July 2011 - Z Car Association of Richmond


July 2011 - Z Car Association of Richmond
SOUNDZ of Richmond
N e w s
f r o m t h e
C a r
with picnic
A s s o c i at i o n
o f
July 2011
R i c h m o n d
Summer afternoon - summer afternoon;
to me those have always been the two
most beautiful words in the English
language. ~ Henry James
by Tammy Brackett
And what a summer afternoon
June 25 was for our annual ZCAR
picnic! Honestly, it was unbelievable...
almost as if the weather gods smiled
down upon us and gave us a perfect
day to eat, talk, laugh and play!
Fifty-two (!) members of ZCAR
along with guests, gathered at historic
Osborne Boat Landing in Henrico
VA, in the lovely shade of an amazing
shelter complete with electricity,
picnic tables and grills. The setting
along the James River encouraged
host Chuck Fetty to bring out his boat
and everyone was invited to cruise
with Chuck down the lazy river! There
were rafts available for floating and
hostess Nancy Fetty had the great idea
to rent an activity pack from Henrico
Parks and Recreation. We had access
to bats, balls, corn hole fun, and all
kinds of outdoor games. Oddly, or not,
everyone preferred eating and riding
in the boat to playing in the sun. All
except Teddy! Teddy had a fine time
Lilly Stevens and Chuck Fetty enjoying
with a kickball. Too fine a time, in fact, good food and good friends.
continued on page 6
Next Meeting: Monday, July 18
Join us at our next monthly
meeting on Monday, July 18 at 7 pm at
River’s Bend Grille in Chester. Enjoy a
delicious dinner with a great group of
like-minded Z Car enthusiasts! v i s i t
u s
Meetings are usually over by 8:30
pm, when we continue the “car talk”
out in the parking lot!
River’s Bend Grill is located at
13283 Rivers Bend Boulevard, Chester.
o n l i n e
You can get directions by calling
(804) 530-9953 or visiting www.
Z you there!
a t w w w . r i c h m o n d zc a r . c o m
Upcoming Events
ZCar Club Officers
Chris Grigg
804.467.5067 president@richmondzcar.com
Saturday, July 16, 2011, 8–10 am
Cars & Coffee~Williamsburg
Williamsburg Winery, Williamsburg, VA
Event Coordinator: Sam Stevens
Vice President
Mark Meade
Monday, July 18, 2011, 7 pm
July Club Meeting
River’s Bend Grille, 13283 Rivers Bend Boulevard, Chester, VA
Gaile Cormier
Sunday, July 24, 2011, 11 am (see page 3)
A “Scenic Cruise” (approximately 200 miles)
Event coordinator: Mark Meade
Nancy Fetty
Monday, August 15, 2011, 7 pm
August Club Meeting
River’s Bend Grille, 13283 Rivers Bend Boulevard, Chester, VA
Theo Hartmann 804.938.7077 Saturday, August 20, 2011, 8–10 am
Cars & Coffee~Williamsburg
Williamsburg Winery, Williamsburg, VA
Event Coordinator: Sam Stevens
Newsletter Editor
Tammy Brackett
Saturday, September 17, 2011, 8–10 am
Cars & Coffee~Williamsburg
Williamsburg Winery, Williamsburg, VA
Event Coordinator: Sam Stevens
Newsletter Publisher
Lorraine Meade
Monday, September 19, 2011, 7 pm
September Club Meeting
River’s Bend Grille, 13283 Rivers Bend Boulevard, Chester, VA
Webmaster Mark Meade
Sunday, September 25, 2011, 10 am–4 pm
NAS Oceana Air Show
Event coordinator: Jack Waters
ZCCA Liaison
Sam Stevens
Monthly Finances
Member-at-Large Theo Hartmann 804.938.7077 (As of June 20, 2011)
Beginning balance............................$2,323.01 Credits....................................................$1,002.00 Debits.....................................................$1,715.86
Paypal Account
ZCAR Store Delia Hartmann 804.921.3362
From the Prez
I would like to thank everyone
who came out for the Z Flash Mob
attack on the Nissan dealerships.
