BC Liquor Stores In-store Marketing Program
BC Liquor Stores In-store Marketing Program
IN-STORE MARKETING PROGRAMS marketing marketing Contents Objectives4 ISM Marketing Agreement4 BC Liquor Stores Brand 5 Customer Research 6 Social Responsibility 8 Display Promotional Strategy 9 Selection Criteria 12 Display Programs 13 Display Opportunities13 Theme Promotions14 Application Process15 Approval Process16 Criteria for Labels, Packaging and Collateral 17 Collateral Options 19 Guidelines for Collateral19 Beer Corral Signage21 Contests22 Coupons23 New Product Introduction Program 24 Shelf Talker Program 26 Value-Added Program 27 Shelf Labels - Policies 29 Distribution of Collateral 30 In-Store Special Events 34 In-Store Tasting program 38 Advertising Opportunities 43 Taste Magazine43 Product Guide49 Website www.bcliquorstores.com50 Guidelines for In-Store Visits 51 printed August 2011 Appendices53 I In-Store Marketing Agreement II Display Application III Shelf Talker Application IV Value-Added (Prior to Delivery) Application V Value-Added (Rep Applied) Application VI Neck Tag Application VII In-Store Tasting Application VIII Taste Contract Order Form 2012 IX Insurance Examples X Packing Slip Example marketing OBJECTIVES The objectives of this document are: • To provide suppliers and agents with an understanding of the BC Liquor Stores brand and brand goals • To describe our customer research and define Sarah & Steve • To provide BC Liquor Stores Display and Promotions strategy • To provide an outline of the criteria that BC Liquor Stores applies for promotional activity in its stores and promotion selection criteria • To provide opportunities for product promotion and education • To encourage the responsible use of beverage alcohol. The In-store Marketing Programs manual describes the rules that apply to all beverage alcohol retail promotional activity in BC Liquor Stores, including displays, value-added programs, contests, coupons, shelf talkers, promotion on our website, in-store tastings, special events, Taste magazine advertising, thematic programs, etc. ISM Marketing Agreement All suppliers and agents participating in any BC Liquor Stores Marketing program must provide a signed and dated ISM Agreement to the Marketing Department for each calendar year. Please refer to Appendix 1 for an agreement form. T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S 4 h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m marketing BC Liquor Stores Brand BC Liquor Stores have evolved over many years to be a recognized brand in the retailing of beverage alcohol. Our stores have a distinct look and décor so that customers across the province know that they are shopping in a BC Liquor Store. BRAND GOALS • To maximize our opportunities by ensuring we • • • • • BRAND VALUES Our brand values continue to be that we are a customer-focused, profitable retailer and wholesaler of beverage alcohol dedicated to innovation, exemplary service, helpful product knowledge and promotion of responsible alcohol consumption. are targeting consumer needs and shopping habits To look for ways to attract customers through convenient access as well as offering products and services that differentiate BC Liquor Stores in the marketplace To capitalize on the “in-store” experience by delighting our customers To develop a strategy to differentiate BC Liquor Stores and Signature Stores To increase average dollar size of shopping basket To be the “first” choice in the beverage alcohol industry T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m 5 marketing CUSTOMER RESEARCH The Marketing Department undertakes a market research study every two years to keep abreast of the marketplace and to get a better understanding of customers as a whole, their needs and what we can offer to make to their shopping experience exceptional. Through our research, our customers are divided into six (6) key segments. We have identified and prioritized our “most engaged” consumers as our primary customer, however, “all” shoppers are important. The market segmentation research shows that there are customers who have high category involvement and are interested in learning more about products and are willing to experiment. These customers include a younger segment of the market (19-25 year olds) who are becoming very interested in the wine category. Programs such as our Savvy Sippers, 90 Point Wines, NPIP, Consultant’s Choice monthly display, Special Product Releases, Best of BC, Rum Release and Bordeaux all appeal to this group of customers. These promotions have proven to be extremely successful and are now a standard part of each month’s marketing activities. The Portfolio Managers choose which products are on display for these programs based on their knowledge of the marketplace and provides opportunities for many brands each year. “All” customers are important to BC Liquor Stores. We are, however, selective on how we market to them, to ensure we meet their unique needs. A significant number of the following groups are perpetual in their shopping habits. As a group they represent a large portion of the customer base and we will continue to look to focus on retaining their loyalty. This secondary group of customers fall into the following categories: • Mainstream, who most often purchase mainstream products, know what they want to buy and are in and out quickly. • Regulars are mature, traditional, not engaged in the category but make planned purchases for occasions. • Bargain hunters are average demographic, price conscious browsers who look for price-related or added-value promotions and displays. • Deal seekers are mostly male, middle aged to younger, outdoor enthusiasts, not overly interested in the category with basic product knowledge who know what they want but can sometimes be influenced by price or promotion. • Tasters are slightly older, middle income, open to learning consumers but not overly knowledgeable. Staff recommendations, sales/promotions or tastings can impact what they buy. This secondary group of customers can be influenced by pricing and/or promotions, therefore, it is important that our promotional programs offer great value, product information, tastings and new or spontaneous purchase products, such as Try Something New at checkouts. T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S 6 h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m marketing WHO ARE SARAH & STEVE? It’s actually quite simple: Sarah & Steve are visual representations of all of our customers to create a connection to our customers. By giving them a name as well as a visual icon, it makes it easier for us to relate to them on a day to day basis. The icon reminds us that we have a wide variety of customers who visit our stores, each with unique purchasing behaviours. Therefore, it’s important to understand how and why they shop in our stores. It’s about being customer-centric and to consider how our decisions will impact their experience with us. Sarah & Steve are essentially a “visual” reminder to us that every decision we make can impact our customers. T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m 7 marketing Social Responsibility A key BC Liquor Stores brand value is the promotion of the responsible consumption of alcohol. High-visibility areas within stores are reserved for messages that are typically alcohol awareness related. The areas reserved are usually in frames behind or near the customer service counters, the space above/near checkouts as well as over product sections, e.g. beer corrals. Suppliers are encouraged to incorporate a social responsibility message into all of their promotional materials. Suppliers, industry groups, and others who are interested in working with BC Liquor Stores on social responsibility projects are encouraged to contact the Manager of Marketing and Social Responsibility. T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S 8 h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m marketing DISPLAY PROMOTIONAL STRATEGY Since 2009, a number of display locations have been utilized for our own marketing programs and have proven to be very successful for BC Liquor Stores. The end locations listed below will continue to be used by Marketing for programs developed by us and products chosen by Purchasing. The specific locations are: End Group 1 in all stores for seasonally appropriate marketing initiatives End Group 3 in all A and B stores for the extremely successful Savvy Sipper program End Group 9 in primarily Signature stores for 90+ wines Checkouts 7 and 8 in 70 stores for impulse buys Suppliers and agents are encouraged to discuss participation in these programs with their Portfolio Manager. Our continued strategy is to provide promotions and displays targeted to Sarah & Steve that offer a variety of price points, value-added programming and product information. This strategy also includes promotions priced to encourage trade-up where possible and provide Sarah & Steve with an exciting, changing environment that provides an opportunity for them to learn about our category and be engaged. As we move forward in developing our brand, we will continue to evaluate and develop more targeted programs for our smaller stores and identify geographic and regional differences in the markets that we serve. In order to do that, the following strategies will apply to both supplier and marketing displays, in-store tastings, special events and shelf talkers. Signature and A stores: Spirits 750 ml spirits that are $1.00 above floor price ($23.75 is currently floor) or greater • 1.14L spirits that are $.50 above floor price ($36.09 is currently floor) or greater • 1.75L spirits priced at floor or above ($55.41 is currently floor) • Wine • 750 ml wines over $12.99 Beer • beer priced at over $10.00 for a 6 pack • $11.99 for an 8 pack (special pricing initiatives only) • $19.00 for a 12 pack • $23.00 for a 15 or 18 pack (special pricing initiatives only) Cider and Coolers $7.99 for a 4 pack $9.49 for a 6 pack • • B and C stores: Wine • Over $9.49 for 750 ml Large format wine: • 1.5 litres priced at $15.99 or more when the 750 ml of the same brand is above $8.99 T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m 9 marketing • • 3 litres priced at $30.99 or more and the 750 ml is above $8.99 4 litres priced at $37.99 or more and the 750 ml is above $8.99 The strategy for spirits, beer and cider/coolers for B and C stores is the same as for Signature and A stores. Limited time offers for one month Wines (750 ml) supported by $1.00 LTOs may be accepted for displays as long as the regular price of the wine is $12.99 or above. LTO activity for spirits, beers and cider and coolers are also accepted as long as the regular price of the product is as stated above. See pricing strategy chart for further details. T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S 10 h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m marketing Pricing Strategy Chart Updated August 2011 Spirits floor price strategy price applies to following programs 750 ml $23.75 $24.75 yes if reg price is above 25.75 1.14L $36.09 $36.59 1.75L $55.41 $55.41 all programs except liquor all and non-liquor value-adds, and necktags all programs except liquor all and non-liquor value-adds, and necktags all programs except liquor all and non-liquor value-adds, and necktags Wine notes strategy price applies to following programs may be approved in the following stores LTO’s okay on display 750 ml $9.49 B and C stores no 750 ml $12.99 all programs except liquor and non-liquor value-adds, and necktags all programs except liquor and non-liquor value-adds, and necktags all programs except liquor and non-liquor value-adds, and necktags all programs except neck tags and non-liquor value adds all programs except neck tags and non-liquor value adds Sig + and A stores yes if reg price is 12.99 B and C stores no B and C stores yes B and C stores yes strategy price applies to following programs may be approved in the following stores LTO’s okay on display $10.00 all programs all yes $11.99 all programs all yes 12 pack $19.00 all programs all yes 15 pack $23.00 all programs all yes strategy price applies to following programs may be approved in the following stores LTO’s okay on display 4 pack $7.99 all programs all 6 pack $9.49 all programs all yes if reg price above 8.49 yes if reg price above 9.99 1.5L if 750 ml reg $15.99 price is over 8.99 3L if 750 ml reg $30.99 price is over 8.99 4L if 750 ml reg $37.99 price is over 8.99 Beer notes 6 pack 8 pack Cider & Coolers promo pack notes may be approved in the following stores LTO’s okay on display yes if reg price is above 37.09 if above floor, then LTO is okay T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m 11 marketing SELECTION CRITERIA In order to continue to develop programs and promotions that appeal to all customers and to offer a wide range of options for Sarah & Steve to choose from, the following selection guidelines will apply: • Variety of products – the promotional programs selected each month will generally be a balance of spirits, wine and refreshments (i.e. beer, cider, coolers) to give Sarah and Steve a variety of selection as well as giving all suppliers access. • Shared research from our industry partners has shown us that contests, in most cases, are not a significant influence on purchase decisions in our stores. Contests can be a valid promotional tool if it is right for the brand and makes sense to the customer but are not required to ensure approval of programming. Our suggestion is to re-invest the funding previously allocated to contests in other support, such as in–store tasting, advertising in the Taste magazine, Special Events, on–packs, etc. • Non-liquor value adds that relate to the product being promoted and are branded • Liquid value adds that encourage up-sell, not same on same or lower priced • Marketing programs with donations to a cause that are tied to purchase are programs that are supported by many Sarah & Steve customers • Special events at 39th and Cambie and other Signature Stores • In-store tastings • Targeted programs by region or area • 3rd party coupons • Seasonality and relevance to customer mindset • National or regional media support • External support, such as licensee activity • • • • • Advertising in Taste magazine Advertising in the Product Guide Limited time offers (for products priced above the pricing grid detailed on page 10) New Products – we will look at promotional applications to support new products through our NPIP program (see page 25 for details). Other new products or line extensions may be considered