Jan-Feb 2014 Southwest Scorcher.pub
Jan-Feb 2014 Southwest Scorcher.pub
VOLUME XVII ISSUE I - VI JANUARY TO JUNE 2014 Newsletter of Cactus Cruisers AMC, Phoenix, AZ Ramblings By The President Special points of interest: • August 9th, 2015 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm, Cactus Cruisers AMC Rustlers Rooste Dinner • Club Dues $12 Per Year • 13th Annual Cactus Classic AMC Rambler Car Show • 8th Annual West Coast All AMC Car Show • Cancelled Saguaro Palm Springs • To checkout what is happening in the Valley of the Sun, visit www.desertcruisers.com Inside this issue: Ramblings by the President Gary Zinman 1 From the Editor’s Desk Kirk Fletcher 2 Cactus Cruisers AMC Annu- 3 al Holiday Party 13th Cactus Cruisers AMC Rambler Car Show 4-11 8th Annual West Coast All 14-20 AMC Car Show Calendar of Events 21 AMO Treasury Sales 22 By Gary Zinman For so many years now (17 to be exact) we have managed to maintain a pretty great club with many accomplishments to be proud of including but not limited to: hosting two national conventions and 13 regional conventions. As one of the founding members of this club I can personally say that I am proud of all that we’ve done. In the last couple of years we have pretty much followed the same format that we have followed since our founding way back in 1997. Unfortunately, that old format has seemed to fail us and we have stagnated to a point where we are forced to do several things to rekindle the enthusiasm that has always been so abundant in our organization. I could easily tell you what most of those problems are and what caused them but that would take many more pages and frankly I don‘t want to dwell on the past. The reason I don’t want to dwell in the past is that I want to give you just a glimpse of what’s coming up in the future. We are going to make some big changes in our club. Let me tell you in no uncertain terms that I’m like way-pumped about the things we’re going to do. At the present time we have sent out a survey to all members of the club, both past and present. This survey takes very little time to complete and will give the Board of Directors a window into your thoughts to help us make the right decisions for the future direction of our club. The more members who complete their survey the more input we receive the better we will be able to determine your like and dislikes. This survey is completely anonymous. In order to insure anonymity we used a reputable survey company to conduct this survey. About 2 years ago, the club put together a dinner at Rustler’s Roost Restaurant to celebrate the club’s 15th anniversary. In the entire history of our club, this was probably one of the top three best attended events of all time. Since a club anniversary is a milestone event we wanted to make sure as many people attended as possible. As an incentive to paid club members we offered $10.00 cash to help offset the price of the dinner for the member and their respective spouse/guest. Well, it was a huge hit and we’re going to do it again August 9, 2014, and yes, we will be offering the subsidy! Watch your e-mail and newsletters for more details on this event. At this event we will tell you all about lots of new things our club and its members, so come join the fun. By the way, in the future, much effort and focus will be given to helping members get their cars back on the road by assisting other members with the labor needed at no cost. What other club does that? Going forward we will have fewer meetings than activities and the meetings will be totally different than anything you’ve known in the past (more about that at future events). At many events or meetings, attendees will be eligible for a $50.00 gift card, remember, you must be present to win! In one of our upcoming events we will be visiting the Martin Auto Museum on Black Canyon Highway in Phoenix. It’s just a $5.00 donation to get in and afterward we will dine at a local restaurant. We’ll also be scheduling a trip to the Rock Springs Café in lovely downtown Rock Springs! We will meet in the North Valley and caravan from there to the restaurant for a slice their legendary pie or a full-on lunch (then pie). It’s a short drive so you may want to take your AMC but it’s not required. Take my