`n` Breck - Louisville Male High School Alumni Association
`n` Breck - Louisville Male High School Alumni Association
Louisville Male High School Alumni Brook ‘n’ Breck For God, For Country, For Male H june 2012 Male High Alumni Brook ‘n’ Breck MEET MALE’S MASTER A RT IST Lee Jackson, ’49, Captures Bulldog Spirit Say “Howdy” to LMHS’s I. Lee Jackson. Lee has been documenting Male’s history with his illustrations and drawings since 1992. Born in Louisville’s west end “somewhere around 29th street”, Lee entered Male in 1946, graduating in 1949. He entered the U.S. Navy in 1951 and was assigned destroyer duty in Korea. Upon discharge from the Navy, Lee chose art and advertising as his career field. He enrolled at the Harris Advertising and Art School in Nashville, TN on the G.I. Bill. After graduation, Lee was hired by the Baptist Sunday School Board in Nashville, followed by a job with the National Life and Accident Insurance Company. Lee returned to Louisville in 1968 to work for the Doe-Anderson Advertising Agency. His career path in Louisville took him to Cummings Sign Company, and Louisville Manufacturing, then retirement from the Kentucky State Fair Board in 2002. Lee’s love of music had him singing baritone with the Thoroughbred Chorus, especially in their Barbershop Quartet. He was also a member of the Motet Singers. Lee and his wife of 44 years, the former Betty Wieting, attend the Farmsdale Baptist Church and are volunteers for the Church’s Clothes Closet. They live in the Camp Taylor area. Lee was taken into the LMHS Hall of Fame in 1993. Male High Alumni’s Web site; use it often, www.malealum.org Male High Alumni Brook ‘n’ Breck BOEHM’S BEAM I will be out for a few weeks but will be anxious to return to Male and start on the next year. There is so much to still do and if we all get on board – staff, faculty, alumni, parents, and students we can do phenomenal things. We gave out over $9 million in scholarships to our seniors. We have 401 graduating seniors 2 National Merit Commended Students 1 National Achievement Student 18 Governor’s Scholars Alumni President We sure have had an exciting year at Male High School. A dedication of “Veterans Stadium”, the new basketball court dedicated to Ralph Beard, our alumni flags going up on the buildings, buying the teachers new copy machines, work on the track and many other things. It is only with your support and “Bingo “ that we are able to do these extra things for Male. I was so humbled to receive the Grover Sales Distinguished Alumni Award at the 50 Year Club Luncheon. I feel so privileged to work the staff, faculty and students at Male. We wish that you would come by, get involved and help us maintain the quality of academics and athletics that this community has come to expect from Male High School. GO BULLDOGS Earl Long 330 Seniors planning to attend college 4 to attend vocation/technical/trade/special school 8 to attend Military Service 134 students receiving at least one scholarship 306 students receiving individual scholarship 5 National Merit Scholarships GO BULLDOGS! Ted Boehm Principal Louisville Male Traditional High School VOICE OF JOYCE Mr. Boehm had surgery on Monday, June 25th and will out for a few weeks. The Alumni Association wishes him a speedy recovery because Male High School needs him. Please keep him in your prayers. I am so excited about our Alumni Association. We now have volunteers who are willing to do anything to help preserve our history. They proof read, type, file and just anything they can to help. Our 50 Year Club was very successful. I think everyone had a great time. We are all so proud of our track team and baseball team. They are fantastic kids working hard to represent our school. I was so happy to run into Bob and Pam Redman. We had the opportunity to work with them for so long and we still miss them. By the way I miss Natalie too? While talking to them Chris called his Mom from Atlanta. We are all so proud of him. What a great family they are. A grateful thanks to Pat Williams Brownfield, Judy Howell Parrish and Gaynell Burden Luttrell, most in the class of ‘59. Their volunteer work in the Alumni Room and editorial assistance with the newsletter are gratefully appreciated! Thank you! Thank you! We invite all our alumni to come by the office. During the school year we are there Tues, Wed, and Thur from 9 am to noon. The coffee pot and hot chocolate are always on and usually a treat. We work, sit around and talk and have a great time. Our regular volunteers are: Ernie Miller Glenda Burden Bloodworth Gene Rhodes Joyce Compton George Mercker Pat Williams Brownfield Judy Howell Parrish Gaynell Burden Luttrell Ed Shadburne Joe Goodman Nick Reed Pat Robinson Come join us, take a look at our two story Alumni Room and “Come Home To Male” Male High Alumni Brook ‘n’ Breck The Spectator By Brown Cullen ‘47 L.M.H.S. History 2012 “QUALITIES I LIKE IN A GIRL” The qualities I truly like and expect in a girl are not so terribly many, but they really count. First of all, I like a girl with a good reputation. It pleases me to think that no one can find anything to say against the girl I am with. Next to a