q-card rewards - Quality Foods
q-card rewards - Quality Foods
S P R I N G A N D S U M M E R YOUR GUIDE TO Q-CARD R E WAR DS ur Fill yo r o car t F E M OAR RDS REW 2 016 WE'R E C E L E B R A T I N1 G 3 4 Y E A R S 599,000 Q-Points Student /Senior Membership 549,000 Q-Points Youth Single Membership (6 to 18 years) .......... 299,000 Q-Points Family Membership (maximum 5): .................... 1,299,000 Q-Points Adult Single Membership (19+)Cat.#200V........................... (19+ with a valid student ID) (65+) Cat.#2004 Cat.#200U Cat.#2003 2 persons 19+ & up to 3 persons 6 to 18 2 MEMBERSHIP TO THE ROYAL BC MUSEUM IN VICTORIA Now you can redeem Q-Points for annual memberships to enjoy unlimited access to galleries and exhibitions, express entry privileges and valuable discounts* (does not include IMAX). *some restrictions apply 3 POINTS FOR GROCERIES WE ALSO HAVE A STEP ABOVE GIFTCERTIFICATES 25 $ 50 $ 250,000 Q-Points QF#925 500,000 Q-Points QF#905 REDEEMABLE FOR A STEP ABOVE MERCHANDISE GIFT CARDS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE. CHIC, ELEGANT, DISTINCTIVE. Those are just three words that will come to mind when you step inside A Step Above. We specialize in the best home, kitchen, and bath products from around the world. <RX·OOÀQGFDSWLYDWLQJFRRNZDUHJULSSLQJJDGJHWV GLYLQHGHFRUDWLYHDFFHVVRULHVDQGPXFKPRUHIURP All-Clad, Cuisinart, Dualit, Emile Henry, Emma Bridgewater, Kitchen Aid, Le Creuset, and Riedel:HDOVRKDYHDJUHDWVHOHFWLRQRISUDFWLFDO NLWFKHQWRROVDQGJDGJHWV7DNHDEUHDNWRVLWGRZQ and enjoy a cup of delicious Starbucks coffee and one (or two!) of our sumptuous baked treats. So, whether \RX UHWUHDWLQJ\RXUVHOIRUEX\LQJJLIWVIRUIDPLO\DQG IULHQGVKHDGRYHUWRA Step Above. <RX·OOÀQGXVRQWKHXSSHUPH]]DQLQHDW4XDOLW\ )RRGVMXVWDERYH3HUN$YHQXH&DIH YO U ' L L F I N D U S U P S TA I R S , I N S I D E S E L E C T E D Q U A L I T Y F O O D S S T O R E S Comox | Courtenay | Powell River 4 | Qualicum Beach | View Royal GETTEEDUP QF Golf Green vouchers are as good as cash when you apply them towards services at any participating golf course. Use them to offset the cost of green fees, pro-shop purchases, food services, and more. Go ahead and treat yourself or give some to the golf lover in your life. To pick up your QF Golf Green vouchers, just visit the Customer Service desk at your nearest Quality Foods store. Only 200,000 Q-Points for each $20 Voucher. 723)/,*+7,1(57,$0(165+ 3&(*2/)&/8%6(7 PheasantGlen GOLF RESORT 0HQ VULJKWKDQGHG 3HUIHFWIRUWKHEHJLQQHURULQWHUPHGLDWH SOD\HU Q-POINTS QF#2000 5 MEMORIAL GOLF CLUB Since 200,000 43RLQWV &DWDORJ OUALICUM BEACH 1913 Quality Foods App! Save money on your next shop. Deals, Q-Card Rewards, and more! VIEW VIEW EW & ORDE ORDER ORDERR Rewards! CHILLOUT WITH REC-BUCKS 200,000 Q-POINTS QF#920 Follow us on t witter Qualit y Foods News - @Qualit yFoodsBC Qualit y Foods Deals @HotQ fDeals L i k e u s o n Fa c e b o o k w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / Q u a l i t y F o o d s B C Rec-Bucks are $20 vouchers you can use to access a wide variety of recreational activities. Eligible activities include those offered through registered recreation programs (see your regional guide for great ideas). Rec-Bucks may also be used as facility passes and fund-raisers for your organization, as well as facility rentals. To get one $20 Rec-Buck voucher, simply redeem 200,000 Q-Points. Rec-Bucks are accepted by the Regional District of Campbell River, Town of Comox, Comox Valley Sports & Aquatic Centres, City of Courtenay, City of Nanaimo, Regional District of Nanaimo, City of Port Alberni, City of Powell River, and Strathcona Garden Regional District. Rec-Bucks are not redeemable for cash. HOW THE Q-CARD PROGRAM WORKS. EASY AS 1,2,3 1 2 3 Collect Q-Points by using your Q-Card when you shop at Quality Foods Explore the Q-Card Catalogue Visit the Quality Foods www.QualityFoods.com Watch for Bonus Q-Points and Triple Q-Point Days to earn rewards even faster. customer service desk to redeem your Q-Points for your EXCITING REWARDS. or visit to discover REWARD ITEMS. Selection varies by store. All offers best before October 31, 2016. For full program details visit the customer service desk or www.QualityFoods.com 6 %80%2)/2256($7 %80%23/$<75$< # $ % &' ! 