Stitchers` Ottersea - Greater Pacific Region


Stitchers` Ottersea - Greater Pacific Region
The Embroiderers’ Guild of America
Greater Pacific Region Seminar 2008
June 13 - 19, 2008
Asilomar Conference Grounds
Pacific Grove, CA
Welcome to Seminar 2008!
Dear Chapter Members,
Thank you for considering coming
to Asilomar with us. This year
will be a treat, almost a retreat. We have a block of rooms mostly
together and across the street
from the street from the entrance. The parking garage is right under
that area and there is an elevator. This should make it
easier for those of us who are mobility challenged.
I am pleased with the selection of teachers. The faculty
selection committee did a good job of getting the
greatest variety possible. I hope you are intrigued by
many classes and have a hard time choosing. All in all, I am looking forward to seeing you there.
Jeannete Clark.
GPR Region Director
Here we are again! Seminar 2004 at Asilomar was such
a relaxing and creative experience
that we decided to do it again. For
those of you who missed it, here
is another ottertunity. Don’t let
it pass you by this time. And for
those of you who were there, well,
you know. The Seminar 2008 committee has put together another
fun-filled week with fantastic classes from fabulous
teachers. This year we added another day to the
excitement. And the food, yummy, so good! We share
all of our gourmet meals in the historic dinning hall
with plenty of time to eat and chat. Come be with us at Stitchers’ Ottersea in an experience
that challenges the mind and stimulates the soul. The
choice is yours!
Georgann Lane.
Chief Otter, GPR Seminar 2008 Chairman
Dates to Remember
First Day Registration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . August 15, 2007 - October 31, 2007
Open Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . November 1, 2007 - January 30, 2008
Registration Confirmation Mailed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . February 15, 2008
Kit Fees & Second Installment Due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . February 27, 2008
Final Installment Due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . March 26, 2008
Last Day to Cancel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 2, 2008
Arrive at Asilomar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 13, 2008
Classes and Special Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 13-18, 2008
Head home after lunch, having had a fun-filled seminar experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . June 19, 2008
How to Sign-up for Seminar 2008
Decide which classes you want to take. This is
probably the most difficult part of Seminar.
Complete the registration form (see pages 23-24). It is critical to have the information complete and
Submit the registration form, with payment. Registration opens August 15, 2007. When you receive your confirmation packet,
submit your Asilomar reservation. You must
make your room reservation directly with Asilomar. A
reservation form will be included in your packet. Page â
Pay your kit fees and any registration installment
Make your travel arrangements.
If you are entering the GPR Exhibit, submit your
entry forms and get your pieces delivered. See
the Seminar 2008 region website page for more
information (
Show up at Asilomar ready for a wonderful and
fun-filled Seminar experience! Asilomar room
check-in and Seminar 2008 Registration check-in
both start at 3:00PM.
GPR Seminar 2008
Class Information
Read the class descriptions carefully! Photographs are helpful in some instances but cannot describe the technique,
materials, level of difficulty, or objective of the class. Every effort has been made to carefully and thoroughly
describe each class. Rely on the class description as the primary guide in choosing your classes.
To assist you in selecting a class, please be familiar with the following
EGA level definitions:
ability to execute simple and difficult stitches in
the technique, knowledge of color and design,
which will allow for exploration and creativity
All Levels:
suitable class for all levels of experience in the
no experience with the technique being taught
knowledge of basic stitches and material and
their uses in the technique being taught
EGA Membership
You must be a member of EGA to
attend GPR Seminar 2008. If you
are not a member, you may join
as a member-at-large (MAL) or
become a GPR chapter member.
Please contact the Registrar if
you need information on joining
Registration entitles you to 4 days of class instruction with an optional 5th day of instruction. Two-day classes are
scheduled Saturday/Sunday and Tuesday/Wednesday. Four-day classes are scheduled Saturday/Sunday/
Tuesday/Wednesday. An optional 5th day of instruction is available on Monday. There are a limited number of
1-day classes offered on Monday and the day is often used for sight-seeing, relaxing, and stitching.
All classes meet for a morning and afternoon session, with 15 minute
breaks during each session. There is a 1½-hour lunch break. As a
Class Times
Morning Session
Morning Break
Lunch Break
Afternoon Session
Afternoon Break
8:30am -
10:00am -
11:45am -
1:15pm -
2:45pm -
courtesy to the teacher and other students, it is requested that
cell phones and pagers be turned off or set to silent mode.
Some classes request the student bring “usual stitching supplies,”
which refers to those items of general use that all students will
have available in their own supplies. This might include a light
and magnifier if they are needed for additional illumination, plus
an extension cord. The light in the seminar classrooms is not always sufficient for stitching, therefore it is highly
recommended students bring lights. Scissors for paper and/or metal thread, in addition to fine embroidery scissors,
thumbtacks, extra needles, frame clamp, needle threader, and fine tweezers are all helpful. Having paper and
pen/pencil for note taking is also helpful. After registration closes in January 2008, the registrar will send each student a confirmation notice with class
assignments. Every effort will be made to place students in the classes requested. Class assignments are final
and cannot be changed. Payment is due at the time of registration. Seminar fees can be paid in full at the time
of registration or in three installments for an additional $10 fee. The amount due for kit fees and any registration
balance will be included in the confirmation letter from the registrar. In addition, the Asilomar room reservation
form will be included with the confirmation letter.
We won’t ask our volunteer teacher/class helpers to wear fish tails, but we do need one student volunteer to be a
Mermaid for each class. Class mermaids lend assistance to their teachers as needed, thereby ensuring that the class
will run smoothly and efficiently. Your tasks include making sure the teacher and the participants have received
the equipment and materials needed for a successful experience, to pick up and deliver the daily newspapers,
and to be sure the room is secured whenever it is empty. Teachers may ask you to hand out materials or help
tidy the room. Asilomar is hilly, and some walking up and down from class to ‘Main Dock’ in Fred Farr may be
required (one of the reasons for no fish tails!). This is a great opportunity to better know one of our wonderful
faculty members and to be a part of this special experience in a deeper way. If you are interested in being a class
mermaid, please check the box on the registration form.
Stitchers’ Ottersea
Page List of Classes
The following is the schedule of classes being offered. Full descriptions for each class are on the following pages.
For each class, the class number, instructor, class level (described on page 3), class title, and page number where
the full description can be found are listed. Two-day classes are grouped by the days they are offered.
One-Day Classes : Monday
No. Instructor
Elmore, Barbara
Gomola, Marsha Papay
Higginbotham, Carol Algie
Payette, Lynn
Ritter, Marnie
Wolfersperger, Shirley Kay
Zander, Sara
All Levels
Basic Basic/Intermediate
All Levels
Class Title
Two-Day Classes : Saturday/Sunday
No. Instructor
Elmore, Barbara
Gomola, Marsha Papay
Goodman, Susan
Kershner, Lois
Payette, Lynn
Perin, Laura
Powell, Deanna
Ritter, Marnie
Stanis, Kay
Wolfersperger, Shirley Kay
To Be Announced
All Levels
Class Title
Elmore, Barbara
Gomola, Marsha Papay
Goodman, Susan
Kershner, Lois
Payette, Lynn
Perin, Laura
Powell, Deanna
Ritter, Marnie
Stanis, Kay
Wolfersperger, Shirley Kay
To Be Announced
All Levels
All Levels
All Levels
All Levels
Class Title
401 Higginbotham, Carol Algie Intermediate
402 Louis, Betty Chen
403 Reinmiller, Linda
Page Page
Shell Study........................................................................................... 14
The Cardinal’s Rose............................................................................ 14
Sampling the Seashore....................................................................... 15
Death Valley in Bloom....................................................................... 15
Spring in the Woodland.................................................................... 16
Pacific Tide Pool................................................................................. 16
Almost Wright.................................................................................... 17
An Evening in Paris........................................................................... 17
Nocturne.............................................................................................. 18
Design in Black & White; Design Theory Sketchbook.................. 18
Studio Time..........................................................................................13
Four-Day Classes : Sat/Sun/Tues/Wed
No. Instructor
Sea Stars................................................................................................. 8
Goldfinch and Chickadee Sewing Essentials................................... 9
Sampling the Lily Pads........................................................................ 9
Pigeon Point Lighthouse................................................................... 10
Lily........................................................................................................ 10
Pacific Grove Collage......................................................................... 11
Lavender Lace..................................................................................... 11
A Year in Renew................................................................................. 12
Summer Dance.................................................................................... 12
Gilded Halos....................................................................................... 13
Studio Time..........................................................................................13
Two-Day Classes : Tuesday/Wednesday
No. Instructor
Shopping for Seaweed & Other Aquatic Features........................... 5
Autumn Lapel Pin................................................................................ 5
Anchors Away....................................................................................... 6
Sea Horse............................................................................................... 6
Shading Galore..................................................................................... 7
The Bayeux Tapestry............................................................................ 7
Snake Missed Eden Too....................................................................... 8
Class Title
Mariner’s Compass............................................................................ 19
Stylized Pomegranate Panels............................................................ 19
Dreaming of Geometry...................................................................... 20
GPR Seminar 2008
Class Descriptions
101: Shopping for Seaweed & Other Aquatic Features - Barbara Elmore
This will be a fun, relaxed class with a focus on developing an eye for fibers and materials not normally used
on a needlepoint canvas or found in one’s local needlepoint shop. In class we will paint the canvas with colors
reflective of water. Then we will couch various
materials to create original compositions of sea plants. If desired, stitches appropriate to suggest water will
also be provided. This class will spark your creativity
and enlarge your stitching palate!
