February SECPTA Newsletter
February SECPTA Newsletter
The Solon Early Childhood PTA Newsletter: www.secpta.net The Solon Early Childhood PTA is a unit of the Ohio Parent Teacher Association (PTA), organized for the parents of preschool age children (birth-5) regardless of what school the child will attend. Expectant parents are also welcome. We always welcome new members from Solon and the surrounding communities. If you are the parent of a preschool age child or infant, weREMINDER!! have something for you! MEMBERSHIP MEMBERSHIP REMINDER Membership runs from July 2015 to June 2016. Renew your membership today to continue sharing in the fun! Have questions? Please e-mail us at membership@secpta.net. SAVE THE DATE FOR SECPTA’S FUNDRAISER SHAMROCKS AND SHENANIGANS At The Winking Lizard Saturday, March 5th – Details on page 12 Notes from the SECPTA President: Plowing right along, February already? I want to take a moment to draw your attention to our monthly meetings. They are the 4th Tuesday of the month at the Solon Rec Center. This is where I made my first friends in SECPTA. Not only is it a time to sign up and learn about what is going on firsthand, but it is a great place to meet people and connect. Plus we provide pizza and childcare. And that’s not all! ;) Every month we have a program that we feel will help our members in some way. This month it is entitled "Step Away from the Flashcards: Developing Speech, Language and Social Skills through Play"and next month it is "Making Your Marriage A Priority." These are discussions that are definitely worth an hour of your time to come hear. Please join us at these meetings and take advantage of another benefit of your SECPTA membership. Hope to see you February 23rd! Rebecca president@secpta.net INSIDE THIS ISSUE: General Meetings Adult Outings Coffee Club Cooking Club Children’s Parties Fitness Service p. 3 p. 4 p. 5 p. 6 p. 7 p. 8 p. 9-10 Playgroups Fundraiser Field Trips New Members Membership Form Fundraising Form Field Trip Sign-Up Sheet p. 10 p. 12 p. 13-19 p. 20 p. 23 p. 24 p. 25 February, 2016 - p.2 Join SECPTA in Supporting The Ronald McDonald House of Cleveland There are so many ways to get involved! 1. Save the pull tabs off the top of aluminum cans 2. Donate those old free cosmetic bags collecting in your closet 3. Sign up to donate a food item for the House Pantry or an item to help prepare a meal at http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0845a8a923a02-ronald 4. Sign up to prepare and serve dinner on February 28th for the Guests of the Ronald McDonald House *Sign up through Emily at cookingclub@secpta.net* 5. COME MEET Ronald McDonald HIMSELF at the VALENTINE’S DAY PARTY!! We will also have fun crafts for the kids to do that we will send to the Ronald McDonald House to brighten the children’s days! The party will be February 13th from 3:00 – 5:00 pm at Parkside Elementary School Gymnasium. RSVP for the party at http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0e48a8af2fa3fb6-valentines All donations can be turned in at the General Meeting on February 23rd or at the Valentine’s Day Party on February 13th. See the Service Section of the newsletter on page 9 for more information. February, 2016 - p.3 SECPTA GENERAL MEETINGS SECPTA general meetings are held once each month and are a place to socialize, build community, learn something, and meet new people. The meetings are open to the public, free of charge, and do not require an RSVP. Complimentary child care and refreshments are offered at every meeting. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail us, otherwise we're looking forward to getting to know you at one of our general meetings! Tara M, VP of Programs and Judy N, Chair of Programs programs@secpta.net February General Meeting Step Away from the Flashcards: Developing Speech, Language, and Social Skills through Play by Rebecca Bowen, MA, CCC-SLP Tuesday, February 23rd at 6:15 pm Solon Community Center, 35000 Portz Pkwy Are you overwhelmed by all the toys, DVDs, and apps that claim to help your child learn to talk? Find out what the research says about these products and learn the best way to stimulate speech and language in your baby or young child. Becky is a speech-language pathologist who has dedicated her career to helping children find their voices and to understand and express themselves in fun and functional ways. She knows that speech and language are so much more than sounds, words, and