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Features: • Heavy-gauge carbon steel. • Nonstick interior and exterior for easy release. • Commercial shape and styling. • Exclusive Chef Emeril recipes. 14" Pi Pizza P Pan 149,000 Q-Points Catalog #1402 13"x9" Cake Pan 9" Loaf Pan 9" Square Cake Pan 169,000 Q-Points 99,000 Q-Points 99,000 Q-Points Catalog #1401 Catalog #1405 Catalog #1407 4 PC Mini Pie Pan Set 199,000 Q-Points Catalog #1409 &XS0XIÀQ3DQ 199,000 Q-Points Catalog #1400 32 9" Round Cake Pan 99,000 Q-Points Catalog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N + . >>;6;? # + @ 4 H 9LQWDJ G H ,QVSLU 43RLQWV 43R &DWDORJ &DWDORJ J 43RLQWV 43RLQ &DWDORJ &DWDORJ )2;581*/$660,;,1*%2:/6(7 2$ , H B E + $ -.>;?8;? ,B? J@ # 43RLQWV &DWDORJ )2;581&(5$0,&0,;1*%2:/ 6(7 2$ , H B ;6 C6 F6 8? # 43RLQWV &DWDORJ 0$,6213/86+855,&$1(+2/'(50(7$/67$1'&025&0 2 !2 &0 &0 0HDVXUHV >;>; >;>; 8J + , 8> + , 43RLQWV &DWDORJ 43RLQWV &DWDORJ 41 COLEMAN STOVE Cook breakfast, lunch or dinner on this easy highperformance PerfectFlow camp stove. Match Light 2 x 11,000 BTU independant burners provide perfect consistent heat. Windblock windshield system keeps the breeze away from the flame. ,000 Q-Points QF#1579 CO COLEMAN DELUXE PERFECTFLOW LANTERN PE COLEMAN LED RUGGED LANTERN This rechargable LED Lantern will run up to 10 hours on low and 5 hours on high. It operates with a 6V rechargable battery which is included. It has a 4 position switch h and a lifetime bulb. 999,000 Q-Points QF#1690 $0-&."/%26"% -&%-"/5&3/ Per PerfectFlow ensures consistent light out output regardless of weather or alti altitude. Uni Unique stable base with foldable feet for compact storage. This is an amazing Lantern for so many uses. It has 4 removable sections - each with a handle for easy carrying - so you can take one part with you (which stays bright) and the rest stays behind so no one gets left in the dark! 1,299,000 Q-Points QF #1577 899,000 Q-Points QF#1578 89 COLEMAN SUNDOME 3 PERSON TENT The Queen Durarest Airbed fits perfectly inside this 7’ x 7’ tent. Just a 10 minute set up and weighs only 8.7lbs - great for backpacking. WeatherTec System, patented welded floors and inverted seams help keep water out. 1,299,000 Q-Points QF#1 COLEMAN BIFOLD TABLE Unfolded the dimensions are 32 x 24 x 26 inches. The table folds and forms a luggage style carry case with a handle for easy transport. Folded size is 31.5 x 2.8 x 23.6 inches. 1,699,000 Q-Points QF#1691 COLEMAN LUMBAR QUAD CHAIR This chair supplies oversized quad seating area with a capacity of 350lbs. It comes with a Lumbar pillow for lower back support, water resistant PVC mobile phone case holder, side storage pocket and mesh cup holder. 499,000 Q-Points QF#1575 42 COLEMAN 12V AIR PUMP The perfect companion for your Queen Durarest Airbed. 12V operation which includes a car adapter that plugs into anyy standard vehicle cigarette lighter. Includes adaptors to fit Boston Valves, Pinch Valves and Coleman Double Lock Valves. 429,000 Q-Points QF #1695 COLEMAN TREKKING POLE The Coleman Trekking Pole is lightweight, strong and adjustable - perfect to get you there and back. o suit The pole will easily adjust to your height from 27” to 53”. 329,000 Q-Points QF #1692 692 COLEMAN EXCURSION COOLER 9QT 8.5L capacity - holds 6 x 591ml (20oz) bottles or 9 cans plus ice. It has a large comfortable handle and the lid is attached so it won't blow away or get lost. Beach, Camping, Picnic 329,000 Q-Points RED - #169 BLUE -#1697 COLEMAN QUEEN DURAREST AIRBED he Extra guests this year or a planned camping trip? The Queen Durarest Airbed is a perfect addition to yourr home or camper. Inflated Dimensions are 78" x 58" x 9.5" 1,299,000 Q-Points #1694 COLEMAN DEXTER POINT SLEEPING BAG You’ll stay comfy with ThermoTech insulation and the Thermolock draft tube helps to keep you body heat in the bag. Temperature rating is 4 to 21o celsius. 