District Newsletter


District Newsletter
C N H |K E Y C L U B
December 2014
Volume 6 | Issue 7
Please BEE Green! Do not print this newsletter!
The Anaheim Convention Center in
Anaheim, California—site of District
Convention 2015’s general sessions.
The Official
CNH District Newsletter
Call to District
Convention 2015
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
Page 1
The Official CNH District Newsletter
A Word from the News Editor................................. 2
Executive Messages.................................................... 3
District Convention 2015.......................................... 6
District Updates.........................................................18
GOLDEN Features......................................................24
Spotlight on Service.................................................27
Slices of P.I.E.................................................................29
Contests & Guidelines..............................................36
Kiwanis Family Updates..........................................41
Sergeant at Arms Updates.....................................51
Monthly Recognition...............................................53
Contributions from your
2014-2015 District Board
A word from the
Hello, CNH Bees!
We’re rarely ever in the same place at once:
between packed classroom meetings awaiting
the latest updates and service opportunities,
gettogethers for the local food bank, or boba milk
teahouse after-service socials, we’re all simply busy
at work saving our own little corner of the world.
That’s why it’s so special when we do come
together as one big CNH ohana. Fall Rally showed
you what happens when thousands of spirited Key
Clubbers all converge onto one place. It’s just that
you’d have missed out on meeting people from
the other half of our district either way. If division,
region, and district-wide events leave you curious
and wanting more, your heart is in the right place.
Enter District Convention—DCON is everything
you’d find in the greatest family get-together anyone
could ask for—a weekend full of spirit and CNH love:
fellowship, learning, and of course, celebration.
In addition to the information in this special issue
designed to help you find your way to Anaheim come
March, you’ll find that people love talking about their
my-first-time-at-DCON stories. Don’t have one yet? It’s
not too late—DCON 2015 is your perfect opportunity.
District Calendar........................................................57
Contact Information.................................................60
Buzzing in Service,
Kevin Chu
District News Editor
Thank You.....................................................................62
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
Page 2
Executive Messages
from your
‘14-‘15 Executive
“Bee Team”
Hello CNH Bees!
Welcome to the Convention Issue of our
District Newsletter! We hope that you find this
issue incredibly useful when it comes to sharing
the District Convention (DCON) experience with
fellow members. Remember, this is only a small
taste of DCON 2015. You’re going to have to come
and see for yourself what all the buzz is about!
Convention is a time of celebration, where
members, club officers, and advisors are recognized
for a year’s worth of unending service and
dedication to Key Club. Convention is also a time
of new beginnings when newly-elected officers are
ushered into term. But that isn’t all it! At DCON, you
will have the opportunity to interact with thousands
of Key Clubbers from all across California, Nevada,
and Hawaii, attend workshops to help enhance your
leadership skills, and learn more about Key Club! The
education you will receive at District Convention
will last a lifetime and help foster your growth as a
leader. The friends you will create at DCON will
be a part of your most cherished memories. If you
have gone to District Convention before, this year
is going to be unlike any other year because of
new features such as region time, extra training
sessions, optional caucus time, and more that you
can learn more about reading through this issue or
experience while you are in Anaheim, California.
We certainly have a lot of reasons to celebrate this
year’s convention—I want YOU to be a part of our
wonderful end-of-the-term district-wide celebration!
Every day, each and every one of you inspires
me to do all that I do. Let’s come together for a
wonderful CELEBRATION of Key Club in CNH love
and spirit. I can’t wait to see YOUR CLUB registered
for the 69th Convention so I can see you soon!
Jacqueline Tsang
District Governor
Hello, CNH Key Club!
Can you believe it’s already December?
The season of joy and spirit is upon us, so remember
to bring that to the Key Club side of your life as
well! No matter what you celebrate, make sure to
take the time off from school to appreciate all the
little things, no matter what they may be for you.
Not only is it the holiday season, but it’s
also time to register for the biggest celebration
that the CNH District hosts every year—DISTRICT
CONVENTION! This year, DCON will be held at
the Anaheim Hilton and Convention Center. The
theme is CELEBRATE: Service, Leadership, and
Family. Are you ready to meet the candidates
that are running to be next year’s executives?
Are you ready to experience retirement and
installation? Are you ready to attend seminars to
learn more about this wonderful organization?
And of course, are you ready to show your spirit
and let CNH know how you feel? Well, make sure
to register for DCON with your club president
as soon as possible! Also, keep fundraising to
pay for the registration fee! Your parents may
accept a reimbursement policy in which you pay
them back after you’ve made all the money.
To seniors: keep your head up during
application season! You can do this. Remember
to manage your time well enough to continue
keeping Key Club as an active part of your life. To the
underclassmen: Candidate Training Conference
is this month! Make sure you’re attending to learn
more about the position you want to run for, be
it Lieutenant Governor or District Executive. I look
forward to seeing the potential candidates at
District Office Candidate Training Conference!
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
With much love,
Cecilia Li
District Secretary
Page 3
Executive Messages
from your
‘14-‘15 Executive
“Bee Team”
Aloha CNH Bees!
Will I be see your club in Anaheim at DCON
2015? District Convention has something in store for
everyone—Key Clubbers new to the organization
and wanting to get more involved, to graduating
high school seniors who want to know more about
the next step after Key Club. Not only will you
meet likeminded individuals from across the three
states within our district; you also are guaranteed
to make memories that will last a life time.
DCON registration is open: If you are
interested, please contact your club officers
immediately to begin fundraising to help pay for
your trip! Costs for Convention may be daunting,
but this is a challenge that can be conquered!
When coming up with a total cost for
convention for your club, remember to incorporate
registration fees for both members and chaperones,
as well as any applicable transportation fees.
To lower these costs, your club can participate
in fundraisers that can help make Convention
more affordable. A more affordable Convention
means more members attending! If you need any
fundraising ideas, feel free to look at the fundraising
manual that can be found on the CyberKey!
I hope to see YOU at DCON 2015! Please feel
free to contact me for any help with fundraising
and membership recruitment as we approach
Convention. Have a joyous holiday season, Bees!
Fundraising is an effective way to enable more
club members to attend. Remember: advisors and
chaperones need to pay for convention fees too!
Darin Ngo
District Treasurer
District Convention Chair
Hello CNH Bees!
Are you ready for a weekend of fun and
memories? Did you enjoy learning about Key Club at
your local Region Training Conference? Did you enjoy
raising money and awareness for a cause at Fall Rally?
District Convention is the three-day weekend for you!
District Convention 2015 has everything you
could ever want from a Key Club event: education,
service, leadership, friendship, entertainment, and
more! Will you be an officer for the 2015-2016 term?
Come to DCON to help learn more about your
officer position! Not an officer? No problem! There
are plenty of seminar options for you to attend to
help you BEE the best Key Club member you can be.
This year’s Convention theme is: CELEBRATE! Service,
Leadership, and Family. This is your opportunity to
not only CELEBRATE the 2014-2015 term, but also to
prepare and get excited for the 2015-2016 term.
At Convention, CELEBRATE all of your service to your
home, school, and community; you will be able to
CELEBRATE your growth as a leader over the last
year, and you will be able to CELEBRATE all the
connections you’ve made in the Kiwanis Family.
The District Convention 2015 Registration website
is now open, which means the deadline is soon
approaching. Start working with your club officers
and advisors to ensure that your club is able to attend.
If you have any questions, comments, or
concerns, contact me at cnhkc.dcon@gmail.com. It
is my job to ensure that you have the best Convention
experience possible, so please do not hesitate to ask!
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
In friendship and family,
RJ Immerman
District Convention Chair
Page 4
Message from your TRUSTEE
Hello California-Nevada-Hawaii BEEs!
In honor of Thanksgiving and the holiday
season, I would like to thank all of you for the
service you do. During this holiday season, think
of all the mothers and babies you, as a Key Club
member, have saved from maternal-neonatal
tetanus. That is something to truly celebrate!
assisted with the Rustic Pathways webinar for Key Club
members. Thank you to everyone who attended! We
would appreciate any feedback on the webinars as
well as suggestions for future webinar topics. What
would most benefit you as a Key Club member?
Please email me with any comments or suggestions.
Key Club International has set a goal to raise 1.4
million dollars by by International Convention
2015. When you are fundraising for The Eliminate
Project, you are not only contributing to this goal
but are also saving countless lives. Check out
the International board talking about this goal
on the Key Club International YouTube channel!
As a reminder, Key Club International is creating a “We
are Family” video to promote Kiwanis Family relations.
Have you been positively impacted by a branch of
the Kiwanis Family? We would love to hear about
it through this form by Wednesday, December 31st!
In other news, Key Club International has put on the
“Back to School with Key Club” and “Recruitment,
Retention and Reputation” webinars as well as
Jenalee Beazley
International Trustee
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
Your teammate in service,
Page 5
Are you ready to CELEBRATE at DCON 2015?
Location: Anaheim Convention Center
Date: March 13th – March 15th, 2015
FRIDAY – Spirit Attire
Service EXPO, Meet & Greet, Registration
Educational Seminar 1, 2, 3, 4
First General Session: Up With People
Educational Seminar 5
Candidate Meet & Greet, Friday Food Trucks
Curfew at 11:45 PM
SATURDAY – Business Attire
Up with People is a global education organization
that aims to bring the world together through service
and music. This unique combination of international
travel, service-learning, leadership development and
performing arts offers students an unparalleled
experience and a pathway to make a difference in the
world, one community at a time.
January 15th - $179 per person
Caucus Session
Educational Seminar 6, 7, 8
House of Delegates
Educational Seminar 9, 10, 11
Second General Session
Educational Seminar 12
College EXPO
Third General Session: Awards Ceremony
Governor’s Ball & Alternative Activities
Curfew at 11:45 PM
SUNDAY – Business Casual
 Breakfast
 Last General Session: Board Transition
Join us in
February 5th - $219 per person
HOTEL COSTS (with 4 people sharing)
$220.56 per night / 4 people = $55.14 x 2 nights = $110.28
TOTAL COST (without transportation + misc. cost)
+ $110.28 (hotel) = $289.28
Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i
District Newsletter
at the 69th annual
Page 6
District Convention
Cost Overview for DCON 2015
4% 3%
Registration Fee: Includes all convention
sessions and workshops, Saturday and Sunday
meals, program, and souvenirs. Total fees
collected cover all aspects of convention
including but not limited to the facilities,
materials, and adult background checks
Leadership Team
On Time Registration: $179.00 per member
Late Registration: $219.00 per member
Hotel: Options include the Anaheim Hilton
and the Anaheim Sheraton
$220.56 per night x 2 nights = $110.28
(With 4 persons sharing)
Transportation: Costs vary based on
method: airplane, train, bus, rental van,
advisor vehicle (mileage), and parking.
