsac Châtelus-Malvaleix Couzeix (16h30 19h30) Le Dorat Felletin Limoges (place des Bancs et Beaubreuil) Nexon Pierre-Buffière Rochechouart St-Etienne-de-Fursac Saint-Sulpice-Laurière Ve r n e u i l - s u r Vienne(15h-18h30) SATURDAY Aixe-sur-Vienne email or Dolly Ait Boualou email Support Alcoholics Anonymous If you or someone you know has a drinking problem, there are now English-speaking meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous at Limoges, Périgueux and the recently opened meeting at Civray. Alcoholics Anonymous is a Fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership and A.A. is not allied with any sect, denomination, politics, organization or institution. Our primary purpose is to stay sober and help other alcoholics to achieve sobriety. For details of the meetings or other information contact Roger 05 55 76 22 65 (Limoges), Ewen 05 53 05 76 62 (Périgueux) or Angela 05 49 87 79 09 (Civray). Other meetings in South-West France can be located on our web-site at Cancer Support France, Charente Plus Offers free and confidential support to English speakers affected by cancer in departments 16, 17 & 86. Our helpline number is 06 45 35 32 30. If you need any more information, please get in touch via Aubusson Bellac Bonnat Bussière-Poitevine Châteauponsac Condat-sur-Vienne Eymoutiers Feytiat Flavignac Guéret La Châtre La Jonchère-St-Maurice La Souterraine Limoges (place des Bancs et place Marceau) Le Palais-sur-Vienne Mainsat (4th Sat only) Nantiat Peyrat-le-Château Rochechouart Saint-Junien St-Léonard-de-Noblat Saint-Mathieu Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche SUNDAY Bessines-sur-Gartempe Blond Crocq (1st and 3rd Sun) Panazol Peyrat-le-Château Saint-Paul St-Sulpice-le-Guéretois (3rd Sun) Saint-Vaury (2nd Sun) Veyrac (2nd Sun) BY DATE Aixe-sur-Vienne: 1st Fri Ambazac: 1st Wed Auzances: 2nd Tue Bourganeuf: 1st & 3rd Wed Boussac: 1st & 3rd Thu Bujaleuf: Last Mona Châlus: 2nd Thu Châteauneuf-la-Forêt: 2nd Sun Cognac-la-Forêt: 1st Tue Cussac: 4th Sun Domps: 2nd Tue Dun-le-Palestel: 1st Thu Evaux-les-Bains: 1st Mon Eymoutiers: 1st & 3rd Thu Feytiat: 1st Sat La Souterraine 2nd & 4th Sat Magnac-Bourg: 2nd Sat Meuzac: 4th Mon Mézières-sur-Issoire: 2nd & 4th Mon Nexon: 3rd Fri Oradour-sur-Vayres: 3rd Thu Peyrat-le-Château: 3rd Mon Peyrilhac: 3rd Sun Pierre-Buffière: 1st Fri Royère-de-Vassivière: 2nd Tue Saint-Germain-les-Belles: last Sat Saint-Jouvent: 1st Sun Saint-Junien: 3rd Sat Saint-Léonard-de-Noblat: 1st Mon Saint-Yrieix-la-Perche: 2nd & 4th Fri Sauviat-sur-Vige: 2nd Mon Veyrac: 2nd Sun Cancer Support France, Haute-Vienne (supporting Creuse, too) We offer free and confidential support to English speakers affected by Cancer in the Haute-Vienne (87) and Creuse (23). Our helpline number is 06 04 43 39 87. If you would like more information or would like to become a member or help in any other way, please contact Sue Ware 05 55 00 31 15, CSF Haute-Vienne CSF Haute-Vienne would like to thank everyone who came to their AGM in Videix on 5th March. We had a very good meeting and have gained five new members, including our first French member. BY DAY All Markets & Foires are in the morning unless stated otherwise. If your local market is not listed, please let us know - L’Association France Alzheimer Dordogne Charitable organisation offering Englishspeaking support and guidance to anyone dealing with the day-to-day difficulties affecting those with dementia, their families and their carers and assistance with how to access the best provisions of care. English Helpline (available on Tuesday mornings between 10am and midday): 09 64 21 40 86. For more information email alzheimer. or visit www. We are planning our fund-raising lunch on the beach for Sunday 15th June. More information next month. Elizabeth Finn Care Registered charity Elizabeth Finn Care is able to offer direct financial assistance to British and