For those who don’t know, we were
still trying to secure a location and
sponsor for our annual Ztoberfest car show. We were fortunate
enough to have Sheehy Nissan in
Mechanicsville welcome us with
open arms and committed their
lot and funds to sponsor our car
show. Stay tuned for details in the
coming weeks. We will be asking
members for volunteers for helping
out at our car show as well. Anyone
wishing to help out should contact
an officer via email or in person at a
club meeting.
It was good to see new members and old members that we had
not seen in a while attend both the
Flash Mob and the ZCAR picnic.
Special thanks to Chuck and Nancy
for an excellent event!
Lastly I have been contacted by
a major performance parts maker
about us recieving some of their
promotional material for distribution to our members. That being
said, I will distribute said material at
a future meeting, so make sure you
attend meetings for a chance at
free gear! z
Chris Grigg, ZCAR President
Sunday drive set for July 24
Join us on Sunday,
July 24 for a scenic
Sunday drive. Plan to
meet at 10:50 at the
Mechanicsville Park &
Ride lot (across the street
from 8006 Mechanicsville
Turnpike, 23111). We will
cruise out Route 360 East
about 78 miles to Reedville, where we will have
lunch at the Crazy Crab.
Our return cruise will be
about 89 miles via Route Please let Mark Meade know by Saturday, July 23, if you will be attending. Please
33 back to Mechanicsbring two-way radios, if you have one. Specific directions and maps available here: ville.
ZCAR Zoomings
The Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of the Z Car Association of Richmond—June 20, 2011
The monthly meeting of the ZCAR
Association of Richmond was held
on Monday, June 20, 2011 at River’s
Bend Grille. President Chris Grigg
called the meeting to order at 7:15
pm by welcoming 24 members and
4 guests, and introducing the club
Old Business
Minutes from the May 2011
meeting (found in the monthly
newsletter) were voted on and
Treasurer’s Report
Treasurer Gaile Cormier’s report is
on page 2 of this newsletter.
Membership Report
Theo Hartmann reported there is
one new member, Daniel CatroDwiggins, for a total of 62 current
ZCAR Store
Delia Hartmann reported samples
of our new shirts are available for
viewing immediately following the
meeting. Orders will be taken at
that time as well. (Payment will be
due when you place your order for
special orders.) She also reminded
us purchases can be made online at
our web site store.
Web site
Webmaster Mark Meade reported
web site traffic is up and continues
to increase. Also, The Gallery is the
most viewed page...be sure to add
photos of your car and/or ZCAR
ZCCA Update
Sam Stevens reported ZCON, the
national Z Conference, is coming
up July 18 – 23rd in Savannah
Georgia. Several members from our
Maggie and Willie Wilson with their beautiful orange 350Z, ZPUNKIN.
club will be attending, with Chris
Grigg attending meetings on our
behalf .
Club Championship
Current standings are on the last
page of this newsletter.
2011 Events
June 25—Flash Mob Dealership
Drive-By. Meeting spot TBD. Check
e-mail for details.
June 26—Annual Club Picnic at
Osborne Park & Boat Landing
hosted by Chuck & Nancy Fetty.
July 9—Dynometer at
Performance Autosports. Check
your e-mail for more details.
Contact: Mark Meade
July 18—Monthly Meeting at
River’s Bend Grill
July­ 18–22—ZCONvention in
Savannah, Georgia. For more info,
go to zcon.org.
August 5–7—85th Annual
Hampton Cup Regatta, Hampton,
August 15—Monthly meeting at
Rivers Bend Grille, 7 pm.
September 19—Monthly meeting
at Rivers Bend Grille, 7 pm.
September 24—Oceana Air Show,
Virginia Beach, 10 am–4 pm.
October 2—Ztoberfest Car Show
As of now, we are still looking for
a location and sponsor for our
Annual car show … our biggest
fundraiser of the year, which also
benefits a local charity. Perhaps
continued on page 6
Zooming In
Get to know Tony Chase
Zooming In is a monthly series
highlighting one of our club
members chosen at random.
Zooming In is a way for our club
members to get to know one
another and hopefully discover
commonalities and interests....
other than our Z Cars!