Other: The meals for Friday night (March
13th) ARE NOT provided. There are a
variety of great eateries within walking
distance and food trucks outside the
Hilton. Please arrange Friday night meals
with your advisor. Also, if your group
chooses to go to Disneyland or to the
Anaheim Ducks game, there are
discounted tickets available for purchase
ahead of time for Convention attendees.
See you in
Leadership Team
Meals: Saturday breakfast, lunch, dinner;
Sunday brunch
Extras: Awards, DJ, T-Shirts, program, pins,
ribbons, badges, speakers/entertainment
Leadership Team: Housing & meals for Key
Club board, Kiwanis committee & VIPs
Tech: Audio/visual, speakers, backdrop
Facility: Convention Center rental, AudioVisual, Stage Backdrop
Administrative: Advisor Background checks,
audit fees, postage, pre-convention planning,
truck rental, staff, telephone
School Approval
 You must have school and/or school district
approval for overnight events (often referred
to as a field trip request)
 Most school boards request notice 30 days in
advance, so make sure you get a request
approval early! Check with your school as
soon as possible.
 Provide information regarding the
convention to facilitate the approval
process. They may not have an
understanding of a Key Club convention.
 If using school district transportation, then
make sure you and the advisor KNOW what
forms to complete and HOW EARLY they
Attendees have the options
of staying at...
A. Anaheim Hilton – 0.0 miles away
must be submitted.
$220.56 per room, per night
(taxes included)
Attendee Information
 Convention Overview including details of
purpose, eligibility, tentative agenda, location, and costs for your group.
 Determine overall costs per person.
 Identify any contributions made by the club,
*If sharing a room with 3 other people,
hotel costs are $55.14 per room, per night
B. Anaheim Sheraton Park – 0.4 miles away
sponsoring Kiwanis club, or other group toward reducing convention costs per person.
$217.12 per room, per night
(taxes included)
 Code of Conduct and Medical Authorization
forms must be brought to convention by
chaperones. Code of conduct forms will be
turned in at registration. Medical authorization forms should be carried by chaperones
throughout the weekend.
 Additional Activities Details
Registration Information
 The primary adult will complete a form with
*If sharing a room with 3 other people,
hotel costs are $54.28 per room, per night
all of the necessary information on it.
 You will NOT be able to save your session
when registering.
 You must complete the club registration within a 30-minute timed session.
Miscellaneous Convention Items
Delegate Registration
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
Sergeant at Arms (SAA) Registration
EXPO participation
You may only share a room with individuals
of the same gender
Students and adults may not share a room
(exception: parent and child)
Female members are not allowed in the
room of male members, and male
members are not allowed in the room of
female members at any time
All members must be back in his or her
room by curfew, 11:45 PM
There may be up to 4 people per room
10:1 Key Clubber to Advisor
ratio per gender
Please reserve hotel rooms after registering
Page 8
for the convention as soon as possible.
Why Attend DCON?
Reasons YOU Should Go!
Every year that I have gone to District Convention, I’ve
always learned something new. Not only is District
Convention a great way to learn more about Key Club
in general, but it also a great way to be more excited
about being a Key Clubber. They Key Club community
is so broad and it’s always wonderful to see how
passionate members are about Key Club. While at
District Convention, you feel like yourself and no one
is forcing you to be someone you are not. District
Convention was truly an eye-opening experience and
everyone should have the opportunity to attend it.
—Amanda Lam, Santa Teresa, Division 12 South
When I attended DCON my freshman year, I had no idea
that I would’ve had the opportunity to make new friends,
improve on my leadership skills, and truly learn about what
Key Club really is. Seeing all these members all over the CNH
district made me really think that everyone who’s attending
DCON is here to make a difference to their clubs when they
come back. Attending DCON will truly change your life
as a Key Clubber because it shows you the true meaning
of Key Club, and will inspire you to serve for the better!
— Gabby Baniqued, Ann Sobrato, Division 12 South
Attending DCON was one of the best decisions of my life. DCON
is what inspired me to further involve myself in the Key Club
at my school. DCON has taught me that Key Club is expands
way past Division 45 and its clubs. By attending DCON, I was
able to meet new friends that I will never forget. By attending
District Convention, you will be inspired to learn more about
Key Club and it will give you memories that will last a lifetime.
— Jiavanna Wong-Fortunato, Carson, Division 45
Why Attend DCON?
Attending DCON created memories that will last a lifetime.
Originally debating on whether or not to go, I am glad that I
took the opportunity to attend this spectacular event. District
Convention opened my eyes as to how large Key Club is—it
extends way beyond just the club level, way beyond the state
level, and as I learned, way beyond the national level. I met
people from all around the CNH District; being roomed with
students from Southern California made me realize that there
are others all over who feel the same about volunteering as
I do. The workshops offered at DCON taught me information
about Key Club that I never would have known if I were
not in attendance. From the workshops to the general
sessions, DCON was a life-changing event, and it has helped
me become the more outgoing person that I am now.
— Jenna Wong-Fortunato, Carson, Division 45
District Convention. I don’t know exactly where to start, but if I
had to explain this event in one word it would be memorable.
DCON was one of the best experiences I’ve had as a Key Clubber,
and there’s just so much that happened that it’s impossible
to sum it up in one tiny paragraph. Imagine waking up in a
hotel room with friends (of your gender of course) from your
division, and getting ready for a day filled with workshops,
general sessions, and most importantly, Key Clubbers like you.
There are giant rooms around the convention center filled
with Key Clubbers dressed in division or business casual attire
(depending on the day of convention), with everyone excited
to meet new people and learn about The Eliminate Project,
fundraising, their positions, and everything Key Club-related.
BEEing surrounded by passionate Key Clubbers filled me
with happiness and a sense of belonging. Everywhere I went,
I never really felt alone because there was always someone
to meet. In between workshops and sessions I remembered
the reason why we all come together for this club, not just
for friends, but for service and to make a difference in our
communities. I can’t explain this any further without writing
pages about DCON, but it was definitely an eye-opener for me
as a Key Clubber. DCON wasn’t good. It was better than good!
— Emybeth Pascual, Benjamin Holt, Division 27 North
Since it was my first DCON, I didn’t really know what to expect at
first, but I had an amazing first experience. I found the workshops
very informative and helpful, and I enjoyed listening to presenters
talk about their experiences. I met a lot of spirited people that
inspired me to be a better Key Clubber. One of the things I
enjoyed most was listening to the guest speaker because he
was super-entertaining and gave me a lot of motivation. Lastly, I
enjoyed watching all of the LTGs and the district governor retire
and the new ones installed. I’m looking forward to DCON 2015!
— Jemie Quero, Middle College, Division 27 North
As a member, the two most anticipated events of the year are
Fall Rally and DCON. Now that Fall Rally season has officially come to a close, I cannot wait for this year’s District Convention! I have been going to DCON for the past two years,
and every year creates a different atmosphere and different
memories. DCON is a chance for members to continue to get
to know the rest of CNH while also marking the end of a job
well done and embarking on new adventures as their journey
of service continues. It’s an overall amazing experience – one
that every member should have the pleasure of experiencing
at least once. — Lori Cambronero, Narbonne, Division 19 South
The experience at my very first District Convention in 2014 was
indescribable. From the first day to the last day of Convention,
the spirit and compassion of each Key Clubber grew stronger
and stronger. Everyone was so nice and dedicated to Key Club.
They screamed their hearts out for their divisions, schools,
lieutenant governors, and our beloved district board members.
I was blown away by how spirited everyone was. I felt like I was
with my real family because we all had the same desire to serve
our homes, schools, and communities. I was really glad that I had
the opportunity to experience DCON and bring back new ideas
and spirit to my home club and division. I can honestly say that
these experiences have changed my perspective on Key Club and
transformed me from being a neophyte member to a super-active
member and officer. Thank you, CNH, for giving me a chance to
meet so many inspirational members and leaders, and for giving
me a chance to understand the reason why I love Key Club.
— Lisa Kim, Bellflower, Division 13 South
Check out the Ribbons & Buttons booth at Convention!
Donate $1 to th
e Eliminate Pro
ject & pick from
different ribbon
s to hang from
ur name tag. H
sneak peak!
ere’s a
Proud to Be a
100th Year
I <3 Service
Old Timer
Ask Me
How I Feel
First Timer
Daniel Lang
“I can't put into words how honored I am to have
what started as a few ideas in my head become
reality! They just took some time and a whole lot
Division: 28 North
of effort to make, but in the end I love how these
Club: A-Tech
pieces came out. Anyway, it's been a pleasure
Years in Key Club: 4
serving you all, and I hope you're excited as I am
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
Page 12
to wear these buttons at District Convention!”
Governor's Ball
Join District Governor Jacqueline and your Lieutenant Governors on the dance floor Saturday
night at District Convention during Governor’s Ball!
Get your groove on with
DJ Twigz. It’s going to BEE a blast!
Alternative Activities
Dancing not your scene? Attend Alternate Activities where
video games, board games, and plenty of other activitiesPage 13
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
will be available for you to participate in!
Why should
YOU attend the
This is YOUR opportunity to take a look at
various colleges! This is your chance to
explore colleges from all around California
and Nevada.
Get a chance to talk to current college
students about their experiences! This is
your chance to ask about classes, college
life, or anything else you might have
questions about!
Take a look around the College EXPO and
learn more about the various programs
each college has to offer!
Read what others have to
say about the College EXPO!
As a Circle K member, I really enjoyed participating in the College EXPO
because I was able to inform Key Clubbers, future college students, about
what my college (CSU Sacramento) experience is like along with Circle K
members from all over the district who represent their schools. Overall, I
think many more Circle K members should attend the College EXPO to
represent their home school, meet Key Clubbers, and maybe inspire
someone to go to your college and join your CKI Club!
Lawrence Sahagun | Cal State Sacramento Circle K
I liked that a variety of colleges were present and that the colleges
there all had Circle K clubs, showing a continuation of the Kiwanis
Family's involvement.
Jonny Paguio | Cal Poly Pomona Circle K
When I went to College EXPO, I was in my prime of looking at colleges;
It was the perfect opportunity to look at colleges that acknowledge
Key Club and the Kiwanis Family.
Angela Lazo | Division 7 North
The College EXPO at District Convention 2014 truly was an enjoyable
and enlightening experience. Though I was only a sophomore at the
time, I was already inspired to join Circle K, no matter what the school!
Also, the college students there were very enthusiastic as well. By
attending in the future, I hope to gain more information about normal
college life and the Circle K clubs at other colleges as well.
Amir Patel | Division 46 North
Post-DCON Attractions
Up with People
Be sure to look for Up with People’s live,
high-energy show. They travel with a
purpose, perform for thousands, and
impact communities all over the world
through unique, experiential education
opportunities and partnering with
community organizations at each stop of
their journey.