Irish nationals or residents who live overseas. We ensure that our help does not affect any means-tested payments. For more information contact: Mary Hughes - Case worker France, Elizabeth Finn Care - tel 04 68 23 43 79 or visit www. and www.turn2us. Saturday 29th March: Concert 20h. Espace André Lejeune, Guéret Saturday 5th April: Concert 20h30. Location to be confirmed, Ennezat Sunday 27th April: Annual Concert of the Society 15h. Centre Cultural Yves Furet, La Souterraine Sunday 11th May: Annual Festival of Creuse Orchestras 9h30-18h. La Souterraine. Performances in the town centre from 10h30. 14h-18h Concert Centre Cultural Yves Furet Saturday 24th May: Concert 21h. Salle Polyvalente, Saint-Germain-Beaupré Saturday 14th June: Annual Concert of the Harmonie de Guéret 21h. Espace Fayolle, Esplanade Nelson Mandela, Guéret Saturday 21st June: Fête de la Musique 18h. Jardin Publique La Souterraine 20h. Location to be confirmed, Guéret The orchestra will be accompanied by L’Harmonie de Guéret at all concerts. The concerts are normally free but contributions for the programmes are appreciated. Further info contact Alan Kerr on 05 55 56 34 52. Every Friday night from 4th April 2014 If you like music and have ever fancied getting up and having a go, why not come along to our first Open Mic Night at “Le Lock Ness” in La Souterraine town centre on 4th April around 8.30pm. Our Open Mic Night is a non-profit making event and its aim is to bring pleasure and fun to people of all ages, nationality, creed, etc. who have always fancied getting up to play their guitar, tambourine, triangle or even the spoons if you'd like. You can sing, play or even read a poem, the choice is yours. No pressure! You might like to just come along and support, sit and have a drink... So get out that guitar or penny whistle that's been lurking in the attic for the last twenty years, dust it down and join in for an evening of fun!! Look forward to seeing you there. Chorale Philomèle The choir Philomèle of Rochechouart and St-Junien give several concerts locally and further afield. Their repertoire, which changes often, comprises songs, both serious and rousing in a variety of languages. Upcoming concerts: Saturday April 5th at Bessines/Gartempe at 8.30pm Monday June 9th at The Cultural Centre, Place de la Gare Rochechouart in honour of the Town Twinning groups of Rochehouart and Oettingen at 6pm Sunday June 22nd Summer Fete on the banks of the river Glane, Site Corot in St-Junien 87200 from 11.30am Monday July 14th at St-Junien at 10am to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the liberation of St-Junien. For information please tel 05 55 03 69 70 or 06 32 66 80 35, email or visit The Latest Historical Fiction Novel Sue Ware, President CSF H-V Société Philharmonique de la Souterraine 2014 Concert Programme OPEN MIC NIGHT 1 (day before if public holiday): Bellac 3: Bellegarde-en-Marche 3: Châteauponsac 5: Bussière-Poitevine 5: Chénérailles 6: Bussière-Boffy 8: Compreignac 9: Saint-Sulpice-Laurière 11 (Sat if 11 is a Sun): Bessines-surGartempe 13 (Sat if 13 is a Sun): Le Dorat 15: Oradour-sur-Glane 17: Mortemart 18: La Croisille-sur-Briance; La Jonchère-Saint-Maurice 20: Chénérailles 21: Ambazac; Saint-Sulpice-lesFeuilles 22 (Mon if 22 is a Sun): Magnac-Laval 23: Razès; St Laurent sur Gorre 24: Nantiat 25: Blond - St Paul 26: Nouic; Rochechouart 28: Cieux 29: Laurière from Haute-Vienne Author James R. Vance Got an event...? MONDAY Evaux-les-Bains MONTHLY FOIRES Monique decides that she intends to wear ‘something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue’ for her forthcoming wedding. When she and her older sister, Elodie delve into the contents of their deceased grandmother’s battered old trunk, they discover a medallion and unwittingly release decades of tragic secrets that had remained buried since the Second World War. Title: Something Old, Something