sentences. She believes that children need meaningful hands-on experiences – and friends to share them with – to develop appropriate communication skills. Schedule: 6:15 pm 6:45 pm 8:00 pm Arrival, sign-ups, dinner Business meeting followed by speaker Rebecca Bowen Meeting adjourns All general meetings include complimentary child care in a room immediately adjacent to the meeting, as well as pizza and drinks to enjoy. SAVE THE DATE! March General Meeting Tuesday, March 22nd at 6:15 pm February, 2016 - p.4 SAVE THE DATE for ADULT OUTINGS of MARCH Looking for a fun night out? Join us at Winking Lizard on Saturday, March 5th. All the ADULTS of SECPTA will get together for a fun night of Shamrocks & Shenanigans! Try your luck on the 50/50 raffle, awesome raffle baskets, stellar silent & live auctions, and a lucky duck pull! And due to the theme, feel free to dress in your fun emerald colored wear! Winking Lizard’s pizza, wings, pulled pork sliders, and desserts will be provided along with soft drinks. There is also a cash bar for your enjoyment! Can’t find babysitting or spouse can’t come? Come alone and meet some new friends or bring a NON SECPTA friend (or SECPTA alumni) if you’d like! It’s all about making this a fun night for YOU while raising money to fund the programs we offer to our SECPTA family! Tickets are $20/person, and they will be available for purchase at the February General Meeting. You can also purchase tickets online at www.secpta.net (with a $1 PayPal fee) or by mailing the form found on page 24 to the address below. If you are not able to attend but still want to support this lovely organization, SECPTA will, of course, accept your financial donations or auction items. Please contact: Marlee Chase 5445 Parkside Trail Solon, OH 44139 waysandmeans@secpta.net 216-337-9570 This fundraiser is what enables SECPTA to provide all of our fun field trips at a discount, two FREE children’s parties a year, all the FREE Coffee Club events, the FREE Welcome Picnic, the subsidized Adult Outings, and all the FREE food, babysitting, and speakers at all of our meetings. So please consider supporting SECPTA so that we can continue to offer all of these events and more! …AND DON’T FORGET THESE FABULOUS FEBRUARY ADULT OUTINGS: On Friday, February 12th, the COUPLES of SECPTA are having a Ballroom Dancing Class! On Friday, February 19th, the DADS of SECPTA will be having a Poker Night! On Sunday, February 21st, the MOMS MOMS of SECPTA are going out for Dinner & a Movie! Movie February, 2016 - p.5 SECPTA’S COFFEE CLUB: Looking for a great morning activity with the kids? Coffee Club is a completely free way for you to enjoy socializing for a couple hours with other parents while your children run around and make some new friends!! Coffee Club meets monthly at different member’s homes. Our next meeting will take place on Thursday, February 11th from 9:30 – 11:30 am at Judy’s house in Solon. Wear your festive red and pink and your child can make a Valentine’s Day craft for a special someone!! To RSVP, please e-mail your name and your children's names and ages to Danielle at coffeeclub@secpta.net. SAVE THE DATE for our MARCH Coffee Club on Wednesday, March 16th at 9:30 am at Julianne’s in Solon. February, 2016 - p.6 THE COOKING CLUB Is meal planning stressing you out? Do you dream of having 6 meals ready to go right when you need them? Then it is time for a meal swap! We will meet Sunday, March 20th at 4:00 pm for this event. Participants will be put in groups of 6. The members will share in advance which meal they will be preparing for the group. You must prepare 6 meals for your group. You will keep one meal and swap 5 with the people in your group. Meals should be made to serve 5 people, and each dish should be a main dish with meat. Meals should be packaged in freezer bags or disposable casserole dishes. E-mail Emily at cookingclub@secpta.net by March 13th to sign up! February, 2016 - p.7 SECPTA VALENTINE’S VALENTINE S DAY PARTY February 13th from 3:00 – 5:00 pm Parkside Elementary School Gymnasium You will LOVE all that is in store for you at the Valentine’s Day Party! Dress in festive red, white, and pink and join us for a full afternoon of fun! Here are some things we have planned: Games Bounce House Air Brush Tattoos Crafts Music from Zap Entertainment with Limbo contests and Hula Hoops AND MEET RONALD MCDONALD HIMSELF! And when you need to refuel, you can visit the food buffet with a hot chocolate