for display support based on seasonality or for occassion-based products e.g. liqueurs for Mother’s Day or sparkling wine or Champagne for weddings. Each application will be judged on its own merit and decisions made based on number of stores, input from the Purchasing Department and potential for sales. Criteria for Checkout Display Products Products approved for checkout locations will be priced for impulse buys and/or seasonally appropriate products. Checkout products that we are looking for from suppliers are: {{ priced for impulse purchase {{ eye-catching product or label {{ interesting on-pack or promotional offer (i.e. 3rd party coupons, etc.) {{ small “treat” or luxury items {{ reminder or occasion items {{ pre-mixed drinks or single serves (i.e. mojitos, sangria, coolers) T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S 12 h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m marketing DISPLAY OPPORTUNITIES The number of display locations in each grouping of stores for ends, checkouts or freestanding displays changes on a monthly basis. This is to accommodate Super Thematics as well as to ensure that we are providing Sarah & Steve displays and products that are relevant to the marketplace. END DISPLAYS End displays are displays of product (generally multiple cases as per directions given to stores) in high profile, high traffic areas of the stores. The maximum number of SKUs for an end display is three or four SKUs depending on product type and store grouping. CHECKOUT DISPLAYS Checkout displays are cut cases placed immediately in front of the cash desks, either on mini-pallets or on the end of a checkout merchandiser fixture. Some checkouts displays on merchandiser fixtures will have product placed on shelving. Checkout displays have four to 16 cases of product and a maximum of two or three SKUs depending on product type and store grouping. FREESTANDING DISPLAYS Freestanding displays are cut case displays of six to 16 cases of product, or they may be displays on uncommitted end units. The number of SKUs for a freestanding display is determined according to the promotion, product type and store grouping. T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m 13 marketing THEME PROMOTIONS Super thematics or Industry Displays Theme Promotions can feature countries, categories, regions, or types of products and are applied for by trade/industry groups or consulates on a yearly basis. The request for proposals for Super thematics and/or Industry displays is issued to Trade organizations and consulates in September of each year. The intent of the SUPER THEMATICS program is to create a significant impact and overall theme in the stores and to measure the results through sales of the categories involved. Super Thematic programs include multiple displays in each of the stores selected for participation in the promotion. Super Thematic promotions also include tastings of the products in participating stores as well as special events at 39th and Cambie and other Signature Stores along with support of advertising and possible editorial content in the Taste magazine. INDUSTRY DISPLAYS are applied for by Trade or industry groups or consulates, similar to Super Thematics, however smaller in scope. These include a display in selected stores with collateral, brochures and tastings. The number of participating products is limited due to space available. MARKETING CALENDAR A Marketing calendar including customer mindset, super thematic promotions and industry programs is posted on the vendor website each year to assist agents and suppliers in determining the right products to apply for at the right time. T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S 14 h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m marketing APPLICATION PROCESS ELIGIBILITY OF PRODUCT Brands of product are not eligible for promotion of any kind two months in a row. This includes shelf talkers and value-added programs as well as displays. It does not include pricing initiatives or In-Store Tastings. A brand is defined as all sizes or varietals of the same product. (Examples of brands are: Sandhill, Mission Hill Five Vineyards, Molson Canadian, Crown Royal, and Robert Mondavi Woodbridge, etc.) Exceptions may be made at the discretion of BC Liquor Stores for national programs with extensive media coverage. for display activity Design roughs are not required at time of application, however, if you have creative already developed it is appreciated if you submit it with the application. APPROVED OR denied APPLICATIONS The supplier/agent will be notified by e-mail of approved or denied programs. Modifications to your application may be required or details requested, such as amount or size of display material, etc. Application deadlines Application deadlines and timing for design roughs and delivery of material are available on the vendor website or by emailing marketing@bcliquorstores.com. Application Forms For your convenience, application forms are attached in the appendices of this manual as a guide to what programs are available. PDF documents are available online on the vendor website for downloading. Handwritten application forms are not accepted. All fully completed applications and information must be emailed to marketing@bcliquorstores.com as the electronic form and details become our permanent record. Please ensure that you include the month and program applied for in the subject box of the email, i.e. Sept. 2013 shelf talkers or Oct. 2014 display application, etc. T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m 15 marketing APPROVAL PROCESS Approval of products and programs is in part dependent on the applicant mix for a given month, how many times the brand has been promoted in the past, price points, category mix, revenue potential and program offer. Consequently, a program that is denied one month may be approved in another month. All applications submitted for a particular month are evaluated based on the criteria listed above and the products providing the best programming and support for BC Liquor Stores while keeping in mind the mix of products, seasonality, theme promotions previously approved for a given month and frequency of approval. The Marketing Manager’s decision to approve or deny an application is final and is not subject to appeal. Marketing will cancel any program or part of a program for non-compliance with BC Liquor Stores policies or requirements, including pricing activity down to floor price. In-Store Marketing programs with insufficient inventory for the promotional period will be cancelled or recalled by Marketing. Suppliers or agents with significant, ongoing inventory issues for promotional product may have approvals declined based on past performance. T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S 16 h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m marketing Criteria for labels and packaging and in-store marketing of beverage alcohol INTRODUCTION The following criteria will be used to review labels, packaging and promotional advertising for beverage alcohol in BC Liquor Stores. These criteria have been developed to ensure, as far as possible, that beverage alcohol products are not presented to Sarah & Steve in any manner deemed to be irresponsible or in conflict with BC Liquor Stores brand values. CRITERIA Please note that the Canadian Food Inspection Agency—Guide to Food Labelling and Advertising, Chapter 10—Guide to the Labelling of Alcoholic Beverages (http://www.inspection.gc.ca) provides information on labelling requirements specifically for alcoholic beverages. These guidelines apply to product names as well as to labels, packages and promotional activity and any other media intended for use in BC Liquor Stores. Labels, packaging, brand names, descriptors and promotional items must ensure that: 1 There are no direct or indirect claims that: {{ the product has healthful, nutritive, curative, stimulative, sedative or medicinal qualities or properties {{ suggest sexual success or prowess 2 They do not use imperative language to urge people to over consume. 3 They are not targeted to appeal to underage persons (under 19 years of age) by the use of techniques or images such as: {{ designs or promotional techniques based on or resembling existing characters that are popular with underage persons {{ any imagery that is established in the underage culture {{ portraying product in context of or in relation to an activity primarily attractive to underage persons {{ portraying persons under the legal drinking age 4 They do not attempt to establish the product as having attributes that may assist in the achievement of a desired objective, such as: social status (or product portrayal as a status symbol); personal or business success; a necessity for the enjoyment of life or any activity; appropriate for every occasion; an escape from life’s problems; or attempt to establish that consumption of product should take precedence over other activities or that any activity would be incomplete without the presence or consumption of alcohol. 5 They do not use language or graphics that in any way suggest product misuse, for example: immoderate, illegal or irresponsible consumption, product dependency, compulsive behaviors, urgency of need or urgency of use. 6 They do not portray product in association with (either before or during) any activity requiring skill, care, mental alertness or an element of T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m 17 marketing danger, such as: operation of a vehicle, machinery, or other conveyance (i.e. sports or other physical activity). It is acceptable, however, to portray product after the activity depicted has clearly been completed for the day. 7 There is no suggestion of any of the following: {{ product is being or has been consumed {{ the feeling or effect caused by consumption of alcohol {{ the impression that the people depicted are under the influence of alcohol {{ persons with product in situations in which the consumption of alcohol is prohibited {{ an amount of product is portrayed that exceeds or appears to exceed the number of standard servings for the number of individuals shown 8 They do not include representations of behavior that is defined as unacceptable in relation to beverage alcohol, such as: violent, aggressive, dangerous, anti-social or illicit acts or activities. 9 They avoid the inappropriate use of sexuality. 10 They do not degrade or depict in an undignified way the image or status of any individual or group in society. 11 They can be considered to meet the community standards of public decency and good taste and are not offensive to generally accepted social values. T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S 18 h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m marketing collateral GuidelineS for point-of-purchase collateral In addition to the criteria noted on the previous pages, all collateral must provide accurate details to support any assertions or attributes, for example: • use of quotations from wine writers or publications should indicate the name of the writer and/or publication and date of issue • quotations and medal accolades must be within two years of the current date • claims of winning medals should state where and when the medals were won • if a review/rating is about a particular vintage, then the vintage date should be repeated on the collateral • the vintage of the product featured in the collateral should be the same as the vintage of the product on the shelf • comparisons or comments about competitive products are not permitted APPROVAL OF COLLATERAL Supplier collateral must to be professionally printed on matte stock. Proposed artwork for all printed material must be submitted electronically by the rough deadline to the Marketing Manager (marketing@bcliquorstores.com) for approval prior to delivery of any material to the warehouse. COLLATERAL OPTIONS Types and sizes of acceptable collateral materials are as follows: Double Backer Cards Double backer cards (double-sided) are used with end and Freestanding displays. The size is 24 inches wide x 12 inches high plus 6 inch perforated feet (frame visible area is 23 ½” wide x 9 ½” high). Single Backer Cards Single backer cards (double-sided) are used at checkouts where cut case stacks are displayed (without checkout merchandising fixtures) or for freestanding displays. The size is 12 inches wide x 15 inches high plus 6 inch feet. Checkout Merchandiser Signs (COM sign) Checkout merchandiser signs (double-sided) are used at checkout displays in locations that have checkout merchandisers. The size is 16 inches wide x 9 inches high. These signs fit into the plastic sign holders attached to each fixture and are printed on heavy paper stock, not card stock. Pole Toppers Pole toppers are 24 inches wide x 12 inches high, double sided, with a pole and wire feet. Pole toppers are appropriate for packaged goods, i.e. beer, cider, etc., for freestanding displays. Pole toppers are not suitable for end or checkout displays. Beer Corral Signage Beer corral signage are 16 inches wide x 7.938 inches high and or 11 inches wide x 7.938 inches high, single sided, on heavy card stock. Beer corral signage will only be placed on the beer corral headers above the beer product. T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m 19 marketing Contest Entry Forms/Coupons/Recipes This type of collateral should be designed to be promoted, supported and executed through the program collateral, neck tag, website, text message and or other environmentally friendly formats. Pads of entry forms or coupons are not encouraged. Neck Tags The maximum outside dimensions of neck tags are 3 inches wide x 6 inches high including the neck hole. The overall hanging portion of the neck tag is not to exceed 5 inches. The number of SKUs approved for neck tags will be limited by brand and category, as determined by Marketing. Necktags may not be used to advertise price discounts. Shelf Talkers The maximum size of a shelf talker is 3 inches wide x 5 inches high on card stock. Shelf talkers will be attached to the regular shelf location with cut case clips (adhesive, double-sided tape in renovated or Signature stores) or in clear plastic shelf talker holders supplied to each store by Marketing. Shelf talkers may not be used to advertise price discounts. Product Information (Sell Sheets) Product information is a welcome tool for store managers and staff. If you have sell sheets (8 1/2 x 11 single page - may be double sided) for new products or information regarding new vintages of wine, etc. you are welcome