word for it here, we have a lot more things going on than I’ve talked about here so please make sure you get signed up for the Rustler’s Roost Dinner as soon as we give you the details and please take the time to complete the survey that we have sent to you via e -mail as your responses are critical. If for some reason you do not receive a survey via e-mail give our Membership Chairman, Tom Buckley a call (602) 996-5935 or e-mail: tom.buckley@att.net That’s it for now. If you should have any questions, please feel free to give me a call at (623) 566-7956 or e-mail me at: gzinman@cox.net VOLUME XVII ISSUE I - VI Page 2 JANUARY TO JUNE From the Editor’s Desk By Kirk Fletcher It has been half a year since I last sat done and put together a Southwest Scorcher newsletter. If you have thought that I had been forgetting to include you in my e-mail distributions of the Southwest Scorcher you would have been a part of a very large group. The last Southwest Scorcher was the December issue that went out just before the Annual Holiday Party. I must apologize to all for this huge dereliction of duty. I have my excuses but I am sure that everyone already knows the main rational about excuses so I won’t go there. I hope to get back on schedule with our standard monthly issue so everyone will be able to see the new direction our club is endeavoring to implement. This new direction will be dependent upon the input from the many surveys that we anticipate receiving shortly. Please be sure to take this short survey soon so we will have the needed time to compile the info for presentation at out next upcoming monthly meeting. One of the main changes we are implementing is the separation of club business and club functions. Our club initially came together because of one simple fact. We use to drive our cars to Cruise Nights and Car Shows and we continued to meet folks with Ramblers and AMC’s. We use to have lots of fun socializing with everyone and enjoyed driving our cars. Yes, we are all 17 years the senior now and most of us still have our cars but we all seem to spend less time driving them than we use too. I feel this is the main thing that has really changed of late with our club and is the main fact why the participation level of our club continues to drop. Moving forward we will be doing bimonthly Business Meetings with the Club Officers on the odd months. The dates and locations will move about to fit the schedules of our clubs Board Members. Our Monthly club meeting will remain on the 2nd Saturday of each month but the time and location will vary each month as based on the input of the current pending survey. We would like to move the monthly meeting around the whole greater Phoenix Metroplex to better accommodate our clubs collective membership. Your input is greatly welcomed for possible future activities. We would really like to get back to the roots of our club with increasing participation with our beloved Ramblers and AMC’s I would also like to take this time to solicit materials and information for inclusion into this very newsletter, our Southwest Scorcher. It can be very frustration trying to come up with suitable items for articles each month. I find that I can easily spend 8 to 10 hours in front of my laptop putting together each issue. One of the main excuses that I didn’t mention earlier. I know that we all have so little extra time these days but any material or article that you wish to submit would be greatly appreciated. See you at rustlers Rooste. Cactus Cruisers AMC Club Dues Have you paid your membership dues for this year? Our Cactus Cruisers AMC yearly membership goes from July 1st to June 31st each and every years since we started our AMC Rambler club in July of 1997. Our current yearly dues are $12. We will pro-rate for new members joining mid year at $1 per month running to the end of June. If a new By Kirk Fletcher member joins at our annual Cactus Classic Car Show in the spring then the $12 membership fee will start the following July 1st. Our gift. Please send your checks payable to: Cactus Cruisers AMC C/O Tom Buckley 13601 N. 50th Street Scottsdale, AZ 85254 http://www.lov2xlr8.no/ amc.html VOLUME XVII ISSUE I - VI Page 3 JANUARY TO JUNE Cactus Cruisers AMC Holiday Party By Kirk