bar and freshly made cotton candy! Don’t wait, RSVP now at http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0e48a8af2fa3fb6-valentines. The craft table will have special projects for you to do that we can share with the kids at the Ronald McDonald House in Cleveland. The Service Committee will also be collecting pop can tabs, toiletry bags, pantry food items, and taking monetary donations for the Ronald McDonald House. February, 2016 - p.8 FITNESS Fit and Fabulous in 2016! Mark your calendars now to make time for you! By popular request, SECPTA fitness classes will be held twice a month from February-May. Join us for an amazing hour of cardio and strength in a fun and supportive environment. Christine is great at teaching for all levels using different layers for each of the exercises, so it is perfect for beginners through advanced. Sign-ups will take place each month at the General Meeting for the following month. Payment is due at the time of sign-up. Standard 24 hour cancellation policy applies to receive credit. For questions or to sign up after the meeting, e-mail fitness@secpta.net. Cost: $5/class Location: Pioneer Church (in the Gym), 35100 Solon Road, Solon Dates: Saturdays at 9:00 – 10:00 am February 13th and 27th, March 5th and 26th, April 9th and 30th, May 14th and 28th COUCH TO 5K PROGRAM Have you ever thought about running a 5K but you’re not a runner? Are you looking for motivation to get moving during these cold winter months? Join SECPTA for its first Couch to 5K program! No experience necessary! We will follow proven programs to get ourselves started towards the goal of running a 5K race in 6 short weeks. What an accomplishment it will be to cross that finish line! There are many spring 5K races if you have a favorite charity in mind, or if not, we will decide as a group which one to support. If you are interested in participating or just learning more about the program, e-mail fitness@secpta.net. February, 2016 - p.9 SERVICE Join SECPTA in Supporting Ronald McDonald House of Cleveland Ronald McDonald House of Cleveland is a "home away from home" for families and children at local hospitals. There are several ways you can help support this organization: -Donate food items for SECPTA members to use in preparing a meal for the families, as well as general items for the kitchen pantry. Sign up to donate food items here: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0845a8a923a02-ronald -Save the pull-offs tabs on those aluminum cans! Proceeds from recycling will benefit the Ronald McDonald House Charities. Kids can even design their own collection cans! This is an easy, kid-friendly activity that will teach children about the importance of helping others and make them feel like they themselves can make a difference! -Donate toiletry/cosmetic bags (the kind you get from free cosmetics gifts), which staff at the Ronald McDonald House will fill with toiletry items for families. All items will be collected at the February General Meeting as well as the Valentine's Day Party. Project Night Night Events Looking for a fun, easy way to get kids involved in helping others? Get a group of friends together at a time that is convenient for you and create care packages that will positively impact the lives of homeless children! Project Night-Night's Mission is to provide free Night-Night packages to homeless children from birth to pre-teen who need childhood essentials to feel secure, cozy, ready to learn, and significant. Each package contains a new security blanket, an age-appropriate children's book, and a stuffed animal. We will also include hand-made cards that your kids can help craft. It's easy! -Get a group of friends together (or just your own family) and find a time that works for you. -E-mail Mary at service@secpta.net and we'll set you up with everything you need! -Each family is asked to supply a new book and a new stuffed animal. We'll supply instructions, fabric for making blankets, and supplies for making cards. -When you're finished simply return the care packages and we will deliver them for you! February, 2016 - p.10 SERVICE CONTINUED… Donations of Baby and Maternity Items for Womankind Are you wondering what to do with those baby and maternity items that you no longer need? Bring them to any General Meeting from now through May or e-mail Mary at service@secpta.net to arrange a drop off. Womankind Maternal and Prenatal Care Center provides much needed