to send a proof copy to marketing@ bcliquorstores.com for approval. Once you receive approval for the content, we require 200 printed copies to be sent to Marketing at 2625 Rupert Street, Vancouver, BC V5M 3T5. We will send it to stores through our internal mail system. You may not send product information, tasting notices or any other items via email directly to stores. The store email system is reserved for our own internal use and may not be used as a tool for agents or suppliers. T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S 20 h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m marketing Beer Corral Signage Beer corral signs are placed in the beer corral header above the products placed in this section of the store. The products to be displayed in the beer corral section vary by store and are tailored to the store’s market. Beer corral signs are a maximum of 16" x 7.938" or 11" x 7.938". Beer corral signs may not be delivered directly to stores by agents or suppliers. If a supplier wishes to change a current visual and provide new beer corrals to BC Liquor Stores, the change must be sent via email to visual.presentation@ bcliquorstores.com and approved. These requests will be evaluated once a month only. The new corral signs are to be shipped directly to the Visual Presentation Specialist at 2625 Rupert Street, Vancouver, BC V5M 3T5 or as directed. Any new signs approved will be shipped out once a month and suppliers will be charged a shipping and handling fee. Contact 604-252-3268 if you require clarification. T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m 21 marketing Contests Suppliers and agents may offer contests as part of their promotion in BC Liquor Stores. Contest prizes may be anything that is typical for a national or provincial contest, such as trips, cars or cash, but may not include beverage alcohol products. If contests include prizes in conjunction with a liquor licensee in the province, you may require a “buy and sell” agreement with that establishment. Please ensure that all Liquor Control and Licensing Branch policies are adhered to. The general rules and regulations regarding promotional contests are stated in section 74.06 of the Competitions Act related to Promotional Contests and Section 206 (f) of the Criminal Code of Canada. For your information, the areas covered include: • Adequate and fair disclosure of the number and approximate value of prizes and odds of winning (by regional allocation, if applicable) • Disclosure is to be made in a reasonably conspicuous manner prior to the potential entrant being inconvenienced in some way or committed to the contest • A skill testing question requirement • The contest closing date Section 206 (f) of the Criminal Code of Canada states: Every one is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years who (f) disposes of any goods, wares or merchandise by any game of chance or any game of mixed chance and skill in which the contestant or competitor pays money or other valuable consideration; This is the basis for the “no purchase necessary” requirement. In order to comply with this requirement, contest entry forms or details that are on-packed (attached to the selling unit) or in-case (inside the selling unit) must also be made available through mail-in, a website, text or QR code, or a 1 800 phone number. We also recommend the use of web/text-based contests instead of mail-in to eliminate paper entry forms. No entry forms are accepted at store level. Instant-win or scratch-and-win contests or coupons are in violation of the skill testing question requirement. Scratch coupons that establish eligibility to win are acceptable. BC Liquor Stores’ participation in contests is limited to approval of contests as part of a promotion executed in stores, therefore approval is required prior to cancellation of contests. Contests sponsored by beverage alcohol companies must state: “Must be of legal drinking age to participate” in the contest rules and must also provide the method of entry for “No Purchase” entry option. In the case of packaged goods, this option must be clearly legible on the package and in close proximity to the “Win” messaging. Method of entry into contests should be clearly stated in a legible font size on collateral as welll. The following statements must also appear in the contest rules: “The provincial liquor agencies are not connected with this contest in any manner whatsoever, and are not liable in any way whatsoever in regard to any matter which relates to the contest.” “Employees and contractors of the provincial liquor agencies, liquor licensees, their employees and members of their immediate families are not eligible.” T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S 22 h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m marketing Coupons Third party coupons may be distributed in BC Liquor Stores as part of a supplier or agent’s promotion. BC Liquor Stores will in no way be involved in the redemption of coupons. Coupons may not be offered for a rebate or reduction on the purchase price of a liquor product, for a free liquor product of any kind, or for cash. The purpose of coupons must be to assist in the promotion of a liquor company or its products, not solely to promote the third party. Coupons are redeemable only by individuals of legal drinking age. THIRD PARTY COUPONS OF SIGNIFICANT VALUE These items are considered for any liquor-related or liquor-branded item. Significant value coupons cannot require a purchase. MINIMAL VALUE—DEFINITION For on-packs, in-packs and third party coupons, minimal value is defined as no more than 20 per cent of the retail price of the product. Coupons with two-for-one offers are considered as minimal value coupons because of the requirement to pay for the initial item in order to receive the second item “free.” The coupon itself has no value. This type of activity is not considered to have a value of more than 20 per cent of the retail value of the product, is not an instant-win or a contest, and is therefore considered to be an acceptable promotional tool. THIRD PARTY COUPONS OF MINIMAL VALUE Third Party Coupons of minimal value may be attached to a selling unit by a neck tag, back label or in-packed, in the case of packaged goods. A definition of minimal value follows. T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m 23 marketing NEW PRODUCT INTRODUCTION PROGRAM The New Product Introduction Program has proven to continue to be successful for both store sales and agents and currently includes 70 stores. The program is implemented every two months (Jan-Feb, Mar-Apr, May-Jun, Jul-Aug, Sep – Oct). GOAL The goal of the program is to introduce innovative dynamic new products that offer discovery and overdeliver on quality and price to the retail customer at BC Liquor Stores. The placement of these products in primary locations in class A and Signature stores provides optimum opportunity for sales and trial. Suppliers/agents MUST: 1 Meet delivery deadlines – product to be available as an active sku one month before program starts 2 Support the program with requested information and tastings Product reviews, bottle shots and information must be sent to events@bcliquorstores.com. Shelf talkers and signage will be provided and distributed through the Marketing Department. Success evaluation: • Criteria for product inclusion: • • • • • • • • • Discussion at time of listing application with Portfolio Manager regarding possible inclusion in program Product can be import or domestic Maximum 4 products per introduction Maximum 1 product per supplier Products priced from $12.95 - $19.99 (primarily $12.99 to $15.99) Must be a new listing No one time buys Product selection is at the discretion of the Purchasing Department Suppliers/agents will be required to support products selected by offering tastings, product information and shelf talkers • • Products selected must sell at least $600 in each participating store during the 2 month period to be retained as a listing in that store Product will then be moved to the regular shelf location or delisted from that store Products included in the program must sell $75,000 in 6 months or will be delisted by the branch. Where: • • NPI stores as listed on following page Placement of product will be near the front of the stores in the traffic flow or cut-cased as determined by the store. Initial shipment: • Each product included in the introduction will have 4 cases shipped directly to the stores involved for implementation. T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S 24 h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m marketing PARTICIPATING STORES: 5 Campbell River 6Semiahmoo 10Courtenay 25Ladner 31 New Westminster 32Nelson 34Qualicum 38Marpole 42Parksville 48 Salmon Arm 50Sidney 70Cloverdale 76 Richmond Brighouse 77Northgate 79 Kamloops Columbia Pl 80Gibsons 89 Nicola Station 90 Jericho Village 97 Royal Square 98Tsawwassen 102Dunbar 107Westview 110 Ocean Park 111 Commercial Drive 112Cardero 113 Collingwood Kingsway 120 Richmond Ironwood 123 Kingsgate Mall 125Westshore 129 Thurlow & Alberni 130 Penticton Plaza 133 Dollarton Village 135Vernon 136Arbutus 143 Kelowna Westbank 145 Scottsdale Mall 148 Kelowna Mission Park 149Abbotsford 152 Capilano Mall 153 Como Lake 158Langley 160 39th & Cambie 163 Westwood Centre 165Meadowtown 167 Kelowna Orchard Park 170Sardis 172 Kings Cross 174 Pr. George Pine Centre 175Caulfeild 177 8th & Cambie 179 Whistler Market Place 181 Broadmead Village 182Fleetwood 183 Peninsula Village 186 Walnut Grove 188 Nanaimo Longwood Stn 189 Abbotsford Village 205 Port Moody 208Squamish 217 North Burnaby 218 Fort Street 220 Highgate Village 228 Park Royal 230Sechelt 233 Robson Street 241 Nordel Crossing 243 Nanaimo Terminal Park 244 Richmond Seafair 247 Lynn Valley 300 Broadway & Lillooet T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m 25 marketing SHELF TALKERS Shelf talkers are one of the most successful marketing tools in the beverage alcohol category. Applications for shelf talkers (for use at the regular shelf location) must be received by the 15th of the month, two and a half months prior to implementation and delivered to the Marketing Distribution warehouse by the specified delivery deadline. Product information shelf talkers should contain details relevant in this market presented in a concise and professional manner. Information such as Wine Spectator point ratings, Robert Parker ratings or reference to food and wine/beverage pairings is encouraged. All shelf talkers should include the SKU printed horizontally on the bottom of the each shelf talker to ensure appropriate placement at store level. The shelf talker bottle/label should match the vintage mentioned in the shelf talker text. Shelf talkers or neck tags for the promotion of price discounts will not be considered. Urgent/Short Lead-time Exceptions If there is a compelling reason for approval of a specific shelf talker outside of the timeline, (i.e. the product received a 97 point score by Robert Parker or Best Buy by Wine Spectator) approvals and distribution will be arranged as required. Please contact the Marketing Coordinator or Manager directly in this case. Shelf talkers are restricted by the Marketing Department at it discretion as follows: {{ four shelf talkers per brand per month {{ approximately 33 per cent or 1/3 of the total number of listings per category per month. (Examples of categories are: Australian red wine, New Zealand white wine, vodka, and Scotch whiskey, etc.) {{ preference is given to shelf talkers for higher priced products within a category Shelf talkers will not be accepted by stores from individual agents and suppliers. All collateral must be delivered through the Marketing Distribution warehouse. Shelf Talker Implementation All stores will implement all shelf talkers received from Marketing if they carry the product. There is no maximum per shelf or section per store, however, as noted above, the Marketing Department reserves the right to restrict or deny the number of shelf talkers per category or price point at its discretion. Please note that shelf talkers which are referencing a vintage other than the one available on the store shelf will not be displayed. Suppliers and agents are reminded to consider product distribution when applying and selecting a distribution option as stores are not obliged to order in products that are not usually carried at that location. For example, if a product is listed in only 25 stores, there is no point in applying to ship to all stores. T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S 26 h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m marketing VALUE-ADDED PROGRAMS Value-added activity includes on-pack and in-case promotional items that are provided by the liquor supplier as an added value to the customer who purchases a particular brand of liquor. • The objectives of our value-added programs are as follows: {{ encourage trade up to bigger size or higher price {{ promote a new category or brand {{ increase revenue {{ drive traffic – satisfy the needs of Sarah & Steve {{ be competitive in the marketplace {{ surprise and delight by offering added value • Value-added items may not exceed 20 per cent of the retail price of the liquor item being promoted. Collectible value-added items for the same brand or promotional period are now permitted. There are two types of value-added items, liquor and non-liquor. LIQUOR PRODUCT • Liquor value-added products must be attached to • • • the base product that is being promoted prior to shipment to BC Liquor Stores Liquor on-pack programs are limited to four times per fiscal year per brand On-pack product must not be the same brand as the host product On-pack product that is not a listed product available in BC Liquor Stores will not be approved for BC Liquor Stores • • Single on-packs up to 50 ml spirits are permitted on 750 ml, 1.14 L or 1.75 L spirits Single on-packs of 50 ml spirits are permitted on 750 ml (must be priced over $9.49) or 1.5L wine products priced over $15.99 Single on-packs of 50 ml spirits are permitted on 6 packs of beer, cider or coolers On-packs that require a change to the case size, number of bottles per case or pallet configuration will require a new UPC and SCC and are therefore considered as a new listing NON-LIQUOR VALUE-ADDED ITEMS Non-liquor value-added items may not exceed 20 per cent of the retail price of the liquor item being promoted and must be beverage-alcohol-related or branded and be relevant to the promotion and time of year. The purpose of an on-pack is to encourage trade-up in size or price