YLO89 Magazine
YLO89 Magazine
TRD COVER Youth Leaders Only / Music Resource Book / Volume 90 / Winter 2012-2013 Cover: Group 1 Crew INSIDE: ALL STUDENT GUIDES NOW AVAILABLE AS DOWNLOADS! DETAILS ON PAGE 15. TECHNOLOGY DEALING WITH BIG CHANGES AND OPPORTUNITIES Maximizing Music & Media in Youth Ministry Ten Ways To Use Social Media page 4 Technological A.D.D. page 7 and more! Modern Worship Insight From Brenton Brown page 36 Heart of the Artist: Disciple page 10 Group 1 Crew page 11 for KING & COUNTRY page 12 re:Tuned Discussion Guides/Taylor Swift, Maroon 5, Mumford & Sons, more! page 42 Fifteen Worship Song Chord Charts page 37 ® TRD TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENTS >> MAIN/MILD/HOT ARE LISTED ALPHABETICALLY BY ARTIST FEATURE ARTICLES: MAIN: 4 6 7 8 9 10 Ways To Use Social Media With Your Youth Ministry Did Technology Do What We Thought It Would Do? Technological A. D. D. Reaching The iPad/YouTube Generation Faith: There’s No App For That 14 Artist: Album Title: Song Title: Study Theme: MILD: Artist: Album Title: Song Title: Study Theme: HOT: Artist: Album Title: Song Title: Study Theme: DEPARTMENTS: 18 20 BRENTON BROWN DISCIPLE God My Rock God My Rock Trust O God Save Us All Draw The Line Sin; Struggle With GROUP 1 CREW 17 19 for KING & COUNTRY 21 JARED ANDERSON 16 24 25 BRINSON PIONEER PROPAGANDA 2 3 30 CHRISTAFARI Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival Everlasting God God’s Attributes No Other Heroes Hit The Floor Salvation; The Gospel Letter From The Editor Crave Fine Fine Life Contentment Pioneer Dreams Complacency How To Use This Resource Fearless He Said God’s Promises The Narrow Road Impossible Possible Salvation Excellent Conquer Victory Comparison Chart MUSIC RESOURCE BOOK: Volume 90 • Winter 2012-2013 Maximizing Music & Media in Youth Ministry The Youth Leaders Only Music Resource Book is published quarterly by Interlínc, Franklin, TN Direct any questions or comments to interlínc at 1-800-725-3300 or visit www.interlinc-online.com TRD TABLE OF CONTENTS << 10 11 12 13 Heart Of The Artist: Disciple Heart Of The Artist: Group 1 Crew Heart Of The Artist: for KING & COUNTRY Heart Of The Artist: Jared Anderson 22 JEFF DEYO 23 MATTHEW WEST DVD 26 28 REMEDY DRIVE JASON TRUBY 27 29 SONS YOUR MEMORIAL Moving Mountains Rescue Me Restoration Grafted: An Adoption Album A Chance At Life Adoption Keep Quiet Is This A Dry Season Or Agnosticism? Worship Thematic Index Compilation 1 Story Of Your Life My Own Little World Compassion Resuscitate Resuscitate Me Renewal 32 Page Redirect Redirect God’s Will 36 Modern Worship Section 42 re:Tuned 45 Ministry Resource Section STAFF: Publisher: Allen Weed • Editor: Ken McCoy • The WriteGroup: Rick Bundschuh, Cindy Engøy, Eric Gargus, Mary Peed, Dave McGinley, Todd Pearage, Doug Ranck, Paul Turner, Jeremy White • Design: Thomas Ryan Design • Magazine Layout: Ken McCoy • Production Manager: Glen Allen Green • Proofing: Dale Weed, Jeannine Ugalde, Anne Conley TRD Editor’s>>letter LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Page 2 By Ken McCoy kennymac@mac.com I’M THAT GUY. I’m the guy who has the latest tech gadget. I actually had – and used – an Apple Newton back before there was such a thing as a Palm Pilot. I guess that qualifies me as an “early adopter.” I’m the guy who can help you make your iPhone or Macintosh work for you. Because I don’t have a secretary or executive assistant, I’ve had to learn how to get the most from my personal digital assistants. As a resul t, I seem to be the person that people call when they need help with their Apple gear or software. I use my computers (that includes my phone and pad) to communicate, create, learn, troubleshoot, and play. Instant Messaging/Videochatting/Texting/Conferencing makes my farflung friends and collaborators seem like they’re right next to me. I don’t have a landline for work or home any more – just my cell phone, which I use as a phone, a camera/camcorder, a Dictaphone, a game console, a music/video/book/magazine library, and on and on. I haven’t sent flyers out in the mail in ages – texting is way more efficient. I post pictures on the Internet instead of the bulletin board in the youth room. My phone is used to play songs and videos in the sanctuary at church, in the bus on the way to the beach, and eve rywhere between. Yeah, I’m that guy. (I might be a geek, but I’m positively not a nerd!) But being that guy doesn’t mean that I understand, or even fully appreciate, the tsunami of change that the technological marvels we own has brought to youth ministry. My technology makes me more efficient, but I sometimes wonder if it makes me more effective for God’s kingdom. That is the big question of the Techn ology “flavor” of this Youth Leaders Only magazine. The issue to consider is: with all the technology that we have available to us, will we create a better ministry, or just something cool? Nobody questions the fact that technology has changed our lives and ministries. In this edition of YLO we explore some of the issues that are raised by that change. From ideas for using social media in your ministry to handling the technological A.D.D. that many teenagers have, you’ll find a lot of information in these pages that you can use in your ministry with teenagers. You’ll find a lot more. You’ll love Brenton Brown’s very-insightful Modern Worship article. There are more chordcharts to great songs than you can shake a stick at. The Heart of the Artist articles will give you an inside look at what motivates several of the musicians who have albums in this editio n of YLO. re:Tuned discussion guides will come in handy when you’re with a bunch of kids and a popular secular song comes on the stereo. And, the music-based Bible studies will help you use music as a hook to teach the truth of the Bible to your young friends. I hope you enjoy this issue –and if you want to videochat with me, just drop me an email (kennymac@mac.com) and we’ll set it up! Godspeed, Ken Mc Coy Editor PS. Take a look at the “Student Guides” section on the next page. We’re making all of the Student Guides available to download! TRD << HOw to use Page 3 How to Use this YLO MUSIC Resource Book Sure, at first glance you notice how great it looks—very current, very stylish. Go ahead—flip through this book a bit. Notice the helpful design? Did you catch the organizational details? The more you look at this book, the more you will appreciate the functionality that has been built into it. Here is a quick tour… The Cover If you’re like most of us, you keep your YLO (Youth Leaders Only) books stored on a bookshelf. When you want to search for a song or video that deals with a certain topic, slide each book out a couple of inches and read the themes and featured articles for each issue. Cool! The Index Take a look at the index or “table of contents”—notice the colored bars? They represent sections in the book and they clue you in on which albums / Bible Studies are “Main,”“Mild,”or “Hot.” You will notice in the Bible Studies section that each Leader Guide / Student Guide is color-keyed the same way. Wow! Someone’s been thinking! Featured Articles Each issue of YLO has a certain “flavor.” Around that theme are a couple of “Feature Articles” as well as some of the other items you have in your YLO box. These articles give you insight into the heart and ministry of some of the musicians included in the YLO box. Bible Studies What makes Youth Leaders Only more than “cheap music” are the musicbased Bible Study resources provided for you to use in your programming. Finding good Christian music isn’t hard, but coming up with ways to use it in your ministry with teenagers takes time, talent, and energy. Real-world youth leaders write the Bible Studies; the sessions are field-test ed and proven effective with real-world teenagers. Student Guides The first music-based Bible study in this magazine has a Student Guide included. And guess what? EVERY Bible study has one! They are all available online, ready for you to download and print off for your group. We’ve even included a version that includes just the text of the Student Guides so that you can import the text into whatever program y ou use to create your handouts. Using the music-based Bible studies is now easier than ever! Just go to interlínc-online.com/studentguides to get all the goodness! Thematic Listing Not every song on every CD has a Bible Study written for it. That doesn’t mean you can’t use those other songs in your ministry with students. Modern Worship Section In this section you’ll find encouraging and enlightening resources to help you develop your youth’s worship ministry. You’ll find articles from recent SPIN versions of YLO or other worship leaders and Lead Sheets of songs from some of the CDs in this YLO. Although they are not really the kind of Lead Sheets most bands use, these pages of “lyrics with chords over them” are a great help when you want to teach the high school praise banda new tune. Many youth leaders te ll us that the Lead Sheets are an invaluable resource. re:Tuned Take advantage of some popular secular songs to introduce a theme, supplement your regula Bible Study lesson, or outreach event. Use the opening questions and discussion ideas to get your students talking and thinking about the theme. Reviews Not every available contemporary Christian music CD can make it into the YLO box. So, we try to give you a taste of what else is available in your local store. Since interlínc often gets “pre-release” copies of upcoming CDs, we can give you a “heads up” to new releases that might be just right for you and your young friends. We hope this effort helps you reach and disciple more young people to be go-for-it Christians! Page 4 TRD >> Ten Ways To use social media FEATURE ARTICLE Challenge Students Instead of insisting students put their phones away, find creative ways to utilize their favorite tool during meetings and events. Treasure Hunts – Students start in a designated place, divided into teams. Each team must have the ability to send and receive pictures on phones via group-text. Send the first clue as either a picture of the place or a text description they are to go for t he next clue. When the team finds the place, they send back a picture or text back a key word hidden there. You then text the next clue to that specific team. (iPhones have a built-in group text app; for Android or other smart phones, sites like groupme.com or pay services such as txtsignal.com work great.) Ten Bible Verse Text Challenge – Students work in pairs or on their own. Every student needs the ability to send and receive texts on their phone. Using group-text, send out a Bible reference. Students look up the verse in their Bibles (or in the Bible app on their phones) and text the verse back to you. First person to respond receives a prize. Do this activity together at meetings – or, for an additional challenge, it can be done during the week with the winners announced at the next meeting. Sure, you know about group texting and Facebook for scheduling and keeping on top of your students’ lives, but here are some new ways to utilize technology to build community, challenge your students, and stay in touch. By Paula Steinbacher First Presbyterian Church Arkansas City, Kansas paulapalooza@gmail.com © 2012, INTERLíNC. INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM / 800.725.3300 TRD << Ten Ways To use social media Text Me Questions – Give students the freedom to text you their questions or comments during lessons or prior to meetings. This will provide them a level of anonymity for sensitive questions they may not feel comfortable asking aloud. Facebook Lesson Plans – Post a question about an upcoming lesson on Facebook and invite students to answer. Feed off of their responses as you plan the lesson. For example , if you are planning on teaching about “stumbling blocks” you could post a question such as, “What is your greatest stumbling block?” or “What keeps unbelievers from ‘liking’ Christianity?” Auto-Tune Scripture –“Smule”, “Songify,” and “Talkapella” are all free apps that allow users to record speech, which is then turned into a rap song or folksy tune, depending on the app. Use this to record your grou p members saying a verse and let the fun begin. Rally Support Pinterest – Use this virtual bulletin board (pinterest.com) to organize pictures and links onto “boards.” Following friends or people with similar tastes can offer you a cornucopia of ideas. What you may not know - Pinterest offers group pinning. Next time you are redecorating your youth room or looking for Page 5 mission trips, set up a Pinterest boa rd labeled as such and then invite youth and parents to pin ideas and inspirations to your boards. Also try ideas for t-shirt designs, fund-raisers, crafty-type projects, etc. Instagram – This photo-sharing site can foster group spirit if you ask your students to add a specific hash tag with the name of your group. Give students a weekly challenge to post photos with themes such as “God” or “Peace Maker s” or “Love in Action”, adding the group’s #hashtag name. Downside - only available for iPhone users. E-mail Marketing – Check out using full-color templates and cool plug-ins from free e-mail marketing sites like madmimi.com. You can make your weekly mail blast interesting and eye-catching. Some services require paid subscriptions for larger mailing lists. Get the Word Out Google Business – Set up a fre e place marker at google.com/places if you haven’t done so yet. Try this - for a one-time set up fee of approximately $250 the experts at google will design a high-tech page for you that will hold up to New Ways to Use Technology five videos and ten pictures. More importantly, you can set up a list of key words that will push your link to the top of search results when they are queried in the search bar. Facebook – Did you know t hat Facebook offers inexpensive advertising? You can set a daily limit on your advertising spending, and push ads onto the sidebar of age-specific users in a pre-defined location. Dollar for dollar, Facebook advertising is much more effective than local phone books or newspaper ads, and effectively targets youth like nothing before. Register for the free “marketing classroom” that gives you the low-dow n at facebook.com/marketing. © 2012, INTERLíNC. INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM / 800.725.3300 Page 6 TRD Did technology do what we hoped? FEATURE ARTICLE >> Did Technology Do What We Thought It Would Do? By Paul Turner Pleasant Grove Assembly of God Pleasant Grove, Alabama thedproject@me.com Did we think technology would be more effective in how we share the gospel? Did we think technology would draw us and our youth group closer together? Did it increase the number of kids who attend our youth meetings? I don’t know about you, but I kind of thought technology would have helped some of this – and it has. But I think we have hoped that technology would do what only prayer and hard work can do. Teching The Gospel To The Streets The word “technology” has shrunk to laptop, cell phone, and the internet; not telescopes or laboratories. Not that the latter is outdated, but a teenager would go crazy trying to get a Bunsen Burner to send a text. I also notice the students in my group are not using their technology, or at least their Facebook, to share the gospel with their friends. As I skim through the newsfeed on Facebook, I occasionally see posts from my students. I love my students, but the vast majority of them are not using technology to share the gospel. Jesus came, died for our sins, rose, and is coming again – that is the good news. A picture of a dog with a “God loves dogs” comment is not the gospel. Posting Bible verses, Christian music videos, and other Christ-centric information is a good start to sharing who we are Christians, but my teens are coming up short of expressing the gospel as fact and as lifestyle. “How To Share The Gospel Online” may be the greatest course our teens will never take unless we offer it. @ComeTogether Technology has given us a great tool for connecting and discipling students. I have had some great chat sessions with students who are struggling or looking for answers. Technology makes it easier for my students to share their hurts or voice their questions without feeling threatened. I get texts for prayer requests. Through technology we are able to affirm and respond to each other’s needs much faster and fulfill the “one another’s” of scripture with real impact off line after we see it posted. Technology draws us together, but it can also rip us apart. Technology has opened a wider door for gossip, bullying, and calling others out. Social media has created an unfiltered, unimpeded avenue that teens can drive down throwing out judgments and opinions like a paperboy drunk on Red Bull. This is where discipling becomes much easier because you know where your kids are spiritually and where they need help and prayer. It becomes harder to address the touchy issues of my group because of a teen’s integration with “their” technology and their “right” to express themselves through these mediums. #ComeToMyYouthGroupPlease Technology hasn’t solved the challenge of being good at what we do, it has only allowed us to yell about what we offer, louder. Technology can spread information about our group, activity, or camp, but if our event or meeting is lame, technology becomes a double-edged sword. Many people will know about our activity, if it’s good, even great, But if it’s lame, EVERYONE will know about it. Shouting about activities may work for you, but maybe we can do better. Maybe we should use technology to tell an epic tale about the work God is doing in our faith community – stories by kids about kids doing amazing things for God and God doing amazing things through them. I’ll take a long-term divine narrative over a series of “Come to…” any day of the week. Scroll through your tech; what story are you telling? © 2012, INTERLíNC. INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM / 800.725.3300 What Technology Still Can’t Do Technology cannot make us more loving and kind; it can only make us seem that way. Real hugging is better than a Facebook poke. Face-to-face is better than FaceTime. Henry David Thoreau once said, “Men have become the tools of their tools.” If we don’t want to become tools to our tech we should rethink how we are using it. If we want to reach more students with the gospel, bring our group closer together, and build our youth ministries, maybe we should turn off all the tech and instead pray, think, and read scripture until we have something authentic and powerful to post, tweet, or share. A friend of mine did a survey of college students that might have some interesting data for you. He found: •84% have a Facebook account. 51% have it to share their faith and 56% use it to reconnect with people. •Types of posts related to their faith: 74% post Scripture, 59% post religious quotes, 41% post prayer request, 26% present the gospel, 31% share their testimony. •35.7% have never had a spiritual conversation with a non-Christian, with the next highest being 10+ or 16.3% of those taking the survey do have a conversation with non-believers. •59.1% of those conversations do not lead to the person sharing their faith; only 21.3% lead to the person sharing their faith. •10% have had someone tell them they have accepted Christ from their conversations. •79% think that Facebook is a viable option for sharing the gospel. TRD << technological a.d.d. FEATURE ARTICLE Page 7 In Disney/Pixar’s movie Up, there are dogs with special collars that allow them to communicate with humans. During several different dialogues, the dogs stop mid-sentence to jerk their heads to one side, and very loudly interrupt their thoughts to yell out, “SQUIRREL!” If you have seen those scenes, you have seen a glimpse into my mind. In our youth group, we describe most A.D.D. moments with the catch phrase, “SQUIRREL!” This catch phrase is most frequently attributed to me, the crazy youth guy. Why? Because, I have A.D.D. No, really. I actually have Attention Deficit Disorder. I’m totally serious. Actually, I am not really that serious, but rather quite hysterical. Well, in my own mind, I sound hysterical. But I do not mean that with the same meaning as hysteria. I mean hilarious. Have you ever seen that V8 100% Vegetable Juice Electrodes Commercial on YouTube? You know, the one with that energetic guy who is so spastic? That is hilarious! See what I mean? Only an A.D.D. mind can travel from a mental disorder to vegetable juice in a single paragraph! Oh, and btw (which is text language for “by the way”), I’m back. What? You did not know I left? Well, I totally did. And there are several YouTube videos that you now need to see. I know this because I just saw them. I had to. I wanted to see that V8 one and the one from Up and they recommended several more to me while I was there. SQUIRREL! Which brings me to my main point: Technological A.D.D. can really be a time-killer! I purposely did not say “time-waster.” Wasting time is not nearly dramatic enough. Technological A.D.D. does not merely waste time, it murders it and eats it for breakfast with a side of buttered toast. (Was that too graphic? Have you wondered why it took Hollywood so long to produce more movies inspired by graphic novels? SQUIRREL!) I discovered at a very tender age (meaning the day I discovered the internet) that there was a great deal more to see than what I had previously experienced, and I meant to see it all. However, every site, every email, every text message, every new software application, every game, and every internet task on my to-do list now took much longer than necessary. Short trips to certain tasks turned into long meanderings through the forest of newness and excitement and fun. It quickly concerned me how little was accomplished at my desk, considering the soreness my backside often felt at the end of a work day, and considering the increased items on my to-do list, as opposed to checked boxes on that list. So how could I combat this deadly killer? Technological A.D.D. should be dealt a double dose of focus! My path to focus has included: everything from doctor consultations and expensive A.D.D. prescriptions to social media fasts and personal accountability with trusted mentors. Focus made me realize that I was not all that I could be, that God still loved me even if I was making a bit of a mess, and that with focus I could be driven to be all that God had created me to be. So let God push you to be more. (He calls this sanctification). Remember, the main thing is to keep the main thing as the main thing. When He is the main thing, Christ will course-correct you along the way. (Do you have any idea how long it takes a huge cruise ship to reverse its course? I am genuinely curious. SQUIRREL!) See the prize before it arrives, and focus on that. If you drift off-course, come back home and focus again. And keep doing what you’re doing. The next generation is counting on you. BTW, did you see that study that just came out on Twitter last week about… SQUIRREL! Technological A.D.D. and Squirrels (One Youthworker’s Story) By Aaron Tucker First Baptist Church Philadelphia, Mississippi rev.tucker@gmail.com © 2012, INTERLíNC. INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM / 800.725.3300 Page 8 TRD >> reaching the ipad generation FEATURE ARTICLE of vacation time to complete. You