assistance to pregnant women in the greater Cleveland area free of charge. Items to donate include: infant and toddler clothes (birth to 24 months), maternity clothes, diapers, wipes, formula (Similac Advanced), strollers, Pack ‘n Plays, highchairs, and car seats (must meet all current safety standards). Questions? E-mail Mary at service@secpta.net SECPTA Playgroups Are you too busy for a regular Playgroup but would like to occasionally meet up with other SECPTA families? Check out the new SECPTA Playgroups Meet-up Facebook group! Request to join if you want to share or learn about activities and invite or join other SECPTA families for some fun times together. This is open to all SECPTA members. If you want to join an existing Playgroup (organized by kids’ ages and availability) or if you have any questions, contact Lydia at playgroups@secpta.net. Want to join the SECPTA Book Club? Enjoy the benefits of reading (e.g., it’s relaxing, it’s good for your brain, it might help you sleep better) AND enjoy some social time with other SECPTA parents when you join the SECPTA Book Club! Contact Lydia at playgroups@secpta.net for more information. February, 2016 - p.11 Classes for 3, 4, and 5-year olds • Fully prepares students for kindergarten • Nurturing environment enhances spiritual, intellectual, social, emotional, and physical growth in each child • Christ-centered, hands-on, individualized, developmentally appropriate curriculum • Spacious, sunlit classrooms 7196 SOM Center Rd. Solon 440-248-4066 www.orlcsolon.org Laurel Kusner, Director February, 2016 - p.12 February, 2016 - p.13 Welcome SECPTA Adventurers! Access to fun, age-appropriate field trips is one of the many great benefits that members of SECPTA are provided. The 2015-2016 Field Trips Committee is hard at work planning some fantastic outings and we hope that you will join us! The members of the Field Trips Committee are: Karolina Buckley Amy Frackelton Elizabeth Frey Jamie Routman Marie Soha Tina Soric (chair) Catherine Yates Our committee's goal is to provide fun, kid-friendly activities and events to help keep you and your family busy! Many of our trips are subsidized, so you can do things with your family you've always wanted, but maybe found too costly. Other trips provide access to places and events that only large groups are afforded. Come with us and enjoy outings with your children and the camaraderie of other SECPTA families! We are always open to ideas and suggestions, especially at the beginning of the year, when we still have openings in the schedule. Please email any trip suggestions you may have to fieldtrips@secpta.net. Looking forward to meeting you on a SECPTA field trip! Tina Soric Field Trips Chair fieldtrips@secpta.net February, 2016 - p.14 IMPORTANT FIELD TRIP POLICIES SIGN-UP POLICY: Field trip sign-ups are FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE. Sign-ups will be accepted in the following order: 1) BOARD MEETINGS: As a privilege to Board members, sign-ups will be made available to members at monthly board meetings starting at 7:45 pm. Sign-ups will conclude at 8:00 pm at the start of the Board Meeting. 2) GENERAL MEETINGS: Sign-ups will begin at each General Meeting at 6:15 pm. A line will form at the Field Trips table and you will make payment via cash or check. For those events requiring payment, a reservation is not confirmed until payment is received. Please try to bring your completed SignUp Form (found on the last page of this newsletter) to the meeting to facilitate a timely sign-up procedure. 3) AFTER GENERAL MEETINGS: Once the sign-ups at general meetings are complete, you may sign up by e-mailing the designated Field Trips Coordinator for each particular field trip. (Name@secpta.net). Once you have confirmed a reservation (some trips may be booked), please send payment to the Field Trips Chair, Tina Soric, payable to SECPTA, including the trip title(s) in the Memo line. Payment should be received prior to the event date. Please note that no one is officially signed up until his or her name is on the sign-up form and payment is received. The treasurer has no access to these forms, and does not sign members up for field trips. *Please note if the field trip(s) you are interested in have sign-up deadlines. After these deadlines, we cannot accept any further sign-ups or additions to the waitlist. We apologize for any inconvenience. PAYMENT POLICY: Payments for field trips will be handled at the