The Christchurch Football Club (Inc.)


The Christchurch Football Club (Inc.)
The Christchurch Football Club (Inc.)
The 151st Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts
For Year Ending 31st August 2014
Cover photos and other photographs provided by Ken Baker Photography.
Printed in Christchurch by Maxim Print
Notice of Annual Meeting
Season’s Highlights
Chairman’s Review
Representative Honours
Club Captain’s Review
CRFU Competition and Trophy Winners
Division One 16
Division Two 20
Division Three 22
Colts Alpha 24
CFC Player Exchange wit Brothers Club of Brisbane
Colts Bravo
Junior Club
Junior Advisory Board Competition Placings
Christchurch Gentlemen (Golden Oldies)
CFC Netball
Netball Awards
Westminster Sports
New Zealand Representatives
Canterbury Representatives
Financial Statements
Phone 03 385 1991
Notice is hereby given of the 151st Annual General Meeting to be held at the
Clubrooms, Christchurch Park, 250 Westminster Street, Christchurch on Monday 24th
November 2014 at 7.30 pm.
To confirm the minutes of the 150th Annual General Meeting.
To receive the Annual Report and Financial Statements.
To receive and approve the recommendation of the Board that the
subscriptions for 2015 be as follows:
a. b. c. d.
Senior Div 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & Women’s
(reducible to $170 if paid by 31st May 2015 [or earlier])
Colts and any Under 21 player
(reducible to $140 if paid by 31st May 2015 [or earlier])
Old Member $190
To receive and approve the recommendation of the Board that a Ground Maintenance
Levy be approved for the 2015 playing season in addition to the annual subscription,
on all registered players of the Club as follows:
Senior players including Colts
Junior players
5. Members eligible to become 40 Year Old Members:
Members eligible to become Old Members:
7. Election of Officers
8.To receive and approve the recommendation of the Board that the Constitution
of the Club be amended as per the proposed changes circulated
General Business
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
A very successful season for all adult CFC teams
Retaining both the CRFU Redpath Shield and Evans Shield
Richie McCaw and Steph Te Ohaere-Fox again being selected to
represent the All Blacks and Black Ferns respectively
Richie McCaw becoming the most capped All Black ever
Colts Bravo winning the Metro Colts Trophy
Div.3 and their winning ways
A much improved showing by Div.1
The success of the ground renovations undertaken on Number 1
Christchurch Red u12 winning both the Championship Cup and
Challenge Shield for their grade
Forty two junior teams again in 2014
A new scoreboard
K C Allsop
G P Wilson
Life Members
D J Abbott, K C Allsop, M J Ambler, K S Chambers,
E M Ferguson, J C H Mill, J M Rowberry, R D Smith,
A I Stoneman, T A Thompson, A C S Trent, S R Wilder,
D G Wilson, G P Wilson
Board Members
RF Eastgate ( Chairman ), V de Beus ( resigned ) T R Giles, MH Nutt ( Coopted)
G Odams (Observer) B K Thomson, M Thompson
Club Captain
C Hammett
Rugby Committee
M J O’Donovan ( Chairman ),P Bowden, K Brewer, M Don, T R Giles, C Hammett,
T Hussey (JAB representative), Jayne O’Connor (Netball Representative), A Thompson
Delegates to the CRFU
P Bowden, T R Giles, C Hammett, M J O’Donovan
T R Giles
Marriotts Audit Partnership
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
It is with much pleasure that I report on the
activities of the Christchurch Football Club in
this its 151st year of operation. Following the
excitement of the 150th celebrations, this has
been another busy year on and off the field.
The highlights of the year head this report
and reflect a very good rugby season for the
senior and junior club. We retained the CRFU
Redpath Shield and Evans Shield which are
a reflection of the success of the adult and
junior competitive teams during the season.
Div.3 again enjoyed a stellar season and at
the seasons end, held all three of their grades
trophies. Congratulations to Colts Bravo for
their championship win and the under 12 red
team for their extremely successful season.
The performance of Div.1 was most pleasing
in that there was a considerable improvement
from last season in the style of play and
commitment to defence. While wins over
the top four teams proved elusive, the team
finished the season in a deserved fifth position
and with a trophy. Congratulations to Daniel
O’Brien, Matt Mustchin, Ross Tarawhiti and
the Managers Graham Mitchell and Muir
Don for the vast improvement shown. This
was very pleasing to the club, its supporters
and followers and it helped create a good
clubs rooms environment for the after match
festivities. We acknowledge and thank Matt
Mustchin for his time as Div.1 coach. We have
appreciated your commitment to the club over
the last two years.
Div.2 made the final of their grade and although
coming up short against Lincoln Uni, they
proved they were worthy finalists particularly
after a memorable win at Lyttelton in their semifinal matchup. Chris Hammett and Terrance
Hunkin have done a wonderful job with this
team finishing in the top four in the past two
seasons. Chris ism stepping aside as Coach of
this team but will remain as Club Captain.
Thanks very much Chris for your valued
contribution to the club.
In addition to the success of the Colts Bravo
team, the other Colts side Colts Alpha were
beaten semi-finalists as were the women’s
team. The Canardly’s made a Plate semi-final
which was a great effort.
Richie McCaw was again named as Captain
of the All Blacks and he is now the most
capped All Black ever. What a record to
achieve and he has to be one of the best ever
rugby players in the world. While Matt Todd
was selected for the June 2014 International
series AB squad, he didn’t make the twenty
three and has unluckily been passed over
for the UK tour as well. Congratulations are
also extended to Steph Ohaere-Fox for her
selection in the Black Ferns for the Women’s
World Cup and a home series against Australia
and to Alexis Tapsell who was again selected
in the NZ Seven’s team. There were also a
number of CFC players who attained provincial
representation who are listed elsewhere in
this report.
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
Tony Hussey and his great committee continue
to do an excellent job of organising forty two
Junior Teams Under Tony’s leadership, the
committee do a wonderful job in skilfully pulling
all the necessary operational and administrative
support together. This is no easy task but the
structure and the quality of administration is
enduring and the junior section is undoubtedly
one of the most successful aspects of the
club. Tony’s separate report provides some
more detail around the performances and
successes of the season. Thanks to Tony, his
committee and all the coaches and managers
for their contribution towards the junior section.
Tony, on behalf of the Club, took a leading
role in persuading the Rugby Union to change
its policy on rolling subs. Well done Tony for
ensuring some common sense came to play.
As reported last year, the condition of the
playing fields particularly number one was
of great concern to the Board. With financial
assistance provided by CFC World, over
$100,000 was spent on renovating both fields
over the last summer. Under the excellent
guidance of Roger Morgan of Readylawn, this
work was undertaken. Because of the extent
of the work undertaken, particularly levelling
number 1 and the relaying of sand slits, number
1 was not available for use until early June.
This meant number 2 carried a heavy workload
pre season and early season for match and
practice requirements and by seasons end, it
was showing the signs of this workload.
Number 1 performed extremely well. While the
sandslits blow out a little, the ground itself was
in a much better condition than anticipated and
at the seasons end, looked a picture. The club
hosted the South Island u18 tournament in early
October and both grounds played well and
were positively commented on. Number 3 on
Westminster Park had a bit of a transformation
when mid season it was shifted over, after a
spring appeared again. For the u18 tournament,
number 3 was located on the Western FC field.
It is still our intention to see if we can squeeze
another field on Westminster Park in an attempt
to ease the traffic on number 2. The decision to
also take down the trees alongside number 1 to
allow as much sun as possible on the field was
also a good decision. This has, I believe, made
the ground a better presented ground albeit the
balls boys have had to run a little further than
To complement the ground maintenance work,
a new scoreboard was purchased and installed
in time for club day. It is a vast improvement
over the previous board, it is visible and
readable and has the ability to display sponsors
and other messages.Many thanks to Aaron
Kitto for his IT expertise and for Connor Kitto for
undertaking the scoreboard scoring.
During the season, a club luncheon was
held with broadcaster Tony Johnston being
the guest speaker. This luncheon was a very
successful and well run event and enjoyed by
the attendees. An auction was also held and
raised some good money for the club. It is
hope to make this event an annual one at the
time when international rugby is being played in
It is timely that the club records its gratitude and
appreciation to Peter Bowden for his wonderful
contribution to the club which came in many
guises. The compilation of the newsletter,
website work, IT expertise, Rugby committee
work, fundraising ventures (Ace of Spades
etc.). At the end of the season Peter indicated,
that for work reasons, he would be stepping
away from the Rugby committee and his other
involvement with the club. Thanks very much
Peter for all you have done for us over the
years. We are very appreciative and thankful for
your work.
A replacement for Peter was needed for the
weekly compilation of the electronic newsletter
in Touch. Thankfully one was found and Vicki
O’Sullivan offered her services. The newsletter
is such a good vehicle for club communications
and with regular contributors making the effort
to provide copy and with Vicki adding the IT
touches, the end product is something the club
can be proud of.
Financially on the surface, the end result
of a deficit of $125,242 (last year $58,883
deficit) looks very average. The result, after
Depreciation charges of $40,500, includes
$107,000 which CFC World loaned the club
to undertake the ground maintenance work.
This loan was contingent on the sale of the
Aylesford Street sections and the repayment
of the loan. The sections remain unsold at
Balance day partly due to the Flockton Basin
flooding issues and also that the sections are
technically classified as TC 3 land. Without the
$107,000 loan which is shown as an expense in
our accounts, there would have been a loss of
$18,422 which was more in line with what was
While income from the bar and restaurant
fall again, the bigger surprise was the drop in
income and net profit from the motels. After two
years of exceptional sales, the drop in profit of
$62,000 approx. was unexpected. We enjoyed
a very strong financial year for clubrooms hire
although this item will not be as profitable in
the next financial year. The Rugby account was
managed carefully this year and income from
Grants and sponsorship was up this year.