Surface work on Canvas
Ground Fabric: 18-count mono canvas
Class Level: All Levels
Prerequisites: None
Finished Size: 8” x 8”
Kit Fee: $40.00
Kit Contents: Color photo, stitch guide, a variety of knitting yarns, gimp,
trimmings, floss, metallic French ribbon, sea shells; Class supply:
Paints, brushes, glue, sponges
Student Supplies:
12” x 12” stretcher bars, tape, staples or tacks, usual stitching
supplies, any materials from your own supplies you might want
to use and share in class such as ribbons, torn strips of fabric,
shells, etc. (this is optional)
102: Autumn Lapel Pin - Marsha Papay Gomola
The colors of fall inspire the creation of a lovely lapel pin that will complement
any outfit. Autumn leaves are stitched using Silk N’ Colors and wire. Tiny detailed
acorns and realistic buckeyes are created using felt and beads for padding. Adding a sparkle to the pin are Swarovski crystals and 14 Kt. Gold beads. The
tiny bouquet of leaves and nuts may be mounted in a sterling sliver vase pin that
is not included in the kit. Class time will concentrate on the use of wire and the
methods for creating the acorns and buckeyes.
Ground Fabric: Not applicable
Class Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Finished Size: 4” x 2” including vase pin
Kit Fee:
$52 (does not include silver vase pin)
Kit Contents:
Anchor stranded cotton floss, Silk N’ Colors stranded silk, felt for padding, Swarovski Crystals,
14 kt gold beads, wooden beads, muslin for the detached elements, wire, needles, hoop, complete
instructions with picture, floral tape
Student Supplies:
Basic sewing kit that must contain embroidery scissors, paper scissors, wire snips
Stitchers’ Ottersea
Page Class Descriptions
103: Anchors Away - Carol Algie Higginbotham
The Basic/Intermediate stitchers can anchor themselves, save their
memories, and learn Silk Ribbon Embroidery with the 3-1/2” x 5”
design, mounted on and enhancing the cover of a photo album. The
anchor is worked in Kreinik #4 Braid and is surrounded with a spray
of ribbon flowers. The flowers are worked in Splendor Silk Ribbon in
many colors. The student will explore these ribbon stitches: Scrunched
gathered flower, Loop Stitch, Joyce Flower, Lazy Daisy with French
Knot, Montano Knot, and Woven Rose and will work them over a
feather stitch frame worked in Elegance and Floss. Our piece is worked
on white moiré fabric.
Technique: Silk Ribbon Embroidery
Ground Fabric: Moiré Fabric
Class Level: Basic/Intermediate
Prerequisites: None
Finished Size: 3-1/2” x 5”
Kit Fee: $25.00
Kit Contents: 8” x 10” white moiré, Elegance, Splendor silk ribbon, #4 Kreinik braid, floss, needles,
instructions with photocopy, photo album
Student Supplies:
8” x 10” mini stretcher bars, thumb tacks, usual stitching supplies
104: Sea Horse - Lynn Payette
This multi-fiber mixed-media piece is worked entirely in white fibers on the
student’s choice of color moiré background fabric. The student will choose the
background color from the fabrics brought to the class. Fibers will include: Perle
cottons, floss, mother-of-pearl Kreinik metallics and blending filament, Sulky
machine embroidery metallics, large- and small-holed tulle/netting, pearls and
beads. Appliqué of sheers and over-stitching will be taught, as well as edgings/
surrounds, whipped back stitch, several types of squared filling, raised chain band,
needle-weaving, whipped straight stitch, and couching of metallics. Objective of
this piece is to mix a large variety of fibers, threads, and nettings/tulle to create
shaded or filled areas, as well as open, lacy areas, using only white.
Technique: Surface Mixed Media, Multi-fiber
Ground Fabric: Moiré (student’s choice of color on day of class)
Class Level: Basic/Intermediate
Prerequisites: None
Finished Size: 5” x 9” Pre-Work:
Kit Fee: $35.00
Kit Contents: Pre-printed moiré, muslin backing mounted on stretcher strips, all fabrics, fibers, threads and
beads necessary to complete the piece, a color photo of the piece and complete instructions
Student Supplies:
Variety of needles, small sharp scissors, white sewing thread, beeswax, pencil, common pins,
dental floss (not the flavored or colored type), invisible thread, extra light and magnification if
Page GPR Seminar 2008
Class Descriptions
105: Shading Galore - Marnie Ritter
Shading, a mystery for some, a forever enjoyable technique for others. The pansy and violet designs offered
in this one-day class include shading using buttonhole and traditional shading techniques. The fish bone/fly
stitch and bullion knots are other stitches incorporated into these designs. Glorious colors of lavender, purple,
periwinkle blues, yellows, and soft turquoise offer the opportunity to study color placement; why, when, and
where. The thread of choice is silk. The theory of open, negative space is another technique studied. Lots of good
information for a one-day experience.
Crewel Embroidery
Ground Fabric: Cream Belgium linen
Class Level: Intermediate
Prerequisites: None
Finished Size: 5” x 5” each
Kit Fee: $26.00
Kit Contents: 2 printed designs, silks, instructions and photographs
Student Supplies:
4” embroidery hoop, embroidery needles #7, found object
106: The Bayeux Tapestry - Shirley Kay Wolfersperger
An important part of embroidery is learning about its history. In this class we will study the Bayeux Tapestry, the
most famous embroidery in the western world. First, we will see slides of the complete embroidery and learn
what it tells us of kings, dukes, intrigue, portents, and betrayals. In the middle portion, we will learn what the
experts know about its origins, what its mysteries are, why it was stitched, and who commissioned it. We will
learn about the embroidery itself, the making of the linen and wool, who the probable stitchers and designer
were, how long it took to complete the massive embroidery, and how it came to remain whole after almost 1,000
years. In the last half we will learn the “Bayeux Stitch” and stitch a griffin from the tapestry.
Ground Fabric: Closely woven linen
Class Level: Intermediate
Prerequisites: Some acquaintance with surface stitches is helpful
Finished Size: 4” x 6”
Kit Fee: $20.00
Kit Contents: Written instructions, bibliography, and patterns, 2 skeins of Medicis
wool, 2 crewel needles, 7” x 7” off-white, closely woven linen
Student Supplies: Basic sewing kit, 5” or 6” hoop
Stitchers’ Ottersea
Page Class Descriptions
107: Snake Missed Eden Too - Sara Zander
Poor snake! Adam and Eve get the sympathy, snake gets the blame. Looking
back on the Eden lost forever, snake’s polished turquoise eye drips glittering
droplet tears.
French jett, Czech glass, and rich silk mix with art-deco flair to create
an elegant brooch in just a few hours. The use of historic couturier bead
embroidery on a firm foundation will convert even the most “all-thumbsbead-a-phobic” into a successful “bead-a-holic.” Bead stores are a kind of
Eden, after all!
Bead embroidery and cabochon capture
Ground Fabric: Dupioni Silk
Class Level: All Levels
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of peyote stitch helpful but not required
Finished Size: 2-1/2” x 4”
Kit Fee: $50.00
Kit Contents: Dupioni silk, timtex, pin finding, Ocean Jasper cabochon (or similar), Czech glass droplets,
needles, thread, work surface fabric, French jett, crysophaze beads (or similar), Japanese
delicas, bibliography, resource list, and instructions
Student Supplies:
Sharp, small scissors, thread puller (i.e., rubber finger, balloon, shelf liner), Thread Heaven
conditioner (preferred) or beeswax, light and magnifier suggested, fabric scissors (any
201: Sea Stars - Barbara Elmore
Little Sea Stars will spark your creativity from conception to completion of this engaging project. Students will
transfer the design to canvas, paint it with vibrant colors, and stitch each star with a variety of silk perles,
metallics, and beads. No two canvases will be alike! A beautiful little “scrapbook of stitches” will serve as a
reference in deciding which stitches to apply to each star.
This project will make you smile as you work with color,
texture, and sparkly embellishments. Finish it as a framed
piece, pillow, or accessory appliqué.