Disneyland Tickets
Do you love Disney? Want to visit
the Happiest Place on Earth? Do so
with special Convention offers and
discounts during your visit to our
Cali-Nev-Ha District Convention!
Anaheim Ducks Tickets
Are you or your friends and family
hockey fans? Celebrate Key Club
Family Month at an Anaheim Ducks
game! Receive a special Key Club
discount for their game on Sunday,
March 15th!
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
Page 16
Steps to Running for District
or International
Repeat steps 2 - 10 on the
District side.
Attend District Officer Candidate
Training Conference in Rancho
Cucamonga, California.
If elected for International
endorsement at DCON,
pack your bags and
register for ICON!
Register for candidacy on
The deadline is on the form.
If you are approved, create your 1-page
2-sided literature. Be sure to impress.
Before DCON
Be sure to register and attend
DCON. You must be present
to run.
Write your speech and practice it!
You will be saying a lot at DCON.
Practice caucus session questions.
Choose your campaign team.
They will be your support at
Fill out all necessary forms
sent to you by International.
Attend International
Convention and all required
election meetings.
Read your speech and impress
the voters at the caucus sessions.
Enjoy ICON and be happy
and proud you made it this
For more information go to:
Be sure
to pack
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i
District Newsletter
speech at
the Caucus
and thank
camPage 17
paign team.
District Updates
You’re invited to the…
69th Annual Service Exposition!
Service Exposition
What is it?
As the largest district in the world’s largest student-led
service organization, the CNH District is proud to host a
Service EXPO. On the first afternoon of District
Convention, we give clubs, organizations, and vendors
the opportunity to showcase their service projects,
programs, and others items they feel are beneficial to
Key Clubbers. Our goal is to make this year’s EXPO the
best that it has ever been, and we need YOUR help to
accomplish this goal! The Service EXPO is an awesome
opportunity for you to publicize and present your hardwork to over 2,500 service-eager Key Clubbers!
Participate on a volunteer basis: you provide the
opportunity, and we provide the exhibit space!
How to Participate
If you are interested in partaking in this amazing
opportunity, please register online HERE ! The
Service EXPO is a great place for your club to be
recognized for your hard work! Sign up as a
presenter to share your most successful service
project, fundraiser, or other information with
members from all over the district. We wish you
the best of luck and look forward to working with
you at Convention!
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
WHEN: March 13th, 2015
2:30 PM – 6:00 PM
WHERE: Anaheim Hilton
Questions, comments,
or concerns?
Please do not hesitate to contact Service
EXPO Coordinator, Cecilia Nguyen at
cnhkc.serviceexpo@gmail.com. She will
be more than happy to assist you!
Page 18
District Updates
Th e Ser vi ce P r oje c t s C o m mi t t ee P r ese nt s
P e diat ric T rau ma Do lls
What's fifteen inches, soft, and a future best friend for a
child in the hospital? PTP dolls! Patients use these dolls as
an outlet for expression and to understand a doctor's
regarding their surgical procedure. At DCON
2015, you will have the opportunity to create PTP dolls to
comfort children during their whole hospital experience.
Op er a ti o n G r at i t ude
Wh y sh o u ld you
part ic ipa te ?
Operation Gratitude strives to lift the
spirits of active-duty and veterans.
Operation Gratitude provides various
provide comfort either to sick
distressing situations.
2. Kiwanis dolls allow doctors to
easily help children understand a
medical procedure or sickness.
3. Even though letters seem small,
the message that you put in the
letter can make a big difference. By
sending troops a small token of
thanks, it will provide them with
the acknowledgement that their
service is appreciated.
4. You will perform these service
projects with members from all
across our district!
express their gratitude to members
of the military by writing letters and
will then send those gifts
to new recruits, veterans, wounded
warriors, and U.S. service members
deployed overseas. At DCON 2015,
write a letter to a military member
that may become one of his/her most
cherished possessions.
Join Us!
D istric t C o n v ent io n 2 01 5 Serv ic e E X P O
F rida y , M a rc h 1 3, 2 0 15 | 2:3 0 - 6 :30 P M
Anaheim Convention Center | Pacific C & D
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
Co n ta ct S e rv ice Proj ects
Ch ai r
Cat h eri ne
K im
( c nh k c. sp @gmail. com ) for
mo re de t ails!
Page 19
There are plenty of resources at your disposal, so don't be afraid to
look around! Ask your Lt. Governor, Division News Editor, or the
Graphics Department Coordinator if you ever need any assistance.
• The appropriate Key Club logo, wordmark, and pencil can all be
found on either Key Club lnternational's website (Resources) or on
the Cyberkey (Resources>>Graphics).
• Make sure you are utilizing the correct graphics. You can find the
new Cali-Nev-Ha logo on the Cyberkey (Resources>>Graphics).
Questions, comments, or concerns?
• The Key Club Brand Guide can be found on the CyberKey
Contact Graphics Department Coordinator
(Resources>> Training>>Key Club Brand Guide-Spring 2013)
Tina Bui at cnhkc.gd@gmail.com
Complete this scavenger hunt on the CyberKey!
The first ten members to get all of the correct answers will get a
shout-out on social media!
Click Here
to start the Hunt
District Secretary Cecilia uses
what acronym to organize her
goals for Key Club?
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
Page 21
home of
district convention 2015
march 13-15, 2015
anaheim convention center
Lt. Governor Turtle
counterparts Tracy Lee and
Mariela Carrillo!
Comm. & Marketing Chair
Sona Senapati and Lt.
Governor Jaihee Choi!
DGOV Jacqueline Tsang
and Lt. Governor “Prince”
Vince Ngyuen
GOLDEN Features
Want your voice to be featured
in the District Newsletter?
Contact your division news
editor or visit cnhkeyclub.org!
Cards for Key Players
Vivian Li | Division 44 South | Mira Loma
In honor of Key Club Week’s “Kudos to Key Players”, Mira Loma Key Club decided
to make cards for our school’s staff to show our appreciation for them. We also made a large
card for our sponsoring Sacramento Suburban Kiwanis with thank you messages and signatures
from our members, to show our appreciation for all they do for us. Our goal was to make at
least one card for every one of the staff members at our school, from janitors to P.E. teachers to
counselors to math teachers, since they are all key players who make our school and our club
possible. This meant over 120 cards, which was quite a daunting task, but our members were
able to do it!
During lunchtime in our advisor’s room throughout Key Club Week, from November
3rd to November 7th, members came and made cards thanking teachers that had affected
their lives in any way, big or small. Despite the fast-paced work of creating so many cards, the
atmosphere was full of fun and energy, with Key Clubbers reminiscing about favorite memories
or inside jokes with a certain teacher.
Mira Loma Key Clubbers create hand-made
“Cards for Key Players” during Key Club Week.
The puns were relentless. Each handmade card was signed Mira Loma Key Club, and
was individual written and decorated for a particular teachers. We dropped them off in the
teacher’s mailboxes the next week hoping to brighten their days just a little as we head into the
final stretch before the end of the semester; to our surprise, we saw some cards hanging in their
classrooms the next day! As a very successful project, we hope to continue this tradition every
year, as we have learned how important it is and how big of a difference one can make simply
by expressing one’s gratitude.
Youth Court
Liliana Ortiz | Division 37 East | Orange Glen
Every first and third Tuesday of every month, the Escondido Police Department
holds a Youth Court. Youth Court is a court-like scene, and its goal is to ensure that underage
first-time offenders learn the consequences of their crimes. The cases given are real and the
students that have committed the offenses are actual students from Escondido. Students
can serve on the jury or be an attorney (prosecution or defense) after completing the
required training and “bar exam”. A student can be a part of as many as two, sometime
three, cases in one night. As a result, Youth Court has continuously stayed a popular
service event among our Key Clubbers because the setting is very similar to an actual court.
A “mock trial” is held to provide training for volunteers
willing to become “attorneys” in Youth Court.
The fact that they can help decide the sentence for actual crimes is very exciting
to them. Those who complete the required training to be an attorney find the experience
far more fulfilling and take their roles very seriously, making their best effort in presenting
cases. Jurors like to negotiate sentences according to the information that was given to them.
They find themselves responsible for coming up with a compromise that will best benefit
the offender in learning from their mistake. First-time attendees always come back and
provide positive feedback about their experience and are always willing to go back. Because
of this, Orange Glen Key Club has and will continue to be a part of this great opportunity.
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
Page 24
Kiwanis Duck Splash
Tristan Ganzon | Division 3 North | Crescenta Valley
Crescenta Valley High School Key Club members volunteered at the 10th
annual Kiwanis Duck Splash in Glendale, CA. The Kiwanis Incredible Duck Splash
(acronym “KIDS”) is produced by the Kiwanis Club of Glendale, i.e., a “Duck Race.”
5,000 to 100,000 or more yellow rubber ducks “race” to a finish line to earn great prizes
for their “adoptive” owners, matched by a unique number on a tag on the bottom of
each duck. The beneficiaries of the charitable fundraising event are primarily children
and youth in Glendale and neighboring cities throughout Los Angeles County.
The Key Club members at the event received valuable insight on what it’s like to organize
and set up an event that contributes to the community and gives more than just an enjoyable
day at the park. The Duck Splash being held between 10 AM and 2 PM volunteers went above
and beyond and came at 7 AM or earlier, answering their call of duty to serve and volunteer.
At the event, most members took to the booths, which housed many carnival-style
games that gave off a communal fare feeling. Volunteers also, among other things, set
up booths, decorated tables, helped with tickets for the booths, and cleaned up afterward.
Top: Key Clubbers shovel excess dirt, building
a mound of dirt to be removed later on.
Right: In preparation for the construction of a
new concrete pavement, the ground is smoothed
over and leveled for convenience of paving over.
Florin Awake-a-Thon
Jeremy Seng | Division 27 North | Ronald E. McNair
Key Clubbers keep themselves and each other
awake until seven the next morning for a cause.
There are few things that can separate a teenager’s head from a pillow. One: a softer
pillow. Two: food. Three: a call from mother nature, but the fourth and most surprising–is
to support The Eliminate Project. That’s what Key Clubbers did when they assembled for
Florin High School’s 5th Annual Awake-a-Thon, the only time of the year when teenagers
willingly pull an all-nighter. Each pledging $30, over a hundred intrepid Key Clubbers
stayed up until 7 AM in the morning to support their newborn brothers from differing
mothers. These children all suffered from neonatal tetanus, a generalized form of tetanus that
occurs to infants in developing countries. Fun fact: tetanus is a bacterial disease that causes
muscle spasms and if left untreated, killing the victim in the last hours of their life with
EXCRUCIATING pain! Actually, that’s not a fun fact. So, staying up for 12 hours is easypeasy-shmeezy, sure, but toss in a rally, a showing of The Grudge, and a dance to top it off and
you have one great day (or night) to spend with one’s Key Club ohana. Florin’s 5th Annual
Awake-A-Thon was a memorable night, and I hope that “bear” will be more people next year!