scrimp and save every nickel of your extremely limited annual budget (if you even have one) and pay a lot out of your own pocket, only to be questioned about what you did with “all that money.” Meanwhile, your fulltime youth pastor colleague down the street spent more than your annual budget for a pizza party for his or her group. REACHING “What are you doing with all that time?” You may find yourself asking your church, “You realize you don’t pay me, right?” Or, you may find yourself, “Why do I do this?” You do it because kids need someone who cares, and God gave you the heart for the job. You do it because God has blessed you with the ability to live on little sleep at yet another lock-in, tolerate (or even enjoy) the latest music, and keep up with the social schedules of teens. God has given you a heart to deal with adolescents! While their problems may seem small to the average adult, you know how earth shattering they were at that age, and so you have compassion. THE iPAD/YouTube Parents complain that you either have too many activities for the kids, or not enough (at the same time incidentally). They are also concerned that your students are not growing Byspiritually. The fact that they pull their kids out of your ministry for every Jeff Williamson competitive tidily-winks match that Union Avenue Baptist Church comes along is irrelevant. You only Memphis, Tennessee get the students for two hours a williamson@unionavenue.org week – as long as something “more important” doesn’t come up. And Most importantly, He gave you a pardesireuse to see kids come to know can the church and her ministries effectively If only the work of the church was as simple as having the ents Jesus. social media? Sunday morning donut and a cup a coffee while engaging still Does any of others! this sound In the social media world the conversation over a ask, media Some folksused will consider your minlike you? Within your church/ministry, is social being or is donut has become… istrythat to be it being utilized? Think about the “Tweets” yousmall haveand insignificant. Facebook: •You traded your sedan for a I like donuts. Don’tisbelieve it! God– has placed read today. The average lifespan of a tweet Twitter: two minutes minivan so you could cartI aam eating a #donut. trust in you. He has youth ministry for where who I eat does donuts. which one in the last two minutes left anconsiderable impression on group of kids withFoursquare: you every- This isperson entrusted with to His most prelove ofphoto Jesusofand the love of Instagram: Here’s athe vintage my for donut. you? That individual and/or company has figured you out how where you go. creations at the most vuland donuts. you do something Linkedin: My skills teenagers, include eating utilize social media – not just use it. Go cious back to yester-year •You have the exact amount of nerable, difficult, for a living. You saw a need in Pinterest: Here’s a else and those face-to-face conversations; what questions didadjustment-filled time it takes to get from your day donut recipe. yourtochurch andDonuts” you filled it. Youth you ask to engage the student? What open-ended quesSpotify: Now listening the “The job to your youth group meeting ministry can be both the greatest tions provoked discussion? Those are the same types of calculated down to the second. aggravating things that can be done with social media. Social media (for Concerning technology,blessing shall weand say the the most church is as “lost •You use up your timedesert?” frustration. Youorare a away modern day the church) is not just a place for one-liners or picture postas avacation duck in the To embrace run from taking a bunch of kids toto camp, miracle does amazing ing; it can be used as a launching pad or a redirecting plattechnology, engage in social worker media, who or continue to stay music festival, or (insert the worksare with resources andare form. Use the “outlet” as a place to embed links to sermon within our four walls – these thelimited questions churches name of yourasking. “vacation” here.) we understood almost no money. and audio, viewpoints, outlines, and vision casting. Use this Yester-year that to “Five reachloaves a student two fishes” is athe way of life for new “outlet” as the place to re-tell God’s story to a for been Christ,towe had to spend time with student. Theyou. face•You have never a local connected generation. to-face interaction youth ministry network meeting was sought after, and we did that well. I have been there. For my entire different. Are we willing to realize that minour because theyHowever, all occurtoday while is you istry career,isI the have been a volunteer. You are being “followed”, “liked”, and “viewed” for a reason. FaceTime over electronic devices way to connect? are at the office. If Ineed were to with you right now, would Not only does the church acknowledge the Ichange The question is, why? While the means of sharing the •You footed the bill for this interwrap arms around you, give you in culture and technology, wemy need to embrace it! The Gospel may have changed, the curiosity of humankind has línc resource yourself because bigtechnology hug and say “Thank you!” church needs to realize athat goes much further not. Students today are still looking for answers. Within the your church’s annual youth than words on a screen in our worship centers. iMe, YouGram, GoogleTube generation, there are answers budget wouldn’t pay a youth Volunteer youth ministry can be and opinions everywhere but for some reason they have pastor’s salary for a week. and seemingly thanklessmake at turned to your stream. Now more than ever the church “We need to get that!” istough a rallying cry many churches times. Training opportunities are limneeds to have a voice. Wait, scratch that – the church when a new thing comes out and a church sees another You know who you are. You are ited because most them happen needs to be the voice! The world today is very similar to the using it successfully. “We need the iPad soofwe can…”, one of the few, the proud – the area doing do to “They are uploading….”,while “Weyou need group what page you so that…”, time in which the Apostle Paul ministered to many churches. volunteer youth leader. You are the earn a living, or require another week and, “Let’s get more tweets than them! Time to tweet it all – While Paul discouraged us to not be conformed to the the entire King James Bible!” world, he did encourage us to be transformed, to constantly renew our minds. (Romans 12:2) Think about that for just a minute. We are not to become of the world; rather we are Just because Facebook and Twitter are “free”, don’t runto take God’s transforming message to the world. When we away from what you currently have. For the church and her do that, a transformation will continue. Tweet that and see if ministries, she needs to remember that the church web site is for people new to the church and that social media is for it lasts more than two minutes! those who are already engaged with the church. So how GENERATION © 2012, INTERLíNC. INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM / 800.725.3300 TRD << faith: there’s no app for that FEATURE ARTICLE Page 9 There is a palpable buzz in youth ministries today – the buzz of cell phones that are not turned off despite your request for them to be powered down. Students who don’t even say much have cell phones so that they can text, tweet, and download the latest app. In this age of immediate technology, youth ministry communication has changed. We now have conversations with students while they play the latest edition of Angry Birds. Or sometimes we have to give students the benefit of the doubt that they are truly using a Bible app during the lesson. We also have multiple text-message conversations at once because we realize the students will look at their phone if it buzzes. “faith comes by hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ.” It is not good enough for students to set their faith to update automatically and then to never think about it again. Faith only updates through The lack of time with God also has an affect on relationships in the youth groups. Disputes used to be handled in the public forum. Now students might look fine on the outside but on social media, they are mean to each other. There have been conflicts between people that have been escalated because of social media. It has become so easy to say “whatever” without thought, and it matters for the long-term. We need to penetrate the world of constant media stimulation with the ever-constant Word of God. This can be a source of major frustration for youth leaders because students will spend hours staring at the screen and then tell us they have no time for God. How are we to make sense of that? The Bible is the most relevant book ever written. This has never changed despite all the latest technology. The challenge for us in youth ministry is to encourage teenagers to see it that way. It is a significant hurdle because of the constant distractions the latest gadgets produce. It all creates buzz that doesn’t naturally help students follow Christ. Faith is not an app we download one time and let it update on its own. Romans 10:17 tells us that Our task is to point students to Jesus Christ as the source of true faith. Students need to understand that the fast-paced, media-driven, self-centered lifestyle of so many is not what God calls us to experience. We should challenge students to set down the distraction of technology in order to hear the voice of God. time with Jesus Christ. Students who don’t have people regularly encouraging them to think and live biblically will have a difficult time growing in faith. Let’s create buzz in youth ministry. We don’t do this by offering the same things that the world offers. We instead see the challenges of youth ministry as opportunities to teach what God says in His Word. We leverage the good and bad of technology by being engaging in the teachable moments technology provides, whether pleasant or not. With proper vision and by the grace of God we can make the buzz in the youth group the truth of God’s Word. After all, faith only grows because there is no app for it! Faith: There Is No App For That By Derek Mansker Cape Cod Bible Alliance Church Brewster, Massachusetts manskerd@gmail.com © 2012, INTERLíNC. INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM / 800.725.3300 Page 10 TRD >> hoa: disciple HEART OF THE ARTIST interlínc’s Scott Osterbind sat down with Disciple’s frontman Kevin Young to talk about their heart to reach kids and about their brand-new O God Save Us All album. You’re known as one of those bands that sound terrific both recorded and live. How did the process of creating O God Save Us All go? I appreciate the compliment! We spend almost nine months of the year playing concerts; so playing live is our mentality when start to write songs. Sure, we want the songs to be good, but we really want them to go over well “live.” We want people to be moved spiritually and emotionally at our concerts, so that is definitely something that we are thinking about when we write songs. From what I hear, most of your lyrics are written while driving down the interstate. Explain this process and how it works so well for you. Yeah, I would say most of Disciple’s lyrics have been written in my car. When I’m driving I can truly be alone, cancel out all the outside voices, and surround myself with music and listen for inspiration. If someone were to see me singing in my car, then that probably means I’m writing a song. The only bad thing is I have to pull over and type the lyrics. What is the overall theme of O God Save Us All? The album is like a soundtrack to a Christian’s life. It covers all the bases – from someone before and after they follow Christ. One of my favorite © 2012, INTERLíNC. INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM / 800.725.3300 songs is “Unstoppable.” It is written from the perspective of if you were a UFC fighter and God was your trainer, what would He say to you? As Christians, our fight is a spiritual fight and not a physical one, but the analogy translates very well . So it’s a song that gets you pumped up and ready to face whatever life has ahead of you. I’m really excited about it. Why does your band have such a huge heart for the kids you get to meet while on tour? I was one of those kids. I used to go to Christian concerts as a teenager, and I desperately needed the positive message of those artists. Christian music played a major role in my walk with God, and I see it now the same way I saw it when I was a kid. We could steer people away from God just as easily as we could steer people to Him by our actions at a concert. I know what it meant to receive a kind word before or after the show, or hear something positive said from the stage. So, I do my best to try to remember that in the way we present ourselves at our concerts. What are some of the inspirations for your music and ministry? Life. I love writing about real life. Those songs are always the songs that reach people where they are. I’ve heard people say that they feel as though certain songs were written just for them. Songs like “Things Left Unsaid,” “Dear X,” and “Invisible,” were true stories about me or someone else. And although I wrote those songs from my experience, thousands of other people have experienced the same thing. I think that’s why those songs mean so much to them. TRD << HOA: group 1 crew HEART OF THE ARTIST Page 11 Fearless is Group 1 Crew’s first release after going from a trio to a duo. It was great hearing what’s new with Blanca and Manwell. One amazing message your students will learn from this new project is to live life fearlessly! How have you made this transition from a trio to a duo and what was the biggest challenge? Our biggest challenge was believing that the Lord was not done with us yet. We had a lot of fear ’cause we didn’t know whether the label or our fans for that matter wanted us as a duo. Praise God, they all did! Why has Fearless been compared to an iPod shuffle? I’m assuming because of the myriad of styles represented on this record. We love diversity, and it shows. What are a couple of your favorite tracks on the album? They all have a spot in our hearts, but we love “End of Me” for its heart and desire to save kids from suicide. We love “Goin’ Down” for its unapologetic commitment to keepin’ the party goin’. We love “Dangerous” ’cause it fits the description of a life sold out to Christ. They’re all good! Fearless addresses the heartache of Blanca losing her father. Do you mind sharing that story of faith and healing? Losing someone is one of the hardest things a person will ever face. You can never fully understand the pain and heartache it brings until you have gone through it. After losing my father last year, I feel that I have been able to connect with our fans in a new way. My father meant the world to me, and though I don’t have all the answers, I know that God provides the peace, strength, and comfort that we need to get through any situation. One of the greatest things I’ve learned was something that my father taught me – not by words, but by his actions: to live each day fearlessly! Put others before yourself, love them, and make an impact for the Kingdom of God! Is there a story you can share about how your music and ministry has helped transform a teenager’s life while you were on the road? A kid came up to me at a concert and said that our music saved his life. Now, I assumed he meant metaphorically –but he proceeded to tell me his story of being in a basement with a shotgun in his mouth about to pull the trigger when one of our songs came on the radio and literally stopped him from killing himself. I couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth! To this day, I’m floored by the power o f the Holy Spirit. Once the last song has finished playing on your album, what do you hope will be engraved in the mind of your listener? That like our album, life has more than one season – in all those seasons there’s a need to find God in the middle of it all. We pray that our music can be there in every one of those seasons to help you along the way. Group1 Crew We love “Dangerous” ’cause it fits the description of a life sold out to Christ. © 2012, INTERLíNC. INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM / 800.725.3300 Page 12 TRD >> HOA: for king & country HEART OF THE ARTIST from realizing that walking and working through this treacherous adventure o f life on our own was more than we could handle –our need for someone greater to “hold on to us” was crucial. The music group for KING & COUNTRY are no strangers to life on the road –they are Rebecca St. James’ brothers. Joel and Luke’s debut album CRAVE features songs with a message of hope. Make sure you read their answers with an Australian accent! What is the significance of the “for KING & COUNTRY” name? We came up with a slew of awful band names. We always hoped to find a name that had deep meaning, was passionate and unique. Joel had thrown out the name, “All The Kings Men” and upon hearing it, our producer swung around in his chair to say, “what about ‘for KING & COUNTRY’”? As English soldiers were going to fight and bleed for with they believed, their chant was “for KING & COUNTRY!” We turned and looked at each other and thought, “What better name to be known by as men and as musicians?” H ow you decided to start this brother duo? Dad was a concert promoter in Australia, so even as young chaps there were always bands coming through the house. Dad would bring us up on stage to be his “T-shirt models” at concerts. We couldn’t have been older than four or five, so you could say music was almost bred into us. Dad lost a lot of money on a tour that went badly. He had always felt a pull to the States and so, with nothing left to lose and a job offer, we moved halfway around the world to Nashville. Shortly after we arrived FOR KING & COUNTRY Dad lost his job and we began what we called a “life of faith.” There was nowhere to turn other than to God, prayer, and to each other. We did anything we could to survive. We mowed lawns in the summer and raked leaves in the autumn. Mum and our oldest sister cleaned houses. Through that time, miraculous events took place. A family offered us a car the first day they met us; we had no way for my little sister to be born in a hospital and someone anonymously paid the bill in its entirety; our landlord allowed us to stay in the rental home even when we couldn’t pay. Not long after that, our sister, Rebecca, was offered a record deal, and from there we began traveling as a family supporting her. Call us the Von Traps, Aussie style. We each had © 2012, INTERLíNC. INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM / 800.725.3300 our own roles: running the lighting, background vocals, stage-managing – you name it, we did it. We worked out that we loved music, instead of loathing it. We learned so much about music and the extreme impact it can have. But, it was not till our early 20’s that we started officially leaning into the band. After writing over one hundred songs, more than a fe w ups and downs, and God’s providential leading, we find ourselves here, at the “beginning.” Your album definitely has a couple songs for those who are brokenhearted. Do you mind sharing the stories behind the songs “Busted Heart (Hold On To Me)” and “Light It Up”? “Busted Heart (Hold On To Me)” is a confessional and an S.O.S. It came “Light It Up” was written about a good mate who struggled with depression – he’d stuff blankets in the windows, switch off the lights, and live in darkness. We didn’t have the heart to tell him we wrote it for him, for fear of offending. Months went by and we knew we had to tell him; the secret would get out. So one afternoon we told him. He didn’t really say much. He stood up, walked out of the room, got in his car, and drove away. We thought we’d blown it. About ten minutes later he called us and with tears in his voice he said, “Thank you for writing that song for me. It gives me HOPE.” In that moment we realized that merging the power of music with the ultimate power of the gospel transforms people’s lives for eternity. When the concert is over, what is the main message you want your audience to get? HOPE. We’re two blokes on a journey, placed in a position were music is the primary vehicle to display the HOPE we’ve found. We don’t claim to have it all sorted out. But, if folks could leave a concert of ours with one message let it be this: no matter where you’ve been, what you’ve done, or whom you’ve hurt – you are extravagantly, undeservedly, and incomprehensibly loved. There is HOPE found in a Man who lived, died, and lives again! TRD << Hoa: jared anderson HEART OF THE ARTIST Page 13 JARED ANDERSON someone to find what he or she is not looking for. If you’re looking for something to pump you up, give you tools, and keep you encouraged so that you can fulfill all your dreams, then keep walking; you can find that life elsewhere. But, if you’ve found yourself disgusted with every selfish pursuit and disenfranchised with worldly wisdom, then the narrow road is for you and true livi ng is just around the corner. You used to be one of the members of Desperation Band; how was your experience getting to work with Jon and Glenn again? Jon, Glenn, and I are still a band of brothers. As we reached our thirties, we realized that each man needed to find his own field to farm (so to speak). Other than that, nothing has changed. We are raising our kids together. Our wives hang out together. We still bounce songs off each other. It’s beautiful. interlínc’s Scott Osterbind had the chance interview Jared Anderson about his role as a worship leader, his A Narrow Road album, and his family’s anticipation of adopting children from Haiti. After years of playing the piano in church and singing in youth meetings there came a time where you felt your music may go in a different direction. Can you share that story? No one really wants to grow up and do everything your parents would be proud of. I wanted to break the rules, in a legit fashion like the greats: Bach, Beethoven, Charles Ives. Worship music was not in the plans. I felt that it was bound to sing-ability, three chords, and people’s expectations. It took a while to get past the music. Music doesn’t make the atmosphere, people do. Music reflects, as a home reflects what’s important to you. It’s merely the architecture through which the Holy Spirit can or cannot move. It’s a posture not a sound. How have you embraced your role as a worship leader and songwriter? I’m called to make disciples of Jesus. Music happens to be a tool in my hand to help people. “Prepare the way of the Lord. Make straight paths for Him.” Singing and writing help me invite people to where I’ve been and where I want to go. What were some of your inspirations while creating The Narrow Road? I’ve tried to boil down my role to its simplest form: Proclaimer. Pilgrims Progress was a big part of this project. The greatest obstacles that Little Christian faces in Pilgrims Progress are not his adversaries, but rather his distractions. The good gets in the way of the best. I would hate for © 2012, INTERLíNC. INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM / 800.725.3300 What other projects have you been involved in recently besides The Narrow Road? I’ve been apart of New Life Worship’s latest project You