We wish to record our appreciation to
Eddie Cropley from Westminster Sports,
for his handling of the Club’s grant funding
applications. Westminster Sports has enjoyed
a very busy time with some very exciting
development opportunities opening up for
them. While there are still some challenges
around the developments to get them to
fruition, the progress of the Board in pursuing
these opportunities has been very positive
and beneficial to date. A separate report on
the activities of Westminster Sports is included
elsewhere in this report.
During the early part of the winter Sherry
Osborne resigned as Complex Manager.
Sherry had only been at the club a short while
but the illness of her mother, meant that Sherry
had to put family first. We thank Sherry for her
contribution to the business of the club. We are
delighted that she has been available to help
out in the kitchen and for club functions during
the season.
Lynn Peacock became our new Complex
Manager. Lynn has had considerable hospitality
experience overseas particularly in her native
Scotland and has made a very good start to
her work at the club. Her friendly and helpful
manner has been well received by club
members and clients. We also thank Mac
Ferguson and Sherry for being available to be
acting Complex Managers during the year.
I wish to thank the staff for their dedicated
commitment to the Club. Pauline Shutt has
given great administrative support to both
Sherry and Lynn and to Tim Murdoch. The
Club would be truly lost without the strong
contribution of Russell Bayliss. Russell is one
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
of the great all-rounders, expert in some many
areas and with a variety of skills to match. Mike
O’Donovan has enjoyed a very successful year.
The performances of all adult teams improved
during the season and an overall win ratio of
70% for the teams speaks volumes for the
hard work and long hours Mike puts in. To Tim
Murdoch, thank you for your contribution and
commitment to the club. The Board appreciate
the role you have played in guiding the club
through the year.
No report would be complete without noting
the contributions of Mac Ferguson, Bryce
Thomson and Ken Charlton to the day to
day maintenance work they undertake in
conjunction with Russell. I guess every club has
them but we are so fortunate to call on them
any time. We are very fortunate to count them
as club members.
At the 2013 Annual General Meeting Alan Trent
was elected the Club’s sixty sixth Life Member.
Alan has been a wonderful contributor to the
Club in a variety of administrative positions,
more latterly as Board Chairman. Alan is a most
deserved recipient of the Life Membership
honour which acknowledges his service to and
his support of the club.
We cannot forget the contribution and
passionate support that the Axemen provide as
part of the club. Dale Cooper and the Trustees
have always shown to be acting in the best
interests of the Club. The introduction of the
Pint night has been a successful innovation and
the annual Christmas dinner, a delightful and
entertaining night. The Axemen are a strong
and regular presence in the club and surely
are the envy of other rugby clubs throughout
the country. Many thanks for your support and
encouragement of the Club. A report from Dale
on the Axemen is included elsewhere in this
To Noel Walton and the Board of CFC World,
thank you most sincerely for your financial
support and backing of the club during this
year. As mentioned early, CFC World provided
financial assistance to the club for the ground
renovations undertaken in October 2013. In
addition to that, there have been discussions
with Noel and the Board regarding the
earthquake repair settlement and other matters
such as the Aylesford Street sections. We
greatly appreciate the role the CFC World
Company play within the club and your
guidance and opinions are always valued.
Special thanks go to our Board members, Toby
Giles, Michael Nutt (co-opted), Graeme Odams
(co-opted), Mark Thompson, Bryce Thompson
and Gerald Wilson for their guidance, support
and direction and management of the Club. Viv
de Beus tendered his resignation as a Board
Member in March this year. This resignation
was accepted with regret. Viv has been a
passionate club member who served the Board
with distinction during his time as a Director.
Michael Nutt was co-opted to replace Viv on
the Board after initially serving as an observer
and Graeme Odams also joined the Board as
an observer in July 2014.
A sincere thanks to all the coaches, managers,
team support staff, the Rugby Committee, our
Patron, Ken Allsop, President Gerald Wilson
and our accountant Charles Knibb. All these
people give of their time and service to the club
in a most unselfish manner.
To members and supporters of the Club who
have lost family during the year, we offer you
our sympathy.
There are a few significant challenges ahead
for the Club. Financially the current model
is I believe flawed. The Board have been
very proactive in the last year examining and
considering various development opportunities
for the complex here. We have had several off
site think tank type meetings where we have
invited other industry experts to speak to the
Board and alternative views and opinions to
our thinking on these possible development
opportunities. We have engaged with several
organisations to explore options and we remain
committed to do that, in conjunction with CFC
World Company, to see what options might
exist for the club to consider.
There are decisions to be made on the
Earthquake repair work settlement, the sale
of the sections and consideration given to
the best use of the land and facilities the club
own. These are big issues to consider but if
agreement can be reached on what the club
needs to look in ten years’ time, then it will be
an exciting place to be.
Bob Eastgate
All Blacks
Richie McCaw (Captain) Matt Todd (Squad Member)
Black Ferns
Steph Te Ohaere Fox
New Zealand Sevens
Alexis Tapsell
English Barbarians
Matt Todd
Richie McCaw (Captain), Matt Todd
Canterbury ITM
Steve Alfeld, Richie McCaw, Matt Todd
Canterbury Womens NPC
Steph Te Ohaere Fox (Captain), Lucy Anderson, Jess Fibbes, Tara Horsnell, Estelle Uren,
Breana Kaio Te Whetu, Molly Wright
Canterbury Sevens
Kurt Harrington (Physio), Sake Aca
Canterbury Women’s Sevens
Dianne Hiini, Tara Hornsnell,
Canterbury Metro
Daniel O’Brien ( Coach ) Muir Don ( Manager ) Kieran Coll ( Captain ) Sake Aca, Steve Alfeld,
Sam Cottam, Simon Forrest, Matt Etheridge, Jason Merrett, William Mills, Jimmy Owens, Brad
Canterbury Maori
Matt Kottier, Nick Mannering, Ethan Plaskett,
Canterbury Colts
Trevor Best (Manager), Andy Williams
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
Canterbury Under 19
Mark Brown Coach, Peter Bowden Technical Advisor, Kurt Harrington (Physio),
Jordan Jackett, Joshua Winsloe
Cantabrians Under 20
Peter Donaldson, Oakley Johnson
Canterbury Maori Development
Lewis Geer, Mitch Harding
Canterbury Girls Secondary School
Julie Briden, Islay Fowler
Mid Canterbury Heartland Squad
Matt Groom, Matt Thatcher
West Coast Heartland Squad
Chris Mason
Tasman Under 19
Hamish Earl
2014 was another great year for CFC, although
we didn’t take away all the silver up for grabs, we
achieved around a 70% win ratio over the whole
senior club for the season.
The highlight for this year was seeing a team
of guys Div.3 ) who are self-maintained with
Toby Giles running the ship and about a million
sponsors, taking out the three trophies of their
division which was an outstanding effort.
Other highlights were Colts Bravo making the
final and taking this out over Ohoka as well as
the first round. This team was well coached by
Nick Martin and Jimmy Sinclair who also took
out the award for the Outstanding Coaches for
the Year.
Overall the teams in the senior syndicate all had
good results,
• Div. 1 finished 5th and took out the Metro
Plate Championship
• Div. 2 finished 2nd in the Metro
• Div. 3 finished 1st in the Metro Championship
• Colts Alfa made the Semi-finals of the Metro
• Colts Bravo finished 1st in the Metro
• Canardlys made the Semi-finals of the Metro
• Woman’s made the Semi-final of the Metro
Congratulation to all these teams.
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
Division 1 They should be very happy with what
they achieved this year, although the goal was
to make the top four. A couple of results didn’t
go the way that the guys wanted but despite
that they showed that they were proud to wear
the red and black and demonstrated great heart
and spirit. A big thanks to Matt Mustchin and
its sad to see a good man hangs up his whistle
but he has left his deputy Daniel O’Brien in
good stead for next season. Manager Graham
(Mitch) Mitchell was cool calm and collective for
another season and did a great job as he always
does, Muir Don was doing a great job organising
stuff behind the scenes so the guys could just
concentrate on playing rugby.
Division 2 had another great season and making
the Metro Championship final for the second
year running. This shows that Div. 2 rugby at
CFC is stronger than ever with a great bunch
of old heads and new lads gelling well together.
Backs coach Terence Hunkin really came out
of his shell this year and put together some well
organised trainings which reflexed on the track.
The team was well lead by Kyle Brewer and I
think the highlight of the year for me was the fight
and the spirit the guys showed when we had
to play Lyttleton in the semi-finals at Lyttleton.
It’s amazing what happens when a game plan
comes together, well done guys. Both Terence
and I have enjoyed coaching you and I wish you
all the best for the future as I have stepped down
and I’m hanging up my whistle up too. I look
forward to watching you next year and putting
my two cent in when need…..
Colts Alpha with new head coach Simon
Kneebone and backs coach Bruce Morten
together put a very strong colt’s team. With
this change of guard and working closely
together with the Colts Bravo team made both
these teams a force to be reckoned with. New
manager Regan Finch had a solid year especially
at the start of the season when he was looking
after both teams. His commitment on and off the
track was second to none. The team showed
true professionalism and good spirit throughout
the season both on and off the paddock.
A very special mention to Mike O’Donovan for
his relentless hard work and effort he has put
in again this year, getting guys games, filling in
and helping out with coaching, managing and
making sure that all the teams had enough
numbers to field a team, and we can’t forget
these hugs.
Colts Bravo led by new coaches Norge Martin
and Jimmy Sinclair blooded a really good bunch
of young guys who not only just enjoyed their
rugby but the spirit and atmosphere of the Club
as well. They set up Fendalton Park as their
bunker and with being able to train with the Colts
Alfa team, this helped make these guys a force
to reckon with. This team won not just the first
round but took out the Metro Championship as
well.. Congrats to these guys and I hope that
they get the opportunity to get a look at the Colts
Alfa team next season or even better and been
selected for the Div. 1 team. Congrats to Norge
and Jimmy for taking out the Coaches of the
Year and the team for taking out Team of the
Year at the prize giving this season.