Canvas Work, Pulled Work, Bead Work
Ground Fabric: 18-count mono canvas
Class Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Prerequisites: None
Finished Size: 6-1/2” x 6-1/2”
Kit Fee: $85.00
Kit Contents: Tracing pattern, black marker, various colors of silk perle, water
colours, Kreinik metallics, Sundance seed beads, beading kit, various
cording materials, color photo, scrapbook of stitches to use for the
stars; Class Supply: paint, brushes, sponges
Student Supplies:
11” x 11” mini stretcher bars, tape, staples or tacks, usual stitching
supplies including large tapestry needles, stitching light and
magnifier recommended but not essential, smock for painting portion
of class. Page GPR Seminar 2008
Class Descriptions
202: Goldfinch & Chickadee Sewing Kit - Marsha Papay Gomola
The Goldfinch and Chickadee Sewing Essentials are a perfect small set for travel. Embroidery scissors are in a
pocket that is decorated with a beautiful goldfinch perched on his favorite plant, the thistle. The scissors fob is
decorated with an adorable chickadee staring at a spider. The fob opens to reveal needle pages and a pocket for
a needle threader. Class time will concentrate on creating the goldfinch and chickadee. Emphasis will be placed
on the use of padding for the birds and thistle, silk shading, my method for creating the realistic markings on the
birds, and the finishing techniques.
Stumpwork and Counted Thread
Ground Fabric: 34-count Legacy Linen, Café Au Lait
Class Level: Intermediate
Prerequisites: Experience with surface and counted thread
embroidery is helpful
Scissors Pocket: 4-3/4” x 2-3/4”
Fob: 3-/14” x 3-1/4”
Kit Fee: $85.00
Kit Contents: Cotton and silk thread, gold spangles, glass beads, hoop,
Legacy Linen, 34-count Café Au Lait, all finishing materials,
detailed instructions, the kit contains everything needed to
complete the project
Student Supplies: Basic sewing kit that must contain embroidery scissors and
paper scissors, pencil or pen for notes
Finished Size:
203: Sampling the Lily Pads - Susan Goodman
This 2-day sampler class is for Intermediate-level students who would like an introduction to transferring their
favorite photos to fabric and canvas while stitching a sampler. A demonstration of several transfer methods will
be described, including use of the computer and, especially, the photo printer.
Students in this class will concentrate on how to use sampler stitches plus embroidery to change a photograph. They will learn how to interpret the picture in appropriate stitches for the congress cloth. Class discussion
addresses of originals vs. adaptations.
Canvas work
Ground Fabric: Congress Cloth
Class Level: Intermediate
Prerequisites: None
Finished Size: 5” x 7”
Kit Fee: $50.00
Kit Contents: Congress cloth with transferred picture, threads to complete
sampler: floss, overdyed floss, overdyed silks, linen and
congress cloth for extra transfer, paper printed transfer
picture, instructions with color photograph
Student Supplies:
10” x 12” stretcher bars, tacks, basic sewing kit, embroidery
scissors, paper scissors, light and magnification if normally
Stitchers’ Ottersea
Page Class Descriptions
204: Pigeon Point Lighthouse - Lois Kershner
On this sunny day the ocean waves roll in steady, quiet motion against the rocky beach at Pigeon Point. Perhaps
tonight the light beam and fog horn’s bellow will be needed by ships passing this lighthouse, one of thirteen
along the California coastline. Learn or become reacquainted with a variety of interesting stitches and special
techniques including thread blending, thread shading, painting, and appliqué of Ultrasuede for the rocks.
Explore the use of overdyed cotton, silk, wool, and specialty threads of various textures and colors to achieve
this realistic scene.
Canvas Embroidery
Ground Fabric: 24-count Congress Cloth
Class Level: Intermediate
Prerequisites: None
Finished Size: 5” x 7”
Kit Fee: $60.00
Kit Contents: Canvas with line design, Ultrasuede, needles, threads,
instruction booklet
Student Supplies: 12” x 12” stretchers bars, tacks, frame weight or clamp, air
soluble purple ink pen, fine line black Sharpie pen, basic
stitching supplies, light, magnifier, and extension cord
205: Lily - Lynn Payette
Sheer and opaque fabrics, silk and rayon ombre ribbon, flosses, metallic threads, and a variety of beads are
stitched and bonded to Congress Cloth (using Wonder Under, a fusible web) to create both the leaves and the
flower. Twisted cord surrounds stitches; embellishments, color placement for cast shadows, with emphasis on
depth and perspective will be taught. Embellishment will be with the student’s choice of threads and colors
using outline stitch, whipped back stitch, straight stitches, and twisted cords. This piece is not charted and will
give the counted thread stitcher a new and stimulating venue in
which to work. Technique: Ground Fabric:
Class Level: Prerequisites: Finished Size: Pre-Work: Kit Fee: Kit Contents: Mixed Media, Multi-fiber
Congress Cloth, Soft White
5” x 5”
Complete instructions and a color copy of the piece, all fibers: veloura, thread,
floss, Bijoux metallic threads, Kreinik blending filament, Kreinik metallics,
Sulky machine embroidery threads, beads: variety of seeds and delicas, sheer
and opaque fabrics necessary to complete the piece, Wonder Under, white (soft)
congress cloth with motif pre-drawn Student Supplies:
Stretcher bars: 10” x 10”, tacks, small sharp scissors, old scissors, needles
(several of each): #7 or #8 crewel, #22 and #18 chenille, #22 tapestry, beading,
invisible thread, beeswax, pencil, water soluble marker
Page 10
GPR Seminar 2008
Class Descriptions
206: Pacific Grove Collage - Laura Perin
Pacific Grove Collage captures the unique colors and images of Monterey Bay, making it the perfect souvenir
for the Asilomar experience. This 9-1/4” x 9-1/4” intermediate piece is worked on marbleized eggshell 18-count
mono canvas. The palette of perle cottons and metallic-ribbon threads was chosen specifically to replicate the
blue-green waters of Monterey, as well as the browns and greens of local redwoods and cedars, and includes a
variegated colorway specially hand-dyed for this project. This
collage provides an enjoyable way for the stitchers to sample
different techniques for using variegated threads. Class perwork is required; stitchers will spend 6 to 8 hours stitching
the diagonal satin stitch borders of the collage boxes.
Counted Canvas Work Ground Fabric: 18-count mono canvas (eggshell with brown marbling) Class Level: Intermediate
Prerequisites: None
Finished Size: 9-1/4” x 9-1/4”
6-8 hours Kit Fee:
Kit Contents: Detailed instruction booklet with colored graphs and photos, marbleized
eggshell 18-count canvas, stretcher bars, hand-painted perle cotton, #5
perle cottons, cotton floss, overdyed floss, ribbon floss, metallic ribbon,
assorted beads, needles Student Supplies:
Usual stitching supplies: scissors, light, frame stand or weight (if needed),
canvas tacks
207: Lavender Lace - Deanna Powell
A sophisticated necklace for the student who wants to learn different techniques. The 36”
project was designed to teach students double-needle Peyote stitch with and without patterns,
cabochons that are stitched and glued, and a delicate right angle flower stitch. Special emphasis
will be on constructing the intricate necklace straps that attach the Swarovski crystal squares
and cabochon to form a completed neck piece. Student will also learn to use the Peyote stitch
to make and attach a toggle and loop to finish the Lavender Lace project. The kit will include
needles, Delica beads in two sizes, Swarovski square and bicone crystals, one Labradorite
30mm x 22mm cabochon, and instructions for finishing,
Technique: Beading (Flat Peyote stitch, cabochon Peyote stitch, flower stitch chains, and Peyote Stitch straps)
Ground Fabric: N/A
Class Level: Basic/Intermediate
Prerequisites: None
Finished Size: 1” x 36”
Pre-Work: None
Kit Fee: $88.00
Kit Contents: 11° and 15° Delicas, Nymo beading thread, beading needles, Swarovski square and bicone crystals, Labradorite
30mm x 22mm cabochon, workbook including complete instructions for finishing
Student Supplies:
Beading pad or dish, fabric scissors, light and magnification, if necessary, an extension cord, other favorite
beading tools, pencil or pen for note taking Stitchers’ Ottersea
Page 11
Class Descriptions
208: A Year in Renew - Marnie Ritter
A year in renew - whether it is to celebrate the current year, an
anniversary or birthday, the birth of a baby, a wedding or simply a
year of memories. Each month celebrates with a design that exemplifies that month.
Subtle letters are part of some of the months patterns, others are the
message of that month’s place in the calendar. From lettered patterns
to butterflies, pots of flowers, fireworks, and evergreens, the transition
from one month to another is joyful. The space on the left can be
personalized with whatever the student wishes. The width may be
reduced to make it more like a band sampler if desired.
Technique: Ground Fabric:
Class Level: Prerequisites: Finished Size: Pre-Work: Kit Fee: Kit Contents:
Counted Canvas 18-count cream canvas Intermediate/Advanced
9” x 15”
#18 cream canvas, silks, overdyes, metal threads, braids, beads, graphed
instructions Student Supplies:
13” x 18” stretcher bars
209: Summer Dance - Kay Stanis
A fresh breeze brings the fragrance of wisteria as butterflies dance. Using realistic and
stylized techniques in silk and metal, we will interpret the warmth and joy of a summer
day. Students will develop the design of their composition in motif and color placement. Butterflies in satin, long and short, and shaded stitches, couched black Japanese gold are
dancing among leaves that are developed from the choice of the needlepoint stitches. The
flowers are formed with various padding techniques under satin stitch with goldwork
anthers. Leaves are needlepoint filling stitches with stems and tendrils in couched twists.