good reputation I naturally want a companion with pleasing personality. Looks help, but it is truly personality that wins friends. I do not care for a girl who drinks or smokes, and I have no use for one who would curse or swear in public. Being interested in sports myself, I really appreciate it in a girl if she is athletically inclined. I like her to be interested, not only in one sport but in two or three, and preferably the sport that I am interested in. As far as dress goes, I think it is important for a girl to be careful about her appearance. There is no excuse for not being clean. Even though she can not afford the best clothes, she can always take care of them, and above all keep them spotless. Next, I like a girl to act refined and not be loud and rowdy. Of course, everyone wants to enjoy herself, but there is a limit to loud enjoyment. A girl who always has a witty remark to liven up the conversation, and the ability to do so without seeming to show off has really accomplished something. It gives a boy a feeling of pride with such a person in public. There is one last thing: that she be a good sport. If she is a poor sport it can ruin a whole crowd’s good time. Being out with a girl who can take a joke and laugh along with the rest makes a boy feel as though he has really made a find whom he wants to hang on to if he can. Male Bag Response to Male Bag Article By Jerry Wurmser ’40.5 In the article in the last issue of “Male Bag” concerning my being honored by the French Government for my service in WWII, there is a glaring error that I wish to correct. I DID NOT break the sound barrier in the dive when my plane entered “compressibility”. Compressibility is the term used to describe the situation when an airplane’s speed approaches the speed of sound. My plane was probably indicating 600mph in a vertical dive when I exited it, luckily missing the tail. The speed of sound varies depending on the temperature & altitude. At ground level, it is approximately 750mph, this figure decreasing the higher you are. Chuck Yeager was the first person to break the sound barrier in a rocket powered plane in 1947. As far as I know, no one has ever broken the sound barrier in a conventional prop powered airplane, although several WW II pilots have claimed to have done so. According to Republic Aviation engineers, the builder of the P-47 I flew, if anyone reached that speed in the “Jug”, as it was called, “they aren’t here to tell about it!” President Principal Male/Manual Score (2011) Kentucky Derby Winner Significant Event Barack Obama Ted Boehm Male 14 Manual 23 I’ll Have Another Worldwide financial problems and Middle East unrest 10 Years (2002) President Principal Male/Manual Score (2000) Kentucky Derby Winner Significant Event George W. Bush Dave Wilson Male 13 Manual 20 War Emblem Europe adopts Euro 25 Years (1987) President Principal Male/Manual Score (1985) Kentucky Derby Winner Significant Event Ronald Reagan Ted Boehm Male 6 Manual 28 Alysheba Stock market crashes but rebounds next day 50 Years (1962) President Principal Male/Manual Score (1960) Kentucky Derby Winner Significant Event John F. Kennedy Foster Sanders Male 13 Manual 13 Decidedly Cuban Missile Crisis 100 Years (1912) President Principal Male/Manual Score (1910) Kentucky Derby Winner Significant Event William Howard Taft S.B. Tinsley Male 5 Manual 0 Worth Titanic strikes iceberg and sinks: great loss of life 150 Years (1862) President Principal Male/Manual Score Kentucky Derby Winner Significant Event Abraham Lincoln A.E. Grant Game started in 1893 1st ran 1875 Battle of Gettysburg and Emancipation Proclamation Male High Alumni Brook ‘n’ Breck Editor's Notes . . . George Merker '50 Louisville Male High School Alumni Association Office Hours: Tues., Wed., Thurs. - 9 am to noon You will notice some changes in the format of our newsletter and I hope that you enjoy them. However, if you have any ideas or suggestions, please let the staff know. www.malealum.org www.malealum.org/kiosk (Hall of Fame) email: lmhskyalum@aol.com We have had many requests asking where various classmates or other alumni are living, and what they are doing. Please take a few minutes each year to fill out a class notes form on the inside back page of each newsletter. Send it in so your classmates can have some idea of where you are and what you are doing and accomplishing. If this request is not forceful enough just take time to remember; you must remember, a teacher at Male standing in front of the class giving you deadlines on some assignment! Alumni Director Joyce Day Also, the staff would like to expand coverage into other areas of and could use a few volunteers to help. Please give us some help. 502-485-8826 Board of Directors Earl Long ’63, President Scott Shouse ’80, 1st Vice President Ernie Miller ’47, 2nd Vice President Pat Robinson ’55, Secretary Judy Wright Ad, Treasurer Carey Guess ‘63 Buddy Berthold ’53 John Conn ’56 Dan Davis Ad Bill Fryrear ’52 Doryan Williams ’91 Earl Magruder ’53 Don Pope ’56 Ron Dowdell ’56 Jim Simpson ‘56 Eddie Atchley ‘91 Nick Reed Ad L.M.H.S. Foundation Inc. Report The annual report of The Louisville Male High