Fletcher This year our Annual Cactus Cruisers AMC Holiday Party was held Saturday, January 4th in Paradise Valley and Dan & Debbie Curtis graciously opened their beautiful home to our club. We had a very short club meeting agreeing to defer all important club business till our February Meeting. We all wanted to start eating. exchange. The Harkin movie tickets was a twice stolen item. Fun. Dinner was our normal Pot Luck with the Honey Bakes Ham provided by the club. Food was great as always. Sorry we missed you. Next year’s will be January 10th, 2015. The number of people who attended this year were much lighter than last year and many people stayed away because of bad Colds and serious bouts of the seasonal Flu Bug. All of us healthy club members thank all of you sick club members who choose wisely to stay at home. We heard latter how sick several people were and even though we felt sorry for each and every member we were glad that we were not exposed to the nasty stuff. Did I mention the food was great as always? There was more than enough for everyone to have seconds and thirds. I believe that almost everyone participated in the White Elephant gift VOLUME XVII ISSUE I - VI Page 4 JANUARY TO JUNE 13th Annual Cactus Classic By Kirk Fletcher Continued on Page 5 If you had attended our 13th Annual Cactus Classic had a pretty good show. The weather was great and we had AMC/Rambler Car Show on April 5th you would know that we several cars that attended that we had not seen before. We VOLUME XVII ISSUE I - VI Page 5 JANUARY TO JUNE 13th Annual Cactus Classic By Kirk Fletcher Continued on Page 6 had several Mopars attend this year so I think we are starting Here are some of the photos that I took during the show. We a trend to get additional people to attend our annual event. did have several AMX’s in attendance. The AMX’s still tend to VOLUME XVII ISSUE I - VI Page 6 JANUARY TO JUNE 13th Annual Cactus Classic By Kirk Fletcher Continued on Page 7 be one of our two largest classes. Some are in the Stock class from California made it over for this years show. We even while others are in the Modified Class. Several of our friends had a few of the guys from Nevada make it down as always. VOLUME XVII ISSUE I - VI Page 7 JANUARY TO JUNE 13th Annual Cactus Classic By Kirk Fletcher Continued on Page 8 We always seem to get a fairly good range of cars but our also pretty rare as of late. The weather was perfect for our Race Class is always pretty light. The hump fender Javelins are show, not too hot, not too windy and not too humid. It was just VOLUME XVII ISSUE I - VI Page 8 JANUARY TO JUNE 13th Annual Cactus Classic By Kirk Fletcher Continued on Page 9 right. Wagons like this 65 Ambassador 990 are always cool to as we grew up in the 60’s in one. Very cute little Rambler see. Most of us 50 something’s know the back seats very well American with a very nice interior. We had 3 SC/Rambler’s VOLUME XVII ISSUE I - VI Page 9 JANUARY TO JUNE 13th Annual Cactus Classic By Kirk Fletcher Continued on Page 10 this year. Two “A” schemes and one “B” scheme. Two of them were well represented with thee gremlins and a couple of came over from California even. The Small AMC’s from 70 up Spirits. And don’t forget the little Pacer. No show is complete VOLUME XVII ISSUE I - VI Page 10 JANUARY TO JUNE 13th Annual Cactus Classic By Kirk Fletcher with out one of these cult cars. In my mind, any small bodied AMC with a V8 is A-OK. The 72 Javelin is my favorite Continued on Page 11 Hump fender. There is something about the egg crate grill and tail light trim that I just like. Old Ramblers from VOLUME XVII ISSUE I - VI Page 11 JANUARY TO JUNE 13th Annual Cactus Classic By Kirk Fletcher Continued from Page 10 the late fifties and early sixties have their own type of have 20 classes to choose from. We have a class for style. At the end of the show comes the awards. We now everyone so there should be no excuse anymore. VOLUME XVII ISSUE I - VI Page 12 JANUARY TO JUNE Rustlers Rooste Dinner By Tom Buckley Howdy AMC’ers, Just a reminder that the Aug 9th meeting will be a fun dinner event at Rustler's Rooste Steakhouse. Based on the preliminary results of the recent survey, our members want to have more fun events. Good food is always fun. Send