Accents of goldwork add a feeling of opulence to the summer sunshine. Students will be
encouraged to use their own ideas in color and stitch interpretations.
Technique: Ground Fabric:
Class Level: Prerequisites: Finished Size: Pre-Work: Kit Fee: Kit Contents: Silk & Metal
Cashel linen Intermediate/Advanced
5” x 20”
$85 (with stretcher bars)
Hand dyed Cashel linen, felt padding, Zwicky silk, Kurenai Kai flat silk, Waterlilies, Silk sewing thread, #1
Gold metal, #4 Japanese gold, black, Black purl, Coronet braid, Torsade twist, needles, tacks, lacing thread,
photo or color copy, instruction booklet Student Supplies:
Pencil, beeswax, scissors: 1 for cutting metal threads, 1 for cutting silk, laying tool (tekobari recommended),
koma, a thimble if you’re used to working with one, bead tray (instructions for making this are provided
in the student letter), a device to hold the frame steady and flat, other items that will be useful are: small
tweezers, e.g., Uncle Bill’s, and a set of frame magnets.
Page 12
GPR Seminar 2008
Class Descriptions
210: Gilded Halos - Shirley Kay Wolfersperger
A class that includes creativity, color, and Hardanger is ideal. If you like the
familiar with exploration into the unfamiliar, you will love this class. We will
be stitching two Hardanger angels from a choice of several patterns. One of
the most exciting things to come out of Hardanger in years is the intriguing
“inside-out” Hardanger lace that we will be learning for the delicate wings.
This technique, devised by the teacher, can transform your Hardanger forever.
When the wings are finished, or nearly finished, we will take the next step and
that is dyeing and painting the whole angel with transparent paints and gutta
resists. When the angels are finished, they can be used in many ways, including
as hanging ornaments for a window, or as appliquéed elements for book covers,
vests, purses - the list is endless.
Technique: Modern Hardanger Ground Fabric: 22-count Hardanger fabric Class Level: Intermediate
Prerequisites: Students should have done some Hardanger before Finished Size: 7” x 13”
Pre-Work: None
Kit Fee: $25.00
Kit Contents:
2 pieces of 22-count white Hardanger fabric, 6” x 10”, 6m white #5 perle cotton, 2m white #8
perle cotton, written instructions, 2 tapestry needles; Class Supply: Dye-Na-Flow silk paints,
gold and clear gutta resist
Student Supplies:
Basic sewing kit, including Hardanger scissors, 5” or 6” hoop
211 & 311: Studio Time
Have you ever wanted to escape for a couple of days of uninterrupted stitching and have a nationally known
teacher available to you? Studio Time allows you that opportunity without having to make a bed or prepare
any meals. Now what could be more perfect? It is offered as an alternative to a formal class. It’s a great way to
complete unfinished projects and for new guild members, or those who haven’t attended a previous seminar, to
learn about seminar activities without taking a structured class.
Studio Time is a class where students bring their own needlework to stitch on in a relaxed atmosphere. Stitchers
bring all the supplies, materials, tools, and books that they may need in class. The instructor will provide guidance
and suggestions. This is a class that will help students over and around any stumbling blocks with projects in
order to encourage them to complete their needlework. Technique: Any and all Ground Fabric: Any and all Class Level: All Levels Prerequisites: UFOs gathering dust Finished Size: N/A
Pre-Work: UFOs Kit Fee: N/A
Kit Contents: N/A
Student Supplies: Project supplies and usual stitching supplies
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Class Descriptions
301: Shell Study - Barbara Elmore
This “painted threads” class will focus on creating sea shells with a realistic look. We will stitch the subject
matter with all white threads, then paint them with lots of water and acrylic paints, allowing the pigment to
bleed and flow into the background. Additional stitching highlights the shells and completes the background.
Each student’s work will be unique and beautiful! This is a very fun class. No painting experience necessary!
Ground Fabric: 18-count mono canvas Class Level: All Levels Prerequisites: None
Finished Size: 8” x 8”
Pre-Work: None
Kit Fee: $60.00
Kit Contents: Line drawn canvas, white floss, white flair, water colours, overdyed
cotton floss, complete stitch guide with photo, shell embellishments
provided; Class Supply: Paints and brushes
Student Supplies:
12” x 12” regular stretcher bars, tape, staples or tacks, Smock, usual
stitching supplies including a variety of needles (tapestry).
302: The Cardinal’s Rose - Marsha Papay Gomola
The stunning cardinal dominates this design. He is perched on a branch above the beautiful Christmas rose and
a variety of holiday greenery. Adding sparkle to the design are Swarovski crystals, fresh water pearls and 14 Kt. Gold beads. The class time will concentrate on completing the cardinal and the rose. Emphasis will be placed on
the use of wire, the silk shading in the leaves and petals, my methods for creating the realistic markings on the
cardinal and the various methods used for covering padding.
Technique: Ground Fabric:
Class Level: Prerequisites: Finished Size: Pre-Work: Kit Fee: Kit Contents:
Duchess Satin, Champagne
Experience with surface embroidery is helpful
3” x 5”
Anchor stranded cotton floss, YLI stranded silk, Sampler
thread, Silk N’ Colors stranded silk, Flax N’ Colors linen
thread, Weeks Dye Works stranded cotton, felt for padding,
Swarovski crystals, 14 kt gold beads, rice-shaped fresh water
pearls, pre-marked duchess satin for the ground, muslin for
the backing and for the detached elements, wire, needles,
complete instructions with picture Student Supplies: Basic sewing kit that must contain
embroidery scissors, paper scissors, and wire snips Page 14
GPR Seminar 2008
Class Descriptions
303: Sampling the Seashore - Susan Goodman
Sampling the Seashore is a class for all levels of embroidery enthusiasts. While stitching these samplers, students
will learn that they can take their favorite photographs and change them, copy them and print them off for
adapting to stitchery. Students will experiment with several
different methods of transferring designs and photographs.
Canvas/Counted thread enthusiasts will interpret the beach
photos in several samplers with embroidery details. When
finished, students will have a feeling for interpreting photographs
with stitch elements that are comfortable and familiar to them. Technique: Ground Fabric:
Class Level: Prerequisites: Finished Size: Pre-Work: Kit Fee: Kit Contents: Counted Thread 28-count Jobelan; Congress Cloth
All Levels None
8” x 10”
10” x 12” white Jobelan, 8” x 10” white congress cloth, Threads to complete
3 projects: floss, overdyed floss, Burmilana, wildflowers, needles, “PhotoTransferred” paper, instructions with color photo; Class Supply: T-shirt
transfer paper, HP photo printer, fabric paint, nets, sheers, Wonder Under
Student Supplies:
10” x 12” stretcher bars, tacks, basic sewing kit, embroidery scissors, fabric
scissors, and paper cutting scissors, magnification if normally used
304: Death Valley in Bloom - Lois Kershner
Immortalize the bloom of the century in stitches where wildflowers
have burst forth in the desert. Steady, heavy rains and misty drizzle
in the spring of 2005 transformed the desert at Death Valley National
Park into a vast golden garden. Now it is your turn to create this
amazing landscape of extremes from the snow-covered Telescope
Peak (11,049 ft.) to the salt flats of Bad Water Basin (282 ft. below sea
level). Capture the amazing contrasts of this living desert in a realistic
canvas-embroidery threadscape interpretation using a variety of
interesting stitches and threads including overdyed cotton, linen,
silk, and wool. Special techniques include thread padding, overlaid,
and complex stitching.
Technique: Canvas Embroidery
Ground Fabric: 24-count Congress Cloth Class Level: Intermediate
Prerequisites: None
Finished Size: 7” x 5”
Pre-Work: None
Kit Fee: $55.00
Kit Contents:
Canvas with line design, needles, threads, instruction booklet Student Supplies:
12” x 12” stretcher bars, tacks, frame weight or clamp, basic stitching supplies,
light, magnifier, and extension cord
Stitchers’ Ottersea
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Class Descriptions
305: Spring in the Woodland - Lynn Payette
Spring in the Woodland is a (non-charted) piece depicting the awakenings of flowers, fungi, and leaves after a
long winter sleep. Emphasis is on creating depth, perspective, and cast shadows, using the student’s choices of
color, techniques, and stitches. Leaves are over-embellished bonded (with Wonder Under - fusible web) layers
of sheer and opaque fabrics, while flowers, buds, fungi and mushrooms are
worked in couching (with metallic threads, flosses, and perle cottons), silk
ribbon stitches - puffed straight stitch, Japanese leaf stitch, beading, overstitching and padding of sheer and novelty fabrics, French knots, open fly,
whipped straight stitches, and surrounds of twisted cords in a variety of
different thread and metallic combinations.
