MHI Copy 2 FM 21-30 WAR DEPARTMENT BASIC FIELD MANUAL CONVENTIONAL SIGNS, MILITARY SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS vj 1 FM 21-30 BASIC FIELD MANUAL CONVENTIONAL SIGNS, MILITARY SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS Prepared under direction of the Chief of Engineers UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON : 1941 For Mle by the Superintendent of Documents. Washington, D. C. WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, November 26, 1941. PM 21-30, Basic Field Manual, Conventional Signs, Military Symbols, and Abbreviations, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned. [A. G. 062.11 (7-7-41).] BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OP WAR: G. C. MARSHALL, Chief of Staff. OFFICIAL : E. S. ADAMS, Major General, The Adjutant General. DISTRIBUTION: B and H (5); R (10); Bn (5), 1 (10); C (10). (For explanation of symbols see FM 21-6.) TABLE OP CONTENTS SECTION I. General. Paragraph Page Purpose..—._....———————. 1 1 Scope.. — — ------ ——— ——— — . 2 1 II. General topographic symbols. Characteristics__————-.-———. 3 1 List____________________ 4 2 III. Symbols for air navigation maps. Characteristics__—————-...—— 5 18 List____________________ 6 18 IV. Military symbols. General rules....——————. —— -7 20 List of basic symbols—————— — —— 8 22 Application of special symbols.-_9 33 V. General abbreviations. General use.___———... — —.... 10 44 Use with hydrographic symbols. _— 11 45 VI. Military abbreviations. List____________________ 12 47 Examples——....—----- — ———— 13 61 APPENDIX. List of references_——-----_________... 64 INDEX .. ————— — — — —————————— ... — ......—— 65 nx FM 21-50 BASIC FIELD MANUAL CONVENTIONAL SIGNS. MILITARY SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS This manual supersedes FM 21-30, August 1, 1939, and Training Circular No. 48, War Department, 1941. SECTION I GENERAL • 1. PURPOSE.—This manual is intended to supply the in formation required by the map reader. Persons engaged in the preparation of maps should be guided by AB 300-15, TM 5-230, and by Bulletin 788, Topographical Instructions of the United States Geological Survey. • 2. SCOPE.—This manual shows in convenient form the abbreviations and general symbols which have been author ized for military use. The general topographical symbols in section II, the symbols intended for air navigation maps only in section III, and the general abbreviations in section V have been approved by the Federal Board of Maps and Surveys and are prescribed for use on all United States maps. Symbols of a purely military nature prescribed by the War Department are given in section IV and special abbreviations authorized for military use, in section VI. Symbols other than those herein authorized may be used, provided they do not conflict with any authorized symbols and are explained in a suitable legend on the map. SECTION II GENERAL TOPOGRAPHIC SYMBOLS • 3. CHARACTERISTICS.—a. Size.—In general, symbols resemble the objects which they represent. The symbols vary in size with the scale of the map. On small-scale maps, symbols are reduced to their most elementary form and do not con form to scale. As the scale is increased, the symbols assume the shape and scaled size of the object represented. b. Color.—The symbols are shown in appropriate color for a four-color map. When less than four colors are used, the symbols shown in paragraph 4 in the colors not used will be executed in black ink. 1 3-4 CORPS OF ENGINEERS c. Lettering.—VERTICAL ROMAN type indicates civil di visions, SLANT ROMAN type (or italic) indicates natural water features, VERTICAL GOTHIC type indicates natural land features, and SLANT GOTHIC type indicates works of man. Lettering, either mechanical or freehand on mili tary maps hastily prepared, may vary considerably from these types. Likewise, marginal data as indicated in para graph 4c will not be nearly as complete on military sketches. • 4. LIST.—a. Works and structures. Canal, ditch, or open aqueduct-.————__J _ Canal, abandoned——————————————— _______ Buried aqueduct or water pipe. Aqueduct or canal in tunnel Canal lock (point upstream)_________.__--_--- — -L Canal lock (large scale) ____________________ Good motor____________ ===== Poor motor or private_______ =============== On small-scale maps_————_ _________ Routes usually traveled are further classified by red overprinting as follows: Hard impervious surfaces. or Roads • other surface improvements—_. or U. S. Route State Route (Date of road information shown in margin on tactical maps.) SIGNS, SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS 4 Good pack trail______________ _________. Poor pack trail or footpath________ ......................... Railroad of any kind, small-scaled maps.—___———__— I Railroad single track, large-scale ( H ''''''''' *" maps————_————————J Double track__————__—— >. i i i i i i i i i i i i Railroads Juxtaposition of_________ i.i.i.i.i.i.iiv.i.i.nv Narrow gage___—___—— •.•••.• Abandoned ____..._-___--..——— >_+ ^ ^-^ i-n-t +-t Electric, passenger only___. In road or street________ ??','-?,?«9 Railroad, crossing_———_______________ (grade—RR above—RR beneath) Tunnel (railroad or road) ___————————— , , , , ^......( , , , , Railroad station of any kind_—_____. , , , , , , m , , , , , , On ground or poles-- T TTTTTTTT Telegraph and telephone lines ' Underground—..-. T_T_T_T_T_,_T_T_T Submarine-—————. __________ Electric power transmission line—————. __..—.———.—._ CORPS OF ENGINEERS 4 General symbol. Capacity in tons indicated by fig ures.__————————————— M-fl- Arrow denotes direction of flow _--——-—-] J Drawbridges (on large-scale] charts leave channel open)] Bridges Truss (W, wood; S, steel; G, girder; C, concrete) Foot. Suspension. Arch. •|* * Ponton. Ferries. General symbol (for vehicles)__. Fords EquestrianPedestrian__ _. Dam——_—-________ Dam with lock-_——_. Breakwater and jetty..___ Levee (standard symbol). f=r-»-• SIGNS, SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS Levee (optional for War Department)._ ::H>n:ti Revetment (optional for War Department) Retards and dikes — ____________ River gage ————— Wharves and docks Buildings in general____________., Ruins. Cliff dwellings. ChurchChurch (optional symbol for nautical charts) ——————— * Hospital___________________________———O Schoolhouse ________________________— f «-«»„ Temple, pagoda——___________——_———— x •«* Windmill______________.____________——— « Port_______________________________X . Sample combination showing city, town, or village-___—-___________. 419767° 4 CORPS OF ENGINEERS City, town, or village (generalized) — Capital___.__ @ City, town, or village (small-scale maps). County seat———- ® Other towns___ 0 Cemetery—______—_______——... [f^fj or._it] Mine or quarry of any kind (or open cut).________ * Prospect—_____.._„_--______________.___ x Shaft________________________________ B [Opening————_—__————_——___— A Mine tunnel j [Showing direction.-_——_—_—_—_ ^_ Oil or gas wells_______________________ Oooo 0 Tanks-...,.....—..„.__„„_..__.„„___.„„_. .£;;. Coke ovens__________________________ /•Pence of any kind (or board fence) _ Stone.__..______.._____________ Fences < Worm____._____________________ Wire————————————__.——. Hedge___.____________. • SIGNS, SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS b. Boundaries, marks, and monuments. National, State, or Province line———__ __ County line.———_———————————. —— Civil township, district, precinct, or barrio. __ Reservation line___————__—____. —— Land-grant line—__———————————. —• City, village, or borough————————__. —— * Cemetery, small park, etc—————————. U. S. township, section, and quarter- ( section lines (any one for township] line alone, any two for township and]----section lines) \_ Located U. S. township and section corners._ _{.. i Boundary monument_——————______. ___B_ _ ——— Triangulation point or primary traverse station_————— A Permanent bench mark (and elevation) _______——— BXM 1232 Precise bench mark__———————__——____——— P JJ M 1232 Intermediate bench mark (and elevation)—————_——— x 1232 U. S. mineral monument———__—______________ A Observation spot (astronomic position)___________ « Any located station or object (with explanatory note) ——__ o c. Marginal information.—Where practicable the following data are shown in the margins of all maps, photomaps, or aerial photographs, and usually in the places indicated by the encircled figures. On military maps, overlays, and field 7 CORPS OF ENGINEERS sketches only the essentials of character, orientation, time, source,, and scale are shown, and then not necessarily in the margins. For detailed information on aerial photographs see FM 30-21. © © © © y/2. 3. _. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. UV. 15. Descriptive title, name, and location. file or index number. Representative fraction and/or graphic scale. Meridian and grid orientation. Particular legend. Contour interval. Maker and source of material. Projection used. Horizontal datum. Vertical datun. Control used. Zones of military grid. Designations of geographic grid. Designations of nUitary "grid. Names and index of adjoining sheets. ^^^^^?