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
Page 25
CNH District Convention 2015
Region 11 cannot wait to celebrate at DCON 2015!
We are all so excited to:
Vote for new District executives
Recognize leaders and clubs who have gone above and beeyond this term
Meet Key Clubbers from all over California, Nevada, and Hawaii
Meet the 2014-2015 District Board and the incoming 2015-2016 District Board
Attend informative workshops about leadership and service opportunities
Celebrate 100 years of Kiwanis with our CNH Ohana!
D18E Dancing Cows: Ruby Aujla
D18W Aliens: Christine Ardans
D33 Jumping Monkeys: Oscar Artega
Region Advisor: Carole Farris
Compiled by the Service
Projects Committee
Cali-Nev-Ha Key Club Presents the…
Spotlight on Service Program:
“Children: Their Future, Our Focus”
Photo taken by Nathan Dang.
Would you like to receive recognition by participating in our Cali-Nev-Ha District’s Spotlight on Service
Program? Click here to submit your reflection by the 5th of the month after your service project! Take a
look at what clubs did for the October Focus: Trick or Treat for UNICEF!
Kiss the Pig
UNICEF Halloween Bake Sale
Caroline Kodama |22H | Iolani
Vanessa Banh | D46N
Iolani Key Club officers baked Halloween-themed treats such as
spider cupcakes, pumpkin mocha, monster cookies, and more!
Treats were given out during the club meeting for donations.
Members could guess the number of candy corns in a jar for $1 per
guess, and the closest entry won the jar of candy. This project
impacted the club positively: freshmen and seniors bonded over
games, and the club passed the fundraising goal to raise a total of
$242. Each member averaged more than a $1.80 donation for The
Eliminate Project!
Five contestants were chosen to represent the division. Each of
these contestants received a personalized box that was presented at
every DCM and Kiwanis meeting, starting all the way back in
June. The boxes with the most money meant that that particular
contestant had to kiss the pig! This project was extremely
successful; Division 46 North was able to fundraise as much as
$500 for The Eliminate Project!
to the clubs who participated in the Spotlight on Service Program!
A member of King Kekaulike
donations on Halloween night.
“Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF is a great opportunity for members to come together to give back to the world, while having fun at the same time.”
– Jennifer Trinh, D30S, John F. Kennedy
“This project has made members aware of UNICEF and The Eliminate Project’s aim to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus from the world.”
– Carmen Chan, D28N, Advanced Technologies Academy
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
Page 27
[Type text]
The Spotlight on Service Program aims
to promote the Key Club District and
International service initiatives. Each
month is dedicated to a specific focus
that clubs are encouraged to accomplish
for the month. Remember, our District
Goal is for every club to conduct
5 service projects every month.
December Focus l Providing Basic Needs
December, a month filled with music, gifts, fun, and laughter as family and friends
gather together. It is the month for appreciating all that had occurred within this year,
acknowledging the sacrifices we had made, and wrapping up the 2015 year. This
month's Spotlight on Service focus is Providing Basic Needs. There are many people in
our very own community who lack the shelter, materials, and simply the care necessary
for daily living. Let us focus this month on clothing drives, toy drives, and canned food
drives. Still wish to do more? Another idea is to have a gift basket contest to see which
group can create the best care package to donate to those in need!
Look for more events to do in the December Service Projects Guide. Also, don’t forget to
join the Service Projects Reflector to follow up on messages, monthly SOSP updates, and
information pertaining to service projects. Link:
[Type text]
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
Page 28
Int’l Business
A Slice of P.I.E.
Club Editor
Club Slice of Office: BEEing a Club Editor
Club Editors are
members of the club
who play a crucial
role in the collection
and distribution of
information within
Key Club. Their
duties range from
creating newsletters
and taking
photographs to
designing the club’s
website or
managing the
Facebook page.
The Newsletter
 Send out weekly updates
 Educate the members
 Relay information in
creative ways
 Visually appealing
 Engage the members in
your newsletters
 Manage the technological
aspect of the club.
The Newsletter is a digital “news
magazine” which provides the members
you serve with updates on the club,
division, and Key Club in general.
 Graphic Standards: All publications
must abide by the Key Club Graphic
Standards guidelines
 Articles and Visuals: Use visuals
and articles to showcase the activities
of your club.
 Inform and Recognize: Inform the
members with important information
and recognize outstanding members.
Graphic Standards
Why Run?
 Build leadership and
organizational skills that
will last a lifetime
 Showcase the
accomplishments of the
 Inform Members
 Spotlight your club for
the entire district to see
Events to Attend
 District Convention
 Officer Training Conference
 Region Training Conference
As an international organization, Key
Club utilizes Graphic Standards to
uphold uniformity and professionalism.
Be sure to utilize the Editor’s Manual
when creating Key Club documents
and publications.
Articles & Visuals
How to Run
How to Run for Office
Don’t forget to use your
current Editor and Lt.
Governor as friendly
resources as well!
 Articles are a great way to share
with the members and all of CNH
that your club has been doing!
Articles you submit have the chance
of being shown to the entire district.
 Visuals showcase how amazing
your club is and the Service you all
do. Remember, keep the pictures
appropriate and of service.
a Kiwanis-family member| cnhkeyclub.org
Learn more about
this position at:
Officers | Editor
A Slice of Office
District Elections
Also known as PIE, the Policy, Int’l Business, & Elections Committee aims to educate you, the
members on the three mentioned focuses by providing slices of information on these areas.
NOTE that this procedure is for both District Executive Candidates and International
Endorsement Candidates.
1. When will elections take place?
Elections for District Executive positions will take place in April at District Convention.
Candidates running for a District Executive Position should run for endorsement at
their Division Conclave.
2. Are there any pre-election functions that the members should be attending?
Commonly, a “Meet & Greet” is held on the first day of District Convention
Overview: An informal, open session for members to personally talk to
Purpose: To give members a better understanding of candidates’ goals and
What will members be doing? Talking to candidates and asking questions to
prepare for caucusing!
Is there a specific seating for delegates and non-delegates?
Both delegates and non-delegates hear speeches and have the opportunity to
ask caucus questions. Only delegates may participate in the House of Delegates,
but non-delegates can observe quietly in a separate spectator seating section.
4. Before caucus begins, are rules/procedures/other information shared with the
The Policy, International, and Elections Committee hosts the election and releases
guidelines for caucus questions in the Candidates’ Booklet. Current Lt. Governors
and/or District Board members moderate the caucus rooms.
5. Is there an introduction of candidates or list read off before the elections of the
Candidates create their own literature (1 page) to be compiled in the annuallyreleased Candidates’ Booklet. Candidates are announced as they enter each
speech/caucus room.
6. What do the candidates do at caucus?
Candidates present a 3-5 minute speech and respond to caucus questions for 4
7. During questioning, who is allowed to ask questions?
Any Key Clubber is permitted to ask questions. Adults are not allowed to ask
questions. Any inappropriate questions will be disregarded; these may include, but
are not limited to, gender, race, etc.
8. What are the rules during elections?
Only one candidate can be in the speech/caucus room at a time. Members are
not permitted to touch candidates. Members can only enter and exit the room in
between speeches.
9. After caucus, are there more functions?
House of Delegates is held after caucus. A Nominating Conference is held if there
are more than 2 candidates running for office, in which delegates vote for 2
candidates to advance to the next round.
Overview: The House of Delegates members will listen to speeches and answers
to questions from each of the candidates and vote by ballot for the candidate
of their choice. Questions from the floor may be allowed at the discretion of the
Governor, who moderates the House.
Purpose: House of Delegates provides a forum for the candidates for each office
to present their final message to the District delegates.
Who attends? Delegates do.
10. Explain the voting procedure.
Delegates vote for one candidate immediately after the speech/caucusing via
secret ballot or vote “No Confidence” if they believe that none of the candidates is
fit to be elected.
11. When will the results be announced?
Results will be announced in the second evening of general session.
12. When will the elected officials begin their term?
Elects officially begin their terms immediately following Installation at District
Policy, International Business, and Elections Committee 2014 - 2015 | California-Nevada-Hawai’i | Key Club International
Slice of the Policy
Compiled by the Policy, Int’l
Business, & Elections Committee
Compiled by the Policy, International Business
& Elections Committee
THIS MONTH’S POLICY: 123.21 Duties
Attendance (2/11)
a. Each Lt. Governor must attend: the District
Convention where the Lt. Governor is installed,
the three subsequent Board Meetings, and
the District Convention and Board Meeting at
the end of the term.
b. The Lt. Governor must attend at least one
meeting of each club in the division and
complete the Club Visitation Report
immediately after the meeting.
c. The Lt. Governor should attend at least one
Kiwanis Division Council Meeting.
d. The Lt. Governor should try to attend the
International Convention during the term
of office. Reports (2/11)
a. Reports must be completed and submitted
to the CNH District Archive and Regional
Advisor received by 6:00 PM by the 10th
day of the month, from District Convention
to District Convention.
b. The following reports shall be submitted.
• Division Monthly Reports
• Division Directory
• Division Budget
• Training Conference Reports
• Club Visitations
• Service Report
Promotion (2/11)
a. The Lt. Governor shall carry out the programs
of the Governor and the District Executive
Committee, and of Key Club International.
b. The Lt. Governor shall promote the
organization of new Key Clubs in the Division
by providing literature and assisting sponsoring
Kiwanis Clubs in establishing the new club.
Meetings & Conferences (2/11)
a. The Lt. Governor shall organize and hold at
least eight (8) division council meetings.
b. The Lt. Governor shall organize and hold an
Officer Training Conference (OTC) for the club officers in the Lt. Governor’s Division. c. The Lt. Governors in a Region or geographic
area and the respective Regional Advisors shall
arrange and conduct a training conference for
the club officers within the included Divisions. These conferences are held on a Saturday and/
or Sunday in September or October. All clubs in
the included Divisions will be invited and
encouraged to attend with their advisors. Two
District Officers will be invited to attend and participate in the training sessions to conduct
workshops pertinent to their respective office. Elections (2/11)
a. The Lt. Governor shall hold a conclave where
a successor Lt. Governor is elected, train the
successor, and ensure that the Division files are turned over to the new Lt. Governor.
Communication (2/11)
a. The Lt. Governor shall publish at least 10
publications per term to keep the Division and
all other interested persons informed of
Division, District and International activities.
b. The Lt. Governor shall communicate with
Region Advisor at least twice per month.
c. The Lt. Governor shall communicate with
assigned District Committee at least once per
d. The Lt. Governor shall communicate with
each club in the division each month.
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
123.22 Replacement of
Lt. Governors
In the event of the resignation of a Lt.