Technique: Ground Fabric:
Class Level: Prerequisites: Finished Size: Pre-Work: Kit Fee: Kit Contents:
Mixed Media, Multi-fiber with Silk Ribbons
Soft White Congress Cloth
9-1/2” x 6”
Pre-printed congress cloth, Rachel, Kreinik metallic braids, Sulky metallic and rayon
machine embroidery threads, floss, perle cotton, silk ribbon, 7mm and 4mm, sheer, opaque
and metallic fabrics, novelty threads, beads: seeds and bugles Student Supplies:
10” x 12” stretcher bars, tacks, small sharp scissors (a must), paper scissors, needles (several
of each): #7 or #8 crewel, #11 and #18 chenille, #22 tapestry, beading, scotch tape, glue
stick (not the blue type), invisible threads, beeswax, pencil, laying tool, extra lighting and
magnification, if desired
306: Pacific Tide Pool - Laura Perin
Pacific Tide Pool is a small canvas Work piece designed for the intermediate stitcher to create her own jeweled
corner of a tide pool in amethysts, moss, seaweed greens and greys. This 5-1/2” x 6” piece is worked on
marbleized sandstone 18-count mono canvas drawn with shape outlines. The luscious thread palette includes
overdyed perle cottons and floss, solid color #5 perle cottons, and a variety of shimmering ribbons and metallics.
In addition, amethyst and dark rainbow beads are sprinkled in nooks and crannies to suggest ocean bubbles
and baubles. The primary class goal is for each stitcher to learn a flexible, free-form, impressionistic process of
building up simple stitches to create a dimensional work of art. The ultimate goal of this class is for stitchers
to quit dreading random stitches and learn to relax and enjoy
“painting” their own tide pool, gaining artistic confidence while
working in uncharted territory.
Technique: Ground Fabric:
Class Level: Prerequisites: Finished Size: Pre-Work: Kit Fee: Kit Contents:
Counted canvas Work 18-count mono canvas (sandstone with brown marbling) Intermediate
5-1/2” x 6”
Detailed instruction booklet with colored graphs and photos, marbleized
sandstone 18-count canvas, stretcher bars, overdyed floss and perle cottons,
solid color #5 perle cottons, specialty metallic and ribbon threads, beads,
needles Student Supplies:
Usual stitching supplies: scissors, light, frame stand or weight (if needed),
canvas tacks
Page 16
GPR Seminar 2008
Class Descriptions
307: Almost Wright - Deanna Powell
Almost Wright is a necklace that features multiple techniques. The Arts and Crafts-style project is designed
to teach students circular Ndebele beading, square stitch, two-needle Peyote stitch, picot edges, and a beaded
closure. Special emphasis will be on constructing a beaded toggle
closure for any necklace or bracelet. A unique aspect of this necklace
is that it can be worn several ways. The pendant (1-3/4” x 3-1/2”)
can be removed and the necklace worn separately or with another
pendant. A simple slide is included in the class. Students will learn
how to read a bead pattern to work the square stitch in several colors.
The kit will include needles, Nymo thread, Delica, seed, and crystal
beads and complete instructions.
Technique: Beading (Circular Ndebele (herringbone), square stitch, twoneedle Peyote stitch, picot edges, beaded closure)
Ground Fabric: N/A
Class Level: Intermediate
Prerequisites: None
Finished Size: 1-3/4” x 3-1/2”
Pre-Work: None
Kit Fee: $52.00
Kit Contents:
11° delicas, 13° seed beads, accent beads, Nymo beading thread, beading needles
(2 packages), workbook including complete instructions for finishing
Student Supplies:
Beading pad or dish, fabric scissors, light and magnification, if necessary, an
extension cord, other favorite beading tools, pencil or pen for note taking
308: An Evening in Paris - Marnie Ritter
Museum adaptations have always held an interest for needle artists. This elegant design was adapted from
a French 17c. gentleman’s waistcoat, those glorious receptacles of luscious silk and metal embroideries that
have withstood time and offer unlimited design sources for the modern day embroiderers. Shading, left open,
is the stitch message creating an elegant flowing design enhanced with satin stitch, fish bone, bullion, french
knots and straight stitch. Study of direction and curved
techn,iques are important class inclusions along with
the message of the design value of negative space. Silks
of warm creams, greens, magenta are the chosen threads
along with metallics and beads.
Technique: Crewel Embroidery
Ground Fabric: Brown or black Lutesong silk Class Level: Intermediate/Advanced
Prerequisites: None
Finished Size: 9” x 12” bag
Pre-Work: None
Kit Fee: $58.00 (snap bag closer extra)
Kit Contents:
Stamped fabric (2 pieces), silk and metal threads, beads, instructions
and photographs Student Supplies:
4” wrapped embroidery hoop, embroidery needles #8
Stitchers’ Ottersea
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Class Descriptions
309: Nocturne - Kay Stanis
The days dwindle down, the air is like wine, and leaves show their true color as they turn to
jewels in golden light in a star-lit sky. As these treasures of Autumn brighten the landscape
and then fade to traceries of gold, this silk and metal embroidery brings to life memories of
the splendor of the season. Using metallic paint with leaves as a resist, the student will create
a design of scattered leaves. The stitches will be the student’s choice with many suggestions
provided. Blackwork is used not only for interest upon close inspection but also to create the
illusion of starlight. Choices of metal and metallic threads are provided in the kit. Students will
be encouraged to use their own ideas in color and stitch interpretations. Technique: Silk & Metal Embroidery and Design
Ground Fabric: Congress Cloth
Class Level: Basic/Intermediate
Prerequisites: None
Finished Size: Student’s discretion, but limited to 5” x 20”
Pre-Work: None
Kit Fee: $50 with stretcher bars, $43 without stretcher bars Kit Contents:
Black congress cloth, silk, couching thread, #1 Gold metal, Jaceron gold and copper, Coronet braid, Kreinik braids,
fabric paint, stretcher bars, needles, tacks, lacing thread, photo or color copy, instruction booklet Student Supplies:
Pencil, large leaves to use as a resist for the paint, 1” foam brush, beeswax, scissors: 1 for cutting metal threads,
1 for cutting silk, laying tool (tekobari recommended), a thimble if you’re used to working with one, bead tray
(instructions for making this are provided in the student letter), a device to hold the frame steady and flat, other
items that will be useful are: small tweezers, e.g., Uncle Bill’s, and a set of frame magnets. These magnets are
usually small and are used so that there is one on each side of the fabric, they are advertised to hold needles and I
have found other uses for them.
310: Design in Black & White - Shirley Kay Wolfersperger
As essential as color theory is to excellent embroidery, design theory is even more essential. Design theory is the
whole body of study that color theory is a portion of. In this course the students will be introduced to design
theory with many small hands-on exercises. Each of the exercises illustrates a part of the theory of how to put
things together to form a cohesive whole. Every person is a natural designer in everyday life. This course will
strengthen those natural design gifts by codifying what we know and by making it more accessible. In the two
days we will be using paper and fabric collage, pencil and markers to put together our workbooks. The end
project will be a small embroidery that embodies some of the principles and elements we have learned.
Technique: Design and Creativity
Ground Fabric: Aida, Cotton Broadcloth, Paper
Class Level: All Levels Prerequisites: None
Finished Size: Notebook pages
Pre-Work: None
Kit Fee: $22.00
Kit Contents:
Various papers for doing the exercises, chalk, crayons, threads and fabric odds
and ends, art postcard, tracing paper, graphite artist’s pencil, 2 black markers,
notebooks, written instructions and illustrations
Student Supplies:
Ruler, paper scissors, glue stick, flower catalog or old magazine, basic sewing
kit with a variety of needles Page 18
GPR Seminar 2008
Class Descriptions
401: Mariner’s Compass - Carol Algie Higginbotham
Chart your course with this Mariner’s Compass design. Our 12” x 12” design of Shaded Blackwork and Pulled
Thread will become the pocket of a tote bag. The intermediate student will first work a sample of Blackwork
Shading techniques and Pulled Thread on a small piece of
Linda. The fish and shell are worked in Shaded Blackwork
on 27-count white Linda fabric in floss. Our guiding
compass is worked in Blackwork and Pulled Thread, using
Perle #12 and floss, to give a visual dimension to the piece.
Technique: Shaded Blackwork and Pulled Thread
Ground Fabric: 27-Count White Linda Class Level: Intermediate
Prerequisites: None
Finished Size: 12” x 12”
Pre-Work: None
Kit Fee: $40.00
Kit Contents:
14” x 14” 27-count white Linda, 8” x 10” 27-count white Linda, 18
skeins of floss, canvas tote bag, needles, #12 perle cotton, backing
fabric, instructions with picture Student Supplies:
14” x 14” stretcher bars, 8” x 10” stretcher bars, usual stitching supplies
402: Stylized Pomegranate Panels - Betty Chen Louis
The four-part, overlapping Stylized Pomegranate Panels were originally inspired by a single Japanese lacquer
design. Each panel is linked to the next by a gentle transition of metal threads in copper, gold, and silver on a black
ground. The innovative use of the pulled-thread technique evokes the appearance of metal-thread embroidery
with open fretwork. The open areas created by various pulled-thread patterns are juxtaposed with denser areas
produced by Needlepoint and Filler Stitches. In addition to developing shading techniques, the students will
learn to preset pulled-thread stitches in order to use metal thread.
