Winter 2010 - Grey Roots
Winter 2010 - Grey Roots
Grey Matter Winter 2010 Issue A n e w s l e t t e r for e nqu ir ing m in d s Inside this issue: Welcome...Page 2 Upcoming Exhibits & Events...Page 3 Black History Month...Page 6 Artefact Focus: Raphael Plate...Page 7 Volunteer Profiles...Page 9 ,QDZD\ZLQWHULVWKHUHDOVSULQJWKHWLPHZKHQWKH LQQHUWKLQJVKDSSHQWKHUHVXUJHRIQDWXUH a(GQD2·%ULHQ )URPWKH0DQDJHU Brian Manser, Grey Roots Museum & Archives :HOFRPHWRWKH:LQWHU (GLWLRQRI*UH\0DWWHU V , VLW ZULWLQJ WKLV WKH VXQ LV VKLQLQJ EULJKWO\RQDEODQNHWRIVQRZWKDWFRYHUV WKHWUHHVDQGODQGVFDSHWXUQLQJHYHU\WKLQJ LQWRDSLFWXUHSHUIHFWZLQWHUZRQGHUODQG,W FHUWDLQO\VHWVWKHPRRGDVVFKRROFKLOGUHQ DUULYH GDLO\ IRU D IXOO VFKHGXOH RI DFWLYLWLHV WKDW LQFOXGH RXU 0RUHVWRQ &KULVWPDV 0HPRULHV DQG &OLPE <RXU )DPLO\ 7UHH SURJUDPV(YHU\RQHLQWKHRIILFHLVEXV\W\LQJXSORRVHHQGVIRU WKH\HDU·VZRUNDQGSUHSDULQJIRUHYHU\WKLQJWKDWWKH1HZ<HDU EULQJV$VWKH\HDURQFHDJDLQGUDZVWRDFORVHLWLVDWLPHWR UHIOHFWEDFNRQWKHVXFFHVVHVDQGDFFRPSOLVKPHQWVRIDQG HYHU\RQHZKRKHOSHGXVWRJHWWKHUH $ $ JUHDW ´7KDQN <RXµ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ublished by Grey Roots Museum & Archives Issue #20, Winter 2010 Established 2005 Grey Matter is a quarterly newsletter for the members, volunteers, and friends of Grey Roots Museum & Archives. We welcome your comments and suggestions. If you would like to receive Grey Matter by e-mail only, please contact Melissa Ruth at melissa.ruth@ Address: Phone: Toll-Free: Fax: Website: E-mail: 102599 Grey Road 18, RR 4 Owen Sound, ON N4K 5N6 519-376-3690 1-877-473-9766 519-376-4654 *UH\5RRWVZDVWKHUHFLSLHQWRIWZRLQGXVWU\DZDUGVWKLV\HDU DQ¶$ZDUGRI([FHOOHQFH·IURPWKH2QWDULR0XVHXPV$VVRFLDWLRQ IRU RXU 7KH *RRG 3HRSOH ([KLELW DQG WKH¶$ZDUG RI ([FHOOHQFH IRU 3URJUDPPLQJ·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·&DPS0DSOH6\UXS)HVWLYDOGXVLURSG·pUDEOHDQG6SULQJ /HFWXUH6HULHVLQ0DUFKDQG$SULO7KHUHLVDOZD\VVRPHWKLQJ WRGRIRUERWKJURZQXSVDQGNLGVDOLNHVRFRPHRQRXWDQGVHH ZKDW*UH\5RRWVKDVWRRIIHU *UH\5RRWV0XVHXP$UFKLYHV +LVWRU\/LYHV+HUH Contributors: Writers: Petal Furness, Joan Hyslop, Melissa Ruth, Brian Manser, Susan Martin, Stephanie McMullen, Heather Molnar, Karin Noble, Sim Salata, Ted Noble Cover Photographs: various photos of winter in Moreston Village (2008 & 2009), Moreston by Candlelight Event (2009), Black Flashes hockey players, dog sled team (1934), Owen Sound Ski Club (1936-1939), bobsled in front of butchershop, Richard Arthur Doyle with sled Pictured on this page: Winter in Moreston Heritage Village (2009), antique Christmas card Photography: Petal Furness, Black & White cover photos from the Grey Roots collection Layout/Design: Melissa Ruth & Lara Javalyn Editing: Karin Noble, Petal Furness, Sim Salata, Melissa Ruth, Brian Manser Copies are available free of charge at Grey Roots Museum & Archives. Current and back issues are available for download at grey-matter-newsletter. Sponsored by: *UH\5RRWV([KLELWV(YHQWV 83&20,1* 'HFHPEHU )URP6ODYHU\WR)UHHGRP )URP6ODYHU\ WR)UHHGRP African-Canadians in Grey County $IULFDQ&DQDGLDQVLQ*UH\&RXQW\ 2SHQV-DQXDU\ Ƭ ǣ ǯ 2SHQV0DUFK &KDLQVRI2IÀFH 0XQLFLSDO*RYHUQPHQWLQ*UH\&RXQW\ 2SHQV0DUFK V00 V+0V##+ 2SHQV$SULO 2112: *RLQJ2XWLQ6W\OH $9LFWRULDQ)XQHUDO 2 2QXQWLO-DQXDU\ 2QWKH$LU <HDUVRI&)265DGLR 'HFHPEHUSP²0RUHVWRQE\&DQGOHOLJKW:LQWHU (YHQLQJ 'HFHPEHU²+ROLGD\%UHDN)DPLO\$FWLYLWLHV 'HFHPEHUSP²*UH\5RRWVFORVHVIRUWKHKROLGD\V -DQXDU\ -DQXDU\²*UH\5RRWVUHRSHQV -DQXDU\²/$67'$<*RLQJ2XWLQ6W\OH -DQXDU\²(;+,%,723(1,1*)URP6ODYHU\WR )UHHGRP$IULFDQ&DQDGLDQVLQ*UH\&RXQW\ )HEUXDU\ %ODFN+LVWRU\0RQWK )HEUXDU\RQO\²´+RSHVIRU)UHHGRPµVFKRROSURJUDPV )HEUXDU\DWSPSP²%ODFN +LVWRU\)LOP)HVWLYDO )HEUXDU\DPSP²(PDQFLSDWLRQ)HVWLYDO %ODFN+LVWRU\(YHQW )HEUXDU\SP²1RUWKHUQ7HUPLQXV-RXUQDO 9ROXPHODXQFK )HEUXDU\SP²*UH\&RXQW\+LVWRULFDO6RFLHW\ %ODFN+LVWRU\0RQWK/HFWXUH )HEUXDU\²/$67'$<2QWKH$LU<HDUVRI &)265DGLR 2QXQWLO)HEUXDU\ 0DUFK 0DUFK²(;+,%,723(1,1*Ƭ ǣ ǯ 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Martin, Heritage Interpretation %ODFNSHRSOHKDYHOLYHGLQ&DQDGDVLQFHWKHHDUO\GD\VRIVHWWOHPHQWLQWKH´1HZ:RUOGµ6RPHFDPHDVH[SORUHUVVRPHDV % %O %ODF ODF DFN SH DFN SHRSO RSOH RS OHK KDY DYH H OL OLYH YHGL G LLQ G Q& &DQ DQDG DGD DGD D VL VLQF LQF QFH H WK H WKH KH H HD HHD HDUUOO\ HDU \ GD GD\V \VR RI I VHWW VH HWW WWOH OHPH OH PHQW PHQ PH QWL LQ LQWKH´1HZ HZ Z:RUOGµ6RPHFDP PH H DV DVH H[S [SOR ORUH UH HUV UVVR VRPH VR PH H VODYHVDQGPDQ\FDPHVHHNLQJIUHHGRPIURPHQVODYHPHQWLQWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV+RSHVIRU)UHHGRP%ODFN+LVWRU\LQ&DQDGDWHOOV WKHVWRULHVRIVRPHRIWKHVHSHRSOHDQGH[DPLQHVWKHFRQWULEXWLRQVWKH\·YHPDGHWR&DQDGDDQGHVSHFLDOO\WR*UH\&RXQW\ 2QHHVFDSLQJVODYH+HQU\%URZQKDGKLPVHOIQDLOHGLQVLGHDZRRGHQVKLSSLQJFUDWHWKHQPDLOHGWRDEROLWLRQLVWVLQWKHIUHH 1RUWKHUQVWDWHV7KLVLOOXVWUDWHVWKHH[WUHPHPHDVXUHVSHRSOHZHUHZLOOLQJWRWDNHLQRUGHUWRHVFDSHWKHLUERQGDJH9LVLWLQJ VFKRROFKLOGUHQZLOOKHDU+HQU\%URZQ·VVWRU\DQGWKHQEHJLYHQDQRSSRUWXQLW\WRVWHSLQVLGHDUHSOLFDRI+HQU\·VVKLSSLQJFUDWH 7KLVH[SHULHQFHZLOOJLYHVWXGHQWVDFOHDUHUXQGHUVWDQGLQJRIWKHFRQGLWLRQV+HQU\¶%R[·%URZQZLOOLQJO\HQGXUHGWRILQGDQHZ OLIHIRUKLPVHOIDVDIUHHPDQ &ODVVHVZLOODOVRSOD\WKH+RSHVIRU)UHHGRPERDUGJDPH7KH\EHFRPHHVFDSLQJVODYHVPRYLQJVWHDGLO\QRUWKWU\LQJWRDYRLG WKHPDQ\GDQJHUVLQFOXGLQJVODYHFDWFKHUVDVWKH\MRXUQH\WRWKHIUHHGRPODQGRI&DQDGD 6 0DUFK%UHDN.LGV&DPS0DUFK ´$QFLHQW:RUOGV+DQGV2Q+LVWRU\µ Laura Watt, Heritage Interpretation RLQXVIRUDZHHNORQJDGYHQWXUHH[SORULQJWKHDQFLHQWFXOWXUHVRI5RPH*UHHFH&HQWUDO$PHULFD,QGLD DQG&KLQD&UHDWHD5RPDQPRVDLFSDUWLFLSDWHLQ*UH\5RRWV%&(2O\PSLF*DPHVZULWHLQ0D\DQ KLHURJO\SKVGDQFHWKHDIWHUQRRQDZD\LQ,QGLDDQGFHOHEUDWHDQDQFLHQW&KLQHVHIHVWLYDO(QUROOHDUO\WR JXDUDQWHH\RXUSODFHLQKLVWRU\ - 0RQGD\$QFLHQW5RPH ([SORUHDQFLHQW5RPHWKURXJKWKHH\HVRI5RPXOXVDQG5HPXV&UHDWH\RXURZQ PRVDLFWREULQJKRPHDQGVHHLI\RXZRXOGKDYHSDVVHG&KDULRW'ULYHUV·(G 7XHVGD\$QFLHQW*UHHFH 7 &DQ\RXVPHOOWKHVZHDW"&RPHVHHKRZ\RXZLOOIDLULQWKH2O\PSLFV %&(VW\OH3OXVOHDUQDOODERXWWKH*UHHNWUDGLWLRQRIYDVHSDLQWLQJ SDLQWLQJ :HGQHVGD\$QFLHQW0D\DQ0H[LFR /HDUQKRZWRZULWHLQ0D\DQKLHURJO\SKVH[SHULHQFHWKHDUW W RISRWWHU\DQGZHDYLQJDQGOHDUQDERXWWKHUHOLJLRQRIWKH RI 0D\DQV'LG\RXNQRZWKH\ZRUVKLSHGFRUQ" 0D\ 7KXUVGD\$QFLHQW,QGLD 7KXUV %ULJKWFRORXUVWHPSWLQJVPHOOVDQG3DUFKHHVL&UHDWHDUWLQ WKH5DQJROLDQG0DGKXEDQLVW\OHVDQGWKHQH[SORUH\RXULQQHU WKH5DQJ GDQFHU GDQFHU )ULGD\$QFLHQW&KLQD )UL ([SORUHWKH'UDJRQ5LVLQJ,WV+HDGIHVWLYDORI$QFLHQW&KLQD ([S 3DUWLFLSDQWVZLOOFUHDWHPXVLFDOLQVWUXPHQWVDQGFRVWXPHVDQGKDYH 3DU IXQFHOHEUDWLQJWKLVVSULQJIHVWLYDO *UH\5RRWV.LGV&DPS6RPXFKIXQWKH\ZRQ·W NQRZWKH\·UHOHDUQLQJ WK$QQXDO*UH\5RRWV5HJLRQDO+HULWDJH)DLU $SULOStephanie McMullen, Heritage Interpretation +HULWDJH )DLUV DUH D JUDQG FHOHEUDWLRQ RI &DQDGD·V SDVWLQWKHIRUPRIVWXGHQWKLVWRU\SURMHFWV6WXGHQWV UHVHDUFK &DQDGLDQ KHURHV OHJHQGV PLOHVWRQHV DQG DFKLHYHPHQWV DQG SURXGO\ SUHVHQW WKHLU VWRULHV DW D SXEOLFH[KLELWLRQ/DVW\HDU·V-DSDQHVHWKHPHG5HJLRQDO +HULWDJH)DLUZHOFRPHGRIWKHEHVWVWXGHQWSURMHFWV IURP 5LYHUIRUHVW 0RQWHVVRUL 0HDIRUG &RPPXQLW\ +LOOFUHVW (OHPHQWDU\ eFROH 6DLQW 'RPLQLTXH 6DYLR DQG 