School Foundation Inc. is available for inspection at 2907 Iris Way, Louisville KY 40220 for a period of 180 days from the date of this notice. The Foundation is again asking all recipients of a Foundation scholarship as you are able, to contribute back to the Foundation an amount equal to the amount of the scholarship you received. This will increase the trust thereby allowing more scholarships. Principal R. Ted Boehm Newsletter Staff George E. Mercker ’50, Editor Joyce Day Ad Bill Fryrear ’52 Lee Jackson ’49 (Artist) Ernie Miller ’47 Gene Rhodes ’46 Eddie Atchley ‘91 Ed Shadburne ‘43 John Kelsey, Athletic Director Ted Boehm, Ad International Circulation 13,000 The Alumni Newsletter is Published quarterly BOOK YOUR TRAVEL WITH US WE KNOW WE ALL TRAVEL FROM TIME TO TIME AND USING OUR TRAVEL SITE YOU WILL GET EQUALLY WONDERFUL RATES AND EARN SOME MONEY FOR YOUR MALE HIGH ALUMNI ASSOCIATION. www.malehightravelsite.org REUNIONS! If you are planning a reunion please let us know so that we can put all the information in our newsletter or email it to your class. Hope you all have a great time!! teresa.devenuto@jefferson.kyschools.us CLASS OF 1972 The class of 1972 is looking for classmates for the 40th Reunion of the Class of '72. Contact Francine Kniffley at Supermome7@gmail.com or Michael Carter at Michael.Carter902@insightbb.com if you have any information. Thanks! CLASS OF 2002 We have picked a date, location, etc. for the C/O 2002 reunion. The website to purchase tickets is http://lmhs02reunion.eventbrite.com Friday, August 3rd there will be an event at Incredible Daves at 8:00pm and Saturday, August 4th there is dinner, Hors D'ouvres and Dancing at the Sheraton Riverside in Jeffersonville, IN at 8:00pm. The website has all the information you will need. Male High Alumni Brook ‘n’ Breck Louisville Male Traditional High Class of ’92 – 20 Year Reunion Dear Male High Graduate (Class of ’92), Please mark your calendars for August 3-5, 2012 to reunite and learn what everyone has been doing all this time! We are in the early stages of planning, and we need your help. Please join the Louisville Traditional Male High School Class of 1992 Class Reunion Facebook page. Post your favorite memories, catch up with classmates, and stay up to date with reunion plans. THE GIRLS FROM ‘59 The “girls” from the Class of ’59 meet the third Wed of each month for lunch and conversation. In April we were honored with a visit from Earl Long, Ed Shadburne and Gene Rhodes. Pictured from left to right: Janet Jones Lewis, Gene Rhodes, Earl Long, Ed Shadburne, Carol Jones Hawkins Back row from left to right: Pat Williams Brownfield, Gayle Miller Godfrey, Pat Durbin Taylor, Carolyn VanMeter Fenwick, Judy Howell Parrish, Gaynell Burden Luttrell, Phyllis Raisele Durham. As a result of this visit, we learned more about the Alumni Associations, its work and volunteer opportunities. Come join us! MALE HIGH ALUMNI FROM THE 40’S Male High Alumni from the 40’s has regular meetings on the 1st and 3rd Monday each month. Gordon Snyder, Ed Graves, John Morrow, Lincoln Lewis, Bill Burbank, Jimmy Lay, Walter Bennet, Bill Kamp meet at Austins on U.S. 42 & Lime Klin Lane. All are welcome. Male High Logo Gear Please visit our website www.malehighgear.com to order your Bulldog apparel! In order to make the reunion a fun, classy, event, we will need everyone’s help. In addition to some fundraisers, we will ask everyone to make a donation of $60 per couple for you and a guest this year and next year. Once we determine the success of the fundraisers, we can make a decision on dues for 2012 when the time comes. Provided we get good participation, 2 years worth of dues should be sufficient. In the event you cannot make the reunion, please consider sponsoring the event to add your name to the Sponsor Honor Roll. Please send the 2010 dues ($60) by August 31. Make check payable to: Louisville Male High Class of 92 Reunion Please mail check to: PO Box 7863 Louisville, KY 40257 We found you, but we are still looking for others. Be a part of the solution! If you know of anyone who is not on Facebook, please have them contact someone on the committee. PLEASE NOTE: In order to communicate the most information in the most timely fashion, we are asking everyone to give us an active email address. Please email the address below so that we can begin to establish a master list. Thanks and best wishes!!! Planning Committee: malehs92@gmail.com Damu R. Hammond, Co-Chair, Kourtney Hardin, Co-Chair, Joe Hulsey, Co-Treasurer, Tina Griffith, Co-Treasurer, James Bumphus, Allison Jannett and Crystal Angel Male High Alumni Brook ‘n’ Breck A big Welcome to our newest Alumni – the Louisville Male Traditional High School Class of 2012. You should be proud of your accomplishments. You now belong to the most prestigious organization of any high school. Ryan Alexander Able Samantha Lea Adair Emily Taylor Adams Nicholas Michael Adams Tyler William Adams Kaitlyn Leanne Age Joseph Thomas Alexander Previn Jibril Alexander James Courtland Allen Nicholas Joseph Amon Acasia Marquise Amshoff Haley Marie Ancona Jared Daniel Anderson Lindsay Kaye Antoine Kelsi Elizabeth Armistead