^^ ® ® ®, ®@ d. Drainage. Streams in general Intermittent streamsProbable drainage, unsurveyed__ Lake or pond in general____________________ (with or without tint, waterlining, etc.) Salt pond (broken shore line if intermittent) _ Intermittent lake or pond___________. © H> §> ® © © SIOHS, SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS SpringWells and water tanksPalls and rapids_______ Contours (or as below). Glaciers Form lines showing flow. e. Relief (shown by contours, form lines, hachures, or shad ing as desired). v Contours (blue if under water). Contours (approximate only). Form lines (no definite interval). Hachures. CORPS OF ENGINEERS 4 Depression contours. ——————————— CutsPills________. Mine dump (ore). Tailings————__. Rocky (or use contours). Bluffs, Other than rocky (or use contours) Sand and sand dunes For planimetric maps: Ridge lineRim rock or escarpment——.————. ;/m<lf Washes————__...._/. Land, classification. Overflowed land-_~_ 10 SIGNS, SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS Marsh in general (interior salt marshes and coastal fresh marshes are to be in dicated as such). Cypress swamp.__———'____. Woodland (or as shown below) __. Woodland (or broadleaved trees). Dense woods or jungle growth-_ Pine (or narrowleaved trees) ____ Palm________________ Palmetto_______———____. Mangrove_____———————-. 11 CORPS OF KNGINRRS Bamboo. C?.CtUS- Banana. Orchard- Grassland in general. Tall tropical grass- Cultivated fields in general- Cotton. i.j, -U-UJ. J; 1 tU.i~a-U.i- Rice. - ^ J . I ) \ i ; 12 SIGNS, SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS Sugar cane_ Corn s'. Hydrography, dangers, and obstructions. (•Surveyed---.—————-———Shorelines] [Unsurveyed___________. In general- Land Rocky ledges—— Shores (high and low water lines and areas between) Coral reefsLand >£•-.£. Gravel and rocks 419767°- 13 Land CORPS OF ENGINEERS MudShores (highland low water lines and areas < between)—Con. Tidal flats. Kelp or eel grass————————. Ice limits (ice packs or barriers) Bock under water.—————_———————————————— + Rock awash (at any stage of the tide)——————————— * Breakers along shore..——_————.--—~\CL-^^~~-~—Fishing stakes.___________________ m..........!.,. ;.....-. Fish weir———————..————————————————— .-•""" Li Overfalls and tide rips——_„—————— SS'^JL^JS— Limiting danger line...——__ Whirlpools and eddies———————————————— (jjj\ (g) Wreck (any portion of the hull or superstructure above low water) ____—————___————___————— -_«£ Sunken wreck (dangerous to surface navigation)—__ ;±g? 14 SIGNS, SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS Sunken wreck (not dangerous to surface navigation nor those over which the depth exceeds 10 fathoms) ______ Submarine cable______________ Current, not tidal, velocity 2 knotsSpecial usage)—___———__ 'Flood, iy_ knots— Tidal currents Ebb, 1 knot.——— Flood, second hourEbb, third hour__________— No bottom at 50 fathoms_______________——— fo Depth curves: 1-fath'om or 6-foot line________. 2-fathom or 12-foot line—-____. 3-fathom or 18-foot line_____.. 4-fathom line——__———__—. 5-fathom line_____—______. 6-fathom line..______.____— 10-fathom line——____————_——— 20-fathom line__________—. 30-fathom line._____________. 40-fathom line_____________. 50-fathom line.___________„ 100-fathom line____________. ........................«,/t&m:»,i:«>u,. ................ «/»^«»^/a^ ..................™,™*,,,,.,.,/.. .................................... ...... ............... ..... ..... - — —— —— —_._._._._._._._._._._ _.._.._.._.._.._.._.._.._ _..._..._..._..._..._..._.... ._...._...._...._..._...._. __....__...._...._.. - ——————— -- h. Aids to navigation, etc. Life-saving station (in general).-____——____—^ L.S.S Life-saving station (Coast Guard)__________-.+ c.a. IBS 15 CORPS OF ENGINEERS Lighthouse—————__--.——————————— ——— ————— £ Lighthouse on small-scale chart——————————————— (light sectors shown by dotted lines) Light vessels showing number of mast lights—————— 4* 4t Radio station_________________________ R -S-Q Radio direction-finder station (radio compass station) — RQ.O Radio tower_____..__.________...—_... R.T.O Radio beacon____....______________.___ R.Bn.O Water gage-,.—_.—————_—____——_——__—__ -o- Lighted_____________. * Beacons (sectors shown by dotted lines) Not lighted (sample of _. 11111 distinctive top marks) Buoy of any kind (or red buoy) __——._——_——_. ? Black ____.______________._____. f Striped horizontally (in general) __________ 0 Striped horizontally (red and black)—_______. ^ Striped vertically__________________ $ Checkered._————________________. $ Buoys, Perch and square.—_____________ Perch and ball—__-__________. . Whistling (or use first six symbols with _ , .JST^S**,, word "whistling") ___________ ? .-o» »»»,<»>/. Bell (or use first six symbols with word "bell") ___.___.__________ . Lighted____________________. 16 SIGNS, SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS (Of any kind (or for large vessel).._Anchorage < [ For small vesselsMooring-______--__. Range or bearing line..__ Track line__________ Drydock____________ Floating drydock_______. Patent slip__________________________. Leader cable..._____.______________ ========= 17 CORPS OF ENGINEERS 5-6 SECTION III SYMBOLS FOR AIR NAVIGATION MAPS • 5. CHARACTERISTICS.—The conventional signs for use on air navigation maps differ from those used on topographic maps as follows: a. The features on the ground which are easily discernible from high altitudes are the ones which are emphasized on the air navigation map and the other features are subordinated or entirely omitted. In this way the aviator is provided with a map showing landmarks visible from the air, permitting him to direct his flight by these landmarks. b. All symbols adopted are larger and more striking to the eye so that the aviator may easily read his map under difficult conditions. (Symbols usually reproduced in Red) B 6. LIST. Army, Navy, or Marine Corps field_________________ Commercial or municipal field __ _______ Department of Commerce intermediate field. Marked auxiliary field ___________________ —j— Airplane landing field, marked or emergency ———— _ ».' (where not shown in plan nor by symbol indicating characteristics) Mooring mast ___ .. __ _______ __ _ Night lighting facilities ____________________ LF Seaplane base with ramp, beach, and handling facilities_\ Anchorage with refueling and usual harbor facilities __ Jt» Protected anchorage with limited facilities _________ t. 18 SIGNS, SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS Airway light beacon. _ ___ _ ___ (arrows indicate course lights) Auxiliary airway light beacon, flashing Airport light beacon with code light ______ _____ (within airport symbol) Airport light beacon without code light (within airport symbol) Landmark light beacon with bearing projector _____ (arrow indicates fixed beam pointing to airport) Landmark light beacon without bearing projector ____ . Radio station with call letters and frequency Y " ° RS (wur IMO) Radio direction-finder station with call letters and frequency (radio-compass station). —————— o BCINOW 30101 Radio beacon with call letters ——————————— Q RBn(wRO) Radio range beacon ——————————————————— Q RRBr, [Single track _____ .___ —— . —i——————I Railroads< Two or more tracks ————— . —H——————I [Electric-— —————————— . H———i———i Prohibited area.-______. Prominent transmission line. High explosive area fMarked. I Unmarked- __ - __________ & Highway, prominent_____ Highway, less prominent19 CORPS OF ENGINEERS 6-7 Road or trail, prominence uncertain_____ Oil well derrick___———_________ Obstruction_______________——————__——— 257 (numerals indicate height above ground in feet) Prominent elevation-________———————_ (numerals indicate height in feet) GRADIENT OF ELEVATIONS MAXIMUM 9000 7000 3000 6000 2000 1000 0 FEET SECTION IV MILITARY SYMBOLS • 7. GENERAL RULES.—a. Color.—When colors are used, mili tary symbols representing objects in territory occupied or controlled by our forces are shown in blue, and those in ter ritory occupied or controlled by the enemy are shown in red. The only exceptions are the following: (1) Symbols for areas to be covered by friendly fire or gas, although generally located in enemy territory, are executed in blue. (2) Symbols for gassed areas, wherever located, are always executed in red. b. Unit designations.—The positions of various letters, numbers, or abbreviations designating definite units with respect to the symbol representing the type of unit are as follows: (1) Serial numbers of armies and corps are placed within the symbol for troop units when considered collectively. Army is shown by number spelled out. Corps is shown by roman numerals. Serial numbers of divisions, brigades, regi ments, separate battalions, separate companies, or similar separate units are placed on the right, using arable numerals. When separate units are designated in this manner, the number of the unit will be followed by an abbreviated ex planation showing the size of the unit thus designated. 20 SIGNS, SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS 7 (2) Numbers designating battalions in a regiment are shown on the left, using arable numerals. (3) Letters designating companies, troops, or batteries are in capitals and are shown on the left. Companies, troops, batteries or platoons (not separate), and other elements of a unit which are designated by name instead of by letter (for example, "Antitank Company" or "Headquarters and Service Troop"), are designated by the use of the proper abbreviation on the left. (4) Abbreviations for explanatory purposes are shown on the right (see sec. VI). Abbreviations are used instead of symbols to show information that cannot be indicated by a single symbol. (5) Calibers are shown by numbers and unit of measure, as 37-mm, 155-mm, 12-in., .50-in. and are usually placed under the symbol. Often the unit of measure is omitted. (6) In order to clarify the use of the various symbols and to insure uniformity, the following diagrams are inserted as a guide: Symbol indicating size (a) Smaller unit Basic symbol Superior unit Example: 1st Battalion, 2d Infantry.