Technique: Pulled Metal Threads
Ground Fabric: 24-count Black Congress Cloth (4 pieces, 7” x
Class Level: Prerequisites: Finished Size:
Pre-Work: Kit Fee: Kit Contents:
Experience with pull-thread, ability to read
charts and work with metal threads 4 panels, each 3-3/8” x 6”
Four 7” x 9” pieces of 24-count black congress cloth, DMC
Chiné noir or 205C, Kreinik braid #8: Vatican gold 102, gold
002, copper 021, curry 2122, Kreinik cord: 001C, 002C, 021C,
205C, 215C, Kreinik ribbon 1/16: 2122, needles, color images
of project panels
Student Supplies:
7” x 9” stretcher bars, 4 sets, tacks or staple gun, frame
clamp, magnifier lamp, red/blue pencil, silk laying tool (tekobari), sheet of white tissue paper
Stitchers’ Ottersea
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Class Descriptions
403: Dreaming of Geometry - Linda Reinmiller
Geometry was not Linda’s favorite subject in school, but it is definitely her favorite way to stitch on canvas. For
everyone who is as crazy about geometric stitches as Linda, this class is pure heaven. The design is stitched
on 24-count black Congress cloth, which makes the stitches pop, in a light-to-dark color scheme that includes
purples, pinks, blues, and greens. Using a variety of threads, including floss, silk, and various metallics, the class
will celebrate geometry in stitching a wide variety of stitches. Traditional stitches will be mixed with stitch variations and
some unique new stitches.
Technique: Canvas Work Ground Fabric: 24-count Black Congress Cloth Class Level: Intermediate
Prerequisites: None
Finished Size: 18” x 18”
Pre-Work: 3 hours Kit Fee:
Kit Contents:
24” x 24” 24-count Black Congress Cloth, DMC cotton floss, DMC metallic
floss, Kreinik #4 braid, fine sewing metallic, overdyed silk floss, 3 needles,
instruction book, colored photos, CD of animated stitch diagrams
Student Supplies:
24” x 24” stretcher bars
Asilomar Conference Grounds
While at Asilomar, not only will we be able to enjoy the incredible beauty of the area and great stitching, we will
be able to enjoy the luxury of a retreat ... there will be very few decisions to make, other than what piece to vote
for in the exhibit or what to buy at the bookstore and at Merchandise Night! Here are some highlights of the
retreat atmosphere:
All meals are provided as part of the lodging fee; just show up at mealtime. If you have special dietary
requirements be sure to let the chef know when you arrive.
While walking around Asilomar is very pleasant, it can be difficult for some people. There is a shuttle service
offered by Asilomar. In addition, if you need wheelchair accessibility to your room or a ground-floor room,
be sure to note this on your registration form and your Asilomar housing form.
There is a park
A surprise to many, but a feature that dramatically enhances the retreat atmosphere, is that there are no
phones in the room. The front desk runs a message service and posts messages where they can be easily
retrieved. â
If you are planning on leaving before lunch on Thursday, a box
the road.
Page 20
store in the Phoebe A. Hearst Social Hall where you can purchase gift items, sundries, and
lunch can be requested to take with you on
GPR Seminar 2008
Events & Information
Teacher’s Showcase
Let us know you have arrived and pick up your Seminar registration information and your tote bag
filled with lots of goodies from our chapters.
Here is an opportunity to see the programs and
workshops offered by some very talented teachers.
Stop by, see the projects, and get inspired for the
projects you can be doing with your chapter. If you are
a teacher and would like to be part of this event, please
contact Pamela Norton, Teachers’ Showcase Chairman (See
back cover for contact information) or send a SASE
along with your registration form.
Friday, June 13th
2:00pm - 5:30pm
Class Project Display
Friday, June 13th
3:00pm - 5:30pm
Start your wonderful week fueled by the excitement
of your sister stitchers while viewing the Class Project
Display. Meet old friends and make new ones as you
ogle everyone’s project choices.
Sunday, June 15th
7:30pm - 8:30pm
Sunday, June 15th
8:30pm - 10:00pm
Opening Event
A bonfire is a perfect Sunday Evening activity. Come
and enjoy the company of fellow stitchers, a roasted
marshmallow or two, and the warmth of the fire.
Julia Morgan is invited to dinner! On Friday night, Julia
Morgan, in the form of Betty Marvin, will be joining
Movie Night - “The Women”
Friday, June 13th
7:30pm - 9:00pm
us. Julia will be telling us how she came to create the
beautiful architectural buildings at Asilomar. Who
knows, maybe Julia was even an embroiderer. How
could someone so creative and inspiring not have
taken up the needle?
Merchandise Night
Saturday, June 14th
7:30pm - 9:30pm
Shoppers, stop by and see what’s being offered this
year! Teachers and merchants will set up shop for
one evening to offer a spectacular array of goods for
a fun filled shopping experience. It’s always one of the
seminar highlights.
If you are interested in setting up shop for the evening,
contact Pamela Norton, Merchandise Night Chairman (See
back cover for contact information) or send a SASE
along with your registration form. Full tables ($35)
and half tables ($20) are available. There will be a table
set up for chapters to sell their pins, which is a courtesy
being offered to the chapters by Seminar.
Stitchers’ Ottersea
Monday, June 16th
7:30pm - 9:30pm
Let’s go to the movies and bring a friend! We are
screening a classic from 1939 that boasts an all-star, allwoman cast. The dialog is fast-paced and extremely
witty and the clothing is impeccable.
GPR Night
Tuesday, June 17th
7:30pm - 9:30pm
Expand your Horizons! We all know what our own
chapters are planning; here’s your chance to be in
the know about the future of Region and National.
Decorating this event will be the Denim Shirt Challenge
entries, modeled live for your votes. Special Alert! Get
the inside scoop on National Seminar 2010, being held
in our very own backyard...San Francisco! Closing Event
Wednesday, June 18th
7:30pm - 9:30pm
It’s time to say Thank You to the people who made this
week possible and to discover who is going home with
those fabulous chapter-donated Ottertunities. Cheer as
awards are presented for Exhibit entries and applaud
all the lucky Spotted Otter winners.
Page 21
Events & Information
Shopping & Exhibit Hours - Treasures of the Deep
Friday, June 13th................... 3:00pm -
Saturday, June 14th................ 8:00am -
Sunday, June 15th..................8:00am -
Monday, June 16th................. 8:00am -
Tuesday, June 17th.................8:00am -
Wednesday, June 18th...........8:00am -
Shopping at Seminar
Once again Ruth Kern Books will set up shop at Seminar. She always brings a great collection of books. There
is definitely something for everyone in her collection.
You can also pre-order books and pick them up at
seminar; check your chapter newsletters, publicity
announcements, and the Seminar website for details. Madonna Needle Works will be on-site during Seminar. They will be stocked with the forgotten items and the
many “Oooh! I need that” items we all need during
our week of stitching.
Wendy Lee of Petroglyphs will also be joining us again.
She always has such an interesting and exciting array
of goods with her that she picks up during her travels. There is sure to be something of interest for everyone.
Seminar Logo Items (aka, Souvenirs)
Pins and tote bags with the seminar logo will be
provided to all registered participants. Any extras will
be available for sale during seminar. In addition, we
will have an otter frame weight for sale - he’s just too
GPR Exhibit - Neptune’s Gallery
The Neptune’s Gallery GPR Exhibit is a venue to show
the excellence in needle art and personal achievement. Come see what your fellow stitchers have created, see
if you agree with the judges, and vote for your favorite
piece. The pieces submitted are always inspiring and
wonderful to see. This is truly a great opportunity to
see some of the best work our EGA members create.
More information and submission forms are available
on the GPR website ( on the Seminar
2008 page.
Travel Arrangements - (831) 659-8037
Pamela Norton is our Travel Advisor for GPR Seminar
2008. She can help you with any mode of travel and
shuttles from any of the Bay Area airports.
Page 22
Chapter Ottertunity
Chapter Ottertunity … goodies tucked into beautiful
containers and available for the taking, if you have the
winning number! Ottertunity tickets will be available
for sale each day during regular Shopping and Exhibit
hours in the room where they will be on display. You
don’t need to be present to win, but do need to make
transportation arrangements if you should win. Good
luck to everyone! The Ottertunities will be awarded at
the Wednesday night closing event.
Massage Therapists
We are fortunate to have Sarah Rolston and her
associate of Heaven Sent Massage, both certified massage
therapists to be with us to work out those kinks in
our shoulders and backs from sitting hunched over
frames and tables. They will join us Sunday evening
after dinner and all day Monday. Sign ups will be at
Seminar at the hospitality desk after registration.