your RSVP with number of people attending to: thasse@qwest.net by Mon, Aug 4th. Cactus Cruisers AMC will kick in $10 each towards the cost of dinner for club members who are current on their dues and their spouse/significant other. Holy smokes! That's $20 for two adults. If you need to pay your dues, you can pay at the event and still receive up to $20 towards dinner. If you participated in the recent club survey, remember to bring the special passcode to be entered into the drawing for a $50 gift card. The BIG BAD AMC Car Show See ya'll on Sat, Aug 9th, 2014 at 6pm at: Rustler's Rooste Steakhouse 8383 South 48th Street Phoenix, AZ 85044 602-431-6474 www.rustlersrooste.com Ask for the Cactus Cruisers AMC section. This event is open to all current and past Cactus Cruisers AMC members, and all local AMC enthusiasts and their guests. Please note that both the $10 per person dinner voucher and eligibility for the $50 gift card drawing will only apply to club members who are current on their dues, or who will be paying their dues the night of the event. Tom Buckley - Vice President and Membership Director Cactus Cruisers AMC By Kirk Fletcher 2014 CANCELLED: I mentioned in my “From the Editors Desk” column that we will be participating with all of the Regional AMC Rambler Chapters to coordinate our events and we will also be helping in a large multi-club Regional AMC Rambler Car Show. A group of us, representing several AMO & AMCRC Chapters, got together for our first planning meeting last Saturday, the 28th of December at the home of Mark Fletcher in Lake Elsinore, CA. We have just recently decided the date and the Host Hotel based on the discussed requirements. The date that we selected based on room rate discounts is the last weekend of September which is Friday the 26th through Sunday the 28th. We have asked the Host Hotel to give us a group discount rate for three price points for their rooms. The Host Hotel is The Saguaro, 1800 East Palm Canyon, Palm Springs, CA 92264. 760-323-1711 Res. 877-808-2439 www.thesaguaro.com Cancelled This facility will be able to host this 1st Annual event so in the future we might grow into a full blown Southern West Coast Big Bad AMC National Convention. The goal is to unit our AMC Jeep Rambler community by having several Great Events to attend annually. For 2014 the first event of the year will be April: Cactus Classic XIII in Phoenix May: 8th Annual West Coast All AMC Car Show in Pomona September: 1st Annual Big Bad AMC Car Show in Palm Springs November: 2014 Las Vegas AMC Reunion in Las Vegas More info to follow as material is added to our newsletter and website. Hopefully this event can move forward for 2015 VOLUME XVII ISSUE I - VI Page 13 JANUARY TO JUNE The Saguaro Palm Springs By Kirk Fletcher A few pictures of the Host Hotel for the 1st Annual Big Bad AMC Car Show. Lots of Big Bad Colors everywhere with a Ping Pong Table in the lobby. Lots of small intimate areas as well as large gathering areas and big shaded parking lots. We will be able to host all who wish to Participate. VOLUME XVII ISSUE I - VI Page 14 JANUARY TO JUNE 8th Annual West Coast All AMC Car Show By Kirk Fletcher Continued on Page 5 As in years past a few of us Cactus Cruisers AMC Club member managed to attend the 8th Annual West Coast All AMC Car Show held Saturday May 31st. Mark Melvin and his crew did a great job as always even though there had been a change in venues. A few of us either drove or trailered our cars to attend and we were rewarded with a great social BBQ and Gathering at the home of Dave and Katie Chick. I failed to take pictures during the BBQ but I did remember late in the show to grab a few shots before people started to leave. Andy Ray walked by sing the words to King Tut. I believe it You would think it was an AMX show since it is always the largest two classes, Stock AMX and Modified AMX. was the vintage Steve Martin SNL Version from 1975. Of course there were other classes represented just not nearly as large. We even had some of the older Ramblers and Hudson's as well. Doug and Ben Galvin made it down from Lodi with both the Jeep and the trailer so the had lots of items to sell. VOLUME XVII ISSUE I - VI Page 15 JANUARY TO JUNE 8th Annual West Coast All AMC Car Show By Kirk