Christopher Alan Arnold Andrea Gabrielle Austin Alexis Brooke Baker Kayla Marie Baker Scott James Balch Ryann Meredith Ball Jazmine Denver Balz Lorentez Carthel Barbour Mitchell Norwood Barnes Taylor Alona Barnett Meagan Marie Barrow Anthony Howard Basil Danielle Christine Beam Tyler Ryan Belew Tiara Victoria Bell Cameron William Benboe Brandon Romel Bennett Rachel Alexandria Bidwell Jordan Alan Bischoff Lauren Leigh Bizianes Megan Elisabeth Blankenship Emilee Carol Bobby Leanna Grace Bolduc Lauren Leigh Boone Kristen Renee Bosse Kameron William Bottoms Lindsey Nicole Bowers Sara Frances Boyer Micahia Ewan Braden Jessica Marie Brand Meredith Ann Bratcher Kristina Marie Breland Jared Scott Brewington Tessa Danielle Broadley Kelvin William Brooks, Jr. Kayla Marie Brown Briana Nicole Brownlow Kirbey Lucille Bruce Franchesca Yvette Brutley Emily Claire Bryant Eryn Renae Bryant Nicholas Allen Bryant Kandice Lynn Buck Hannah Bryce Buckingham Aaron Michael Bullitt Austin Lee Bullitt Daedreana Breon Bumphus Keandra La’Toye Burney-King Danielle Mon’Shia Burnley Benjamin Cacaj Tori Renee Caldwell Ashley Lyron Cannon Mariah Marie Leah Carpenter Faith Renee Carruthers Mariah Raye Carter-Colon Brendan Anthony Chambers Andraé Raeshawn Champion Billy Earl Chatman III Justin Stephenson Chilton Shelby Jeanne Christensen John Charles Cloyd Calvin Kennedy Cochran Jasmine Katrice Cole Danielle Lanee’ Coleman Seth Ellis Coleman Tyler James Conn Michael Allan Connolly Alison Lynn Conrad Tyler Joseph Cooke Madison Gayle Corey Bradley Marshell Cozzens Brianna LaDawn Crawford Danielle Marie Crawford Sean Michael Croghan Kaylie Nicole Crum Nathaniel Cucilovic Mary Evelyn Curnutte Jeff Evan Curtis Nicholas John Davis Tyler Manon Davis Michael Christopher Dawson Garrett James DeBlasi Hannah Maree Dickerson Brady Tyler Diehl James Carroll Donnell Royce Scott Donovan Breauna Marie Doughty Logan Rae Douglas Kaelin Jean Douglass Jesse Lee Dowell Samuel Conrad Draut Kelsey Andréa DuLaney Holly Renee Dunkley Harold V. Dunn III Mallory Nicole Dunn Nicholas Tien Duong Kelsey Marie Dwyer Jana Lynn Dye Joshua Ryan Eckert Anthony T Edelen Erika Rene’ Edwards Cory Thomas Elmes Samera Tenis Epps Mark Andrew Eubank, Jr. Darrian Nicole Evans Joseph Scot Evanson David Eugene Exe Joshua Lee Farley Brooke Elizabeth Farnsworth James Patrick Fischer Shannon Dare Fitzpatrick Brittany Nicole Fletcher Angelika Schannell Ford Brittany Renee’ Forte’ Samantha Rae Foust Chelsea Maria Fox Emily Lynn Frankel Alayna Michelle Freeman Silvia Alejandra Garcia Brianna Tayler Garner Alexis Yvonne Garrett Aliah Danielle Garrett Stephen Ellis Garrett, Jr. Tanisha Denise Garrett Hunter Gregory Geis Nathan Scott Gibson William McKinley Gibson, Jr. Holly Antoinette Glass Kara Elizabeth Glasser Janice Marie Gordon Larry Gowdy II La’Brea Anessa Grant Dylan Chase Gray Kaelynn Brije’ Greene John Daniel Greenwell Benjamin Robert Grieshaber Ebonique O’delain Griffin Heather Danielle Gullion Madison Elizabeth Hall Chelsee Denise Halsell Alexander Hawk Harbin Sydney Kierra Harbin Amanda Marie Harden Emily Christine Harris Lauren Paige Harrison Anthony Lashon Hayden, Jr. Kayla Renee Hayes LaTrice Berri Hayes Lauren Rose Hayes Candace Erin Hearn Oliver Hudson Heines Danyea Rochele Hickman Danyse Rená Hickman Brooke Nicole Hill Danielle Marie Hines William Aaron Hipple Matthew Lee Hiser Amy Denise Hoagland Montez Hogue, Jr. Dionjae’ She’Vonne Ruth Hopper Joshua Steven Hopper Dexter K Horne Dalton Kaleb Howell Karl William Huey II Brandon Lee Huffman Brittany Ellen Humphrey Samuel Cody Humston Gregory Clay Hunter Hannah Katherine Hytken Raven Denise-Nicole Jackson Zachary Joseph Janes Matthew Scott Jansing April Michelle Jarnagin Kristina Nicole Johns Kayla Marie Johnson Ayanna Denise Jones Brittinee Nichole Jones Christos Angelo Jones Monique Elizabeth Jordan Sasha Kelly Marie Julian Jeffrey Nicholas Justice Alison Nicole Kamber Evan Matthew Kemper Kaitlyn Mackenzie Kepple Darryian Alexis Kilgore Esther K Kim George Howard Kimbrough, Jr. Jordan Ryan Kimmich Kelley Elehn King Kyra J King Morgan Danielle King Shannon Marie Kinney Kelci Taylor Kirchdorfer Layne Marie Krupilski Kevin Ruyue Kwan Olivia Elaine Lawhorn Kaleb Drake Lawton Rebecca Marie Layman Peyton Matz Leasor Jasmine Denise Lemle Megan Barbara Leonard Kayne Scott Levin Stevon Monté Lewis, Jr. Robert Eulan Livingston Abigail Renee Lucas Rakesh Raju Mahbubani Emily Marie Marion Breanna DeJenne Marshall Ellory Lynece Martin Erica Daneile Martin Lance Alexander Martinez Luke Aaron Mason Morgan Renae Mattingly Emily René Maupin Micaelah Christine McAlpine Lauren Ashlee McCallum Cierra Céless McClain Erin Chelsie McClure Emily Nicole McCracken Alec Wayne McDaniel Kelsey Marie McDowell Joseph Coe McGrath Holly Marie McIntosh Rudolph Walter McIntosh, Jr. Maury Xavier McKee Morgan Leigh McPherson Jarrod Austin Messex Taylor Marie Messex Justin Alan Metcalfe Kristian Joi Miles-Lightsy Damien Forrest Miller Hayley James Miller Madison Tori Miller Patrick Scott Miller Walter Dévon Moffitt Zachary Steven Moran Hunter Jeffrey Morgan Ronjae Morris Jackson Thomas Moser Darian James Moss Mara Elisabeth Muccigrosso