same time as sign-ups and will be accepted as cash, check, or prior trip "credit." We recommend not writing your check until your trips are confirmed. All checks are made payable to SECPTA. Field trip credits will be tracked by the committee and are applicable within the 2015-16 Field Trips "year." Credits will not be issued for "no-shows” or ticketed events. WAITING LIST POLICY: The Field Trips Committee will make their best effort to accommodate all members who have an interest in attending field trips in one or more of the following ways: WAITING LISTS CREATED - Waiting lists will be created for all “full” field trips. Members will be contacted if spots become available. INCREASING TICKET NUMBERS - If there is an overwhelming demand for a particular field trip, the committee will make their best effort to accommodate members by increasing the tickets/spots available. Please understand that some field trips have a limited amount of space/tickets available, and an increase may not be possible. ADDITIONAL DATES SCHEDULED - If there is an overwhelming demand for a particular field trip, the Field Trips Committee will make their best effort to schedule additional dates if possible. February, 2016 - p.15 CANCELLATION POLICY: In order to minimize SECPTA's expense for "No-Shows," and out of courtesy to your fellow SECPTA members, it is imperative that you contact the designated Field Trip Planner via email or telephone at least 24 hours prior to the event so we can fill your spot with another member. In the event that you can no longer attend a field trip that required the purchase of a ticket, SECPTA is unable to issue a credit. However, we encourage you to contact the trip coordinator for assistance in selling your tickets to another member. Additional options include posting your tickets for sale on SECPTA’s Facebook page or, as a last resort, selling them outside of SECPTA. Attendance will be taken at all field trips. No refunds/credits will be given for “no-shows” who have not given proper notification of cancellation. "No-shows" can be an issue on field trips. We will be sending at least one reminder email prior to each trip in an effort to minimize this. Please also keep your portion of the Sign-Up Sheet as a reminder of which trips you signed up for. Each trip coordinator will make it clear the best way to contact them if you are not going to make it to an event, especially at the last minute. Please also remember that many trips are subsidized, so a "free" trip to you may not have been free to SECPTA. ILLNESS POLICY: Children and/or parents should not attend any SECPTA events if they exhibit any of the following symptoms: Diarrhea more than once within 24 hours of the event; Severe coughing; Difficult or rapid breathing; Yellowish skin or eyes; redness of the eye or eyelid including discharge, eye pain, matted eyelashes, burning or itching; Temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher; Infected skin patches; unusual spots or rashes; unusually dark urine and/or gray or white stools; stiff neck with an elevated temperature; sore throat or difficulty swallowing; vomiting within 24 hours of the event; evidence of untreated lice; scabies, or other parasitic infestations. LOOKING FOR NEW IDEAS AND MEMBERS! As we already stated, our committee is continually looking for new ideas for field trips. If you have any leads for future events or are interested in joining the committee, please email us (fieldtrips@secpta.net). Your help is always appreciated!! FACEBOOK Please "like" SECPTA on Facebook for reminders about field trips sign-ups and other useful SECPTA info! CONTACT INFORMATION In an effort to keep things simple, please use fieldtrips@secpta.net to contact us. You may receive different contact information for a particular trip you are scheduled for from that Field Trip Coordinator. That information is specific to each trip, each month. February, 2016 - p.16 MARCH FIELD TRIPS Sign-ups will take place at the February General Meeting! Please bring the attached Sign-Up Form already completed. 