______ Symbol indicating size (b) Company, troop, battery. flight Symbol of arm or service _____ Weapon Division, brigade, regiment, separate battalion, separate company. Example: Battery E, 62d Coast Artillery, Antiair craft, Machine Gun..————————————————. 419767'—42——4 21 7-8 CORPS OF ENGINEERS Symbol indicating size (c) Army or corps Example: Second Army• 8. LIST OP BASIC SYMBOLS.—a. To indicate purpose or character of activity. Military post or station; command post or r—i headquarters ____ ————— _ ————— [—— (lower end of staff terminates at location of establishment represented) Troop unit.. _____ .. _ __. — -. ———— (On large-scale maps where troop units can be shown to scale, this symbol may be modified as follows so as to show area occupied by units in column or line and direction in which they are facing: | J Line Airdrome Airship hangar__ ___ —— - —— _ —— —— Airship mooring mast— ———— — _ — — -Airport (landing field) ——————————— Airport (landing field advanced) __ __ ——— . <~i<_.«dv Autogiro —— __ — _ ______ _ _ _ — . —— g=r=> Ammunition _ _ ___ _ __ . _______ — . £} Arsenal ——— __ ___ _ ________ ___ —— |—^\ Arsenal (gas generating) .. _____ — _ — . Balloon, ascension point__„_.__ 22 •• SIGNS, SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS Balloon bed-————_——————————— Balloon barrage ascension point-—————. Barrage.——___—_---__ ——— ——— — Blue |i59-mm HOW] (size indicating the extent, and notation indicating type) Demolitions----—_-____-------— -. Depot (supply point).-_———_— — (Temporary depot in combat zone). Debarkation or embarkation pointDugout: Isolated- ——— — — --_—— In trench system___--_--_-___--__-. g G . fF Gas-proof————_———— ——————— _ Entanglement: Wire_____________________Concealed______________-__ Gas: Area to be avoided_____---—----- "•<( Area blanketed by smoke (time effective) _. Area probably affected by gas cylinder cloud___—_-___—-—-——————. Area to be gassed, nonpersistent————. Blue General hospital._______________ 23 [V x-—— 8 CORPS OF ENGINEERS Laboratory, experimental station, or proving ground—______...__———__________ Leader gear_______________———. (An energized cable which may be pro vided to aid the safe pilotage of vessels through free passages in mine fields. Symbol is used on chart to show exact location.) Message center______________— Mines: Individual (layout shown if practicable or area included) ________----Chemical land mine__ _______—— Contact mines___-_____________ (This symbol is used to indicate the actual number of mines and their locations. The arabic figures indi cate the contemplated number of mines in each line.) Controlled mines______________ (This symbol Indicates one 19-mine group, and a separate symbol is used for each group. As it ap pears here, the upper edge of this page is assumed to be seaward; and on charts the symbols should be correspondingly placed. The length of a mine group being 1800 feet, the symbol is drawn to scale. Its position represents the contem plated disposition of the mine group.) Mobilization point or area (capacity in figures) ————————————————————————————————————— 24 Msg 9 or V7'5' V SIGNS, SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS 8 Net: Torpedo net (with gate) _______________ Antisubmarine net (with gate) __________ Obstacle: Individual _________________ X Road block ———————————— _ ———— ^^ Bridge out ________________ . ^< Post: Observation- —— ___________ — . /\ Fixed underwater listening. ______ _. (IT) Visual signal-- ——— __ _____ __ _-- OC Point, any located (suitable description) — ————— . Q Point, distributing: For class I supplies.- __________ ———— . (3)dp Ammunition —————— _____ __ ——————— . 'Jl,1 dp Artillery ammunition —— __ _ __ —— —— ... U-Jdp Small-arms ammunition ________ ———— . (I,1 dp Water__—_ _ . ___ _ _____________ . (w) dp Prisoners of war ———————— __ ___ — ————— PVI Procurement district, headquarters _____ _ ___ . ^ Railway center. Railhead ___________________________ . (_) r Reception center. — Replacement training center 25 CORPS OF ENGINEERS 8 £ School, commonly used —————— ——————————— Found occasionally on old maps ——— (f) nsH Dseh Supply. (See Depot.) Ammunition, all classes ———————————————— || Ammunition, artillery. ————————————— — — . £[ Ammunition, small arms Class I ____ — — Gas and oil ———— _ Water ____ _ __.. Trains (supply, motor) : 10 Animal-drawn ____________________ . ^} Anl Railway Searchlight Sound locator. Signal: Radio station _ .... _ . — . ______ . ""J" or RSO Direction-finder station (radio com pass) ————————————————————————— Rco or "» Intercept station... _ .. —— _____ _ Switching central _ . __________ Switching central (located at command post) ___________________ or cable terminal. _ _ _ Test station • Wire on ground.— — —— — . ———— . 26 T' n*mt SIGNS, SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS Traffic: One-wayTwo-wayTank: Barrier... Trap. Trench for one squad- ——— ————— .____ (For each additional squad add one traverse.) Weather station. b. To indicate arm or service or its activity.—These symbols are placed within the symbols shown in a above when appro priate, except when otherwise noted. Air Corps Airship Balloon Balloon (motorized) Armored Force- _ __ —— ————————— ——— _ — — -_ C J (When used with arm or service symbol, indicates mechanized unit.) Artillery Cavalry: Horse Horse and mechanized Mechanized __ Chemical Warfare Service. 27 CORPS OF ENGINEERS 8 Coast Artillery: Antiaircraft.— Harbor Defense —————— —————————————— «HD Railway __ _ --- _ _ -- ——————— ————— • • Ry Tractor-drawn _ _.. ________ —————— -«CAi55-mm Engineers — ————— ... — _ ————._ ————— — ——— E Infantry __ — ____ .. ____ ________ ——————— X Motorized _____________________ X Mtz Parachute _____ _______________ — X Prcht Medical Corps.... ____________ ———— _ — _|— Military Police __ __ .. ___________ — __ — . MP Ordnance Department. ___ ___ ________ ... $ Quartermaster Corps..... _ _ — __ ————— — .. Q Bakery... _ ______ __________ . ___ — JX Class I supplies.- __________ — ___ __. ) Gasoline and oil only _______________ *f Remount Service _________________ . Q Signal Corps—.— _____ ______________ S Signal Corps (aviation) ________________ ._ <=^f=> Tank Destroyer.. ____________ ________ . TD Transportation Service ________________ . ® Veterinary Corps. ____________________ . V c. To indicate size of unit. —These symbols are placed above the symbols shown in a above, or are used for indicating boundaries as shown in d below. 28 SIGNS, SYMBOLS, ADD ABBREVIATIONS 8 Squad_____ —— —_—_____ __ - ____________ Section.—— ———————— _____ __ _ ____________ Platoon _________________________________________ Company, troop, battery, or Air Corps flight- — ___ _ ( Battalion, cavalry squadron, or Air Corps squadron. . 11 Regiment or group —————————————————— Hi Brigade or Air Corps wing —————————————— x Division or air force ————————————————— xx Corps ——— ———————— ———— —————— — _ xxx Army —————————————————————————— xxxx Corps area, department, or section of communica tions zone _ ——— _______ —— _ __ — ___ _____ ooo Communications zone —————————— _ — __ — _ oooo General Headquarters — _ ———— ____ __ _ ____ GHQ Air Force Combat Command— __ _ ________ _ <=<=>CC Soldier ————————————————— _ ————————— o Automatic rifleman ——————— __ *. _ —— _ — o Assistant leader, or second in command.—— —— e Leader —— _ ————————————————————— _ • Squad leader ———————— ———————————— • d. To indicate boundaries and lines. Bombardment aviation, light (limit of ra dius of action) —————————————— — oo>»ombU)OHQ reconnaissance aviation (limit of zone of reconnaissance) ___ _______ ____ . Observation aviation (limit of zone of recon naissance) : Rear limit, army aviation.—- ____ _ **>2< obtn Rear limit, corps aviation 419767 3- 8 CORPS OF ENGINEERS Air force reconnaissance aviation (limit of zone of reconnaissance) ————————— Pursuit aviation (limit of radius of action). _ oopur _ Squad. _ _- — _ ._-.- — -_ —— —————— —— . —— Section _ ——— - — ..— ——— — ————— —— .. —— Platoon ___ _ ____ — — ———————— Company or similar unit —————————— . — ... — Battalion or similar unit... ———————— —— n —— Regiment or similar unit. _ — — — —— . — in — Brigade ______ __. —— __ —— -_. ——— —— x — Division _____________ _„ ———— . — xx — Corps ——— —— —————— —————— — -- —— xxx —— Army, — ——— —— . — — ——— ———— — xxxx —— Corps area, department, or section of com munications zone _ — ___ .- ____ . —— ooo —— Communications zone _____ _ ___ __ . — oooo — Rear boundary of theater of operations- _ Front line —— — — __ — ____ ___ _ . —— GHQ — ////>» ni r Limit of wheeled traffic by day __ ____ . —— Ov —— Limit of wheeled trafllc by night ______ . —— ^7 —— Line beyond which lights on vehicles are prohibited __ _ .. ___ ___ _ _ _ _. —— \j\ —— —— i —— Outpost line __________________ _. Main line of resistance— ___ ________ Regimental reserve line. _ __ - _____ — RR_ Limiting point. ___ — ___________________ Line of communication.. __________ . 30 —— (_C- SIGNS, SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS 8 Line of departure-___________.__-_ ——LD —— Straggler line-.--___________- ——["p"]—— Prisoner of War Inclosure, IV Corps_______ p'w'n e. Weapons. Automatic rifle.__---------___..