Jessica Ann Mudd Bret Lee Murphy Holly Nicole Nauert Adria Bianca Neal Ziah Michelle Nelson Jordan David New Ginna Maria Nilest Ronnie Tyshon O’Bannon Arym Jonecia Olden Kyle Christian Ostrowski Andrea Nicole Owen Tia Sara Owen Alexander Scott Oyler Blake Richard Oyler Mercedes Brianna Parker Gabrielle Alexander Parrish Jared Heil Paulin Sarah Elizabeth Peebles James Lee Pellman Marnie Gabriela Perez-Ochoa Zachary G Perry Da’Sjohnay Lakia Persley Samuel James Pfisterer Jimmy Pham Brittany Nicole Phillips Madeline Diane Phillips Michael Christopher Pigman Abigail Louise Potts Emmanuel Louis Potts Hannah Marie Potts Tierra Dominique Price Catherine L Pryor Lindsey Alexandra Purcell continued on next page Male High Alumni Brook ‘n’ Breck continued . . . Christopher Patrick Quill Tyler Alexander Radford Hassan Chadi Rammal Hussein Chadi Rammal Noah Alexander Randolph Deiago Daqua Rankin Kellie Marie Ranney Chelsea Leigh Raque Dalton Mitchell Ray William E Ray III Edward Duncan Reed Sydney Paige Reinhardt Joshua Bennet Reinhart Kenneth James Rhodes Jacob Austin Richardson Michael Troy Riley Darius Dijon Roberts Jevon Thomas Robinson Sara Lin Robinson Jenna Rose Rogers Brennan Nathaniel Rose Jalen Dewayne Rose Te’Ara KéShona-Renee Ross-Hardison Kemaria Lashawnta Rowe Jenna Katherine Rueff Angel M Russell Matthew Garrett Sanders Nakiiyah Alexandria Sanders Jasmine Yvette Saunders Erica Ann Sawyer Dylan Scott Schafer Alison Taylor Schroeder Kyle Anthony Schweitzer Ashton Lindsey Scott Courtney Anna Sellers Jesse James Shackelford III John Anthony Shapanus III Lydia Michele Shaughnessy Bria Nicholle Shaw Jasmine Lynise Shed Heather Marie Shoemake Madison Siobhan Short Quiara Devonne Simmons Matthew Michael Simone Walter Allen Simpson III Deisha Sarise Simril Destiny LaShae’ Singleton Garrett Jackson Sinnard Gracia Shobhana Sircar Courtney Taylor Smith Erin Michelle Smith Joseph Corey Smith Julie Ann Smith Shawn Austin Smith Stephanie Sonja Smith Teylor Louis Shannon Smith Victoria Paige Smith Jessica Rose Solomon Terrence Evan-Todd Spence Jamayka Nicole Spriggs Raru J Steadmon, Jr. Hunter Clayton Stephenson John William Stephenson Rachel Elizabeth Stilwell Ryan Thomas Alfred Stilwell Richard Boeun Suh Brandy Jean Sweat Nicholas Scott Taurman Denaz Jordan Taylor LaMarcus Donaé Taylor William Jennings Clay Taylor Shelby Lynn Tennill Emily Ann Thomas Breohnna Shaquaea’ Thompson Devin Brooke Thompson Morgan Sarah Thompson Jessica Rae Thornsberry Tiffani Renee Thornton Chelsey Lynn Thrasher Gara Yvonne Russella Torain Jacob Steven Townson Anna Caroline Troutman Troy Chandler Trumbo-Coleman Arin Elizabeth Valsted Caleb Andrew Vaught Hayley Kristine Vize Loc Duy Vo Cailey Antoinette Wagner Rachel Nicole Walker Susan Amelia Waller Catherine Marie Watson Dean Alan Weissrock Luke Thomas Westmoreland Kayla Denise Wheatley Michel Harrison White Vincent Jamar Wilcox Maxwell Skyler Williams Stannette J’Nae Williams Alyssa Anna Mae Wilson Christopher Allen Wilson Raeven Marie Wilson Shane Richard Winebrenner Leigh Jessica Winnicki Nicholas Kyle Winters Alex Christopher Wirth Christina Skye Wood Candyce Lucille Woodard Darian Elaine Wright Clarence Allen Yancey II Brandon Michael Yates Samuel Garrett Yates Destiney Nicole Young Samuel Preston Young CERTIFICATE OF ATTAINMENT Albert Randall Goldstein Nolan Michael Tynan Katie Marie Bard There are three Male graduates who will be attending the Military Academies. They were all presented with the same questions and these are their answers: Congratulations! Karl Huey I’ve been in the traditional program since 4th grade, so this was my 9th year. I started at Greathouse and then went to Barret before Male. Academic accomplishments – 31 ACT , 3.4 GPA, 2 years on the math teach Athletic accomplishments – 4 years varsity ice hockey, captain for 2 years. 4 years varsity lacrosse, captain for 2 years I’m proud because not many people get accepted to the Naval Academy, and it’s an opportunity for me to travel the world, see new things and meet new people. I hope to graduate near the top of the class and fulfill my dream of becoming an Infantry officer in the Marine Corps. Jesse Shackelford – I have been in the traditional program since kindergarten. I went to Greathouse for elementary school and Barret TMS for middle school. Academically I have en on the A and B honor roll multiple times and have had 10 years perfect attendance. Athletically I have lettered on the varsity football team for 3 years and have been part of the track team that has won 5 straight state championships. I am proud of my appointment because I have made my dream of attending Westpoint a reality. I hope to achieve the rank of a general and become a civil engineer in the army. Lorentz BarbourI’ve been in the traditional program ever since I started school in kindergarten. I went to Maupin Elementary, Barret middle school and Male High. A significant accomplishment athletically would be making the all-district and all-state team in football multiple years at multiple positions (free safety, quarterback) (junior, senior seasons). Also being a part of the track teams 2009, 2010, 2011 state