Fletcher Continued on Page 6 The registration tents keep free water and I hears that free if it was any good. They little Rambler American 2 dr wagon pizza was even delivered for Lunch. I had none so I don’t know was very nice as well as this old Hudson Pickup. A rare sight at VOLUME XVII ISSUE I - VI Page 16 JANUARY TO JUNE 8th Annual West Coast All AMC Car Show By Kirk Fletcher Continued on Page 7 any show. Several older Rambler Wagons were in attendance. was the only one. Three SC/Ramblers and only one Rebel But not much in the way of convertibles. The yellow 68 rebel Machine. Our Hobby is sure little on SC/360’s. A couple of VOLUME XVII ISSUE I - VI Page 17 JANUARY TO JUNE 8th Annual West Coast All AMC Car Show By Kirk Fletcher Continued on Page 8 Race cars also graced us with their appearance. One even Machine to the show. We even had a couple of Pacers. A had a blower under the hood. Randy Kirby drove his Rebel wagon and a coupe. Too bad they never made a convertible. VOLUME XVII ISSUE I - VI Page 18 JANUARY TO JUNE 8th Annual West Coast All AMC Car Show By Kirk Fletcher Continued on Page 9 Only one Marlin showed, a nice BSO 67. A couple of Javelins, AMX’s. 68, 69 & 70 2 seater’s ruled the day in all manner of A 70 Mark Donohue and a 69 SST. Then there were the color, tires, wheels and attitude. Some full restored, some VOLUME XVII ISSUE I - VI Page 19 JANUARY TO JUNE 8th Annual West Coast All AMC Car Show By Kirk Fletcher Continued on Page 10 mostly original. This 69 BBO is a full restoration and is very desert to make the show. I trailered my BBG 70 over the nice. Our own Tom Buckley drove his 69 BBG AMX across the weekend before and parked it at Marks house for the week VOLUME XVII ISSUE I - VI Page 20 JANUARY TO JUNE 8th Annual West Coast All AMC Car Show By Kirk Fletcher Continued from Page 9 while I worked in both Northern and Southern California. A 68 much. Several in red, a couple in White and a few in Blue. all Original AMX looking all nice and clean, and one not so Only one in RWB and not a single in BSO. Like my code? VOLUME XVII ISSUE I - VI Page 21 JANUARY TO JUNE Calendar of Club Events By Kirk Fletcher August 9th, Saturday 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm, Cactus Cruisers AMC Club Meeting, Rustler's Rooste Steakhouse, Cactus Cruisers AMC will kick in $10 each towards the cost of dinner for club members who are current on their dues and their spouse/significant other. Holy smokes! That's $20 for two adults. If you need to pay your dues, you can pay at the event and still receive up to $20 towards dinner. Rustler's Rooste Steakhouse, 8383 South 48th Street Phoenix, AZ 85044 602-431-6474 www.rustlersrooste.com Meeting, TBD or Deer Valley Airport Restaurant, 702 W. Deer Valley Rd, Phoenix, AZ North of Deer Valley Rd and West of 7th Ave. Just North of the Loop 101 and East of the I-17 Freeways. September 5th to 7th, Friday to Sunday, 7:00 am to 5:30 pm, 10th Annual Route 66 Days Charity Car Show, Wheeler Park & Downtown Flagstaff, AZ 86003 www.route66carclub.com sells out in early July so pre-register early. January 10th, Saturday 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm, Cactus Cruisers AMC Holiday Party, home of Dan and Debbie Curtis, September 13th, Saturday 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm, Cactus Cruisers AMC Club Meeting, TBD or Deer Valley Airport Restaurant, 702 W. Deer Valley Rd, Phoenix, AZ North of Deer Valley Rd and West of 7th Ave. Just North of the Loop 101 and East of the I-17 Freeways. Old Street Scenes By Yellerspirit December 13th, Saturday 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm, Cactus Cruisers AMC Club Meeting, TBD or Deer Valley Airport Restaurant, 702 W. Deer Valley Rd, Phoenix, AZ North of Deer Valley Rd and West of 7th Ave. Just North of the Loop 101 and East of the I-17 Freeways. 