___.._ ___^ (Dotted when emplacement is not occupied, thus) _____ — ______-___-______ ---*. Machine gun_________-_._______-_. •——». (Arrow points in principal direction of flre. When used alone it indicates machine gun, water-cooled, cal. .30.) (Machine-gun symbol under symbol of unit of any arm indicates machine-gun unit of that arm.) Antiaircraft ____________._ • AA »• Antitank gun (specify caliber) ______——— * J^ Antitank gun In position, showing principal di- 75 rection of fire (indicate caliber by numeral) __ • AT * Antitank gun emplacement with principal di- 37 rection of fire._--------------——._——— *~AT~*" Caliber .50 _________.„______—-_ , -5C Light __---------_____---___--. ,* Machine gun (single gun)—— —— „_ —.-_.__--_- ^^j^, (Arrows indicate sectors of flre; shaded portion shows danger space when flre is placed on final protective line.) Machine-gun section (two guns)-____---_-___— • -^. , 31 8 Gun———— Gun batteryHowitzer or • mortar.— CORPS OF ENGINEERS 6 . ——. * or Howitzer or mortar battery. .^^ 4.2-in. chemical mortar-.- — . 4.42 cm, ] t±H Open when em placement is ' unoccupied, thus——————' •6- or 4- -u -<i-4.80itii Livens projector.—————————————————————. re |"-P Mines, chemical land (individual)———————————— ^ f. Special symbols for use in hasty sketches and on oper ations maps. Area occupied by a unit (2d Battalion, 3d Field (2-lJ3 Artillery) Area occupied by corps troops (III Corps). Brush__.-.._-.. Cultivated land Stream Woods g. Roads.—Suggested road classification is shown below. This classification will not apply in all cases. When addi tional types are indicated suitable identification should be made by improvised notation or legend. Hard surface-____. Graded and improvedGraded, not improved- 32 8-9 SIGNS, SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS Poor road. Trail. • 9. APPLICATION OF SPECIAL SYMBOLS.—The following ex amples show the use of special symbols as applied to various military organizations and activities. These examples are intended to illustrate the method of combining basic symbols and abbreviations in order to show the desired information. These are only a few of the possible combinations. Many are more complete than necessary. Often the number of a unit, to those familiar with it, will indicate its activity. a. Air Corps. 3d Air Force_________________701st Air Base Group____________ \\ 701 AB 901st Transport Squadron.__.__--— p^| 901 T 7th Observation Squadron..--.---..-.— [^^| ^ otlfl 88th Reconnaissance Squadron______ ^ojsBRcn 101st Balloon Squadron——————————-- pgT| IQI 1st Staff Squadron..-- ——— — — -_——— f^^| istt 301st Balloon Group———————————— [^1 301 701st Bombardment Wing (Light)————— F»^1 701 Bomb ID 532d Pursuit Group (Interceptor)._———— fj^] 532 Pgp (l) Second Army Aviation—————————————— fSg*| second 203d School Squadron. — ——— ———— ——— [=><=>] 203 Sch b. Armored Force. Headquarters Company, 1st Armored Division ________________ t Hq lcb>l I Div Military Police Platoon, Headquarters Company, 1st Armored Division._._ MP 33 I Div a CORPS OF ENGINEERS Transportation Platoon, Headquarters Company, 1st Armored Division—— THq |CZ)| i DJV 1st Reconnaissance Battalion. ———— .. —— ___ |r—>| i Ron Rifle Company, 1st Reconnaissance Battalion—— o[c:51 iRcn Weapons Platoon, 1st Reconnaissance Battalion._________________ wpn 0ICZ)| i Ron Motorcycle Platoon, 1st Reconnaissance Battalion _____________________ Mid A lCDl i Rcn Armored Company (Light), 1st Reconnaissance , Battalion______..-.——._____.-.__ clc-bl iRen 1st Armored Brigade....—————————————— [r^g] i Communication Platoon, Headquarters Company, 1st Armored Brigade-- _ comHq |d3| i Brig Headquarters Company, 1st Armored Regiment (Light) ___________ , Hq ICZDJ i (U Maintenance Platoon, Service Company, 1st Armored Regiment (Light) _____ .,, Moint s»rv icm] i (LI Reconnaissance Company, 1st Armored Regiment (Light) — _ ——————— Ron [o] nil Machine Gun Company, 1st Armored Regiment (Light) _ _ ________ , Bl 1 "-) Company A, 1st Armored Regiment (Light) _ 69th Armored Regiment (Medium) ___ _ _ 70th Tank Battalion, GHQ Reserve _____ [r^ 70 (M) SHQ c. Cavalry. Light Machine-gun Platoon, Troop A, 2d Cavalry ..„._....._..„„___.._..__„._ Scout Car Platoon, 2d Cavalry _______ 1st Platoon, Troop E, 8th Cavalry _______ 34 r~^\ set c[(pV| _ I SIGNS, SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS 1st Platoon, Special Weapons Troop, 14th Cavalry __—-___-_____— — ———- ' Sp *»" l^114 1st Platoon, Antitank Troop, 1st Cavalry Division.....—-_.__._.-_— ———— -i ' »T I^ Mortar Platoon, Weapon Troop, 2d Cavalry w n rga "^ Brigade ___________—____— 1st Platoon, Troop A, 4th Cavalry (Horse and Mechanized) -___————————_—- i* 2d Platoon, Troop G (Motorcycle) 4th Cav alry (Horse and Mechanized)——————— ZG Headquarters Troop, 3d Cavalry Brigade—— m \s/\ 3 Bri« Troop A (Scout Car), 1st Reconnaissance Squadron....________________ , _ * Il*z5\ ' Rcn Special Weapons Troop, 3d Cavalry. ... Troop K (Scout Car) 6th Cavalry (Horse and Mechanized) —____————————_ ——. Reconnaissance Troop (Mechanized) 9th Division—..—_______—————_—_____ , Rcn \£?5\ 9Di» 1st Reconnaissance Squadron...-______ \f^] ] "«" X X 1st Cavalry Division.___________ pa. Command Post, 5th Cavalry. Observation Post, 9th Cavalry _______ /\ 9 Park, mechanized units of horse cavalry regiment __________________ <i> &? prk Park, Motor Transportation, 3d Cavalry_ Xjgg d. Chemical Warfare Service. 2d Platoon, 1st Chemical Company, Service Aviation ___-_____________________ 35 ... 2 I 6 J I Serv Avn CORPS OF ENGINEERS 10th Chemical Company, Maintenance—— 0 I lOMalnl t Company B, 2d Separate Chemical Battalion ————————————————————— B I o ] 2 en (SIP) 3d Battalion, 901st Chemical Regiment—— Chemical Warfare Service Distributing Point, IV Corps________-___—— 3 ["^"j 901 Chemical Warfare Service Depot, First Army-.....................—........ *]«? ^ Flf" e. Coast Artillery Corps. 55th Balloon Barrage Battalion—————— [<^>| sseor Searchlight Platoon, Battery A, 104th Coast Artillery...—..___-_.—_.._. r^^ ° Machine-gun Platoon, Battery K, 102d Coast Artillery_______—.—————— pyi ^7 37-mm Platoon, Battery P, 202d Coast Artillery——————————————.—————— p r^-i ^Trtlr 2d Battalion, 2d Coast Artillery, Harbor Defense.——______————————— 11 21 * I ZHD 912 Coast Artillery (Railway) ——————— |~*| 9ie By 57th Coast Artillery (155-mm gun) __ ^-TI»8Sr °* 77th Separate Coast Artillery Battalion (Antiaircraft, 37-mm)_______ rXj 77 St ^ST *_* '& n 4th Battalion, 241st Coast Artillery, Harbor Defense, Type C———.——- 4 | • ] E4t HO (c) Command Post, Battery E, 248th Coast Artillery, Harbor Defense, Type B_ ,—i—, E (---J 248 H0 (B) /. Corps of Engineers. Company A, 2d Engineers (combat) _ 12th Engineer Battalion (Triangular A [~e~| z (Division) _________________________. [-*^-| ,36 9 SIGNS, SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS 8th Engineer Squadron (Cavalry Division)..___———————.———— 11 pp|e 302d Engineer Battalion (Separate) _. I E I 302 (S»P) 301st Engineer Battalion (General Service) __-——————————_———— {_ e j 301 G«n s«rv 905th Engineer Battalion (Heavy Ponton, Motorized)——————————— 11 | E 1905 HV pon MU 2d Platoon, 70th Engineers (Light Pon ton, Motorized GHQ Reserve) --_- 2 fgl 70 L Pon OHO Engineer Depot No. 2, First Army__ z (E) ««» Engineer Park, II Corps———______ Prk (E) n Bridge Company, 16th Engineer Battalion ____———————_—_ 1 Br [CE~)| is 2d Platoon, 391st Engineer Company (Depot) ——————————————————————— XX XX XXX ... 2 | £ | 391 Dtp Service Platoon, Company C, 801st Engineers (Water Supply)_-._____ ... ac | E ] 801 w sup 2d Platoon, Company B, 28th Engineers (Aviation) __.-___.._.____ ... ZB IE | ze Avn Factory Platoon, Shop Company, 84th Engineers (Camouflage)—_._.__-_ ... ZB IE 184 com g. Field Artillery. Symbol may also be used to show ar tillery position area—————————— ["•""[ Battery F, 2d Field Artillery___——__ F ["•"] z Ammunition Train, 2d Battalion, 3d Field Artillery (Horse) ____.___ pi-i-. A(nTn 2 W 3 " Headquarters Battery, 2d Battalion, 4th Field Artillery (Pack)_________ , Hq 2 f»|4pii 37 9 CORPS OF ENGINEERS Gasoline Section, Service Battery, 54th Field Artillery Regiment (105-mm Howitzer, Armored)__________ . ••.. TStrv lOBh* 1st Battalion, 8th Field Artillery____ i f^"] e Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, llth Field Artillery Brigade——— , Hq | • | n grig 2d Battalion, 18th Field Artillery (Composite) ———————————————— 2 | • | iscomp Service and Ammunition Battery, 1st Battalion, 79th Field Artillery (240-mm Howitzer, Motorized) ___.______ . i . a *m ! L^Jj9 2d Section, Battery B, 71st Field Artillery Battalion, Horse-drawn..——————_ .. 2B [ • [71 H-or Maintenance Section, Battery C, 98th Field Artillery'Battalion (75-mm Howitzer, Pack)_______________ „MOIniUI , . . Hrn 0 ° DI, V |9OrR Hjr5 Battery B, 1st Field Artillery Observation Battalion__.._____..__— , B | • 11 Obin Headquarters Battery, 1st Division Ar tillery (Triangular).._____———.. H qn»~| i oiv Tank Destroyer Battalion________ l~^~l h. Infantry. One squad, 2d Platoon, Company G, 117th Infantry ______________ . 26 C>^1 n? 2d Heavy Machine-gun Section, Company D, 2d Infantry ___________ .••. D 1^1 z 1st Platoon Company B, 2d Infantry.. „ i B CX] z Headquarters Company, 3d Infantry —— Hq Q<| 3 3d Machine-gun Platoon, Caliber .50, Company M, 120th Infantry _____ p^pn '^ 38 •"•'• SIGNS, SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS 1st Antitank Squad (Antitank Company), 1st Infantry.________... 