Hold It All. “Great I Am” probably wouldn’t have reached the light of day if not for that recording. Also, Michael Rossback and I produced an independent record for Heather Land called Pouring It Out for You. That p roject was a first for me to help produce. Heather is crazy good. The project was a blast. And then for those who want to go deep, check out my indy LAMP music project People of Troy. How do you balance serving at your home church and the opportunity to minister elsewhere? It’s a tightrope. My wife and I stay in unity. That is paramount. We have kids in school now, and as they grow the stakes get higher and higher. You cannot rewind the clock. My daughter will only be five years old once. I’m not on staff at the church anymore, although I help out. It actually means saying no to really good things. I’m learning now that it is a matter of obedience. I can get excited and want to fill the calendar with good things when my family needs to be a part of that decision. I can also get sick of the road and se rving other people and start saying “no” to things I should be saying “yes” to. I’ve had to ask myself, “What does obedience look like for me in 2013?” You and your wife already have four beautiful children. What sparked the desire to adopt children from Haiti? We lived in Nashville for a year after I transitioned off the staff at New Life. Our neighbors there have been involved in missions in Haiti for years and were in the process of adopting at the time of the 2010 earthquake. They went down and got their two daughters. One day we are watching these events on the news. The next day two Haitians are on our trampoline in our backyard. We just knew when we were done having our own that we wanted to jump into the process. Fast-forward to the present. John Diego is two, and Christine is eight mon ths old. We are ten months into the process and probably have another nine months before we get them home. We are smitten with love for them. We visit often. Our family is so excited to receive them and welcome them into our home. They are already little Andersons. You can keep up with the process at jaredanderson.com/adoption. © 2012, INTERLíNC. INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 14 BRENTON BROWN Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Study by: BRENTON BROWN BRENTONBROWN.COM GOD MY ROCK INTEGRITY MUSIC GOD MY ROCK JOEL JACKSON Theme Transition Explain that life is like an obstacle course. There are many turns and changes that often come unexpectedly. In addition, we all have various burdens that we carry, burdens that weighs us down and makes it harder to navigate the paths of life. Our hearts often feel overwhelmed by the unexpected turns in life or by the burdens that we must bear. Yet, we feel the pressure to perform at our best and to always wear a smile on our faces. protects them and cares for them. As Israel wandered in the wilderness, God guided them. As David fought Goliath, God provided strength and courage. As Jeremiah wept in captivity, God offered hope and a future. When Paul was in prison and dealt with persecution, the promise of freedom through Christ remained true. This is because God is our rock, an ever-present foundation when we feel shaken or shattered. Psalm 62 declares this and calls for us to depend on God when our hearts feel overwhelmed. •What images does the poet use for God in the first two verses? How do these images offer you strength? The Song Bible Study •Why does God deserve our trust more than these things? (Verses 11-12 declare that God is strong and that He is loving.) Trust Objective Students will realize that they need to trust in God over the other things that our culture trusts in – things that ultimately fail them. Warm Up Design an obstacle course in a large area. Then give each student a blindfold and something heavy to carry through the obstacle course. (You might use a sand bag, a large rock, a medicine ball, or another student.) Then tell them that you are going to time them as they each individually go through the course. Tell them that they need to carry their burden the entire way through the obstacle course or they will be disqualified. Hand out the Student Guides and explain that Brenton Brown has a song that describes how he makes it through when his heart feels overwhelmed. Encourage the students to write down some of the things that overwhelm their hearts as they listen to the song. Also, have them write down some of the attributes that Brenton Brown mentions regarding God and why we can depend on Him in the midst of overwhelming pressures. Have students turn to Psalm 62. Explain that the Psalms were Israel’s worship book. The Psalms were used at various times of worship to exalt and seek God. Many Psalms express times of hardship and struggle. Psalm 62 does this. Many Psalms also express that God is the answer to our heartaches. Psalm 62 does this as well. After reading the Psalm, instruct students to answer the following questions on their Student Guides: Transition •The Hebrew word for “soul” is nephesh, which means, “whole being.” What does finding rest for your whole being mean to you? What within your whole being needs to find rest? Brenton Brown sings that we can depend on God because He is our rock. He is the joy of our lives and the song in the night. God is ever-present with us. Throughout Scripture, God continuously shows His people that He © 2012, interlínc / interlInc-online.com / 800.725.3300 ST. THOMAS CHURCH BERNVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA STYOUTHMINISTER@VERIZON.NET •In what ways is the poet feeling assaulted? In what ways do we often feel assaulted? •Verses 9-10 list various things that we can trust in instead of God. What things are listed in these verses? (Lowborn vs. highborn—our social status; extortion; stolen goods; wealth) •What other things can you think of that we tend to depend on? •What are you struggling with, and how can God provide strength and love? Wrap Up Have the students take a rock and use puffy paint to write words or paint an image that reminds them to place their trust in God alone. Encourage them to take their rock home and place it on their desk or dresser or bed stand. Encourage them, whenever they look upon the rock, to pray, seek God’s strength, love in the midst of their struggles, and thank God for being available to them. Student Guide BRENTON BROWN Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Theme: BRENTON BROWN BRENTONBROWN.COM GOD MY ROCK INTEGRITY MUSIC GOD MY ROCK TRUST The Student Guide for this study is available to download here: interlinc-online.com/ studentguides/ylo90 My Overwhelmed Heart Discovering the Rock As you listen, list burdens you’re dealing with. What other things can you think of that we tend to put our trust in? Psalm 62 The Hebrew word for “soul” is nephesh, which means, “whole being.” What does finding rest for your whole being mean to you? What within your whole being needs to find rest? Why does God deserve our trust more than these things? (Verses 11-12 declare that God is strong and that He is loving.) Like a Rock What images does the poet use for God in the first two verses? How do these images offer you strength? What are you struggling with and how can God provide strength and love? As you listen, write out the ideas that Brenton Brown sings that declare our ability to depend on God. In what ways is the poet feeling assaulted? How is this similar to how we often feel assaulted? Never Shaken Verses 9-10 list various things that we can trust in instead of God. What things are listed in these verses? (Lowborn vs. highborn—our social status; extortion; stolen goods; wealth) Knowing that God is your Rock and the only one we can trust in because of His vast strength and love, choose a rock and paint an image or words on it declare that you can trust in God. Take this rock home and place it somewhere prominent in your room. Every time you see it, pray that God will give you the strength to trust in Him alone. You can also thank Him for being your Rock. interlinc-online.com / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 16 BRINSON Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Study by: BRINSON GODCHASERZ.COM NO OTHER HEROES GODCHASERZ ENTERTAINMENT HIT THE FLOOR AARON TUCKER FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH PHILADELPHIA, MISSISSIPPI REV.TUCKER@GMAIL.COM The Student Guide for this study is available here: interlinc-online.com/ studentguides/ylo90 Theme Transition Objective Bible Study The Gospel Students will learn what following Jesus means and will decide whether they will follow Him or not. Warm Up Obtain some colored glasses. (Some kinds of 3D glasses would work well for this). Have a volunteer come up front with you, and ask him or her to look out at the audience and describe some of what he or she sees. Then have him or her put the colored glasses on, and describe again some of what he or she sees, noting the difference between how things look now and how they looked before the glasses were on. Transition Ask the group to think about how different things would look if they had those colored glasses permanently attached and worn for the rest of their life. The Song Ask the students the recite some lyrics from the song. Have a volunteer read 1 Kings 18:2024 aloud. Israel was being asked to choose between local pagan gods and the Lord God who had brought them to this Promised Land years earlier. Explain the background of Israel’s continued turning away from God and returning to Him. King Ahab was one of the kings who turned the people away from God. Elijah continued to speak for God; he reminded Ahab and the nation that there was only one true God and they had turned their back on Him. Point out 1 Kings 18:21. A showdown was about to go down on Mount Carmel, and only one deity would come out the winner. Have another volunteer read 1 Kings 18:29 and summarize whether Baal turned out to be the real god. Have that volunteer read 1 Kings 18:37-39 and summarize whether God was the true god or not. Ask the volunteer to re-read 1 Kings 18:39 and summarize how the people of Israel responded to what God did. Play the song. © 2012, interlínc / interlinc-online.com / 800.725.3300 Remind the group that they, too, should ask themselves what god they want to worship. They, like the kids in the video, and like the people of Israel, are looking at the story of the Lord God. They, too, have a choice to make about whom they will worship. Have a volunteer read Matthew 6:24. Point out that Jesus said these words. Ask the group to think about whether people today are worshipping money, which in many ways is like the ancient nation of Israel turning away to worship a local pagan god named Baal. Have that volunteer read Luke 18:1823. Jesus noticed a major false god in this person’s life. Jesus showed the ruler a major flaw in his thinking. Ask the volunteer to re-read Luke 18:23 and to summarize how the ruler responded to Jesus’ challenge. Ask students to consider how bringing Jesus into their life requires them to eliminate another ‘god’ that has been running their life. Read John 3:16. Ask students whether their love for things will rule their lives or whether they will choose to love and worship Jesus. Show them that the artist says in many ways during the music video that he turned away from his old ways of sin and love for the world and turned to Jesus and love for only Him. Wrap Up Remind the students what the kids in the music video did to the View-Master. Ask them whether the response of the kids was more like the response of ancient Israel at Mount Carmel or more like the response of the young man with Jesus. (The kids leave the toy lying on the floor much like the ruler sorrowfully left Jesus.) Remind them that they, too, can each put on a pair of Jesus glasses that will change the way they look at the entire world around them if they will only choose to do so. Offer students a chance to make a decision about how they will respond to God’s good news in Jesus Christ. Pray for them and do something appropriate for your group that allows them to believe in Him, turn from their sinful ways, and turn to God’s forgiveness and direction. Celebrate any who decide to take the leap, showing to them how excited God is about their decision. Leader Guide Page CHRISTAFARI 17 Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: CHRISTAFARI CHRISTAFARI.COM REGGAE WORSHIP: A ROOTS REVIVAL LION OF ZION ENTERTAINMENT EVERLASTING GOD Study by: KEN MCCOY JUMPSTART MINISTRIES ESCONDIDO, CALIFORNIA KENNYMAC@MAC.COM The Student Guide for this study is available here: interlinc-online.com/ studentguides/ylo90 Theme Him (newer translations use the word let yourself become confused about album includes the popular song, “hope” instead of “wait.”) What’s what’s going on! “Everlasting God” – the chorus of described here suggests exchanging which was written by Brenton Brown •What confused ideas about God do God’s Attributes (who has an album of his own in this tired and weary people tend to have? our own (or personal) weariness for God’s omnipotence. issue of Youth Leaders Only) when he and a bunch of people were worn •How do the people tend to bring God •When do you usually need fresh down to their own level? Students will learn to turn to God as a out, tired, wet, and cranky at the strength from God? source of strength when they are tired. end of a long day. The rest of the •What can we do to encourage each •How can you tell when a Christian is song came into being when he and other when the going gets tough? trying to make it through a day on his his wife were both diagnosed with or her own strength? Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Hand out God’s Not Limited As We Are (v.28) Recharge! Bring a couple of the Student Guides, instruct the kids •How can you tell when a Christian is Here’s where the song, “Everlasting battery-powered toys with you to to fill in the blanks, and play the song. God,” got its name. This one verse daily using God’s strength? What is the meeting, but make sure the The missing words are: strength, different about him or her? explains that God is omni-everything. batteries are almost dead. (When I forever, Strong, faint, weary, defender, He is everywhere, in all times, did this meeting with a small group comfort, lift, eagles. simultaneously, with all power and of guys, I used little mini-cars and let intellect. He is everything we aren’t. the guys race them.) When one of If you’re in a setting that allows it Recognizing His omni-everythingthe toys quits working, ask the kids (you’re not meeting in a restaurant or ness is called the “fear of God” and is what needs to happen. (Change or Explain that the song comes from some other very public place) then the first step on the path to wisdom. recharge the batteries, of course!) Isaiah 40:27-31. (Read the verses play the song again and get everyone (Proverbs 1:7) Go ahead and recharge the toys, and to the group.) Use this outline to to sing along with it. Let the words •How does God’s omni-everythingplay for as long as suitable. unpack the Bible passage and make of the song sink in as you sing them ness contrast with what most people it practical for your students. Make together. Then, close in prayer. assume about Him? sure to illustrate each point with a •Why do you think we don’t take often personal story, and talk through the Explain that although we don’t have advantage of His unlimited strength, discussion questions. batteries that need to be recharged, His everlasting presence, or His crewe do get tired and worn out. This ative power? Fatigue Creates Confusion (v.27) meeting will be about letting God’s When we are tired, we tend to lose unlimited strength “recharge” us better sight of what’s really happening. God Gives Fresh Strength To Those than any battery charger could ever do. We begin to believe things that are Who Trust Him (v.29-31) Note the emphasis that Isaiah puts on GOD just plain wrong. Israel, because being the source of strength when he of the difficulties that they were contrasts “youths” and “young men” experiencing, had concluded that Explain that Christafari is a Christian God wasn’t paying attention. Nothing getting tired with those whom God band specializing in reggae strengthens. The Lord is the source could be further from the truth. So, music. Their Reggae Worship of strength, and those who “wait” on watch out when you’re tired; don’t Objective Warm Up Bible Study Wrap Up Transition The Song © 2012, interlinc-online.com / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 18 DISCIPLE Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Study by: DISCIPLE DISCIPLEROCKS.COM O GOD SAVE US ALL FAIR TRADE SERVICES DRAW THE LINE PAUL TURNER PLEASANT GROVE ASSEMBLY BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA THEDPROJECT@ME.COM The Student Guide for this study is available here: interlinc-online.com/ studentguides/ylo90 Theme Sin; Struggle With Objective Students will learn to “draw their line early” before their actions lead to sin. Warm Up Cross The Line – Students will attempt to pull one another across a line. If you want to do a one-on-one competition, put two lines of tape on the ground in the front of your youth hall and call two male students and two female students to stand behind each line. On your command, they will clasp hands (one or both) and try to pull each other over the other’s line. If you want to make this an elimination game, pass out a string to every student and have them team up with someone in the room Place their strings on the ground, clasp hands, and on your command try to pull the other person over their line. Winners advance to the next opponent while losers have a seat. Play the song “Draw The Line” by Disciple while you play. Transition Have an eraser and a pencil handy to show everyone. Say, “We all carry a pencil and an eraser with us –figuratively. The pencil of our convictions draws the lines we should not/will not cross. Our struggle with sin stems from a two-thought process: •Everyone draws lines in different places. (This is called relativism. “That might be sin for you, but not to me.”) •We cross and even erase the lines of Gods’ Word when we feel we will benefit from certain actions. Bible Study Hand out the Student Guides. Ask, “How do we shift from a faith drawn with pencil and eraser to a belief drawn with permanent marker?” If we don’t want to cross the line into sin, we must decide that God’s Word is non-negotiable. Explain that we can’t approach God’s Word with a pencil and eraser. We can’t erase certain parts and say they do not apply to us; and we cannot be so bold as to write in what we think the Bible should say. Read 1 Samuel 15:1-26. Saul thought he could just make up his own plan instead of follow God’s plan. Because of his disobedience, he lost his kingship. God creates these lines to keep us safe not to harm us. Have the students mark on their Student Guide © 2012, interlínc / interlInc-online.com / 800.725.3300 where they are in their relationship to God’s Word. If we don’t want to cross the line into sin, we must believe that all sin is harmful to our souls and possibly to our bodies. Sin is a killer. Any time we cross the line into disobedient activity, we give the activity and the devil the chance to mess with our lives. If we cross the line sexually, we risk a disease or pregnancy. If we cross the line with alcohol, we perhaps risk being put on YouTube and laughed at, and we risk our health with risky behavior that could alter our lives forever. If we cross the line with drugs, we risk emotional, intellectual, social, and even physical death. Read James 1:15 and Romans 6:23. The result of all sin is spiritual death. You risk it all when you cross that line. Have the students mark on their Student Guide where they are on the issues. If we don’t want to cross that line into sin, we will avoid the line at all costs. The problem with having a line is that we are tempted to cross it to see what is on the other side. We move closer and closer to it, every time saying things like, “I can handle it” or, “It’s not so bad.” Unfortunately, those are famous last words. Ask Sampson. (Judges 16:1-21) He played with sin until he was captured and had his eyes gouged out. The best plan is to stay as far way from the line as possible. The further away you are, the less likely you are to make the journey to cross it. Think of a situation you are in now where you are close to the line. Draw your own line; write on it a promise to never cross that line.” Wrap Up If you passed out string earlier, request that those who have been walking on or crossing that line into sin, bring the string up to the altar to show a commitment to maintaining personal purity. Close in prayer. Leader Guide Page 19 FOR KING & COUNTRY Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Study by: FOR KING & COUNTRY FORKINGANDCOUNTRY.COM CRAVE WORD/CURB/WB FINE FINE LIFE DAVE JONES FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH MILTON, PENNSYLVANIA IOWABB61@HOTMAIL.COM The Student Guide for this study is available here: interlinc-online.com/ studentguides/ylo90 Theme Contentment Objective Students will understand that no matter what circumstances come their way, joy can be found when their focus is on Jesus. Warm Up A Lack Of Focus – Pick two students to pair up. Have one student in the back of the room and the other up front. Place everyone else in the middle of the room. The student in the back is to talk to the student in the front. The student in the front is to write down what is said. The catch: everyone else is to make a lot of noise and even go and talk to the person up front. The idea: it will be hard for the person up front to concentrate with all the distractions. Transition Explain that too many people go through life in much the same way as the student up front. There are so many distractions and many of them are negative. These distractions cause a loss of focus on Jesus, and life seems bad. However, when the focus is kept on Jesus, contentment can be found at all times? The Song them a sense of peace. This is the peace that passes all understanding as found in Philippians 4:7. When there is a focus on Jesus, contentment can be found in all circumstances and situations. Transition The song mentions how all too often believers forget how fine a life it is to follow Jesus. Students are bombarded with messages that promote only self. These messages promote a materialistic way to happiness, yet this happiness never truly materializes. When there is a focus on Jesus, happiness materializes as He brings peace and joy in all things, good and bad. His promise of Romans 8:28 rings true, “…all things work together for good to those who love God…” (NKJV) Hand out the Student Guides. As you play the song, instruct students to list under My Distractions those distractions that take the focus off Jesus. Explain that the song shows that even when things are not going right, keeping the focus on Jesus will brighten the day. Bible Study John 10:10 says, “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” (NKJV) Jesus is the one talking in this verse. He is declaring that He wants to give abundant life to all who will follow Him. Now, in the strictest sense, He is referring to life eternal spent in Heaven in which all believers will one day partake. However, there is also an earthly component. Life is so much better when our focus is on Jesus. Not