and not to promote the onpack item. Marketing reserves the right to deny any value-added items that are deemed inappropriate or that do not comply with BC Liquor Stores values or standards. At the time of the application submission, packaging for on-packs must be submitted along with samples. Alternatively, an electronic PDF file of the value-added item attached to the product may be acceptable. On-packs must fit securely into the overall shelf space allocated for a particular product. T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m 27 marketing Non-liquor, value-added items may be presented in the following ways: {{ Minimal-value on-packs are attached to the selling unit prior to shipment to BC Liquor Stores or, with approval, may be applied by sales representatives to shelf and display stock. {{ An in-case value-added item is placed within the packaging prior to the product being shipped to BC Liquor Stores. Rep applied approvals for packaged goods are not permitted. VALUE-ADDED APPLICATIONS For your convenience, value-added application forms are included in the appendices of this document, providing space for the inclusion of the appropriate SCC number. The SCC number is not required for rep-applied value-added applications. Suppliers/agents are encouraged to apply for valueadded items as early as possible; however, applications will be accepted no later than the 15th of the month two and a half months prior to implementation at store level. The supplier must absorb the cost of added duties, freight and excise taxes, so that the regular price of a brand is maintained during a value-added program. The Marketing Manager will determine the quantity of inventory to be purchased based on the supplier’s request and previous sales of the product. You are reminded that the duration of a value-added program is one display period. Value-added inventory orders are processed on separate purchase orders. On-pack inventory may not be shipped directly to stores and may not be removed from product at store level by staff or sales representatives. T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S 28 h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m marketing Shelf Labels—Policies labels for NEW PRODUCT CLEARANCE / SUPER BUY LABELS This label is generated for new products entering the store system (or products re-introduced after a period of time). This label remains on display for three months. These labels are produced for products that are status 3.0, 3.1 and 3.2 only (pending de-list or de-listed). This label follows the 5 per cent discount or greater or $1.00 rule and remains on display until the product is sold out. A product is considered “new” if its status changes to 2.0 within the most recent three months and it meets the following conditions: {{ its status changes from null to 1 to 2 (for products new to BC Liquor Stores) {{ its status changes from 4 to 1 to 2 (for reactivated products) {{ its status changes from restricted (X_) to non-restricted (C, G, N, SH, SK, SM, SR, SRBO, ST, SU) WAS/NOW/SAVE (LTO) LABELS Theme /seasonal/TASTE LABELS Theme programs /As seen in Taste labels will be produced for seasonal marketing activities for predetermined SKUs that are part of a specific program, i.e. the products selected for a feature on rosé wines will receive a label along with their price label for the month of display. Some products featured in the current Taste magazine will receive an As Seen in Taste label. LTOs will be accepted two times per year per product, once in each of two time periods: BCLDB financial periods 1 to 6, inclusive; and BCLDB financial periods 7 to 12, inclusive. LTOs are not permitted in 2 consecutive months. All LTOs price reductions will be charged to the Agent/Supplier. Products that have an LTO of 5% or greater or $1.00 will receive a WAS/NOW/SAVE shelf label for the month of the LTO. LTO labels are not printed for products that have had a price change submitted (as opposed to an LTO). T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m 29 marketing DISTRIBUTION All supplier-provided collateral, including backer cards, shelf talkers, beer corral signs, etc., must be shipped through the BC Liquor Stores Marketing Distribution process. No collateral may be delivered or shipped directly to stores by suppliers or agents. The only exception to this rule is pre-approved, rep-applied, non-liquor on-packs or neck tags. The costs and packaging requirements for shipping collateral to stores are outlined below. OF COLLATERAL TO BC LIQUOR STORES SHIPPING AND PACKAGING All costs of shipping display material to the following address will be borne by the supplier or agent: LIQUOR DISTRIBUTION BRANCH RECEIVING (DOOR # 11) MARKETING ASSEMBLY OFFICE 3200 EAST BROADWAY VANCOUVER, BC V5M 1Z6 Collateral and shelf talkers that arrive late; have shipped non-approved creative design; shipped incorrect quantities, size or packaging will not be shipped to the stores. If your collateral materials are delivered to another location other than the above address, we cannot be responsible for any misplaced material. Suppliers and agents cannot ship “extra” display materials to class C stores. This includes material approved for End, Checkout or Freestanding displays. Only those C stores that are designated as part of you’re approved display location will receive that collateral. To ensure appropriate allocation of materials, shipments should include a packing slip (attached to one of the packages) bearing the following information: approved display location, month of display, supplier name, product name, size, quantities and exact description of display material. A packing slip example is contained in the appendices. If you receive an approval email and wish to ship to other stores (A and or B stores) in addition to the approved display position list of stores, you must contact the Marketing Coordinator to request additional stores to ship to. The decision to allow Suppliers and Agents to ship to additional stores will be made after evaluation of the overall distribution of the brand involved and potential for additional revenue in those stores requested. The hours of operation for Receiving are Monday to Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S 30 h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m marketing PACKAGING CONSIDERATIONS Suppliers and agents are reminded that display materials are shipped from the warehouse to stores along with regular liquor loads and that they should package materials for shipment accordingly, to minimize the potential for damage. Please note, materials that are received in damaged or inappropriate packaging will be returned to the supplier at the supplier’s expense. Collateral that contains more than one piece of material must be combined into kits, one kit package per store in the approved distribution group; otherwise extra charges will be applied. Shelf talkers approved for a specific period are recommended to be combined into one envelope per store in the approved distribution group to avoid additional costs per talker. Each envelope should be labelled with the month, company and distribution. A maximum of 12 pieces per envelope is recommended. Each package of envelopes must include a packing slip. HANDLING CHARGES FOR SHIPMENT OF DISPLAY MATERIAL SMALL KIT: no larger than 8 ½" x 14" x 2" and under 1" in width $5.00 per store BEER CORRAL SIGNAGE ONLY: $2.50 per store (Maximum of 6 signs per package per store) SHELF TALKERS ONLY: packaged in an envelope that is no longer than 8 1/2" x 11" x 2" - $2.50 per store Display Material Shipping Options Suppliers or agents may provide enough collateral for the specified number of stores that they have an approval for (plus 5 per cent to allow for damage and changes in store groupings), or they may choose to ship to Class A & B store grouping option below. There is no guarantee that stores beyond those that were approved will implement the program or display. Stores continue to have the option to display some manager’s choice programs once their display commitment in the ISM is fulfilled. Stores also have the opportunity to display their own Staff Picks, etc. if they so choose with space that is not allocated. This space is not open to solicitation by sales representatives. The Liquor Distribution Branch (LDB) charges a shipping and handling fee for delivery of display materials to the stores as detailed below. Suppliers will be invoiced monthly for shipments and the amount will be deducted from the next payment from the LDB to the supplier. The charges are as follows: OVERSIZE over 39" x 31" and/or over 1" width - $20.00 per store LARGE KIT: up to 39" x 31" and over 1" in width - $12.00 per store MEDIUM KIT: up to 39" x 31" and under 1" in width - $7.50 per store T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m 31 marketing Distribution Options Display collateral may be distributed by {{ approved display location store group {{ Class A & B stores (145) - in addition to approved display specified stores group Shelf talkers may be distributed as follows: By Classification of Stores {{ all stores (200) {{ Class A and Signature Stores (80) {{ Class A & B Stores (145) {{ Class B & C Stores (125) {{ Class B Stores (70) {{ Class C Stores (60) By Geographic Region {{ Lower Mainland (80) {{ Vancouver Island (45) {{ Northern BC (35) {{ Okanagan Valley & Kootenays (55) Suppliers and agents should indicate requested level of distribution on their application. As noted above, there is a minimum charge of $2.50 per envelope per store for shelf talkers and $5.00 per small kit or any other material not considered a medium or large kit. If you anticipate late shipments or unusual handling requirements, please contact our Marketing Distribution Coordinator at 604 252 3481. Additional charges for late or special handling may apply, depending on the circumstances. Failure to provide collateral in timely manner could result in cancellation of your program. T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S 32 h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m marketing IN-STORE SPECIAL EVENTS Special Events offer customers a heightened shopping experience. The experience includes beverage alcohol and food sampling, as well as product education and information sharing and provides added value to regular in-store tastings. The Special Events Program promotes listed beverage alcohol that is new or premium in a socially responsible manner. Featured products are in the premium or luxury categories to drive sales toward higher-quality brands and encourage product appreciation. Wines must be priced at $12.99 (750 ml) or higher at the time of the event. The objectives of the Special Events Program are to: • Introduce and increase sales of featured products and related extensions • Integrate events with ongoing promotional themes and programs • Create a dynamic and exciting shopping environment for customers • Engage customers in a discovery of the evolving world of beverage alcohol • Up-sell customers to more premium products • Educate customers on different uses for beverage alcohol (e.g. cooking) • Increase the length of time customers spend in stores • Attract new customers and encourage repeat store visits In line with LDB commitment to social responsibility, all events will have food served along with product sampling. An appropriate food match will pair products with a chef, restaurant or caterer. Peanuts, pretzels and chips are not considered appropriate food matches. Presenting an element of tasteful entertainment will improve the overall attraction and success of the event. Special event formats at Signature Stores may include: {{ Formal, structured tasting closed to the general public, with tickets sold, or invited guests only {{ Informal tasting and sampling of food with a restaurant partner or caterer. {{ Product and/or cooking demonstrations open to all customers for prescheduled time frames The primary venue for BC Liquor Stores Special Events is the 39th & Cambie Signature Store Tasting Room. Other Signature Stores and key urban locations sometime serve as event venues where the product(s) featured is an appropriate fit for the local market. An example of these types of events would include celebrity guest appearances, a Stanley Cup tour or live entertainment. T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S 34 h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m marketing Event times Special Events are scheduled when customer traffic levels are at their peak. The most suitable times are in the late afternoon and early evening on weekdays and early afternoon on weekends. Procedure and Promotion To book a Special Event, agents and/or suppliers must submit a fully completed application form to the Product Release & Special Events Coordinator within the deadline dates. Booking preference is given to products approved for Marketing campaigns and/ or premium products. Event applications must be submitted at least eight weeks prior to the event month, to allow for production and timely distribution of promotional material. Applications outside of the scheduled approvals may be accommodated if there is an opening in the event space. A flat fee of $200 per event will be invoiced to your company after the event to cover the costs of promotional materials. Trade groups or consulates sponsoring events connected with a Super Thematic may be given a discount for multiple events provided the event is executed in the same store. All events will receive mention in the following support materials: a) An event dangler near each entrance/exit of the store, listing the events for the current week and the following week. b) Special event shelf talker within the product category 1- 3 weeks prior. (Timing will be dependent upon the number of tasting events within the category.) c) Monthly special event calendar displayed in-store and in 12 BC Liquor Stores close to 39th & Cambie. Special Event listings also receive promotion in the following ways, provided content and applications are filled out in a timely manner: a) TASTE magazine Special Event section b) monthly ISM (In-Store Marketing package) to stores c) BC Liquor Stores’ website Special Event section d) email newsletter For Special Events outside of the Cambie Tasting Room, creative and promotion will be determined that best meets both supplier and BC Liquor Store objectives. If creative is needed, low-resolution files or design roughs for all event-related materials must be submitted to Special Events Manager for review and approval prior to any material being shipped, delivered or