7025 N 47th ST, Paradise Valley, AZ 85253 602 840 2996, Pot luck dinner, Can Food Drive collection box, White Elephant Gift Exchange. See reminder e-mail that will go out in December for additional info. For addition Car Show & Cruise info: http://www.desertcruisers.com October 11th, Saturday 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm, Cactus Cruisers AMC Club Meeting, TBD or Deer Valley Airport Restaurant, 702 W. Deer Valley Rd, Phoenix, AZ North of Deer Valley Rd and West of 7th Ave. Just North of the Loop 101 and East of the I-17 Freeways. November 7th, 8th & 9th, Friday, Saturday & Sunday, 12:00 pm to 9:00 pm, 8:00 am to 9:00 pm & 8:00 am to 10:00 am, 9th Annual AMC Reunion, Railroad Pass Hotel & Casino, 2800 S. Boulder Highway, Henderson, NV 89002 800-654-0877, http:// snamcrc.com Mark Ogulnick November 8th, Saturday 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm, Cactus Cruisers AMC Club http://theamcforum.com/ forum/old-streetscenes_topic31336_post36 VOLUME XVII ISSUE I - VI Page 22 JANUARY TO JUNE AMO Treasury Sales By Richard Estermyer #1 AMC Antenna flag $8.00 $1.00 #97 AMX 25th Anniversary Poster $10.00 $3.85 #2 AMO Grill Badge $20.00 $2.00 #119 Rambler 100th Anniversary Poster $10.00 $3.85 #3 AMO Window Decal $2.00 $ .50 #4 AMX Certified Milestone Decal $1.00 $ .50 #98 AMO License Plate $8.00 $3.85 #8 AMO Patch $3.00 $ .50 #108 AMO Parking Only Sign $18.00 $3.85 #30 Grey AMO Logo Tee Shirt, Sizes: M, L, XL, L $10.00 $3.85 #109 AMX Racing Team patch (round) $4.00 $ .50 #31 White AMO Logo Tee Shirt, Size: XXL $10.00 $3.85 #110 Javelin Racing Team Patch (round) $4.00 $ .50 #31 White AMO Logo Tee Shirt, Sizes: S, L, XL $9.00 $3.85 #111 American Motors Corporation Patch (round) $3.00 $ .50 #32 Grey AMO Logo Sweatshirt, Size: XXL $17.00 $3.85 #112 AMX Patch (oval/blue on white) $3.00 $ .50 #32 Grey AMO Logo Sweatshirt, Size: XXXL $18.00 $3.85 #113 Javelin Patch (oblong/black on white) $3.00 $ .50 #32 Grey AMO Logo Sweatshirts, Sizes: L, XL $16.00 $3.85 #114 Javelin Patch (oblong/new style) $3.00 $ .50 #33 White AMO Logo Golf Shirts, Size: XXL $19.00 $3.85 #115 Javelin Patch (oval with Javelin on new logo) $3.00 $ .50 #33 White AMO Logo Golf Shirts, Sizes: S, M, L, XL $17.00 $3.85 #116 AMX Patch (red, white & blue letters on rectangle) $3.00 $ .50 #34 AMO Logo Baseball Cap (royal blue) $8.00 $3.85 #118 Complete Concourse Rules $1.50 $ .50 #35 Rambler (Block Letters) Pin $4.00 $ 1.00 #36 Round (Old Style) A.M. Pin $4.00 $ 1.00 #120 AMC Oil Filter Sticker #37 AMX (Red, White, Blue) round pin $4.00 $ 1.00 #121 1968/1969 AMX, Javelin Oil Filter Sticker $3.00 $ 1.00 #38 Javelin (Red, White, Blue) round pin $4.00 $ 1.00 #122 60's AM/Rambler Oil Filter Sticker Style "A" $3.00 $ 1.00 #40 AMO Lapel Pin (quality silver plate) $4.00 $ 1.00 #123 60's AM /Rambler Oil Filter Sticker Style "B" $3.00 $ 1.00 #41 AMC Pin (block letters) $4.00 $ 1.00 #42 AMX Pin (block letters) $4.00 $ 1.00 #124 AMX, JAVELIN, GREMLIN / AMO Challenge Coin $10.00 $ 1.50 #43 Javelin Pin (script) $4.00 $ 1.00 #44 Javelin Racing Team Pin (round checkered) $4.00 $ 1.00 #45 AM Logo Pin (old style) $4.00 $ 1.00 #46 AM Logo Pin (new style) $4.00 $ 1.00 #48 AMX/3 Pin (red) $4.00 $ 1.00 #49 Year Pins (1968-1974) $4.00 $ 1.00 #55 AMX Racing Team Pin (round checkered) $4.00 $ 1.00 #47 Personal Message Fan $6.00 $3.00 #70 National Meet Dash Plaques (state Year) $2.00 $ .50 #80 AMO Key Fob (choice of white, or blue) $2.00 $ 1.00 #117 AMC Chrome Key Chain (old logo & new AMC logo) $5.00 $ 1.00 $3.00 $ 1.00 ORDER FORM __________________________________________________________ ITEM # QTY DESCRIPTION SIZE PRICE (ea) SHIPPING ITEM TOTAL ________|___|________________________________________|___________|___________________|_______________|______________ ________|___|________________________________________|___________|___________________|_______________|______________ ________|___|________________________________________|___________|___________________|_______________|______________ ________|___|________________________________________|___________|___________________|_______________|______________ Name ______________________________________________ Please make checks payable to: GRAND Address ____________________________________________ AMO Treasury Sales TOTAL _______________________ City ________________________________________________ Mail to: Richard Estermyer State, Zip ___________________________________________ 6228 Mapleview Lane, Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Phone ______________________________________________ javelinman74@hotmail.com phone: (734) 417-9456 AMO Member Number _________________________________