7LPRWK\ &KULVWLDQ 6FKRRO 2XU KHDUWIHOW WKDQNV WRWKHWHDFKHUVDQGSULQFLSDOVIRUWKHLUKDUGZRUNDQG GHGLFDWLRQWRWKHLUVWXGHQWV7KHKLVWRU\SURMHFWVZHUH SKHQRPHQDO :HDUHYHU\H[FLWHGDERXWRXUXSFRPLQJIDLUZKLFKZLOO EH 0D\DQ WKHPHG DV ZH ZLOO EH KRVWLQJ DQ DPD]LQJ WUDYHOOLQJ H[KLELW 0\VWHU\ RI WKH 0D\DQ 0HGDOOLRQ ,Q DGGLWLRQ WR ODVW \HDU·V SDUWLFLSDWLQJ VFKRROV ZH KDYH DOUHDG\ PHW ZLWK VWXGHQWV DQG WHDFKHUV DW$OH[DQGUD $PDEHO ² 6DXEOH 'HUE\ 3XEOLF 'XIIHULQ (OHPHQWDU\ 2VSUH\ &HQWUDO 6W 3HWHU DQG 6W 3DXO·V DQG 6XOOLYDQ &RPPXQLW\ 6FKRROV DERXW MRLQLQJ WKH SURJUDP WKLV \HDU 7KH VWXGHQWV· LQWHUHVWV LPDJLQDWLRQV DQG FUHDWLYLW\DOZD\VUHVXOWLQWHUULILFSURMHFWVDQGZHDUH UHDOO\ ORRNLQJ IRUZDUG WR VHHLQJ WKLV \HDU·V GLVSOD\V 7HDFKHUV PXVW FRQWDFW *UH\ 5RRWV E\ -DQXDU\ VW WR UHJLVWHU WKHLU FODVV IRU SDUWLFLSDWLRQ LQ WKH SURJUDP:HKRSH\RXZLOOEHSDUWRIWKLVZRQGHUIXO SURJUDPWRFHOHEUDWHDQGVKRZFDVHWKHHIIRUWVRIORFDO VWXGHQWV 7 $UWHIDFW)RFXV 5DSKDHO3ODWH Joan Hyslop, Registrar T his ornamental porcelain plate was manufactured in Bavaria (Germany). It is eight inches in diameter and has has a close-up copy of Raphael’s famous Renaissance oil painting, The Sistine Madonna on its front. Raphael is most well known for his religious and Madonna paintings, with this depiction of Mary and the Christ Child perhaps his most popular. The transfer-printed back stamp on the plate shows that it was made by the Royal Munich pottery, which produced various porcelain wares that were often highly-decorated. The plates were donated by Mrs. Stella Priest as a memorial to her late husband, Dr. Arthur Harding Priest. The two Royal Munich plates were given to him at an unknown date, and they meant a great deal to him. “Harding”, as he was known to friends, was born in 1891, and raised in Owen Sound, Ontario. He graduated from Trinity College in 1914 and soon after went overseas during the Great War as a Chaplain in the Canadian Expeditionary Force. It was overseas that he met his future wife, Stella Bowlby, of Norfolk County, who was serving as a nursing sister in France. In July, 1919, the year after the war ended, he and Stella each received a citation from Winston Churchill (coincidentally signed on the same day), to thank them for their outstanding services in the field. Arthur and Stella were married in Vancouver in November of 1921. After the war, Rev. Priest, an Anglican clergyman, became well-known as a leader of religious education in Canada. By 1953, he had risen to the highest position in the Anglican Church, when he became Reverend Canon A. H. Priest. He passed away in 1958. Harding & Stella are buried at Greenwood Cemetery in Owen Sound, and a number of their favourite keepsakes were donated to Grey Roots. 1959.001.010 Donated by Mrs. Stella Priest &ROOHFWLRQV8SGDWH Sim Salata, Collections T he collections department is as busy always as several of our volunteers return from their summer duties as village interpreters (we are so happy to have you back again!). Today when checking in from lunch, I was pleased to walk into the museum storage area to see two staff, one volunteer and a co-op student who were all (within 20 square feet of one another) busily working away at applying artefact object ID numbers, listing them on photography log sheets, photographing, and updating artefact details into our ever-expanding database. It was a sight to warm a collection manager’s heart... We welcome two new students to collections – Hillary Weppler from