“When the 350Z came out in
2003, I thought it was the sexiest
car out there.” confesses ZCAR
member Tony Chase. “And basically,
I just had to have one!” Tony
purchased his brand new white
performance 350Z fresh off the
showroom floor in March 2004 and
claims that all his spare change
now goes into his 350 Z!
Tony was born and raised in
Washington DC and joined the
US Navy in 1980 where he was an
Aircraft Mechanic and Air crewman.
After a twenty year career, he
retired in 2000 and has been
working for CSX Railway eleven
years as a conductor and engineer
(yes, he drives the train)!
Tony’s 350Z is not his first foray
into performance cars. His first
project was a 1970 Maverick that he
bought from his grandmother.
“I changed it from a six cylinder
250ci to a Holman and Moody
1970 BOSS 302 with a BDS 671
supercharger, with nitrous oxide
and an Inglese induction system. “
Tony recalls fondly. “The car had a
Chris Alston frame and ladder bar
set up, with all of the aluminum
inside the car polished, and an
Tony and Jackie with Tony’s 2003 350Z at our summer picnic.
eight point roll cage. It was one hell
of a go and show stopper.”
Tony’s Maverick was featured
in Super Ford and Hot Rodding.”
and he showed his car on the
International Show Car Association
circuit when he wasn’t deployed.
His 350Z is a new chapter
in learning about performance
vehicles. “The Japanese
performance mods were all new
to me. I had to do some serious
research before tearing into my
new and sexy car. John Littel at
Victory Nissan helped steer me
in the right direction in looking
at some 350Z modifications. He
suggested I check out forums to
get a better understanding of
what’s out there good and bad.”
“My thing has always been to
initiate, not imitate with the build
on my Z.” he says emphatically. “I have to say the most fun
that I’ve had to date with my Z
was ZDAYZ! That was such a rush! I
think with some lighter rims, sticky
tires, bigger brakes and a twin disc
clutch, I could get use to the road
course thing!” And what’s something our
readers would find interesting
about Tony? For a one tough NAVY
cookie, Tony Chase is a softy when
it comes to his girls.
Tony has three daughters, 27,
24, and 16 and is very involved in
their lives and careers. From 20002010, Tony has helped put his two
older daughters through college.
“The daughters come first.” Tony is
quick to point out. “When they were
born I started saving for college for
them. I also put their names on one
of my credit cards so they would
have establish credit and a high
credit score when they became
adults to purchase what they
needed for college with no hassle.
So i can do my thing with my car if
there is some money left over after
the girls have at it! “ he laughs.
We always love to see Tony and
his gorgeous 350Z at shows and
events. Kudos to you Tony! Thanks
for your service and your smile! z
Summer Picnic
continued from page 1
as the Tedster, in all his doggie
enthusiasm to be part of the fun,
popped a kickball! PreZ Chris sent
Joe and Colby, Nancy and Chuck’s
sons, to Target to pick up another
one and all turned out just fine.
Thanks, Chris for picking up and
returning the fun pack.
Hostess Nancy also made a
gorgeous poster encouraging folks
to sign in and get a name tag. With
so many new members this worked
out great. It was also fun to see so
many of our members with their
children! Babies, toddlers and small
kids were out in full force enjoying
the day.
And the food! What can we
say about the food? As usual
ZCAR Zoomings
continued from page 4
we’ll need many smaller sponsors,
vendors, etc. Ideas … Iron Bridge
Sports Park? Rivers Bend Grill?
Please email Chris any ideas/
possible locations you have. We
need to make a final decision by
end of July!
October 17—Monthly meeting at
Rivers Bend Grille, 7 pm.
November—Weekend event TBA.
Jack waters is working on some
December—Christmas Party at
Theo and Delia Hartmann’s home.
Please be thinking of new ideas for
club activites for next year.
Check richmondzcar.com event
calendar often for updates and/or
additional events.