9 . i AT O<] i Command Post, 2d Battalion, 323d InAutomatic Rifle Squad, 2d Platoon, Company A, 1st Infantry__________ • 2 * CX1' Intelligence Platoon, Headquarters Company, 22d Infantry__________ ^^ int Hq [XI 22 1st Light Machine-gun Squad, Company F, 309th Infantry____________ K~^< ' f \£Q 309 Mortar Section, Company C, 18th Infantry..—————_—_„—— c Service Platoon, Headquarters Company, 105th Antitank Battalion__.- _^^ s.rx Hq D<3i05 AT Weapons Platoon, Company E, 6th Infantry (Armored)__________ ... vvpn E |^§] 6 3d Platoon, 205th Military Police Company———————————————————— ^^ 3|MP1205 501st Infantry Battalion (Parachute)... [X] 501 (Prciii) 8th Infantry (Motorized) _________ [XI 8 Mti 1st Infantry Train—— — — ————— _. v~ff ' Kitchen Train, 2d Battalion, 3d Infantry... Ki 2 l^jl 3 Observation Post, 81-mm Mortar Platoon, Company D, 30th Infantry________ -r » D ^ so Medical Detachment, 5th Infantry___—_ ott |—|—! 5 i»' 1st Battalion Section, Medical Detachment, . 175th Infantry—————————___———— i en H—j ITS m« i. Medical Department. Veterinary troops.____.________ 39 __ IN/1 9 CORPS OF ENGINEERS Headquarters and Service Company, 1st Medical Regiment————————————— Has \-\-\ 1 Clearing Company D, 8th Medical Battalion ————————————————————— ^^ o FH e 1st Platoon, Company E (Ambulance), 105th Medical Regiment————————— ,.. i e FH ios Station Platoon, Company G (Clearing), 105th Medical Regiment_.—————— 10 \-+-\ IPS 3d Platoon, Collecting Company, 47th Medical Battalion Armored——————— Clearing Platoon, Veterinary Troop, 1st Medical Squadron.—____.__.__.. ^^ s A ^^^ 47 ... 3 vet FH> XXX X (J) Fir»t First Army Medical Depot_________ Battalion Aid Station. 1st Battalion, 4th Infantry—————————————————— i n-l_ 4 ,nl Ambulance Loading Post____ ——— ———— _(— ALP Collecting Station, 1st Division____—— _|_. | Co) | llth Evacuation Hospital_________ XX XXXK —(—11 EVOC XXX Clearing Station, I Corps_______..._. __|_ x clr Hospital Train————————————————. t^J Veterinary Clearing Station, First Army.— \/ Fi,it cir 5th Platoon, 12th Veterinary Company.__ 5 |\/| u 901st Veterinary Evacuation Hospital.——. GHQ \/ 901 EVOC j. Ordnance. 1st Ordnance Company, Medium Maintenance——..——————_______ , I 8 40 9 SIGNS, SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS 2d Ordnance Company, Heavy Maintenance (Army)_____________ , | 8 |ZH» Maint 3d Ordnance Company, Heavy Maintenance (Tank) _____________ , | 6 )3Hv Moint (TK) Service Section, 28th Ordnance Company (Medium Maintenance) ___ .. s«rv | g |28MMoim Magazine Platoon, 51st Ordnance Company (Ammunition)————————— ... 11 8 1 si Am 3d Platoon, 95th Ordnance Company, Maintenance Railway Artillery——— ... 3 | 6 | 95 Momi (Ry) Company B, 19th Ordnance Battalion (Armored)—— ——— ———————— B |QJD| 19 Headquarters and Supply Section, 105th Ordnance Company (Medium Maintenance)———— — —————— _ nas | d I IOSM Moim Service Platoon, 73d Ordnance Company (Depot) ______-_————- . serv | ^ ] 73p tp 462d Ordnance Company (Aviation, Bombardment)—— ——— —————— , I 6 I 462 AVH (Bomb) 694th Ordnance Company (Aviation, Pursuit) _______ ——— ___ ———— — - 721st Ordnance Company (Aviation Air , L 6J694 Avn Pur __, Base)--—————————————————————— ( 8 ] 721 Avn AB fc. Quartermaster Corps. Light Maintenance and Car Battalion, 119th Quartermaster Regiment..--. ^^ 3 \_o_j 119 Company C, Truck Battalion, 105th Quartermaster Regiment______ c I o I ios Company A (Truck), 13th Quarter master Battalion (Armored)————— AJQDJu Shop Headquarters and Supply Pla toon, Company C, 56th Quarter master Regiment (Heavy Maintenance) ——————————————— 41 ^^ c | o | se HV Maim CORPS OF ENGINEERS 2d Platoon, Company K, 48th Quartermaster Regiment (Truck)————— 2 K | Q | 461» Pack Troop, 16th Quartermaster Squadrons, 1st Cavalry Division. — _ E Pk \J#'\ 16 681st Quartermaster Battalion (Sterlilization and Bath) —— —— ——— ___ ^t f Q | esi isa B) Service Platoon, Company A, 203d Battalion (Gasoline Supply)—.___ — _ ^_^ s»r» A Pol 203 GQ» , Company D, 94th Quartermaster Bat- talion (Bakery) ______._:______ o | Q [94 enry Transportation Platoon, 252d Quartermaster Company (Air Base) ____-_ ... T I Q I 252 AB Second Army Quartermaster Depot No. 1 (Gasoline and Oil)____.„_- xxxx i(j) s«cond Third Army Quartermaster Depot No. 2 (Motor Transport) _________ xxxx 2 (o) Third MT Railhead for Class I Supply, 2d Division___________________ »^ (?) 2 """ III Corps Quartermaster Park____- Prk (?) m Truckhead Class I Supply, ?d Division- (?) 2 Trk hd I. Signal Corps. 59th Signal Maintenance Company (Aviation) ____._.___.______ , [ca&| 59 Moint XV X XX Intercept Section Headquarters Pla•toon, 3d Radio Intelligence Company———————————————————— Hq —-H S 3 Rod In) hj—' 1st Signal Company, Photographic—— | s 11 Photo Operating Platoon, 1st Signal Troop, 1st Cavalry Division.________ opn \JS*\ \ Headquarters Platoon, 701st Pigeon Company._______ — —— _ — — _—— 42 Hq | s I 701 Pgn SIGNS, SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS Operation Company, 62d Signal Battalion —— — — — —— — —— -_ — opn Is | 62 Construction Platoon, 30th Signal Company ———————————————— __ Con» | sj 30 7th Aircraft Warning Section, 2d Aircraft Warning Company... ——— ___ ^^ 7 | s ] z *w Telephone and Telegraph Section, 313th Signal Company (Aviation).. TP a Tg [^] 3i3Avn 1st Signal Platoon (Air Base) _._. __ \cgp-] 1 AB Point on axis of signal communication, 1st Division ———————— ._ ————— Point on axis of signal communication, 1st Armored Division. — _ — _ . 5th Signal Battalion, Construction _ _. _ [ s | 5 cons 317th Signal Company, Air Wing. _ _....._ [<»>| 317 wg Signal Company, Operation (Radio), 59th Signal Battalion, Armored Corps____-___ | opn (Rod) ICDl 59 Signal Company, Operation (Wire), 50th Signal Battalion, Armored Corps — .- — Opn (wire) |C£)| 59 1st Signal Company, Depot — . ———— _ | s 1 1 oep 2d Signal Company, Repair ————————— | s | a R. P 1st Signal Company, Construction, Separate.. — . — - — — -- — — ____-____-___.- | s 1 1 cons s«p 21st Signal Company, Operation, Separate.. _ . _ _ - _ -.._-- _ _ _ . _ ..._. , I s I 21 opn Sep 3d Radio Intelligence Company... —— ... | s | 3 Rod mt Position-finding Section 1st Platoon, 3d Radio Intelligence Company.. _ ——— _. . . -. .• ' I.. SJ 3 Rad '"' 43 10 CORPS OF ENGINEERS SECTION V GENERAL ABBREVIATIONS • 10. GENERAL USE.—The abbreviations listed below are pre scribed for use on all United States maps: A____________. Arch or arroyo abut——___.___.._. Abutment b__________.._. Brick BS____________. Blacksmith shop bot_________..__ Bottom Br___________.._. Branch br____________ Bridge C———————————___. Cape cem___________ Cemetery con________.... Concrete cov___.__.____ Covered Cr_-____.________. Creek cul___________ Culvert DS___________ Drug store E_.__________.._. East Est___________ Estuary f—_.__________. Pordable Ft___________. Fort GS___________ General store gir___________. Girder GM____________. Grist mill i___________._ Iron I.__._______.. Island Jc__________. Junction kp___________.._. King-post L____________. Lake Lat-_________.... Latitude Ldg__________. Landing LSS___________ Life-saving station LH____________ Lighthouse Long___________. Longitude Mt____________ Mountain Mts___________. Mountains N____________. North nf___________. Not fordable p_____________- Pier pk__________. Plank 44 SIGNS, SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS PO_____.-____ Pt___________ qp.__________. R____________, RH——__-_—————. RR___________ 2d—____.____. S-______._____. s_____________ SH——___—————__ SM____________ Sta.____—___. St____________. str______._____. TG___________ 3d_________.— Tres__________. tr_______-_.___ WT___________. WW—___———.—— W___________w__________. 10-11 Post office Point Queen-post River Roundhouse Railroad Second South Steel Schoolhouse Sawmill Station Stone Stream Tollgate Third Trestle Truss Water tank Waterworks West Wood • 11. USE WITH HYDROGRAPHIC SYMBOLS.—a. General, Bn_____._____ Beacon RK__________. Rock Wk___________ Wreck LMP__________. Levee mile post LS______—___. Levee station TH___________ Towhead NRS__________. Naval radio station NRC__________. Naval radio direction-finder (radio compass station) PD___________ Position doubtful PA_____.____ Position approximate ED________-—_ Existence doubtful b. Relating to lights. F____________. Fixed PI.—.___—————— Plashing Occ—___——_—__. Occulting Alt_____——__. Alternating 45 11 CORPS OF ENGINEERS Gp.____-_______.. Group R____________.. Red W____________. White G____________.. Green B____________.. Blue Sec___________. Sector (U) __________. Unwatched ev_______-___. Every m______ _____.. Miles min_—__———_-_—.. Minutes sec_-___.-_______.. Seconds vis__________-_-,. Visible c. Relating to buoys. C____________________. Can AT_____________. Nun S_____________. Spar HS-. _________. Horizontal stripes B_____________ Black R____________________ Red W___________________. White VS____________ Vertical stripes G____________ Green y_____________ Yellow Cfi ___________ Checkered d. Relating to log signals. FB --_---__———__._ Fog bell FD_______.___ Fog diaphone FG_____——___ Fog gun FH. ___________ FS__________... FT,. __________... FW___________. Fog Fog Fog Fog horn siren trumpet whistle SB______.. Submarine fog bell e. Relating to bottoms. Cl_____________ Clay Co___________. Coral G-________.. Gravel M_____________ Mud O2____________ Ooze P____________.. Pebbles S_____________. Sand 46 SIGNS, SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS Sh ____________ Sp ____________ St ____________. brk... -_________. Cal....... _______ 11-12 Shells Specks Stones Broken Calcareous crs.......... _____ Coarse Decayed Dark Flinty Fine grd---.-....... -__ Ground gty.. _______________ Gritty hrd ___________. Hard Irg. _________. Large ..._„_—.