Volunteers - You Otter Have Fun
We have many opportunities for Seminar attendees
to volunteer in hospitality, sales, display security, and
related areas. This will provide you an additional
way to meet more people and enjoy your Seminar
experience. If you are interested, please check that
you are willing to be a Star Fish (Volunteer) on your
registration form. You’ve Been Spotted!
Seminar is such a wonderful time to wear and use all
your stitched goodies - amulets, clothes, chatelaines,
etc. What better audience could you have than
other stitchers? During this seminar we are trying
something a bit different to reward some of you who
help contribute to the ambience of this stitching week. We will have a limited number of special “gifts” to
be handed out as “spot awards.” If our secret spotter
spots you and your fabulous item, you may be singled
out for an on-the-spot gift.
Some days will have themes and we hope that you will
wear an appropriate “themed” item. Some probable
themes will be clothing, wearable hats/ hair accessories,
and jewelry/amulets. Watch your daily newsletter or
check the sign at the information table for the next
day’s category.
We hope that if you are “spotted” you will also share
your wearable art with us during the closing event.
GPR Seminar 2008
Stitchers’ Ottersea Registration Form - Part 1
Personal Information
See page 25 for instructions, registration dates, and cancellation policy.
Name (Last, First, MI): _ _____________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address:_ __________________________________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________________State: ______ Zip + 4______________________________
Daytime Phone: ____________________________Evening Phone: _ ________________________________________
Email Address: _ ___________________________________________________________________________________
EGA Member #_____________ Primary Chapter:________________________________________________________
Name for Name Tag (if different than name listed above): ________________________________________________________
Class Selection
Teacher (last name)
MONDAY (101-107 Classes - Optional)
1st Choice
2nd Choice
3rd Choice
4th Choice
SATURDAY/SUNDAY (201-210 and 401-403 Classes)
1st Choice
2nd Choice
3rd Choice
4th Choice
TUESDAY/WEDNESDAY (301-310 and 401-403 Classes)
1st Choice
2nd Choice
3rd Choice
4th Choice
Emergency Contact Information
Name (Last, First, MI):_______________________________________________________________________________
Daytime Phone: ____________________________Evening Phone: _ ________________________________________
Stitchers’ Ottersea
Page 23
Stitchers’ Ottersea Registration Form - Part 2
Name (Last, First, MI) : ______________________________________________________________________________
EGA Member #_____________ Primary Chapter:________________________________________________________
Fee Schedule
Are You ...
Required Fees
a first-time GPR Seminar Attendee
 Yes
 No
Reservation Fee (non-refundable)
$30 ___________ .
(omit if submitted Early Reservation Fee)
an EGA Chapter President
 Yes
 No
Select one of the following:
Chapter: _ ___________________________________
Full Registration Fee
$380 ___________
Non-Class Participant Fee
$100 ___________
a National EGA Board Member
 Yes
 No
Office:_ ______________________________________
Payment Installment Fee
$10 ___________
TOTAL AMOUNT DUE ___________
Method of Payment
 Payment in Full  Installments
Make money order or personal check in US funds
payable to: GPR Seminar 2008
# 1.
due with.
Reservation Fee*
Installment Fee
Installment Amount Due:
# 2.
# 3.
due 3/26/08
an EGA Life Member
 Yes
 No
an EGA Master Craftsman
 Yes
 No
Technique:_ __________________________________
a member of Fiber Forum
 Yes
 No
an EGA Certified Judge
 Yes
 No
a Seminar 2008 Committee Member
 Yes
 No
Will You ...
 Yes
 No.
serve as a Star Fish (volunteer)
Do You ...
have a roommate
 Yes
 No
 Yes
 No
Name: _______________________________________
Notification of Class Assignments ...
along with kit fees to be paid will be mailed by February
15, 2008. If you provide an email address, your class
assignments will be emailed to you as a PDF file.
Return All Forms to the Registrar
Melinda Rolfe.
GPR Seminar 2008 Registrar.
PO Box 2080.
Los Gatos, CA 95031-2080
serve as a Mermaid (class assistant)
(see page 3 for duties)
*omit if submitted Early Reservation Fee
Page 24
 Yes
 No
Office & Region: ______________________________
Additional Fees
Installment Amounts
a Region Board Member
Please make a
copy of all forms
for your records.
authorize publishing your personal information in
the handbook
 Yes
 No
Phone Number
 Yes
 No
Email Address
 Yes
 No
have accessibility needs
 Yes
 No.
(let Asilomar know too when you reserve your room)
GPR Seminar 2008
Stitchers’ Ottersea Registration Instructions
Registration Dates
First Day Registration
Open Registration
Registration Closes
8/15/2007- 10/31/2007
11/1/2007 - 1/30/2008
1/30/2008 or sooner if the classes are filled
Payment Due Dates
Full registration or 1st installment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .with registration form
2nd Installment (if due) . . . . . . February 27, 2008
Kit Fees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . February 27, 2008
3rd Installment (if due) . . . . . . . . March 26, 2008
Lodging & Staying at Asilomar
You will receive Asilomar’s lodging form
and a general information sheet with your
class assignments. You must register for
Stitchers’ Ottersea before you can reserve your
room with Asilomar. The cost of Asilomar
lodging is in addition to the registration fees. All travel and lodging costs, including fees
paid to Asilomar, incurred by the student are
solely the responsibility of the student. The
registration fee entitles the student to four/five
days of classes at Seminar 2008. All seminar
attendees are expected to stay at Asilomar. All
meals are included in the Asilomar lodging
Cancellation Policy
Student cancellations must be postmarked
on or before 4/2/2008. Refunds will not be
made after this date except in the case of
extreme emergency.
In the event GPR Seminar 2008 cancels a
class after class assignments are made, and
the student will not be attending Seminar,
the seminar fee less the $30 nonrefundable
reservation fee will be reimbursed.
All refunds will be made by check within
60 days of the close of GPR Seminar 2008.
Both parts of the registration form must be completed and
submitted to the Registrar along with your registration fees.
Please write legibly. Unfortunately, if the Registrar is unable
to read your registration form, your registration may be
delayed. The form may be photocopied and is available online at the GPR website Seminar 2008 page.
Registrations with postmarks during the First Day Registration
period will have equal priority when assigning classes. Early
registration will not be accepted, so please do not mail your
registration before 8/15/2007. Registrations with postmarks
during the Open Registration period will be assigned to classes
on a first-come basis.
Registration Form - Part 1
Personal Information
Complete this section so we know who you are and your
EGA affiliation.
Class Selection .
Complete this section so we know what classes you would
like to take. List 4 different choices for each class session.
List 4-day classes in BOTH Saturday/Sunday and Tuesday/
Wednesday sessions for the same choice.
Emergency Contact .
Complete this section so we know who to notify in the
event of an emergency. Registration Form - Part 2
Fee Schedule.
Complete this section so we know how you will participate. The full registration fee includes 4-5 days of classes and all
the activities. Non-class participants do not take classes and
enjoy all the activities of seminar.
Method of Payment.
Complete this section so we know how you are paying for
your classes. If you elect to pay in three installments, please
remember to include the $10 installment fee in your fees.
Are You, Will You, Do You ....
Complete these sections so we know more about you, your
ability to help, and any special needs you may have.
Have You Enclosed ...
GPR Website - Seminar 2008
Stitchers’ Ottersea
a completed registration form
a check or money order payable to GPR Seminar 2008
if applicable, a #10 SASE for Merchandise Night
if applicable, a #10 SASE for Teachers’ Showcase
if desired, a SASE postcard for registration receipt
confirmation; if you provide an email address, you will be
notified automatically by email.
Page 25
Barbara Elmore has been in the needlework industry professionally since 1986 as a designer and teacher. She
has taught at numerous needlework shops, guilds and retreats, and for TNNA. Many of her stitched pieces
employ techniques that she developd, such as painting threads AFTER they are stitches. She is also one of the
first designers to use silk ribbon on needlepoint canvas, starting with her Topiary Trees in 1994. Additionally,
she is one of the first designers to use cartoon imagery in needlepoint design, re: her Real Nancy Drew series of
canvases, which confused and outraged more than one traditional needlepointer, while delighting many others. Breaking tradition has since become her favorite activity. Marsha Papay Gomola has taught needlework throughout the Great Lakes Region, EGA regional and national
seminars, The Sampler Gathering, and Christmas in Williamsburg. She has been published in Fine Lines,
NeedleArts, and Sampler and Antique Needlework. Marsha specializes in raised embroidery emphasizing the use of
silk shading to create realistic contemporary designs.
Susan Goodman is from Centennial, Colorado and has taught needlework throughout the Rocky Mountain Region
at local chapters, at many region seminars around the country, and for national EGA, NAN, and ANG Seminars.
She has also taught at Callaway Gardens. Her original embroidery pieces have been exhibited in five national
EGA Biennial Exhibits. Susan’s current specialty is creative embroidery design with an emphasis on transfer
methods and use of computer photographs.