Governor or the failure of the division to elect a person to fill that office, the Governor and Regional Advisor (with
assistance from the local division) will
select a person to fill that position. This selection must be approved at the next
following Board of Trustees meeting.
The procedure for removal of a Lt.
Governor for cause may be found in
Section 214 of this Policy. (1/98)
Page 32
Slice of the Policy
Duties of a Lt. Governor
- DCON (installment), 3 Board Meetings, DCON
- Attend one meeting of each club in the division
- Attend at least one Kiwanis DCM
- Attend International Convention (Preferred)
- DMRF submitted on the 10th of every month
by 6 PM
- Publish at least 10 publications per term
- Communicate with Region Advisor, District
Committee, and each club in the division once
per month
- Carry out and promote the programs of
Governor, District Executive Committee, and
Key Club International
- Provide literature, assist with sponsoring Kiwanis
with establishment of new clubs
Meetings and Conferences
- Hold at least 8 DCMs
- Hold an OTC
- Hold an RTC in with other Region LTGs and
Advisors on a weekend in September or October
(with two district officers attending)
- Hold a conclave to select the next LTG
- Train and turn over division files to the new elect
Compiled by the Policy, Int’l
Business, & Elections Committee
Compiled by the Policy, International Business
& Elections Committee
123.23 Agreement to Serve
Each candidate must submit a signed and
completed agreement to serve, which contains
information about: duties and responsibilities,
parental consent, attendance and medical
authorization and more. This date will be determined by the Policy, International Business and
Elections Committee.
how much did you learn from
this months policy?
1) Each Lt. Governor must hold at least how
many DCMs?
a) 8
b) 10
c) 12
2) Attendance at International Convention is
a) True
b) False
3) What time (PST) are monthly submissions due
a) 11:59PM
b) 6:00PM
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
Answers: 1. A, 2. B, 3.B
Page 33
blocks of
Building Blocks of
Division Elections
Attend your local Candidate
Training Conference on
December 6th!
o Register and view the
locations here!
Receive tips and input from
your current LTGs
Attend Conclave on
January 10th!
BEE prepared to answer caucus
Dress to impress
If you get nervous, remember
WHY you want to run, and what
different you plan on making!
Turn in your Service Agreement
form by January 3rd or one
week prior to Conclave
Available on Cyberkey
o Officers > Running for Office
> How to Run for Lt.
Write a speech about goals,
qualifications, and benefits
o Practice, practice,
Campaign Literature: 1 page,
2 sided
o BEE sure to follow the
graphic standards!
Published by the Policy, International Business, and Elections Committee
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
Page 34
DCON 2015
1000’s of passionate
Key Club members
Learn the skills to
BEE a better leader
Vote for your next
District Executives
MARCH 13 - 15 | ONTIME 1/15 $179 | LATE 2/5 $219 | HOTEL PRICING ~$220
Region 8, are you ready to volunteer at
the Kiwanis and Downey Rose Float Decorations?
December 20, 2014
December 26-December 31, 2014
December 29, 2014
December 27, 2014
December 27, 2014
8AM-4PM & 4PM-11PM
Compiled by the
Member Recognition
What are
Contests are
provided by the
Committee. This is
a way for members
to feel
appreciated and
valued for their
Marvin J. Christiansen Due January 15th, 2015
Submit contest to: cnh.kccontests@gmail.com
Contest Type: Advisor
The Marvin J. Christiansen Advisor award recognizes the achievements of a
Kiwanis Advisor serving the California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District. It’s the
highest recognition award presented to a Kiwanis Advisor at the CNH Key Club
District level!
Club Newsletter Due January 15th, 2015
Submit contest to: cnh.kccontests@gmail.com
Contest Type: Club
Got an awesome newsletter? The Club Newsletter award provides recognition to
Key Clubs that have developed exemplary club newsletters at the club
level. *Entries can be submitted by both officers and members!
Club Poster Due January 15th, 2015
CNH Key Club c/o Charlene Masuhara
8360 Red Oak St. Ste #201
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
service and
commitment to
Key Club as well as
serving their
Mail contest to: MR Chair
Contest Type: Club
community. All
contest winners will
Club Video Due January 15th, 2015 CNH Key Club c/o Charlene Masuhara
receive a
Depending on the
contest, members
may also have the
chance to be
recognized on
stage at DCON!
Entering isn’t a prePOSTERous idea! Apply for the Club Poster award! This award
recognizes Key Clubs that best demonstrate the values of our organization on a
poster. *Entries can be submitted by both officers and members!
Mail contest to: MR Chair
Contest type: Club
8360 Red Oak St. Ste #201
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
Lights, camera, action! The Club Video award provides recognition to Key Clubs
that best demonstrate the values of our organization via video. *Entries can be
submitted by both officers and members!
Submit contest to: cnh.kccontests@gmail.com
Contest Type: International
Received by 6 PM Friday, March 13th, 2015
BRING SUBMISSIONS TO: DCON 2015 | Member Recognition Office
The Year-In-Review award is an international recognition, between traditional and nontraditional Year-In-Review. Traditional is a scrapbook while non-traditional is a scrapbook
or composition of other media containing pictures, souvenirs, examples, newspaper
clippings or other representations of its activities during the club administrative year.
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
Page 36
Sandy Nininger Due January 15th, 2015
Submit contest to: cnh.kccontests@gmail.com
Contest Type: Member
Are YOU an outstanding, due-paid, Key Club member with a minimum of 50 service hours? The Sandy
Nininger award is given to ONE amazing individual who has done an exemplary job in serving the District.
Talent Audition Due January 15th, 2015
Submit contest to: cnh.kccontests@gmail.com
Contest Type: Member
Want to showcase your unique talent? Audition for a chance to perform at District Convention 2015! Be
recognized in front of thousands of Key Clubbers. *Entries can be submitted by both officers and members!
Presidents Due January 15th, 2015
Mail contest to: cnh.kccontests@gmail.com
Contest Type: Officer
Feelin’ like President Obama? The President’s award recognizes presidents who have provided
commendable service to others and have excelled in their responsibilities, especially toward their clubs.
Vice Presidents Due January 15th, 2015
Mail contest to: cnh.kccontests@gmail.com
Contest type: Officer
Have you ever wanted to be Joe Biden or Al Gore? The Vice President’s award recognizes vice presidents
who have provided commendable service to others and have excelled in their responsibilities, especially
toward their clubs.
Secretaries Due January 15th, 2015
Submit contest to: cnh.kccontests@gmail.com
Contest Type: Officer
Do you know the secret to being a great SECRETary?
The Secretary’s award recognizes secretaries who have provided commendable service to others and have
excelled in their responsibilities, especially toward their clubs.
Join our Member Recognition Reflector
to stay updated with deadlines!
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
Page 37
Treasurers Due January 15th, 2015
Submit contest to: cnh.kccontests@gmail.com
Contest Type: Officer
Have you TREASURED every single moment as club treasurer? The Treasurer’s award recognized treasurers
whom have provided commendable service to others and have excelled in their responsibilities, especially
toward their clubs.
Single Service Due January 15th, 2015
Submit contest to: cnh.kccontests@gmail.com
Contest Type: Service
Did your club plan, organize, and produce an awesome service project? Apply for the Single Service Award!
Major Emphasis Received by January 15th, 2015
Mail contest to: MR Chair
Contest Type: Service
CNH Key Club c/o Charlene Masuhara
8360 Red Oak St. Ste #201
Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730
We can’t EMPHASIZE this contest enough. The Major Emphasis award recognizes clubs for a commendable
service project related to the Major Emphasis: “Children: Their Future, Our Focus.”
Member Recognition Program
Mail contest to: Home Club President/Secretary/Member Recognition Coordinator
Contest type: Member
The Member Recognition Program recognizes a large number of dues-paid Key Club members with a
minimum of 50 service hours in the Cali-Nev-Ha District. Both members and officers can apply! There are four
levels of recognition: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum.
Advisor of the Year
Entries are due much earlier prior to January 15th. Ask your Lieutenant Governor for a due date!
Contest Type: Advisor
Is your advisor simply amazing? Then we ADVISE you to apply for this award! The Advisor of the Year award is
given to an outstanding advisor who fosters service-leadership, long-term commitment, and growth in Key
Club, promoting club representation and member involvement in serving the community.
Club Attire
Entries are due much earlier than January 15th. Ask your Lieutenant Governor for a due date!
Contest Type: Club
Does your club have some serious swag? The Club Attire award provides recognition to clubs that best
demonstrate and promote the values of our organization via attire. *Entries can be submitted by both
officers and members!
Club of the Year
Entries are due much earlier than January 15th. Ask your Lieutenant Governor for a due date!
Contest Type: Club
The Club of the Year award provides recognition to clubs that have demonstrated overall club excellence
during the year. Is YOUR club like none other? *Entries can be submitted by both officers and members!
Most Improved Club
Entries are due much earlier than January 15th. Ask your Lieutenant Governor for a due date!
Contest type: Club
The Most Improved Club award recognizes clubs that have shown the greatest improvement during their
year. Is YOUR club up-and-coming? *This can be submitted by both officers and members!
Member of the Year
This is due much earlier that January 15th. Ask your Lieutenant Governor for a due date!
Contest Type: Member
Do you live and breathe Key Club? Have you shown excellence as a Key Club member? This contest is just
for you! The Member of the Year award is given to an outstanding, dues-paid Key Club member with a
minimum of 50 service hours in the CNH District.
John Baik
19 South | Historian
“As one of two historians in North High Key Club, I took pictures of volunteer events, DCM's, and banquets. After taking the pictures, I
upload them to Facebook to record these memories. I have taken over 500 photos and occasionally recorded videos of special
moments. I also made a Star Wars promotional video for the school bulletin to maximize awareness of Key Club. Through an editing
program called Adobe After Effects, I was able to create the iconic light saber. But it was much harder than I initially thought. In the
editing program, I had to manually draw the shape of the light saber for each frame of the video. In total there were about 1,600 frames,
meaning that I had to draw the light saber for the 1,600 pictures of the video. This process took a month and a half to completely finish.
Although there was a great struggle editing the video, the triumph was even greater. We accumulated about 150 new members on Club
Rush Day. Watch the video here!”
John Baik
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
Page 39
Join Region 6 to CELEBRATE at
District Convention 2015!
Lt. Governors
D23: Albert Tran
D45: Jiavanna Wong-Fortunato
Region Advisor: Mr. McStroul
100+ members
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
Compiled by the Kiwanis Family
& Foundation Committee
Monday 11/3/14
Show your K in every way
Tuesday 11/4/14
Kudos to the Key Players
November 3rd—7th 2014
Every year during the first week of November, Key Club
members from all over the world celebrate Key Club
International Week. CNH Key Clubbers were encouraged to
share their Key Club Week with us on social media using the
#CNHKCWEEK hashtag! Thank you for sharing your Key Club
Week with us!