displayed in BC Liquor Stores. On Site Remote Broadcasts Any agent or trade group wishing to include an on-site radio broadcast at a special event at any BC Liquor Store must have pre-approval from Marketing. A few things to note are: • The remote can only take place in store, not outside the store • No DJ or loud music is permitted • In store give-aways of minimal value are encouraged • In store give-aways of significant value must comply with the rules for any contests at BC Liquor Stores, i.e. a mixture of skill and chance • No purchase or taste can be required for any give-aways • Minors are not eligible to receive any give-away or to enter contests in BC Liquor Stores • Celebrity guest appearances are permitted if pre-approved by Marketing T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m 35 marketing Participation Guidelines and Product Tasting Responsible consumption of beverage alcohol should be promoted and exercised at all special events. Attention must be made to appropriate sample sizes for beverage alcohol, and excessive service is forbidden. The following quantities are the allowable maximum to be served to customers for tastings: Product Type Total Serving Size (Single or multiple products – maximum 3 products) Spirits/Liqueurs total of 20 ml Wines total of 30 ml Beer/Cider/Cooler total of 45 ml For special tasting formats and events, these quantities may be increased slightly depending on the number of products and type of event. The Special Events Manager must be contacted for further details. For thematic and trade associations with multiple suppliers the maximum number of products to be poured is 6. Insurance Requirements Agents/suppliers or trade associations hosting the Special Event must hold valid general liability insurance. Participants in the Special Events Program must obtain general liability insurance. Such insurance must be against claims for bodily injury (including death) and property loss or damage arising from operations and products. Such liability must be in an amount no less than $5,000,000 (or such other amounts as may be reasonably required by the Province from time to time) for occurrences that may arise from the tasting event. The insurance policy must not be affected or invalidated by any act, omission or negligence of any third party that is not within the knowledge or control of the insured. The required insurance limit of liability may be provided in part by an umbrella policy, provided such coverage is not more restrictive than the underlying General Liability policy. Applications To book a Special Event, applicants must mail, fax or email a completed Special Events Program application form to: Liquor Distribution Branch Special Events Marketing Department 2625 Rupert Street Vancouver, BC, V5M 3T5 Fax: 604-252-3099 Email: events@bcliquorstores.com A Special Event (including tasting) is not guaranteed until the application is received and officially approved. A sample copy of the Special Events Program application form follows in the appendices of this document. Approved or Unaccepted Applications The supplier/agent will be notified of approval/ rejection of a special events program by telephone, fax or e-mail. Modifications to the application may be requested or details required. Suppliers wishing to discuss their applications are invited to contact the Special Events Manager. T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S 36 h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m marketing Responsibilities Marketing Department • approve/refuse Special Events applications • assist signature store staff in the administration of Special Events • assist in the management of Special Events Suppliers/agents • assign Serving It Right-certified and trained staff to serve liquor • ensure appropriate food match for the estimated number of guests • confirm product listings and availability at each of the signature store locations applied for • furnish satisfactory evidence of compliance with the required insurance specifications prior to any scheduled event • coordinate with Marketing in a timely manner and supply all required documentation • abide by LDB Social Responsibility T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m 37 marketing In-Store Tasting Program OBJECTIVES OF IN-STORE TASTINGS 1 To provide customers with an opportunity to taste products before making a purchase decision. and ask the taster to pay for the opened product sampled to that point and request that they leave the store. PLEASE NOTE: the taster MUST have a server’s Serving It Right certificate. 2 To provide suppliers with an opportunity to provide taste samples to potential customers. PRODUCT SELECTION PROCESS 3 To provide an increased opportunity for potential customers to sample products congruent with current in-store promotional programs. Products for the In-Store Tasting Program in BC Liquor Stores are chosen in the following manner: • Wines that are priced below $12.99 will not be sampled in Signature and A stores • Wines that are priced above $9.49 for a 750 ml or above 15.99 for 1.5L may be approved for Tastings in B and C stores QUANTITIES OF PRODUCT OFFERED • Products supporting an approved thematic program or In-Store Display program The following quantities are the allowable maximum to be offered to customers: • Seasonal products, e.g. refreshment beverages/ beer in summer, spiced rum in winter • New or unique products 4 To provide Sarah & Steve with an opportunity to sample products they may not otherwise try and encourage trade up. PRODUCT TYPE SINGLE PRODUCT QUANTITY MULTIPLE PRODUCTS (maximum of 3 products at any tasting) Spirits/ Liqueurs 10 ml OR 1/3 oz Total of 20 ml Wines 20 ml OR 2/3 oz Total of 30 ml Beer/Cider/ Cooler 30 ml OR 1 oz Total of 45 ml Strict adherence is required to the quantities listed above. The store manager or designate must ensure that the quantities poured comply with these regulations. If not, the manager must stop the tasting CENTRAL BOOKINGS The Marketing Department must receive applications for the BC Liquor Stores In-Store Tasting Program by the 10th of each month, falling approximately seven weeks prior to the desired tasting month, i.e. applications for any days in April must be applied for by February 10. An application form is attached in the appendices, for your convenience, and is also available online at: https://www.vendor.bcliquorstores.com. The vendor website requires a secure login; if you have not yet applied for a secure login and password, T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S 38 h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m marketing please contact the Purchasing Department at 604 252 3215. Application must be made electronically to marketing@bcliquorstores.com by the deadline date. NOTIFICATION Suppliers will be notified by the first of the month prior to the tasting month which stores and dates they have been allocated. Store managers will be notified of scheduled tastings no later than the 10th of the month prior to the tasting month, i.e. September 10 for October tastings. AD HOC BOOKINGS Suppliers may contact stores directly to book ad hoc tastings after the 10th of the month prior to the month in which they would like to schedule a tasting. In the unfortunate event that there is a double booking at a store, the tasting event that was booked through head office will take precedence. NUMBER OF TASTINGS Signature BC Liquor Stores may have two tastings occur at the same time. They are: 077 Northgate 079 Kamloops Columbia Pl 089 Nicola Station 120 Richmond Ironwood 125 Westshore 129 Alberni & Bute 130 Penticton Plaza 135 Vernon 148 Kelowna Mission Park 149 Abbotsford 158 Langley 160 39th & Cambie 163 Westwood Centre 165 Meadowtown 167 Kelowna Orchard Pk 174 Prince George Pine Ctr 182 Fleetwood 218 Fort Street 220 Highgate Village 228 Park Royal 241 Nordel Crossing All other stores may have only one tasting at a time, except for de-alcoholized product. HOURS OF TASTINGS The duration of a tasting is usually four hours and the preferred hours of tastings are when there is the most traffic flow in a particular store. Hours of tastings for a specific store will be determined between the supplier/agent and the store manager. All tasting sessions must be completed one half hour before store closing. PLACEMENT OF TASTINGS IN STORES Where possible, store managers will place the tasting towards the back of the store, not immediately at the front of the store. This will encourage customers to enter areas of the store in which they may not frequently shop. Tasting tables cannot be set up in direct or partial obstruction of any category or promotional display (including end displays). SUPPLEMENTARY PROGRAMS Supplementary items such as the following are permitted however, no give-away can be conditional on a purchase or taste. For example: video or slide presentations; mini lectures on product knowledge; food items complementary to the product being sampled; give-aways such as brochures, pamphlets, recipes, buttons, pins, calendars, coasters, key chains, bottle openers, or anything of a similar nature that is liquor orientated or branded, and of minimal value. All contests, coupons, give-aways, etc. must be submitted to and have prior approval of the Marketing Manager. T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m 39 marketing THIRD PARTY PRODUCTS METHOD OF PAYMENT Third party products such as coffee or ginger ale may be used as mixers and may be identified on signage, but may not be given away or sold in any BC Liquor Store. Pre-approved promotional on-packs may be used in conjunction with tastings. Credit card not present transactions are not an acceptable method of payment for tasting product. Credit card payment by phone is not an acceptable method of payment for tasting product. (This is only for Wholesale Customers) NO SHOWS Once a tasting is confirmed with a supplier, either through the Marketing Department or ad hoc through the store manager, there is an expectation that the supplier’s representative or designated tasting company attend at the appropriate time and conduct the tasting. If a supplier or designate does not show up to conduct the tasting, it will be reported to the Marketing Department as a no show. In cases where a supplier or agent (including tasting company) does not show on two occasions, the supplier/agent will be excluded from participation in the In-Store Tasting Program for six months. Stores are reminded to call 604 252 3199, email marketing@bcliquorstores.com or fax 604 252 3099 with any problems or concerns about tastings or tasters and particularly with no shows. METHOD OF Payment for tastings The product used for the tasting must be purchased by the supplier/agent from the store at which the tasting will take place. Sampling product may be purchased at a 30 per cent discount off retail in BC Liquor Stores. Options for Payment: The agent or taster that is conducting the Tasting MUST either pay for the product that is being tasted as it is removed from store inventory for a tasting (cash, debit, BC Liquor Stores’ Gift Card or personal credit card - with the credit card holder present to sign for it) or must pay a deposit in the amount that is anticipated to be tasted prior to the commencement of the Tasting.* The deposit may be in the form of a company cheque payable to the LDB and must be filled out fully to an amount agreed to by the supplier and the store and signed. The deposit may not be cash as stores cannot accept sums of cash for ongoing retention as a deposit. The deposit cheque will be kept in the safe until the end of the tasting and either repaid to the agent/ taster upon receipt of payment for the product actually used at the end of the Tasting (typically on Saturday evening) or deposited and any excess returned to the taster. * if there is no deposit or payment, the tasting will not occur. T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S 40 h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m marketing Acceptable Methods of Payment for Tasting Products • Supplier/agent company cheque (must be filled in and signed - not blank) • Sales representative (not tasting company employee) personal cheque (rep must be in the store to sign the cheque) • Tasting company cheque (not a personal cheque) fully filled in payable to the LDB and signed by someone authorized to do so • Visa, American Express, MasterCard – credit card holder must be present to sign for the transaction • Debit card or cash • BC Liquor Stores’ gift cards are acceptable tender for payment of tasting CONDUCT AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1 Personnel conducting the tasting are reminded that minors and inebriated persons are not to be served. If anyone appears to be under 25 years of age, the taster must ask for 2 pieces of identification. 2 Opened liquor may not be left unattended at any time. 3 Anyone serving liquor in BC Liquor Stores must have a server’s Serving It Right certificate, to help ensure that alcohol is served both professionally and responsibly. The person conducting the tasting must have their Serving It Right certificate on their person at all times when serving liquor in any BC Liquor Store. Store managers will ask tasting staff to present their certificate before conducting a tasting. If the certificate is not available, the taster will not conduct the tasting in BC Liquor Stores. 4 Opened product must remain in the store at the end of a tasting session and must be paid for by the supplier/agent. The product will be disposed of (dumped) in the store. 5 Supplier personnel or store staff may not sample any of the products being served while on duty. 6 The supplier/agent is responsible for ensuring that all tasters, either representatives or contractors, know the rules and responsibilities regarding the In-Store Tasting Program in BC Liquor Stores. 7 The store manager has the authority to ensure that a tasting event in the store is conducted in a professional and responsible manner. If a representative or contractor is not behaving in a business like or responsible manner, the store manager or designate may close down the tasting booth IMMEDIATELY and ask that the representative or contractor leave the store (after paying for any product sampled or opened). 8 The supplier must provide the required tasting equipment, such as: a table (if needed), paper napkins, disposable tasting glasses, spit buckets, etc. 9 The supplier’s representative is responsible for contacting the Marketing Department and the store manager in the event of a cancellation. 