St. Mary’s High School who is doing a co-op placement from September to January, and Brittany Wunderlich, a St. Lawrence College lab technician student who was hired through an eight-week summer extension to this year’s Young Canada Works in Heritage Institutions summer program. Hillary is tackling everything optical from early cameras to telescopes (look for her three pod exhibition in the Grey County Gallery entitled Say Cheese: Early Processes from Camera to Frame), while Brittany is delving into musical history, inventorying phonograph tubes, instruments and vinyl records. Doubtless both of them will learn a lot about these early devices that have since evolved into our high-powered mini-computerized digital cameras and IPods. To give you an idea of the value of students’ work here at Grey Roots, we have now surpassed an 80% digitization rate (the number of artefact records with digital images attached). Not quite three years ago, we were at 39%! Students’ work accounts for more than one third of the cataloguing over these years and about half of the artefact photography that goes Hillary Weppler Brittany Wunderlich on behind the scenes, St Mary’s Co-op Student YCW Fall Extension Student allowing us to complete vast amounts of record-keeping and inventory (another third is due to the dedication of our volunteers). On a totally different note, I will be following in the footsteps of our Community Relations Coordinator, Lara Javalyn, and taking a secondment from Grey Roots beginning in late January to welcome a new family member. I must say that writing one’s own maternity leave advertisement is an interesting experience! The County’s human resources department received a great number of resumés for the position, since Grey Roots is well-recognized in the museum community as an award-winning institution (and a great place to work). I am pleased to announce that the successful applicant, Mindy Bowls, will be starting on January 17. My last working day will be January 26. I am sure all the staff and volunteers will enjoy working with Mindy as she is young, energetic and very friendly. Have a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday season from the collections department at Grey Roots Museum and Archives! $UFKLYHV9ROXQWHHU3URILOHV Donna Maine - Donna has been with the Grey County Archives since the County established a facility in 2000 in the former Glenelg Municipal building a few minutes drive east of Durham on the Baptist Church Road. When we moved to our new home at Grey Roots in 2004, Donna came along with us and we are so glad that she did. The Archives offers a research service to patrons that we could not maintain without reliable volunteer assistance. We receive other requests for material and exhibit preparation queries as well, for which Donna always conducts a comprehensive search, sometimes carrying the search off-site to talk to community members with local history knowledge, or to check out information at another institution. Besides coming in once a week to do research, Donna also provides leads on donations, and has found, collected and donated material to both the Museum and Archives. From time to time, Donna assists staff in providing service to patrons in the Reading Room. A retired elementary school teacher, Donna is also a veteran Grey Roots Heritage Fair Judge. Thanks Donna! Korleen Halbert make available genealogical resources from the area. A lover of the