Thanks must be given to all the volunteers,
coaches seniors and JAB, managers, the folks
that put the flags out every week, and the kids
that sell the raffles very Saturday. All this unseen
work ensures the club remains strong and
I look forward to 2015. My personal thanks to
all whom I worked with and who have been
involved this year. Have a great break and best
wishes to you all for the up and coming festive
Give ‘em’ the Axe
Chris Hammett - Lofty
Woman’s had a great start to the season under
coaches Kieran Kite and Melissa Ruscoe in
taking out the first round but the second round
saw the team having a bit of a see-saw ride
but still making the semi-finals for the Metro
Championship. Andrea Gordon managed
the team for another season and made a
great combination. Well done ladies on the
achievements that you put together this season
and forward to seeing what you can achieve
next year.
Canardlys had a one of their better seasons and
also achieved a semi-finals this year. The guys
played some good footy this year and the games
I saw they played with spirit and the CFC pride.
Millar Cup
Brad Tucker
Catherall Cup
Club Sportsperson of the Year
Player of the Year First Year Senior Division 1
Harvey Batchelor Cup
Most Helpful to Senior Division 1 Team
Nick Mannering
Allan Robilliard Cup
Senior Division 1 Player’s Player of the Year
Steve Alfeld
A.I. Cottrell Cup
Senior Division 2 Back of the Year
Brad Ineson
Club Captain Cup
Women’s Most improved Player
Islay Fowler
Players Player Trophy
Most helpful to Team
Lee Stanley
Kit Chambers Cup
Women’s Player of the Year
Molly Wright
Mickey Seed Cup
Senior Division 2 Forward of the Year
Chris Thomson
TR Barber Cup
Senior Division 3 Back of the Year
Monty Aioao
Tom Mullan Cup
Senior Division 3 Forward of the Year
Josh Hamilton
Colts Premier Back of the Year
Lucas Hammond
Carl Palmer Cup
Colts Premier Forward of the Year
Peter Donaldson
Fred Forsythe Cup
Colts U20’s Back of the Year
Jack Pringle
Eric Phillips Cup
Colts U20’s Forward of the Year
Logan Allan& Phil Ellis
Keith Torrance Cup
Canardly’s Back of the Year
Julian Kaufuti
Alby Johnson Cup
Canardly’s Forward of the Year
Vincent Douet
Ray Whitaker Trophy
Canardly’s Players Player of the Year
Blake Renata
O’Loughlin Family Cup
JAB Team of the year
Les Donaldson Cup
Outstanding Team Coach for the Year
Under 11 Red
Nick Martin & Jimmy Sinclair
and Chris Hammett &
Terrence Hunkin
Denys Hoare Cup
Outstanding Team Manager for the Year
Regan Finch
Craig Calder Cup
Team of the Year
Colts Bravo
Hardy Johnstone Cup
Top Goal Kicking for the Year
Tara Hornsell & Jason Merrett
McCully Cup
Athlete for the Year
Robert Samson
Tui Jim Gregg Cup
Administrator of the Year
Tony Hussey
Player of the Year
James Owen
Chapman Cup
Outstanding JAB Administrator
Scott Murray
Bryan Mustchin Trophy
Outstanding JAB Coach
Graeme Moody
Bob Hearn Memorial Trophy
Most Improved Front Rower
The Most Supportive Club Member
or Friend to the Players.
Nathan Cassidy-Richards
David Burke Memorial Trophy
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
Sake Aca
Chris Hammett
Evans Shield
(Total aggregate of points for Open grade and Junior competitive grade teams)
Redpath Shield
(Total aggregate of points for Junior Competitive grade teams)
Div 1
Hawkins Div.1 Plate
Div 3
Hawkins Championship Cup
Hawkins Championship Trophy
Hawkins Metropolitan Challenge Shield
Metro Colts
Metro Challenge Shield
Metro Championship Trophy
Women’s Cup
Under 12 Red
Challenge Shield
Championship Cup
Under 11 Red
Championship Plaque Section 2A shared
Playing Record
Points For
Hawkins Plate
Top Points Scorer
Top Try Scorer
Jason Merrett
Sake Aca & Andy Williams
The 2014 season began with much talk of
improvement and a real focus on building the
relatively young squad and returning to the top
six of the Division One Competition following
a number of years in the wilderness ofbottom
6 rugby.
While the team lost the usual amount of
players to new opportunities, the squad
was bolstered by the return of Matt Kottier
(Marist), Jason Merrett (Japan), Matt Thatcher
(injury) and Nick Mannering (injury) and new
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
7 each
players Sake Aca and Filipe Kuruvoli (Fiji via
Glenmark), Guy McEwan (returning from
Australia) and Elliot Scott from Colts.
An extended group began training in mid
January under the watchful eye of Duncan
Trevella (strength and conditioning coach) and
included the usual fitness and skills elements.
The brave few again tackled Mt Pleasant
Rd. This season’s coaching group of Matt
Mustchin (forwards), Daniel O’Brien (backs)
and Ross Tarawhiti(technical advisor) were all
in agreement that players needed more time
on skill development balanced with a fitness
programme tailored to allow a mobile pack
to move the ball for a full 80 minutes. The
coaching groupwere tremendously supported
by Graham Mitchell (teammanager), Megan
Williams (physio) and Muir Don (sponsorship)
and Kashi assisting with managing.
Following preseason games against
Southbridge, Burnside and Sydenham,
round one was set for an away trip to New
Brighton to take on the 2013 Champions.
While the result (15-26) did not reflect a
perfect start, the squad were positive about
the improvements already felt. The first up
loss was quickly forgotten after victories
over University (27-0) and Belfast (75-6).
The ‘Crying Towel’ match against Linwood
was played at Linwood under magnificent
conditions and was punctuated by a 60m try
to Sake Aca and a third straight win (31-12).
Round five saw the team face a very strong
High School Old Boys containing five
contracted Crusaders and a former Japanese
international. Despite taking an early lead
and scoring a flurry of late tries, the team lost
to the eventual 2014 Champions (38-23). A
win over Burnside in round six (30-24) was
followed by tough five point loss to 2014
Grand Finalists Sydenham (32-27). Good wins
over Sumner (20-15) and Shirley (40-12) were
followed by a 26-13 loss to Lincoln University
and despite a number of strong performances
over the first ten rounds, the team required
a victory to cement a top six spot. The trip
to South Hagley was dismal with conditions
resembling a mud bath of which suited Marist
Albion. An 81st minute try to Steve Alfeld
ensured a 15-13 victory and a return to top six
rugby for the first time since 2011.
While the squad was elated to make the top
six of the competition, the group had its sights
on bigger and better things. However, top six
rugby is unforgiving. Defeats to New Brighton
(26-23), HSOB (15-11) and Sydenham (21-12)
were all punctuated by opportunities that
could have lead to very different outcomes.
The team took an amazing amount from these
experiences and a second victory over MaristAlbion (29-3) meant a win in the final round
could have lead to a semi final finish. A (22 –
6) loss to Lincoln University meant fifth place
and top ranking in the plate semi finals. A third
victory over Burnside (34-18) and the Plate
final victory over Linwood (24-19) ensured fifth
place and a positive end to a much improved
Planning for 2015 is well under way with a
pre-season tour to Queensland playing one
game against the Brothers Club and then one
against the Gold Coast Eagles.
Enjoy your off season and we look forward to
seeing you all safe next season.
Daniel O’Brien and Graham Mitchell
Playing Record
Points For
Semi finalist
Tara Horsnell
Estelle Uren
Top Points Scorer
Top Try Scorer 2014 was another exciting and positive year
for our women’s team.
Our management team increased with Kieran
Kite joining the coaching team and Vincent
Douet also contributing his knowledge to
help the girls out, in particular the forwards.
We started off with a strong team of girls,
including Molly Wright and Lucy Anderson
joining us from the Otago franchise and the
experienced Mel Bosman coming back for
another year with Christchurch. As the year
progressed more girls joined us from other
teams and our squad swelled to thirty five
players. Having a good roster of numbers is mostly a
luxury, but sometimes a bit of headache with
trying to find the right positions for players and
tying to give players consistent game time in
set positions. Our team can be proud of the collegiality of
the players and the determination to improve,
which makes this a positive environment to
learn the game and make new friends. The
leadership of the more experienced players,
the variety of skill level and understanding of
rugby, the support of the club, the role models
that the girls are and the appreciation of
developing younger players as they begin and
come through the game is what makes the
Christchurch Women’s team a successful one
and one that players want to do their best for.
Everybody plays their part and this has
been fantastically coordinated by our
Super Manager, Andrea Gordon. Who at
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
times possibly feels like she is ‘herding
cats’...... Again her teaching skills were well
used away from the classroom.
On to the rugby, the first half of the season
was outstanding, with no losses and
winning the Women’s Cup which stays in
Christchurch hands until next season. This
was a super start for the team who developed
in confidence and belief in themselves. As
coaches (Kieran, Vincent and Melissa) it
was pleasing to see individuals believe in
themselves, especially when in new positions
and the younger/less experienced players
start to take ownership of their role and the
communication on the park improving.
The second round and finals were a
huge learning experience for all involved.
Opportunities arose for players to step
up and become leaders as some injuries
and our captain Steph away with Black
Ferns took a toll on the leadership amongst
the team. Other players were required to
front up and demonstrate their skills and
positive attributes. All teams in the top pool
improved in the second round and our girls
needed to take ownership are accountable
and responsible for their roles both on and
off the field. We made the semi-finals but
unfortunately lost against University, who
ended up winning the competition. The
pleasing and positive thing is that it is obvious
we can play well and win the competition in
the future, because when everything clicked
we were unstoppable. We scored some
fantastic team tries and individual players
also made their mark on certain games. That
needs to happen on a more consistent basis
for longer periods in during games.