Key Club Week Kickoff!
Valley Key Club receives
a proclamation from the
Mayor of Las Vegas,
Marino Key Club worked with
KIWIN’S to raise $150 for the
Eliminate project.
Mountain View Key Club
shows their k in every way
on Instagram.
Wednesday 11/5/14
Connect the K’s
Thursday 11/6/14
Bring a friend to Key Club
Friday 11/7/14
Your Way!
Mira Loma Key Club
makes cards to thank
their Key Players.
Westview Key Club was joined Pleasant Grove Key Club
does it their way by doing a
by friends Alyssa and Justin.
campus beautification.
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
Page 42
Compiled by the Kiwanis Family &
Foundation Committee and the
Policy, Int’l Business, and Elections
The Eliminate Project is a global campaign to erase Maternal/Neonatal Tetanus (MNT) from the world
by 2015. Kiwanis International and UNICEF have joined forces to eliminate Maternal/Neonatal Tetanus
through advocacy, fundraising, and volunteering. Kiwanis International has pledged to fundraise $110
million dollars in order to eliminate MNT from the world. Maternal/Neonatal Tetanus is a swift and
painful killer disease that has killed 49,000 newborns in 2013 alone; a baby dies every 11 minutes due
to MNT. A significant number of women also die to due to maternal tetanus every year. Maternal and
neonatal tetanus represents a very high proportion of the total tetanus disease burden mainly due to
inadequate immunization services, limited or absent clean delivery services, and improper
post-partum cord care. The majority of mothers and newborns dying of tetanus live in Africa and
Southeast Asia, generally in areas where women are poor, have little access to health care, and have
little information about safe delivery practices.
The California-Nevada-Hawaii Key Club District is committed to donate $500,000 to The Eliminate
Project by the end of 2015. One of our district goal is FAMILY, having each member within our district
save 5 families (only $9) from MNT. As of November 13, 2014, the CNH District has fundraised a total
of $233,725.70 for The Eliminate Project. We are almost halfway to our goal! As an international
Kiwanis Family, we have fundraised over $71 million dollars for The Eliminate Project out of
the$110 million dollars needed to eliminate MNT from the face of the world. We have eliminated
MNT from 35 countries! There are currently 24 countries left with MNT. Thank you for your
continuing efforts to eliminate MNT and protect the connection between a mother and her children!
As of November 2014
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
Page 43
Kiwanis Cal-Nev-Ha Foundation
Compiled the Kiwanis Family & Foundation Committee
Kiwanis Cal-Nev-Ha Foundation Scholarships
The Kiwanis Cal-Nev-Ha Foundation offers financial assistance to a select number of active Key Club
members whom have demonstrated exceptional leadership, service to their school and community,
academic ability, and have been active members of a Key Club, KIWIN’S or Circle K club.
Past Governor Kenneth C. Forror, M.D, established this scholarship in 1980 to aid students in the CalNev-Ha District who are members of Kiwanis Service Leadership Programs (SLP). It is now an integral
part of the Kiwanis Cal-Nev-Ha Foundation.
The scholarship awards approximately $75,000 - $110,000 each year to Key Club members pursuing
and continuing their education after high school by attending a college or university, or a trade or
vocational school.
Link to Kiwanis Cal-Nev-Ha Foundation Application:
 Active member of Key Club
 Dues-paid member of Cal-Nev-Ha Kiwanis Family (Key Club, KIWIN’S, Circle K)
 High school senior graduating in 2015
 Key Club member pursuing higher education after high school
Deadline: All applications must be received by February 5th, 2015
(NOTE: Any late applications WILL NOT be considered)
Application Overview:
 Personal, Kiwanis, and Membership Information
 List:
o Top 20 Service Projects as CNH Key Club member
o Top 15 Kiwanis Family Events
o Leadership Position & Awards
o Offices held and participation in school activities
o Community Service activities NOT affiliated with the Kiwanis Family or your school
Any questions or concerns regarding the Kiwanis Cal-Nev-Ha Foundation Scholarship? Please feel free
to contact Kiwanis Family and Foundation Chair Alan Kwok at cnhkc.kff@gmail.com!
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
Page 44
Getting your Sponsoring Kiwanis Club
Involved with District Convention
Compiled by the Kiwanis Family & Foundation Committee
As the 69th CNH District Convention (DCON) is soon approaching in March 2015 in
Anaheim, California, there are a lot of logistics to figure out and planning to do in
order to make this memorable trip possible! Planning takes a lot of work, so getting
your sponsoring Kiwanis Club involved can make the whole planning process a lot
easier! Here are some tips for you to use while getting your sponsoring Kiwanis Club
involved so that the planning process can run smoothly and efficiently!
2. Fundraising
1. Finding Chaperones
Ask the Kiwanians from your sponsoring
Kiwanis Club to be your chaperones.
Asking early never hurts! (Note: Please
be mindful of the new gender policy for
chaperones and the chaperone to Key
Clubbers ratio)
Make sure that they filled out the
Kiwanis background check if they
background check must be renewed
every two years, so please check if it is
up to date!)
Remember to thank the chaperones!
They just spent 3 days out of their own
time to make this event possible
for your club, so please remember
to thank them. Write them a card
or a letter!
3. Organizing Transportation
 If you don’t live near Anaheim, discuss with
your sponsoring Kiwanis on how is your club
getting to District Convention. Organizing
transportation early is the way to go! (Note:
Key Clubbers who live near Anaheim can
find their own transportation, however, this is
just a tip for those who live further away!)
Ask your Kiwanis Club if you could have a
Kiwanis Takeover to fundraise money to
make District Convention more affordable
for your members. (Kiwanis Takeover is an
event when members of a sponsored Key
Club attend a Kiwanis meeting and
conduct a bake sale to raise money! It’s
also a fantastic way get to know your
Have interested attendees from your club
provide baked goods for this fundraiser.
 Collaborate with your sponsoring Kiwanis
Club to see if they could help with
fundraising for your club’s District
Convention trip.
4. The Registration Process
Discuss with your sponsoring
Kiwanis Club about who will be
registering all of your clubs
attendees, dealing with money,
and other registration processes!
The Communications & Marketing Committee presents…
Using the “World Wide Web” for
marketing your club events and/or
programs can prove to be very useful.
Everyone uses the internet!
Utilize tools such as club websites, email
reflectors, and Facebook groups!
Google Reflector/Website:
 Create a club reflector and
send out frequent reminders.
Keep the members you serve
 Create a club website and
post photos, testimonials, and
weekly agendas
 Facebook is a good way to
market events for groups of all
 Make an event page and
invite members
 Post pictures, videos, or even
polls to find out the opinions of
Posting on social media can be a great way to get the word out! However, it is important to
remember that social media should be utilized appropriately. For more information, contact the
& Marketing
(Chair Sona) @ cnhkc.cm@gmail.com. Page 46
The Official Communications
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
Page 47
Servin’ it UP as a
Location: January 24, 2015 at Trabuco Hills
High School in Mission Viejo, CA [Lunch
will be provided!] On-Site judging at
DCON in Anaheim on March 13, 2015.
Take this chance to recognize and honor
individuals who have demonstrated
overall excellence throughout the past
District Administrative year.
More information on District
Judging can be found here:
District Convention 2015 | Anaheim, CA | March 13th-15th
Region 14!
Ready for District Convention?
Register by January 15th!
Meet thousands of Key Clubbers
from all over California, Nevada, andPage
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
and CELEBRATE a year full of service and spirit!
Compiled by the Member
Relations Committee
Educational Opportunities at District Convention
District Convention is right around the corner so make sure to start planning now! A great
way to start is to first off plan what seminars you would like to attend. This publication will
help you decide on what seminar to attend and the benefits of going to seminars.
Officer Seminars: Are you an incoming Officer? Then make sure to go to your
respective position’s seminar! Learn everything about the upcoming terms and how to
succeed in your position. Be able to learn new skills and ideas from the past officers and be
able to share ideas from other officers.
Hear what some officers have to say about their Officer seminar:
“The Officer Seminars at
DCON really inspired me to
motivate the members as a
President. – D21 Officer,
Jason Ly-Lee
“I believe it was clearer for
the officers as to what
information they needed to
know for the term.” – D44S
LTG Cynthia Huynh
Not an Officer?
No worries! There are plenty of other seminars you can attend during this convention. Learn
how to apply for member recognition for the next term, earn rewards, how to apply for a
scholarship and many more! Learn about the general idea of Key Club and other
leadership skills throughout the different seminars. Make sure to choose the seminars that
would best fit your interest.
See what the buzz was about at other seminars:
The seminars really helped me
on improving on little things,
such as sending emails and
being a more efficient leader.
D19S – Vincent Sung
During the seminars at
DCON, I learned about
professionalism and a few
pointers on public speaking.
D04N – Nina Duong
Why should I attend DCON Seminars? To gain more knowledge! Take advantage of
all of the great information being shared. It’s also a great way to make new friends
and bond with other members in the District. You can learn and share different
ideas and experiences with members throughout California, Nevada, and Hawaii.
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
Page 49
DCON Updates
Hey CNH Bees! Be on the
lookout for all of the delicious
food trucks that will be on site
on Friday night of Convention.
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
Page 50
from the
The Code of Conduct: Condensed Dress Code
“Spirit Attire”
Unaltered T-Shirts, Sweatshirts, Button
Down Dress Shirts, Blouses, or Collared
Ankle-Length Pants
Athletic, Casual, or Dress Shoes
“Business Professional Attire”
Saturday – Morning
Males–Button Down Dress Shirt with Tie
Females–Button Down Dress Shirt OR
Both-Blazers are Optional
Males–Angle-Length Dress Pants
Females–Ankle-Length Dress Pants OR
Knee-Length Skirts
Males–Dark Dress Shoes with Black
Females–Dress Shoes, Flats, OR Heels
“Semiformal Attire”
Males–Long-sleeved Button Down
Dress Shirt with Tie
Saturday – Afternoon
Females–Knee-Length Dress
Males–Angle-Length Dress Pants
Males–Dark Dress Shoes with Black
Blazers are Optional
Females–Dress Shoes, Flats, OR Heels
“Business Professional Attire”
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
See Above
from the
The Code of Conduct: Condensed Dress Code cont’d
Other Notes:
“Business Casual Attire”
(Not Shown)
Button Down Dress Shirt, Blouse, or Collared Shirt
Ankle-Length Pants
Casual or Dress Shoes
“Convention Casual”
(Not Shown)
District Convention Shirt
Ankle-Length Pants
Athletic, Casual, or Dress Shoes
All tops must completely cover the stomach, back,
torso, and shoulders.
All t-shirts should not have logos other than those of the
Kiwanis Family.
All button down shirts must be tucked into the pants.
A coat/jacket is optional but recommended.