10 The supplier’s representative is responsible for contacting store managers to confirm one week in advance of the tasting. T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m 41 marketing DRESS CODE FOR TASTERS The supplier or agent applying for the tasting is instructed to ensure that the tasters hired to present their products in BC Liquor Stores are dressed in a professional and business-like manner. Tasters should be knowledgeable about the product they are sampling and exhibit a professional and customer focused attitude. BC Liquor Store managers may close a tasting booth and ask the taster to pay for product opened and leave the store is there are any issues or concerns with the conduct or appearance of tasters. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR SUPPLIERS AND AGENTS The participant in the Tasting Program in BC Liquor Stores must take out and pay for General Liability insurance. Before conducting any tastings in BC Liquor Stores, the company must ensure that a copy of the Liability Insurance Certificate and the In-Store Marketing Program Agreement, signed for the calendar year, are on file in the Marketing Department. Such insurance must be against claims for bodily injury (including death) and property loss or damage arising from premises, operations, products and completed operations, contractual liability, personal or advertising injury, independent contractors and non-owned automobile liability in an amount no less than $5,000,000 (or such other amounts as may be reasonably required by the province from time to time) for occurrences that may arise from the tasting. interest arising from this event, and the policy extended to include a severability of interests (cross liability) provision so that the province will be treated as if a separate policy were in existence, without increasing the policy limits of liability. The policy of insurance will not be affected or invalidated by any act, omission or negligence of any third party that is not within the knowledge or control of the insured. The required insurance limit of liability may be provided in part by an umbrella policy, provided such coverage is not more restrictive than the underlying General Liability policy. The participant must furnish satisfactory evidence of compliance with the required insurance specifications in an approved Certificate of Insurance format prior to any scheduled event. Please see Appendix IX for a sample of the approved format. Certificates of Insurance are renewable annually. Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province of British Columbia, as represented by the General Manager of the Liquor Distribution Branch of the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, shall be an additional insured, to the extent of her vicarious T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S 42 h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m marketing ADVERTISING opportunities TASTE MAGAZINE All About Taste • • • • • • TASTE is a quarterly consumer magazine featuring editorial content and advertising from the worlds of food, drink and entertaining. TASTE is distributed at all BC Liquor Stores across British Columbia and is available online at http:// www.bcliquorstores.com/taste/home. TASTE readers mirror demographic characteristics of BC Liquor Stores customers and the province of British Columbia. On average, more than 750,000 customers visit BC Liquor Stores every week. TASTE production values and reach (per capita) are similar to those of the SAQ’s Cellier or the LCBO’s Food & Drink. TASTE is created and published in-house by BC Liquor Stores. TASTE advertising sales are managed in-house by BC Liquor Stores. Print Specifications • Size: 9" x 10.625" • Matte, heavy cover (80 gsm) • 144+ pages • Perfect bound • Print run 130,000 • Printed on 30% recycled paper using 100% vegetable inks T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m 43 marketing TASTE Editorial T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S 44 h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m marketing TASTE prominently SUPPORTED in BC liquor stores TASTE magazine is prominently displayed on checkout counters and in popular sections of all 195 BC Liquor Stores. It is supported throughout each store by eye-catching 18" x 36" posters in frames, “as seen in TASTE” shelf label talkers within sections and product pairing tent cards on circle tabletops. Recipe-pairing tent cards on circle tabletops with product. 18" x 36" posters in frames located in prominent areas. Shelf label talkers with featured products in sections. TASTE on display throughout the store: in popular sections, in checkout merchandisers, on checkout counters. T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m 45 marketing TASTE ADVERTISING RATESREVISED SEPTEMBER 2010 Taste is a quarterly lifestyle magazine featuring products sold in BC Liquor Stores. The magazine features relevant editorial content, product information and advertising. Half page, full page or double page advertisements are available. Ads will be placed at the discretion of Marketing. Marketing reserves the right to select ads for placement or approval, according to seasonality, product mix, visual suitability, etc. Ad Size (full colour only) Our print run is currently 130,000 copies for each issue, with distribution throughout the province in 195 BC Liquor Stores. Copies of TASTE are distributed across British Columbia’s Lower Mainland, Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands and throughout the rest of British Columbia. NOTE: If your ad mentions a contest, start and end dates of the contest must be included in the ad. Contest websites must be functional at time of printing. COST Double Page Spread (centre not available) $11,000 net* Inside Front or Outside Back Full Page $8,000 net* Full Page $7,000 net* Half Page, Vertical $4,500 net* Half Page, Horizontal $4,500 net* Issue Contract Deadline Artwork Deadline Publication Date Spring 2012 December 19, 2011 January 9, 2012 March 5, 2012 Summer 2012 March 5, 2012 April 10, 2012 June 4, 2012 Fall 2012 June 7, 2012 July 9, 2012 September 10, 2012 Winter 2012 September 10, 2012 October 9, 2012 December 3, 2012 To place an ad, fill in the 2012 Taste Magazine Contract Order Form by the deadline date, and return to taste.magazine@bcliquorstores.com. You may also fax it to 604-252-3099. If you do not have a Contract Order Form, you may request one by emailing taste.magazine@bcliquorstores.com or by calling Susanne Knight at 604-252-3364. PLEASE NOTE: It is your responsibility to meet both the contract and artwork deadlines. T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S 46 h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m marketing TASTE ADVERTISEMENT SIZES Size size with Bleed FINAL (Trim) SIZE Live Area Gutter Double page spread 18¼" x 10 ⅞" 18" x 10 5/8" 17½" x 101/8" ¼" (18.25" x 10.875") (18" x 10.625") (17.5" x 10.125") (0.25") Single page 9¼" x 10 ⅞" (9.25" x 10.875") 9" x 10 5/8” 8½" x 101/8" Half page horizontal 9¼" x 5½" 9" x 5¼" (9.25" x 5.5") (9" x 5.25") (8.5" x 4.75") Half page vertical 4 5/8" x 11⅞" 4⅜" x 10 5/8" 4" x 101/8" (4.625" x 10.875") (4.375" x 10.625") (3.875" x 10.125”) (9" x 10.625") (8.5" x 10.125") 8½" x 4¾" Half Page Vertical Double Page Spread Bleed Area Trim Area Live Area Gutter Single Page Half Page Horizontal T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m 47 marketing TASTE PRODUCTION NOTES FORMAT Our preference is Adobe Acrobat PDF (PDF/X-1a:2001 setting) or eps files with fonts embedded or outlined. Do not embed ICC profiles. DO NOT INCLUDE CROP MARKS. Otherwise we can accept your artwork in the following: Adobe InDesign CS or later Adobe Illustrator CS or later Adobe Photoshop CS or later Adobe Acrobat 6.0 or later ARTWORK If you are sending native files and not a PDF, you must either embed all linked images or send them to us. All images must have a final resolution of at least 300 dpi. All images must be CMYK or greyscale and contain NO SPOT OR PANTONE COLOURS. FONTS Supply all fonts if artwork typefaces are not in outlines. LINE SCREEN 210 LPI SOFT PROOFS PDF/JPEG/TIFF FTP IMPORTANT NOTE: Please use a designated FTP client software, e.g., FETCH, FTP WIZARD, SMART FTP, CYBERDUCK or similar. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO CONNECT with browser-based software such as: Internet Explorer, Safari, Netscape or Firefox. For assistance with uploading, please contact Diane Smallwood at 604-252-2904. Connect using the following settings: Hostname: Username: Password: Path: Connect using: Port: ftp.bcliquor.com ldbmrkt efin007y incoming SFTP (you must select the Secure FTP option on your FTP client) 22 Send an uncompressed low resolution PDF to taste.magazine@bcliquorstores.com informing us that the ad has been uploaded. Include the name of the uploaded file with contact name and phone number. Please note that we cannot accept compressed (zip or sit) files over email under any circumstances. ALTERNATIVES TO FTP Files less than 12 megabites can be emailed directly to taste.magazine@bcliquorstores.com. Please note that we cannot accept compressed (zip or sit) files over email under any circumstances. If you have files larger than 12 megabites and have difficulty connecting via Secure FTP, you may use an internet-based file transfer site such as yousendit.com or dropsend.com, although we cannot confirm the reliability of these external sites. T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S 48 h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m marketing PRODUCT GUIDE The Product Guide is a monthly listing of all products sold in BC Liquor Stores distributed free to customers in all BC Liquor Stores. A variety of ad sizes are available. For more information about advertising opportunities in the Product Guide, please email publications@ bcliquorstores.com, or call 604 252 3093. PRODUCT GUIDE www.bcliquorstores.com PRICES IN EFFECT FROM MAY 29 TO JUNE 25, 2011 PGCover_JUNE.indd 2 11-05-18 10:44 AM T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m 49 marketing WWW.BCLIQUORSTORES.COM Marketing your products on BC Liquor Stores website BC Liquor Stores website provides customers with information about products available in stores. Information about products includes the brand name, price, size, country of origin and where to buy (i.e. BC Liquor Stores locations that have product in stock). With the exception of the product image/visual (e.g. bottle shot) and tasting notes, all product information is downloaded from the master product database. Generally, wherever a product is referenced, on our site, the image of the product as well as brand name, price, size and country of origin are displayed. The product image/visual allows customers to identify the product. In regards to tasting notes, Marketing provides tasting notes for some of the products that are featured in the current month’s in-store promotions. Agents and suppliers are welcome to submit appropriate product images/visuals for displaying on our website in the product catalogue. Guidelines for appropriate and acceptable product images are provided below. Please send images to Lynelle Lam via email to lynelle. lam@bcliquorstores.com with the subject of the email as “product photos for website.” In the body of your email, please include a list of the SKUs to which your images should be applied. If you have many images to submit at once, you may send them on a CD to Lynelle Lam, Marketing at 2625 Rupert Street, Vancouver, BC, V5M 3T5. Marketing reserves the right exclude any submitted product images. Any photos submitted for use on our website may also be used for other merchandising or marketing purposes. For more information about BCLiquorStores. com, please contact Lynelle Lam in the Marketing Department at 604-252-3208 or email lynelle.lam@ bcliquorstores.com. Product image requirements: 1 product must be listed in BC Liquor Stores 6 must have transparent or white background only 2 file must be in .jpg file format 7 minimum 150 dpi resolution 3 must not include on-packs or accessories/props 8 minimum 400 pixels per inch (px) in height 4 must show current label/packaging 9 file must be named with the SKU, e.g. 123456.jpg 5 must not depict product in use i.e. open bottle or half empty T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S 50 h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m marketing GUIDELINES FOR IN-STORE VISITS These general guidelines are to be used by BC Liquor Store managers and industry sales representatives in the interests of continuing to develop professional partnerships and working together on shared initiatives, with the common goal of superior customer service. Industry sales representatives are welcome to drop in to a liquor store at any time but if they wish to be assured of time with the store manager they should make an appointment for Monday to Thursday only, in advance. If they want to talk about a specific issue, they should advise the store manager in advance, so the manager can be adequately prepared. Sales representatives should not bother or engage store staff during peak selling times under general circumstances. Display building in BC Liquor Stores is the job of LDB employees. The amount of other product support activity performed by the representative varies from store to store, depending on the individual circumstances of each outlet. The representative should communicate with each store manager prior to performing any activity, including applying repapplied on-packs or neck tags. It is the manager’s final decision as to which products will be displayed in the Manager’s Choice space, as selected from the approved lists, using such criteria as: needs of local customers, product availability, volume, display mix in the store and profit potential of the products. Display space in stores is not available for solicitation by sales representatives who do not have preapproval from Marketing. Store Managers will discourage this activity. The store manager may share a coffee break with industry representatives for the purposes of a business discussion. This is a normal business practice and requires no prior notice to Store Operations management. On rare occasions, lunch with an industry representative may be appropriate; in such cases, the Area Manager’s office must be contacted for prior approval, to avoid any misunderstandings. Store managers and sales representatives understand that stockouts mean lost sales and inadequate customer service. Whatever steps are necessary to resolve stockouts at the earliest opportunity will be taken. Sales representatives and store managers should work together in harmony to serve the best interests of the customer. When disputes arise, they will attempt to resolve differences between themselves. If matters cannot be resolved at store level, the representative or the store manager should ask the Area Manager for assistance. Representatives may offer off-site tastings or seminars to store employees, however, these must be cleared through the Visual Presentation and Special Events Manager at 604 252 3076 or fax 604 252 3099. These events must be business-related or educational, and not social events. Attendance at such events will be on the employees’ own time. T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m 51 marketing Appendices I In-Store Marketing Program Agreement IIDisplay Application III Shelf Talker Application IVValue-Added (Prior to Delivery) Application VValue-Added (Rep Applied) Application VI Neck Tag Application VII In-Store Tasting Application VIII Special Events Program Application IX Taste Magazine Contract Order Form X Insurance Examples XIPacking Slip Example T H E I N - S TO R E M A R K E T I N G P RO G R A M S F O R B C L I Q U O R S TO R E S h t t p s : / / w w w . v e n d o r. b c l i q u o r s t o r e s . c o m 53 www.bcliquorstores.com Updated April 2011 ISM PROGRAM AGREEMENT This Agreement is made (Date) between (Company Name) (Company Address) (which will be referred to as the “Participant”) and Her Majesty the Queen in right of the Province of British Columbia as represented by the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, BC Liquor Distribution Branch (the “LDB”). In consideration for the LDB allowing the Participant to participate in the Marketing Programs, the parties agree as follows: 1. This Agreement applies to the Participant’s participation in any one or more of the Marketing Programs as referred to in the Marketing Manual entitled the “In-Store Marketing Program for BC Liquor Stores” manual as amended from time to time. 2. The Participant must seek such approvals as required and abide by all the Marketing Programs rules, guidelines and policies, and all relevant laws, rules, guidelines and policies applicable to the Marketing Programs. 