championship teams and hopefully another this season. Academically, maintain a 3.0 plus GPA all throughout high school high school and getting a 26 on my ACT are two things I am very proud of. I am proud of my appointment because I know how prestigious and competitive it is and other people know that as well. I hope to graduate with my degree in systems engineering while also playing division 1 football and competing at the highest level. “Go MIDS!!! Beat Army!” “ I never worry about action, but only inaction. Winston Churchill ” Male High Alumni Brook ‘n’ Breck Louisville Male Traditional High School Senior Honors Night Awards 2012 Scholarship Awards: H.D. “Pap” Glenn Scholarship Alison Conrad Lauren Boone W.S. Milburn Scholarship Alfred E Kalmer Scholarship Hannah Buckingham Kristina Johns, Brandon Yates William E Edwards Jr Scholarship Clyde Glass Scholarship Noah Randolph Daisy Sanders Scholarship Walter Moffitt Kevin Kwan Foster Sanders Scholarship Ernest L Vogt Dexter Horne Adria Neal Larry C Pittman Memorial Scholarship Elizabeth Breckinridge Scholarship Victoria Smith Nellie Matthew Meyer Memorial Trust Scholarship Nathanial Cucilovic, Kelsey Dulaney, John Greenwell, Alison Schroeder, Trey Shapanus, Shelby Tennill, Tiffani Thornton Class of 2012 Logan Douglas, Courtney Smith Jim Grant Memorial Scholarship Brittany Fletcher PTSA Scholarship (8 at $500 each) Andrea Austin, Kelsey DuLaney Kelci Kirchdorfer, Adria Neal, Tierra Price, Jasmine Saunders, Clarence Yancey II, Christopher Arnold PTSA President’s Scholarship (2 at $1000 each) Kevin Kwan, Jacob Townson Pierce Butler Atwood Scholarship Layne Krupilski Faculty Awards: Louisville Male High School Foundation Award Alfred E. Kalmer Memorial Award L.G. Balfour Award Highland Post # 201 American Legion Award Fincastle Chapter Josten Award Kevin Kwan Layne Krupilski Lorentez Barbour Dexter Horne Kaylie Crum William Taylor Miscellaneous Awards and Recognitions: Class Officer Awards Layne Krupilski, Christos A. Jones Cameron Benboe, Kevin Kwan, Dexter Horne, Garrett Sinnard All-Around Athlete Award Royce Donovan, Mallory Dunn Student Senate Scholarship Shannon Fitzpatrick, Tierra Price Caroline Bougard Award Nathaniel Cucilovic Kaylie Crum, Megan Leonard United States Marine Corps Award Jacob Townson, Bret Murphy Zachary Moran, Catherine Watson Business Heather Shoemake, Taylor Messex, Ginna Nilest, Emily Harris, Christina Wood, Julie Smith, Hunter Stephenson, Logan Douglas Social Studies Shannon Fitzpatrick, Morgan Thompson, Lauren Boone, Jarrod Messex Foreign Language Kelsey DuLaney, Morgan Thompson, Lydia Shaughnessy Science Jared Brewington, Emily Adams, April Jarnigan Jacob Townson, Kevin Kwan, Hayley Miller, Brennan Rose Math Tyler Conn, April Jarnagin, Morgan Thompson, Brandon Yates, Sara Boyer, Joshua Hopper, Kyle Ostrowski English Morgan Thompson, Mara Muccigrosso, Ginna Nilest Art Noah Randolph, Shannon Fitzpatrick Music Band- Jared Anderson, Orchestra-Esther Kim, Chorus- Patrick Miller ROTC Sean Croghan, Kyle Ostrowski VALEDICTORIANS Lindsay Antoine Danielle Beam, Meredith Bratcher, Jared Brewington, Briana Brownlow, Shannon Fitzpatrick, Layne Krupilski, Kevin Kwan, Morgan Mattingly, Justin Metcalfe, Mara Muccigrosso, Ginna Nilest, Kyle Ostrowski, Alexander Oyler, Julie Smith, Richard Suh, Morgan Thompson, Jacob Townson, Anna Troutman, Cailey Wagner, Leigh Winnicki SALUTATORIANS Emily Adams, Sean Croghan, David Exe, Brittany Humphrey, April Jarnagin, Alison Kamber, Jessica Mudd, Bret Murphy, Tierra Price, Hussein Rammal, Lydia Shaughnessy, Quiara Simmons, Christina Wood Principal Award David Exe, Shannon Fitzpatrick, Layne Krupilski, Kyle Ostrowski, Morgan Thompson Academic Honor Roll Award Emily Adams, Tyler Adams, Lindsay Antoine, Meagan Barrow, Lauren Bizanes, Leanna Bolduc, Lauren Boone, Lindsey Bowers, Meredith Bratcher, Jared Brewington, Briana Brownlow, Mariah Carpenter, Tyler Conn, Alison Conrad, Danielle Crawford, Mary Curnutte, Logan Douglas, Kelsey DuLaney, Mallory Dunn, Jana Dye, Brooke Farnsworth, Brittany Fletcher, Samantha Foust, Nathaniel Gibson, Larry Gowdy, Emily Harris, Brooke Hill, Brandon Huffman, Brittany Humphrey, Matthew Jansing, April Jarnagin, Kristina Johns, Alison Kamber, Kelci Kirchdorfer, Kevin Kwan, Robert Livingston, Emily Marion, Morgan Mattingly, Morgan McPherson, Jarrod Messex, Taylor Messex, Justin Metcalfe, Hayley Miller, Mara Muccigrosso, Bret Murphy, Adria Neal, Ginna Nilest, Alexander Oyler, Sarah Peebles, James Pellman, Tierra Price, Chelsea Raque, Alison Schroeder, Lydia Shaughnessy, Madison Short, Quiara Simmons, Courtney Smith, Erin Smith, Julie Smith, William Taylor, Shelby Tennill, Jacob Townson, Anna Troutman, Hayley Vize, Vincent Wilcox, Leigh Winnicki, Brandon Yates Dunn Memorial Art Award Amy Hoagland Phi Beta Kappa BookAward Emily Adams Art Club Award Brady Diehl Perfect Attendance Holly Nauert (12 years) Jared Paulin, Vincent Wilcox Commonwealth Diploma Recipients: Lindsay Antoine, Scott Balch, Taylor Barnett, Meagan Barrow, Jared Brewington, Nathaniel Cucilovic, Samera Epps, Brittany Humphrey, Kelley King, Kevin Kwan, Rudolph McIntosh Jr., Mara Muccigrosso, Ginna