3/1/16 (Tuesday) Planetarium Show at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History When the lights go down, the "stars" will shine within our planetarium. Learn about the night sky and enjoy Big Bird's celestial adventure One World, One Sky. Guests are welcome to visit the museum exhibits after the show, as admission to the museum is included. Time: Show begins at 10:30 am *plan to arrive earlier for parking and check-in Location: 1 Wade Oval Drive, Cleveland Cost: $5/person Ages: All ages Contact: Karolina@secpta.net Sign-up deadline: 2/24/16 3/2/16 (Wednesday) Family Martial Arts-The Silent Mind Tim Loomis, owner of The Silent Mind, is inviting SECPTA children and their parents to join him in a morning of martial arts. He believes martial art training for all ages is a superb way to enhance your body, mind, and spirit. Everyone will be moving during this class, so dress comfortably. Maximum of 30 parent/child sets. Time: 10:30 am Location: 9076 Church Street, Twinsburg Cost: $4/family Ages: All ages, ideal for 3 years + Contact: Tina@secpta.net Sign-up deadline: 3/1/16 3/5/16 (Saturday) Cleveland Orchestra Musical Rainbows - The Cheerful Cello PNC Musical Rainbow concerts introduce young people to the instruments of the orchestra. Each half-hour program will get your kids singing, clapping, and moving to the music while Cleveland Orchestra musicians and guests perform short solo selections and kid-friendly tunes and demonstrate their instruments. Limit of 40 people. Time: Location: 11:00 – 11:30 am Reinberger Chamber Hall at Severance Hall 11001 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland Cost: $4/person Ages: All ages, ideal for 3 years + Contact: Jamie@secpta.net Sign-up deadline: 2/26/16 February, 2016 - p.17 3/6/16 (Sunday) Playhouse Square’s Children Theater Series: Lightwire presents Moon Mouse: A Space Odyssey Marvin the mouse wants to be popular. Constantly bullied and picked on by the “cool” rats, he is labeled as a loser and a geek. To get away from the continuous badgering, he retreats into his science books and a world of fantasy. He longs to have adventures, to be the hero. Join Marvin on the space adventure of a lifetime: a trip to the surface of the moon on his homemade rocket where he meets a strange cast of misfit creatures, learns of infinite peril, and awesome beauty. You won’t want to miss this wonderful Lightwire Theater production! 32 tickets available. Time: 2:00 pm Location: Ohio Theater, Playhouse Square Cost: $7/person Ages: 3 years + Contact: Tina@secpta.net Sign-up deadline: 3/1/16 3/8/16 (Tuesday) Lakeshore Learning Kids get to listen to a story and complete a craft. Afterwards, we’ll explore the store and all the cool toys they have to offer. Max 20 kids. Time: 10:00 am Location: 27500 Chagrin Boulevard, Woodmere Cost: $1/child Ages: 2 years + Contact: Amy@secpta.net Sign-up deadline: None 3/10/16 (Thursday) Springtime Story and Craft Join us for stories, songs, and a craft all celebrating the start of Spring! The library staff will lead the kids in this hour-long session. Limit of 15 children. Time: Location: 6:00 – 7:00 pm Twinsburg Public Library 10050 Ravenna Road, Twinsburg Cost: $1/child Ages: All ages Contact: Jamie@secpta.net Sign-up deadline: 3/3/16 3/11/16 (Friday) Karate Institute of Twinsburg Back by popular demand is a visit to the karate dojo! Your child(ren) will get a basic introduction of karate as well as be active on the mat with lots of running, jumping, and kicking...they will go to bed tired this evening!! Limit of 35 children. Must be age 4-6. Time: 6:30 – 7:30 pm Location: 9224 Darrow Road, Twinsburg Cost: $3/child Ages: 4-6 years Contact: Marie@secpta.net Sign-up deadline: 3/9/16 February, 2016 - p.18 3/14/16 (Monday) Twinsburg Fire Department Take a tour of the Twinsburg Fire Department. Explore a fire truck, the station, and ask the firemen questions. Maximum of 15 children. Time: Location: 4:00 – 5:00 pm Twinsburg Fire Station #1 10069 Ravenna Road, Twinsburg Cost: FREE Ages: 0-5 years Contact: Catherine@secpta.net Sign-up deadline: None 3/20/16 (Sunday) Lake Erie Monsters Game Come watch our home team take on the Toronto Marlies at Quicken Loans Arena. There will be kid’s meals available for only $6 (hot dog, soda, and chips) plus the first 1,000 children 14 and under will receive a FREE day pass to Castaway Bay. 26 tickets available with the possibility of adding more. Time: 3:00 pm Location: Quicken Loans Arena Cost: $5/person Ages: All ages Contact: Tina@secpta.net Sign-up deadline: 3/15/16 3/23/16 (Wednesday) Jump Palace Come and check out one of Ohio’s premier indoor inflatables facilities. Kids can jump around in bounce houses and play on inflatable obstacle courses. Pack a lunch as we will have a party room to eat our lunches there if you wish. Time: 10:00 am Location: 9254 Market Square