A coat/jacket is required for males going on stage.
All ankle-length pants and slacks must be in good
condition (no rips, bleached areas, etc.).
All ankle-length casual pants must be worn at the waist.
A combination of leggings and shorts does NOT make
the attire appropriate for convention.
A combination of leggings and a dress/skirt that does
not reach the knee does NOT make the attire
appropriate for convention.
All types of shorts are not allowed at hotels (excluding
personal hotel rooms) or the convention
All shoes must completely cover the heel.
Shoes must be wore at all time (excluding in personal
hotel rooms) throughout convention.
Socks must be black or dark when wearing business
professional or semi-formal attire (males
All t-shirts or district convention shirts must be unaltered.
Both adults and student attendees are expected to
abide with the dress code at all times.
For more information, please refer to the OFFICIAL
DCON 2015 Code of Conduct on the CNH CyberKey.
Have anyDistrict
comments, or concerns?
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i
Contact SAA Coordinator Tommy Giang at cnhkc.saa@gmail.com
from your
‘14-‘15 Lieutenant
Division Recognition
3 North
3 South
4 East
4 North
4 West
5 North
Crescenta Valley
No information provided
No information provided
Mater Dei
William Phung
Johnny Chen
Keith Hoang
Jayson Viado
Maxwell Ngo
Yvonne Phung
Eric Zhou
Roger Fang & Evelyn Chang
Elaine Le
Imran Khan
Terry Son
Grace Randall
5 South
Pahoua Thao
Namfone Rathsamy
6 North
6 South
7 North
7 South
10 North
10 South
12 East
12 South
12 West
Rancho Verde
Hiram Johnson
Monterey Trail
Marshall Fundamental
Silver Creek
No information provided
Aubrey Nguyen
Trevor Harris
Christine Pamplona
Anthony Chan
Joseph Bulda
Harison Du
Jenny Kuong
Jane Kim
Emily Ha
Phillip Carver
Ashley Wong
Dana Truong
Anson Saechao
Kameo Quenga
Sandra Campero-Vohs
Vivian Liu
Stella Bahk
Juli Harris
Vivian Dao
Lillian Anh
13 North
13 South
Ashley Chi
JanKim Lim
Ashley Dominguez
Angelica Roxas
River Valley
Jose Rodriguez Garcia
Maikou Lee
Tien Vu
Stephanie Ibold
18 East
Golden Valley
Harmony Magnet
Brennan Doyle
Cassandra Sanchez
Kevin De
Elliot Larson
18 West
No information provided
19 North
Da Vinci
Muhammad Fazal
Catherine Domingo
19 South
No information provided
Kristelle Arzaga
Xuexing Ong
High Tech
Khang Le
Elena Hoffman
22 Hikina
22 Komohana
Tessa Barbosa
Joshrick Sablan
Aerin Wang
Alyssa Joyce Rezada
22 Makai
Gabriel Simmons
Devynn Kochi
Jasmine Denoncourt
Winson Truong
No information provided
25 East
Granada Hills Charter
Pedro Ramirez
Amber Huynh
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
Page 53
from your
‘14-‘15 Lieutenant
Division Recognition
25 West
No information provided
Bear Creek
Stockton Collegiate
Southeast Career and Technical
Javier Blanch
Ashley Tran
Abigail Lok
Kevin Nguyen
Manny Santos
Miguel Ordanez
Audre Vergara
Carrie Ng
Cindy Wong
Nicolle Alejo
Crystal Wu
Sabrina Fairfoot
26 North
26 South
27 North
27 South
28 North
28 South
28 West
30 North
30 South
Spring Valley
Jay Patel
Ryan Golmassian
La Serna
Oxford Academy
See Division 20
Jeremy Pino
No award given
Miguel Martinez
Iris Hinh
Guillermo Maldonado
Marissa Trujillo
Abid Bakhtiyar
Alex Sinclair
No information provided
34 North
34 South
No information provided
Albert Hwang
Mary Belaya
35 East
35 West
36 East
36 West
37 East
37 North
37 South
Michael Yu
Vanessa Tong
West Covina
Arroyo Valey
Del Lago Academy
No information provided
Torrey Pines
Lily Pierce
Ella Chang
Joseph Araiza
Nina Tram
Ryan Du
Saumya Goyal
Olivia Simorangkir
Anna Julia Se
Alex Williams
Shaoxiong Liu
38 East
38 West
Kaylee Voss
Rohan Singhal
Quartz Hill
Bailey Hughes
Sarah Samdin
No information provided
41 North
41 South
42 East
Winston Lin
Oliver Kim
Capistrano Valley
Santa Susana
Christine Nguyen
Diane Harder
Maria Nguyen
Emily Taketa
42 West
Rio Mesa
Alex Ragna
Jake La Rosa
San Benito
No award given
Ben Bence
44 North
44 South
46 North
46 South
Golden Valley
Erin Dougherty
Anuj Deshpande
Logan Mead
Marco Martinez
Julian Perez
Emily Versoza
Amanda Oyao
Ryker Been
Danielle Babaoshana
Prubjot Chahal
Marissa Murrieta
Andrea Wold
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
Page 54
Rose Float
Pasadena, Ca
Division 05 North
Division 46 North
Division 05 South
Division 46 South
for Service
College EXPO!
Where is the College EXPO?
At District Convention 2015 in Anaheim, CA in
Room Pacific D, March 15th, 2015 from 3 PM to 5 PM!
Why should YOU go?
Explore various colleges from all over California and
Nevada! Learn more about scholarships, FAFSA, and
different school programs. Have a chance to ask
questions to current college students!
"DCON is an irreplaceable experience
where one can meet many spirited Key
Clubbers, bring out their inner
craziness, and just simply have fun. It
only happens once a year, so enjoy it
while you can!"
-Samantha Sahagun, D44S
“Come out to celebrate - service
leadership and family region 16! Learn
more about Key Club, yourself as a
leader, and have the chance to meet
hundreds of Key Clubbers from all
over CNH!!!!!!"
-Darin Ngo, D27S
"Workshops, dancing, and spirit are some of
many unforgettable DCON experiences. I'm
always looking forward to the fun at DCON!"
- Nick Pantoja, D44N
“It was a life changing experience that can’t be
forgotten. It’s changed my life, opened many
doors of opportunity, and expanded my
leadership capabilities.”
– Quynh Anh Dam, D7S
“DCON gives us an opportunity
to be ourselves and represent
where we came from and the
people that we've helped. This
experience provides us with the
knowledge to pass on the passion
to be a leader, a helper, and one
ohana that unites all Key Clubbers
from all over the three states of
-Phuongthao, D7N
"I invite you all to celebrate the
meaning of service, leadership,
and family with the rest of your
CNH Ohana! Come to District
OpportuniBEE to remind yourself
of all the reasons of why you love
Key Club!"
- Karen Le, D27N
December District Calendar
from your
‘14-‘15 Lieutenant
A Division Council Meeting (DCM) is a meeting conducted by the respective
Lieutenant Governor for the members of his or her respective division. DCMs
are full of information about upcoming events, education about Key Club, and
much more. There is always something for everyone at a DCM!
At DCMs, you will learn more about various projects and events, get
involved with the division and its people, and gain a better understanding
of how great this organization truly is. You are encouraged to attend in
order to learn more about what’s been happening in Key Club, and why
it matters to you. Some DCMs are even combined with a service project,
fundraiser, or social event so you can be there for more than one reason!
1:00 PM
1:00 PM
Grand Park
Castro Valley Community Park
3 North
4:00 PM
Rosemont Pavillion
3 South
200 N Grand Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90012
18988 Lake Chabot Rd, Castro Valley, CA 94546
700 Seco St, Pasadena , CA
Please contact region advisor
4 East
4 North
4 West
5 North
5 South
6 North
6 South
7 North
7 South
10 North
10 South
5:00 PM
El Rancho Charter School
5:30 PM
6:00 PM
6:00 PM
4:30 PM
4:00 PM
3:30 PM
3:00 PM
2:00 PM
9:00 AM
1:00 PM
6:30 PM
Fountain Valley Recreation Center
Minarets High School
Bullard High School
Eleanor Roosevelt High School
Paloma Valley High School
Kiwanis Family House
Jungkeit Park
Vacaville Ice Sports
Rosemont Pavillion
Almansor Park
Family House of Pancakes
12 East
7:00 PM
Sharks Ice San Jose
12 South
6:00 PM
Santa Teresa High School Library 12 West
181 S Del Giorgio Rd, Anaheim, CA 92808
Please contact region advisor
16400 Brookhurst St, Fountain Valley, CA 92708
45077 N Fork Rd, O’Neals, CA 93645
5445 N Palm Ave, Fresno, CA 93704
7447 Scholar Way, Eastvale, CA 92880
31375 Bradley Rd, Menifee, CA 92584
2875 50th St, Sacramento, CA 95817
9760 Fire Poppy Dr, Elk Grove, CA 95757
551 Davis St, Vacaville, CA 95688
700 Seco St, Pasadena, CA 91103
800 S Almansor St, Alhambra, CA 91801
1900 E Plaza Blvd, National City, CA 91950
1500 S 10th St, San Jose, CA 95112
6150 Snell Ave, San Jose, CA 95123
Please contact region advisor
13 North
1:00 PM
Bellflower Kiwanis Hall
9302 Laurel St. Bellflower, CA 90706
13 South
4:30 PM
Bellflower Kiwanis Hall
9302 Laurel St. Bellflower, CA 90706
18 East
6:00 PM
4:30 PM
6:00 PM
5:30 PM
East Nicolaus High School
Roosevelt High School
Santa Clarita Boys & Girls Club
Amigo’s Restaurant & Cantina
18 West
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
2454 Nicolaus Ave, Trowbridge, CA 95659
7447 Scholar Way. Eastvale, CA 92880
24909 Newhall Ave, Newhall, CA 91321
1687 Hillman St, Tulare, CA 93274
Page 57
18 West
19 North
19 South
22 Hikina
22 Komohana
22 Makai
Please contact region advisor
5:30 PM
3:00 PM
10:00 AM
3:00 PM
2:00 PM
10:00 AM
6:00 AM
12:00 PM
Alondra Park
3850 W Manhattan Beach Blvd Lawndale, CA 90260
Wilson Park
2200 Crenshaw Boulevard Torrance, CA 90501
First Presbyterian Church
939 B St Petaluma, CA 94952
Tierrasanta Recreation Center
11220 Clairemont Mesa Blvd San Diego, CA 92124
St. Louis School, Presidental Ste
3142 Wai’alae Ave, Honolulu, HI 96816
James B. Castle High School
45-386 Kaneohe Bay Dr, Kaneohe, HI 96744
Clem Akina Park
59 Wainaku St, Hilo, Hawaii 96720
Mr. Mike’s Office
855 South Ctr St, Reno, NV 89501
Please contact region advisor
25 East
25 West
26 North
26 South
2:00 PM
Dearborn Park
4:00 PM
8:30 PM
Civic Park
Dubin Iceland
27 North
2:00 PM
Ronald E. McNair High School
27 South
28 North
2:00 PM
Franklin High School
28 South
5:00 PM
Green Valley High School
28 West
30 North
30 South
5:00 PM
1:30 PM
1:00 PM
12:00 PM
10:00 AM
Cimarron-Memorial High School
Abel Maldonado Youth Center
Buena Park High School
Buena Park High School
El Cajon Library
17141 Nordhoff St, Northridge, CA 91325
Please contact region advisor
1375 Civic Dr, Walnut Creek
7212 San Ramon Rd, Dublin, CA 94568
9550 Ronald E. McNair Way, Stockton, CA 95210
300 N Gertrude Ave, Garden Acres, CA
Please contact region advisor
460 Arroyo Grande Blvd, Henderson, NV 89014
2301 N Tenaya Way, Las Vegas, NV 89128
600 S. McClelland St, Santa Maria, CA
8833 Academy Dr, Buena Park, CA 90621
8833 Academy Dr, Buena Park, CA 90621
201 E Douglas Ave, El Cajon, CA 92020
Please contact region advisor
Please contact region advisor
34 North
34 South
35 East
35 West
36 East
12:00 PM
1:00 PM
11:00 AM
4:00 PM
Church of the Resurrection
Center Ice Arena
Finkbiner Park
Loma Linda Community Center
36 West
1:00 PM
Loma Linda Chamber of Commerce
37 East
37 North
37 South
38 East
38 West
4:00 PM
2:00 PM
1:00 PM
3:30 PM
7:00 PM
High Tech High School
Brengle Terrace Park
Hilltop Community Park
The Mall of Victor Valley
Lancaster Elk Lodge
Please contact region advisor
725 Cascade Dr, Sunnyvale, CA 94087
201 S Plum Ave, Ontario, CA 91761
160 N Wabash Ave, Glendora, CA 91741
25541 Barton Road, Loma LInda, CA 92354
25541 Barton Rd, Ste 4 Loma Linda, CA 92354
1420 W San Marcos Blvd, San Marcos, CA 92078
1200 Vale Terrace Dr, Vista, CA 92084
9711 Oviedo Way, San Diego, CA 92129
14400 Bear Valley Rd, Victorville, CA 92392
240 E Avenue K Lancaster, CA 93534
Please contact region advisor
41 North
41 South
42 East
6:30 PM
6:30 PM
4:30 PM
Aliso Viejo Ice Palace
Aliso Viejo Ice Palace
Santa Susana High School
42 West
12:30 PM
Mandalay Beach Park
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
9 Journey, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
9 Journey, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656
3570 Cochran St, Simi Valley, CA 93063
2101 Mandalay Beach Rd, Oxnard, CA 93035
Page 58
No DCM scheduled
44 North
44 South
46 North
46 South
5:00 PM
5:00 PM
2:00 PM
6:00 PM
6:00 PM