699,000 Q-Points QF#1693 COLEMAN 48CAN P"RTY STACKER This party stacker cooler has a 31l/33qt capacity which holds 48 cans plus ice! It’s also wide enough to hold a 13” x 9” baking dish. Moulded handles provide easy carrying. Exterior Dimensions: 22” x 13.5” x 11.75” 599,000 Q-Points RED - #1571 BLUE - #1572 43 $62%86$0 $62%86$0%$ 6+$.(5%2 6+$.(5%277/( 8=@ 8=@$ $ $/ $ 4 4 " $ $ 2 2 43RLQWV &DWDORJ $62%8)/$9285,7 ,7 '5,1.%277/( $62%83 $62%83,// 25*$1,=(5%277/( 25*$1,= 0 2 >== % 1 $ $ ! # ? ? @ / / $ 64 6 $ 64 2 2 43RLQWVV 43RLQWV &DWDORJ &DWDORJ $5&7,&&+,//72:(/ A 4 ( < 43RLQWV &DWDORJ 44 .,/1(53$7(-$5*,)76(7 A % ? 7 $ 5 $ " .,/1(5'(66(57-$5*,)76(7 .,/1(5'5,1.0$.,1**,)76(7 ! A # 1 H$ $ +$ " $ 8 43RLQWV &DWDORJ 43RLQWV &DWDORJ 43RLQWV &DWDORJ .,/1(59,17$*(35(6(59(-$5 % A * % 7 $ / 43RLQWV &DWDORJ / 43RLQWV 43RLQWV / &DWDORJ &DWDORJ .,/1(5+21(<327:,7+:22'(1'5,==/(5 .,/1(59,17$*(67</('5,1. ',63(16(5/ A HA # $# :/ 4/ $ $ " $& ' @@" 43RLQWV &DWDORJ 45 43RLQWV 4 &DWDOR &DWDORJ 48$775267$*,21,-$52= : < 7 " + $ 48$775267$*,21,%277/( 2= R] 43RLQWV 43RLQWV R] &DWDORJ R] 43RLQWV &DWDORJ 43RLQWV &DWDORJ &DWDORJ %250,2/,),'2-$5 1 < + $ / 43RLQWV &DWDORJ / 43RLQWV &DWDORJ 46 / 43RLQWV&DWDORJ / 43RLQWV &DWDORJ THEFINEPRINT. HOW THE QCARD PROGRAM WORKS combined account and the “transfer from” account will be closed and rendered inactive. Q-Points will not be transferred out of any Q-Card Account that is not in good standing. PROGRAM MEMBERSHIP FOR INDIVIDUALS • The purpose of the Q-Card Rewards Program is to reward individual shoppers and their families for their loyalty to Quality Foods (QF). • If, in QF’s opinion, a Q-Card holder abuses any of the Program’s privileges or makes any misrepresentations, QF may revoke Q-Points associated with the merchandise or services in question, revoke additional Q-Points to reflect the loss suffered and expenses incurred by QF, revoke all of the Q-Points in the Q-Card Account, and/or revoke the Q-Cardholder’s (including the Primary Cardholder and all Secondary Cardholders) in the program, with or without notification. • You may advise QF of any change of address by writing to QF Customer Services, P.O. Box 1120, Qualicum Beach BC, V9K 1T3, or by visiting your local QF store. • QF will not be liable or responsible in any manner for any tax consequences which may flow from participation in the Program. INACTIVE ACCOUNTS • Should any Q-Card Account not earn Q-Points for 12 consecutive months, the Q-Card Account may be deemed to be inactive, and all accumulated Q-Points may be forfeited, with or without notice. LOST, STOLEN OR DAMAGED CARDS • Please notify QF immediately if your Q-Card is lost or stolen. We will flag the Card as lost or stolen and the Q-Card Account, along with all associated cards, will be rendered inactive. A new Q-Card Account number may be issued at QF’s discretion. All unredeemed Q-Points will be transferred to the new Q-Card Account number. QF is not responsible for any redemption made using a lost or stolen Q-Card. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY CARDHOLDERS • The QF Rewards card, or Q-Card, remains the property of QF. Any Q-Card may be revoked at any time, with or without notification. • Upon approval of the application, your account will be opened as the Primary Cardholder. Secondary Cards on the same Q-Card Account may be issued at your request, only to your immediate family members (being parents, children, siblings or spouse) who are domiciled with you. Although multiple people in your household may be Q-Card holders, all Q-Points collected will go to the single Q-Card Account registered in your Primary Cardholder name. • Only the Primary Cardholder can redeem Q-Points for Rewards. You agree to accept full