New Author: James R. Vance Publisher: RealTime Publishing ISBN:978-1849611985 Pages:246 Published:17/02/14 Size: 6x9 Price: 10.95 € Genre: Historical Fiction Order from: RealTime Publishing Limerick, Ireland,, (+ Kindle version) Direct via e-mail from Bookstores: contact RealTime Publishing BOOK SIGNING EVENTS La Souterraine at The English Library 10h30 -12h30 Saturday, April 5 Le Dorat at Vera Laine 10h30-12h30 Wednesday, April 9 Thiat at The Bar 19h00- 21h00 Thursday, April 10 Magnac-Laval at Thé Bonbons Cadeaux 10h30-12h30 Saturday, April 12 30 ♦ COMMUNITY ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2014 COMMUNITY FOCUS ON... St-Léger-Magnazeix • Poitiers • St-Léger-Magnazeix • Guéret The Bugle Limousin • Limoges The Bugle Dordogne 9, place du 19 mars 62, 87190 St-Léger-Magnazeix - Tel 05 55 60 75 93 Open every day 8am til 8pm non-stop - Closed Monday and Thursday after 1pm Why not come on a Sunday and enjoy one of our Sunday breakfasts! Find us on Facebook pressive Mairie which was once a château. The community is well served by a delightful Salle des Fêtes and Library. Many clubs and events are held there throughout the year. We have one of the best Christmas Fairs I have ever attended, a Summer Fair, music, dances, storytelling, a youth club and two Zumba classes a week. Regular farmers’ markets in the summer are held in the centre. The Library has a great selection of books, both French and English and we have free French classes three times a week and an English class for local people too. The village has a doctor’s surgery, • BERGERAC school, and a post office. Every Tuesday inside the post office building a hairdresser is open for business. The surrounding area is beautiful… where isn’t in Haute Vienne?... but here we have a small, private château, the beautiful Etang Murat with its bird hide, country walks and the ancient Prieuré des Bronzeaux, a monastic priory dating from the early 1100s where guided tours are held in the summer months. But businesses are flourishing here too, making it a village well worth a visit. We have a delightful garden centre (Jardinerie) with a fantastic stock of plants and they serve tea and homemade cakes too. Just round the corner there is a stylish café bar (La Bonne Planque) with a grocery section and outside seating area. Take a look at the new Brocante (L’Oranger) with items ranging from large pieces of furniture down to small collectables. You can also arrange carpentry, paint effects for furniture and textiles here too. Leave your car at the garage in the capable hands of Bernard Cox for a service or any work needing doing. Take a stroll past the green and have a meal at the restaurant (Les Grange des Arts). There are other businesses too… a wine stockist, B&B (No 1 Retreat), a honey producer, and the amazing travelling Fish et Frites serving their delicious cod and chips. Check us out on Facebook… https://www.facebook. com/groups/112769052069683/ Better still, come on over, spend the day with us and see for yourself! ■ by Kevin Walker UPCOMING EVENTS IN ST-LÉGER-MAGNAZEIX Friday morning @ 10h30 Zumba Gold First class free, come along & join the party ! Call Joanne Del and Jackie of Fish et Frites are so pleased we chose to live in St-Léger-Magnazeix. The village has a great feeling and, since the new Madame Le Maire took over, has gone from strength to strength. On the first Tuesday of every month Fish et Frites serve in St-Léger-Magnazeix alongside the Salle des Fêtes. It is always a great evening out where you can relax with friends, enjoy good food and a drink. We pride ourselves on serving delicious beer battered cod with a healthy portion of traditional chunky home cut English chips. Remember we also visit various other towns in the area, so please check out our website for details. We look forward to meeting you and hope you find our menu gives you a welcome reminder of ‘The Great British Take Away’ as you know it. Del and Jackie Tel: 05 55 68 78 23 / Mob: 06 43 97 83 66 18th May Fête du Jardin 28th June Feu de St-Jean 13th July Dance + Meal 15th August Fête de St-Léger-Magnazeix 7th December Christmas Market 1st Tuesday of every month Fish et Frites nd 2 Tuesday of each month Summer Markets Siret: 503 419 871 00010 Tuesday morning @ 10h30 Zumba Fitness • Brive PERIGUEUX • C an we meet in the main square in St-LégerMagnazeix?... the estate agent asked us when we were looking to view a house in the area. And so, on a sunny afternoon in September 2012, we parked the car in the elegant central square, with its lovely trees and surrounded by beautiful cottages and houses, and waited for the agent to turn up. We were about twenty minutes early and so we stood and looked around... beautiful, yes, but SO quiet?! No people, no sounds. It was lunch-time of course! Unknown to us there was already lots going on, but, after buying the house we came to view, we cannot believe how dramatically the village has changed - for the better! - over the last three or four years. We have a dynamic Madame le Maire who is eager to promote and encourage businesses and events supported by a thriving community of Locals and Brits who just ‘get on with it’. The village is beautifully kept and although small, it is a pleasure to walk round, with its well cared for houses and tended garden areas, a lovely church and im- • Le Blanc (formerly of Magnac-Laval) We sell all kinds of antiques and decorative items, soft furnishings, mirrors, lighting, personalised cushions, bunting, plaques and other gift ideas. We also offer bespoke furniture of various styles to fit your requirements, made from new or reclaimed timbers, painted or natural, handcrafted in the adjacent workshop. Come and discuss your plans over a coffee with no obligation. Opening times Thu/Fri/Sat 10.00am - 1.00pm & 2.00pm - 5.30pm Other times by appointment - Ring David on 06 30 88 78 62 Tel: 06 03 21 02 37 Isabelle Barreau is at your service Monday to Saturday by appointment for all your beautician needs. She has a treatment room in St-Léger-Magnazeix twice a month but can also visit you at home... Manicures, waxing, pedicures, massage - please call for details. BERNARD COX AUTOMOBILE ENGINEER OWN GARAGE IN GB FOR 35 YEARS ON ALL MARQUES Garage located in St-Léger-Magnazeix (next to library) Latest diagnostic equipment used - Ring for a quote or free advice T: 05 55 47 63 80 / M: 07 87 28 80 70 E: Siret: 538 512 211 00011 WHAT’S ON ♦ 31 APRIL 2014 ○ THE BUGLE ○ UPCOMING EVENTS ACROSS THE REGION Fri 4th to Sun 6th Apr LIMOGES Reading in Limoges Festival This is the month of book fairs, and Limoges is no exception to the rule with the Lire à Limoges (Reading in Limoges) event. Featuring over 300 authors of general and children’s literature as well as comics, this book festival brings together both children and adults, and exercises a strong appeal with extensive comics and youth literature stalls. Book signings and conferences will punctuate a weekend full of literary discoveries. Esplanade du Champ de Juillet. Free entry. Sat 5th Apr AHUN Saturdays in the Garden A series of gardening courses held at the Lycée Agricole in Ahun. 5th April: Aromatherapy. This course costs EUR 27 (free for accompanying children) and will be held at CFPPA d’Ahun from 8h30-12h. For more information tel: Sat 5th to Sun 6th Apr BOSMIE L’AIGUILLE Foire aux vins et Saveurs du Terroir Salle G. Bizet. Sat 11h-19h; Sun 10h-18h. Free entry. Tue 8th Apr AUBUSSON Violoncelle sur canapé Cie Nuages et Sons, Cécile Girard (cello and voice) and David Doucerain (guitar) take the audience on a musical journey from Johann Sebastian Bach to Pink Floyd. Théâtre Jean Lurçat. 