Nilest, Sarah Peebles, Lydia Shaughnessy, Quiara Simmons, Morgan Thompson Male High Alumni Brook ‘n’ Breck ALUMNI CLASS NOTES J. WILLIAM (BILL) HOLMES ’61 retired from 37 years in pediatrics and pediatric neurology in 2007. He graduated from Louisville Presbyterian Seminary in 2010. He is part time Chaplain at Norton-Brownsboro Hospital. CYNTHIA WIMBERLY ’80 has retired after 20 years of faithful service and professionalism at the Jefferson County Sheriffs Office. ROBERT KIRZINGER ’40 After 25 years as a Sales Associate with AFLAC he retired in 2012. At the annual State Meeting in early February, it was announced and he was recognized as a Hall of Fame Qualifier and had qualified three times for the Presidents Club with AFLAC Supplemental Insurance Co. JOHN O. MOORE ’44 was elected Captain of the 1944 Male Basketball Team. He was drafted at mid year. JACK BALLANTINE ‘48 has been selected by Chambers USA 2012 as a “Leading Lawyer for Business”. He was recognized in the area of commercial litigation. MICHAEL HACK ’84 is moving back to Louisville. He has been practicing Family Medicine in a small western KY town since 2000. He hopes to reestablish old friendships. His new practice will be with Baptist East Out Patient Clinic on Dixie Highway (near Valley Station). TOM BLACK ’82 was ordained for ministry on March 10, 2012 at Northeast Christian Church in Louisville. He is currently serving at Central Christian Church in Wichita, KS. NEAL HAMMON ‘42.5 writes “The Brook n Breck” arrived the other day so I thought I would send you something. I am sending a rare photo of me with two other officers who were serving in the Pacific on the cruiser, USS Montpellier, CL57, that was taken back in 1945. I am the one on the right. The reason that this photo is so rare is that I served in the navy for about six years, and it is the only picture of me smiling. PShow do you like those high tech aircrafts we had aboard. Snoopy would have loved flying them. BETTY JO “BERRY” DONER ’60 she has worked at Uncle Milties Pawn Shop for over 11 years. She’s never pawned or purchased a Male High Class Ring. LISA MASON & WESLEY OESWEIN ’03 became engaged on December 24th, 2011 and plan to wed sometime in the fall of 2012. STEWART GRAHAM ’45.5 writes he received the Male High newsletter for March. He will have a 60 year reunion in St. Anthony, TX. Pilot School grads. He was an aircraft commander in SAC during the Korean War. The reunion is July 11, 2012. He plans on attending. C. THOMAS GRIMES ’48 graduated fromTrinity University, San Antonio, TX. He attended on a scholarship for basketball, tennis, track. He earned a B.S. Degree in Construction Management. He was a fighter pilot in the U.S. Air Force. He worked for Urban Renewal in charge of demolition and engineering. He is now retired. His hobbies are tennis, squash, running and golf. TONY VARDA ‘87 has accepted a job at Specialty Tool and Machine Co., Inc. He is Vice President of Sales and Marketing. After graduating from Male he graduated from U of L. His interests include soccer, running and triathlons. He will oversee sales and marketing for the company, which offers machining, fabrication, powder coat and assembly. A.T. (JUNIE) BISHOP ’37 Helen & Junie Bishop share a photo of their 70th Wedding Anniversary on Dec 20, 2011. He is retired from Monarch Equipment Company, Louisville, KY and has lived in Hilton Head, SC since 1985. AMANDA L. (JOHNSON) BAKER ’04 received her juris doctorate from the University of Louisville Brandeis School of Law in May 2011. She is licensed to practice in Kentucky and is currently seeking her license to practice law in Indiana. The Alumni newsletter is now available via email. Please let us know if you would like this service. 10 Foster J. Sanders Foster died May 16, 2012 at age 97. He was the 27th person to serve as Principal of L.M.H.S. during our history; serving from 1961 to 1973. He was married; his wife Jane died in 2007, and leaves two children, five grandchildren and six great-grandchildren; his son-in-law being Coach Morris Longacre. He was a graduate of Kentucky Wesleyan College where he played basketball. He received a master degree at Peabody College before entering the field of Education. Many will remember him as a teacher at Western Junior High. His accomplishments were many including as Principal being a co-founder of the Louisville Male High School Foundation; member and president of the Kentucky High School Athletic Assoc. and other sports activities. He was also involved in many civic endeavors including serving on the Boards of the Bullitt County Fair Board, Salt River Water Company and the Louisville Water Company. He was also a mason belonging to a Bullitt County Lodge. Male High Alumni Brook ‘n’ Breck Shirika Renee Keith Franklin December 29, 1980 – September 10, 2011 On September 10, 2011 Shirika Renee Keith Franklin, a Male High School alumni, peacefully transitioned from this world with her loving family by her side. In life, Shirika was known for many things. Not only was she the only daughter of Bishop Raymond J. Keith Jr. & Mrs. Joan D. Keith, Pastor and First Lady of Refuge In Kentucky Church, she was