American women are hyper-focused on extremes. Have we lost
American women are hyper-focused on extremes. Have we lost
MU i IVAIIUI\ LtN I I{AL Welgh American womenarehyper-focused onextremes. Havewelostsightof thefactthatbeingfit andhealthy iswhat'simportant? FITNESS reports. WE'REA PRETTYSFIARF. GROUPOF WOMEN in this country. But our ranksaresuffering,it seems,from a lack of focus, partrcularlywhen it comesto our own healthand happiness. Regardless of our size,we all seemto be staringinto the mirror feelingtoo "this"or too "that."This extremismis zappingour abilityto seeourselves for who we reallyare:strong,freeto make choices,intelligent,creativeand beautiful.Sure,sometimeswe idolize fit wslnsn-gslsna Williams and Gabrielle Reeseand Hilary Swank-but more often, we 1et red-carpet celebs and runway models set standards of beauty without really thinking about how they got the bodies they have. "We hear of beauty inside and out, but I tell you, beauty takeswork. Having to work for my new body has made me a stronger person on all fronts. I have worked tirelessly to change my entire state of bei spiritually,"KirstieAlley told FITNESSrecently"If beautifulto ourselves it would be verydifficultfor us that way" This month, wipe yourmind clean of skinny, lat or obese-and ing or slimming or yo:urhealth.We r preconceivednotions nking about calorie burnver your goal!) as crucial to help support the idea of healthy,fit women. There be a stipulation that if you're healthy and a role model. "Regular exercise can reduce -stress,stabilizeyour mood, improve immune function, lower blood pressure, improve cardiac function, boost energyand improvesleep.And did I mentionit canmake you feelsexy,strongandpowerful?"saysSarahHarding,Ms. FitnessUSA (2004 and 2006) and spokesperson for the "TheaestheticbeneFoundationfor ChiropractrcProgress. fit is the lcins on the cake." While lor'rng the way you look is a f,ne goal, we need to aim for our owrl personal best (not someone else'simage), and recognize that beauty can come in all shapes and sizes.When FITNESS launched its real-women campaign last year, vowing not to put ceiebrities on the cover but to showcase, instead, real women and athletic models on our pages,we got overwhelmingly positive feedback.Feeling enlightened but in need of more information, FITNESSbegan further testing of imagesand headlines: We showed women "get healthy" messagesalongside promises of quick weight iossand body toning. Guesswhat hapTell Us How You Really Feell We knowyou haveopinionsaboutwomen and weight-lots of 'em-and we want to knoweverylastone.Co to and share,share,share! )! rn l-lA L)tr, pened?Women overw human nature. It's We asked between ingly chosethe quick fix American. But, its a problem I expertshow to solve the split we think (make me skinny too!) and what 't show us unhealthymodels!)-here'swhat they you to know. Their main point: Never forget that feeling well and fit is the key to happiness. It's about movement, being able to do what you want and maintaining good health. But we're not all there yet, say our experts: "Americans are in denial We need to begin a journey of mental and physical transformation. We need to recognize that berng fit or being a healthy weight is about wellness-not about a number on the scale. Wellness is a gift you give yourself. Ask yourself, if not now, when, are you going to stop searching outside for an answer to how you should look inside?"saysPamelaPeeke,M.D., a FITNESS advisory board member and author of Bodyfor Life Jor Wmen and the new book Fit to Live. Another problem experts identified: When it comes to our bodies, we're always reaching for that unreahstic brass ring. We can never achieveit, so we think, Why bother, right? "In the U.S. theres a tiny segment of the population-the super-slim-that has incredible ability to influence the rest of us. lt shouldn't," Martin Binks, Ph.D., director of behavioralhealth at Duke University Diet 6c Fitness Center, told FITNESS. "When it comes ing yourself a simple definitron of wellness and remind yourself of it daily Wellnessmeansbeing fit to live, not just to survive but to thnve: eating on a regularschedule,exercisingdaily (even for just 20 minutes) and not obsessingover the hot diet book or shockingly skinny celeb of the moment. lf you need a fast fix to get you jump-started