20h30. Tickets €12. For more information and tickets tel 05 55 83 09 09 or visit Wed 9th to Sun 13th Apr LE DORAT 3ème Festival Musique & Manga For the 3rd time, Le Dorat is devoting 5 days to Japanese cinema. The varied programme includes a concert by harpist Cécile Corbel (Thu 10th at 20h30), film projections, workshops, exhibition, signings... To find out more visit Scotland be an independent country?” Espace Loup, Centre Permanent de la Caricature, du Dessin de Presse et d’Humour. For more info visit Sat 12th Apr AHUN Saturdays in the Garden A series of gardening courses held at the Lycée Agricole in Ahun. 12th April: The medicinal and culinary properties of les mauvaises herbes - weeds. Depending on the season, you will learn to recognize, use and transform weeds to make the most of their virtues for your health and wellbeing. Teas, syrups, massage oils, wild salads ... will help you discover new tastes and new sensations. Courses cost EUR 27 (free for accompanying children) and are held from 8h30 - 12h at the CFPPA Ahun. For more information tel: Sun 13th Apr BOUSSAC Concert des Ladies’Pop Concert of French and American hits from the 70s - revisited and rearranged: Michel Berger, Elton John, Claude François, Earth Wind and Fire, Charles Aznavour... Salle polyvalente. 15h. Tickets: €10; €8 Concessions; Free for Under 12s. Contact the Boussac tourist office for more info & tickets: tel 09 77 85 75 92 or 05 55 65 05 95. Sun 13th Apr MAGNAC-LAVAL Fête des Plantes Organised by LES AMIS DES FLEURS ET JARDINS. Takes place in the grounds of the Château at the Agricultural College. Perennials, trees, shrubs, herbs and hand-made baskets will be for sale. There will be a tombola and refreshments. 10h-18h. Free entry. Contact: Sun 20th Apr MAISONNISSES 19ème Foire aux Fromages Annual cheese fair. From 9h. Contact: Tel 06 77 52 16 17 Mon 21st Apr GUÉRET Giant Easter Egg Hunt Egg hunt (for under 12s) at the Labyrinthe Géant de Guéret. 14h - 20h (last entry 18h30). Price 4-11 yrs: 4.50 €. Price over 12s: 6.50 €. Contact: Tel Fri 25th Apr to Sun 22nd Jun ‘Regards sur Images’ 2ème Festival de la Photographie Amateur Amateur photography festival organised by the association Creusographie, with exhibitions taking place all over the Creuse. Visit for more information. Sat 26th Apr CAMPSEGRET - DORDOGNE The Great Phoenix Book Fair The largest Anglo-French fundraising event in south-west France will return on Saturday 26th April, 2014. Over 18,000 books, CDs and DVDs will be ONE EURO only! Come along and support Phoenix’s animal rescue work by browsing our very large collection of paperbacks and hardbacks (including French books). Our catering team will be providing an impressive and tasty array of food and drinks, so stay and have lunch, a snack or even a tipple with us, and meet the Phoenix team! Salle Municipale, Campsegret 24140, 9.30am to 3.00pm Book Donations: Your donation of books will be very welcome on the day itself, or if you would like to drop off books at one of our collection points in advance, please contact Anne at For more information visit or Sat 26th Apr SAINT-SULPICE-LES-FEUILLES Chicago, Texas and West-Coast Blues Concert Bourbon Street Electric Gumbo Quintet will perform a Folk and Blues concert to be held in Saint-Sulpice-les-Feuilles. Bourbon Street Electric Gumbo has performed over a thousand concerts throughout the world and produced numerous albums. This band features Cyril Menet on acoustic, electric slide and dobro guitar, Eric “Catfish Slim” Vacherat on acoustic guitar and lead vocals, Joel Arnaud on bass and Ludovic Nagy on drums. They have played in many American and British bands and have shared moments on stage with Little Jimmy Reed, Teenie Tucker, Michael Burks, Little Charlie Baty, Sugar Ray Norcia & The Bluetones, Monster Mike Welsh and many others. Special guest will be Laurent Cagnon, harmonica player. Cagnon is one of the most famous harpists, founder of a harp festival and active member of the Marine Band Club. We’re thrilled to have him right