responsibility for the actions of and obligations incurred by your Secondary Cardholders. REDEEMING Q-POINTS FOR REWARDS • When enough Q-Points have been accumulated to obtain the Reward(s) desired, an order form may be completed by the Primary Cardholder at the Customer Service desk of any QF store, or on the QualityFoods.com website. • Many items in the catalogue are identified by a “Redeem on the Spot” logo. These items are instantly redeemable at your local QF store. Simply visit your favourite QF store and present your Q-Card and picture ID to the customer service desk. COLLECTING OF REWARDS Q-POINTS • Please allow approximately three to four weeks for delivery of the Reward to your local store. • We make every effort to stay abreast of changes in manufacturer’s products, however occasionally some items may not be as they appear in this catalogue. If an item becomes unavailable, wherever possible, we will substitute with items of similar value and features. Q-Point values are subject to change without notice. • Rarely, due to uncontrollable circumstances, products may not be readily available from the vendor and the three to four week delivery period may be extended. • “Base Q-Points” are Q-Points earned in connection with your QF purchases (before taxes). The term “Bonus Q-Points” refers to those earned through special offers or promotions. • Q-Points are shown on your till receipt issued with your purchase. You may inquire about the Q-Points awarded and your Q-Points status in general at the Customer Service desk of any QF store within three months of the purchase date. Information regarding current Q-Points totals is also available on the www.QualityFoods.com website. • Q-Points may not be issued for the following: tobacco/smoke shop products, lottery tickets, alcoholic beverages (through online shopping services), delivery fees, and other items or categories of items which may be specified as exclusions. • Q-Points will not be issued on QF gift certificates when they are purchased, but will be issued when gift certificates are used, if the holder presents a Q-Card. • Q-Points have no cash value, are not exchangeable for cash, cannot be sold, purchased, assigned or transferred, except as stated below, or in connection with special programs. RETURN OF REWARDS • Any reward item which is defective may be returned directly to the vendor, at the expense of the Q-Card holder, in accordance with the manufacturer’s warranty. • Rewards are returned for the same number of Q-Points as were used to acquire them, and may not be returned or exchanged for cash. • All QF and third party gift certificates and merchandise vouchers are non-refundable. These include Rec-Bucks, A Step Above, Q-Bird, Deli and Golf vouchers, and redemptions. PROGRAM DURATION TRANSFERABILITY • This catalogue is in effect from approximately May 1, 2016 until the next catalogue is published, approximately November 1, 2016. • Q-Points are not transferable or assignable, except (a) to the beneficiary of a deceased Primary Cardholder, or (b) if specifically authorized by QF. You may combine your Q-Card account with those held by your immediate family members domiciled at the same address. Upon authorization, the “transfer to” cardholder will become the Primary Cardholder of the • QF may terminate the program or any catalogue at any time with 30 days notice through normal advertising methods. ERRORS & OMISSIONS 47 • In the event of product or value errors or omission, QF reserves the right to correct or adjust accordingly. QUALIT YFOODS.COM/REWARDS OR ON YOUR QF APP NOW ONLINE WITH EASY TO USE FEATURES WE'RE N OW O N YO U R D E S K TO P O R M O B I LE D E V I C E YO U R C U R R E NT Q - P O I NT TOTA L D I S P L AY E D C LE A R LY V I E W R E WA R D S W ITH I N YO U R Q - P O I NT R A N G E B R OW S E A N D O R D E R R E WA R D S F R OM T H E W E B C E L E B R A T I N48G 3 4 Y E A R S
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