on the road to body positiveness,well then, maybe a headline like "Get the Body You Want" or "Drop Inches Ali Over" isn't a bad reason to pick up a copy of FITNESS. The quicker we can get you started on a path to health and wellness-whether that be dropping weight becauseyour BMI is over 25, working in 5 or 10 minutes of tomng moves in the moming or finding inner confi.dence-the better. Our mission at FITNESS: To help you start truly believing that beauty comes from the inside out. "l've started exercising and eating right and I've started to love my self-image,which I think MEANSBEINGFIT TO LIVE,NOTJUST WELLNESS ITTAI(EsWORI(! BUTTOTHRIVE TOSUWIVE o I z o o o o z ; to body image, the key is to focus on how you feel, not on the number on the scale.Theres a broad range of numbers and weights that are healthy. Some skinny, some heauer. Not just one. Exercising and eating right-if you do those things, then you're at your healthy werght," saysRene Zweig, Ph.D.' director of eating disorders and weight management at the Ameri- is closely related to beauty," one reader recently wrote. Another explained, "Three words come to mind when I think about beauty: natural, healthy and fit." View yourself as a work in progress, saysLeslie Bonci, R.D., director of sports nutrition at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, "Figure out things you're willing to do to achieve your goal, to improve yourself, can Institute for Cognttive Therapy in New York City and say,Aren't I worth it?" Experts that FITNESS spoke with said that we need to look qnd Start bv giv- Remember the words of curry-proud Queen Latifah the next time you look in the mirror: "My body is my body and it is 9 ; ? l MI{JI IVAIIUi\ ilTNI RAL more of a question of heaith and not a question of becoming someone else. I think health is not jusr about weight but it is about mind, spirit and emotions. I have acceptedme," she told FITNESS. Be inspired by positive role models-Rachel Ray Meryl Streep. Ellen DeGeneres.Jennifer Hudson. America Ferrara. Serena Williams. Penelope Cruz. Denise Ausrin. Diane Keaton. Helen Mirren. Queen Latifah. Tyra Banks. Christy Turlington. Margaret Cho. Jamie Lee Curtis. Meredith Vieira. Kate Winslet. Beyonc€.The list goes on. Just like you, rhey wanr ro be recognized for who they are and how hard they have worked to get there, not just for how they look in a bikini or strolling down the red carpet. Or, to put it another way: A healthy attitude-not slzes or labels or eating plans or workouts or the skinny starlet and model of the moment-will the best you can be. r help you be OURCOVER MODEL: SHEEATS!SHEWORI$OUT! FIINESScovermodelCinthiaMoura,25, dropped her unhealthyeating habits alongwith fashionshorrus four yearsago, and shecouldn'tbe happieror fitter. WHO,ME STARVE? When I started modeling,I remember alwaystrying to loseweight.l'd watchthe skinny13-and 14-year-old modelsstarve themselves to becomeeven skinnierevenin Brazilwhere curvesarea wayof life. ButwhenI stoppedworkingfashionshows, my mentalitychanged.I wastiredof dietingandtiredof doingnothingphysically. andstick-thin. But in Brazil,we havemeat on us.There,it's importantfor womento get a healthy,toned bodyby goingto the gym andeatingwell.That'swhy Brazilian glow. womenabsolutely MY FiEALTHY ROLEMODEL My bestfriend,EricaRedling.Neitherof uscaneatwhateverwewantandnot gain weight,sowe supporteachotherin makBODYPARTILOVE ing good decisions. We pickyogurt and My usedto beflat andskinny, fruit overgiantpretzelswhenwe'resnackbut now that I work out, I canseemore ingin the airport. shapeon the sidesandaroundmy lower abs.Thedefinitionisslight,but it's proof MYFAVORITT that l'm healthyandfit, notjust skinny. WORI(OUT t\ilOVES BODYPARTI 5TRE55OVER Whenmy traineraskedmewhat I wanted to work on, I told him,my's the first part to surrenderto gravity,and in my culture,it's the mostimportant. AMERICANWOMENAND BODYIMACT In America,everyonewantsto be skinny FQRl-lERSt,lTT:squats, resistance bands FCIRHERAB5:medicineand stabilityballs FORHfR ARMS:5-to 7.5-pound weights FORHeRHEART:30 minutes on the elliptical,two times a week AREYOUA FIT14?(OR 10OR 12OR 16?)rhe average American womenisfivefoot four andweighs140pounds,andwewantto celebrate you-allshapes andsizes. Submitphotosof yourfit, fabulous selfat, MAy2oo7 ]S Errr.lrss FITN ESSMACAZINE.COM