——-_—. Light rky___________. Rocky rot-...-.. _______ Rotten sft -__——-___-___—. Soft sml__________. Small spk..... ________. Speckled stf__.__—_—-_-_. Stiff sir___________________. Streaky vol............—-.... Volcanic bfc—_—________. Black br_____________. Brown bu -___---_-________. Blue gn. ______--_. Green gy___________.. Gray rd ____________ Red wh............ ____ White yl.................... Yellow stk......-———— Sticky dec_-______ dk____________. fly____________. fne. ____________ SECTION VI MILITARY ABBREVIATIONS • 12. LIST.—The abbreviations listed below are authorized for use in combat orders, messages, records, and reports in the field. With few exceptions all are written without spacing and periods. Dates, when abbreviated, are written thus: 1 Jan 24. Usually a single word is represented by a single capital letter, or by a capital and lower case. 47 12 CORPS OF ENG1NEEES Acting___——_———-—_-___—_-.. Actg Adjutant General----_________ AG Adjutant's (section)_..______ Adj (Sec) ' Adjutant (1st staff section, brigades and lower units)—-.---____._. S-l Adjutant General's Department___. AGD Administrative (orders).______ Adm (O) Advance_-__---________ Adv Advance guard___.._______. AdvGd Advance Message Center_______. AdvMsgCen Afternoon (i. e., from 12:00 noon to 12:00 midnight)__.___.___ PM Aide-de-camp————....__—___. ADC Air base_____———_________- AB Air Corps_____-_________. AC Aircraft warning service____--_-. AWS Air Defense Command_____------ AD Comd Airdrome——_——_________- Adnn Air District...——„_____.._— ADist Air Force_-_———_________Air Force Combat Command--—_. Air Intelligence (section) (officer) __ Airplane————————_—_—-_... AF AFCC Alnt(Sec) (O) AP Airship__.__._—_.._______. Ash Ambulance (company) (company, motor) (section) __________. Amb(Co) (CoM) (Sec) Ambulance loading post____——— ALP American Expeditionary Forces.—— AEF Ammunition (company) (distribu tion point) (train)._____.__. Am (Co) (DP) (Tn) Animal (animal-drawn)——————— Anl-d Antiaircraft—————_—_._—__._. AA Antiaircraft Artillery_________. Antiaircraft Artillery Intelligence Service——————————__————— Antiaircraft Intelligence Service..— Antimechanized———______.. AAA AAAIS AAIS AMecz Antitank________________ AT Appendix————————————————— App April———————————————————— Apr Armorer——————————————— Armr Artificer————————_—_—..... Artif 48 SIGNS, SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS 12 Armored (car)—————————————_. Armored Force————-—___———— Army Air Forces————————————— Army Engineer Service—______. Army headquarters———_—_-__. Armd-C ArmdF AAF AEngrServ AHQ Army Post Office____________. Army Regulations——————_—_. Artillery (brigade) (horse) (liaison officer) _———___________ Artillery Information Service--___.. Assistant_————————-—-____ Assistant chief of staff ________. Assistant chief of staff for personnel- APO AB Arty (Brig) (H) (Ln O) AIS Asst AC of S G-l Assistant chief of staff for operations and training-.____________ Assistant chief of staff for supply__. Attached_—————————————_ Attack__________________ Auxiliary_————————————_____ August___ ————————— ——— —— G-3 G-4 Atchd Atk Aux Aug Army medical (laboratory) (service). AMed(Lab) (Serv) Assistant chief of staff for military in telligence.————---________ G-2 Automatic_--———————————--. Auto Aviation__—————_—_——______ Avn Axis or axes of signal communication. Ax Sig Com Baggage__————————-———— Bakery (battalion) (company) ___. Balloon (group) (squadron) (wing)__ Barrage balloon (battalion) _____. Basic.___——_„_________ Battalion (combat train) (comman der)___________________ Battalion adjutant.—__________ Battalion intelligence officer._____ Battalion plans and training officer-.. Battalion supply officer———————— Battery (commander)————————-. Battle reconnaissance—___•____ Bench mark————————_______ Bicycle___——————_________ 49 Bag Bkry (Bn) (Co) Bin (Gp) (Sq) (Wg) Bar Bin (Bn) Bsc Bn(CTn) (Comdr) S-l S-2 S-3 S-4 Btry (Comdr) BRcn BM Bel 12 CORPS OF ENGINEERS Blacksmith_____.._________ Bombardment (squadron) (group) (wing) (light) (medium) (heavy). Bomb service truck__________. Boundary__________———————. Bridge train (heavy) (light)_____ Brigade (commander)..—_————— Brigade adjutant___.___————. Brigade intelligence officer______. Brigade plans and training officer__ Brigade supply officer.________. Brigade headquarters______——. Brigadier general____________ Browning automatic rifle_______ Bugler__________________. Blksm Bomb (Sq) (Gp) (Wg) (L) (M) (H) BSTrk Bd BrTn(HvXL) Brig (Comdr) S-l S-2 S-3 S-4 BHQ Brig Gen BAR Bglr Caliber....__________..._— Camouflage (battalion) (company)... Captain..______________———. Carpenter._____...___..___ Carrier..-.______________. Cavalry (brigade) (division) _____ Cavalry division headquarters_——. Cemetery.._______________.. Center__________________ Centimeter_______________ Chaplain (section) ___________ Chauffeur______________. Chemical (ammunition train) (battalion) (company) (officer) (regiment) (section). Chemical agent, nonpersistent____ Chemical agent, persistent______. Chemical mortar, 4.2-inch_______ Chemical Warfare Service______ Chief of artillery____________. Chief of aviation____________. Chief Signal Officer_________.. Chief of Staff______________. Circular...________________ Class——________________ Class I supplies___..________ cal Cam (Bn) (Co) Capt Cptr Carr Cav (Brig) (Div) CavDHQ Cem Cen cm Ch (Sec) Cfr Cml(AmTn) (Bn) (Co) (O) (Regt) (Sec) 50 G-NP G-P 4.2CmlMort CWS C of A Cof Avn CSigO Cof S Cir Cl ClISup SIGNS, SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS Clearing (company)——______. Clerk__———____________. Coast Artillery Corps————_____ Coast defense————————______—_. Coastal frontier..__.__________. Collecting (company) (point) (sta tion)_____________.__. Colonel——————————————_———. Column———————————_——_ Combat (car) (zone) _________. Command (car) ___________ Commandant_____________ Commander————_________. Commander in Chief _________ Commanding...____________ Commanding general-———____. Commanding officer__________ Command post_____________ Command post exercise________ Commercial—————_________, Commissary—————————_____, Communication (officer) (squadron) (platoon) (section). Communications zone_________ Company (commander) (headquar ters)___________________ Contact party———————_——___, Construction (company) (platoon) (section)________________ Continuous wave———.——_„___. Convalescent (hospital) ________ Cook_______________.__ Corporal-———___________. Corps headquarters__________ Corps of Engineers.----_______ Crossroads———————__________ Cylinder————_____________. Clr (Co) Clk CAC CD CP Coll (Co) (Pt) (Sta) Col Clm C (Car) (Z) Comd (Car) Comdt Comdr CinC Comdg CG CO CP CPX Coml Comm Com (O) (Sq) (Plat) (Sec) ComZ Co (Comdr) (Hq) ConPy Cons(Co) (Plat) (Sec) CW Conv (Hosp) Ck Cpl CHQ CE CR Cyl December—————————————___. Dec Decontamination___________. Decon Dental Corps—————__________ DC 51 12 12 CORPS OF ENGINEERS Department—__——..._————-——. Depot (battalion).—_________. Deputy chief of staff-..________ Detachment————— —————__——. Distant surveillance (section) ____. Distributing point—..————————. Division..——-———__——___ Division (adjutant) (aviation) (commander) (engineer). Division headquarters-________ Division (headquarters commandant and provost marshal) _______ Division (judge advocate) (munitions officer).——————___-____ Division ordnance officer_—____. Division (quartermaster) (signal offleer) (surgeon). Draftsman———————————————. Drawn..————————————————— Dump (truck)—————.————_.—— Div (JA) (MunO) DivOO Div (QM) (Sig O) (Surg) Drftm Dr Dp (Trk) East————————————————————. Echelon________________... Electrician——-————__———_—. Element..————_—————————— Eliminate-——-. ——————_—. Embarkation-—————_—————_—. Engineer (battalion) (company) (offleer) (train). Engineers (combat) (general service) _ Enlisted men.-_____________. Entrucking point———____._____. Evacuation (hospital)-_________ Exclusive———————.-._———____. Executive (officer)——________. E Ech Electn Elm Elim Emb Engr (Bn) (Co) (O) (Tn) Engrs (C) (Gen Serv) EM EP Evac (Hosp) Excl Ex (O) February.———_______________ Feet or foot—____________. Field Artillery (brigade) ________ Field laboratory____________. Peb ft FA (Brig) FLab 52 Dept Dep (Bn) DC of S Det DS (Sec) DP Div Div (Adj) (Avn) (Comdr) (Engr) DHQ Div (Hq Comdt & PM) SIGNS, SYMBOLS, AMD ABBREVIATIONS 12 .Field manual____________——— Field orders______________— Field (remount depot) _______—. Field Train__________————— Fighter________________Finance (Department) (officer) __„ First lieutenant_______—-——— Fixed_________________— Flash ranging_________—_——. Flight (commander)________— Film strip______________— Forward echelon._____„„__—— FM FO F(RmtDep) F Tn Fi Fin (Dept) (O) IstLt Fxd FR Fit (Comdr) FS FwdEch Garage________________—— Gas noncommissioned officer—————. Gas officer_______________~ Gasproof dugout or building-——— General (hospital) (service).__—— General Headquarters_______-..General service___________—. General Staff (Corps) _________ First section___________.. Second section_____.___—. Third section__________'_. Fourth section_____.__—— General Headquarters Air Force. _—— Geological (survey)________-. Graves registration (battalion) (com pany)__________________ Group.____________——-——. Groupment-__.____..__—— Guard.