only will the good things (such as health, sports, good grades, friends, relationships, and possessions) be more enjoyable, the negative things (such as sickness, death, the loss of someone or something, and tough decisions) will carry with Wrap Up Explain that when we are distracted and lose our focus on Jesus, life can seem unbearable. However, removing those distractions will allow us to enjoy life and find peace and contentment. Close in prayer. Focusing on Jesus does not mean that everything will always be okay. In fact, focusing on Jesus will most likely bring some hardship. People will tease you, and you may be treated like an outcast and not part of the “popular” crowd. It is also true that a focus on Jesus does not make you immune to negative life events or hurt. Focusing on Jesus does mean that you will never be alone. Focusing on Jesus does mean that you will have His power to do well in the good things and make it through the bad things. Focusing on Jesus does mean that you will see the good in life. © 2012, interlinc-online.com / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 20 GROUP 1 CREW Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: GROUP 1 CREW GROUP1CREW.COM FEARLESS FERVENT/WORD/CURB HE SAID (FEAT. CHRIS AUGUST) Study by: MANDY KYES FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH GALT, CALIFORNIA MANDYKYES@HOTMAIL.COM The Student Guide for this study is available here: interlinc-online.com/ studentguides/ylo90 Theme God’s Promises Objective Students will learn that the Lord has promised He will always be there for them, giving them strength and encouragement to get through their struggles, even when their circumstances may not be ideal. Warm Up Pass out the Student Guide and have students answer the questions under Mountains and Valleys. After five or so minutes, open up discussion: •When are times that you feel like you’re in a valley? •When are times you feel on top of the mountains? •On any average day, do you spend more time on the mountain or in the valley? •Why do you think that is?” Transition Say something like, “Oftentimes, we tend to feel defeated during times of struggle, without realizing that we have to start in a valley to get to the mountaintop.” The Song Tell the students that Group 1 Crew and Chris August has a song that talks about times in “the valleys” of our lives. The song focuses on how we shouldn’t be discouraged, but take comfort in the promise the Lord has given us, that He will never leave us in times of trouble. Have them fill out the Lingering Lyrics section while the song plays. Transition Spend time in discussion over some of the lyrics that really stood out to some of the students. If there is a unanimous phrase that really stood out to the students, ask why it made such an impact on them. Then talk about the “props” in the video and the message that the students think is being reinforced by those “props.” © 2012, interlínc / interlInc-online.com / 800.725.3300 Bible Study Have student volunteers read the verses aloud. After each verse, give the group time to write down their responses to the questions under the He Said… section. •Deuteronomy 31:6 – Sometimes, we can feel as though God has left us in certain situations. According to this verse, when has God left us? NEVER! He promises He will ALWAYS be with us. •Galatians 6:9 – What do you think this verse means? Do you get tired of doing good when it feels as though it doesn’t make a difference? This verse tells us that there is benefit if we continue to do good. The harvest it talks about shows that there is something beneficial coming from the work of good. Is doing good worth the effort even when you may not think it’s worth it? YES, it is ALWAYS worth it! •1 Corinthians 10:13 – When we find ourselves in the valley, it can be due to temptation that is constantly around us. Peer pressure, drugs, alcohol, bullying, lust, cheating on a test, etc. This verse is key to the song; the Lord will never allow us to be tempted beyond what we can handle, and He will ALWAYS provide a way out. How often do we see the way out and CHOOSE not to take it? Why do we continue to choose temptation over escape? How can we be more aware of the way out of temptation? •Psalm 34:18 – Aside from temptation, there are times when we just feel down and out. Parents fight, money is slim, school isn’t going well, etc. Our valleys become so deep that they begin to feel more like graves that we can’t escape. What does this verse say about feeling this broken? Wrap Up Our valleys are only as deep as our outlook. We need to take comfort in the promise that God will NEVER leave us in our times of trouble. We need to continue to strive towards doing good, knowing that the Lord cares about our brokenness. Ask students what the group can be praying for them about throughout the week. Some students aren’t comfortable praying for another student, if that’s the case with your group, be sure to jump in and pray for them. However, encourage each student to volunteer to pray for that specific prayer. Close with prayer for those students struggling in the “valleys” of life. When you’re finished praying, repeat the promise of Deuteronomy 31:6. Leader Guide Page JARED ANDERSON 21 Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Study by: JARED ANDERSON JAREDANDERSON.COM THE NARROW ROAD INTEGRITY MUSIC IMPOSSIBLE POSSIBLE EVERETT HORNBOSTEL Bible Study Wrap Up SOUTHERN HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH BOLIVAR, MISSOURI EHORNBOSTEL@SBUNIV.EDU The Student Guide for this study is available here: interlinc-online.com/ studentguides/ylo90 Theme Salvation Objective Participants will understand that Jesus sustains them and gives them “living water.” Warm Up Hand out the Student Guides. Brainstorm with the group things that we consume that “sustain” us. (i.e. Gatorade, energy drinks, etc.) Discuss how these things only temporarily sustain us. (For example, 5 Hour Energy only provides caffeine to help a person stay awake through the day, a glass of water can only keep us hydrated for a short time.) Transition Say something like, “There is only one source of sustaining power that is not temporary.” The Song Play the song and encourage students to list lyrics they hear that point to Jesus as sustainer. They can also be creative in this time and draw an image that the lyrics bring to mind.. John 4:1-15 •What is unique about this conversation? •What did Jesus mean when He said, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again”? •What did He mean when He said, “Whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again”? There are many things that we let fill our lives. Whether we become obsessed with entertainment, relationships, or the approval of others, there is only One who is worthy to fill our lives. Take this time to give a presentation of the Gospel. Make sure what is seen as impossible by human eyes is possible through Jesus. •What can “a spring of living water” represent? John 4:16-26 •While Scripture is clear that we should not forsake the fellowship of other believers (i.e. attend church), are we required to worship in any specific location? •What does this mean for our daily lives? What does it mean to worship? •What does Jesus reveal at the end of this conversation? © 2012, interlinc-online.com / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 22 JEFF DEYO Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Study by: JEFF DEYO JEFFDEYO.COM MOVING MOUNTAINS WORSHIPCITYMUSIC RESCUE ME JEFF WILLIAMSON UNION AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE WILLIAMSON@UNIONAVENUE.ORG The Student Guide for this study is available here: interlinc-online.com/ studentguides/ylo90 Theme Restoration Objective Many students may see themselves as worthless. With Christ they are made valuable; they are His creation and He wants to rescue them from their selfabsorbed world. Warm Up To restore means to make, as best as possible, something new again. Encourage the students to think about things that can be restored. An antique, house, and car—something that might be perceived as having little to no value, but in reality is very valuable. Some even become priceless. Transition How is something restored? It begins with time, patience, and love. Remind the students that we have been making poor choices for years and we are rusty, beaten, and worn out! It will take a creator, the Lord God Almighty, to restore/rescue us –it will take time, patience, and love! The Song Have students listen carefully to “Rescue Me” by The Jeff Deyo. Ask them to pay close attention to any concepts about being rescued. Transition Think about the answers to these questions: •What do you need to be rescued from? •Have you figured out that you cannot do it on your own? •Do you seek Christ in all that you do? Bible Study •You were known even before you were created! (Psalm 139:13) •There is one true friend that loved you before anyone else. (John 15:13) •The Lord our God is ever rejoicing over you with all His love. (Zephaniah 3:17) •“Rescue” implies freeing from imminent danger by prompt or vigorous action. You have been rescued, and now it is time to bear fruit! •If you, the believer, are not connected with God the Father continually, the quality of your fruit will be unacceptable. When you acknowledge Him as the owner, you will produce your maximum yield. (John 15:1) •If you want to continue producing fruit, you must keep a constant relationship with the gardener. (John 15:2-4) •When you are connected and have that relationship, you will want to be obedient, and joy will be the result. (John 15:9-11) © 2012, interlínc / interlInc-online.com / 800.725.3300 Wrap Up Ask: •Are you willing to act as one who has been “rescued”? •Do you understand that just as you have been “set free,” it is your responsibility to share with others about God’s love and grace and His desire to “rescue” all of His creation for His glory? Before you play the song again, ask: •From what do you need to be rescued? •Who is one person that you can help by sharing Christ with him or her? Play the song, and then close in prayer. Leader Guide Page MATTHEW WEST 23 Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Study by: MATTHEW WEST STORYOFYOURLIFE.COM THE STORY OF YOUR LIFE (DVD) HARVEST HOUSE PUBLISHERS MY OWN LITTLE WORLD DAVE WEISS NEW CREATION FELLOWSHIP READING, PENNSYLVANIA AMOKARTS@AOL.COM The Student Guide for this study is available here: interlinc-online.com/ studentguides/ylo90 Theme Compassion Objective Students will be challenged to look at a world bigger than themselves, to turn their focus outward, to get outside their “own little worlds,” to serve others, and to make a difference. Warm Up The Bigger Picture – Get a large sheet of paper and draw two concentric circles. In the smaller circle write Personal Problems and in the larger one write Bigger Problems. Have your students list personal problems, i.e. things that they and/or their peers are facing. Then move to the larger circle and start listing societal/world problems. Ask your students to list things that can be done about the bigger problems. Write these solutions around the outside of the large circle. Using a different color for each category might help. Transition Say something like; “We’ve got some great solutions to some really big problems that could make a very real difference in the world. However, too often we don’t get to deal with the big stuff because we’re focused on our personal stuff. That’s what it means to be in ‘your own little world.’ This is not to minimize personal problems – some of them are very real – but sometimes the best way to deal with problems is to turn our focus outward, to live in God’s purpose, and to help and serve others. That’s what our video is all about.” The Video In this video, Matthew West gives the story behind his song, “My Own Little World.” It expresses the idea that we need to look beyond our own little worlds, our own thoughts and problems, to have compassion for others and make a real difference. As you watch the video have your students make notes of things that strike them in the What If There’s A Bigger Picture? section of the Student Guide. Transition Wrap Up Discuss: In one of the great lines of the song is a prayer for the Father to break our hearts for what breaks His heart. Go back to the large circle from the •How would staying stuck in your own Warm Up and ask your students little world keep that from happening? which of these problems really concern them. Ask them why they think some of the problems matter more to them, as individuals, than In our lesson we’re going to look others. Perhaps these are problems at how to get from our own little God wants them to do something worlds to the bigger picture. One about. Sometimes these problems of the passages Matthew West look too huge for any one person or references is John 15:11-13. This any one group – and sometimes they is where we’ll start. are – but “a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” It’s hard to find the joy of the Lord What’s the first step? Perhaps this when we’re stuck in our own little could turn into a mission for your worlds. We’re too busy looking at all group, a way to get outside your of our problems. We find joy in living “own little world.” Close in prayer. out God’s purpose, loving and serving others and living sacrificially. Jesus brings this into focus in the parable of the sheep and goats. •What does becoming a character in someone else’s story mean to you? Bible Study Read John 15:11-13 and answer the Student Guide questions together. Then do the same for Matthew 25:31-46. © 2012, interlinc-online.com / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 24 PIONEER Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: PIONEER PIONEERTHEBAND.COM PIONEER SLOSPEAK RECORDS DREAMS Study by: DAVE FELTS INDIAN HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH GRAND PRAIRIE, TEXAS DAVEFELTS@YMAIL.COM The Student Guide for this study is available here: interlinc-online.com/ studentguides/ylo90 Theme Complacency Objective Students will explore areas of complacency in their lives and will be alerted to how that can affect their futures. Warm Up Ask for students to shout out synonyms for the word “complacent” and have someone write these on a whiteboard or flip sheet. Be sure some words such as apathetic, proud, and self-satisfied are included. Next, you might tell about a student you know whose dreams have been taken away because of a complacent attitude. Then, hand out the Student Guides. Ask your students to write down some of their dreams for the future in the various categories under the My Dreams heading (Family, Education, Career, Faith). After they have written a few, have some of them share and then ask, “What are some things that could cause those dreams not to come true for you?” Transition There is a strong pull in our culture to fall into a “Who cares?” pattern. Some think that a person is “cool” if he or she is just fine with status quo and has no desire to change anything. This song rebuts that attitude head on. The Song As students listen to the song, have them find in the lyrics key ideas that have sidetracked this person’s life. Have them pay special attention to the concepts of being left behind and being asleep. Transition Lead a discussion sharing some of the ideas they heard. Focus especially on what the band means when they sing, “We lost the dream when we all fell asleep. We lost the dream when we traded life for complacency.” The words of this song can easily be seen as a prophetic warning about what can happen to our dreams if we fall into the trap of apathy and complacency. Bible Study Have your students get into two groups. Assign one group to read Revelation 3:1-6 and the other group to read Revelation 3:14-18. Have each group answer the questions on the Student Guide under their assigned passage. Revelation 3:1-6 •What was the reputation of this church? (That they are alive.) •What did Jesus say was their actual condition? (Dead.) •What did Jesus tell them to do to avoid destruction? (Wake up!) How? (Three instructions: Remember. Obey. Repent.) •What did Jesus say would happen if they didn’t do what He said? (He will come like a thief.) Revelation 3:14-18 •What was the problem with this church? (They were lukewarm.) •What did God want them to be like? (Hot.) •What did Jesus say was the cause of this condition? (Wealth and selfsatisfaction.) •What did Jesus tell them to buy to correct this condition? (Three things: Refined gold for spiritual wealth. White clothes to cover shame. Salve to heal their vision.) © 2012, interlínc / interlinc-online.com / 800.725.3300 After the groups have finished, bring them back together and discuss their answers. Wrap Up Ask students to consider these questions: •What will it take to wake you up so that your dreams may be realized? •What will it take to make you “hot” with a passion to pursue God’s best for you? Leader Guide Page PROPAGANDA 25 Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Study by: PROPAGANDA HUMBLEBEAST.COM EXCELLENT HUMBLE BEAST RECORDS CONQUER PROPAGANDA Have the class make predictions – offer a prize to the people who predict the winners. The team without the skateboard should win. Bible Study don’t have to follow any “rules.” But that’s just not true. The Bible says we were slaves to our desires, lusts, urges, and sin. (John 8:34; Romans 6:16-17; 7:14) Christians have the advantage! The maker of all things is empowering us to live the way he designed us to! Don’t be afraid to exist in this culture! LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA INFO@HUMBLEBEAST.COM The Student Guide for this study is available here: interlinc-online.com/ studentguides/ylo90 Theme Victory Objective Students will understand how God uses a refusal to compromise their faith to glorify Him. Warm Up Before the meeting, choose your two smallest and two biggest students to participate in a relay race. Pair a small student with a big one to make two teams. (In private, instruct one of the small kids not to accept the skateboard when offered. Also, instruct that team’s big kid to start running to his or her partner when the race starts.) Have the teams line up facing their partner on opposite sides of room – the small kids should be running the relay against the big kids. The relay is simple: run to your partner, tag him or her, and the partner then runs back to the starting line. Ask the group, “Who do you think has the advantage for the race?” Then, offer both teams a skateboard to use. Ask the class again who seems to have the advantage? Do they think it’s dumb that one of the small kids didn’t take the skateboard? Transition Ask students which team seemed to have an advantage first? Which team seemed to be cheating? Remind them that you never said their partner couldn’t move OR that they couldn’t get help! The Song Play the song “Conquer” by Propaganda and Theory Hazit. Have students consider what is being conquered as they listen. Transition Discuss: •What does the phrase, “If you’re not cheating, you’re not trying” mean to you? •Do you agree with the sentiment? •Do those people who don’t have your same moral constraints have an advantage over you? •Is competition good? Why or why not? Daniel 1 –The Babylonian captivity is a super unique era in history. Nebuchadnezzar’s controlling tactic was completely new. He used “cultural decapitation” that allowed the captured people to continue all their practices, and yet took the best and brightest young people, allured them with royal treatment, trained them in the ways of the captor’s culture, and put them in management –thus erasing cultural identity from within. This was happening in Daniel 1. Daniel was given a Babylonian name, the royal treatment, and was being groomed for leadership. I see such a parallel to our culture. No one is burning churches, but we live in a God-hating world where our best and brightest are going off to be trained in Godless institutions and rewarded for every step they take away from our Christian distinctive. But I’m encouraged by Daniel’s posture. He didn’t run away to build an ivory tower for his people to live in isolation, but stayed there and learned everything they had to offer. But, “Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine.” His trust in God to help him out perform the others worked. (Read verses 18-20.) We often think that the world has it easier than Christians because they The best part is a couple chapters later. God uses Daniel’s excellence as a witness to King Nebuchadnezzar in his eventual confession of faith! Stay in the game. “Dominate the arena like home court advantage don’t even matter!” Cheating is NOT an advantage. The world does NOT have it easier than you. You jump into the arena God has you in and conquer it! But, what if you feel you are not good at anything? What do you conquer? My suggestion: conquer that lie that tells you that you’re not good at anything, then skip forward to my song entitled “Lofty” on this album. Wrap Up Discuss: •Which “arena” do you feel called to? •What would “eating from the king’s table” look like in for you? •Given what you learned about Daniel, how can you be a “conqueror”? © 2012, interlinc-online.com / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 26 REMEDY DRIVE Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Study by: REMEDY DRIVE REMEDYDRIVE.COM RESUSCITATE CENTRICITY MUSIC RESUSCITATE ME DOUG RANCK FREE METHODIST CHURCH SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA DRANCK@FMCSB.ORG The Student Guide for this study is available here: interlinc-online.com/ studentguides/ylo90 Theme Transition Objective •Why does being a “life saver” require so much training? Renewal Through sin and disobedience came death – through Jesus Christ came life. God longs for us to have life. In the course of our lives there will be times when we feel “dead” due to circumstances or our own destructive choices. In this lesson, students will discover the priority of recognizing God as one who can deliver us from death and bring us back to life. Warm Up Invite a paramedic, nurse, doctor, or someone with life-saving training to come and give a ten-minute presentation that explains the steps followed in most life-saving procedures. Before he or she begins, have your group turn to the Student Guide How to Save a Life section and follow the directions there. Discuss: •What is complicated about saving someone’s life? •Who do you know who has been resuscitated through one form or another? Say something like, “Life and death is a part of this existence. Though we will all eventually die, nobody likes to see someone die who could have been saved. As God’s creation there is no reason for any of us to ‘die’ in our sins. God, through Jesus Christ, is ready to deliver us and give us new life. In this lesson we will discover the importance of salvation and what it means to brought back to life.” © 2012, interlínc / interlinc-online.com / 800.725.3300 The Song Bible Study •How would you define the status of the person described in this song? •What do you think “lose heart” means? •Why is there hope? •How can someone not “lose heart”? •What is refreshingly honest about this song? •Why is knowing that light can shine out of darkness important? •Why is an honest assessment of one’s self important to our faith? •What makes you the most hopeful after reading verses 7-10? Transition •How would you summarize what