Carol Algie Higginbotham has been a member of EGA since 1971. Carol is an EGA certified teacher in Blackwork
and a Japanese Embroidery Center approved teacher. A past president of the Southern California Chapter,
EGA, she has served on the Counted Thread Master Craftsman committee for EGA, the Teacher Certification
committee for EGA, and was national EGA librarian. She has taught locally and at regional and national seminar
for EGA, National Standards Council of American Embroiderers, American Needlepoint Guild, and for the Los
Angeles Country Museum of Art. Her other stitching interest include: crewel, whitework (specially Dresden and
Ayrshire), metal thread, and Japanese embroidery.
Lois Kershner is a national, regional, and local needlework teacher, designer, and lecturer. She holds Level II
Teachers’ Certification in Canvas Embroidery from the National Academy of Needlearts (NAN). Lois has
received numerous awards, including The American Needlepoint Guild Small Masterpiece award in 2003, the
NAN Hope Hanley award, and GPR Seminar Judge’s Choice in 2006. An enjoyment and appreciation of the
beauty of nature and natural forms is the motivating inspiration behind her designs. Essentially, she paints with
thread, creating the illusion of light, shadow, perspective, and texture through the thread color and type and
through stitch selection. She uses needlepoint to record memorable places much as others use travel journals,
photo albums, and sketch books.
Betty Chen Louis was born in Peking, China and raised in a family that collected and valued art, especially textile
art. She holds a B.A. from Mount Holyoke College. She has studied color and design with Patricia Lambert
and apprenticed with Rita Klein in New York City. Betty has done research in the textile rooms of museums
in the U.S., Canada and Asia. She has taught at national seminars of ANG, EGA, NSC and the Embroiderers’
Association of Canada, at regional EGA seminars, for local ANG and EGA chapters, and at NAN and Callaway.
Her work has been displayed at local, regional, and national exhibits.
Lynn Payette’s art education came from professional artist parents. She has taught at local, Regional and National
levels for EGA, ANG, EAC, Callaway, Nan, Continuing Education - West Hartford, East Hartford, Daisy (shop),
Thistle (shop), Manchester Sewing Center, Fabric Place, Quilt guilds, YWCA, her studio, and has won numerous
awards. She has designed for Janlynn Corp., Ibex designs, Custom House, and has been published in Family
Circle, Woman’s Day, McCall’s, Stitchery, LeeWards, Threads, NeedleArts, and Stitchers and Needlelace. She teaches
mixed-media, multi-fiber techniques, Crewel, Silk ribbon, Needlelace, Brazilian, Stumpwork, Silk and metal,
Crazy Quilting, Clothing Embellishment, Doll Making, and Beading.
Page 26
GPR Seminar 2008
Laura Perin is an internationally known designer who enjoys sharing her passion for stitching through her unique
designs. For over 14 years, her needlework company - Laura J. Perin Designs - has specialized in creating enjoyable
designs that feature variegated threads and other specialty threads. She has taught and lectured for many years
at the chapter level for EGA and ANG. Her designs have been published in Stitcher’s World, Needlepoint NOW,
and ANG’s Needlepointer magazines. She has recently self-published her first book, Blackwork Patterns.
Deanna Powell is a fiber artist who has exhibited, lectured, and taught nationally and internationally for over
thirty years. Deanna has been designing embellished clothing and accessories since 1977. In recent years, beads
have become an integral part of her clothing and jewelry designs. She is an EGA-certified teacher, certified
graduate teacher, and past national president of EGA as well as a charter member of Fiber Forum, an EGA group
formed to advance the perception of needlework as an art form. To share her knowledge Deanna has contributed
to numerous magazines and continues to self-publish several booklets and patterns yearly.
Linda Reinmiller began designing professionally in 1995 and teaching nationally in 1997. As a teacher Linda has
set a goal of inspiring the creative process in her students while maintaining a class atmosphere of fun and
fellowship. She always gives students the opportunity to express their creativity through choices in color, thread,
and design element placement. The fun comes from her incredibly clear step-by-step instructions that make any
of her designs easy to finish. Linda has taught at many venues including the Needle Arts Mystery Retreats, EGA
Region Seminars, EGA and ANG chapters, correspondence courses, and cyber classes. Since 1999 she has been
on four ANG National Seminar Faculties.
Marnie Ritter has taught needle art for over thirty years at national and regional seminars for ANG, EGA, Callaway
Gardens, Kent State University, and NAN, as well as for guilds and shops nationally and internationally.
Marnie’s forte is to continuously discover new and innovative techniques that combine many facets of needle art.
Her students enjoy her enthusiastic sharing of these years of seasoned experience. Her certification in Surface
Stitchery from The Council of Embroiderers, as well as experience in judging, television, and publishing, offers
a teacher well versed in the subject of needlework. She has served as various officers for the Colorado Chapter
of EGA since 1995. In 2006 she was awarded the honorable Lifetime Achievement Award from the National
Academy of Needlearts.
Kay Stanis is an internationally known fiber artist, designer, Master Craftsman, Certified and Graduate Certified
Teacher of the Embroiderers’ Guild of America (EGA), and Kurenai Kai Traditional Japanese Embroidery who
maintains a studio in Wisconsin while teaching and lecturing throughout Australia, Canada, England, New
Zealand, and the United States for the American Needlepoint Guild, Callaway School of Needlearts, EGA,
Japanese Embroidery Center, the National Academy of Needlearts, South Australian embroiderers’ Guild, Loala
Conventions, Embroidery 2000 (NZ), and independent groups. She exhibits her needlework widely and is a
juried member of the EGA Fiber Forum group.
is a master (graduate) teacher for EGA and has taught on all levels including the
international level. She is a writer; her columns appear in every issue of Needle Arts and she has published
books and patterns. Shirley Kay is an artist whose work has appeared in galleries, art venues, and exhibits in the
United States and in England. Modern mixed media is her current favorite type of embroidery.
Shirley Kay Wolfersperger
* * *
In order to provide a greater selection of 1-day classes, seminar committee member Sara Zander will teach a
1-day class. She has been an EGA member since 1999 and she holds a bachelor’s degree in art education and a
master’s from Stonybook University. During 12 years teaching art in New York schools, Sara’s media of choice
were fiber arts and silversmithing. The recipient of New York’s Creative Eye award, Sara has enjoyed juried
entry into shows on both coasts and cherishes her ribbons from quilt and embroidery exhibits, including Best
of Class and special awards for crazy quilting with silk and beads. She has taught for EGA, ANG, ASG, schools,
museums, and stores. Visit Sara on her website,
Stitchers’ Ottersea
Page 27
Schedule of Events & Contact Information
Thursday, 6/12/2008
Committee Members Arrive
Teachers arrive
800 Asilomar Boulevard
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
831-372-8016 - Messages
831-642-4242 - Reservations
Friday, 6/13/2008
Teachers’ Welcome Lunch... 12:00pm-1:00pm
Seminar Registration.............. 3:00pm-5:30pm
Asilomar Room Check-In...... 3:00pm-4:00pm
Class Project Display.............. 3:00pm-5:30pm
Welcome Social....................... 3:00pm-5:30pm
Shopping.................................. 3:00pm-5:30pm
Mermaid/Teacher Meeting.... 5:00pm-5:30pm
Opening Event........................ 7:30pm-9:00pm
Saturday, 6/14/2008
GPR Exhibit..............................8:00am-5:30pm
Merchandise Night................ 7:30pm-9:30pm
Sunday, 6/15/2008
GPR Exhibit..............................8:00am-5:30pm
Teachers’ Showcase................ 7:30pm-8:30pm
Bonfire.................................... 8:30pm-10:00pm
Seminar 2008 Chairman
Georgann Lane
461 Wildwood Road
Boulder Creek, CA 95006
Registrar/Brochure Chairman
Melinda Rolfe
PO Box 2080
Los Gatos, CA 95031-2080
Neptune’s Gallery Chairman (GPR Exhibit)
Pamela Norton 86 Laurel Drive Carmel Valley, CA 93924
Chapter Ottertunity Chairman
Lisa Hynson
2221 Muldoon Rd. #360 Anchorage, AK 99504 831-659-8037
907-646-7351 (D)
907-338-6707 (E)
Monday, 6/16/2008
GPR Exhibit..............................8:00am-5:30pm
Classes (Optional Day)...........8:30am-4:30pm
Movie Night............................ 7:30pm-9:30pm
Massage Therapists............... by appointment
Tuesday, 6/17/2008
GPR Exhibit..............................8:00am-5:30pm
Classes ......................................8:30am-4:30pm
GPR Night............................... 7:30pm-9:00pm
Wednesday, 6/18/2008
GPR Exhibit..............................8:00am-5:30pm
Closing Event.......................... 7:30pm-9:00pm
Thursday, 6/19/2008
Asilomar Check-Out..................... by 12:00pm
Starfish Chairman (Volunteers)
Pat Funke 691 Dunholme Way Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Merchandise Night/Teachers’ Showcase Chairman
Pamela Norton 86 Laurel Drive Carmel Valley, CA 93924
Mermaids Chairman (Class Assistants)
Barbara Haberkorn 561-625-1525
219 Legendary Circle
Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418
Travel Arrangements
Pamela Norton