Again our efforts have been rewarded and
many players in our team also achieved higher
recognition again this year:
Canterbury School Girls - Julie Briden, Islay
Fowler, Meli Iona
Canterbury Womens - Steph Te Ohaere-Fox
(Captain), Tara Horsnell, Jess Fibbes, Estelle
Molly Wright, Lucy Anderson and Breana Kaio
Te Whetu
New Zealand Sevens - Alexis Tapsell
New Zealand Black Ferns - Steph Te OhaereFox (Lucy Anderson attended Trials – watch
this space in the future!).
Molly Wright - Team Player of the Year
Lee Stanley - Most Helpful Team Player
Islay Fowler - Most Improved
Thanks to volunteers that gave extra support
to the team and the Canterbury coaches
and resource coaches who came and took
some skill sessions for the girls. A special
thanks to Kieran Kite and his contacts that
enabled screen printing on our team jackets
and One Bar sponsorship. Much appreciated.
Thanks also to Jetts Fitness Northlands for
allowing our girls to use the gym facilities for
some team trainings, and provided the team
with team bags. Huge thanks again to the
Christchurch Club, especially Mike who was
always willing and able to help sort things
when needed, and is always positive and
enthusiastic about the Women’s Team.
Our thanks to all supporters of our team,
especially family, friends and partners who got
girls to trainings and games, joined our social
functions, helped with sausage sizzles, helped
out on game day and supported our games.
It has been a fantastic first year back for the
Women’s Team at Christchurch club, and we
look forward to seeing what we can achieve in
the future.
Melissa Ruscoe and Andrea Gordon
Playing Record
Points For
Beaten Finalist
Top Points Scorer
Top Try Scorer Brad Ineson
Brad Tucker
The season did not get off the start that
we wanted. The boys clearly hadn’t quite
clicked after the short amount of time they
had together, and went down to a strong
New Brighton side at Brighton. After that
Initial defeat, the team picked up their act
and 2014 became a different year for Div. 2
at Christchurch Football club. There were a
lot of new faces coming into the team, either
through the colt’s ranks or from other clubs.
However the team still held onto the stalwarts,
Kyle Brewer captain, Ricky Hollamby vice
Captain, and Andre Thompson the veteran of
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
Div. 2 Rugby.
With the guidance from our two fantastic
coaches Chris Hammett and Terrence
Hunkin, the boys started to form bonds
on and off the field, which really started to
show dividends with the team starting to
win games on the trot. Good partnership
started being formed across the field. Starting
with Chris Thomson and Henry Marchant
forming a very formidable locking pairing
(some say challenging Brodie Retalick and
Sam Whitelock). They were very dominant
across the paddock with their work rate and
also at set pieces. Two backs really stood
out this year for Div. 2. Firstly our back of the
year Brad Ineson, could play anywhere in the
backline, made himself at home in the number
10 jumper, showing us his crisp skills. Due to
injuries elsewhere, Brad had to slide out to
second five, which did not slow him down. He
carried on like nothing had changed. His goal
kicking was also near perfect.
Robert Samson was new to the team, and
also to the club, so it took him awhile to hit full
flight, but when he did he was great to watch.
Bob is also fastest man in the club, proving
that by winning the McCauley Cup.
The team had a pretty solid round robin only
slipping up a couple of times. They really
showed their true colours leading up to the
finals with a great run of results. Beating
Burnside at Burnside with fourteen men was
a fantastic victory. The next game was the
semi final and we were drawn a tough hand,
being put up against the favourites Lyttelton
at the Port. However the boys went out to the
Port fizzing and played the game of the year
beating Lyttelton convincingly and doing the
Unfortunately this success could not be
replicated and we went down in the Final to a
very strong Lincoln University team at Rugby
Park. Even though we didn’t walk away with
the title it was still an outstanding season and
the lads should be very proud of their efforts.
Special thanks go to Marc Findlay for helping
me through my debt season as manager.
Also thanks to Terrence for all the years you
have been coaching and for also donning the
boots when we were low on numbers.
Lastly Lofty, thanks for everything you
have done over the years for the team. Our
success would not have been achieved
without his considerable input. We are all very
Up Mighty Div. 2
Manager Boon.
Playing Record
Points For
Top Points Scorer
Top Try Scorer Carlos Sumner
Clint Chase
Hawkins Cup – Double Round Robin
Hawkins Trophy – 2014 Championship
Division 3 Challenge Shield
Since the team was reinvented in 2009,
Division 3 this year posted its fifth
Championship Title in six seasons, which
was a great effort again this year with some
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
spirited challengers from other clubs. The
team accounted for all of the silverware on
offer throughout the season, having been
the previous challenge shield holders, briefly
relinquishing it, before retaining again for the
The team has continued to evolve its
development with the introduction of new
players each season, and this year was no
different seeing new players in the team
making important contributions, The team
welcomed players such as Jamie Shearer,
Monty Aiono, Leon Head, Mike Shearer, Ryan
Kuggeleijn, Gary Hopkins, Ben Kingsbury,
and Cyril Tamou, who all made valuable
contributions and were subjected to the usual
initiation welcome to the team. Which reminds
me, we very much of course, thank “The
Waterboy” Ryan McEwan for the great role he
played this year as assistant to the Manager
in organising the team on a Saturday and
making sure the team stayed hydrated and
As is usual with the commitment to preseason that this team puts in, we started
slowly, just hanging on in the first game of
the season with a tight head to score a try
and win against the younger Marist upstarts.
The older Marist team then taught the team
a lesson about being complacent with a
convincing loss. From there however, the
team went from strength to strength and
dismantled all comers, other than a further
lapse against old nemesis Burnside, and a
dour draw while the manager was on leave.
The top four consisted of Marist (young) and
Marist (old) together with Brighton, however
all were well and truly beaten at the business
end of the season.
This is a good opportunity to thank all of
our team sponsors. They are too numerous
to name, however all of the boys and their
businesses that support this team financially
understand that a small commitment by a
few generates a long lasting footy team that
supports the club week in and week out,
which is the lifeblood of club footy. The team
were well decked out eventually this season
in the new team shirts which were very smart
if not snug. The team this year also made
a significant donation to the bar, not just in
purchases but by replacing old and worn
stock in the form of jugs.
Looking forward to next season. Give ‘em
the Axe.
The Guv’nor – Toby Giles
Hard to single players out and that is not
what our team is about, but great debut
seasons from Ryan Kuggeleijn (ex Div. 1),
Mike Shearer, and Monty with his big hits.
The stalwarts such as CT, Ned, Carlos, and
Jayden Scott later in the season making the
usual impact. Also good to see Lube Hands
making good contributions this year on the
field. Players of the year were well deserved,
hooker Josh Hamilton picking up Forward of
the year for his consistent combative play, and
Monty Aiono Back of the Year again for his
consistency all year and rock solid defence.
Playing Record
Points For
Semi finalist
Top Points Scorer
Top Try Scorer Ben Cooper
Sue Aiilolo
2014 was an exciting year in the chapter of
the Christchurch Football Club Colts with
the implementation of a military theme, the
formation of the Alpha and Bravo Platoon and
the opening of the “BUNKER” at Fendalton
It certainly had its challenges, and ultimately
we stumbled at the semifinal stage, however
the management team feel it was a successful
year. After all we had the best defence in this
tough competition, the camaraderie of this
group of young men was outstanding and we
had some fun along the way.
Alpha started the year with an enthusiastic
group of young men. We had an excellent
mix of returning players and an injection of
some promising new talent from schools and
overseas. Ably led from the front by Skipper
Luke de Beus and seasoned veterans of
the Colts grade like Pete Donaldson, Angus
Hawke, Mitch Harding, Oakley Johnson and
Matty Brabazon, the forward pack was always
going to be a powerful unit.
The beginning of the season saw an exciting
group of backs gather. With new talent Lucas
Hammond, Adam Smith, Lewis Geer, Sua
Aiiloilo, Glen Smith, Gabe & Alex Keletaona
joining experienced players Sean Murray,
Ben Cooper, Mitch McCann, Harry Millar
and Will Duncan, 2014 promised a lot. Injury
and overseas commitments aside this unit
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
stood proud, scored some exciting tries and
defended with gusto. In 2015 we must unlock
the better defences in the competition.
We played some outstanding Rugby which
was evident with a near perfect 40 min
forward display against HSOB showing
complete domination and a skill level which
we believe wasn’t bettered throughout the
year. A very dominant and aggressive first
half performance by the whole team against
eventual title winners Lincoln showed this
team was capable of competing and beating
any team in the competition.
Unfortunately we struggled all year against our
rivals from the beach, New Brighton and lost
to them again 10-6 in a very close semifinal.
We created enough opportunities to win
this match and as we all know, in semifinals,
you have to take those opportunities. New
Brighton seemed to have our number this
year lads. However we will make sure that the
wrongs are put right in 2015.
Memorable achievements for the season are
the best defensive record in the grade, Jordan
Jacket and Josh Winsloe being selected
for the Canterbury u19 tournament side.
Pete Donaldson and Oakley Johnson being
selected for the Cantabarians side, Mitch
Harding playing for Canterbury Maori, Lucas
Hammond playing for the Canadian 7s team
at the Commonwealth Games and Harry
Millar securing a semi-professional contract at
Dundee RFC.
Duncan, thanks for keeping the boys well
watered during the games.
Peter Donaldson was named as forward of
the season, Lucas Hammond the back of the
year and every single member of the squad
was outstanding.
Finally to all the sponsors of the Colts platoon
it is you that make all this possible, it is you
that we all owe a great deal. A sincere heart
felt thanks to you all and we hope to see you
again next year.
