POOLS AND HOT TUBS - Ville de Gatineau
POOLS AND HOT TUBS - Ville de Gatineau
Standards Fencing materials LOCATION Any structure built to provide or block access to a pool must be maintained in good condition. The following materials are approved: Pools, hot tubs, access platforms above ground level, stairs and equipment for the pool or hot tub must be located in backyards or side yards, at least one metre (1 m) from any property line, and away from any easement. Although there are exceptions, as a rule they are not permitted in front yards. POOL EQUIPMENT Any equipment used to operate a pool must be installed at least one metre from any property line. In order to prevent children from climbing on it to get into the pool, any equipment must be at least one metre (1 m) from the side of the pool, or, as the case may be, from the enclosure, unless the equipment is located: • rust-resistant ornamental metal; • milled wood; • metal lattice, wood lattice or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) lattice; • PVC; and • concrete (for pillars supporting the fence). For additional information about fences, please read the municipal brochure entitled Fences, Walls, Retaining Walls and Hedges. Avoid accidents! You must also comply with the clearance requirements set by the Canadian Standards Association in regard to distances between electrical installations (e.g. overhead or underground cables) and your pool. In order to select the right location for your pool, check the Hydro-Québec Web site at hydroquebec.com/securite/piscine.html. Before digging, planting a tree, installing a fence, pool or hot tub, check with Info-Excavation at 1-800-663-9228 or info-ex.com. This free service for locating underground conduits could help you avoid nasty surprises. BY-LAW Respect and good neighbours Remember that drainage or run-off from a pool must always go towards the street. • inside the enclosure; • under a structure (deck or platform); or Equipment and noise Important notice Noise generated by filtration devices, motors, water heating devices, heat pumps and other similar equipment must be less than 60 decibels during the day and 55 decibels at night, in accordance with noise bylaw number 44–2003. The information in this brochure is based on Ville de Gatineau zoning by-law number 502–2005 and the Residential Swimming Pool Safety Regulation under the Residential Swimming Pool Safety Act (CQLR c. S-3.1.02, r.1), and is intended for information only. It does not replace the provisions in the official by-law. • in a shed. Connections between the equipment and the pool must be flexible and installed in such a way that they cannot be used to climb over the side of the pool or, as the case may be, the enclosure. An in-ground or semi-in-ground pool must have a ladder or a stair for getting in and out of the pool. This brochure was written on April 20, 2016. An easement on your property? No pool, hot tub or accessory may be installed on an easement. To determine whether your property is subject to one or more private or public easements, check your property survey (localization certificate). POOLS AND HOT TUBS Additional rules may apply specifically to certain properties (waterfront lots, corner lots, etc.) or to certain zones (flood zones, mass movement areas, heritage areas, etc.). Please contact the Division de l’urbanisme in your sector for more information in this regard. By-law Your pool must be inaccessible at all times In the interest of its residents’ safety, Ville de Gatineau brought in a by-law on the installation of hot tubs, above-ground, in-ground and inflatable pools, as well as surrounding structures. These standards cover, among other things, the installation of fencing around pools, accessory equipment and noise. Access to your pool must be restricted by an enclosure having the following features: It is also important to note that in addition to the municipal provisions, the installation of a pool or a hot tub with a capacity in excess of 2000 litres must meet the provisions of the Residential Swimming Pool Safety Regulation under the Residential Swimming Pool Safety Act. Any gate built into an enclosure must have a security latch on the inside of the enclosure on the upper part of the gate. This security latch must ensure that the gate closes and latches automatically. Pools deeper than 0.45 m and all hot tubs are subject to the standards set out in the by-law. A hedge or bushes are not deemed to constitute an enclosure. • a spherical object measuring 10 cm in diameter cannot get through; • minimum height of 1.5 m; and • no attachment, protrusion or addition that could be used to climb over. If part of the enclosure is a wall, it must not have any opening (door, window, etc.) that could be used to gain access to the enclosed area. FENCE AFFIXED TO AN ABOVE-GROUND POOL (WITHOUT DECK OR PLATFORM) You can affix a fence to an above-ground pool under the following conditions: • the top of the fence affixed to the side of the pool is at least 1.5 m above ground level; and Is a permit required? • access to the pool is by a ladder with a security gate that shuts and latches automatically so that it cannot be opened by a child. Before you install or replace a pool or hot tub, you must obtain a building permit from Ville de Gatineau. When a pool is replaced, any remaining structure must be upgraded to comply with current requirements. Visit us in person and bring the necessary documents to the Division de l’urbanisme counter in your sector (see contact information below). The main documents or information you must provide include: your property survey (localization certificate), a sketch showing the proposed location of the pool, fence, platform or deck, as applicable, and any pool or hot tub equipment. For above-ground pools, you will also have to specify the height of the sides. Note: Additional documents may be required. FENCE ON THE GROUND The pool or the hot tub must be surrounded by a fence or a wall that is at least 1.5 m high and is located at least one metre (1 m) from the edge of the pool or hot tub. — Does not apply to a hot tub with a capacity of 2000 litres or less with a cover with a locking mechanism. TO FIND OUT MORE Please do not hesitate to call the Service de l’urbanisme et du développement durable. Aylmer sector 115 rue Principale Gatineau, Quebec J9H 3M2 Telephone: 819-685-5027 Fax: 819-685-5043 Buckingham sector 515 rue Charles Gatineau, Quebec J8L 2K4 Telephone: 819-986-4242 Fax: 819-986-8336 FENCE AFFIXED TO AN ABOVE-GROUND POOL (WITH A DECK) When the pool access is from a deck attached to the house, the part that opens onto the pool must be protected by an enclosure with the required features. The top of the fence affixed to the side of the pool must be at least 1.5 m above ground level. Gatineau sector 144 boulevard de l’Hôpital Gatineau, Quebec J8T 7S7 Telephone: 819-243-2460 Fax: 819-243-2479 Hull sector 775 boulevard de la Carrière Gatineau, Quebec J8Y 6V1 Telephone: 819-595-7350 Fax: 819-595-7326 FENCE AFFIXED TO AN ABOVE-GROUND POOL (WITH A PLATFORM) When the pool access is from a platform, that access must be protected by an enclosure with the required features. The top of the fence affixed to the side of the pool must be at least 1.5 m above ground level. Masson-Angers sector 57 chemin de Montréal Est Gatineau, Quebec J8M 1K3 Telephone: 819-986-4242 Fax: 819-986-8336 gatineau.ca Service des communications, April 2016.