Our hosts, Chuck and Nancy Fetty, with sons Joe and Colby.
with all of our events, everything was scrumptious. Pasta salad (I counted several different
types), burgers, hotdogs, wraps,
baked beans, and a huge table
of desserts were on display and
devoured by the hungry crowd. It was such a beautiful spread
and everything was perfect and
enjoyed by all.
Chris Grigg reported club Executive
Assistant Nancy Fetty—having
now been a member for a year­— is
eligible to be club Secretary. No
one else came forward for the
position, so a vote was held and
Nancy Fetty was voted in as ZCAR
Secretary until the next elections
are held.
The meeting adjourned at
7:57 pm. z
ZCAR was well represented at the
Inaugural Cars & Coffee held at the
Williamsburg Winery. As a result,
ZCAR won a banner for the club,
which will be personalized with
a background photo! WTG ZCAR
Door Prize
The door prize winner was Maggie
Minutes taken by Nancy Fetty.
Best wishes to our members
with birthdays this month.
Cortez Dial
Michael Carpenter
John Doyle
Hans Schmid
Guy Miller
Tammy Brackett
About Us
Club History
The Z Car Association of
Richmond (ZCAR) was formed
in 1996 before the annual Z Car
convention, which was held in
Denver that year. The president
of the Z Car Club Association
(ZCCA), “Mad Mike” Tailor himself
was instrumental in the club
formation and also helped us to
achieve the honor of being the
last ZCCA Charter Member. We
currently have about 60 active
members. Our group’s by-laws are
available on our web site, www.
ZCar is a peoples club and the
club members organize events,
both technical and social. We help
each other to get things going and
as a result we jointly have a good
time with our cars. Participation
in club events is encouraged,
and rewarded through friendly
competition in the “Mr. K - Z Car
Spirit Award” championship.
Typical club events include:
n Sunday Drives
n Technical Clinics
n Car Shows
n Club Picnics
n Gimmick Rallies
n Winery Tours
n Cookouts
We try to have events for
everyone, not just the car nuts
among us. For this reason, spouses
or partners are welcomed to the
meetings and events.
Boulevard in Chester, for a bite to
eat and social talk followed by the
club meeting. Most of the time,
the meeting is over by 8:30 and
we relocate to the parking lot for
more Z Car talk.
Club Newsletter
As part of your membership,
you will receive our monthly
newsletter, ZsoundZ of Richmond,
by e-mail.
Nissan Sport Magazine
Included in
the ZCar
is a subscription to the quarterly
Nissan Sport magazine. This is a
publication exclusively devoted
to Nissan/Datsun Cars.
Discount Program
As a member of ZCAR you are
entitled to vendor discounts up
to 30% for parts and services on
your Z.
Club Merchandise
ZCAR offers a variety of products
for sale with the ZCar club logo:
n Club jacket
n Baseball caps in different colors
n Shirts (Polo, Golf, Denim)
n Event T-shirts
n Portfolio
The regular annual dues for ZCAR are:
Family (2 members)–$45.00/year
Apply for membership using our
on-line application form, or by
downloading our Application
Form from www.richmondzcar.
com with your check payable to Z
Car Association of Richmond.
Mail to:
Z Car Association of Richmond
5909 Long Street
Richmond, VA 23211
We meet on the third Monday of
every month at 7 pm at the River’s
Bend Grill, at 13283 River’s Bend
Theo Hartmann, Hans Schmid and John Cormier with their Z Cars.
ZCAR Marketplace
The following items are for sale by Richmond Z Car Association members
1979 280ZX Green Beauty
2009 370 Z stock exhaust system
Runs well, original factory color, nearly flawless interior,
manual windows, manual 5-speed transmission, manual
steering, power brakes and air conditioning. Read more
about this car here:
asking price: $6,000.00
contact: 71jaguar@gmail.com
asking price: $300.00
contact: gc1513@aol.com
2 tires - Bridgestone
Potenza RE050 245/40/
Two Bridgestone Potenza
Re050 1/2 to 2/3 life left significant tread life remains as
these tires came off the front
of a 2010 370z (less than a year old.) Great shape - No
punctures. Price listed per tire.