is meant in verse 10? Ask your group to follow the Help, I Need Somebody directions as the video plays. When the video has finished, have different people in your group offer a few of their responses. Discuss the questions below as a way of reflecting on the lyrics: Say something like, “The Apostle Paul knew all about near-death experiences and deliverance. Those who sought to bring him down often threatened his physical and spiritual life. We are going to look at a Bible passage relating the condition of a life on the edge of death and the beauty of rescue.” Tell your group to find partners. Give them about ten minutes to work through the My Weakness, New Life assignment and then come back together. Allow your group time to share their results and then follow up with these questions: •How do these words relate to the lyrics of the song? Wrap Up Invite everybody to come back together. Give them a few moments to communicate their responses. Play the video again as the students complete the CPR In My Life section. Then, close the time by having each person prayed for by another member in the group. Leader Guide Page 27 SONS Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: Study by: SONS SONSOFFICIAL.COM KEEP QUIET SLOSPEAK RECORDS IS THIS A DRY SEASON OR AGNOSTICISM? PAULA DANIEL-STEINBACHER Transition Bible Study Wrap Up FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS PAULAPALOOZA@GMAIL.COM The Student Guide for this study is available here: interlinc-online.com/ studentguides/ylo90 Theme Worship Objective This song deals with deep, questioning themes about bringing sincere worship to God and is suitable for an older high school youth or college-age youth. Warm Up Hand out the Student Guides. Ask the students to check all the boxes that apply to about worship. Then, tally the votes as students raise their hands to indicate their choices. Identify the top three choices and discuss. Despite what we think of worship, the Bible has a lot to say about what is pleasing to God. The Song Introduce the song by asking the students what the difference is between a “dry season” and “agnosticism.” Play the song for your students, asking them to note (on the Student Guide) the phrases/lyrics that really stood out to them. Ask for them to share their thoughts on the lyrics they heard. Transition Say, “This song challenges us to consider how sincere our worship is when we spend most of our week NOT thinking about God. It brings up an excellent point –that our church budgets are huge, while there are still hungry and poverty-stricken people living in the same community. Let’s take a look at what the Bible has to say about what worship should look like.” Divide your students up into group to look up these verses: Isaiah 58:1-10; John 4:19-26; Revelation 4:1-11. Have them follow the instructions on the Student Guide that asks them to describe what worship looks like in each of these passages. Have each group report back to the group after about 10 minutes. Transition Discuss: •How does this kind of worship compare to the worship we usually offer? •How can we bring this kind of worship to God? Say, “Think about this: we worship whatever we focus on intently. Think about what you spend your time focusing on. Do you focus on your gains, or on what you are doing for God through each and every one of your actions?” Explain that a Carmelite Monk named Brother Lawrence wrote a prayer that goes like this: “Lord of all pots and pans and such, make me a saint by getting meals and washing up the plates.” His hope was that he might worship God sincerely even when he was doing mundane tasks. What are some of the mundane tasks you can do “for God” in a spirit of worship, focusing on God instead of the task? (Study, cleaning, driving, etc.) Make a pledge to focus on God and worship sincerely through all your actions, not just the time you devote to corporate worship on Sunday or Wednesday. © 2012, interlinc-online.com / 800.725.3300 Page Leader Guide 28 JASON TRUBY Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: JASON TRUBY THEPROJECTZERO.ORG GRAFTED: AN ADOPTION ALBUM PROJECT ZERO A CHANCE AT LIFE Study by: JEFF SLACK CONNECT THE FAMILY CHINO, CALIFORNIA JEFF@CONNECTTHEFAMILY.NET The Student Guide for this study is available here: interlinc-online.com/ studentguides/ylo90 Theme Adoption Objective Students will understand that God uses adoption to allow parentless children to experience a loving family. God also uses adoption to graft us into His family. Warm Up Centipede Tag – Choose three students to be IT and chase the remaining students within certain boundaries. If they tag another player who has not yet been tagged, that tagged player holds onto the waist of the tagger and together they go chasing after other students who have yet to be tagged. Each player who is tagged joins the group that tagged him or her by holding onto the waist of the student at the end of the line. When all players are tagged, the winning team is the one with the most players. Transition Explain that things sometimes happen out of our control and good people are left as the victims. Children become orphans because their parents were killed, their parents abandoned them, or the parents were incarcerated. Innocent children are left without a family to guide them and provide for them. The Song Share with your students the album project from an organization called Project Zero entitled Grafted. Project Zero’s mission is to match parentless children throughout the world with as many caring families as possible. P.O.D.’s Jason Truby produced the album – his song called “A Chance at Life.” They used this song to create a video that displays one young girl’s emotions concerning her own adoption. Listen to the song and try to pick up on some of the struggles and blessings associated with adoption. Transition Discuss: •What messages did you hear in the song? •What did you see in the video that was related to the “adoption” theme? •Do you know anyone who has been adopted? (Maybe it’s YOU!) Ask, “What do we now know the Bible says about adoption?” After they are done answering, go over the following, if they haven’t already considered these answers. •God directs us to look after orphans. •What concepts associated with adoption come to mind? •God uses adoption to include us in His family. •Do you feel adoption is a positive thing or a negative thing? Why? •We must be patient, because soon our new place in God’s family will happen. •Do you know how we are included into God’s family when we choose to follow Christ? (Hint: It has to do with adoption!) Wrap Up Bible Study If your group is large, have them split into three groups and give each group one of the following Bible verses. If your group is small, work through the following verses together as a group. Have students look up the verses and relay back to the entire group what the verses are directing us to do. •James 1:27 (Take care of the widows and orphans) •E phesians 1:5 (God is happy to accept us into His family as adopted children) © 2012, interlínc / interlinc-online.com / 800.725.3300 •Romans 8:23 (We now live in this fallen world, but our adoption into God’s Kingdom will take place soon) Have students brainstorm ideas to help the adoption community around your church. Ask students what might be some possible ways to reach out to adoption agencies and Christian crisis pregnancy centers in your area to offer help. Have students close by praying for those who have yet to be adopted into loving families and into God’s family. Have students also thank God for choosing to include them into His family. Leader Guide Page 29 YOUR MEMORIAL Artist: Album Title & Record Company: Song: YOUR MEMORIAL FACEBOOK.COM/YOURMEMORIAL REDIRECT FACEDOWN RECORDS REDIRECT Transition Bible Study Study by: TODD PEARAGE THE GATHERING CENTERVILLE, OHIO TODD@THEGATHERINGDAYTON.ORG The Student Guide for this study is available here: interlinc-online.com/ studentguides/ylo90 Theme God’s Will Objective •What can we learn from this game? •How did you react when the Caller tricked you? Read Isaiah 55:8 and discuss: •What does that verse tell us about our will and God’s will? Follow the Leader (Proverbs 3:5-6) Discuss practical ways to follow Jesus as our Leader. Students will learn to discover, step into, and live within God’s will for their lives. •How did you feel when you got caught messing up? •If we really want God to “redirect” our path, then we need to … •Why does the Bible tell us not to lean on our own understanding? (Isaiah 55:8) Warm Up •Who is your “Caller” ? You? Your parents? Your friends? God? Know the Leader (John 10:27) Give students a minute or two to discuss HOW we get to know Jesus as our Leader. Then have them share their thoughts with the whole group. •What are some ways you “acknowledge” Him? Extreme Simon Says –Play the same way you play regular Simon Says just faster and more intensely. Everyone stands up and the “Caller” (who really needs to practice the calls to trick more students) begins with a few very easy commands like “touch your head” and “stand on one foot” etc. Then CRANK up the speed and intensity. Along the way start saying one command but doing another. For example, if you say “touch your nose,” touch your leg and see whether you get students to mess up. The Song We will listen to an intense song about following the leader: “Redirect” by a metal band called Your Memorial. Let’s check out this song. Transition •What about the song stood out the most to you? •When was the last time you had to make a “big decision”? What was the decision? •What do you think are some “big decisions” you will have to make in the next few years? •Do you know that God’s word can be very helpful when we have difficult decisions to make? •Did you get the fill-ins for the chorus? •When we played the game, how did you know what instructions to follow? •Would it have been more or less helpful if the people next to you were also yelling out commands? Why? •What are some ways you “lean on your own understanding”? Wrap Up Challenge your students to follow the Leader and allow Him to direct every step of their lives. •How do we know Jesus’ voice? Trust the Leader (Jeremiah 29:11) Discuss HOW we learn to trust Jesus as our Leader. •Have you ever done one of those trust falls? (Feel free to do one if many in the group have never done one.) •What did you learn from the trust fall? •Was it easy for you to fall? •What does this verse tell us about trusting God with our future? •Let’s see where Your Memorial got the idea for those lyrics. © 2012, interlinc-online.com / 800.725.3300 TRD Comparison Chart Comparison Chart Your youth leader has a bunch of these albums that you can borrow. Get one and check out the comparison for yourself! Hip-Hop/Rap/ Electronica (1) Pop/ R&B (2) Mainstream Artist 50 Cent Asher Roth B.G. B.O.B. Black Eyed Peas Mainstream Artist Asher Roth Ashlee Simpson Augustana Beatles Ben Folds Ben Harper Beyonce, Black Eyed Peas Bob Marley Bob Mould Bono Brand New Brandy Calexico Cece Winans Christina Perri Colbie Caillat Coldplay Corinne Bailey Rae Daniel Powter Daughtry David Archuleta David Cook David Poe Dispatch Edwin McCain Elliot Yarmin Everlast Feist Gavin DeGraw Bow Wos Bun B Busta Rhymes Chris Brown Common D4L Deepspace5 DJ Khaled DMX Drake Eminem Flo Rida Fort Minor Hybrid Jay-Z John Legend Juelz Santana Jurassic 5 Keri Hilson Kid Cudi Kirk Franklin LCD Soundsystem Lil' Flip Limp Bizkit Linkin Park Lloyd Banks Ludacris Maino Mario MIMS Mos Def New Boys Omarion Owl City Prodigy RedCloud Redman T Pain T.I. Tech N9ne The Fugees Timbaland Tre Songz Will Smith Wu Tang Young Buck Young Jeezy Yung L.A Christian Artist Da T.R.U.T.H. Eric Cross Flame Young Chozen L.A. Symphony, Level 3:16 The Washington Projects Eric Cross Pettidee KB, Flame Dijon Grits, Phanatik, Propaganda & Odd Thomas T-Bone Urban D. Mark J Pettidee Canton Jones KJ-52, Urban D. Brinson, Mr Talkbox Cross Movement, KJ-52 Andy Hunter The Washington Projects Liquid T-Bone Cross Movement, L.A. Symphony The Washington Projects Grits, Phanatik Level 3:16 Andy Hunter Flame Manafest Manafest Braille Canton Jones, The Ambassador, Trip Lee Kaboose Dijon The Ambassador Othello, Propaganda & Odd Thomas Young Chozen Dijon Owl City Soul P L.A. Symphony Soul P Mr Talkbox 116, Lecrae, T-Bone, Trip Lee KB Level 3:16, The Washington Projects Brinson, Mark J Canton Jones Young Chozen Cross Movement 116, Lecrae Da T.R.U.T.H. Trip Lee Pop/ R&B (1) Mainstream Artist Alicia Keys All Star Weekend Amanda Cosgrove Amel Larrieux Amos Lee Amy Grant Amy WInehouse Aqualung Christian Artist Ayiesha Woods Anthem Lights The Rubyz Mary Mary Jimmy Needham Elizabeth South, Holly Starr, Laura Story Ayiesha Woods Pocket Full of Rocks Gavin Rossdale Gwen Stefani Ingrid Michealson Jack Johnson Jamie Cullum Janet Jackson John Butler Trio John Mayer Jon McLaughlin Justin Bieber Justin Timberlake Katherine McPhee Keith Urban Kelly Clarkson Keri Hilson Kirk Franklin Kris Allen Lady Antebellum Lifehouse Limp Bizkit, Mary J. Blige Matt Kearney Michelle Branch Mitchel Musso Motopony Natalie Grant Ne-Yo One Republic Phish Pink Rascal Flatts Rihanna Rob Thomas Robin Thicke Sara Bareilles Sarah McLachlan Switchfoot The Fray The Postal Service The Script The Ting Tings The Veronicas The Verve Third Eye Blind Train Vanessa Carlton Rock (1) Christian Artist B. Reith Press Play Echoing Angels, Julian Drive Fiction Family The Swift Coffey Anderson Mandisa Group 1 Crew Christafari Jeremy Camp Phil Wickham Echoing Angels Mary Mary Pocket Full of Rocks Nicole C. Mullen Holly Starr, Laura Story Rachel Chan, Jamie Grace Bluetree Ayiesha Woods Jason Gray Jeremy Camp Matt Maher Matt Maher Warren Barfield Braddigan Matthew West Jason Gray Coffey Anderson Lara Landon Jonathan Phillips, Nate Sallie, Warren Barfield Brandon Heath Britt Nicole Rachel Chan Chris Rice Warren Barfield Nicole C. Mullen Pocket Full of Rocks Phil Wickham Johnny Diaz Mission Six Anthem Lights Natalie Grant Coffey Anderson, 33 Miles Britt Nicole Jade Harrell tobyMac Sixteen Cities MercyMe Wayne Kerr Band tobyMac Mandisa Matt Brouwer Jamie Grace Mission Six Braddigan Nicole C. Mullen B. Reith Tenth Avenue North Braddigan Britt Nicole 33 Miles Jade Harrell Nate Sallie B. Reith Rachel Chan Lara Landon, Elizabeth South Jon Foreman Matt Brouwer, Nate Sallie, Paul Colman, Wayne Kerr Band Owl City Sixteen Cities Stephanie Smith Stephanie Smith Bluetree Matthew West Owl City, Jon McLaughlin, Matthew West Meredith Andrews Mainstream Artist 3 Doors Down 30 Seconds To Mars 30H!3 A Day To Remember a latin Dave Matthews Band Adam Lambert Alter Bridge Anberlin Arcade Fire Arcade Fire As I Lay Dying Asteria Avenge Sevenfold Avril Lavigne Bikini Kill Blindside Blink 182 Bloc Party Breaking Benjamin Brother Cane Cage The Elephant Carolina Liar Chevelle Citizen Cope Coheed and Cambria Coldplay Comeback Kid Copeland Counterparts Creed Crossfade Damone Daughtry Dave Matthews Band Disturbed Drive By Truckers Driving East Dropkick Murphy's Edwin McCain Emery Eric Clapton Evans Blue Explosions in the Sky Fallout Boy Finger Eleven Flogging Molly Foo Fighters Fort Minor meets Beck Fountains Of Wayne Franz Ferdinand Funeral For A Friend Gin Blossoms Halifax Hinder Hoobastank Hurt Interpol Jack Johnson Jack's Mannequin James Taylor Jason Mraz Jeff Beck Jimmy Eat World John Butler Trio John Mayer Jon Foreman Jon McLaughlin Just Surrender Keane Christian Artist Mainstay Southbound Fearing, Future Of Forestry Family Force 5 Close Your Eyes Salvador Deas Vail Abandon Kansas Silverline Brothers Martin, House Of Heroes Rend Collective Experment War Of Ages, Dizmas The Classic Crime Sent By Ravens Krystal Meyers, Everlife Inhabited Silverline The Send, FM Static Anberlin Nine Lashes Abandon Kansas Newworldson Vota Nine Lashes Mat Kearney Falling Up Brandon Bee, Delirious, Sanctus Real, Petree, Leeland, for KING & COUNTRY Close Your Eyes Mae, The Afters Close Your Eyes Strange Celebrity Pillar, Skillet Fireflight Sanctus Real, Third Day David Crowder Band Pillar Todd Agnew Starfield Flatfoot 56 Casting Crowns Sent By Ravens Jonny Lang, The Choir Dizmas Your Memorial Run Kid Run Skillet Flatfoot 56 House Of Heroes, Fighting Instinct, Southbound Fearing John Reuben Eleventyseven Brothers Martin Falling Up Ruth Pillar Disciple Circleslide Day Of Fire House Of Heroes Mat Kearney The Rocket Summer The Choir Shawn McDonald Robert Randolph And The Family Band Rush Of Fools, Southbound Fearing, Mae, Pioneer Robert Randolph And The Family Band Shawn McDonald, Jonny Lang, Dave Barnes Brandon Bee Big Daddy Weave Emery Brandon Bee TRD Who Sounds Comparison Chart Rock (2) Rock (3) Mainstream Artist Kelly Clarkson Kings Of Leon Korn Mainstream Artist Tsunami Bomb U2 Velvet Revolver Vertical Horizon Weezer Wilco William Tell Yeah Yeah Yeahs Yellowcard Christian Artist Barlow Girl Rhett Walker Band The Showdown, Thousand Foot Krutch Lacuna Coil Fireflight Landon Pigg Leeland Lifehouse After Edmund, Building 429 Linkin Park Falling Up Los Lonely Boys Salvador Lostprophets The Classic Crime Maroon 5 David Crowder Band, Starfield Manchester Orchestra Sons Mayday Parade The Rocket Summer Metallica The Showdown MGMT Manic Drive Michelle Branch Krystal Meyers Misery Signals Your Memorial Mudvayne P.O.D. Muse House Of Heroes, After Edmund My Chemical Romance The Myriad, The Classic Crime New Found Glory Wavorly Nickelback Kutless O.A.R. Esterlyn, Hyper Static Union OK Go Pivitplex One Republic Deas Vail Panic! at the Disco Pivitplex Paramore Everlife, The Letter Black, Fireflight Pendulum Family Force 5 Peter Gabriel Petree Peter Yorn Mercyme Phoenix Esterlyn Pink Barlow Girl Queen meets Weezer Downhere Radiohead Starflyer 59 Rage Against The Machine Thousand Foot Krutch Red Jumpsuit Apparatus Run Kid Run Rob Thomas Todd Agnew Saosin Disciple Saving Abel DecembeRadio Saving Jane Barlow Girl Seether Kutless, Day Of Fire Senses Fail Seventh Day Slumber Sherwood The Afters Shinedown The Wrecking Simple Plan Run Kid Run Sister Hazel, Needtobreathe Smile Empty Soul P.O.D. Soundgarden Rhett Walker Band Spoken Silverline Stereo Skyline Eleventyseven Stereophonics Telecast Stone Temple Pilots Day Of Fire Sum 41 The Fold Test Your Reflex After Edmund The Airborne Toxic Event Shirock The Bravery This Beautiful Republic The Click Five StorySide:B The Fray Dave Barnes The Friday Night Boys FM Static The Killers The Myriad The Raveonettes Superchick The Red Jumpsuit Skillet Apparatus The Script Remedy Drive The Shins Wavorly The Temper Trap Deas Vail The Veils Jars Of Clay The Veronicas Superchick, Krystal Meyers The Vincent Black Shadows Superchick The Wallflowers Third Day Third Eye Blind Switchfoot, Ruth, Strange Celebrity Three Days Grace Nine Lashes, Disciple Train Needtobreathe Trapt Kutless, Thousand Foot Krutch Like Who Punk/ Hardcore (1) Christian Artist Fireflight Leeland Day Of Fire Building 429, Mercyme Switchfoot, Rush Of Fools Telecast By The Tree, The Turning Inhabited Switchfoot Mainstream Artist Saving Abel Sparks The Rescue Story of the Year The Agony Scene The Almost Third Eye Blind Three Days Grace Thrice Unwritten Law Wavorly Weezer Zao Christian Artist Project 86 Sullivan Everyday Sunday Demon Hunter Hawk Nelson Red Decyfer Down I Am Empire Red I Am Empire Stellar Kart Demon Hunter Worship(1) Punk/ Hardcore (1) Mainstream Artist 3 Doors Down 30 Seconds To Mars A Change of Pace A Skylit Drive AFI Angels & Airwaves Apocalyptica Atreyu Attack Attack! Avenged Sevenfold B-52's Band Of Horses Blessthefall Blink 182 Botch Boys Like Girls Cartel Daughtry Death Cab For Cutie Dropkick Murphys Drowning Pool Eighteen Visions Fall Out Boy meets the Beach Boys Fallout Boy Flogging Molly and Mumford & Sons Funeral For A Friend Good Charlotte Halifax Hellogoodbye Hinder Hurt Jimmy Eat World Christian Artist Everyday Sunday Since October Number One Gun Chasing Victory Since October Spoken I Am Terrified Underoath At The Onset Spoken Children 18:3 My Epic Chasing Victory Hawk Nelson, Stellar Kart Underoath Nevertheless Nevertheless Decyfer Down Mourning September Flatfoot 56 I Am Terrified Subseven Relient K Mainstream Artist Ben Harper Ani Defranco Anna Nalick Aqualung Coldplay Copeland Death Cabe For Cutie Demi Lovato Elliot Yamin Eric Clapton Hillsong United James Morrison Lifehouse McMillian Michael Buble MUSE Peter Yorn Shawn McDonald Shinedown Siger Ros Snow Patrol Sufjan Stevens The Fray The Script The Tragically Hip Train U2 Vertical Horizon Christian Artist Shane & Shane Bethany Dillon Bethany Dillon Tree 63 Desperation Band Kristian Stanfill Kristian Stanfill Worth Dying For Chris Tomlin Brenton Brown Know Hope Collective Matt Papa Aaron Shust, Hillsong United, Jeff Deyo Roger Williams & The All Mixed Up Quartet Joel Engle Gungor Planetshakers Brenton Brown Generation Unleashed Gungor Jason Morant Gungor Jared Anderson Generation Unleashed Matt Papa Lincoln Brewster Jason Morant, Kristian Stanfill Fee, Planetshakers Mourning September Flatfoot 56 Mourning September Stellar Kart Subseven Hawk Nelson Project 86, At The Onset Red Nevertheless, A Love Not Lost Machine Head Demon Hunter Matchbox Romance Subseven Motorhead Children 18:3 My Chemical Romance Flyleaf, My Epic New Found Glory Stellar Kart NOFX Sick Of Change Norma Jean Underoath Pennywise Sick Of Change Plain WHite T's Relient K Queens Of The Stone Age Project 86 Rage Project 86 Rancid Children 18:3 Saosin I Am Empire Remember, these comparisons are subjective… that means you might not agree with us. But that’s okay! This isn’t intended to convince you that one artist sounds JUST LIKE another artist; it’s more about helping you find a style and sound that is similar to something you know you already like. Youth Leaders: Want to know more about interlinc, Youth Leaders Only and how you can get more music and media tools for your ministry? Check us out at interlinc-online.com >> Page THEMATIC LISTING 32 These are the themes represented by all the songs in this volume of Youth Leaders Only. The songs listed in red type have complete Bible study sessions Adoption Compassion Emotions Faith; Assurance Matthew West (page 23) The Story Of Your Life (DVD) My Own Little World Pioneer Pioneer Catharsis Jason Truby (feat. A.C.A. & H.O.P.E. students) Grafted “An Adoption Album” A Chance At Life (Acoustic) Complacency Eternal vs. Temporal Pioneer (page 24) Pioneer Dreams Disciple O God Save Us All Someday Cristafari Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival I Shall Not Be Moved feat. Solomon Jabby, Vanessa Mardueno) Jessica Mack Grafted “An Adoption Album” Broken But Beautiful Consistency Eternity; Eternal Life Cristafari Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival Every Day of My Life Your Memorial Redirect Eternity Steve Dean Grafted “An Adoption Album” Because Of You (I Have A Home) The Roys Grafted “An Adoption Album” Everything I Ever Wanted Backsliding Sons Keep Quiet Son On The Run Artist Album Title Song your web browser to the “What Does The Bible Say About…” website (wbsa.logos.com) and type in the theme or topic. Jason Truby (page 28) Grafted “An Adoption Album” A Chance At Life Sonny Sandavol (P.O.D.) Grafted “An Adoption Album” Worth Living How they are listed: Theme written for them. The page number for these studies are listed after the artist’s name. For a comprehensive list of the Scripture verses for each theme, point Celebration Brinson No Other Heroes No Name (feat. Cstraight) Cristafari Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival Celebrate You (feat. Monty G) Group 