Drive, Streetsboro Cost: $4/child (includes all day play) Ages: 2 years + Contact: Amy@secpta.net Sign-up deadline: 3/16/16 3/25/16 (Friday) Glow Jump at Pump it Up Come feel the GLOW! The Glow Jump is lots of bouncing fun featuring GLOW and Special FX lighting! Each child will receive a glow bracelet and will enjoy the giant inflatables under the specialty lighting. Don’t forget to wear white or neon clothing (and socks) to GLOW under the black lights! Time: 10:15 am – 12:00 pm *mandatory safety video will begin promptly at 10:15 am Location: 4111 Hudson Drive, Stow Cost: $5/child Ages: 2 years + and minimum of 34 inches in height (for safety reasons) Contact: Karolina@secpta.net Sign-up deadline: 3/18/16 February, 2016 - p.19 3/26/16 (Saturday) The Little Mermaid at Firestone Theatre In a magical kingdom beneath the sea, the beautiful young mermaid, Ariel, longs to leave her ocean home to live in the world above. Join us as we watch the students of Akron School for the Arts make this beloved story come to life. 36 tickets available. Time: 2:30 pm Location: 333 Rampart Avenue, Akron Cost: $4/person Ages: 3 years + Contact: Tina@secpta.net Sign-up deadline: 3/19/16 3/28/16 (Monday) Hands on Pottery Get ready to paint at this "dish" party! Choose from a plate, dish, or mug to decorate. Maximum of 15 children. Time: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Location: 5660 Mayfield Road, Lyndhurst Cost: $8/child Ages: All ages Contact: Catherine@secpta.net Sign-up deadline: 3/21/16 SAVE THE DATE Mark your calendars for SESAME STREET LIVE on Friday, April 8th at 10:30 am! SECPTA has 50 tickets reserved for just $8 each! Sign-ups for this exciting show will take place at the MARCH General Meeting. February, 2016 - p.20 Do you know a SECPTA friend who has recently had a baby? Is there someone in SECPTA who may recently have had surgery and is in need of a helping hand? Would you like to schedule a date with your spouse, an appointment, or shopping trip and not have to bring the kids? What about having dependable, reliable babysitting, that’s also FREE? Then the SECPTA Babysitting Co-op is for you. It’s a group of SECPTA members that exchange babysitting services for each other. The Babysitting Co-op provides members with a babysitting option where no money is exchanged. Participation can begin once the person is a paid SECPTA member, attends a co-op meeting, and completes an authorization form. Monthly meetings are held the third Tuesday of each month and are hosted by co-op members. To join or find out more information, please contact Laura at babysittingcoop@secpta.net. If so please let us help them! The Helping Hands members look forward to preparing a home-cooked meal for a fellow SECPTA member who may need the extra hand! Whether it is for a new mother or a family going through a tough time, we are here to help. Over this past year, SECPTA’s Helping Hands has prepared many meals for our members, and we are willing and happy to continue to lend a hand. Please let us know if there is a member ‘in need’ by contacting Leah at helpinghands@secpta.net. ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS Join us for a FAMILY CRAFT NIGHT for all ages at Wild Lily Designs in Twinsburg! Sunday, February 28th from 12:00 – 1:00 pm Cost: $5/family RSVP to newmembers@secpta.net February, 2016 - p.21 February, 2016 - p.22 February, 2016 - p.23 Solon Early Childhood PTA (SECPTA) Membership Form 2015-2016 All memberships run July 2015-June 2016 Please send completed form and payment to: Kristen Cash 29308 North Village Lane Glenwillow, OH 44139 Dues: $30 one-vote family membership (entitles entire family to attend SECPTA activities) For an additional $4.00, members may add a second adult member, which entitles the second adult to a vote, board eligibility, and ability to handle SECPTA financial transactions. Make checks payable to SECPTA. Please call Kristen (216-544-7562) if you have any questions Membership Information: New or Renewal (Please circle one) Name____________________________________________________________________________ Other Adult________________________________________________________________________ Street Address/city/zip_______________________________________________________________ Phone Number__________________________Cell phone (opt) _______________________________ Primary Email______________________________________________________________________ Secondary Email (opt)_______________________________________________________________ Children Names & ages______________________________________________________________ Do we have permission to publish your info in our member directory? Yes or No (circle one) SECPTA runs on volunteers. Will you help us? What are you interested in? _________________________________________________________________________________ I understand that the information provided above will be included in a membership directory distributed to all paid members of the Solon Early Childhood PTA. I understand that my child/ren must be accompanied by an adult at all activities and that adult is responsible for the behavior and safety of my child. I understand that children and/or parents should not attend any SECPTA events if they exhibit any of the following symptoms: Diarrhea more than once within 24 hours of the event; severe coughing; difficult or rapid breathing; yellowish skin or eyes; redness of the eye or eyelid including discharge, eye pain, matted eyelashes, burning or itching; temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher; infected skin patches; unusual spots or rashes; unusually dark urine and/or gray or white stools; stiff neck with an elevated temperature; sore throat or difficulty swallowing; vomiting within 24 hours of the event; or evidence of untreated lice, scabies, or other parasitic infestations. I consent to the use of any photographs taken of my minor child/ren at SECPTA events for utilization in SECPTA promotional materials (names will never be used). In case of accident, neither the Solon Early Childhood PTA nor its membership shall be held responsible. X__________________________________________________________ Date________________________ ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Received___________Check Number______________Amount paid____________ Initials____________ February, 2016 - p.24 SECPTA’s SHAMROCKS AND SHENANIGANS 2016 Saturday, March 5th 7:00 – 10:00 pm Winking Lizard Party Center 25200 Miles Road, Bedford Heights Join us for a fun evening with your friends and family in support of a great organization! Come test your luck (Irish or not!) at the Lucky Duck pull, 50/50 raffle, raffle baskets, silent and live auctions, and more! Tickets are $20 per person and include heavy appetizers, dessert, and non-alcoholic drinks. Cash bar for alcohol will be available. To RSVP, please fill out the form below and return it with payment (checks made payable to SECPTA) to the January or February General Meeting, or mail to: Marlee Chase 5445 Parkside Trail Solon, OH 44139 Shamrocks and Shenanigans - RSVP Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ Email Address: ______________________________________________________________________ _____________ # tickets @ $20 per person = _______________ Paid by: _____cash _____check # _____________ Collected by: _________________________ Date: _____________________ February 2016 - p.25 MARCH FIELD TRIPS SIGN-UP SHEET Parent Name(s):____________________________________ Email Address:_____________________________________ Best contact phone number:_________________________ Child Name(s) and Age(s):___________________________ You can keep this portion for your records. 3/1/16 (Tuesday 10:30) Planetarium Planetarium: _____ tickets @ $5 $_______ Family Martial Arts: _____ family @ $4 $_______ Martial Arts Cheerful Cello: _____ tickets @ $4 $_______ 3/5/16 (Saturday 11:00) Cheerful Cello Moon Mouse :_____ tickets @ $7 $_______ 3/2/16 (Wednesday 10:30) Family 3/6/16 (Sunday 2:00) Playhouse Square Children’s Theater: Moon Lakeshore: ______ kids @ $1 $_______ Mouse Story & Craft: _____ kids @ $1 $_______ 3/8/16 (Tuesday 10:00) Lakeshore Karate Institute: ______ kids @ $3 $_______ Fire Station: _____ kids @ FREE $_______ Monsters Game: ______ tickets @ $5 $_______ 3/14/16 (Monday 4:00) Fire Station Jump Palace: ______ kids @ $4 $_______ 3/20/16 (Sunday 3:00) Monsters Game Glow Jump: ______ kids @ $5 $_______ The Little Mermaid: ______ tickets @ $4 $_______ Hands on Pottery: ______ kids @ $8 $_______ Learning 3/10/16 (Thursday 6:00) Story & Craft 3/11/16 (Friday 6:30) Karate Institute 3/23/16 (Wednesday 10:00) Jump Palace 3/25/16 (Friday 10:15) Glow Jump 3/26/16 (Saturday 2:30) The Little Mermaid Subtotal $_______ Credits - $_______ TOTAL $_______ paid by CASH / CHECK (circle one) 3/28/16 (Monday 10:00) Hands on Pottery
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