here. Bourbon Street are playing Blues straight from their heart & soul and enjoy sharing spicy music gumbo they’ve cooked up. Their repertoire is inspired by Chicago, Delta and West-Coast music and Blues legends such as Robert Johnson, Charley Patton, and of their heirs John Hammond, Ry Cooder, Corey Harris, John Mooney.... Providing a wonderful atmosphere and infusing a mixture of Soul, Gospel and Folk-Blues, it has a traditional American style with a subtle contemporary empathy, which mesmerises their audiences. Saint-Sulpice-les-Feuilles Foyer Rural - easily accessed from A20 motorway, exit 22. Plenty of beer and champagne will be available. Combined with world-class music that will get you up on your feet, a splendid time is guaranteed for all. Information and Bookings: Doors will open at 8.30 pm, Concert 9pm. Ticket price: €10. Free for Under 18s. Early bookings by phone (05 55 76 70 15) or by email ( Sun 4th May SEGUINAUD - DORDOGNE 8th Annual Plant Sale in aid of Bansang Hospital Appeal Well, it has stopped raining, for a while at least, and some of us are now thinking about our gardens. I am madly potting up for our Annual Plant Sale which we will be holding on 4th May this year. It’s a little earlier than previous years, but actually if we continue to get this beautiful warm and drier weather all the plants are going to romp away so we need to get them in early before the hot season is up on us. We are having the same format as last year with tea, coffee, cakes and a tombola on behalf of Bansang Hospital Appeal. The Plant Sale takes place at from 2-5pm at Seguinaud 24360 (near to Nontron 24 and 5 mins outside Piégut). For more information tel Linda Nicholson on 05 53 56 73 86. If you would like to donate plants, please could we have them the weekend before and also could they be potted in pots of 1 litre and above as we specialise in herbaceous plants. For more information about Bansang Hospital please take a look at our website: Sun 11th May SAINT-LÉGER-BRIDEREIX 5ème Fête des jardins et de la nature Organised each spring by garden and nature enthusiasts this year’s Garden and Nature Festival will include: sale of plants, seeds, vegetables, herbs; troc jardin; artisanal stands (sculptor, wood turner, basket maker); produce market (bio bread, cheese, apple juice, medicinal plants, chocolate, wine); children’s area... Free entry from 9h-18h. Over 90 stands and 4000 visitors. For more information visit Fri 11th Apr to Thu 14th Aug SAINT-JUST-LE-MARTEL Exhibition: The Auld Acquaintance The Auld Acquaintance is a new exhibition that gathers together artwork not only by the team at the Scottish Cartoon Art Studio but also our friends from the Scottish and UK press as well as cartoonists across the globe. Caricatures, editorial cartoons and comic strips are featured, many never before exhibited. All contributors have been asked to think about the same question that will be put to Scottish voters on the 18th of September: “Should Sun 18th May SAINT-DIZIER-LEYRENNE Fête du Pain This annual celebration of one of our staple foods, organised each year by the Société Leyrenne Patrimoine, will be held this year in the village of Jalinoux, just to the west of St-Dizier-Leyrenne, on Sunday 18th May starting from 8h30. Bread for sale will be baked in a restored traditional oven, pizzas prepared on site and cooked in a wood fired pizza oven, and there will be traditional lunches of andouillette, merguez, saucisses, and of course frites. Various artisanal stands will also be present throughout the day. There is no admission charge. The weather of course plays a major part in the success or otherwise of such an event, but whatever the weather you can expect a warm welcome from all the participants; there will be a bar, and covered seating should the smell of frites and merguez, etc. get too much for you to resist. 32 ♦ WHAT’S ON ○ THE BUGLE ○ APRIL 2014