—_________—————. Gun-——____________———. Gunner__-_______—__—. Gar GasNCO GasO G-PF Gen (Hosp) (Serv) GHQ Gen Serv GS (C) G-l G-2 G-3 G-4 GHQ AF Geol (Surv) Harbor defense_______-___— Headquarters (battery) (company) (troop) (platoon) (section). Headquarters and headquarters (battery) (company) (troop). Headquarters commandant___— HD Hq (Bty) (Co) (Tr) (Plat) (Sec) Hq&Hq(Btry) (Co) (Tr) HqComdt 53 GrReg(Bn) (Co) Gp Gpmt Gd G Gnr 12 CORPS OF ENGINEERS Headquarters and service (battery) Hq & Serv (Btry) (Co), (Tr) or H & S (Btry) (company) (troop). (Co) (Tr) Heavy (ponton)———..——_————. Hv (Pon) Heavy weapons (company) (section) _ Hv Wpn (Co) (Sec) High explosive————————————— HE Highway_______.._________. Hwy Holding and reconsignment point__ H&RP Horse_________—-_____ H Horse-drawn_____.________. H-Dr Horse and mechanized———__———. H&Mecz Hospital (company) (train) _____. Hosp (Co) (Tn) Howitzer_____________——. How Impregnating..--——_——_____. Inch___________.._______. Inclosure__,______________ Inclusive__________________ Infantry (brigade) (division)_____ Information center--—._____. Initial point______.._________ Inspector.——————————______. Inspector general———..———————— Inspector General's Department--—. Instrument_______--______ Intelligence (platoon) (section) ___ Intelligence officer-—.-—_____. Interceptor—————————.———— Impreg in Incls incl Inf (Brig) (Div) 1C IP Insp IG IGD Instr Int (Plat) (Sec) S-2orIntO I January.———_———————____—— Jan Judge advocates' (section)._____. JA (Sec) Judge Advocate General's Department. JAGD Kitchen________________ Ki Labor (detachment) (battalion) _... Laboratory_______——______. Land mine________________. Laundry.—______.._______. Liaison (officer) ___..________. Lieutenant (colonel) (general)____ Light (machine gun) (tank) (pon ton)__________________ Lbr (Det) (Bn) Lab LM Ldry Ln (O) Lt (Col) (Gen) L (MG) (Tk) (Pon) SIGNS, SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS Lights_-_________________. Line of departure________—— Line of communication______Lineman._____________. Livens projector____________. Machine-gun (company) (troop) (of ficer)__________________. Machinist_________________ Main line of resistance_____——. Main supply road_________—— Maintenance (section) ______——. Maintenance of equipment___——. Maintenance party___________—— Maintenance of way_______——. Maintenance and supply____—— Major (General) __________—. March————__________—_———. Master——_____________—— Material_______________—— Mechanic______________—— Mechanized____________——. Medical (regiment) (supply depot)— Medical Corps___________—— Medical Department_—————,——. Medium (tank) (ponton) ___——. Message (center) ________—————. Message dropping and pick-up groundMessenger (section) ______———Meteorological (company) (officer) (section)_________________ Mile__________________——. Miles per hour___________——— Military intelligence._______——. Military police (battalion) (company). Millimeter______________—— Mobilization Regulations_—————. Mobilization Training Program__——. Lgts LD LC Lmn LP MG (Co) (Tr) (O) Machst MLR MSR Maint (Sec) Maint of E Maint Py Maint of W M&S Maj (Gen) Mar Mr Mat Mech Mecz Med(Regt) (SupDep) MC MD M (Tk) (Pon) Msg (Cen) Msg CPU Msgr (Sec) Met (Co) (O) (Sec) mi mph MI MP (Bn) (Co) mm MR MTP Mobile____________________. Mbl Months______________———. mos Morning (i. e., from 12:00 midnight to 12:00 noon)__________———. AM 55 12 12 CORPS OF ENGINEERS Mortar_________.__________ Motor Transport (Service) ______. Motor___________________ Motor-tricycle__—...________ Motorcycle______.._______. Motorized_______.._______. Mounted.——————.._—__———_ Munitions (officer)__________ Mort MT (S) Mtr Mtricl Mtrcl Mtz Mtd Mun(O) Navigation (officer) __...__._____ Net control station..._________ Night__________..________ Noncommissioned officer_______. North______.__________ November———————..——————_. Number—_————..._______ Nav (O) NCS Nt NCO N Nov No Observation (ba 11a 1 ion) (flash) (group) (squadron). Observer....—_———__———_. Observation post__.________ October————————..——————— Officer, order, or orders__———__ Operation.__________....__ Operator.____——__—.——.___ Orderly-——_—————_——1———__.. Ordnance....__——___—_—_—. Ordnance officer———..—————__.. Organization——————————————. Outpost line____.._.__.__. Outpost line of resistance————.— Obsn (Bn) (Bl) (Gp) (Sq) Obsr OP Oct O Opn Opr Odly Ord OO Orgn OPL OPLB Pack (troop) (train)—.._______ Parachute_______.-____—__ Park_______________—__ Party...—__._———__—-—————. Personnel (carrier) (officer) (section). Photographic (section) (squadron) _ Pigeon company———...__———_—. Pioneer—_—_———__————_. Pioneer and demolition section—___. Plans and training officer——————. Pk(Tr)(Tn) Prcht Prk Py Pers(Car) (O) (Sec) Photo (Sec) (So.) PgnCo Pion P&DSec S-3 56 SIGNS, SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS Platoon (commander) (headquarters) Point______________.___. Ponton_____________-____ Postal (section)____________. Prisoners of war____________ Private__________________. Provisional________________ Provost marshal_____________ Provost Marshal General—————__ Pursuit (group) (squadron)——_.._ 12 Plat (Comdr) (Hq) Pt Pon Post (Sec) PW Pvt Prov PM PMG Pur (Gp) (Sq) Quartering (detachment) (officer) _ Qr (Det) (O) Quartermaster Corps.________. QMC Quartermaster (section)—————__. QM (Sec) Radio (company) (section) _____. Radio and panel section.————__. Radio intelligence (company)____. Railhead (detachment)_______ Railhead officer____________ Railroad_________________ Railroad transportation officer____ Railway (battalion)—_________ Railway traffic officer_________. Range (officer) __——________ Ration distributing point_—___. Rear (echelon) (guard)________ Reception (center) __________. Reconnaissance (officer) (squadron) (long range) (medium range). Reconstruction park.........—__. Record————————____——__ Refrigeration————___————___ Regiment.——————_————___. Regimental—————————————— Regimental adjutant—————————— Regimental headquarters——————— Regimental intelligence officer—___.. Regimental plans and training officer.. Regimental reserve line_———_ _. Regimental supply officer————__— Regulating (officer) (point) (station).. 57 Rad (Co) (Sec) R&PSec Radlnt(Co) Rhd (Det) RHO RR RTO Ry (Bn) RTraf O Rg (O) RDP Rr (Ech) (Gd) Recp (Cen) Rcn (O) (Sq) (LR) (MR) Recons Prk Red Ref Regt Regtl S-l RHQ S-2 S-3 RRL S-4 R (O) (P) (Sta) 12 CORPS OF ENGINEERS Reinforced_______..———————. Remount (depot) (officer) (service) __ Repair (section) _________——— Replacement——___..———-———. Replacement Training Center———. Reproduction________________ Reserve————————..———————, Rifle (company) (platoon) (squad)—. Road_________.._______. Road bend-______..___—_____. Road Junction_____________ Road space_______________ Reinf Rmt (Dep) (O) (Serv) Rep (Sec) Repl RTC Repro Res R (Co) (Plat) (Sqd) Rd RB RJ RS Sales commissary (battalion) (com pany)__________________ Salvage (battalion) (company) ___. Sanitary_________________. Scheduled_______________ School_______.._______. Scout__________.._______ Scout car_____,.__________. Scout car, half-track_________ Searchlight________________ Second lieutenant——._—_______ Section.__—_____________. Self-propelled mount__________ Semiautomatic rifle.—.—______ Semimobile—————__——__..__. Separate—.______________ September_______________. Sergeant-_______.._______ Service (battalion) (battery) (company) (troop). Shoe repair_______________. Side car.________________ Signal (battalion) (company) (troop) (depot) (officer) (section). Signal Corps______________. Signal operations instructions____. Small arms (ammunition) ______. Sound and Plash (battalion)_____ Sound locator————_________. Sales Comm (BnMCo) Salv (Bn) (Co) Sn Scd Sch Set SctC SctCHt Sit 2dLt Sec SPM SAR Sem Sep Sept Sgt Serv (Bn) (Btry) (Co) (Tr) SRep Sc Sig (Bn) (Co) (Tr) (Dep) (O) (Sec) SigC SOI SA (Am) S &P (Bn) S-L. 58 SIGNS, SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS 12 Sound ranging____——_———— South____________________ Special troops_____—_____—. Special weapons (troop) (platoon) _. Squad_________——_______ Squadron (headquarters) (headquar ters and headquarters detachment). Staff (group) (squadron)———————. Standing operating procedure_____. Station.—_______——_____. Stenographer____———_—__—__. Sterilization and bath———_———— Straggler line_____—_———__. Submachine gun___————————— Supply (company) (section) __———— Supply officer_____——______ Support line_____——_________. Supply point_____——________. Surgeon—————————————————— Surgical (hospital) _———_———... Survey——_______——_———— Switchboard____._————————— Switching central__——_____—— Sq (Hq) (Hq & Hq Dct) Stf (Gp) (Sq) SOP Sta Steno S&B StragL SMG Sup (Co) (Sec) S-4orSupO SL SupPt Surg Surg (Hosp) Surv Sb SwC Tables of Basic Allowances______. Tables of Organization—_________ Tank (battalion) (company) _____. Tank destroyer_——————————— Technical.._____—————————. Technical Manual——————————. Technical Regulations————————. Technician-_______————————— Telegraph (section).-—————_——— Telegraph printer.——————————. Telephone (section) _—_____——. Theater headquarters^————————— Theater of operations—————————. Time lengths_____————————— Toolmaker________—_——————. Topographic___———————————— Tractor_________——————— T/BA T/O Tk (Bn) (Co) TD Tech TM TR Techn Tg (Sec) Tgp Tp (Sec) THQ Tof Opns TL Tlmkr Top or Topo Trac 59 SR S SpTrs Sp Wpn (Tr) (Plat) Sqd 12 CORPS OF ENGINEERS Tr Dr Traf Tn Tlr Tng TC TP Tractor-drawn______________ Traffic_________-________ Train__________..———————— Trailer________..—__——— Training________..____—__ Training Circular__————————— Training film.____—————————. Transport or transportation (com pany) (officer) (platoon) _____ Trench mortar (battery) _______ Tricycle, motor____..