1 Crew Fearless Goin Down Communion Brenton Brown God My Rock Jesus My Victory (Communion Song) Contentment for KING & COUNTRY (page 19) Crave Fine Fine Life Conversion Brinson No Other Heroes All The Way (feat. Champ) Courage Group 1 Crew Fearless Dangerous Deceit Propaganda Excellent Precious Puritans (feat. KO the chelloboxer) Determination Evangelism; God’s Representatives Brenton Brown God My Rock Send Us Out Jared Anderson Narrow Road Go Ye Evangelism; Urgency Jared Anderson Narrow Road 35 Lines Evangelism; Witnessing Brinson No Other Heroes Shoulda Toldem Faith Pioneer Pioneer A King In Rags for KING & COUNTRY Crave Light It Up Difficulties; Trials Group 1 Crew Fearless Steppin Out Disciple O God Save Us All O God Save Us All Doubt Sons Keep Quiet Doubt © 2012, interlínc / interlÍnc-online.com / 800.725.3300 Jeff Deyo Moving Mountains Moving Mountains Sons Keep Quiet Believe In Something Faith; When Weak Remedy Drive Resuscitate Hold On Faith; Within Trials Group 1 Crew Fearless Darkest Valley (feat. Flame & Thomas Ware) Remedy Drive Resuscitate Crystal Sea Family; Love For Hannah Watson Grafted “An Adoption Album” Hold On Me Your Memorial Redirect Legacy Family; Parents Propaganda Excellent I Aint Got an Answer (feat. Sho Baraka) Fear Group 1 Crew Fearless Fearless Fellowship Disciple O God Save Us All The One Group 1 Crew Fearless Freq Dat << Page THEMATIC LISTING Freedom God’s Forgiveness God’s Leading God’s Power Jared Anderson Narrow Road I Am Free for KING & COUNTRY Crave Busted Heart (Hold On To Me) for KING & COUNTRY Crave Middle Of Your Heart Jared Anderson Narrow Road Great I Am Glorifying God Jared Anderson Narrow Road Call On The Name Of The Lord God’s Love God’s Presence Brenton Brown God My Rock How He Loves Sons Keep Quiet Sea of Glass Brinson No Other Heroes Nobody (feat. ReadyWriter, Martay) God’s Promises Brinson No Other Heroes Tebowin’ Propaganda Excellent Raise The Banner Pioneer Pioneer Better Days God’s Glory Remedy Drive Resuscitate Glory Brenton Brown God My Rock Glorious God’s Attributes Brinson No Other Heroes Most Importantly Brenton Brown God My Rock Everlasting God Cristafari (page 17) Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival Everlasting God Jeff Deyo Moving Mountains King Of Worlds God’s Beauty Jeff Deyo Moving Mountains Perfection Of Beauty God’s Eternal Nature Jeff Deyo Moving Mountains Eternity God’s Faithfulness Cristafari Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival Faithful One (feat. Tiago Costa) God’s Greatness Cristafari Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival Great Things/Psalm 126 (feat. Avion Blackman) Cristafari Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival He is Greater than I (feat. Avion Blackman Cristafari Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival How Great Is Our God (feat, Avion Blackman, Jennifer Howland) God’s Guidance Brinson No Other Heroes Chase God Pioneer Pioneer Lights Group 1 Crew Fearless His Kind Of Love Remedy Drive Resuscitate Don’t Forget Willet Grafted “An Adoption Album” Love On The Outside Your Memorial Redirect Anthem God’s Mercy Brenton Brown God My Rock Our God Is Mercy Sons Keep Quiet Masters Of The Flattery God’s Plan Geoff Moore Grafted “An Adoption Album” Swept-Away Phil Keaggy Grafted “An Adoption Album” Life Is Good Group 1 Crew (page 20) Fearless He Said (feat. Chris August) Remedy Drive Resuscitate Make It Bright God’s Protection Brinson No Other Heroes Bodyguard Caitlin Evanson Grafted “An Adoption Album” Silently Going Under Group 1 Crew Fearless Forsaken Out God’s Provision Jared Anderson Narrow Road According To His Word God’s Sovereignty Your Memorial Redirect Trial and Triumph God’s Strength Remedy Drive Resuscitate Lost Cause Tiffany Thornton Grafted “An Adoption Album” Bring Love To Me © 2012, interlínc / interlinc-online.com / 800.725.3300 How they are listed: Theme Artist Album Title Song >> Page THEMATIC LISTING 34 These are the themes represented by all the songs in this volume of Youth Leaders Only. The songs listed in red type have complete Bible study sessions Jesus Love Maturity Cheri Keaggy Grafted “An Adoption Album” Hello, God Brenton Brown God My Rock Word Of God for KING & COUNTRY Crave The Proof Of Your Love Pioneer Pioneer Coming Of Age Jared Anderson Narrow Road Behold Your God Jesus; Death (The Cross) Jeff Deyo Moving Mountains Love Is Who You Are Obedience God’s Will Your Memorial (page 29) Redirect Redirect Gospel, The Brinson (page 16) No Other Heroes Hit The Floor Jared Anderson Narrow Road Narrow Road Growth Artist Album Title Song your web browser to the “What Does The Bible Say About…” website (wbsa.logos.com) and type in the theme or topic. God’s Sufficiency Jeff Deyo Moving Mountains Come Alive How they are listed: Theme written for them. The page number for these studies are listed after the artist’s name. For a comprehensive list of the Scripture verses for each theme, point Pioneer Pioneer Reaching Heaven; Longing For Cristafari Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival Song of Hope/Heaven Come Down (feat. Dominic Balli) Hope; In God Disciple O God Save Us All Outlaws for KING & COUNTRY Crave Crave Remedy Drive Resuscitate God I Hope So Humility Cristafari Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival Agnus Dei (feat. David Fohe from Imisi) Cristafari Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival Resolute/Old Rugged Cross/ At the Cross (feat. Avion Blackman) Jesus; Lordship Jared Anderson Narrow Road When The King Comes Jesus; Return (Second Coming) Cristafari Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival He is Coming (feat. Sherwin Gardner) Jared Anderson Narrow Road The King Is Coming Sons Keep Quiet Retribution Joy Group 1 Crew Fearless Night Of My Life Life; Purpose/ Meaning Group 1 Crew Fearless The Difference Brenton Brown God My Rock Humble King © 2012, interlínc / interlÍnc-online.com / 800.725.3300 Love; Committed Stu Garrard (Delirious?) Grafted “An Adoption Album” Eyes Love; Romantic Disciple O God Save Us All Trade A Moment for KING & COUNTRY Crave Love’s To Blame for KING & COUNTRY Crave People Change Manhood Propaganda Excellent Don’t Listen To Me, (What Do I Know?) Propaganda Excellent Excellent! Cristafari Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival To Obey Perspective for KING & COUNTRY Crave Pushing The Door Relationships for KING & COUNTRY Crave Missing Group 1 Crew Fearless Not The End Of Me Renewal Brinson No Other Heroes Not To Far (feat. Niki Dawson, Rossi) for KING & COUNTRY Crave Sane Propaganda Excellent Redefine Clutter Propaganda Excellent Lofty (feat. Beautiful Eulogy and Joel of Ascend the Hill) Sons Keep Quiet Under The Sun Remedy Drive Resuscitate Better Than Life Marriage Group 1 Crew Fearless Mr. & Mrs. (Do This For You) Propaganda Excellent Be Present Remedy Drive (page 26) Resuscitate Resuscitate Me Your Memorial Redirect Transform << Page THEMATIC LISTING Restoration Satan Submission Words, Power of Jeff Deyo (page 22) Moving Mountains Rescue Me Disciple O God Save Us All Kings Brenton Brown God My Rock Jesus Take All Of Me (Just As I Am) Sons Keep Quiet Keep Quiet Pioneer Pioneer Long Way Home Sons Keep Quiet The Devil And I Brinson No Other Heroes I Am Yours Remedy Drive Resuscitate What Are We Waiting For Self-Examination Cristafari Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival I Surrender All (feat. Tiago Costa) Your Memorial Redirect Shipwreck Revival Cristafari Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival Roots Revival (feat. Dillavou) Salvation Brenton Brown God My Rock Joyful Pioneer Pioneer Clarity Self-Identity; In Christ Sean Michel Grafted “An Adoption Album” Family Reunion Self-Image; Uniqueness Brinson No Other Heroes 3D Stand Out (feat. Jai) Sin; Forgiveness Of Jared Anderson (page 21) Narrow Road Impossible Possible Disciple O God Save Us All Once And For All Salvation; Redemption Sin; Repentance Brenton Brown God My Rock Wonderful Redeemer Brinson No Other Heroes Last Time (feat. Uncle Reece) Brenton Brown God My Rock I Saw The Light Salvation; Sanctification Disciple O God Save Us All Beautiful Scars Propaganda Excellent Words Words Sin; Struggle With Disciple (page 18) O God Save Us All Draw The Line Sons Keep Quiet Caution Spiritual Warfare Pioneer Pioneer Treason Sons Keep Quiet Ghosts Transformation Disciple O God Save Us All R.I.P Your Memorial Redirect Transfiguration World, The Your Memorial Redirect Change The World Worship Sons (page 27) Keep Quiet Is This A Dry Season Or Agnosticism? Worship; Call To Jared Anderson Narrow Road Bless The Lord Trust Jeff Deyo Moving Mountains Lord Most High Brenton Brown (page 14) God My Rock God My Rock Jeff Deyo Moving Mountains Shake This Place Brenton Brown God My Rock Like The Angels Worship; Praise Pioneer Pioneer Whatever It Takes Truth Propaganda Excellent Forgive Me For Asking Victory Disciple O God Save Us All Unstoppable Propaganda (page 25) Excellent Conquer (feat. Theory Hazit) Wealth/Money Brinson No Other Heroes Gold Feat. Chris Searcy Brenton Brown God My Rock Hosanna (Praise Is Rising) Cristafari Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival Garden Cristafari Reggae Worship: A Roots Revival Hosanna (feat. Avion Blackman, Jennifer Howland) Jared Anderson Narrow Road Pouring It Out For You Jeff Deyo Moving Mountains We Delight Your Memorial Redirect Cadence For A King © 2012, interlínc / interlinc-online.com / 800.725.3300 How they are listed: Theme Artist Album Title Song Page >> 36 modern worship section Jesus, Take All Of Me Brenton Brown Worship is the pursuit of God. But it’s the pursuit of God on His terms alone. How much easier would it be if we could worship Him on our own terms; if we were free to live lives “in pursuit of Him” of our own design and preference? And if when we chose to honor Him in a way that cost us, it cost us things we wanted to sacrifice rather than what He was asking of us? Scripture is littered with stories of wasted worship – of instances when people “pursued and honored God” without regard for His preferences and requirements. Without correction they all lead to death one way or another. •Cane: “Here you go, God. Here’s what I did for you. Here’s the sacrifice I decided to make for you. Hope you like it.” (Genesis 4) •Aaron’s sons, Nadab and Abihu: “Here you go, God. We thought what you asked for needed some kind of upgrade. Try this instead.” (Leviticus 10) •Levi’s sons: “Here you are, Lord. We didn’t think that what you’d asked for was quite as important to You as you said it was. So we’re taking some of it for ourselves.” (1 Samuel 2) •Saul: “Yeah, not completely down with the requirements as stated. Going to tweak these a little. Hope that’s okay.” God: “No, it is not.” (1 Samuel 15) •David: “I’m going to build you a temple that will bless you, God.” God: “Thanks, but no thanks, buddy. I’m going to build you a family that will change the world. And P.S. It’s your son who will be building the temple. And your great great great great etc. grandson who will be changing the world. Thank you, though.” (1 Chronicles 17) •Israel in the time of Amos and Isaiah: “We will be making some awesome sacrifice and music for you, God.” God: “No thanks. That’s irritating me right now, because there are people being denied justice in your courts and children going hungry on your streets. I can’t hear your music above the loudness of your lives.” (Amos 5; Isaiah 58) So what does pursuing God on His terms look like for us right now? It looks like fear. It’s a recognition of the kind of holiness or “otherliness” of God that we can only begin to grasp. He lives in unapproachable light. No one can see Him and live (1 Timothy 6:16). Every decision He makes is right. Every thought He thinks is right. Every idea He has is right. Every purpose He has for you and for me is right in every way. Right. True. Good. Beautiful. Glorious. Holy. Right. This is the God we pursue. He deserves our fear. He is that much bigger than us. It looks like trust. The purposes, tasks, and life God has for us are not only for His glory. They are also for our good and the good of the people we love. No matter what appears to be the case right now. If we can’t bow our knee to this truth, we can’t worship. Simple. How can we ascribe worth to a God we think is making poor decisions and is out of control and unaware? How can we surrender our lives to this kind of God? We can’t. It wouldn’t make any sense. Why would we give our hearts and lives to a God we think is asleep at the wheel? Or having memory lapses? Or struggling to pay attention? God is not struggling to pay attention. He is paying extremely close attention to your life right now. And He has from before you were conceived. He has seen you and known you longer than you have had sentient thoughts. He knows your coming and your going. He is aware of every one of those thoughts. He is your Father. And He loves you. It looks like obedience. Ah. I wish that it didn’t! I wish that our choices had no impact on any of our relationships. I wish that we could go about our lives as if our decisions were the ones that are always right. But WE ARE NOT GOD! Ha! Not even close. Since He is God, obeying Him is in the words of Paul THE MOST REASONABLE THING you can do. This really isn’t an act of faith if you’ve bowed your knee and acknowledged Him as God – it’s the most sensible thing you can do. Since He is God, His view on life is always going to be the most accurate and true available. Following His advice is reasonable. It looks like love. LOVE God with all your heart and mind and strength and soul. Richard Foster has famously said that worship is a response to a revelation of who God really is. Once we see Him for whom He really is, it’s very difficult not to love Him. God is more holy and wise and trustworthy and loving than anyone else we have ever met. © 2012, interlínc / interlinc-online.com / 800.725.3300 What does this God we pursue require of us? Micah puts it simply: “act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly.” (Micah 6:8) Paul put it this way in his letter to the Galatians: “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.” (Galatians 5:22-26) If we have these kinds of qualities cultivated by the Holy Spirit in our hearts and our minds and bodies, I genuinely don’t think it matters what kind of genre of “worship music” we sing to Him. The song He is hearing most loudly is the song of our life. Worship Him with the fear and the trust and the obedience and the love He asks for. A life surrendered completely to God looks like love and joy and peace and patience and kindness and faithfulness and gentleness and self-control. This is the sacrifice of praise God hears with joy. Jesus, take all of me. I run to You. I run to You. I lay everything at Your feet. Let my life be Yours. << Page 37 A CHANCE AT LIFE ACCORDING TO HIS WORD BUSTED HEART Jason Truby Jared Anderson for KING & COUNTRY Intro: Bm A7/C# D Bm G D A Intro: D7(add4) G/D D7 G G/F# Em7 C2(no3) (3x) Intro: C Verse 1: Bm A7/C# D I came in just like we all come in G D Aadd9 Bare-boned and helpless, the fight begins Bm A7/C# D Dsus2 But I was left beside a no vacancy sign G D Aadd9 One of the abandoned out of sight and mind Em Dsus2/F# G D Aadd9 Em Dsus2/F# G But you did not look away from what you could not hide Chorus: D A I found home for the first time G D A G Your love brought this miracle to life D A Bm A G You took broken pieces made a brand-new design D A Bm A7/C# D And this soul a chance at life Verse 2: From the start you had to guard your heart / You knew letting go was the hardest part / But you did not look away from this wounded heart C2(no3) Gsus G When the road is long and the desert wide, Em Dsus D When the path is steep and the mountain high, C2(no3) Gsus If I rise or fall, if I’m weak or strong, G Em Dsus D Whether great or small, this will be my song Chorus: G D/F# Em7 Bm7 G/D My God will supply all my needs according to His Word D C G/D D According to His riches and glo - ry (repeat) G G/F# Em7 C2(no3) (2x) Verse 2: At the great divide that I cannot cross At the burning fire that appears impossible, I will life my eyes and command my soul: “Be still and know He’s the God of miracles Chorus Chorus Bridge: Bm A7/C# D Bm G D D Bm What you do for these D What you do for these D Bm What you do for these D What you do for these Verse 1 G you do for me Bm G you do for me G you do for me Bm G you do for me D D D D Bridge: Am G D C Will He not open the floodgates of Heaven? Am G Dsus D Will He not open wide? (repeat) G F (2x) Chorus: Am G E/C F Hold on to me Am G C Hold on to me Am G E/C Don’t let me lose my way Am G C Hold on to me F Verse 2: I am the wondering son / Enough is never enough / I keep chasing the wind / Instead of chasing your love / I’m screaming out your name / Don’t let me fall on my face / I’ve got a busted heart / And I’m in need of a change / Yeah, I’m desperate for grace Bridge: F C Broke your heart a thousand times F C But you have never left my side Bb F Dm You have always been here for me Build: Am G E/C F You never let me go Am G C You never let me Am G E/C F go Am G C Don’t ever let me go Chorus G G/F# Em7 C2(no3) (2x) D7(add4) G Verse 3: Winter’s come back again / Soon this season will end / I’ll surrender tonight / You’ll meet me right where I am Chorus © jasontrubypublishing (ASCAP) F Verse 1: C F G F Winter’s come back again Feels like this season won’t end C F G F My faith is tired tonight And I won’t try to pretend C F G F I’ve got it all figured out That I don’t have any doubts C F G F I’ve got a busted heart And I need you now C F G F Yeah I need you now C F G F ©2012 Integrity Worship Music/Don Quixote Publishing (both adm. at EMICMGPublishing.com) All rights reserved. Used by permission. (Luke Smallbone / Joel Smallbone / Jenna Torres / Ben Glover) ©2011 Warner Tamerlane, Kilns Music, Shankel Songs (BMI) (Adm. by Warner Tamerlane Publishing Corp.) / WB Music Corp., Method To The Madness, Shankel Songs (ASCAP) (Adm. by WB Music Corp.) / Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp., Gypsy Angel Music (BMI) (Adm. by Warner-Tamerlane Publishing Corp.) / 9t One Songs, Ariose Music (ASCAP) (Adm. at EMICMGPublishing.com) © 2012, interlínc / interlinc-online.com / 800.725.3300 Page >> 38 modern worship section ETERNITY HE SAID HIS KIND OF LOVE Jeff Deyo Group 1 Crew (feat. Chris August) Group 1 Crew Intro/Turn: (B/D#) E F# G#m C#m B G#m F# CAPO 3 Intro: G/B C Em D CAPO 2 Intro: A E C#m B (B/D#) E F#sus G#m+2 You turn the night into a sunrise E F# D#m G#m You melt my heart with every touch E F# G#m F# You turn the tide when every hope seems lost E F# E/G# F#/A# You hold us all within Your hands Verse 1: G/B C Em D So your life feels like it don’t make sense G/B C Em D And you think to yourself I’m a good person G/B C So why do these things keep happenin’ Em D Why you gotta deal with them G/B C You may be knocked down now but don’t forget Em D What He said, He said Chorus: E9 F# Bsus B From eternity to eternity E9 F# E/G# F#/A# You preside over all in Your majesty E9 F# Bsus B You have purchased me, loved me jealously E9 F# (B/D#) You abide in our hearts ever more Verse 2: You turn the hearts of kings and kingdoms / You’re reaching out to every child You turn a light to every darkened soul / You hold us all within Your hands Verse 3: (B/D#) E F#sus G#m You spoke a word and made the heavens E F# **B You broke the power of sin and death E F# G#m F# No other god can now oppose you, Lord E F# C#m7 You hold us all within Your hands E F# E/G# F#/A# You hold us all within Your hands Chorus: C G Em D I won’t give you more, more than you can take C G Em D And I might let you bend, but I won’t let you break G/B C Em D And oh oh oh oh oh oh I’ll never ever let you G/B C Em D (2nd X to BRIDGE) Go oh oh oh oh oh don’t you forget what He said Turn: G/B C Em D Verse 2: Who you are ain’t what your goin’ through So don’t let it get the best of you ‘Cause God knows everything you need So you ain’t gotta worry You may be knocked down now but just believe What He said, He said Bridge: C D Don’t fear when you go through the fire Em D/F# G D C Hang on when it’s down to the wire D Stand tall and remember what He said Verse 1: A B E There are no words, no phrase I could create A B E How do you sing about a love so deep Without feeling like you missed something A B C#m I could try but I could not explain Chorus: A B E His kind of love, is reckless for us A B E His kind of love, will never give up A B C#m ‘Till the whole world knows how far He went to show E/G# A B (2nd X to BRIDGE) His kind of love Turn: A E C#m Verse 2 : A B E Tell me what kind of God would choose to save A B E The bruised the broken the sinners the runaways A B E How do you ever try to comprehend This love that knows no limit A B C#m I could try but I could not explain Bridge: A B C#m B/D# A This is our God He is strong B And His mercy is our song C#m He won’t stop chasing us B/D# That’s just His kind of love Turn: C#m E A Outro: C G Written by Jeff Deyo & Jonathan Lee, ©2012 WorshipCityMusic (ASCAP), Universal Music-Brentwood Benson Tunes (SESAC)/J Lee Publishing (SESAC) Em D (Manwell Reyes / Blanca Callahan / David Arthur Garcia / Ben Glover) ©2012 Dayspring Music, LLC (BMI) / Universal Music-Brentwood Benson Publishing, D Soul Music (ASCAP) (Adm. by Universal Music-Brentwood Benson Publishing) / Ariose Music, 9t One Songs (ASCAP) (Adm. at EMICMGPublishing.com) © 2012, interlínc / interlinc-online.com / 800.725.3300 Outro: A B C#m E C#m B/D# E B (Manwell Reyes / Blanca Callahan / David Arthur Garcia / Ben Glover), ©2012 Dayspring Music, LLC (AMI) / Universal MusicArentwood Aenson Publishing, D Soul Music (ASCAP) (Adm. by Universal Music-Arentwood Aenson Publishing) / Ariose Music, 9t One Songs (ASCAP) (Adm. at EMICMGPublishing.com) << Page 39 JESUS, WE COME TO YOUR TABLE JOYFUL, JOYFUL, WE ADORE YOU MOVING MOUNTAINS Brenton Brown Brenton Brown Jeff Deyo Verse: G5 Jesus, we come to Your table, We take Your body and blood; C2 This is Your invitation Em7 A reminder of love. G5 Jesus, we come to remember The life You gave for us. C2 Every sin is defeated Em7 By Your death on the cross. CAPO 7 (G) Verse 1: D(G) G2(C2) Joyful, joyful, we adore You, Bm7(Em7) G(C) A(D) God of glory, Lord of love. D(G) G2(C2) Hearts unfold like flowers before You, Bm7(Em7) G(C) A(D) D(G) Opening to the Son above. Intro: Am G C C Verse 2: Melt the clouds of sin and sadness, Drive the dark of doubt away. Giver of eternal gladness, Fill us with the light of day. Am G C I see a mountain, standing in the way Am G C A mountain of failure, a mountain of shame Am G C There is an ocean, drowning me in fear Am G C An ocean of worry, an ocean of tears (but) Am G F I know You have taken me this far Am G F So I’ll rise and I’ll sing of who You are Chorus: Chorus: G Jesus Christ, You satisfy. C2 Em7 D [1. to Verse] Our Living Stream, the Bread of Life. G Jesus Christ, more than I need, C2 Em7 D G [1. to Mid section] The Lamb of God, my victory. [2. End] || Midsection: G King of kings, You laid Your body down. Oh, what love that lets the lost be found. C2 Oh, what sacrifice given for my gain; Em7 All who die in You will rise again. G King of kings, forsaken for my sin. Lamb of God, and yet the lion wins. C2 Lifted high for all the world to see: Em7 Jesus, my victory. | G | G | G | G | C2 | C2 | Em7 | D | [to Chorus] G(C) D/G(G/C) D(G) You are the One who saves, A(D) Bm/A(Em/D) Bm(Em) You are the One who saves, G(C) D/G(G/C) D(G) A(D) You