Mesa Verde High School
Mesa Verde High School
Save Mart
Enochs High School
Atwater High School
12:00 PM
Banning High School
7501 Carriage Dr, Citrus Heights, CA 95621
7501 Carriage Dr, Citrus Heights, CA 95621
3325 U.S. Highway 50 E, Carson City, NV 89701
3201 Sylvan Ave. Modesto, CA 95355
2201 Fruitland Ave, Atwater, CA 95301
100 W Westward Ave, Banning, CA 92220
Why YOU Should Attend DCON 2015!
MARCH 13TH, 2015 — MARCH 15TH, 2015
1. Recognize individuals
and clubs who have gone
above and BEE-yond duties
1. Attend the House of
2. Learn about new service
Delegates to vote for the
new District Executives
3. Celebrate funds raised
2. Meet the 2014-2015
District Board to vote for
the new District
partners and opportunities
for the Eliminate Project
and PTP during the past
1. Meet new Key Clubbers
2. Spend a weekend with
students who share the
same passion for service!
3. Show off your club,
division, and CNH spirit
3. Attend informative
workshops for officer and
member training
Will YOU join us at District Convention?
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
Page 59
Contact Information
Leadership Team
Jacqueline Tsang............ cnhkc.dgov1415@gmail.com
Cecilia Li.................................cnhkc.ds1415@gmail.com
Darin Ngo...............................cnhkc.dt1415@gmail.com
News Editor
Kevin Chu....................................cnhkc.dne@gmail.com
Technology Editor
Ashley Chen.................................cnhkc.dte@gmail.com
Communications & Marketing Chair
Sona Senapati.............................cnhkc.cm@gmail.com
District Convention Chair
RJ Immerman.......................... cnhkc.dcon@gmail.com
Kiwanis Family & Foundation Chair
Alan Kwok......................................cnhkc.kff@gmail.com
Member Recognition Chair
Jasmine Wong.............................. cnhkc.mr@gmail.com
Member Relations Chair
Jeffrey Van...................................cnhkc.mrs@gmail.com
Policy Int’l & Elections Chair
Jeanie Paek................................. cnhkc.pie@gmail.com
Service Projects Chair
Catherine Kim................................cnhkc.sp@gmail.com
District Coordinators
Service EXPO Coordinator
Cecilia Nguyen........... cnhkc.serviceexpo@gmail.com
College EXPO Coordinator
Celina Chanthanouvoung.cnhkc.collegeexpo@gmail.com
Graphics Department Coordinator
Tina Bui...........................................cnhkc.gd@gmail.com
Key Leader Coordinator
Gina Apinyavat............... cnhkc.keyleader@gmail.com
Maternal/Neonatal Tetanus Coordinator
Nicola Lewis................................cnhkc.mnt@gmail.com
Sergeant at Arms Coordinator
Tommy Giang............................. cnhkc.saa@gmail.com
District Administrator
Lisa Lotito-Byers...................... cnh.kcadmin@gmail.com
Assistant Administrator
Marshall Roberson........................ cnhadan@gmail.com
Special Assistant
Marek LeBlanc...............................cnhkc.sa@gmail.com
Special Assistant
Pete Ballew...................................... pjb184@yahoo.com
Service Leadership Programs Director
Bruce Hennings........................... bruce@cnhkiwanis.org
Region 1
Division 11............................... d11.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 31............................... d31.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Advisor Geoff Tobias........... region1advisor@gmail.com
Region 2
Division 21............................... d21.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 37 East..................... d37e.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 37 North.................. d37n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 37 South................... d37s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Advisor Timothy Cunning.................cunningtim@cs.com
Region 3
Division 4 East....................... d04e.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 4 North.................... d04n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 4 West.................... d04w.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 30 North.................. d30n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 30 South................... d30s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 41 North.................. d41n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 41 South................... d41s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Advisor Frank Barry............................ fbarry642@aol.com
Advisor Elaine Pong.........................epong119@aol.com
Region 4
Division 6 North.................... d06n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 6 South..................... d06s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 36 East..................... d36e.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 36 West.................. d36w.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 47............................... d47.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Advisor Carolyn Qualm..............r04.advisor@gmail.com
Region 5
Division 28 North.................. d28n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 28 South................... d28s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 28 West.................. d28w.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 38 East..................... d38e.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 38 West.................. d38w.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Advisor Richard Olmstead...... spyder4@antelecom.net
Advisor Alyson Palmer........ apalmer@interact.ccsd.net
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
Page 60
Contact Information
Region 6
Division 23...............................d23.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 45...............................d45.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Advisor Michael McStroul.......... mmcstroul@gmail.com
Region 7
Division 3 North....................d03n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 3 South.................... d03s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 16...............................d16.ltg.cnhkc@gmail.com
Division 25 East.................... d25e.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 25 West..................d25w.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Advisor Doug Ridnor...................dridnor@sbcglobal.net
Region 8
Division 1.................................d01.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 13 North..................d13n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 13 South.................. d13s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 19 North..................d19n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 19 South.................. d19s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Advisor Alan Quon........................ alan@alanquon.com
Advisor Mark Ross........................ mkrossreg11@aol.com
Division 46 North.................. d46n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 46 South................... d46s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Advisor Frank Vierra................. fvierra@muhsd.k12.ca.us
Region 13
Division 10 North.................. d10n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 10 South................... d10s.ltg.cnhkc@gmail.com
Division 15............................... d15.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 35 East..................... d35e.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 35 West.................. d35w.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Advisor Patricia Cridland...... patriciacridland@aol.com
Region 14
Division 14............................... d14.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 39............................... d39.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Advisor Rhonda Cameron...cnh.region14.kc@gmail.com
Region 15
Division 20/32..................... d2032.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Advisor Sue Cummins.......................cummins@sonic.net
Region 16
Division 2.................................d02.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 8.................................d08.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 26 North..................d26n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 26 South.................. d26s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Advisor Doug Gin................region9advisor@gmail.com
Advisor Lisa Grover..................lisagrover81@gmail.com
Division 7 North.................... d07n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 7 South..................... d07s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 27 North.................. d27n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 27 South................... d27s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 44 North.................. d44n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 44 South................... d44s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Advisor Judy Horton.............................. jr781@gmail.com
Advisor Rae Whitby-Brummer....... RaeWhitby@aol.com
Region 10
Region 17
Region 9
Division 24................................d24cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 29...............................d29.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 42 East.................... d42e.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 42 West..................d42w.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Advisor Stacie Marotta......stacie@theteeshirtlady.com
Region 11
Division 18 East.................... d18e.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 18 West..................d18w.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 33...............................d33.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Advisor Carole Farris................ carole.farris@gmail.com
Division 12 East..................... d12e.ltg.cnhkc@gmail.com
Division 12 South................... d12s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 12 West.................. d12w.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 34 North.................. d34n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 34 South.................. .d34s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 43............................... d43.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Advisor Jennifer Bueina.............. jenbuelna@gmail.com
Advisor Jim Davis.................winfield5064@sbcglobal.net
Advisor Jim Hart....................................junkwitz@aol.com
Region 18
Division 22 Hikina................. d22h.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 22 Komohana.........d22k.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 5 North.................... d05n.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com Division 22 Makai................ d22m.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com
Division 5 South..................... d05s.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com Advisor Charlene Masuhara.. chmasuhara@gmail.com
Region 12
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i District Newsletter
Page 61
C N H |K E Y C L U B
Thank you for reading!
The Cali-Nev-Ha
District Newsletter
Questions? Contact Us!
A Division 22 Makai Key Clubber prepares
malasada dough at the Kiwanis Club of Maui
malasada booth at the Maui County Fair.
cnhkeyclub.org | keyclub.org
The Official California-Nevada-Hawai’i
CUCAMONGA, CA 91730 • 909-989-1500
Page 62