the wife of Charles Franklin Jr., the baby sister of Ray III (Kimberly), Shimar (Jevonda) and Tamron Sr. (Tiffany) & an aunt to many. Shirika was a dynamic force in the Kingdom of God; singing praises to His name, standing firm in her convictions and reaching out to those around her – especially young people. From the time of her own youth, she was a vital member of the Rise & Shine Child Care Center, where she served as the Assistant Director and “Second Mom” to countless children. It was not uncommon for her to keep several of the children, always bringing them to church. Additionally, Shirika organized & directed a youth choir called, “These are They.” Outside of the Church, Shirika was a gifted, creative designer, who would fashion her own clothes in unique styles. She honed her creativity & entrepreneurial abilities by attending the International Academy of Design and Technology in Chicago, Illinois. There she also started her own company, Handmade Heartmade, creating greeting cards for any occasion. Even through these endeavors, Shirika was always known to be a woman of faith, a woman who provided challenging & thought-provoking conversation and a woman who mirrored Christ’s love to those in her path. Even until the end of her life, Shirika remained close to several of her high school peers. Shirika was unapologetic in what she knew to be right & true and greatly affected everyone around her. Though she is missed by those she left to carry on her legacy, she is surely resting in the Peace of the Father. None will ever be the same for having known Shirika Renee Keith Franklin. ALUMNI OBITS BOB “BAGS” BARLOW 1951.5 DOUGLAS E. BASS 1973 LESLIE B. BERMAN 1934 FRANK BITTNER 1044 WILLARD BRANHAM 1962 ROY CHESTER 1950 MILTON CUNDIFF 1936 ROBERT DEAN 1962 Dr. Rolfe W. Dorsey 1949 CONDIT DOW WARREN EVERETT RICHARD FIELDLER 1962 PHILIP FLARSHEIM ALLAN FUGATE 1962 ROBERT S. GOODMAN 1948 RONALD GORDON 1909 DR ARNOLD GORDON 1939 HARRY C. GREEN, JR 1936.5 JOHN HENRY HARRISON 1943 JOSEPH HILLMAN 1948 HARRISON JONES 1942 MONTROSE JUSTICE, JR 1944.5 TED KIRK 1923 TEDLYNCH1950 WAYNEMADDOX1962 REV JOHNMAGEL1943 MARVINMARCUM1949.5 FRANK MORGAN 1955 EMERY HUGH MORRIS, JR 1932.5 JOHN BURK SPECK 1948 WILLARD PRICE 1948 CHESTER REDMON 1939 DONALD ROTH 1942 JOHN BRIGHT TEPE 1935 WM HAROLD THOMPSON PSAVELUSEPOSTAGE ASE We hope that you'll take the time to let us know when you move. When our mail is returned because of an erroneous address, we are charged .44 each time. You can email lmhskyalum@aol.com subj: Address Change, or do so on the website. Thank you for your consideration. Male High Alumni Brook ‘n’ Breck11 If you have a “Class Notes” item about yourself that you would like to appear in the Male High ALUMNI NEWS, just fill out this form and send to: Mr. Carey Guess Ernie Miller, ‘47 7308 KeislerLouisville, Way 519 Nottingham Parkway, KY 40222 Louisvillle, KY 40222 (502) 426-5890 erniemilleriii@hotmail.com Here is a news item about ______________________________________Class of ______________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Check if new address Address __________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip ____________________________________________________________________ BEHIND THE “H” BALL TRACK & FIELD UPDATE: Boys Track & Field narrowly missed winning its sixth straight STATE CHAMPIONSHIP, finishing State Runner-Up by one point to Bryan Station HS. Despite winning the final event of the meet (4x400 relay), the Bulldogs fell one point short of winning the school’s 32nd State Championship. The Boys were Mason-Dixon Indoor State Champion, Male Invitational Champion and Regional Champion in another successful season and look forward to taking back the State Championship next year. Girls Track & Field won its fourth consecutive Regional Championship and finished 3rd at the KHSAA State Track Meet for the second year in a row. BASEBALL UPDATE: Our team had a fantastic season. They were District Champions and Regional runner up. Congratulations to all our athletes who always represent our school outstandingly. THE FOLLOWING STUDENTS HAVE RECEIVED SPORTS SCHOLARSHIPS. WE CONGRATULATE THEM ON THEIR ACHIEVEMENTS. MALE HIGH SCHOOL — 2012 SIGNEES ARE: LORENTEZ BARBOUR ROYCE DONOVAN MALLORY DUNN KELCI KIRCHDORFER KELSEY McDOWELL TORI MILLER RONJAE MORRIS ANDREA OWEN MARNIE PEREZ MADI PHILLIPS KELLIE RANNEY JALEN ROSE LYDIA SHAUGHNESSY CLAY TAYLOR KATIE WATSON RAEVEN WILSON FOOTBALL FOOTBALL SOCCER FIELD HOCKEY SOFTBALL CHEERLEADING FOOTBALL BASKETBALL TENNIS SOFTBALL VOLLEYBALL FOOTBALL LACROSSE FOOTBALL SOFTBALL CC/TRACK NAVY U OF L EKU BELLARMINE IU SOUTHEAST IU SOUTHEAST KENTUCKY STATE IU SOUTHEAST CHICAGO STATE BELLARMINE LINDSEY WILSON KENTUCKY STATE TRANSYLVANIA CENTRE LAKELAND COLLEGE MURRAY STATE 12 LMHS ALUMNI ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 43688 LOUISVILLE, KY 40253-0688 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Male High Alumni Brook ‘n’ Breck Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Louisville, KY Permit No. 295 Another piece of Bulldog art by I. Lee Jackson, ’49.
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