————————. Troop(s) ________..————_.—— Truck (battalion) (company) (section) (truck head) Truck-drawn_____————————— Truck head______________. T (Co) (O) (Plat) TMort(Btry) TriclMtr Tr(s) Trk (Bn) (Co) (Sec) (Trkhd) Trk-Dr Trkhd Veterinary or veterinarian._______ Veterinary Corps___———-—___. Veterinary (company) (evacuation hospital) (service). Visual-—————————————————— Vet VC Vet (Co) (Evac Hosp) (Serv) Vis Wagon (battalion) (company) (master) (section) (train). War Department———————————. Warrant officer_____________ Water supply____—————————— Water tank (battalion) (train) _—. Weapon carrier____..________ Weapons (troop) (platoon) ________ Weather (group) (officer) (squadron) _ Welder__________________ West___________.————___Winch__________________ Wing___________________. Wag (Bn) (Co) (Mr) (SecMTn) WD WO W Sup WTk (Bn) (Tn) WpnCarr Wpn (Tr) (Plat) Wea (Gp) (O) (Sq) Wldr W Wn Wg Yard_________-———-__- Yd Year___________________ Yr Zone________________— Z Zone of the interior_———_______ Zof I 60 SIGNS, SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS • 13. EXAMPLES.—a. Units of armored 1st Armored Division———_———__ Headquarters—____—————____ Headquarters Company————_—_. 1st Reconnaissance Battalion....__ 1st Armored Brigade———————__ Headquarters and Headquarters Com pany——————————————————— 1st Armored Regiment (Light)..___ 13th Armored Regiment (Light) ___. 69th Armored Regiment (Medium)— 16th Engineer Battalion (Armored)_ 68th Field Artillery (Armored)____ 6th Infantry (Armored)—————__ 27th Field Artillery Battalion (Ar mored)_————__——————__. 47th Signal Company (Armored).__ 19th Ordnance Battalion (Armored)— 13th Quartermaster Battalion (Ar mored)._————————————_. 47th Medical Battalion (Armored) _ 12th Observation Squadron (At tached) ...______________ b. Units of cavalry division, horse. 1st Cavalry Division————————__ Headquarters.--————___———__ Headquarters Troop————————__ 1st Reconnaissance Squadron____ 1st Signal Troop____________ Antitank Troop.—————————__ 27th Ordnance Company (Medium Maintenance)_...——————__. 1st Cavalry Brigade_____._.___ Headquarters and Headquarters Troop___-_____——————__ 5th Cavalry__________———_. Weapons Troop, 1st Cavalry Brigade.. 2d Cavalry Brigade..——————_.._, Headquarters and Headquarters Troop__________________ 1st Cavalry Division Artillery——__. 61 13 division. 1st Armd Div Hq HqCo IstRcnBn 1st Armd Brig Hq&HqCo 1st Armd Regt (L) 13th Armd Regt (L) 69th Armd Regt (M) 16thEngrBn (Armd) 68thPA (Armd) 6th Inf (Armd) 27th FA Bn (Armd) 47thSigCo (Armd) 19thOrdBn (Armd) 13thQMBn (Armd) 47thMedBn (Armd) 12th Obsn Sq (Atchd) IstCavDiv Hq HqTr IstRcnSq IstSigTr ATTr 27thOrdCo(MMaint) 1st Cav Brig Hq & Hq Tr 5th Cav Wpn Tr 1st Cav Brig 2d Cav Brig Hq & Hq Tr 1st Cav Div Arty 13 CORPS OF ENGINEERS Headquarters and Headquarters Battery_______.._________. 82d Field Artillery Battalion (75-mm Howitzer, Horse-drawn). Field Artillery Battalion (105-mm Howitzer, Truck-drawn). 8th Engineer Squadron_____—_ 1st Medical Squadron..———————— 16th Quartermaster Squadron____. Ordnance Company, Medium Mainte nance_________———___— Hq & Hq Btry 82d FA Bn (75-mm HowH-Dr) FA Bn (105-mm How Trk-Dr) 8th Engr Sq 1st Med Sq 16th QMSq Ord Co (M Maint) c. Units of infantry division (square). Headquarters_____————————— Hq Special Troops______——_——. SpTr Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment______________— Hq & Hq Det Medical Detachment__________ Med Det Headquarters Company————————. HqCo Military Police Company———————. MPCo Signal Company___———_————— SigCo Ordnance Company, Medium Mainte nance_____________________ Ord Co (M Maint) Infantry Brigade_______——_. Inf Brig Headquarters and Headquarters Company______————————. Hq & Hq Co 2d Infantry Regiment———_—___ 2d Inf Regt Field Artillery Brigade_-_____. FA Brig Headquarters and Headquarters Battery.______..————————. Hq & Hq Btry Field Artillery Regiment (155-mm FA Regt (155-mm How) Howitzer). 2d Field Artillery Regiment (105-mm 2d FA Regt (105-mm How) Howitzer). Engineer Regiment (combat) _____ Engr Regt (c) Medical Regiment___________. Med Regt Quartermaster Regiment_______ QMRegt 62 SIGNS, SYMBOLS, AND ABBREVIATIONS 13 d. Units of infantry division (triangular). Headquarters______________ Hq Headquarters and Military Police Company._______________ Hq & MP Co Signal Company—_———____—_— SigCo Reconnaissance Troop___________. RcnTr Infantry Regiment__________. Inf Regt Division Artillery____________. DivArty Headquarters and Headquarters Battery———____ _________. Hq & Hq Btry I II ill 1-155-mm Howitzer (or) 4-106-mm Howitzer (or) 1-156-mm Howitzer 3-105-mm 3-76-mm gun Engineer Battalion—_______———— EngrBn Medical Battalion____________ MedBn Quartermaster Battalion_______. QMBn e. Units of infantry division^ (triangular, motorized).— Same as above except three infantry regiments are motorized, and field artillery component is one battalion of 155-mm Howitzers and three battalions of 105-mm Howitzers. /. Units which may be attached to an infantry division or cavalry division. Coast Artillery (Antiaircraft)————. Company (Chemical Warfare Serv ice)———________———— Engineer Battalion (General Serv ice)-__—____________—.. Engineer Battalion (Separate)———— Surgical Hospital——————__————. Balloon Squadron________——— Observation Squadron_____———— Field Artillery Observation Battalion.. 63 CA (AA) Co (CWS) EngrBn (GenServ) EngrBn (Sep) SurgHosp Bin Sq Obsn Sq FA Obsn Bn APPENDIX LIST OP REFERENCES AR 850-150, Authorised Abbreviations for Military Records. AR 300-15, Maps and Mapping. FM 21-25, Elementary Map and Aerial Photograph Reading. FM 21-35, Sketching. TM 5-230, Topographic Drafting. FM 4-155, Coast Artillery, Reference Data. FM 6-130, Field Artillery, Reference Data. FM 21-105, Engineer Soldier's Handbook. FM FM FM FM FM 21-100, Soldier's Handbook. 8-55, Medical Department Reference Data. 21-6, List of Publications for Training. 21-26, Advanced Map and Aerial Photograph Reading. 5-35, Engineer, Reference Data. 64 Abbreviations: INDEX Paragraph For general use.__-_________- — ___ For use with hydrographic symbols: Bottoms._______________.. Buoys.___._____________.___ Fog signals-__________________ General._____-..______________ Lights________________________. List-——-________________________ Military—examples of units: Armored division-____________. Attached to an infantry division______. Cavalry division, horse__-____— — _. Infantry division (square)-________. Infantry division (triangular)_____ Infantry division (triangular, motorized).. Air Corps symbols.--_____ — _... ——— --. Air navigation maps: Characteristics________________List of symbols_________________ Application of special military symbols._.———.. Basic military symbols_____———-—————— Boundaries: Military_____________________-„——— Topographic-______...___ ——— — Cavalry symbols————————————————————— 10 44 lie lie ll<i llo lib 12 46 46 46 45 45 47 13a 13/ 13b 13c 13d 13e 9a 61 63 61 62 63 63 33 5 6 9 18 18 33 8 22 8d 4b 29 7 9c 34 9e 36 Chemical Warfare Service symbols.-__————— 9<J Color of symbols: Military____________________.___ Topographic.--______________... 7a 3b Coast Artillery Corps symbols.______......... Page 35 20 1 Drainage——.. ——————————— ———— — ——— 4tt 8 Engineers' symbols------- — — ...--........ — -_. Examples of military abbreviations—————————. 9/ 13 36 61 Field Artillery symbols.______________ Og 37 General abbreviations...____.—__.——_. Hydrography-———.______________... Infantry symbols______________.-.„ 10 4? 9h 44 13 38 Land classification..._____________. Lettering of topographic symbols________„ List of— Abbreviations_______________. Basic military symbols_____________ Military abbreviations_____________... Topographic symbols____________. 4/ 3o 10 2 Marginal information-________________.. Medical Department symbols____________ 65 10 8 12 4 4c 9i 44 22 47 2 7 39 INDEX Navigation, aids..—— ———————————————— Ordnance symbols._..--_____—_______ Purpose of manual—-———————————————... Quartermaster Corps sjTnbols.___________. Belief__________.._________________ Scope of manual-__________________. Signal Corps symbols.._____.__—_______ Size of topographic symbols.——————____..— Structures...__...———————————_———— Symbols: Air navigation maps: Characteristics..———————————————— List.______________________ Military: Basic, list of, to indicate— Activities____________________ Arms or services._____________ Boundaries_________________ Hasty sketches______________ Size of units_________________. Weapons___________________ General rules for_______-_______ Special: Application to— Air Corps_______________. Armored Force.————______——. Cavalry____________.. Chemical Warfare Service_____ Coast Artillery Corps_______. Corps of Engineers_______ Field Artillery._____________ Infantry_________________. Medical Department________. Ordnance—______—_______. Quartermaster Corps._____.. Signal Corps____________. For use In sketches___________. Topographic: Characteristics——————————————————— List: Boundaries, marks, and monuments———. Drainage____________._____ Hydrography-___...—.——_____.. Land classification———————____——... Marginal information————————————— Navigation, aids to__________... Relief__——..——————————______— Works and structures.——————————— Unit designations______——————______. o 66 Paragraph Page 4ft 15 9j 40 1 1 9fc 41 4e 9 2 1 91 42 3a 1 4o 2 5 6 8a 8b 8d 8/ 8c 18 18 22 27 29 32 28 8e 7 31 20 Sa 9b 9c 3d 9e 9/ 9<7 9fi 9t Sj 9fc 91 8/ 33 33 34 35 36 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 32 3 1 4b Id 4jr 4/ 4c 4/> 4e 4a 7b 7 8 13 10 7 15 9 2 20