Thanks go to all our players, supporters,
the club and everyone involved in a special
year. As a club we welcomed Simon, Regan,
Norge, Ricky and Sergi to Colts management
while Sponge, Jimmy, Kurt and Bruce
returned for another crack. To all involved it
has been a blast.
A big thank you to Kurt Harrington from
Christchurch Park Physio clinic for the long
hours he puts in keeping our boys out on
the field, and also to Jarrett McGregor for
his Video work filming all of our games. Also
to our three assistant managers, Jimmy
Summerfield, Matt Lewis And Paddles
Our Major Sponsors Jimmy & Kate from
The Flying Burrito Brothers, Cameron from
Ballinger’s Hunting & Fishing and Simon and
his team from Stirling Sports Northlands, we
are truly thankful for your support.
Also to our Jerseys Sponsors, Property
Advisory, Tavendale and Partners, Sadlers
Garage, White Fox & Jones, Bayleys (Mark
Pringle), 100% Project, TMP Trust and Worn
in, you also play a big part for our team.
Regan Finch
Two Colts Alpha players widened their rugby
horizons by spending two weeks on a player
exchange at the famous Brothers club of
Brisbane. Luke de Beus and Ben Cooper
were chosen by the club to spend time at
Brothers, as part of a traditional exchange
that takes place between the two clubs. CFC
hosted two Brothers’ players earlier in the
season. Luke and Ben were chosen not only
for their playing ability but also because of
their contribution to the club.
“It was an amazing experience” Luke said
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
“We lived with a couple of guys from their
club while we had two trainings and a game
a week. We also had access to a gym and
managed some sightseeing as well”.
Ben said the highlight of the exchange was
seeing the way Brothers did things. “ All their
club teams play at home on the same day
and so there is a real emphasis on getting
out there and supporting each other “. As an
outside back and kicker, Ben also noted a
different playing style than at home. “ As the
weather is better there they use the ball more
than we do. Our focus here is more on the
forwards and on rucks and mauls”.
Luke, who plays as an open side flanker,
played for Brothers Div.1 team as he is slightly
older than Ben, who played in the Colts (u19)
team. “It was a fantastic experience”, he said.
“We thought it was warm but their guys were
training in long-sleeved gear”.
While both Luke and Ben were disappointed
to miss crucial games for their CFC Colts
team while they were away, said that they
would not have missed the opportunity. “The
experience gave us a wonderful look at how
rugby is played in Australia” Ben said. “When
you add that to the fact that Brisbane is well
located between the Gold and Sunshine
Coast and the recreational activities there, it is
not hard to see why it was such a memorable
two weeks for us”.
Luke and Ben said that they were very grateful
to both the Christchurch Club and Brothers
for the opportunity and the experience of the
Playing Record
Points For
Top Points Scorer
Top Try Scorer Chris Matthews
Chris Matthews
The season started with a two day preseason
training camp for the Christchurch Club
Colts programme. The training camp was
implemented to create a positive rugby
environment. The first day was spent creating
values, protocols, goals and a theme for the
year and the second was spent doing up the
bunker at Fendalton Park.
We started the season with a successful
win against Canterbury University. However
in the second round we lost to Ohoka and
lost the Challenge Shield as well. The loss to
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
Ohoka was in hindsight actually a positive as
the team regrouped and won the first round
competition and then regained the Challenge
Shield off Ohoka in round 9 with a 50-15 win.
After that we had several one point wins
over Glenmark and High School Old Boys.
We successfully won the round robin, but
unfortunately lost the Challenge Shield again
this time to Glenmark two weeks out from the
Final. Revenge however was sweet because
we met Glenmark in the Final and played a
great game, demonstrating that we were the
best team in the competition by defeating
Glenmark 19-18 in a close, hard fought final.
We had a very positive group of leaders who
had already played a season for the Colts
team. They really helped to incorporate a
positive culture amongst the group
The preseason camp really helped both Colts
teams to build positive relationships with each
other. This made rugby enjoyable on and off
the field. Having opposed training sessions at
training helped to lift intensity at training and
ensured that trainings still had an element of
fun which helped to keep the boys motivated.
A key point was that communication between
coaches and management was fantastic and
Receiving feedback from players regarding
their level of enjoyment and what the team
needs to work on was a huge positive. This
helped create a strong relationship between
the coaches and players. On the eve of the
final the team met and had a fantastic team
dinner and with Matt Todd coming along to
speak to the group was a great experience
and certainly helped the team to perform and
win the championship
extremely well on and off the field. I think
having the preseason camp and setting the
standards early on in the season helped the
two Colts teams bond. It created positive
relationships between the teams and helped
both teams to perform. The team member’s
showed great character throughout the
season and it truly showed when we
defended extremely hard in the final against
Glenmark and won by one point.
Many thanks to co-coach Norge and
Manager Sergi for stepping in to take over
the managers duties. Thanks also to the club
for their support and encouragement and
particularly to Mike 0’Donovan for his hard
work and confirmation of what we were doing.
Jimmy Sinclair
A large percentage of players in the Colts
team were playing their last year of this rugby.
Therefore recruitment for the new season is
extremely important to ensure that there will
be two Christchurch Colts teams playing in
the grade. Maintaining the school school links
is critical and it is vital that these links are
grown and maintained.
It was a successful season as we won the
Championship and the boys performed
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
The Christchurch Football Club sincerely thanks the listed Gold Club Sponsors, Sponsors and Supporters
and Funding Organisations for their generous support of the club and its activities. We greatly appreciate
their involvement in the club and their support enhances our ability to provide an enjoyable experience for
club members and to help retain our position as one of the Premier rugby clubs in Christchurch and New
Zealand. Their support does make a difference to the clubs ability to function effectively and efficiently.
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
Canterbury Rugby Football
Union Earthquake Fund
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
Playing Record
Points For
Plate Semi
Top Points Scorer
Top Try Scorer Leighton McEwan
Daniel Irvine
It’s with a two finger solute we farewell
another season of Canardly Rugby. With the
rollicking ride that is social rugby it’s been a
great year to be a part of yet again with the
team building on the previous season and
managing to play in the championship section
of Division 4 for the first time in at least a
With coaching being the key to any good
rugby side it comes as no surprise that the
Canardlys have had no less than four this
year. With Blue and Rambo taking the backs
under their wings we have seen the backs
come on this year with much more structure
and some fantastic tries along the way. It’s
a shame that both of them only managed
mere seconds on the field playing before
both became broken. On the flip side we had
me (Goat) and Aids running the forwards
and given our efforts on the field through
the second half of the season it’s probably a
shame we didn’t get injured.
From a management and the most important
social organisation a big thanks goes to
Slipper and Fridge for organising the boys run
and to Lord Sorcerer and Mr Bam Bam who’s
side-line BBQ’s, beers and everything else
have made being a Canardly supporter a real
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
With a great recruiting drive we had many
new faces this year in the team, which bodes
well for the team in the coming years. With
Lefty again taking the captains role (until a
nasty netball injury) the Canardlys has a fairly
good year this season. The first section of the
year saw the team win some good matches
against some good teams. Making the top
section we came close to some of the big
boys only losing out by some close margins,
however the learning’s we have taken here I
think put us in a great position to succeed in
the upcoming season.
The accolades this year have deservedly gone
to Vincent (forward of the year), our French
man up front who had a great season for
us, playing nearly every game and adding
his great skills to the forward back. Back of
the year went to Jules, who to be honest
played only slightly more in the backs than the
forwards, but who’s charging runs and big
tackling saved a couple games for the team.
The Players Player this year was claimed by
Blake, who stood out this year at flanker as a
first time Canardly and rugby player and who
had a fantastic season.
As always a big thank you to Mike
O’Donovan and the Club, without your help,
communication and support the running a
team would be impossible.
A huge thanks to the teams sponsors who
really have been a major boost across the
board, who also make the running of a team
so much easier. These sponsors were CS
Decorators, RockHard Drainage, Richard
Spivey Carpet Layers, Golden Homes, Dean
Delore Interior Joinery, VAT42 Ltd, ChemDry,
Hitman Incorporated....
the season, it’s been great to see these
numbers continue to grow every season. The
most pleasing aspect is seeing the number of
children now joining us each week.
Lastly and absolutely not least, a huge thanks
has to go to all the supporters who have
come and supported the team throughout
“I’m in love with the girl next door”
Until the next season keep safe, rest the
injuries and we’ll see you all for a bumper
2015 season.
The Christchurch Football Clubs junior
rugby has continued its strong presence in
Canterbury Metro Rugby. In the Under 13
and below age groups CFC registered forty
two teams (same as 2013) with nearest rivals
Sydenham (29) and Burnside (28).
The 2014 season had two extra playing
weeks added into the junior section to get the
maximum amount of playing time allowable in
the rugby calendar. Including grading games
this was an eighteen week programme.
Registration days went as smoothly as they
possibly can when registering five hundred and
sixty nine players (2013 - 573). Numbers and
teams would appear to have levelled off after a
couple of seasons where the Rugby World Cup
and people moving in and out of the area had
an impact.
With strong numbers again we were sure
to be in for another good, busy season and
rewarding season. To help this year Marc
Findlay and Sue Hammett joined the junior
committee in arranging all the children into
teams, finding coaches, managers, playing
strips, balls, bags, rippas, mouthguards and
practice venues. This went a lot smoother than
the 2013 season where the Easter break and
150th jubilees made a big impact.
Under 6s this year saw a drop in numbers
compared to the previous two seasons.
Seventy one players registered and were put
into seven teams. (2013, 110 players in 13
teams). Aaron Kitto looked after this grade
and did a good job in helping the new players,
coaches and parents finding their feet.
Scott Murray looked after the Under 7s.