computer, Korleen enjoys learning new applications of Word, Excel and Photoshop. She has helped the Archives with scanning, inventory, transcription as well as other administration tasks such as mailings and preparing materials for school groups. Korleen acts as a liaison aiding us with posts to the Rootsweb-Grey listserv as well as brochure and flyer distribution. Korleen is also a great source of moral support as well as an enthusiastic supporter of Archives, genealogy and heritage. Thanks Korleen, you’re the best! Pat Foster - As a retired educator, in development, planning and streamlining of the program as well as the delivery itself to hundreds of students over the years. Because of Pat’s role, we are able to divide the children into smaller groups to give them a more personal experience of the Archives during tours that are offered as part of the Climb Your Family Tree program. Pat is also a repeat Grey Roots Heritage Fair Judge. Thanks Pat! - Korleen has also been with the Archives since 2000. On the executive of the Bruce and Grey Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society, and for many years its newsletter editor, Korleen keeps the Archives supplied with the most recent productions from the Society, whose members do excellent work to index, transcribe and otherwise teaching Kindergarten, Special Education and supply teaching over her career, Pat’s main contribution to Grey Roots has been in the education field. Since the Archives moved to its new home at Grey Roots in 2004, a Gr. 2 program, now titled Climb Your Family Tree, has been offered. Pat has cooperated with the Archives, taking key roles 3HDUOVDQG3ROLWLFV*UH\&RXQW\·V:RPHQRI'LVWLQFWLRQ 2SHQV0DUFKDWSPWK$QQLYHUVDU\RI,QWHUQDWLRQDO:RPHQ·V'D\ Petal Furness, Heritage Interpretation Grey County has a long history of strong politically minded women. One of our most famous female voices was Agnes Macphail. Agnes took her seat as a member of the Progressive Party for Grey County in 1921 and became the first female Member of Parliament, just one year after Ontario women were given the right to vote. The first women in Grey County politics were not those elected to office, but rather those working in administrative positions. The story of political women begins in 1918 when Violet Mercer of Markdale, was hired as town treasurer and paid $75 per year. Pearls and Politics also tells the stories or our elected female politicians beginning in 1938 with Jean Honsinger, of Meaford, who became Grey County’s first elected female politician. The stories continue to present day, including senior staffer Sharon Vokes, who is currently our County Clerk and Director of Council Services. Although women were given the right to participate in municipal politics at the end of the First World War, it would not be until the Second World War that women really became more actively involved. Alice Clement of Meaford became Grey County’s first female mayor when elected in 1958. On the County level, the first female Grey County councillor to hold office was Marion Calder from Durham in 1954 – she went on to be elected Mayor in 1960. The first female Warden of the County of Grey, elected in 1982, was Lois Urstadt. Arlene Wright of Owen Sound presently wears the Chain of Office. Since those first steps made by Agnes Macphail, Grey County women have embraced the political arena and will continue to make in-roads into what was once a man’s world. Thank you to Donna Maine, Archives Volunteer, for her research work for this exhibit. Thank you, as well, to Cecilie Posthumous, Archives Summer Student 2010, for additional research and writing, as well as interviewing present-day female politicians and creating transcriptions of those interviews. 9 )URPWKH*UH\5RRWV$UFKLYDO&ROOHFWLRQ 0DQMXULV)DPLO\&ROOHFWLRQ Deb Sturdevant, Assistant Archivist (Acting) A recent donation of archival records by the Estate of Athryn Manjuris, daughter of Helen Manjuris and George Manjuris, provides a glimpse of a downtown Owen Sound business at a time when shoe shines were common. George Manjuris moved to Owen Sound in 1918 and began operating a tobacco and billiard parlour business at 987 2nd Avenue East. In 1926, he moved the business across the street to 994 and 996 2nd Avenue East, while adding a wholesale tobacco business and restaurant to his enterprises. Vernon’s 1932 Directory lists the restaurant name as “The Manjuris Green Fountain Lunch Room”. Included in the archival collection are photographs of the business and family, governance documents, letterhead, posters, and this large, 107 x 79 cm, 1933 promotional calendar. The calendar’s illustration, “When Good Fellows Get Together”, is reproduced from the original painting by American artist, Henry Hintermeister, and published by a calendar art company, Osborne Company Ltd. The calendar boasts of the “up-to-date Billiard Parlour with excellent equipment for the particular billiard player”, promotes the Cigar Store as “importers of high-grade tobaccos and smokers’ sundries” and encourages customers to “try our double rich Malted Milk” and take advantage of a “delivery service to any part of the city at any hour”. The collection, as a whole, will continue to provide insight into the life of a once thriving Owen Sound business for hundreds of years to come. 7KH5HSRUW Heather Molnar, Tourism Specialist GREY COUNTY, ONTARIO I t was a busy but beautiful fall season in Grey County and now winter is undeniably here! The white stuff is falling and it’s becoming perfect weather for a hike or snowshow along the Bruce Trail or one of the many community trails in the area. This is also the start of the Santa Claus and Christmas parade schedule throughout Grey County. There are many Santa Claus and Christmas parades throughout December so try to get out to see a few. The Festival of Northern Lights is on now in Owen Sound, so don’t miss the opportunity to check them out as well! For a complete listing of parades and other events, go to www. During the winter months, we stay busy in the Tourism Department preparing for next year’s edition of the Official Grey Bruce Visitors Map as well as the Grey Bruce Escape magazine. We still have some of the 2010 copies in the office if anyone is in need of one. 10 We will be continuing to promote our ever-popular winter activities in Grey County with the help of Grey County resident & Olympian, Todd Brooker. You will see his face on some of the County’s billboards as well as in our print and online marketing. 0RUHVWRQ9LOODJH8SGDWH Ted Noble, Facilities Manager I t has been a very busy year so far with the Grand Opening of the Rice Blacksmith Shop, Derby SS#1 Schoolhouse, and the Good Cheer Bandstand. All of these building are wonderful additions to Moreston Heritage Village. This past September, a number of enthusiastic volunteers expressed interest in the planned Moreston Village Railroad. We are in the initial planning stages of representing this early Grey County method of transportation in the village. The railroad will be a scale model and One of the projects that we have recently completed is the Moreston will interpret the important role the railway played in Grey County. We amphitheatre by adding stone for public seating. The amphitheatre are looking for volunteers and rail fans to be a part of the development will be an excellent venue for interpretive discussions and speaking of this exciting project. If you are interested in helping out with the railroad, either financially or with hands-on labour, we would love to events. We are also working on erecting a thirty foot windmill near the have you aboard. Please contact Stephanie McMullen, our volunteer farmhouse with a working water pump which would have been typical coordinator at 519-376-3690 ext 6107 or e-mail her at stephanie. of rural farms for supplying domestic water to their family and livestock. The Schoolhouse bell tower has been contracted out and will start construction in December, 2010, with installation scheduled for early spring, 2011. The Robert Bell Steam traction engine is in the final stages of having a new certified boiler installed. We expect to have the engine brought home this winter where it will be made ready for operation for the 2011 summer season. A new storage building for the engines has been built on-site, located north of the main building. Both the George White and Robert Bell engines will be safely preserved in this new, heated building. 2ZHQ6RXQG0XVHXPV 6R 0 :LQWHU(YHQWV ( )HEUXDU\ &HOHEUDWH0DULQH0RQWKDQG %LOO\%LVKRS¶V%LUWKGD\ )HESP0DULQH0RQWK FHOHEUDWLRQDQG$UW6KRZ IHDWXULQJ'ZD\QH)HQZLFN 0HPEHUVIUHHDOORWKHUV 0H 0DUFK 0DUFKSP)LUH,FH$ 'LYDOLFLRXV*LUOV1LJKW2XW 7LFNHWVJRRQVDOH'HFHPEHUVW 'RQ¶WPLVV\RXUFKDQFHDWWKH ³,&(´ 6$9(<2857221,(6 $GPLVVLRQLQ)HEUXDU\0DUFKDQG$SULORQO\HDFKSHUPXVHXP 9LVLWZZZPXVHXPVRZHQVRXQGFDIRUHYHQWVDQGLQIRUPDWLRQ Welcome to our new and renewing Members As of November 2010 Stephanie McMullen, Heritage Interpretation August Pat & Bob Capel The Fletch Family Suzana Pitts Nadine & Steve Zamin Anne-Louise McArthur Shannon Weitendorf Serge & Becky Lozowsky Mark & Linda Schwartz Michael Lundholm & Cathy Stewart Tracey Lynn Gauthier Ashly & Chris Cater Lewis & Sarah Catto Francis & Susan Richardson September Naomi Norquay Marjorie & Blain Horsley Ruth Cathcart Gae Trinkwon Everett & Marylon Hall Mrs. Jarvis Smith Bryan & Pat Buttigieg Theresa O’Connor The McManaman Family Helen Kay & Gregor Black Elizabeth Charlton BDO Dunwoody Middlebro & Stevens BMO Nesbitt Burns Bass & Associates Genivar Frank Cowan Co. Bayshore Broadcasting Neustadt Brewery Bruce Power Deborah Young Ainsley & Steve Lewin Alex & Tricia Morris Barrett Xplore Bill Murdoch Gamsby & Mannerow Kirby, Robinson, Treslan & Conlan, Barristers & Solicitors Crawford & Company Sprucedale Agromart Tatham & Associates Ltd. Leeder and Assoc. Wealth Management RBC Financial Group Cuesta Planning Consultants Horton & Horton Lawyers Marilyn Wiley & John Elke Stan & Anne Cathrae Vickie Werlé Stewart Macdougall Winnifred Davies Joan & Torben Hawksbridge October Mary Lou Watson Kerri & Jamie Walpole Jean Buchanan Archie & Ola Bishop Ruth Nielsen J.E. & Elizabeth Mullens Greta Kennedy Joyce Kobe Magwood Lyle & Isabelle Love Pat & Roger Foster Geoffrey & Jolan Ready November Peter & Ann Smith Lynda Chiotti Doreen Fawcett 11