3. The Participant is responsible for all costs associated with any Marketing Programs including any required insurance. Any product used in Marketing Programs must be drawn from and paid for at the store in which the Marketing Program is being conducted. 4. The LDB provides no guarantee of implementation of any Marketing Programs for the Participant’s products, and the LDB has no liability of any kind whatsoever due to the implementation, delay in implementation or the failure to implement or to implement fully the Marketing Programs including any displays or associated support or activities however caused including, directly or indirectly, any act, omission or negligence of the LDB and its employees, agents and contractors. 5. The LDB has the right to cancel at any time all or any part of a Marketing Program. 6. 6. The Participant has no recourse against any of the LDB and its employees, agents or contractors in connection, directly or indirectly with the Marketing Programs or the cancellation of such program. 7. The Participant must indemnify and save harmless the LDB and its employees, agents and contractors from any costs, expenses, damages of any kind whatsoever resulting directly or indirectly from the Marketing Programs, notwithstanding any act, omission or negligence on the part of the LDB and its employees, agents and contractors; and 8. This agreement governs the Participant’s participation in the LDB Marketing Programs. 9. This Agreement applies to any Marketing Program in which the Participant participates during the period of August 17, 2011 to December 31, 2012. Dated at , British Columbia, this day of year IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have duly executed this Agreement. EXECUTED on behalf of the BC Liquor Distribution Branch. Witness for Authorized Signatory Authorized Signatory for the BC Liquor Distribution Branch EXECUTED by the authorized representative of the Participant in the presence of Witness for the Participant Signature Print Name and Title End Freestanding Yes No Yes Yes Size Submit separate Tasting Application Tasting Program and fill out on-pack column below Text Messaging Contest No LTO (N/Y) No Yes On-Pack (What is it?) $ $ $ $ Current Price Charity Donation (details): TASTE Magazine Ads No No Country of Origin Yes Send application to Marketing Special Events Cambie Kitchen Event Must be LDB Delivered only. Website Contest If Yes, submit a Value-Added Application form Value-added 3” w x 5” h Display Shelf Talkers Updated April 2011 PLEASE NOTE: Wholesale products (formerly restricted or speculative) are not eligible for participation in any promotional activity in BC Liquor Stores. Product Description No 16” w x 9” h Checkout Merch Sign *If Yes, describe contest here and prize dollar value www.bcliquorstores.com (Maximum 4 SKUs) SKU filled in Are you proposing a contest? If Yes, fill out details below *These boxes and details MUST be Limited Time Pricing? Support: Yes 12” w x 15” h 24” w x 12” h Other (Please specify) Single Backer Card Double Backer Card YEAR Date of Submission: Display Material: Check which materials will be provided. Please attach artwork along with dimensions of each item. Checkout E-mail: Display Requested: Contact: Fax #: PERIOD NO. Telephone #: Company Name: MONTH Address: Agent/Supplier #: CONFIDENTIAL marketing@bcliquorstores.com DISPLAY APPLICATION E-mail: Date of Submission: YEAR Size Current Status Store Dist. Northern BC (32) $ $ $ $ $ $ Current Price Country of Origin Okanagan/Kootenay (52) Updated April 2011 PLEASE NOTE: Wholesale products (formerly restricted or speculative) are not eligible for participation in any promotional activity in BC Liquor Stores. Product Description www.bcliquorstores.com (Maximum 6 SKUs) SKU Vancouver Island (42) Signature Stores Only (23) Class B and Class C stores (125) Must be LDB Delivered only. Class A, B includes Signature stores (145) Class C stores (60) Lower Mainland (77) Class B stores (70) Class A includes Signature Stores (80) OR by REGION CLASS (3” w x 5” h only, please send extras) All Stores (200) Shelf Talkers Distribution Request Type of material requested to be displayed at shelf location only: A sample of the shelf talker(s) must be attached to application (or a .pdf) or will be returned and not processed. Contact: Fax #: PERIOD NO. Telephone #: Company Name: MONTH Address: Agent/Supplier #: CONFIDENTIAL marketing@bcliquorstores.com (at shelf location only) SHELF TALKER APPLICATION SCC# www.bcliquorstores.com SKU Product Name cases. Cases per pallet: Size On-Pack Value $ Retail Price $ Updated April 2011 Value-Added Item Description Only full pallet or half pallets will be approved. PLEASE NOTE: Wholesale products (formerly restricted or speculative) are not eligible for participation in any promotional activity in BC Liquor Stores. List SKUs in numeric order Please indicate quantity of cases requested. Bottles per case: _______ If yes, which Period? 3. No Does this application support a Display program? 2. Yes Please provide a sample or picture of the on-pack and method of attachment to product (sample of liquor on-packs not required). IN-CASE Date of Submission: YEAR 1. ON-PACK E-mail: Fax #: Telephone #: PERIOD NO. Contact: Company Name: MONTH Address: Agent/Supplier #: CONFIDENTIAL marketing@bcliquorstores.com (This may be Liquor or Non-liquor value-added or Prior to Delivery necktag) VALUE-ADDED APPLICATION PRIOR TO DELIVERY Product Name www.bcliquorstores.com (Maximum 6 SKUs) SKU List SKUs in numeric order Size On-Pack Value $ $ $ $ $ $ Retail Price $ $ $ $ $ $ Updated April 2011 PLEASE NOTE: Wholesale products (formerly restricted or speculative) are not eligible for participation in any promotional activity in BC Liquor Stores. cases. Value-Added Item Description Please indicate quantity of cases requested. If yes, which Period? 3. No Does this application support a Display program? 2. Yes Please provide a sample or picture of the on-pack and method of attachment to product (sample of liquor on-packs not required). E-mail: Date of Submission: YEAR 1. Contact: Fax #: PERIOD NO. Telephone #: Company Name: MONTH Address: Agent/Supplier #: CONFIDENTIAL marketing@bcliquorstores.com (Non-liquor only) VALUE-ADDED APPLICATION REP APPLIED Product Name www.bcliquorstores.com (Maximum 6 SKUs) SKU List SKUs in numeric order Please indicate quantity of cases requested. Size $ $ $ $ $ $ Retail Price Necktag Description Updated April 2011 PLEASE NOTE: Wholesale products (formerly restricted or speculative) are not eligible for participation in any promotional activity in BC Liquor Stores. cases. If yes, which Period? 3. No Does this application support a Display program? 2. Yes Please provide a sample or picture of the on-pack and method of attachment to product (sample of liquor on-packs not required). REP APPIED Date of Submission: Y EAR 1. PRIOR TO DELIVERY E-mail: Fax #: Telephone #: PERIOD NO. Contact: Company Name: M ONTH (Non-liquor only) Address: Agent/Supplier #: CONFIDENTIAL marketing@bcliquorstores.com VALUE-ADDED APPLICATION NECKTAG (REP-APPLIED) YEAR www.bcliquorstores.com No No Size Yes $ $ Updated April 2011 $ $ STORES REQUESTED (List store only once) No Current Price $ Store Dist. Yes No $ Annual $ Sales Is the product part of a Superthematic? Is the product part of NPIP? Date of Submission: PLEASE NOTE: Wholesale products (formerly restricted or speculative) are not eligible for participation in any promotional activity in BC Liquor Stores. DATES REQUESTED FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS Product Description Yes Are you willing to ACCEPT ANY WEEKEND during the month? SKU (Maximum 3) Yes Is the product an APPROVED display during proposed tasting? Maximum one application per brand per month. Maximum 2 applications per Agent/Supplier per month. E-mail: Telephone #: Fax #: Contact: Company Name: MONTH Address: Agent/Supplier #: CONFIDENTIAL marketing@bcliquorstores.com TASTING APPLICATION SPECIAL EVENT APPLICATION Page 1 of 2 PLEASE COMPLETE & RETURN VIA E-MAIL TO events@bcliquorstores.com ATTN.: PRODUCT RELEASE & SPECIAL EVENTS COORDINATOR Event Title Date(s) Time (Two hrs. min.) Location(s) SKUs • 3 suggested • Wines to be chilled • price Food Pairing (mandatory) Event Description • Format • Entertainment • Special Guests *Please provide full details Event Communication • Required for in house media and signage • 2 sentences of what is making this event special Marketing Support • Check any/all promotions also taking place during the month of your event Amenities Required • Check any/all equipment needed (Cambie kitchen only) Approved display End Checkout Freestanding Shelf Talkers Contest Mail-in Web Text Messaging LTO TASTE Magazine advertisement Charity Donation (explain: _____________________) Plasma screen TVs (2) Gas range (6-top) Steam convection ovens (2) ELMO camera (can project live action from kitchen onto plasmas) Chairs (number: __________) Tables (number: _______) SPECIAL EVENT APPLICATION Page 2 of 2 On Site Radio • • The remote can only take place in store not outside the store No DJ or loud music is permitted In Store Contests and/or Give-aways • • • • In store give-aways of minimal value are encouraged In store give-aways of significant value must comply with the rules for any contests at BC Liquor Stores, i.e. a mixture of skill and chance No purchase or taste can be required for any give-aways Minors are not eligible to receive any giveaway or to enter contests in BC Liquor Stores Celebrity Appearance • Celebrity guest appearances are permitted if preapproved by Marketing Contact Information Radio Station (Name: ) Further Details: In-Store giveaways: (What: (Value: ) ) Contest: (What: (Value: ) ) Contest Rules: Further Details: Celebrity Appearance: (Who: Further Details: ) Name: Company: Telephone: Email: NOTE: Starting April 1, 2011, BCLDB will be creating all events-related collateral (events calendar, shelf-talkers and event poster) for all events at the 39th and Cambie store. If your event is NOT at this location, you will be responsible for creating your event poster. Please contact LDB Special Events Coordinator for a template and print specifications. This is a fillable PDF. Please fill in electronically, then send by email to taste.magazine@bcliquorstores.com OR print and fax to: 604-252-3099. TASTE Contract Order Form 2012 REVISED JUNE 2011 TASTE is a quarterly lifestyle magazine featuring products sold in BC Liquor Stores. The magazine contains relevant editorial content, product information and advertising. Full colour half page, full page or double page advertisements are available. Ads are placed at the discretion of LDB Marketing. LDB Marketing reserves the right to select ads for placement or approval, according to seasonality, product mix, visual suitability, etc. We do not offer preferred placement. Our print run is currently 130,000 copies for each issue, with distribution throughout the province in 197 BC Liquor Stores. Copies of TASTE are distributed across British Columbia's Lower Mainland, Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands and throughout the rest of British Columbia. Ad Size (full colour only) COST Double Page Spread (centre not available) $11,000 net* Inside Front/Inside Back/Outside Back, Full Page $8,000 net* Full Page $7,000 net* Half Page, Vertical $4,500 net* Half Page, Horizontal $4,500 net* * taxes are not included in quoted prices Issue Application Deadline Artwork Deadline Publication Date Spring 2012 December 19, 2011 January 9, 2012 March 5, 2012 Summer 2012 March 5, 2012 April 10, 2012 June 4, 2012 Fall 2012 June 4, 2012 July 9, 2012 September 10, 2012 Winter 2012 September 10, 2012 October 9, 2012 December 3, 2012 INSERTION ORDER Product Name AD SIZE SKU # select one: Supplier / Agent ISSUE select one: Contact Name Mailing Address Phone Email Address Signature Date YYYY-MM-DD BY SIGNING, I AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE COPY AND CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE: FROM POINT 8 OF COPY AND CONTRACT TERMS: If the advertiser does not supply advertising copy before the relevant printing date, then the Branch may use advertising copy used for previously published advertising or, where such material is unavailable or inadequate, may publish a public service message chosen by the Branch, and the advertiser will pay for the advertising space. ADVERTISING CONTACT: SUSANNE KNIGHT PH: 604.252.3364 FAX: 604.252.3099 