Continuing the influx in numbers from last
season we saw one hundred and eleven
players in eleven teams. (2013, 50 players in
7 teams). Scott continues to do a great job
looking after the largest number of teams
and players in one grade. He was a deserved
recipient of the 2014 JAB Administrator of the
year and will have the delight of restructuring
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
them next year as they head into 10 aside
Under 8s was managed by Amber Field.
Amber had fifty five children in four teams
playing their first year of tackle. (2013, 60
players in 5 teams). Amber also looked after
the team photos. With the club photographer
Ken Baker being used to these photo shoots,
things went a lot smoother than the last couple
of years and all photos were delivered prior to
the season end.
Under 9s this year were looked after by
Rhonda Kennett, eighty four children in six
teams competing well in all grades. Numbers
were similar to previous years and look good
as this grade, next year, heads into its last
season of 10 aside.
Under 10s this year was managed by Michael
Sheedy. Michael has done a great job again
looking after seventy two boys and girls in the
five teams. (2013 75 players in 5 teams). Whilst
this grade is still non-competitive at this age
group teams start to know who is doing well
and where they placed in comparison to other
teams. Next season will see these players
move to 15 aside full field. I believe we have
some very exciting and talented players in this
grade and next season believe CFC will have
more three teams, maybe four, which other
Clubs will be envious of.
Sue Hammett, new to the committee this
season, was thrown in the deep end and had
the great task of turning five 10 aside teams
into three 15 aside teams. No easy job when
you have not been involved in the process
before, Sue did very well and by the season
end had her three teams competing very well
in their appropriate grades. This year all three
Under 11 teams made their section finals.
That’s set the bench mark for next season Sue.
Fifty eight children played in this grade.
Margaret Harry, as well as being a CRFU
delegate, looked after the four Under 12 teams
of seventy seven players this season. All teams
did well in their respective grades and three of
the teams made their respective semi-final. The
Red team continued their unbeaten record and
went on to win their Championship final. The
Red team also won the Challenge Shield.
March Findlay, also new to the committee
this year, picked up the Under 13s. He did a
sterling job looking after the two teams of forty
one players. This season we had one team
competing in the open weight section and
one in the under 58kg section. Both teams did
extremely well with the Red team making the
open weight semi-final and the Black team
making the under 58kg final.
At the annual club dinner the U11 Red team
had the honours of being the recipients of
the O’Loughlin Family Cup as 2014 JAB team
of the year. U12 Red Coach Graeme Moody
received the Bryan Mustchin Trophy for JAB
coach of the year.
After some feedback from the Lyttelton Rugby
Club (see end of my report) we also introduced
a new award for Junior Sportsmanship Cup.
This year it goes to Ben Hawkins.
Whilst our aim is to ensure children get to play
rugby a lot of off the field events has kept the
committee busy this year.
The decision to remove rucking is probably
the only other rule change I have been
more passionate about than the rolling subs
debacle. It was quite clear from many coaches,
supporters and other Clubs that this rule
change would have a worse impact on the
game than the intention it was bought in for
which was to make it easier to measure the
accuracy of all players getting at least half a
game. It was great in the end to see the rule
amended to allow subs to enter/re-enter the
game at quarter, half and three-quarter times.
You would think that the largest amount of
complaints made would be around player
behaviour on the field. Believe it or not is
actually the off field behaviour. Worse again
it is usually the behaviour and antics of the
supporters. If there is an area we as Club need
to work on next season it is how we support
our children when playing their game on
Saturday morning. It is fantastic we get along
to watch but we need to be mindful of how
we behave. What we say and do does have
an impact on our children and the way they
play. Positive encouragement for both teams,
whether winning or losing, accepting referees
decisions, acknowledging/reinforcing positive
play and keeping our mouth shut when you
have nothing decent to say will go a long way
to making rugby even more enjoyable for the
children to play their game. Yes, their game,
not ours.
This season one of the CFC Club Life
Members, Ron Smith, approached me to
discuss something he had observed whilst
watching his grandson play on a wet, freezing
cold Saturday morning at Burnside Park. He
noted the teams from Sydenham, Burnside,
New Brighton and the likes all decked out
in their team jackets and beanies and ours
weren’t. Now, we all know CFC players are
bred tough but Ron was curious to know what
we could do to have ALL our players decked
out in jackets etc. So after a few months
of negotiating with a manufacturer and a
generous donation from Ron I am pleased to
advise the 2015 season will see training jackets
and hoodies available to all junior members at
a very affordable price. On behalf of the junior
committee a big thank you Ron for making this
Murray McEwan, our treasurer, a thank you
also. Murray continues the task of ensuring we
operate within budget.
Club Day continued to be the success that is.
To have all teams play at Westminster St on
this day took a great deal of organising. The
weather, yet again, was on our side again and
the fields held up well.
Teams afternoon and nights continued to be
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
well patronised this season.
Prize Giving was run in similar lines to the last
season. The splitting of the grades gave a
chance for all teams to do their thing without
the facilities being too overcrowded and
Sponsors continued to play a big part
in JAB. Mark O’Loughlin of Harcourt’s
Gold for supplying all the player of the day
trophies, Jeremy De Gouw of Raeward Fresh
Marshlands for all the oranges, Player of the
Day packs (boot bag full of goodies) on team
day/nights supplied by Christchurch Electrical,
Frontrunner Bush Inn, Shaun Bradley Builders
and Stirling Sports Northlands, Player of the
Day vouchers from One Good Horse, our
new sponsor New York Deli and their Hero of
the Day sandwiches. Not to mention all the
individual team sponsors
And lastly a congratulations to all our
representative age group players.
Tony Hussey
JAB Chairman
6 Aug 2014.
I would like to take the time here to thank the
CHCH under 6s blue team. I saw something
from the 2 CHCH blue coaches that made a 4
year olds year. They asked us at the end of the
game if there was any player that would like to
score a try. The wee man in our team hasn’t
not scored a try all season and with the help of
the CHCH Coaches this was possible.
This would be the greatest thing I have seen on
a Rugby field this year!!!! Very very impressed
with this level of sportsmanship and we as a
team plan to offer this to every team we face
this season.
Please can pass on my thanks as the President
of Lyttelton and the coach of Lyttelton under 6s
blue to the two coaches.
CFC Teams
Semi Finalist
Beaten Finalist
1st Championship
6th Plaque
4th Plaque
4th Plaque
Beaten Championship
Co Winner Plaque Final
Beaten Plaque Finalist
Under 13
Under 12
Under 11
What is clear as the years speed by is that
there is a very long rugby season. However
in that season there is a short window of club
rugby. If you are like me, and I know plenty
who are, when the start of the club footie
comes around, we are dead keen to see the
teams get going and start performing.
In the last couple of years at the start of
the season, we’ve seen our seniors at the
beach taking on the tough sea-siders early
in the season with a damn good gathering
of us rugby’s experts on deck. This season
Linwood hosted the ‘Axemen’ in round 3 and
you couldn’t move for ‘Axemen’ at the bar
after we left that filthy towel at their place.
If you miss a game or two the next thing you
know you are in mid-season and you get back
to see the play offs. It may just be old age,
but life flies. It sure put meaning into the old
saying ‘keep your eye on the ball’
In an effort to encourage regular contact
amongst members, the Axemen added a new
social format this year with a monthly ‘Thirsty
Thursday ‘ event held on the first Thursday of
each month. We have beer, a little food, tell
lies and have a chat with a special guest.
We sincerely thank this year’s guests.
Mattie Todd., so cool and a seriously great
footie player, our President Gerald, who ran
out of time with stories of his remarkable
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
contribution to rugby. Playing, then top level
coaching and administration over fifty years.
Thanks Gerald, you are cool too!
Brad Mooar came up from his families’ new
home in Invercargill in July. He was full of chat
and great information and made for a very
entertaining evening. Pete Smith entertained
us with his tales and again we thank him for
an excellent evening.
We are very lucky to have a continuation of a
very strong and successful club, playing wise.
Large junior team numbers club and a quality,
competitive senior club. That doesn’t just
happen without administration and coaching
staff input. We, the Axemen, thank them and
congratulate them all.
Christmas Dinner Wednesday 26th November.
Put that in your diary Axemen. Last year’s
guest speaker Joe Bennett was great value
and thoroughly entertained the crowd with
his memories of rugby and CFC and his pithy
comments on individuals and life.
Many thanks to my fellow Trustees and
Southie and Don for their wonderful
administrative contribution.
Dale Cooper
Another year older is another year wiser. Does
that apply to Golden Oldies rugby? Some
would say yes, others would say no. It’s not
wise for unfit old men to run around a rugby
field but it is wise to for past players to get
together once in a while and have relive the
days of old. It’s even wiser to stand on the
side line and watch.
For 2014 the Gentlemen had a quieter season
than the 150th jubilee year for 2013. With an
increase in player numbers it all looked to
be a promising year. Very promising every
week until actual game day! Nonetheless we
managed to scrape by in our annual fixtures
of Woodend, Burnside and a trip to Hanmer.
Added to our calendar was the Oxford
tournament, which was fantastic afternoon.
Sixteen teams in the one day tournament
made for a great day out.
Next season we are looking to add two more
games to the events calendar in an attempt
to keep games to once a month. After
much deliberation a 2016 trip to Argentina
to coincide with an All Black Championship
game is now underway. Whether the
Gentlemen play or not is dependent on able
bodied numbers but there’s a lot of special
places to visit to keep everyone busy in the
ten day tour.
Once again the season has flown by very
quickly this year. I cannot believe the netball
competition has now been over and done
with a few weeks now. The 2014 season has
been a reasonably short and sweet one. This
year, our numbers dropped from seven teams
last year to five teams. Our A team was joined
by two social but competitive teams
For the first time we fielded two junior teams
from Mairehau Primary School whom played
in a Friday night competition which was
very exciting for growing our community
involvement and also providing a pathway for
the future.
To all the teams, thank you for your continued
support of the club. You guys are what make
this a great club to play for, you are such an
awesome bunch of people and I hope to see
you all back next year.
During the off season we celebrated a birth
and a wedding of one of our committee and
I really appreciate even more the time and
commitment you all make every season. We
are a small team juggling lots and the strength
and loyalty of this committee is outstanding
and they definitely do keep the netball club
ticking along. I thank all of you for the time
and commitment you make for the club.
Unfortunately our teams did not bring home
any silverware this past season unlike last
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
year when the C team won their competition
after last year’s prize giving which was an
amazing effort.
Congratulations to all prizewinners and
particularly to Jayne and Naarcisse for their
special awards. Jayne O’Connor has been
a member of the netball club for some time
and joined the committee this past season
as secretary. Jayne worked tirelessly to keep
the club going, attended rugby committee
meetings and made an appearance at most of
our netball club nights.
A special mention needs to be made of
Stacey Hosking, who after seventeen years
as club secretary concluded her time on the
committee. Thank you so much Stacey for
your wonderful and enduring contribution.
Hopefully you all have enjoyed your season
and on behalf of the committee thank you
all for your commitment and support of the
club and look forward to seeing you all back
next year. Thanks also to the Rugby Club for
your continued support and for making us
welcome in the club.
Lynette O’Neill
The Frank Townsend Trophy Jayne O’Connor
Most Promising Player
Narcisse Ah Kaui
Team Awards
A Team
Tessa Anahera
Contribution to the team
Gabby Trip
Outstanding attack player
B Team
Chrissy Willetts
Most valuable
Monica Ford
Most Consistent
C Team
Lisa Gordon
Team player of the season
Rachel Russell Most improved defence
‘Growing Sport, Serving the Community’
Over the past few months, due to an
opportunity that has arisen out of the Ministry
of Education’s plans to rebuild Canterbury
schools post-earthquake, our proposal for a
four court indoor sports and recreation facility
has progressed significantly. Westminster
Sports is working with Marshland School as
part of its rebuild on a new site in Prestons
Our collaborative approach and the
development of partnerships with other
organisations are set to provide additional
revenue opportunities around the provision
of programmes for young people in the
community. For those member clubs
motivated and involved, these programmes
also open up the opportunity to support
growth in membership.
While this is a change of location, we are still
interested in developing a facility adjacent to
Westminster Park, though progress on that
has been constrained due to uncertainty on
access to the the site, presently leased by
the City Council to Fletchers as a hub for the
residential rebuild.
For the financial year CFC received $164,000
in grant funding towards club operations.
However, this type of funding is increasingly
difficult to secure, which makes budgeting
for club needs problematic, and places
importance on lessening the organisation’s
reliance on grants. Where possible we seek
to instead focus on other revenue streams
and fundraising activities, over which we have
greater control.
In the meantime, the new Marshland School
site offers considerable benefits from a longterm lease alongside the large new Prestons
subdivision, and strong links to a school with
excellent prospects for growth. We remain
committed to ensuring that, once they are
further developed, these benefits are also
shared with our member clubs whenever
Our Kiwi Sport Coordinator is continuing to
provide local schools and their students with
access to quality and meaningful formal and
informal opportunities in sport.
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
Westminster Sports thanks CFC for the
provision of office space and access to
facilities and for Tim Murdoch’s invaluable
contribution to our governance as a
Westminster Sports board member.
Eddie Cropley
Chief Executive
All Blacks
DA Arnold
MR Brewer
WM Birtwistle
SC Cartwright
AI Cottrell
RH Duff (Captain)
H Frost
FC Fryer
ET Harper
GF Hart
P Harvey
GH Helmore
SF Hill
MJB Hobbs (Captain)
J Hotop
G Humphreys
R H McCaw
NP McGregor
BE McPhail
JE Manchester
MA Mayerhofler
EB Millton
W V Millton (Captain)
PK Rhind
AC Robilliard
G Scrimshaw
RM Smith
RT Stewart
MB Todd
BA Watt
RG Wilson
ME Wood
Black Ferns
M Bosman
KM Cocksedge
SA Mortimer
C Ross
MJ Ruscoe (Captain)
K Smith
SA Te Ohaere-Fox
Alfeld S
Allsop K C
Anderson A H
Anderson J Jnr
Anderson J S
Applyby L W
Archer F
Arnold D A
Aspell T
Baird J S
Ballantyne J M
Bateman T
Barber R J
Bellamore A H
Beswick H I
Birtwistle W M
Boulton C
Bouterey N
Bowden P
Brewer M R
Brown I H
Bruce O D
Busfield G J
Button E
Cartwright S C
Charteris D
Childs W J
Clarke R
Cochrane A R
Cochrane B C
Cochrane C F
Collinson J
Corlett L
Corsbie D
Cottam S
Cotterill E J
Cotterill H
Cotterill W J
Cotton H M
Cottrell A I
Cowlishaw F I
Crawford W J
Croxton C H
Deans R
Denham C
Denniston G G
Dobson E
Duff R H
Eggleton G P
Ellison D M
Evans J R
Everson J
Field J S
Fisher F M B
Fleming F R
Fleming J
Fleming W
Frost H
Fryer F C
Fulton R A
Gaskin J K
Gerard G V
Glendinning H L
Godfrey A B
Gold M
Gordon G D
Gordon T
Green C
Grigg J
Hamersely A
Hanna D F J
Harley I W
Harman R D
Harman T D
Harper E T
Hart G F
Hartland J F
Hartland W
Harvey P
Hawkes E G
Hawkes J
Hedge B R
Helmore G
Henderson M B
Hill S F
Hobbs M J
Hore C
Hotop J
Houghton J H P
Humphreys W
Humphries C F
Hutton G
Irons J C
Ironside J
Jack A
Jackson J B
Jacobson A R
Johnson G E
Jones D
Kilpatrick R
Kerr J E B
King C
Kirby P
Knight H B
Knight R J
Latham R
Laurie J
Le Cren W J
Leahy G Lee A
Lee H
Lenihan J B
Leota J
Lewin M
Linkhorn B
MacAtamney M
McCardell H
McCaw R
McDonald A
McEwan M R
McGregor N P
McGuigan J F
McKinley R J
McNeight T
McPhail B E
MacQuarrie G
Mahoney J
Malcom J P
Manchester J E
Mathias G
Mathias H R
Mayerhofler M
Melvin W
Mendelson W
Middleton J S
Miller D E
Mills J
Milton J D
Milton W V
Mitchell J H
Moller O A
Monaghan S
Moore H W
Morgan J W
Morris R R
Morton J D
Mullan F
Murray C R
Murray F L
Murtagh M J
Mustchin M
Naufahu J
Nixon P
Nowell B
Ollivier K
Ollivier A M
O’Neill K
Orsbourn K G N
Osborne J M G
Pascoe G D
Paterson M
Pawson J C
Payton E W
Phillips A E
Polson J G
Porter N
Potts A
Potts D
Potts W
Powley M
Proctor W I
Rhind P K
Rice E D
Risman W J
Robilliard A C C
Robilliard J
Robilliard N
Rutherford G
Scrimshaw G
Smart G J C
Smith R M
Staines J N
Steel C G
Stokes J
Stonehouse W G
Stringer H G
Stringer T W
Talbot R O
Tamou C
Tawera T
Taylor C
Taylor J B
Teen B N
Thatcher M
Thompson H J
Tito M
Todd M
Tosswill LW
Turnbull J M
Turthill HS
Vernon W H
Wachsmann J F
Wade J F
Wainohu R M
Waller D M
Walter W J
Watt B A
Watterreus G J
Webb E R
Wells R S
White A E
Wilders J E
Wilkin J
Wilson G B
Wilson H A
Wilson RG
Wood ME
Crothell P
Dean J
Deans M
Elfast S
Fibbes J
Fitzgibbon M
Griffith H
Harrison V
Hensley V
Hiini D
Hira R
Hornsell T
Ili P
Iosefa J
Jarden K
Kaio Te Whetu B
McCarthy M
Mei K
Mortimer F
Mortimer S
Orange C
Pomana T
Prescott M
Robinson K Lee
Ross C
Rossiter H
Ruscoe M
Ryan L
Smith K
Speedy A
Stephenson R
Templeman S
Te Ohaere–Fox S
Tozer T
Uren E
Van Tongeren H
Williams T
Wright M
Anderson L
Almond K
Baker M
Brett L
Brown N
Burchett M
Butcher K
Chase D
Cocksedge K
Crampton R
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
Life Members
D J Abbott
K C Allsop
M J Ambler
K S Chambers
E M Ferguson
J C H Mill
J M Rowberry
R D Smith
A I Stoneman
T A Thompson
A C S Trent
S R Wilder
D G Wilson
G P Wilson
40 Year Members/
Old Members/General
D J Abbott
B Alborough
M J Ambler
J Anderson
B Archer
R G Archer
C Armstrong
G Barclay
G J Barclay
R Barnett
A J Barron
D Baxter
R A Bayliss
L W Beattie
P Bellam
A H Bellamore
T Best
P Bowden
D Bone
G Braithwaite
G Bree
M Bremner
B Bruce
T Bunker
C Calder
I Calderwood
I Cartwright
S C M Cartwright
K S Chambers
M Chapman
K Charlton
D Charteris
J Chilton
M Chin
A Clarke
G Clarke
M L Coffey
C Comyns
D Cooper
G Cooper
A Cotter
R Cottrell
C A Cox
T Cox
M Cron
P Crothall
R J Crouch
R Curragh
E Cutts
B Davis
V de Beus
J Dench
S Dillon
M Don
R Duncan
L Dungey
B Durham
R Eastgate
G P Eggleton
J Elley
B Evertzen
E M Ferguson
M Findlay
P Fisher
D P Fitzgerald
F R Fleming
M Forrester
B K Foulds
B Francis
M Fuller
R Fuller
C S Fyfe
P Fyfe
S G Gardner
T Giles
L B Glass
R Gould
J de Gouw
J D Gregg
C Hammett
N Hampton
D Hargreave
B Harvey
D Hazlett
G Henderson
Q Henderson
B Hedge
V Hensley
E Hilson
T Harwood
B D Hooper
T Hooper
D Hunter
P Hunter
A Hussey
L Iosefa
B Jamison
W Jefferson
G Kilday
R J Kilpatrick
J Kirk
A Kitto
C Kitto
C Knibb
J Lane
A Langley
D Lawrence
D M Leckie
G Lee
M Levington
H Lewis
I Little
P Low
W Lundy
W Lundy
G J McAuley
W B McCallum
D J McCaw
R McCaw
I McCaw
G McClurg
M R McEwan
P E McEwan
M McGuinness
A McKellar
D McMeeking
J D McKeown
J McKinley
C W McLachlan
G McNicholl
B McPhail
J A McRae
N Mahan
A G March
B G March
N Martin
D Menzies
J C Mill
G J Mitchell
M D Monk
Brad Mooar
Bryan L Mooar
A Morten
A J Murdoch
T J Murdoch
S Murray
B M Mustchin
M Mustchin
M Nutt
J O’Brien
G Odams
R Owen
J Pankhurst
B Parker
J Paterson
R Patrick
M L Pearce
A T Penny
N Pollock
L A Polson
S Pomeroy
N Porter
T Porter
A R Pullar
D E Quested
D M Quested
C N Rattray
J W H Reddiford
D Rees
P C Rhodes
S Rice
N Robb
G Robb
B Roberston
G Robertson
M A Robertson
N C Robinson
J M Rowberry
R Rudkin
M Ruscoe
W Sapwell
D Scott
Murray Scott
Murray C Scott
W Scott
G Scrimshaw
K J Seque
W V Shea
K Shearer
P Shennan
J Sherratt
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
D Sherriff
P Skellerup
Peter R Smith
Phil Smith
R D Smith
B South
J Spiers
G J Stanley
R Stewart
A I Stoneman
P Stoneman
J Sutherland
C Tamou
A Thomson
J Thompson
M Thompson
T A Thompson
B K Thomson
W Thomson
R Todd
A C S Trent
R Trent
A Vickers
B J Vieceli
L Vieceli
R Waghorn
R Wainohu
N Walton
B Watt
R Whitaker
E Williamson
D G Wilson
G P Wilson
M Withers
J Wood
R Wyeth
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that this
is a true and correct record of CFC members, we
apologise for any errors or omissions. Please notify
us if there are any corrections required.