are the One whose hands lift us from the grave. G(C) D/G(G/C) D(G) You are the Light of life, A(D) Bm/A(Em/D) Bm(Em) The everlasting day, G(C) D/G(G/C) D(G) A(D) [1. to Verse 3] You are the One who takes all our sins away. [2. to Mid section] Verse 3: You are giving and forgiving, Ever blessing, ever blessed, Fountain of the joy of living, Ocean depths of happy rest. [to Chorus] Mid section: G(C) D(G) Jesus, You are my rescue, A/C#(G/B) Bm7(Em7) Jesus, You are my rescue; G(C) D(G) A/C# (G/B) I give You everything I am. [Repeat mid section then to Chorus] Chorus: C F You alone hold the nations in Your hands C F And You alone are moving mountains in these lands Am (G) F And You alone know the secrets I have saved (C/E) D And the dreams that I have chased F Ab And You alone, You are worthy of my praise I see a picture, of all that I’ll become, A picture of beauty, a picture of love There is a vision, growing in my mind A vision of triumph, a vision of life (for) Bridge: F G Am And now in faith we speak G F C/E G (Gsus) And mountains move as we believe Ending: G(C) D/G(G/C) You are the One who takes G(C) D/G(G/C) You are the One who takes Brenton Brown, Travis Ryan & Brandon Collins, ©2012 Thankyou Music/Adm. by EMICMGPublishing.com excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingswaysongs, a division of David C Cook & Integrity Worship Music/Travis Ryan Music/ Adm. by EMICMGPublishing.com excl. the UK, adm. by Kingswaysongs, a division of David C Cook tym@kingsway.co.uk & Celiacrobat Music. Used by permission. D(G) A(D all our sins away. D(G) A(D all our sins away. Music: Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) Verse words: Henry J. van Dyke (1852-1933) Arr., new words & chorus: Brenton Brown & Jason Ingram ©2010 Thankyou Music/Adm. by worshiptogether. com songs excl. UK & Europe, adm. by kingswaysongs.com. tym@kingsway.co.uk. & Song ATV/Timber Publishing/West Main Music/Windsor Hill Music/Adm. by Sony ATV. Used by permission. Written by Jeff Deyo, Jonathan Lee & Sarah Reeves, ©2012 WorshipCityMusic (ASCAP), Universal Music-Brentwood Benson Tunes (SESAC)/J Lee Publishing (SESAC), Songs from WorshipTogether (admin by EMICMG Publishing)/Weimarhymes Publishing (admin by EMICMG) (SESAC) © 2012, interlínc / interlinc-online.com / 800.725.3300 Page >> 40 modern worship section PERFECTION OF BEAUTY POURING IT OUT FOR YOU SLIP ON BY Jeff Deyo Jared Anderson Finding Favour Intro: C#m Intro Bsus B B/F# F# Intro: C#2 Bbm F#add9 D#m7 C#m A Out of nowhere came a Savior B6 F#m7 Just when all my hope was all but gone C#m A Like a rainbow through the shadows B6 F#m7 Breaking through my sorrow to the dawn A G#m7 Gracious and kind A Holy and right B God of my life Chorus: C#m The perfection of beauty, A like a wave running through me B F#7 Like a fire in my bones, like a river of hope C#m A The perfection of beauty, with the power to move me B F#7 Like a flame in the night, like an ocean of light A The perfection of beauty In the thunder, there’s a Fire / Who devours all who stand in his way Burning brighter, reaching higher / His desire, oh, that all would be saved Bridge: C#m A/C# B/C# (2nd time = A B) God will go before us A/C# B/C# (2nd time = A B) He will make a way A/C# B/C# (2nd time = A B) God will shine upon us C# With His face Double Pre-Chorus: F#m G#m A B Solo: A B A/C# B Outro: E B F#m A Written by Jeff Deyo, ©2012 WorshipCityMusic (ASCAP) Verse 1: B F# Oh, for grace to trust, oh, for strength to love E B Oh, to cast my cares down at Your feet F# Oh, for feet to dance, oh, for a heart to romance E F# And oh, for lungs to lift Your name on high Chorus: Bsus B B/F# F# My hands go up, giving You glory, I just can’t give enough E F# You are so worthy, Lord, I’ll keep pouring it out for You Bsus B B/F# F# My cup is overflowing with Your perfect love E F# And this is my reward, I’ll keep pouring it out for You Bsus B B/F# F# Verse 2: And oh, for strength to rise, oh, my soul come alive Oh, my God, You are all I need Oh, for feet to dance, oh, for a heart to romance And oh, for lungs to lift Your name on Chorus Instrumental: G#m F#/A# B G#m F# Bridge: E G#m F#/A# My heart and flesh cry out, “Holy” B G#m F# Jesus, be my one and only joy E G#m F#/A# My heart and flesh cry out, “Holy” B G#m F# Jesus, be my one and only joy Chorus Written by Jared Anderson and Jonathan Lee, ©2011 Integrity Worship Music/Don Quixote Publishing (both adm at EMICMGPublishing.com), Universal Music-Brentwood Benson Tunes/JLee Publishing © 2012, interlínc / interlinc-online.com / 800.725.3300 Verse 1: C#2 Bbm Early morning by the riverside, Saw an old man waiting for a bite. F#add9 D#m7 We started talking and he took me back in time. C#2 He said “I was young, and thought I’d always be, Bbm Then I woke up, now I’m 83. F#add9 There’s so much I missed, D#m7 oh how I wish I could get back all that time I wasted.” Chorus: C# I see the tears of a young bride, D#m F# the morning that we had our first fight. G# I should’ve held her tight. C# And on the day that my momma died, D#m F# I hung up the phone and never said goodbye. G# C# Don’t let it slip on, don’t let it slip on, don’t let it slip on by. Verse 2: Well he looked up, tears in his eyes, said, “I’m not sure, if you were lookin’ for advice. There’s just something about you that reminds me of me. It ain’t easy always lookin’ back but it seems these days that it’s all I have. What hurts me the most, is knowin’ what could have been, and if I listen real close, sometimes I can…” Chorus: Hear the sound of my little boy sayin’, “Daddy can you come play with me?” But I was too busy. Then one day, my baby grew up and went to war. I never thought he’d be gone in the blink of an eye. Don’t let it slip on, don’t let it slip on, don’t let it slip on by. Bridge: D#m I shook the old man’s hand and I thanked him. F/C# F# And I drove home as fast as I could go, G# just to let her know C#2 Bbm That I need her, that I love her, F#add9 D#m7 That I’m never gonna let another moment like this slip on by. C#2 Bbm F#add9 D#m7 Don’t let it slip on by. Outro: C# D#m We’re only here for a little while. F#m And God gives us only so much precious time G# C# D#m So don’t let it slip on, don’t let it slip on, don’t let it slip on by. F# G# Don’t let it slip on by. Written by Blake Neesmith, Nathan Tomberlin, Allen Dukes & Christopher Stevens, © 2012 Universal Music - Brentwood Benson Publishing Songs of Emack (ASCAP) / Chriscendo Music/ Meaux Mercy (BMI). All rights for the world on behalf of Chriscendo Music/Meaux Mercy administered by EMI CMG Publishing. << Page 41 THE KING IS COMING THE PROOF OF YOUR LOVE WHEN MY HEART IS OVERWHELMED Jared Anderson for KING & COUNTRY Brenton Brown Intro: Em Bm A Em Bm A Em Bm A G (Oh, woh, who, Oh, woh, woh, Oh woh, woh) CAPO 3, play in C Intro: ||:Dm Am E/C F:|| Verse 1: Dm Am If I sing but don›t have love E/C F I waste my breathe with every song Dm Am I bring, an empty voice E/C F A hollow noise Verse 1: Verse 1: Em Bm A Em Empty hearts are filling up, Bm A wicked ways are coming un-done Em Bm A G Every eye is looking out for You Em Bm A Em City lights are burning out, Bm A freedom’s song is ringing loud Em Bm A G Dead men are waking up to the sound of You A D And all our hearts can sing, and all our hearts can sing Chorus: D2 Bm7 Bm7(4) Em7 Let’s make a way for, make a way for D/F# G Asus D Make a way for the King, our King is coming D2 Bm7 Bm7(4) Em7 Make a way for, make a way for D/F# G Asus Make a way for the King, the King is coming Intro Verse 2: Split the sky with Your glory, bring to life an awakening / Burn away everything that’s not for You / And hear our voices crying out, we won’t stop till the heavens come down / We won’t stop till every knee bows for You / And all our hearts will sing Chorus Instrumental: D5 Dsus D D5 D2(no3) Bridge: D5 Dsus Open up the doors, open up the doors D D5 D2 Open up the doors, our King is coming Bm7 G Open up the doors, open up the doors D Asus Open up the doors, our King is coming Chorus Ending: D D2 Bm7 Bm7(4) Our King is coming Em7 D/F# G Yeah, Asus ||:Em Bm A:|| Our King is coming, ||:(Oh, woh, woh, Oh, woh, woh):|| Em Bm A G (Oh, woh, woh) Our King is coming Written by Jared Anderson and Seth Mosley, ©2011 Integrity Worship Music/Don Quixote Publishing (both adm at EMICMGPublishing.com), Centricity Music D When my heart is overwhelmed I will look to You alone, Bm G God, my Rock, God, my Rock, God, my Rock. D You are faithful through it all, You will stand when others fall, Bm G God, my Rock, God, my Rock, God, my Rock. If I speak with a silver tongue Convince a crowd but don›t have love I leave a bitter taste With every word I say Bridge: A In the blessing, in the pain, G Em7 Through it all You’ve never failed me. Chorus: Dm Am F So let my life be the proof C B/G The proof of Your love Dm Am F Let my love look like You C B/G And what You›re made of Dm C How you lived, how You died G Love is sacrifice Dm Am F So let my life be the proof Chorus: D You are the strength of my heart, A You are the strength of my heart, Bm I can rely on You, G [1. to Verse 2] I can rely on You. D You are the joy of my life, A You are my song in the night. Bm There is no-one as true; G Jesus, I trust in You. The proof of Your love Intro Verse 2: If I give to a needy soul But don’t have love then who is poor It seems all the poverty Is found in me Chorus Bridge: F C Ooh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Am G When it’s all said and done F C Ooh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Am G When we sing our final song F Only love remains F Only love remains Guitar Solo: ||:Dm Am F C B/G:|| Chorus Ending: ||:Dm Am E/C F:|| Verse 2: When I’ve struggled to believe You have not let go of me, God, my Rock, God, my Rock, God, my Rock. Carried through the darkest storms, You have held me in Your arms, God, my Rock, God, my Rock, God, my Rock. Bridge [1.] D | D | A | A | Bm | Bm | G | G | [Repeat Chorus] [2.] | D | D | A | A | Bm | Bm | G | G | [to Mid section] [3.] D || Mid section: D Jesus, we trust in You, A Jesus, we trust in You, Bm Jesus, we trust in You, G [to Chorus] Jesus, we trust in You, God. (Joel Smallbone / Luke Smallbone / Mia Fieldes / Jonathan Lee / Fred Williams / Ben Glover) ©2011 Warner Tamerlane, Kilns Music, Shankel Songs (BMI) (Adm. by Warner Tamerlane) / WB Music Corp., Method To The Madness, Shankel Songs (ASCAP) (Adm. by WB Music Corp.) / Shout! Publishing (ASCAP) (Adm. at EMICMGPublishing.com) / Universal Music – Brentwood Benson Tunes, JLee Publishing (SESAC) (Adm. by Universal Music – Brentwood Benson Tunes) / Who Sings That Music (ASCAP) / 9t One Songs, Ariose Music (ASCAP) (Adm. at EMICMGPublishing.com) Brenton Brown and Paul Baloche, ©2012 Thankyou Music/ Adm. by EMICMGPublishing.com excl. UK & Europe, adm. by Kingswaysongs, a division of David C Cook & Integrity Worship Music/LeadWorship Songs Adm. by EMICMGPublishing.com excl. the UK, adm. by Kingswaysongs, a division of David C Cook tym@kingsway.co.uk Used by permission. © 2012, interlínc / interlinc-online.com / 800.725.3300 Page >> 42 RE:TUNED Unavoidable. Pervasive. Inescapable. Secular pop music is everywhere. Even if you can get your young Christian friends to switch their listening habits from secular to sacred, they are still going to hear the top popular songs everywhere they go. In this section we provide you some Artist: ideas to take advantage of some of the most popular secular songs. Use the opening questions, the thematic concepts and discussion ideas to spice up your Bible study, Sunday School lesson, camp/retreat meeting or outreach event message. Bruno Mars Artist: David Guetta & Sia Artist: Song: Locked Out of Heaven Album: Locked Out of Heaven - Single Song: Titanium Album: Nothing But The Beat Song: I Cry Album: Wild Ones By: Dave Felts davefelts@ymail.com By: Mandy Kyes MandyKyes@hotmail.com By: Cindy Engøy wurldgurl@hotmail.com Teaching Point: Sometimes we have to exercise discernment to avoid being deceived by redefined terms. Teaching Point: Words do hurt; we need to speak encouragement than negative comments. Also, how we react to harsh comments says a lot about us as Christians. Teaching Point: Why does God allow bad things to happen? Opening Questions: Is a word just a word? Have you ever been confused by someone using a word to mean something you never knew it to mean? What do you usually understand the following words to mean: faith, deny, spiritual, born again, paradise, heaven, testify, sinner. Does using these words mean that Bruno is talking about being a Christian? Does using them to describe a sexual relationship add value to sex or devalue it? Why? Discussion: Throughout this song, Bruno uses religious terms but makes it very clear that he is applying them to sex. He says, “Never wanna put my heart on deny, but swimming in your world is something spiritual.” •Read Luke 9:23-24. What does this say about self-denial? What do we have to lose by being self-indulgent? •Read 1 Corinthians 6:13, 18-20. According to v. 13, what is the body made for? In the chorus, Bruno repeatedly says, “…your sex takes me to paradise” and makes him feel that he had been “locked out of heaven” presumably until he had sex with this person. Do you think that sex is equal to heaven? This song seems to be focused squarely on satisfying his own needs instead of anything to do with the other person’s. That is natural if you have no foundation of faith to set your heart and mind on eternity. Conclusion: As followers of Christ, we have been called to purity. When a songwriter couples a fun, upbeat melody with religious-sounding lyrics, we must exercise wisdom to hear and reject the real message of the song. Opening Questions: Have you ever been teased or received a verbal bashing? How did you react? Discussion: David Guetta’s song, “Titanium” featuring Sia, is a song that is more than just an awesome beat with a great vocal lead; it’s a song with a strong message that words are powerful and can shoot us down, but it’s our reactions to the comments that define us. • Read Proverbs 18:21. What does this verse mean? Whatever we say, it can shoot someone down or help pick him or her up. Is there any responsibility in using such a powerful tool/ weapon? Absolutely! •Proverbs 15:1 says, “A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” Although we may want to “get back” at verbal abusers, we must respond in love. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying that “actions speak louder than words.” That statement couldn’t be more true. A line from “Titanium” says, “You shout it loud, but I can’t hear a word you say. I’m talking loud, not saying much.” We don’t always speak with words; our actions often speak for us. Let’s take a look at actions that spoke volumes. •1 Peter 2:23 says that “When they hurled their insults at Him, He did not retaliate; when He suffered, He made no threats. Instead, He entrusted Himself to Him who judges justly.” Jesus set an example for us in how He reacted to the people who were insulting Him. What should we do when someone insults us? Is that difficult to do? •Read John 13:35. People will recognize us as a follower of Christ by our love for others. We must encourage in love through both our actions and our words. Do your words and actions match those that Christ would approve? Conclusion: The tongue is a powerful weapon. The words that come from our mouth can destroy or build. We must strive to set an example of Christ in both our speech and actions. People will recognize the One we serve through them. © 2012, interlÍnc / interlinc-online.com / 800.725.3300 Flo Rida Opening Questions: Do you know of someone who has experienced a major catastrophe? What was it? In history and in today’s world, what are some terrible things that have been caused by people or acts of nature? Have you ever heard any say that if there really is a God, why would He let this stuff happen? Why does God allow horrific things to happen to good people? Discussion: Have you felt the same way as Flo Rida, when he sings I gave up on the riddle, I cry just little, when I think of letting go? When you see and hear of all the stuff happening around you, do you ever wonder, “Where are you, God?” Sometimes He seems to have just stepped away, and you feel that it’s just not fair. Let’s dive in and see what God’s Word has to say. •Genesis 1:31 says that when God looked at everything He had made; He thought that it was very good. So how did we go from very good to very bad? •What does Ecclesiastes 4:1 say about the oppressed? Have you ever felt that, no matter what, the oppressors (or evil stuff) will overcome the oppressed? Sounds pretty hopeless. •Read Matthew 24:6-7,10,12. What did Jesus say would happen? Are these happening today? God already knew that life would be tough. So is there any hope? Does God even care? In this song, there is a hint of hope. He sings, When I need a healing, I just look up to the ceiling. I see the sun coming down, and I know its all better now. •What does John 16:33 say about hope? In whom can we have hope, and why? •Read Psalm 30:5. What is our hope when we look beyond the present circumstances? •Read Romans 8:18. What will be the result if we trust that God is with us? God is not the reason for human suffering, but that He is in it with us when it does happen. We just need to remember that when things look hopeless, He is our hope. Conclusion: Interestingly, in the music video of this song there is a shot of the Bible and it’s opened to Psalm 20. This chapter has only nine verses, but they are powerful verses. Close by reading this chapter. << << Page RE:TUNED43 43 Artist: Artist: Artist: Kid Rock Maroon 5 Mumford and Sons Song: Let’s Ride Album: Rebel Soul Song: One More Night Album: Overexposed Song: I Will Wait Album: Babel By: Eric Gargus e4christ@aol.com By: Doug Ranck dranck@fmcsb.org By: Jeff Williamson williamson@unionavenue.org Teaching Point: Being soldiers for Christ Teaching Point: Relationships Opening Questions: What would be the hardest thing about being a soldier? Have you ever given up something to do the right thing? Have you ever felt hurt because you did the right thing? What would you be willing to die for? Opening Questions: What “guilty pleasure” foods are hard for you to resist? Candy? Ice Cream? Pizza? What makes them so difficult to pass up? Teaching Point: God’s love and acceptance is much greater than ours. He will wait for you. Discussion: Kid Rock’s intends this to be a sort of “theme song” for soldiers. Although he is very patriotic, he does have a reputation for being a bit edgy with his lyrics while rocking the mic. Be advised, a slang term for female anatomy is used once in the second verse along with a drug reference. Used as a scapegoat / taped to the wall Read John 15:18. Soldiers follow orders. They take the brunt of the criticism if the media or general public does not like the orders they carry out. •Have you ever taken the punishment for something you were told to do? Explain. •Do you know someone who would not back down from orders even if he/she knew it might cost them popularity? Share about this person. •How is being a Christian and being a soldier a lot alike? Come on grab your guns / let’s ride / And may your conscience be your guide Read 2 Thessalonians 3:5. War usually requires weapons and good judgment to survive. Soldiers need to be trained and ready, along with knowing their boundaries. •What weapons might a soldier carry? •What spiritual weapons do Christians carry? •What principles do you base your decisions on? Even in darkness you’re my strength / My soul will survive / But in this fight I stand ready to die Read Acts 20:24. Saying and doing are two very different things. Soldiers must be dedicated even in the face of death. •Was there ever a time you feared for your life? Explain. •Have you ever put yourself in harm’s way to protect someone else? Explain. •On a scale of 1 to 10, with ten being the most likely, how likely would you be to give your life for someone else’s safety? Conclusion: Read 1 Peter 3:15. Are you ready to share and defend your faith on a moment’s notice? What steps can you take to be better prepared for action to live out your faith? Discussion: There are certain actions we find hard to cease doing or leave behind. They may be lightweight indulgences or ultimately destructive, but for one reason or another we keep going back for more. The writer of “One More Night” presents this weakness by saying, Yeah, I stopped using my head, using my head, let it all go. Got stuck on my body, on my body like a tattoo, and now I’m feeling stupid, feeling stupid crawling back to you. He wants to be done with the relationship but finds himself back for one more night. Romans 7 describes this dilemma well. Starting with verse 21 Paul says, “So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!” He goes on to talk about how this power makes him a slave to sin. Our “default” in life is to sin. This becomes evident when we find ourselves in a predicament and need a way out. Our first thoughts often go to how we can escape by “cutting a corner.” There must be a way to fix the problem even if it means doing something later assessed as questionable. The power and wisdom of God is needed to give us courage to what is right. Only through Christ can we say “no more” instead of “one more.” Conclusion: What is your present “one more” in life? What is it you are doing you don’t want to be doing? What will be your first steps to saying “no more?” Opening Question: How long do you believe that God will wait for you? Discussion: “I Will Wait” is a country-rocking stomp about the challenges of maintaining a relationship amidst human frustrations and ambitions. Hence the album name: Babel. Many of us are so ambitious that we will do anything to succeed – even trying to compete with God. But, even in our failures, God will wait for us. A people group that wanted to reach God built the Tower of Babel. It was a meager attempt, and quite insulting to God. He confused their language; the ensuing confusion and language barrier caused that nation to divide—a consequence of their prideful yet meaningless pursuit of building a tower so high that it would reach the heavens. (Genesis 11:1-9) Religion is man’s attempt to reach God through our actions and traditions. Our attempt to rival God is a waste of time because we’re human—imperfect and small—and God is simply God. Mumford and Sons understand this, and have seen the hypocrisy of religion tear the world apart, much like the Tower of Babel tore the early world apart (“...and this is only the beginning of what they will do.” Genesis 11:6) Stones are hard, but they are also broken and smoothed over. Religion does the same thing to us. It hardens our hearts toward God, breaks us down, and corrodes our spirit and our character. We give into this lie that God is harsh and demanding, and only willing to know us if we offer religious sacrifices. God’s arms are actually open. He just wants our heart. Do you ever get tired of the whole religion thing? Has religion left you worn and bitter? The truth about salvation is that we cannot get it for ourselves. Here is the major point: we don’t reach God – He reaches us. We’re not powerful enough to reach Him, which is why we needed a savior. (1 John 4:10; 5:10) Conclusion: God is waiting for you. He will wait for you to accept Him and His never-ending love. Religion may be difficult, but God’s love is simple. God’s love is a testimony to His character; our attempt at love is a testimony to our failures with Him. © ©2012, 2012, interlÍnc / interlinc-online.com / 800.725.3300 Page >> 44 RE:TUNED Unavoidable. Pervasive. Inescapable. Secular pop music is everywhere. Even if you can get your young Christian friends to switch their listening habits from secular to sacred, they are still going to hear the top popular songs everywhere they go. In this section we provide you some Artist: ideas to take advantage of some of the most popular secular songs. Use the opening questions, the thematic concepts and discussion ideas to spice up your Bible study, Sunday School lesson, camp/retreat meeting or outreach event message. Artist: Artist: Pink PSY Song: Blow Me One Last Kiss Album: The Truth About Love Song: Gangnam Style Album: PSY 6 (Six Rules), Part 1 Song: We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together Album: Red By: Mary Wilson Peed marybakerwilson@gmail.com By: Kirk Moore oppan@kirkmoore.co By: Dan Schewe danjschewe@gmail.com Teaching Point: God wants us to cast all our cares upon Him, because He cares for us. Opening Questions: •When was the last time you blew someone a kiss? •What makes you draw the line in a relationship—at what point do you say, “I think I’ve finally had enough!” Discussion: We live in a broken world filled with broken people. The truth is, we are broken too. Life is hard, and many things give us white knuckles, sweaty palms, and headaches. We’ve all had days we thought couldn’t get worse, and then did. Philippians 4:6 tells us not to be anxious about anything, but instead we should talk to God about everything. 