EMAIL: TASTE.MAGAZINE@BCLIQUORSTORES.COM Copy ANd CoNTrACT TErMS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The Liquor Distribution Branch (represented by its general Manager or other official designated for the purpose) (the “Branch”) retains the right to approve or disapprove for publication in the Taste all or part of any advertising copy, text, display or illustration to which any insertion order or request for publication relates and to accept or not to accept any insertion order or request for publication, in whole or in part. The Branch may, without liability, reject, omit or exclude any advertising for any reason at any time, with or without prior notice to the advertisers or its advertising agency and whether or not the advertising was previously accepted or published. The Branch reserves the right to refuse advertisements for products or services which are deemed by the Branch, in its sole discretion, to be contrary to the interests of the Branch or the Crown. The advertiser will be fully responsible and liable for the contents of all advertising copy submitted for or printed or published in the Taste including compliance with all applicable laws, statutes and regulations. When advertisements contain the name, picture or testimonial of a person, then the insertion order or request for publication will be deemed to include a representation by the advertiser that they have obtained full and proper written consent to the publication from that person and that the publication of the advertisement is lawful. The advertiser warrants and represents that advertising copy does not and will not violate any patent, copyright, trademark, industrial design or other proprietary right or right of privacy. All advertisements must be clearly identified by the trademark or signature of the advertiser. Advertisements which, in the sole and absolute opinion of the Branch, might be interpreted as something other than advertising, may be marked “Advertisement” by the Branch. Advertising copy must be camera ready or negative ready and meet the reasonable requirements of the Branch. Additional artwork and artists services can be arranged. Costs for these services may be invoiced directly from the art team and not involve the Branch. Rates quoted by the Branch are for space and colour only. The Branch may change or lighten type or change cuts and borders to meet its publishing requirements without the request or approval of the advertiser and the advertiser will pay these costs. If the advertiser does not supply advertising copy before the relevant printing date, then the Branch may use advertising copy used for previously published advertising or, where such material is unavailable or inadequate, may publish a public service message chosen by the Branch, and the advertiser will pay for the advertising space. 9. The advertiser will not terminate an insertion order or a contract to publish advertising more than 10 days after the relevant closing date (advertising deadline). Cancellation of an ad more than 10 days after the deadline date will result in the advertiser being liable for the full amount. 10. The Branch may destroy all advertising copy which has not been claimed by the advertiser within 12 months of its submission to the Branch or its publication. 11. The advertiser will be invoiced on publication for the space used in the relevant edition of the Taste and other charges (if any). The invoiced amount will be conclusively deemed to be correct unless either party notifies the other within 15 days of the date of the invoice that the invoice is incorrect and points out the error in it. 12. If the advertiser does not pay the Branch for the publication of advertising in accordance with the relevant invoice, then the Branch may, at any time and without prior notice to the advertiser or the agency, change the terms of payment for further advertising or terminate an insertion order or a contract to publish advertising, although the advertiser will remain liable to pay for advertising already published in accordance with terms of the relevant invoice. 13. The advertiser will be liable for the performance of and payment under any insertion order accepted by the Branch to contract to publish advertising. 14. The advertiser agrees to indemnify and save the Crown and the Branch harmless from any and all loss, damages, fines, prosecutions, actions, judgements, settlements, costs and expenses (including legal costs and expenses), injury or liability arising (directly or indirectly) from the content, submission, printing or publication of any advertising copy. 15. The liability of the Branch for any errors or omissions for which it may be held legally responsible will not exceed the cost of the space ordered or occupied by the advertisement, whichever is less. The Branch will not be liable for loss of income or profits, economic loss or consequential damages. 16. No person will be liable for a delay in compliance or failure to comply with an obligation caused by an event of force majeure (including a strike, lockout or work slow down). 17. These copy and contract requirements are effective from the Spring 2007 issue, until they are cancelled or amended by the Branch. Advertisements must ensure that they have the current copy and contract requirements at the time that any insertion order or request for publication is submitted. 18. Insertion orders or contracts to publish advertising will be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Province of British Columbia. 19. No oral representations or agreements will bind the Branch. Insertion orders or contracts to publish advertising will be amended only with the written consent of both parties, except as specified herein. 20. An insertion order or contract to publish advertising will be construed to be an unqualified acceptance of the current rates and copy and contract requirements and other reasonable requirements and policies of the Branch pursuant to which advertising space is sold. 21. Specifications on insertion orders for the use of any page or position in the Taste or relating the kind of content of any editorial or other advertising on any page will be construed as requests only. 22. The Branch will not be bound by any terms or conditions, express or implied, containedin any contract, insertion order or copy instructions of any advertiser or advertising agency which conflict with the policies or requirements of the Branch. 23. The Branch may change the rates for advertising space from time to time during the terms of an insertion order or a contract to publish advertising in more than one edition of the Taste on 60 days’ notice and the advertiser may then terminate the contract in writing within the 60 day period (subject to paragraph 9) as long as it concurrently pays in full all of its obligations then due or accruing due under the contract. If the advertiser does not terminate the contract, then it will be deemed to have accepted the change in rates on and from the relevant effective date. 24. A waiver, overlooking or condoning of any default or breach of any terms of an insertion order or a contract to publish advertising will not be construed as a waiver of any subsequent or continuing default or breach. 25. The copy and contract requirements will be read with any change in number or gender required by the context. 26. Accounts are payable in Canadian funds. 27. The Branch will not accept insertion orders or contracts to publish advertising for a term of longer than one year. AdvErTISING CoNTACT: SuSANNE kNIghT Ph: 604.252.3364 FAX: 604.252.3099 EMAIL: TASTE.MAGAZINE@bClIquorSTorES.CoM 11 marketing Example 1 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE This is to certify that the following policies of insurance have been issued to the Insured(s) named below and arc in full force and effect (First) Named Insured : Address: ABC Enterprises Ltd. 1234 Saville Row, Richmond. B.C. V7E 5Dl A. Type of Insurance Insurer –Primary Insurer –Excess Policy Effective Date Policy Expiry Date : : : : : General Liability—“Occurrence” form. Protection Insurance Company Ltd. 12.01 am P.S.T. 12.01 am P.S.T. March 25, 2011 March 24, 2012 Limit of Liability : $ 5, 000, 000 any one “occurrence” and in the annual aggregate for “Products.” Scope of Cover : Insurance against claims for bodily injury (including death) and property loss or damage arising from premises, operations, products and completed operations, contractual liability, personal and advertising injury, independent contractors, and non-owned automobiles for “occurrences” that may arise from the Named Insured’s business. B. Type of Insurance Insurer Policy Effective Date Policy Expiry Date Limit of Liability : “Umbrella” Liability—Excess Liability following General Liability form. : : 12.01 am P.S.T. : 12.01 am P.S.T. : any one “occurrence” and in the annual aggregate for “Products.” Additional Named Insured : Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province of British Columbia as Represented by the General Manager of the Liquor Distribution Branch. Included Clauses Specific Limitations (if any) : : Severability of interests (Cross Liability) Declaration: 1. These policies comply with the insurance requirements of the governing contract to perform work for the Liquor Distribution Branch or to operate under license from the Branch. 2. It is understood and agreed that thirty (30) days written notice of intent to cancel or not to renew or to require a material diminution of coverage will be given to the General Manager of the Liquor Distribution Branch. Insurer’s Authorized Representative : _____________________________________________________ Date of Issue : _____________________________________________________ marketing Example 2 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE This is to certify that the following policies of insurance have been issued to the Insured(s) named below and are in full force and effect (First) Named Insured Address : : ABC Enterprises Ltd. 1234 Saville Row, Richmond, B.C. V7E 5D1 A. Type of Insurance Insurer—Primary Insurer—Excess Policy Effective Date Policy Expiry Date Limit of Liability : : : : : : General Liability—“Occurrence” form. Protection Insurance Company Ltd. Scope of Cover 12.01 am P.S.T. 12.01 am P.S.T. $ 1,000,000 March 25, 2011 March 24, 2012 any one “occurrence” and in the annual aggregate for “Products.” : Insurance against claims for bodily injury (including death) and property loss or damage arising from premises, operations, products and completed operations, contractual liability, personal and advertising injury, independent contractors, and non-owned automobiles for “occurrences” that may arise from the Named Insured’s business. : : : : : “Umbrella” Liability—Excess Liability following General Liability form. Granada Insurance Co. Ltd. 12.01 am P.S.T. March 25, 2005 12.01 am P.S.T. March 25, 2006 $ 4, 000,000 any one “occurrence” and in the annual aggregate for “Products.” Additional Named Insured : Included Clauses Specific Limitations (if any) : : Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province of British Columbia as Represented by the General Manager of the Liquor Distribution Branch. Severability of interests (Cross Liability). B. Type of Insurance Insurer Policy Effective Date Policy Expiry Date Limit of Liability Declaration: 1. These policies comply with the insurance requirements of the governing contract to perform work for the Liquor Distribution Branch or to operate under license from the Branch. 2. It is understood and agreed that thirty (30 days written notice of intent to cancel or not to renew or to require a material diminution of coverage will be given to the General Manager of the Liquor Distribution Branch. Insurer’s Authorized Representative : _____________________________________________________ Date of Issue : _____________________________________________________ marketing Example 3 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE This is to cer1ify that the following policies of insurance have been issued to the Insured(s) named below and are in full force and effect (First) Named Insured Address : : ABC Enterprises Ltd. 1234 Saville Row, Richmond, B.C. V7E 5D1 A.Type of Insurance Insurer—Primary Insurer—Excess Policy Effective Date Policy Expiry Date Limit of Liability : : : : : : General Liability—“Occurrence” form. Protection Insurance Company Ltd.—$2,000,000 Canadian Excess Insurance Ltd.—$3,000,000 12.01 am P.S.T. March 25, 2011 12.01 am P.S.T. March 24, 2012 $ 5,000,000 any one “occurrence” and in the annual aggregate for “Products.” : Insurance against claims for bodily injury (including death) and property loss or damage arising from premises, operations, products and completed operations, contractual liability, personal and advertising injury, independent contractors, and non-owned automobiles for “occurrences” that may arise from the Named Insured’s business. Scope of Cover B. Type of Insurance Insurer Policy Effective Date Policy Expiry Date Limit of Liability : “Umbrella” liability—Excess Liability following General Liability form : : 12.01 am P.S.T. : 12.01 am P.S.T. : any one “occurrence” and in the annual aggregate for “Products.” Additional Named Insured : Included Clauses Specific limitations (if any) : : Her Majesty the Queen in Right of the Province of British Columbia as Represented by the General Manager of the Liquor Distribution Branch. Severability of interests (Cross Liability) Declaration: 1. These policies comply with the insurance requirements of the governing contract to perform work for the Liquor Distribution Branch or to operate under license from the Branch. 2 It is understood and agreed that thirty (30) days written notice of intent to cancel or not to renew or to require a material diminution of coverage will be given to the General Manager of the Liquor Distribution Branch. Insurer’s Authorized Representative : _____________________________________________________ Date of Issue : _____________________________________________________ marketing PACKING SLIP EXAMPLE LIQUOR DISTRIBUTION BRANCH 3200 EAST BROADWAY VANCOUVER, BC V5M 1Z6 (RECEIVING DOORS OPEN 7:00 AM – 2:00PM) PACKING SLIP ATTENTION: ED SPENCE SHIPPING INFORMATION Please Print SUPPLIER NAME: PRODUCT NAME: MONTH OR PERIOD: DESCRIPTION: (dangler, display, shelf talkers, etc.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. OTHER COMMENTS: DISPLAY LOCATION: QUANTITY: marketing BC Liquor Distribution Branch 2625 Rupert Street, Vancouver, BC V5M 3T5 t 604 252 3095 f 604 252 3099 e marketing@bcliquorstores.com w www.bcliquorstores.com 08/2011