Division One
Matt Mustchin
Daniel O’Brien
Ross Tarawhiti
Muir Don
Graham Mitchell
Kashi Yasutake
Megan Williams
Duncan Trevella
Steve Alfeld
Sake Aca
Stefen Bendall
Nathan Cassidy-Richards
Kieran Coll
Sam Cottam
Matt Etheridge
Olve Fuataga
Simon Forrest
Matt Groom
Scott Harpham
Matthew Kottier
Filipe Kuruvoli
Guy McEwen
Diarmaid McMahon
Nick Mannering
Chris Mason
Jason Merritt
Angus Middleton
William Mills
Jimmy Owens
Ethan Plaskett
Elliott Scott
George Talboys
Matt Thatcher
Andy Williams
Division Two
Chris Hammett
Terence Hunkin
George Inwood
Scott Suen
Ben Ardagh
Kyle Brewer
Jack Burmester
William Fuataya
Ben Furlong
Matthew Gaffikin
Liam Geer
Harry Hawke
Liam Heneghan
Christopher Hill
Ricky Hollamby
Bradley Ineson
Callum Johnston
Tim Jordon
Epeti Kacimaiwai
Nev Magee
Henry Marchant
Kimeon Reade
Gwylin Richards
Michael Ryan
Robert Samson
Jeremy Simon
Hugo Snape
Henry Taylor
Andre Thompson
Chris Thomson
Brad Tucker
Andrew West
Stu Whitehead
Division Three
Toby Giles
Toby Giles
Monty Aiono
Stuart Atkins
Alex Beatley
Peter Bowden
Alex Bower
Clinton Chase
Andrew Cross
Matthew Cross
John Deacon
Aiden Don
Nick Evans
Matthew Groufsky
B Hall
Josh Hamilton
Jason Hand
Leon Head
Justin Hill
Hayden Hinds
Gareth Hopkin
Benjamin Kingsbury
Ryan Kuggeleijn
Ned Leatua
John Mitchell
Takudzwa Rashai
Mark Reid
Jayden Scott
Jamie Shearer
Micheal Shearer
Rob Smith
Dave Southen
Carlos Sumner
C Sweeney
Corey Tamou
Cyril Tamov
Lee Te Momo
Richard Trent
Chris Van Groen
Colts Alpha
Simon Kneebone
Bruce Morton
Alex Ritchie
Regan Finch
Kurt Harrington
Luke de Beus
Matt Brabazon
Reuben Buzzard
Logan Cole
Ben Cooper
Peter Donaldson
Coran Duckworth
Will Duncan
Braken Finch-Reeves
Lucas Hammond
Mitch Harding
Angus Hawke
Jordon Jackett
Matt James
Bradley Johns
Oakley Johnston
Gabriel Keletaola
Mitch McCann
Harry Millar
Sean Murray
Adam Smith
Jack Webby
Josh Winsloe
Daniel Uddy
Colts Bravo
Alan Harding
Jimmy Sinclair
Peter Freeman
Aidan O’Connor
Daniel Latimer
Leighton McEwan
Sua Aiiloilo
Benjamin Alexander
Jack Allan
Logan Allan
Daniel Chamberlain
Harry Chapman
Hamish Earl
Philly Ellis
Bruno Granell
Patrick Horne
Justin Iosefo
James Mackay
William Miles
Cameron Millard
Naoto Mirua
Travis Moody
Kayden Morrison
Tai Nguyen
Caleb Owen
Jayden Paul
Jack Pringle
Tony Rua
Glenn Smith
Oliver Stevenson
Elijah Tupai
Kayne Wilkinson
Ben Andrews
Craig Armstrong
Justin Burson
Matthew Capill
Adam Caver
Daniel Clarke
Dean Delore
Kyle Finik
Philip George
Daniel Irvine
Darian Jopson
Julian Kaufuti
Cameron Kelly
Pauk Kosch
James Lee Sang
Michael Levington
David Luke
Dion Mason
Nick Matthews
Daniel Nia
Mike Nicole
Daniel O’Sullivan
Richard Owen
Bruce Paulo
Vincent Douet
Blake Renata
Atu Rova
Peter Ross
Daniel de Seymour
Scott Sparks
Richard Spivey
Metotisi Stowers
Liahala Taleni
Rangi Te Amo
Paul de Uries
Alistair Watmuff
Dave Williams
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
Melissa Ruscoe
Kieran Kite
Vincent Dovet
Andrea Gordon
Lucy Anderson
Shayne Avery
Oliva Bird
Nicola Blue
Julie Briden
Sarah Clapperton
Jessica Clark
Rachelle Crequer
Belinda Dryden
Ashleigh Dumelon
Lucy Emery
Ashley Fasa
Jessica Fibbes
Hannah Forbes
Dianne Hiini
Tara Horsnell
Melr Ionia
Emily Magee
Georgia Norton
Amy Pearce
Yasmin Puru-Tongia
Amanda Rogas
Equaline Rorotana
Kelly Standford
Kathryn Stanley
Madeline Suale
Sunema Taviliili
Stephanie Te OhaereFox
Brenna Kai TeWhetu
Miram Tillman
Anilsa Tiplady-Hurring
Simaile Usipua
Estelle Uren
Melanie Warren
Molly Wright
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
Page Number
F S2
F S3
F S4
F S5
F S6
F S7
F S8-12
Auditor’s Report to Members of the Christchurch Football Club Inc (yet to be received)
Financial Report
Statement of Financial Position
Statement of Cashflow
Statement of Financial Performance
Trading Accounts
Notes to the Accounts
The 2013/14 Financial Accounts published here are subject to audit and at the time of publication,
the audit had not been completed.
The Audit report will be available at the AGM.
31 AUGUST 2014
A summary of the results for the current and the prior four years is as follow:
Contributions from Trading
Trading surplus/(deficit)
before Depn & Fundraising
Surplus/(deficit) before
Depn & other items
Fundraising (net)
Grants for capital items/
loan written off
Surplus/(Deficit) for year
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
The Financial Statements show a deficit for the year of $125,242 as compared to a deficit
last year of $58,883.
The principal reasons for this result are:
• The costs associated with the ground maintenance work ( $107,000) being loaned to
the club by CFC World Limited and being expensed in the CFC accounts.
• Net income for the motels reduced by $62,000 with sales falling from $308,037
to $256,996.
• The profit from the bar and restaurant trading reduced again this year. This time from
$42,040 to $27,866.
• Some slowness in processing grant funding applications and clearing previous
grant funding audits.
The Club’s dependence on obtaining Funding Grants is as strong as ever and we need to work
harder and smarter in this area to maximise the opportunities for funding in the areas that we
can get support.
2014/15 will be another challenging year. With motel, bar and restaurant sales decreasing, there
will have to be a sharper emphasis on our expenses, seek new income streams and maximise
our existing streams to ensure better net returns to the club.
My thanks go to Charles Knibb for his continued work behind the scenes in preparing the
monthly Financial Reports, in preparing these Financial Statements and for his sage advice
throughout the year.
Bob Eastgate
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
Annual Report and Financial Statement of Accounts 2014
The Christchurch Football Club (Inc.)
Established 1863 – Registered 1905 – Colours Red & Black