asking price: $120.00
contact: zccaliaison@richmondzcar.com
OEM Exhaust - 06 350ZR
Complete Cat back includes YPipe - mid flange - muffler
and tips. Removed at 14K. Price negotiable.
asking price: $140.00
contact: sstvns7@cox.net
Carbon Fiber Air Diffuser/Cooling guide
See link: http://www.thezstore.com/page/TZS/PROD/
asking price: $85.00
contact: sstvns7@cox.net
2004 Front Bumper—Blue
asking price: $125.00
contact: treasurer@richmondzcar.com
2004 Hood OEM—Blue
asking price: $150.00
contact: treasurer@richmondzcar.com
Z32 complete (from
turbos back) exhaust
Downpipes, midpipes
with good catalytic
converters, H-tube, and
mufflers with chrome
tips -- all stock, all in
good shape. Taken off car
at 65K miles.
asking price: $500.00
contact: webmaster@richmondzcar.com
Brand new stainless steel F.I. muffler
Brand new stainless steel F.I. muffler (one side canister). It has a little dent but it will work good for a
project car. NO resonator!
asking price: $75.00
contact: ricansi2000@yahoo.com
List your car(s), parts and accessories
for sale in future issues of the newsletter
by e-mailing publisher@richmondzcar.com
or on our web site at
ZCAR Marketplace
The following items are for sale by Richmond Z Car Association members
1982 280ZX turbo
Seller is third owner and has owned it for 10 years. All original and in excellent shape. 77K original miles.
contact: matt_saufley@comcast.net or 804-971-3104
2006 350Z 6 speed
48K miles
asking price: $16,900
contact: David or Penny at 804-276-6962
Monday–Saturday, 10 to 5. It is currently
for sale at Penny’s Home Center 10800
HullStreet Road, Midlothian, VA 23112.
1982 280ZX 2+2
86K miles. One of the
injectors is plugged and
there are some rust spots.
One owner, mostly garaged.
asking price: $2,200
contact: Ron Bayer at 804794-2772
Dell 1110 Net book - Gently Used - Pristine condition
Gently used - Dell model 1110 Netbook - with Ice Blue case, LOOKS PRISTINE in
Every Way 10.5 inch screen Hi-Res , 250 Gig Hard drive Integrated Web-Cam Laser
Mouse Blue Tooth Plus - Professionally installed memory upgrade to MAX capacity - 2 Gig on board. Mouse pad, and Carrying Case Software: Win7 Professional OS
installed. All original OEM software included. Currently available at Dell Outlet for
$279.00. Read more details here:
asking price: $240.00
contact: zccaliaison@richmondzcar.com
Z Car Association of Richmond
6124 Claypoint Road
Chesterfield, VA 23832
Top Ten Club Championship Standings as of July 4, 2011
1st Place................................................. 18 Points.............................................Theo & Delia Hartmann
2nd Place (tie)...................................... 17 Points.............................................Chris Grigg & Tammy Brackett
2nd Place (tie)...................................... 17 Points.............................................Sam & Lily Stevens
2nd Place (tie)...................................... 17 Points.............................................Tom Hartmann
3rd Place................................................ 16 Points.............................................Chuck & Nancy Fetty
4th Place................................................ 15 Points.............................................Mark & Lorraine Meade
5th Place (tie)....................................... 14 Points.............................................Greg & Catherine Carter
5th Place (tie)....................................... 14 Points.............................................Gaile & John Cormier
6th Place (tie)....................................... 11 Points.............................................Hans Schmid
6th Place (tie)....................................... 11 Points.............................................Jack Waters
7th Place (tie)....................................... 10 Points.............................................José Cardona
7th Place (tie)....................................... 10 Points.............................................Nick Sletnar
7th Place (tie)....................................... 10 Points.............................................Tammy Carter
8th Place (tie)....................................... 9 Points................................................Tony Chase
8th Place (tie)....................................... 9 Points................................................Jay Beard
9th Place (tie)....................................... 8 Points................................................Brian Wilson
9th Place (tie)..................................8 Points.......................................... Russ Gaithright
10th Place.........................................7 Points.......................................... Lynne Kelly
Detailed and up-to-date standings for all members are at: