March - April 2004 Gatortales - Bayou Haystackers Paddling Club
March - April 2004 Gatortales - Bayou Haystackers Paddling Club
Newsletter of the Bayou Haystackers Paddling Club M ar c h— Ap r i l 2 00 4 The Crawfish Boil was fun—we had over 60 people there. The weather cooperated and so did my dog (what a surprise!) Demo Day was great—incredibly, the rain held off during the hours of the event!! But it sure did pour as we were picking up. See articles and pics on page 4 for more. Some great overnight trips are coming up in the next couple of months: Two at the end of this month—Black Creek and Red Creek (both are beautiful); The Hager’s Eleven Point trip sounds wonderful—see this page for more information. Bill Evans’ Eglin/Turkey Creek/Boiling Creek trip should be great. This trip has been led by Hulin in the past but he couldn’t do it this year so Bill offered to lead it. And a bunch more. The Abitaman Triathlon is requesting our help again this year—we need kayakers to assist with the swimming portion of the event. It takes place at Fontainebleau State Park on May 23 and at Pontchartrain Beach (by the UNO Tech Park) on June 5. It’s fun and you get a neat t-shirt and goody bag. If you’d like to help— contact me at 985-893-3041 or Kelly Nolan (event manager) at 504-454-6561. Please notice the announcement about waivers in the Road Trip section! In this issue: Road Trip ....................................... 1 Calendar/Trip Info .......................... 2 Coming Up ..................................... 3 Demo Day ...................................... 4 Photos............................................ 5 Molina Presentation........................ 6 Contact Information ....................... 6 Membership Form/Waiver ........Insert ROAD TRIP . . . . . By Ann Hager ACA Waivers - Recent correspondence received from the American Canoe Association (ACA) states that they are only accepting their version of the Waiver and Release of Liability. In order to comply with this request and insure that benefits provided by the ACA will be continued, please fill out, sign and mail to BHPC the waivers found in this newsletter for each ADULT member and each MINOR member of the club. It is not necessary to fill out the application form. Please mail the forms to Lisa Pitre, 1508 Ridgefield Avenue, Thibodaux, LA 70301-5206 within ten business days. The waivers are only required to be filled out once a year. Waivers will not need to be filled out again until time to renew membership. Guests on trips will need to fill out the ACA form. Plans are to add an emergency contact name and phone number on the Trip Participant List. Wilderness First Aid - April 3-4 - Twenty-two people + two days + one instructor = American Red Cross Wilderness First Aid. I have taken many CPR/First Aid courses, but this course is the first one that gave explanation on how the body works when problems arise. How many of you have seen explanation of the differences between a salt water drowning and a fresh water drowning? Shock was explained to be caused by a lack of oxygen to the brain. I tried using my life jacket as a leg splint, but I just couldn’t get it to do the job – too awkward. Members of the class took bandaging to a new level- some victims looked like mummies! Many thanks to Paul Galantowicz, our instructor, for an excellent presentation. As this was not a Basic 1st Aid/CPR class, I recommend that class be taken before the Wilderness 1st Aid. Thanks to all the people who attended the class and might be able to help me out should I be in distress. Big Piney Creek April 9-12 - Wow! Great whitewater paddling with great people! The water was running at 2.8 on Saturday and 3.0 on Sunday which are good levels. A few of the boats did get to practice their self-rescue techniques. Northshore Weekend April 24-25 - Saturday, April 24 was a wonderful day. Thanks to Hoyt and Debbie for running the Cane Bayou trip. Thank you Pat, Stephen, and Amelia for the crawfish boil. Both events were fantastic and should not be missed next year. Demo Day - May 1 - Other members of the club have voted to have the BHPC sponsor an event open to the general public similar to the demo days given by the Backpacker and Massey’s. BHPC is in no way to be considered as a vendor at this event. The event is under the umbrella of the ACA insurance. Self Rescue Clinic - May 14-16 - Please consider taking one of the self-rescue clinics (SRC). Recent reports of local trips tell of members of the club using techniques learned in SRC to assist people and boats. Let’s learn how to be safe out there. General Membership Meeting - July 21 - Jed Pitre will be giving a presentation on how to read and interpret those websites that give information on water quality in our area. Eleven Point - Hope to see you on the Eleven Point June 4-7 . . . ROAD TRIP! Eleven Point River, MO - June 5-6 Join us on June 5th and 6th on this beautiful, senic river that runs crystal clear and is blessed with abundant wildlife. This river is fed from several large natural springs and is runnable all year. Greer Springs, just above our launch area, and several other springs are worth a stop just to view. Friday night we will be camping on the north side of the river at the National Forest Service Campground at Greer Springs. It's a nice campground with pit toilets and water, but no showers. Sites are $8.00 per night (if there are no increases this year.) A local canoe rental and shuttle service will pick up our vehicles at Greer Springs and have them at the Riverton takeout on Sunday. Shuttle is approximately $45.00 per vehicle. You need to pay and leave an extra set of keys at the outfitter's in Alton before we leave on Saturday. Our trip will launch on Saturday morning at 10:00 AM (Central) at Greer Springs Campground launch area. We will camp at Barn Hollow group camp Saturday night. This camp has tables and no guarantee of a pit toilet (two years ago it had washed downstream in high water.) We will paddle about 10.5 miles each day. Bring your own food and drinks for two days on the river. We will provide a grill and charcoal for a cook-out Saturday night. Everyone needs to bring a steak or other choice of meat, a salad to share, drinks and a comfy lawn chair and any thing else that you can shoehorn into your boat (a solar shower is nice). Preregistration is required. Call Ann or Bill Hager at 225-387-3717 from 5:00-9:00 PM. 2 GatorTales GatorTales March—April 2004 Saturday, June 5: Abitaman Triathlon - Kayakers Needed to help with the swimming portion. Tshirts and goody bags are given to all that help. Contact Pat at or 985-8933041 or Kelly Nolan at 504-454-6561. (Not a BHPC event). Saturday, June 12: Black Creek, Fairly Bridge to Hwy. 26, easy - exploratory. Contact Jeanne de la Houssaye 504-957-8981 or ACA Members know your ACA number when you go on a trip, the waiver form has a place for it. Before attending a particular trip, you should call the individual Trip Coordinator (well in advance of the trip) for more specifics and to make sure the trip or event is still scheduled, etc. Trips are free to BHPC and ACA members. Non-member guests are welcome to come on trips, however, if your guest is not an ACA member, they are charged a $5.00 club liability insurance fee. MAY May 14 - 16: Self Rescue Clinic (SRC 1), Okatoma River in Hattiesburg, intermediate. Contact Ann or Bill Hager, 225-387-3717 or Limited to 15 boats. May 15 - 24: National River Cleanup Week Wednesday, May 19: General Membership Meeting, 7:00 pm. 118 N. Cypress, Hammond, LA. See map at the bottom of this page for directions. Saturday, May 22: Upper Bogue Chitto River, intermediate (over 6 miles and some maneuvering required). Contact Martina Ellis 985-7486038 or May 22 - 23: Red Creek Overnight, intermediate. Contact Bill Evans 985-624-9668 or Saturday, May 23: Abitaman Triathlon - Kayakers Needed to help with the swimming portion. T-shirts and goody bags are given to all that help. Contact Pat at or 985-893-3041 or Kelly Nolan (event coordinator) at 504-454-6561. (Not a BHPC event) May 29 - 31: Black Creek Overnight, intermediate. One or two nights on Black Creek. Your choice: Brooklyn to Janice or Brooklyn to Fairley Bridge. Contact Hoyt Sayler 985-502-4468 or June 5 - 6: Red Creek Overnight (upper), relaxed, leisurely trip, easy. Contact Gary Smith 504-913-2214 or June 5 - 6: Sugar Mill Paddle - Tour Bayou Teche (thru Loreauville, New Iberia, Jeanerette, Charenton, Baldwin, Franklin and Centerville) choice of routes from 10 to 50 miles. Enjoy the beautiful scenery and the prominent wildlife. Hosted by the Jeanerette Chamber of Commerce. Paddlers will be supplied water, food and camping sites. Cost is $35 for both days. For information call Erica Mannina at 337-276-4293 or e-mail Registration form - PDF or Word. (Not a BHPC event) June 26 - 27: Bogue Chitto Overnight - easy. Contact Gary Smith 504-913-2214 or JULY July 10 -11: Hattiesburg Weekend - participate in one or two events. FYI - camping is available at the Okatoma Outdoor Post and at Seminary Canoe Rental. Saturday, July 10: Bouie Creek, intermediate exploratory. Contact Martina Ellis 985-748-6038 or Sunday, July 11: Okatoma Creek, easy. Contact Walter Tabary 985-764-9500. September 10 - 12: Self Rescue Clinic (SRC 2), Okatoma River in Hattiesburg, intermediate. Contact Ann or Bill Hager, 225-387-3717 or Limited to 15 boats. Wednesday, September 15: General Membership Meeting, 7:00 pm. 118 N. Cypress, Hammond, LA. See map on this page for directions. OCTOBER Saturday, October 2: Cane Bayou, easy. Contact Hoyt Sayler 985-502-4468 or October 15 - 17: Louisiana Paddlefest - A Gathering of Canoe Clubs - Indian Creek Wednesday, October 20: Executive Committee Meeting, 7:00 pm. 118 N. Cypress, Hammond, LA. See map at the bottom of this page for directions. NOVEMBER Wednesday, November 17: General Membership Meeting, 7:00 pm. 118 N. Cypress, Hammond, LA. See map at the bottom of this page for directions. November 26-28: Red Creek, City BridgeVestry; intermediate. Contact Bill Evans, 985624-9668 or July 17 - 18: Lower Bogue Chitto Overnight, Franklinton to Enon (Hwy 437) and Cave Exploration, easy. Contact Pat Fontova 985-893-3041 or November 26 - 28: Horn Island—Details to follow. Wednesday, July 21: General Membership Meeting, 7:00 pm. 118 N. Cypress, Hammond, LA. See map at the bottom of this page for directions. Easy—distances less than 6 mi/day; little or no current; minimum maneuvering skills required. July 21-24:Tennessee River, Hunt for Indian Artifacts and Petrified Wood, camp on the banks and visit Shiloh battlefield. Lots of plans still to be made. For details, ask Jeanne, 504957-8981 or Trip Ratings Intermediate—distances 6 to 12 mi/day and/or current greater than 1 mph with some maneuvering required. Strenuous—distances over 12mi/day with currents in excess of 3 mph and/or maneuvering and/or some upstream paddling required. Sunday July 25: West Pearl via Lock 1, easy 6 mile round trip paddle, intermediate pullovers. Call Leonard at 985-446-6997. Sunday July 25: Paddle, Swim and Picnic at the Dumas' house 11:30-3:30. Details on page 3. Contact Tom Dumas at or 225-209-9224 . July 31: Full Moon Paddle (TBA) s Track oad Railr S hurch W. C t. acks ad Tr Railro June 4 - 7: Eleven Point in Missouri, intermediate. Contact Ann or Bill Hager, 225-387-3717 or Limited to 15 boats. June 19 - 20: Boiling Creek, Eglin Air Force Base in Florida (tentative), easy. Contact Bill Evans 985-624-9668 or (Permit is required - call Eglin AFB Jackson Guard at 850-882-4164). September 4 - 6: Black Creek (Labor Day Weekend), intermediate. Contact Hoyt Sayler 985-502-4468 or t. erry S N. C h St. press N. Cy JUNE Wednesday, June 16: Executive Committee Meeting, 7:00 pm. 118 N. Cypress, Hammond, LA. See map at the bottom of this page for directions. SEPTEMBER St. obert W. R 118 BUS. AUGUST August 6 - 9: Hiwassee River, intermediate strenuous. Contact Ann or Bill Hager, 225-3873717 or Limited to 15 boats. Wednesday, August 18: Executive Committee Meeting, 7:00 pm. 118 N. Cypress, Hammond, LA. See map at the bottom of this page for directions. August 21: Red Creek, easy. Contact Gary Smith 504-913-2214 or St. urch E . Ch t. bert S E. Ro St. arles E. Ch BUS. BUS. MAP TO MEETING PLACE: Take I-12 to Exit 40. Go north on US 51-Business into Hammond. Turn east (right) on US 190. Go one full block past the railroad track and turn left on Cypress Street. The meeting place is near the end of the second block on the right. GatorTales GatorTales March—April 2004 3 Coming Up BHPC Pot-luck Paddle & Picnic at Tom & Mona Dumas' in Holden, LA Sunday, July 25, 2004 11:30am - 3:30pm. Come to a pot-luck paddle and picnic. We'll hang out, paddle, fish, swim, etc. You all need to BYOB. We'll supply the soft drinks, tea. Please RSVP if you are coming, so I can have some idea about how many folks will attend. Let me know what you plan to bring, or I can suggest something. RED CREEK by Bill Evans It’s spring and that means Red Creek, one of the bright spots in south Mississippi paddling. A Bayou Haystackers Red Creek trip is planned May 22-23, covering a 16-mile reach from Ramsey Springs (Mississippi Hwy. 15) to Vestry. Red Creek is a delightful stream with clear to reddish water and lots of sandbars for camping. Most of the stream is surrounded by wilderness, much of it in DeSoto National Forest and the Red Creek Wildlife Management Area. Given the distance to be covered, current and a requirement for maneuvering skills depending on stream level, this will be an Intermediate class trip. Bring your canoe, kayak, PFD, swim suit and any other swimming/water/fishing gear/life jackets. For details, contact Bill Evans, 985/624-9668 or e-mail If you got any questions, call or email. EGLIN by Bill Evans Tom and Mona Home - 225-209-9224 Cell - 985-320-1625 Email: Directions: From Hammond, LA. Take I-12 West toward Baton Rouge. Stay on I-12 West for about 10 miles until you get to the exit for Holden which is Hwy 441. Take that exit and go South, back over the interstate, then take a left on the I-12 Service Rd. (i.e. head east) and go .4 mi. where you will see a black mailbox with the address on it. June 5 & 6, 2004 Sugar Mill Paddle A tour of the beautiful Bayou Teche Paddlers will have a choice of routes from 10 to 50 miles. Whether paddling slow or fast, boaters will enjoy the beautiful scenery that includes cypress knee lined banks, several sugar mill sites, plantation homes, historic landmarks, moss draped oak trees and prominent wildlife. The event, hosted by the Jeanerette Chamber of Commerce, winds through Loreauville, New Iberia, Jeanerette, Charenton, Baldwin, Franklin and Centerville. Paddlers will be supplied water, food and camping sites. The City of Jeanerette is providing the park, located on the Bayou Teche, to camp in. Jeanerette is the midway point of the paddle. Emergency and other support and restroom accommodations will be available. The cost is $35 for both days and includes camping Saturday night, drinks and food. For information call Erica Mannina at 337276-4293 or e-mail Camping is available at the put in - Belmont Camp north of New Iberia on Hwy 31 on Bayou Teche. They have showers. Call 337560-4447. Registration form is available on the website— How does a clear, spring-fed, flower-lined Florida stream sound for mid-June paddling? Eglin Air Force Base will be the place, June 19-20 the time. Blackwater River State Park is the possible camping spot, IF we make our reservations before the park fills. For those who haven’t paddled there before, Eglin AFB is that big chunk of open space on roadmaps of the Florida Panhandle, stretching from Pensacola Bay east to U.S. 331 north of Freeport. The reservation spans three counties, with much of it open for recreational use unless closed for periodic military operations. There are seven or eight streams on the Eglin reservation. We will paddle two: Turkey Creek, a favorite of many area paddlers, a scenic, mostly clear stream with lots of twists and turns which we will paddle Saturday 6/19. On Sunday 6/20 we will paddle a beautiful Eglin stream, spring-fed Boiling Turkey Creek—2003 Creek which should be resplendent with underwater grasses and flowers, then wind up on the Yellow River for a couple of miles or so of “big stream” paddling to our take-out at Florida Hwy. 87. For those who go over Friday to set up camp, there’s the option of an afternoon paddle on the Blackwater River, said to be one of the more scenic in Florida. Aside from the need to make campground reservations as soon as possible—Florida state parks tend to fill up on weekends, particularly summer weekends—those paddling on Eglin AFB must have an Eglin recreational permit for canoeing and kayaking. The cost of the permit, good through October 31, 2004, is $5 per person. To get a permit, mail a check or money order payable to AFO Eglin AFB, Florida to Natural Resources Division, ACC/EMSN, 107 Highway 85N, Niceville, FL 32578. Be sure to specify that you want a permit for canoeing and kayaking. A photocopy of your driver’s license or other identification with your date of birth on it must be included. Allow three weeks for delivery. This permit is an absolute MUST—security patrols check ‘em and there’s a significant fine (at least $75 as I recall) if you don’t have it. With your permit you will receive a huge map of the base. For specific questions regarding the permit process, call Eglin’s Natural Resources Branch, known locally as “Jackson Guard,” at 850/8824164. For additional information and to sign up for the trip, contact Bill Evans, 985/624-9668, or e-mail ‘Hope to see ya on the trip! 4 GatorTales GatorTales March—April 2004 Demo Day 2004 On May 1, 2004, the Bayou Haystackers Paddling Club held its first "official" public Demo Day in a long time. The purpose was to introduce the public (unsuspecting as they were) to the sport of paddling. Mass quantities of Haystackers were in attendance to share their knowledge with those who wished to partake. Thanks to fellow Haystackers, The Backpacker and SouthCoast Kayaks, there were 20+ boats available for folks to test paddle, along with various paddles and PFD's. By all accounts, the event was a great success and it would not and could not have happened without the following giving their time, knowledge, expertise and support: Darryl Pry (most excellent and head water police), Lisa Pitre (registration queen), Betty Evans (co-registration queen), Jed Pitre, Pat Fontova (photo queen), Bill Evans, Woody Wood (voted member with the most boats and gear), Tom Murray, Tom Dumas, Martina Ellis, Michael Beck, Sue Leach, Don Keller (2nd in command water police), Robb Wiltz, Walter Tabary, Marsanne Golsby, Harry Todd, Scott Peterson, Robin Peterson, Dale Matthews, and Hulin Robert. If there is anyone I have forgotten to mention, please accept my apology. Each one of you played a very important part in the success of Demo Day. Your willingness and support made this event run smoothly and efficiently. I very much enjoyed working with each of you and look forward to another opportunity to do it again. State Troopers Need Gear The State Trooper's Association is putting together a summer camp for youths and they need gear. The activities include swimming, boating, hiking, fishing, baseball and basketball—so anything that can be used in any of those will be appreciated. Karen Roberts, BHPC member and state trooper, is collecting items. Call Karen at 225-344-2335 to donate items or for more information. GatorTales GatorTales March—April 2004 5 Classifieds Photos from Recent Events To include an ad in this section call 985-893-3041 or email There is no charge for this service. Want to Buy: Used Kevlar canoe, preferably a Mad River Malecite or something comparable. Call Steve at 225-335-1500 For Sale:16' Mad River Tandem Explorer - Royalex, Red, new wood gunwales and cane seats. Very good condition. $800. John Feltman, 985-892-2452 or For Sale: Old Town Cascade canoe, 14' 10", green, great solo boat or suitable for two, Royalex, 59 lbs light, like-new condition, 2 Perception paddles and 2 pfd (one Lotus and one Perception), $700. Call Craig 338-0886 or For Sale: NRS Farmer Bill youth wetsuit; XXS; 3-mm; worn once; like new; original price $73, asking $30. Call Scott 225-266-8887. For Sale: Kayak, Wilderness Systems Piccolo, perfect for children & small adults, fast & maneuverable, rudder, light blue, very good condition, $450, Scott 225-266-8887. For Sale: 1 Set of TRAC RAC, "T-Rack," Truck Racks. Will fit compact trucks like Ford Ranger, Chev S-10, etc. They are all aluminum and will carry up to 800 lb. of canoes/kayaks. Reg. Price is $489, selling for $175. Contact Bill Hager @ 225-387-3717 for more information. For Sale: 2000 Janautica Anadyr fiberglass kayak, excellent condition, red, 17'5" oal, 50 lbs total weight, skill level - ambitious beginner to advanced, max paddler weight 285 lbs. $1,000 price includes the boat, a launch dolly, skirt, Silver Creek paddle, and a medium or large (your choice) Extrasport life jacket. Bob Hodges (, 985-871-9480) For Sale: Wenonah Sundowner 18 Tuf-weave, Flex-core, fast touring/cruising, tractor seats, 64 lbs., ready for an expedition. $1399 new—asking $700. Scott Peterson 225-2668887. BHPC Crawfish Boil April 24 For Sale: Kevlar Wenonah Sundowner touring canoe and 3 beautiful, custom made paddles (one 15 degree blade, one 9 degree blade, and one straight blade by “Stretch” Morrill). Bow and stern adjustable sliding tractor seats, aluminum gunnels and wood portage center yoke with removable shoulder pads. $1,500 for canoe, paddles, and vests. Contact Larry Wilson 985-796-8766 or For Sale: 10ft Old Town Castine kayak. Two storage compartments and in excellent condition. Only used 4 times. Color is blue I'm asking $375.00 with paddle. If interested I can be reached at 504-284-6685, ask for John. I am in the New Orleans area. For Sale: 2 Manteo Kayaks asking $900 (new $1400), 2 Voyageur paddles asking $140 (new $200). 1 Yakima car rack asking $250 (new $450), 2 Lotus Design life vests asking $120 (new $200), 2 emergency strobes asking $30 (new $60). Call Keith Latour: 504-288-3006. Get Skilled We have ACA certified paddling instructors right here in Southern Louisiana. To learn more about what they offer or fees involved, please contact: Bayou LaBranche Paddle: April 3 Mimi Clifton, canoe & kayak Cy Tandy, canoe & kayak Ann Hager, canoe Bill Hager, canoe Hulin Robert, canoe David Booth, kayak Arthur Hebert, kayak Larry Koenig, BCU sea kayak coach (985) 867-9530 (601) 605-0902 (225) 387-3717 (225) 387-3717 (985) 345-2339 (337) 474-1444 (504) 366-2197 (225) 343-3330 Mark and Becky Molina on the Northshore in March, 2004 by Mimi Clifton Contact Names and Numbers President - Ann Hager, (225) 387-3717, (w) (504) 734-0899 x19, On March 13 and 14, Mark and Becky Molina (from Ft. Pierce, FL) taught a 2-day Traditional Sea Kayak clinic in Abita Springs at the home of Becky’s parents, Bob and Donna Contois. The Molinas first came to our area to teach this course in April 2002 and have been coming back ever since. There were 5 students in the beginner class on Saturday and 9 in the intermediate/advanced class on Sunday. 98% of the students walked away from the weekend with a roll and are now at the intermediate/advanced level! Vice President - Bob Rosenbladt (985) 624-9429 Secretary - Bev Koerner (225) 751-2334 If you missed the March membership meeting in Covington, then you really missed a good one. Mark Molina gave a stunning Power Point presentation of his win at the National Greenland Rolling Championships in Nuuk, Greenland last summer. Images of lush green grass, brightly painted buildings, skin-on-frame kayaks, natives of Greenland and free-floating icebergs captivated the audience. Mark’s animated style and overflowing enthusiasm for kayaking kept everyone’s attention. He had an array of clothing and equipment used by the Inuit and after the presentation, the audience had an opportunity to handle the items and ask questions. There were over 50 people in attendance and refreshments were served. Also giving a presentation was fellow Haystacker, Jennifer Torres (from Hattiesburg, MS). Jennifer has built 4 sea kayaks – 2 of which are traditional skin-on-frame boats. Jennifer had her 2 traditional boats there for everyone to see and touch along with the body board she used to make the boat a custom fit for her. She shared photographs and journals with everyone. Folks had lots of questions for her and she happily answered each one. I want to thank, Mark and Becky Molina for their time and knowledge and for sharing their love of paddling with the Bayou Haystackers Paddling Club. Also, a big thank you goes to Jennifer Torres for letting everyone touch her home-made boats and for sharing her love of the sport with anyone who cares to inquire. I want to thank Martina Ellis, Pat Fontova, Mona Dumas and Darryl Pry for providing refreshments and helping set everything up. It was a wonderful meeting! Treasurer - Scott Peterson, (225) 334-0714 (cell) (225) 266-8887, Board Members Bill Evans, (985) 624-9668, Jed Pitre, (985) 448-1164, Hoyt Sayler, (985) 892-3234, Gary Smith, (504) 897-2220, Woody Wood, (985) 875-0071, Membership - Lisa Pitre, (225) 387-3717, Outings - Robb Wiltse, (985) 892-3436, Newsletter & Web Site - Patricia Fontova, (985) 893-3041, (w) (504) 304-0724 Web Site - General Membership Meeting - May 19 Mike Howell, a member and instructor from the Coast Guard Auxiliary, will discuss maritime Rules of the Road from the paddlers' or "self-propelled vessel" perspective. If you have any questions for Mike, contact Bill Evans or Bob Rosenbladt and they will pass them along to him. (See Contact Info) When: Wednesday May 19, 7:00 PM Where: 118 North Cypress Hammond, LA (See map on page 2) Bayou Haystackers Paddling Club c/o Patricia Fontova 903 West 18th Ave. Covington, LA 70433