1 Peter 5:7 tells us to cast all our cares upon God, because He cares for us. Is giving God your cares easy for you, or do you hang on to them and try to solve them all by yourself? Relationships are hard work. While it is a sign of character to “hang on tight” or persevere, “hanging on too tight,” can be bad. Why do you think this is true? Have you experienced this? Pink sings, I think that life’s too short for this. What is she referring to? List a few things life is too short for. She goes on to sing, I’ll pack my ignorance and bliss. Do you feel that you go into a relationship with ignorance and bliss? Is this good or bad? How can you keep a level head so that you don’t get hurt? Conclusion: One of the best ways to keep a level head and protect your heart is to make sure that you are talking to God about your relationships and choices. Psalm 139:23-24 says, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” God wants the best for us, and He will always be there to hold you and walk with you through those things that make your knuckles white, your palms sweaty, and cause you to cry. You can cast all your cares upon Him, because He does care for you! Teaching Point: “Stuff” isn’t all there is. Opening Question: What gives a person value? Discussion: PSY’s megahit “Gangnam Style” has become a cultural phenomenon in a short time. People across the globe are doing the dance, and parody videos are all over the place. But, in all the fun, has anyone learned what the song is about? “Gangnam” is an upper class neighborhood in Seoul, South Korea. Think New York’s Upper East Side or Chicago’s Magnificent Mile. And “Gangnam Style,” in its silliness, addresses the class separation of the rich and the poor. It refers to the rich being able to get anything – relationships, power, and “stuff” – because of their wealth. What makes “stuff” important? Is it just the ability to pay the bills and have the necessities for life plus a little bit more? If that were the case, they why would folks try to get more and more stuff while others continue to barely scrape by or worse? Jesus had something to say about “stuff.” Read Luke 18:18-30. Why do you think Jesus said that entering God’s Kingdom is difficult for the rich to do? Paul had something to say about “stuff,” too. Read Philippians 3:4-8. What does Paul call all the things that used to bring him prestige? (Dig deeper to find out what he means when he says, “rubbish” or “dog dung.”) Taylor Swift Teaching point: We often want to cut people out of our lives when they hurt us. Thankfully God does not cut us out of His when we hurt Him. Opening Questions: •What do you like about this song and its lyrics? •Do you know people who date off and on like Taylor describes in this song? Why do you think they get back together? •When someone has betrayed you, what have you wanted to say to him or her, or do to him or her? Do you ever want to let him or her back into your life? •Is there someone out there you would never, ever, want to see again? If so, why? Discussion: We often return to familiar relationships despite our emotional scaring. There is something about the familiar that keeps drawing us back; unfortunately, many of these on and off again relationships end explosively. Swift reminds us of this in her song. Something has happened, and they will never, ever, get back together. In the Bible, we see a cycle that looks similar to the one she is singing about. Time and time again Israel turned away from God to worship other things. (Judges 3:7-8; 3:12-14) In a way, they were breaking up with Him. We also see this when Peter denied that he ever knew Jesus. (John 18:15-18, 25-27) Many of us have a relationship like that with God. We come close for a while, then something happens and we walk away. We say we believe, but we find ways to hurt God by the things we say and do, and the things we do not say or do. Conclusion: You are valuable because you are one of God’s precious children. The deeper message of “Gangnam Style” is that basing your own value and the value of others on material things is just plain silly. The good news is found in how God responded in each of those situations. Every time Israel walked away from God and then cried out for help (wanted to get back together), He sent someone to deliver them. (Judges 3:9, 15) He always took them back; they always got back together. Jesus forgave Peter for betraying Him. (John 21:15-19) Note: If you haven’t seen it, check out this jazzy, acoustic version of “Gangnam Style” from the television show “Superstar K4.” youtube.com/watch?v=-XWdpl51n0U Conclusion: When we are hurt we often want to walk away from the one who hurt us; to cut him or her out of our lives. Each of us hurts God every day. Thankfully this is a song God will never, ever, sing to us! © 2012, interlÍnc / interlinc-online.com / 800.725.3300 << Page ALBUM REVIEWS (Other music available) 45 Not every available Christian music album can make it into the Youth Leaders Only box, so we try to give you a taste of what else is available in your local store. Since interlínc often gets “pre-release” copies of upcoming CDs, we can give you a “heads up” to new releases that might be just right for you and your young friends. Artist: The individual or group of musicians. Title: The name of the album or project. Label: The company behind the album or project. Genre: The general musical style of the album or project. TIYL: “Try If You Like” – a comparison of similar musical artists. @: The internet web address of the musical artist. By: The name of the person who wrote the review. theBREAX Album Title: Never Arrive Label: Eye Am Productions One half of this duo is Beleaf, who is originally from Baltimore, Maryland; the other half is Ruslan, an Armenian refugee born in Baku, Azerbaijan, whose family moved here to escape religious persecution. The album encourages the listener to improve and grow as children of the King. Matthew West Label: Album Title: Into the Light Sparrow Records Matthew West has penned and performed many impactful songs for student ministry. He delivers another teachable album, carrying over the “stories” theme from his last album, “The Story of Your Life.” Into the Light is full of songs that will challenge and encourage students in their Christian journeys. The songs are based on Tenth Avenue North Album Title: The Struggle Label: Reunion Records This album deals with the up’s and downs we all face in life and offers us hope that is found only in Jesus Christ. The Struggle is a great album with a powerful message allowing its listeners to discover God’s grace for their lives even in the midst of the struggle. Here is what lead singer Mike Donehey says, “We are free to fail because there’s an ocean of Third Day Album Title: Miracle Label: Essential Records Several Christmases back my kids gave me an expensive pair of sheepskin house shoes from the “land down under.” They stayed on my feet just about every waking second around the house! Funny thing, after all the years and miles – even though they might seem a bit worse for wear – I wouldn’t be without them. Listening to Miracle, I was reminded that “quality” trumps “trendy” every time! These songs blaze no new @: thebreax.com Genre: Hip-Hop, Rap “Timeless” speaks to the timelessness of things that are true and things that are quality. “Get Better” and “Never Arrive” (featuring Lecrae) and “Come With Me” all seek to generate a desire to never be satisfied with status quo, in order to always be growing. “Take A Look” is personal stories of growth, and is especially helpful to show students how far God can bring someone, both spiritually and geographically. “Appreciate You” is a song of thanks that would do well for moms (even though the average mom might not appreciate hip-hop!) “Alive” is a hard look at pregnancy and abortion, especially its prevalence @: matthewwest.com Genre: Pop Students into rap will enjoy this album. It sounds different from some Christian rappers from Atlanta or Nashville. This album is replete with DJ scratching and high-pitched electronic beats. It is reminiscent of some of the hip-hop from the ’90’s and is a bit different from the bass-driven, rapid-paced rap of today’s hip-hop scene. TIYL: Third Eye Blind, U2 compelling testimonies from real-life people who have experienced God’s grace and mercy. “Into the Light” would make a great corporate worship song. “Hello, My Name Is” is a fun tune that reminds us of our true identity in Christ. My personal favorite, “Forgiveness,” would work great as both an invitation/reflection song and a worship song. “Wonderfully Made,” which beautifully portrays the message of Psalm 139, would be ideal to share with a student struggling with self-esteem issues. “Unchangeable,” “Waitin’ On A Miracle,” and “Restored” are appropriate to play at the end of a message as you challenge your @: tenthavenuenorth.com TIYL: By: Eminem, B.o.B., Wiz Aaron Tucker Khalifa, Jay-Z rev.tucker@gmail.com on the streets. It affirms the value of the life of the unborn, and the stories in this song would do very well as illustrations of the issues surrounding pro-life and pro-choice. Genre: Melodic Rock By: Eric Gargus e4christ@aol.com teens to respond. For pre/post-service music about missions and mercy, check out the very sing-able “Do Something” and “We are the Broken.” The album ends with the ballads “Love Waiting” (a prayer about a prodigal child from the perspective of his/her parent) and “Power of A Prayer” (an emotional plea from a son to God about a father who is breaking up their home.) Grab a tissue for these. There is a whole mountain of substance here, so dig in and enjoy everything that we’ve come to expect from this passionate performer. This album will be in my rotation for months to come. TIYL: Lifehouse, John Mayer By: Chris Keating pastorchrisk@sbcglobal.net grace that we fall into. But also, we have the promise of a power so strong that it raised Christ himself, and so we know that, mystery of mysteries, we’re also not struggling to be free.” Jesus Christ. “Strangers Here” reminds us that one day this earth with it’s sorrows will pass away, and gives us the hope to keep looking forward to the day when we touch the face of God and our sorrows will disappear. One of my favorite tracks,“Losing,” gives us an honest look at forgiveness and reminds us that as Christians we are to be loving toward others who have wronged us even if it feels like we are the ones losing. “Where Life Will Never Die.” is an upbeat song looking forward to one day leaving this rusted world behind for a city where life will never die. “The Struggle” and “Worn” give us some of the albums highlights and points us to our Savior There is a lot of depth to The Struggle with its textured sounds and the band’s passion for sharing the gospel. I honestly love and appreciate the transparency in their lyrics in this album and find it refreshing. Overall this is a great album solidly pointing to Jesus and the hope that he brings. It is a must have for every youthworker! @: thirdday.com TIYL: Lifehouse, John Mayer Genre: Melodic Rock trails either musically or lyrically, but like my old slippers, I enjoyed the familiarity and comfort of “old friends.” Almost all the lyrics were written by lead singer Mac Powell and the music by the group. Production is very clean and simple which lets the tasty guitar/vocal licks shine through. It is perhaps a shame that Mac’s voice sometimes over shadows the qualities of the group behind him, but what can you say about “that” voice? It has a timbre all it’s own and is instantly recognizable. (An example of Mac’s gift can be seen on the remake of Cat Steven’s “Morning Has Broken.” Mac sounds perfectly at home on a track that is so wedded to one of the premier voices of an earlier generation. The voice can stand as it’s own instrument!) By: Glen Allen Green glenallen@interlinc-online.com Your kids will love the messages in songs like “Hit Me Like A Bomb,” “The Victory,” and “I Need A Miracle” – but YOU might be drawn to songs like “Times Running Out On Me,” “Kicking And Screaming” (love this hooky tune!), and maybe my favorite, “Forever Yours.” This is a love song that brought back memories of arguments with my Baylor religion prof as a newly married man on the nature of our relationships in heaven. You’ll have to listen to the song to understand! Do yourself a favor; light a fire, brew the French roast, put on the slippers and listen to the latest Third Day album. (PS. If Santa is reading this, light-brown suede, please!) ©2012, interlínc / interlinc-online.com / 1-800-725-3300 AD JUNE 17-21, 2013 MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA NORTH CENTRAL UNIVERSITY REGISTRATION BEGINS FEBRUARY 15 WORSHIP and LEARN with GRAMMY-NOMINATED, DOVE AWARD-WINNING RECORDING ARTIST, and PWI FOUNDER, JEFF DEYO OFFERING OVER 40 CLASSES, CLINICS, AND WORKSHOPS FOR MUSICIANS, SINGERS AND WORSHIPERS A WEEKLONG MINI-UNIVERSITY DESIGNED TO EQUIP SINGERS, MUSICIANS, AND WORSHIPERS TO HONOR GOD WITH THEIR SONGS AND THEIR LIVES. Join us for seminars, workshops, jam sessions, listening panels, and worship encounters led by Jeff Deyo and other nationally known worship pastors and music industry leaders. This revolutionary, weeklong “school” for bands, singers, musicians, and worshipers integrates a healthy balance of spiritual and practical teaching, in order to train up this generation to be the musical world changers God has called them to be. For details and info on registration, please visit: www.PureWorshipInstitute.com AD Don’t just read the book of Revelation, see it with your own eyes. Translator Mark Arey and renowned artist Chris Koelle have come together to bring John’s vision to life like never before. Visit facebook.com/revelationgraphicnovel or zondervan.com for more information or to order a copy. AD AD AD AD AD AD Some “WHERE ARE THEY NOW?” stories are more interesting than others EVER WONDER WHAT HAPPENED TO “THAT GUY” FROM HIGH SCHOOL? We’ve been wondering what happened to some of our former Team interlinc members. And ... well ... we hope they’re better off than this guy! We want you back on Team interlinc! Call us or go online for our Welcome Back Offer. 800-725-3300 | interlinc-online.com/elvis “ AD I’ve always said, ‘Choose your friends wisely – those who will build you up and not tear you down.’ I am so thankful to all of you, my youthworker friends, and to my long-time friends at interlinc for continuing to connect us. One thing is still the same – I want to make music that helps you minister to your students.” — TobyMac Team interlinc Member For more TobyMac Bible study materials and resources go to interlinc-online.com/tobymac Since 1992 tobymac @therealtobymac AD ,7·61(9(5722($5/< 7267$577+,1.,1*$%287 7+(&/$662) THE NEW CONGRADULATIONS! CD-DVD-GIFT BOOK IS COMING NO JANUARY CONG T ACTUAL CLAS RADULATIO 2013! ' S OF 20132 COVNESR! *5$'$<6817,/ 8$7,2 1 *as of December 1, 2012. This friendly message has been provided by the Committee of Concerned Youth Pastors Who Plan Way Early. We can help you give ConGRADulations! to every senior in your local high school. &$//)25'(7$,/6_*5$'&20 MORE RESOURCES FROM TRD SHELF AD INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM The interlinc website is the best online resource for your ministry when it comes to music and media! You can listen to samples of all the music included in each volume of Youth Leaders Only, watch video clips from the Music Video Loops and read artist interviews and bios. You can also download articles on how to use music in your ministry, scope out our up-to-date Music Comparison Chart and check out other amazing resources to keep your youth ministry rockin’! REGIONAL PROMOTION interlínc is all about relationships. That's why we have three regional directors: Mark Pittman in the SouthWest Region (San Diego Office), Troy Hargrave in the SouthCentral Region (Dallas Office) and Chris Renzelman in the NorthWest Region (Seattle Office). They are long-term youth ministry guys who love kids and are passionate about helping you use music in your ministry. Contact them for all your youth ministry music needs. Mark: mpittman@interlinconline.com Troy: thargrave@interlinconline.com Chris: crenz@interlinconline.com YOUTH LEADERS ONLY Youth ministry's original low cost music subscription service. Get all the tools you need to use music and media to connect with students. YLO Original: 36 CDs each year plus DVDs, posters, chord charts, music videos and Bible studies all for just $279.95 plus $40. shipping. YLO Works: 56 CDs each year plus DVDs, posters, chord charts, music videos and Bible studies all for only $429.95 plus $70. shipping. YLO Access: 60 songs on 4 compilation CDs with corresponding Bible studies, DVDs, posters and chord charts for just $75.95 plus $24. shipping. Find out more at interlinc-online.com/ylo INTRODUCING YLO SELECT Now there is a version of YLO for every budget – introducing YLO Select. It’s right at half price of YLO Original and you get almost all the benefits plus you get to choose if you want the Main Selections, the Hot Selections, or the Mild Selections. The great part is it is only $13 per month!” TO ORDER CALL 1-800-725-3300 OR GO ONLINE AT INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM INTERLíNC TRD SHELF AD SURVIVING MIDDLE SCOOL BOOK AND MUSIC SOUNDTRACK VERSION 2.0 Middle School (some people know it as “Junior High”) is a whole new world full of new people, new schedules, weird situations and bizarre relationships. It’s a time of life when “transmogrification” takes place in kids’ bodies, homes, friendships, and brains. Middle School is when they learn to navigate the important issues of life. Surviving Middle School Version 2.0: The Book & 9-Song Soundtrack has a plethora of tips, tunes, advice and wisdom to guide the middle schooler. Family Force 5, Relient K, and Stellar Kart join surfer-author Rick Bundschuh in bringing the wisdom—and the fun! CONGRADULATIONS! MUSIC-MEDIA-GIFT BOOK With over 1.2 million copies given to graduates by 25,000 churches, ConGRADulations! is the #1 grad gift of this decade. BRAND NEW for 2012 it is a New Music (CD or Download 21 powerful songs from the top names in Christian music - Switchfoot, Tobymac, Lecrae, Skillet, Jeremy Camp, Newsboys), New Media (DVD or Download artist, author, and grad video greetings and advice, grad books, online Bible), New 48 Page Gift Book, New recycled paper Personalizable Gift Package, plus Class of 2012 Wristband. Also includes Ministry Resource Website (transition ministry weblinks, grad devotionals). CLICK.LOOK.LISTEN. ORDER GRAD2012.COM NEED2KNOW EZINE Don’t miss out on free resources, downloads and more in our everyother-week e-newsletter. You’ll get “Heart of the Artist” interviews, music and video downloads, event information and more—all delivered straight to your inbox. Sign up at interlinc-online.com/email YLO SPECIAL EDITIONS Several recent volumes of Youth Leaders Only are available as Special Editions. Topics include building and training your worship team (Rock'N U), evangelism (How To Bring It Up Without Throwing Up), middle school ministry (Making Impressions While The Cement’s Still Wet), the new sexuality (The Naked Truth: The New Sexuality and Youth Ministry). You can get each DVD, Bible studies and discussion starters, plus 15+ songs and corresponding Bible studies for only $29.95 plus $7.00 shipping. Call 1-800-725-3300 to order. TRD SHELF AD FCA AND INTERLÍNC’S PUMP’D WORKOUT AND PRE-GAME MUSIC PUMP’d #1 and #2 are aggressive, powerful collections of songs that prepare athletes and coaches for competition — and fans for the big game. All songs are original recordings by the top names in Christian music. Special pricing as low as $7.95. INSIDERS GUIDE TO HIGH SCHOOL The Insiders Guide to High School Version 2.0 is a great gift for new kids coming into your ministry as well as for freshmen and sophomores! Multi-Media Disc features: seven great songs from top Christian bands, video student testimonies, Biblical answers to questions like, “Where do I fit in?”, clear Gospel presentation, and powerful Columbine High School video clip. Special pricing as low as $2.99 TO ORDER CALL 1-800-725-3300 OR GO ONLINE AT INTERLINC-ONLINE.COM TRD JOIN YOUTHSHELF LEADERS ONLY AD AND YOUR KIDS WILL LOVE YOU! 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CLASS OF 2012 CD, DVD AND GIFT BOOK Order 1–9 CD, DVD and Gift Book Sets for $12.95 each ____ x $12.95 = ____ + $4 s/h = ____ TOTAL Order 10–19 CD, DVD and Gift Book Sets for $10.95 each ____ x $10.95 = ____ + $8 s/h = ____ TOTAL For orders of 20 or more, please call 800-725-3300 or go to grad2012.com CONGRADULATIONS! CLASS OF 2012 “ADD A HARDBACK BIBLE” PACK Get the ConGRADulations! Class of 2012 CD, DVD and Gift book PLUS a Hardback The Message Remix: Bible _________ or NIV Student Bible _________. Order 1–9 CD, DVD, Gift Book + Bible Packs for $23.95 each ____ x $23.95 = ____ + $15s/h = ____ TOTAL Order 10–19 CD, DVD, Gift Book + Bible Packs for $21.95 each ____ x $21.95 = ____ + $30s/h = ____ TOTAL For orders of 20 or more, please call 800-725-3300 or go to grad2012.com INSIDERS GUIDE TO HIGH SCHOOL CD Order 1-9 CDs for $5.99 each ____ x $5.99 = ____ Order 25-99 for $3.99 each ____ x $3.99 =____ + $0.50 each s/h; max of $20 ____ x $0.50 = ____ s/h Order 10-24 for $4.99 each ____ x $4.99 = ____ Order 100+ for $2.99 each ____ x $2.99 = ____ TOTAL = _________ SURVIVING MIDDLE SCHOOL BOOK AND CD SOUNDTRACK Version 2.0 Order 1–9 Book and CD sets for $12.95 each ____ x $12.95 = ____ + $4 s/h = ____ TOTAL Order 10–19 Book and CD sets for $10.95 each ____ x $10.95 = ____ + $8 s/h = ____ TOTAL For orders of 20 or more, please call 800-725-3300 TOTAL ORDER COST: ___________ Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery. Prices subject to change. 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